saltpepperbeard · 2 years
Now that we know Ed is going to be decking out his ears again, I’d love to see Stede get him some sort of beautiful earring. Maybe something red to match the ring he always wears, or maybe even something turquoise, so he can keep a piece of Stede close at all times.
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fungirl-apk · 8 months
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(a series dedicated to Jujutsu kaisen characters and what type of scammers they would be. (Keep in mind this is just a joke - slander if you will. Lmao. )
-> PART 2(toji)
TW// dusty!satoru, scammer!satoru, dustmite!gojo, mentions of scammer!geto, crackfic
1K+ words
(if you have eczema , asthma, or a cold, reading this fic featuring dusty gojo and (a very little, but still dusty) geto will make you cough, wheeze, hack, and sneeze. read at your own risk.)
-SATORU is definitely the "over-the-phone" foreign country emperor-type scammer. The kind of scammer who chooses gullible females (such as elderly women,) or vulnerable women (such as lonely widows,) on purpose - he's no misogynist, but he finds women easier to manipulate cash out of (partially due to his good looks and silver-tongue). Besides, what woman can resist a handsome ""emperor"" from a foreign country? with a foreign accent?
-SATORU would definitely be the type to carefully plan out his responses/behaviors before manipulating his victims for cash - he'd purposefully distance himself away from his victim for days, but not before saying things like: "I'm broke", "I have no job", then arrive with a half-assed apology 3 days later, "oh- sorry! was busy working, lol :p"
-SATORU would obviously not be stupid enough to contradict himself, By accident that is. He knows what he's doing, he's just making it seem like he's hiding something... Hiding the fact he's the quote "emperor from some rich foreign country".
He realizes he could never just say that though, so instead, he'd leave little traps for his victim to pick up on, hints, and clues, that'll eventually all add up and corroborate his story. 
-SATORU's entire goal from start to finish would be to push the theory without explicitly saying it. The more distance between you two, the more suspicious you will get.
the more desperate for an answer you feel as he pushes you away? This is how he lures you in, although you'll never realize it until the end. 
-SATORU would only strike when he knows he's destroyed your morale. When you inevitably lower your standards for an explanation as to why he's been "traveling in and out of Japan", desperate for anything, you'll accept his outlandish confession of being a
"foreign imperial monarch, emperor of the south who has 8 Bugatti's and 5 exotic albino peacock-tigers and an 89 figure bank account".
And regardless of whether you truly believe it or not, you accept it. Because you're just desperate for his company and tired of feeling neglected.
-SATORU would use his previous absence to further push the theory if you still weren't convinced enough. "Yeah, the reason I missed your birthday was because I was helping the local Duke of the North. I got injured, so I was in the hospital". he wasn't.
"remember when I said I couldn't be there for your promotion party? The guards of the south needed my assistance on the day of the party, so I traveled to Japan to help them.". He didn't. 
"That picture of me on the airplane was me traveling to my kingdom". He literally snuck onto that plane without a ticket...
-SATORU is smart, smart enough to know you probably would begin to doubt his fictitious empire and his tenuous adventures about "large boats made out of porcelain with golden jewels, exotic albino caviar, and white pearls" in Bali, Indonesia.
So, to further sell the dream - he sends in cash or expensive gifts now and then as the final nail in the coffin. To some inexperienced scammers, it just looks stupid, considering he's supposed to be the one receiving money, "counterproductive" they say.
 But Satoru just scoffs and writes them off as "amateurs". He doesn't see it as ""CoUnTeRpROduCtive"" He sees it as an investment, a down payment, or to put it more accurately, a security deposit for the future.
"It isn't guaranteed you will get back the same treatment in dividends from the person you choose to pour all this unnecessary money into..."
Nanamin often remarks. But again, Satoru just scoffs. Nanamin just doesn't understand the psychological genius behind a true mastermind such as THE gojo Satoru, king of the con artists. Some say he's arrogant, but he'd just say he's confident in his abilities as a scam artist. 
what comes around goes around, and he's gonna get his money back one way or another. it's just his good karma.
-SATORU's best friend, confidant, and partner in crime, geto, comments that if any regular person were to describe Gojo, they would say he's an absolute despicable excuse of a human being.
If any of his victims were to describe him, they'd say he was a learning experience and their first real heartbreak.
If an advanced scammer were to describe Satoru, they would say he is a genius but arrogant hustler in a world full of flim-flam cowards,
a true fraudster in the flesh. Most scammers who've heard the tales of Satoru Gojo assume he's worked his way up to the top all by his lonesome, brewing his own methods of mind games and manipulation processes resulting in successful licks among women internationally.
But, geto would just chalk it all up to him being born into a very corporate family. 
One that happens to scam their customers out of new and expensive phones every 6 months for minimal features but 6000x times the price. it's worth it though, because you get 50kb more space. :>
-SATORU would never let another man in your life. not in jealousy - but in greed. He's had men in the past attempt to distance his victims away from him in either pursuit of a romantic relationship, or because they're trying to play fraudster as well, While he's still trying to play HIS tricks.
you can guarantee no matter who it is - Satoru takes it as a sign of blatant disrespect if another scammer attempts to try and get in the way of his bag 
So, he makes an example out of them, which is the number 1 reason why Satoru Gojo became the most notorious figure in the Con-artistry community.
 IF a man somehow reaches the god-like proportions Satoru Gojo has achieved in the world of the jujutsu scammer-verse, he'd just have to knock him down to size.
He can't have another shyster challenging his authority. If the JJK scammer verse is the Wild Wild West, there isn't enough room in this town for both of them.
-SATORU in the world of scammers would be the kingpin, the best, the inspiration, the moment, and the blueprint for other scammers in the jujutsu scammer verse.
and he's a dust storm heading toward all the women. ladies, pack your bags, skip town, and lock your doors, it's sneezin' season - and beware of the Toji dust blizzard following right behind
-> PART 2(toji)
(also, here's a quick yuji fanart I created LOL)
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rayroseu · 45 minutes
Rambles about Book 7 lol
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AAAAAAAÀAAA 😭😭😭 THIS IS SO AUGHHH THE MEANING BEHIND THIS INFO !!!!!! knowing that the first thought of Lilia in encountering Silver was that he should kill him to avenge Meleanor and Levan and that his purpose of adopting him is that he wants to believe he can love a human as well AND LILIA TEACHING THIS HUMAN BABY HOW TO LIVE DESPITE THE MANY CHANCES HE GOT TO GET RID OF HIM AUGJAURIWUTJW AND MAY I SAY LILIA WENT FROM DISTANTLY BEING ATTACHED TO THIS BABY AND THEN TRANSITIONING UNTO WANTING FOR HIM TO LIVE AND WITNESS HIM GROW UP AAAAAAA😭😭✨✨✨
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LMAO not the faes snitching this info to malleus ofmg 😭✨
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lowkey this is me as well i think babies are kinda ugly too KDHJAEJ especially when they cry 💀🔥🔥
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YOU CALL THIS ADORABLE HELPPPP 🤣🤣🤣okay but in all seriousness, we rarely get this easy sarcastic Malleus, he's always too formal around NRC and often his humor lands amiss to other charas which doesnt prompt him to present this trait, but its so sweet that he seemed to be "truly himself" in the cottage scenes where its just him Lilia and Silver🥺✨ his voice doesnt feel "authoritative" too like a dorm leader, its just malleus and his difficulty in getting along with the random baby lilia caught lol
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I remember this line was translated as a flower nectar?? but they kinda saying the same and i like this paraphrase that Lilia thinks of Milk as nectar for baby humans, like how Malleus often relates tech to some magical ritual lol
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crying at this line, knowing that Malleus says this because he has broken several many things bcs he couldnt control his strength and perhaps there were things that Lilia owns that he accidentally destroyed as well so he tries to mend this uncontrollable strength of his in order to not be an inconvenience😭✨
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NURSEMAID???? YEAH NURSEMAID CALLED LILIA VANROUGE 😭😭💔💔💔 and AAAAA not once did Malleus search for this tune??? not even sing it to Maleficia and Lilia so as to inquire about it 😭✨💔💔 this is when you know this lullaby IS truly MELEANOR'S LULLABY because everyone of the characters only heard it from her !!!😭😭😭💔💔
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I love this response from Malleus lol, also i feel like some situation will challenge Lilia's love for humans again, like can you still love humans if they commit the same crime again to Malleus as they did with Meleanor?? Twisting their personality and actions so as to validate their fear?? Can you still say that faes should make an effort to make peace with them when repeatedly it was the humans who wasnt willing to udnerstand faes to begin with ? 😭✨ its a realistic worry fitting for a king that'll rule for centuries, maybe bcs he has this instinct that humans are epehemeral and so are their promises.
