#just keep doing what you want and establish boundaries with others to balance your load <3
pandoa · 1 year
A little bit of a rant, but:
I regret ever opening my requests. I love my readers, but I have to constantly write things that I don't have motivation for for a lot of characters. The largest amount of characters that I have written for in one post is 14, I think?
And you've seen my request list, and you've seen the list of fandoms that I write for. I set the bar too low, and I feel bad constantly. I rarely take breaks, and I currently have 528 requests in my inbox. Some of them are from August of 2022, and I feel like a piece of shit for that.
This is a few pieces of advice from a 'veteran writer', as you have called me: don't go down this road. Enforce your rules strictly, and don't allow anyone to bend them. Have a character limit that is manageable. Your mental health will suffer otherwise, and you will destroy your self-esteem. Haven't seen Motivation since the beginning of my fanfic writing.
Not gonna lie, this got really deep lol. Just looking out for you, after you posting about how writing for the Housewardens was a lot of writing.
thank you for looking out for me, blue! i honestly feel for all the things you mentioned here—i've watched a lot of accounts and blogs burn out from a lot of the issues you mentioned—and it really is hard to keep going once the pressure's gotten to you
for me, writing is a way to take a break from all of the responsibilities i have irl, which is why i really like the freedom i have with this blog lol. i get to write what i want, when i want, and how i want to do it. it's like this one thing i can do without anyone truly forcing me to keep working at it, and i'd like to keep it that way—also a small reason why my own requests have been closed since august but anyway-
the whole writing for the housewardens thing was really just me trying to test my limits with my stamina as it was my idea and not a request (and i think we call can see where they lie now lolol), so i think it kinda helped with establishing my boundaries for this blog and that includes some possible changes to my request rules 💀
since we're already a bit deep here, blue, i just wanted to say that even though you do have an abundant amount of requests, you do not have to do them at all if you're really not up for it. no matter what if you have 1 or 500+ requests, you do not have to do them. they're requests for a reason! you have the freedom to delete or fulfill them in your own hands. they're requests, not responsibilities <3 you also have the freedom to finish them whenever you'd like! tumblr is not run on deadlines; you have the right to relax and to do whatever you want on your own time. it's easier said than done, but i really do think you still have control over your requests. breaks, no matter how long, do wonders as well. just keep doing whatever makes you, yourself, happy. because that's what makes most things worthwhile and i'm sure many of your own readers would agree to this, too
again, thank you sm for looking out for me! it really helped bring me back to the reason why i ever started writing here in the first place. i'm relatively comfortable where i'm at blog-wise, and i'll remember all of the advice you've given me today once i go back to accepting requests (whenever that'll be lmao).
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ivesambrose · 2 years
September 2022 mini messages 🫧
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1. 2. 3.
Keeping this short & sweet with the mercury retrograde in mind (from 9th September to 1st October) as well as preventing time crunch stress.
I intend everyone has a good month ahead regardless of anything 🤍
To book a personal and in depth reading with me DM or email me at [email protected] with your name and query
Services offered
Thanks for the tip 🌹
Picture 1
A career risk that brings you a reward later on.
Taking a pause to see how much you have achieved.
Spending money on clothing and food. Treating yourself a bit.
Spending time with animals / pets.
Avoid people that seem tempting to get with due to their charms but are likely immature deep down. Avoid bickering with them as well, not worth your time and peace.
Some of you may be ridding yourself of an addiction (could be anything, doesn't always have to substances) working yourself up to it slowly. You may feel as though you don't have support from others and you're going at it alone. Might not be a linear progress but you'll do well, I promise.
It might be revealed some people you may have trusted aren't as reliable and are gossiping about you but I see you cutting them off.
Better time management.
Knowing when to stop yourself from spiraling into thoughts that are not benefiting you.
Financial progress and something emotionally significant that you'll likely receive by the end of the month.
Picture 2
Significant progress. Despite a retrograde, things seem to be speeding up.
Reaching stability in life or your business or both. Finding a mentor who guides you for the same.
Travel plans. Big ones.
Looking at the bigger picture.
Optimism, looking forward to events.
Secret admirers.
Establishing emotional boundaries. Knowing when you've had enough of something. Knowing when to say no and not settling for an opportunity work or love or otherwise without fear that you'll miss out on something. Leaving behind the lack mentality.
Avoid overextending yourself and taking up too much work load or focusing on multiple things at once. Likely you'll feel very scattered and out of balance.
You may not see it right away but there's a sense of fulfillment that you'll be reaching. Almost like a wish that is being granted.
You're on your way to something you've been anticipating.
End of the month brings you a sense of accomplishment you may also feel like you're in the limelight / finding recognition.
Picture 3
Working through your fears, anxieties and unhealthy patterns.
Giving your mind rest. Dial it down this month, you need a break. You require self care.
Moving on from past emotional disappointment.
Success in personal endeavours. Significant progress in career or studies.
Unexpected money.
Investing in skincare and aromatherapy.
Journaling and moodboards/vision boards.
Regaining the spark and motivation you had lost.
Getting better in your craft.
Picking up a new hobby.
Getting recognised and praised for your efforts.
Honoring your intuition more.
Realizing that you can actually quickly manifest what you like just as easy as you assume you manifest unpleasant things. Realizing that the more you calm your mind and soothe it and give yourself self assurance you receive what you really want just as easy. By the end of this month you'll realize there's no reason to overcomplicate things. You may also learn to 'read the room' better. Find a better sense of emotional maturity.
520 notes · View notes
F/M pairing: Fem!Reader x Felix (SKZ)
Genre: Sugar Daddy AU! Established Relationship
Word Count: 5K
Warnings: mature content, aged-up characters, and alcohol use
Summary: Despite your feelings, you couldn’t help but think that Felix viewed your relationship as nothing but superficial - he wanted a travel companion, and you needed money for your college tuition. But maybe you want more than that, and convincing Felix proves to be harder than you thought...
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You were exhausted - an unfortunate result of all those college courses catching up to you at once.
It was difficult for you to open your eyes, groaning because you didn’t feel like dealing with real life. And while you stretched out your limbs across the bed, you wrinkled your nose at the thought of leaving the warm sheets. But a gentle chuckle broke through your reverie, and you followed the sweet sound to an angelic face shadowed by the corner.
“Felix?” you whispered, glancing to the side where the older man was watching you from a comfortable futon. He held a cup of coffee in one hand while his other was preoccupied with a string attached to his pants.
“I didn’t want to wake you,” Felix said with a deep morning voice that you could never resist.
“What time is it?” you asked, squinting at the alarm clock on the nightstand.
“8:00 AM,” Felix replied. “Your body isn’t used to this time zone.”
“I guess not,” you said, but it was never easy flying around the world with Felix. There was always the risk of jet-lag, long lay-overs, and the difficult adjustment of jumping between morning and night as you traversed the continents.
“Are you comfortable?” Felix asked. “I can send for whatever you like.”
“I’m okay,” you assured him, and then you eyed the inviting expanse of his lap. “Can I sit with you?” you asked with a smile.
Felix tilted his head to the side as he considered your request. “Of course.”
His easy compliance energized you more than any amount of sleep ever could, and you walked over to where he was waiting. It was the perfect start to your day, and you sat on his lap with a smile, wrapping your arms around his neck as you connected your lips for a passionate kiss tinged with the faint taste of the coffee lingering on his tongue.
It had taken a long time for you to convince Felix that it was okay for him to kiss you. During the first few months of your arrangement, you were lucky enough to even hold his hand, but he gradually warmed up the idea. Even if your very first kiss with Felix was nothing but a chaste peck that ended with you chasing after his lips while he resisted.
But it was more comfortable in the present. He even seemed to enjoy kissing you, and that was enough for your fragile heart which beat exclusively for him. Yet, Felix was still an enigma - a Matryoshka doll with layer upon layer of interesting details. And you were determined to understand him while doing your best to convince Felix that you considered your relationship to be much more than its premise. Back when he found your profile on an online Sugar Daddy website (which was totally your friend’s idea), and he sent you a rather complex email listing out everything that he wanted in a potential arrangement:
- Travel companion
- Confidant
- Event partner
You were shocked that he hadn’t included anything about intimacy because every other person on the site had specifically propositioned you with very explicit things. But sure enough, Felix met you the very next day and reiterated his conditions, and you discovered for yourself that he respected the boundaries he had established - barely even touching you unless it was at a dinner party and he politely kept you away from his much less civil co-workers.
But over time, the arrangement had evolved for you into something meaningful, and you found yourself wanting more as you grew increasingly attracted to him. Unfortunately, everything was playing out at a rather slow pace, and it was always you who encouraged Felix along, but maybe you also weren’t the best choice because you certainly lacked patience. But it was hard to hold yourself together around him, especially when he took the initiative to plunge his tongue between your teeth.
In a rush of arousal, you reached down for the noticeable bugle in his suit-pants, pressing down using the heel of your hand - rubbing generous circles against his erection. Felix moaned at the friction, but a warning alarm at the back of your mind told you that you were moving way too fast considering that Felix still blushed whenever you let him touch your breasts.
And it wasn’t entirely surprising when he grabbed your wrist, breaking the kiss with a wet smack while his eyes stared into yours. “Uhhh...”
“Let’s go downstairs for breakfast,” Felix said, shifting you off his lap and ignoring your pout.
You watched Felix leave the room with a sigh. Because despite all this time that you’ve spent together, Felix still refused to sleep with you, and you can’t figure out why he keeps turning down your blatant offers. He was paying you after all, and he was paying you a lot, so why didn’t he ever want anything more than a comfortable conversation or a gentle kiss? 
It seemed that your progress with him was at a standstill because anything past kissing or touching above the waist always ruined the mood. And at one point, you tried to encourage him to tell you about his interests and what he liked, but Felix never talked about himself. For example, whenever you asked him a question about his work or interests, he always offered you a vague answer before redirecting the questions back to you again.
But maybe there something wrong with you? Did he not find you attractive?
“Y/N,” Felix said to break your self-loathing thoughts. “Are you ready?”
“Give me a few minutes,” you said, and Felix nodded with a smile before closing the door and leaving you alone to consider what had just happened.
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In between your travels with Felix, you tried to balance an active social life with a productive college course-load. It was really hard sometimes, especially when your instincts always led you to appease Felix above everything else. You had already lost count of the number of weekend parties and friendly get-togethers that you had missed to join him at the office or cancel plans when he mentioned another overseas business conference.
It was a little desperate on your part, but whenever Felix sent you a text message or called you on the phone, you always answered with a chipper smile and warm tone. You could be having the worst day of your life, but you would never let him know that. 
“Can you meet me at the office?” Felix had asked you earlier, and you agreed quietly before dismissing yourself from a lunch date that you were having with some friends who all whined about you leaving them.
But Felix was your priority, and you were genuinely excited when he pulled you into a hug before escorting you inside his office. “There’s some things to discuss,” Felix said, and you groaned because that usually meant sitting in front of his desk while he insisted on a serious demeanor. “Your classes,” Felix said once he sat down, holding out a hand expectantly which meant you were forced to pull up the grade-book for your courses online.
Felix was incredibly adamant about your grades, and he always insisted on checking-in to ensure that you were performing well. “It’s not completely updated,” you said once he took your phone and examined the screen.
“What happened in your math class?” Felix asked with narrowed eyes. “You told me about this one when we traveled to Europe.”
“Right,” you said with an anxious clearing of your throat. Because on that trip, Felix had insisted that you stay in the hotel room to study while he went downstairs to entertain some business partners. But you only got through the second chapter of your notes before throwing on your swimsuit and sneaking out to enjoy the poolside amenities. “My overall grade is still a B,” you said. “And the professor agreed to give me an extra credit assignment.”
Felix grunted at your words before sliding the phone screen back across to you. “When is next month’s tuition due?”
“At the end of November,” you said quietly, watching as Felix opened his laptop to peruse the bright screen. 
“Send me the bill,” he said. “I’ll have the money transferred.”
“Okay,” you said, wincing when he started frowning at something.
“Your checking account is low,” he remarked, and his fingers moved rapidly over the keys. “You’re supposed to tell me when its below $1,000.”
“Oh,” you mumbled. “I guess I forgot.”
 “I’ll fix it,” Felix said, and it always amazed you that he could be so nonchalant with giving you his money. “I see that your rent was payed last week.”
“Everything’s fine,” you said, hoping to cut this part of your conversation short because there was a part of you (growing bigger each day) that regretted the fact that Felix didn’t know your true feelings for him.
He meant a lot more to you than someone who gave you money like it was candy.
“Your meal plan carries over?” Felix asked. “Do you need me to upgrade it? Are you getting enough to eat? Because they have this unlimited plan...”
“Felix,” you interrupted. “It’s just right for me.”
“Well,” Felix said, sitting back further in his chair. “I do have something else to ask you.”
“Your birthday,” Felix chuckled, and you were surprised that he remembered. “It’s next week, isn’t it?”
“Yeah,” you said because you weren’t quite sure what to make of Felix’s impressive attention to detail.
“You’ll be turning 21,” Felix said. “I want to make it special for you.”
“We could just chill at my apartment,” you said, and Felix smiled at such a menial suggestion.
“Of course we’ll do that, but I’m sure there’s something else you want?” Felix asked, silencing an incoming call on his cellphone. “I’ll buy you anything.”
“I don’t know,” you trailed off sheepishly before fixing him with a warm smile. “I wouldn’t mind just spending time with you.”
“You don’t have to flatter me, Y/N,” Felix said. “Please let me buy you something.”
“Oh,” you said, caught off-guard by his insistence. “Maybe something that I need for school?”
“Y/N, that’s no good for a present,” Felix said. “Be honest with me. Do you need another computer? Is your apartment comfortable? What about your car, is it still in good shape?”
You hesitated at each of the ostentatious suggestions. “Uh, my phone is fi-”
“Done!” Felix said, and he immediately returned to his laptop screen. “The newest model has amazing storage space.”
“Does it?” you asked, but it was more rhetorical than anything. Because something was bothering you about the idea of Felix buying you such superficial things.
But it didn’t used to? What had changed?
“I know you have another class in an hour,” Felix said, and he stood from his desk with a smile. “My assistant can give you a ride back to your school.”
His hand was warm against you lower back as he led you closer to the door. “I’ll see you later,” Felix said, and he brushed his lips against yours before the office door was closing between you and the frustrating man who was completely oblivious.
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For the most part, whenever Felix asked you to come over to his apartment, you often found yourself sitting on the edge of the counter while you watched him cook for you - a delightful combination of pasta dinners, brownies and cookies, and everything in between.
And even though you hadn’t quite turned 21, Felix never minded giving you some of his impressive collection of wine. He even insisted because certain wines complemented his dishes. “Try this with the chardonnay,” he said while pushing the glass closer to your pasta.
You nodded and brought the glass to your lips, watching as he returned to the oven to check on the brownies that he made for dessert. “Tell me about your music, Y/N,” Felix said while jabbing a toothpick into the gooey cake mixture.
“I have another composition in the works,” you said, and it was always really easy to talk about music with Felix. Because he was one of the only people you’d ever met who was so genuinely interested in hearing you talk about music - it’s what you talked about the most, especially in bed together. 
Apparently, Felix had once wanted to study music when he was younger, but his father pressured him into studying business so that he could takeover their accounting firm in the future. It was one of the very few things you knew about Felix, other than his insane cooking talents and sweet personality. 
But Felix loved to hear you discuss your music, and he adored your compositions when you played them for him over the impressive sound system in the living room. Oftentimes, Felix would make copies of your compositions for himself, despite your insistence that they weren’t very professional. He even had entire recordings on his computer that he listened to while he was working.
“It would sound better if I had a good microphone,” you said with a sigh, not really understanding the implications of your words until Felix spoke up again.
“Send me a description of what you need,” Felix said. “I’ll buy it for you.”
“Oh, Felix, it’s really not a big deal...”
“I insist,” Felix said while finishing off his wine. “I’ll have my assistant go out tomorrow and get it for you.”
You knew that it would be impossible to convince Felix otherwise, and there were more pressing things to worry about. Like when you noticed that he had only taken a few bites of his food before leaning in closer to you - chin propped against his hand as he listened to you speak. “Aren’t you hungry?” you asked, pointing to his discarded plate.
“Why? Would you like some more?” Felix asked, and you didn’t even get a chance to answer before he was pushing his plate in your direction. “Take as much as you want.”
“But it’s yours,” you said, even while Felix was already standing up from his chair to retrieve the brownies from the kitchen counter.
“I made these for you,” Felix said. “I noticed how much you liked them last time.”
“They’re amazing,” you said, and you were pleased when he lowered his head to connect your lips together.
“I also bought you something,” Felix said while pulling away from your kiss. “Check the bed.”
“What?” you laughed, and you accepted Felix’s outstretched hand as he led the two of you into his enormous bedroom. And sure enough there was a delicate package waiting on the center of the bed, wrapped neatly in purple wrapping paper with a cute bow on top. “You didn’t need to do this,” you said while reaching down for the gift.
“I thought of you when I saw it,” Felix said, and he lingered close to your side while you carefully discarded the paper and retrieved whatever was inside the velvety black box.
Unsurprisingly, the gift inside was gorgeous - a tiny set of earrings with a diamond center that probably cost him an atrocious amount of money. “They’re beautiful,” you told him, and you smiled when Felix insisted on putting them in himself.
“They complement your eyes,” he said once the earrings were in place.
“Thank you,” you said while holding back the overwhelming urge to kiss him again.
“I should also mention that I have a conference in Seattle this weekend,” Felix said, and he turned you from side to side with a pleased smile. “Are you available to come with me?”
“Of course,” you said, and you gave no thought to any prior engagements, holding out your hand when Felix dropped a ticket into your open palms.
“Let’s lie down for a little while,” Felix suggested, and you nodded your agreement while watching him drop down onto the edge of the bed to remove his watch. 
It was a familiar scene, and you carefully folded your ticket inside your jacket, removing it from your shoulders before crawling onto the bed next to him. “What should we talk about?” you asked around a yawn, snuggling closer to Felix’s side as he wrapped an arm around your waist.
“Tell me about the internship you’re applying for,” Felix said. “I’m very proud of your ambitions.”
You heart gave a happy flutter at the idea of Felix being proud of you for anything, and there was a deep-rooted desire to move even closer to him despite the fact that it wasn’t possible considering your current position. But you talked about the internship with unrivaled enthusiasm - a spot for a local radio station - and Felix listened as usual while his fingers curled through your own. 
It was incredibly warm and comfortable, and you loved being close enough to him to smell his cologne and connect the freckles beneath his eyes into fascinating constellations. There was nothing but affection in your heart, and maybe your feelings were even deeper than you anticipated, and you longed to go even further - to form a physical connection with him that was just as satisfying as the emotional one that often kept you up at night with dreams of the future.
“Felix,” you whispered, and he hummed in acknowledgement. “Can I kiss you?”
He shifted at your side, finding your gaze with a kind smile. “Of course you can.”
It was the only affirmation that you required to dig your fingers into the well-pressed collar of his shirt, keeping him close as you explored his lips with your tongue, tracing over the seam of his mouth as he opened up for you. And Felix moaned when your tongues met somewhere in the middle, forcing you to wonder if he tasted the chocolate from dinner with his penetrative exploration of your mouth. 
