#BR 483
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national-rail · 1 month ago
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More info below!
Class 483 Manufacturer: Metro-Cammell (1937-1940) Model: n/a 1938 tube stock withdrawn from the London Underground. Used on the Island Line due to low clearance on the tunnel at Ryde. Withdrawn in 2021 after an ungodly amount of years in service.
Class 325 Manufacturer: ABB (1995-1996) Model: BR 2nd Gen. EMU (Mark 3 Derived) Built for mail and parcel traffic. Withdrawn in 2024 because Royal Mail didn't feel like using trains anymore (woooo yay privatisation yayyyyy)
Class 69 Manufacturer: Progress Rail (2020-Present) [Rebuilt from Class 56] Model: n/a Due to being unable to find a manufacturer for diesel locomotives that fit Britain's loading gauge and regulation, GBRf sought to essentially stick Class 66 engines into older unused stock. They perform freight duties.
DLR B90/B92/B2K Stock Manufacturer: Bombardier (B90 1991, B92 1993-1995, B2K 2001-2002) Model: n/a Built for the Dockland Light Railway to replace the original rolling stock, which were unable to use Bank station due to their lack of emergency exits on the front of the train. Due to be withdrawn with the introduction of the B23 Stock.
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ocombatente · 11 months ago
Lula inclui 14 trechos de rodovias, dois em Rondônia no programa de desestatização
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A medida foi publicada em decreto do presidente Lula no Diário Oficial da União desta quarta-feira (31) O governo federal incluiu 14 trechos de rodovias no Programa Nacional de Desestatização (PND). A os trechos ficam no Rio Grande do Sul, Goiás, Mato Grosso e Rondônia — veja a lista no fim  A medida foi publicada em decreto do presidente Lula no Diário Oficial da União desta quarta-feira (31). Com as novas inclusões, o programa passa a ter 96 trechos de rodovias federais. Criado na década de 1990, o programa de desestatização tem como objetivo transferir para iniciativa privada a administração de estruturas públicas que não são exploradas da devida forma pelo governo. Na terça-feira (30), o governo assinou contratos de concessão para transferir para a iniciativa privada dois lotes de rodovias do Paraná. A previsão é de investimento de R$ 30,4 bilhões nos trechos. Confira, a seguir, os trechos incluídos pelo governo na lista do PND: - BR-060/GO: trecho entre os entroncamentos da BR-158 e BR-364 (Contorno de Jataí). - BR-070/MT: trecho entre os entroncamentos da BR-163/364/MT-407(B) (Trevo Lagarto) e BR-174(A). - BR-116/RS: trecho entre os entroncamentos da BR-470 e RS-354 (para Amaral Ferrador); - BR-116/RS: trecho da 2ª Ponte sobre o Rio Guaíba. - BR-116/RS: trecho entre o Fim da Concessão (Ilha do Pavão) e o entroncamento da BR-290(B) (para Arroio dos Ratos). - BR-158/RS: trecho entre o entroncamento BR-158 (km 304) e 13ª Companhia Depósito de Armamento e Munição de Itaara. - BR-158/RS: trecho entre os entroncamentos da BR-285 (para Panambi) e BR-392(B) (Santa Maria). - BR-174/MT: trecho entre os entroncamentos da BR-070(A) e BR-364(A)/MT-235(B). - BR-290/RS: trecho entre os entroncamentos da BR-471 (Pântano Grande) e BR-392 (para São Sepé). - BR-319/RO: trecho entre os entroncamentos da BR-319 (fim da Trav. Rio Madeira) e BR-364 (próximo da Polícia Rodoviária Federal). - BR-364/MT: trecho entre os entroncamentos da MT-235 (Av. André A. Magi/início do trecho urbano de Sapezal) e a BR-174(A). - BR-364/RO: trecho entre Porto Velho (acesso a Ulisses Guimarães) e o entroncamento da BR-319 (Porto Velho – Av. Jorge Teixeira). - BR-392/RS: trecho de acesso a Santana da Boa Vista até a BR-158(A)/287(A) (Santa Maria). - BR-452/GO: trecho entre os entroncamentos da BR-060/GO-174 (Rio Verde) e BR153(A)/154(B)/483(B). Read the full article
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portalg37 · 1 year ago
Motorista é preso por uso de documentação falsa na BR 354 em Arcos
A Polícia Militar de Minas Gerais, através da Polícia Militar Rodoviária durante realização de operação Independência do Brasil 2023, realizada na rodovia BR 354 km 483, município de Arcos/MG abordou uma composição veicular, onde o condutor L.C, 61 anos , nos entregou sua CNH regular e o CRLV dos veículos. Durante fiscalização observamos que o documento apresentado do caminhão trator placa H–6…
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slowtraincomingsoon · 3 years ago
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483 010 zwischen Tempelhof und Neukölln am 19.02.2022
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blueiscoool · 2 years ago
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Massive horde of Celtic gold coins stolen from German museum
Thieves who broke into a southern German museum and stole hundreds of ancient gold coins got in and out in nine minutes without raising the alarm, officials said, in a further sign that the heist was the work of organised criminals.
