#BR 612
merpmonde · 1 month
Tilting Diesels!
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In June, we said さようなら to Japan's first tilting electric multiple unit (see that post also for why you'd want tilt in the first place), launched in 1973. For some reason, adding tilt to Diesel multiple units needed a bit more time - my guess is engine vibrations play a part. Nonetheless, in 1989, JR Shikoku did it, launching the 2000 series tilting DMU. The company has continued with the technology, and the latest generation, the 2700 series shown above, is 5 years old this month.
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The 2000 series is still in service, but I haven't yet seen any. However I have seen and ridden two derivatives of the 2000: the JR West KiHa 187 above, which reminds me of trains in England with its yellow front, and the streamlined Chizu Kyûkô HOT7000 below.
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These trains run intercity services along the picturesque San'in coast - the Super Matsukaze and Super Oki in Yamaguchi, Shimane and Tottori prefectures -, and between the San'in and San'yô coasts - the Super Hakuto and Super Inaba in Hyôgo, Okayama and Tottori prefectures, which is how the HOT7000 got its name.
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With these trains, Tottori to Himeji is done in under two hours, a similar time frame to what electric tilting trains can do between Okayama and Yonago. The mountains are also quite scenic, and the HOT7000 has a feature that I don't think I've seen anywhere else: a live cab cam.
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Another country worked to develop tilting DMUs: Germany. This culminated with the high-speed ICE T, which I'm yet to encounter, but in the late 1990s, at a similar time to the Japanese examples above, Adtranz built the RegioSwinger, officially Baureihe 612. These yellow and white examples work in the South-West corner of Germany, along the Rhine between the Bodensee and Basel, with a couple of incursions into Switzerland.
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Riding a tilting train is peculiar. 8° of tilt doesn't sound like much, but it adds up with the camber of the tracks to produce a visually impressive experience. The tilt is really noticeable, and it does what it's supposed to do, compensating the G-forces so you don't feel the pull to the side through corners. The downside of DMUs is that they tend to be quite noisy - the engines sound like they're giving 110% all the time! On the whole, I really like them.
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trainalt22 · 4 months
NWR engine roster 1-12 (plus D1-D3)
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NWR #1 Glynn (former)
Class: T.K&E.R A0 0-4-0 coffeepot
Service: 1915-1925 Farrqahur branchline passenger and light freight work.
1989-current on display at New Ulfstead Castle
NWR #1 Thomas
Class: N.W.R E2x 0-6-0T
Service:1950-1952 Tidmouth station pilot
1955-current Farrqahur branchline main passenger engine
NWR #2 Evelyn Edward
Class: Barrow-In-Furness K2 (modified)
Service: 1915-1922 NWR Main express engine 1923-1939 slow goods 1939-1945 Troop transport to the front lines 1950- current main engine for the Welsworth and Brendam branchline
NWR #3 Henry
Class: Gresliey Pacific prototype (flawed plans)1921-1954 LMS Stannier black 5 (reforged) 1957-current
NWR #4 Gordon
Class: LNER A1 prototype (modified)
Service: 1922-1939 Main express engine 1939-1945 wounded troop transport 1946-current main express engine
NWR #5 James
Class: L&YR Class 28 (modified)
Service: 1925-1950 Farrqahur branchline passenger engine and odd jobs 1955-current mainline duties and odd jobs
NWR #6 Percival (Percy)
Class: Unknown/contractor built
Service: 1955-1960 Tidmouth pilot 1960-current Farrqahur goods engine
NWR #7 Tobias (Toby)
Class: C53/J70 steam tram
Service: 1956-current mix traffic work on the Farrqahur branchline
N.W.R #8 Montague (Duck)
Class: G.W.R 5700 Pannier
Service: 1955-1965 Tidmouth pilot 1965-current mixed-traffic work on the little western (Tidmouth to Harwick branchline)
N.W.R #9&10 Donald & Douglas
Class Caledonian 612s
Service: 1960-current Mainline goods engines
NWR #D1 Boco
Class: BR Class 28
Service:1962-current Mainline mixed traffic
NWR #D2 Diesel Neil
Class:BR 08 1956-1962 BR Class 09 (modified) 1962-current
Service: 1960-current Tidmouth station pilot and occasional odd jobs
NWR #11 Oliver
Class: G.W.R 1400
Service:1963-current mixed traffic on the Harwick to Tidmouth branch
NWR #12 Emily
Class: N.W.R Stirling Single
Service::1965-current Mainline passenger work and odd jobs
NWR #D3 Daisy
Class: BR 101
Service: 1965-current passenger work on the Ffarquhar branchline
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[Drossk Falanx]
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handle: genericGigabyte
land: Land of Metronomes and Cacophony (LOMAC)
classpect: Page of Time
specibus: Cleaverkind
denizen: Chronos
typing quirk: “•the quick br+o+wn f+o+x jumps +o+ver the lazy d+o+g.•”
lusus: Parrot
Song: ES - Crying
Lore under the cut!
