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elsolaer · 1 year ago
@lalunear protag crossover GO!
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stellewriites · 1 month ago
hbd to meeee :3
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ancientforgcd · 14 days ago
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Ice-Nihility, the fc of Ana and a Self-Annihilator.
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Her other form is when she's truly basked in IX's Shadow and a burst mode when her ult activates.
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nazbruhh · 2 years ago
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caughtinanotherworld · 2 years ago
Ich will nur noch einmal betonen, dass das hier keine Influencer Karriere ist. Ich hätte nicht gedacht, das es Leute gibt, die es falsch lesen. Ich habe keine Halluzinationen oder schizophrene Episoden oder lebe ein Doppelleben, aber wenn man mehr über mich wissen will, sollte man echt Paul & Robin kontaktieren. So hatte es alles angefangen. Ne, wir waren keine fremden Seelenverwandten und Bffs. Und wenn man es nicht versteht, dann wahrscheinlich weil man es eigentlich gar nicht lesen sollte. Das hier ist kein Ort für traurige Leute, um sich im selbst erstellen Konkurrenzkampf besser zu fühlen. Ich will mich einfach besser fühlen, ich habe mich richtig lange schlecht gefühlt. Ich denke es ist nach der ganzen Sache ziemlich berechtigt. Sonst muss ich davon ausgehen, dass man das nur bei mir machen kann, als ob ich die gelbe Mülltonne für den Frust anderer Leute bin. Und alles immer einfach so hinnehmen muss. Mir reicht es nie, ich habe immer noch so viel wirren Hass. Aber es ist nie grundlos.
-> Nicht wie andere Leute. Die sich wegen irgendwelchen Typen ganze Zeit zwanghaft mit mir vergleichen wollen. Oder einen wie ein Zootier beobachten und nachstellen, um selbst erstellte Theorien zu beantworten. Noch bisschen mehr Schnapps, dann findet man vielleicht noch ein bisschen mehr. Etwas was besser schmeckt. Gut gemeinte Sorgen der besorgten Bürger, Affären und Freunde. Am Ende wird man wieder random auserwählt und durch den Dreck gezogen, damit sich andere besser fühlen, obwohl sie nichts mit der Sache zu tun haben. Ich mach es sonst auch und wenn sich Leute zu oft auf mich fixieren, fixiere ich mich auch auf sie. Ich will dann immer wissen warum sie sich mit mir beschäftigen. Und meine wirren Gedanken möchten nicht korrigiert werden, weil sie immer stimmen.
So, also zuerst war ich nicht gut genug für den zwielichtigen Psycho und Bff Ex-Nachbar, Robin. Obwohl er mir mit seinem Papi bei der Kripo ein besseres Leben ermöglichen wollte und mich von der Straße geholt hätte (*Sarkasmus). Wir waren ein geheimes, fremdes Paar. Ich war undankbar für die Aufmerksamkeit und seine Sorgen. Und jetzt bin ich wieder nicht gut genug für Kripo Tristl, obwohl ich nicht danach gefragt habe, erneut auserwählt zu werden. Jetzt kriege ich ganze Zeit Frust seiner komischen Hyänen ab, weil er die vorher nicht geheiratet hat oder eine Beziehung mit denen eingegangen ist. Aber ich habe mit dem auch nichts zu tun??? Wurden einfach so hingehalten und suchen schon so lange einen korrekten, sicheren Partner. Sie waren so besorgt, dass er keinen Spaß haben wird oder halt nur kurzzeitig. Am Ende müssten Carmen und Öko Sandy vorbeikommen und alles richten. Jetzt wird wieder so getan als ob ich mit meinen gelben Händen versucht habe, einen Mann ins Verderben zu ziehen. Die Hände sind da wo sie nicht sein sollten! Andere warten schon länger auf einen Ring und ich spiele wieder schlitzäugiges Reh und Hochstaplerin, die alles wegnehmen will. Besorgte Bürger& friends wären bei einer guten deutschen, reinblütigen Frau weniger besorgt. Irgendwas muss ja stimmen, dann muss man sich fucking creepy aufführen und immer wieder testen ob iCh auCh wiRkliCh reAgiere. Nicht das hier jemand später ausgenommen wird, aber ist vielleicht auch nur eine Phase, die bald vorbei ist. Bald haben sich alle eingekriegt. Der Fall der notgeilen Freaks. Kann man die Verrückte trotzdem ficken? Man merkt gar nicht wie gestört die ist, die wirkt so normal. Es kommt mir so bekannt vor. Die Verdächtige gibt sich nachts immer die Kante und erinnert sich dann am nächsten Tag nicht mehr, wie schizophren sie schriftlich ausgeschweift ist. Hier wird eventuell wieder ein Doppelleben gelebt, irgendwas wird wieder verheimlicht und simuliert, damit es AnDErE miTkriEgen. Einer muss ein Auge auf das Schlitzauge werfen, Kripo Tristl naht sonst bald ein ausländischer, sozialer Untergang. Und wenn man hier nichts findet, muss man sich halt auf andere Leute fokussieren. Dann baut man Verbindungen, vielleicht kriegt man irgendwann ein stimmiges Gesamtbild. Beim anderen stimmt was nicht, riecht zu sehr wie Ausländer, die schriftlich wunde Punkte trifft.
