#detective harley bishop
homeformyheart · 1 year
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pairing stats - featuring felix hauville x detective harley bishop from the wayhaven chronicles (by @seraphinitegames)
these two are the bees’ knees 😏 and i love them to death. they are a lot more similar than i realized 😅 but that could be why they just work so well. i was inspired by this ask and wanted to show side-by-side stats of my detectives with their RO.
[Adam x Regina] [Nate x Cassie] [Mason x Ria] [Mason x Brooklyn] [LT x Lyra]
art of my detective commissioned from the amazing @kimchi-toast and the beautiful art of felix was by @commander-sarahs-art. both of these artists were amazing to work with, if you get the chance, please support them!
*reblog, don’t repost or reuse any part of this for your own ocs or creations.
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we are not our demons (2/24) - bruce wayne x reader
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Gif by perioddramasource
A/N: Alfred's sage advice felt like an inspired scene from Karen Page talking about Frank Castle on Daredevil S2 and to try see a person from a different perspective.
Starting from this chapter, I had to switch to new betas since the previous ones were unavailable. So, thank you, @Axolotyl Alot, @darlinglissa and Heidi for saving me.
Warning: some dark themes, language
Please reblog/leave a comment.
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How do you fall in love?
Harder than a bullet could hit you
How do we fall apart?
Faster than a hair pin trigger
-River by Bishop Briggs-
~ Bruce POV ~
Maniacal laughter filled the halls of the asylum as he walked past. Mixed feelings from the inmates reached him, and either patients booed at him, “Go home Batman!” or were having very strange emotions towards him.
Several men and women rubbed their bodies against the glass panels of their chambers and sent him sultry looks. Bruce drew his eyebrows together under the carbon fiber mask.
Damian’s playful voice rang behind him. “You certainly have amassed a fan club over the years. Now I know where you have kept it secretly hidden away.”
Bruce didn’t turn his head to reprimand his son, however, he only voiced, “Just focus, Robin. Keep your ears open.”
Damian’s small sigh made him guess that he was - as usual - rolling his eyes behind his mask. Bruce glared at the blue mark blinking on the display on his arm. While walking ahead, his gloved finger tapped on the location they needed to be at. Still, the caped crusader kept a watchful eye on his surroundings.
He was probably one of the few people in Gotham who did not hate this place. Well, hate would be too much of a strong word.
Arkham was always the kind of place that made people wary and uncomfortable. Not him though.
Bruce wanted to help the mentally unstable by sending them back to where they could be treated. Granted, it was not a foolproof plan, but still.
He sent a look backward at Damian, nodding once. His sidekick knocked the two Joker clowns unconscious who were meant to stand guard for any intruders about to ruin their so-called fun.
Both of their heads whipped upwards when there was a loud ringing in the air, the alarm lights switching to a glaring and stuttering red. Wherever they looked, sinister crimson doused wherever they looked. Blaring siren sounds rang through the air.
Bruce spoke into his comm, “What’s going on, Alfred?”
“Looks like you got company. The Joker is about to set his girlfriend free.”
Bruce cursed under his cowl; his features twisted into a grimace before sending a dark glare in the direction of Damian.
“Stand back.”
Hearing that command, Damian complied. Bruce had gotten used to how the young Robin rarely heeded his orders when it concerned violence, but he was still grateful that he could listen to commands out in the field.
Bruce’s hand reached for the Batrope on his utility belt to wrench away the grate covering the air duct above the barricaded hallway. The torn metal made a clattering sound when it fell a few feet away from them.
Switching to the Grapple Gun, the vigilante propelled himself into the air. Bruce pulled his body up into the narrow ventilation shaft which hindered his mobility a considerable amount.
Bruce wasn’t worried about Damian and knew he had his equipment to get by. At last, Damian made a small groaning noise behind him and held tightly onto the ledge. Thankfully, he remained quiet after that.
His legs moved briskly when he detected the end of the shaft.
Grunting sounds and high-pitched shrieks penetrated his senses. Bruce furrowed his eyebrows in bewilderment.
“What’s going on down there, Alfred?” If it were any other situation, he would’ve thought Damian jumped the gun if it weren’t for his shadow moving behind him.
Alfred decided to sate his curiosity. “Domestic dispute,” he muttered with a heavy sigh.
Harley Quinn’s one-of-a-kind voice pierced the air while he scanned his environment through the grid of the shaft. “But Puddin’, I’m not going without Ivy!”
“Harley, are you stupid? Do I look like someone who wants to break out your botanist friend?”
Bruce kept his hand on the Batclaw. “Stay sharp,” he grunted quietly as he carefully pulled at the grid until it loosened from the outside.
Not wanting to waste any more time, Bruce released smoke pellets at the nearest thugs before dropping himself down.
He was confronted by several criminals blinking nervously against the thick smoke. Their body language turned tense. Heads jerked around, expecting, and fearing for something in the dark. Activating X-ray vision, Bruce detected the green hair of the criminal carrying a limp Harley over his shoulder who just rounded the corner and left his sight.
Bruce’s face twisted into a furious scowl, right when Joker’s voice rang through the hallway.
“I don’t want to have the fun all to myself, so please, help me get rid of dear old Batsy here.”
Joker’s menacing words stopped him in his tracks. The cell doors made a rattling sound when they opened. With every passing second, all the inmates he had put away as Batman over the years hesitated to step out of their containment units.
“Now, who needs my help?”
Damian’s voice rang out behind him as the boy jumped down. The young Robin slowly sauntered next to him, swinging his collapsible bo-staff through the air. Despite the constant but slight vexation Damian’s words evoked in him, he took on a fighting stance.
“Don’t hold back, Robin.”
Bruce could feel the smirk in Damian’s voice with his reply, “I thought you’d never ask.”
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The voice of Liz Tremayne, a renowned reporter at Gotham City News, was clear in the air. “—and once again, Arkham Asylum suffered another break-out. Most of the inmates were apprehended again, although the Joker freed Harley Quinn. The appearance of Batman and Robin wasn’t surprising, but the fact that the caped crusader was more interested in beating up Joker’s clowns—more violently than usual—”
“Turn that off,” Bruce demanded upon arriving inside the Batcave with Damian at his side. He snapped the door of the Batmobile shut, his back facing the workstation in the Batcave.
“What in God’s name were the both of you thinking?”
Alfred rarely got angry, but when it occurred, even Damian was mindful to tread carefully. The news coverage seemed like static in the background, revealing that he was far too enraged to care about his master’s request.
Bruce, in his uncontrolled anger, violently ripped off the cowl from his head and chucked it with powerful force against the training dummy, only slightly unbalancing it.
The failed maneuver made him even angrier than usual when a frustrated grunt left his mouth.
A bitter smile was playing on his lips. “I don’t know. I was thinking I would rather see the Joker behind bars again.” He threw Alfred a thunderous glare, not caring if he was stepping out of line.
“You were reckless. Just look at that.” His butler pointed to the Batcomputer which exposed the events at Arkham Asylum on a video feed and how they both assaulted the clowns and the asylum’s patients—beating up anyone who stood in their way.
Bruce did not turn his gaze towards it, unlike Damian who whistled appreciatively.
“Can I get a copy of that? Me breaking that guy’s nose several times is just too good to pass up.”
Bruce’s face did not even twitch in reaction.
“Don’t need to. The Joker got away.”
Alfred crossed his arms over his chest, challenging him. “And why is that, Sir?” The older man got right in his face, his wrinkles displaying his disdain for Bruce’s not-so-recent actions. “This isn’t you. You were so hellbent on your darkest nature that you let him get away.”
“I didn’t let him.”
“Yes, you did. And now Harley Quinn is gone.”
Alfred pulled in a deep, cleansing breath and spoke with a soft voice. “Please, Master Bruce, I worry about you.”
“You don’t need to worry about me,” Bruce answered with no emotion in his voice, trying not to let his words affect him.
“But I do.” Exhaling a heavy sigh, Alfred’s eyes filled with tears while glancing with a torn expression at Bruce. “All this mindless violence, these angry outbursts. You’re almost killing people out there. I thought this uncontrollable bloodshed was over. This was never how Batman was supposed to be. Remember what you promised when you started this quest? We do not unleash violence for the sake of violence.”
Damian uttered a sigh next to him, with his arms crossed over his chest. “Father, perhaps Pennyworth is right.”
“What?” Both twisted their heads in unison, not believing what was coming out of Damian’s mouth. Now that was something they needed a copy of.
For once, the child’s expression was not twisted in anger or disgust—just resignation.
“There can’t be two of us out there losing control. I can carry the burden of being the heir to the demon, but you need to be more. You are the world’s greatest detective, and you need to give Gotham something to believe in. Reinforce that you are not anything like these lunatics out there.”
Bruce and Alfred were both speechless for a few seconds.
The dark-haired billionaire raised his eyebrows before clearing his throat. “If I didn’t know any better, I would say you listened to one of Alfred’s speeches.”
Alfred merely grunted in annoyance, but still felt touched by the young one’s words who for once managed to make Bruce shut up and listen. In all these years it has been Alfred who held this honor, but this time he did not mind surrendering his talent for a worthy cause.
Damian rolled his eyes, already back to his old ways. “Don’t get used to it.”
After Damian left the sanctuary of the Batcave, his father and Alfred stayed behind.
With his body leaning forward and neglecting the chair, Bruce was focused on the Batcomputer and fired up the search to find his arch-nemesis.
“Alfred, I can feel your fiery stare on the back of my head,” Bruce affirmed jadedly without turning around.
The butler, who had always been at his side ever since he could remember, uttered one of his infamous heavy sighs. Alfred leaned his hip against the table close to him. “I think it would be a good idea to talk to your son.”
Suddenly, Bruce felt tired of this conversation. “You think I haven’t tried that before?”
Alfred’s eyes turned empathetic. “Perhaps if you’d try a different strategy and see it from his perspective. Throughout his life Damian had been trained to be a ruthless killing machine, to feel no emotion. Just imagine being raised by Ra’s al Ghul and a mother like Talia.”
Alfred tilted his head in thought. “I’m not saying that she’s a bad mother….”
Snorting heavily, Bruce sent him a teasing glance. “Well, she’s not known for being a loving person.”
“I thought you wanted to protect Damian from his own darkness. What I’m trying to say is … Damian doesn’t know any different. So, please, Master Bruce, teach him differently.”
Bruce knitted his eyebrows. “Why do we keep having this conversation?”
Alfred chuckled deeply. “To be honest, I think we need to do better. We need to be better.”
“Okay, fine. I’ll have a chat about this the next time I see him.” Lifting his eyebrows, Bruce asked, “Happy now?”
Alfred pursed his lips, but his brown eyes remained content and filled with humor. “Immensely.”
Bruce turned back to the Batcomputer. “That’s great. God, what is it with you giving sage advice?”
“It’s in my job description, Sir. I knew what I was in for ever since your father asked me. Along with being sorely underappreciated.”
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~ Ellie POV ~
The ride on the elevator felt like it was taking ages to arrive at the designated floor. Ellie’s suspicious gaze wandered over to the two security guards escorting her. It was strange to imagine that this facility was built in the 1920’s, and it still appeared so neglected. Flickering lights and brown-green paint peeling back, like the condition of the structure signified the treatment of its patients.
The brown-haired woman lifted the strap of her purse higher on her shoulder and chose to voice her concerns. “I didn’t know it was normal procedure to be escorted by security around here.”
The man on her left didn’t even show a reaction, but the person standing by the numeric pad turned his body until he was facing her. “Lady, didn’t you hear what happened? Just standard procedure after a lockdown.”
Ellie was already bored at this familiar turn of events. It was such a common occurrence for people to break out of Arkham that Ellie was no longer fazed by it. She let out a sigh and turned her head away. “Another break-out? Who got out this time?”
His eyes faced the elevator doors again. “The crazy bitch.”
Ellie nodded, knitting her eyebrows. “Uh-huh, okay.” Not knowing whether to feel slightly insulted for Harley Quinn’s sake for being labelled as merely crazy or a bitch.
The elevator made a harsh ringing sound before the familiar rusty doors opened.
Who’d have thought that she’d ever entered this facility so soon or ever again? And willingly of all things?
Her ankle boots thumped against the ground while her chestnut-colored eyes wandered to the high ceiling. The second floor was outlined by a metal railing which barely soothed her anxieties while the frenzied cries and thrilled howls of the mental patients from both sides reached her.
The guard in front of her barely turned back to her and appealed, “Keep away from those cells and stay towards the railing.”
Ellie swallowed and nodded. “Got it.”
