#BFFS who end up pregnant together stay together
mittysins · 1 year
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Had the iPad for 20 mins yesterday, decided to doodle my boy Newt with Fawn (belongs to @surrogate-fawn) as a warmup to get back into digital! He's on his first pregnancy, she's on her fifth.
I'll finally be getting back into the groove this weekend. I haven't been able to draw digitally at all and it drove me crazy. Now I know to never try and run the Sims on this laptop again...
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xxgoblin-dumplingxx · 10 months
Hold on, anon. Someone will get you a explanation (maybe future me) but for now have mine of random ones because I am tired, so sorry if I miss anything/if these aren’t the best explanations
Teddy!verse: Jason’s a single dad after someone close to him dies, leaving behind her son, Teddy. Jason takes in Teddy who’s a fan of Reader. The boy very much chose his mother. Reader is a voice actress who runs her own podcast company. Her ex is a jerk, that used to work with Reader. Jay and Reader end up together and expand the family. She’s very much a mama bear.
rabies!verse: Werewolf Reader, who helps Bruce, triggers something in Jason and he just suddenly gets “baby rabies”
Thirst Trap Thursdays: Ari just write thirst on Thursday sometimes.
BFF!reader: Bruce’s BFF gets pregnant and the dad isn’t really the best so Bruce steps up. Little Dick is also here. Said BFF eventually gives birth to a little baby girl named Emma.
hotmess!Jason: This verse is dead, so don’t request anything from it. Jason and Roy are stupid and upset Reader. That’s all you need to know honestly.
apprentice!reader: Reader is John Constantine’s daughter and he’s forced to take her in and he trains her. She shows up in place of him one day for some magic issue Bruce is having and Jason’s also there and ends up falling in love with her.
Internet friend!reader: Tim and Reader are online friends and are a popular duo honestly. They fall in love at some point and start dating. Don’t remember if that was before or after they met up irl. I think before?
softdom!Diana: What it says on the tin.
sugarbaby!Jason: Jason is Reader’s sugarbaby. He’s a pianist, she has a thing for artists. He gets nice things and so does she, they’re both less lonely, it’s good for both of them.
cowboy!Jason: Reader runs a farm after her dad passed and looks after her three younger sisters. Jason’s supposed to just be laying low after some trouble with Black Mask and passing through. After Reader gets a lift from him and lets him stay in the barn she ends up capturing his heart and vice versa though which makes things so much harder.
AI!reader: Reader dies and Tim tries to recreate her as an AI to cope because he’s Tim. But the AI and Reader are different in some many ways and he’s not very happy about that either.
teacher!Jason: Reader is a single mother and a college student, Jason’s her professor. Sometimes she brings her daughter, Lena to class. Jason doesn’t mind and she’s thankful for that. Jason’s also kind of into Reader.
werewolf!Jason: Reader and Jason both get taken and experimented on. Both of them get turned into werewolves. Reader used to be a kindergarten teacher in Chicago. Also both of them are now connected to each other for werewolf instinct reasons and keeping each other company during capture.
handyman!Jason: Jason leaves behind Gotham and the vigilante lifestyle. Instead fixing up random things in a specific area, including Reader’s Aunt Maggie. Maggie’s tries to set them up and succeeds quickly honestly.
circus!Reader: Dick’s childhood friend that comes to visit occasionally. They grew up in different circuses. They’re currently on a road trip together.
-signed, that one person who’s read most of Ari’s verses completely and occasionally re-reads some
Blessings on your house.
I hope you find the perfect pair of jeans in your exact size. On clearance.
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Some thoughts/headcanons about the Stranger Things siblings
From the moment Joyce was pregnant with Will, Jonathan was super excited and would use every opportunity to tell everyone about his baby brother. Kids at school, teachers, neighbours, shop assistants, random people in the street - literally anyone and everyone he came across got to hear about how he was a big brother now
Nancy would overhear him talking about his awesome new baby brother at school and would stare at him like he'd grown two heads, because how can he think this baby is so cool? All her baby brother does is poop and cry and sleep and scream and fart and pee and make a mess everywhere.
As Will grew up, whenever he entered a new class, more often than not his new teachers knew him before he'd even introduced himself. They would often say, "Oh, you must be Will! I've heard so much about you from your brother!" (Mike is lowkey offended at the implication that Nancy never talks about him to her teachers).
Will's first word was "Jonathan." Just imagine Jonathan's little face lighting up when he first heard him say it :((
Baby Holly being born meant that the Party were still allowed to play DnD in the basement, but they had to play very quietly if she was sleeping, which annoyed Mike
Lucas adored Erica when she was a baby, but then she learned to walk and talk and became an absolute menace to him.
Lucas and Erica have the sort of sibling relationship where they will just casually toss insults at each other, but if anyone ELSE tried insulting their sibling?? INSTANT DEATH.
They also are the sort of siblings who bicker and annoy each other but when they get older they’re going to become like best friends (who still bicker and annoy each other occasionally)
When she was younger, the Party would sometimes play DND at the Sinclairs’ and Erica would pester Lucas to let her join in, which would usually result in Lucas groaning “ERICAAAA go AWAYYYY” and pushing her out of the room. By the end of s3 though, he starts playing DND with her to teach her how to play it, sometimes DMing for her when she holds sessions with her friends.
Erica really likes Max, looks up to her, thinks she's cool and badass and approves of her and Lucas together (no matter how much she'll insist that they are gross). Every time they broke up, she'd go to Max like "please take him back so he stops moping around the house like an idiot."
During the time that Max was in a coma, Erica stayed by Lucas's side, going with him to the hospital every day to visit Max, helping him bring books and movies and music, sometimes having to coax or nag him into leaving just so he'd eat something or get some sleep.
Erica and Max growing to have a sisterly relationship and just being sarcastic bffs and teasing Lucas together :’)
Steve and Jonathan have both been roped into playing with Holly in the times that they've dated Nancy. Nancy expected Jonathan to be good with little kids since he has a younger brother, so Steve surprised her the most with how patient and kind he was with Holly (not that she thought he'd be unkind, just that she wasn't expecting cool jock Steve Harrington to want to goof around playing Barbie princess tea parties with a little kid). Steve and Jonathan have also both babysat Holly, sometimes alone, sometimes with Nancy.
El loves playing with Holly because she never got to have a proper childhood, so she sort of gets to experience being a normal little kid through playing with Holly or just hanging out with her.
Dustin became friends with the other boys around the time Holly was born, and he thought it was so cool and exciting that Mike had a baby sister, while Mike didn't really see what was so exciting about it.
Max obviously had a shitty relationship with Billy, and often wished she had a sibling who wasn't such a complete douchebag. She found that sibling in Steve, who put himself in danger time and time again, even protecting her when he barely knew her. Steve, who would complain about having to drive "you little shits" around, but never with any real anger or malice in his voice. He would bicker with her and Dustin and Robin and the others, but never got violent or aggressive. He never made her feel scared, never got mad at her the way Billy would get mad. Steve soon became the older brother she'd always wanted.
Dustin obviously collects older brother figures like Steve and Eddie, probably because he doesn't have his dad around so he doesn't have an older male role model/support system in his life. I also like to imagine that he and Max develop a sibling relationship because it’s what they deserve :)
Holly is the only person allowed to call Mike “Mikey,” because she’s little and it’s cute when she says it. Maybe Nancy used to say it when she was little too, but stopped as she grew older. Anyone else who calls him “Mikey” is getting death-glared into oblivion.
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bunnygirl678 · 6 months
Guess who's back, back again, with a new AU, it's me, this is self indulgent and gameverse, I have dad!Green so I wanted dad!Red, gonna write it, look for it next october lmao, as with all of my aus feel free to take the idea and run with it, draw it, write it, decorate it on a cookie, idk what else
Anyway, general background, being a dentist takes 4 years of dental school after university.
-Prof Oak is Dr. Oak a dentist who owns his own practice, Pallet Smiles
-Red and Green are bffs since birth, Green’s dad was a dentist before he and Green’s mom died when Green was 5
-they get to high school, best friends the entire time, both harboring secret feelings for each other
-senior year, prom, Green asks Red to prom, pretty much admitting his feelings, Red declines
-Green pulls away after that, the reason Red declines is because he thinks that Green was just asking as a friend (both idiots lol) and he didn’t think he could go to something as romantic as prom with Green just as a friend when he wanted more
-both of them are heartbroken, they graduate, they were supposed to go to Viridian U together and study dentistry
-last minute Green decides to go to Kalos U instead
-that’s the last they see of each other
-Red dates in college, he’s bi so he dates girls too, when Red is 22 just starting dental school, she ends up pregnant, they have the kid then she bounces leaving him with a baby, Gold
-he moves back in with his mom, gets a part time job at Dr. Oak’s dental office and continues his studies slowly becoming a dentist
-his son gets older, then at 30 Red finally finishes school Gold is 8
-he immediately gets a dentist job (and massive pay raise) at Pallet Smiles
-Dr. Oak has been complaining about Green since he left for Kalos, especially when Green told him he was becoming an endodontist rather than a general dentist
-Daisy is an orthodontist, her and the prof decide to open a specialty center connected to the regular office
-Red doesn’t really care, he’s busy with his new job and raising his son, he’s sworn off dating at first cause he was busy but really because he was still in love with Green
-Announce they’re getting a new endodontist
-he’s like a superstar in the dental world pioneering a new procedure style
-Red gets to work, the hygienists are gossiping about the hot new endo, Red’s like gonna ignore goes to breakroom who's there but Green
-both are like oh shit
-Green invites Red out for drinks to ‘catch up’
-they very quickly fall back into being bffs, Gold loves Green, thinks he’s the coolest
-both are like, ‘yeah still have feelings for him’
-some drama with gramps (gonna actually write this so you know some things need to stay secret lmao)
-finally Green admits that he was crazy in love with Red, and honestly still is, he’s kinda planning on leaving again, cause you know he can’t deal
-Red’s like what??? I was in love with you! 
-We’re both idiots
-happily ever after as a power couple in dentistry
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simsaustories · 1 year
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Farrah Nouvel moved into San Myshuno and lived alone at 21 Chic Street, apartment 1310 in the Fashion District. Her first friend was Penny Pizzazz who lived in apartment 1312 across from her.
She quickly made friends with fellow artist, Ulrike Faust, while painting a mural at the local Casbah Art Gallery. The three went out for karaoke at the Waterside Warble Karaoke Bar where they then met and befriended Miko Ojo. Farrah later met her workout partner, Nalani at the Skye Fitness Gym. 
While throwing a party at Planet Honey Pop she met the party animal Marcus Flex. The two hit it off and Farrah was beginning to think that it was love at first sight. They hooked up a couple of times and even began dating. 
Farrah was hanging out with her friends when she suddenly felt sick and made a mess of Penny’s bathroom. There she found out she was pregnant. She went to Marcus’s place where she met his roommates and waited for him to get home. She revealed that they were going to be parents, which he wasn’t exactly excited about. She asked him to get married due to having a child together and he finally revealed that he is a non-committal sim. 
She went home sad and heart broken after they decided to call it quits on their relationship. During her second trimester she and Penny decided to live together and moved into the Hakim House Apartments in the Arts Quarter, apartment 122.
She eventually talked things out with Marcus, deciding to stay just friends and co-parent (she reassured him about the pregnancy and he ended up accepting it). Not long after, maybe just before her third trimester, Paolo Rocca started calling her up to hang out. She would see him when visiting Marcus and the two became fast friends, he would even autonomously ask to feel the baby.
Once she hit her third trimester he called her to confess his feelings, then showed up at their door to ask if she wanted to be his girlfriend. She accepted. When she went into labor Penny was the one that went with her. 
The challenge ended with a house warming party they through for everyone to meet her daughter Kyra Nouvel. She ended up getting the Instant Friends ending.
Fast forward to Kyra now being a toddler, the girls are all still as close as ever. Both Paolo and Marcus are around and help out with Kyra. Farrah still lives with her bff Penny who is Kyra’s godmother.
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badasshybridqueen · 8 months
Wanted Plots By Muse
plots Hayley definitely needs organized by muse !
Hope Plots !
#1 - Freaky Friday verse where they switch bodies and there’s so much confusion at first because wtf how did this happen and how do we change back? 
#2 -  17-year-old Hope travels back in time to Season 1 of The Originals in an attempt to change her fate and rewrite history. Determined not to lose either of her parents she surprises them and as she gets to know her parents she secretly works to change the future. [ loosely Based on the S5 plot of The Flash where Nora comes to the present to prevent her fathers death ]  
#3 - A play date gone wrong with Hope, the twins and Caroline
#4 - Give me moments between Hope and Hayley set between S3 and S4. Hope asking about her family, Hayley telling her stories about them. All the moving, the birthdays that are just them, development on how close they are and all the stuff that happened to them while they were on the run. The good stuff, the bad stuff, the breakdowns
#5 - Give me moments between Hope and Hayley set between S4 and S5. A discussion after Hope see’s Klaus killing people - give me her becoming a teenager - give me fights between her and Hayley because she can’t see her dad [ like in S5 ] give me angst and fluff and just everything.
#6 - Hayley and Klaus work so hard to be good for Hope.To show her there’s another way than how they lived. What I want is a thing where something happens that push both Klaus and Hayley over the edge and Hope witnesses just how destructively violent her parents can actually be…
Elijah Plots !
#1 - Hayley goes into labor at the compound
#2 - A hitman is hired to stalk and kill a woman without explanation. He embeds himself into her life waiting for the call knowing eventually it will come and his job will be done. But before the call can come the hitman winds up falling in love with her.
#3 - Give me a scene after the first time they have sex in S2 at that house
#4 - We never really got to see these two go on any dates or anything. Give me something circa S3 with datesss
#5 - No memory Elijah things?
#6 - Elijah married Antoinette - but now has his memories back and comes back to NOLA where Klaus, Hope and Hayley are living all together. Drama, angst and more? 
Klaus Plots !
#1 - Hayley goes into labor at the compound
#2 - Klaus seeing/hearing about Freya using magic on Hayley in S4
#3 - A thread where Davina really is Klaus & Hayley’s daughter from the future.
#4 - AU S5 things where Klaus helps Hayley find a way to break the binding ritual
#5 - Hayley was brought back to life but she was brought back without her memory. Klaus searches for her and when he finds her he needs to bring her home and has to help her remember her life
#6 - Klaus coming to check in on Hope in that scene at the end of the episode, and her asking him to stay with her and Hayley and tell her stories about Marcel. Because he’s her new BFF and BIG BROTHER. omfg [ Season 4 based ]
#7 - Hayley and Klaus ripping apart everyone who came into the compound together because they wanted to hurt Hope…Marcel shaking his head at the mess and making sure Hope doesn’t see. Because He’s #TeamProtectHopesInnocence just like her parents. [ Season 4 based ]
#8 - Haylye telling Klaus she wants to take Hope away from NOLA and she thinks he should go with them. To keep their family together and to make sure Hope doesn’t live the kind of life they’ve had to.  [ Season 4 based ]
Jackson Plots !
#1 - I want a plot where Muse A and Muse B have been married for 15 years (they got married at 16 because Muse A got pregnant) They have 2 kids and are currently going through a divorce. But there are so many feelings still there and they keep falling into the same routine with each other because they’re still in love but they’ve grown into different people. Muse B wants to work things out but Muse A isn’t sure how with how they’ve both changed. [ Semi based on the movie The Story of Us ]
#2 - Jackson is somehow brought back to life without his memory. [ Or with his memory and it’s 5 years later - Hayley is with someone new - angst ]
Girl/Friendship Plots !
#1 - Working Mom’s AU
#2 - Good Girls AU
#3 - Plot based on A Simple Favor 
#4 - Girls night with Hayley, Freya and Rebekah, Cami, Davina or any combination 
#5 - Freya and Hayley things set between S4 & S5. They spent all those years together I’d love to get some bonding
#6 - Freya and Haley family feels after they “kill” The Hollow
General Plots !
#1 - A plot based on the movie Safe Haven 
#2 - give me a thread where Hayley finds a baby after they give Hope to Rebekah and brings it back to the compound like – Uh I’m going to keep it guys K?
#3 - But like I want No Humanity Steroline to come hang out with Dark Klayley. Just saying.
#4 - AU based on Life Unexpected 
#5 - Girl gets pregnant and her boyfriend (the love of her life) marries her, but two months into the marriage he decides he doesn’t want the responsibility of a child so he takes off. But his brother who’s been secretly in love with said girl all through along helps her through the pregnancy and once the baby is born. Cut to 2-3 years later and her husband walks back into their lives to find things are a bit different.
#6 - I want a plot where some witchy thing happens and Hayley wakes up to find her daughter gone and not a single person knows who she is. It’s like she never existed - Hope either. And in order to break the spell she needs to get at least 1 person to actually remember who she is.
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ketso · 2 years
Episode 18
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The last year has been crazy. I don't even know where to start. Let's start with that social climbing uncouth hoodrat, Khosi. That bitch joined a reality show because well, she's Khosi. She started talking shit about us and trust me when I say she went in on Thuli's and Tee-le's relationship. Tee-le ended up opening a case against her and the show itself so she got fired and the show had to publicly apologize to every person who was mentioned on that show because of Khosi. From there, she kinda just vanished from the face of the earth and no one misses her, babes.
Tee-le and Thuli welcomed their baby girl after hours of labour, but a very safe delivery. She is so gorgeous. Her name is Khumo Serame. Thuli is also Mrs Thuli Serame now. Tee-le paid lobola then they went to Home Affairs and signed because Thuli did not want to be a pregnant bride. Now we are all waiting for her to lose weight so we can attend this wedding.
Tee-le's mother moved in with Tee-le and Thuli when Thuli was about to deliver Khumo. That obviously didn't work. Home girl came into that house with a plan. She thought Khumo was her child and treated Thuli like her makoti incubator. After Khumo was born, she became worse and Tee-le disappointed big time. He didn't put his mom in her place. Tee-le came home after a world cup final where they had lost and found his house missing his wife and daughter. His mom said that Thuli went to the shops, but had been gone for a while. Tee-le gave me a call to find out if Thuli and Khumo were with me. I told him they went back to Mpumalanga and if he has any plans of bringing them back, his mom has to go.
He went to Mpumalanga and has not been back since.
Paula - oh my friend. She welcomed a Mrs Tloung number two. Paula has not been taking Nomzamo's arrival very well. It's not even because Nomzamo is a bad person. She really isn't. She's a surgeon who minds her own business and loves the hell out of her son and Leruo. There are clearly other things that are happening and have probably happened that Paula hasn't told me because today, she is headed to a psychiatric clinic for admission. I am driving her there because she doesn't want Leruo anywhere near her.
She hasn't said much since I picked her up, dropped her kids off at her mother's place, and now we are about twenty minutes away from this clinic that she will be at. The clinic is in South Africa.
I don't say much to her neither because I also have my own issues. Shack and I haven't been great. I found out from Khosi on her reality show that Shack has a mistress. In fact, that mistress was on that damn show and was Khosi's BFF on the show. Her name is Litha. Litha and Shack have been together for years, they even have a daughter together. So much for me being the most spoiled wife, right? I have kicked Shack out of my house and the only thing we now talk about are our boys.
The boys definitely miss having him at home, but I am so hurt and so disappointed that I cannot bring myself to talking to him. He has even resorted to asking Thuli to talk to me, but Thuli also tells him shit. Good!
My phone rings. It's Thuli. I answer via the Bluetooth answering option.
"Hey babe", me.
"Hey gorgeous. Where are you guys?" She asks.
"We are about ten minutes away", I say.
"Okay, I'm already here waiting for you guys. Do you me to get us something to eat while I wait?" She says.
This girl. Even Paula is blown away.
"You came to see me off too?" Paula.
"Of course I did. We are friends, right?" Thuli.
Paula is moved, deeply so.
"Thanks so much, T", Paula.
Even Thuli sounds like she wants to cry.
"Where's the baby and Tee-le?" I ask. I mean, she did drive from another province. Paula will be admitted in Gauteng.
"They are at home. Tee-le is staying with her and my mom. Don't worry, she's sorted. Paula, what do you want to eat before you go into hibernation?" Thuli.
All three of us laugh at the hibernation part.
"Spur ribs and Buffalo wings, please", Paula says.
"Okay cool. Let me quickly get us some then I will get back. Maybe I'll even find you guys here already", Thuli. She is the one who made us fall in love with Spur by the way.
"We will wait for you before we go in", I say.
Paula agrees.
"Cool. See you now now", Thuli.
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It has been a little over a year since I buried my daughter. Today, I am at home at her graveyard with a bunch of people to unveil her tombstone. Phathudi and I did this together. Our beautiful Phatsima is no more and we still cannot come to terms with it.
Yaya tried to be there for me, but Ndalo, his wife, would hear none of it. She even threatened me at some point and demanded that Yaya never speaks to me again. Just like that, I have never heard from Yaya ever again. I heard that Ndalo is pregnant. Good for them I suppose. But that girl is an absolute bitch. I hate her.
Nomzamo is here though. She is here with Leruo. I like her better than Paula. She makes Leruo so human. Paula is out of people's reach. She appears to be bigger than most people and wishes to not be found amongst commoners. Zamo is so different. She lives to serve people. She involves Leruo in that. They arrived in Bethlehem two days ago. Leruo has been in blue overalls and has been working, slaughtering and drinking water. He doesn't touch alcohol whatsoever.
Zamo has been in the kitchen cooking and cleaning about, she was cooking outside where all the drunk aunts are. She didn't even look down upon them. She entertained them, danced with them, shared in their jokes and served them, treating them as elders. I don't even do that. My aunts love her.