Was wäre, wenn ich leben würde wie die wütenden Hyänen, Öko Sandy, Schizophrene Lauren oder Anna, die Fragwürdige etc.. Die es lieben zu spekulieren und sich durch mich unbedingt besser fühlen wollen, aber gar nicht wissen worum es geht. Dabei RuiNIere ich IhRE Leben mit meinen ausschweifenden Fixierungen, aber die müssen ja nicht stimmen. Darf man heutzutage nichts mehr sagen? Meinungen können frei gebildet werden, aber ich muss sie nicht in Hörweite mitkriegen, vor allem wenn man keinen verfickten Sarkasmus versteht und rumkreischt wie Verrückte. Und ich dachte immer, ich bin die ewig Gestörte. Aber kann man es mir verübeln. 🤪 Nur ich, ich und meine Mami lesen diesen Blog, alles safe.
Ich wünschte ich hätte so interessante Leben wie die Hyänen, da gibt es viel mehr zu reden. Ich will meine schizophrene Aufmerksamkeit teilen. Was wenn ich auch eine ehemalige örtliche Dorfnutte wäre, die in die Großstadt gezogen ist, um einen seriösen Neuanfang zu beginnen. Der Beginn eines seriösen Lebens, eventuell bei der Polizei Berlin oder halt darunter. Jeden Tag neuer Name, andere Arbeitszeiten, andere Arbeitsorte, Liebschaften, andere Wohnverhältnisse, gemogelte Ausbildung, SpAß (oder wie auch immer das heißt), I dunno. So kurz 👌🏼davor einen seriösen, sicheren Typen abzugreifen oder einem ein Kind unterzujubeln, der nichts von meiner Vergangenheit weiß. Jemand, der außerhalb meiner sozialen Reichweite ist und mich auf der sozialen Leiter direkt nach oben schiebt. Meine Auswahl ist sonst sehr begrenzt, mich will sonst keiner oder halt nicht das was ich will. Ich hätte mein Doppelleben verheimlicht und meine duNklE Vergangenheit hinter mir gelassen. Bald hätte ich einen Ring gehabt und würde nicht so leben wie jetzt. In Berlin ist alles egal. Außer man will so einen konservativen Typen, dann darf keiner von der Dorfnutten Vergangenheit wissen, auch wenn man dann selbst durch Schreianfälle in der Öffentlichkeit für Aufmerksamkeit sorgt. Da wurde gerade voll lieb simuliert und dann geriet alles ins wanken. Mit Aussicht auf einen Ring ist alles andere plötzlich nebensächlich. Man nimmt jeden gut situierten Typen den man im dating game hat, duh, aber Konkurrenz ist überall. Genau wie Minderwertigkeitskomplexe, Hochmut und die Wahrheit. Bei mir ist es nie ohne Grund.