The cybersecurity engineer released her breath, yet her heart began thumping erratically in her chest as she was led up the stairs. Ellie’s eyes couldn’t resist roaming the containing units on her right. An insecure feeling warmed up her stomach when several pairs of eyes stared at her, making her feel even more unsettled than she already was.
“Now who are you?”
Ellie furrowed her eyebrows, not knowing what to make of the brown-haired man putting his palms against the window. His wide green eyes were piercing her skin, and his hair was in messy disarray. What caught her attention though was the genuine and slightly frantic smile on his face, with the thick frames of his glasses covering his eyes.
“Riddle me this. You can have me, but not hold me, gain me quickly, and lose me just as fast. Treat me with care, and I become great; when betrayed, I will break. What am I?”
Ellie raised an eyebrow in befuddlement. “Trust?” Her body was already moving ahead, yet her head still twisted around in curiosity.
The male voice followed Ellie, even as she got around the corner to walk down another corridor.
“What?” The man whispered under his breath. Barely concealed interest shone in his eyes “Well, aren’t you fascinating.”
Ellie shook her head and tightened her grip on the brown strap of her purse.
The young woman accidentally met the eyes of the security guard escorting her from behind. “Don’t mind him, Dr. Albright. That guy’s just bored. Keeps on telling riddles to everyone.”
The mention of the fake name Ellie used to register herself at the reception brought her back to the present.
Ellie cleared her throat. “Right, yeah.”
“And what brings you to this side of Gotham?”
“Just, uh … taking care of a neurological case,” Ellie said distractedly as something else caught her attention.
Her eyes focused on the door at the end of the hallway. It felt like her vision was fluttering with adrenaline, giving her the sensation, like she was about to pass out here and now. With every step she got closer, the throbbing behind her eyes became even more intense.
Ellie’s laser-focused stare met the ID terminal, and she swallowed thickly.
Her inner thoughts were interrupted by another voice. “Just insert the key card you received at the reception, doc.”
Ellie slowly nodded her head in understanding, unfastened the metal clip from her waistband, and injected her ID into the terminal.
Biting her lip, Ellie was faced with her profile and the words ‘Dr. Vanessa Albright’ next to it. She quietly released the breath she had been holding and sent an empty smile to her companions.
“Just push the button by the door, Dr. Albright, and we will escort you back out.”
“Thank you.” Ellie nodded and pushed the door handle down with a click. Taking the key card out of its port, she finally entered the room.
Ellie’s back leaned against the door, a long sigh releasing from her mouth. It felt like she was barely hanging on by a thread.
The back of Ellie’s head collapsed against the metal door. Closing her eyes, Ellie tried to force her erratic heart to decrease. A bitter expression formed on her face, like she could finally stop pretending. Ellie’s gaze swept over the dark room. Her feet moved to the windows, and she raised the blinds abruptly by a few inches.
Numbness was spreading through Ellie’s body as she dropped her purse on a chair standing beside the bed. Her head tilted to face the patient lying motionless on the hospital bed. Dark eyes were piercing her skin and following her every move, with round glasses lying on his nightstand.
It felt so morbid and unsettling to have his dark eyes study her with no emotion while his head remained frozen.
Ellie’s fingers clung tightly to the railing at the foot of his bed until her knuckles turned white.
“I bet you’re finding this quite amusing.” Ellie shook her head with a scoff.
She couldn’t remember the last time she felt this resentful when she was looking at her mental tormentor. Only the regular beeping sound of his heartbeat rang in the air like a memento mori.
Taking her tablet out of her bag, Ellie opened his patient file. “Huh, locked-in syndrome, now that’s what I call damn unfortunate. You know, when I was told by…” Ellie paused, trying to decide what to call him now that the two of them knew Bruce’s identity. “The Batman that you were basically in a vegetative state, but aware of your environment, I couldn’t believe it.” She shook her head and narrowed her eyes. “How cruel this must be for you.”
With every spoken word, the Professor’s expression in his eyes remained blank.
She dropped the device at the end of his bed and clenched her hands into fists until the blood was practically non-existent.
“You know, my therapist would probably say that me being here is a setback. The truth is I’m slowly derailing—just like you undoubtedly expected me to. I can tell you, Strange, that whatever you did—it worked.”
Ellie’s hands unclenched before her arms stretched out at her sides like she had accepted her fate. A lump formed in her throat, making it hard for Ellie to breathe.
Hatred was shining in her eyes while they continued to gaze at each other, though only one was still able to speak. “You tore me up inside and fucking raped my mind,” she muttered with a trembling breath. Ellie inhaled deeply and let out the stale air. She wished she could blame Professor Hugo Strange for everything wrong in her life, but the mental aspect was all on him.
“I’d wager that a part of you is listening and feels so delighted that I can’t close my eyes without seeing your face and being reminded of the horrors you inflicted on so many people.”
Ellie’s lips twisted into a bitter smirk. It felt like another type of freak show with his eyes never letting her out of his sight. Like a portrait with holes that shielded real eyes right behind it. Ellie walked to the chair and rummaged through the contents of her bag.
The young woman nibbled on her lower lip, feeling conflicted at the sensation of the empty syringe touching her fingertips.
Just one single air bubble in his vein and Ellie would be able to rest so easily.
Her fingers tightened around the thin plastic, imagining what it would feel like to live in a world where this type of evil wasn’t in it.
Stepping steadily, Ellie walked to Strange’s bed and pointed the sharp end to his skin. She clenched her jaw tightly, feeling a darkness rise in her chest. Euthanasia wasn’t even her intention. Her fingernails bore into her skin to remind herself why she was doing this. The throbbing pain was a soothing distraction from the inner turmoil wreaking havoc within her.
With the needle touching his skin, Ellie was mentally preparing herself to get rid of him for good. To remove this evil from this world.
Ellie felt her heart thump nervously in her chest when her thumb touched the plastic plunger, imagining what it would feel like to cross that line.
Her gaze roamed until her brown eyes met the Professor’s.
And still no emotion.
A grunt of frustration left her lips as Ellie threw the syringe into the corner of the room. Rage and loathing slowly filled her up inside when she scrutinized his lying form—but only at herself.
Her fingers clenched around her head like spider legs. As if she wanted to pull the lurking horrors from her mind—by force if she had to.
Ellie just wanted all of this to finally end. No more migraines or nightmares. No more episodes that left her body a shivering mess any time she was in a crowd. She felt so close to screaming at him in agony.
Throwing her head back, Ellie inhaled uneven breaths and rubbed her face to find a semblance of tranquility. To somehow purify herself again.
Ellie licked her lips and found herself staring at Professor Strange with tired eyes. She doubted this darkness would leave her anytime soon. Inspecting him with thorough eyes, Ellie only came to one conclusion.
He was a damn invalid.
It wasn’t pity or mercy she felt. It was the satisfaction knowing that this was Strange’s future.
Tilting her head, Ellie stepped close to his bedside and knelt until her mouth was inches from Strange’s face.
Ellie hummed, letting her patient stare wander over the length of his body. Her eyes fixed on his hypnotizing ones.
“There really is no escape for you, huh? I’ve got to admit, knowing that I put you here…” Ellie shrugged without a care. “It makes me feel better,” she whispered, “immensely.”
A small smirk was painted on her lips. “Can you hear me, Strange?” It was such a freaky sight, having the Professor’s eyes follow her everywhere. And knowing he was conscious of everything around him.
“You can, can’t you?” Ellie’s expression turned blank. “You hurt me and Damian, and probably so many more people. I’m going to make sure that you won’t hurt anyone else ever again. That secret of yours, knowing who is behind the mask of Batman, will be stuck in that mind of yours and it’ll be the last thing you’ll ever know.” Ellie glimpsed at the professor’s bald head, trying to focus on something else. She barely needed a few seconds before she felt calm and reassured for the first time in so long.
Ellie straightened her body again and looked down at him. “Hope you’ll like your stay in Arkham. Permanently. I will ensure that you will never see the light of day again.”
Ellie picked up the syringe lying on the floor and stowed it away again in her bag as she kept it in a tight grip.
She stayed close to the door. “Oh, just so you know, I will monitor any changes to your medical state. Just to observe your neurological condition. Are you aware, Professor, that 90% die within four months?” Ellie tilted her head tauntingly. “Looks like I will see in the next 3 months if you’re still … breathing.” A smirk played on her lips at the last word.
“I do hope you’ll grow to like it here.” Ellie eyed the ceiling of his gray-painted walls before brushing her hands over her clothes to undo any creases. “Get used to it, Professor.
Tagging: @mellowstatesmanhandsempath​ @ravenmoore14​ @alwayshave-faith​ @ikranfuad​ @daydreaming-gemini​ @bluegalaxyprime​ @liadamerondjarin​ @steph21369 @andrewswifes-blog​
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leclerc-s · 5 months
paint the town red - part eight
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series masterlist
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joaquin torres hear me out, bianca's seeing a driver
sam wilson this guy fancies himself a detective!
kate bishop now that makes sense!
natasha romanoff that's insane, she would never date a driver.
peter parker i still think it's isaiah.
peter parker i don't doubt she wouldn't stoop that low.
harley keener now why would you think she's dating a driver?
scott lang the better question here is which driver?
bucky barnes wanda! this is an emergency!
wanda maximoff what makes you think i'm going to tell anyone who it is? tony stark because i could fire you? wanda maximoff i'm on sabbatical, besides you can't fire me, only nick can.
joaquin torres it's gotta be charles.
sam wilson boo! i think it's like lando or logan. one of the younger guys. clint barton or what if it's like fernando or something
bianca stark-potts you people do realize i'm also in this group chat? 1. it's not isaiah 2. it's not a driver. 3. it's not charles. 4. i would never date lando or logan. 5. fernando is old enough to be father, no.
hope van dyne so it's an engineer.
bianca stark-potts i'm not saying another word. that being said, they do say a picture is worth a thousand words.
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america chavez i can, with good faith say, he is not a sugar baby
queen shuri no one has figured it out yet? not even barnes?
bianca stark-potts shuri, don't you dare say a another word
queen shuri wouldn't dream of it, i happen to like chaos. but, one of you was right, i won't say who. bianca stark-potts SHURI! queen shuri oh, would you look at that, i have a country to run.
clint barton i like to think i was right.
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ollie bearman it's what you deserve
isaiah atkins you were sending me one too many avengers tweets, i didn't want to see anymore.
harley keener he called you a fucker on twitter
carlos sainz i know nothing isaiah atkins tony this isn't professional charles leclerc why would we know? bianca stark-potts dad, please stop. ollie bearman she's seeing someone? arthur leclerc is she supposed to tell me those kind of things? didn't know we were supposed to be that close.
sebastian vettel tony, she's a grown woman. she's allowed to date.
tony stark listen vettel, that's my daughter, i can and will threaten any potential boyfriends she may have. the same goes for morgan
bianca stark-potts have you ever thought that maybe, just maybe, that's why i don't want to tell you who it is?
tony stark i am your father, i deserve to know. does pepper know? bianca stark-potts she does. she's the first one i talked to.
harley keener wow, the mom already knows. is he in her good books?
bianca stark-potts harley, shut the fuck up. please.
tony stark spill keener, now.
harley keener oh look at that, carlos and i have to go over stats for quali.
carlos sainz we do? harley keener we do now.
charles leclerc and i have an appointment so no more questions for me
peter parker those three definitely know something
tony stark i'll get it out of them, one way or another. isaiah atkins please don't threaten your employees, that is a lawsuit waiting to happen.
sebastian vettel i should've stayed in retirement.
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scuderiaferrari posted new stories
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once again, it's pole position for track terror leclerc!
smooth operator sainz places 2nd! front row lockout baby!