We are now headed back to the house. Zamo stayed at the house to ensure that food and drinks are ready for when we come back from the graveyard. Leruo was here though, at the graveyard. He looks extremely handsome. People look at him and see a celebrity. He only has eyes for Nomzamo though.
We arrive and Nomzamo finds Leruo first. She has a plate and some juice in her hands. They find a chair. Leruo sits down and Zamo sits on top of him. They look so good together. Zamo has the plate on her one hand and he is eating off it. They seem to be in a deep conversation that's making them both really upset. They kiss then Zamo makes her way to where I am standing.
"Hey mama", she greets me.
"Thanks for everything, my love", I say.
"Anytime, my angel." She says.
Her smile - priceless.
"Listen love, we have to go. Something urgent has come up that we need to go and attend to", she says.
"I completely understand, babe", I say.
"Okay gorgeous. But call me when you are back in Tholoana Kingdom and let's do lunch just to check in and catch up, yeah?" Her.
"Definitely", I say.
She runs to Leruo. They hold hands and jog to their car together.
I wonder what's going on.
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We have to pack today and drive back to Tholoana Kingdom this evening. Now that Tee-le has retired from soccer, he is going into business full time and putting all his focus on life after soccer. He has interviews upon interviews lined up and he has deals ready for him to arrive and seal.
I am excited, but nervous to go back to Tholoana Kingdom. Tee-le's mother practically drove me out of Tholoana Kingdom. I lied to my mom and said I needed her help because I am a first-time mom. Well, it's not entirely a lie. I do need her. I just left out that my mother-in-law became an absolute nightmare overnight and my husband simply let her. I'm not sure if I've forgiven Tee-le for that. We need to talk. This shit can never happen again. Next time, I'll tell my mother and my brother that I'm actually mad at him and he will not be allowed to even stay at my home.
"Good morning", he says as he wakes up and finds me already breastfeeding our daughter, Khumo.
"Morning", me.
He gets up and kisses my cheek. He can sense that I'm not 100% present in his romance. He gets out of bed and stretches his body. He wears a t-shirt and longer pants then makes his way to the toilet. He comes back as I try to make Khumo burp. The house is still asleep. He closes the door and sits on the side of the bed, next to me.
"Are we good?" He asks me.
"No Tee-le, we are not good. I don't want to have issues with your mother, but she was out of line. You clearly saw nothing wrong with it because you just let her drive me out of our house", I tell him.
"Baby, she was really trying to help." He says.
I'm actually going to make Tee-le go back to Tholoana Kingdom alone.
"I know that she can get a bit much, but she means well", he keeps saying.
"Remoletile, please don't drive me crazy. What about treating me like shit is her meaning well? What about forgetting that I am Khumo's mother is her meaning well? She lived to piss me off and you saw it. I even told you about it." I say.
He is quiet.
"Maybe you should go back to Tholoana Kingdom by yourself." I say.
He looks at me like he wants to cry.
"Baby, the two of you are my family. Do you think I wanted to come here and stay in your mother's house? This was uncomfortable for me. I couldn't even fuck you to ease the discomfort. But I'm here because I love you. I'm here because you come first. I'm here because you are my family", he says.
I chuckle. I can't help it. I can imagine how uncomfortable this has been for him. Shame man. He smiles. He can see that he is winning.
"Let’s go home, my love. Please baby. Mama has gone back to Sebokeng. It will just be the three of us. With everything going on with our friends right now, we have a lot to be thankful for. I don't want us to compromise what we have over some dumb shit that's not even worth us arguing. Please baby. I don't want to be away from you and Khumo", he says.
Okay, he's got me. Ja no, between the drama with Renay and Paula, I have a lot to be thankful for. I'd take a crazy mother-in-law over an unfaithful husband any day.
"How are they?" He asks me. He is slick this one. Now, he's removing the attention off him? I see him, but I answer his question.
I shake my head then say, "Renay is hurt. She loves Shack. Not being with him does not make her happy, but she is so hurt and embarrassed by all of this. I don't know if she will get over this. Paula yena... Leruo wasn't even there to see her off to the psychiatric centre. That was just the last straw for her. I think she is going to file for a divorce." I say.
"Divorce baby?" Him, truly hurt.
"Does he deserve any less? He clearly doesn't love her", I say.
"Don’t say that. The Tloung family is deep within polygamy. Paula knew that when she married Leruo. He loves more than one woman. It doesn't mean he loves her less", Tee-le says.
"Then why is he never there for her and with her anymore?" Me.
"He is still adjusting to the changes in his life and this polygamy thing. He doesn't have years of experience like his dad. He will get it right eventually", he says.
"And while he figures it out, Paula must just suffer and deal with it?" Me.
"I think divorce is a bit extreme. They can still fix this", he says.
"At what expense? Paula's mental health?" Me.
He is quiet.
He takes Khumo from me and holds her. He draws me closer to him and cuddles me too.
"It will never be us, right? Promise me that it will never be us. Divorce? You and I are forever", he says.
"That’s my wish too, my love. But it will take both of us to make sure that we get to forever together. We both have a part to play. I'm prepared to play mine", I say.
"And I promise you baby, I will play mine." He says.
"Start with putting your mom in her place", I say.
He laughs. I chuckle too, but I'm serious.
"Come baby, let's get ready to hit the road. I don't want us to leave too late." I say.
We kiss and get the day started.
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It's been a crazy year. Somewhere along the way, I missed my injection date by a week. I had to take a pregnancy test before getting the injection and I found out that I was pregnant. Khanyisa was the first person I told. I did not know if I were ready to be a mother as yet. I sat with the secrecy of this pregnancy for two months. Khanyisa and I then told Kazi and she dealt with my dad as far as bringing him up to speed. Surprisingly, my dad took it very well. He was so happy, he shocked us all. I think seeing him that happy made me want to keep the baby. That night, I told Rea about the pregnancy. He had paid lobola before we even went for our first scan. At our first scan, we learned that we were having twins. IMAGINE!
We then had our traditional weddings. It was so beautiful. I still look at our pictures and am filled with so much excitement. Khanyisa was obviously my maid-of-honour. There's no question about that. Mohato was his best man. There's a massive A0 photograph of Rea, Mohato, Khanyi and I in the living room of our home. My dad has come a long way, I tell you. The royal family is very excited as well about our union and it's nice.
I gave birth to my twins last month. My parents let us come stay with them to help us with the kids. Even Rea is living here, guys. It's been a positive year for the most part. On the downside, Kazi's dad - our grandfather - passed away. He was sick very briefly then he just passed.
A kiss brings me out of thoughts. I smile at him.
"What are you thinking about?" He asks me as he sits on a couch next to me. We are in my bedroom. Mohau, one of our twins, is fast asleep. Mulalo is very much awake. He just refuses to sleep. We gave one twin a SeSotho name and the other a TshiVenda name. We made the decision together and we stuck with it - though his family protested against Mulalo. He stuck up for me and defended me. They are both Mohales, so I don't know what the issue is. Mohau means mercy and Mulalo means peace. I hope they'll grow up to be this way.
"Just how much our lives have changed in this past year", I say.
"It's been crazy. But I wouldn't trade it in for anything." He says.
"Do you think today will go well?" He asks me.
I'm also very nervous. His family is coming to see the twins today. They'll be meeting them for the first time. The twins are a month old now. I gave birth in South Africa because we knew that we'd want to be here with my family when the twins were born. The Mohales haven't forgiven me for that decision, but I'm comforted that they will be on my turf today and I know I can trust Kazi to defend me to the end of the world.
"We will get through it, babe." I say.
There's a knock on my bedroom door.
"Come in", Rea says.
Khanyisa walks in.
"He's still sleeping?" She's asking about Mohau.
Rea laughs.
"Yes, he's still sleeping." I say.
"Well, he has to wake up. The Mohales are here. So, can I take him?" She says.
Rea and I look at each other.
Khanyi realises that we are nervous. She then says, "It's going well so far downstairs. They are not fighting. Kazi is making them tea and papa is quite pleasant. Zari is also here and she's pacing around the kitchen with Kazi and I."
We nod our heads.
"So, I'm taking Mohau. Papa is still in the main bedroom with Mulalo. I'm going to get that twin too." She says.
We nod our heads.
She comes in and takes Mohau. But Mohau just loves his sleep. There could be a bomb and he will still sleep. The one who hates sleep is our daughter, Mulalo. She will cry her lungs out when she feels sleepy. This one just sleeps shame.
Khanyi takes Mohau then leaves our room.
We look at each, take a deep breath, hold hands and make our way downstairs.
Kazi (in her black jeans, black plain t-shirt, black loafer) is looking HOT! She is dressed super simple, but she looks so nice. Papa is also here wearing black tracksuit pants, a white t-shirt and his sleepers. Rea is wearing tracksuit pants as well and a black t-shirt. He wears sleepers too. Khanyi and I are wearing dresses and sleepers. Today is just a chilled day for us. Kazi cooked PROPER! There is a whole buffet set up on the patio. I hope this doesn't get awkward.
Rea and I greet everyone that is here with hugs and handshakes. Morena brought his first wife with him - mofomahadi. She probably bullied the other two into staying in their places. You'd swear they don't exist. The only person who speaks to them is morena. The only person who sees them in their capacity as his wives and mothers to his other children is morena. I've only met them once and we were delivering something at their houses. Mofomahadi kept them away from our wedding.
Mme Remo is also here. She's nice. I like her the most. I actually chat to her more. She's the one I sent pictures of the twins to. So we hug the longest and we even chat a bit. Khanyi likes her too. Khanyi gives Mohau to her. Papa gave Mulalo to morena because he really doesn't like Ntate Khotso.
Mme Remo, after greeting and chatting to sleeping Mohau - I don't know how this boy is still sleeping in such noise... maybe I must take him to a doctor and make sure that everything is okay - she hands Mohau to Ntate Khotso. Ntate Khotso receives Mohau so nicely... getting emotional almost. We all look at morena and HRH Khotso bond with the twins. Mohato is also moved at the sight before him, holding onto Zari's hand. I hope they are planning for one at least.
Morena and HRH speak to my boys, reciting their clan names. Mme-mofomahadi Kea walks in. I didn't know she came too. She briefly greets us all, then she goes to her sons. She hugs Rea and I, congratulating us, then focuses on the twins I birthed. She sits down. Morena and HRH Khotso give her the babies. Now she also recites the clan names to them. Mohau is finally awake.
"You've done well", she says to Rea and I. Rea holds me. I just smile.
Kazi and papa are hugging each other and are smiling from ear to ear.
"They are perfect", Morena says.
"That means you need to stop making babies now. You are a grandfather", mofomahadi says. Only she would say that.
We all kinda chuckle. I mean, why would she say that in front of everyone? She carries too much resentment everywhere she goes. She's bullied the other two wives enough. Now she wants to bully morena too?
"I hope Reahile and Rofhiwa are not too much trouble, Mr and Mrs Ramaru", Mme-mofomahadi says.
"Not at all. We love having a full house", Kazi says.
Mme-mofomahadi nods her head then says, "You've done well, Fikile. I'm proud of you."
"Thank you, Mme-mofomahadi", Kazi says.
Papa is scratching his head and HRH Khotso is staring at Kazi longer than he should.
"When are you guys coming to Tholoana Kingdom? We need to introduce the twins to the Mohale ancestors", Morena says.
"We were thinking when they turn three months old", Rea says.
"Why? Isn't it bad enough that their cords fell here and not at the royal house? These are Mohale children", Morena.
"We didn't bury them here", Rea says.
"We are not planning on burying them at all." Everyone looks at me like I'm crazy... even papa and Kazi.
"What are you going to do with it?" Morena asks me.
I don't want to answer them now.
"Rofhiwa, we bury cords in our tradition. As a Mohale bride, you are expected to adhere to that. These twins are Mohale twins. They'll be buried with mine and Khotso's cords." He says.
"But Rea's and Mo's cords are not buried there and there's nothing wrong with them", I say.
Morena wants to beat me up! But it's my father who intervenes instead, embarrassing me and says, "Rofhiwa! Your father-in-law asked you a question. What are you going to do with the cords?"
I mumble, "We were going to frame it".
"ROFHIWA! WA PENGA?! Where have you ever seen that happen?!" My dad is shouting now.
"Thomas, Hai bo." Kazi.
Papa turns around and looks at Morena and HRH Khotso. Then he asks them, "When do you need them in Tholoana Kingdom to conclude all your rituals?"
"Yesterday!" Morena says.
"They'll leave with you when you leave tonight", papa.
"Papa!" Me.
"You are a married woman, Rofhiwa! If you don't know what that means, tell me now so I can return all the Mohale cows back to their kraal and teach you what being married means!"
I suddenly feel like crying.
Why isn't Rea saying anything?! I look at him and he's not even looking at me. His family seems impressed with Papa.
"Can we all make our way to the patio to have lunch?" Kazi says.
"Thank you. Can I help you with anything?" Mme Remo offers.
"Just the drinks, thanks. You can follow me to the kitchen", Kazi.
Mofomahadi rolls her eyes.
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We arrived at the royal house last night. I came with Fifi for support. I come here so often that I know my way around here. And I usually come with Fifi because shame, she doesn't know how to do a lot of things. So, I do them with gogo Kea. I find her to be the coolest person in this house - her and Mme-Remo. But I generally get along with everyone.
It's 5am and I'm up with staff around here. There's a lot of staff shame. Mulalo's cry woke me up. That child hates sleep. Yoh.
So, I'm feeding her her bottle now as I sit in the TV room.
"I heard you were in the Kingdom", a text comes through my phone.
Who told this fool that I'm here? It's probably Mohale. He's very forward that one, him and his boyfriend. Yes, he’s very gay.
I don't reply to the text.
He decides to phone me.
I'm not going to pick up the phone. He needs to leave me alone and attend a lecture.
He calls me again then I just switch off my phone.
I help Mulalo burp then she and I hang out.
At 7am, we are all having breakfast. Morena has Mulalo with him and HRH Khotso has Mohau with him. I'm helping Fifi serve everyone at the table. The table is nice and festive. Even Fifi is smiling a lot more today. She was very depressed when we were driving here.
"Khanyisa, Khabane is looking for you. He says you are not responding to his messages and your phone is off." Mohale says.
Everyone at the table keeps quiet and looks at me, ready to laugh.
"Tell him to read between the lines. I'm not interested." I say.
Everyone bursts into laughter.
"Look, he's phoning me now", Mohale says mid-laughter.
"Why did you tell him I'm here? And I know it's you that told him", I say. I'm also giggling.
"Why don't you like him? He's a nice guy", Rena says.
"I'm not interested in him. He's not my type." I say.
"Yooooooooohhhhh!" Everyone says then laughs harder.
I'm also laughing.
Fifi and I finally sit down and eat.
"Khanyi, what's your type? Khabane already has a business - a petrol station - and he's in school. So, you'll be set for the rest of your life", Tholoana says.
Moloko brings his plate to me. This is his way of asking me to feed him. I like him. He's a cutie and we vibe. He's six years old and generally acts like a big boy. But everyone says he becomes a baby all over again when I'm around. I take his plate, put him on my lap and feed him while I eat. I catch HRH Khotso smiling at us.
I answer Tholoana and say, "The fact that that's the one thing I must know about him before I get to know anything else about him makes him uninteresting to me. I'm not fazed by his money. I don't care for it. I have money too. I'm not a prostitute for money. I need to know who he is outside of his flashy car, flashy apartment and money drip. I've known this guy for three years now and that's still all I know about him - and that he's a stalker because I have no idea how he has my number."
Everyone nods their head while really taking in what I'm saying. Mofomahadi is glued to her cellphone. She's not participating in this convo at all.
"You have a good head on your shoulders. Maboko and Tebza will definitely love you for Khabane. But also, I can see why Khabane is so into you. There's a lot of Tebza in you." HRH Khotso says.
"Sis'Tebza is a really nice lady. I like her a lot. Ruri is also all that and more. Khabane must give himself a chance before I give him a chance. If all he sees is money when he looks into the mirror, then he can stay away from me thanks. He must use that money to buy a personality."
"Yoooooooooooohhhhhhh!" Laughter again.
But I actually mean it.
"What time are we doing the ceremony?" Mofomahadi asks.
"Tomorrow morning before sunrise", Mme-mofomahadi says.
"Rofhiwa, have you and Rea been abstaining?" Mofomahadi asks.
Rea coughs. Morena and HRH Khotso giggle.
"Excuse me?" Fifi.
"You can't make mqombothi if you've been having sex." Mofomahadi. Must she be so –
"Khanyisa will help me", Fifi says.
Now we all know they've been having sex. They better not make another child. In case they haven’t noticed, their kids come in twos.
Mofomahadi shakes her head at them.
"Khanyisa and I will make it. I don't know why you are shaking your head at a married woman. It's not like you and Remo have been abstaining neither", Mme-mofomahadi my fighter!
Then there was silence. Why isn't anyone saying, "Yooooooooooooohhhhhh!"?
I'm in the pantry starting the mqombothi. That's where Mme-mofomahadi and I always make it. Fifi and the twins are sleeping. She hasn't been feeling well today, so I told her to sleep. I have her back. I'm here for her anyway and for as long as I'm here, her duties are fulfilled. I face-timed with Kazi and papa earlier today. I was with Fifi. They say they miss us. Papa just misses the twins. I joked and said I'll make him a grandchild too and THE LOOK HE GAVE ME!
"You are stunning, you know that?" The fool creeps up on me.
I don't even look at him. I carry on with what I'm doing.
"I missed class to come and see you. Are you really not going to talk to me?" He says.
I can feel him smiling like the fool he is. I refuse to look at him and I'll tell you why... he's a good-looking man. He smells soooooo good! He is deliciously tall. His hair is a locked afro that fades - almost like Thingo. He's a man - a fine one too. But I don't need him to know that I think that. He wreaks of entitlement and he comes across as a guy who thinks he can buy as many girls as he wants. So even if I start dating him, it will not be on his terms. Besides, Kazi promised me umemulo if I'm still a virgin at twenty-one. I have four years to go. I'm imagining all that money being given to me for being intombi-nto! No man is worth me risking cash money like that.
"Khanyi", he has his hand on my shoulder now.
"Please don't touch me", I say.
"Can you please look at me then so we can talk?" He says.
"I have to finish lo mqombothi. I don't think the Mohale ancestors would appreciate you distracting me while I'm making them their traditional beer", I say.
He actually laughs.
And angihlekisi njani...
"Fine... I'll wait for you." He says.
I've just finished making umqombothi. Gogo Kea is helping me take the bucket to the ancestors’ rondavel. Staff would help, but this one is for the family only. I guess I'm recognized as one of them because I do it all the time and it still brews. They see me.
Mohato and Reahile see gogo and I struggling with this massive bucket and they come take it from us. It takes two of them to carry it there.
"Khanyi, please go with Khabane to get some grass mats?" Gogo says.
I look at her. I feel like she's setting me up. She catches on and she starts laughing. Then she says, "He's a good boy, hle. Just give him a chance - even if it's just to be your friend."
I just roll my eyes.
Khabane is driving and I'm sitting in his passenger seat. He drives a white Jeep Grand Cherokee. It has black leather interior. It's nice. He's wearing black Adidas tracksuit pants, a black Adidas t-shirt and slops with socks. Thingo dresses like this sometimes.
"Your car is nice", I say just to initiate conversation.
"Thank you." He says.
I look out the window.
"So, you think I don't have a personality and all there is to me is money?"
MOHALE!!!! He's worse than umakhelwane ohamb'ethuth' indaba! Ha!
"I feel like I don't know you outside of the money that you flaunt everywhere." I say.
"Why don't you ask me what you want to know instead of saying that my money makes you disinterested in me?"
"Mohale talks too much, let me just put that out there", I say.
He seems offended.
"And you are right, I should've said something and I didn't. I'm sorry."
"Thank you for your apology."
I nod my head and look out the window.
"So, what do you want to know about me?" He asks me.
"Let's start with... what do the first thirty days in a relationship with you typically look like for a girl?" I ask.
"Is this an interview? What kind of a question is that?"
I roll my eyes.
Then he says, "A relationship with you would be different to a relationship I've had with any other person."
"Because you are you. I'd want you purely laughing and smiling for the first ten days - no compromise in that. Then on day eleven, I'd take you to the apartment that my parents first bought together. That's where I was conceived, that's where their relationship was truly tested and that's where they decided to fix things after eight years of being apart and choose each other all over again. I'd want us to buy that apartment together from them just so it could be where we go when we need to be reminded to choose each other because the world has got the better of us."
"Just because it worked for your parents it doesn't mean it will work for us. Those are their memories, not ours."
"You are right. But their story inspires me. It's the kind of story that happens once in a lifetime... enchanted almost. The energy in there is just perfect. I don't know how to explain it... but I'd be reminded in there of what's important when it comes to love."
I nod my head.
"Then on day fifteen, I'd take you on a date. It would be a five-day date that would be dedicated to me unveiling myself to you. Day twenty to twenty-five, I'd ask you to take me on a date that would give me an opportunity to get to know you better. By day thirty, I'd be introducing you to my parents." He says.
"You introduce all your girlfriends to your parents?"
"Have you met my mother and my sister? Teboho Seete and Ruri Seete would have me dumped in five minutes."
I actually laugh at this.
His cellphone rings.
"Can I take this?" He asks me. How polite.
"Sure", I say.
He answers his phone using the hands-free option.
"Bane, where are you?"
"Driving to town. Koko-Kea sent us to get grass mats."
"I'm with Khanyisa."
She giggles. I wonder.
"Are we on speaker?" The dad asks.
"Yep. And we can hear you laughing." Khabane says.