Police have launched an international hunt for the thieves and their loot, consisting of 483 Celtic coins and a lump of unworked gold that were discovered during an archaeological dig near the present-day town of Manching in 1999.
Guido Limmer, the deputy head of Bavaria's State Criminal Police Office, described how at 1:17 am on Tuesday (local time) cables were cut at a telecoms hub about one kilometre from the Celtic and Roman Museum in Manchning, knocking out communications networks in the region.
Security systems at the museum recorded that a door was pried open at 1:26 am and then how the thieves left again at 1:35 am, Limmer said.
It was in those nine minutes that the culprits must have smashed open a display cabinet and scooped out the treasure.
Limmer said there were “parallels” between the heist in Manching and the theft of priceless jewels in Dresden and a large gold coin in Berlin in recent years. Both have been blamed on a Berlin-based crime family.
“Whether there's a link we can't say,” he added. “Only this much: we are in touch with colleagues to investigate all possible angles.”
Bavaria’s minister of science and arts, Markus Blume, said evidence pointed to the work of professionals.
“It’s clear that you don’t simply march into a museum and take this treasure with you,” he told public broadcaster BR. “It’s highly secured and as such there’s a suspicion that we’re rather dealing with a case of organised crime.”
Officials acknowledged, however, that there was no guard at the museum overnight.
An alarm system was deemed to provide sufficient security, said Rupert Gebhard, who heads the Bavarian State Archaeological Collection in Munich.
Gebhard said the hoard was of great value both for the local community in Manching and for archaeologists across Europe.
The bowl-shaped coins, dating back to about 100 BC, were made from Bohemian river gold and show how the Celtic settlement at Manching had links across Europe, he said.
Gebhard estimated the value of the treasure at about 1.6 million euros (NZ$2.67 million).
“The archaeologists hope that the coins remain in their original state and reappear again at some point," he said, adding that they are well documented and would be hard to sell.
“The worst option, the melting down, would mean a total loss for us,” he said, noting that the material value of the gold itself would only run to about 250,000 euros at current market prices.
Gebhard said the size of the trove suggested it might have been “the war chest of a tribal chief.” It was found inside a sack buried beneath building foundations, and was the biggest such discovery made during regular archaeological excavations in Germany in the 20th century.
Limmer, the deputy police chief, said Interpol and Europol have already been alerted to the coins' theft and a 20-strong special investigations unit, codenamed ‘Oppidum’ after the Latin term for a Celtic settlement, has been established to track down the culprits.
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freizeitfoto · 8 years ago
Die neuen Fahrzeuge der S-Bahn Berlin. Insgesamt 382 neue Wagen werden gebaut. 42 Wagen der Baureihe 483 als Viertelzug und 340 Wagen der Baureihe 484 als Halbzug plant die S-Bahn Berlin ab 01. Januar 2021 nach und nach rollen zu lassen.
Die Front der neuen S-Bahn. Dargestellt hier das 1:1-Modell des Konsortiums Siemens und Stadler.
Die neuen S-Bahn-Wagen werden im Teilnetz-Ring zum Einsatz kommen. Das Teilnetz besteht aus den Linien:
S41 / S42 Ring
S46 Königs Wusterhausen – Westend – Hauptbahnhof
S47 Spindlersfeld – Tempelhof/Südkreuz (-Bundesplatz)
S8 (Wildau- ) Grünau – Hohen Neuendorf
Die Seitenansicht der Berliner S-Bahn in Form eines 1:1-Modell.