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Thinking about it a bit more, its true that what Levan does is futile effort because the issue between humans and faes, Briarland and Silver Owls is too much that it cant be resolved by just understanding each other.
Levan wants the war to stop but obviously that can't happen because the bigger factions of each natioj are resolute at their stance that Briarland is owned by faes or humans, no in between. He can't immediately fix the mentality of higher faes and Meleanor with their hatred of humans and vice versa with the human officials like Henric,
but what he can do to decrease the casualties of this conflict is to pave way for the COMMON folk to understand each other, if he can make way for the common fae and the common human to talk to each other, then it might decrease the misunderstanding between the common fae and common human (assuming that both parties arw willing to be understanding)
its really a long shot and a gamble to aspire for considering his country's situation, and its effects would take a while to impact and honestly it took so much important people and years just to have his dream of peace, i wish we could get an input about what he feels about this
considering his kindness he might be happy, but im kinda sad its really tragic the implication of how the faes had to earn their peace and atone for a conflict that they didnt even start with,
based on Lilia, it took 400 YEARS just for the humans to sign a peace treaty, maybe in the eyes of the faes, thats just a piece of paper, so they waited and grieved the lost of their Princess Meleanor and many of their fae soldiers and Prince Levan and ALMOST the entirety of their continent, just for these humans to sign an 400 year long overdued peace treaty?? so the faes that died couldve been saved if these humans could spare some compassion and ink to sign a treaty-- It kinda feels like they're insulting their grief (in the faes point of view atleast), whats the purpose of having this paper peace treaty when they have lost so much already?? I WISHHH the story could delve more into the grief of faes,
kinda lowkey mad they just swept Lilia's grief by the humans just cuz he encountered a few good ones, i wouldve love to see him being vengeful then learning how to convert that grief to love again just like Maleficent in the live action, bcs it would be very meaningful on this way, Lilia can truly say he has learned how to love because he experienced real deep hatred---but AAA its whatever this storyline is good as well, just kinda feels general lilia's belief converted to present!lilia a bit too fast to my liking lol
its really intriguing how before book 7 the faes dislike of humans seems so dramatic but now after book 7 it all makes too much sense 😭✨
(can you guys tell i play too much reverse 1999 bcs i ramble too much about morals and politics between different races now JHDJWHRJW)
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nowandthane · 8 months
Mass Effect Trilogy Tag
tagged by @menacingmetal thank you!!!! <3
tagging @grim-starling @stormikins @vakariansvixen @westernlarch @illusivesoul @drelldreams @xoshepard (i know you already got tagged but tag me in yours too if u do it i wanna see it xD) <3 and anyone else who wants to do this!!
I am a fan since: I first played in September 2022 and it's consumed my life since! I had the OT since like 2018/19??? but i couldnt play because it gave me motion sickness kjdfhgkdf then I got MELE free cause amazon was doing a thing and by that point i had friends who taught me to mod the game and i can play with relatively few issues now :3
Favourite game of the series?: oooh idk i love them all and i played them first time all in a row so theyre kind of like one game to me... probably me2?
MShep or FShep?: femshep. ive yet to complete a game with anyone other than femshep. well, anyone other than sarani specifically lmao but hopefully that'll change xD
Earthborn, Colonist or Spacer?: earthborn!! (sarani again xD)
Biotics or Tech: tech (again... sarani. she is not a biotic)
Paragon or Renegade: paragon choices, renegade dialogue xD
Favourite Class: infiltrator!! ive never played a class other than infiltrator (yes, you guessed it, sarani :3) but im trying out vanguard like anytime now so we'll see?
Favourite Companion:
Least favourite Companion:
you could put a gun to my head and i still wont answer those two i will not choose
My squad selection: i dont really have a main i think? it depends on who's narratively appropriate for the mission, then on who will help me most with their build. i try to make sure everyone has equal time cause i wanna see them all....
Favourite In-game romance: well it's def thane if youve known me a while youd know i used his name for like over a year while i was figuring out my gender stuff xD also garrus and tali ofc <3 but tbh they're all good!! with the exception of jacob cause bioware did him so dirty ugh
Other pairings I like: joker/edi, miranda/ashley, miranda/jack are some of my faves but tbh this world is my playground i WILL mix and match them xD
Favourite NPC: jenkins nihlus and aethyta, i kind of really want her to [liara shoots and kills me]
Favourite Antagonist: Saren for sure i need him to choke me
Favourite Mission: Priority: Tuchanka probably... i love mordin so much and his arc... beautiful
Favourite Loyalty Mission: Tali!!!
Favourite DLC: arrival. ok no lmao. omega probably!
Control, Synthesis or Destroy: destroy i guess but only because i pretend the geth and edi dont die lmao.
Favourite Weapon: black widow!!!!!
Favourite Place: Rannoch
A quote I like: Tali's 'The difference was you.' and 'I got better. I got you.' (very romance specific i know i love her okay) garrus's 'gray... i dont know what to do with gray.' legion's 'do these units have a soul?' kolyat saying 'the prayer was for you' when wrex says shepard is a sister to him
im gonna go cry now
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yung-goos · 1 year
//possible pikmin 4 spoilers
ughHHH ok no I must talk about Pikmin 4. I needa gush. It's safe to say I will be playing every other pikmin game in the near future because I. am. in. love. With the concept, the aesthetic, the gameplay, my lovely little men called pikmin, OATCHIIIIII, just.... Pikmin gained a new fan quickly. Took me a lil while to find my groove, but once I found it I couldn't put it down. Something about having a gameplay cycle thats unique, interesting, and revolves around being as efficient as possible just *chefs kiss* can't be beat. And Pikmin 4 does it in a way where it isn't stress inducing or daunting. Its like a nice slow trickle feed, and the difficulty curve doesn't like, suddenly get hard out of no where. Theres a clear point where you're like okay the shits getting real. Like okayyy now I have to actually sit here and think??? But like, half way through doing the first dandori battle I realized you could restart, and a couple tries later realized I could just use Oatchi to manage a lot of the carrying for the heavy shit by himself while I multi-task with my captain. And just.... yea it was a wrap after that lmao. Utterly destroying the dandori battles when I came across them (yea fuck you LOUIE). The dandori challenges though were tricky and required a lot of planning and restarting in order to plat them, but I loved every second of it. And just.... The ENVIRONMENTSSSS. I think just looking up and getting a look at where I was at was one of my favourite things to do. Realizing you're walking around through a lil garden, or a campfire grill, or a toy castle, or some kind of animal exhibit, or a sandbox, or a sand castle. And the HOMEEE. Or should I say "large giant structure". Like goddd the amount of charm is insane. Reading the descriptions for all the treasure too was a big fave of mine. Mock Bottom, Foolish Fruit, Unbreakable Promise, Connection Detector, Buddy Display, Personal Injury Plank, Wave Racer for the Nintendo Gamecube. Just UGHHH the CHARM™. I think the only thing I'd say I'd dislike is the dialouge from the characters. As someone who likes to be thorough, a lot of it felt uneccesary after awhile. Cute and funny at times, esp the little Pikmin people talk (the little "Oh n-no" Collin likes to do and the lil "Ki-morrray" Shepherd does has been STUCK and I mean STUCK in my head) but yea. It'll be nice going back and playing Pikmin games that arent so dialogue heavy, so I hear. Speaking of which, thats the one downside to starting with Pikmin 4, all the quality of life changes I'm sure they added to 4 isn't going to be present. Cuz you mean I have to fight shit...... without Oatchi..... I'm still not used to losing pikmin..... its going to be a slaughter if I don't have my boy with me. But yea, that'll be stress I tackle another day. Anywho, amazing game, definitely up there with Bomb Rush and TOTK as my GOTYs, and I'm sooo looking forward to playing more Pikmin in general. To think, I may have not been convinced to purchase this so soon if it weren’t for dunkeys glowing review. I always knew I wanted to play Pikmin, which is why I always avoided reading anything about it (which was easy theres like 20 maybe 35 pikmin fans at most).
also yea Groovy Long Legs remains my top fave out of all the bosses. Hands down. So good.
also also yea I understand why its fuck Louie now. Really wish we got to hear Nelle chew his ass out with their little "talk" Hmph.
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limetameta · 2 years
riza flame alchemist au where she doesn't show roy the tattoos but teaches the alchemy to herself lmao
Riza burned her own back while she was in the Academy. Rebecca covered for her with some excuses.
