ask-de-writer · 7 months
BLUE SUN RISING, Part 2 of 3
Science Fiction
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BLUE SUN RISING, Part 2 of 3
De Writer (Glen Ten-Eyck)
4394 words
© 2024 by Glen Ten-Eyck
All rights reserved.  
This document may not be copied or distributed  on or to any medium or placed in any mass storage system except by the  express written consent of the author.
Copyright fair use rules for Tumblr users
Users  of Tumblr.com are specifically granted the following rights.  They may  reblog the story provided that all author and copyright information  remains intact.  They may use the characters or original characters in  my settings for fan fiction, fan art works, cosplay, or fan musical  compositions. All sorts of fan art, cosplay, music or fiction is actively encouraged.
The main engineering station was crowded. Everybody was looking over K'ress' shoulder as she began to set up the weapon and shield problems. It was quickly apparent that T'cass was right. Ideas began to flow freely back and forth, theory proposed by T'lass was translated to engineering reality by the others. Along the way, notes began to appear for other applications too. Before they were done, almost every system of the D'ancer was at least noted for improvements. Even the galley's snack generator had several possible improvements laid out.
K'ress thoughtfully began to generate the necessary documentation for manuals and for T.C. files. The D'ancer's automated systems were already beginning the task of producing many of the necessary components.
The tired family retreated to the galley for snacks while the D'ancer's systems did those parts of the work that they could do. They were just starting to tuck into a late dinner when the comm system signaled. Captain T'garr looked at them out of the field.
She saluted and said, “T'garr of the M'rel warship presently known as Treh's Hunt reporting. All political officers were taken alive and have been removed to Treaty Commission custody. Only a few were wounded, none seriously. Ninety five percent of the crew have agreed to Submit voluntarily to the Warrior Clan of M'rel.
“The remaining five percent of the crew agree that their situation demands Submission to either the justice system of the Treaty Commission or to the Warrior Clan but request the time to learn more of the Warrior Clan of M'rel first. This time has been granted to them. They wish to speak with members of the Warrior Clan to clear up their difficulties of understanding so that they can make proper decisions. Is this acceptable?”
Lezon smiled, ears pointed directly forward, as she replied, “Very well done, Captain T'garr. You got more of your crew to agree than I expected. We presently need to get some rest but will be happy to speak with those who need a better understanding of this complex situation. Please let the entire crew, including the ones who have not yet made up their minds, know that we respect you all and accept the Submission of those who have offered it. Expect us to come in person to your vessel about the middle of the watch after this.”
Captain T'garr nodded briskly and replied, “It will be an honor to have you aboard. T'garr out.” The field went blank.
When the D'ancer's small crew awoke, they found several messages waiting for them. One was from T'garr, reporting on the progress of repairs to the battle damage from tangling with the D'ancer earlier. One was from the Treaty Commission formally notifying them of the time, several months away, now set to begin negotiations for the new Treaty. The official delegations for the Combined Clans and the M'cratt would be coming to the TC outpost where they already were as a formal recognition of the importance of the Warrior Clan of M'rel to the Treaty Commission. The last message was a private one from the Feront. Their drive test torpedo had been launched to meet up with the Feront City Ship that was presently guarding M'rel.
Their first priority was to see what all the D'ancer's automated systems had done. It was an impressive list. Some of the things that were done, still needed the new superconducting cable harness that the Feront was manufacturing for them. Some others were completely ready to install. After breakfast snacks, they set to work, getting all that they could do installed.
A comm chime interrupted their labor. It was the Feront, cheerfully suggesting, “Friends of the Warrior Clan of M'rel! I have finished your new superconducting harness and the new power capsule for your vessel. It is suggested that you carry out your task of accepting the Submission of the Treh's Hunt while I carry out this part of your refit.
“Until all is properly installed and tested, you may take temporary quarters aboard my City ship. This will only take about two days.”