#Leute sollten echt aufhören ihren Frust und ihre Schizophrenie an mir auszuleben#Bin es so leid immer von faltigen hässlichen labbrigen Frauen und komischen alten Säcken von der Seite angebellt zu werden#Die P&C Muttis ohne Kinder wollen mir immer sagen wie man Spaß hat 🤪#Aber einen Spiegel haben die Zuhause trotzdem nicht oder Zeit für Faltencreme#Am besten finde ich mollige faltige Frauen die mir sagen wollen wie sehr ich zugenommen habe. Bruh#Wenn ich so aussehen würde wäre ich einfach ruhig#Ich renne niemanden hinterher und lese ihnen was mit Megafon vor#Und renne wie eine hungrige Ratte im Kreis rum und beobachte fremde Menschen beim leben um was zu finden worüber man lästern kann#Verzweifelt auf der Suche nach Schnipseln für die eigene Story#Es kommt mir so bekannt vor 🌝#Diese Frauen beschäftigen sich ein bisschen zu sehr mit einer schizophrenen bösen Migrantin#Fast so schlimm wie sehr fragwürdige Frauen die einem öfters nachschreien dass man seine Staatsschulden begleichen soll#Oder sofort Bafög zurückzahlen soll weil man im Edeka nach Bio-Aufbackbrötchen gegriffen hat#Hier fließt zu viel Geld. Hier wohnen bestimmt Illegale. Jemand besitzt zu viele Jacken. Maren & Carmen & Co suchen Glücksgefühle#Ich alleine bin einfach zu langweilig. Richtig krasse Kripo Leute müssen sich dann immer eigene Storys zusammenschneiden#Nach den arabischen Clans bin ich gleich an zweiter Stelle.#IcH hAbe gehÖrt… jEmand hat GesAgt … Ich habe es so aufgeschnappt…#TrisTan ruFt mich niCht zurüCk. DAs muss er sich noch einmal überlegen#Wie viele gutE deutsche-deutsche Frauen gibt es hier und der will die verrückte komische ViEtnamesin?#Irgendwie sehr unsicher und kindisch. Also wie die Frauen die er gerne fickt aber ca. 8-10 Jahre jünger#Nur weitaus hübscher#Was ist mit einer richtigen guten Frau? Süße liebe Lauren. Die ist voll normal. NPD Steffi oder Humana Sandy?#Andere Mütter haben auch normale hübsche Töchter ja. Sie ist unzurechnungsfähig#Das Schlitzauge würde ihm die Haare im Schlaf abschneiden. Seinen Hund auf den Grill packen und dann sein Portmonnaie klauen#Um auf der Straße Koks zu kaufen#Dann blinkt er und wacht in einer Marzahner Platte auf#Augen auf bei der Partnerwahl :(
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arthenaa · 1 year ago
house of arthena — masterlist, introductory, and rules
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writer: athen/ayen | 20 | he/him | sapphic | INFP-T
occupation: freelance artist, college student, writer
birthday: 10/04/2003
nationality: 🇵🇭
kins (can be best compared to irl): mizu, caelus, ominis, ren amamiya, sun jing (physical wise), geto suguru
media — blue-eyed samurai, jujutsu kaisen, shingeki no kyojin, chainsaw man, detroit become human, red dead redemption, hogwarts legacy, persona 5 royal, valorant, honkai star rail, genshin impact
artists — nct (all units but prefers dream), riize, lesserafim, newjeans, bada lee, lee youngji, laufey, kiss of life, exo
will write for the following — mizu, gojo satoru, geto suguru, ieri shoko, nanami kento, fushiguro megumi, kugisaki nobara, zenin maki, okkotsu yuuta, eren jaeger, pieck finger, mikasa ackerman, armin arlert, annie leonhart, makima, quanxi, power, aki hayakawa, denji, connor (all rk series), john marston, arthur morgan, sebastian sallow, ominis gaunt, imelda reyes, ren amamiya, akechi goro, jett, cypher, sage, reyna, neon, fade, iso, gekko, chamber, yoru, sova, jingyuan, danheng, blade, kafka, seele, albedo, xiao, kaeya, raiden ei, yae miko, alhaitham, childe, knave, nct dream, bada lee, hong seunghan, park wonbin, lee sohee, huh yunjin, kim chaewon, byun baekhyun, do kyungsoo
read more to check rules and list of works!
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rules (for requesting)
— writer has the right to refuse request
— writer is a full-time college student and a part-time freelance artist doing commissions, there is no set time that he will upload and post said requests
— only refer to the list above when requesting (if your character despite in the same media listed above is not included, you may dm the writer if he is willing to write the request or simply state it in the request ask linked on his bio)
— writer prefers writing in gender-neutral terms or she/her pronouns, he will use this unless stated otherwise so make sure to include it in your requests
— nsfw is okay but always keep in mind rule 1
— writer appreciates reactions such as comments or reposts with messages a lot! <3 it just makes writing fun and enjoyable to know that his readers are enjoying his works :)
— writer will only do oneshots or 2-3 chapter works, (oneshots with multiple parts under the same theme eg. modern!au mizu or nocturne(interlude)!mizu are counted as oneshots under the same theme. they can be read as solo or just under the same category) longer chapter series will be done through commissions.
— if reader wishes to commission, refer to pinned.