But unlike how Roy burned her back, Riza was so fucking angry at her father that she burned her entire back. Passed out. Was brought back. Continued. Passed out. Waited to heal. Did it again. Passed out. All until she fully cleaned herself of Berthold Hawkeye's touch.
Riza did not reach out to Mustang after her father died. If anything, she didn't even declare her father dead. She just burned the house down when she realised he was dead in his bed.
Riza is deeply traumatized and unwell. But she's got to be one of the best human weapons Amestris has, so, they just stamp approved on her draft.
But she's also super dead inside so every time Kimblee tries getting her attention in Ishval or tries to draw out a reaction he fails miserably because all Riza does is nod and say that sounds nice for you. I'm happy you found some meaning in this violence. *continues eating rations without another word*
Kimblee kind of becomes the only person Riza talks to in Ishval because nobody else wants to approach this clearly unhinged human weapon. Kimblee, on the other hand, treats this as a challenge.
And Riza's just like, that's nice.
Kimblee: You can't be this apathetic to all of these lives. Surely you must feel something? Agony, pride? Anything.
Riza shrugs.
Kimblee is dying on the inside.
Roy's a soldier lmao. When he finds out about Riza being the Flame Alchemist he asks Riza why she didn't tell him... and Riza just tells him that her father didn't entrust Roy with the alchemy. But to her. But she's very happy to see him, Private Mustang. He's in her company. Just a regular soldier, with a lot of passion and resolve. Nothing extraordinary on the field, but he is considered the best to speak to whenever you're doubting yourself or whenever you don't know what to do. They call him the Spark of Hope. And he wants to become Fuhrer one day and change things from the inside.
Kimblee butts heads with him constantly.
Riza meanwhile is looking at Maes' photographs of Gracia and nodding along, that's nice. She really looks cute. I'm happy you have something to live for.
Kimblee's last ditch effort to get Riza to show some passion for this violence they inflict on the world is to give her the philosopher's stone for one mission. Surely that'll help her. It doesn't lmaoo. She just returns it after the mission and says that she didn't like how hot her flames got with it. She should just stick with what she knew she could control. But thanks for the opportunity.
I cannot explain to you how dead inside Riza Hawkeye is.
Kimblee has a conversation about the ph stone with Riza and her perspective changes his opinion slightly on the matter. So he does end up returning it.
Roy presses Riza that with how dangerous the flame alchemy is, she should destroy the notes so this never gets in anyone else's hands.
Riza just gives Roy a thumbs up, turns around, takes off her shirt, and shows off her giant back scar. ''Don't worry about it.''
Roy is ill. Kimblee's absolutely intrigued.
K: Your father seems like an absolute madman. Honestly I'm sorry for how you grew up.
Roy, who was just about to ask Riza how she could destroy Master Hawkeye's research and house like this, falls dead silent, bites his tongue: Yeah... that sure was fucked up, Major Hawkeye. I'm sorry.
And Riza just shrugs. ''It's fine. I just wish I'd smothered him.'' Then. A pause. ''Actually, I'm not sure if I did or didn't. I set the fire while he had a fever, I think.''
Kimblee: Honestly, good for you! / Roy, head in his hands: Major Hawkeye, I worry deeply.
Kimblee. Oh, she is definitely going to breakdown one of these days when she comes back. Mark my words. All of this will finally catch up with her.
Riza finally breaking down when she meets Edward Elric, who had a fucked up father and whose mother died and who had to do heinous things. ''Oh my god he's me.''
Cue canon events except it's more efficient since Riza is the Flame Alchemist.
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Let's Rewind! Toast watches Voltron: Defender of The Universe (1984)
Season 1, Episode 5: The Princess Joins Up
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Just from the episode title alone, I know my boy Sven is about to be tossed out like TRASH
I wonder what Zarkon wants with Allura, Lotor hasn't been introduced yet so maybe just a political prisoner or something
All the guards and prisoners are like ??? because haggar swears she'll upgrade the winner of this next gladiator fight so they can go against voltron if they didn't push the "all the soldiers were robots not people" narrative so much I'd agree but one of them asked how she could improve robots,, many ways sir and it's worse because she uses magic
Again some of these robeast and alien designs are so cool, very creative and reminds me biology is a suggestion when it comes to making a new species
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A look into haggar lab, interesting actually it's just being used as a torture chamber where she infuses magic into them while they're still awake to feel the pain, horrifying
On Arus again, now it's the team calling out to the remaining Arusians into the tunnel to give them safety in the castle AND LANCE ALMOST FALLS OFF A CLIFF, GREAT START It's ok Keith grabs him before he dies
Pidge and Hunk are also trying to convince some people to come by, too bad their main selling point is wanting their cooking because it doesn't work with them either
I couldn't find a gif of the team sitting on this brick wall which I thought was super cute, and I don't want to screenshot that rn, so now it's up to imagination but fr trust me the team are all cuties
"I hate to give [Allura] the bad news :(" to "Sorry! No one wants to help!" PIDGE A LITTLE MORE TACT PLEASE LMAO
Something interesting, Hunk points out that they can't use Voltron to outright attack Zarkon and Allura agrees because he's a defender Knowing that they defeat everyone at the end after outright attacking castle doom, it seems kind of ironic BUT ALSO in Voltron Force (2011) we get an episode that revisits this legit subject and answers why or why not that would change That'll be a fun episode to review when I get to it
Again why would he want Princess Allura so bad, political prisoner is my best idea here This is probably where the Keith/Allura shipping started because after Coran mentions that Keith is super quick to threaten violence against the guy if he tries to touch her I mean ignoring the fact that it's one of the more obvious pairings lol
An attack! And they destroyed that satellite dish thing that Sven and Allura just finished building, rip
They routinely call the lions "space lions" which I guess makes sense but if Earth or at least the GG have been in contact with aliens for god knows how long it feels like it's kind of redundant to specifically say they're from space
Again with the GoLion references, I don't remember it being this abundant it's just them saying the name GoLion btw, nothing subtle LMAO
This week's robeast is called the Dieklops! They named this one pretty well, so there's some hope for the future, This one is heavier than the last one at only 4100 short tons!
I like to think that the team fights in the lions first before forming Voltron because they're trying to see what it can do, and it's a lot easier to annoy a robeast into showing its cards when there's more of you
Activate interlocks, dynotherms connected, infracells up, mega thrusters are go! They finally did the chant this time! Maybe it's because I religiously rewatch Voltron Force (2011) but I expected them to say "Let's go voltron force!" but instead they just shouted Voltron that's ok too I guess
I didn't comment on the transformation sequence last time, but it's pretty cool because it reminds me of some frankenstein's monster type stuff especially because there are a lot of electricity crackles and zaps seen and heard when voltron forms
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Ok but actually though that's a really interesting landscape near the castle, pretty secure in case of ground attacks but what about when natural disasters hit? It probably isn't that safe
I know the show just pulls phrases out of its ass to sound futuristic but "nucleonic circut" is wild
Alfor CREATED voltron?? Again I'm twisting it to my own version because I can't trust them telling a linear story here, but my thinking is that after Voltron was officially split into five, Alfor later discovered them and had them slowly rebuilt as mechs which is why they form like this now
Man these guys suck at dodging
oh shit now the castle is getting taken apart I know what happens next but it's still wild
I think it's a nice touch that Voltron has expressions whenever he fights, kind of hints at his magical nature even though in this show they're just treated as machines and nothing more
Alfor ex machina returns and confirmation that Zarkon is the one who killed Alfor
Goodbye decrepit old castle of Arus, hellooo new futuristic version!
OH SHIT WATCH OUT ALLURA STAYS STRAPPED ok maybe I was wrong about this episode being the one where Sven gets nerfed
Robeast is defeated but as Allura monologues they show a slide show of all the lions with their pilots on top, except the first one we see is blue and Allura on top lol that must've been weird for kids who saw it air
Episode end! Another short one it feels like, or is it because it was such a simple premise This is the last one for tonight, and hopefully I'll be able to do one tomorrow, but it's my busiest day of the week :/
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mejomonster · 2 years
Justice in the Dark, more on ep 2 since I can't shut the fuck up apparently even tho I just wrote a whole essay ToT
I get why the casting is who it is. In retrospect. In sitting here now lmao. Like I said I like who they cast performance wise they're doing perfect. But looks wise not all match exactly what was in my head. (Tao Ran does perfectly utterly in every way though lol). I think Fei Du was cast cause he looks a lot like fandom drawings of fei du. Not my personal image of him (my personal image of him is like slightly to the left of his most usual drawn look). But I can see a casting director thinking "yeah he'll look so much like the audio drama art and fanart etc" (also any skin smoothing just further highlights that). And Luo? Parts are clearly from the book, parts are from Zhao Yunlan (I imagine they wanted a specific kind of appeal you see in certain lead actors which he's also got here), and then i in reflection like how he looks "less intense" than fei du.