Now they laugh.
"Listen Monna, I need you to go fetch a tent from the warehouse and pitch it at the royal house for tomorrow. Your mom and I are on our way there with Ruri. You'll find us there." The dad.
"Okay sure."
"The tent has to be up before sunset." The dad.
"We'll hurry up with the grass mats. I promise." Khabane.
"Okay. If you get stuck, tell us." The dad.
"I will, pops. Shup."
Ja neh.
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"Nyakallo! Atile! Come downstairs, please!" I yell for my kids to come downstairs where I am. I've just packed their bags and their father should be here to fetch them any time.
My five-year-old son and my four year old daughter come running down the stairs. They are so beautiful. They are the best part of my life. Honestly.
They hug me and I embrace the both of them.
"Are you guys okay?" I ask them.
"Yes." Atile says. He's my boy.
"Nyakallo? Are you good, mama?" I ask my daughter.
"Yes." She says.
"Good. You guys know that I'm your best friend, right? And if anything is wrong, you talk to me. Right?" I say.
They nod their heads.
"So, daddy is coming to pick you guys up. You remember that you guys have to go and welcome your nephew and niece?"
They giggle.
"Do you like being an Auntie and an uncle?" I ask them. They laugh. This is too wild for them.
"But you'll also see all your brothers and sister", I say.
They seem excited.
I'm Ona's second wife. My name is Sonia Mohale. I'm a businesswoman... a force really. Maybe that's why Thabi hates me so much. Compared to her, I'm actually a catch and Ona did not cheat on her with me by mistake. I own a technology business that consults for private companies and the government.
Ona and I met and vibed. Obviously, there was sex involved and that's how Atile came about. Thabi tried to keep me a secret but failed to keep her husband coming home in the process. Then Nyakallo happened and the bitch was forced to not keep me a secret anymore. Besides, she wasn't popping kids for him. Someone else had to. Then she "allowed" Ona to marry me.
But I knew who Ona was from day one. When he married his third wife, Setati, I wasn't as touched as Thabi was. She almost lost her mind. Setati is always in and out of psychiatric hospitals and she allows Thabi to bully the shit out of her. She's actually a housewife. If we were friends, I'd tell her to get a life and not make Ona her whole life. That's one way to not let Thabi get to you.
"Daddy!" My kids yell and I know Ona is here.
He catches them and plays with them, embracing them. He's a great dad. He loves his kids and I love that about him.
Then he comes to me. He kisses me and we hug.
"Hello baby", he greets me.
"Hello handsome. How are you?"
"I'm good. I'm picking all of you up."
I look at him. Is he crazy? Thabi and I do not belong in the same space.
"You have to be there. These are your grandsons too." He says and I cannot help but burst into laughter.
He laughs too.
"Tell me, what about Setati? Will she be there?"
He nods his head.
"You really want all that drama this weekend for our grandkids? You know Thabi will flip."
"I've spoken to her. She'll be on her best behaviour." He says.
"HELLLOOOOO!!!" My girl walks through the door and yells.
"Auntieee!!!" My babies receive her well.
"Hello my babies", she says.
She walks into the TV room and finds Ona and I chilling.
"Hey guys", she says.
"Where's Legoa?" Ona asks her.
"Really? Say hello first. She's Letlali, not Zithu's plus one." I say.
Tlali greets us and hugs us.
"I'm here to fetch you, babe. I know you need back up for the royal house tomorrow." She says.
I pull a face.
"Please tell her that she has to be there. She doesn't want to go", Ona says.
"I'm here for you, girl. You know that she's not talking to me anymore neither", Tlali says.
"Because of me?" I ask.
"Yeah. She thinks I hooked the two of you up", she says.
"What?!" Ona.
"She knows that you and I have been friends for a while. So instead of being loyal to her, I helped her man cheat. That's her narrative of what happened."
"That’s crazy. Baby, you need to get your wife. She's out of control."
Ona is just quiet.
The ceremony went well this morning. There were no signs of the Mohales being upset with anyone. In fact, it rained. It's still raining. So, it's blessings upon blessings and we are thankful.
I'm now in the pantry washing animal intestines.
Rofhiwa's mother joins me. Her name is Fikile, I believe.
I know her from the business sphere of life. She's a beast in the game and her husband is a real one. Ona and I could easily be a Thomas and Fikile Ramaru... but there's Thabi and Setati.
"Hello", she greets me with a smile.
"Hello granny." I say.
"You mean glammy honey", she says.
We laugh.
"Why are you here by yourself?" She asks me.
"I'm avoiding the queen at all costs." I say.
"She is a bit hectic. But I guess dealing with her as a sister-wife is a whole new different ball game." She says as she rolls up her sleeves and starts helping me with these intestines.
"I don't really pay her any mind. I just stay away and mind the business that pays me. Thabi is not it."
She just laughs.
"Is being here weird for you?" I ask her. I don't know how else to ask it.
But she's not even offended. She just says, "I've had great times in this house. But I've also had the times and moments that made me walk away and never look back. I'm thankful for all those times though, because I wouldn't have what I have right now if it weren't for the good and the bad times."
That's beautiful.
"I want to be able to say that about Ona one day." I say.
"You married him", she says.
"Yeah. But if I'm being honest, it was more to piss off Thabi than anything else."
She laughs and I laugh too.
"I don't know, man. He's great, truly he is. He's an amazing father. He is a great lover. Being loved by Ona Mohale is a priceless experience. But I want to be able to do that out loud. I don't want to be hidden and only love him out loud when Thabi permits me to do so. I want to be proud of being his wife and show him off as my husband and the father of my kids. He's not the king to me. He's my husband. With the way that things are, I feel so robbed of love with a man that's truly for me." I say.
"You should've thought about that before you opened your legs for a married man", Thabi. Where did she come from?
Fikile immediately leaves what she's doing and stands between us, pushing me back and away from Thabi because she seems slightly drunk. She's crazy when she’s sober. What more when she's drunk?
"You gossip about me now? I didn't take a husband from you. You are the one that disrespected me and fucked my husband. Where do you get off saying that I'm robbing you of real love? Bitch, you gave him kids when I couldn't. And you wouldn't stop. It was one bastard child after another, knowing very well that Ona would never turn his back on his kids. You seduced him with your thighs and lured him with kids. I'm the one who has to deal with the shame that led him to you concubine with the shame that came from yours and Setati's existence in our lives. And I'm the one that robbed you?!"
Now people are here and they are watching this. Including Ona.
"You don't get to talk about me, bitch! I'll fucken kill you! We both know he don't fuck you 24/7 so he ain't protecting you 24/7."
When she's drunk, she speaks like an American Gangster.
"Keep my name out your fucken mouth, bitch! I'm not just the first wife around here, I'm your queen! Figuratively and literally! I'll more than just banish you! If you don't know your place, I'll remove you from this place all together!"
"Thabi, stop this!" Ona.
"HAI! VOKOF WENA! You are the one that has disrespected me the most. You fetched businesswoman of the year because she had babies, then you fetched crazy Setati who'll probably kill herself any day from now. A man like you drives a woman like that crazy. And you still fucked her and married her? Look at me, Ona! Look at me! I'm a catch! I'm a fucken surgeon! I'm gorgeous. I actually come from a royal family. Of all these bitches you've dragged into this house just because they could make you babies, I'm the one you shouldn't disrespect because I make you the king that you are! I hide your shit that shames the Mohale name. I mother all of your babies no matter how I feel about their mothers. And just do a damn good job at a government level. I'm the best PR you'll ever have and you know it! But I'm rendered disrespect-able just because I'm not a professional baby-making machine?"
There's silence.
I'm officially embarrassed.
She drinks her wine from the bottle then walks out of the kitchen yelling, "Leng tlwayela masepa lo na boMohale! But hey... All hail to you, those of you who are born to the Mohale name."
"Are you okay?" Fikile asks me.
"Please excuse me", I say.
As I charge outside, Ona tries to stop me.
"No, fuck you! You let that bitch disrespect me like that? In front of everyone here? Seriously?"
"Onaleruna Mohale, don't you EVER bring me around that drunk skank that cannot control her drinking EVER AGAIN!"
I take my kids and just leave this damn place.
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0 notes
lilacsandwhiskey · 2 years
Hey my sweet NC girl! Since you allowed me to keep requesting stuff I'll, sure as hell, take you up on that offer right now. Mind you— you don't have to write it if you don't want to, yeah? Okay, so I've been rewatching Love, Rosie last night, bawled my eyes you, jada jada. This just screams for a perfect hometown Drew and Y/N story? Like, them being in love with eachother since they could think, them having moments. Maybe even having that drunk kiss, obviously Y/N not getting pregnant by some random guy but definitely Drew leaving NC to fulfill his dream of being an actor in Hollywood. Y/N staying back because she never thought of herself as someone who could fit in in the Los Angeles lifestyle,— hoping Drew wouldn't find a girl there but the inevitable obviously happened. Y/N tries to distract herself with some guy they both went to college with— you know what I'm getting at, right? No matter how many times Drew finds himself being with a girl that's not her he's always going back to her, in a way. They always find their way back to eachother wether it be a family get together (his and her family are super close because they've been attached at the hip since they were like 3) or some hometown thing, maybe you could incoperate Brooke's graduation or Mack's wedding??? Omg that would be so romantic 🥺 And maybe they actually have their happy ending at the wedding? I hope you even know the movie, otherwise this isn't making much sense. I just know you can do this so well, describe live in NC to a t. Mean Something 10 was amazing, by the way!!! So excited what happens next, love you 💓
okay so you sent me this so naturally i went and watched the movie and can i say I CRIED LIKE A BABY? IT WAS SO GOOD SO THANK YOU FOR THIS REC!!!! also p sure this is one of the longest things i’ve written;-)
Kiss Me
pairing; drew x reader
warnings: language, alcohol, bffs to lovers scenario
The boy next door.
The one who had became so quickly your best friend after your moms bonded over the flowers your mom planted at the mailbox.
Then, the two of you were attached at the hip, lying side by side while doodling, listening to music, running all over the backyard with your hair matted to your foreheads from sweat.
Your parents watched as the two of you climbed trees, fought dragons, and giggled way too hard at the fact one of you was hiccuping to the point you’d puke.
Middle school was terrifying, and there was nothing more terrifying than middle school boys.
Drew would ask you why you’d hang out with him if all of the other boys were so gross. “Because you’re not like them.” You’d blatantly reply.
The reality was that you were really learning about your emotions, your feelings, all of the things that a pre-teen girl was going through. And with a choppy haircut and all of the scary changes that both of your bodies were going through, you started to like each other… “like-like” you’d write in your diary.
Drew pulled up to your house in a beat-up Honda, a squeal eliciting your lips as you trampled down the stairs. “I can’t believe it! You’re driving, by yourself!”
Drew stands tall inside the driver side door, grinning as he taps the top of the faded red roof. “Isn’t she a beaut?” You agree, patting the hood as you slide in the passenger seat. “You’re my first passenger, hold on.”
The two of you had a short lived adventure, leading the two of you to Cook-out and the local Wal-Mart where the two of you shared a tray of food and people watched.
Drew looked over at you as you attempted to suck the milkshake through the straw, complaining about how they were just too thick. He grinned, watching you as you struggled to take the lid off of the cup.
After minutes of struggling, you set down your cup and turn your body to face him. You have a smile on your face. “Okay, I have to tell you.” “Go on.” Drew turns his body towards you. “Grayson… asked me on a date! He invited me to the movies.” You squeal.
Drew feels his heart twist in pain, but quickly puts on a smile. “The-the senior?” “Yeah!” “Don’t you think he’s a little too old? I mean, we are freshmen.” Drew offers. “Oh, don’t get your tighty whiteys in a wad. He’s barely 18!” “And you’re only 15!” “I’m almost 16!”
sixteenth birthday party
Your hair was curled, dress on with heels to make you taller, make up to make you look older. You had every intention - to impress Grayson.
Every thought left your mind when Drew was the first to arrive, present in hand and a smile adorning his face. “Happy birthday, y/n/n! Now you can drive me around.” He wraps you in a hug, and you don’t miss the way the hug lasts a little longer than usual.
He pulls back, taking in your appearance. “You look… wow!” You grin at his reaction. “Do you think Grayson will like it?” You ask. Drew’s face falls. “Uh, yeah. He’d be crazy not to.”
The night passed on with dancing, singing, and more than enough sweets. But there was one thing missing… him.
While you tried to enjoy your night, his lack of his presence didn’t go unnoticed. You kept an eye on the door at all times, making Drew promise that he’d tell you if he slipped in. Drew continued to give a sympathetic smile when you’d make eye contact.
Drew made it his goal to make sure you had a good night by spinning you around in the middle of the living room while your friends danced around you. It seemed with every twirl, you were using it as an excuse to search around the room.
When the night came to an end without so much as a text or call, you finally let yourself cry.
It was supposed to be fun, you were supposed to be having the night of your life, and the one person you dressed up for didn’t even show up.
Drew walked in front the kitchen, after helping clean up the dirty plates and disposable cups, just to find you on the couch with your head buried in your hands.
“He didn’t come.” You struggle to get out. Drew rushes to your side, pulling you into him as you cry into his shoulder. “He’s not worth it, y/n. You deserve better.” He curses Grayson under his breath as he rubs your back. “You deserve so much better.”
Drew watched Olivia from afar as the two of you sat shoulder to shoulder in the library. When you looked up, eyes meeting where his followed, your stomach tied in knots.
Push it away, y/n.
“Dude.” You whisper, bumping his shoulder. “What?” He shakes his head, looking back to you. You force a grin on your face. “I’m sure she can feel a weirdo staring at her.” “Can you blame me?” He asks lowly with a laugh.
You shake your head, leaning over your paper to finish writing your notes. “Why don’t you just ask her to prom?” You say, not looking up. “Because we always said we’d go together.” He reasons.
You sigh. “Leo from English asked me, I turned him down for you, but I’m sure he’s still up for it. Go, don’t miss your chance.” You encourage. “Are you sure?” “Yes, now go.” You laugh as you shove him from the chair, earning a playful flick to your shoulder. “Fine.”
You had to remind Drew several times that he needed a new tie, considering it was going to match yours originally. When Leo picked you up, he hardly complimented you after a few forced pictures.
You gave your tickets to the chaperone running prom, as Leo led you in to all of his friends. Obnoxious and barely giving you the time of day, you stood around, watching others dancing and laughing, regretting your suggestion for Drew to take Olivia.
It hurt even worse when you caught sight of them, dancing like no one was watching closer to the front. You smile sadly, knowing it wasn’t fair for you to be upset, but you couldn’t help the feeling.
Leo grabs your hand, pulling you back into the group before attempting to dance with you. His body comes behind you, grinding behind you to his own beat - you weren’t even sure that the two of you were listening to the same song by how offbeat it was.
“Lookie what I have.” He pulls a flask out of his pocket, showing it off to his friends before passing it around. You take a swig yourself, in hopes that it’ll make the one night you should look forward to in your high school years go faster.
“I’m going to go get some punch.” You say over the music. Leo waves you off as you walk to the table lined with plastic table clothes and scoop some of the punch in the cup.
“Holy shit!” Drew comes towards you. “Look at you! Are you having fun? Where’s your date?” Drew is breathless as he scoops his own drink. You point over to the obnoxious group in the corner. “Where’s Olivia?” “She’s over there.” He points towards her, and it appears she gushing to her friends. You give a small smile. “Glad you’re having fun.”
You’re not sure how much alcohol Leo has consumed or where he’s found it, but you know he’s too far gone and anyone could see that. You roll your eyes at his slurred words.
Your arms are crossed and though you were only tolerating this and were prepared to call your parents for a ride home, the line crossed when his hand moved down to your butt and squeezed. You quickly slide out from his touch, which only results in him getting angrier and more handsy.
“Stop pushing me away.” He grunts, pulling you into him. “No, stop touching me like that.” You protest, attempting to pull him away. His group of friends seem to find entertainment at your struggle and suddenly you’re feeling defeated.
“I said stop!” You yell louder. This still doesn’t gather much attention, but enough for Drew to storm over and grab you from his grasp. “She said stop.” Drew argues, pulling you behind him. “Always coming to her rescue. You won’t be around forever for her, dude. She needs to get a grip.” With a shove to Leo, Drew is pulling you out to the sidewalk.
Olivia follows close behind, and wordlessly stands away from the two of you. “Are you okay?” You ask. “No. I’m just going to call mom to get me.” “No, shh, here.” He shimmies his jacket off, placing it around your shoulders. “I could take you home.” He offers. Guilt swirls in your body when you hear Olivia her throat.
“No, have fun with Olivia.” You assure. “I don’t mind.” He whispers. “I’m fine, Drew. I’ll get a ride home from Nat.” She says, annoyance laced in her voice. “Are you sure?” “Yep.” She walks off, the door to the gymnasium opening to reveal loud music and loud hollering. “Come on, I’m ruining your date.” You whine. “You ruin nothing for me.” Drew mutters, helping you up.
Blind-folded, you walked down what felt like a driveway, hands being held by Drew and your friend, Ana. “Almost there.” Ana says, a grin evident in her voice.
When you climb a few steps, you are ushered into the door and the three of you stop. You feel Drew’s fingers move to work on the tied bandana around your eyes before whipping it off, revealing your friends. Being home from college during your birthday paid off to see everyone you loved together - even your best friends that you’d made on campus.
The night scurried along while you bounced from person to person, thanking them for coming. No one hesitated to slip you another drink, and that’s to say your cup never went empty.
“Thank you for this.” You gushed to Drew who was leaned against the counter, placing more drinks on the counter. “You know I’d do anything for you.” He says with a grin.
You’d had one too many shots and you’d found yourself dragging Drew to the backyard where your friends were lamely dancing around with their alcohol filled systems. You were right there with them. You sang loudly to the music as you swirled around, holding onto Drew’s hand as he moved you back and forth.
You turned around, grinning as Drew pushed your hair from your face. “You’re the best.” With tequila coursing through your veins, you wrap your arm around Drew’s neck, pulling him in for a kiss. Drew eases into it, the long waited moment of his entirety is actually happening. You bust into a laugh, before grabbing his hand to refill your drinks. While his heart is racing, your mind is boggling the lights, music, and people.
The next morning, you wake with a groan, covering your eyes from the sun. “Shit.” You mutter. You slowly place your legs over your friends bed, who must’ve taken downstairs after the party with the rest of the stragglers.
With the sun blazing into your eyes, you almost stepped on Drew who was passed out with a tiny blanket barely covering his body. You grin as you topple down with him, causing him to quickly wake, eyes filled with sleep. “Y/n? You okay?”
“Barely.” You mutter. “Do you need ibuprofen? Water? I can go find some.” “Shhh, no. I just need to rest. I can’t remember a thing from last night.”
Drew’s heart turns in his chest. “Nothing?” He whispers. “Just getting severely fucked up. That’s it.”
moving away
You swallowed hard, attempting to hold back the tears that were welling up as Drew loaded his final bag into the car. You didn’t want him to see you cry, but you still had the drive to the airport and sending him off.
You walked away for a moment to gather yourself, being reminded that this would be the first time you’d been away from each other. Since you were young, the two of you had been inseparable, all the way into college years when you both got accepted into the same university.
Using the tips of your fingers to catch the tears before they started their travel down your face, you turned around at the words, “I’m ready.” You were, in fact, not ready though.
As you got in the car with Drew, his parents driving behind you, he took a moment before starting the car. “I told you, you could always come and we could get an apartment together or,” but that wouldn’t work. That wasn’t your life.
“Drew.” You say calmly. He gives a sad smile. “I know.” “It’s just not my life out there. This is your life. And I’m proud of you, so damn proud of you.” You give his hand a squeeze.
The airport was typically one of your favorite places. It built the excitement of preparing to travel, getting there early to binge on junk, read a book, and buy a coffee or two. But today, it was your least favorite place.
As you all walked into the sliding doors of the airport, you were greeted by the hustle and bustle of those trying to make it through TSA, get outside, or saying goodbye to their loved ones. That was the hardest part - saying goodbye.
You waited patiently as Drew triple checked his flight details and went down the line to say goodbye to his family. They branched away from the two of you as Drew stopped, dropping his bags to fulfill the hug he’d been dying for.
“Promise me you’ll visit?” He whispers, his lips right in your ear. “I promise.” “Just say the word and we can arrange something.” You grin through already free falling tears. “Okay, Starkey.” “I’ll miss you.” “I’ll miss you more.” His arms linger around you, his heart growing more and more sad.
“You gotta flight to catch, Carolina Boy. Go show LA what you’re made of.” You pat his back, but the several kisses he leaves on your temple doesn’t go unnoticed.
the first video call
“… and I’ve met so many amazing people. You would freaking love them.” Drew gushes over the pixelated screen. “I’m sure they’re great.” You grin, situating yourself on the bed to lay forward.
“I miss you, you know?” Drew says with a sigh. “I know, I know. I miss you too. But, it sounds like you’re making some great friends.” Drew attempts to perk up at your words, taking in your appearance through the screen. “Yeah, you’re right.”
“LA looks good on you.” You compliment his fresh tan, the way his hair has lightened slightly, and the way his blue eyes are complimented. “NC still looks good on you, but I think you should come give LA a shot.” “Never gonna happen.” Drew’s heart falls.
getting over her
Drew knew this was where he was supposed to be… right?
The lights flashed throughout the club, his friends teetering on tipsy to almost gone. Only having nursed two beers, he was content with the level of “let-loose” he was.
Ciara, a close colleague from a recent short film made her way into the seat next to him. “I’m thinking I need to get out of her.” She says, breathlessly. A grin adorns her face as she looks up at Drew.