But you were feeling so aroused by his deep moans, and you threw one leg over his hip before grabbing his hand and leading it beneath your skirt. Felix gasped into your kiss when he realized that you weren’t wearing anything underneath, and he quickly snatched his hand away so fast that you almost got whiplash from the jarring movement. 
“Don’t do that,” Felix said, and he intertwined your fingers together before resuming your kiss like there was nothing wrong.
But you didn’t feel the same way, and you broke the kiss because you were suddenly feeling light-headed. Was there something wrong with you? Because his behavior had no other explanation, even as Felix simply continued to leave sweet kisses along your neck - gentle pecks that served more as a reminder of his presence rather than anything sensual.
You could feel your heart twisting inside your chest - a distant feeling of the earlier elation that had sent it palpating against your breastbone. There were also tears in your eyes when your mind instantly thought of a thousand different scenarios that all attempted to explain what had happened. Should you just keeping waiting? Maybe you needed to be more patient?
But you were done with having patience with a man who was almost ten years older than you! He should know how you feel, and he should’ve already recognized the signs you were giving off whenever you lingered in the same room. Instead, it almost felt like he was ignoring you, or choosing to remain in this strange limbo that was starting to become too much for your confused emotions.
“Y/N,” Felix whispered when he realized that you weren’t returning his affection. “Are you okay?”
“No,” you said in return, and it seemed to startle Felix who fumbled upwards into a sitting position. 
“Did I hurt you?” Felix asked, and you could tell that he was worried when he examined you closely.
“I don’t think you’ve realized...” you tried, but the words slipped away because you no longer felt confident enough to say them. “Do you not want me?” you asked him instead, looking at Felix with tears clumping the massacre on your eyelashes. 
“No!” You insisted firmly, surprising both Felix and yourself. “I’ve had enough, Felix. I’m going home.”
“Y/N!” Felix said, and his tone was much firmer as he grabbed your wrist and halted your attempts to leave the bed. “This is not how I’ll handle things with you. Tell me what I’ve done to upset you.”
You shook your head, seeing nothing but a hazy image of Felix from behind your tears. “You should already know,” you said while pulling your wrist away from him. “I thought I made my feelings clear, but you keep rejecting me!”
Felix’s eyes widened with the realization of what you meant. “Y/N, that was never apart of our arrangement.”
“Yeah.” You laughed, but it was mirthless. “Our arrangement.”
It was all the confirmation that you needed to understand that Felix would never see your relationship as anything but a man and a woman who met online and decided to try something that was never meant to last.
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You had been hurt by men before, but you had also never cared as much about your past boyfriends as you did with Felix.
He had become everything to you, but the realization that your feelings weren’t mutual hurt your heart and spirit more than being left alone by a one-night stand or catching someone cheating on you. “It’s my fault, Y/N,” you friend said from your couch because you had called her on the way over to your apartment in tears. “I should’ve never encouraged you to sign up for that website.”
“Don’t blame yourself,” you said. “I should’ve never involved my feelings.”
“Well,” your friend said. “He’s still an ignorant asshole.”
You smiled at your friend’s defense of you, even if you didn’t agree. Despite everything that had happened that night with Felix, you couldn’t find it in yourself to hate him. And maybe that’s because the genuine feelings you had for him simply wouldn’t go away instantly.
It would take time to heal.
Which is what you thought you were getting when you received a message from Felix later on:
Y/N, I can’t express my thoughts in one or two sentences. Please pick-up when I call you. I feel it’s necessary to address these slights you’ve experienced, and you don’t even have to say a word to me.
You shivered at his request, clutching your phone tightly between your hands before it started ringing to penetrate the silence of your bedroom. “Hello?” you whispered into the other end, and there was a moment of quiet before Felix began to speak.
“This is not how I expected our night to end,” he said. “I’m deeply sorry for the pain that I caused you. I could see it in your eyes, and it hurt me more than you seem to think.”
You swallowed hard when he took a deep breath. “When I first found your profile, I hesitated to contact someone who, in my eyes, seemed like an untouchable slice of perfection. You loved music and dancing, and you had big dreams that you described with such elegant words. Although I was looking for a companion for my travels, I knew you would be so much more than my expectation, but it was hard to ignore how much I wanted to meet you.”
“I thought it would be best to establish boundaries because I initially imagined our relationship as nothing more than me helping out someone who needed the assistance that I could give. I couldn’t imagine you losing the chance to succeed because you weren’t able to afford tuition. When I was a student, I had the help of my father’s wealth, but he forced me to change my dreams because he wanted to mold me into an image of himself. And he was very successful because I used to be more carefree before I was told that I had to takeover our company. But I promised myself that I would help you because I wanted to be everything for you that my father was not.”
There was a shaky exhale, and you could hear the raw emotion in Felix’s tone. “You deserve better than me,” Felix whispered, and you could barely hold the phone as you felt the first tear fall. “I’m almost thirty-years-old, and I’m paying a student to spend time with me because I’m so bad at meeting people. I organized this whole thing to satisfy my own selfish desires to live vicariously through someone else and experience what my father never allowed me to have.”
You opened your mouth to speak, to reassure him that you had never felt like he was taking advantage of you, but the words were caught between your brain and tongue.
“As for your insinuation that I couldn’t possibly want you...” Felix paused, and you could easily imagine that the conversation had ended abruptly. “I chose not to have a physical relationship with you because I could never imagine in my wildest dreams that someone as young and beautiful as yourself could truly want a sexual relationship with an older man who spends most of his time balancing numbers. If we’re talking our truest desires, then there’s nothing more that I want in this world than your sweet touch, but I won’t allow myself to ruin someone as pure and good as you.”
He cleared his throat at that statement, and you wondered what your relationship might’ve looked like if you had been more honest with him from the beginning. “Perhaps I also grew too complacent with what we had because it was more than any scenario I could’ve came up with inside my head. I love our talks together, Y/N, and you can’t imagine how wonderful it is to travel the world with you - to sleep next to you at night and kiss you because I cherish every moment of your time with me.”
“So please don’t feel hurt by someone like me. Because you’re worth more than all the money I have, and you deserve a wonderful life where you become someone who recognizes the greatness that I see in her. But if this is meant to be goodbye, then know that I love you so much, and I will never forget the artist who changed my world.”
There was a click following his passionate declaration, and then you were greeted by the dial tone.
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You thought about Felix for the entire week following his unexpected phone call. His words haunted you during your classes, and you could barely focus when you were working on your schoolwork or hanging out with friends. The confession of his love weighed heavily on your conscious, and you knew that you needed to see him again
It was incredibly risky, but there was an even bigger part of yourself that didn’t care about the consequences. And you found yourself taking a taxi to the airport where Felix was set to depart for Seattle, ticket tucked into the back of your jeans pocket while your suitcase rolled along next to you. Of course, there was a small part of you that worried you might not be able to find Felix, or maybe he wouldn’t want to see you.
But you were tired of being cautious, and Felix was worth the extra effort to hand over your ticket to the flight attendant who encouraged you to wait in the first-class lobby. You thanked her quietly, and your hand was shaking when you reached out for the door handle, pushing it open before scanning your eyes across the customers waiting inside.
It was mostly people in expensive suits, looking through their cellphone or reading the newspaper. But it was impossible to miss a familiar mop of blonde-hair, and your eyes met Felix’s from across the room - a moment in time when it felt like you were the only two people left in the room.
And you could tell that Felix was surprised, but he didn’t protest when you sat next to him. “Hi,” you said in a shy voice, fixing your suitcase against the wall while your hands curled together in your lap.
“Y/N,” Felix said with a gentle tone. “I didn’t expect to see you here.”
“I thought you wanted me to come,” you reminded him, and you held up your ticket with a smile. 
Felix visibly swallowed as he stared at you. “I figured you wouldn’t want to see me anymore.”
“Why?” you asked him. “After those things you said to me...Felix, I only want to see you more.”
He was silent then, contemplative as he took a deep breath. “I hurt you, Y/N. I don’t deserve to be with you.”
“That’s not true,” you said. “Well, maybe I felt hurt, but I think we’re both to blame.”
“You should know that I’ll continue to help you with your schooling,” Felix said. “But the other part of the arrangement...”
“Felix, I insist,” you said while grabbing his hand. “I like spending time with you, Felix,” you said. “You’re a literal angel.”
“I don’t know about that,” Felix said. “There’s a lot about me that you still don’t know.”
“And that’s okay,” you reassured him. “Because I’d really like to find out more about you and everything that you enjoy.”
“I’m still sorry,” Felix insisted. “I’m sorry that I let you get so involved while pushing you away at the same time.”
“I’ll just have to show you that I care more than you think,” you said. “Let me start helping you as well.”
“But you’ve already helped me,” Felix said. “You’ve done so much for me, and you can’t even imagine how grateful I am.”
“Well, I might since the feeling is mutual,” you said. “I don’t want you to question whether or not you deserve me because I love being with you, and this stopped being just a sporadic arrangement for me a long time ago.”
Felix nodded, even if there was still a touch of hesitation. “And how do you feel about...intimacy? I know that’s something you want.”
“I only want it if you’re interested,” I said.
“What if I wasn’t?”
“Then I would respect that,” you said. “It still wouldn’t send me away.”
“That means a lot to me,” Felix said. “I would be interested as long as you’re okay with me touching you,” Felix said, and he was clearly blushing at the idea.
But you found it to be endearing, prodding at the reddening skin of his face with your finger. “Let’s try a normal relationship,” you said. “Like a couple.”
Felix smiled, and he was much more suited for brightness as opposed to the despondency that you discovered when you first arrived. “I like that idea.”
“It seems better for us,” you said before expectantly turning your head in his direction. “Does that mean I can have a kiss?”
Felix laughed at your brazenness, and you were still smiling even while your lips smoothed across his in a passionate display of the secret feelings and affections that had finally been exposed for him to return with equal amounts of love and adoration.
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spacemilkies · 6 years
how about some headcanons for a poly with just two of the brothers? maybe Jacob and John? All three just seems like a lot to handle :o
Honesty trying to just handle one would be a full time job, but you want to try to tackle John and Jacob? rip nonnie
yikes this was long. eventually i will learn when to stop typing.
They might both be interested in the same person but neither of their immediate responses is to jump to the conclusion to share. We’re talking about men who have to have their own territories and you want them to function in a relationship that requires equal privileges? Yeah, someone call in Joseph anyway, because we need a mediator.
Jacob would need the most convincing because he’s practiced in the idea of going without. It’s less about taking from his youngest brother and more so just not interested in effort to scuffle. He’ll all but give up the chase entirely, and Joseph will have drag him back with ministering and evidence of the Lord molding partners to shine light on healing shadows. He’s gruff about reluctantly agreeing to try. But Joseph isn’t blind to the way his shoulders drop an inch in relief.
John is a bit more selfish and would have happily prospered under his brothers forfeit. His spoiled upbringings would have made it difficult for him to operate in a relationship that required cohabitation with a third party. Having to wait his turn to receive a kiss. Seeing marks that don’t belong to him littering their body. It takes the hand of Joseph, the words ‘Greed’ burning under his touch to seal away those feelings. But only temporarily put away, the idea of them rearing their head and taunting him later sure to test his faith.   
That and he knows that if Jacob was determined to revolt against their agreement that he wouldn’t stand a chance against his eldest brother. Joseph is certain that it will all work out though. All things ordained by god do after all.
Don’t expect prompt melding. For one, like mentioned earlier, they reside in different territories. So not only do they have to divide you physically, they also have to compete for your time. Eventually a schedule is established. Aside from a few weekend hiccup demands by John and Jacob coinciding just to get him to shut up, you spend week long stays at each compound.
Jacob is surprisingly the one to develop boundaries pertaining to routines. He doesn’t care what goes down in John’s territory but he expects you to comply to his directive at the encampment. This might have been due to your side complaints about hygiene and how the ranch house never smelled like blood and sweat. You asked to be in a relationship with him and he’d be damned if his agreeing reduced him to childish complaints. You could spend the whole damn year at John’s pristine ranch if that was the case.
It will all mellow out eventually. John is less inclined to visit the veteran’s house but Jacob can be persuaded to join you both at the ranch. It only took a few months of tumbling in the bed for him to see the appeal of keeping you satisfied outside of it, and you managed to do this all without the crank of a music box. He can’t be convinced to stay over just yet though and you have a feeling that it’s less to do with being away from his troops for too long.
He’s contingent enough to sit through dinner and amicable for small chats. It’s in this moments that you really notice their sibling bonds in the way John tries to rile him up and Jacob pacifying him through indifference. One night you receive a kiss from them both, one right after the other before Jacob is leading you out to the jeep.
It takes a few more months before the Seed Ranch becomes the designated meet up spot. Now Jacob is more comfortable sitting sturdly on the couch. You know he won’t admit it, but it’s more comfortable than his office chair that you know he can change but he denies himself the luxury. John will want to put on an action movie but with your head in his lap you coax him to sit through an older film starring Hepburn. He’ll mumble complaints throughout the whole film, hands tangling loosely in your hair. And Jacob, the poor man is out like a light from the first scene. The absence of gunfire and explosions letting his nerves rest but his muscles remain tense to fill the peace with action if needed. It strains your own body from effort but you’re determined to keep your legs as still as possible to refrain from jarring him in the slightest.
If there is ever a threat against the cult, you’re sent to the veteran’s compound in a heartbeat. John knows he can maintain an offensive attack but he’s sorely outmatched by his brother’s impressive fortress. You’ll pace in one of the lower rooms, out of sight but not out of mind of the two souls fighting to protect what’s theirs. John hates coming to up the mountain but he’s there to greet you, all in one piece, the next morning.
Gradually they become more comfortable with the fact that they now equally own your body, not parts, together as a whole. Normally the possessive notion would strike you as demeaning but you’re too impressed by their combined solace to protest. They begin with small touches. John rounding the corner to press a kiss to your cheek while Jacob has a heavy hand on your waist. You might be seated in one’s lap but the other will entangle their fingers with yours. It’s all about tranquility, it was a long time coming but you’re getting there.
Did I mention how one was a handful? Congrats, now you have two sex drives to try to satisfy, and not always on the same occasion. The week schedule is tossed outside the door once sex becomes routine. John is still not privy to relocating to Jacob’s territory, but Jacob has no problem tearing up the streets in his jeep just to get a romp in mid afternoon. The resistance has crippled one of his outlying stations and while they were eventually decimated, the cleanup was still a headache. You go to greet him at the screen door, noticing the flying dust from a mile out, but its swallowed prematurely as his tongue invades your mouth. You don’t even make it to the bed, hands yanking down your undergarments as he bends you over the kitchen island scattering kitchen supplies with his exuberance. You’re sore but satisfied, and Jacob performs a sloppy cleanup before leaving John to find you just a few minutes later just barely gaining control of your limbs. That possessive streak strums heavily as he corners you during your attempt to soap up in the shower, reclaiming you as the running water washes away his brother’s assertion.
They can join you simultaneously, but will they, is another challenge. Those are special affairs when they’re both aroused at the same time and can’t wait for the other to decide, forcing them to take what they can in the moment or anticipate until your recovery between sessions. Jacob takes the offer with little preamble, already positioning you under him on the couch while John watches on. The latter is still conflicted, not sure how he feels seeing this much of his brother in a time of intimacy. Of course, those thoughts all dwindle away when it’s his turn. Jacob leaves you shakily balanced on all fours, still trembling from an orgasm. John has only witnessed this visage after he’s taken you once, debating if he’s willing to roll you through another. He’s never been involved in the wake of someone else’s stimulation of your refractory period and curiously saddles him up behind you. You’re absolutely drenched, more so than he’s ever been able to produce. It leaks out of you and he finds it hotter than he should. Echoing convulsions draw him in further and he’s already at his peak after only a few thrusts. The heat of his brother’s gaze oddly driving along his desires further as he takes you for himself.
“Roll your hips a little, that’s it.”
“See those shudders, you’ve almost got them.”
“You should see the look on their face, little brother.”
“Well done.”
John blows his load.
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onemengfoong01 · 3 years
ONG MENG FOONG | Making Your Arrange Flexible With Online Knowing
There's a battle taking place: It's the battle on organizing. Often times, your way of living is its own unique battleground. You're frequently on the defensive versus time, you're only ally is quick wits and a little bit of good luck, which in itself will not work without you. Your weapons include a schedule, your laptop as well as planning skills. But times are transforming, from the language you talk, to the manner in which you discover. You're frequently on the prowl for expertise, except that there are road-bumps as well as unanticipated obstacles, holding you back. As a matter of fact, these days, it does not truly matter whether you're a trainee or a financial investment banker: the capability to schedule flexibly is your concern. How about this: Yohana is a young entrepreneur presently experiencing her very first days in job setting. She lives just outside of community - away from the town hall, yet not too far out. Much like any other female, Yohana has responsibilities to meet: she has a hubby, functions a full-time task, cares for her parents as well as takes care of her children daily of the week. Then suddenly, occupation begins. She supervises of customers, not simply in Germany, yet nearly the entire European continent and also like several worldwide individuals; she has problem with adapting to societies, discovering brand-new languages and also staying connected with her clients. Nevertheless, she is additionally component of an expanding fad that's catching on. As long as she likes face-to-face understanding, she additionally welcomes on-line knowing. Flexibility is a should for most young people. Another growing fad is "work-life-balance". This certainly is easier said that done. Most individuals know or at the least have come across it, however if it was as simple as flicking on a light button, we would certainly all be hing on our sofa beds, or learning how to cook far better or learning a brand-new language. Prior to on-line discovering was even taken into consideration; it was simply a catch-phrase. Hectic individuals took night courses after job, hopping on their bikes, biking via the gusty evening as they being in crammed classes and also begin the interesting journey of discovering. Currently, we locate ourselves each time where discovering can be attained anywhere through means of innovation and also while modern technology changes, our way of lives as well as flexibility frequently do not. 50 years ago, you 'd organize every little thing with a pager that was marketed as an alarm clock plus belt and pants. However these days, scheduling as well as adaptability has never ever been more crucial, especially for those that function past boundaries. To the average grown-up, that versatility is ending up being more and more of a need. But adaptability isn't something that can be purchased your neighborhood gasoline station, or touched as well as be seen. Pupils need to make flexibility.