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tony stark pepper, my love, light of my life, the reason i have two beautiful daughters, i have a question
bianca stark-potts oh you have got to be kidding me
pepper potts what is your question tony?
happy hogan i hate to be the bearer of bad news tony, but bianca isn't biologically pepper's daughter.
peter parker wow the rest of us are chopped liver. i'm telling nebula.
james rhodes is this still about the bianca thing?
pepper potts i'm not telling you who our daughter is seeing tony.
pepper potts because i know you anthony. the moment you find out you’re going to threaten that you’re going to pull out the iron man suit.
tony stark i wouldn’t do that!
harley keener oh you totally would.
may parker bianca’s seeing someone? oh how great!
tony stark this is not great may! not great at all! may parker were you not the one encouraging her to date someone already? tony stark I DIDN'T THINK SHE'D ACTUALLY DO IT! AND IF SHE DID I EXPECTED IT TO BE SOMEONE I KNEW!
harley keener to be fair, you do technically know him.
bianca stark-potts HARLEY!
pepper potts oh, this is great, now he's going to speculate it's everyone she knows.
tony stark i can be normal about this pep!
bianca stark-potts can you please just trust me for once? i'll tell you when i'm ready.
bianca stark-potts besides, i'm still getting to know him, who knows if it'll become something serious.
tony stark i expect to meet him at the first opportunity possible.
harley keener i think you know him pretty good already. like really good.
bianca stark-potts dad, i think you should start looking for someone to replace harley as carlos' engineer, because i'm about to kill harley.
peter parker i feel like i'm missing something here
tony stark me too james rhodes you've got to be kidding me. two geniuses can't figure out what harley was implying but i can? pepper potts huh, didn't know that.
may parker well, who is she seeing?
happy hogan i, too, would like to know.
pepper potts not my secret to tell
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the ferrari team found themselves in a meeting, and isaiah prayed no one had a surprise announcement they wanted to make, he would not be prepared for the day that happened.
"no surprise announcements," charles reassured isaiah first. isaiah laughed, a testament of how close the team had grown in a matter of months. anytime someone called a meeting that was the first thing on his mind.
"so, what is it?" sebastian questioned the monegasque. charles smiled at carlos and carlos looked confused, "i'm defending this weekend."
"what?" carlos asked, slightly confused, "that is not what we agreed. i defend, you win. that was the deal."
"it is your home race," charles argued, "and being the person who just won his home race a few weeks ago, there is no better feeling than that."
"maybe one," sebastian imputed. his team turned to look at him, "becoming world champion?"
"yes, that," charles said, "if you do not wish for me to defend i won't but you've defended all season long for me, you deserve this win carlos."
"and pete sort of promised you would be winning your home race," bianca pointed out.
"there is that too," charles added.
"i-" carlos was taken aback, "you would do that?"
charles smiled, "carlos, you have defended for me the entire season, without complaints, we are both in the top two spots for the championship. i would like to help you win your home race."
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the pressure was back on the scuderia, yet another home race where they felt like they had to deliver. poor harley was nervous he would fail carlos and cost him his first ever home race win.
bianca smiled at the younger boy, “you got this harls. just trust carlos.”
“i trust him,” harley told her, “i just don’t trust myself to make the right calls.”
“are we talking about the same kid who made a potato gun for fun?”
“i was a child.”
“harley,” bianca said, grabbing his hand, squeezing it reassuringly, “you’ll make the right calls. trust me.”
“okay,” harley agreed, taking a deep breath, “let’s get our chili his first win of the season.”
“atta boy,” bianca smiled. harley flashed her a bright smile and bianca had no doubt that carlos would emerge victorious today. she had been right because of course she was, something she would never let harley forget.
"and it's another 1-2 for the scuderia in spain! its history in the making for them and carlos sainz, carlos sainz wins the spanish grand prix!"
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liked by carlossainz55, harleykeener, joaquintorres and others
tagged: carlossainz55, fernandoalo_oficial
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america_chavez FELICIDADES CHILI!!
joaquintorres WOO! VAMOS CARLOS!
username i fucking love that both spanish drivers were on the podium in spain with track terror leclerc
↳ scuderiaferrari i don't care who taylor is dating, fernando will always be mr. swift in our hearts
↳ username facts, will forever mourn mr. swift
fernandoalo_oficial thank you mr. jones
↳ fernandoalo_oficial i have my ways
↳ peterbparker you, sir, are scary
↳ username we're on it bestie! manifesting albono or kilometer boy on the podium for you
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series taglist: @bingewatche @arkhammaid @sunflower-golden-vol6 @lorarri @ironspdy @mypage-myfandoms @vellicora @enchantedthoughts @stopeatread @hobiismyhopeu @lilsiz @alessioayla @niniluvsainz @au-ghosttype @six-call @embrosegraves @justtprachisblog @bionic-donut @nichmeddar @landonorizzz @unluckyyoshi @raizelchrysanderoctavius @spilled-coffee-cup @jamie-selwyn @cool-ultra-nerd @kami10471633 @int3rnetgf @fernandoswarcrimes @skynel09 @arieltwvdtohamflash @brekkers-whore @camdensreg @mycenterfold @dear-fifi @chiliwhore @nothaqks @nataliambc @formulaa1d @prongsvault @julesbabey @georgeparisole@kailyn-g05 @nikfigueiredo @bella-1 @butterfly-lover @emilyval1 @winchesterwife27 @namgification@jensonsonlybutton @weekendlusting
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¡leclerc-s speaks! looks like we're starting the rotation of people tagged in this because the taglist grew too big for me to be able to tag everyone. if you weren't tagged this time around, you will be for the next one. i did not have it in me to write another race scene, so sorry if you were expecting another one.
¡disclaimer! this is in no way making assumptions about the people involved in this story, this is all fake. it is a fanfiction please don't take any of what is said seriously. this is all for entertainment purposes and as a creative outlet for me. enjoy!
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203 notes · View notes
xaracosmia · 7 months
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Kellon Bishop
Logan Billie Carter
Andrea Piercer
Harley Quinn
0 notes
alliepretends · 3 years
I’m always a bigger DC fan than Marvel fan (although I’m more passionate about the X-Men), but it is just now hitting me how far ahead DC is for me right now.
Marvel Comics I’m actually really enjoying (not just don’t mind):
Captain Marvel
Black Widow
Miles Morales: Spider-Man
Black Cat is basically done
I’m kind of into Darkhold?
The first issue of Hawkeye: Kate Bishop was somewhat promising
I liked Daredevil for a long time but it’s been falling off in recent months and Devil’s Reign looks soo boring
DC Comics I’m actually really enjoying (not just don’t mind)
Aquaman: The Becoming
Batman: The Imposter
Catwoman: The Lonely City
Wonder Woman Historia: The Amazons
Supergirl: Woman of Tomorrow
The Human Target
Superman: Son of Kal-El
Wonder Girl
Nubia & The Amazons
Green Lantern
Detective Comics sometimes
Harley Quinn
Crush & Lobo
Icon & Rocket
The Swamp Thing
I’m into Justice League Incarnate in theory even if the execution isn’t grabbing me
Plus I’m super excited for Trial of the Amazons!
It’s no contest. It’s kind of depressing and I needed to get it out of my head.
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starcityhq · 4 years
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After the audience members were ushered (violently) back to their seats, Joker gave a mocking bow and a dramatic flourish before he disappeared behind the set of the small Puppet Theatre. The curtains were drawn back at the same time his eerily disembodied voice filled the room. It was loud enough for everyone to hear. “Ladies and Gentleman, welcome to a one night only extravaganza! A tale of kidnapping, daring rescue, and true love awaits you! A reunion of soulmates - you can only imagine the spectacle we have for you tonight!”  
No sooner than the words were out of Joker’s that each and every powered person - whether they be an inhuman, an alien, a “God” or “Goddess”, metahuman, and mutant, lost total access to their powers without warning. Serums deactivated and any enhanced person was forced to their previous state.
The inhibitors. They were stronger and they were no longer only targeting mutants. Wherever they were hidden (if there were more than one), they were strategically placed out of sight.
Ten finger puppets, carefully crafted to have uncanny resemblances to their respective counterparts, made their debut with little fanfare. Joker continued, his voice rising in delight. “Starring, in no particular order: Bruce Wayne as Batman and his five little duckies all in a row. We have Dick Grayson as the indomitable Nightwing, Jason Todd as Red Hood - a man after my own heart - Timothy Drake as Red Robin, a boy not yet sullied, for the time being, Stephanie Brown as the Batgirl, the girl blunder herself, and - last, but not least, Damian Wayne as the first ever boy wonder who could double as a killing machine! Oh, but don’t fret: we couldn’t forget our guest stars. Where would we be without the commissioner’s own daughter, the one in everyone’s ear? I give you Barbara Gordon as Oracle - and last, but not least, the would be assassin Cassandra Cain as Black Bat. Let’s give them all a round of applause!
On cue, the masked men manning the door brandished their weapons at the audience until they conceded to clap on cue. As it died away, the last two puppets made an appearance. They were meant to be Harley Quinn and the Joker himself, wiggling enthusiastically as they made their way center stage. “And now we begin the tragic tale of a damsel... ripped from her Prince...”
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M’gann M'orzz, Billy Kaplan, Lucifer Morningstar, MJ Watson, Quentin Quire, Stephanie Brown, Jason Todd (originally was at the docks), Dick Grayson (DETECTIVE & ACTING COMMISSIONER, SCPD), Barbara Gordon, Damian Wayne, Tim Drake, Cassandra Cain-Wayne, Chuck Brown, Linda Martin, Venus/Felix, Zatanna Zatara, Michael Jon Carter, Susan Storm, Peyton Riley, & Peter Parker.
STAR CITY MUNICIPAL BANK: The group of hostages were ushered to the vault by the barrel of an AK-47. The robbers couldn’t be seen behind their disguises, a colorful and grotesque mix of doll and clown masks. They didn’t say a word. Anyone with traits resembling anything superhuman, or anyone possessing unnatural enhancements, would immediately realize they no longer had access to their abilities. The robbers spoke few words and only in the form of commands. Get down. Stay down. We won’t shoot you. If you move, we’ll shoot everyone else and make you watch. One of the robbers set to work on disarming the vaults while the other three watched, their assault rifts trained with alarming accuracy.
Outside, those who hadn’t been taken hostage worked feverishly to get inside and bypass the iron vault.
Flox (hostage), Adrian Veidt (hostage), Luna Maximoff (hostage), Steve Trevor (hostage), Anton Satan (hostage), Rachel Van Helsing (hostage), Cassie Lang (hostage), Bucky Barnes, Clint Barton, Conner Kent, Evan McCulloch, Jihl Nabel (NOVA AGENT), Thor, Peter Quill (COP, SCPD), Diana Prince, & Natasha Romanoff.
THE DOCKS: Just as Kate Bishop and her measly back up arrived on scene, all hell broke loose. Thugs appeared out of nowhere and surrounded the group, as if they were waiting for something. The group’s sudden lack of power made it clear just what that something was.
Kate Bishop (COP, SCPD), Kara Zor-El, Arthur Curry, Barry Allen, Bobby Drake, Dinah Lance, Lorna Dane, Slade Wilson, Ororo Munroe, Remy LeBeau, Rose Wilson, Shuri, Zachary Zatara, Sarah (Marrow), & Eddie Bloomberg.
CASCADES PARK: First responders are blocked from the scene, unable to offer any assistance, and Gates is on his own. With sparse back up, he is left to rely on his marksmanship. The power inhibitors have effectively prevented additional assistance, as well as his own abilities - and ten shooters against one aren’t good odds. There are two civilians down so far and no doubt more would follow. Gates must move quickly to take down the threat so the victims can receive the help they need. Just as he reaches one of the perps, sudden explosions rattle the teeth in his head and almost send him off balance. There were four booms and each one in a different location.
Josh Foley, Clark Kent, Lois Lane, Loki Laufeyson, Scott Summers, Foggy Nelson, Roy Harper, Emma Frost, Gar Logan, Jamie Madrox, Kurt Wagner, Pepper Potts, Wally West, Wanda Maximoff, Jono Starsmore, Pamela Isley, Bryn Delacroix, Chris Gates (COP, SCPD), & Jon Kent.
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NOTE: This is the last chance for your character to be a hostage if you are located at the bank, or otherwise have not posted yet in your assigned area! About the power inhibitors: They are present at every location and characters will not have the ability to shut down. The new inhibitors (as previously discussed in the AVENGING LEAGUE MEETING) do not only target mutants. Any and all characters who are not fully human will be affected by the inhibitors. In short, they are all humans now.
If you have any questions or need clarification, please contact the main!
As a reminder, the will run from 04/22 6pm EST to 04/29 6pm EST. Please make sure you are tracking and using the “STARCCURTAINS” and “STARCEVENT” tags for event posts and are answering open starters in addition to posting your own! Please do not start non-event threads during this time without permission from the admins, but you may continue existing threads! 
As always, admins reserve the right to accept character applications at any time during the event rather than following the typical schedule. Happy role-playing!
10 notes · View notes
caitlynlynch · 4 years
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First in a new series of cozy mysteries set in a rural Somerset village, A Village Murder begins at a funeral; that of Imogen Bishop’s father, a larger-than-life figure who owned a country house hotel and was a town councillor for many years. Dealing with your father’s death is difficult enough, but finding your ex-husband’s body in a greenhouse right after the funeral is another level. Imogen’s grateful for the help offered by publican from across the road Adam Hennessy, especially when she discovers he’s a retired police detective with a stellar reputation.