Drew tries to look at his friend differently, tight ringlets, big brown eyes. She was beautiful, no doubt, but she wasn’t you. But - no matter what, it wouldn’t work. It hadn’t yet. So why would it now?
Drew takes his shot. “Yeah, me too. Let’s get out of here.”
meet Ciara
“I have someone I want you to meet.” Drew coos over the phone.
The last time you’d talk to him was over a week ago, not very like the two of you, but you both were busy.
“Okay.” You say, sitting up in your chair at your desk as you push strands of your hair back. “This is Ciara.” Drew looks nervous yet happy as he pans the camera to the woman next to him.
Beautiful didn’t even begin to describe her. She was gorgeous, beyond that. “Hi, y/n! Drew’s told me so much about you.” Maybe she’s just a friend. Hell, y/n, get yourself together. The two of you could never work. Let him be happy.
“She’s uh, my girlfriend.” Drew says to you, as Ciara cuddles into him. “That’s… awesome!” You push out. “I can’t wait to meet you. You are coming to visit soon, right?” Ciara gushes. “Uh, yeah! Not sure yet, but soon.” You nod.
getting over him
You sat across Ethan at the local Italian restaurant, hunched over plates in low light, sipping red wine. Legs are crossed and your laugh carries between the two of you as you reminisce on short-lived college days, and you’re wondering, why hadn’t we done this sooner?
Ethan is bold, reaching out to grab your hand as you talk. You smile down at your hands. “I’m glad we did this.” He breathes out, leaning back against the black leather, still holding onto your hand.
“Me too.”
Visits between you and Drew became strained as the two of you became more busy. You were both in relationships, busy with careers, you with family affairs.
But then the holidays came faster than you’d anticipated and though your families always had a Christmas dinner together, you found yourself more nervous. This would be the first time the two of you met each other’s significant others, considering the times you’d visited him, Ciara would just so happen be out of town and mention of her was quickly dissipated between the two of you, and the weekends he’d fly to NC, Ethan would be working - though he know him from college.
Drew wasn’t necessarily fond of Ethan, knowing the reputation he’d had in college. Drew saw the way he was at parties, the way he carried himself, and the way he treated girls, and he could only hope that it would be different for you. You deserved it, even if it wasn’t him.
You straighten your red velvet dress, running down the stairs at the ring of the doorbell. Seeing Ethan only seemed to heighten your anxiety, the thought that Drew would be here in mere moments with the girl he’d happened to fall for.
“Hi Ethan.” Your mom says, smiling as he greets her with a hug. Ethan had become the true epitome of what your mom hoped you’d end up with - a man with career, dreams, a family man, all of the above. He checked everything off her list, but you were second guessing if he checked everything off you’re own.
The walk over to the neighbors seemed way too quick. Your parents knock on the door as Judi answers and ushers you in. She’s quick to grasp you in a hug, patting Ethan’s shoulder, as she lets you get in. “Gorgeous as always.” She grins.
Logan, Brooke and Mack greet you, always excited to see you at their door. Since their brother left, you had found yourself hanging out with them more to get coffee when Brooke or Logan was home and the most recent engagement party and excitement for Mackayla.
Last, but not least, Drew and Ciara appear from around the doorway, a grin hanging on Drew’s face. His arms circle around you in seconds, whispering an excited hello. “I missed you.” He whispers. As he pulls away, he holds his hand out to shake Ethan’s, a bored look on Ethan’s face as he grasps his hand. “Ethan.” “Drew.”
You watch as the night unfolds in awkward silences, looks between your parents, and the way Ciara has undoubtedly made it known that she doesn’t care what she says. “You would think Drew is in love with y/n with how much he talks about her.” She throws in as your parents attempt to reminisce on embarrassing stories about the two of you, that they thought would make them laugh.
Your parents share an awkward laugh as you push a smile and excuse yourself to the bathroom.
his heartbreak
The other end of the phone goes silent. “You okay?” You ask, staring up at the ceiling with your arm slung over your stomach. You hear Drew clear his throat. “Yeah, uh, she left.” “What do you mean?” “Decided we weren’t it for each other.” “I’m so sorry.” “It’s okay, I’m okay. So how are you?”
your heartbreak
“Sorry, babe. Gotta work late.” Ethan says on the other line. “I could swing by and drop dinner off.” “No, no. That’s okay. I don’t want to inconvenience you.” He says. “I can bring Chineeeese, your favorite.” You sing-song. “No, babe. I just don’t want you to feel like you have to.” “Okay, fine. I’m gonna jump off here and go find something to eat.” “Okay, talk to you later.” “I love you.” “You too.” You too.
You scroll through your phone, nothing looking very appealing. You decide to surprise Ethan, knowing how hard he seemed to be working late with all of his late nights. You order from the local Chinese restaurant, and go to pick it up to drop it off.
As you pull up to his work, you notice something. There’s not a soul there. And his car definitely isn’t there. Your heart begins to race as you find the gas and gun it to his house.
You see it. You see her. And her car.
You feel sick as you pull into the driveway, the crunch causing Ethan to turn his head. “Oh shit.” You see him mouth. He runs to your car. “It’s-it’s not what it looks like.” “No, we’re done.”
the right time
The string lights create the perfect ambiance through the venue, the way the night sky so perfectly lets the lights have their moment.
You cried as you watched Mackayla walk down the aisle, traces of white symbolizing the love between her and her now husband.
“I never had to question if you loved me.” Mack says. Your heart stops at those words, and you’re not sure if it’s the pregame shot she offered you earlier, the indulgence of love, or the fact you and Drew simultaneously made eye contact at those words.
The reception was quick to start with toasts and excitement. Drew finds a seat next to you, sidling close as he sets a drink in front of you. “I figured I’d grab you one.” “You figured right.” You say with a smile. “I can’t believe this day is finally here.” Drew looks around, watching the way everyone is so effortlessly joining their own conversations, showering the couple in love.
“Me neither. Time flew by.” You say. “It’s funny, I always thought it’d be me first.” “Really?” You look shocked, well aware of his lifestyle. “Well, I guess I just had these plans.” “With Ciara?” You whisper. Drew clears his throat. “No, actually.” You look puzzled as he keeps his gaze straight.
“My favorite people!” Mack says, wrapping her arms around the two of you. You’re sure Logan and Brooke have been coaching her to drink this evening. “You’re a wife!” You stand up the wrap her in a hug. “This could be you one day.” Mackayla says, drunkenly wiggling a finger in your face. “I need a man first.” You joke, catching glimpse of Drew’s eyes widening. “Come on, come dance. You promised you’d dance at my wedding, Drewseph.” “Yeah, yeah.” He says, hugging his sister as the three of you join the dance floor.
Mack holds both yours and Drew’s hands as the three of you turn to the music. Drew holds up his arms as both of you spin, laughter spewing from the three of you. Drew notices the way Mack’s hands drop from his as the next song comes on. “I’m going to go find my husband. Here you go.” She joins the two of you together before patting your hands and walking away. “May I have this dance?” Drew asks, a smile tugging his lips. “I suppose.” “Guess I’m getting that dance I never got at prom.” Drew remarks. Your mouth drops. “You’re the one that wanted to take Olivia!” You argue, a grin appearing.
“Just dance with me.” Drew says.
Well, life is ever changing but I
Can always find a constant and comfort in your love
With your heart my soul is bound
And as we dance I surely know that
Some kinda of heaven will be found
“Whatcha thinking about?” You look up to see Drew’s eyes fixated on you. “Just thinking about life. You know, I just wonder what it’d be like if you remembered your twenty-first birthday.” “Okay, that is the most random thing you’ve ever said.” You said, pulling back. “It doesn’t matter, it’s a secret I’ll never tell.” “You tell me all your secrets.” “Not that one.” “I’ll get it out of you.” You say, moving your hand to poke his chest.
“Do you ever feel like we’re looking for the right person in the wrong people?” “What do you mean?” “Like, you know exactly who you want but it seems so out of reach. But it’s not. At least you hope not.” Your heart flutters. “I know exactly what you’re saying.” You reply. “It may sound stupid, I don’t know.” “Not at all.” You say, rubbing his arm.
“We kissed.” “What?” “Your twenty-first birthday. We kissed. But you were so far gone and don’t remember it.” Drew whispers. “Holy shit, why didn’t you tell me?” “Because I thought you lied, because you didn’t want anything to change. Because you’re my best friend. My constant. I was terrified.”
Your mouth drops. “Drew Starkey. I have went years without knowing this.” “Well duh, why would I tell you?” “Because maybe it would’ve saved us from some heartache.” “What do you mean?” Drew asks, cheeks hurting. “Because it’s always been you. I always look for you in everyone I meet.” “And no one could ever be you. I, just, you’re you and, and…” “Kiss me.” “What?” “Kiss me. We deserve to have it.”
Drew’s heart is racing. His hands move from your waist, cupping both of your cheeks as he pours himself into this kiss. He’s slow, gentle, sets you on fire. Every year and moment poured into this kiss - a first real kiss between the two of you.
“I’ve waited too long for that.” Drew pulls back breathlessly. “You’re telling me.”
“Did I just see what I think I saw? Am I dreaming?” Brooke stands by with her mouth dropped. Drew grins before placing a hooked finger under your chin, pressing his lips to yours again. “I’d like to do this forever.” He whispers.
babes: @pogueslandia @luversgirl @gryffindorpouge11 @lurkymurker @marveloussensations @graysonsbde @k-k0129 @westrnwoods @writingsbehaviour
356 notes · View notes
lonely-teddy-bear · 3 years
Hey, can you do this that Harry and reader are bffs and they are drunk and fuck and don't remember anything and reader is pregnant but doesn't know who the father is bcoz she had her last fuck months ago plss do tag me plssssssss😭🥺🥺
Word count: 1.25k
a/n: I had this half done before I finished it today. I know its not much but I might do a second part of Harry’s POV???? Only if y’all want it of course :)
warnings: tiny smut, not so detailed.
Hands roamed over my body, panting being heard through the room. Our breaths were heavy as we kissed and touched each other over our clothes. Not long after clothes was scattered on the floor, leaving us with nothing.
"God y/n i've wanted you for so long."
I moaned when I heard Harry say that. Harry and I were nothing but best friends but tonight we drank a little too much and ended up playing truth or dare. I ended up getting Harry and we were dated to do 7 minutes in heaven and let me tell you, it was heaven.
Harry's lips trailed down my neck and to my chest, the lower he got the messier I felt. My hands were on his hair, gripping it for dear life. The more I tugged it, the more moans I heard from Harry.
"Fuck Harry just fuck me already," I couldn't handle the kisses on my body, the heat running through my body and the butterflies I felt when he said my name.
He moved up my body while he licked me at the same time. I felt goosebumps through my body but ignored them when I saw Harry looking at me. He was taller than me but we were at perfect height for each other.
Grabbing me by my face with both hands, he kissed me my mouth being slightly open which Harry took advantage off and slipped his tongue into my mouth.
Walking towards the bed he pushed me into the bed, causing me to jump lightly. I looked at him, roamed my eyes from head to toe, admiring my his body. "Fuck you're hot Y/n."
Sending him a smile on which he returned, he crawled over me and kissed me. His hands were back on my body, a hand on my chest, teasing my left nipple while the other hand roamed down to my hip and then to my leg. He slightly spread them apart, causing me to moan at the close contact. I could feel my wetness on my legs which meant I needed to be fucked.
"Oh Harry. Please." I wasn't one to beg but I was drunk and horny.
"Please just touch me already."
"Harry." I moaned, spreading my legs for him.
I sat up quickly, looking around and then looking at the door where Harry was standing, looking at me awkwardly.
"You okay? You uh... you were moaning my name."
Fuck, you thought.
I looked away from Harry and sat up straight, covering my pantless legs with the blanket.
"Sorry. I don't know where this dreams are coming from," I looked up at him, seeing how he would react but he was looking at me as if this wasn't new.
"I too have them to be honest." my eyes widened. He dreamed about me too?
He took a deep breath and looked around, with a clap he walked backwards and pointed at me before leaving and saying, "get up, we're going for breakfast."
"Geez what's with all this woman being pregnant?" I scrunched my face when I saw a woman with toddlers. It's not that I don't like babies but it looked as if there was a virus going around causing the woman to be pregnant.
I looked back at Harry who was eating, minding his business.
To think of it, I haven't had my period.
"Harry you remember when it was the last time I got my period?" He stopped eating, placing his fork on the plate and looked at me with a serious face.
"Why now? Can't this wait after we leave?" I shook my head.
He let out a sigh and closed his eye, rubbing them with his palm.
"Geez I don't know. Like a month ago or so? Why?" My eyes widened. That can't be true. My periods are regular unless I change my diet or stress a lot but lately i've been fine.
Pregnancy can't be because I haven't slept with anyone in months.
I looked down at my body and then looked at Harry.
"Do I looked pregnant?" Harry raised a brow at me and looked at me as if I was stupid.
"You got the food belly but aren't pregnant." Then his eyes widened. "Wait... Are you? If you are then who's the daddy?
I send him a glare. "I can't be pregnant. I haven't slept with anyone in months."
"Think you could be having the next Christ?" I send him a glare and kicked him under the table.
"Damn, the fuck. Fine we'll go to the doctor geez woman."
Pregnant? How could that be?
I looked at Harry who looked as if he hadn't blinked in a while, looking pale.
"Holy shit. You are having the next Jesus." I rolled my eyes at his comment and looked back at the doctor.
"This can't be right. I haven't had sex with anyone for months."
"Well the results says other wise. Try to think about the night you don't remember. Trust me that will be the night you slept with someone." I slowly nodded, thinking about the one night I had no recollection of.
"If anything just call. What ever your decision is just make an appointment and we'll talk about your options. Okay?" I nodded, giving her a smile and thanking her.
Harry and I left the office and left to the apartment that we shared as roommates.
"Who'd you think is the dad?" Harry said once we walked in to our apartment. The ride over was quite, mostly because I was trying to put pieces together. By the time we arrived to the apartment my head was hurting from all the thinking. There’s no way I could be pregnant, I haven’t slept with anyone in months because of how busy I have been and because of the lack of interest I had on anyone.
Walking into our apartment I headed straight to my room, ignoring Harry and his calls to me. I just wanted to be alone, be able to thing and hope I can find the answer to this pregnancy.
After showering and getting ready to go to bed early due to the mental exhaustion I had, I sat on the bed, coming out my hair while I looked forward to the wall. The doctors voice hasn’t left my head, telling me how I was a couple of weeks pregnant. What didn’t help was the fact that I still didn’t know who the baby daddy was. I wasn’t going to raise a child on my own, maybe if Harry helped me but I would feel bad for him. He would just be stuck with me and the baby.
The thought of Harry made me think about the dreams. I have been having dreams about him and I having sex, also didn’t help that it felt so real. I could feel him on my body and I would even wake up from how deep it went. It all felt too real.
It couldn’t be. We couldn’t have slept together because if we did we would have remembered, I would have remembered.
I got into bed after brushing my hair and laid on my bed, sighing at the comfort of it.
My eyes couldn’t stay open any longer, I was too tired to stay awake to think some more. But when I did drift off to sleep I couldn’t help but to think about how Harry also had the same sex dream with me.
Tags: @delicate1294
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no-reply95 · 3 years
So I listened to the Something About the Beatles (SATB) latest podcast today, titled “Dear Friend” with the topic of conversation John and Paul’s relationship in the 1970s. So I was thinking that this would be great because I feel like the primary things talked about when the John/Paul 1970s dynamic is discussed is Lennon Remembers, How Do You Sleep and the PlayBoy interview, maybe they’ll throw in the Lost Weekend for balance if they’re feeling so inclined... I’m obviously exaggerating here but... Firstly, before I start my rant, SATB is a good podcast, they usually have great guests (Erin Torkelson Weber the MVP of course), cover interesting topics and Robert Rodriguez is a good host who’s good at challenging things in the story that don’t ring true.
However, I feel like throughout the Beatles active years and into the post break-up years there’s a narrative that has been established that so many people are wedded to, to the point that it’s part of the orthodoxy of the band. In my opinion the narrative is that from first meeting up until the moment that John died Paul was always doing everything to be John’s BFF, he was always trying to be closest to John, no matter what John said or did, Paul would always be the one to try and mend fences and throughout the 70s he was doing whatever he could to end up back working with John. I don’t think this narrative is completely wrong but I think it’s uneven mainly because, in all this, Paul’s importance to John is completely glossed over and John’s manoeuvring to ensure that he was the most important person in Paul’s life is completely missed. So, I just want to highlight some of the instances off the top of my head where I feel that John showed how much he needed to be prioritised in Paul’s life and how much he wanted to mend fences post break-up, that I feel don’t get talked about often enough:
1) John’s competition with Jim McCartney: There’s a lot of stock put into the John-Paul-Stu triangle but that obscures a weird triangle that, maybe Paul wasn’t even aware of, but I think definitely existed which is John-Paul-Jim. By all accounts Jim didn’t want John around and was against John and Paul’s friendship. Jim had a lot of influence over Paul and had a lot of sway as his sole parent once Mary died and I think John was resentful of that. We all know about the ultimatum John gave Paul when he took the job (that Jim implored him to get) which jeopardised his commitment to the band. In John’s eyes and own words, Paul choosing to quit his job to commit fully to the band was Paul choosing John over his dad. No one (in books I’ve only seen Joshua Wolf Shenk discuss this) discusses how Jim was effectively John’s Stu, someone that obstructed his closeness and ability to influence Paul to the point that over a decade later, post break up, John saw Paul focusing on the band as a victory over his dad. John had a jealously of Paul’s closeness and prioritisation of his family that would rear its head further down the road but, by and large, I rarely see this discussed.
2) John’s jealousy of Paul’s other close friendships: On this front, we hear ad nauseam, about Paul’s jealousy of Stu, which is fine because, even without Paul acknowledging it, it’s obvious from space that Paul was jealous of Stu’s closeness to John but we never hear about John’s jealousy of Paul’s other close friendships. All the Beatles were close to Mal Evans but I think Paul was especially close to him (he was the first Beatle to befriend Mal, Mal lived with him at Cavendish for some time, Mal helped Paul write some songs etc.) which got to John. In John’s own words when discussing Magical Mystery Tour he was “choked” when he found out that Paul had come up with the idea with Mal and Mal’s widow has said that Yoko told her that John had told her (whew Chinese whispers time) that he was jealous of Mal’s friendship with Paul... Then there’s Tara Browne, it’s interesting that despite Tara apparently being really friendly and outgoing John never took to him. Maybe it was because Tara was upper class. Maybe it was because after pestering him for months, Paul chose to do LSD with Tara instead of with John and the rest of the band. Maybe it was because Paul invited Tara up to Liverpool, right after Christmas, to hang out with his family resulting in the infamous moped crash. If I put my tin foil hat on, in “A Day in the Life” when John’s reaction to the death of a man in a car crash is “to laugh” is that meaningful? The song is thought to reference Tara but does that passage give us a glimpse into how John saw Tara? If he’s laughing about Tara dying then it sounds like he really didn’t like him, possibly due to his close friendship with Paul.
3) John’s resentment of Paul’s romantic partners: So this one is interesting... There are quite a few examples to walk through so here goes. We have the incident in Hamburg where Paul is in bed with a woman and John (in the aftermath of Stu’s death and probably high on prellies) comes charging in attacking the girl, cutting up her clothes and basically scares her out of the room, maybe that was just the prellies but there seems to be too much of a pattern to ignore. Then there’s Jane of course, we don’t know a ton about John’s interactions with Jane over the years but it’s interesting that he makes a terrible first impression with her (asking her to describe how girls masturbate) and it seems that their relationship is cordial at best going forward (note how Jane and Paul never go on holiday alone with John and Cynthia in the same way George and Ringo did with their respective partners). Peggy Lipton also tells the story about how when she came to hang out with Paul in 1965, John was really rude to her out of nowhere and asked “what she was doing there” and she seemed to think that John couldn’t understand why Paul wanted to take her to dinner if all he was going to do was fuck her. Then, there’s Linda... John consistently gives interviews in the early 70s when he talks about how in a few years Paul will wake up and leave Linda, according to Ray Connolly John couldn’t believe that Paul was staying faithful to Linda and then there’s other weird occurrences in that late 60s/early 70s period. There’s the fan who claims seeing John about to hit a pregnant Linda before Paul stepped in, there’s John rushing to get married as soon as Paul does (8 days later I think which is WILD to me), there’s John describing Paul’s wedding as a “funeral” in ‘71... What does all this tell us? That John was too busy replacing Paul with Yoko to care about Paul anymore? In my book, it’s John’s fears being realised that Paul would always prioritise his family over him when push came to shove, in John’s mind he had won when he was competing with Jim for Paul but once Linda came into the picture and gave Paul the family he always wanted, I think in John’s mind, it was game over. Maybe if Paul had divorced Linda in the 70s (like John predicted) they would have worked together more, we’ll never know, but in a similar way to Yoko, Linda was a wedge in John’s relationship to Paul.
4) John’s attempts post break-up to reach out to Paul: We hear a lot about Paul reaching out to John in the 70s and not engaging with the feuding anymore, it’s Paul that decides not to respond in kind to HDYS, it’s Paul that invites John to the Venus and Mars sessions, it’s Paul going to the Dakota to see/try to see John, it’s always Paul seemingly who misses John and wants to reestablish their relationship. However, according to May Pang, John was happy to do Bangladesh if Paul was doing it too. According to Ray Connolly, John gave him a letter to give to Paul, in the hopes that Paul would call him. According to Paul and other people involved in the One to One concert, John asked Paul to appear with him during his performance in ‘72. And in the face of the backlash from HDYS, John’s the one going around calling Paul his best friend ,other than Yoko, and sending him Beatles bootlegs for Christmas.