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Blue-Eyed Samurai
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nocturne (interlude) (p1)
my love mine all mine (p2)
blurred lines (roommate!mizu)
mizu as your roommate (pre-blurred lines)
creative team lead!mizu x concept artist!reader
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Jujutsu Kaisen
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can't think right, too tongue tied, it must be love
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Hogwarts Legacy
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Masterlist here
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Honkai Star Rail
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Feelings with Kafka 18+
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mizu x oc! blurred lines
nier x sebastian hogwarts legacy
seb x mc commission
nier and nora (ocs hl)
stelle x asta
ominis x mc x seb
tbotb concept art hl series
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If you have any concerns or questions you'd like to ask, click the question mark emoji on my blog bio! or if you want to support me as an artist hehe listed below is my kofi. tysm!
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tillthelandslide · 1 year ago
Insufferable Arsehole Part 12 : (When In Rome) : I'm Just Fine 'Cause I Know That You Are Mine Insta AU (pt.1)
a/n: hiiiiii everyone, this is a little sneak peak into the next chapter of IA I guess (i'll probably post it tonight <3) hope you enjoy.
Taglist: @scooby-doodoo @thereisaplaceintheheart @theoriginalwhatsername @eaglestar31 @thefrontofmymind @fallingforel @partoftheairforce @procrastinatinglikeapro @poisonmedaddy13 @xthe1975 @all-things-fic @jstbeeingme @rossgirly @juliardk @you-muppet @moodyyyychickx (add yourself using the link in my bio 😊)
Series Masterlist
Previous Part
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thisislou alexa play 'oh daddy' by fleetwood mac
Liked by charli_xcx, mynameismia, rass1975, trumanblack and 439,102 others
trumanblack you're insatiable
↳ thisislou you love me
↳ trumanblack i do
mynameismia ew gross...
↳ thisislou just block me at this point
charli_xcx i swear to god, this rat better count himself lucky
↳ trumanblack i do, trust me
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trumanblack Amore mio @thisislou
Liked by thisislou, jamieoborne, rass1975 and 672,198 others
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thislou I love you so much Mr Healy
jamieoborne poor bloke had to silence his comments
↳ trumanblack too many comments saying she's too good for me... as if I dont already know
↳ thisislou ignore them my love, you're perfect for me
rass1975 come back, starting to miss you both over here
bedforddanes only one worthy of her is you mate
1975adam <3
healytymd you think you're cool for writing the caption in Italian... have to agree with the haters that say she's too good for you bro :P
↳ trumanblack 🖕🏼
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thisislou the only one worthy of my love is you, you have redefined love itself and exceeded every fantasy i ever had of true love. You are my person, always. They don't know the Matty I know, the Matty the boys know. The Matty that loves his friends so deeply, the Matty that worries about his fans and whether they got home safely after a gig, the Matty that wishes he could call his mum more or visit her and hug her more. The Matty that hugs his brother too tight every time he sees him so he doesn't forget how it feels. The Matty that loves me, so fiercely every. dam. day. That's my Matty, the one who deserves my love @trumanblack
Liked by trumanblack, rass1975, bedforddanes and 891,284 others
Comments on this post have been limited
rass1975 our matty
bedforddanes we love you mate
healytymd love you bro
densie_welch thats my boy
1975adam couldn't have said it better
trumanblack you're the best of me, my love
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trumanblack my beautiful girl
Liked by thisislou, 1975adam, charli_xcx and 568,129 others
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thisislou missed opportunity for the caption: you share my shirt, looks so good
↳ trumanblack not using my own lyrics as a caption love
↳ thisislou booooo bad boyfriend
↳ trumanblack you're annoying but I love you
↳ trumanblack it's flipped, I promise you we didn't get engaged or married (much to my disappointment trust me)
charli_xcx you lucky lucky man
thisislou via her stories:
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caption: my love @trumanblack
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thisislou Italy has been one of the best experiences of my life. This moment right here was a beautiful one, Matty and I saw an old couple on the beach with this really old camera (he went on about how cool it was and how it was rare... I didn't care but he rambled and it was cute). The couple came over to us and (despite the language barrier) explained how they took some photos of us and how they wanted to gift them to us... We gave the address of the place we were staying at and two days later the photos arrived. This is our favourite. I'll never be able to truly thank the couple for this moment, it was beautiful. They said our love is L'amor che move il sol e l'altre stelle: The love that moves the sun and the other stars. I loved that. To my Matty, I love you more than words can ever describe, thank you for the best holiday ❤️
Liked by trumanblack, mynameismia, rass1975 and 783,118 others
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trumanblack I love this so much
trumanblack I love you
mynameismia the best couple
bedforddanes this is cute... cant wait to see you both
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maochira · 1 year ago
request rules - read before requesting!
