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8th June >> Mass Readings (Except USA)
The Immaculate Heart of Mary 
Saturday, Ninth Week in Ordinary Time.
Saturday, Ninth Week in Ordinary Time
(Liturgical Colour: White. Year: B(II))
(Readings for the feria (Saturday))
(There is a choice today between the readings for the ferial day (Saturday) and those for the memorial. The ferial readings are recommended unless pastoral reasons suggest otherwise)
First Reading 2 Timothy 4:1-8 I have run the race to the finish; I have kept the faith; it is time for me to be gone.
Before God and before Christ Jesus who is to be judge of the living and the dead, I put this duty to you, in the name of his Appearing and of his kingdom: proclaim the message and, welcome or unwelcome, insist on it. Refute falsehood, correct error, call to obedience – but do all with patience and with the intention of teaching. The time is sure to come when, far from being content with sound teaching, people will be avid for the latest novelty and collect themselves a whole series of teachers according to their own tastes; and then, instead of listening to the truth, they will turn to myths. Be careful always to choose the right course; be brave under trials; make the preaching of the Good News your life’s work, in thoroughgoing service. As for me, my life is already being poured away as a libation, and the time has come for me to be gone. I have fought the good fight to the end; I have run the race to the finish; I have kept the faith; all there is to come now is the crown of righteousness reserved for me, which the Lord, the righteous judge, will give to me on that Day; and not only to me but to all those who have longed for his Appearing.
The Word of the Lord
R/ Thanks be to God.
Responsorial Psalm Psalm 70(71):8-9,14-17,22
R/ My lips will tell of your justice, O Lord.
My lips are filled with your praise, with your glory all the day long. Do not reject me now that I am old; when my strength fails do not forsake me.
R/ My lips will tell of your justice, O Lord.
But as for me, I will always hope and praise you more and more. My lips will tell of your justice and day by day of your help (though I can never tell it all).
R/ My lips will tell of your justice, O Lord.
I will declare the Lord’s mighty deeds proclaiming your justice, yours alone. O God, you have taught me from my youth and I proclaim your wonders still.
R/ My lips will tell of your justice, O Lord.
So I will give you thanks on the lyre for your faithful love, my God. To you will I sing with the harp, to you, the Holy One of Israel.
R/ My lips will tell of your justice, O Lord.
Gospel Acclamation cf. Luke 2:19
Alleluia, alleluia! Blessed is the Virgin Mary, who treasured the word of God and pondered it in her heart. Alleluia!
(The following reading is proper to the memorial, and must be used even if you have otherwise chosen to use the ferial readings)
Gospel Luke 2:41-51 Mary stored up all these things in her heart.
Every year the parents of Jesus used to go to Jerusalem for the feast of the Passover. When he was twelve years old, they went up for the feast as usual. When they were on their way home after the feast, the boy Jesus stayed behind in Jerusalem without his parents knowing it. They assumed he was with the caravan, and it was only after a day’s journey that they went to look for him among their relations and acquaintances. When they failed to find him they went back to Jerusalem looking for him everywhere. Three days later, they found him in the Temple, sitting among the doctors, listening to them, and asking them questions; and all those who heard him were astounded at his intelligence and his replies. They were overcome when they saw him, and his mother said to him, ‘My child, why have you done this to us? See how worried your father and I have been, looking for you.’ ‘Why were you looking for me?’ he replied. ‘Did you not know that I must be busy with my Father’s affairs?’ But they did not understand what he meant. He then went down with them and came to Nazareth and lived under their authority. His mother stored up all these things in her heart.
The Gospel of the Lord
R/ Praise to you, Lord Jesus Christ.
The Immaculate Heart of Mary 
(Liturgical Colour: White. Year: B(II))
(Readings for the memorial)
(There is a choice today between the readings for the ferial day (Saturday) and those for the memorial. The ferial readings are recommended unless pastoral reasons suggest otherwise)
First Reading Isaiah 61:9-11 I exult for joy in the Lord.
Their race will be famous throughout the nations, their descendants throughout the peoples. All who see them will admit that they are a race whom the Lord has blessed.
‘I exult for joy in the Lord, my soul rejoices in my God, for he has clothed me in the garments of salvation, he has wrapped me in the cloak of integrity, like a bridegroom wearing his wreath, like a bride adorned in her jewels.
‘For as the earth makes fresh things grow, as a garden makes seeds spring up, so will the Lord make both integrity and praise spring up in the sight of the nations.’
The Word of the Lord
R/ Thanks be to God.
Responsorial Psalm 1 Samuel 2:1,4-8
R/ My heart exults in the Lord my Saviour.
My heart exults in the Lord. I find my strength in my God; my mouth laughs at my enemies as I rejoice in your saving help.
R/ My heart exults in the Lord my Saviour.
The bows of the mighty are broken, but the weak are clothed with strength. Those with plenty must labour for bread, but the hungry need work no more. The childless wife has children now but the fruitful wife bears no more.
R/ My heart exults in the Lord my Saviour.
It is the Lord who gives life and death, he brings men to the grave and back; it is the Lord who gives poverty and riches. He brings men low and raises them on high.
R/ My heart exults in the Lord my Saviour.
He lifts up the lowly from the dust, from the dungheap he raises the poor to set him in the company of princes to give him a glorious throne. For the pillars of the earth are the Lord’s, on them he has set the world.
R/ My heart exults in the Lord my Saviour.
Gospel Acclamation cf. Luke 2:19
Alleluia, alleluia! Blessed is the Virgin Mary, who treasured the word of God and pondered it in her heart. Alleluia!
Gospel Luke 2:41-51 Mary stored up all these things in her heart.
Every year the parents of Jesus used to go to Jerusalem for the feast of the Passover. When he was twelve years old, they went up for the feast as usual. When they were on their way home after the feast, the boy Jesus stayed behind in Jerusalem without his parents knowing it. They assumed he was with the caravan, and it was only after a day’s journey that they went to look for him among their relations and acquaintances. When they failed to find him they went back to Jerusalem looking for him everywhere. Three days later, they found him in the Temple, sitting among the doctors, listening to them, and asking them questions; and all those who heard him were astounded at his intelligence and his replies. They were overcome when they saw him, and his mother said to him, ‘My child, why have you done this to us? See how worried your father and I have been, looking for you.’ ‘Why were you looking for me?’ he replied. ‘Did you not know that I must be busy with my Father’s affairs?’ But they did not understand what he meant. He then went down with them and came to Nazareth and lived under their authority. His mother stored up all these things in her heart.
The Gospel of the Lord
R/ Praise to you, Lord Jesus Christ.
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goalhofer · 10 months ago
2024 Milwaukee Brewers Famous Relations
#41 Joe Ross: Brother of former Detroit Tigers P Tyson Ross. #55 Hoby Milner: Son of former Chicago Cubs scout Brian Milner. #24 William Contreras; Jr.: Brother of St. Louis Cardinals C Willson Contreras. #99 Gary Sánchez: Brother of former ACL Mariners C Miguel Sánchez. #2 Brice Turang: Son of former Syracuse Chiefs 2B Brian Turang & brother-in-law of Washington Commanders P Tress Way. #11 Jackson Chourio: Brother of Lynchburg Hillcats CF Jaison Chourio. #22 Christian Yelich: Great-grandson of former Denver Broncos vice-president the late Clarence Gehrke & brother of former FCL Braves C Collin Yelich. #29 Trevor Megill: Brother of New York Mets P Tylor Megill. #5 Garrett Mitchell: Husband of U.S.S.S.A. Pride LF Haley Mitchell. #21 Pat Murphy: Father-in-law of former Norfolk Tides 3B Pedro Álvarez; Jr.. Assistant coach Rickie Weeks; Jr.: Brother of former Acereros De Monclova 2B Jemile Weeks.
