#BIPOC potterheads
miscellaneousjay · 7 months
Yo BIPOC Potterheads!!!! Anyone got any good fanfic recommendations with Black Hermione, Desi Harry Potter, and all of them having positive friendships with the other (canon/fanon) witches and wizards of color? With all of the beautiful fan art I’ve seen and shamelessly revisiting Black Hermione’s Twitter account, I need a good story to go with the images! Like, I can’t get Black Hermione, Padma, Pavarti, Angelina, Cho, Lavender, Dean, and Blaze all hanging out and really bonding over being a handful of BIPOC at a PWI out of my head! Speaking of PWI, WHERE MY HAMU WITCHES AT?!
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nerdby · 5 months
Just wanted to share this video that breaks down all of the white supremacist symbolism in the Harry Potter franchise.
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franki-lew-yo · 2 years
yo btw
please don't ask me to rb or like or post any Harry Potter shite here regardless, tho. I legit never cared/liked the series outside of Hagrid or My Immortal.
It's for the good of humanity that HP be boycotted and Joanne be deplattformed and forgotten...I just think it's gonna take a push from all of us. Some of that all- the trans and BIPOC people happen to love Harry Potter regardless of it's many MANY flaws and are especially hurt by Joanne turning out to be evil all along -means buying what Potter you 'can't' stay away from from bootleggers who don't inherently fund bigoted neoliberals.
My stance isn't 'let's entertain the potterheads and treat them like they're the biggest victims here'- it's let the druggies back off slowly from their habit. Baby steps.
that's the last I hope to write for this night.
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themelessness · 3 years
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Image description: Screenshot of a Tweet from @campoakhallows founder VL Gaffney that reads, “ I’ll be honest, I thought it would be much easier than this to catch attention when I announced that I’m writing a super-queer, anti-ableist, “Harry Potter spin-off” to fund a real-life super queer and anti-ableist school for kids whose favorite trope is “Found Family.” ”
End image description.
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becky albertalli’s ‘simon vs. the homo sapiens agenda’: a review, amongst other things
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I walked into Simon vs. the Homo Sapiens Agenda fully prepared to hate it. I’d read it a grand total of one (01) time before, way back in December 2019, with very high expectations that were dashed to smithereens halfway through. On my first reading, I found it terribly cliché, vapid and utterly undeserving of the multitude of four- and five-star ratings on Goodreads.
I’m still iffy about those ratings (it’s a solid two-point-five, three at best for me), but I didn’t hate it as much the second time around. Maybe it was because my expectations were so low that the only way it could go from there was up. You could say that I almost… enjoyed it.
That didn’t stop me from scribbling a page of complaints, though.
I’ve seen many reviews hailing the book as a win for the LGBTQ+ community, for BIPOC, for YA fiction. And Albertalli’s certainly done a better job of writing the character of a homosexual male than certain others. Simon’s whole coming-out crisis is definitely relatable, and it’s definitely a relief to have a character who’s accepted their sexuality instead of one who spends roughly 200 pages whining, “bUt HoW cAn I LiKe BoY wHeN I aM bOy??”
And yet it can be so tone-deaf in other parts.
The most glaring example is at the start of the book (I doubt this constitutes as a spoiler), where Simon says (lmao), about lesbian and bisexual girls: “I think it’s different for girls. Maybe it’s easier. If there’s one thing the Tumblr has taught me, it’s that a lot of guys consider it hot when a girl is a lesbian.”
Yes, the really says ‘the Tumblr’. And it’s not the last time, either.
I find it hard to believe that Simon, a gen-Z if my calculations serve me correct, has a Tumblr account and doesn’t know about Phan, Drarry, Destiel (RIP), Larry Stylinson (yikes) and the other staple gay OTPs of gen-Z Tumblr culture. If there’s one thing the Tumblr has taught me, it’s that there are way too many gay male ships with a brunette and a blond, with predominantly female fans.
Granted, Simon’s talking about their school’s gossip blog in particular, but that can’t be the only blog he follows.
Because fetishization is so easy, am I right, ladies?
You might bring up the ‘death of the author’ paradigm; Simon’s views ≠ Becky Albertalli’s; Simon is a teenage boy and teenage boys are generally idiots- and yet it feels like this is something the author genuinely believes, because she’s also included Simon being A-okay and even flattered by his friend Leah’s gay fanart and fanfic obsession. Yeah… no. Fetishization of queer people is creepy and dehumanizing and I’ve yet to meet a single queer person who’s on board with the idea of cishets doing so.
Also, the fact that he warmed up to Martin even while he was being blackmailed is something no actual closeted queer would do, ever. I’m pretty sure I’m speaking for loads of queer people when I say that being out to someone you don’t trust is a literal nightmare- even worse when they use that against you. And this motherfucker’s all like, “Well yeah, he’s threatening to out me to everyone if I don’t set him up with my best friend, but he’s kinda funny :) I think we could be friends.”