All this is to say that John and Paul did not have this one sided relationship where only Paul cared and wanted them to repair things or where only Paul was looking to manoeuvre a situation so he was closest to John, John also wanted to be the closest person in Paul’s life, he was jealously protective of their partnership (see his angry reaction to Paul not coming to him and only him to help with Eleanor Rigby) he also seemed to fear losing Paul to his family which may have happened in his mind, who knows. Because John’s most famous post Beatles interviews have him bashing Paul and Paul’s had 40 years to talk about how much he loved John, there’s this view that Paul loved John more than John loved Paul or that John loved Paul until Yoko came in the picture, at which point Paul was no longer relevant. If Paul meant nothing to John anymore, why did he even bother writing HDYS, if he was so tuned out he wouldn’t have been bothered by Ram, none of the critics were so why was John all over that album more than a Paul is Dead truther?! Why did Yoko block Paul’s calls to John, they were happy to hang out with Ringo, what was so threatening about Paul? Why, according to Robert Rosen, were John’s diaries full of his obsessions about Paul?? We’ll never know a lot of the answers to these questions but I would love it if more podcasts even acknowledged that these questions exist and acknowledged that Paul was such a huge part of John’s life till his dying day: “we have our ups and downs but I would do anything for Paul and I think he would do anything for me” John Lennon December 8 1980.
Apologies for the rant it seems listening to Beatles podcasts always seems to set me off! But SATB is a good podcast, just feel that there are so many interesting conversations that get missed in favour of the usual narrative time and time again, so close but no cigar!
Thanks to @onesweetdreampodcast and @anotherkindofmindpod for being the only podcast I’ve heard to date brave enough to discuss these questions, I think doing that will give us a much better understanding of the Beatles and how their story unfolded.
By the way most of what I referenced above can be found in @amoralto incredible blog, have fun!
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bibbawrites · 3 years
What Happens in Hawaii Stays in Hawaii - Charlie Gillespie x Reader (SMUT - 18+)
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Request: could you do a fic with reader and Charlie where they are bffs and he brings her on the Hawaii trip but something weird in the system happened so their shared hotel room only had one bed instead of two and a whole smut ensues
Word Count: 1583 words
Summary: a simple mistake leads to confronting feelings for your best friend Charlie that you had previously tried to keep hidden
Warnings: smut (duh), slight dirty talk, swearing, unprotected s*x
A/N: this ended up being so weird and slightly uncomfortable but for some reason no matter what i did i just couldn’t make this serious lol hope you all enjoy this either way :) 
Tag List:  @happinessinthedarkesttimes​ @littlemissaddict @vicesvsvirtuesfanfic @headheartbellarke @lovesanimals​ @bartok-the-bat @juliefromaustralia @multi-universe21 @rangerelik @kaitieskidmore1
It was the most cliche scenario in the book. You had agreed to join your best friend Charlie on his trip to Hawaii with his cast mates, and somehow there had been a mix up and instead of having two beds in the room you were sharing with Charlie, there was only one. 
Which would be perfectly fine, except for the fact that you were harbouring a crush the size of Jupiter on that same best friend you would be forced to share a bed with for the next few weeks. 
“You’ll be fine.” Carolynn reassured you after you had finished ranting about the mix up, as the two of you and Tori laid on sun loungers as the boys wrestled in the ocean. 
“You sure about that?” You questioned. “You don’t even know the worst part.” 
“That you’re in love with Charlie?” Tori asked. Your eyes widened. 
“How did you know?” You spluttered. She grinned. 
“Y/N it’s obvious. Just like it’s obvious he feels the exact same way about you.” She explained, and you cringed. 
“Do you think he knows?” Tori and Carolynn shook their heads. 
“Trust us, he’s just as oblivious as you are.” Carolynn teased, and you pouted. 
“I’m not oblivious.” You muttered and the girls giggled. 
“Sure you’re not.” Tori said, as they exchanged a knowing look. 
You sighed, leaning back onto your chair and shutting your eyes. It wouldn’t be that bad. 
If there was a competition running for famous last words, you would definitely get a prize for saying it wouldn’t be that bad. 
Watching as your best friend, the boy you had been in love with forever, entered the room with only a towel around his waist, body still wet from his shower, you sure regretted saying that it wouldn't be bad because clearly you had temped some kind of fate. 
You tried to ignore him, deciding that the best plan would be to just focus on the TV, but Charlie had other plans. 
“Do you want me to sleep on the floor?” Charlie questioned, running a towel through his wet hair. You swallowed as you looked back over at him, and shook your head, trying to ignore the droplets of water running down his chest.
“No it’s fine, we’ve shared a bed before.”
“Okay.” Charlie nodded. He ran the towel down his chest and you tried to focus your attention back on the TV in front of you and not the dripping wet, very attractive, half naked boy across the room.
Charlie crossed the room, grabbing his clothes from a pile, and without a second thought, dropped the towel from around his waist.
“Charlie!” You exclaimed with a choke, your face going bright red as you try to look anywhere but your completely naked best friend. Charlie just laughed.
“Nothing you haven’t seen before. Remember when we were kids and we used to take baths together?” He said cheekily. 
“Yeah when we were like 7. Not fully grown adults.” You replied.
“So? You���ve seen a dick before, right?” He asked. You rolled your eyes.
“Yes, but that’s not the point.” You mumbled. Charlie didn’t move.
“Dude! Just put your fucking pants on.” You exclaimed. Charlie shook his head, finishing drying himself off before throwing his towel at your head.
He pulled a pair of sweatpants on before flopping down on the bed next to you. You looked at him and he looked up at you with a smirk.
“Enjoy the show?” He teased. You flicked the towel at him as he laughed loudly.
“No you asshole.” You muttered.
“Oh yeah? Then why are you so turned on right now?” He questioned. You blushed even darker.
“I’m not.” You denied. Charlie raised an eyebrow.
“You sure about that?” He sat up, moving closer to you so that you could feel his hot breath on your lips. Your heart was racing.
“Charlie, what are you doing?” You managed to stutter out.
“You can feel it too, right? The tension between us?” He questioned. You didn’t respond so he continued. “The same tension that’s been around for years. I don’t know about you but I’ve been feeling it since we were just kids. I’ve been in love with you since I was 12.”
You froze at his confession.
“You what?” Your voice was shaky.
“I’m in love with you.” He repeated. You threw yourself towards him, connecting your lips with his in a heated kiss.
“I love you too.” You told him. He groaned, flipping you over so that he was hovering over you.
“Do you want to fuck me as bad as I want to fuck you?” His voice was low.
“Please.” You whimpered, and Charlie connected your lips again, his hips grinding down into yours. You moaned into his mouth, allowing him a chance to slip his tongue into his mouth.
“Char.” You groaned, your hands threading through his damp hair.
“You want me to fuck you?” He repeated, mumbling against your lips. You nodded eagerly. He pulled away from your lips and began to kiss down your neck, biting and sucking to leave marks that you knew you were going to struggle to cover in the next few days.
He pulled away, sitting up, watching as you pulled your oversized shirt off, leaving you in just panties. His eyes lingered on your naked chest for a few seconds before he looked back up, his eyes meeting yours.
“Do you still have that thing in your arm to stop you from getting pregnant?” He questioned. You nodded.
“Good, cause I don’t have a condom. Wasn’t really expecting to fuck my best friend on this trip.” He admitted. You laughed, pulling him back down to kiss him again.
His hands made their way up to cup your breasts, his calloused thumb flicking over one of your nipples.
You whimpered again as he moved to suck on your nipple, his tongue flicking at the sensitive skin.
“Can you hurry up and fuck me?” You said, and Charlie chucked.
“Impatient much.” He teased, but he obeyed nonetheless, moving to pull off his sweatpants. You copied, pulling off your panties, and all of the sudden it hit you what was about to happen.
“Oh my god.” You mumbled.
“What?” Charlie frowned. “You okay?”
“Yeah.” You replied. “Just realised we’re about to fuck.”
Charlie laughed.
“No kidding.” He teased. “You know we don’t have to if you don’t feel ready.”
“No, no, I want to. It’s just... I’ve been dreaming of this for so long and now it’s finally happening.” Charlie smiled softly at your words.
“Hey, I love you.” He said, pressing a gentle kiss to your lips.
“I love you too.” You replied. “Anyways, now that the sappy moment is over, can we get back to business now?”
Charlie laughed, pushing you back onto the bed before hovering over you.
“Ready?” He questioned. You nodded, opening your legs. He lent down and kissed you again, the tip of his dick brushing against your clit, and without a warning he pushed into you.
You gasped slightly at the discomfort as he slowly slid into you, waiting once he bottomed out.
“Okay, ready.” You told him after a moment, and he nodded before pulling almost completely out and slamming back into you. You couldn’t help but scream out in pleasure, and Charlie grinned, covering your mouth.
“Shh, don’t want anyone to hear us.” He said, reminding you that Owen was in the room just next door. You nodded, and the next time he thrusted he muffled your moans with his hand.
“I’ve been dreaming about this for so long, and you’re even better than I imagined. So tight and warm around me.” Charlie spoke as he thrusted. “And don’t even get me started on your tits, god they’re perfect. Oh and that ass, I’ve always loved your ass.”
You blushed at his words.
“You really never shut up do you?” You said, and Charlie grinned. 
“Nope. Talking is kinda my thing.” He told you, his pace speeding up slightly. 
“Gee who would have thought.” You mumbled sarcastically. 
“Hey, no sarcasm while we’re fucking.” Charlie reprimanded. 
“Can we not have a normal fucking conversation right now? Surprised you haven’t commented on the weather yet.” You groaned, the sound turning into one of pleasure as Charlie hit your g-spot.
“Apparently there’s a storm coming tomorrow.” Charlie commented. You glared at him. 
“Charles I swear to god.” 
He fell silent, the only sound the both of your heavy breathing, and the sound of skin slapping together. After a moment he spoke up again. 
“Can’t do quiet. My mouth just needs to be doing something.” He whined, and you pulled him down to connect your lips, sliding your tongue into his mouth as your orgasm rapidly approached. 
Charlie sped up again and you moaned into his mouth. He pulled away quickly. 
“I’m so close.” He told you. You nodded. 
“Me too.” You replied. He pulled you in for another kiss and with a few last thrusts he came inside you, causing you to topple over the edge too, walls clenching around him as you came. 
He pulled out and collapsed on top of you, his damp hair pressed against your cheek. 
“We have to do this again sometime.” He sighed, snuggling into you. You smiled softly before agreeing. 
Now that you had slept with Charlie, you didn’t think you could ever go back to the way things were. 
And honestly? Neither of you wanted to. 
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Hogwarts AU Headcanons
Aizawa Shouta/Eraserhead, Toshinori Yagi/All Might, Taishiro Toyomitsu/Fatgum, Mirai Sasaki/Sir Nighteye, Keigo Takami/Hawks
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Slytherin 🐍
He was the odd ball though when it came to his own house since he hung out with a Hufflepuff and a Gryffindor
Would every now and then find himself in some trouble alongside his friends with the professors
Especially for being late to class, his two friends goofing off around the grounds, and trying to sneak around late at night.
Was in possession of the Maurader’s map with his friends....but Filch took it...
Also was friends with you as well, ever since the first train ride to Hogwarts, but the two of you start to date in your 6th year.
He excelled with all his subjects and O.W.L.S. and graduated almost at the top of his class
The two of you married not too long upon graduating Hogwarts.
Became an Auror and was pretty great at his job, but with the offer of a position at Hogwarts recommended to him, he decided to give it a go
The two of you move to Hogsmeade to be closer to his work.
I picture him teaching Defense Against the Dark Arts
He’s a strict teacher, but only because he needs the students to know the ways to defend themselves and be knowledgeable of the dangers in the wizarding world.
He is also runs Wizarding Duel Club, which is actually quite popular despite him being so strict with his teaching methods
Enjoys roaming around Hogsmeade with you on the weekends he and over the holidays
Frequents the Three Broomsticks and Honeydukes with you (especially honeydukes when you fall pregnant during his 2nd year of teaching)
Students were SHOOK to see their professor at Madame Puddyfoot’s Tea Shop with a heavily pregnant you on Valentine’s Day
Students since then have introduced themselves to you and enjoy talking to you....despite Shouta wanting a student free weekend in Hogsmeade.
But he can’t help but like it when students request to feel your baby bump and you happily let them....the happy look on your face makes his heart flutter
Will invite you to eat at Hogwarts with the students and professors that stay for Christmas because he feels bad for the students who don’t go back to their families
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Gryffindor 🦁
Was extremely popular in his Hogwarts years
Won the triwizard tournament his 7th year
His academics though? They weren’t out of this world, but they were pretty normal, he was better when it came to his extracurricular activities such as Wizarding Duel and Quidditch
He would secretly go to geek out about the muggle world with the Muggle Studies professor every now and then
Upon graduation he was a pretty popular quidditch player for the United Kingdom, but suffered a life changing injury
Decided live in the muggle world and study their way of life for a bit after the injury, he ended up composing a text book with all the basics he scrounged up together
It’s even used for the curriculum at Hogwarts
Though Hogwarts offered him a position as well as the Muggle Studies professor
Hell to the yes he went! He become head of Gryffindor house and helped give pointers to the quidditch team
Started a weekend club where students would meet in the great hall to observe Muggle Artifacts, it wasn’t really that popular, but it didn’t matter, the few students that joined was enough for him.
Met you shortly after beginning to teach at Hogwarts
You taught herbology and would sometimes listen in during his Muggle club in the great hall and would sometimes ask questions about the object he was talking about.
After that he would invite you out to Hogsmeade to get a butter beer and talk about muggle things since you showed an interest in wanting to know
The conversations soon turned into what would go on between two friends and it flowed so nicely, so after that he would ask you to meet up a few more times before going on a date.
The fact that two of you dated was no secret as your dates were of course held at Hogsmeade and the students could very well see the two of you chatting away.
So it wasn’t a surprise when the two of you got married and you fell pregnant during one year of teaching.
He totally invited the members of his muggles club to the wedding and totally didn’t get emotional when they gifted him a rubber duck (his absolute favorite muggle artifact)
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Hufflepuff 🦡
Known as the gentle giant while in school
Supper nice and was friendly with absolutely everyone, so he was highly respected and adored by his peers
His academic life was pretty normal, excelling in the subjects he needed to become an Auror, he was also the announcer for the school’s quidditch matches.
Also liked to spend his time in the library to study....also snuck snacks in as well and would share with the other students that were studying
Met you on the train ride to Hogwarts his 7th year, he was trying to enter your train car since the others were full but he only managed to bang his head upon entering
You two were joined at the hip ever since then and started dating
The two of you married after graduation
You came into the ownership of honeydukes at Hogsmeade while Taishiro spent most of his time away for his job as an Auror
Quite his job though once the two of you had your 5th child to move to Hogsmeade to be with you and to help you run the candy shop.
The students love interacting with you and Taishiro, talking about their classes and their stuggles and asking for advice as they would purchase their chocolate frogs and other confectionary
Your older children, who all happen to be girls, love to go visit you and Tiashiro ok the weekends and sometimes hang out with their friends there.
Your younger girls would give advice to the students who are purchasing candy on which one is the best and will also look longingly to them because they wanted to be at Hogwarts already.
They would also brag that they had like five of the cards that a student would get from their chocolate frogs, but Taishiro would soon put them on blast and say they didn’t
Became instant BFFs with the Weasley family thanks to being able to relate on having big families, so holidays together are chaotic but fun
Is a huge advocate for house elves rights along with his daughters and you
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Was a little quiet during school, a little mysterious
People either liked him or just really didn’t know him, mostly people from his own house liked him.
Excelled in academics and was at the top of his class and was viewed as the brightest wizard in his year, but sucked when it came to quidditch.
Really, really, really, really loved quidditch though and really wished he was good at it, but you can’t help some things.
Upon graduation he took up a position at the Ministry of Magic as the head of the Department of Mysteries
Worked extremely close with the Hall of Prophecy thanks to his gift of Divination (divination was his favorite course in Hogwarts)
Met you through work after becoming head of the Department of Mysteries
Your were the head of the Department of Magical Law Enforcement
You two had a meeting for damage control because a worker on the Hall of Prophecy managed to drop on of them and the even needed to be documented
You had a framed signature from a famous quidditch player on the wall that caught his attention after the meeting, which he pointed out and the two of you had a conversation about your shared love of quidditch
After that, he was hooked and asked you out on a date, which went well and the two of you were married a year or two later.
He would read your tea leaves or your palms about your future to impress you
It always impressed you and it will always impress you no matter how many times he would do it.
The two of you live in an apartment in London and will often go to the Leaky Couldron and Diagon Alley
The two of you would deck yourself out in your favorite teams for the quidditch World Cup, which includes painting your face
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Gryffindor 🦁
EXTREMELY popular in his Hogwarts years
Literally all the girls loved and pined after him, all the boys wanted to be him, and all the teachers were always impressed with his work.
Was the best seeker for the Gryffindor quidditch team
All around perfect student and he always seemed to do everything with so much ease and stress free
Always managed to dodge the love potions girls would try to slip him.
He met you one day while messing around with his friends at the lake skipping rocks, you were under the shade of a tree studying.
His friends went to start messing with you, which he soon told them too all ‘fuck off’ when he could tell that you were visibly annoyed with them.
Always hung out with you since then, becoming almost like your gaurdian angel
Upon graduation he struck a job being an Auror, you the potions master at hogwarts.
He was pretty dang awesome in his job and honestly everyone knew the amazing work he did as Auror, so he was pretty popular amongst the Aurors as well
He quit his job though to begin teaching the flying lessons to the first years at Hogwarts because he really did enjoy quidditch and flying
Also was in charge of quidditch as a whole
And he also just really missed you
He finally asked you out on a date towards the end of his first year of teaching at Hogwarts and you said yes, then towards the beginning of the next year, the two of you got married
The students love Keigo, he treats them as equals, mostly because he’s honestly not that much older than them and was in their position not to long ago.
Girls swoon over him and are low key jealous that you are married to him.
He likes to pop his head in to bother you during, or before and after your classes
Plays quick games of quidditch on the quidditch field with the house team that are practicing for fun
Will tug you into the potion’s closet for a quick kiss, despite how unprofessional you think it is
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So @whaleofatjme1920 said that she had a deep need for Maple Cohen BFF headcanons when I got back on my Sally Face rot. Elsie, honey, you've got a big storm coming, cos I've collected snippets about Maple and crafted her very own super deep back story!! (Tw: talks of pregnancy, birth, motherhood, babies)
꧁༒༻☬ Bₑᵢ𝚗g Mₐ𝐩ᄂₑ Cₒ𝓱ₑ𝚗'𝘴 Bₑ𝘴𝚝 Fᵣᵢₑ𝚗𝚍 ☬༺༒꧂
You and Maple have been best friends since 7th grade.
I kinda see being best friends with Maple as equal to Daria and Jane, with you being Jane and Maple being Daria
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You're both always trying to outdo each other on obscure songs and who can find the best one.
You don't really understand her thing for Chug, but he treats her well and makes her happy. Who are you to stand in the way of true love?
Go on, you crazy kids, and be happy 🥺
Now, for the angst part
Maple's parents have never been too accepting of Maple's relationship with Chug (and I think I got this idea from @beholdthemem , ages ago), so they kicked her out when you all graduated and Maple wanted to start working to save up for a place with Chug.
They kicked her out with only the clothes on her back since they had bought everything Maple had, and therefore wouldn't let her take anything.
Luckily, Chug's parents are absolutely angels and let Maple move in with Chug. But Maple... Went somewhere else in her head for a few months.
Rest of post below the cut, tw: pregnancy, birth, baby
It wasn't long before Maple was pregnant and you were holding her hand at Planned Parenthood with her for her first ultrasound (Chug was pulling a double shift at work, one of many)
You felt a kind of sinking feeling when the doctor there said they needed Maple's medical records and family history. Maple had just pulled herself out of shock from her parents actions. You didn't want her to take another mental vacation on you.
So you ended up going with her to pick everything up from her parents mailbox after she arranged for them to leave it there when they left for work.
Neither of you had wanted to see them anyway.
You were part of Maple and Chug's small, courthouse wedding. You gave her away, and your heart swelled when you saw Chug seem to stand straighter, become a different man as he took Maple's hands at the official's desk. You realized later that you not only witnessed their wedding, but Chug's transformation into a man.
The pregnancy went smoothly, Maple hit every average benchmark pregnancy threw at her.
You got pretty good at knowing exactly what snack Maple and her baby needed and you and Chug started grocery shopping together for her to make sure nothing was forgotten.
Sometimes you two would bring Sal and Larry along after they smoked to get "premium" snacks for Maple, Chugs words (and Sal and Larry's), not yours. This resulted in a lot of these moments and subsequent crashes
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When Maple went into labor, you were basically staying on the Cohen's living room floor. Maple's delivery date was kind of iffy, she could have gone at any moment.
Waiting through labor and delivery was... An ordeal. Chug was a wreck and the two of you swapped out sitting next to Maple and letting her break your hands until she was dilated enough for an epidural.
Things slowed down a little after that and you ended up sending a shocky Chug out to Todd's van with Sal and Larry. He came back still anxious, but visibly more relaxed.
Chug was in the delivery room for the actual moment, and after things were checked out, Chug came and got you.
Said something about "Soda needs to meet her godmom"
Soda? You chuckle to yourself as you follow Chug to Maple's bedside. The drugs must be pretty strong 😅
You teared up when you walked in and saw Maple, laying in her hospital bed, tired, but radiant as she cradled a small bundle to her.