Adam’s retired to run a pub and have a quiet life, but with a murder practically on his doorstep- and he was with Imogen when she found the body - he can’t resist a little bit of quiet investigation on the side. Digging deeper in part by just listening to the talk in the pub, he slowly discovers his sleepy new home might have more than a few secrets… that some people might prefer stay buried.
I liked Adam a lot - he’s not in any way conventionally attractive, being short, fat, grey-haired and in Imogen’s internal description would make an excellent Santa Claus in the right suit - but Imogen was a little bit of a harder sell. We didn’t really get to know her through internal narrative in the same way we did Adam, though she definitely grew on me when she took on stray dog Harley. This is my first book by the author and the first in the series, and I admit I wasn’t really sure after reading this whether Imogen is going to continue being such a ‘main’ character in the narrative of the series. Adam’s the ‘Poirot’ of the series, obviously (he amusingly compares himself to Poirot when noting his physical characteristics at one point) but I don’t know where Imogen really fits in - central character or just the primary surviving victim of this particular story?
There’s a reasonable-sized supporting cast, but I think the author falls a little too much into the trap of not wanting to give away the answer too soon. Which is all very well, but if you don’t actually put enough clues in the text, you deny the reader the ‘Aha!’ moment, where the reader either gets to realise they were right in their assumption because they were clever enough to pick up the clues, OR realise that the author outsmarted them BUT the clues were there to be found. That’s sort of the point of a mystery… and yes, some people will figure it out, but you have to allow that to happen. You can put in all the misdirection and red herrings you want to try and lead them in the wrong direction, but you have to have the real clues there too. Or, like I did, the reader will get to the end of the book and say “Huh. Okay then. Whatever. Didn’t know anything about that person,” and set it aside because I never got the ‘Aha!’ moment.
I quite enjoyed the read, and I liked Adam as a principal character, but I definitely felt cheated by the ending and the failure of the story to leave the ‘trail of breadcrumbs’ for me to follow to solve the mystery for myself along with Adam and Imogen. I’ll give it three stars.
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Purchase Link
Disclaimer: I received a review copy of this title via NetGalley and Rachel’s Random Resources.
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thehomemadehooligan · 5 years
10-64K Jenkins - Cody Saintgnue
Aashi Stone - Naomi Scott
Aayan Shaw - Jackson Rathbone
Abilene Wagner - Natalie Portman
Ace Chase - Sebastian Stan
Ace Spade - Taron Egerton
Adam Elliot - Leland Chapman
Addi Valiant - Allison Scagliotti
Addie Brewster - Idda Van Munster
Ae Chihu - Wooshin
Agent London Clark - Chris Evans
Agent Peter Burke - Tim DeKay
Agron - Dan Feuerriegel
Aiden Wright - Dean O’Gorman
Akkeri kom Podakru - Alex Høgh Andersen
Alana Meridian - Ksenia Solo
Alaric Saltzman - Matthew Davis
Alastair York - Jai Courtney
Alec Lightwood - Matt Daddario
Alec MacDowell - Jensen Ackles
Aleda Kingsleigh - Dove Cameron
Aleks Lubomirski - Bartosz Gelner
Alex Avanyu - Avan Jogia
Alex Fierro - Avan Jogia
Alex Rider - Alexander Ludwig
Alex Taylor - Richard Harmon
Alex Wright - Richard Harmon
Alf Tungri - Will Peltz
Alfred Pennyworth - Sean Pertwee
Alice Rula - Madeline Brewer
Aline Penhallow - Arden Cho
Alix Kirkland - Daniel Sharman
Allanon - Manu Bennett
Amber Amberjack - Dom Sherwood
Ambrose Spellman - Chance Perdommo
Amity - Elizabeth Gillies
Anand Morrígu - Sean Maguire
Anastasia Cloe - Eiza Gonzalez
Anders Johnson - Dean O'Gorman
Andreas Vasilescu - Luke Camilleri
Angel Eyes - DJ Cotrona
Angie Landers - Tatiana Maslany
Anjisnu - Kim Coates
Anya Price - Gina Rodriguez
April Hare - Theo James
Arawen Annwn - Stuart Reardon
Archie Andrews - Kat McNamara
Archie Andrews - KJ Apa
Ardal Cody - Kendall Schmidt
Arika Longan - Harry Shum Jr
Arrow kom Boudalankru - Tatiana Maslany
Arsena Larken - Zendaya Coleman
Art Gremellion - Daniel Gillies
Arthur - Joseph Gordon-Levitt
Ash Houndsworth - Sean Teale
Atticus Bane - Will Tudor
Atticus Philo - Grey Damon
Austin DeSantos - Ludi Lin
Avery Durin - Aaron Paul
Axe kom Boudalankru - Aiden Turner
Azmodeus - Landon Liboiron
Baby Collins - Ansel Egort
Baby Driver - Ansel Elgort
Baby Grant - Garrett Hedlund
Balance Grant - Charlie Hunnam
Bane - Tom Hardy
Barclay Kirby - Zane Holtz
Bard Sinclair - Cameron Monaghan
Barnabé Klausen - Bradley Soileau
Baron Remi Goldwyn-Mayer - Michael Fassbender
Barren Guilderson - Iwan Rheon
Bart Putnam - Aaron Taylor Johnson
Bas Norsewood - Sam Steele
Bash de Poitiers - Torrance Coombs
Bax Adamson - Finn Roberts
Bea Cres - Bill Skarsgard
Bea Porter - Rachel Skarsten
Bela Talbot - Lauren Cohen
Bellami Blake - Shay Mitchell
Bellamy Blake - Bob Morley
Belle Amanita - Freeman Agyeman
Ben Bartlett - Jensen Ackles
Ben Fringe - Matt Daddario
Ben Hargeeves - Justin H Min
Ben Kilmartin - Jacob Elordi
Benjamin Heritage - Kellan Lutz
Bent Williams - Tom Payne
Bertie Cooper - Will Tudor
Berto Vega - Jai Courtney
Betsy Shrivatsa - Dichen Lachman
Betty Cooper - Lili Reinhart
Big Grant - Travis Fimmel
Bika kom Azgeda - Michael Eklund
Billy Barton - Brandon Flynn
Billy de Lauro - Cody Christian
Billy Hargrove - Dacre Montgomery
Billy-Ray Sanguine - Michael Fassbender
Bishop Smith - Jack Falahee
Black Hat - Karl Urban
Blade Hood - Grace Phipps
Blaise Caelia - Joe Manganiello
Bliss - Matt Daddario
Bo - Henry Cavill
Bo Grimm - DJ Cotrona
Bobby Mercer - Mark Wahlberg
Bobo Del Rey - Michael Eklund
Bod Chayton - Booboo Stewart
Bosse Ljung - Anson Mount
Bothain Gladstone - Skeet Ulrich
Bowyn Coke - Ian Bohen
Brad Coleman - Jaren Brandt Bartlett
Brennan Mulwray - Victor Webster
Brian O'Connor - Paul Walker
Briar Eglantine - Evan Ross
Briar Jones - India Eisley
Bridget Barker - Natalie Dormer
Brigid Nic Dagda - Kaya Scodelario
Brodie Reston - Jordan Connor
Bunnymund - Norman Reedus, Shawn Mendes
Burke - Michael Fassbender
Burn Milburn - Chris Wood
CA Cupid - Dove Cameron
Caden Lovell - Keiynan Lonsdale
Cai Ryers - Cody Saintgnue
Caine Dunbar - Jonathan Rhys Meyers
Cairns West - Alexander Skarsgard
Cal August - Aaron Jakubenko
Caleb Danvers - Steven Strait
Calleigh Rousseau - Sammi Hanratty
Cam Thompson - Max Thieriot
Capp Hertz - Mchine Gun Kelly
Captain Barbie Barbara - Mike Vogel
Captain Dutch Deadwood - Anson Mount
Captain Harriet Hook - Emeraude Toubia
Captain Jack Sparrow - Johnny Depp
Captain Jim Kirk - Chris Pine
Captain Mal Reynolds - Nathan Fillion
Captain Steve Rogers - Chris Evans
Cara - Allison Scagliotti
Carl Gallagher - Ethan Cutkosky
Carlos DeVil - Cameron Boyce
Carny South - Finn Jones
Carol Danvers - Brie Larson
Casi Riqui - David Castaneda
Cassidy - Joe Gilgun
Cassie Diaval - Lindy Booth
Castle Baxter - Jon Bernthal
CC Clair - Claudia Lee
Cerise Hood - Marie Avgeropoulos
Champion Barrow - Tyler Posey
Charlie Bradbury - Felicia Day
Charlie Stephenson - Willa Holland
Chase Collins - Sebastian Stan
Chase Stein - Dom Sherwood
Chef Daniel Addams - Christian Kane
Cheka kom Trikru - Blair Redford
Chelle Reilly - Sonequa Martin-Green
Cherry Cash - Colin O'Donaghue
Cheryl Blossom - Madelaine Petsch
Cheshire Liddell - Sebastian Stan
Chess Cat - Harry Shum Jr
Chev Arthur - Jason Statham
Chibs Telford - Tommy Flanagan
Chic Smith - Hart Denton
Chief Osprey - Tyler Posey
Choi Trio - Jeonghan
Chris Argent - JR Bourne
Chryso Brach - Hart Denton
Chuck Hansen - Rob Kazinsky
Chul Bora - T.O.P
Ciaran Byrne - Skeet Ulrich
Ciel Quinn - Hale Appleman
Cinda Wocky - Lucy Hale
CJ Hook - Kat McNamara
Clark Griffin - Austin Butler
Clarke Griffin - Eliza Taylor
Clary Helstrom - Tyler Blackburn
Clint Barton - Jeremy Renner, Luke Mitchell
Clove Sageseed - Jonathan Whitesell
Coco Cash - Dave Franco
Cody Pine - Logan Lerman
Col. Basher Moran - Michael Fassbender
Cole Higgins - Monty Geer
Colonel Jack O'Neill - Richard Dean Anderson, Michael Welch
Colonel John Sheppard - Joe Flanagan
Colossus - Danila Kozlovsky
Connor Angel - Vincent Kartheiser, Chandler Riggs
Connor Kent - Robbie Amell
Connor MacManus - Sean Patrick Flanery
Conrí Faolán - Cole Sprouse
Coop Lachlan - Dacre Montgomery
Cooper Rose - Konstantinos Laios
Copper kom Yujleda - Kristin Stewart
Corbin kom Ingranronakru - Shane West
Costin Comescu - Scott Eastwood
Cotton Thistle - Hansol Vernon Chwe
Countess Marishka Tepes - Kiara Glasco
Court Silver - Richard Harmon
Crawford Leather - Charlie Weber
Crina Demetra - Lyndsy Fonesca
Cyneric Ashworth - Nick Bateman
Daci Larken - Tammin Sursok
Dag Ryden - Daniel Di Tomasso
Daisy Diaz - David Castro
Dalia kom Azgeda - Sophie Turner
Damon Salvatore - Ian Somerhalder
Daniel Hale - Tyler Hoechlin