He had always been someone stuck in the past, due to his lusus getting kidnapped and sold at a young age. He remembered kicking and screaming at the lusus bandits that took his loving parent away from her and left her destitute on the streets. He lamented the loss of her innocence and cried about the child who never could enjoy his life. This was until he found a goldblood who saw his plight and didn't spit at the shitblood who fixed computers for a living. Roroke outstretched her hand, wholeheartedly willing to let a stranger into her hive. Even as everything looked up, he couldn't let go of what happened sweeps and sweeps ago. So, Roroke cut to the chase. This act of goodwill, of course, came with a caveat. She pulled a CD out of her bag with an ever-so-familiar hive symbol on it.
The final battle was upon everyone. Void, Time, Doom, Blood, Breath, Life, Light, Space, Mind, Rage and Heart all stood in anticipation. They knew Roroke had a plan in mind, and were prepared in case anything went wrong. But where was she..?
Just then, the sky opened. A light all of them would associate with an unholy sun descended, prompting even those in an endless war to stop and stare. In the center was the Muse of Hope, one who, unbeknownst to all, was not of this session. Roroke Tonjet's voice rang like a bell across the Battlefield, calling for peace.
Then, out of nowhere, a Prospitan arrow pierced her heart. Her angelic wings folded in on themselves. Drossk, the Page of Time, the one whose life was dictated by the Muse... unlocked his full potential at that moment. Everything darkened, revealing the crimson gears that only she could see. This was a doomed timeline, he was sure of it. There had to be a way to change this. He felt her consciousness tap into every instance of himself, including ones where he finally felt comfortable in his own skin. He saw all instances play out, all possible futures that could happen from here.
All lead to Roroke's death.
Be it Heroic or Just, the troll who breathed life into his very existence was fated to die, no matter if it was the Alpha Timeline or a Doomed one.
He fell to his metaphysical knees. It was hopeless.
There was a way to save her.
He just had... to loop everything again and again.
Once, twice, thrice.
Loop 27, 64, 195.
No matter how much he played everything over and over again, he couldn't save the one he cared about most.
Loop 612.
That same place.
The Battlefield, moments away from soothing the inferno of war.
He noticed it at last.
The yellow-white glow in that Prospitan Soldier's eyes was the same as hers.
...It was her intention to die that very moment.
Time slowly began to move normally once more. And with every tick on the clock, she began to realize something.
Roroke Tonjet was manipulating him.
No longer... would her existence be dictated by someone else. Not even if they embody the hope that she had been missing. Drossk... would live for herself now. This is where it ended for everyone.
Drossk let her die.
Tick, tock. Tick, tock.
Heroic, Just. Heroic, Just.