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Mao/Mai/Melody - 20 - they/them - aroacespec
raian's little sister and favourite little pest - the kure clan's angel - aroacespec - interactions from @maobun-uwu
SFW blog for: Fire Emblem (Three Houses and Engage) - Blue Lock - Kengan Ashura (+Omega) - Baki - Ao Ashi - occasionally other interests
masterlists - blog rules - tags - list of my fav characters
requests are currently OPEN. asks are also open for questions and to talk to me, but don't vent or overshare about your life - i write gn!reader, male!reader, fem!lesbian!reader and transfem!reader
german lyric translation:
bio: no matter how loud you are, you don't speak for me
ask button: i'm against it!
pinned: i'm the flaw in the system, i get in the way, i'm unbearable. - you think you're the good guys if you "liberate" the world with hate. - and if you bow down dutifully, I'll be the one who stops - you become loud, your words empty and everyone runs after you. - no way, i'm against it!
"von wegen" can also be translated as a swear/curse like "my ass" but the literally translation is "no way" (-> "i'm against it, my ass!")
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chilumitos · 2 years ago
★ — 𝗵𝗼𝗻𝗸𝗮𝗶 𝘀𝘁𝗮𝗿 𝗿𝗮𝗶𝗹 random 𝗆𝖾𝗆𝖾 bios.
welt nao eh assim que mexe no zapi
himeko metade mulher metade bissexual
gepard tira a roupa que hj eu vou te comer
sampo suas teta estao saindo pra fora
eu e blade cometendo atrocidades
nao quero falar c viado hj (jing yuan)
vai lavar as louças vadia sim senhora kafka
sou bissexual amo homens e stelle ☝️
ai dr. natasha me sinto tao doentinho 🤒
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elsolaer · 2 years ago
           ·˚    WHICH RAGE LANGUAGE ARE YOU? — taken by stelle.
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STEP BACK. usually, you're able to bottle up your emotions and ignore the frustrations. but, after weeks of shoving everything down, your body needs a release, and i pity the poor person who managed to piss you off. it's screaming crying, shouting, kicking lockers, whatever you can do to get it out of your system. it's a whole jean grey moment, fire and fury blasting out of you.
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TAGGED BY: @zajevre <333
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ninjaturtlecosmo · 21 days ago
Since I created Stell and Lita, I've been debating who the hell to ship Stella with...... and I think I've finally come up with a solution xD For the record, I know not all OCs or characters in general need to be shipped with someone, but, i just love shipping, I've been nuts about romance ever since I was introduced to the Disney Princess and Barbie movies at a young age xD Yes, I blame Barbie, Aladdin, Cinderella, Beauty and The Beast and Little Mermaid for influencing my love for romance so long ago..... Not so much Snow White or Sleeping Beauty since I barely remember those movies and I don't think Phillip or Snow White's prince had a lot of screen time anyway, lol. Pocahontas I didn't get into until last year, and I don't think I fully watched Mulan until I was 13, and Princess and The Frog and Tangeled both came out when I was on the cusp of being a preen teen, so I'm talking about movies from my early childhood. Anyway, as far a shipping Stella with someone, I had an idea xD
So picture that Elmore Junior High is having some sort of parent teacher night in the gym, and all the kids have their parents with them..... They have these type of events at least once a month so parents can be caught up on their kids' progress, but for the most part, Steve has been the one in charge of going over Lita's progress at school during these events and has told Stella to just stay home so that she can avoid being anywhere near Harold when he and Jackie are there to go over Tobias and Rachel's progress...... If you read my bio on Stella, then you know exactly why she's trying to avoid being around Harold. Anyway, one particular parent-teacher night, Harold isn't coming to the school and Jackie is the one in charge of talking to the teachers, whether it be because Harold is sick, or he had some sort of business meeting to attend to..... or we can even assume he's being his scumbag self and having an affair with some other woman in Elmore (Come on, after that time he tried replacing Jackie with Gazelle, you know he'd be the type to cheat on his own wife), but because Harold isn't gonna be there, Stella feels safe coming to the school to talk with all of Lita's teachers, while also catching up with old classmates she hasn't seen since graduation..... While also meeting newer faces among the parents that she hasn't met before..... One of them being a very attractive robot woman by the name of B3-TRICE, or Beatrice for a simpler name, who just so happens to be Bobert's single mom xD Since she never actually appeared in the show, just imagine a very humanoid looking, very attractive female robot with some of the same physical traits as Bobert, I'll have to see if I can make a Picrew picture of this character somehow xD But anyway, Stella makes eye contact with Beatrice, and it's just love at first sight for her xD Like, homegirl hasn't been this starstruck over a crush since her teenage days when she was crushing on Nicole xD And she's immediately like "I must get to know her so I can ask her out" xD And now I'm imagining this ensuing when everyone is in the gym mingling together xD
Stella:*staring at Beatrice from afar*........ Hey, bro..... who's that?