Danihel Ranger - Alexander Calvert
Dante Fischer - Dylan O'Brien
Daria Sabriel - Jaimie Alexander
Darien Hale - Tyler Hoechlin
Darius Sabriel - Samuel Larsen
Darko Pover - Dom Sherwood
Darling Charming - Eliza Taylor
Darya Ryden - Meghan Ory
Daryl Dixon - Norman Reedus
Daya Kitchell - Zendaya Coleman
Deadpool - Ryan Reynolds
Dean Winchester - Jensen Ackles
Death of the Endless - Summer Glau
Deck Chelios - Joe Manganiello
Declan Hale - Tyler Hoechlin
Declan Harp - Jason Momoa
Del Clover - Jordan Connor
Delia Midford - Allison Scagliotti
Delirium of the Endless - Hayley Williams
Delta - Clive Standen
Denny Toombs - Greyston Holt
Deputy Avi Callahan-Constantine
Derek Hale - Tyler Hoechlin
Des Carter - Frank Grillo
Desire of the Endless - Ruby Rose
Det. Kee Cavanagh - Tom Hardy
Detective Ainsley Mansfield - Christian Kane
Detective Danno Williams - Scott Caan
Detective Danny Messer - Carmine Giovinazzo
Detective Dyson Thornwood - Kris Holden-Reid
Detective Javan Bengal - Michael Fassbender
Detective Konstantinos Cruz - Colton Haynes
Dew DeWitt - Francois Arnaud
Diana Derrick - Brooke Williams
Diana Prince - Gal Gadot
Diego Hargreeves - David Castañeda
Dirk Gently - Samuel Barnett
Dmitry Kelso - Jay Ryan
Doc Holliday - Tim Rozon
Doc Holliday Jr - Matt Daddario
Domino - Keira Knightley
Dot Baum - Becky G
Doug Reston - Joe Manganiello
Dr Bones McCoy - Karl Urban
Dr Gryphon Trent - Chris Hemsworth
Dr Hank McCoy - Nicholas Hoult
Dr Harley Quinn - Hart Denton
Dr Hart Hansen - Tom Mison
Dr House - Hugh Laurie
Dr Jake Stone - Christian Kane
Dr Jill Holtzmann - Kate McKinnon
Dr Johann Stein - Richard Harmon
Dr Juneau Moone - Dane Dehaan
Dr Lane Reston - Skeet Ulrich
Dr Paddy Doyle - Andrew Scott
Dr Palmer Isley - KJ Apa
Dr Pamela Isley - Natalie Dormer
Dr Sindri Vidarr - Dane Dehaan
Dr Trick Grimsby - Ian Bohen
Draco Malfoy - Tom Felton, Miles Heizer
Drak kom Trishanakru - Alexander Dreymon
Draki Astarot - Troye Sivan
Dru Vritra - Santiago Segura
Dsimu Runihura - Michael Fassbender
Durant Fischer - Dylan O'Brien
Dusty Djura - Kat Dennings
Dwalin, Son of Fundin - Graham Mac Tavish
Eames - Tom Hardy
Eddie Brock - Tom Hardy
Eddy Williams - Adam G Sevani
Edric Lange - Anthony Mackie
Eggsy Unwin - Taron Egerton
Eight - Bob Morley
Eira Candace - Alycia Debnam-Carey
Eirlys kom Azgeda - Kit Harington
Eli Barros - David Castaneda
Elijah Mikaelson - Daniel Gillies
Eliot Spencer - Christian Kane
Eliot Waugh - Hale Appleman
Elise Gerard - Troian Bellisario
Elodie Kerstoph - Abbey Lee
Emerson Topper - Zach McGowan
Emery - Miss Psycho Cat/Minja Cvetković
Emma Austin - Scout Taylor Compton
Enzo Ferris - Brock O’Hurn
Enzo St John - Michael Malarky
Erik Lehnsherr - Michael Fassbender
Erin Strife - Ash Stymest, Cher Lloyd
Ethan Connors - Derek Theler
Evan Bilingham - Daniel Gillies
Evan Williams - Dan Stevens
Evgeni Shankarov - Paul Wesley
Evie Weiss - Max Schneider
Exy Enger - Caitlin Stasey
Eyes Auriemma - Rob Raco
Fabien Mariani - Bob Morley
Faith Firenze - Zoey Deutch
Faith Zora - Arielle Kebel
Falco LaPointe - Francois Arnaud
Fangs Fogarty - Drew Ray Tanner
Faolan Finn - Shawn Mendes
Faraday Jones - Chris Pratt
Farmer Quentin - Vin Diesel
Father Daine - JR Bourne
Father Gothel - Kim Coates
Father Robert King - Gabriel Macht
Felix Mosley - Jade Hassouné
Fergus Carter - Cole Sprouse
Fey Sprite - Natalia Dyer
Fi Kapua - Jungkook
Filarion Gaelin - Chanyeol
Fili, Son of Dis - Dea O'Gorman
Finn Collins - Thomas McDonell
Finn Liebrecht - Charlie Carver
Finnlee Camdyn - Hart Denton
Fionn Collins - Nina Dobrev
Fitz Luck - Lucas Till
Five Hargreeves - Aiden Gallagher
Five Voelkel - Dan Feuerriegel
Fletcher Herangi/Searanke - KJ Apa
Flick Fawkes - Lindsey Morgan
Flint Gladstone - Rob Raco
Flynn Addams - Norman Reedus
Flynn Rider - Jared Padalecki
Foma Comescu - Armie Hammer
Ford Waters - Jon Bernthal
Foster - Jade Hassouné
Fox Asterphilos - Michael Fassbender
Fox Tempest - Harry Shum Jr
Frank Castle - Jon Bernthal
Frank Martin - Jason Statham
Frazer Parkes - Zane Holtz
Fred Walter - Ellen Page
Freddie McClair - Luke Pasqualino
Freya Mikaelson - Riley Voelkel
Friday Ginger - Bradley Cooper
Garnet Porter - Danielle Harris
Garrett Burroughs - Amadeus Serafini
Gem Topaz - Jade Thirlwell
Geniy Kirova - Danila Kozlovsky
Geo kom Ingranronakru - Christian Kane
Geo Tyson - Christian Navarro
Gideon Kirkland - Nate Buzolic
Gil LeGume - Dylan Playfair
Ginger Breadhouse - Vanessa Morgan
Gladys Jones - Morena Baccarin
Gleb Mychajlovich - Luke Guldan
Glenn Dixon - Robert Buckley
Grace Zora - Claire Holt
Griffin - Jamie Bell
Gus Speedle - Jesse Metcalfe
Gwaine the Younger - Will Tudor
Ha Minsu - Yongguk
Haf kom Podakru - Clive Standen
Haihefa Roan kom Azgeda - Zach McGowan
Haiplana Rowan kom Azgeda - Olga Kurylenko
Han Seong-Jin - Seo In Guk
Han Seoul-Oh - Sung Kang, Jung Ji Hoon
Handsome Rob - Jason Statham
Hannibal King - Ryan Reynolds
Harley Keener - Ty Simpkins
Harp Wilson - Ashley Rickards
Harper - Gordon Michael Woolvett
Harry Addams - Sharlto Copley
Harry Hook - Thomas Doherty
Harry Osborn - Alex Høgh Andersen
Harvey Kinkle - Ross Lynch
Hayley Gold - Alberto Rosende
Hazel Haven - Kyle Gallner
Heave - Brock O’Hurn
Heda Lex kom Trikru - Greyston Holt
Heda Lexa kom Trikru - Alycia Debnam-Carey
Hendrix Mars - Odiseas Georgiadis
Henry Greyson - Brenton Thwaites
Henry Mikaelson - Richard Harmon
Herc Hansen - Max Martini
HG Graham - Jaime Murray
Hiram Lodge - Mark Consuelas
Hope Zora - Penelope Mitchell
Hush kom Azgeda - Tasya Teles
Hyde Jackson - Lucas Till
Ian Gallagher - Cameron Monaghan
Ianto Mumbles - Idris Elba
Iefan Mumbles - Idris Elba
Illyiad Barakan - Johnny Strong
Indigo Basile - Will Tudor
InDo Montoya - Cole Sprouse
Ink Marburg - Stephen James
Isaac Lahey - Daniel Sharman
Isias Apgar - Kim Coates
Issac Lawson - Luke Evans
Iva Malone - Stephanie Bennett
Ivo Ramsey - Keegan Allen
Izzy Swango - Matt Ryan
Jace Lightwood - Dom Sherwood
Jack Frost - Troye Sivan, Sean Patrick Flanery
Jack Morton - Jake Manley
Jacob Finnegan - Ian Bohen
Jade Jordan - Hailee Steinfeld
James Moriarty - Andrew Scott
Janet McCullogh - Emma Roberts
Jannick Boden - Robert Sheehan
Jareth the Goblin King - Brett Dalton, David Bowie
Jarvis Huish - Jake Abel
Jason Schuchard - Logan Henderson
Jason Todd - Bob Morley
Jasper Jordan - Devon Bostick
Jax Harley - Ricky Whittle
Jax Lewis - Noel Fisher
Jay Abanazar - Booboo Stewart
Jazz Hills - Nick Jonas
Jean Morau - Eliza Dushku
Jefferson - Sebastian Stan
Jem Fenrirson - Michael Fassbender
Jensen Ames - Jason Statham
Jensen Slick - Stephen Dorff
Jeremy Gilbert - Steven R McQueen
Jerry Lucas - Sam Heughan
Jess Gambino - China Anne McClain
Jett McCreighton-Hill - Cole Sprouse
Jia Nix - Justin H Min
Jim Moriarty - Andrew Scott
Jimmy Malone - Landon Liboiron/Tom Sturridge
JJ Jenkins - Megan Fox
Joaquin DeSantos - Rob Raco
Joe Addams - Joseph Gordon-Levitt
Joe McAlister - Colin Ford
Joel Bissainthe - Andy Biersack
Joel Gregory - Benedict Cumberbatch
Joel Shmishlyaev - Ash Stymest
John Avanyu - Karl Urban
John Constantine - Matt Ryan
John Mbege - Keiynan Lonsdale
John Murphy - Richard Harmon
John Silvini - Ryan Reynolds
John Vaako Grimm - Karl Urban
Johnnie Cooper - Tom Ellis
Johnny Jaqobis - Aaron Ashmore
Johnny Law - Vincent Ventresca
Jojo Cash - Chris Pine
Jon Byers - Charlie Heaton
Jon Snow - Kit Harington
Jonah Howard - Joseph Gordon-Levitt
Jones Templeton - Brock Kelly
Jordan Howard - Joseph Gordon-Levitt
Jory Kulkarni - Tyler Hoechlin
Jostus kom Sankru - Brock O’Hurn
JR Murphy - Richard Harmon
JT Jones - Bill Skarsgard
Jughead Jones - Cole Sprouse
Juice Ortiz - Theo Rossi
Jukebox Jones - Hannah Marks
Julio Richter - Diego Boneta
Jumpcut Jones - Dylan Sprouse
Kacey Patton - Dylan Sprouse
Kade Arcino - Zachary Quinto
Kaede Oshiro - Sehun
Kai Anderson - Evan Peters
Kai Parker - Chris Wood
Kaios Godfrey -Bill Skarsgard
Kaleb Westphall - Daniel Sharman
Kara Kaa - Eiza Gonzalez
Karolina Dean - Virginia Gardener
Kaya Carter-Reston - Dove Cameron
Kayla Doll - Emily Browning
Kaylee Sanderson - Gal Gadot
Kelly Benton - Darya Goncharova
Kelly Pryor - Brandon Larracuente
Kensington Banning - Will Tudor
Kenzo Malikov - Kim Heechul
Keri Graves - Marie Avgeropoulos
Kerry Holt - Richard Armitage
Kesa Brandt - Tom Hardy
Kevin Keller - Casey Cott
Ki Tilo - KJ Apa
Kid Loki - Cole Sprouse
Kili, Son of Dis - Aiden Turner
Killian Salvatore - Scott Caan
Kim Hart - Naomi Scott
Kincaid Jericko - Victor Webster
King Aim Dagonet - Jordan Connor
King Asnee Ambrocio - Choi Min Ki
King Beem - Jordan Connor
King Ben French - Mitchell Hope
King Christoph Henderson - Henry Cavill
King Lionel Reginus - Jason Momoa
King Papi Palma-Picarzo - Rob Raco
King Ragnar Lothbrok - Travis Fimmel
King Rey Bolivar - David Castro
King Rí - Joseph Morgan
King Rook Smith - Thomas Doherty
King Rory Reagan - Richard Madden
King Sigourney Algernon - Francois Arnaud
King Tru I Tania - Clive STanden
King Vlad Tepes III - Luke Evans
Kingsley Hopkirk - Kris Holden-Ried