She holds the bundle out to you and you awkwardly take it. How much pressure do I use in my grip? What if she cries? Or I drop her 😱?
And then Soda is in your arms and she's staring up at you with impossibly huge brown eyes. And it's love.
You know then that you'd walk through hell for this tiny being. If anyone hurt her, you'd drown the world in blood until you killed them.
In honesty, the fierce protective instinct scared you a little. You tried not to think about it
Being Soda's godmother was one of your proudest titles.
You saw her every day, changed your share of diapers, dealt with spit ups, seasonal colds, teething, etc
But it was a labor of love
Because you wouldn't trade the bedtime stories, playing pretend, learning words, wishing you hadn't taught her that word, the silly hairdos, macaroni portraits.
I think Soda would LOVE your chalk drawings
You basically learn how to be a mom with Maple.
One day, Maple comes over beside herself.
Her parents had found out about Soda, it's a small town, bound to happen.
They wanted to meet Soda, visit with Chug. But first they wanted to have a coffee date to talk with Maple.
You didn't exactly sit in on the meeting. But you were situated two tables away with the most sensitive hearing of your life, ready to intercede.
They wanted to apologize. They wanted Maple in their lives. They wanted to give Chug a fair chance. They wanted to know Soda.
You couldn't blame Maple for her suspicion while she hammered out details for a dinner at the apartment. Chug's parents had gifted the apartment to the couple and their child, and started an early retirement in upstate New York.
The two of you left deep in discussion, playing out possible scenarios, some good, some bad
You stopped by the pharmacy on the way to Maple's and Maple picked up some ointment the doctor had prescribed for Soda. You picked it up just before they closed. Coffee had taken longer than either of you had anticipated.
You two saw red and blue police lights outside the apartment building when you pulled up. Ash was standing just next to a barricade of police tape, cordoning off the apartment entryway.
"Ash, what's happening?" Maple asks and Ash can't look at her.
You touch Ash's wrist and her green eyes find yours. Ash's eyes remind you of a horse that's spooked, too much white showing.
"Ashley! What's going on?"
Ash's eyes slide away from you and you hear movement at the doors
The police are escorting someone out
It's... Sal
He's covered in blood.
And then you're in a dark quiet place. Your last coherent thought was, "I'll never come back from this."
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imagines4thefandoms · 3 years
Eternity Pt 2 (Kol Mikaelson X reader)
Requested: yes from Wattpad
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This will no be accurate according to the show so bare with me.
Y/n’s POV
“Kol” you whispered.
You quickly looked over your shoulder but the only person there was your best friend (bff/n). She gave you small smile and then went back to taking notes. You could have sworn that you felt something. The entire class you just stared blankly at the powerpoint. You didn’t even notice the class was over til (bff/n) shoved you a little as she was leaving the classroom.
“Y/n are you ok” Bf/n asked.
“What,” you asked coming back to reality.  “Yeah” you answered grabbing you bag and running out of the room.
“Your crazy y/n. Just go for a walk to clear your head,” you told yourself.
The plan was to walk around campus until your next class. The scenery was going to calm you down, just link it did after your turned. But you didn’t really focus on the scenery.
You woke up and everything hurt. Your head. Your teeth. Your eyes. But weirdly enough not your stomach or legs or face. Not where that man hurt you. You opened your eye but the light was way too bright.
“Its ok,” a strange voice said.
The light became less annoying and you took in your surroundings. But it wasn’t a hospital. You quickly sat up of tried to make yourself small. There were two men in the room with you.
“Please im sorry. I won’t run,” you pleaded with those men.
“Hey your safe. I promise that man will never hurt you again,” the man in a suit said.
“Technically no one will now,” the other one said.
There was this pain in your stomach. It was like hunger but much worse. There was a bag on the table next to the bed you woke up on and it smelled amazing. The younger of the two men grabbed the bag and sat on the bed.
“Drink this and you will feel better,” he said holding out the bag.
The urge to take it was strong but you were weary of the men. You turned your head away and just hoped the hunger would go away like it has before. The other placed his hand on the younger and they both left the room.
“She needs to feed,” you heard the younger say.
“That young girl just went through something horrific Kol. Give her time,” the older man say.
“Elijah, and if she doesn’t are we supposed to let her die,” the younger man now known as Kol asked.
“She might not want to become one of use. It's her choice. One that neither of us will make for her,” Elijah responded as he walked away.
Everything hurt. But this pain was worse than you ever felt. This pain couldn’t be pushed down and ignored. Something in you knew that whatever was in that bag would make the pain go away. You went to grab it off the nightstand but it wasn’t there. Kol must have taken it. Maybe that was best. right. If I drank that I would become one of them according to Elijah but what were they? British?
You curled into a ball and just cried. This pain has to go away right. Kol said I could die. Would that be a good thing. Or should I drink whatever is in that bag. What's so bad about becoming British? There was this loud tapping on wood. You shot up and looked around the room but saw nothing. The tapping continued. You got out of bed and saw nothing but a lone ant in the far corner. Yep you were going crazy. You were walking back to the bed when there was a thunderous knock on the door. Your tried to cover your ears to lessen the sound but it didn’t work. Kol walked in.
“What's wrong with me. What did you do,” you asked backing into the corner and curling into a ball.
“Shh you are okay,” Kol said stepping towards you.
“No stay away. You said I'm going to die.”
“Only if you don’t drink this,” Kol replied hold out the bag.
“What if I don’t want to be British. Huh. You ever think of that,” yelled.
“What,” Kol laughed.
“I heard what the other man said. If I drink that i'll become like you.”
“A vampire darling. You will become a vampire. Not British and were are not British. Technically we are Norwegian,” kol replied with a small smile.
“There is no such thing as vampires.”
“You teeth hurt,  and your eyes and head. Everything it too bright and too loud. You’re hungry. Hungrier than you have ever been,” kol stated.
“You are transitioning between vampire and human. You don’t have to turn if you don’t want to. But you died back on the farm. That man shot you. If you don’t drink this you will die,”
“Im dead?”
“Undead technically.”
You looked at Kol like he was crazy. A Vampire is one thing but you’re not dead. You would remember dying right. Kol took another step forward and you noticed his face change. His eyes got all veiny and his teeth got pointy.
“Holy shit,” you exclaimed standing up. “How.”
“My mother turned us after my younger brother died,”
“And how am I…,”
“My brother and I found you. You were seriously hurt so my brother fed you his blood to heal you. I killed the man who hurt you but he shot you. You died with vampire blood in your system so now you’re becoming a vampire,” Kol explained.
“Will it hurt,”
“No. Your pain will stop and you will be strong and faster and no one will hurt you again,” he explained stepping closer. “Drink this and you will be a vampire.
“Kol enough,” Elijah said walking into the room. “This is her choice.”
“If it will take my pain away i’ll drink blood. So what’s in that bag,” you asked stepping towards the brother.
“Human blood,” Elijah responded.
“Ew what,” you exclaimed taking a small step back.
“Drinking human blood with complete the transformation,” kol explained.
“But it smells so good,” you said with a gross expression.
Kol laughed a little and looked over at Elijah. “Are you sure you want this,” Elijah asked.
“I think so. Nothing can hurt me besides, wooden stake, holy water, a cross, the sun and garlic. No garlic bread will suck. Wait I don’t want to hurt people.”
“Holy water, a cross and garlic are all myth. The sun won’t be a problem with a daylight ring and you don’t have to hurt people if you don’t want to,” Elijah explained.
“Ok, I think I want this,” you said stepping forward and taking the blood from Kol.
You ripped the bag open and took a small sip. You expected it to taste awful but it was the most delicious thing you ever consumed. After drinking the whole bag you returned the bag to Kol and wiped and blood that was on your face away. Kol was right. The pain was gone. You felt strong. You felt free. You felt safe.
You were so entranced by the memory of your transformation that you walked longer and further than you planned. A text message from your lab partner brought you back to reality and you realized that you were late to class and that you walked 5 miles.
Shit I lost track of time. -y/n
Don’t worry ill tell the teach that you are sick. I'll send you the notes after class- (random name)
Thanks sorry- y/n
End flashback
You started to walk back to your room when you saw a couple chasing each other in the park across the street. They looked happy. The guy grabbed his boyfriend and they both fell down. They laid there together and watched the clouds pass.
You hated how happy they were. You hated how they had each other when your person was gone.
“Y/n come here,” Kol called from down stairs.
You kinda stayed with the Mikaelson’s after you turned. And they were right. You didn’t have to hurt anyone. But you kind of became a thief. Once a week Kol helps you steal from a blood bank so you don’t have to hurt a person, but only if there is lots of blood.
“What Kol,” you asked walking towards him.
Kol grabbed your hand and pulled you out of the house. You tried to plant yourself but he was older and therefore a lot stronger.
“Kol I don’t want to,” you whined trying to break free of his grasp.
“You have been inside all week, and its (fave weather) outside,” Kol explained turning to you.
“Fine,” you respond.
You go back upstairs to dress accordingly and then go out with Kol. The two of you walk around town til you guys reach the park and sit in the gazebo located in the center. Kol has become your best friend, your person. Without kol you wouldn’t be alive today and you loved him.
“Are you alright darling,” he asked sitting next to you.
“I’m perfect,” you responding watching the weather.
“Yes you are,” Kol mumbled watching you.
You got up and exited the gazebo to fully enjoy the weather. Kol sat protected watching you close your eyes, look up and spin around enjoying this beautiful day. You didn’t know kol walked over to you til his hands where on your hips causing you to stop spinning. You laughed as you fixed your hair and looking into his brown eyes. You stopped laughing when he grabbed your face. Before you could question what he was doing Kol pressed his lips against yours.
He broke the kiss and looked at you. “God you’re gorgeous.”
“I know.”
Kol laughed and then pressed his lips against yours again, but this time you wrapped your arms around him and deepened it. Something happened and the two of you fell to the ground. Laughter erupted from the both of you. Kol was on top of you and he just rested his forehead.
You pushed him off of you and the two of you just laid in the middle of the park holding hands. It was the best day ever.
End flashback
Kol’s POV
How. I’ve been dead for two months and now I was able to feel her. More importantly she could feel me. My sweet Y/n. I wanted to go follow her but there was something calling me. I don’t know what it was but I just needed to follow it. The thing calling me lead me back to my brothers. I walked into a house and saw Elijah sitting in the library reading. I explored the house and saw Klaus in his drawing room. Rebekah was with Marcel and there was a strange pregnant woman in the kitchen. I was going to try to call out to Klaus but there was something calling me upstairs. There was a door at the end of the hallway that glowed. I walked towards the door but before I could open it, someone else opening it.
“There you are. I have been looking for you,” a young brunette said.
Y/n’s POV
I reached my dorm room and I was going to take a nap. Naps solve all problems. But I needed answers. Did I really feel my Kol or am I going crazy. Maybe cursed or hexed. The only person who would know was Elijah. So I grabbed my keys and decided it was time to head to New Orleans.
“Where are we going,” you asked Kol messing with the blind fold he placed over your eyes.
“You really don’t like surprised do you,” he asked slapping your hand.
“Well the last time I was blindfolded and taken to a surprise I died in a barn,” you responded with a deadpan tone.
You could tell by the air how much Kol did not appreciate your joke. He was never really a fan of your dark humor. You placed a hand on his knee to let him know you were ok. He grabbed your hand and placed a kiss on it.
“Your humor needs work,” he said.
“No you just need time to get it,” you responded.
“Well either way we have all of eternity.”
The car stopped and Kol quickly got out and opened your door. He removed your blindfold and a beautiful cabin stood before you. The cabin sat on a lake and was surrounded by woods. Kol grabbed your hand and brought you inside.
“Kol what is this place,” you asked running your hand over the beautiful furniture.
“I bought this place years ago as a safe haven from my family. I come here when ever Niklaus is in a shabby mood,” he said wrapping his arms around you. “I thought that my beautiful girlfriend could use a vacation.”
“So you brought me to your don’t dagger me cabin,” you asked turning your head to look at the love of your life.
“Yes I brought you to my don’t dagger me cabin,” he laughed. “And now it’s our don’t dagger me cabin.”
“How romantic,” you joked turning completely around to hold him.
The entire trip was perfect. Just you and Kol doing everything you love. But the best night there was the third night. Kol had driven into town to grab stuff to make dinner. Kol promised to make your favorite meal. While Kol was out you decided to relax by the lake and soak up the sun. You stayed there til Kol came back. He placed a kiss on your temple to let you know he was back. You got up and returned the favor. He started to walk back to the cabin so you ran and jumped on his back.
“To lazy to walk darling,” he asked holding your legs so you don’t fall.
“Yes I am babe,” you responded placing a kiss on his cheek.
He shook is head in laughter and carried you inside. Once be brought you into the kitchen he sat you down on the counter. Kol turned and stood in between your legs. Your arms were around his neck and the two of you just stayed like this staring into each others eyes.
“So what’s the plan old man,” you asked after a couple minutes.
“Dinner, desert, then sex,” he replied.
“Sounds delicious.”
You sat on the kitchen counter and just watched Kol cook (favorite meal). While he was cooking you grabbed the phone that was on the counter next to you, which so happened to be his, and turned on music. Every so often Kol would bring you a spoon to taste the food.
“Delicious,” you judged.
After twenty more minutes, Kol was done cooking. He set up the table with candles and rose petals and went to the bedroom and put on a suit. He pulled out the chair for you and you just stared at him. You looked at Kol in his suit and you in a tank top and shorts.
“Seriously babe,” you exclaimed point to the romantic scene then to your outfit.
“You look gorgeous,” he said walking over to you.
“I know i’m just underdressed,” you ran upstairs and changed into a simple (f/c) dress.
You return downstairs and give Kol a little twirl. “Better.”
He looked at your dress and then laughed at your fuzzy polka dot socks. “Stunning,” he replied grabbing your hand and bringing you to the table.
The (favorite meal) was perfect. Kol was perfect. Everything was perfect. Kol took a sip of wine then grabbed your hand. He looked a littler nervous which confused you so you gave him a little smile in hopes to calm him down.
“Y/n you are the most beautiful person I have ever laid eyes on and I have been alive for over a century. These moments with you have made me feel more alive than when I was actually alive,” he stated to say. “And I meant is when I said that we will be together for all eternity. But there is one thing we need to fix for our eternity to begin.”
“Fix what needs to be fixed,” you asked looking at your dress.
“Not the way you look darling. Just your name,” he said getting down on one knee.
Kol grabbed a little black box from his pocket and opened it to reveal a beautiful diamond ring. You jumped out of your chair and fell on top of Kol.
“Is that a no,” he asked jokingly.
“Shut up. Yes. Fix my name it’s awful.”
“Nothing about you is awful, besides your humor. But y/n Mikaelson has a nice ring to it,” he said moving the hair from your face.
The two of you sat up and he slid the ring on your finger. Marrying the man in front of you is a dream come true.
You were playing with your ring which was hanging around your neck the whole ride home. Two months without your soulmate really felt like two centuries. And you knew going back home was going to bring up memories and pain but you needed answers. Why now?
As soon as you entered city limits, you saw Kol at every corner. You saw where you and kol first kissed. Where you had your first date, first fight, first make up. You passed your first apartment together.
You finally pulled up to the Mikaelson house and you just stood at the front door at the house where you met Kol. Maybe you didn’t want the answers; you went to go back to your car but stopped. Kol would tell you to be brave. So you opened the front door and walked inside.
There was some chatter coming from the library so you guessed Klaus and Elijah were fighting again. You decided to wait in the kitchen til Klaus was less “stabby” as Kol would put it. After grabbing some blood from the fridge you went to the library and lightly knocked on the door.
“Elijah I need some help,” you said slightly opening the door. “Im pretty sure I’m losing my mind or that i’m cursed.”
You walked in and saw Rebekah, Klaus, and Elijah looking at the fire place.  You could kind of see that they were staring a Devina. Elijah turned to face you and you saw him.
“Hello Darling,” Kol said walking towards you.
“Kol,” you asked taking a step forwards.
“God, you are even more gorgeous than before.”
“I know,” you cried as you ran into his arms.
He picked you up and spun you around. Kol put you down and firmly pressed his lips against yours. After taking a break for air, you turned to everyone and just smiled.
“How,” you simply asked.
“I found a spell,” Davina replied.
“Thank you D,” you thanked hugging Kol.
She gave you a small smile and you turned back to the love of your life. He was back. You were in his arms again. He looked at you with the biggest smile and then to the ring around your neck.
“I believe this is in the wrong place,” he said taking the necklace off of you.
He placed the ring back on your finger and placed a kiss on your hand.
“I also believe that there was something we needed to fix,” you replied with a smile.
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rkived · 4 years
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↳ PAIRING: dad!jk/married!jk/bff!jk x reader (ft. taehyung) 
↳ GENRE/TAGS: f2l, angst, unrequited feelings au, cheating au, future smut 
↳ WARNINGS: (for this chapter)  time jumps  (but it’s not so bad this time aha) mentions of a troubled marriage, mentions of postpartum depression, mentions of alcohol consumption, cheating!!! (obviously don’t do that y’all), a kinda hot makeout session
↳ WORD COUNT: 8.5k
↳ EXCERPT: ‘‘Jungkook shouldn’t be thinking about you, especially on the day of his fourth wedding anniversary to the woman he chose as his wife.’’ 
↳ A/N: hello!! first of all thanks so much for the love on pt 1 of cp like T_T anyway cp was supposed to be two pts only but as i wrote this chapter i realized that if i ended it on just two parts it would’ve been rushed sooo there’s a part 3 in the works! as always, feedback is much appreciated thx!! <3
01 | 02 | 03
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Taehyung finally found a dog-sitter for his dog, Yeontan, or Tannie, like you had begun calling him, after being introduced to him via FaceTime. 
He’s been wanting to stay the night over at your place for a while now. Things would get a little heated between you two every time he dropped you off after a night out. But just as you were about to pull him inside your apartment, he’d apologize and explain that he couldn’t stay because his dog was waiting for him at home.
A teacup Pomeranian cockblocked you for a whole month. 
But tonight’s finally the night, Taehyung and you have just finished a bottle of wine together and the Netflix movie you had both started watching had been paused so you two could focus on kissing each other properly, no background voices to interrupt. 
Taehyung is sweet, but not when he kisses. It’s fast and desperate. As if every time he places his lips on you it’ll be his last. They’re still enjoyable, though. He already knows what places to kiss to make you weak at the knees, he pays extra attention to them. 
His hair is a nice length and it’s soft, making your fingers curl into his locks easier. He likes the little tugs you’d give him absent-mindedly, always provoking small groans to come out of his mouth, which in exchange make you moan because his voice seems to get deeper when he gets in the mood.
Your phone’s been vibrating for a few seconds, but you ignore it, not wanting anything or anyone to ruin this for you and him. Eventually, your phone stops and you’re thankful.
Taehyung is midway into kissing and niping over your collarbone’s skin when you hear the doorbell ring. Maybe it’s because you’re both way in the heat of the moment to realize, but it’s not until it’s rang a few more times that you mutter a curse and your date sighs at the interruption.
“I swear to━! If it’s the landlord I’m sending him straight to hell.” you mumble exasperated and Taehyung chuckles, finding your irritation cute. His lips still feel electric, like you're still on them and he’s dying to have you back under him.
You huff and peek into your door’s peep-hole, already preparing to curse out the person on the other side. But you find yourself surprised at the fisheye lens sight of Jungkook with Sunhi in his arms.
It’s not Friday, what is he doing here?, you wonder. Immediately figuring out something’s wrong, Jungkook never comes to your place on days that are not Sunhi’s babysitting days. He hadn’t let you know about any change of plans either.
You open the door without any second thought and find him tickling Sunhi’s belly as she giggles at the action. You eye him and he smiles at your sight, but his face immediately changes once he notices your appearance.
You’re not looking ugly, actually, you’re beautiful. Your makeup is done and he can tell you probably went to the salon to get your hair blown out. But it’s the way your nude pink lipstick is slightly smudged and your hair's a little messy. There are wet patches on your neck and red spots around your collarbones. 
“Jungkook?” You speak once you notice he hasn’t explained the reason for his surprise visit, standing there like he had just seen a ghost “Did something happen?” 
Yes, something is happening inside of him, but that’s not what you’re asking. Sunhi’s gentle touch on his cheek makes him land back in reality and he has to slightly shake his head “I—uh, called you a few times” is what he comes up with. 
Taehyung notices you’re taking a little more time on the door and your voice isn’t raised, which means that it’s not the landlord who you’re dealing with. He stands up and makes his way through the hallway, leaning on the wall as he notices a tall figure looking at you with surprising eyes. There’s a little girl with him and Taehyung immediately realizes this is your friend, the one whose daughter you look out for. 
“Sorry, I was a little busy” you reply, but Jungkook’s eyes raise to look somewhere that’s not you and he notices the lingering figure of Kim Taehyung. 
Of course, this is his doing. Who else would have access to make you look like this? Little busy means you were in the process of sleeping with him 
“But is there something wrong?” you ask again, your attention placed on the little girl in his arms that remains silent, waiting for the right moment so she can show her true colors. 
“Uh—I think it’s best we go” Jungkook clears his throat, nodding his head over at Taehyung who is still waiting and watching what’s happening. You turn around and notice him, who in exchange gives you a reassuring smile. “Oh!” you’re reminded of what was going on no longer than a few minutes ago “Jungkook, is everything okay?” you ask once again.