1 because fei du looks like he needs a home-cooked meal and Luo looks like he can cook it (which goes a lot more into their both romance dynamics and bigger dynamic of Luo being Feis path to healing, life, warmth, growth, him looking visually more soft and touchable and healthy and in touch with a realistic world all add to him being that For Fei Du).
2 Luo looks a bit older, just actor has quite distinct eyes (they could be similar age actors idk) and Luo seems Iike the increased stubble is more a present thing (with no facial hair in past scenes) so I think there's some choices there with age trying to be a noticeable trait. Versus Fei Du where he feels Iike a rich fantastical cold masked character out of an anime or out of Flower of Evil (he Screams protagonist from Flower of Evil energy but with even less convincing "ordinary approachable guy" ability to act, actually I think in general Flower of Evil fans and Beyond Evil fans would probably really like Fei Du). If costuming and makeup love me, over time fei dus visuals in the show may look less almost unreal and become more "looks like a random person you'd walk past" Iike Luo and Tao. As he opens up more and Luo becomes a part of his life more. So like... I get the choices on who to cast and why someone thought they'd look the part. Luo also we are seeing from Fei Dus pov (like most of the show), and Luos often snippy and ordery and it's in a way funny we see him as plain when Fei du does. In the scenes emotionally charged between them, I think Luos actor is shot quite handsomely, who's to say if that'll also be a trend of him looking more Model esque when Fei Du is emotionally open around him. (I also now that I'm settling into this show, appreciate that Luo looks like a plain everyday man sometimes. He's got model looks when the lighting flatters him. But also it not purposely played up constantly reminds me of the book - fei du in the show visually is constantly Model esque, in the book he's constantly dressed up and has peach blossom eyes and it's part of the Performance, and these visual drama choices echo that Feeling of the characters).
For the people like Me who prefer (or even need) action in their romance, im happy to report this is indeed a Flower of Evil situation! Lots of dollops of murder mystery, romance, and action! A nice little car chase was in episode 1 to set that expectation. I personally love me a good action scene, and the car scene looked significantly better than my (very low) expectations (Till Death Tear Us Apart cdrama looked decent to me though so temper yourself). Just wanted to happily report thank goodness there's murder and action in this.
Luo is handsome. (Don't trust my rants dissing on him lol) Like the scene of Fei Du as a child? I totally get why he's Captain Luo, why he's the guy who "wanted to save the whole universe." Why that day when he saw Fei Du absolutely destroyed, scared, he wanted to do anything to help him. And why he kept helping him for years after and still keeps track of him now. This is the "superhero" Luo that his team at their fondest see him as, that Tao sees him as at his best, that Fei Du saw him as when he was a child until Luo failed him (the whole world did) and Fei as a child blamed Luo for all of it to cope with the hopelessness he felt.
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Just. This entire scene. I really felt that awful hopelessness. Luo Wenzhou realizing its hard to save even just one person, the looming threat he will soon try and fail to protect Fei Du and fail and fail and it will haunt him and cling on and he'll try so hard to Keep Trying as hard as it is and as much as Fei Du pushes him away and how awful it feels to Keep failing fei du. Fei Du looking at him for help, the only hand he can reach out to for it, and the realization that even this man who's like a superhero to him and an angel... can't. That no force in this world can fix this.
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pandoa · 1 year
A little bit of a rant, but:
I regret ever opening my requests. I love my readers, but I have to constantly write things that I don't have motivation for for a lot of characters. The largest amount of characters that I have written for in one post is 14, I think?
And you've seen my request list, and you've seen the list of fandoms that I write for. I set the bar too low, and I feel bad constantly. I rarely take breaks, and I currently have 528 requests in my inbox. Some of them are from August of 2022, and I feel like a piece of shit for that.
This is a few pieces of advice from a 'veteran writer', as you have called me: don't go down this road. Enforce your rules strictly, and don't allow anyone to bend them. Have a character limit that is manageable. Your mental health will suffer otherwise, and you will destroy your self-esteem. Haven't seen Motivation since the beginning of my fanfic writing.
Not gonna lie, this got really deep lol. Just looking out for you, after you posting about how writing for the Housewardens was a lot of writing.
thank you for looking out for me, blue! i honestly feel for all the things you mentioned here—i've watched a lot of accounts and blogs burn out from a lot of the issues you mentioned—and it really is hard to keep going once the pressure's gotten to you
for me, writing is a way to take a break from all of the responsibilities i have irl, which is why i really like the freedom i have with this blog lol. i get to write what i want, when i want, and how i want to do it. it's like this one thing i can do without anyone truly forcing me to keep working at it, and i'd like to keep it that way—also a small reason why my own requests have been closed since august but anyway-
the whole writing for the housewardens thing was really just me trying to test my limits with my stamina as it was my idea and not a request (and i think we call can see where they lie now lolol), so i think it kinda helped with establishing my boundaries for this blog and that includes some possible changes to my request rules 💀
since we're already a bit deep here, blue, i just wanted to say that even though you do have an abundant amount of requests, you do not have to do them at all if you're really not up for it. no matter what if you have 1 or 500+ requests, you do not have to do them. they're requests for a reason! you have the freedom to delete or fulfill them in your own hands. they're requests, not responsibilities <3 you also have the freedom to finish them whenever you'd like! tumblr is not run on deadlines; you have the right to relax and to do whatever you want on your own time. it's easier said than done, but i really do think you still have control over your requests. breaks, no matter how long, do wonders as well. just keep doing whatever makes you, yourself, happy. because that's what makes most things worthwhile and i'm sure many of your own readers would agree to this, too
again, thank you sm for looking out for me! it really helped bring me back to the reason why i ever started writing here in the first place. i'm relatively comfortable where i'm at blog-wise, and i'll remember all of the advice you've given me today once i go back to accepting requests (whenever that'll be lmao).
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psychoticwillgraham · 4 months
different flavor of eldtritch au under the cut, only where Will's the old god this time
thought of a different kind of eldtritch au where Will is the eldtritch god and was known as the most merciless god who would cause natural disasters/manmade disasters to kill a lot of people when his bloodlust was particularly bad, yet also became some sort of a patron god of the abused and neglected humans who would personally strike down those who were particularly evil and had gotten away with their crimes. ie. serial rapists, child abusers, murderers (specifically ones who target women and children), and occasionally the famous bigot or two who would spew their hatred in public. basically, Will's a bloodthirsty, merciless god who will kill without discretion, but watches over the strange, the abused, those who are different in every way (lbr he's THE biggest godly ally to queer ppl), and yes, his love is violent and visceral, and horrifying, but if you've earned it, he'll bless you with his protection.
he used to be like that, but after a major, nearly world ending incident when he'd been agitated (basically, the ppl responsible for the situation 'poked the beast', the beast being Will, and he took out his fury on humanity, he vowed to never lose control like that again, and attempt to understand and live amongst humanity, wanting to meet at least one human who would understand him and accept him for what he was. right before the fic takes place, he'd been on earth for three hundred years and stayed out of the cosmic order, basically 'retiring' and attempting to live as a human. he'd been doing pretty well, all things considered, until u know who showed up: hannibal.
it starts with Will working at the FBI like in the show, mostly because it would allow him to dispense his own kind of justice to the most reprehensible of humans and not cause mass casualties at the same time, and because he had to yet to dabble in governmental related jobs. when Will and Hannibal first meet, Hannibal immediately registers Will as an old one, because he's one of the most dedicated devotees to the old gods, and he swears he recognizes Will, but can't remember. Will immediately knows that Hannibal's a devotee, because of the blessings and protections he's been gifted in return for his dedication.
they then immediately realize who the other is. Hannibal is one of Will's most dedicated devotees, using the tableaus as a public offering to him, killing the most wicked among them, ridding the world of one less vile person. he also honors Will by eating said victims after designating them as offerings, and feeding them to unsuspecting people, which Will finds amusing, visiting him in his dreams, and guaranteeing him another year of protection and reassurances that he won't let him get caught. they had never met face to face, at least not in Will's human form, which is why it takes a few moments for the realization to hit.