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ocombatente · 5 months
RECONHECIMENTO: Lei municipal é garantia de direitos das pessoas com o Transtorno do Espectro Autista em Porto Velho
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Mais de 1.600 Carteiras Municipais de Identificação do Autista já foram emitidas O município de Porto Velho tem muitos motivos para enfatizar o Dia Mundial da Conscientização do Autismo, que anualmente é celebrado em 2 de abril. Com a aprovação da lei municipal que institui a Carteira Municipal de Identificação do Autista (CMIA), esse grupo de pessoas, esquecido durante tanto tempo, passa a usufruir da garantia dos seus direitos. Até o final da manhã do dia 1º de abril, a Prefeitura de Porto Velho já havia emitido 1.679 Carteiras Municipais de Identificação do Autista (CMIA). Esse trabalho é realizado pela Secretaria Municipal de Assistência Social e da Família (Semasf), através dos Centros de Referência de Assistência Social (Cras), em diversos pontos da cidade. Essa política pública de emissão da CMIA implantada no município tem contribuído para maior efetividade nas ações de inclusão social das pessoas com o Transtorno do Espectro Autista (TEA), além de atender a uma importante demanda pontuada pelos pais e mães atípicos. Em termos gerais, a emissão da Carteira Municipal do Autista está associada à garantia de direitos das pessoas com TEA, como por exemplo, o acesso aos serviços públicos e privados de saúde e educação (por exemplo), além de prioridade no atendimento em bancos, lojas, supermercados e farmácias, entre outras garantias, a exemplo da isenção de alguns impostos. NORMATIVAS Conforme informou a Semasf, a emissão da CMIA está de acordo com a Lei Federal Nº 12.764, de 27 de dezembro de 2012, que institui a Política Nacional de Proteção dos Direitos da Pessoa com Transtorno do Espectro Autista. Outra normativa é a Lei Estadual N° 4.991, de 20 de maio de 2021. Ela dispõe sobre o prazo de validade do Laudo Médico Pericial que atesta o Transtorno do Espectro Autista (TEA) no estado de Rondônia. E por fim, está embasada na Lei Complementar Municipal-DL Nº 864, de 24 de agosto de 2021, que "Institui a Carteira de Identificação do Autista no âmbito do Município de Porto Velho”. DOCUMENTOS Para fazer o cadastro para a emissão da CMIA, pais ou responsáveis por pessoas com TEA devem se dirigir ao Centro de Referência da Assistência Social (Cras) mais próximo de casa e solicitar a carteirinha. O horário de atendimento dos Cras é das 8h às 18h, de segunda a sexta-feira É necessário, porém, que apresentem o laudo médico com prazo de validade de 60 meses, documentos pessoais do autista e do responsável, comprovante de residência, foto 3x4, requerimento que pode ser feito no ato da inscrição e comprovante de tipagem sanguínea. ENDEREÇOS DOS CRAS “ELIZABETH PARANHOS” Endereço: Rua Guanabara, nº 2611, bairro São João Bosco, Porto Velho/RO, CEP 76.803-765. Zonas Norte e Oeste. Telefone: 98473-4881. [email protected] [email protected] “BETINHO” Endereço: Rua Vila Mariana, nº 9968, Setor 35, Quadra 193, Lote 0081, bairro: Mariana. CEP: 76.813-612. Zona Leste. Telefone: (69) 98473-6269. [email protected] [email protected] “IRMÃ DOROTHY” Endereço: Rua Fonte Boa, S/N, bairro Socialista, indo pela avenida Amazonas, sentido área ruralizada dobra-se a esquerda na Rua Fonte Boa. CEP: 76.829-015. Zona Leste. Telefone: (69) 98473-4364. [email protected] [email protected] “PAULO FREIRE” Endereço: Av. Amazonas, nº 3660, bairro Agenor de Carvalho, Porto Velho/RO, CEP: 76820-340. Zona Leste. Telefone: 98473-6076. [email protected] [email protected] “DONA COTINHA” Novo endereço: Rua Tamarino, nº 2946, Cohab Floresta, Porto Velho/RO, CEP: 76.808-014. Telefone: 69 98473-6030. [email protected] [email protected] [email protected]. “Pe. TEODORO CROMMO” Endereço: Via 01, Quadra 1, Casa 03, ponto de referência: de frente com a BR-364, próximo à rodoviária de Jaci Paraná. Distrito de Jaci-Paraná - Porto Velho/RO. CEP: 76840-000. Telefone: (69) 99955-5438, (69) 98473-6178. [email protected], [email protected] Texto: Augusto Soares Foto: SMC Superintendência Municipal de Comunicação (SMC) Fonte: Prefeitura de Porto Velho - RO Read the full article
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wikimediauncommons · 7 months
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file: Pot met deksel, groen geglazuurd en met in reliëf dierfiguren, BK-BR-612-21.jpg
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barufoshanmedical · 2 years
High End Light Cure Unit BR-612
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The Babylonian Chronicles
“The Babylonian Chronicles
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A Babylonian map of the world
The Mesopotamian Chronicles is a broad category for a large number of Assyrian and Babylonian cuneiform texts that record the significant historical events of ancient Mesopotamia. The list of texts and fragments is extensive.