Steve, drinking some punch: Hm? Oh, that's Beatrice. She's Bobert's mom, the little robot kid that Lita spends time with. I don't know her too well, but she's nice enough. She's always really attentive when it comes to Bobert's needs.
Stella:......... Hypothetically, do you think Lita would want Bobert as a stepbrother one day?
Steve:.........*just quietly stares at her, knowing exactly what she's implying*
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aidenlydia · 11 months ago
Ganz kurze Frage, in deiner Bio steht ja they/them, was soll man dann auf Deutsch sagen?
Weil Ich ne dissoziative Identitätsstörung habe sind wir mehrere Leute im selbem Körper. Singuläre Pronomen passen da also nich wirklich, außer man ist sehr gut befreundet und kennt sich. Also stell dir einfach vor du sprichst zu ner Gruppe von Menschen anstatt nur einem; da kommen die richtigen Worte schon von alleine raus :D
Aber falls es dich interessiert wie andere Nichtbinäre Menschen in Deutsch gerne angesprochen werden kannste dich hier mal durchlesen
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ancientforgcd · 14 days ago
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"We’re all travelers in this endless journey, bound by choices and curiosity. But what’s waiting at the end of the tracks?" -Stelle
General Info:
Name: Stelle Title: Trailblazer Age: 18–21 Birthday: Unknown (Awakened on the Astral Express) Race: Human (Stellarion-Enhanced) Gender: Female Occupation: Member of the Astral Express Crew Allegiance: Astral Express, Trailblazers, Nameless Handedness: Right-handed Height: 170 cm Eye Color: Gold with a faint Stellarion glow Hair Color: Ash blonde Misc: Her aura subtly changes depending on her current Path resonance (Destruction or Preservation).
Stelle is curious, determined, and resilient. After waking up with no memories, she focuses on uncovering the truth about herself and her place in the universe. Despite her uncertain past, she moves forward with a clear sense of purpose, learning and adapting as she travels with the Astral Express.
Initially reserved and blunt, Stelle’s personality begins to shine as she grows closer to the Astral Express crew. Her sense of humor is dry and subtle, often catching others off guard with sarcastic quips. Beneath her quiet exterior, she’s empathetic and quick to act when someone is in need, taking her role as a Trailblazer seriously.
Stelle’s strength comes not only from her combat abilities but also from her adaptability. Whether wielding destructive power or protecting her allies, she faces challenges with steady resolve. The camaraderie she finds aboard the Astral Express gives her a sense of belonging, and she values the bonds she’s built along her journey.
Stelle’s journey began on the Herta Space Station, where she awoke as the host of a Stellarion. With no memory of her past, she quickly became entangled in the mission to protect the universe from the destructive forces of the Stellaron. The Astral Express crew welcomed her aboard, offering her a purpose and a path forward.
As a Trailblazer, Stelle traverses various worlds, confronting conflicts shaped by Stellaron corruption. Through each encounter, she learns more about her mysterious connection to the Stellarion and the greater truths hidden in the universe.
Stelle’s bond with the Astral Express crew is a cornerstone of her journey. They guide her, challenge her, and help her discover who she wants to be. Though she grapples with the implications of her Stellarion-enhanced existence, she remains steadfast in her resolve to chart her own path.
Her experiences across worlds - be it Belobog’s icy despair or the chaotic brilliance of the Xianzhou Luofu - forge her into a determined Nameless, someone who believes in choice, growth, and the unyielding spirit of exploration.
Stellarion Resonance: As the host of a Stellarion, Stelle can channel immense energy, manifesting her power through the Paths of Destruction and Preservation.
Adaptable Combat Style: She wields a colossal bat in her Destruction state, delivering devastating blows. When resonating with Preservation, she manifests protective barriers and wields energy to shield her allies.
Trailblazer’s Instinct: Stelle’s connection to the Astral Express allows her to harness environmental Ether, granting her an edge in Hollow Zones and against Stellaron corruption.
Energy Manipulation: Her Stellarion core allows her to manipulate energy in explosive or defensive forms.
Stelle has a subtle habit of stargazing when no one is looking, often mulling over the vastness of the universe and her place within it.
She has a soft spot for sweet foods, especially desserts from Belobog like Supreme Guardian's Delight.
Her sarcastic remarks are a source of humor among the crew, though her deadpan delivery often confuses newcomers.
Stelle collects trinkets from each world she visits, keeping them as reminders of her journey and the people she’s helped.