they enter into a relationship as the fic goes on, and Hannibal starts to coax the long dormant urge in Will to unleash his fury on the world and destroy humanity out, despite the three hundred years of progress he'd made. of course, he'd spare Hannibal and elevate him to Will's level of existence, as a consort of sorts, to eventually breed with (yes this is gonna be another eggpreg fic but what else did yall expect from me), and keep for himself. Hannibal eventually succeeds and his human body is destroyed, and his soul is taken to be with Will, and ends the world, well, humanity at least.
that's all i've got for it rn but yeah. probably the 20th fucking au i've come up with now that'll probably never be written. rip lmao
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wetbloodworm · 9 months
glancing through my notes on the dream that inspired somaverse and i'd forgotten some bits i can work into the story. also just wanna mention some of these b/c it's interesting to me
achlys' family was killed by hunters. do like that in contrast to the usual 'human hunter with family killed by monsters' backstory, which is partially seven's backstory. especially interesting to me considering he ends up dating a hunter and friends with 3 other humans with varying levels of involvement in the hunter lifestyle. even in the dream achlys was largely unbothered by asim being a hunter, and that does feel correct for him. i think he'd feel a healthy level of caution around hunters, especially those he doesn't know, but that's just good practice for any monster tbh. hunters by definition hunt monsters lmao it's what's on the tin
this also makes sense to me as another reason why he'd decide to possess bodies/body hop. somaphors are a social species with family units. when they possess a body, they can no longer perceive Purgatory or anything in it, including other somaphors. one thing they have to give up if they decide to start living in human bodies is any real interaction with the rest of their kind, outside of other body thieves. if achlys lost his family and had fewer/no people he'd be leaving behind, it'd be an easier decision for him. might even be a coping thing, getting away from the world his family was in.
i described asim as "kind of half-and-half between treating him as Other and treating him as Equal" re: achlys. pretty accurate pre-skip.
my real life cousin was one of the hunters. her parents' house was the one the opening scene took place in. i just think that's neat. the brain is weird
there was another slightly obsessive guy who has a crush on asim, had some limited understanding of monsters and magic but didn't know achlys was a monster. i could bring him back.
there was an underground monster trafficking thing going on. parts of that still exist in the story, just less of the weird salesman vibes that came off these dudes who were involved lmao
achlys was able to turn invisible, which is how the somaphors existing invisible in purgatory thing came about!
achlys was actively being hunted by asim's family at one point. i think this would happen on a less intense scale: asim was working with his cousin when trying to figure out what happened to his memory, and i feel like his family would've led him to cash, the hunter who traps achlys. asim's family helping out with figuring what's taking memories in their town. would've made things a little rough on achlys, he probably should've left town, but. he was established there, and asim was there :( he didn't want to leave
achlys was trapped in a book in the dream which was implied to be more magical/valuable because of it. the guys who trapped him tried to sell the book to asim who was like no he's dangerous?? go lock him up?? obvs some of this is still in the story, achlys gets trapped. could be a book? though in the new lore cash traps achlys specifically to harness the magic inherent to him, and doesn't tell asim about that part. asim thinks he's going to take achlys and kill him, ends up feeling conflicted about that but he's a hunter and this is what he does
i might go with book, because that makes it easy for maverick to later somehow trigger achlys getting free. read a part he's not supposed to, destroy the book, etc. maybe he's throwing a tantrum and throws some of cash's shit into the fireplace. books are easy to destroy, that'll work. I've been wondering what to stick him in lmao now gotta figure out how cash was using it.
"there was literally straight-up a time-lapse card. hard cut to black background, red text, read something like ‘9 YEARS 8 MONTHS [?] DAYS LATER’. black background faded into the next scene, same location with subtle difference to show time had passed, with the text floating upwards and disappearing off the top of the screen???" this was so fucking funny
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idioticsky · 11 months
How did you get here? 1,590 words
I've had this saved for a while and just forgot to post it lmao
It had been a long day, and it wasn't even the end of it. First training for 8 hours, then mystic training for 2 hours, now a meeting with the head of the Krang army himself! When will it end? Never probably. At least that's what Lucky thought as she walked onto the bridge. Her arms were behind her back, as she stood next to her master, Krang Prime.
Krang Prime looked out at the chaos before him, another earth destroyed and taken over, making this one earth 1450. They started universe hopping 4 years ago to the day. He found the spider yokai under some rubble trying to portal to another universe once again, but she was stopped once she saw him. After that day she became his pet, his servant. They use her as their gateway to other worlds.
"So-" Krang Prime started- "what universe should we head to next? I'm sure you've picked out one that'll be perfect for the Krang to take over."
"Yes sir, the world I've found has been taken over by the Krang once, but abandoned afterwards because the Krang from that world didn't know how to extract extra resources from practically nothing."
"Wonderful, I'll give you a week to scope out the world. Don't fail me, Lucky." Krang Prime hissed, taking a look back at the spider yokai, who nodded her head before leaving.
"Aaaand... done!" Gallio yelled out as he finished working on his modified dirt bike. Don said if he could getting working, that he and Gal could go riding out to some Krang ruins and bring some tech home. Now that Gal had fixed the bike, it's going to be great! Now to wait until Dad got home so that they could go.
After a few hours, Lucky put on her hood, grabbed her mask, grabbed her bag, and summoned a portal to the next world. Once she walked through, she ended up in a ruined Krang city.
"Hm.. seems usable for a little base.." Lucky said while throwing her backpack to the corner of a room. She looked around for a moment before hopping out a window to see what she could use for the time being. There was a good bit of Krang tech, and in almost perfect condition too. She grabbed what was around and got to work on fixing an older scanner. But before she could get too far into fixing it, she heard something. It sounded like.. engines? Wasn't this world supposed to be abandoned? Whatever. Lucky climbed up the wall and onto the roof, just out of sight from whatever was heading her way.
"Alright, we got about 3 hours before we gotta head back and pick up your sister from her friend's house." Donnie said while taking off his helmet, only to see his son running around looking at everything in sight. Lucky looked down at the mutants before her, once she saw Donnie, her eyes shot open.
"He's alive in this world! 4 years and this us the first time this has happened!" Lucky thought as she slowly climbed down to the ground, still out of sight.
"Dad! Look at this! A krang scanner that's almost working!" Gal yelled out as he examined the scanner in his hands.
"Huh, wait, it looks like it was in the middle of being repaired? No one really comes here other than us." At that moment, Donnie felt someone's eyes watching them. He wiped his head around: nothing. Strange. He could've sworn that there were eyes peering at him. Before he could continue thinking about it, Gal was already on the run again, looking at everything there was to mess with.
It had been half a hour now and the feeling of eyes staring into the back of Donnie's skull is still not going away. Every time he would look back, nothing! He'd take the time to look around and move things, still nothing! Why the hell did he have this feeling? No idea! Lucky on the other hand had been following and watching Donnie and was just really curious about him. I mean, this is the first universe where he seemed to live in the end! And besides, she never really got to know him since he died when she was young, so now she has the chance to figure it out at least.
While heading deeper into the Krang city, Donnie launched out a net right behind him and Gal. Causing Gal to jump and look behind them.
"Woah! Dad what the heck?! You scared me!" Gallio yelled out.
"Haha! I got it! I got the thing starring daggers into the back of my head!" Donnie yelled as he ran over to Lucky, who was stuck in the net. Gal soon ran up next to his father and saw the spider mutant. The moment he saw her with her dark purple hair, dark gray skin, and pink eyes, his face turned red.
"P-Please! I don't wish to hurt you Master Donatello!" Lucky cried out as she struggled to free herself from the net.
"Wait what-"
"R-Right wrong dimension me-" Lucky finally pushed her way out of the net, getting a few cuts in the process- "crap.."
"Who are you kid?"
"U-Uhm.. ok.. to say the least, I'm from a different dimension.. my name is Lucky.. I was one of Master Michaelangelo's students before the end of the invasion. I was sent my him to check out a different dimension to see how to fix things, but by the time I got back, everything was gone.. t-then the Krang found me and t-took me in as a tool a-and now I'm stuck a-as their tool to different worlds!.." Lucky said, starting to panic and make her cuts worse.
"Woah woah, calm down kid-" Donnie said while putting a hand on her shoulder- "you're ok kid, but if you have all this power, why not run away? It's pretty simple."
"They'll kill me! The collar on my neck will end my life in a moment!" She yelled out, slowly getting more and more panicked as time went on. Gal wanted to help, it seemed like he should, but what could he do? His body started to move on its own, pulling Lucky into an embrace. She slowly started to calm down as tears filled her eyes. She cling to Gal as she slowly started to break down at the smallest bit of affection, the first bit she's had in years.