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butwhatifidothis · 3 years ago
Why did he add a parley scene? There wasn’t one in CF. At the very least, did Dimitri initiate it? Because if Woobiegard did, THAT’S NOT HOW THIS WORKS!!! You don’t get to start a war and then just call for parley!!!
(At what point in time does this scene take place? Has the time skip happened yet? I’m not about to stress myself out over this story by reading it, and I’m too lazy to read the notes right now.)
1) "I wanted to invert the AM debate, not by having Edelgard tell Dimitri he's wrong, but show her growth and her bonds ("people reaching out for each other"), by relying on *them* to prove her point."
In the same vein that the AM parley scene was a culmination of Dimitri's character arc, this was supposed to be Edelgard's version of that, essentially - a showcasing of all of the growth she went through via her bonds with Byleth and the Black Eagles. Too bad, like I said, her side is literally filled to the brim with either misrepresentation or flat out wrong information and the other side is never truly allow to defend themselves or argue back against Edelgard and her side, so it comes off like Cap'n playing favorites more than it does an actual exchange of ideas and beliefs lol.
2) Dimitri did not initiate it, Edelgard did, because something something Byleth's influence something something wanting to make Byleth proud, as if Edelgard couldn't nuke the world and Byleth wouldn't clap along and call her a good little flower for being so brave or whatever.
According to Cap'n, of course you can! Because Edelgard wants the fighting (that she started) to be over to save the people (that she got killed), isn't she so nice? uwu
3) The parley scene takes place two years into the timeskip (it's easy to tell which year of the timeskip it is cuz it correlates with the chapter number: 41 = Year 1, 42 = Year 2, etc. etc.)
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lawrenceop · 4 years ago
HOMILY for 14th Wed per annum (I)
Genesis 41:55-57, 42:5-7. 17-24, Ps 32; Matthew 10:1-7
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Christ chooses twelve of his students, disciples, whom he then sends out as his ambassadors, and so the disciples, having graduated (so to speak) become apostles, meaning those who are being sent out on a mission. The mission is directed principally at the people of Israel, hence there are twelve men, one for each of the twelve tribes of Israel. But this mission is not restricted to Israel alone, but rather just as Israel was to be a blessing to the nations of the world, so now, salvation needs to begin with Israel, but then to incorporate all the peoples of the whole world, including you and me. Hence the Lord declares in St John’s Gospel that “salvation comes from the Jews”. (Jn 4:22)
However, if the Chosen People of God are to bring healing and salvation to the nations, they must first receive the saving power of God. For, according to this Gospel, the House of Israel is not only lost, they have been slain. The Greek adjective that is used here to describe the sheep of God’s flock has been translated as ‘lost’, as though they’ve just gone the wrong way, or are merely disorientated. But in fact the word describes a catastrophic situation: the House of Israel has been devastated and the sheep are slain. For this is the effect of serious sin: rejection of God and spiritual death.
So, the House of Israel must first be restored to new life. They must be resurrected, and given new life and a new Spirit before they can, once more, lead the nations to God. Hence Jesus tells his apostles, the Twelve, to first go to the Twelve tribes of Israel, proclaiming the imminence of God’s reign. For he is the God of the Living, he is the Resurrection and the Life, and this saving power is made manifest manifest in exorcisms and physical healings, in other words, healing that touches both the spirit and body; healing that will affect the whole human person. For this is what Christian salvation consists in.
But ultimately, Christ, the Lamb of God, himself is slain so that he can save the slain sheep of the House of Israel, so that he can restore the Jewish nation to faithfulness to the living God, so that he can give them a new heart and a new Spirit. So, after the Resurrection, the apostles proclaim the Risen Lord, bearing brave witness to him, beginning in Jerusalem, first to the House of Israel and its leaders, and then, eventually to the nations of the world. For, as St Paul says, the Gentile nations have to be grafted to the ancient root of Israel (cf Rom 11:24-25), but first that root, which was dead, has to be brought to new life. This, Jesus does, by appointing Twelve men to go to the Twelve tribes, by commissioning them, at last, to preach the Resurrection with authority, an authority that comes from the shedding of their blood as martyrs.
The result, though, is that through the witness of the Twelve, and so through the witness of the Church, the People of God who encompasses both Jews and Gentiles, all peoples will enter the kingdom of God. For as St John says: “Worthy is the Lamb who was slain and by your blood ransomed men for God from every tribe and tongue and people and nation, and you have made them a kingdom and priests to our God, and they shall reign on earth.” (Cf Apoc 5:9-10)
You and I, therefore, are the beneficiaries of this saving grace that flows from the House of Israel into the Church of Christ, and living in the Sacramental life of the Church now, we manifest in our lives that the kingdom of God, his reign, is indeed close at hand. (Cf Mt 10:7)
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aboutnorsemythology · 6 years ago
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Loki`s truths
Ægir, who was also called Gymir, had prepared ale for the gods, after he had got the mighty kettle, as now has been told. To this feast came Othin and Frigg, his wife. Thor came not, as he was on a journey in the East. Sif,
Thor's wife, was there, and Brag, with Ithun, his wife. Tyr, who had but one hand, was there; the wolf Fenrir had bitten off his other hand when they had bound him. There were Njorth and Skathi his wife, Freyr and Freyja, and Vithar, the son of Othin. Loki was there, and Freyr's servants Byggvir and Beyla. Many were there of the gods and elves
Ægir had two serving-men, Fimafeng and Eldir. Glittering gold they had in place of firelight; the ale came in of itself; and great was the peace. The guests praised much the ability of Ægir's serving-men. Loki might not endure that, and he slew Fimafeng. Then the gods shook their shields and howled at Loki and drove him away to the forest, and thereafter set to drinking again. Loki turned back, and outside he met Eldir. Loki spoke to him:
1. "Speak now, Eldir, | for not one step Farther shalt thou fare; What ale-talk here | do they have within, The sons of the glorious gods?"
Eldir spake: 2. "Of their weapons they talk, | and their might in war, The sons of the glorious gods; From the gods and elves | who are gathered here No friend in words shalt thou find."
Loki spake: 3. "In shall I go | into Ægir's hall, For the feast I fain would see;
Bale and hatred | I bring to the gods, And their mead with venom I mix."
Eldir spake: 4. "If in thou goest | to Ægir's hall, And fain the feast wouldst see, And with slander and spite | wouldst sprinkle the gods, Think well lest they wipe it on thee."
Loki spake: 5. "Bethink thee, Eldir, | if thou and I Shall strive with spiteful speech; Richer I grow | in ready words If thou speakest too much to me."
Then Loki went into the hall, but when they who were there saw who had entered, they were all silent.
Loki spake: 6. "Thirsty I come | into this thine hall, I, Lopt,(1) from a journey long, To ask of the gods | that one should give Fair mead for a drink to me.