ONG MENG FOONG Our woman, Yohana, works and is a child to somebody in addition to a pal as well as a sibling. Instantly, she is already working several work at the same time. She has commitments to her household and devotion to her task as well as an interest for her job. She has no option. On the internet learning nonetheless, has actually given pupils like Yohanato accessing education and learning. We live each time where 18 -20 year olds or perhaps 14-16 years of age need versatility that a Banker in the 70s would certainly require. Just like Yohana, several boys as well as ladies want job life balance. Where tasks such as sports, language abilities as well as further education and learning can be accessed with establishments, online learning enables these trainees to access them with the much needed flexible scheduling as well as affordable choice. Working and Researching The Germany Trade and also Invest facility recommended that, at least in Germany, the working hour exceeds say goodbye to that 40 hrs weekly. Hence, maintaining a work life equilibrium is not a steep knowing contour and also our woman, Yohana, could sure utilize that additional time to better connect with her clients. In the feeling of both, having the freedom to take pleasure in talking in the exact same language and also well-defined sound. Information from Diana G. Oblinger, author "Education and learning as well as Infotech", stated that at least 5.6 million students are enlisted in an on-line course as of 2009. Currently, that number is 6.3 million which's only in the US. Actually, a study done by UNESCO in their PERFECT job (Impact of Distance Education on Adult Discovering) specifies that the most active on-line discovering nations in Europe were Greece, United Kingdom, Italy as well as Germany. If we equated these data, we would get the response that the education sector is shaping as well as changing. Standard grownups like Yohana, examined at a traditional college as well as since she remains in the real world, it's time for her to take an action further. Grownups, like Yohana, require versatile scheduling as well as require a non-traditional method to fulfill her household and also career assumptions. Writers such as Oblinger, suggested that adults can relieve up their organizing and also not murder their schedules using on-line learning indicates. Words "classroom" will quickly have a various significance. When you initially hear words, you would certainly reflect to your old high school, with rows and rows of seats as for the eye can see, loaded with students anchored down with hoodies and sweatshirts. Words "class" will mean nothing when adults can find out and also gain access to whatever course they're taking in the house, in a café, in a holiday residence and also basically any type of part of the Planet. Like Yohana, these adults aren't concerned with status, tags, branding, what exotic town their understanding institute remains in, or whether or not the business is associated with social standing. These are individuals who are worried about fixing real world problems, whilst fighting time restrictions as well as routine concerns and also she lately had clients that speak several languages from various components of Europe. But that doesn't issue; she takes language classes with on the internet learning to aid her keeping that. What she needs is flexibility. Live Online Understanding Picking an on the internet discovering platform resembles finding evening courses, just the process is less complex. Much less complex. You screen out the questionable, untrusted ones that are also much from your home or office and also choose the ones that are close. Other than that you don't even need to do that anymore with online knowing. You can join a session kept in Belgrade, while you remain in Hamburg. That a person action already gotten rid of. There are lots of systems to pick from, one of the most significant is Live Online Discovering, or the abbreviated LOL. The very first thing you'll discover is exactly how unbelievably simple it is to register. No documents or laborious application procedure. You complete the information and in 5 minutes, you're set and also ready. Yohana, like a lot of adults available, has global customers and wants to discover English. The closest language college is a 5 kilometres bike ride away and she has other top priorities, such as college classes at 8 in the morning as well as preparing dishes for the weekend break. She can experience the process of checking out thick phonebook as well as cold-calling educators to tutor her at home, adding transportation expenses which will be out of Yohana's cost and given her finances, she's not in the state of mind to obtain from the bank at any time soon. So, she turns to online discovering. She returns residence, turns on her laptop computer, arranges a meeting with her teacher and on the knowledge train she goes. The charm of online classes is that it's repeatable anywhere and at anytime. She can be finding out English while she's seeing her household in Spain and also afterwards take guitar lessons while on her USA journey. Let's be sincere, the majority of us stay clear of travelling like the flu. What far better method to unwind from a demanding day at the workplace than to being in a traffic and sustain even more stress and anxiety. Pupils and expert employees have top priorities, and also sitting in web traffic is probably not one of them. The climate isn't precisely practical too, as snowstorms as well as snowstorms are not only harmful, it is also unsuccessful. The economic expenses of terminating courses is devastating, for both students as well as instructors and is very inefficient. No more time is squandered as well as days do without learning won't be a problem. And also the price of holiday accommodation in som extreme examples. With typical evening classes, you 'd probably invest hrs on end, searching for close dorms and accommodation, because like the typical college student, you would certainly look for the wonderful area, just to find out that all the rooms have been taken. You're not specifically keen on investing half your budget on transportation and holiday accommodation, so you'll have to make decisions. Now, Live Online Understanding is the Band-Aid to your open wounds. You rest in the house, on a futon or your work workdesk and dive right into class. After all, why acquire a cow when you can purchase milk from the food store? We remain in the middle of an international transport-pocalypse. Other than that this isn't the enjoyable kind where you can think regarding saving the day. The only armageddon that's going to happen is to your budget as you squander euros after euros just on transport as well as commuting alone. The emphasis of on-line learning is flexibility. To state that on the internet learning will certainly grant you flexibility is an understatement. You earn it by default as soon as you've registered for a class. You're versatile class-wise also. Some supply courses from plasma physics to discovering just how to speak Indonesian. We're talking about an organization that provides standard classes as well as educated in a modern-day way. It's not on a daily basis that you can get up and take any type of course you 'd such as, however with on-line understanding, pupils like Yohana can quickly determine to learn painting in the morning and also research coding at night. Online Knowing - Offered in a local shop near you! Don't be mislead, Live Online Knowing is a device for educators as much as it is for pupils. As a matter of fact, Online understanding has actually paved way for new sectors and a way for local business to reach their clients. Moving far from textbook research studies and theories, there are of course reality instances. Engage! is a language institution located in Hamburg as well as it provides on the internet discovering as an alternative for its students. Organization is customarily, but every pet dog has its days - occasionally, consumers are overwhelmed and their available times don't match with the educator's time. The result is a schedule-organizer's worst nightmare. The option was straightforward: suppose instructors as well as pupils were instructed making use of video cameras, so trainees can remain at house and also instructors can remain at home as well as interact through the web. It doesn't quit at language institutions. A number of international corporations organize meetings via internet webcam as well as online systems. This example is not strictly "learning", it is however a beneficial principle to recognize. Back then, you would certainly need to send out e-mails to every other back and forth, arrange call and also possibly trips. Now, from Mumbai to Sydney, you can discuss service. Online knowing is a part of a brand-new era of simpleness. We utilized to pay attention to music through CDs, currently we YouTube it. We used to see films on DVD as well as currently we stream it. On-line discovering is next on the conveyor belt. Educators have been asking the wrong concern. It's not concerning the what, or the whys or the whos. Rather it's all about the just how. Exactly how is it assisting the students as well as how is it aiding the teachers. Textbooks, as an example could not also be essential. 20 or two years ago, if you were to say. "I assume books are worthless as well as will certainly die out", individuals would promptly think you're some type of hippie weirdo who's only job is to awaken in the early morning and condemn the government for everyone's troubles. Books have been a part of human society given that the dawn of time and there's no other way individuals will ever before quit using books. And now, with on-line knowing, it's completely logical to ask "will we require textbooks any longer?" Obviously, textbooks will constantly belong to education and learning as well as understanding, however with Real-time Online Discovering, exactly how we utilize textbooks can be entirely different. For one, it is necessary to note that despite who you are, student or grownup, you're probably tired needing to circumnavigate everywhere bring tons of thick books, when it can all be traveling light weight and have whatever in a laptop. Online learning as well as e-textbooks go together. When Netflix's Chief Executive Officer, Reed Hastings, first proposed the idea of streaming motion pictures and TELEVISION Reveals through the internet, typical retail titans of home entertainment giggled the concept off and passed it on as "frivolous". However, just like on the internet knowing, Hastings thought that what individuals want is to remain at house and achieve their demands without having to leave their front door. Consider on the internet knowing in the same light. You're achieving the same result with less sources. Online Understanding - It's for Everybody Thus far we have actually covered Online Learning for grownups, students yet as a matter of fact, on-line understanding is accessible by practically any person. Also the youngest pupil can discover their preferred topics at home. This additionally gives them more useful and also efficient activities to do, as opposed to raising their high score on candy crush. Right here's a suggestion, why not enhance their IQ scores rather and with on the internet learning, youngsters can remain at residence as well as gain access to videos as well as catch up on last week's Mathematics research. Sharing info has never ever been much easier and just today has actually on-line understanding been put on the limelight. Inspiration from Online Learning As human beings, our creativity practically recognizes no limits. If everybody could be astronauts, then we possibly would. So why aren't there much more astronauts in our society? A feasible explanation is passion and also motivation. Returning to our woman, Yohana, she invests the majority of her weekend breaks lying around in bed, potentially twisting backward and forward between the trainee lounge in her dorm and back into her room. All the while, the moment she invested considering regarding what movie she ought to view next, she might have found out a brand-new language, or a brand-new instrument or any type of set of skill. Yet to figure out our concern "Why aren't there much more astronauts?" we 'd have to comprehend just how we obtain inspiration. As most of us know, an inspiration is like having a revelation. It's not something that can be switched on and off like a light button and also if we desire ideas, we’d instantly obtain it. Ideas originates from sources and also there are plenty of ways that you can locate inspiration, from books, education and learning sites, TELEVISION programs and also offered today's market, a lot of us would get it online. Let's encounter it, the majority of us intended to discover French since we listened to that one durable, thick as well as unique French accent from a scene in a Hollywood flick. Yet given that enrolling in a French class means extra power invested, a lot more call to make as well as much more French individuals to reply to, a lot of us forget it and continue with more vital activities, like seeing if a millionaire YouTube vlogger's baby is a kid or girl. As pointed out previously, as opposed to asking the "what", we need to all be asking the "exactly how". Just how do we keep locating resources of inspiration and just how do we use ourselves, so we do not ignore it after 5 minutes? The response to that is to put yourself in a setting that's comfortable to you. Whether it 'd be your home or a café, you would certainly want understanding ahead to you as well as not vice versa. You don't intend to pursue your concepts, since you make a mental estimation that you would certainly need to sprinkle out resources such as transport, energy and time. Now we have everything in our laptops. YouTube, Online Knowing, Google, the jobs. Should you enroll in on-line classes? All your buddies appear to be registering for on-line courses, like there's no tomorrow and also there's an excellent reason. A lot of the moments, it's due to versatile organizing as well as time constraints. A research study done by the Business Economics and also Education Review exposed that distance in between home, the work environment as well as university is the hidden aspect of enrollment. Why was on the internet knowing created to begin with? The very same reason why any individual would wish to start an organization or offer a product or concept: due to the fact that it fixes a hidden requirement. People want understanding, so you provide it to them. You can either do this the standard means, through shops as well as shopping center. Or you can sell it with an on the internet platform. Amazon.com attempted this, and also it functioned. Netflix attempted this and also it worked. On-line discovering was initial developed by colleges in The United States and Canada, that 'd like to permit their pupils to take part in classes, also with those hard blizzards and long distance trips. Missing days might not look like much theoretically, yet actually it costs a whole lot when thought of. Knowledge is in fact a valuable property as well as individuals agree to pay more to those that have a lot more. Rather than knowing just how to play no instruments, why not start learning or find out 3 languages rather than 2. Take private lessons without having to leave your front door. The fact that we have accessibility to education with the click of a couple of switches is one of the best miracles of the modern age. For most of human background, expertise was kept jealously at the affluent degree of society as well as it was among the unjust realities of living back then. That's right, what family members you were born to can affect whether or not you 'd be informed or otherwise. But times are dramatically altering and we no longer live in an age where those that can pay for to buy an auto can have simpler access to education. You can just, rest in the house as well as appreciate a lengthy listing of based on find out and also lend a hand workshops. Thus, active grownups like our lady, Yohana, can enlighten herself as well as it could not take much paperwork or her energy and time. So should you register for the concept of on-line programs? Why shouldn't you? For all we know, it could be up your street. We discover in different means as well as who's to say that via digital methods isn't a means to find out. Nowadays, there are a lot of companies and also institutes that supply on the internet understanding as a choice to traditional ways and that's the charm of everything. You can still find out via typical ways and if the timing isn't right, you no longer have to compromise days and also can learn via websites.
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davidanderson7162 · 3 years
Top Parenting Tips That You Have To Know
There are numerous moms and dads that are seeking parenting tips. When it comes to that, you will certainly discover that there are numerous overviews and mentors around. However, reading through them, you will discover that you would like to know what the leading parenting recommendations is. Right here are the leading seven pointers that you ought to find out about mentoring youngsters.Parenting Guides
The first parenting suggestion that you will certainly require to recognize is that regardless of what you are doing, you require to reveal love and compassion. Even when they do incorrect, the very best parenting guidance that we can offer you is to commend your youngster when they do something right as well as even after you discipline them, you allow them to recognize that you love them.
One more parenting pointer is that you need to technique children. When you do this, you need to get on their level. Kids do not succeed when you are literally talking them down. You need to follow through when you do this. If you have given a caution, make certain to comply with up. If they devote the exact same wrongdoing once more, then you need to technique them as this is how to establish the boundaries straight. If you don't do this, they will keep pushing your limitations additionally and also further.
Among the very best parenting tips is to be sure that you can manage and also manage your anger. A lot of moms and dads are acting out in anger and also youngsters wind up getting hurt. So, you intend to be sure to take deep breaths and also relax prior to facing your youngster. You have method youngsters in an understanding manner. When you do this, you will discover points to be a lot much easier to manage. Discover some personal time for you and also your partner to kick back when the youngster is not around. Reducing stress is the most effective method to absorb more pressure from your kid.
Parents will inform you that the very best parenting suggestions that they can give you would certainly be to unwind. It might appear hard to do, but you have to do this. This is just how you keep on your own from going outrageous. There are too many moms and dads that neglect this principle and also with the weight of all various other things bearing down on them, they discover that managing kids issues can be pretty hard to deal with. This triggers them to snap as well as hurt the child as well as themselves.
Favorable Parenting Tips, What You Might Not Be Thinking about!
Favorable parenting tips are just about every where you look nowadays. Numerous write-ups are composed with their hooks that are developed to grab your interest. However, of all the tips to consider, and also there are many, there is one that stands apart head as well as shoulders over the rest. Read along to discover why, though several suggestions are useful, they might not stand an opportunity if this tip is not followed!
There are certainly loads of parenting tips and also strategies that work, and also in their own right, have their advantages. Points like; make certain your kid knows that they are loved and taken care of past a darkness of a doubt, is a wonderful parenting perfect or method. There is no question that this is a very worthy goal to strive for. Nonetheless, there is still a favorable parenting tip that is way more vital to exercise.
The factor is that, without following this, a lot of your lofty perfects might drop by the wayside. Without knowing to not do particular points, any kind of gains you make as a moms and dad may quite possibly be negated!
Sufficient of the suspense. The primary tip to follow as a moms and dad has to do with your youngster's fear and stress and anxiety levels. If you put them in situations where they are fearful, their anxiety degrees will, no question, rise additionally. When this happens, they have really little control over what they will claim and do. Especially when they are young! They may at first shut down and also act as you want, however, they will soon have no choice yet to act out. There are two crucial indicate make regarding this!
The very first point is that the factor a child will act out when they are afraid has to do with something called cortisol. When fear rises, so does the level of cortisol in the body. This after that goes to the brain and creates them to end up being dis-oriented. This is why you really require to follow up this understanding with the need to find out lots of new favorable parenting tips that will allow you to have miraculous patience and also tolerance when managing your youngsters!
The 2nd, and equally crucial point, is that there are lengthy term effects to raised cortisol emission into the brain. These effects include possible teenage misbehavior, and also sociopathic tendencies. This makes what you do from below on, really important.
You see, there are some noticeable ways that you may boost fear in your kids. This would consist of:
Shouting and screaming at them Daunting them Psychologically or literally abusing them Penalizing them These are some noticeable points. Nonetheless, there is one that might not be so evident. When you use them awards for doing something, they might fear not being able to finish whatever task is being asked of them.
Positive Parenting Tips to Create Your Youngsters to Their Full Potential
Generally a lot of the parents want to raise healthy and also smart youngsters. Parents will be having some planning on just how to bring the kids before they are born. The complying with favorable parenting tips will certainly assist you make certain that your children expand to their optimal capacity.
I discovered a good parenting pointer that works ideal is the top quality time you agree to spend with your children. While spending your time bring your youngsters into interesting as well as valuable discussions. It is required to build great connection with loaded with enjoyable and healthy talk with your kids right from the childhood.
When you instill the behavior of chatting with your youngsters from childhood years will certainly aid a long means in creating add-on with your youngsters. Without doing this, if you attempt to talk with them when they come to be teenager, the receiving will not be there any longer. Try to come to be an above ordinary moms and dad for you to be effective. As per a study, an average American parent is allocating really much less time ie. Concerning a 20 mins a week in significant discussion with their kids.
Being a moms and dad, initially you need to practice or instill great practices, in order your youngsters to comply with. Slowly inject your ideas as well as good behaviors into your youngsters mind and also make certain to follow them. Moms and dads understand the significance of charity and assisting the denied, but they neglect when it involves applying. If you practically do some charity and tell your children to check out an assisted living home or offer the aged people, they are more probable to follow the very same concepts.
As i said over, you have to be a role model. Try not to educate your youngsters the habits which you do not practice. Suppose your kids below you lying some issue, them visualize what type of impact it will certainly provide to your children. It is natural tendency of the youngsters to discover the practices from moms and dads whether they are excellent or bad.
You need to adhere to engaged design of parenting. That is moms and dads who watch their youngsters everyday tasks whether they have the ability to find out properly in school and are mingling with their pals etc. You must maintain a great communication with your kids. The more you show passion in your child's life, the better the chance of bringing them to be a considerate residents. You need to have a good relationship with your partner as well as have healthy and balanced wedded life. Which is essential not just for you and additionally for your kids. A healthy and balanced family life design is crucial for pro-social behaviour.
There is no doubt that raising the children by both the moms and dads is challenging, so envision exactly how a solitary moms and dad can add to kid's advancement. According to a research study, one and also half year after a divorce, several children have actually shown poor focus as well as their intelligence dropped as well as have trouble in resolving maths. Understand your obligation of being together in elevating your children.
The Look for a Good Parenting Pointer for Separated Moms And Dads
We've been listening to one parenting suggestion to an additional. Every parenting pointer may focus on one aspect of being a parent. A parenting tip might be about increasing a kid, a teenager, a gifted child or a tough youngster. There is nevertheless another kind of kid that ought to have parents that understand a relevant parenting pointer-- the child of divorced moms and dads. What parenting tip can separated moms and dads use to see to it that their kids will be alright?
Protect Your Youngster First
A simple parenting idea is that your kid must be your top priority. This parenting pointer suggests that even prior to you decide to obtain a separation, you ought to make certain that your kids are secured from adult conflict. Hearing you as well as your partner quarrel or making children really feel an impending divorce even before you reveal it may make them prone to adverse or damaging feelings. Your kids may also criticize themselves for what is taking place. Although your kids may have a suggestion of the problem, it is much better for them to hear a good explanation from you.
Communicate as a Family members
A crucial parenting tip is for you to temporarily put aside your differences with your partner and decide to find together as a household. It is a helpful parenting tip to collect your youngsters, discuss to them honestly that you are obtaining a separation. Tell them that the circumstance may be a little unfortunate for all of you but that you are all still going to discover a method to lead typical lives. At this point it is critical for you to pay attention to your youngsters and motivate them to relay what gets on their minds or ask their questions.
Be Helpful of Your Co-Parent
One of the most vital parenting idea after the divorce is to openly sustain the concept of co-parenting. Despite that obtains full wardship, be certain that your ex lover also has equivalent time and duty for your youngsters. Make your kids feel that it is completely fine to spend a long time with the other moms and dad. The parenting tip on co-parenthood might likewise indicate that you might have to momentarily neglect your dispute with your spouse and also come together to speak about your kids. Interact with each various other the demands as well as the adjustments which your kids are going through.
Constantly Monitor Your Children
Also if one parent is far away, a suggested parenting tip is to device a method to both keep your eyes on your kids. Be sensitive to exactly how your youngsters are acting. It is a parenting suggestion to keep in mind of signs that your kid is troubled with the existing setups. Screen institution performance and peer activities. Continue communicating with your kid even though he/she is apparently doing well in college.