The cuneiform script is either Sumerian, Akkadian or Babylonian.
The inscriptions, whether they are on plaques, cylinders, etc. are catalogued in three main reference works. Within each work, the original text of the inscription can be found with their English translation.
Grayson AK, Assyrian and Babylonian Chronicles, University Park: Eisenbrauns (2000).
Glassner JJ, Chroniques Mésopotamiennes, Paris: Les Belles Lettres (1993), translated and edited by Foster BR, Mesopotamian Chronicles, Atlanta: Society of Biblical Literature (2004).
Finkel I, Van der Spek RJ, Babylonian Chronicles of the Hellenistic Period (not yet published).
Of the Mesopotamian Chronicles, the records that cover the approximate time of 700-539 B.C. are known as the Babylonian Chronicles. Considered the most reliable of ancient official records, these texts are largely about the Neo-Babylonian empire, which are of great interest to biblical scholars for its historical involvement with the Kingdom of Judah.
Grayson’s book, Assyrian and Babylonian Chronicles, was the first to publish all of the Mesopotamian texts of the time (1975) where each text was accompanied with its transliteration, translation, and commentary. The work became a standard and scholars refer to various texts by their listing in Assyrian and Babylonian Chronicles (ABC) as ABC1, ABC2, etc. The Babylonian Chronicles refer to 6 principal records:
How the Babylonian map was understood
ABC1: The Chronicle on the Reigns from Nabû-Nasir to Šamaš-šuma-ukin
This chronicle records the resistance of an increasingly stronger Babylon, supported by Elam, against Assyria, beginning with the reign of the Babylonian king Nabû-Nasir (747-734) and culminating in the accessions of Aššurbanipal in Assyria and Šamaš-šuma-ukin in Babylonia in 668 B.C.