Despite her stoic appearance, Stelle enjoys spending time with Pom-Pom, often indulging the conductor’s quirks.
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jetaime03 · 3 months ago
Ciao a tutti.
Nel corso della mia vita ho scritto innumerevoli volte chi io sia e su chi io sia davvero.
Un espressione che ho coniato è stata "quando penserai a me, pensa a tutte le cose sbagliate" e forse, anche io sono ultima per sentirmi prima, anche io sono ancora le cose sbagliate.
Molte volte io mi vedo come una Dea(non prendetemi per pazza), non come se fossi venerata ma come se mi venerassi io: mi vedo preziosa, proprio come le cose piccole che non costano niente, ma che hanno un grande valore come la gentilezza e il calore di un abbraccio. Quando pensi a me pensa al vento fresco sulla faccia: sono puro spirito che incontra la materia, amore che si sente non solo tra le gambe ma dentro al cuore; e perché no, anche con il desiderio di amare in modo carnale, concreto, sicuro e stabile. Ma molte volte, riflettendo, incontro la mia solitudine, non quella di chi è arrivato a capolinea ma quella di chi è da solo con sé stesso: essere l'artefice del mio destino, essere quella bambola, magari non vuota ma piena di occhioni grandi color nocciola che dentro c'hanno pure il proprio cuore e qualcosa di più; o i capelli folti arruffati che più li accarezzi più li vuoi arruffare perché vuoi prenderti tutto e lasciare il tuo passaggio. Quando pensi a me pensa alle cose che vanno a puttane, molte volte vorrei sulla pelle tramite segni rossi o tramite carezze: non è da tutti farsi vedere fragili, deboli, con la forza che viene meno e che ti porta a cadere e a dimenticarti davvero chi sei fino a depositarti come incresciosa e dimenticata polvere sui mobili. Ho capito che incontro solo e soltanto anime disgraziate, anime che hanno sofferto e che per un po'di calore hanno deciso di bruciare: maybe i am in this type of people. Se ti parlo di me ti parlo di un principe e di una principessa, ti parlo di un maschiaccio e di una femminuccia, ti parlo del principe che ho dentro: lui ti sorride, ti tende una mano, è gentile e sicuro di sé avanza con regalità nella vita; cammina con dignità come un leone senza mai perdere la tenerezza verso sé stesso e chi lo circonda: è dignitosamente autorevole. Poi vorrei parlarti della principessa: lei è il fuoco bruciante che alimenta la notte e la illumina, è quella forza dirompente di chi deve ed è forte oltre che scomoda. Lei è quella forza che ti spinge ad alzare la testa, lei è la mano che trovi in fondo al tuo braccio per essere rialzata* dopo ogni brutta caduta: è il coraggio, è quella voglia matta e sinuosa di esistere e viversi, è come se fosse una lupa che esiste nel cosmo. Se ti parlo di me ti parler�� della mia voglia matta di vivere senza slanci, perché so che le passioni, quelle vere e vivide le vivo nel qui ed ora. Ti parlerò delle mani che ho dato e che mi hanno incontrato, non solo sulle mani ma sul viso: schiaffi morali. Ti parlerò di me, del mio mondo, del mare e di mille altre cose: ti parlerò del tuo sorriso che sa essere bellissimo perché hai affrontato così tante cose che splende come le più luminose stelle nelle notti più belle di giugno.
Ti parlerò del dolore e di quanto è difficile affrontarlo, specie col cuore fragile che c'ho, o forse con la testa mia bastarda incazzata che non smette di avere pensieri e di pensare. Voglio un cuore di scorta, ma proprio quando ti vedo sorridere insieme a me capisco traboccante di orgoglio per me stesso, felicità, forza amore e pazienza assieme a mille altre debolezze. Ti parlerò di come aggiusto me stessa per far vedere il cuore, perciò leggimi, come se fossi una poesia piena di musica ma dal significato nascosto come fiori ermetici e delicati, questo perché l'amore è quel sentimento che si sente subito ma che si capisce quando si cresce. Perciò amami, amati, con tutto quello che hai addosso; questo perché io ho tutto di me e prendo tutto di te, se ne vale la pena. Perciò ricordatelo anche tu nonostante tutto anima disgraziata: anche tu hai un bellissimo sorriso. -Valentina, Joshua.
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sb19alexx · 1 year ago
We, A'tin WILL ALWAYS BE HERE FOR YOU. NO MATTER WHAT! As my bio said, ONCE A MAHALIMA, ALWAYS A MAHALIMA 💙 and... I agree, REBRANDING to BETTER than DISBANDING! We gotcha bois. And to all A'tin out there, OUR MAHALIMA NEEDS US! Pat yourselves. We can do this together! So, PABLO, JOSH, STELL, KEN and JUSTIN! KAYA NATIN TO!!!