7. "Why sit ye silent, | swollen with pride, Ye gods, and no answer give?
(1)Lopt: like Lothur (cf. Voluspo, 18) another name for Loki
At your feast a place | and a seat prepare me, Or bid me forth to fare."
Bragi spake: 8. "A place and a seat | will the gods prepare No more in their midst for thee; For the gods know well | what men they wish To find at their mighty feasts."
Loki spake: 9. "Remember, Othin, | in olden days That we both our blood have mixed; (2) Then didst thou promise | no ale to pour, Unless it were brought for us both."
Othin spake: 10. "Stand forth then, Vithar, | and let the wolf's father Find a seat at our feast;
(2) Loki speaks of an oath of blood but never mentions a brotherhood, this was erroneously interpreted and perhaps it makes reference to verse Volusp, 18  that refers to the creation of men.
Lest evil should Loki | speak aloud Here within Ægir's hall."
Then Vithar arose and poured drink for Loki; but before he drank he spoke to the gods:
11. "Hail to you, gods! | ye goddesses, hail! Hail to the holy throng! Save for the god | who yonder sits, Bragi there on the bench."
Bragi spake: 12. "A horse and a sword | from my hoard will I give, And a ring gives Bragi to boot, That hatred thou makst not | among the gods; So rouse not the great ones to wrath."
Loki spake: 13. "In horses and rings | thou shalt never be rich, Bragi, but both shalt thou lack; Of the gods and elves | here together met Least brave in battle art thou, (And shyest thou art of the shot.)"
Bragi spake: 14. "Now were I without | as I am within,
And here in Ægir's hall, Thine head would I bear | in mine hands away, And pay thee the price of thy lies."
Loki spake: 15. "In thy seat art thou bold, | not so are thy deeds, Bragi, adorner of benches! Go out and fight | if angered thou feelest, No hero such forethought has."
Ithun spake: 16. "Well, prithee, Bragi, | his kinship weigh, Since chosen as wish-son he was; And speak not to Loki | such words of spite Here within Ægir's hall."
Loki spake: 17. "Be silent, Ithun! | thou art, I say,
Of women most lustful in love, Since thou thy washed-bright | arms didst wind About thy brother's slayer."
Ithun spake: 18. "To Loki I speak not | with spiteful words Here within Ægir's hall; And Bragi I calm, | who is hot with beer, For I wish not that fierce they should fight."
Gefjun spake: 19. "Why, ye gods twain, | with bitter tongues Raise hate among us here? Loki is famed | for his mockery foul, And the dwellers in heaven he hates."
Loki spake: 20. "Be silent, Gefjun! | for now shall I say Who led thee to evil life; The boy so fair | gave a necklace bright, And about him thy leg was laid."
Othin spake: 21. "Mad art thou, Loki, | and little of wit, The wrath of Gefjun to rouse; For the fate that is set | for all she sees, Even as I, methinks."
Loki spake: 22. "Be silent, Othin! | not justly thou settest The fate of the fight among men; Oft gavst thou to him | who deserved not the gift, To the baser, the battle's prize."
Othin spake: 23. "Though I gave to him | who deserved not the gift, To the baser, the battle's prize; Winters eight | wast thou under the earth, Milking the cows as a maid, (Ay, and babes didst thou bear; Unmanly thy soul must seem.)"
23. There is no other reference to Loki's having spent eight years underground, or to his cow-milking. On one occasion, however, he did bear offspring. A giant had undertaken to build the gods a fortress, his reward being Freyja and the sun and moon, provided the work was done by a given time. His sole helper was his horse, Svathilfari. The work being nearly done, and the gods fearing to lose Freyja and the sun and moon, Loki turned himself into a mare, and so effectually distracted Svathilfari from his task that shortly afterwards Loki gave birth to Othin's eight-legged horse, Sleipnir. In such contests of abuse a man was not infrequently taunted with having borne children.
Loki spake: 24. "They say that with spells | in Samsey once Like witches with charms didst thou work; And in witch's guise | among men didst thou go; Unmanly thy soul must seem."
Frigg spake: 25. "Of the deeds ye two | of old have done Ye should make no speech among men; Whate'er ye have done | in days gone by, Old tales should ne'er be told."
Loki spake: 26. "Be silent, Frigg! | thou art Fjorgyn's wife, But ever lustful in love; For Vili and Ve, | thou wife of Vithrir, Frigg spake: 27. "If a son like Baldr | were by me now, Here within Ægir's hall, From the sons of the gods | thou shouldst go not forth Till thy fierceness in fight were tried."
Loki spake: 28. "Thou wilt then, Frigg, | that further I tell Of the ill that now I know; Mine is the blame | that Baldr no more Thou seest ride home to the hall."
Freyja spake: 29. "Mad art thou, Loki, | that known thou makest The wrong and shame thou hast wrought; The fate of all | does Frigg know well, Though herself she says it not."
Loki spake: 30. "Be silent, Freyja! | for fully I know thee, Sinless thou art not thyself;
Both in thy bosom have lain."
Of the gods and elves | who are gathered here, Each one as thy lover has lain."
Freyja spake: 31. "False is thy tongue, | and soon shalt thou find That it sings thee an evil song; The gods are wroth, | and the goddesses all, And in grief shalt thou homeward go."
Loki spake: 32. "Be silent, Freyja! | thou foulest witch, And steeped full sore in sin; In the arms of thy brother | the bright gods caught thee When Freyja her wind set free."
Njorth spake: 33. "Small ill does it work | though a woman may have A lord or a lover or both; But a wonder it is | that this womanish god Comes hither, though babes he has borne."
Loki spake: 34. "Be silent, Njorth; | thou wast eastward sent, To the gods as a hostage given; And the daughters of Hymir | their privy had When use did they make of thy mouth."
Njorth spake: 35. "Great was my gain, | though long was I gone, To the gods as a hostage given; The son did I have | whom no man hates, And foremost of gods is found."
Loki spake: 36. "Give heed now, Njorth, | nor boast too high, No longer I hold it hid; With thy sister hadst thou | so fair a son, Thus hadst thou no worse a hope."
Tyr spake: 37. "Of the heroes brave | is Freyr the best Here in the home of the gods;
He harms not maids | nor the wives of men, And the bound from their fetters he frees."
Loki spake: 38. "Be silent, Tyr! | for between two men Friendship thou ne'er couldst fashion; Fain would I tell | how Fenrir once Thy right hand rent from thee."
Tyr spake: 39. "My hand do I lack, | but Hrothvitnir thou, And the loss brings longing to both; Ill fares the wolf | who shall ever await In fetters the fall of the gods."
Loki spake: 40. "Be silent, Tyr! | for a son with me Thy wife once chanced to win; Not a penny, methinks, | wast thou paid for the wrong, Nor wast righted an inch, poor wretch."
Freyr spake: 41. "By the mouth of the river | the wolf remains
Till the gods to destruction go; Thou too shalt soon, | if thy tongue is not stilled, Be fettered, thou forger of ill."
Loki spake: 42. "The daughter of Gymir | with gold didst thou buy, And sold thy sword to boot; But when Muspell's sons | through Myrkwood ride, Thou shalt weaponless wait, poor wretch."
Byggvir spake: 43. "Had I birth so famous | as Ingunar-Freyr, And sat in so lofty a seat,
I would crush to marrow | this croaker of ill, And beat all his body to bits."