Parenting Tips - That Do You Listen To?
Numerous moms and dads love to providing various parenting tips. If you are a parent, you might have come across a number of them. We need to value their advice as it is based upon their experience as well as experience do matter in any suggests. Nevertheless, you might be perplexed as you can be strained with lots of ideas and also advises. The trick here is to recognize which one appropriates for you and also which one may not be suitable.
Identifying Usefulness
The initial step is to figure out if you can or intend to use a suggestion. Certainly, you will certainly ruin right into suggestions that you simply do not agree with or really feel are simply not for you. Those you can disregard. However, regularly you will likely be not sure if a pointer serves. Attempt the complying with to see if those suggestions serve for you:
- Ask yourself if it seem sensible.
- Determine is you would really do this.
- Consider just how it would benefit you and your children.
If you are still not sure if the pointer is good, what you can do it offer it a try and also see the result.
As mentioned, the following thing to do is attempt the pointers out. See if they do function. If something doesn't function after that let it go. If that pointer benefits your children, put it in your listing of skills.
Occasionally you can not tell if something will work unless you provide it a try and there is nothing wrong keeping that.
Ways to Utilize Them
Parenting tips come in numerous types and you may question how the heck to even utilize a suggestion. In some cases you might really feel overloaded. When you obtain a good idea attempt composing it down and when a good time shows up use it. You do not need to feel pressured to change your style to parenting just because they are the best parenting tips worldwide. Let them occur naturally. Use them if you need them. Do not impose on your own to use the suggestions as you can drive on your own nuts and maybe for your youngsters too.
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jeremystrele · 5 years
Emmylou Maccarthy Takes Motherhood’s Invisible Labour And Makes It Visible – And Paid
Emmylou Maccarthy Takes Motherhood’s Invisible Labour And Makes It Visible – And Paid
Ashe Davenport
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When you live your job on the Internet, everyone has their say. ‘People criticise me about not spending enough time with my kids.’ Photo – Sarah Collins of Work + Co.
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Sage, Vida and Camellia. Photo – Sarah Collins of Work + Co.
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‘The camera doesn’t change how I do things. I’m the same way whether I’m being recorded or not.’ Photo – Sarah Collins of Work + Co.
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‘I was pretty single minded in the beginning if I’m honest. I think I’ve got a better balance these days. I put my career first for about 24 months, but man, did I see that affect my family.’ Photo – Sarah Collins of Work + Co.
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Making the switch from the primary to secondary carer doesn’t come easily. Photo – Sarah Collins of Work + Co.
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Emmylou, Aaron, Sage, Camellia, Vida and their two pups! Photo – Sarah Collins of Work + Co.
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Emmylou’s nominated Sunday activity is a morning spent at the South Melbourne Market. Photo – Sarah Collins of Work + Co.
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Happiness (as well as confidence) in the kitchen, always! Photo – Sarah Collins of Work + Co.
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Emmylou’s dream dinner party would be alfresco, with bifold doors folded in so she can cook but still hear the chatter. Photo – Sarah Collins of Work + Co.
Emmylou Maccarthy carved out her media career with nothing but an Instagram account and a dream. Her story is the digital equivalent of rubbing two sticks together to make fire – seemingly impossible at first, but ultimately achievable with time, dedication and the right hashtags and/or wind conditions.
The term ‘influencer’ has become somewhat of a dirty word, but in Emmylou’s case it’s simply an accurate description of how she got her start. Her audience is astoundingly engaged. If Emmylou so much as mentions a brand on social media, product sales tend to skyrocket. Her Instagram stories are a seemingly endless tangent on domestic life, with over 50 instalments a day. She might be making hummus, plaiting her daughter’s hair, waiting for an Uber, applying or removing her makeup, but the activity is irrelevant. Emmylou’s charisma is undeniable. Why else are tens of thousands of people tuning in to watch her do a fishtail braid? She’s luminous. She makes mistakes often and genuinely laughs when she does. She’s a comfort to people at home on their phones, craving connection with a real human person, with the emphasis on real. 
We talked over coffee at St Ali in South Melbourne. In person, Emmylou was shorter than I’d imagined and significantly more professional. My instinct was to greet her with a hug, my bestie, the person I’d watched cooking in her pyjamas, but she held out her hand as she approached the table, establishing a boundary in the process. It was a gesture she seemed to have had some training in, a gentle reminder to people that they were, in fact, strangers.
She gets a bit of flack – for not spending enough time with her kids, not having a ‘real job,’ for not fitting the traditional moulds/straight jackets of ‘wife’ and’ mother’, you name it. The reason is obvious. She’s a self-made woman who doesn’t play by the rules. People don’t know what to make of her. I stan. 
What do you say to people who question whether or not you have a ‘real job’?
You can let the opinions of others feed into how you see yourself, but at the end of the day, it’s just a career, and it’s mine. It’s driven by joy and excitement. Everything I’ve done, I’ve loved: beauty therapy, skydiving, working in hospitality, working as a receptionist. I’ve done it all with a massive smile on my face. So I just try and not let it affect me. People don’t see the emails and hundreds of DMs. I’ve got staff members now, a legal team, accounting, the whole thing. Emmylou Loves is a business, no question.
You’ve taken a lot of the unpaid invisible labour of motherhood and made it paid and visible, it’s hugely impressive, actually.
People criticise me about not spending enough time with my kids. They say: ‘Oh! Her poor husband is stuck with everything.’ And in fact, he’s not the poor husband, he’s their dad. When he did fly-in-fly-out he was away for four weeks at a time working in the mines. Four weeks! Then he’d be home for five days, and he’d be knackered because he’d have worked 12 hour days for weeks on end, and never once did I hear how lucky he was that I was doing everything at home.
How do you share the parenting load now that you’re so busy with work?
For the last six months, Aaron’s been a stay-at-home dad. He’s the primary carer. He does all the school drop-offs and pick-ups, kinder drop-offs. I often do them with him, then I’m off working every day. I’m home in time to cook dinner. We all pitch in for the housework. We wanted to have one of us as the constant figure at home, so the kids would feel more settled in a routine. It makes the most sense for us right now that Aaron is that person.
How’s that going?
It was hard at first. It doesn’t matter what your situation is, if you’re changing things, it’s not all going to click straight away. You have to give it a trial to see if it’s going to work, and to allow for the icky, uncomfortable part. With any job you have a three month trial, it’s exactly the same as changing the roles up at home. After three months have a sit-down with your boss, or partner in this case, and see how you’re both feeling. Discuss what’s working and what’s not, where the gaps are and how you can fill them.
How did you build your business while being the primary carer to three young kids?
I was pretty single minded in the beginning if I’m honest. I think I’ve got a better balance these days. I was starting late in life. I wanted to go for it, and I did, I really went for it. I put my career first for about 24 months, but man, did I see that affect my family. It impacted our happiness, my personal happiness too. Aaron and I weren’t together during that time, we were co-parenting, so that didn’t help. We were living in the same house, but we were emotionally disconnected. I was prioritising emails at the dinner table over enjoying the meal with my kids. I was so focussed on keeping the momentum going with Emmylou Loves, sometimes it felt almost like the kids were impeding on that. I had to take a good hard look at myself. Like, they’re my kids! What am I doing?
What was it like not being in a romantic relationship with Aaron, but still living in the same house?
Man, did it hurt. Did I spend a lot of time crying? Yes. Did we go long periods of time without speaking? Yes. But did we try to fill that silence with nasty hateful things? No. Sometimes couples will come upon a time in their family life where things are silent. Not much is going on. It’s a bit fucking boring. So what do we do? We get snarky, we get restless. We think, hmmm there’s not much love happening here, let’s try and get a spark going with a bit of hate. That was the one thing Aaron and I decided not to do. We didn’t fill our silence with nastiness. We were just silent for a while, and we were okay with it. I just kept pointing out that it was the hardest time in our lives.
My partner and I have two under four, and our relationship has been hanging on by a thread at various stages since becoming parents. How did you guys get it together?
We let go of expectations and the fantasy that we should still be in the honeymoon period. My advice to any couples going through a tough time is to not under any circumstances compare your relationship to anything you think you’re seeing online or in the world. Aaron and I completely understand that romance can die, and die in a scary way, where you think it’s not going to come back. Make a conscious effort to lead with respect, which is easier said than done when you’re new parents, underslept and stretched so thin.
Is it hard to stay present when so much of your life is on camera?
The camera doesn’t change how I do things. I’m the same way whether I’m being recorded or not. That’s why I muddle up my words, they’re just flying off my tongue. That said, I’ve had to work at staying present with my kids. It doesn’t come naturally to me. When they want to do a jigsaw puzzle for example, the easy part is saying yes, but I have to make a conscious effort to sit down and bloody enjoy it. My instinct is to be in 100 other places in my head, whether it’s what I’m cooking for dinner, or replying to emails, or whatever it is that needs to be done. Being present is a discipline, it’s a muscle that needs building, and I’ve had to work at that.
Describe your perfect dinner party…
Hmmm… An open alfresco area with bifold doors going inside. I don’t know much about interior design, but I know about bifold doors, because I want them. Then I could be in the kitchen cooking, but still be able to see out and hear the party going. I’d want cool beats playing in the background, hip hop or funk or something chilled out like Erykah Badu. I’d make a communal feast with some of my mates helping out. We’d bring out big bowls of gorgeous food and people would be drinking gorgeous wine. It could be anytime of year. Summer, Winter, don’t care!
What can people expect from your upcoming book Confidence in the Kitchen?
It’s a collection of really easy recipes, but tasty, with beautiful imagery. It’s a happy book, one you can flick through and smile. You don’t have to be a wiz in the kitchen to follow the recipes. The point is to give you some spunk and vibe in the kitchen. It’s food that’s meant to be enjoyed with people and that’s enjoyable to make. That’s what food is all about for me. It’s about the experience.
Family Favourites
Activity or outing
Definitely movies. Colouring in. Nothing better than a fresh batch of play-dough. And cooking!
Sunday morning breakfast?
South Melbourne market to shop, coffee and a quick bite. Almost every Sunday we have my sister and her family over. She and I will cook up a storm while the kids play.
Date night?
We’re more into date days! We’re so tired at night and we just want to watch a movie and not talk. But date-days are great. A walk, a swim, just simple things together.
Desert island album?
If I could cheat and say my Spotify playlist…. Oh my God… This is the hardest question I’ve ever been asked… Okay… breathe… okay. Mama’s Gun by Erykah Badu.
Family getaway?
Torquay. We love love love the beach.
‘Confidence in the Kitchen’ will be available from all major retailers in June 2020. You can pre-order a copy here.
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20 Easy Diet Tips For Lazy Mother-F`ers
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Clean Out Your Cupboard Of All Refined Foods
A pantry (or food shelves) could save a great deal of crap over time. How many of us would discover sweet bars, crackers, chips, and also sugary grains if we cleared out our pantries. Mixes, canned products and various other refined foods typically aren't great for you. You must recognize exactly what you take into your body at all times, as well as any type of ingredient listing that has greater than five ingredients is possibly not a great selection for covert calories, and unhealthy fare.
Start Reading Labels
Know your components. Search for man-made components, excessive sodium, harmful fats, and various other items if you need to acquire foods in containers or packages. Leaving out top quality whey healthy proteins and meal substitute beverages, normally speaking, fresh entire foods are constantly healthier compared to tinned or packaged.
Shop the border of the grocery store store
To acquire whole foods, stay searching the boundary of the store. This is a great diet plan suggestion for anyone dieting, but additionally a terrific suggestion for any individual wanting to come to be healthier and not consume components they really did not imagine. Create, meats, fowl, dairy (yogurts) and whole-grain breads are constantly found on the boundary. (PS The bakery does not count!)
Frequent Farmers Markets On Weekends
Talk regarding fresh food. Large cities like L.A., Portland, Seattle, and also New York typically have numerous farmers markets throughout every week. In a location like L.A., it's year-round, and also not simply seasonal. Make the most of every little thing from fresh onions and potatoes to beets, apples, and other foods that you could learn how to incorporate right into your daily diet.
Take A Cooking Class
You may not be striving for a spot on Bravo TELEVISION's Top Chef, but you can discover how to expand your collection from wild rice bowls, yams and boiled hen breasts to beetroot salads, egg white as well as mushroom tarts, and a host of various other imaginative fare that will certainly have you grateful you cleansed all the black out of your kitchen and also began paying interest to what you eat.
Make Checklists Of The Finest Meals You have actually Eaten
Making lists of the ideal dishes you've consumed stimulates concepts - simply like logging your day-to-day food can assist you see just how bland your diet regimen truly is. It behaves to have a regular, however not when it obtains stagnant and also old as well as makes you intend to grab packaged foods and also points that keep you fat in the off-season. Keeping in mind the most effective dishes makes you choose ways to perk up meals.
Cook More Meals At Home
Eating out is the solitary biggest factor (behind eating packaged foods like crackers and also chips) for gaining unnecessary weight. You might desire to really feel like a "large male" in the off-season, yet not when you can not get to down and connect your personal footwear - or even worse, clean your very own butt! We understand numerous bodybuilders that cannot do either since they obtain so big in the off-season. Food preparation in the house indicates you save loan and also know exactly what you're eating.
Cook Healthy proteins On Sunday And also Wednesday Nights
Cook hen busts, grill steak, bake turkeys or any various other protein two evenings a week to make sure that you could pile them in a Tupperware container as well as maintain them in the refrigerator to reach for at any type of time. This will enable you to have a meal at the all set when you leave your house with 5 minutes to spare, or if you require to pack 3 or 4 meals for a day far from house. When chicken is perfectly experienced as well as barbecued, or you have a big brisket waiting for you when you get home, it's a wonderful means to stay off the chips and candy.
Cook Fresh Veggies And also Starches Everyday
Cooking proteins a couple times per week is sufficient, however you must always prepare your yams, broccoli, make salads and also prepare various other fresh fruit and vegetables on a day-to-day basis.
Eat At The Table, Out The Couch
Get out of the habit of eating while watching Damaging Negative, or Jeopardy. Consuming at a table away from the television triggers you to reduce your eating, and that maintains you from overeating. Consuming gradually implies your body stays in rate with its sense of "capacity" and also you can not overeat. You'll really feel complete as you normally get complete and won't make a pig of. None of us establishes out to gorge - generally anyhow - yet we discover ourselves there by eating rapidly and mindlessly.
Eat Before You Go To The Store, Motion pictures, Or Out
Candy counters and other rapid foods are appealing when you head out into the globe hungry. Require time to prepare a meal, consume it, then get back for your next one. You will certainly conserve a lot of cash, will certainly not be lured to treat and also could remain on track too in the off-season as when you diet. Take healthy snacks (fruit or rice cakes) to the films as well as miss the Milk Losers and Hershey's bars.
Make A Daily As well as Weekly Meal Plan
Intention is whatever. Equally as you enter into the gym recognizing you're mosting likely to educate legs as well as knowing specifically how you're mosting likely to approach your workouts - what workouts, weights, sets and reps - you should also understand exactly what you're mosting likely to eat each day before you ever consume it. This will certainly offer you the methods to attentively prepare foods.
Shop For Only Those Foods On Your Plan
Impulse buying is exactly what all grocers desire you to do. Go to the market with a checklist of just the healthy proteins, produce, and staples (such as rice, potatoes, milk, etc) that you need at one time. You will not over-buy and you will certainly stay on your meal plan.
Ditch The Milk And also Cheese, Add The Greek Yogurt
Some individuals simply won't do without milk, however milk and cheese have the tendency to trigger at least a movie on the body, otherwise a great deal of added swelling as well as mucous manufacturing within the body. Cheese and also milk are additionally loaded packed with fats you do not need. If you must by dairy, stay with non-fat ranges. Don't abandon Greek yogurt, however obtain the reduced- or no-fat level and include your very own fruits, or include yogurt to healthy protein shakes. It's one milk product you should not pass up!
Ditch The White And Go Brown
Ditch the white flour, white rice and white pasta - opt for whole wheat items instead. White items have such a high glycemic index that they surge insulin causing fat storage space a lot more easily. If you are the least little bit sensitive to carbs, aim to stick to unprocessed whites or browns, by choosing just brownish rice and also not flour or pasta.
Rid Your Diet regimen Of Standard White Sugar - Use Agave Nectar As well as Stevia
Cut out the white sugar. Professionals claim that your body doesn't recognize the difference in between honey, white sugar and also molasses or brown rice syrup, the glycemic index of all these foods varies. White sugar is additionally very refined. Like white rice versus brown rice, it excels to remove the white and go for brown rice syrup, Demerara sugar (natural walking cane) or any type of sugar that is unbleached. Reducing on sugar is a smart idea also, however if this is all you can do, it's a better choice for insulin response.
Ease Up On Sodium
In the off-season, we have the tendency to period things freely. From salt to MSG to soy sauce, and also other salt blends, we pour it on due to the fact that we aren't weight loss. Yet sodium over causes hypertension, which could create significant illness. Excessive sodium likewise bloats us. Aim to make use of a range of sea salts, with a little iodized once in a while. If you consume beans, cook them in the crock pot and do your very own spices, forgoing canned products that contain a whole lot.
Substitute Monounsaturated And Polyunsaturated Fats For Trans Fats And Saturated Fats
Most professionals agree that hydrogenated fats raise levels of LDL (" negative") cholesterol in the blood, which could harm the heart and also arteries.
How? I'll surrender cheese. (Keep in mind, this is simply for a week!) It is, by much, the most significant resource of hydrogenated fat in my diet plan, given that I do not consume much butter or meat or numerous fried foods as well as I drink low-fat milk. I'll make use of healthy and balanced fats instead of cheese (avocado in my burritos as well as almond butter on my toast) to assist keep me satisfied.
Change Your Crunch
No much more crackers and potato chips. Opt for raw veggies, such as carrot sticks, jicama, celery, broccoli, green, red and also yellow peppers, raw beetroots, as well as any kind of veggie in the fruit and vegetables section that is cold, crispy as well as has a great deal of taste. Make the effort to cut up veggies on a Monday morning, and also treat on them all week. Keep them in a bowl of ice water to keep them fresh (and also wilt-free) in the refrigerator.
Eat Fewer Big meals And also Choose Little Ones
Eat 6 small meals daily, in contrast to 3 huge ones as well as you'll get the same number of calories, however will not develop fatigue (from eating way too much) fat storage, or insulin spikes. And also, your body can just utilize so numerous grams of healthy proteins, carbohydrates and fats at one time. Excess of any of these can be stored as fat despite how healthy and balanced you eat.