It had been a bit since they took Lucky home with them. Gal was still trying to process how this person knew his dad, but they have bigger problems at the moment. Like the explosive collar on her neck.
"It looks like I should be able to unlock it, but it won't be easy." Don said while examining the collar. "Gallio, would you mind helping me with this?"
"Oh, sure." Gal said while going to grab the tools that would most likely be needed for the job, also some snack, this is gonna take a while after all.
"The fuck did they make this lock out of?" Donnie asked, he'd been trying to pick this lock for about two hours now, there was a little progress here and there but nothing too big.
"I wish I knew.." Lucky whispered, as she didn't wanna wake a sleeping Gal who was leaning on her. But she did all of that for nothing since he woke up soon after.
"Hm?.. oh, the lock is that tough?.." Gal asked once he saw that his dad was still working on it.
"Surprisingly, yes."
"Can I try?"
"Fine, but I don't think you'll get to far, Gallio."
On that note, Gal sat up and put his hand on the collar. Lucky, mainly out of worry, put her hand on his, she needed to move it. She knew that any wrong move could make this thing explode and she didn't wanna see anyone hurt. Why she didn't do this with Donatello? No idea, but with Gal, it felt right to do this. Gal looked up at Lucky in the moment, then turned a little red, with Lucky soon following. Donnie looked at both of them, then gave a little smirk before starting to speak. "Gallio, the lock?" He asked.
"O-Oh! right!" Gal spat out while snapping back to reality. He picked up the tools and got to work. While he was doing this, Lucky didn't know how to feel, she felt like she wanted to laugh a little, feel happy and everything, but she couldn't. She didn't know why but it felt too soon to be happy. Before she could continue this thought she heard the sound of metal hitting the floor.
"I did it? I did it!" Gal yelled out while looking up at his dad, who was clearly surprised.
"Huh, you really did do it-" Donnie started before ruffling Gallio's hair- "amazing work." He finished with a smile.
Lucky put a hand on her neck for the first time in years, she.. she was free. Tears started to trickle down her face, which soon turned into streams. She sobbed quietly as she realized that she didn't have to go back now, she could be free from the hell that she was put through. She could finally run and jump for fun and not for training, she could laugh and yell without needing to worry about having someone hear, she could be free. She hugged both Gal and Don.
"Thank you.."
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peakywitch · 3 years
DARLING DID - Tommy Shelby
hey guys! small weird thing i wrote yesterday bc i had this idea and i couldn't write it normally bc i would've given it up. ANYWAYSS enjoy it i like this one lmao i love making you guys suffer.
i did this suitable for they/them readers !!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!
u wanna be tagged in anything? taglist forms
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Tommy pre war has a kid, small, two years TOPS. When he leaves, the night before, he sleeps with them in bed with darling, right? Because they're dirt poor basically, and they don't even have a house for themselves, like they live in the watery lane property, right? Okay, now: off to war he goes. Let's say two years go by. He comes back. First thing he does: hugs his kid. FOR A SPLIT SECOND. NOT EVEN ALLOWING THE LITTLE KID TO HUG HIM PROPERLY (i refuse to believe darling would let them forget who their father is).
Shit starts; everyone hears rumours and there's always the two words: peaky blinders
Tomy barely speaks to them. Yes I'm talking about darling and little one. Comes home late, they never know where he is.
Darling says different things everyday when the kid asks where's daddy? And she's growing more and more tired everyday
But boy one day, after not seeing him for the whole day, the kid is curious: they want to see tommy coming home. Because they know he does, they sometimes wake up because he falls over things, not that it happens a lot. So they want to see their father's face because they barely remember it.
So kiss darling good night and when darling closes the door, their stay on their window, the one that faces the door, for hours. And i mean HOURS.
they even see the sun rising: no signs of their dad. So, they come to a conclusion: he's in France, right? Because darling always tell them that he loves them, and while he was away in France, darling always said "he'd rather be here, believe me."
So, during breakfast, our little rascal goes: "is daddy in France?" "No, sweetie, he's here." "So he'd rather be away from me than with me?" Darling almost choked on their morning tea, but darling can't answer that. Because darling doesn't truly know the answer.
So, darling goes to - obviously- aunt Polly.
"he's in his office" she says "but I can't promise you he'll be here longer than ten minutes. And i won't know where he is then."
Darling walks in SO fast, door slamming against the wall.
"y/n, I thought you knew how to knock-"
"I'll knock some sense into that little brain on yours, thomas." And he's chill, relaxed. Lights up a cigarette.
"good to know you're in a good mood."
"our kid thinks you don't love them anymore. They think you stopped wanting to be their father."
"that's nonsense."
"They have they room prepared everyday, because they keep waiting for you to show up and play with them. Every day, Tommy. They arrange the teddy bears, the fucking giraffes- THEY TELL THE FUCKING TOYS THEY'LL FINALLY MEET YOU! AFTER-"
"lower your voice."
"... I sometimes think you would rather have died in France than coming back to us."
He breathes in with the cigarette, looks at darling, exhales the smoke and goes:
"do i? Or do you?"
And darling can't believe it
"Tommy, you're already... basically... Dead. The next question that'll slip out from our kid will be 'is daddy dead?' and i will ask myself the same thing. The only reason our kid knows your face, is because of a picture. They sometimes forget that they have your eyes. Or... They... they sometimes forget your name, Tom. They... They are SO ashamed of that. They come with their eyes stick to the ground, and they go 'What's daddy's name?' and they're SO ashamed of having to ask that. And i felt guilty, y'know? Guilty. Maybe I wasn't talking about you enough. But then it hit me: maybe you're not even looking for them to remember you at all. Maybe you just want to be forgotten by us. Maybe you will, but never, ever, forgiven. Because you're destroying MY kid, their hopes and their childhood. You're either with us, or wit the dead. Pick a side, Thomas. Pick a fucking side. There's no middle ground. No white flag."
So, darling leaves because he's not speaking. Ans the next day, darling has to buy idk fresh bread for dinner and leaves the kid with the nannies, because they're already living in the big house i don't remember the name hehe
And when darling comes back, walks past Tommy's things on the couch, but doesn't acknowledge them because darling keeps thinking Tommy found a new darling.
So, between depressive thoughts and some pumpkins, dinner is ready.
Darling knows the promise they did earlier: they would eat dinner on bed because munchkin was feeling down.
So, darling knocks softly on the door of the kid, walks in and sees it:
Tommy, on the floor, shaking hands with all of the toys.
"look, mr muffin, he's my daddy. And- look, daddy, this is steve the giraffe, he likes mashed potatoes."
So, darling knows two things:
Darling is the one who did.
And that tommy chose them.
@deepdonutkid @a-golden-sunflower-vol-6 @stydia-4-ever @natural-heartbeat @lovemissyhoneybee @girlwith-kalei-do-scope-eyes @peakyrogers @writeroutoftime @peakyxtommy @nyotamalfoy @pinkeijin @lukeymybabe @eternallyvenus @anchy-bananchy @peakyswritings
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lexxiie · 3 years
Heya ! i was wondering if you have a list of the webtoons you read/stuff you like that you would recommend
Hey there! I did a post on that a while ago, but I can't find it (more like I was too lazy to look for it properly) so I'll try to replicate it and add a few more things, I'd like this to be a master post that I'll be updating frequently. It's also a good opportunity to put more effort into it lmao. The old one was a lazy post. I have some recs for those who follow me for BNHA and Eldarya, in case you wanna check this out.
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As I said on that other post, I haven't been reading many new webtoons lately. In fact, I'm many chapters behind on those that I used to read religiously, so I'm sorry if I'm not helpful lol.
On another note, all of the rankings here are personal, obviously.
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"When vampires destroy her chance to have the normal life she’s always wanted, Hayan is forced to draw on her darkest secret to rid the world of the merciless hunters that took it over 10 years ago. With the support of a rising star in the local police force, Hayan steps up to protect her loved ones, face her past, and get her revenge."
*HURRY!! this series will become a daily pass series in about a month!! You are running out of time
I talk about it with more details on this post.
My all time favorite without a doubt. I won't lie to you, the ending was rushed, BUT it didn't make the webtoon less awesome. Everything about it is fire, and it's a quick read.
In a nutshell, the story is set in a world where vampires exist and everyone knows of them, and they are the country's biggest threat. (I was traumatized by twilight whenever it came to vampire stuff, but this is art) Out main character, however, is a vampire herself, and an incredibly strong one at that. Certain event forces her to seek vengance on the vampire leaders who do as they please with the country in aspects like pharmaceutics, politics, entertainment, etc.