The text is preserved on two copies that are now in the British Museum; one of these copies was written in 499 B.C., the twenty-second year of king Darius I the Great. (It is the only Neo-Babylonian chronicle that is preserved on more than one copy.) The other fragments are from Sippar. (1)
ABC3: Fall of Ninevah Chronicle (Nabolassar / Gadd Chronicle)
The Fall of Ninevah / Gadd Chronicle records Nabopolassar's capture of Nineveh, the capital of Assyria, one of the most shocking events in ancient history. This chronicle belongs to one large text that started with the Early Years of Nabopolassar (ABC 2) and continued with the Fall of Nineveh and the Late Years of Nabopolassar (ABC 4). (2)
ABC5: Nebuchadnezzar Chronicle (Jerusalem Chronicle)
The Nebuchadnezzar Chronicle speaks to several subjects, but the reference to the capture of Jerusalem in 597 B.C. has attracted most attention, which explains the name "Jerusalem Chronicle". Among scholars, it is known better as the Chronicle Concerning the Early Years of Nebuchadnezzar II (ABC 5) and is studied for its record about Nebuchadnezzar's accession to the throne, his campaigns against the Egyptian king Necho II, an Elamite intervention, and a revolt in Babylonia itself. The chronicle starts where ABC 4 ends: during the wars after the sack of Nineveh in 612 and the collapse of the Assyria Empire. (3)
ABC7: Nabonidus Chronicle
The Chronicle Concerning the Reign of Nabonidus (ABC 7) is one of the most important historiographical texts from ancient Babylonia. It deals not just with the reign of Nabonidus (r.556-539 B.C.), but also with the rise of the Persian king Cyrus the Great, the demise of the Babylonian Empire, and the founding of the Achaemenid Empire. (4)
ABC14: Esarhaddon Chronicle
This chronicle records the wars of king Esarhaddon (680-669) and the accessions of his sons Aššurbanipal in Assyria and Šamaš-šuma-ukin in Babylonia. (5)
ABC16: Akitu Chronicle
The Akitu Chronical deals with the war between the Babylonian king Šamaš-šuma-ukin and his brother Aššurbanipal, king of Assyria. Its name is derived from the fact that the author shows a special interest in the celebration of the Akitu festival. (6)
1. From the website: Livius.org, "ABC 1 (From Nabû-Nasir to Šamaš-šuma-ukin)."
2. From the website: Livius.org, "ABC 3 (Fall of Nineveh Chronicle)."
3. From the website: Livius.org, "ABC 5 (Jerusalem Chronicle)."
4. From the website: Livius.org, "ABC 7 (Nabonidus Chronicle)."
5. From the website: Livius.org, "ABC 14 (Esarhaddon Chronicle)."
6. From the website: Livius.org, "ABC 16 (Akitu Chronicle)."
Source: http://helpmewithbiblestudy.org/17Archeology/InscriptionBabylonianChronicles.aspx
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grailbot143 · 3 years
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612 pieces! (child's play)
And no corners.
Wait, I found a corner.
So, either they didn't understand the puzzle, or we have alien pieces here. This is actually one of the areas of my life that I'M a little OCD. I do not keep puzzles and games that do not have all their pieces. I keep all the pieces with their puzzles and games. It's a long road with kids, but there is no alternative in my book.
I did abandon the cardboard boxes for zip-lock bags (when they work better) some time ago though.
*I should note right now that Mom has never read Homestuck, and doesn't understand this reference. That is all.*
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crybabyddl · 3 years
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I posted 8,117 times in 2021
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Longest Tag: 140 characters
#i’m literally laughing at the scene i’m writing right now. i swear i’m a comedic genius. it’s nothing revolutionary but i just think this is
My Top Posts in 2021
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417 notes • Posted 2021-01-21 04:01:17 GMT
🦋Random asks to spice up your life🦋
1. Which Greek god/goddess do you relate to most and why?
2. What’s your love language?
3. Which stereotypical trait about your zodiac sign do you have? Which trait do you not relate to at all?
4. Who is your favorite talk show host? Who’s your least favorite?
5. What is your favorite kind of juice?
6. What is a weird interest/obsession of yours that you probably wouldn’t bring up unless someone else mentioned they liked it first?
7. What piece of jewelry is your favorite?
8. If you were getting married, what would you wear?
9. What store would you want to live in?
10. Which restaurant/food chain is really good and refuse to take any criticism on?
11. What song makes you feel like life is worth living and makes everything feel okay and like you’re the main character and could make you cry or fall in love regardless of the actual meaning it just makes you feel whole and you consider it YOUR PERSONAL SONG?
12. What’s your favorite number and why?
13. Everyone has a dream, that vision of ourselves in an alternate reality with a career or hobby that you know won’t happen irl. What is that skill, hobby, career for you?