Kintsu Kuroi - Jhope
Kisa - Eiza Gonzalez
Kit Barton - Luke Mitchell
Kit Corwin - Rob Raco
Kit Pryde - Dylan Sprayberry
Kit Rook - Colin Ford
Kito Jewel - Kit Harrington
Kitt Banning - Dom Sherwood
Kitten Byrne - Kit Harington
Kitten Kirk - Chloe Grace Moretz
Kitty Cheshire - Alyssa Claire Joynson
Kitty Kole - Kay Victoria
Klaus Mikaelson - Joseph Morgan
Knight Jack Knave - Dom Sherwood
Kol Mikaelson - Nate Buzolic
Kona Leilani - Dacre Montgomery
Kostia kom Trikru - Adelaide Kane, Emilia Clarke, Nyane Lebajoa, Hannah John Kamen
Kostin kom Trikru - Kit Harington, Lucky Blue Smith, Jordan Calloway
Kozik - Kenny Johnson
Kristoff of Arendelle - Chris Hemsworth
Ku Yejun - Jaejoong
Kuba Kowalski - Antoni Porowski
Kurgan Reina - Daniel Gillies
Kyda kom Trishanakru - Josefin Asplund
Kyle Bathory - Jake Manley
Kyra Badd - Alexa Davalos
L Lawliet - Ken'ichi Matsuyama
Lace Rainer - Jason Ralph
Lachlan Camdyn - Reilly Dolman
Lady/Lord Lara Croft - Alicia Vikander, Tom Hardy
Lán Sé Límíng - G-Dragon
Lanta kom Trishanakru - Harry Shum Jr
Lara Montgomery - Shelley Hennig
Lark Malone - Chloe Bennet
Laveau McQueen - Richard Harmon
Lavrenty Comescu - Mike Vogel
Lee Christmas - Jason Statham
Lee Druitt - Brett Dalton
Leigh Trace - Christian Slater
Leith Camdyn - Will Tudor
Lena Crighton - Hannah John-Kamen
Leon Strong - Johnny Strong
Leonard Snart - Wentworth Miller
Leone O'Ray - Dylan Sprouse
Levi Livingston - Jackson Rathbone
Lexington Wallander III - Travis Fimmel
Lia Santiago - Eiza Gonzalez
Liam Dunbar - Dylan Sprayberry
Liander Tybalt - Harry Shum Jr
Libby Tazzno - Mollee Gray
Light Yagami - Tatsuya Fujiwara
Lightfingers Bourne - Colin Ford
Lilah Sanderson - Danielle Campbell
Lily Highsmith - Crystal Reed
Link Fawkes - Thomas McDonell
Link, Last of the Hylians - Austin Butler
Lip - Jared Padalecki
Lip Trembuey - Reilly Dolman
Lissa Anderson - Jessica Lu
Logan - Hugh Jackman
Logan Cale - Michael Weatherly
Lola Locorant - Eiza Gonzalez
Lolli Baxter - Vanessa Morgan
Lonnie Li - Dianne Doan
Lord Albrecht Holmes - Tom Hiddleston
Lord Marshall Richard B Riddick - Vin Diesel
Lorelai Vierra - Lana Parilla
Loren Knowles - Shannon Kook
Lorna Lexington - Emma Dumont
Lou LaBelle-Ferretti - Tasya Teles
Louisa Giroux - Danielle Campbell
Loullabelle Jones - Allison Scagliotti
Lt. Col Switch McKenna - Alex O’Loughlin/Brock Kelly
Lt. Col. Anders Fontaine - Chris O'Donnell
Lt. Faceman Peck - Bradley Cooper
Lucien Judith - Michael Johnston
Lucifer Morningstar - Tom Ellis
Lucilla Nike - Charlize Theron
Lucius Philo - Kellan Lutz
Luke Castellan - Jake Abel
Luke Collins - Zak Henri
Luke Dusk - Mark Pellegrino
Lupe Lito - Miguel Ángel Silvestre
M’Ari Walker - Ksenia Solo
Macallan - Shawn Mendes
Mack Wilson - David Guintoli
Maddie Moreau - Sarah Hyland
Maddy Trevor - Bella Thorne
Madrigan Hatter - Landon Liboiron
Mae Coombs - Lili Reinhart
Maeve Aella - Phoebe Tonkin
Magnus Bane - Harry Shum Jr
Magpie TwoSpirit - Ruby Rose
Magret Spector - Vanessa Morgan
Maj. Ty Fontaine - Stephen Amell
Mak Timoti - Wentworth Miller
Makena Kysely - Colton Haynes
Malachai - Nicholas Hoult
Mangjol Ji-Tae - Minhyuk btob
Marc Wilder - Avan Jogia
Marcus Addams - Kim Coates
Marcus Berry - Godfrey Gao
Margo kom Sankru - Natalie Dormer
Marie Thompson - Meryl Streep
Mark Hobb - Jensen Ackles
Marley McCaffrey - Skeet Ulrich
Martin Rowdy - Michael Eklund
Mary Qazi - Sofia Boutella
Marzio Altamura - Jimmy Quaintance
Mathew Paterson - Tom Holland
Matilda Zolnerowich - Sygin
Matt Jeevas - Luhan
Matt Murdock - Charlie Cox
Mattie Brightley - Asa Butterfield, Cillian Murphy
Maven King - Diego Barrueco
Maz Lorne - Charlotte Best
McCorrigan Holmes - Tilda Swinton
Mekhi Kennedy - Bill Skarsgard
Mel Putnam - Jackson Rathbone
Meliorn - Jade Hassouné
Merlin Emrys - Colin Morgan
Merrick Finn - Dylan O'Brien
Mi Se-Yeon - Jimin
Mick Sweeney - Pablo Schreiber
Mickey Finn - Callum Blue
Mickey Milkovich - Noel Fisher
Midge Conlon - Colin Ford
Midge Klump - Nick Robinson
Mikael Whistler - Wentworth Miller
Mike Plisskin - Colin Ford
Miles O’Shaughnessy - Robert Sheehan
Miller Petroff - Mike Vogel
Million Pearce - David Castro
Milos Toplaski - Tommy Flanagan
Mim Fayette - Katie McGrath
Minka Vodnik - Olivia Wilde
Mira Bellami - Victoria Justice
Misty Lombardo - Adelaide Kane
Mitchell - Aiden Turner
Monroe Lorenzo - Michael Malarky
Moose Mason - Cody Kiersley
Morbid Kitchell - Machine Gun Kelly
Morgan Julius - Landon Liboiron
Morrigan Wallace - Lena Headey
Morrison Wallace - Tommy Flanagan
Ms. America - Gina Rodriguez
Murphy MacManus - Norman Reedus
Murtagh Reston - Thomas Doherty
Natalia Miller - Ashleigh Murray
Nate Spooner - Toby Hemmingway
Nathan Miller - Jarod Joseph
Nathaniel Barton - Grant Gustin
Natshana kom Trishanakru - Chai Hansen
Nell Reba-Barnes - Steve Howey
Neptune Hollins - Noah Centineo
Nia Bradbury - Andy Biersack
Nic Janson - Troye Sivan
Nick Agave - Dom Sherwood
Nick Scratch - Gavin Leatherwood
Nick St North - Kris Kristofferson
Nico DiAngelo - David Mazouz
Nico Minoru - Lyrica Okano
Nico Prentís - Cody Saintgnue
Nicolai Duchamps - Joseph Gordon-Levitt
Nik Ellis - KJ Apa
Nile Gwynnne - Nate Buzolic
Nix Arthur - Charlie Hunnam
No Preston - Max Riemelt
Noah Johnson - Mitchell Hope
Nolan James - Norman Reedus
Nonna Narrington - Caleb Landry Jones
Note Scofield - Cameron Boyce
Nova - Adam Lambert
Nysse Hamilton - Dayana Melgares
Nyx Greymark - Nyané Lebajoa
Oaklee Zaharis - Marie Avgeropoulos
Oddmund Bodilson - Brett Dalton
Oli Delfino - KJ Apa
Ong Minjae - Sehun
Onyx Frost-Haddock - Cole Sprouse
Opie Winston - Ryan Hurst
Orin Suelita - DJ Cotrona
Orion Hunter - Jai Courtney
Os Avanyu - Oscar Jaenada
Owen Anton - Devon Sawa
Owen Grady - Chris Pratt
Owen Palomino - Sean Patrick Flanery
Oz Keen - Cody Christian
Patricia Llewelyn - Scout Taylor-Compton
Paul Rumancek - Landon Liboiron
Paul Tristan - Nick Jonas
Paul Trubel - Miles Heizer
Paw Cavanaugh - Alisha Wainwright
Peg Simon - Joe Manganiello
Peilani Salvatore - Jason Momoa
Pen Carpenter - Hale Appleman
Percy Jackson - Cole Sprouse
Pern Sorrows - Colin Morgan
Perry Avanyu - Drew Fuller
Peter Hale - Ian Bohen
Peter Parker - Tom Holland
Peter Quill - Chris Pratt
Peter Rumancek - Landon Liboiron
Peyton Bennett - Dove Cameron
Philip Pearson - Reilly Dolman
Pike - Milo Ventimiglia
Pitch Black - Jude Law
Pixie Trix - Lena Scissorhands
Poe McCreary - Ruby Rose
Prali Kus - Sendhil Ramamurthy
Prince Alby Escamillia - Bob Morley
Prince Ali Ababwa - Avan Jogia
Prince Arthur Pendragon - Bradley James, Nikolaj Coster-Waldau
Prince Babylas French - Tom Holland
Prince Dubh of Dunbroch - Matt Daddario
Prince Fin Bratomil Leonidus - Jamie Campbell Bower
Prince Fionn of Dunbroch - Matt Daddario
Prince Greyson Rutherford - Robbie Kay
Prince Hans of the Southern Isles - Max Martini
Prince Hung Tae-Hee - TOP
Prince Kieran of the Wild Hunt - Nils Kuiper
Prince Kory Westergaard - Eddie Redmayne
Prince Mee-Dee Pendragon - Dom Sherwood
Prince Rapunzel - Jensen Ackles
Prince Tobias Morei - Pedro Aurelian
Princess Amberle Elessedil - Poppy Drayton
Princess Anna of Arendelle - Karen Gillan, Molly C Quinn, Miranda Otto
Princess Beth of Crims - Adelaide Kane
Princess Evie Grimhilde - Sofia Carson
Princess Merida of DunBroch - Rachelle LeFevre, Kat McNamara, Sadie Sink
Princess Ruby Henderson - Adelaide Kane
Princess Shuri of Wakanda - Letitia Wright
Professor Charles Xavier - James McAvoy
Professor Chuck Marks - Joe Manganiello
Professor Dai Ignotus - Frank Grillo
Professor Hartley Badeau - JR Bourne
Prudence Night Blackwood - Tati Gabrielle
Pubert Addams - David Mazouz
Pugsley Addams - Cole Sprouse
Q-ee Quire - Aaron Yoo
Quade Reeves - Froy Gutierrez
Queen Becci Doherty - Lucy Hale
Queen Elsa of Arendelle - Kathryn Winnick, Dove Cameron
Queen Juno Smith - Ariana Grande
Queen Lyria of Leah - Vanessa Morgan
Queen Rosalee Lette - Taylor Momsen
Queenie Scarlett - Bailey Jay
Quentin Coldwater - Jason Ralph
Quentin Cruikshanks - Zane Holtz
Quentin Quire - Machine Gun Kelly
Quinlan Cruikshanks - Zane Holtz
Quinn Dolan - Richard Harmon
Race Tabytha - Christopher Gorham
Rachel Summers - KJ Apa
Radley Finch - Stephen James
Radovan Zivkovic - Tom Hardy
Rainy Bright - Osric Chau
Raiven Reyes - Avan Jogia
Raleigh Beckett - Charlie Hunnam
Ran-Mao - Brianna Hildebrand
Randall Carpio - Adam DiMarco
Raphael Santiago - David Castro
Ratchet Rosston - Cher Lloyd
Raven Reyes - Lindsey Morgan
Ravi Enrico - Robert Sheehan
Ray Mantle - Ross Butler
Rayner Pope - Seth Gabel
Reggie Mantle - Charles Melton
Rei Kawahara - Dichen Lachman
Reid Garwin - Toby Hemmingway
Rell Hartfield - Chloe Bennet
Remus Godfrey - Bill Skarsgard
Rev. Jesse Custer - Dominic Cooper
Revolver - Lucas Till
Rex Rexford - Daniel Sharman
Ric Road - Gustaf Skarsgard
Richard Amore - Adam Levine
Richie Brooks - Andrew Scott
Richie Gecko - Zane Holtz
Rick Hobb - DJ Cotrona
Riko Velli - Niko Pepaj
Riley Barrick - Luke Bilyk
Rina Dust - Kat McNamara
Rip Finley - Arthur Darvill
River Green - Ezra Miller