Um das Fahrzeug besser auf den Kunden anzupassen, erhielten Fahrgäste, die Interessenvertreter des Fahrrads (ADFC Berlin), Vertreter verschiedener Behindertenverbände, Kundenbeirat, Fahrgastverbände und Mitarbeiter die Möglichkeit Hinweise, Kritiken, Anregungen an das Projektteam zu übermitteln. Die Resonanz war groß. Ein Sprecher der Berliner S-Bahn teilte mit, dass über 1.000 Verbesserungsvorschläge eingegangen seien.
Um das Fahrzeug besser auf den Kunden anzupassen, erhielten Fahrgäste, die Interessenvertreter des Fahrrads (ADFC Berlin), Vertreter verschiedener Behindertenverbände, Kundenbeirat, Fahrgastverbände und Mitarbeiter die Möglichkeit Hinweise, Kritiken, Anregungen an das Projektteam zu übermitteln. Die Resonanz war groß. Ein Sprecher der Berliner S-Bahn teilte mit, dass über 1.000 Verbesserungsvorschläge eingegangen seien.
Die Tür ist absichtlich kontraststark zur Farbe der Außenhaut gestaltet worden. Ein Vorteil für Menschen mit eingeschränkter Sehfähigkeit.
Der Türöffner der neuen S-Bahn Berlin. Erstmals gibt der Taster einen kleinen Ton ab, wenn sich die Tür öffnen lässt.
Der Einstiegsbereich. Die Kante ist an der neuen S-Bahn nicht mehr vorhanden. Hier nur noch im Modell zu sehen.
Rote LED-Streifen signalisieren das Schließen der Tür. Die rote senkrechte Leiste wird es leider nicht geben.
Bei Türbewegung blinkt die grüne LED-Leiste. Erstmals bei der S-Bahn wird sich die Tür automatisch schließen, wenn kein Fahrgast mehr durch läuft. Sehr zum Vorteil bei einer längeren Standzeit im Bahnhof in der Winterzeit.
Der Eingangsbereich mit Zugang zum Fahrerstand. In dem Bereich wird gut das große Liniennetz zu sehen.
Neu in der Berliner S-Bahn sind die Handschlaufen am oberen Bügel. Die Farbe wird nach Auskunft des Herstellers geändert. Dies war einer von über 1000 Wünsche.
Der Mehrzwegbereich der Berliner S-Bahn. Befindet sich nach Auskunft des Herstellers noch in Überarbeitung.
Dezember 2015Rechtskräfter Zuschlag für den Betrieb des Netzes Ring an die S-Bahn mit insgesamt 9,7 Mio. Zugkilometer pro Jahr. Die S-Bahn erteilt den Fahrzeugherstellern Siemens und Stadler den Auftrag zur Produktion der neuen S-Bahn-Züge. Siemens und Stadler treten als Konsortium in diesem Auftrag auf. Das Investitionsvolumen beträgt rund 900.000.000 EUR.
Oktober 2016Die Öffentlichkeit kann ein 1:1-Modell eines Wagens kennenlernen. Durch das Feedback der Besucher können sie indirekt sich an der Fahrzeugentwicklung beteiligen.
Juli 2017Die Konstruktionsphase ist abgeschlossen. Alle möglichen Verbesserungsvorschläge sind eingearbeitet und umgesetzt.
Juli 2017 – Juli 2023In diesem Zeitraum findet die Teilfertigung, Montage, Zulassen, Inbetriebsetzung und Lieferung der Neufahrzeuge statt.
April 2019 bis August 2020Das Konsortium wird in Zusammenarbeit der Berliner S-Bahn den Testbetrieb aufnehmen.
Januar 2021Die Vorserienfahrzeuge werden einen Praxistest auf der Linie S47 Spindlersfeld-Tempelhof / Südkreuz (- Bundesplatz) unterzogen.
Juli 2022Weitere Fahrzeuge werden auf der Linie S46 Königs Wusterhausen – Hauptbahnhof eingesetzt.
Oktober 2022Die Linie S8 (Wildau – ) Grünau – Hohen Neuendorf erhält die neuen S-Bahnzüge
April und Oktober 2013 Die Ringbahn erhält in zwei Stufen die neuen S-Bahnzüge.