Lezon replied, “We need to finish fastening down a few parts that we made last watch. Here, I am transmitting the details to you as part of our agreement.”
T'cass was managing the torque settings of the tools and letting the kits do the actual fastening. They were delighted by the vibration and loud chattering roars of the tools!
Over the din, the Feront replied to Lezon, “Some of the items on this list of equipment that you have made will be stored in your secure hold A. They will be crated and secured as cargo. According to Treaty Commission Charter, these upgrades to weapon and shielding systems can not be installed while you are here at the base.”
T'cass nodded, “Reasonable. We will signal T'garr to send us a lighter. That way we will be out of your scales while you work here.”
The Feront made a fake scratching like a poorly groomed Clanner with fleas. “I fear, friend T'cass, that you will be more in my scales here in my City ship. Still, you are most welcome.”
The lighter was flown by a single M'cratt. She greeted them, “I am your pilot, appointed by T'garr. I have as yet earned no Name, being known as Pilot A246J34, but offer to you my Submission to the Warrior Clan of M'rel. I will fight by your side and learn from you.” She knelt and held forth a plain, smoothly polished Warrior's Knife. It was etched with the sign of the Triple Goddess.
Lezon touched the offered knife and stepped back. T'cass was next, followed by K'ress. T'cill, K'sere and T'lass touched her blade after their Clan mothers.
Lezon smiled and stated, “We, of the Warrior Clan of M'rel, take your Submission, Pilot A246J34. As you will fight by our side and learn from us, so we shall fight by your side and teach you all that we know of Conflict.”
Settling into her piloting couch and strapping in, Pilot said, “I was raised with the V'naris and the Way. When Captain T'garr presented your reasoning in being a Warrior Clan, I was amazed. I have thought hard on it since. I find no flaw and join you gladly.
“As T'garr told you, much ill is happening in the Empire. Worse, it is stemming directly from the Imperial Triad themselves. I am pleased that you are not renouncing the Way. That knowledge made it possible for me to come to you.”
As the lighter approached the Treh's Hunt, the extent of the damage caused by the D'ancer's single, well timed and accurately aimed shot became apparent. The pilot noticed that T'lass, in particular, was doing more than simply staring. She was making both images and extensive notes covering the depth, diameter, crater shape, and the extent of the hull cracks radiating from the sites of the destroyed battery and the failed shield generator.
As they completed docking, they were greeted by T'garr and some of her ranking officers. She told them, “All of those who wish to hear more before they are ready to Submit to the Warrior Clan of M'rel are gathered in our Primary Mess and General Meeting compartment.” She smiled and indicated their pilot. “A246J34 wanted to submit directly to you. I see that she did.”
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animatedtext · 11 months
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starlet-sky · 3 months
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Decided to colour these sketches cause i actually kinda like them
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witchthewriter · 1 year
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Gemini Sun | Virgo Moon | Sagittarius Rising
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starrcrossrose · 8 months
I love Rise Leo so much, if I think too hard about him I'll just start crying
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stanathaaaaaaaaaa · 3 months
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Gemini Rising
Gemini Rising mb request @riasmoodboards
Gemini risings are driven by curiosity, play, and social connection. Their adeptness at language and innate ability to connect disparate ideas and facts make them excellent storytellers and communicators. Although Gemini ascendants can be a bit flighty and have a tendency to gossip, this placement thrives on novelty, making fun an actual core value for Gemini rising. This constant search for stimulation can sometimes lead to a scattering of energies, but it’s also what makes life with a Gemini rising full of surprises (that, and lots of great party invitations!). Their adaptability and lively mind make them eternally youthful and engaging companions.he notorious air sign known for its intrinsic duality, Gemini risings are inspired by … well, everything. Folks with a Gemini ascendant see the world as an exciting place, filled with interesting people to meet and fascinating subjects to learn. They thrive on variety and are often seen juggling multiple hobbies, interests, and friend groups simultaneously, embodying the true essence of a social butterfly. Their adeptness at language and innate ability to connect disparate ideas and facts make them excellent storytellers and communicators. Although Gemini ascendants can be a bit flighty and have a tendency to gossip, this placement thrives on novelty, making fun an actual core value for Gemini rising. This constant search for stimulation can sometimes lead to a scattering of energies, but it’s also what makes life with a Gemini rising full of surprises (that, and lots of great party invitations!). Their adaptability and lively mind make them eternally youthful and engaging companions.