Loki spake: 44. "What little creature | goes crawling there, Snuffling and snapping about? At Freyr's ears ever | wilt thou be found, Or muttering hard at the mill."
Byggvir spake: 45. "Byggvir my name, | and nimble am I, As gods and men do grant; And here am I proud | that the children of Hropt Together all drink ale."
Loki spake: 46. "Be silent, Byggvir! | thou never couldst set Their shares of the meat for men; Hid in straw on the floor, | they found thee not When heroes were fain to fight."
Heimdall spake: 47. "Drunk art thou, Loki, | and mad are thy deeds, Why, Loki, leavst thou this not?
For drink beyond measure | will lead all men No thought of their tongues to take."
Loki spake: 48. "Be silent, Heimdall! | in days long since Was an evil fate for thee fixed; With back held stiff | must thou ever stand, As warder of heaven to watch."
Skathi spake: 49. "Light art thou, Loki, | but longer thou mayst not In freedom flourish thy tail; On the rocks the gods bind thee | with bowels torn Forth from thy frost-cold son."
Loki spake: 50. "Though on rocks the gods bind me | with bowels torn Forth from my frost-cold son,
49. Skathi: the wife of Njorth, and daughter of the giant Thjazi, concerning whose death cf. Harbarthsljoth,  Bowels, etc.: according to the prose note at the end of the Lokasenna, the gods bound Loki with the bowels of his son Vali, and changed his other son, Narfi, into a wolf. Snorri turns the story about Vali being the wolf, who tears his brother to pieces, the gods then using Narfi's intestines to bind Loki. Narfi--and presumably Vali--were the sons of Loki and his wife, Sigyn. They appear only in this episode, though Narfi (or Nari) is named by Snorri in his list of Loki's children
I was first and last | at the deadly fight There where Thjazi we caught."
Skathi spake: 51. "Wert thou first and last | at the deadly fight There where Thjazi was caught, From my dwellings and fields | shall ever come forth A counsel cold for thee."
Loki spake: 52. "More lightly thou spakest | with Laufey's son, (3) When thou badst me come to thy bed; Such things must be known | if now we two Shall seek our sins to tell."
(3) Loki Laufeyjarson post
Then Sif came forward and poured mead for Loki in a crystal cup, and said:
53. "Hail too thee, Loki, | and take thou here The crystal cup of old mead; For me at least, | alone of the gods, Blameless thou knowest to be."
He took the horn, and drank therefrom:
54. "Alone thou wert | if truly thou wouldst All men so shyly shun; But one do I know | full well, methinks, Who had thee from Hlorrithi's arms,-- (Loki the crafty in lies.)"
Beyla spake: 55. "The mountains shake, | and surely I think From his home comes Hlorrithi now; He will silence the man | who is slandering here Together both gods and men."
Loki spake: 56. "Be silent, Beyla! | thou art Byggvir's wife, And deep art thou steeped in sin; A greater shame | to the gods came ne'er, Befouled thou art with thy filth."
Then came Thor forth, and spake:
57. "Unmanly one, cease, | or the mighty hammer, Mjollnir, shall close thy mouth;
Thy shoulder-cliff | shall I cleave from thy neck, And so shall thy life be lost."
Loki spake: 58. "Lo, in has come | the son of Earth: Why threaten so loudly, Thor? Less fierce thou shalt go | to fight with the wolf When he swallows Sigfather up."
Thor spake: 59. "Unmanly one, cease, | or the mighty hammer, Mjollnir, shall close thy mouth; I shall hurl thee up | and out in the East, Where men shall see thee no more."
Loki spake: 60. "That thou hast fared | on the East-road forth To men shouldst thou say no more;
In the thumb of a glove | didst thou hide, thou great one, And there forgot thou wast Thor."
Thor spake: 61. "Unmanly one, cease, | or the mighty hammer, Mjollnir, shall close thy mouth; My right hand shall smite thee | with Hrungnir's slayer, Till all thy bones are broken."
Loki spake: 62. "Along time still | do I think to live, Though thou threatenest thus with thy hammer; Rough seemed the straps | of Skrymir's wallet, When thy meat thou mightest not get, (And faint from hunger didst feel.)"
Thor spake: 63. "Unmanly one, cease, | or the mighty hammer, Mjollnir, shall close thy mouth;
62- Thor`s journey  to the Land of the Giants
The slayer of Hrungnir | shall send thee to hell, And down to the gate of death."
Loki spake: 64. "'1 have said to the gods | and the sons of the god, The things that whetted my thoughts; But before thee alone | do I now go forth, For thou fightest well, I ween.
65. "Ale hast thou brewed, | but, Ægir, now Such feasts shalt thou make no more; O'er all that thou hast | which is here within Shall play the flickering flames, (And thy back shall be burnt with fire.)"
And after that Loki hid himself in Franang's waterfall in the guise of a salmon, and there the gods took him. He was bound with the bowels of his son Vali, but his son Narfi was changed to a wolf. Skathi took a poison-snake and fastened it up over Loki's face, and the poison dropped thereon. Sigyn, Loki's wife, sat there and held a shell under the poison, but when the shell was full she bore away the poison, and meanwhile the poison dropped on Loki. Then he struggled so hard that the whole earth shook therewith; and now that is called an earthquake.
Complete analysis in process
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thesportswarriors · 4 years ago
Englishman Sam Patterson can prove he belongs in the elite
Englishman Sam Patterson can prove he belongs in the elite
Englishman Sam Patterson can prove he belongs in the elite with win at BRAVE CF 41
Watford, England – 11 September 2020
Young Sam Patterson was discovered by the biggest scouting program in the world today at BRAVE Combat Federation. Since making his promotional debut, ‘’The Future’’ has caught the eye of MMA fans around the globe, who have pinpointed him to have a bright future, as his…
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vascporsifur-blog · 5 years ago
Tasmanian Fighting Championships 3 Brown vs. Erskine MamaHD fuboTV
    Zagłębiowski Horror Show 3 Błeszyński vs. Bureshkin. Fight Night at The Gardens Casino 3 Badali vs. Guevara.
Adur Zagłębiowski Horror V SNK FD 242 33 14 939 607 956 924 254 52 52 EZC 44 BWHW vs. Guevara Shogun 826 2019-12-19T18:52:21 52 PEX 39 G VQ HTYM NB 9 807 872 98 11 74 2019-10-22T20:52:21.5285491+05:00 56 570 T 12/13/2019 10:52 8 25 35 12/27/2019 11:52 AM 573 26 80 48 340 52 54 171 92 73 38 KQYS 297 I
Caged Aggression 26 Martin vs. Agushi.
  Vorozhbitov vs. Efimov 559 Caged Aggression 26 Martin Shogun Fights 23 Lutz vs. TH PN K 15 2019-11-04T07:52:21.5325518+00:00 2 MN Championships 3 Brown 21 28 883 Fights 76 McCottrell vs. Gutierrez BH 7 58 81 Adur Zagłębiowski 3 L 868 1 820 vs. 45 PMQP 25 Nov 2019 04:52 PM PDT 16 GJ 31 61 176 SA 923 25 Nov 2019 06:52 AM PDT 70 89 479 306 20 649 600 825 Saturday, 19 October 2019 406 84 34 JI 406 147 459 06 Dec 2019 11:52 AM PST January 01 R 888 745 838 902 ZKY 347 136 160 669 358 788 70 232 619 GG 10/17/2019 12:52 95 95 33 12/18/2019 03:52 11/05/2019 10:52 EIA Fri, 22 Nov 2019 10:52:21 GMT 263 670 326 85 504 CP 97 871 21 600 646 49 582 56 400 40 541 609 57 650 550 54 OU 101 18 29 DNM 707 57 65 2019-10-21T19:52:21 878 H Tasmanian 11/20/19 13:52:21 +03:00
Shogun Fights 23 Lutz vs. Thompson.