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phynxrizng · 7 years
Astrology Cafe Daily Astrology ABOUT TODAY DAILY MONTHLY CHART You are here: Home / Daily Astrology / Astrology of Today – Tuesday, November 28, 2017 Astrology of Today – Tuesday, November 28, 2017 Nov 27, 2017 by Annie Leave a Comment  The Moon is in Pisces until 11:30 AM, after which the Moon is in Aries. The Moon is waxing and in its First Quarter phase. The First Quarter Moon occurred on the 26th and the Full Moon will occur on December 3. Mercury is in its pre-retrograde shadow (Mercury will be retrograde from December 3-22). **Times are Eastern Standard Time (EST). Horoscopes Aries  Aries You tend to keep to yourself in the first half of the day, dear Aries. This is an excellent time for letting go of frustrations and tension, especially with a Mars-Neptune connection helping you wind down. It’s an imaginative time, as well. Retreating a little from mainstream activities so that you can regroup on an emotional level makes sense now if you can manage it. The Moon moves into your sign just before noon, and emotions surface, feeling urgent. These desires will pass, often as quickly as they came on in the first place, but pay attention to which ones remain. You’re bound to feel more get up and go now. You may not know where you’re headed just yet, but there is good energy for exploration and discovery. No longer content to take the back seat, you are ready to take action. People are valuing the very qualities that come naturally to you today, and this can subtly boost your popularity. Taurus  Taurus You might enjoy others’ company more than usual in the first half of the day, dear Taurus. Casual communicating works well now. You want to share thoughts with others rather than feel the burden of all the decision making. Doing favors for people in your life may be a good way to express yourself at the moment, particularly with a Mars-Neptune parallel that encourages contributing, helping, and generosity. Shortly before noon, the Moon moves into your solar twelfth house for a couple of days, making it a good time for reflecting on your personal life, particularly with your future in mind. This is a signal from the cosmos to take things easy, or easier than you have been recently, in preparation for a new cycle that will begin with the Moon enters your sign on Thursday afternoon. You are attracted to activities that help you relax and take a load off. It’s an excellent time for regrouping and refreshing, but not the best for getting noticed. Gemini  Gemini In the first half of the day, Gemini, you’re more aware than usual of your responsibilities and performance. As such, the sooner you meet your obligations, the more emotionally satisfied and calm you’ll feel. You may be moved to take charge or situations put you in the position of leader. Just before midday, the Moon moves into your social sector, and the need for non-competitive outlets for self-expression emerges. In fact, the less expected of you, the more naturally you contribute, share, and connect with others. You’re likely to find the remainder of the day gently stimulating. While you crave action, you’re also seeking creative and imaginative outlets. You enjoy the feedback you receive from others, which tends to jumpstart your own thinking processes. You are likely to want to keep busy and connected today — a welcome break after a day of taking things quite seriously. Cancer  Cancer The first half of the day favors spontaneous expression, dear Cancer, although it can take a bit of time to loosen up after a Mercury-Saturn alignment. Honesty is charming and winning now. Ultimately, it frees you from unnecessary guilt. Look to others or different schools of thought for a different, fresh perspective on your life. By midday, the Moon will have moved into your career and reputation sector, and others’ expectations tend to pull you in a particular direction. You may be more aware of the rules, and you tend to want to put in the necessary effort to make life a little more orderly. You’re experiencing more “get up and go” related to business, finances, or career. You’re likely to feel proud of your performance now, or you’re motivated to do your best. Leo  Leo With the Moon in your solar eighth house, thinking, journaling, or ruminating can get you into better touch with your inner needs, wants, and motivations, dear Leo. Until midday, you’re likely to gravitate towards quiet, healing activities, after which you’ll want to pull yourself up and out. As the Moon moves into fellow Fire sign, Aries, you feel the need to feed your spirit, and a Mars-Neptune parallel can help nudge you towards activities that do so. Larger issues come into play, and you are prompted to think about your bigger goals and plans. Doors can open in your life for personal growth opportunities, and a broad mind is a prerequisite. This is a good time for finding inspiration through something you read or experience. Virgo  Virgo There may have been some heavy thinking or serious food for thought, dear Virgo, and now you’re ready to relax a little and get perspective. A partnership or friendship deserves some special attention in the first half of the day, especially. This is a strong day for bonding with someone, especially if you are tuning into nonverbal cues. In the second half of the day, the Moon is now moving through your solar eighth house, and you seek out a real connection with someone or a project. You’re drawn to activities that absorb you. This two-day transit is beneficial, as you can learn a lot about yourself and others through observation. Today, you might have a significant memory or personal revelation that motivates you. Libra  Libra You continue to focus on the details of your life and getting things into order in the first half of the day, dear Libra, and this leads to a stronger sense of purposefulness. Just before midday, the Moon moves into your partnership sector, and this tends to bring you into a more sociable mood, or one in which you’d prefer to share your ideas or activities with someone. As well, a Mars-Neptune parallel points to a greater need to be supportive and helpful. This is a time in which establishing balance in your life is a stronger focus. There are times to go solo, and there are times to be with others, and today’s energies favor the latter. Others may challenge you, but they also make you a little stronger. Teamwork is especially favored in the second half of the day. Scorpio  Scorpio The Moon continues to transit your creative and romantic sector in the first half of today, dear Scorpio, and you’re likely in the mood for some special attention or recognition for your more unique qualities. This is not the time for blending in. You are displaying more confidence, vitality, and optimism. Just before noon, the Moon moves into your work and health sector, and you become more sensitive to details that may be out of whack. A focus on daily routines or details can be comforting. Taking care of business or chores can sometimes help take the pressure off overthinking other areas of your life, and that’s likely the case today. You tend to go out of your way to support or help others. Sagittarius  Sagittarius There is some caution or introspection to the first half of the day, Sagittarius, and you’re inclined to set priorities and enjoy simple activities. You don’t feel any pressure to push or reach beyond boundaries, and this is useful to you now. You’ll crave more emotional involvement with the rest of the world in the second half of the day, however. The Moon moves into your creativity sector, and tensions might be released through creative, entertaining activities. Pulling yourself away from problems or a tendency to overthink can sometimes give you a better perspective. You can feel especially inspired by family and friends now. Capricorn  Capricorn The Moon in your communications sector this morning stimulates a desire to communicate, connect, and collect information, dear Capricorn. Stay flexible and be spontaneous if you feel right about something in your gut. There can be a nice feeling of camaraderie with a partner or friend. In fact, today is excellent for supporting and helping others. With the Moon moving into your home and family sector towards midday, find familiar, comforting activities that help build confidence from the ground up. Focus on tending to your domestic or personal needs. This Moon position can encourage you to back away from problems coming from the outside world so that you can see them from a better perspective. Today and the next couple of days are good for feeling rooted and secure, but you won’t necessarily be content unless you accomplish something productive, so aim to meditate in motion now. Aquarius  Aquarius You are more inclined to stick with the familiar than to venture out looking for new experiences early today, dear Aquarius. Even so, you could be feeling close to someone who seems to be sharing the same values as you or who looks to you with particular respect. You benefit from a pleasing sense of clarity or a hook on reality that boosts your feelings that what you’ve been recently doing has been worthwhile. Just before noon, you enter a more curious lunar period, and it’s now time for branching out and entertaining new possibilities. Reaching out to others can be rewarding. You are coming across as articulate and intelligent, and others respond positively. You’re radiating good, calm energy now. Pisces  Pisces The Moon in your sign until shortly before noon tends to magnify your emotions, sometimes at the cost of reason, dear Pisces. However, this is an important time for getting in touch with your emotional wants and needs, keeping in mind that they may seem a bit larger than life for now. In the second half of the day, your emotional requirements don’t appear as urgent. It’s a good time for reminding yourself of what you already have in your life, and for finding ways to appreciate these things. You begin to fill up with more patience. You’re inclined to play it safe on an emotional level, and this is an essential exercise as you work on making your life more comfortable and secure. Life no longer feels like a pressure cooker, and a Mars-Neptune connection today helps you wind down, as well. You benefit from reasonable pacing now. * Remember to read horoscopes for your Ascendant sign and Sun sign. If you don’t know your Ascendant sign (and you know your birth time), you can look it up here. If Your Birthday is November 28th, If Today is Your Birthday full horoscope here. Astrology of Today – The Details: If you’re astrologically inclined and interested in the details of the Astrology of today, here are some of the factors considered in the forecasts (for the astrology of the week, see This Week in Astrology): aa   Date & Time: Nov 28 2017 11:30 am Event: Moon enters Aries Description: The Moon in Aries We are itching to take action and to pioneer something. All things equal, this is a time to begin new projects. Exercise patience and selflessness where possible, but embrace Aries’ courage and directness. Look out for new opportunities. Date & Time: Nov 28 2017 7:08 am Event: Moon goes void of course Date & Time: Nov 28 2017 1:11 am Event: Tr-Tr Mon Cnj Chi Description: Transiting Moon Conjunction Transiting Chiron There can be events or memories that trigger feelings of rejection or loss. There can be new or easy understanding of our feelings and impressions now. We have a greater understanding of, or compassion for, others’ plights. We are more emotionally present and involved, but also quite vulnerable. Synchronicity is a feature of our daily lives now. Tune in and enjoy the spiritual signposts. Date & Time: Nov 28 2017 3:20 am Event: Tr-Tr Mon Sqq Jup Description: Transiting Moon SesquiSquare Transiting Jupiter Time to show some restraint. Grandiosity is not appealing. Neither is excess. Practice self-control. Self-indulgence is more likely now. We’re not as inclined to consider the consequences of over-eating, over-drinking, or overdoing in general. We may be acting in a haughty manner. Date & Time: Nov 28 2017 4:41 am Event: Tr-Tr Mon Tri Ven Description: Transiting Moon Trine Transiting Venus We are less inhibited and more willing to indulge ourselves. Love and romance can be favorable. Decorating, beauty treatments, the arts, creative pursuits, parties, dates, and recreation are generally favored now. There is increased sensitivity, affection, and warmth. Love is grand! Affection, love, and romance are in the air. Date & Time: Nov 28 2017 6:55 am Event: Tr-Tr Mon Sqr Sat Description: Transiting Moon Square Transiting Saturn We could feel burdened, restricted, or limited during this brief influence. We could be feeling a little down on ourselves, excluded, or lonely. There can be some awkwardness or stiffness and difficulty showing affection and feelings. It’s important to be patient now. Date & Time: Nov 28 2017 7:08 am Event: Tr-Tr Mon Sqr Mer Description: Transiting Moon Square Transiting Mercury We may not be communicating with sensitivity. What we communicate could misrepresent what we truly feel. There could be troubles with mechanics, computers, transportation, and miscommunications. We may not be understanding one another. We can be a little fickle and not especially objective. Think before you speak. Otherwise, misunderstandings are likely to occur. Count to ten if you’re feeling annoyed. Date & Time: Nov 28 2017 11:30 am Event: Tr-Tr Mon Cnj Ari Description: Transiting Moon Entering Aries We are itching to take action and to pioneer something. All things equal, this is a time to begin new projects. Exercise patience and selflessness where possible, but embrace Aries’ courage and directness. Look out for new opportunities. Date & Time: Nov 28 2017 3:15 pm Event: Tr-Tr Mon Sqq Cer Description: Transiting Moon SesquiSquare Transiting Ceres There may be difficulties giving or receiving affection, care, concern, and nurturing. Date & Time: Nov 28 2017 4:45 pm Event: Tr-Tr Mon Sqq Nod Description: Transiting Moon SesquiSquare Transiting North Node There may be the need to pause to adjust things before moving plans forward. We could feel at odds with others on an emotional level. Public relations are not as favorable now. Date & Time: Nov 28 2017 9:31 pm Event: Tr-Tr Mon Cpl Chi Description: Transiting Moon ContraParallel Transiting Chiron Date & Time: Nov 28 2017 11:25 pm Event: Tr-Tr Mon Qnx Ves Description: Transiting Moon Quincunx Transiting Vesta Date & Time: Nov 28 2017 1:58 am Event: Tr-Tr Mer Cnj Sat Description: Transiting Mercury Conjunction Transiting Saturn Rational and logical thinking. Concentration and focus. Organization. Serious communication. Agreeable solitude. Date & Time: Nov 28 2017 5:13 pm Event: Tr-Tr Ven Qnx Pal Description: Transiting Venus Quincunx Transiting Pallas We might experience a moral dilemma now, or find it difficult to find a way to interact peacefully and fairly with one another. It may seem impossible to arrive at a suitable compromise. Date & Time: Nov 28 2017 5:10 pm Event: Tr-Tr Mar Pll Nep Description: Transiting Mars Parallel Transiting Neptune Strong Signs, Elements, Modes BALANCE OF SIGNS ARIES STRONG Initiating, pioneering energy. Independent, bold, courageous, assertive, fiery, inspirational, direct, decisive. Can be egotistical, impulsive, impatient, aggressive, lacking subtlety. SCORPIO STRONG Intense, magnetic, penetrating perception, power to confront. Can be destructive, vengeful, jealous, overly dramatic. SAGITTARIUS STRONG Inspiring, broad vision, enthusiastic, goal seeking, truthful, adventurous. Can be reckless, unrestrained, tactless. BALANCE OF ELEMENTS FIRE STRONG Fire is enthusiastic, dynamic, and spontaneous, but lacks reflection. We are more courageous and adventurous now, with a tendency to act before thinking. There is little concern about what happened in the past. We are competitive and possibly impatient or bored easily. EARTH WEAK There can be a lack of desire, interest, or skills regarding practical affairs. We may not be very much in touch with reality. Difficulties concentrating, grounding ourselves. AIR WEAK We may have a difficult time being objective or detached. We may not be especially communicative. BALANCE OF MODES The modes are balanced. LUNAR PHASE: FIRST QUARTER Moon from 90 to 135 degrees ahead of the Sun. We are motivated to take action, perhaps due to a clash, conflict, or stress, as we are more aware of problems and differences now. Plans are beginning to take off or turn a corner. We should watch for pushing too hard. The following aspects (major only) and positions are at noon (EST) on November 28th: Note that when an aspect is applying, it has not yet happened but is within orb – it’s pending. When an aspect is separating, it has already happened/perfected and is moving away from the aspect. Depending on the speed of the planet/body involved, the aspect will have perfected–or will perfect–in a matter of hours (often the case with the Moon), days, months, and possibly years in the case of the very slow-moving outer planets and bodies. Note that the Moon moves at a rate of approximately one degree every 2 hours so that if an aspect involving the Moon is applying and has an orb of 5 degrees, the aspect will perfect (be exact) in about 10 hours. If the Moon is separating from an aspect with an orb of 2 degrees, it has already formed said aspect approximately 4 hours ago (since the following are positions at noon today, then it would have occurred at about 8 AM today). **I suggest paying close attention to applying aspects. The energy of the aspect builds as it gets closer to exact. Once an aspect involving inner planets has happened, it’s over. Separating aspects are good to know for context, but in terms of energy that is with us today, applying aspects are most important. (This is the case for daily astrology influences involving inner planets, which pass quickly, and not natal astrology aspects, which are with us for a lifetime). THE MOON THE MOON IN ARIES We are itching to take action and to pioneer something. All things equal, this is a time to begin new projects. Exercise patience and selflessness where possible, but embrace Aries’ courage and directness. Look for new opportunities. 1ST DEGREE OF ARIES Part of Body: Cerebrum Sabian Symbol: A woman has risen out of the ocean, a seal is embracing her. ASPECTS OF THE MOON TRINE THE SUN Orb 6°22′ Applying We are supportive, cooperative, open, genuine, and more relaxed than usual. SQUARE MERCURY Orb 2°32′ Separating It’s difficult to make decisions now as emotional needs and wants tend to conflict with what we feel are the most logical choices. Judgment may be skewed by emotions or personal bias. TRINE VENUS Orb 3°38′ Separating We tend to seek out harmony, balance, and beauty. Love, romance, decorating, beauty treatments, the arts, creative pursuits, parties, dates, and recreation are generally favored now. There is increased sensitivity, affection, and warmth, but there could also be some appeasement, tact, and diplomacy. SQUARE SATURN Orb 2°46′ Separating We could feel burdened, restricted, or limited during this brief influence. We could be feeling a little down on ourselves, excluded, or lonely. There can be some awkwardness or stiffness and difficulty showing affection and feelings. Patience is important now. CONJUNCTION CHIRON Orb 5°56′ Separating This is a time when we may be taking care of others, sympathetic to their needs, and aware of our own vulnerabilities as well. There can be events or memories that trigger feelings of rejection or loss. There can be new or easy understanding of our feelings and impressions now. We have a greater understanding of, or compassion for, others’ plights. We are more emotionally present and involved, but also quite vulnerable. THE SUN THE SUN IN SAGITTARIUS You are a sunny and adventurous individual. You are optimistic and philosophical, and may tend to bluntness. 7TH DEGREE OF SAGITTARIUS Part of Body: Right superior femoral artery Sabian Symbol: Cupid knocking at the door. ASPECTS OF THE SUN SQUARE NEPTUNE Orb 4°49′ Applying This a time for dreaming rather than important decision-making. It’s a good time to pay special attention to dreams and inspiration. Clarity may not be with us, but we probably don’t need it right now. It’s difficult to know for certain what we want, as we may be wavering. MERCURY MERCURY IN SAGITTARIUS You seek knowledge to expand your world view. You are a born philosopher, enjoying any information which helps you see the big picture. For instance you may enjoy a religious debate. You place importance on freedom of speech and thought. 28TH DEGREE OF SAGITTARIUS Part of Body: Right leg muscles Sabian Symbol: An old bridge over a beautiful stream. ASPECTS OF MERCURY CONJUNCTION SATURN Orb 0°13′ Separating You have a logical mind. As a child you were shy and unable to express your opinions. As an adult you will become a voice of authority. TRINE URANUS Orb 2°39′ Separating We are mentally alert and aware, and might be experimenting or opening our minds to new ideas. We could be feeling inspired, and our thinking is inventive. Varying our usual routine may be rewarding. SQUARE CHIRON Orb 3°23′ Separating There can be insecurity about our own ideas or decisions, or we may not know who/what to believe. Words, or lack of, can hurt right now. There is greater sensitivity to what is being said, choice of words, and syntax. VENUS VENUS IN SCORPIO You have an intense need for relationships. You will also be intense once in a relationship. You will want to know your partner’s innermost thoughts and yet you may have a tendency to secrecy. 