14. What practical subject do you wish they taught in school?
15. Which impractical subject do you wish they taught in school?
16. Who is a celebrity you fear or dislike for absolutely no reason?
17. Who is a celebrity you have zero connection to and you’ve never gone out of your way to see, hear, or indulge in their work, but would die for regardless?
18. What was the big scandal at your school?
19. What was your favorite show as a toddler?
20. What’s the story of the first time you drank alcohol?
21. Do you have a favorite vine or tiktok video/sound?
22. What is your comfort youtube video? (That video that you’ll never get tired of watching. It can be literally anything. Instant serotonin. You watch it at 3am and all is right with the world)
23. What romantic gesture would you absolutely melt over if someone did it for you?
24. Is there a location that you lowkey think doesn’t actually exist? What/Where is it?
25. Favorite animated movie?
26. A book that changed your life, made you cry, and/or when you finished it your sense of purpose was renewed or completely destroyed? lmao
27. Is there a name that nobody you know personally has that just pisses you off bc it sounds stupid? What is it?
28. Favorite color of crayola crayon?
29. Favorite early 2000s toy?
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427 notes • Posted 2021-01-26 01:51:13 GMT
As DJ Khaled once said...
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464 notes • Posted 2021-01-22 20:12:53 GMT
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I found the cutest picrew!! I figured I’d share it with you guys!❤️
I’m tagging @n0wornever @cordeliascrown @alexpjoyner and @jaskiers-sweetkiss but anyone who wants to do it is welcome to!💖
612 notes • Posted 2021-01-05 22:33:12 GMT
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In case any of you didn’t see it, here’s what’s going on:
12PM - Moscow
1PM/13h00 PST - Los Angeles
3PM/15h00 CST - Mexico City
4PM/16h00 EST - New York, Peru, Ecuador, Colombia, & Toronto
5PM/17h00 - Chile & The Dominican Republic
6PM/18h00 - Brazil & Argentina
9PM/21h00 GMT - Britain, Ireland, & Lisbon
10PM/22h00 - Madrid, Paris, Rome, Amsterdam, Prague, Berlin, Zurich, Vienna, Oslo, Copenhagen, & Budapest
11PM/23h00 - Tel Aviv
6AM - Japan (Jan 30)
8AM - Australia (Jan 30)
10AM - New Zealand (Jan 30)
Here are some helpful tips to help motivate you when the day comes!
Even if you don’t feel like watching it or have stuff to do, just play it on your device and go outside for a bit, do some yoga, do your school work, make yourself a meal, take a shower, finish a project you started and never got back around to! This is the perfect excuse to get off your phone if you don’t want to cry during Unsaid Emily!
If you have multiple devices, try going on a different profile on your netflix account, idk if this works, but maybe it’ll count as another stream bc it’s someone else’s profile and a different device!
Getting JATP to the Top 10 on Netflix is a tricky thing, especially since it’s been a few months since it came out, but if the show has taught us anything, it’s to go for it, try your best, and take the risk!
This is the perfect time to heed Reggie’s words of wisdom: TELL YOUR FRIENDS!