Something I mentioned before, is that there are a lot of incredible biblical references. For example, each vampire leader has an Alias referencing one of the demons of each deathly sin, and this, of course, describes their motivations. For example, Lucian, a reference to Lucifer, and the character's main characteristic is that he's incredibly proud. This is probably the coolest thing about the series to me, the amount of symbolism. The protagonist also has a lot of characteristics that place her as a reference to Jesus, the "savior."
The webtoon has romance, shocking plotwists, and an amazing art. But because I know some of you guys are like me, I feel the need to point out that there are also lots of hot characters.
Here, take a look:
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"Nobody paid much attention to John – just a normal teenager at a high school where the social elite happen to possess unthinkable powers and abilities. But John’s got a secret past that threatens to bring down the school’s whole social order – and much more. Fulfilling his destiny won’t be easy though, because there are battles, frenemies and deadly conspiracies around every corner."
Alright, this one is veeeery well known, I know. Still, for those who don't read webtoons, this one is a good start, especially if you are a BNHA fan.
Basically, the series is set in a society where people have special abilities. These abilities are ranked depending on how strong they are, and that'll also affect how you are treated, and your place in society.
What I really like about this one is that it does what we all want BNHA to do. It actually shows us how fucked up a society where people have abilities can be. What's very interesting is that they don't have the need to portray this by using heroes, in fact, there are no heroes here. There are a couple of vigilantes that are not well seen by people, though.
In this story, the authorities make the role that heroes have in BNHA. They are who people should trust, but instead are fucking corrupt. Of course, there are characters who actually want to do things right. I also really like how emphasized social hierarchy is. To the point where people are literally labeled with a number that decides how worthy they are, and how much respect they deserve.
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"What would you sacrifice to save your family? How far would you go to protect your people? For Clove, the last princess of a near-extinct Dragon clan, the answer is the unthinkable: MARRY your greatest sworn enemy in an effort to bring peace to your land."
This one is A GREAT pick if you are into Eldarya, and if you are into Lance.
I won't lie to you, this is one of the series that I haven't been keeping up with, but definitely not becase I don't like it. I just don't have time. We follow Clove's story, the princess of an ancient dragon clan, who sees herself forced to marry the prince of the enemy dragon clan for the sake of her people. THIS IS AN ENEMIES TO LOVERS! If you are too picky, you might consider it as rivals to lovers, but I don't think that's the case. For all of us who were expecting that kinda trope for Lance and Erika, this is it. The male protagonist is a bitch, but kind on the inside, just the way we like it. I really like this romance, I feel like it was well constructed and veeery entertaining, it's hard to stop reading. As I said, I'm some chapters behind, so I don't know if that might've changed, but I don't think so. Quite a spicy story.
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"There are two kinds of people with special abilities: villains, who are driven by their evil desires, and psykers, who pursue justice and work against villains. Cassian Lee is a very powerful psyker with a good heart. But one day, when he visits his friend in Greece, things take a wrong turn. Following an unexpected chain of events, Cassian ends up in the body of a Korean high school boy... who has just become a villain! Will his sense of justice win in the end or will he end up becoming a cold-blooded villain?"
This one, this one, this one!!! Another GREAT pick for BNHA fans. This is set in a world where you can be born as a child of the sun or a child of darkness. You don't get to choose, and this will determine if you turn into a hero or a villain. We follow Cassian's story. He's a professional psyker (hero) who sees himself betrayed by the company that's supposed to manage psykers; and when I say betrayed, I mean he was literally murdered by them. However, certain factor leads him to revive... In the body of a villain. This makes him realize that the psykers who he admired so much, are a bunch of rats, and the villains he had been thought to hate his whole life, aren't that bad after all. He wants revenge. Revenge against those who lied to him and killed him. We'll have to see him fight his now natural instinct to be the bad guy and stay true to himself, while we also see him become more and more familiar with being a villain rather than a psyker. This is a great story to show us that not everything is black and white. I really recommend it.
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"After saving one world, warrior Minsu Kim returns to Earth only to find that he’s lost everything... so he decides to destroy the world he used to call home. In his rampage, he kills teenager Jeongsu Park and his family. But instead of dying normally, Jeongsu is transported to another world, where he finds that he's now a warrior himself. After killing the demon king of this alternate world and honing his skills as a warrior, Jeongsu returns to earth, hell-bent on revenge against Minsu. As the two warriors fight with the fate of their country in the balance, who will emerge victorious?"
This one is a new one, it only has 18 chapters as of now, but it's pretty damn awesome. If you already read Unholy Blood and liked it, this series is just for you. It has a very similar dynamic when it comes to the antagonists. The main character has to defeat them one by one. We follow the story of two characters, the protagonist, and the antagonist. The series begins with the antagonist's story, when, one day, he just happens to appear in an alternate universe where the one who defeats the demon king, will br deemed a hero and go home. And he does. Except that when he gets back home, everything is a mess and his life falls appart. That's when he goes on a maniac rampage and turns the world into an apocalyptic disaster.This disaster ends up killing the protagonist's family, and himself. Except that when he wakes up, he's not death, he's in the world the antagonist had gone to, and also happens to kill the demon king and become a hero. When he gets back to his world, his only mission is to kill the man who killed his family, but he'll have to fight many other warriors who also went trough this alternate world before getting to the main villain.
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"When a down-on-her-luck student runs out of money -- and hope -- it’s time for the devil to make his entrance and give her an offer she can’t refuse. But this devil has problems of his own. He’s a cog in Satan’s corporate ladder, who’s quickly losing credibility because that same desperate girl isn’t ready to part with her soul willingly. Now, she’s working at his coffee shop while he tries to convince her that she can have it all. And the cost? Merely her mortal soul…"
Here, we follow Hanna's story. Her life is not ideal, she has lots of money issues and not many people to rely on. The perfect target for a devil who wants to make a deal. That's where we meet an enchanting devil who will offer her a better life in exchange for her soul. While she's not interested at first, she ends up signing anyway, and the devil is as happy as one can be... Until her time starts to run out and he realizes that he fell in love with her. What a weird thing, in a world where devils are said to be unable to feel anything for anyone.In a world with devils, angels, a god and satan, it's hard to get bored. I truly recommend it.
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"Her ability to detect lies has made her an outstanding officer of the law – despite being haunted by her inability to save the ones she loved from a gruesome fate many years ago. Now, she uses her powerful gift to defend the defenseless at any cost – even if it means teaming up with a deadly assassin to fight evil in a world gone mad."
I'm only halfway through the series. However, I love it. In this story, we follow a police officer who has the ability to detect lies. She has a strong sense of rightness, and wants to make the world a better place... Even if it means betraying her team and make a deal with one of the most dangerous criminals in the city to get to her goal. It has a lot of tension, mistery and I would recommend it to any of my fellow criminal minds fans. Or anyone who happens to love police themed series and true crime, really.
See a pic here
⭐- coming soon
"Dokja was an average office worker whose sole interest was reading his favorite web novel 'Three Ways to Survive the Apocalypse.' But when the novel suddenly becomes reality, he is the only person who knows how the world will end. Armed with this realization, Dokja uses his understanding to change the course of the story, and the world, as he knows it."
Now, this one is very popular as well, but it's deserved. I started reading it a while ago, and only went back to it last night. I'm still very far behind since it's a long series, still, what I've read so far it's great. It has an amazing art style, and an amazing premise. I can't say much for now, but i'll definitely update this as I continue reading the series.
See a pic here
"Hwajin Na’s teaching techniques are pretty violent for someone who works in the Ministry of Education. That being said, when punishments don't seem to work on even the worst of school bullies, there is no better man for the job. Sometimes you can’t get a good education until those bullies are taught a lesson."
If I'm honest with you, nothing here makes sense, but I like it. It's set in a worls where teacher's used to be allowed to hit students until recently. When hat changed, students began to be assholes to teachers, to the point where a student murdered a teacher. This event caused the foundation of the TRPA, an agency made to put students in their place, and they are more than allowed to hit them. Our main character is one of the agents working for the TRPA, and the series is based on him beating the shit out of annoying kids. It's actually pretty entertaining, especially since the cases he has to deal with are pretty serious. It's a new series, but worth a read. You'll like it if you are a Shouta Aizawa fan. The MC resembles him in personality and physically.
See a pic here
"When his relationship went down the drain, Chiko Dyer started to develop a weird relationship with a local delivery girl."