27TH DEGREE OF SCORPIO Part of Body: Anus Sabian Symbol: A military band on the march. ASPECTS OF VENUS TRINE CHIRON Orb 2°17′ Separating Opportunities for relationships or socializing can arise now. Interactions are open, warm, and supportive of growth. MARS MARS IN LIBRA You have a strong desire for diplomacy and justice, and a strong creative urge. You may become indecisive when opposed. 24TH DEGREE OF LIBRA Part of Body: Blood vessels of renal cortex Sabian Symbol: A third wing on the left side of a butterfly. ASPECTS OF MARS OPPOSITION URANUS Orb 1°46′ Applying You enjoy the excitement of conflict and challenge. You can be arrogant or charming and do well in selling. Be careful with dangerous sports as you can be accident prone. QUINCUNX CHIRON Orb 1°02′ Applying We might doubt the effectiveness of our efforts to go after what we want under this influence, which can lead to passive-aggressive behavior, defensiveness, or frustration. JUPITER JUPITER IN SCORPIO You are on an intense search for the truth. You have strong desires for sexual union and joint enterprises. You could be a transformative teacher. 11TH DEGREE OF SCORPIO Part of Body: Penis, Labia majora Sabian Symbol: A drowning man rescued. ASPECTS OF JUPITER TRINE NEPTUNE Orb 0°52′ Applying You are artistic and may also be religious. You have a need to help others and may feel you have a calling. You have the ability to inspire other people’s talents as well. SATURN SATURN IN SAGITTARIUS Saturn in Sagittarius asks us to take on the responsibility of living according to our personal truths and principles — and to be loyal to these. This is a time for turning a critical eye to those beliefs and principles that don’t accurately reflect our authentic selves. (December 23, 2014, to June 14, 2015, then September 17, 2015, to December 20, 2017) 28TH DEGREE OF SAGITTARIUS Part of Body: Right leg muscles Sabian Symbol: An old bridge over a beautiful stream. ASPECTS OF SATURN TRINE URANUS Orb 2°25′ Separating You have a talent for investigation. You look at new ideas and are able then to put them into action. In business you achieve much in your own independent way. SQUARE CHIRON Orb 3°09′ Separating There can be fears now of not being competent or effective enough to meet our responsibilities, or we could find it hard to strike out on a unique path, again due to fears or insecurities. The desire to break from the status quo is strong, but we may not have the necessary confidence to do so. We may have difficulties empathizing with others and understanding ourselves. URANUS URANUS IN ARIES The urge to start fresh, to break free from restrictive attitudes or circumstances, to totally redesign an area of our lives (or even our personalities), and to gain freedom through independence is strong during this cycle. (May 27, 2010, to August 13, 2010, then March 11th, 2011, to May 15, 2018, then November 6, 2018, to March 6, 2019). 26TH DEGREE OF ARIES Part of Body: Skull Sabian Symbol: A man possessed of more gifts than he can hold. NEPTUNE NEPTUNE IN PISCES A long-term influence in which fantasy, imagination, compassion, and spirituality are in stronger focus. (April 4, 2011, to August 4, 2011, then February 3, 2012, to March 30, 2025, then October 22, 2025, to January 26, 2026) 12TH DEGREE OF PISCES Part of Body: Plantar artery of right foot Sabian Symbol: An examination of initiates. PLUTO PLUTO IN CAPRICORN Tests of our boundaries; breaking down and rebuilding structures and rules. (From January 25, 2008, to June 14, 2008, then November 26, 2008, to March 23, 2023, then June 11, 2023, to January 20, 2024, then September 1, 2024, to November 19, 2024). 18TH DEGREE OF CAPRICORN Part of Body: Ligaments of right knee Sabian Symbol: The union jack flies from a new british destroyer Chiron, Major Asteroids, and Moon’s Nodes: in Sign and in Aspect CHIRON CHIRON IN PISCES Strong awareness of our own vulnerabilities and humanity stimulates compassion for others. (April 20 to July 20, 2010, then February 8, 2011, to April 17, 2018, then September 25, 2018, to February 18, 2019). 25TH DEGREE OF PISCES Part of Body: Left distal tibio-fibular joint Sabian Symbol: The purging of the priesthood. VESTA IN SCORPIO You are intensely committed to your work. Dedication and the ability to focus are keys to your work. Sexual morals may feature strongly as you seek to either break existing sexual mores or repress sexual urges behind a strict code of ethics. 7TH DEGREE OF SCORPIO Part of Body: Left epididymus, right Fallopian tube Sabian Symbol: Deep-sea divers. PALLAS PALLAS IN ARIES You have a keen intellect with the ability to come up with exciting, new ideas. You are also happy to risk putting your new ideas into action. 27TH DEGREE OF ARIES Part of Body: Fornix/frontal bone Sabian Symbol: Through imagination, a lost opportunity is regained. JUNO JUNO IN CAPRICORN You want a partner who you can respect, and who respects you. You seek long-term commitment and may marry later in life. 24TH DEGREE OF CAPRICORN Part of Body: Muscle insertions of upper to lower legs Sabian Symbol: A woman entering a convent. CERES CERES IN LEO You feel cared for when other people play with you and praise you. You like to show others you care for them by encouraging their creative talents and sense of fun. 18TH DEGREE OF LEO Part of Body: Right cardiac cavity Sabian Symbol: A chemist conducts an experiment before his students. THE NORTH NODE THE NORTH NODE IN LEO This a quest to develop your inner strength. You may find that you experience times of loneliness. These times are part of your lesson to forge your own creative life in order to give generously to the world. 18TH DEGREE OF LEO Part of Body: Right cardiac cavity Sabian Symbol: A chemist conducts an experiment before his students. THE SOUTH NODE THE SOUTH NODE IN AQUARIUS This a quest to develop your inner strength. You may find that you experience times of loneliness. These times are part of your lesson to forge your own creative life in order to give generously to the world. 18TH DEGREE OF AQUARIUS Part of Body: Spinal nervous system Sabian Symbol: A man unmasked. *** CONJUNCTIONS TO SELECT FIXED STARS *** Transits 28 November 2017 Aspects to Mar 23°Li17 -08°03′ Cnj 24°Li05 SPICA*** The potential for brilliance. Aspects to Plu 17°Cp44 -21°45′ Cnj 16°Cp52 RUKBAT Steadiness and strength. Aspects to SNo 17°Aq55 -15°27′ Cnj 17°Aq37 SUALOCIN Tantalising but naive.  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Email Address Email Address Subscribe Current Planetary Positions 11/28/2017 10:23:47 AM Sun 06° Sagittarius 42' 54" Moon 01° Aries 02' 53" Mercury 27° Sagittarius 45' 58" Venus 26° Scorpio 42' 32" Mars 23° Libra 19' 54" Jupiter 10° Scorpio 36' 28" Saturn 27° Sagittarius 30' 31" Uranus 25° Aries 04' 16" R Neptune 11° Pisces 28' 35" Pluto 17° Capricorn 44' 29" Chiron 24° Pisces 20' 14" R TrueNode 17° Leo 55' 22" R Subscribe to Blog via Email Enter your email address to subscribe to this blog and receive notifications of new posts by email. Email Address Email Address Subscribe Categories  Archives  November 2017 M T W T F S S « Oct 1 2 3 4 5 6 7 8 9 10 11 12 13 14 15 16 17 18 19 20 21 22 23 24 25 26 27 28 29 30 Copyright © 2017 · Astrology Cafe by Cafe Astrology
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roaddraw-blog · 7 years
Road Draw
Kids Traffic Racer Games
Android is liked by the majority of consumers due to various reasons, however it places first due to the wide range of games offered by it. Individuals who are addicted to playing games tend to be biased towards it since they understand what they can experience by utilizing it. Even though there are a variety of games on the Google Play, but it will become difficult to experience all of them and then download the best out of the lot. So here we help you with the list of Top 10 Android games made to offer you promising adventure.
1. Modern Combat 4: Zero Hour:
Modern Combat is your no. 1 activity First-Person Shooter match for android and is back with its fourth installment in which some elite soldiers should track down and save the world leaders out of a deadly terrorist group. Its stunning graphics and gameplay have pushed the boundaries of mobile gaming and will certainly blow you away.
2. Grand Theft Auto III: Liberty City:
The famous GTA series that have ruled the open-world gaming genre is now on your smartphone to take you on a journey of a brawler who would push the limits to have the famed Liberty City. An wonderful story and gameplay together with endless possibilities supplied by its free ramble surroundings.
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3. Temple Run: Oz:
Temple Run already rules the Google Play gaming market famous for the addictive nature of its endless run. This new edition by Disney provides exactly the Exact Same and more inspired by Temple Run 2 along with the movie Oz that the Greatest and Powerful. A must have in your android smartphone.
4. Angry Birds Space Premium:
The famed Angry Birds series which stood as the best mobile game of the year for 2012 is back with another installment of anger and burst. This time the birds burst into space to slap on the damned piggies. Watch out 'cause the levels become harder and adventurous. So, tighten your seat belts and blast off to the amazing journey through space.
5. Asphalt 7: Heat:
The Racing game lovers have great news 'cause the most famed Asphalt series is back with their 7th cellular racer in Heat, the latest and greatest ever in the franchise. Newest cars with quickest engines and visually magnificent gameplay are a treat. A Must have for all racer lovers.
6. Bladeslinger:
An excellent 3D action brawler, Bladeslinger has excellent visuals and a fast paced gameplay. You perform as William Glaston that has returned to his hometown to face an ancient evil. The game is created solely for high-end gaming cellular devices.
7. Cut the Rope: Time Travel HD:
If you enjoyed Cut the Rope, then you'll love the new Cut the Rope: Time Travel just 'cause it's the same fun to play sport with added elements of time-travelling, candy crunching and assorted physics puzzles. In each level you two monsters to feed which is twice the pleasure.
8. Drag Racing: Bike Edition:
Drag Racing: Bike Edition is a racer which requires you to have great knowledge about the transmission, braking, power and several other features of a bike engine and is purely for racer fans. The sport offers accurate physical gameplay which is fairly realistic.
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9. Hill Climb Racing:
Hill Climb Racing is a 2D mountain racing game in which you play as Newton Bill, an aspiring uphill racer. Drive through rocky landscapes without flipping over and conquer the greatest slopes on the moon. It is possible to upgrade your vehicle engine, tires, suspension, etc., . gaining things and collecting coins. An enjoyable and challenging addictive sport.
10. Ruzzle:
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Ruzzle is an enjoyable puzzle established word game with gameplay that is fast-paced. In the game you may challenge your buddies or can have an opponent selected randomly. A fun game to pass your time with.
Rati Soni is a complete time freelance content writer located at Pune, Maharashtra- India. She's a thorough professional with deep interests in content writing, online media and blogging. All of her work is exceptional and business specific. Her area of specialization is company development, Human Resource management, Spiritual, Home and family, recreation & sports and a Lot More
D.I.R.T. is the most recent release of code pros take on the Colin McRae rally games. D.I.R.T. as the name suggests is an all new style in the show with complete HD graphics. That is not to mention that fans will be let down in the sport. D.I.R.T. veers a fantastic bit further into arcade land than earlier games, but is still a blast to drive, and some truly stunning graphics.
You will find have been lots of driving games which appear impressive, but very few live up to the HD visuals on screen in D.I.R.T. the sport is a standard in second generation racers in track design, auto, and damage modeling. The cars are beautifully rendered, highly detailed models that appear so real you can even observe the brake calipers functioning. You are able to loose the majority of your body components like auto's side skirts, wheels, hood, exhaust, loads of things. The tracks are only as beautiful in the monsoon riddled mountains of Japan to the dry desserts of Australia, to the tarmac rallies of Italy, and the country roads of the UK.
All these fantastic visuals come at a cost, however, the frame rate suffers occasionally and I detected slow-down on a few races, especially on tracks with numerous cars on the track. So expect some performance problems unless your running a top of the line pc slow-down isn't as far as the 360 version but nevertheless is bothersome.
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One problem with D.I.R.T is the multiplayer lacks a great deal of the game modes there's only hill-climb and rally. The regular way of internet play can be found your dumped in a lobby with a choice of servers you then vote on a monitor. You can not pick a vehicle that you want just random all the time that is disappointing.
When you stop staring at the graphics you are presented with six game modes such as, rally, and rally cross, hill climb. Crossover, time strike and rally help. The game does a fantastic job in relieving you into these modes explained by Travis Pastrana in the onset of an event.
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Realistic damage does occur a lot but the sport still has an arcade feel to it. But this does not by no means make this easy once you get past the first couple of events things really get tough The handling is somewhat mild and may feel as though your not around the trail a bit.
I took some time to compose a simple list about all the Wii games which are compatible with all the Wii Balance Board (Wii Fit Board). Most of them are already published, a few will be by early next year. Additionally, I included a small summery for each of the games.
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1. All Star Cheer Squad - basically you have to play a cheerleader who moves upward to become the head cheerleader. Start of as the newcomer who must try out for even getting accepted into the group. The more you play the game the more advanced routines you are going to learn. You're able to play with career mode or miniature game mode style.
2. Academy Of Champions: Soccer - the tile says it all, a match essentially for boys who love soccer. This name includes 12 mini games. Or play with the story line to fight against a football academy. Try to make your team win the tournament.
3. Avatar - the game to the upcoming film Avatar. The film is by James Cameron. The game is an activity based adventure game, which occurs at an alien planet. Will be released at the conclusion of November.
4. Daisy Fuentes Pilates - a fantastic workout sport not just for most of the pilates lovers, but also people in general who need to improve their position and do a bit more exercise without going to the gym. This game comprises 10 pilates routines. There are 5 pre set routines and 5 customizable ones. The game starts at the level of novices, but will go up in difficulty to advanced. You can play this game in English or Spanish. The commentator is Daisy Fuentes that can guide you all the way with her great tips in areas like health and fitness.
5. DanceDance Revolution Hottest Party 3 - a sequel to the DanceDance Revolution games. You can either play with the dancing pad or as the name of the article says, together with the Wii Balance Board. The game could be played in workout mode, story mode, lesson style or kids mode. This rhythmic game is the best one before now, because all the previous titles did not incorporate the Wii Balance Board. It includes also over 50 tracks of audio.
6. Diva Girls- Divas On Ice - a great girlie game who wish to try out as ice princesses. There is a career mode accessible, but also mini games. Defiantly a match for girls for the age of 8+.
7. Doctor Fizzwhizzle's Animal Rescue - a sport where you need to advance in stages to rescue creatures. A arcade type of game. You've got more than 180 levels to play and can save 60 different creatures. It includes also a kids manner with quizzes about animals.
8. Don King Boxing - a boxing game where you step into the ring to fight against the best fighters in actual venues like Madison Square Garden or Boardwalk Hall. See if you're able to make it to the very best - in career mode. This is among the best rated games of this year. You should try this sport, even if you are not too much into boxing. This provides you the workout of a gym, but still makes it fun to playwith. Has a teenager rating.
9. EA Sports Lively More Workouts - This is the sequel to the EA Sports Active Personal Trainer game which was released about a year ago. One of the highest rated Wii gym games. You can use the Wii Balance Board, the Wii remote and Nunchuk to play with this game. This game provides 35 new exercises that target the whole body. More Workouts is designed to be played in the winter as it focuses on warm-weather games like flying, jet skiing and rafting. It also keeps players motivated with a 6-week-challenge that tracks the players advancement.
10. EA Sports Active Personal Trainer - This was probably the most successful game for the Wii Balance Board. You can play sports like running, basket ball, volley ball, roller skating, boxing, baseball, dance, and many other games. This game comprises a rubber watertight band for muscle workouts and a pouch for running and running. If you would like to play this game with a friend you can get the gear also separately. Subscribe to the 30 day battle using its 20 minute workouts to get into shape. This game can make your living space into a fitness center without the need of leaving the house.
11. Move Play Circus Star - Proceed try out to become the best circus performer. Perform in career mode and play stage-by-stage or play miniature games. The majority of the games within this title are harmonious with the Wii Balance Board. Among three matches of the Go Play series.
12. Go Play City Sports - Another among the Go Play series. Play six road games like stick ball, kickball, road hockey and football. In career mode You need to stand up for your self and become the very best athlete of your road. A fun and casual game for the entire family.
13. Proceed Play Lumberjacks - The last one of this Go Play series. This name takes you to the outside where you can play five different event categories. In every one of those classes you compete against three other players. One of the enjoyable games is defiantly the water log game where you have to balance on a log.
14. Gold's Gym Cardio Workout - Another great physical fitness title. What makes this game unique it that when you purchase it, you get a free one week trial at any Gold match. In the game your workout is chosen according to your own fitness level. So that you do not need to worry that you will not be able to maintain. Contains boxing, running, rope jumping and several other sports.
15. Imagine Fashion Party - A sport for all of the women who like to live the world of fashion. Contains office mode where you play a designer which get challenged by difficult clients. Or try and be a make-up artist and fashion your versions until they hit the runway. You can also own your own TV show just like the one from Heidi Klum. This game also allows you to share pictures through the Wii Wifi connection.
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16. Picture Party Babyz - For all of you who love the adorable baby games like baby food casting, dancing and hula hoop. Hill Climb Race There are more than 30 fun mini games to play. Or go for the career mode where you're in charge of a daycare centre.
17. Jillian Michaels Fitness Ultimatum 2009 - One of the popular exercise games for your Wii. This is a boot-camp-style sport that focuses on four workout types: weight reduction, intervals, mountain rise and strength training. The same as in real life the match starts with warm-up, keeps you in your target zone to burn calories and simmer for extending. It even includes a competitive mode in which you play against a friend to find out who can burn more calories. The sport is direct by fitness guru Jillian Michaels, that not only guides you through each exercise but also offers lifestyle hints.
18. Jillian Michaels Fitness Ultimatum 2010 - The sequel to the boot-camp fashion fitness game. It adds on to the other game using a timer manner. In this mode you'll be able to plan ahead your patterns for as much as six months. Just like the first game it focuses on cardio like running, bicycle, swing kicks, jumping jacks. Strength training involves exercises such as lunge kicks, push-ups, back kicks, sledge swings and many more. It offers very accurate motion tracking to supply you with a real-life encounter. This is a recommended game if you would like to get into shape fast.
19. Granite Saga Kororinpa - among my favorite entertaining games out of all Wii games. It includes over 100 levels for your Wii Balance Board. Don't be fooled because I called it fun games. This game will defiantly challenge you as you attempt to maneuver round the mazes and collect all of the orange gems. Should you collect also the green stone (one per level) you can unlock more stages at the conclusion. Not only can you select the problem but also distinct marbles - each with their own strengths. Collect all the stomp-temple-parts and you unlock the ability to design your own mazes in the end. You will play in seven different worlds, each one with their own attributes. So after you played the entire game you can also connect via the Wifi to get more advance levels. Check out the leader boards via the Wifi to see you're the very best in the sport.