870 notes • Posted 2021-01-23 01:43:59 GMT
Get your Tumblr 2021 Year in Review →
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ocombatente · 5 months
RECONHECIMENTO: Lei municipal é garantia de direitos das pessoas com o Transtorno do Espectro Autista em Porto Velho
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Mais de 1.600 Carteiras Municipais de Identificação do Autista já foram emitidas O município de Porto Velho tem muitos motivos para enfatizar o Dia Mundial da Conscientização do Autismo, que anualmente é celebrado em 2 de abril. Com a aprovação da lei municipal que institui a Carteira Municipal de Identificação do Autista (CMIA), esse grupo de pessoas, esquecido durante tanto tempo, passa a usufruir da garantia dos seus direitos. Até o final da manhã do dia 1º de abril, a Prefeitura de Porto Velho já havia emitido 1.679 Carteiras Municipais de Identificação do Autista (CMIA). Esse trabalho é realizado pela Secretaria Municipal de Assistência Social e da Família (Semasf), através dos Centros de Referência de Assistência Social (Cras), em diversos pontos da cidade. Essa política pública de emissão da CMIA implantada no município tem contribuído para maior efetividade nas ações de inclusão social das pessoas com o Transtorno do Espectro Autista (TEA), além de atender a uma importante demanda pontuada pelos pais e mães atípicos. Em termos gerais, a emissão da Carteira Municipal do Autista está associada à garantia de direitos das pessoas com TEA, como por exemplo, o acesso aos serviços públicos e privados de saúde e educação (por exemplo), além de prioridade no atendimento em bancos, lojas, supermercados e farmácias, entre outras garantias, a exemplo da isenção de alguns impostos. NORMATIVAS Conforme informou a Semasf, a emissão da CMIA está de acordo com a Lei Federal Nº 12.764, de 27 de dezembro de 2012, que institui a Política Nacional de Proteção dos Direitos da Pessoa com Transtorno do Espectro Autista. Outra normativa é a Lei Estadual N° 4.991, de 20 de maio de 2021. Ela dispõe sobre o prazo de validade do Laudo Médico Pericial que atesta o Transtorno do Espectro Autista (TEA) no estado de Rondônia. E por fim, está embasada na Lei Complementar Municipal-DL Nº 864, de 24 de agosto de 2021, que "Institui a Carteira de Identificação do Autista no âmbito do Município de Porto Velho”. DOCUMENTOS Para fazer o cadastro para a emissão da CMIA, pais ou responsáveis por pessoas com TEA devem se dirigir ao Centro de Referência da Assistência Social (Cras) mais próximo de casa e solicitar a carteirinha. O horário de atendimento dos Cras é das 8h às 18h, de segunda a sexta-feira É necessário, porém, que apresentem o laudo médico com prazo de validade de 60 meses, documentos pessoais do autista e do responsável, comprovante de residência, foto 3x4, requerimento que pode ser feito no ato da inscrição e comprovante de tipagem sanguínea. ENDEREÇOS DOS CRAS “ELIZABETH PARANHOS” Endereço: Rua Guanabara, nº 2611, bairro São João Bosco, Porto Velho/RO, CEP 76.803-765. Zonas Norte e Oeste. Telefone: 98473-4881. [email protected] [email protected] “BETINHO” Endereço: Rua Vila Mariana, nº 9968, Setor 35, Quadra 193, Lote 0081, bairro: Mariana. CEP: 76.813-612. Zona Leste. Telefone: (69) 98473-6269. [email protected] [email protected] “IRMÃ DOROTHY” Endereço: Rua Fonte Boa, S/N, bairro Socialista, indo pela avenida Amazonas, sentido área ruralizada dobra-se a esquerda na Rua Fonte Boa. CEP: 76.829-015. Zona Leste. Telefone: (69) 98473-4364. [email protected] [email protected] “PAULO FREIRE” Endereço: Av. Amazonas, nº 3660, bairro Agenor de Carvalho, Porto Velho/RO, CEP: 76820-340. Zona Leste. Telefone: 98473-6076. [email protected] [email protected] “DONA COTINHA” Novo endereço: Rua Tamarino, nº 2946, Cohab Floresta, Porto Velho/RO, CEP: 76.808-014. Telefone: 69 98473-6030. [email protected] [email protected] [email protected]. “Pe. TEODORO CROMMO” Endereço: Via 01, Quadra 1, Casa 03, ponto de referência: de frente com a BR-364, próximo à rodoviária de Jaci Paraná. Distrito de Jaci-Paraná - Porto Velho/RO. CEP: 76840-000. Telefone: (69) 99955-5438, (69) 98473-6178. [email protected], [email protected] Texto: Augusto Soares Foto: SMC Superintendência Municipal de Comunicação (SMC) Fonte: Prefeitura de Porto Velho - RO Read the full article
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