Simon- fuck you, you smoothbrained numbskull.
Another thing I found cringey was how many pop culture references were thrown in. Why, on god’s green earth, would you name a dog Bieber? For one, that’s a godawful name; for another- Justin Bieber? Really?
I consider myself a pretty avid fan of Harry Potter (here I will insert the obligatory ‘fuck you, JKR’), and whenever I see a reference thrown in, I feel like that one Spider-Man meme. And yet there were way. too. many. in this damn book. Seriously. We get it. Simon’s a Potterhead. That’s enough.
Also, I’m obligated to cancel anyone who likes Reese’s cups. They’re fucking vile.
Other attempts at gen-Z-ing that made me want to fling myself into the nearest black hole: every time Simon said ‘I can’t even’; a pop-punk band called ‘Emoji’ (!!! the way I cringed !!!); ‘the’ Tumblr (yeah, I’m never letting that go); Nora unironically saying ‘OMG’ in a verbal conversation; the absolute LACK of One Direction references (see, this is why I love John Green); amongst others.
Simon’s got zero personality outside of his sexuality. In case you didn’t catch it the eight thousand times it was mentioned, Simon is gay. And… that’s about it.
Leah’s annoying and yet I’m ashamed to say I can sort of see where she’s coming from (I’ve had a long and illustrious history of being left out and ignored by my friends, but this is neither the time nor place to discuss my childhood trauma, so I’ll leave it at that). Her enmity with Abby was unnecessary and uncalled for. Nick’s… a Jewish guitarist? And that’s about it? Abby’s cute and quirky and lovable and I love her. Martin’s a bag of dicks plus more. It was pretty obvious to me who Blue was; if you’ve read a YA book, ever, it’s the easiest thing to guess.
The characters were painfully one-dimensional. I can imagine them existing in that particular story, but I couldn’t tell you a single thing about them outside of it. It’s like they don’t exist outside of those pages- they couldn’t be actual people, if that makes sense (it probably doesn’t, but humor me).
The family dynamic between the Spiers was believable and pretty well-written (says me, who has zero siblings). I liked how the diversity didn’t feel contrived- just enough information to tell you that Abby and Bram were black, Nick was Jewish, Blue was half-Jewish, amongst others (funnily enough, when I first read it, I thought the exact opposite). The dialogue between characters felt pretty natural, too.
In conclusion: was Simon vs. the Homo Sapiens Agenda a perfect LGBTQ+ novel? I’ve read objectively better works on Ao3 (seriously, those of you who look down on fanfiction are missing out on some quality stuff), but it’s a pretty standard Wattpad-worthy story. It has its issues, and it’s far from the best thing I’ve ever read, and it’s not going on my favorites list anytime soon. You’re not missing out on anything if you choose to not read it, I can guarantee you that. But it’s a decently fun read, and perfect if you want something to while away an afternoon- it’s hardly going to take up too many hours to get through.
And would you look at that- I finally managed to write a review without a single spoiler (admittedly, there’s nothing to spoil outside of Blue’s identity, but let me have this).
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nerdby · 6 months
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nerdby · 1 year
🛑Do Not Interact🛑
Supporters of AI Anything
~Formerly Known As meow-meow-nerd~
Hey, peeps, Welcome To Incelgate❣️
This is my multi fandom nerdy, nostalgia and kidcore blog. I talk about all kinds of things here -- politics, books, comic books and comic book movies (mostly Marvel), movies and TV, video games
And my life as a queer age regressor.
I am neurodivergant and have a myriad of mental health issues, including PTSD and agoraphobia. I age regress to help me process trauma and relieve stress in safe, healthy ways like coloring or cuddling stuffies or whatever. I post lots of cutesy stuff here.
My age regression is 100% SAFE FOR WORK. It's not a kink.
Most age regressors on Tumblr have little space sideblogs. The reason why I do not have one is because I feel the best way to normalize adult age regression is by having it all out in the open with adult issues. For a lot of people, myself included, age regression is involuntary and is triggered by something that reminds us of our childhood. It is just another part of our personality. So why should we have to keep it separate from other aspects of our day-to-day lives and hide it???
This is just my personal opinion and I understand if other age regressors disagree with me. Because I have faced harassment for being open about my regression, even by therapists and social workers.
What is Incelgate?
Incelgate is a notion I've been toying with for a while: A movement to reclaim comic book nerddom from the eugenicist, fascist, incels who are trying desperately to push women, BIPOC, and queer people out of the comic book nerd, and gamer community. Because I hate fascists and because I took oath to live my life in a way that would make Steve Rogers and Fred Rogers proud of me. And not just them -- the creators of Marvel.
Because Marvel has been antifascist literature since 1941, motherfuckers. That means if you're scum who votes for republican or democrat, and thinks that we should all just make room for fucking racist, misogynistic, queerphobic, ableist jackasses then Joe Simon, Jack Kirby, and Stan Lee wouldn't claim you. And I don't, either😘
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