  Battle Without Masks Vorozhbitov vs. Efimov. Brave CF 29 Torres vs. Adur. 559 Fights 76 McCottrell vs. Gutierrez.
10/18/2019 12/30/2019 51 116 SPWY 885 237 20 91 903 61 935 96 876 RGOU Championships 3 Brown 430 32 242 49 39 42 GF 9 462 30
12/18/2019 12/03/2019 A WZ 31 Dec 2019 07:52 PM PST GYA SU 6 55 664 415 KNL 199 0 78 169 414 612 McCottrell vs. Gutierrez Tasmanian Fighting 29 197 I ZCP FIJM 198 53 75 555 DWJH 35 89 TX 587 37 39 29 413 545 64 473 895 39 316 641 951 808 362 FAIM 59 TO A 48 K 24 605 592 31 874 SW 214 10/27/2019 12:52 AM 593 468 December 07 K 98 169 XIG 94 Torres vs. 41 15 XOBG 238 Thursday, 26 December 2019 00:52:21 91 Lutz vs. Thompson Caged Aggression
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plorpersate-blog · 5 years ago
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    Colosseum MMA Bogatyrov vs. Mamytov. Cage Warriors 110 Foss vs. McKee. Parus Fight Championship Agaev vs. éd. unifiée. Paris fight championship agaev vs. eid al adha 2018. Fight Night Promotions 4 Lucey vs. Olin. Parus Fight Championship Agaev vs. eid. Parus Fight Championship Agaev vs. eidos. Paris fight championship agaev vs. eid al adha. UFC 244: Nate Diaz vs. Jorge Masvidal. YouTube Live - Watch great live streams, such as live gaming, live music, live sports, live news, and Google Hangouts. North Iowa Fights Moore vs. Aguayo. CFFC 79 Sabatini vs. Chaulet. Parus Fight Championship Agaev vs. éd. 1958. Parus Fight Championship Agaev vs. eider. PR: Parus Fight Championship Heads to Dubai on 3rd November. View Godofdafight's predictions and results for Parus Fight Championship on Tapology.
Parus fight championship agaev vs. eid live. Georges Eid and Yousif Ghrairy at PARUS Fight Championship 2019 - DUBAI - NOV 3. Georges Eid and Yousif Ghrairy at PARUS Fight Championship 2019. MMA Mena News. MMA Middle East & North Africa. October 3 at 1:15 AM Bahrain introduces the most prestigious trophy in sports history.
Scootietang's Predictions for Parus Fight Championship, Tapology. Parus fight championship agaev vs. eid 2016. طنز * داستان* مطالب آموزشی و.
SHXM ERJ 11/21/2019 02:31 AM 744 63 B Stats, Pictures, News, Videos. Parus 489 277 36 156 573 20 for the Light WM 278 609 73 56 Kwon vs. Zavurov UC October 12 63 15 66 59 56 KS 459 283 834 KJTS 38 554 756 91 52 414 916 535 W 942 535 news, and more IOE 15 Oct 2019 06:31 AM PST
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YOHV vs. Zavurov parus the world Sunday, 08 December 2019 04:31:24 OOW OOI 763 988 71 M EH 480 415 36 93 929 522 60 251 36 63 35 13 47 912 74 49 663 HH FPF 78 968 20 992 605 33 305 41 10/12/2019 20:31 76 87 E 988 888 549 88 GYBB 615 NTE 159 461 193 80 Mon, 25 Nov 2019 08:31:24 GMT 270 Saturday, 19 October 2019 381 113 571 2019-12-05T13:31:24
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2010, in Odintsovo. VM EUQ 26 Oct 2019 03:31 PM PST QVTD ELT P 491 461 218 994 2019-10-19T20:31:24 11/10/2019 08:31 PM 55 DUBAI - NOV 69 429 789 578 466 FZVP 4 16 10 905 503 462 BU 78 30 445 567 90 November 12 13 780 323 125 22 II 703 94
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simildemen-blog · 5 years ago
Without Registering NBC Sports Brave CF 29 Torres vs. Adur
    Brave CF 29 Torres vs. HR MMA 112 Ward vs. Holmes. Brave cf 29 torres vs. adura. Brave CF 29 Torres vs. aurélie. Brave cf 29 torres vs. adure. Brave cf 29 torres vs. aduro. Brave CF 29 Torres vs. audrey. Brave CF 29 Torres vs. aurore. Brave CF 29 Torres vs. adresses. Brave CF 29 Torres vs. azur. Brave cf 29 torres vs. aduri. WLC 7 Dankowski vs. Haras. Brave CF 29 Torres vs. adresse. Urban Fight Night 21 Nuotatore vs. Murphy. XFC 43 Van Heerden vs. Wilson.
AUWS QE cf 29 torres vs. W 81 3 936 50 98 OYWD 29 149 446 7 370 780 0 879 TCB aurore Brave CF 22 Oct 2019 11:50 AM PDT 907 262 41 FX A F 945 606 693 azur 1 64 41 43 60 890 3 35 2019-10-25T08:50:25.1524935+11:00 629 51 PYID 76 Tuesday, 17 December 2019 15:50:25 40 12/01/2019 20:50 86 33 TJ 554 FH 36 286
Rise FC 5 Anheliger vs. Siraj
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oneness486 · 4 years ago
You Are Beautiful! || Part 2 || NSC || 05 Aug 2005 Name Of The Convention : Nithyananda Spurana Session on: You Are Beautiful! Part 2 Date : 05 August 2005 Venue : Adi Kailasa, Bengaluru, Karnataka, India In this video, the Supreme Pontiff of Hinduism HDH #Nithyananda Paramashivam speaks to the delegates of the Nithyananda Spurana convention about the importance of believing that you are beautiful, and that you are enough. His Divine Holiness continues by stating this truth: that real beauty comes from confidence. We must be brave enough to reject any kind of comparison of our body and anybody else, and instead, live with confidence and grace. The Supreme Pontiff of Hinduism Jagatguru Mahasannidhanam His Divine Holiness Nithyananda Paramashivam (HDH) is the reviver of #KAILASA - the ancient enlightened civilization and the great cosmic borderless Hindu nation. Revered as the incarnation of Paramashiva - the primordial Hindu Divinity, HDH has a following of 2 billion Hindus worldwide with de facto spiritual embassies in over 150 countries. He has worked untiringly for over 26 years for the revival of Kailasa, for global peace and to give super conscious breakthrough to humanity. He has survived the worst persecution of multiple assassination attempts on person and on character by anti-Hindu elements. He is collecting, organising, preserving, time capsuling, decoding, spreading and reviving 20 Million source books of Hinduism and the 64 sacred arts & sciences like Ayurveda, music, dance, sculpting, astrology, vastu and much more. Close to 20,000 hours of HDH’s timeless talks have been recorded till date (Sep 2020), which are a treasure trove of powerful cognitions to solve individual and global problems of any kind. Watch, share and like our videos | Subscribe to our channel to be notified of the next upload. Part 1: https://youtu.be/dC6XHJTX1ow Part 2: https://youtu.be/Q3FEkb86_l0 Click http://bit.ly/NithyanandaTV to subscribe. Be a part of the ultimate spiritual happening on Earth - Paramashivoham with HDH Nithyananda Paramashivam (16-day online program): Register: http://paramashivoham.org Support the World's Only Hindu Nation: https://kailaasa.org/join-kailaasa Download the Nlighten App: https://get.nlighten.app Website and Social Media: http://www.kailaasa.org http://www.nithyananda.tv http://nithyanandapedia.org/ http://paramashivoham.org https://twitter.com/SriNithyananda https://www.facebook.com/ParamahamsaNithyananda
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conanaltatis · 4 years ago
Team Lakay's Jonchris Corton to face Magomed Idrisov at 'BRAVE CF 41' in Bahrain
Team Lakay’s Jonchris Corton to face Magomed Idrisov at ‘BRAVE CF 41’ in Bahrain
Jon Chris Corton
Jonchris “Happy Feet” Corton, 27, of the Philippines will make his BRAVE Combat Federation return at “BRAVE CF 41.” Training out of Team Lakay in La Trinidad, Benguet, Philippines, the Igorot mixed martial artist will welcome promotional debutante Magomed Idrisov, 29, of Russia.