He nods and forces a smile out of him “Just thought we could give a surprise visit to Auntie Y/N, right pumpkin?” Jungkook says looking over at the girl in his arms and his daughter nods, but her face is glued to his neck. She’s feeling shy and it’s rare for her to be that way. “Really, Y/N, it’s fine,” he reassures you, closer this time and you force yourself to nod “sorry for interrupting”. 
You can’t even give Sunhi a kiss goodbye or a pat on her back because Jungkook turns around and goes back to where he came from. 
Closing the door with a sigh, Taehyung comes up and embraces you in his arms, chin resting over your head. “Everything alright?” he asks and you hum, not sure of what just happened. “This is such a mood killer, I’m sorry.” you mumble and he smiles sweetly “Not at all,” he answers and you’re thankful for his comprehension “was that Sunhi?” he wonders, at this point slightly familiar with the sight of the little girl due to all the videos you send to him whenever you’re babysitting. You nod and he hums, swaying you from side to side slowly. 
“Want to finish watching the movie?” Taehyung offers and you twist your face, you no longer remember what the plot is about nor do you have the will to. “Want a massage and some kisses?” his tone is playful and you giggle at his proposal, nodding your head quickly and taking him to your bedroom.
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It’s Jungkook’s and Jiwoo’s four year wedding anniversary and it’s also their seven-year dating mark. Jungkook really thought he was being romantic by proposing on the same date as their dating anniversary.
He’s spending it with Sunhi at a fast-food restaurant that’s practically soulless besides him and her, the kitchen staff too; who are probably upset they got clients at this hour.
Jungkook didn’t think he was going to spend the night this way. Well, he figured he was going to spend this day by himself, his daughter to keep him company. Out of the four years of marriage, they’ve only celebrated it once, a few months before Sunhi’s birth. It wasn’t extremely fancy, but it was nice. He still remembers because it feels like one of the most, if not the only, memorable times of their marriage. Before things went south.
He woke up that morning to a reminder on his phone that today was his wedding anniversary. It’s shitty to admit, but if it weren’t for that notification he probably would’ve forgotten. But at least Jungkook set a reminder, because once he went into the kitchen to wish Jiwoo a congratulations for another year together—
“Oh, that’s today?” She asks in surprise, quickly finishing her breakfast smoothie so she can rush off to work. 
Jungkook doesn’t feel bad, they’re in the same position in the end. They don’t care about this anymore, but pretend they do. It wasn’t always like this. He still wonders what went wrong. At first, he blamed himself for most of the issues surrounding their relationship. Every argument that happened, he’d apologize even if he wasn’t in the wrong. If Jiwoo was in a bad mood, he figured it was something he had done that made his wife angry enough to curse him out. 
Dealing with Jiwoo’s behavior didn’t really bother him for the most part. He had dated her for three years prior to proposing, he knew what he was getting himself into. Marriage wasn’t as different. Things took a turn after she got pregnant with Sunhi. 
They had discussed it, the having kids thing. Sunhi did come a little earlier than expected, but they wanted her nonetheless. Pregnancy wasn’t easy for either of them. Jiwoo went through the biggest mood swings and worst morning sickness ever and Jungkook was on the receiving end of the stick. But he didn’t care, because he knew Jiwoo had it worse. Things would get better once their daughter arrived, he hoped.
And they did. For a few months, that is. 
Jiwoo did her mom duties the first months of Sunhi’s life and then she was back to work. There was nothing wrong with that, Jungkook knew his wife was making sacrifices in between balancing her new mom life and the one she had before. She had just gone through nine months of pain, it was okay if Jiwoo wanted to go back to her normal life. 
The problem was that Jiwoo’s normal life didn’t involve Sunhi. It’s not like she didn’t show her signs of affection, but Jungkook always felt like they came out forced. As if Jiwoo was aware that she was a mom and she had to live up to the name. A chore, even. 
And then on one of those cold nights, when their daughter was fast asleep, they were arguing with the lowest voices possible. Jungkook just wanted to understand what was happening, why wasn’t Jiwoo acting like he thought a mom should.
“I just—I don’t feel a connection towards her!” 
That was the beginning of the next few years of their marriage. 
It didn’t matter how many times Jungkook tried to explain to her that she most likely had postpartum depression—after much research online about patterns of behavior that his wife had displayed—, if anything it only made things worse. One time he even suggested looking for professional help and hell broke loose, as in, Jiwoo slept at her parents’ place for a few days without further announcement. 
He begged her to come back. If she swore nothing was wrong, then so it was. And Jungkook had made the silly mistake back then to prefer having Jiwoo in Sunhi’s life, cold and distant, than not having her at all. He thought that if she wasn’t present, then someday his daughter would resent him for pushing her mother away. In reality, Jiwoo was physically there, but neither of them could feel her. 
But a few months back, it was Jiwoo who had suggested the idea of having a day of their own. Without Sunhi, obviously. She wanted to go back to those college dating days where it was just them and no one else. Jungkook wasn’t too fond of the idea at first, not wanting to leave his daughter out of it, but Jiwoo whined and said—
“Let’s have Y/N look after her! She’s like, obsessed with the girl.” She, as in you. “It’ll only be one day a week—c’mon baby, for us”.
Except Jungkook wasn’t doing things for them anymore, hadn’t been in a long time. Every decision he took revolved around Sunhi. That’s what set them apart so much. Jiwoo acted like she wasn’t a mom, like there wasn’t supposed to be a three-year-old under her care. It was “Jiwoo first” and then maybe Sunhi and him. 
But back then, he was willing to give it a try. For Sunhi. 
It’s been six months since then. Fridays are still their days, but Jungkook doesn’t want to share that with her anymore.
Jungkook thought that those “alone times” Jiwoo had offered were meant for them to talk and discuss their problems, figure out their issues and fix them. But instead, all they do is continue arguing about something and then make-up with sex. And then it’s back to normal. He’s come to the conclusion that she does it on purpose just to get what she wants. 
Sunhi loves Fridays because it’s “Auntie Y/N playtime” days and Jungkook loves dropping her off because you are just as equally excited to see her. There’s not much exchanged between each of you during those times. Maybe a quick “hey, how are you?” or a nod of your heads in acknowledgement of each other. 
He doesn’t want to go back home when he drops Sunhi off. He wishes he could stay with you both. Spend some time with his daughter and his best friend and see what genuine love is supposed to feel like. He hates the drive back to his place because he has to mentally prepare himself to deal with Jiwoo for a couple of hours. 
The silver lining out of those dreadful Fridays is getting to see you. At least for a few minutes. Jungkook is able to see you smile and laugh with his daughter. He gets to feel the love you give her and he’s thankful you’re still there. Maybe not for him, but for her. 
Jungkook shouldn’t be thinking about you, especially on the fourth year wedding anniversary to the woman he chose as his wife. 
But he’s in this fast-food restaurant late at night with Sunhi, who’s munching on some fries as she does a little happy dance. Jiwoo had announced to him after the whole “Congratulations on four years” that she had planned a road trip with her friends, totally forgetting about the date, she was leaving at noon. He is glad, but it stings having to spend this day alone, even if there’s no feelings there anymore.
Which is why he thought about the marvelous idea —at the time— to drop by your place with Sunhi as a surprise. You don’t know what date is today, never bothering to ask about the details of his relationship. Jungkook figured that the only person who could actually give him genuine love today could’ve been you. 
But of course you’re still going out with Kim Taehyung. Of course you’re letting him stay at your place. Of course your skin is getting kissed inch by inch because of him and of course you're having him over during Jungkook’s wedding anniversary.
It feels like the universe is mocking him in a way. 
Sunhi reaches out with her ketchup covered fingers, handing her dad a nugget with a smile. Jungkook politely accepts it, bowing to her, making the little girl giggle. 
“Daddy,” Sunhi speaks and Jungkook nods, allowing her to continue “who was that mister with Auntie Y/N?” she asks and he hums, not really wanting to speak about him with his daughter, but he’s never opposed to Sunhi’s curiosity. Jungkook clears his throat and puts his hands together, his daughter looking at him with expectancy “That mister is a friend of Auntie Y/N’s”. 
Jungkook wonders if Kim Taehyung is still considered your friend. It’s been a little while since you had been on your first date with him, but you never mentioned anything more to Jungkook. He knew he had fucked up that night he texted you after the date. So if he’s your boyfriend now, Jungkook is not aware. 
“Oh!” Sunhi says, her eyes light up and Jungkook knows what she’s about to say “I want to meet Auntie Y/N’s friend!” His daughter’s innocence is cute and he wishes she could stay this way forever.
All in all, Jungkook is thankful to Jiwoo. 
She doesn’t provide him with love anymore and she doesn’t care about how he feels or what he thinks either. But at least she gave him Sunhi, the sweetest girl ever and he’s lucky that out of all the mess that is his relationship with his wife, Sunhi turned out the total opposite.
“Mmm, I don’t know, pumpkin.” Jungkook hums before taking a bite of his burger. “Why not, daddy?” she questions and he knows she’s being serious, Sunhi could ‘why?’ you to death sometimes. “I don’t think Auntie Y/N is going to introduce us to him soon” 
Jungkook knows that he’s speaking to a three-year-old and he knows Sunhi better than anyone, so saying that is not going to turn out well for him. 
“Why not, daddy?” She asks again, there’s a furrow in her brows and she’s crossing her arms. “Pumpkin, how about I buy you an ice-cream and—“ “Please, tell me!” she demands and he sighs, knowing he set himself up for this. 
Before Jungkook can open his mouth to make up a story, Sunhi’s eyes open in surprise and she holds her hands out “Wait! Daddy!” she speaks and Jungkook stops and waits for her to continue “Is he the husband Auntie Y/N is going to have a baby with?”
God damnit, Jiwoo.
“I—uh,” Jungkook is rendered speechless, but Sunhi is smiling with delight at the idea of that hypothetical baby her mother had settled on her weeks ago. “Yes, daddy?” she flashes him a toothy grin and he slumps his shoulders, what point did it have now? 
“Yeah, pumpkin, that’s him.” he forces a smile and Sunhi jumps in her seat with excitement.
He doesn’t like lying to his daughter. It might be a little white lie in the end, but Jungkook hates it. It won’t matter in a while, Sunhi will probably end up forgetting it. But the probability of that white lie coming true feels awfully plausible to him. 
I’m being dramatic, Jungkook thinks. He knows it’s just the events of the night that are influencing his judgement. 
It’s okay if you’re dating Kim Taehyung, he shouldn’t be thinking about that anyway because you’re his friend and he’s married, four years since the event and seven since he decided you were never going to be his. 
Sunhi’s happy and she holds onto him tightly once they both leave the fast-food establishment. She smiles at him with sleepy eyes and thanks her dad for the food. 
Jungkook knows that he’s being dramatic.
He does receive genuine love and it comes in the form of his three-year-old daughter, whose sticky fingers are making a mess of the Dumbo plush toy he had washed earlier that week.
Jungkook is grateful nonetheless.
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“Okay, okay, tell me everything!” Minji’s voice is filled with excitement early in the morning and you’re afraid she’ll somehow manage to wake Taehyung up, even if you’re talking through a phone outside your bedroom.
“Is he big? Or is he girthy? Oh! Is he both? Oh my God, he’s both right?” 
You sigh at your friend’s rapid questioning, not even being able to answer because she continues speaking “Is he like, dominant? He totally looks like a dom” At this point, you’re sure she’s talking to herself rather than you, so you wait for her to stop.
“What are you waiting for, then? Spill!” 
You roll your eyes, luckily she can’t see you “That’s what I was trying to do.” you mumble and Minji mutters a quick sorry “We actually didn’t—uh, do it” you confess in a low voice, afraid that you may wake up the subject of your conversation, who still lays in your bed sleeping.
You’re glad Minji isn’t physically here, her reaction alone would’ve been enough to wake the whole apartment building “But, you told me he got a dog-sitter and all that just so he could spend the night and blow your brains out!” You actually hadn’t said it like that, but the context was correct. “What happened? Oh my God, don’t tell me you backed out” Minji’s tone is slightly angry, you can feel she’s about to curse you out if that was the case.
“No! Ugh, can you let me finish?” You complain and she’s apologizing again, explaining that these sorts of situations get her a little overexcited “Well, we were in the process of getting to it, but—“ 
You think to yourself if it’s a good decision to tell Minji what happened, knowing exactly what her reaction was going to be. 
“Uh-huh? Go on.”
Fuck it.
“Jungkook dropped by.” you quickly spill out and Minji’s groan is powerful, you know she’s genuinely upset “Unannounced, which is super weird of him to do too! So, I asked him if there was something wrong and he just looked at me, like, shocked or something and said that he just wanted to give me a surprise visit with Sunhi,”
“And then he saw Taehyung and apologized for interrupting and left,” you mutter, the scene repeating itself in your brain “I couldn’t even say bye to her.”
There’s silence and you wonder why Minji hasn’t said anything yet, knowing she probably wants hell to break loose on Jungkook. “So, that’s why me and Tae didn’t do anything, it was too...awkward? He still stayed the night, though.”
After the whole ordeal, you knew the night was ruined. In part it was because of you. You could’ve jumped back to where you both left off, but your head was filled with what had just happened with your friend and were no longer able to concentrate on Taehyung’s kisses. You had to give it to him, though, because he stuck around even if his plans for the night had been interrupted.
And sleeping with Taehyung still felt intimate, even if there was nothing sexual going on. He held onto you tightly before you could close your eyes and drift to sleep, being surprised by how comfortable he felt doing that.  “I have to sleep hugging something,” he explained and you nodded, understanding “plus, I like the way you smell” he added, burying his head in the crook of your neck, sniffing the expensive perfume you had sprayed earlier while you prepared for his arrival. Chuckling, your fingers found themselves brushing his hair until he fell asleep. 
“So, are you gonna say something?” you ask her, noticing the silence coming from her behalf, unusual from Minji. 
She sighs and you can feel she’s conflicted about what to tell you “Why is he like that?” she asked instead and you let out a breathless chuckle, wondering the same thing “The timing is so weird, as well. Like, he never stops by unless it’s to drop Sunhi off and the day he decides he’ll visit you for the fun of it, you’re having Taehyung over?” Minji’s suspicion sounds plausible, but you know it was just a coincidence.
You hadn’t mentioned to him anything about Taehyung, not after what happened that one time during texts. Jungkook was your friend, but you should’ve kept that from him. He was a married man and a father, he had other priorities in his life and the last thing he wanted was to know who and what you were involved with. 
“He knows he’s losing you.” Minji speaks and you’re surprised by her statement, not understanding fully what she meant “You’ve always been there for him, always. It’s been that way since college,” You don’t know if Minji is reprimanding you by the way her tone comes off “And now you’re not only there for him, but for his daughter too. I’m sure he’s used to you somehow being loyal to him, so now that you have another guy in your life—“
“No, Minji, look—“ 
“No, I’m right, Y/N” Minji interrupts you doing the same to her. 
But you know she’s not right. Have you been loyal to Jungkook? Yes, but just like you’ve been loyal to Minji too, because she’s your friend and you’ll do that for anyone you love as well. You’ve dated guys before, back in college and after too. This isn’t any different from that. 
“I don’t know who he’s trying to fool, but his marriage’s an argument away from ending up in divorce. You know it.” Minji continues and you let out a sigh, not wanting to think about that. You don’t like his relationship with Jiwoo, but you’d never wish that for him “I’m not gonna make crazy assumptions, in the end, I don’t like the guy and whatever I say will be against him” Minji’s humor makes you chuckle even through the heavy topic “but I just—I don’t know, I don’t want him to ruin what you have going on with Taehyung just because you’re concerned over what’s going on with him.” 
You eventually hang up on her, explaining that you have a few things to do around the apartment. Like cleaning up the glasses of wine and cheese table you and Taehyung had drank and eaten last night. 
Minji’s words do resonate with you. 
She has a point, you think.
Maybe Jungkook doesn’t share much of his life with you, but you’ll always be there for him. You’ll be there for him even if you have no clue what’s going on. You’ll be there when he needs help with Sunhi, because you love her just as much. You’ll be there when he decides to open up more about his marriage to Jiwoo and you’ll pretend you support the relationship even if you don’t. 
You just want him to be happy. 
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Jungkook is doing the bimonthly grocery shopping, Sunhi’s sitting on the cart’s baby seat as she plays with her plush toy. He’s picking between what fabric softener to take this time, the Downy he loves is sold out.
His phone vibrates in his pocket and he figures that it’s Jiwoo with a last minute request. He’s surprised to see it’s you, who he hasn’t talked to since that eventful night he dropped by last week.
He knows why you’re texting and he’s already figuring out what to say.
[6:47 PM] Y/N: hey it’s friday
[6:47 PM] Y/N: u didn’t text me anything abt dropping sunhi off today sooo...
[6:47 PM] Y/N: guess i’m wondering if i’ll see her tonight? 
Jungkook figured that you’ll be busier now, so he wants to limit Sunhi’s days. Much to Jiwoo’s distaste of not having all Fridays with him alone, but he explained that you now had a boyfriend and needed those Friday nights back.
He was just being petty, but that was most likely the case. Friday is a perfect day. It’s the end of the work week for most, coming home to rest and spend time with your loved ones. Jungkook knows you haven’t had a Friday night to yourself for the last six months, except that one you shared with Kim Taehyung and you were pretty excited then.
[6:48 PM] Jeon Jungkook: hey y/n! yeah don’t stress, we’ll have sunhi for tonight :)
[6:48 PM] Jeon Jungkook: maybe even some more fridays from now on 
Sunhi wasn’t particularly fond of the idea either, but all Jungkook had to do was bring that ━dumb━  white lie up again. The “Auntie Y/N is giving you a cousin to play with” lie. 
That lie he hated spewing out, but it was the only one that seemed to calm her down. 
[6:49 PM] Y/N: what??? 
[6:49 PM] Y/N: i mean….i guess i’m glad that u guys are gonna have her but idk ??? i’ve gotten used to fridays with her 
Jungkook smiled slightly at your text, not expecting any different reaction from you. He knows you love his daughter so much that even the thought of not having her for a day bothers you.
[6:50 PM] Jeon Jungkook: aww it’s alright
[6:50 PM] Jeon Jungkook: invite over that guy you had last time, u deserve it 
The messages have already left and been read by the time he regrets doing it, which is straight after he sends them. He knows it’s the jealousy that’s speaking, he wishes he was genuinely saying that because you actually do deserve it. 
[6:51 PM] Y/N: oh 
[6:52 PM] Y/N: then please drop sunhi off tonight
Jungkook furrows his brows and begins typing to reiterate what he had previously said, but your quick reply makes him stop.
[6:51 PM] Y/N: and before u leave, stay for a few minutes
[6:51 PM] Y/N: we need to talk 
Jungkook sighs and runs his hand through his hair. Sunhi stares at her father and wonders why he’s taking so long picking one of those “good smelling liquids” he loves to wash her clothes with.
He turns to look at her with a small smile “Sunhi, wanna go to Auntie Y/N’s?” Jungkook doesn’t need a vocal answer, because a quick nod of her head with a big grin is enough to know what she wants. 
Jiwoo was probably going to be pissed that he decided to take a detour, but he thinks the text he sent her about stopping by to buy Sunhi an ice-cream will save him some time. 
He wonders what it is that you want to talk about. Now that he thinks about it, you’ve never told him that before, which inevitably makes him nervous. He does not like confrontation and arguing with someone that’s not his wife makes him anxious. Especially if it’s you.
You greet them with a smile on your face and Jungkook’s nerves calm down at the sight of you. Sunhi shares her sentiment and her arms immediately begin begging for you to take her, which you do and Jungkook feels like he could burst with joy. He wishes this is what he could come home to. 
You turned around, already heading inside with Sunhi in your arms while she begins excitedly talking about something. Jungkook lets himself in, seeing that you hadn’t closed the door to let him know he’s allowed to leave. He tries to forget the events of last week and how Kim Taehyung had been leaning on the same walls he’s now passing by. Sitting on the couch awkwardly, knowing this is where he had most likely been kissing you on before Jungkook interrupted. 
‘‘Sunhi, do you mind waiting in my room for a little? I want to talk to your daddy.’’ you ask the little girl, interrupting her rambling and she nods rapidly. Jungkook is amazed at how you always manage to convince his daughter, you’re not even persuasive enough ‘‘I’ll play Chip & Potato on my laptop for you, alright?’’ you offer and she smiles, bouncing her way into your room without even sparing a glance to her dad. 
You take some time setting everything up in your room to keep Sunhi safe and distracted while Jungkook is sighing every single minute that passes by, his leg bouncing up and down, unsure of what it is that you want to talk about. A lot of possible announcements go through his head and most of them are bad. 
Jungkook doesn’t even realize you’re back until you clear your throat, announcing your return and noticing his eyes are gone staring into the well; a frequent habit of his whenever he’s deep in thought. He looks up at you, whose arms are crossed as you give a look Jungkook can’t quite figure out. 
‘‘What’s up with you?’’ you ask, but Jungkook doesn’t know if it’s a rhetorical or genuine question, before he’s able to stutter an answer, you continue ‘‘I need to know, because I don’t understand what’s going on right now.’’ He can’t tell if you’re angry, but he can feel the frustration in your tone.
He wishes he could answer that question, because he barely knows what’s going on with him. ‘‘There’s nothing going on’’ he lies and you scoff, obviously not amused by his shallow answer ‘‘Why would you think that?’’ Jungkook wonders, but he’s pretending not to know.