*The following text is from Google*
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tinyq · 2 years
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"It’s time to get up, love.”
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sesamenom · 6 months
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so in the reverse gondolin au i'm debating between having oropher & thranduil (idea courtesy of @lycheesodas) or galadriel & celeborn bring elwing to gondolin (bc i need earendil & elwing to meet in gondolin for Plot)
i'm currently leaning a bit more towards galadriel & celeborn, but here's some speculation to if legolas was born in reverse gondolin!
(also sorry for how long it took me to post this my internet was super choppy for some reason)
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echovoidedangel · 2 months
You know when you just start fixating on old Minecraft stuff? Yeah that's been me currently- here's some art of Redstoner Ross
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ask-de-writer · 8 months
BLUE SUN RISING, (Part 1 of 3)
Science Fiction
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BLUE SUN RISING, Part 1 of 3
De Writer (Glen Ten-Eyck)
4394 words
© 2024 by Glen Ten-Eyck
All rights reserved.  
This document may not be copied or distributed  on or to any medium or placed in any mass storage system except by the  express written consent of the author.
Copyright fair use rules for Tumblr users
Users  of Tumblr.com are specifically granted the following rights.  They may  reblog the story provided that all author and copyright information  remains intact.  They may use the characters or original characters in  my settings for fan fiction, fan art works, cosplay, or fan musical  compositions. All sorts of fan art, cosplay, music or fiction is actively encouraged.
Captain T'garr was led away the Treaty Commission. She was smiling. Not only had she Submitted to Lezon Treh K'lass, the long missing M'cratt War Leader, in doing so, she had secured the chance for safety for both herself and her crew. If she had not, both she and her crew would have to answer to the Treaty Commission for the unsuccessful attack on the D'ancer that had been ordered by Political Officer S'nake.
Data plates quietly came back into view. The Feront said, “While all of this interesting business has been going on, I have been working in my shops. Your drive test torpedo will be ready in about ten more hours. I have disguised it as a standard message torpedo which will be sent to my City in the system of M'rel.
“Its transit times and recovery should tell us all that we need to know about the safety of this drive system.”
Lezon nodded her thanks absently. She was working on a set of specifications for new superconducting cables based specifically on tachyon pairing. Pointing her ears at the plate in concentration, she added a last few micro key strokes with expert claws. Smiling, she handed the plate to the Feront with a cheerful, “This is under T.C. Security, according to the agreement just made. It might alter your plans for building the torpedo a tiny bit.”
The Feront's tail went dead straight and it crouched still, as if ready to spring. It said quietly, “Shall I make up a new superconducting harness for the D'ancer in addition to the other items agreed to?”
T'lass asked thoughtfully, “Will it work regardless of the drive system used? If so, please do.”
M'kah looked at T'lass and commented, “You haven't even seen what Lezon has just proposed. Isn't it a bit quick to make a judgment call like that?”
T'lass replied, “I trust mommy Lezon and I saw the Feront's reaction. Those two things tell me that the idea is good engineering. I will see it soon. That is part of my job. I have a few ideas along other theoretical lines that I am contemplating just now.”
C'rinn raised her eyebrows at that tidbit of news. Shortly, the T.C. Representatives left on their other official business.
As soon as they were alone, Lezon smiled down at T'lass and asked, “What was the Feront's news that might interest us?”
T'lass scuffed the deck with her foot and looked down as she said, “The Empire has closed K'lass' School of All Conflict. K'lass was exiled to F'roff, which is only fifteen C years from here. She has been restricted to teaching kits the elements of the V'naris as a system of hand to hand combat only.