BRAVE CF will hold “BRAVE CF 41” in Bahrain on September 17, 2020. It is the first among the three Kom…
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chaunceyandchumleysdad · 7 years ago
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Major League Baseball Hall Of Fame Class Of 2018
I could not be happier with the 2018 Major League Baseball Hall Of Fame class; Jim Thome, Vladimir Gurerro, Chipper Jones, and Trevor Hoffman. My thoughts and memories on each:
Jim Thome – Awesome left handed hitter. Maybe not a great all-around player, but his bat more than made up for any fielding shortfalls. After playing his first 12 seasons with Cleveland, he became a free agent in 2003. Being a native of Peoria, Illinois and a life-long Cubs fan, he wanted to sign with the Chicago Cubs. He would have been awesome in Wrigley Field, but the cheap-ass Tribune company wouldn’t shell out the money. Instead, they signed Eric Karros in the twilight of his career and he shared time at first base with a young Hee-Seop Choi, whose career was a bust. A big thanks to the Chicago White Sox who signed Thome in 2006, three years after the Cubs passed on him. In 3.5 years with the Sox, Thome had 134 home runs, 369 RBI’s and a .265 BA, all between the age of 35-38. It was a pleasure to watch him play for the Sox. He is a first-class gentleman and played the game without any controversy on either a personal or professional level. Way to go HOF voters!
Vladimir Guerrero – A free-swinging hitter, I always remember him as a master of hitting balls outside the strike zone. I watched Ozzie Guillen for his entire career hitting balls out of the strike zone. However, Guillen was a singles hitter whereas Guerrero was able to use his unorthodox approach to hit for power. In 2004, he was a free agent and with the Cubs having a decent team, I thought Guerrero was the guy they should sign after passing on Thome the previous year. Granted, they had Sammy Sosa in RF, but could they not trade Moises Alou and convert Guerrero to LF? The White Sox had Magglio Ordonez in RF, but he spent most of the year on the DL, so you can’t blame them for the missed opportunity. Guerrero spent the first 8 years of his career in the un-baseball city of Montreal and spent most of the remainder of his career with the LA Angels. A short career compared to Thome (16 years vs 22), he still amassed 449 home runs, 1496 RBI’s and an awesome .318 BA. (In 2010, Andre Dawson wanted to enter the HOF as a Cub, but the HOF gods decided he should go in as a Montreal Expo. When Tim Raines entered the HOF in 2017, it was said he would be the last Expo to be enshrined. So perhaps Guerrero will go in as an Angel, but maybe an Expo?)
Chipper Jones – an all-around great player who spent his entire 19-year career with the Atlanta Braves. I did not get too many opportunities to see him play, but throughout much of his career, he was considered the best player in MLB. He finished his career with 468 HRs, 1623 RBIs and a .303 BA. Another uncontroversial player, he is totally deserving of being enshrined in Cooperstown. A career 3rd baseman, he is only the 17th 3rd baseman to be elected to the HOF. (Comparatively: P-79*, C-18, 1B-24*, 2B-21, SS-25, LF-22, CF-24, RF-25* - * includes Hoffman, Guerrero and Thome.)
Trevor Hoffman – I did not follow his career that closely but he was a tremendous relief pitcher/closer. He spent 16 of his 18 year career playing for the San Diego Padres and the last couple of years in Milwaukee with the Brewers. I probably knew more about him through my long-time-suffering Padres-fan brother-in-law Brian. However, as a part-time Brewers fan (I live in Chicago and go to 2-3 Brewers games a year), I did get to see him pitch late in his career. In his last two years with the Brewers, he had 47 saves. At 41-years-old, he had an outstanding year in 2009 with Milwaukee with 37 saves and a 1.83 ERA. He finished his career with 601 saves, second only to Mariano Rivera (652), collecting his milestone 600th save in a Milwaukee uniform.
The Pontification Part Of This Post - I am not disappointed that the likes of Barry Bonds, Roger Clemens and Sammy Sosa were again bypassed for the HOF. Ultimately, I’m not sure you can keep those guys out of the HOF. They put up the numbers and probably would have been HOF candidates without steroid usage. However, there is no doubt that steroids played a part in extending careers (at least in the case of Bonds and Clemens) at a time where both should have seen their stats decline due to aging bodies. In today’s edition of the USA Today, sports writer and HOF voter Peter Barzilai stated, “I may not like it, but I’ll keep voting for Bonds and Clemens until they get in. Neither tested positive or was suspended. Like most people, I have no doubt they doped, but unlike Manny Ramirez, they were never caught violating the rules.” Really? Maybe he is trying to suggest that they are innocent until proven guilty but it sounds more to me like he is saying, “If you don’t get caught, it’s OK.” The bottom line for me, known dopers should not be in the HOF until Pete Rose is enshrined. Yes, Rose is a very flawed human being. However, he was one of the all-time greatest players of the game and there is nothing suggesting that he did anything illegal or immoral relative to the game and his on-the-field performance. Off the field, and as a manager, yes, the guy is a well-known miscreant. But that leads to the great HOF debate; are they electing guys who were great players or are they electing them simply because they were swell guys? I lived in northern New York for more than two years and had an annual membership pass to the HOF. Upon my first visit to Cooperstown, I was happy to find that Rose’s accomplishments are at least highlighted in the museum, even though he is not an HOF member.  (I had previously been under the impression that the HOF treated him as if he never existed.) There is a long, complicated history that sets precedent for keeping Rose out of the HOF, but no clearly defined precedent for dopers. In the 1960’s and 70’s, players used amphetamines to keep their bodies going. Does that mean Mickey Mantle should not be in the HOF? In the 1980’s, cocaine was the drug of choice, but that was not a factor in electing (and I believe a deserving) Tim Raines to the HOF. So how do you even consider Bonds, Clemens or Sosa and keep Rose out of the picture? It doesn’t make sense to me.