‘‘Are you kidding me?’’ you are mad, but Jungkook’s impressed by how you’re able to remain calm and collected ‘‘First, you decide to act indifferent when I tell you about my date and then you show up at my apartment, unannounced, and when I ask what’s wrong you just up and leave─’’
‘‘Y/N, that’s not─’’ 
‘‘No, I’m not done. Please, let me finish.’’ Jungkook is not used to arguing this way, but he respects your request and lets you continue, muttering a sorry before you speak again ‘‘And now, you’re limiting my days with Sunhi because you want me to take the day off because ‘I deserve it’ and, coincidentally, mention Taehyung?’’ You’re laying it all out on the table and when you put it that way, Jungkook is able to see how shitty the whole situation looks like. 
‘‘So, I’m asking you again, what’s up with you?’’ 
Jungkook remains silent, his eyes are staring at the ground like a scolded child. Is this how Sunhi feels like? He wishes he had an excuse to give you, but he doesn’t. In fact, the only answer he’ll be capable of giving you is one he knows you’ll probably not like. 
You sigh deeply and sit down next to him, a space between you two and Jungkook still somehow feels comforted by your action. He knows you’re angry and yet you want to be close to him. Jungkook isn’t sure why you still try, even though he’s done about anything to push you away. 
‘‘I just─I’m trying my best to be a good friend to you, but then you go and do things like this and━’’ you stop and Jungkook finally looks at you and waits for you to continue ‘‘I don’t know, I just need some clarity, for once. I need you to be honest with me.’’ 
‘‘I don’t like Kim Taehyung.’’
Jungkook’s lying, sort of. 
There’s a partial truth to his statement, but it’s not really the reason as to why he’s been acting this way. 
This is what you want to hear, he thinks. 
There’s a surprised look on your face, expecting anything else besides that. You’re not even able to reply because he’s continuing, at this point there was no turning back so he might as well take the opportunity. 
‘‘Yeah, I don’t like that dude. In fact, I don’t want you to date him.’’ Jungkook says, shrugging his shoulders and you furrow your brows, shocked at your friend’s bold revelation. ‘‘It’s selfish, yeah, but it’s how I feel.’’ 
Jungkook is standing up from where he’s sitting, not being able to see you looking at him that way. This is usually how arguments with Jiwoo end up, with him leaving to get some air or alcohol, too tired to keep going back and forth. 
‘‘Yeah, this is not it.’’ you let out a breathless chuckle, following behind him ‘‘You’re just an asshole and Minji’s right, you’ve always been this way’’ Jungkook is used to the insult, but at the mention of your best friend ─who hates him─ he stops and turns around ‘‘Did she finally manage to make you turn your back on me?’’ 
You laugh and he’s taken aback ‘‘You’re unbelievable! You think you have the right to treat me how you please and then tell me you don’t want me to date whoever I want?’’ Jungkook knows you’re right, but right now he wishes you weren’t. 
‘‘You’re married, Jungkook. You chose to date and marry Jiwoo, who I’ve never liked, but I never told you that because you’re my friend and I will always support you even if I don’t like the decisions you take. So don’t say I’m turning my back on you, because I’ve never had and never will.’’ 
He just wants to blurt it out. He wants to tell you it’s not because he doesn’t like Kim Taehyung in particular. It could be anyone else and he still wouldn’t like them, but he’s angry and he doesn’t want you to see the person he becomes when he’s arguing with Jiwoo.
‘‘I’m sorry,’’ he mutters and you want to tell him no, that he’s not allowed to apologize, but you know there’s something more and as much as you’d like for him just to let you in deeper, all you’re able to do is shake your head in disappointment and sigh ‘‘I’ll pick up Sunhi later’’. 
Jungkook doesn’t let you say anything else, quickly leaving your place so he can run away from the confrontation, at least for a few hours before he has to face you again and pretend this never happened. 
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Contrary to your belief, Jungkook is still wearing the same clothes he came with hours ago. It’s almost midnight now and you had spent the last few hours wondering where he could’ve been. You don’t think he must’ve gone back home, there’s a faint smell of alcohol lingering on him.
‘‘She’s asleep’’ you announce, stepping aside to let his tall figure come in, but he stands there looking at you with the eyes you’ve grown accustomed to. He’s apologizing, but he’s not saying anything. ‘‘Come in, please’’ you silently ask.
He’s surprised to see a glass of wine on your coffee table and he wonders if the argument had also made you decide to drink as well. He wasn’t tipsy, but he at least felt calm enough to forget he was ever angry in the first place. 
‘‘I don’t wanna go home’’ he silently confesses and you give him a confused look ‘‘Please, can-can we talk this through?’’ Jungkook’s asking, but it feels like he’s pleading. You’ve never seen him like this and you wonder if it’s the effects of the alcohol in his system. ‘‘I-I don’t wanna fuck this up, please.’’
His bottom lip is stuck out trembling and you quickly take his hands and guide him to the sofa you were both sitting on before the argument broke out. It’s the small sign of affection that makes Jungkook sigh peacefully. The way your thumbs rub his hands soothingly, not wanting him to break down. 
‘‘I don’t━’’ Jungkook hesitates at first, but you encourage him to continue ‘‘I don’t wanna go back to her.’’ You know right away he’s talking about Jiwoo.
You’re slightly surprised, only because he’s told you there’s been issues, but you believed they were working them out. But by the look on his face, you know they’ve probably reached a point beyond repair. 
It’s ironic how you’re always wishing for Jungkook to open up to you, but when he does you never seem to know what to say. All you’re able to offer him is a hug and the one you give him right now makes him feel small. It’s comforting and your smell is enough to make him close his eyes in peacefulness. 
He’d love to stay here forever. 
‘‘I don’t wanna fight with you ever again’’ he mumbles, voice muffled because his face is buried on your neck as your arms surround his broad back. You let out a breathless chuckle and nod, sharing his sentiment. 
‘‘Why didn’t you tell me?’’ he asks, raising his head slightly to look at you and you wonder what he’s talking about. Jungkook notices the furrow in your brows ‘‘Why didn’t you tell me you didn’t like her?’’. 
Oh, that. 
It was a heat of the moment revelation, one you had intended to never say out loud.
You shrug your shoulders, not really thinking it was that big of a deal now ‘‘Does it matter? You were head over heels for her, I don’t think my opinion would’ve changed that.’’ you chuckle, remembering how excited Jungkook had been when he told you he managed to bag a date with the pretty girl in one of his classes ‘‘You still are.’’ you add and he quickly shakes his head no, his hair tickling your neck and you try so hard not to giggle at the sensation. 
Jungkook’s hand comes to cup your cheek, making you look at him and the proximity makes you become aware of how close you two actually are right now. He looks determined, but you don’t really know what he’s thinking, at least you don’t expect the confession he’s about to make. 
‘‘’M not,’’ he begins, looking you straight in the eyes and the surprise makes you back away a little, but he’s quickly pulling you closer again ‘‘haven’t been in a long time, actually.’’ You know Jungkook’s being honest because this feels like what he's been wanting to tell you for some time, but had never mustered up the courage to say out loud.
And it is, because Jungkook’s been thinking about it a lot. Finally saying it feels different, like a huge weight has been lifted from his shoulders. He feels lighter now, he’s placed all those burdens somewhere far away right now. 
‘‘’M tired of pretending. I only do it for Sunhi’’ he sighs out, his soju infused breath grazes over your face and you're forced to look down, his eyes making you feel nervous, but he wasn’t going to let you hide just like that. He tilts your chin up to make you look at him again and you let out a shaky breath ‘‘I wanna stay here,’’ he mumbles ‘‘with you.’’
Your lips part slightly at his confession and you know there’s definitely something more than friendly in it. Jungkook’s hand drops from your face and he’s taking your hand in his, intertwining your fingers with his own.
 You’re unsure of what’s going on, a part of you is screaming to stop whatever Jungkook’s doing, not used to the unknown territory. 
But the other part is silently enjoying it, liking the way he looks at you like you’re special and the way your hand seems to fit perfectly into his. 
‘‘Would you like that?’’ his question is merely a whisper and you gulp. 
You’re trying to reason with yourself, because this is your best friend, the one you’ve known for eight years. The one who, maybe years ago, before Jiwoo came into the picture, you might’ve crushed on once. But that was so long ago that you had even forgotten about it. 
It’s Jungkook, it’s almost impossible not to catch feelings for him at one point or another. But he never saw you that way, at least he never let you know he did. Once he and Jiwoo became a thing, you knew he hadn’t. It didn’t matter, though. Because he was happy and you’d find someone that made you feel that way too.
But he’s here now, confessing that he no longer loves the woman he chose as his girlfriend and wife all those years ago. He’s not happy. Instead, all he wants is to stay here with you. To be happy with you. 
You don’t even realize you’re nodding, until you feel him squeeze your hand and give you a warm smile. 
‘‘Can━Can I kiss you?’’ he asks timidly and your eyebrows shoot up at his words, the corners of his mouth raise up at your reaction. There’s a lot of things running through your mind right now, all the reasons as to why you shouldn’t be in this position right now. 
But you still manage to muster up a shaky ‘‘please’’ and it’s with that word that Jungkook grabs your face with his hands and gently kisses you. There’s slight shock on you at first, not kissing back right away. But it’s the way Jungkook’s lips softly brush against yours, delicately, that make you reciprocate. 
If this feels like uncharted territory to you, it feels like a different universe for him. For the past seven years, he’s kissed the same lips. Slowly losing the feeling of enjoyment of kissing, always feeling like it’s an obligation. But this feels different, better even. He might go as far to say this is perfect. 
You forget about the real world for a moment while Jungkook’s kissing you. 
In the real world, Jungkook is a married man and a father. 
In the real world, you’re involved with another man, one whose company you enjoy. 
But the real world doesn’t matter right now, you’re too focused on the sheer electricity of Jungkook’s kisses to think clearly. 
Jungkook’s hands travel from your face to your neck, his fingers tracing the skin lovingly, he doesn’t know it’s also your sensitive spot and so, when you shudder, he smirks into the kiss and his lips leave yours, placing kisses along your jaw until he stops at the place you seem to love the most. A shaky breath comes out of you, fingers coming to lace themselves with his hair, enjoying the way he kisses tenderly into your neck, biting the skin, but not harsh, afraid that it might make you realize and regret what’s happening.
You tug at his hair gently and he emits a low groan at the action ‘‘Sunhi’s s-sleeping’’ you whisper, warning him about his daughter who wasn’t that far from where you both were. Jungkook is still focused on you, he’s trailing down to your collarbones and all he can think about is how he had seen you last week, another guy doing the same thing he’s doing now. 
‘‘Tell me to stop, then’’ he mumbles before he’s biting into the skin over your collarbones, wanting to leave a mark. Maybe next time you see Kim Taehyung he’ll see them and wonder how you got them because he hadn’t made those last time. You don’t ask him to, instead you let out a small moan at the way it stings when he nips at your skin. Jungkook chuckles, pleased that you’re enjoying this as much as he is. 
He’s back on your lips in a flash, but the kiss is different this time. It’s sensual, feeling a little more familiarized with the waters he’s currently navigating across. He traps your lower lip between his teeth and you’re trying so hard not to make any noise, aware that Sunhi could wake up at any given minute because of the noises in the living room.
Jungkook’s hands are lingering over your chest, your t-shirt ridden low, exposing your cleavage to him and he’s teasing you already, his index finger lightly tracing the curve of your breasts as he continues his lips’ ministrations. The sensation brings goosebumps to your body and your hands are clasped together around his neck, bringing him even closer as physically possible.. 
His hands make their way down your figure and land on your waist, gripping the skin and your hips involuntarily rise up, begging for more. He takes this opportunity to place his palms on your ass, squeezing the soft skin and sighing into your mouth, the feeling’s too good, so good that he feels like he’s hallucinating this whole thing. 
You feel dizzy, like the whole room’s spinning except for you and him. You don’t want his hands to ever leave your body and you wish you could just kiss him forever, not knowing how badly you had been wanting this. 
‘‘Auntie Y/N? Daddy?’’
As if you had been broken from a spell, you push Jungkook away from you and notice Sunhi lazily rubbing at her eyes, clutching the Dumbo plush toy in her arm. Jungkook manages to land safely on the edge of the couch and you quickly head over to Sunhi, kneeling to match her height and ask her what’s wrong, hoping she hadn’t seen anything from her position.
‘‘Nuffin,’’ she replies with a yawn ‘‘tired, cuddle me.’’ she asks, grabbing your hand and tugging at it to take you to your room. You gave a quick glance to her father, who was looking dumbfounded on your couch, breathing as he had just ran a marathon, there’s a pillow covering his lap and you figure out what he’s trying to hide.
You stop the little girl and she’s looking at you with sleep written all over her face ‘‘Baby, you’re daddy’s here, you have to go home now’’ you explain and she frowns, crossing her arms and stomping her foot on the ground ‘‘No! I wanna stay here with you’’. 
Like father, like daughter. 
You know the right thing to do is tell her once again that she has to leave, but you knew that meant you’d have to deal with a crying Sunhi, you usually wouldn’t bother, but right now your mind couldn’t handle it. You sighed and hummed, trying to think of a fast solution. 
‘‘Okay, wait for me in my bed, I’ll be there soon’’. 
Sunhi smiles and nods, quickly going back to your room. You suppose she hadn’t seen anything from a few minutes ago and you breathe out a sigh of relief. Once again you’re alone with Jungkook and he’s clearing his throat as if to grab your attention. You turn around and he’s looking at you with those big doe eyes of his, the ones where he’s looking for answers to life’s questions.
‘‘I─uh, I’ll put her back to sleep so you can take her home’’ you explain, but before Jungkook can say anything you quickly continue ‘‘I guess you should call Jiwoo to let her know you’ll be late.’’ 
You’re gone by the time Jungkook’s able to process your words. They serve him as a cold reminder of the reality of what had just happened. He had just kissed you and you kissed him back. Things had quickly escalated and he wondered whether you would’ve stopped them if Sunhi hadn’t woken up. 
Jiwoo doesn’t care if he’s late. That text he had sent her about stopping for ice-cream with Sunhi had been seen and left unanswered hours ago. Maybe that’s why he doesn’t feel guilty about what he did. If anything, he’d do it again, but he’s not sure if you’d say the same. 
Time passes and it’s almost 1 AM now and Jungkook hears no noise coming from your room, let alone you coming out with his asleep daughter so he’s able to go home. He quietly enters your room to find Sunhi and you asleep, the little girl snuggled up to your chest and you with your chin propped over her head, arm splayed over her small body. Jungkook’s surprised to see that the plush toy Sunhi can’t seem to be able to sleep without is left ignored on her other side, back turned to it. 
He can’t help but smile at the sight. It feels like he’s on dreamland, this is something he had always wished to see, but had never been able to. Once Sunhi grew old enough to sleep on her own bed, Jiwoo hadn’t allowed her to sleep on their bed again. 
It’s silly to keep comparing between you two, he knew you’d always do things right. 
Jungkook finds it complicated to take Sunhi home now, seeing how you two had trapped each other. It’s almost as if it was done intentionally. Jungkook chuckles and shakes his head slightly, getting closer to the two to properly place the blanket you were both sharing. He tucks a piece of hair that had fallen over your face and with the back of his finger, he graces Sunhi’s cheek lovingly. 
He turns the light off and heads back to the living room, making himself comfortable on your couch as he prepares to spend a few more hours at your place. His eyelids start getting heavy and he finds himself sleepy in no time.
Jungkook hopes he’s not dreaming already, imagining everything that just happened, because when he wakes up, it’ll be back to his normal life. 
At least right now, for a few hours, he’ll be able to feel the comfort of your home and reminisce on the events of merely an hour ago and hope they are enough to last him a lifetime. 
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homeformyheart · 3 years
birthday drabbles - a du mortain (twc)
author’s note: a series of birthday drabbles for my favorite commanding agent. I am so so so soft for Adina and bff!A, so just forced myself to put my thoughts on paper. hope you all enjoy!
copyright: all characters, except the oc detective, are owned by mishka jenkins @seraphinitegames. series/pairing: the wayhaven chronicles – adam du mortain x f!detective (regina bishop) & bff!ava du mortain x nb!detective (harley bishop) rating/warnings: 13+; fluff, blood mention in 2nd drabble word count: ~1.1k total (~750 for adam x regina, ~300 for ava & harley) summary: a set of drabbles around the celebration of a du mortain’s birthday.
1. adam du mortain x regina bishop (~200 words) 2. adam du mortain x regina bishop (~550 words) 3. ava du mortain & harley bishop (~300 words)
1. adam du mortain x regina bishop (~200 words)
adam tucks the folder under his arm as the team makes their way out of the facility, where they just wrapped up a meeting with rebecca. he reaches into his pocket to find his sunglasses, the glow of the setting sun a bit too bright as he follows his team toward their SUV.
his fingers curl around thick cardstock and he pulls out the offending item from his pocket, brow furrowing in confusion. the frown on his face immediately disappears as he recognizes the colored drawing on the front – a faceless gray blob with yellow and peach-colored circles above it and black lines below it, holding the hands of two much smaller peach colored blobs.
unbeknownst to him, the dimples on his cheeks deepen as he opens the card and reads the scrawling handwriting of his children.
a mix of letters he can roughly tell is supposed to say “happy birthday, papa” and “we love you.”
he feels the corner of his eyes get misty when a comforting hand appears on his shoulder. he looks up at nate’s knowing smile.
“they were pretty upset that i went to work today,” adam murmurs sheepishly, tucking the card carefully into his folder.
nate smiles. “so go home to them now. we’ll see you tomorrow.”
adam looks up and realizes that morgan is sitting in the drivers’ seat of the SUV and gives his friend an appreciative nod before heading off in the opposite direction toward their family home.
***** 2. adam du mortain x regina bishop (~550 words); tw: blood mention
adam remains still, laying on his back in their empty bedroom and staring up at the ceiling. his hands are folded over his stomach, fingers intertwined, as he waits. he’s had almost a millennia to learn how to be patient, but he finds all that time means nothing when it comes to being with his family.
his wife. who also lovingly threatened requested that he pretend to be asleep and stay in the room until the children were ready with their surprise.
he can hear them all the way downstairs in the kitchen, squealing and yelling over each other, fighting over who gets to bring what up to him and he can’t help but smile at the image of a pregnant regina trying to wrangle their two very energetic children.
finally, he hears them make their way up the stairs, their two little ones scampering up ahead of regina’s slow, deliberate steps. his fingers twitch at the image of her carrying a tray of breakfast items (that he knows he will have to pretend to enjoy as they have not yet told their children that he does not need to eat real food) since he would prefer that she stay off her feet and let him help.
(but he knows by now – after two kids – that even suggesting that will earn him an earful about how she is not helpless just because she is pregnant).
he closes his eyes just as the door is nudged open and the hallway light spills into the room.
“surprise! happy birthday papa!” jacques and cecilia scream out as they clamber up onto the bed and jump up and down.
“thank you, my loves,” he murmurs, wrapping them both up in his arms and pulling them down to his side as he sits up against the headboard.
regina’s eyes sparkle as she approaches the bed with the tray, sitting carefully on the edge by his side. he grabs the tray from her and sets it down over his lap, before wrapping his arm around her waist. she reaches for the black tumbler and hands it to him before grabbing a mug of her own decaf coffee.
“your coffee that the kids helped make,” she says with a wink.
“did they now?” he chuckles, taking the tumbler from her and looking down at the single waffle on the tray that he knows she will eat after he “insists” that she needs it more than him.
it’s a routine that’s worked very well for them throughout her pregnancy and saves him from having to eat human food too often (even though they both know he would do anything to make his family happy).
“yeah, we helped!” jacques says proudly, his tongue peeking out from the gap in the top row of his teeth.
adam takes a careful sip, bracing himself for the awfully bitter, dirt-like flavor that his hypersenses reduces coffee to. his eyes open in pleasant surprise as the taste of slightly warm blood hits his tongue instead, the color hidden by the black color of the container.
“what do you think, papa?” cecilia asks eagerly, her sandy brown pigtails bouncing up and down.
“it’s the best breakfast i’ve ever had,” he says honestly as he wraps his other arm tightly around them both, smiling as they squeal and laugh.
***** 3. bff!ava du mortain & harley bishop (x felix hauville) (~300 words)
ava turns off the SUV’s engine and steps out, leaves crunching underfoot as she takes in her surroundings. she takes off her sunglasses and peers around the clearing before glancing at the note in her hand.
commanding agent du mortain –
we need you to pick up a package that will be left at the coordinates below. the rest of the team will stand by at the warehouse.
agent bishop’s signature at the bottom made it easy for her to move out without hesitation. she trusts rebecca and thus far has had no reason to question her orders.
but an uneasy feeling settles in her stomach and her brow furrows in thought.
if this assignment is so low-risk, why send her? it seems like something felix and the detective could handle easily, and they would more than jump at the chance to do something together.
she approaches the package, which is really a basket, laid out on top of a checkered blanket. she reaches for the note taped to the top of the basket, eyes softening at the message.
hey ava,
i know you would probably prefer to avoid whatever felix wanted to plan for your birthday and i managed to convince him to let me take over instead. we thought you might enjoy some time alone – we packed a book, some reports, a bottle of your favorite wine and your breakfast blood in the sippy cup (i’m really sorry, i had to give felix at least that).
happy birthday.
take your time, we’ll take care of anything that comes up on our end.
- harley
commanding agent du mortain is not soft by most definitions of the word, but she certainly feels touched. appreciated. loved.
and once more she has her family to thank for that. including the detective.
* * * * * permatag: @kelseaaa; @kat-tia801; @anotherbeingsworld; @crackerdumortain; @pearlsandsteel; @gloynporslen; @writer-ish; @sosolenoo; @alyssalauren; @fhauvilles; @wayhavenots; @gingerbreton; @takemyopenheart;
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