Wir wünschen viel Erfolg bei dem Erreichen der Meilensteine! 🙂
S-Bahn Berlin BR 483 und BR 484 Die neuen Fahrzeuge der S-Bahn Berlin. Insgesamt 382 neue Wagen werden gebaut. 42 Wagen der Baureihe 483 als Viertelzug und 340 Wagen der Baureihe 484 als Halbzug plant die S-Bahn Berlin ab 01.
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justsaygolf · 2 years ago
4 Top-Selling Mizuno Golf Bags (and Where You Can Get Them)
Mizuno may make athletic gear for more than just the golf industry, but their name is synonymous among golfers for quality and innovation - not the least of which traits are evidenced in the following top-selling Mizuno golf bags.
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And never mind the apparently Star Wars-inspired names: they are quality golf bags.
Mizuno BR-D2 The Mizuno BR-D2 is a lightweight treasure and a great golf stand bag for anyone that walks the course and needs something ergonomic and light to carry around nothing but the essentials.
This Mizuno golf bag has a 4-way top cuff with 2 full-length dividers to protect your shafts, as well as 9 pockets (including an insulated cooler pocket for refreshments), a towel ring, an umbrella holder, a removable mod pouch, and a MOLLE attachment system.
It also features a comfortably padded hip pad and dual shoulder straps with 4 points of adjustment for advanced weight distribution and comfort.
Mizuno BR-D3 Need a little bit more golf bag for your buck? Don’t miss the BR-D3, which is a little bit bigger and heavier, but also has more room.
It’s 4.5 lbs and it also has a 4-way top cuff with 2 full-length dividers, but it has 8 pockets, including a specialized fleece-lined valuable pocket and a full-length apparel pocket, in addition to an insulated cooler pocket.
This one also features a hip pad and adjustable 4-way adjustable shoulder straps for comfort.
Mizuno BR-D4 One more in the Mizuno “BR” lineup of stand bags: the BR-D4, which comes in at 6 lbs - a bit like a hybrid stand/cart bag - but which has tons of room.
This one features a 6-way top cuff with 3 full-length shaft dividers as well as 13 pockets. Among the pockets are a full-length apparel pocket, a fleece-lined valuables pocket, a cooler pocket, and a ball pocket. It also features an elastic pen/marker holder.
Comfort here is also paramount, which is why the BR-D4 features a hip pad as well as dual shoulder straps with quick-release functionality along with a single shoulder strap with an adjustment point.
Mizuno BR-D4C We couldn’t finish this list of Mizuno golf bags without at least one cart bag, so our contribution is the Mizuno BR-D4C, which is basically an adaptation of the BR-D4 stand bag.
This thing is optimized to the gills for space and access with user-friendly features and has 20 pockets, including an oversized cooler pocket, a fleece-lined valuables pocket, full-length apparel pockets, a ball pocket, and a “Mission Control” organizer panel with multiple pockets and loops that provides easy access to your gear, all in one place.
It also features a 14-way top cuff with full-length shaft dividers and an integrated putter well.
If you need a Mizuno cart bag, this is probably the one.
Where Can You Get These Mizuno Golf Bags (and Other Golf Equipment) For 40 years, Just Say Golf has been improving golfers’ lives, one club at a time. If you’re interested in learning more about any of these Mizuno golf bags, check out their website, JustSayGolf.com, or get in touch with them at 1-509-483-2888 or at [email protected].