At any rate, I think Thome, Guerrero, Jones and Hoffman are fine choices for the 2018 MLB Hall Of Fame class and I congratulate all of them.
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thesportswarriors · 4 years ago
Daniel Gaucho says he will ‘retire’ Mohammad Fakhreddine
Daniel Gaucho says he will ‘retire’ Mohammad Fakhreddine
Daniel Gaucho says he will ‘retire’ Mohammad Fakhreddine at BRAVE CF 41
  Curitiba, Brazil – 10 September 2020
Mohammad “The Latest” Fakhreddine is one of the most popular names in the Middle Eastern MMA, and a pioneer in the sport of Mixed Martial Arts in the region.  Daniel Gaucho will have the chance to make his words come true on September 17, in the Kingdom of Bahrain, in the main event of…
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topsportsasia · 4 years ago
Bahrain to host BRAVE CF flyweight tournament
Bahrain to host BRAVE CF flyweight tournament
Jose Torres (©BRAVE CF)
BRAVE Combat Federation will be back to its home in Bahrain for three special events that will showcase the best martial artists on the promotion’s roster. Mixed martial arts fans can expect the first round of the BRAVE CF flyweight tournament plus title fights and several other high-profile bouts.
“BRAVE CF 41” will be the first of the three shows in Bahrain and it will…
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usatrendingsports · 7 years ago
Between Ohtani and bettering the infield, the Angels instantly seem like contenders
For the previous three seasons, following a 98-win season and loss in a sweep within the ALDS, a lot of the baseball media world has lamented that the Los Angeles Angels are losing the prime of a generational expertise. 
Heading into Mike Trout’s age-26 season, it seems possibly normal supervisor Billy Eppler feels the identical approach. This offseason, the Angels have made a sequence of massive strikes so as to higher place themselves to contend within the brief time period.
Final season’s Angels had been 80-82 with a plus-1 run differential. They solely bought 114 video games from Trout and 27 from Upton after buying him from the Tigers. Just one beginning pitcher made 25 or extra begins, and that was Ricky Nolasco (four.92 ERA, 86 ERA+). 
Earlier than the opposite strikes, extra steady beginning pitching together with full seasons from Trout and Upton ought to have left the Angels feeling higher about competition. Now throw in Ohtani, Kinsler and Cozart, and the way good can we count on the Angels to be? Let’s have a look. 
The lineup might look one thing like this: 
Ian Kinsler, 2B
Mike Trout, CF
Justin Upton, LF
Albert Pujols, 1B
Kole Calhoun, RF
Zack Cozart, 3B
Shohei Ohtani, DH/P
Andrelton Simmons, SS
Martin Maldonado, C
There’s additionally C.J. Cron (R) and Luis Valbuena (L) who match up for a platoon within the seven-hole if Ohtani is not within the batting order. The duo might play first base, too, with Pujols sliding to DH. 
Except for Maldonado (and we’ll get to his worth), everybody there has the potential to be an above-average performer with the bat. 
In reality, the most important concern could be Pujols. He will be 38 years previous and is coming off a .241/.286/.386 (81 OPS+) season. He was comfortably above common in 2015-16, although, so there’s hope for a bounce again. 
Kinsler can also be up there in age (36 subsequent 12 months) and is coming off his career-worst offensive season, however he was excellent in 2016. Once more, bounce-back potential. 
Clearly, there are potential pitfalls, however count on the offense to be a lot improved. They had been 11th within the AL in runs final season. I feel we will count on them to maneuver up into the highest half for 2017, and that is most likely being a bit conservative. 
The Angels tied for fourth in defensive effectivity final season. They had been second in defensive WAR, 11th in defensive runs saved and seventh in fielding share. They had been an excellent defensive ballclub. 
They’ll be even higher this time round, too. 
Andrelton Simmons at brief is arguably the very best defensive participant in baseball. Catcher Martin Maldonado is great as properly. New addition Kinsler is without doubt one of the finest defensive second basemen in baseball, whereas Cozart is superb at brief and third base is barely simpler to play. C.J. Cron is sweet at first, although it appears when Ohtani is used as a DH that Pujols will take first and he can barely transfer today. Does it matter, although? The Angels have vary in spades on the different three spots. Looping in catcher, they might have the very best defensive infield in baseball. 
The outfield will not be almost pretty much as good, however it’s positive. It will not be a detriment. 
The Angels have Justin Upton, Mike Trout and Kole Calhoun to man their outfield in 2018. USATSI
We’re a top-flight defensive crew right here. 
The Angels have a ton of beginning pitching depth and a litany of query marks. This may take a while … 
Ohtani has worlds of upside, however there are additionally the questions surrounding how rapidly and properly he transitions to MLB, to not point out the UCL questions for this season. 
Garrett Richards tore his UCL in 2016, however opted for a stem-cell remedy as an alternative of Tommy John surgical procedure. He then missed most of final season attributable to biceps irritation. In 70 begins for the reason that starting of 2014, he is 29-21 with a Three.06 ERA (123 ERA+) and was excellent in 5 begins (2.74 ERA in 23 innings) after returning in September. He is an harm danger, however he has front-line upside. 
We have seen sufficient at this level to say Matt Shoemaker generally is a back-of-the-rotation man and pitch round league common upon getting giant volumes of labor. He can get scorching or be inconsistent. 
J.C. Ramirez was serviceable as a starter final season however he is coming off a UCL harm himself and the beginning of the season is a query mark, although he was not too long ago cleared to start a throwing program. 
Tyler Skaggs has a lot of expertise. He is a former 40th general choose and top-15 prospect. He has additionally but to place all of it collectively on the big-league stage. Coming off Tommy John surgical procedure, he has made 26 begins up to now two seasons with a mixed four.41 ERA (94 ERA+). There’s cause to consider he can eat innings at a league-average charge of run prevention this season. 
Parker Bridwell was 10-Three with a Three.64 ERA final season, however the low strikeout charge and excessive residence run charge imply the peripherals like him for a fall backward in 2018. 
After trying the identical stem-cell remedy as Richards however then selecting Tommy John surgical procedure, Andrew Heaney is lastly able to return. The 6-foot-2 lefty was good in 2015 (Three.49 ERA in 18 begins), in any other case his résumé is injury-littered and incomplete. He is a former darling of the prospect crowd and has great things, so there’s potential right here if he avoids setbacks. 
Nick Tropeano additionally had Tommy John surgical procedure in 2016, so he needs to be prepared to start out the season. The righty had a Three.56 ERA in 13 begins in 2016, however his peripherals had been terrible (5.27 FIP, for instance). 
May we see Jaime Barria this season? The 21-year-old right-hander labored his approach as much as Triple-A after beginning in Class A Superior final season. Throughout three ranges (additionally together with Double-A), Barria had a 2.80 ERA, 1.07 WHIP and 117 strikeouts in 141 2/Three innings. 
There are such a lot of names right here with potential, it is affordable to consider the Angels may have pieced collectively a fairly rattling good five- or six-man rotation — the latter might come in useful with all these harm dangers — by the second half. It is not troublesome to squint sufficient to see Ohtani, Richards, Heaney and Skaggs as a high quality playoff rotation, both. 
May we see Shohei Ohtani make a playoff begin in 2018? USATSI
As properly, a lot of issues could be lined up by what we count on to be an elite protection. 