“The range is short, an ideal test run for the new drives. The test run to F'roff would also give us the time and the chance to upgrade our firepower. It is possible that your teacher may be willing to begin a new School of All Conflict on M'rel. If she consents to do so, it will become an important part of our new planetary educational system.”
Lezon raised the kit's face with a hand under the chin and smiled at her. “This is indeed well thought of, T'lass. As soon as we have the test results back, we can do everything that you have suggested.” Pausing to ruffle T'lass' juvenile mane, she added, “There is a true Warrior lurking in your head.”
T'lass looked up into Lezon's eyes and smiled. She said, “Thank you, Mommy. Now, may I see that idea that you had for a paired tachyon superconductor? I have an idea or two of my own along those lines but I lack the engineering knowledge to be sure of them.”
Lezon smiled and handed the data plate to T'lass. Lezon silently signaled the others to be quiet. T'lass frowned and activated a textbook on her own data plate. She followed what she found with a claw tip, tracing something. She stared off at nothing for a few minutes and reset her plate to sketch mode and began to trace something out. Several times, she redid parts of her sketch. She changed modes again and began to type quickly with her claw tips on the micro keys.
She handed the data plate to Lezon, saying, “Our text is pretty basic about weapon layouts. If the text is right, this should work. I'm sure that it will be needing a lot more engineering to make it work properly. What do you think, Mommy Lezon?”
Lezon glanced at the plate and simply handed it directly to K'ress saying, “You are the best engineer among us. Will this thing do what I think it will?”
K'ress took out her own data plate and began typing and sketching. She looked up and stated, “If you think that it will punch right through the strongest shields in known space, you are right. Kit's right too. It will need a good bit of work to make it fire safely but the basic idea is sound.
“Shields usually distribute the incoming weapon energy across the entire surface of the shield and radiate it outward. This little monstrosity confines the hit into a circular eddy current that more than doubles the shield strength at the outside edge of eddy but reduces it to nearly nothing in the middle. Might be off by a fair bit on these preliminary figures but it looks like about seventy five to eighty percent of the tachyon beam energy should go right through that hole.
“If we can fit this to our present guns without any other increase in output energy we should be able to knock out a medium cruiser. If we actually do the full upgrade that T'lass has indicated, we should be able to take on almost any vessel except, possibly, a Feront City ship.
“My only reservation in that regard is shields. Ours will only upgrade about ten percent.”
T'cill and K'sere were squabbling in a good natured way over their data plates. K'sere was saying, “It's a good idea, T'cill, but it won't work like that! Here, see the problem? We need to do it some other way.”
T'cass gently scooped up their plates, looked at their work and commented, “You know, our other daughters aren't exactly stupid. I think that this will take care of your shield problems, K'ress.” She handed over the plates of the other two kits to K'ress, who studied them thoughtfully.
T'cass suggested, “Data plates are all well and good, but we should go the main engineering station and let K'ress set things up while we all comment. Everybody here seems to have good ideas and we are setting off chains of thought in each other as we sort them out. Let's see what we can do together.”
NEXT ==>
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adastra121 · 2 months
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"To be a vessel of destiny's grand design — there is no greater path."
Template from @redspringstudio. I also included the full drawing of Luneth in her priestess gown below:
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She kind of looks more princess than priestess, but I like it!
Other MC Character Lore:
Thick as Thieves (Alon the Stray Hound)
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blues-and-hues-png · 2 months
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witchthewriter · 1 year
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Pisces Sun | Aquarius Moon | Aquarius Rising
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iamneosoul · 6 months
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astrology101 · 1 year
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Aquarius Sun, Pisces Moon, and Cancer Rising✨
“And I still talk to you, when I’m screaming at the sky. And when you can’t sleep at night, you hear my stolen lullabies.” - Taylor Swift
Requested by @fluito 💫
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