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berlinverkehr · 2 years ago
S-Bahn: S-Bahn Berlin: Erste Neubauzüge ab 11. Dezember auf der Ringbahn unterwegs, Einsatz der Baureihe 483/484 auf den Linien S41/S42 zum Fahrplanwechsel · Mehr Platz für Fahrgäste: acht statt sechs Wagen, aus DB
S-Bahn: S-Bahn Berlin: Erste Neubauzüge ab 11. Dezember auf der Ringbahn unterwegs, Einsatz der Baureihe 483/484 auf den Linien S41/S42 zum Fahrplanwechsel · Mehr Platz für Fahrgäste: acht statt sechs Wagen, aus DB
09.12.2022 https://www.deutschebahn.com/pr-berlin-de/aktuell/presseinformationen/S-Bahn-Berlin-Erste-Neubauzuege-ab-11-Dezember-auf-der-Ringbahn-unterwegs-9921108?contentId=1317080 Mehr #Komfort und mehr #Platz – viel früher als geplant kommen Fahrgäste der #Ringbahnlinien #S41/#S42 in den Genuss der #Neubaufahrzeuge mit der markanten flachen Front, denn die Züge der Baureihe (BR) #483/484…
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ocombatente · 11 months ago
Lula inclui 14 trechos de rodovias, dois em Rondônia no programa de desestatização
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A medida foi publicada em decreto do presidente Lula no Diário Oficial da União desta quarta-feira (31) O governo federal incluiu 14 trechos de rodovias no Programa Nacional de Desestatização (PND). A os trechos ficam no Rio Grande do Sul, Goiás, Mato Grosso e Rondônia — veja a lista no fim  A medida foi publicada em decreto do presidente Lula no Diário Oficial da União desta quarta-feira (31). Com as novas inclusões, o programa passa a ter 96 trechos de rodovias federais. Criado na década de 1990, o programa de desestatização tem como objetivo transferir para iniciativa privada a administração de estruturas públicas que não são exploradas da devida forma pelo governo. Na terça-feira (30), o governo assinou contratos de concessão para transferir para a iniciativa privada dois lotes de rodovias do Paraná. A previsão é de investimento de R$ 30,4 bilhões nos trechos. Confira, a seguir, os trechos incluídos pelo governo na lista do PND: - BR-060/GO: trecho entre os entroncamentos da BR-158 e BR-364 (Contorno de Jataí). - BR-070/MT: trecho entre os entroncamentos da BR-163/364/MT-407(B) (Trevo Lagarto) e BR-174(A). - BR-116/RS: trecho entre os entroncamentos da BR-470 e RS-354 (para Amaral Ferrador); - BR-116/RS: trecho da 2ª Ponte sobre o Rio Guaíba. - BR-116/RS: trecho entre o Fim da Concessão (Ilha do Pavão) e o entroncamento da BR-290(B) (para Arroio dos Ratos). - BR-158/RS: trecho entre o entroncamento BR-158 (km 304) e 13ª Companhia Depósito de Armamento e Munição de Itaara. - BR-158/RS: trecho entre os entroncamentos da BR-285 (para Panambi) e BR-392(B) (Santa Maria). - BR-174/MT: trecho entre os entroncamentos da BR-070(A) e BR-364(A)/MT-235(B). - BR-290/RS: trecho entre os entroncamentos da BR-471 (Pântano Grande) e BR-392 (para São Sepé). - BR-319/RO: trecho entre os entroncamentos da BR-319 (fim da Trav. Rio Madeira) e BR-364 (próximo da Polícia Rodoviária Federal). - BR-364/MT: trecho entre os entroncamentos da MT-235 (Av. André A. Magi/início do trecho urbano de Sapezal) e a BR-174(A). - BR-364/RO: trecho entre Porto Velho (acesso a Ulisses Guimarães) e o entroncamento da BR-319 (Porto Velho – Av. Jorge Teixeira). - BR-392/RS: trecho de acesso a Santana da Boa Vista até a BR-158(A)/287(A) (Santa Maria). - BR-452/GO: trecho entre os entroncamentos da BR-060/GO-174 (Rio Verde) e BR153(A)/154(B)/483(B). Read the full article
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slowtraincomingsoon · 3 years ago
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483 017 in Berlin Hermannstraße am 16.01.2022
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nealtv8 · 3 years ago