Robert Lockshood - Taron Egerton
Robin Downes - Cole Sprouse
Robin Locksley - Colin Ford
Rocket Jameson - Alberto Rosende
Rogue - Jacob Elordi
Rogue - Victor Webster
Roman Godfrey - Bill Skarsgard
Roman Mercer - Avan Jogia
Roo Carter - Luanna Perez
Rory Harker - Cole Sprouse
Ros Carman - Emeraude Toubia
Rosco Domitan - Tommy Flanagan
Rose Parker - Sasha Lane
Rosie Dainty - Sarah Hyland
Ruairí Gunnrarr - Sean Patrick Flanery
Rune kom Azgeda - Jason Momoa
Rusty Ryan - Brad Pitt
Ryl Lytvynenko - Jamie Campbell-Bower
Ryl/Lyra Connors - Caleb Landry Jones, Holland Roden
Sadie Rosati - Jon Kortajarena
Saiya Erembour - Kiernan Shipka
Sam Lee Fisher - Kiersey Clemons
Sam Shankerov - Joel Kinnaman
Samael Abigor - Tom Hardy
Sameen Shaw - Sarah Shahi
Samira Avanyu - Rihanna
Samoset Ramirez Avanyu - Theo Rossi
Santa Muerte - Riae Suicide
Sassy Caitsidhe - Asa Butterfield
Schrödinger Cat - Godfrey Gao
Scorpius Malfoy - Troye Sivan
Scott Canterbury - Nate Buzolic
Scott McCall - Tyler Posey
Scott Summers - Tye Sheridan
Scout - Richard Harmon
Scud Buchanen - Norman Reedus
Sean Gallagher - Dane Dehaan
Seb Reid - Toby Hemmingway
Seb Shankerov - Joel Kinnaman
Sebastian Michaelis - Jared Leto
Sebastian Morgenstern - Will Tudor
Sébastienne Morgenstern - Dove Cameron
Seth Gecko - DJ Cotrona
Severin Moran - Michael Fassbender
SFC Bob Brown - Scott Foley
Sgt. Axel Miller - Jonathan Scarfe
Sgt. Bucky Barnes - Sebastian Stan
Sgt. Cougar Alvarez - Oscar Jaenada
Shalimar Fox - Victoria Pratt
Shalimar Rose - Emeraude Toubia
Shane Kilmartin - Noah Centineo
Shelby Kiyaya - Jason Momoa
Sheriff FP Jones - Skeet Ulrich/Cole Sprouse
Sherlock Holmes - Benedict Cumberbatch
Sherry Holmes - Benedict Cumberbatch
Sicario Montoya - David Castaneda
Sigla kom Podakru - Katheryn Winnick
Silas Kyle - Charles Melton
Silas Prince - Avan Jogia
Sim Chunho - Kiseop
Simon Bellamy - Iwan Rheon
Simon Cooper - Grant Gustin
Simon Jogia - Rami Malek
Simon Lewis - Alberto Rosende
Sinclair Lorentz - Aidan Turner
Siobhan Mbege - China Anne McClain
Siobhan Murphy - Lyndsy Fonesca
Sion Brass - Wentworth Miller
Sir Percival of Albion - Tom Hopper
Sky Vance - Dylan O'Brien
Sol Whitecrest - Nadia Hilker
Song Xieren - Xiao Meng
Sonnie Smythe - Dane Dehaan
Sophie Brightborn - Kat McNamara
Soubi Agatsuma - T.O.P
Sparkle Soleil - Virginia Gardener
Spot Conlon - Bill Skarsgard
Spring Heeled Jack - Jordan Connor
St.John Allerdyce - Aaron Stanford
Staff sergeant Jake Stingman
Stan Rotor - Machine Gun Kelly
Steffen Dumah Vigo - Aaron Stanford
Steve Harrington - Joe Keery
Steve Hopper - Tyler Hoechlin
Steve McGarrett - Alex O’Loughlin
Stiles Stilinski - Dylan O'Brien
Stirling Argent - Joel Kinnaman
Stuart Twombly-Stilinski - Dylan O'Brien
Sue Cash - Jeremy Renner
Suk Hyun-Woo - Jin Young
Suk Jung-Hee - Kim Jaejoong
Suk Pyong-Ho - Hong Bin
Sully Harper - Norman Reedus
Sunny Magnum - Ash Stymest
Sweet Pea - Jordan Connor
Syl Maier - Alex Watson
T-Bag - Robert Knepper
Takeshi Kovacs - Joel Kinnaman, Will Yun Lee
Takuya Rain - Jung Ji Hoon
Tali Bell - Stirling Knight
Talia Trent - Arden Cho
Tara Blackfeather - Taylor Momsen
Tara Orlov - Ksenia Solo
Teasaidh Addams - Aidan Turner
Teddy Altman - Alexander Ludwig
Teddy Lupin - Noah Centineo
Terry Jasper - Dwayne Johnson
Tex Malcolm - Dave Franco
Theo Abbott - Evan Crooks
Theo Crain - Kate Siegel
Theo Putnam - Lachlan Watson
Theo Raeken - Cody Christian
Thomas Addams - Jensen Ackles
Thomas Teller - Travis Fimmel
Thor Odinson - Chris Hemsworth
Tig Trager - Kim Coates
Tiger O’Hanigan - Sebastian Stan
Tihomir Bosko - James Marsters
Tim Blaise - Ben Barnes
Tim Drake - Cole Sprouse
Time Thorin - Brock O'Hurn
Tinkerbell - Dove Cameron
TK Bell - Emilia Clarke
Toby Cavanaugh - Keegan Allen
Todd Brotzman - Elijah Wood
Tokala Ramirez - Raphael Alejandro
Tolly Nichols-Dix - David Castro
Toly Sorrows - Cam Gigandet
Tommy Conway - Jensen Ackles
Toni Topaz - Vanessa Morgan
Tonio Oliver - Luke Pasqualino
Tony Parker - Dom Sherwood
Tony Stark - Robert Downey Jr
Tony Stonem - Nicholas Hoult
Tony Topaz - Keiynan Lonsdale
Tori Markham - Maggie Q
Torrance Green - Parker Hurley
Trace Georgia - Shiloh Fernandez
Tracy Rose - David Gandy
Travis Buchanen - Norman Reedus
Trevor Holden - Jared Abrahamson
Treyu kom Sankru - Charlie Hunnam
Tribute Jones - Thomas Doherty
Tristan Gaheris - Bradley James
Tulip O'Hare - Ruth Negga
Uma Scylla - China Anne McClain
Unity Candor - Dom Sherwood
Urban Candor - Theo James
Uriah Reyes - Peter Gadiot
Urumi Bello - Ben Barnes
Valentine Morgenstern - Nikolai Coster-Waldau, Ryan Kwanten
Van Torrence - Max Martini
Vanya Hargreeves - Ellen Page
Vanya Kalantarova - Theo Rossi
Vasily Kalanatrova - Ksenia Solo
Vel Grant - Garrett Hedlund
Ven Kuznetsov - Zane Holtz
Venus Van Dam - Walton Goggins
Verity - Ekilateral
Verity James - Cole Sprouse
Verna Piette - Victoria Campbell
Verona Lodge - Michael Trevino
Veronica Lodge - Camilla Mendes
Vex - Paul Amos
Victor Mancha - Alberto Rosende
Viktoriya Nadedja - Ivanna Anatoliyivna Sakhno
Vilko Rosenfeld - Tyler Hoechlin
Vivien Tancredi - Taissa Farmiga
Vogel Rowdy - Osric Chau
Vu Inlustris - Matt Lanter
Walden Sommers - Dylan Sprayberry
Walker Simon - Adam Levine
Warren Avanyu - Steven Strait
Warren Fafner - David Gandy
Warren Peace - Steven Strait
Wart Addams - Evwan McGregor
Waverly Earp - Dominique Provost-Chalkley
Wednesday Addams - Camila Mendes
Weiryn Cernonnus - Adam Copeland
Wes March - Avan Jogia
Will Herondale - Andy Biersack
Willow Queen - Katie McGrath
Win Palencia - Frank Grillo
Witchita Nichols-Dix - Jared Padalecki
Woda kom Floukru - Joe Manganiello
Wolfgang Bogdanow - Max Riemelt
Wood Woodley - DJ Cotrona
Wyatt Halliwell - Wes Ramsey
Wysteria - Aaron Stanford
Xander Harris - Nicholas Brendan
Xav Tanner - Richard Harmon
Xavier Nichols-Dix - Bill Skarsgard
Ya Min-Ki - Kan F.Cuz
Yara Preston - Armie Hammer
Ygraine Artio - Depika Padukone
Young Fred Andrews - KJ Apa
Yuki Musume - Freya Tingley
Yukio Hamada - Shiori Kutsuna
Zac Nicwood - Joseph Morgan
Zana Trembuey - Carlson Young
Zane Gallo - Andrew Lee Potts
Zarina Dust - Clara Paget
Zarina Tintagel - Holliday Grainger
Zeb Avenue - Chris Hemsworth
Zef Doe - Evan Peters
Zeke Benton - Manu Bennet
Zhu Bái - Park Soo Young
Zhu Jiāháo - Leo
Zhu Zhēn - Niel
Zin Kuznetsova - Dove Cameron
Zo Cezoram - Hale Appleman
Zuck Florentine - Luke Evans
16 notes · View notes
mk1comics · 5 years
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BATMAN #251 FACSIMILE EDITION https://www.previewsworld.com/Catalog/AUG190442
BATMAN #80 https://www.previewsworld.com/Catalog/AUG190480
BATMAN TEENAGE MUTANT NINJA TURTLES III #6 (OF 6) https://www.previewsworld.com/Catalog/AUG190495
BERSERKER UNBOUND #3 (OF 4)  https://www.previewsworld.com/Catalog/AUG190261
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BLACK CAT #5 https://www.previewsworld.com/Catalog/AUG190954
CANTO #5 (OF 6) https://www.previewsworld.com/Catalog/AUG190815
CHAMPIONS #10 https://www.previewsworld.com/Catalog/AUG191082
CONTAGION #1 (OF 5) https://www.previewsworld.com/Catalog/AUG191015
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STRANGE SKIES OVER EAST BERLIN #1 https://www.previewsworld.com/Catalog/AUG191364
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TRUE BELIEVERS X-MEN KITTY PRYDE & EMMA FROST #1 https://www.previewsworld.com/Catalog/AUG190888
YOUNG JUSTICE #9 https://www.previewsworld.com/Catalog/AUG190582
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BATMAN & THE JUSTICE LEAGUE MANGA TP VOL 03 https://www.previewsworld.com/Catalog/JUL190632
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DOOMSDAY CLOCK HC PART 01 https://www.previewsworld.com/Catalog/JUL190638
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Next Week's Schedule has been announced here https://www.previewsworld.com/Article/235349-PREVIEWSworlds-New-Releases-For-1092019  Quick Picks follow   (have a look through the schedule - this list is just a quick once over).
BATMANS GRAVE #1 (OF 12) https://www.previewsworld.com/Catalog/AUG190434
RWBY #1 (OF 7) https://www.previewsworld.com/Catalog/AUG190454
JOKER HARLEY CRIMINAL SANITY #1 (OF 9) https://www.previewsworld.com/Catalog/AUG190443
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homeformyheart · 1 year
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pairing stats - adam du mortain x detective regina bishop from the wayhaven chronicles (by @seraphinitegames)
i was inspired by this ask and wanted to show side-by-side stats of my detectives with their RO. as you can probably tell from some of the overlapping stats, that these two butt heads a lot.
[Nate x Cassie] [Mason x Ria] [Mason x Brooklyn] [Felix x Harley] [LT x Lyra]
the gorgeous art of adam du mortain was commissioned from @commander-sarahs-art and the beautiful art of my detective was commissioned from @kimchi-toast. please commission them if you can, they were amazing to work with!
*reblog, don’t repost or reuse any part of this for your own ocs or creations.