You'll love it if you are an I love Yoo fan, especially if you love Nol. Our main character ends up meeting a rich kid as she delivers him a pizza. This rich kid is going through a hard breakup, and asks her to pretend being her girlfriend in front of her ex, the only reason she accepts, is because he offers to pay and she needs the money.I don't think I have to disclose what happens after that, right? Our male main character has a loooot of similitudes with Yeong Gi/Nol, so I think many of you will enjoy it.
Let's play - Charles. (3.5/5)
The remarried empress - I just love women who put men in their place. (3/5)
I love Yoo - Cult classic. I love it. (4/5)
Cursed Princess Club - Very sweet and great if you have trouble with self worth. (4.5/5)
Men of the Harem - It's a weird concept, but I have fun with it. (3/5)
Edith - Very far behind, BUT I love the art style.
Age Matters - I couldn't care less for the main couple during the last season, I only finished it for the secondary characters, tbh. (3/5)
My dear cold blooded king - hated the last season, but the beginning was great. (2.5/5)
Lore Olympus - Got tired of it like 80 chapters ago, sorry. I do want to read it again, though. (3/5)
True Beauty - It has it's good moments, but the MC started to piss me off at some point. (2.5/5)
Devilish Romance - great to forget that you miss Devil number 4. (3/5)
Brimstone and Roses - Interesting concept and a fun read. (3/5)
The make up Remover - It gives me cursed princesses vibes. I like it. (3/5)
Like wind on a dry branch - I love many things about it and dislike many other things. (3.5/5)
Zero Game - Great for those who love videogames, I think. The only issue is that it's hard to keep up with it because they give you too much information with each chapter. (4/5)
Please, please, pleaseee add your own recs, guys!!! I'd also like to hear them. It would be lovely if you'd add more to any of the series I mentioned as well.
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alinaastarkov · 4 years
I don't think it's clear for you that Dany using a slave army means she's a slaver. She should have freed them rather than attack several cities, ruin hundreds of thousands of lives and unleashing a deadly plague that'll kill millions. The way her dragons ate children is just a small part of how destructive she is. I'll never forget how she refused the only ally coming from a Westerosi family and how she laughed at Quentyn Martell. She doesn't understand diplomacy or how to peace or make allies.
You’re right! It’s not clear for me because that is utter fucking bullshit.
Did you even read the books? Cause Dany did free them. After ensuring that the monsters who put them in chains, and would have killed her to continue their oppression, were dead, she freed all of them.
"Spears!" Dany heard one Astapori shout. It was Grazdan, old Grazdan in his tokar heavy with pearls. "Unsullied! Defend us, stop them, defend your masters! Spears! Swords!" When Rakharo put an arrow through his mouth, the slaves holding his sedan chair broke and ran, dumping him unceremoniously on the ground. The old man crawled to the first rank of eunuchs, his blood pooling on the bricks. The Unsullied did not so much as look down to watch him die. Rank on rank on rank, they stood. And did not move. The gods have heard my prayer.  "Unsullied!" Dany galloped before them, her silver-gold braid flying behind her, her bell chiming with every stride. "Slay the Good Masters, slay the soldiers, slay every man who wears a tokar or holds a whip, but harm no child under twelve, and strike the chains off every slave you see." She raised the harpy's fingers in the air . . . and then she flung the scourge aside. "Freedom!" she sang out. "Dracarys! Dracarys!" "Dracarys!" they shouted back, the sweetest word she'd ever heard. "Dracarys! Dracarys!" And all around them slavers ran and sobbed and begged and died, and the dusty air was filled with spears and fire.
One of the first things Dany had done after the fall of Astapor was abolish the custom of giving the Unsullied new slave names every day. [...] Grey Worm had remained Grey Worm. When she asked him why, he said, "It is a lucky name. The name this one was born to was accursed. That was the name he had when he was taken for a slave. But Grey Worm is the name this one drew the day Daenerys Stormborn set him free."
The raggle-taggle host of freedmen dwarfed her own, but they were more burden than benefit. [...] They ate the land bare as they passed, like locusts in sandals. Yet Dany could not bring herself to abandon them as Ser Jorah and her bloodriders urged. I told them they were free. I cannot tell them now they are not free to join me. She gazed at the smoke rising from their cookfires and swallowed a sigh. She might have the best footsoldiers in the world, but she also had the worst.
Yes, she bought them first. Why? Because she was explicitly told they would not obey her and continue to obey their slave masters. If she had tried to inspire them to kill their masters without buying them they would not have listened, and the masters would have made them kill her instead. So, she buys them, inspires them to kill their masters when they are no longer under their thumb, an opportunity they clearly relish in by the way, and immediately frees them so they can choose whether or not to stay or go and, if they stay, they will be free men with wages and rights and freedoms. So, she did free them, and them being free meant they were free to join her. And the sacking of cities was, surprise, TO FREE MORE SLAVES, IDIOT. She didn’t go to Yunkai or Meereen just cause she likes destruction, she goes there to free hundreds of thousands of men, women and children from bondage and end thousands of years of oppression.
"Mhysa!" a brown-skinned man shouted out at her. He had a child on his shoulder, a little girl, and she screamed the same word in her thin voice. "Mhysa! Mhysa!"  Dany felt a lightness in her chest. I will never bear a living child, she remembered. Her hand trembled as she raised it. Perhaps she smiled. She must have, because the man grinned and shouted again, and others took up the cry. "Mhysa!" they called. "Mhysa! MHYSA!" They were all smiling at her, reaching for her, kneeling before her. "Maela," some called her, while others cried "Aelalla" or "Qathei" or "Tato," but whatever the tongue it all meant the same thing. Mother. They are calling me Mother. The chant grew, spread, swelled. It swelled so loud that it frightened her horse, and the mare backed and shook her head and lashed her silver-grey tail. It swelled until it seemed to shake the yellow walls of Yunkai. More slaves were streaming from the gates every moment, and as they came they took up the call. They were running toward her now, pushing, stumbling, wanting to touch her hand, to stroke her horse's mane, to kiss her feet. Her poor bloodriders could not keep them all away, and even Strong Belwas grunted and growled in dismay. Ser Jorah urged her to go, but Dany remembered a dream she had dreamed in the House of the Undying. "They will not hurt me," she told him. "They are my children, Jorah." She laughed, put her heels into her horse, and rode to them, the bells in her hair ringing sweet victory. She trotted, then cantered, then broke into a gallop, her braid streaming behind. The freed slaves parted before her. "Mother," they called from a hundred throats, a thousand, ten thousand. "Mother," they sang, their fingers brushing her legs as she flew by. "Mother, Mother, Mother!"
And whose lives did she ruin? Slave masters, oppressors, men who viewed other humans as property. If she hurt anyone else it was purely by accident because she is a 15 year old girl who has had to dismantle an entire economic system and replace it with a new one. It is an insurmountable task that has never historically been achieved without any mistakes or harm coming to others. That would be impossible. So you must be complaining about the slave masters’ lives she ruined on purpose. Cause, yeah, she did ruin their lives on purpose. She did destroy their livelihoods built on owning people and kill a few of them because they were completely reprehensible people. And you know what I say to that?
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Seriously, if you’re upset she killed slavers then you’re the slavery apologist, not her and not us. And are you now suggesting Daenerys caused the pale mare on purpose? Seriously?? Have you read the books? Do you have any idea how illnesses work? Read a little up on it then get back to me cause that suggestion is straight up ridiculous.
Her dragon killed (not ate) one child and her response to that was to immediately lock them up in a dungeon because she couldn’t allow it to happen again. Nice try, Karen.
Lmao “she doesn’t understand how to make allies”. Did you forget Xaro? Barristan? (And that was without even knowing it) Daario and his whole group of sellswords? What was marrying Hizdahr if not making allies and securing peace? There are more on this list. Btw, yes she laughed at Quentyn for a moment. And immediately after she stops others from insulting him.
"Fifty thousand?" mocked Daario. "I count three." "Enough," Daenerys said. "Prince Quentyn has crossed half the world to offer me his gift, I will not have him treated with discourtesy."
She also had Quentyn stay at the palace so they could continue to talk, only refused him because she was already engaged. And that marriage would secure her people peace and security in the present, where Quentyn’s offer would only help her in the future/ if she abandoned her children, which she was not prepared to do. Any idiot can see that she could not have “accepted” Quentyn’s offer even if she wanted to, and all that happened to Quentyn was his own fault. I love the kid, but his mistakes are on him, not Dany.
So, you’re full of shit nonny! 👏
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