Since the last Train Sim World 2 add-on is out in 2021. I had decided to compile the horns again. Technically, the year has ended with the marvelous TSG's DB G6 and the Arosa Line update that may had updated the horn on the Ge 4/4 ii, of course don't forget about the 3 Rush Hour routes. The next route that would be releasing after this video is Tharandter Rampe: Dresden - Chemnitz which is set to be out in the new year as well the preservation updates. This video includes all the sound samples possible along each locomotive/train in the game as with multiple versions of the particular rolling stock. Also, I had recorded on how the horn is sounded inside the cab, all though with the windows closed of course as it is not possible to do on every train. This video last for 46 minutes which is around 3 times than the previous horn compilation video from last year. It is sorted by country and older to new routes in that country. This order would go as FR, CH, US/CA, GB, & DE. Timestamps: 0:00 TGV Duplex 200 0:17 Ge 4/4 ii 0:40 AC4400CW (SPG) 1:15 SD40-2 (SPG) 1:50 GP38-2 (SPG) 2:29 C40-8W 3:08 M3 3:38 M7 4:17 F40PH-2CAT 4:56 MP36PH-3C 5:36 Gallery Cab Car 6:14 Bi-Level Cab Car 6:56 MP15DC 7:34 GP38-2 (SFJ) 8:10 GP38-2 (OSD) 8:48 GP9rm 9:29 F7 10:09 SD40 10:51 AC4400CW (CC) 11:31 SD40-2 (CC) 12:10 F40PH-3C 12:57 CTC-3 13:41 ACS-64 14:23 SD70ACe 15:09 SD40-2 (SMH) 15:52 Class 43 High Speed Train 16:14 Class 166 16:34 Class 66 (GWE) 17:03 Class 52 (GWB) 17:33 Class 101 (GWB) 17:58 Class 08 (GWB) 18:22 Class 47 (WSR) 18:45 Class 09 19:06 Class 33 19:32 Class 52 (WSR) 20:05 Class 101 (NTP) 20:31 Class 45 21:39 Class 47 (NTP) 21:57 Class 40 22:23 Class 08 (HFP) 22:48 Class 101 (TVL) 23:28 Class 08 (TVL) 23:39 Class 37/5 (TVL) 24:14 Class 20 25:03 Class 31 25:34 Class 377/4 (ECW) 26:12 Class 66 (ECW) 26:38 Class 313/2 26:58 1972 MkII Tube Stock 27:24 1938 Heritage Tube Stock 27:44 Class 483 28:11 Class 375/9 28:45 Class 395 29:25 Class 465/9 29:50 Class 314 30:16 Class 377/4 (LBN) 30:50 Class 387/2 31:29 Class 150 31:54 Class 37 (WCL) 32:24 BR 1442 32:47 BR 182 (RT) 33:19 BR 767.2 (182) 33:48 BR 143 (RSN) 34:15 BR 767.2 (RSN) 34:41 BR 185.2 (RSN) 35:02 BR 155 35:28 BR 363 (RSN) 35:57 BR 146.2 (MSB) 36:18 BR 766.2 (MSB) 36:49 BR 185.2 (MSB) 37:13 BR 204 37:54 BR 422 (RRO) 38:13 BR 185.5 (RRO) 38:36 G6 39:06 BR 422 (HRR) 39:31 BR 425 39:52 BR 101 40:19 BR 406 40:43 BR 442 (SKA) 41:11 BR 187 41:32 BR 403 42:02 BR 423 42:25 BR 112.1 42:49 BR 766.2 (HBK) 43:17 BR 182 (HBK) 43:36 BR 146.2 (DRA) 43:56 BR 766.2 (DRA) 44:22 BR 143 (DRA) 44:47 BR 442 (DRA) 45:11 BR 185.5 (DRA) 45:33 BR 363 (DRA) (XXX) would represent the version on what add-on the loco comes in if there is multiple versions of it. Other Channels: Twitch: https://bit.ly/35N8IHF Non-Gaming Channel: https://www.youtube.com/c/2nealfire Twitch VOD Channel: https://www.youtube.com/user/AnthemKiosk Social: Discord Server: https://bit.ly/2QcI4Ty Facebook: https://bit.ly/3sydSV9 Twitter: https://twitter.com/neal08ni Instagram: https://bit.ly/3mhIr0m Steam Profile: https://bit.ly/3gd46CH Steam Group: https://bit.ly/3j0MMCN Email: [email protected] (Business Inquiries Only) Support: Donate/Tip: https://bit.ly/2TNoG29 Anonymous Donate/Tip: https://bit.ly/2GhjeN8 Affiliate Links: Epic Games Creator Code: NEALTV8 CdKeys: https://bit.ly/3iY5RV5 Patreon: https://bit.ly/2m3POFY Green Man Gaming: http://bit.ly/2cqrL3k Fanatical: https://bit.ly/33YQmWH Humble: https://bit.ly/2DPdgTs Download TubeBuddy: https://bit.ly/2Z0MLVQ Main PC Specs: CPU: AMD Ryzen 9 3900X 3.8GHz, Dozen-Core CPU Cooler: Noctua NH-D15 Motherboard: MSI B450 Gaming Pro Carbon AC (AM4 ATX) RAM: G.SKILL TridentZ 32GB (4 x 8GB) DDR4-3200MHz SSD1: Western Digital Black SN750 1TB SDD2: Samsung 870 EVO 2TB HDD1: Seagate Barracuda 3TB 7200RPM HDD2: Western Digital Blue 4TB 5400RPM HDD3: Western Digital Black 6TB Case: Thermaltake View 71 GPU: EVGA GeForce RTX 2080 XC2 Ultra ICX2 (8GB GDDR6) PSU: EVGA