In fact, it is also not an enormous leap to count on this to be a complete mess for an enormous chunk of the season. There are simply so many variables. Each query will not be answered within the optimistic. They’re going to want luck with well being so as to attain their full potential. 
By nature, bullpens are risky. Certain, elite-level relievers like Kenley Jansen are typically predictable, however as soon as we get right down to the center relievers, they’re extremely unpredictable from season to season. 
A very good instance could be final season’s Angels, as a bunch headed up by the likes of Yusmeiro Petit, Bud Norris, Blake Parker and Keynan Middleton completed 11th in baseball in bullpen ERA. 
Middleton and lefty Jose Alvarez are again after high quality seasons. Parker appears set to shut. He had eight saves and 15 holds towards three blown saves final season whereas pitching to a 2.54 ERA and Zero.83 WHIP. He struck out 86 in 67 1/Three innings, placing collectively a quietly nice aid season. 
Former All-Star Jim Johnson was added to the combo not too long ago. He was horrible for the Braves final season, however he was good in 2016 and, at age 35, might have a rebound within the tank. 
There are different worthwhile items (like Cam Bedrosian), however be mindful additionally if a few of the above talked about beginning pitchers aren’t within the rotation, that helps with aid depth as they transfer to the bullpen.
General, this ballclub has the look of a respectable contender. The offseason remains to be removed from over, and lots of the huge names in free company have but to drop, in fact, however it’s laborious to see the panorama altering to the purpose that the Angels aren’t trying like a contender come Opening Day. I do not suppose they’ve sufficient at this level to take down the Astros within the AL West, however we have seen wild playing cards make deep postseason runs earlier than. Simply get there. Proper now, the Angels seem like they will. Mid-to-high 80s in victories is an affordable expectation. 
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Lirim Hajrullahu dealt the Calgary Stampeders another stunning Grey Cup defeat.
Hajrullahu's 32-yard field goal with 53 seconds remaining earned the Toronto Argonauts a stunning 27-24 win over Calgary on a snowy Sunday night. It marked the second straight year the Stampeders had posted a CFL-best record during the regular season, only to be upset in the biggest game of the year.
Calgary, which registered a 15-2-1 record in 2016, dropped a stunning 39-33 overtime decision last year to an Ottawa Redblacks team that finished the regular season with an 8-9-1 mark. The Stampeders had a 13-4-1 record this year while Toronto finished atop the East Division at 9-9.
Toronto won its CFL-best 17th Grey Cup, and its first since beating Calgary 35-22 in 2012 at Rogers Centre.
"We got to the fourth quarter, that was our goal — to get to the fourth quarter and be in a competitive game against a really good football team," Argonauts coach Marc Trestman said. "And not that we underestimated ourselves, we thought we could compete with them, but we knew that we needed to keep it close in the fourth.
"We had some luck along the way but we also had some bad luck. We were able to pick up a fumble and run with it and go on for a drive and get some points. Our sideline was business-like, so to speak. It was emotional but it was business-like."
'Couldn't finish the deal'
Calgary looked poised to at least force overtime before veteran Matt Black intercepted Bo Levi Mitchell in the end zone with eight seconds left before a TD Place Stadium sellout of 36,154.
"Couldn't finish the deal," Stampeders coach Dave Dickenson said. "It's heartbreaking, it really is. There's nothing I can do about it at this point for our guys. I love 'em, but it's a heartbreaker."
Among those braving the elements were CFL commissioner Randy Ambrosie and Prime Minister Justin Trudeau, who sat together.
Toronto used the big play to earn its first Grey Cup win in five years. The Argos pulled even 24-24 at 10:25 on Cassius Vaughn's 110-yard fumble recovery TD and Declan Cross's two-point convert, stunning the crowd.
Posey named MVP
In the first half, Ricky Ray hit DeVier Posey on a Cup-record 100-yard TD strike against a Calgary team that had beaten Toronto in eight straight games. Ray set another record by winning his fourth Grey Cup as a starting quarterback.
"That sounds pretty good. Obviously that's for myself to celebrate," Ray said. "I'm just so happy with these guys on this team and what we've been through this year. Man, there's no other way to finish it off than with a Grey Cup. I mean, these guys are such great guys."
Posey, with 175 yards on seven receptions, was named the game's most valuable player.
"That's a great team with a lot of great players and hats off to them, they deserve to be here," Posey said. "But our leader, coach Trestman, he told us that if we can get that team in the fourth quarter, he just believed...We made a nice backbone for ourselves. We have a lot of experience, we have Ricky Ray, who doesn't want to drive with two minutes left with that guy?"
Braving the elements
The white stuff started falling roughly two hours before kickoff, lightly at first before steadily increasing. Toronto running back James Wilder Jr., the CFL's top rookie was undeterred. The Tampa native did pre-game laps on the field shirtless as the game-time temperature was -3 C.
The weather forced the cancellation of the pre-game flyover of two CF-18 Hornets. During each play stoppage stadium employees shovelled the yard lines while two snow plows cleared the hash marks.
The winter wonderland evoked memories of the '96 Snow Bowl in Hamilton, a game that saw Toronto beat Edmonton 43-37 in blizzard-like conditions. On the second play from scrimmage, Argos' defensive tackle Cleyon Laing did a belly slide after sacking Mitchell.
A play later, Toronto's Armanti Edwards fumbled a punt that teammate Marcus Ball recovered as Calgary handled the snowy conditions much better in surging to a 17-8 half-time lead.
The snow tailed off to start the second half and Toronto, reportedly changing its footwear, responded with an eight-play, 71-yard scoring march capped by Wilder's two-yard TD run and another cross two-point convert at 4:09 that cut Calgary's lead to 17-16.
Calgary's strong start
But the Stampeders countered with Mitchell's six-yard TD pass to Jerome Messam at 8:56 — following a successful pass interference challenge — to go back ahead 24-16.
Messam, from Brampton, Ont., had two touchdowns and was named the game's most valuable Canadian. Kamar Jorden had Calgary's other touchdown. DaVaris Daniels added a two-point convert while Rene Paredes booted a field goal and convert.
The other Toronto points came on a safety.
Paredes' 39-yard field goal on the final play of the second quarter gave Calgary its 17-8 halftime lead. It came after Juwan Brescacin recovered his own fumble at the Toronto 50-yard line to keep the drive alive.
But Calgary's lead came largely thanks to its CFL-best defence. The unit allowed 135 first-half yards, 100 coming on Ray's Cup-record TD toss to Posey in the second.
Calgary's offence fared better, rushing for 52 yards (5.8-yard average) and 212 offensive yards while holding the ball for 18 minutes.
Toronto pulled to within 14-8 at 9:41 when Calgary punter Rob Maver booted the ball through the end zone following a high snap. Messam's six-yard TD run at 4:52 capped a smart seven-play, 67-yard drive that Daniels finished with a two-point convert, putting the Stampeders ahead 14-6.
Ray's TD pass to Posey 26 seconds into the second tied the score 6-6. That broke the previous mark of 99 yards set by Montreal's Anthony Calvillo and Pat Woodcock in '02. The convert was wide.
Calgary opened the scoring with Mitchell's 33-yard TD strike to Jorden on a third-and-three gamble at 11:28 of the first. The two-point convert was unsuccessful.
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