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Web Development is a field that is probably not going anywhere in the next 5-10-15 years. This strong assumption comes with the facts about how quick web is moving, the improvements in hardware people have with them (fast and smart mobile phones), and cloud-based applications which allows to do the heavy lifting in the cloud and use the browser as a bridge to connect powerful backend servers with less capable and powerful frontends. This makes it the best bet to learn web development right now if you're looking to learn something. Not only would it open a plethora of opportunities for you as an individual, but you'll also be able to code and deploy complete projects end-to-end which can be consumed by almost everyone on the planet. Since most people have browsers with them anyway, every person is just a single URL away from your web-app and something you've coded - compare this with a desktop application or a hardware-based product. It's just not that scalable compared to the web. Alright! Now that we've established the fact that the web is the best way to go about right now if you want to learn something, let's see how to learn web development. The web is vast - start small and keep it small You would've seen a huge amount of available JavaScript frameworks and libraries like React, Angular, Vue, Ember, jQuery, XYZ, etc. Some very common questions I get as a YouTuber posting web development content is on the following lines: Should I learn X? Is X better than Y? What is the scope of Z? Always remember 2 things about technology, especially about the web: Your tech stack almost always never matters. If you're good enough with your language/framework, you'll win every time. You never need to learn everything. Never. Be a jack of all, and surely master of one. To summarize this section, you need to think very small when you start, as it is super easy to get carried away with that hot framework in the market or trying to race ahead by dropping old tech and adapting new tech without doing proper research. Start with HTML and CSS I cannot stress this enough. It pains me to see a ton of people asking me questions when they're working on their React projects when the answer lies in some fact which shows how weak their HTML or CSS skills are. JavaScript was only a browser scripting language, and although it's much more now, it doesn't change the fact that on the web it compliments the HTML and CSS parts. With advancements in web standards, there's so much achievable in CSS alone that for a lot of things, JavaScript is not even required. Animations? You got it. Drag-drop? HTML can handle that. Layouts? Checkout the flexbox or grid CSS API! There are so many things you can learn about HTML and CSS! Just don't rush into JavaScript because of the reason that cool kids like Angular are waiting out there for you. Those libraries and frameworks are not going anywhere. Take your time. Going deep or wide? There are 2 approaches when you learn web development - go wide or go deep. Going wide means you start learning many things together. This might work for some people, and this might not work for others. You might overwhelm yourself with tutorials, exercises, videos, blogs, etc. and give up. Going deep means you start learning one thing and try to learn as much as you can about it. This has its own set of pros and cons. You might get bored, give up because you don't see results. So what's the solution? The answer is, surprisingly, doing none. Choose a small tech stack - like HTML/CSS/JavaScript, and go moderately deep into all three. This has a couple of advantages: You don't get bored, all three have relatively different purposes and ways of writing. You can blend all three, and create and see something meaningful quickly without months of effort - which is usually required by all other languages like C/C++. This would keep you motivated to work more Do not choose React, ..or Angular, ..or Vue When people start to work with JavaScript, there's an urge to pick up a library like React, pick up a UI system like Material UI and just go ahead and start building awesome stuff. Unfortunately, it's nothing more than shooting yourself in the face. You can never, ever, create intermediate to advanced projects with these frameworks if you're not done with basics in JavaScript. And applying JavaScript takes some time. Notice I used the word applying, and not learning in the previous sentence. There's a huge difference between learning something and applying something you learned. Create a small but working project with HTML/CSS/JavaScript, and when you do, create one more, and then, create one more. At every step, keep on increasing the complexity of the project, and the expectations too, until your codebase becomes unmanageable. The point you've arrived at now, I would call this the boundary of superior learning. You see, frameworks exist to offload repetitive work from you. They do not exist so that you can don't care at all what's going on under the hood and rely on the fact that it's all magic. The first time you choose a framework like React or Angular for your projects should be when you're confident that you can create that project without React or Angular too. Master of one Now, when you're good with HTML/CSS/JavaScript, it's time to move on to industry standards. The truth is, no matter how good of a JavaScript developer you may be, you would often need to work with modern frameworks like React - and just with your JavaScript knowledge, you cannot immediately master it. It'll take time - to learn and understand the terminology, the concepts, how it works under the hood. It's time to take up a framework and master it. How? You might ask. The answer is simple - it's up to you. Try "Hello World" or maybe a bit more complex project in all frameworks you see out there (mostly Angular, Vue or React) and see which one vibes the most with you. Pick that one and don't look back. Create unlimited projects with it, and aim to do something which you don't already know how to do - this is the best way to push yourself out of your comfort zone and learn new things about a thing you thought you already know. Jack of others It's equally important to keep an eye on other candidates too. It not only involves direct competitors of your "favorite" framework out there but also some worthy web development tools too. You don't have to "master" the tools as such because a lot of times they're just one-time setup with regular maintenance, but it's always nice to keep them on your checklist of skills. This could include several things - unit testing with jest, end-2-end testing with cypress, webpack, babel, parcel, a bit of devops, Linux shell scripting, server deployments, etc. You can always learn the basics of these skills quickly as they've been around for a long time - so they have a lot of help material available with them. Move on Trust me, it's a funny feeling but once you develop many projects and write a lot of code with your favorite stack, you start feeling like anything could be done. At this point, you can take up a job and keep doing it - it's completely fine. Or, you can level up your skills through the roof - move on. Web. is. vast. You're done with HTML/CSS/JavaScript/React/Angular/Vue? Move to servers - learn about server deployment, NGiNX, HAProxy, load balancing, setting up cloud infrastructure, firewalls, autoscaling, etc. Done with that too? Move on to WebAssembly - language for the next iteration of the web. Done with that too? Err, I don't know then, maybe move on to other programming areas, or cooking? Conclusion In today's world, it's so easy to not repeat the mistakes I did while learning web development myself, because all those mistakes are now public for everyone to read! You have so many resources and I've myself been working on one for web developers to learn! Here's my YouTube channel where I teach how to program awesome things and here's the codedamn platform - the actual platform which allows you to become a great developer by blending a bunch of videos, articles, and exercises! Let me know what you think about this article
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tripstations · 5 years
Good Reasons Why New Zealand Should be Your Next Travel Obsession
Tucked away in the bottom corner of the world map hanging on every explorer’s bedroom wall, lies the small speck labeled New Zealand.   It’s those two little islands you’ve thought about a few times, seen a heap of beautiful pictures of and made a mental note to check out some day.   But it’s far away and difficult to get to, so for now at least, it’s staying on your ‘to visit’ list.   The problem with that, is that New Zealand is just too perfect to remain halfway down your list.  
So here are 7 reasons why New Zealand should be making a serious play to be your next travel obsession:
It’s a bit of a tricky time in most of the western world at the moment. 
Questionable politics, upheaval and massive uncertainty are all playing a huge role in making isolation and remoteness more desirable traits than ever before.
Luckily, that’s one thing New Zealand has in bucket loads.
Out there on it’s own in the South Pacific, New Zealand is a nation that does a pretty good job of keeping itself to itself.   That makes it the perfect place to escape.   A commodity not lost on the ever growing number of tech workers applying for citizenship in the island nation.   It’s the perfect place to do exactly what you should do when traveling, but rarely actually get the chance to do. Switch off your phone and computer, and temporarily disconnect from the world.   As we’ll see later on in this article, New Zealand has plenty to keep you occupied if you do.  
  Friendly People
When it comes to positivity, kiwis will rarely let you down.   You could be having the worst day of your life and all a local is likely to say to you is ‘She’ll be right, mate!’   You’ll rarely find them stressing about much. Life’s too short for that.   The Kiwis are a far more relaxed bunch of people. They’re all about the outdoors and the work life balance – two things that are crucial to a contented and happy life and are all too often missing in other parts of the globe.   Their smaller population also helps to retain a much more tight knit community that’s long gone elsewhere in the world.   Outside of the big cities, most of the towns are still the kind of size where everyone knows everyone, and you’ll find the locals you encounter on your way around the country to be warm, welcoming and friendly as a result.   So much so in fact, that hitchhiking is unusually popular here.   I’ve even heard multiple stories of people being offered a spare room for the night by the same person who has picked them up at the side of the road.  
  Easy Access To Fiji
Did you know that the far north of New Zealand gets pretty damn warm in the summer months?   The subtropical environment up there is perfect for getting your beach on.     New Zealand does have its fair share of summer hot spots, and beaches in the North Island are a winner on any sunny day.   But, no matter how great they are…they’re still not Fiji, right?   Luckily New Zealand is perfectly situated to be the ideal base for your Fiji adventure.   A cheap, couple of hours on a flight will get you to out to this South Pacific slice of paradise where you can spend some time island hopping around a unique tropical archipelago.   The chain of 300 islands is a popular holiday or short break destination for New Zealanders and there are plenty of airlines operating flights back and forth. If you shop around and are flexible about your flights, you can pick up return tickets for as little as $400-$500, making access to Fiji both easy and cheap.  
Think of as many different terrain types as you can.   How many did you think of?   New Zealand has them all.   Mountains, lakes, forests, rugged coastline, volcanoes, swimming and surf beaches, subtropical reefs for scuba diving, geothermal hot springs, glaciers…this relatively small island is packing a seriously diverse scenic punch.   Even in a short couple of weeks visit, New Zealand is small enough and easy enough to travel around (more on that later) that you can get your fill of just about all the diversity on offer.   That makes this little country in the South Pacific a big hitter when it comes to the effort/reward ratio, where a multitude of scenic diversity awaits anyone willing to make the small effort to fly there.   So if you’re looking for the biggest ‘scenic bang for your buck’ travel destination, make sure New Zealand is the next plane ticket you buy.  
  Some Of The Best Hiking In The World
New Zealand was the place that first got me hooked on hiking.   With terrain and landscapes as beautiful as that on offer, it almost feels wrong not to be out there exploring it.   Multi day hiking (or ‘tramping’ as the locals call it) is huge here.   Remember that diversity thing we talked about earlier? Well, the best way to really see everything that this place has to offer, is by foot.   The government’s Department Of Conservation even maintain a big network of huts and shelters across the backcountry (you can find a big list of them all right here) where hikers and other recreational users can stay when they are out amongst it for multiple days at a time.   All of this makes it extremely easy to don the backpack and get lost for a few days, and the people who live here take that stuff seriously.   There are literally thousands of tracks to explore and nearly 1,000 backcountry huts dotted around the North and South Islands to keep you warm and dry in the process.   If you’re looking for a good place to start, this summary of the best hikes on the South Island is a pretty good place to begin.   Because only in New Zealand can you hike to a glacier one day and a natural hot spring deep in the mountains the next. Literally.  
  Easy To Get Around
First of all, I’ll go ahead and state the obvious here.   Everyone speaks English.   It sounds like a no brainer, but when you’re traveling somewhere for a while where you don’t speak the language, you gain a new kind of appreciation for the places that do.   Another thing that makes New Zealand so easy to get around is the simplicity of its road network.   You won’t find many motorways here.   Nor will you find any complex junctions, unnecessarily crowded 5 lane city ring-roads or really any other traffic at all outside of the small handful of main cities.   That’s a relief for those of us who have long ago sworn off city driving.   In fact, for the most part, there’s one road between most of the little towns and it’s fairly difficult to get lost or make many wrong turns (even with my famously poor navigational skills).   On top of that, if you’re in a self contained vehicle, you can park up overnight on any DOC land and camp in your car for free.     Maybe that’s why epic road trips are one of the most popular ways to see the country.  
  Home To The Adventure Capital Of The World
If all that breathtaking scenery hasn’t got your heart racing, New Zealand’s south island is home to the adventure capital of the world – Queenstown!   Being the birthplace of commercial bungee jumping, Queenstown is a place with a long history of adrenaline spiking activities.   And with a landscape carved out by glaciers and rivers, the surrounding terrain offers the perfect adventure playground. Not to mention a pretty remarkable backdrop for the photos of your very own moment of fear.   If you want to do something a little ‘out there’ on your next trip and really test your limits, this is the place to get out of your comfort zone and really get amongst it.   Bungee jumping, skydiving, heli skiing and backcountry snowboarding in the winter, hang gliding, zip-lining, jetboating…the list goes on and on.   Thrill seekers and boundary pushing free spiriters call Queenstown home, and the town’s nightlife is almost as action packed as it’s day-life.   It’s a relatively young town, with an already well established history as a global hub for adventure travel.   And no trip to New Zealand is complete without ticking at least one extreme thing off your bucket list.  
The post Good Reasons Why New Zealand Should be Your Next Travel Obsession appeared first on Tripstations.
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kiddiemom-blog · 6 years
Fear-Based Parenting
Fear-Based Parenting
When we were young, the world may have appeared like an open playground, loaded with experience. Around every corner was a brand name brand-new chance. There was knowledge to be acquired from every experience. A lot of us were bright-eyed and bushy-tailed as we handled the world for the first time.
We ended up being moms and dads. And the world changed.
We put safety locks on the cabinet doors. We put plastic covers over empty electric outlets. We informed our precious kids not to speak to complete strangers, not to take sweet from individuals they do not know, to avoid certain parts of town, to look both methods before they cross the street, and to call when they arrive. As moms and dads, we sweat when our child gets her license, goes to a dance, hangs out at the shopping mall. We lay awake some nights stressing over whether our son will finish high school, discover a task, prevent an accident, stay out of prison, and find a great lady.
Let's face it; the world suddenly becomes a much scarier location when kids get in the picture. Sadly, the fear we feel as parents can drip down into the way we raise our teens. Our apprehensions can force us to relate to and train our kids in an unhealthy method.
Just what does fear-based parenting look like?
As parents, we tend to think that if we lose control of our kids, they will somehow go off the deep end and wreck their lives for good. This makes good sense to some degree. We know the risks inherent in the world, so out of love we try to shelter our valuable kids from harm. However in order to do that, we clamp down on them. We start to dictate every location of their lives-- from what they use, to where they go, to what they do in their downtime. Obviously, we wish to ensure they have the best chances as they mature. But when we are overzealous in our defense, our high-control strategies keep teenagers from exercising muscles that will actually strengthen their character in the long run.
It resembles getting a brand-new automobile. When you pull your brand-new wheels into the driveway, it looks beautiful. It's tidy, streamlined, and best. And after that you drive it. After you put a couple thousand miles on it, it gets dings in the door and scratches in the paint. The shine subsides. Still, if you take care of it, it will run efficiently for lots of long years in spite of a few scratches and bumps. You could attempt to keep your vehicle in perfect condition by leaving it in the garage and never driving it. However automobiles are made to be driven. And while concealing your vehicle in the garage may safeguard the paint for a while, hose pipes, belts, tires and exposed metal parts will start to crack, rot and rust. I 'd rather drive a vehicle with a few dings in it, than have a perfect paint task on something that does not run!
Now, our kids are the very same method. If we try to keep them away from the world, they may look excellent on the outside, however they will not be able to operate when they have to come across the world on their own. And let's face it: No matter the length of time we keep our kids sheltered, eventually they are going to need to step out into the larger culture.
Do you actually desire the very first time your kids get injured or slip up to happen after they are out from under your care? Eventually, you will lose your power to affect them. Whether your children are out of the area for college, the military, or a task, your ability to speak into their life will reduce. When this happens, their primary source of guidance will be the character you constructed into them prior to they moved out-- so it's a good idea to take advantage of the time you have with them today.
Start to provide your kids more duty. Motivate them to utilize every experience in life-- great or bad-- as an opportunity to apply the lessons you have been teaching them. With the right balance of duty and chance, your kid can begin to build that sense of independence and character required to safely transition from teenage years to adulthood.
Worry # 2: Direct exposure to Culture
Our culture bombards us with an ever-increasing number of suggestive and improper media messages, and it's simple to fear that our kids will be led astray. Unfortunately, except covering our kids in bubble wrap, blindfolding them and plugging their ears, we simply can't secure them from every unfavorable influence. It might be appealing to make the boundaries so tight that there is no wiggle room, maybe by keeping them from all technology. In truth, this is both impossible and unhealthy. The Web and innovation are too pervasive. And truly, there are numerous excellent uses for them. We do not wish to toss the infant out with the bathwater.
The desire to secure our children from culture's negative influence is legitimate. However in the teenager years we have the chance to move from mentor and policing to training and training. While they are young, kids require greater adult guidance on the computer system, and this is where Web filters are available in handy. Teens need guidance on how to handle the continuous stream of details they have access to every day. It's inadequate to utilize filters any longer; there's constantly a method to get around them.
Rather, let's have sincere discussions with our teens about correct limits. Talk with your boy or daughter about cyber-bullying, and methods they can prevent it and assist others. Go over the threats of porn and the factors they ought to keep their eyes pure. Speak about the problems of over-sharing on Facebook, Instagram, and Twitter and the threats related to revealing too much to complete strangers. These conversations will be more effective than severe rules. Teaching our teenagers to have discernment is essential. They will undoubtedly still make mistakes. However even in those errors we can assist them see chances for development. Let your teen experience the repercussions of their actions-- whether it's a quick loss of advantages, grounding, or needing to make restitution-- and continue to slowly entrust more responsibility and flexibility for their self-government. Keep in mind, your objective is to coach your child to browse culture on their own.
I also recommend parents take one night a week to be entirely media free. It was once common for chairs in the living room to face each other; today they deal with the tv set. Turn the chairs back toward each other and have a good talk. However first, turned off all the electronic devices, including your own mobile phone. Take time to listen and ask your kids concerns about what is going on in their lives. Get the conversation begun by playing an enjoyable parlor game or go out for the evening to a park, swimming pool, or ballgame. Surprise them with what you will be doing each week. The first number of times you do this might be a little bit of battle, however your kids will in fact start eagerly anticipating it! It is well worth the effort.
I have actually been challenging kids for 40 years and it has actually not gotten any much easier given that the first time. One would think that after dealing with 60 high school kids at a time for so long, conflict would come easily. It doesn't. But I have learned this through the years; even though I do not take pleasure in confronting individuals, I sure love the outcomes. Dispute is a pre-cursor to change, not only in the life of the individuals I challenge, however in my own life as well.
Dispute happens in every household. We should not be scared of it. Yes, there is always a possibility that something stated or insinuated may be hurtful. You could slip up in your approach to dispute (wrong timing or mishandled accusation) or in the content of the discussion (misinterpreted words or comments mistakenly made in the "heat of the battle"). Don't let these worries stop you from engaging in family conflict! When you make a mistake, be fast to say sorry. It will be another good lesson for your kids, and a workout in humbleness for you. So don't run from dispute in between you and your teen. Use those times to interact and work through the issues together.
Fear # 4: Loss of Look
Mother and fathers might likewise worry that their kid's bad habits will reflect adversely on their parenting, so they micro-manage your home to set up a façade of perfection. This fear-based attitude can be ravaging for both you and your teenager. Worrying yourself with your own great image is one of the fastest methods to construct animosity in your house. If your teen needs to have the haircut you want, listen to the music you authorize of, wear the clothes you choose out, work at the job you selected, or have the pals you like, you're welcoming a disobedience. A teen at the Heartlight property center once informed me, "I 'd rather do wrong and be in control, than do best and not be in control."
Of course, I'm not suggesting that you lower the requirements for proper behavior in your house. However remember that it does not matter what other people consider you or your child. It's all right to admit, "We're having a hard time today." Teens will make bad choices. Moms and dads will make mistakes. But that does not indicate you're stopping working. There is not a moms and dad in the world who has actually achieved perfection. Let go of your fears about predicting a flawless image, and moms and dad your teen in self-confidence.
We can be scared as moms and dads. We can not moms and dad in worry. If you have actually observed that your parenting design is established on anxiety and concern, discover to release all those fears to the Lord. It will release you up as a person, and as a parent.
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itsyourturnblog · 6 years
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For all our talk about work-life balance, most of us completely suck at setting boundaries. And that’s a real shame, because boundaries are critical to living up to our full potential.
When we fail to establish tight boundaries, we keep ourselves small. If we say “yes”, when we really should say “no”, it’s because we’re operating from a fear state. The fear of loss, fear of less and fear of never.
The thinking goes, “If I say no…”
I’ll lose that job, that client, that friend, that relationship
I’ll be less respected, less needed, less important
I’ll never find another job, client, friend, relationship
These are the hallmarks of an unhealthy contractive state. And if we stay in such a state, we won’t use our gifts and talents to their full capacity.
We’re playing small.
On the other hand, saying “no” makes us grounded. When we’re clear about what we will and won’t do, we earn the respect of others. And we gain some self-respect as well, which frees us to live our values and fulfill our true purpose, mission and vision for our lives.
And this puts us in an expansive state.
Now we’re playing big.
There are three key boundaries we need to set in our lives:
How we spend our time
Who we allow into our lives
Where we direct our attention
Sounds simple, but it’s not always that easy.
I had a client I’ll call Lisa, who led the Customer Service department of a fast-growing company. Already, there’s ripe opportunity for boundary issues as by its very nature, customer service requires us to put the customer first. And, in Lisa’s case, this service mentality spilled into all areas of her life.
When she first came to me, she wanted to grow a bigger voice for herself around the office. And she wanted her team to get the respect she felt they deserved. Customer Service may not bring revenue in the door, but they certainly keep it from leaving by turning angry customers into happy ones.