Love, A'tin 💙
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ihatechosingnames · 2 years ago
Another Star Rail Theory: the Stellaron Hunters
Star Rail is my new brain rot and since I have done all the Trailblazers Quest, waiting for the new updates, I have nothing to do but dish out theories. First of all, what do we know about the Stellaron Hunters? They attacked Herta's Space station to steal and use the Stellaron collected inside for a vessel, the MC. Then, they go out of their way to get inside Xianzhou, get captured, hacking their system to let the Astral Express dock, all for making the Astral Express and Xianzhou allies. Through the dialogue, we witness that most of their actions are because of Elio and his prophecies.
First: Kafka
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The first person the MC remembers, for unknown reasons, and also the first person to give us sensible information. What I think is that Kafka is usually the spokesperson for Elio and his plans. The mission to steal the Stellaron could have been given solely to Silver Wolf for her hacking skill, but Kafka has an importance to the mission regarding choosing the vessel and making sure that said vessel remembers her and only her, mostly for creating a link between them? So Stelle is more likely to believe or at least stop and listen to what she has to say. Even the mission to create an occasion to make the Astral Express and Xianzhou allies could have been given only to Blade, mostly because I think Blade is from Xianzhou, but the Stellaron Hunters went further: by capturing Kafka, there was this chance to talk directly to her and being told "our" mission, fighting Nanook. So, from her bio, Kafka is trusted by Elio and probably shares his same objectives.
Second: Silver Wolf
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Silver Wolf is Bronya. Let's skip to Blade. Just Kidding. There is nothing to speculate too much. She is a genius hacker and her fight with Screwllum is legendary. She has the power to hack into reality, and from her look, she looks more like the Herrsher of Reason. It's strange how she looks like a younger Bronya when in the game we already have a Bronya who is called Bronya. And second, the name. Silver Wolf like the alias used by Bronya in HI3. Coincidences? Maybe she is Bronya but from a more cyber-like world? Funny that her element is Quantum.
Third: Blade
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Oh boy. OH BOY. His past with Dan Heng, the light scone "Nowhere to Run" and "The Unreachable Side", all points to him being a true immortal. He dies time and time again, but it's not a definitive death. He actually keeps living and chase after Dan Heng for unknown reasons.
One thing in common between the three of them is that their names don't look like names at all. They look like codenames or nicknames. Then we have Elio, the leader of the Stellaron Hunters. And because of him, here's my theory:
Elio is lookig at a bigger picture. He is doing, or is making Kafka and the others do, a lot of actions that will brought a most likely future that he foresaw. He probably follows the saying "the end justifies the means". He doesn't care what happens to the people if doing so it's going to save the Universe. Example: Kafka during our interrogation said that Elio foresaw Stelle asking three questions, if Kafka hears one of them she should say everything she knew. So, it's possible that if Stelle asked the wrong question, Kafka would have been silent. And if we look at THIS angle, he's creating something that is able to kill an Aeon. To kill a specific Aeon. They are hunting Stellarons, that are made by Nanook. Stellarons are said to leave destruction where they are. The Stellarons Hunters try to obtain said Stellarons and don't care too much what happen to the worlds they left behind. But why hunting Stellarons? For what use? As I say before to create something capable to kill an Aeon. We don't know what they did to the Stellarons previously obtain, but I can speculate they experimented to create a vessel, compatible enough to fuse with the Stellaron, strong enough to contain it. You CAN'T do something like that on first try. You need to try, fail, fix what's wrong and redo. They probably ended up destroy both the vessels and the Stellarons, until they managed to make Stelle and Caelus. They have two vessels. So they needed to find a Stellaron, how they knew Herta had one is probably also Elio's fault. But they have to time it. They needed to left the vessel in capable hands, definitely not Herta's, so Elio chose the right moment when the Antilegion was attacking the Space Station and the Astral Express was near to give them aid. Elio knew that Himeko would invite the Trailblazer to join the Express, so they left the vessel in capable hands. Herta's Station had only one Stellaron, so they had to chose which vessel to use, but what about the other? What happened to them?
Elio, through Kafka's words, is working to make sure that Stelle (my chosen MC) has enough strength to fight against an Aeon. Nothing is casual, but minutely orchestrated by Elio. It's no joke he is nicknamed Destiny's Slave. Elio, by doing all of this, is truly a slave of the future he is, a Slave of Destiny.
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