Supernova 850 G5, 80+ Gold Case Fans: 5x Deepcool RF120M Encoding PC Specs: CPU: AMD Ryzen 7 1800X 3.6GHz, Octa-Core CPU Cooler: Corsair H100i V2 Motherboard: ASUS ROG STRIX B450-F GAMING (AM4 ATX) RAM: G.SKILL TridentZ 32GB (2 x 16GB) DDR4-3200MHz (2666MHz due to 1800X) HDD1: Western Digital Blue 2TB 5400RPM HDD2: Seagate Barracuda 500GB 7200RPM HDD3: Seagate Barracuda 4TB 5900RPM SSD1: Western Digital Black PCIe 256GB SSD2: Samsung 840 EVO 500GB GPU: EVGA GeForce GTX 1070 SC ACX 3.0 Black Edition (8GB GDDR5) Case: Thermaltake View 31 PSU: Corsair RM750x, 80+ Gold Case Fans: 5x Deepcool RF120M
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jobportals5 · 3 years ago
+<div><!--block--><strong>Job Description:<br></strong>Client is focusing the profile who have experience in <strong>Dynamics 365 with PSA module skills</strong>.</div><div><!--block--> </div><div><!--block--><strong>Architect / Technical Lead</strong></div><div><!--block-->(>10 years? experience ? architect level)</div><div><!--block-->The individual will be responsible for development a... source https://jobportals.website/jobdetail.html?id=483-Architect-/-Technical-Lead-?-MS-Dynamics
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wigmund · 7 years ago
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From Earth Science Picture of the Day; April 25, 2018:
Eilean Donan Castle Photographer and Summary Author: Lukas Gegg
Eilean Donan Castle in the Western Scottish Highlands was built in the early 13th century. Its name is likely derived from the 6th century Irish Saint Donan, who evidently came to Scotland late in the 6th century. Situated on a small peninsula within the bay of Loch Duich, this castle can only be accessed by a small bridge during high tide. It was constructed to protect the lands of Kintail against marauding Vikings who controlled much of northern and western Scotland between the years from about 800 and to 1266. Note that the Scottish term loch refers to all larger bodies of standing water: bays, fjords and inland lakes. Photo taken on August 19, 2017.
Photo Details: Camera: Xiaomi Redmi 4; Exposure Time: 0.0021s (1/483); Aperture: ƒ/2.2; ISO equivalent: 100.
Eilean Donan Castle, Scotland Coordinates: 57.274028, -5.516111
Related Links
Edinburg Castle
Student Links
James Hutton: The Founder of Modern Geology
Earth Observatory
William Smith’s Geological Map of England
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ticktockstuck-ezodiac · 4 years ago
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CAROPEIA Sign of the Precarious
CAR* = Verdigris Sign • *OPEIA = Derse + Glam
#483: A sign for walkers on a thin wire, who have no choice but to keep moving forward. Analysis is not their strong suit - living for their next moments has made it difficult to focus on anything else. Verdigris signs are designed to pair up with certain chocolate and moss signs to form a larger picture, usually vehicular in nature. This sign's partners are Pupasi and Vephon.
Verdigris Signs • Glambound Signs • Derse Signs
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divine-conquer · 4 years ago
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Lucas Task 003: Home is Where the Heart Is 483 Lycus Road Icaria, Greece 3 BR. 2B Vivienne’s favorite part of the house: Small and practical Close to work Big Yard for Holly to run around and play
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bruhinb · 4 years ago
Panorama 4124 hdr pregamma 1 mantiuk08 auto lumina by bruhinb on DeviantArt
West Philadelphia Elevated Branch View from Penn Park Pedestrian Bridge 3000 Walnut St Philadelphia, PA
Prints via: Panorama 4124 hdr pregamma 1 mantiuk08 auto lumina by bruhinb on DeviantArt
(via Panorama 4124 hdr pregamma 1 mantiuk08 auto lumina by bruhinb on DeviantArt)
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