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psyclownsis · 6 years
speaking of which, there is only one (1) man i will ever truly want to see resucing harley from a perilous situation where she is rendered absurdly powerless, and that man is detective john bishop of the gcpd
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mothscales · 7 years
The (Extended) Signs as Superheroes
Aries: Wolverine Arsces: Green Lantern Arrius: Spider-man Ariborn: Batman Arittarius: Thor Arpia: Nightwing Arza: Iron Man Arga: Cyclone Aro: Hulk Arcen: Superman Armini: Captain America Arun: Lex Luthor
Arist: Daredevil Arsci: Joker Arnius: Punisher Aricorn: Tim Drake Arittanius: Deadpool Arpio: Damian Wayne Arra: Kyle Rayner Argo: Silver Surfer Arlo: Green Arrow Arcer: Gambit Armino: Ted Kord Arus: Cyclops
Taurus: Batwoman Taurist: Mr. Fantastic Taursci: Supergirl Taurnius: Nightcrawler Tauricorn: Stargirl Taurittanius: Nick Fury Taurpio: Darkseid Taurra: Human Torch Taurgo: Guy Gardner Taurlo: Iceman Taurcer: Alfred Pennyworth Taurmino: Professor X Taurun: Wally West Tauries: Colossus Taursces: Aquaman Taurrius: Bucky Barnes Tauriborn: Thom Kallor Taurittarius: Doctor Strange Taurpia: Arisia Taurza: Storm Taurga: Jean Grey Tauro: Kilowog Taurcen: Saint Walker Taurmini: Rogue
Gemini: Sinestro Gemun: Elektra Gemries: Ragman Gemsces: Emma Frost Gemrius: Jason Todd Gemiborn: The Thing Gemittarius: Barbara Gordon Gempia: Black Bolt Gemza: John Stewart Gemga: She-Hulk Gemo: Barry Allen Gemcen: Invisible Woman Gemino: Power Girl Gemus: Namor Gemrist: Wonder Woman Gemsci: Black Panther Gemnius: Deathstroke Gemicorn: Beast Gemittanius: Lois Lane Gempio: Kitty Pryde Gemra: Booster Gold Gemgo: Sentry Gemlo: Elongated Man Gemcer: Hawkeye
Cancer: Maxwell Lord Camino: Luke Cage Canus: Superboy Canrist: Iron Fist Cansci: Ganthet Cannius: Scarlet Witch Canicorn: James Gordon Canittanius: Cable Canpio: Krypto Canra: Hercules Cango: Etrigan Canlo: X-23 Cancen: Two-Face Camini: Hank Pym Canun: Stephanie Brown Canries: Moon Knight Cansces: Catman Canrius: Angel Caniborn: Harvey Bullock Canittarius: Psylocke Canpia: Jimmy Olsen Canza: War Machine Canga: Scarecrow Cano: Carol Danvers
Leo: Carol Ferris Lecen: Black Cat Lemini: Sue Dibny Leun: Captain Marvel Leries: Ra’s Al Ghul Lesces: Warpath Lerius: Ice Leiborn: Madrox Leittarius: Blue Beetle Lepia: Quicksilver Leza: Ventriloquist Lega: Spider-Woman Lelo: Domino Lecer: Vision Lemino: Black Widow Leus: Blade Lerist: Speedball Lesci: Morph Lenius: Nova Leicorn: Wasp Leittanius:Wonder Man Lepioi: Beta Ray Bill Lera: Falcon Lego: Tigra
Virgo: Mimic Virlo: Captain Britain Vircer: Songbird Virmino: Quasar Virus: Shang-Chi Virist: Strong Guy Virsci: Ka-Zar Virnius: Molly Hayes Viricorn: Rick Jones Virittanius: Amadeus Cho Virpio: Dagger Virra: Cloak Virga: Adam Warlock Viro: Havok Vircen: Jessica Jones Virun: Howard the Duck Viries: Squirrel Girl Virsces: Wiccan Virrius: Cannonball Viriborn: Longshot Virittarius: Magik Virpia: Jubilee Virza: Hulkling
Libra: Machine Man Ligo: Black Knight Liblo: Northstar Licer: Rachel Grey Limino: Firestar Libus: Layla Miller Librist: Nico Minoru Libsci: Eric O’Grady Libnius: Ben Reilly Libicorn: Spectrum Libittanius: Dazzler Lipio: Moonstar Libza: Banshee Liga: Justice Libo: Blink Licen: Genis-Vell Limini: Polaris Libun: Harry Osborn Libries: Noh-Varr Libsces: Warlock Librius: Wolfsbane Libiborn: Black Adam Libittarius: Aunt May Lipia: Valkyrie
Scorpio: Miguel O’Hara Scorra: Miss Martian Scorgo: Bishop Scorlo: M Scorcer: Larfleeze Scormino: Man-Thing Scorus: Jim Hammond Scorist: Detective Chimp Scorsci: The Captain Scornius: Moondragon Scoricorn: Alan Scott Scorittanius: Sasquatch Scorpia: U-Go Girl Scorza: Phantom Girl Scorga: Union Jack Scoro: Drax Scorcen: Zatanna Scormini: Julia Carpenter Scorun: Watcher Scories: Atrocitus Scorsces: May Parker Scorrius: Rocket Raccoon Scoriborn: Mr. Mxyzptlk Scorittarius: Harley Quinn
Sagittarius: Killraven Sagipia: Lockheed Sagiza: Kate Spencer Sagiga: Ant-Man Sagio: Stingray Sagicen: Black Canary Sagimini: Poison Ivy Sagiun: Knockout Sagiries: Cypher Sagisces: Renee Montoya Sagirius: Lady Sif Sagiborn: Scandal Savage Sagittanius: Phyla-Vell Sagipio: Pete Wisdom Sagira: Bane Sagigo: Siryn Sagilo: Ares Sagicer: Fire Sagimino: Foggy Nelson Sagius: Medusa Sagirist: Bizarro Sagisci: Namorita Saginius: Hyperion Sagicorn: Shazam
Capricorn: Xorn Caprittanius: Hellstorm Capripio: Amanda Waller Caprira: Hellcat Caprigo: Sunfire Caprilo: Jeannette Capricer: Jack Monroe Caprimino: Talia Al Ghul Caprius: Guardian Caprist: Huntress Caprisci: Hellion Caprinius: Franklin Richards Capriborn: Deadshot Caprittarius: Echo Capripia: Thunderstrike Capriza: Phantom Stranger Capriga: Heather McNeil Hudson Caprio: X-Man Capricen: Mr. Freeze Caprimini: Star Lord Capriun: Slapstick Capries: Martian Manhunter Caprisces: Jack of Hearts Capririus: Agent X
Aquarius: Superboy Prime Aquiborn: U.S.Agent Aquittarius: Ben Urich Aquapia: Ragdoll Aquaza: Forge Aquaga: Iron Lad Aquo: Mera Aquacen: Lockjaw Aquamini: Major Victory Aquiun: Starfire Aquaries: Rictor Aquasces: Fantomex Aquanius: Catwoman Aquicorn: Penguin Aquittanius: Spitfire Aquapio: Nighthawk Aquara: Nocturne Aquago: Cassie Lang Aqualo: Gwen Stacy Aquacer: Puck Aquamino: Doctor Voodoo Aquius: Darkstar Aquarist: Steel Aquasci: Bart Allen
Pisces: Deadman Pirius: Jade Piborn: Ray Palmer Pittarius: Wonder Girl Pipia: Jay Garrick Piza: Static Piga: Beast Boy Pio: Killer Croc Picen: Eternity Pimini: Clea Piun: Elixir Piries: Doc Samson Pisci: Shatterstar Pinius: Mantis Picorn: Mockingbird Pittanius: White Tiger Pipio: Paladin Pira: Sharon Carter Pigo: Deathlok Pilo: 3-D Man Picer: Ronan Pimino: Black Goliath Pius: Anole Pirist: Pixie
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manualstogo · 4 years
For just $3.99 Released on October 7, 1939: She wanted an apron and a house full of children and he wanted the star-studded life of fame and fortune. Genre: Comedy Duration: 1h 35min Director: Tay Garnett Actors: Loretta Young (Anita Halstead), David Niven (Tony Arturo), Hugh Herbert (Benton), Billie Burke (Aunt Abby), C. Aubrey Smith (Gramps, Bishop Peabody), Raymond Walburn (Harley B. Bingham, Don's boss), Zasu Pitts (Mrs. Cary Bingham), Broderick Crawford (Don Burns), Virginia Field (Lola De Vere), Eve Arden (Gloria), Ralph Graves (Mr. Morrisey, Tony's New York manager), Lionel Pape (Mr. Howard, London theatre manager), and Fred Keating (the master of ceremonies), Richard Allen (Detective), Granville Bates (ship Captain), May Beatty (dowager), Hillary Brooke (blonde on stage), George Cathrey (officer), Pat Davis (British pilot), Mary Field (Peabody's housekeeper), Bess Flowers (nightclub extra), Tay Garnett (pilot), Jack Green (detective), Larry Harris (boy boxer), Al Hill (heckler), Leyland Hodgson (Captain Vickers), Arthur Stuart Hull (audience extra), Dickie Jackson (boy boxer), Walter James (Police official), Frank Jacquet (doctor), Paul Le Paul (butler), Ralph McCullough (ship's officer), Doreen McKay (girl at shower), Edmund Mortimer (nightclub extra), Ralph Norwood (waiter), William H. O'Brien (nightclub waiter), Broderick O'Farrell (ship's officer), Franklin Parker (croupier), Claude Payton (Scotland Yard man), Jack Perrin (ship's officer), John Rice (Scotland Yard man), Walter Sande (Gloria's husband Ralph), Edwin Stanley (Reno lawyer Jones), Larry Steers (nightclub extra), Eleanor Stewart (girl at shower), Patricia Stillman (girl at shower), Luana Walters (girl at shower), Billy Wayne (stage manager), Douglas Wood (Phillips), Evelyn Woodbury (girl at shower) *** This item will be supplied on a quality disc and will be sent in a sleeve that is designed for posting CD's DVDs *** This item will be sent ...
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camuseic · 5 years
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Hey y’all! So instead of doing my homework these lovely muses, as well of some of my others, could use some love, so watch out for more character promos throughout the day. From top to bottom:
Harley Bishop: Photographer, bisexual. Photographer by day, karaoke queen at night. Loves to make friends, have a good time and capture the beauty of everything around her.
Isabella King: Fashion Designer, bisexual. She’s a motherfucking queen and she knows it. But under that hard exterior is a sensitive side. If you want someone to give you good fashion advice, Isabella is your girl.
Mandi Cho: Mechanic, bisexual. She grew up in a family of boys so she’s very tomboy. Always trying to prove herself to her family and dealing with being a bisexual girl in a very traditional family.
Alexander Kane: Detective, heterosexual. He is very devoted to his job and comes from a family known for their power in the mafia. He doesn’t like talking about that. He enjoys music and can be found playing the piano at jazz clubs around town.
Elliot Quill: Poet, bisexual. Elliot is a perfect mixture of a party-maker and drama king. He knows how to make the best drink in any scenario and easily makes friends. He’s got some bad habits, but you’re sure to fall in love with him, one way or another.
Elijah Patton: Journalist, heterosexual. Elijah grew up too fast, basically becoming an adult at sixteen. He was so focused on becoming head journalist that he failed to stop and make a family. He’s snarky but sweet and just needs a friend or more.
If you want to plot with any of them, feel free to message me or like this post and tell me who you want (could be one of these guys or any of my open muses) and I’ll make a starter.
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psyclownsis-a-blog · 7 years
Would you mind listing all your relationships tags? With the person they're for?
yes! tbh i don’t even have tags for all of them so that should say something about how many i have lmao
harley + characters from dc:
harley and joker (romantic) / rel: baby, you’re the greatest!
harley and ivy (romantic) / rel: i wanna ruin our friendship; we should be lovers instead.
harley and riddler (platonic) / rel: penny for your thoughts but a dollar for your insights!
harley and two-face (???) / rel: high two!
harley and scarecrow (familial) / rel: teacher’s pet.
harley and croc (platonic) / tba.
harley and deadshot (platonic) / rel: permission to pick a massive wedgie sir!
harley and ventriloquist (familial) / rel: kind of like family.
harley and hush (enemies with benefits?) / rel: yeah, and people in ice water want hell, but that doesn’t mean they’re gonna get it!
harley and black mask (romantic) / rel: he’ll burn you down like wax if you let him.
harley and catwoman (platonic) / rel: good girl.
gotham city sirens (platonic?) / rel: super bad girl team up time.
harley and enchantress (romantic) / tba.
harley and batman (enemies) / rel: how do you know when it’s time to come in from the cold?
harley and jack ryder (platonic) / tba.
harley and creeper (i don’t even know) / tba.
harley and jason (familial) / rel: i once stepped on a dying bird.
harley and dick (platonic) / tba.
harley and john bishop (???) / rel: sooner or later, detective, everyone gets got.
harley and penguin (enemies?) / tba.
harley and guy (romantic) / tba.
harley/ivy/joker parenthood ot3 (let me LIVE) / rel: my heart has four chambers and that means there’s one for each of us.
harley + non-dc characters:
harley and norman bates (psycho series, romantic) / rel: what’s black and white and red all over?
harley and kilgrave (marvel, fwb?) / rel: casanova just can’t turn the charm on!
harley and tiffany (child’s play series, just gals bein pals™) / tba.
harley and robert (original, romantic) / rel: i like my men like i like my wine: tall, sweet, and aged to perfection!
harley and sallie (original, just gals bein pals™) / rel: you wanna be friends forever; i can think of something better!
harley and ana (original, honestly just A Mess lmao) / rel: every mushroom cloud has a silver lining!
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bradfordzone · 6 years
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Carter | Alibi 27 June 9:00pm Alibi’s brand new and exclusive detective series starring Jerry O'Connell continues. In this episode, Harley has accepted a position as consulting detective in the Bishop PD.
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