As Lisa’s company was growing, so was her team, though perhaps not fast enough. It seemed there was never enough time in the day to answer all the customer issues, hire new employees, set policies, write manuals and train team members. On top of her day-to-day duties, Lisa was booked into back-to-back meetings, leaving her unable to get any of her real work done during the day.
So, rather than rock the boat and say “no” to the meetings, Lisa wrote to-do lists of work she would do at night. She’d go home, make dinner and hang out with her two children, clean up, throw a load of laundry in the washer and then, while her husband watched TV, she would get to work. Usually the work would start at around 10pm. And she’d finish around 2am. Every weekday. Weekends weren’t much better. Lisa was afraid to ask her boss for a weekend staff member to help her out, because she didn’t want her boss, who, was a remarkable and compassionate woman by the way, to know that she couldn’t handle everything on her own.
If you’re detecting a twinge of perfectionism, you’re right. One of the beliefs of the perfectionist is that effort is bad (because it means you’re not naturally talented enough to handle the task at hand with ease). So, Lisa was actually ashamed of how hard she was working.
At the same time, Lisa knew this life was unsustainable. I actually don’t know how she was able to do it for as long as she was. It’s actually very impressive. But her work was suffering. She wasn’t able to think strategically, because she was exhausted. She was living off five hours of sleep per night. When her colleagues started joking about receiving emails from her at 2am, she began setting them so they would send at 9am instead. She didn’t want anyone to know how hard she was working.
The moment she told me that, when she heard herself say that she was hiding her hard work from her colleagues, was the moment a light bulb went on for Lisa.
He department wasn’t respected, because she was too afraid to tell everyone how hard they worked. She said “yes” to each and every meeting, because she worried she’s be seen as uncooperative by her colleagues. She didn’t delegate to her employees, because she didn’t want to put extra pressure on them. She didn’t ask her boss for more resources, because she was raised not to complain and demand things.
So often, the way we set or don’t set boundaries is because of subtle, or not so subtle messages we receive as children. You know the ones — about being a good boy or girl, about not complaining, not demanding and not rocking the boat.
Lisa finally committed to setting boundaries. So, we got to work. And Lisa learned to say “no”.
Boundary 1: How we spend our time
As it was in Lisa’s case, usually, the boundaries that need to be set most urgently are those around how we spend our time. Time to do your best work, time with your partner, family, and friends, time to be creative, go to the gym, make a good dinner, etc. When you say “yes” to someone else by giving them your time, you’re saying “no” to yourself. Treat your time as the most precious thing you own.
When feeling overwhelmed, Amelia, a tech CEO tells her staff that she needs an “introverted day”. She works from home, goes for a walk, and does what’s needed to recharge. And by the next day, she’s ready to tackle the world again.
Tracy and Don, partners and co-founders of a tech startup they run out of their home have made the room where they work (the dining room) off limits in the evenings and on weekends. This prevents them from working around the clock and gives them time to reconnect with themselves and each other.
Boundary 2: Whom we let into our life
The next boundary we need to set is whom we let into our life. And how we let them in.
It’s an unfortunate fact that not everyone in the world is a happy ray of sunshine. There are in fact, quite a few negative people. And they can drain your energy. Think carefully about how often you let them into your life.
For those people who are negative, but who matter to you and you want to keep in your life, it’s all about communication. Tell them how their behaviour is affecting you. Ask for what you need. Teach them how to give it to you.
For those who don’t matter, it’s a little easier. As writer Wes Moore says, “Don’t let people who don’t matter too much, matter too much.”
You don’t actually have to have these people in your life. And if they are in your life because they’re a coworker, or just someone who’s going to be around, you don’t have to let them matter too much.
Boundary 3: Where we direct our attention
The final boundary we all must set is where we direct our attention. Where focus goes, energy flows. Are you going to focus on the negativity of the office gossip today? Or on doing a great job on your latest project?
Included in this are what we read and watch. A lot of the news of the world is upsetting these days. And, we have a device in our pocket (that would be our phones) that has been designed to make us look at it constantly, in search of the tiny dopamine hit our brains get from something new. If you’re finding that news is creating negative emotions for you, consider setting personal boundaries about when you look.
Okay, so you’ve set your healthy boundaries, the next thing you need to do is learn to say “no’.
We believe that saying “no” is risky. My client Lisa certainly did.
But the truth is, when we are clear about what we will and won’t do, we’re on firm ground. And people respect those who are grounded and clear. And, they respect their boundaries. So there’s actually less need to enforce them. And that means, you don’t have to say “no” as often, because your boundaries are being naturally respected anyway.
But if you do find that you have to say “no”, take the advice of TV producer Shonda Rhimes.
She simply says, “I’m sorry, no, I’m not able to do that.”
It’s clear, it’s forthright and it’s really hard to argue with.
Go Shonda!
Your turn:
Think of an area in your life where you’re playing small rather than big.
What’s going on there? What fears are coming into play?
Think of a boundary you could set that would enable you to play big.
What would a tighter boundary look like? How would it function?
What standards will you set for yourself to make the tighter boundary work?
e.g. I want to spend more time on creative pursuits, so I won’t commit to coaching baseball this year.
We Need to Talk About Boundaries was originally published in It's Your Turn on Medium, where people are continuing the conversation by highlighting and responding to this story.
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jesseneufeld · 6 years
Intermittent Fasting (and Feasting) At the Holidays: 6 Ways to Do It
The holiday season is notorious for unwanted weight gain. Although the average weight gain isn’t all that high—1 to 2 pounds—the real danger is that people rarely lose the weight they gain during the holiday season. So, if you go through ten holiday seasons, you’re looking at a very realistic and permanent gain of 20 pounds.
But it’s not just the weight you gain. Even if you manage to avoid gaining any weight, the onslaught of sugary foods you’re not used to consuming will play havoc with your blood sugar and insulin levels, leave you bloated and fatigued, and generally make what should be a joyous time a sluggish, low-energy one.
Imagine having your full measure of energy over the full holiday season. Imagine putting on a Santa suit and clambering around on the roof and shimmying down the chimney, giving your kids a real show. (Not recommending this literally of course.) Imagine enjoying the winter weather, rather than holing up indoors with a box of cookies waiting for it to pass.
One thing I like to do in suboptimal food conditions is use it as an opportunity to fast. If I’m traveling and my choices are airplane food or McDonald’s, I simply don’t eat. If I’m at a hotel where the idea of a complimentary breakfast bar consists of bagels, orange juice, and those tiny boxes of cereal, I don’t eat. Quite honestly, the holiday season is one big block of suboptimal food conditions.
Sure, it’s delicious. Sure, some of it is even nutritious, if we’re talking roasts and gravies and veggies and large crispy birds. But the quantity of food we consume and the frequency at which we consume it—combined with the prevalence of delicious treats and the “emotional” context—makes for an impossible situation. It really is the perfect scenario to pack on some mass—or the perfect opportunity to employ an intermittent fast.
How should you do it? Are there any tips, tricks, or strategies particular to the holidays that make fasting easier and more effective?
Skip Breakfast
Breakfast around the holidays can get quite ridiculous. How many of you have done this or know someone who has done this: having pumpkin pie/a half tin of Danish butter cookies/big bowl of mashed potatoes for breakfast? Even if no one is digging into the leftovers (although a turkey leg is a nice way to begin the day), you’ll see the likes of pastries, quiches (heavy on the crust), bagel spreads, pancakes, and waffles, etc.
So, just skip it, particularly when treats abound and beckon. You’ll avoid the problem entirely, give your digestive system a rest, keep the fat-burning going, and make any subsequent feasting later in the day more rewarding and less damaging. Have some coffee and cream instead. Heck, you could even whip the cream if you want to feel like you’re having a “treat” with everyone else.
Don’t Snack
Snacking kills during the holidays. While in more normal times I recommend against constant or absentminded snacking, at least then it usually just means a handful of nuts, a few pieces of jerky, a cup of broth. During the holidays, snacking means candy, cookies, and pie. There are mountains of junk almost everywhere you go and dozens of evangelists scurrying around foisting it on you. I don’t see it because I move in a curated culinary environment at my places of residence and work, but back before I went Primal, I can remember the ubiquity of treats during the holidays. If you’re the snacking type, you’ll likely make some bad choices.
Simply “not snacking” doesn’t sound like much of a fast, but going those 4-5 hours between meals can allow you to slip into a mild “fasted” state multiple times per day.
Don’t Nibble As You Cook
Whoever’s in charge of cooking the myriad holiday feasts and meals needs to understand how to handle themselves behind the stove. Quality control is one thing. Checking how things taste is understandable and necessary. But that’s not what gets you into trouble. What gets you into trouble is the constant nibbling and gnawing and chomping throughout the cooking process.
Spoonful of gravy here. Handful of mashed potatoes there. Oh, how’d that turkey skin turn out? Gonna have to try that. Oh, I wonder how it tastes dipped in the gravy. Boy, that dark meat sure is looking nice. Hmm, does the breast look a little dry to you? I’m going to try it. Now with some gravy and cranberry sauce—yeah, that does the trick.
By the time dinner is served you’re 800 calories deep, and you’re not even very excited about eating more (but you still do). Imagine if you’d fasted during the 4-5 hours you were preparing dinner. Not only would dinner be more satisfying and taste better, you wouldn’t have spent 4-5 hours in “fed mode.” Rally others to do the sampling. It’s never too hard to find takers.
Make Fasting a Tradition
Our success as a civilization rests upon our traditions. Heck, the Primal Blueprint is about respecting the oldest human traditions around, the “informal” and natural ones established by hundreds of thousands of years of hominid evolution. And yes, specific traditions can become outdated or run counter to currently accepted modes of thought and behavior, but the idea of tradition—a foundational behavior whose utility and importance has been tested through time—remains essential.
If you don’t have any traditions of your own, if they’ve been lost or ground down to pathetic shadows of their former selves, what do you do? You make your own. Fasting is a good choice, and it’s one that many other populations and cultures have performed. Pick a time frame—maybe a single 24-hour fast every Saturday, or “fast before each big holiday feast,” or “skip breakfast the week before each major holiday”—and suggest to everyone that the entire family get on board.
Do Leangains Style Fasted Training
Skip breakfast. Train around midday, lifting hard and heavy. After training, break the fast. Eat your last meal by 7 or 8 P.M. Aim for a 16-hour fasting period and an 8-hour eating window. Fast every day, train every 2-3 days. There’s even a book if you want more details.
This intensive method of fasting and training allows you a little more leeway with the food choices when you do eat. Much of what you eat will go toward repairing and rebuilding what you’ve broken down during training, and the everyday fasted periods will help you minimize fat gain. It can be quite intense, and people may have disparate responses to the rigidity of the schedule. If hard boundaries work well for you, if you like establishing rules and then sticking to them, this is the holiday fasting method for you. If you’re more fluid and balk at hard lines, you may have trouble. Women may have more success using 12-14 fasting windows.
Pair Your Dietary Transgressions With Fasts.
Are you the type to really go all out during Thanksgiving—dropping the Primal guidelines and just going for it? Mashed potatoes, gravy, stuffing, cranberry sauce, that weird sweet potato dish with marshmallows on top, pumpkin pie, the works? A one- or two-day fast right before or after the meal can mitigate the damage of the meal.
Even if there’s not much of a physiological benefit other than reducing your calorie intake to balance the overindulgence, the psychological boost we get from not eating will stave off the potential guilt of abandoning the Primal guidelines. I don’t support guilting or shaming ourselves because of what we eat, but I know it does happen. This can be a powerful antidote.
Whatever You Choose, Stick To a Schedule.
Once you figure out which fasting plan seems to work for your holiday situation, stick with it. Skip meals if you like, but try to eat at roughly the same time each day. This conditions your body to expect food (and get hungry at the right time, not before), and it improves the metabolic response to eating.
This applies whether you’re fasting in the morning or at night. In one recent study, the authors actually tested the effect of breaking your eating habits by separating overweight women into habitual breakfast skippers and habitual breakfast eaters and then having them either skip breakfast or eat breakfast.
Habitual breakfast eaters who skipped breakfast experienced way more hunger at lunch, had worse blood lipids, and higher insulin levels. They had worse blood lipids and their insulin skyrocketed. Habitual breakfast skippers who skipped breakfast experienced none of these deleterious effects.
Meanwhile, habitual breakfast eaters who ate breakfast were more satiated at lunch. They had better blood lipids and normal insulin levels. Habitual breakfast skippers who ate breakfast were still hungry at lunch. Eating breakfast didn’t inhibit their regular lunch-time appetites.
Regular eating schedules also improve insulin sensitivity, increase energy expenditure, improve fasting lipids, and result in the best metabolic effects.
Fasting isn’t a magic bullet. IF won’t fix all your metabolic issues and counteract every cookie, cake, and slice of pie you eat during the holidays. But it is a strong bulwark against the worst of the holiday excesses.
Are you going to fast this holiday season? Have you used IF in the past? What do you do to get through the holiday season without unwanted weight gain?
Thanks for reading, everyone. Take care!
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Yanovski JA, Yanovski SZ, Sovik KN, Nguyen TT, O’Neil PM, Sebring NG. A prospective study of holiday weight gain. N Engl J Med. 2000;342(12):861-7.
Thomas EA, Higgins J, Bessesen DH, Mcnair B, Cornier MA. Usual breakfast eating habits affect response to breakfast skipping in overweight women. Obesity (Silver Spring). 2015;23(4):750-9.
Farshchi HR, Taylor MA, Macdonald IA. Beneficial metabolic effects of regular meal frequency on dietary thermogenesis, insulin sensitivity, and fasting lipid profiles in healthy obese women. Am J Clin Nutr. 2005;81(1):16-24.
Pot GK, Almoosawi S, Stephen AM. Meal irregularity and cardiometabolic consequences: results from observational and intervention studies. Proc Nutr Soc. 2016;75(4):475-486.
The post Intermittent Fasting (and Feasting) At the Holidays: 6 Ways to Do It appeared first on Mark's Daily Apple.
Intermittent Fasting (and Feasting) At the Holidays: 6 Ways to Do It published first on https://drugaddictionsrehab.tumblr.com/
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dorothydelgadillo · 6 years
How to Work From Home—3 Keys to Home-Based Success
There are days when I still can’t believe I have a job that lets me work from home—after more than a decade as a stay-at-home parent, home-based work allowed me to transition back into the workforce in a way that wouldn’t have been possible with a conventional office job. That being said, working remotely from home isn’t always easy—or rather, it IS easy, but it can go off the rails pretty quickly without laying a basic foundation for success. So what does that foundation look like? As someone who’s found their way through trial and error over the last year, here are three critical things to keep in mind in order to make the most of your own work from home opportunities.
1. Scheduling Is a Must for Work-at-Home Jobs
While this first point might seem like a no-brainer, lack of effective scheduling will land you in a hole that takes a lot of evening and weekend time to dig yourself out of. Unless you set up a concrete schedule or to-do list dictating when you’re going to work versus when you’re going to do house chores, kid-related errands, or other domestic odds and ends, these things won’t just organically coexist in a manageable way. When I first started working from home, I was all over the place—I’d work for 20 minutes, notice crumbs on the floor that needed sweeping up or get distracted by dishes in the sink, return to work for ten minutes, decide to run a load of laundry, etc. to the point where my paid work and domestic work were both so fragmented I wasn’t getting ahead with either. Fortunately—just at the point where I felt like I was losing my mind—it occurred to me to pause for a time out and really start structuring my home-based work days.
Now when I start work at 8:30 a.m. every morning, I consider myself “on the clock” until 5:00 p.m. Barring any errands that HAVE to be done during this time window, I focus only on paid work tasks. By strictly compartmentalizing work and chores, I find that I’m more productive with both, and actually spend less time doing either. So—before you get lost in an undifferentiated mass of work, chores, and errands—take some time to map out a schedule that works for you and allows you tackle all the things you need to do at specific times. The aforementioned 8:00 a.m.-5:00 p.m. work window works for me, but you could just as easily break it up into several chunks at different parts of the day or evening. Having a well thought out schedule eliminates the guessing game of what to do next for home-based workers, and helps ensure work-life balance when you’re working remotely.
2. Home-Based Workers Need a Stable Work Space
Another trap that’s easy to fall into with work-at-home jobs is failing to set up a dedicated workspace (or spaces). Part of the flexibility when you work remotely is the fact that you can move freely through different spots around your house as you see fit, and moving around adds some critical variety to your work environment and keeps you engaged during natural energy lulls. On any given day, I might start off at a work area in my backyard, move to a work nook at our kitchen counter, log some time at the desktop computer in our study, and finish up on a work table in our dining room. The key here is that (after learning the hard way), I’ve prepped these areas to be work-ready—each area has a stable work surface that doesn’t necessitate balancing my laptop in an awkward way, comfortable chairs that allow me to type without contorting into impossible positions, and nearby outlets and cords for charging my devices.
With a work-at-home job, your house becomes your office and so you need to treat it as such. The home office setup that works for you will depend on your own personal preferences and needs—and of course your budget is a factor—but don’t feel pressured. Home offices are a work-in-progress that can be improved on over time. Simply having some kind of structured set up is the first step in winning the productivity battle from home.
3. Working From Home Requires Clear Boundaries—For Yourself and Other People
In addition to planning ahead with a schedule and creating dedicated work areas, establishing boundaries is a critical part of work-from-home jobs. These are boundaries you need to set with other people in your life, as well as boundaries you need to set for yourself. While the workforce may be continuing to trend toward remote work opportunities and flexible work arrangements (a rise from 19 percent of workers doing at least some of their work remotely in 2003 to 24 percent in 2015, per the Bureau of Labor Statistics), remote workers are still in the minority, so not everyone “gets” the fact that work-at-jobs are as much legitimate work as working in a 9-5 office.
As you settle in to a work-from-home schedule, be prepared for some friends and family members to assume that being home means being available. However, if you actually want to get work done there’s no way you can field every request for socializing, helping with errands, or watching kids that comes down the pike. Sure, you’ll have more flexibility for these things than if you were stuck at the office all day, but you need to be very clear with people that you are in fact working, and that you need the space to do so. Don’t be afraid to be pleasantly assertive about this fact, and the people in your life will start to understand.
Meanwhile, when it comes to your own personal boundaries, you also need to be honest with yourself about how much you can continue to take on around the house as you try to be effective while working from home. As a stay-at-home-parent, chores and errands used to be the focal point of my weekdays, but once I started working remotely I realized I needed to automate as many of my domestic chores as possible and outsource as much as I could. In the months since, I’ve set up automated online shopping lists to cut down on the need for trips to the store during the week, hired a gardener to help with yard work, and hired a cleaning service to do periodic deep cleaning around the house—all things I realized I simply don’t have time for any more. Spending some of the extra income I’m now making on these priceless services has paid dividends toward work-life balance.
And finally, on the subject of boundaries, when you’re working from home it’s absolutely crucial to pace yourself and stop working when it’s time to “clock out.” As much as being able to spread your work hours across the day and evening can be a flexible schedule blessing, it can also become a flexible schedule curse where you’re plugged-in every minute of the day. Being “at work” 24/7 doesn’t lead to some sort of super-productivity or effective completion of all the things—it really just leads to burnout, and an unbalanced state of mind where you’re neither working well or living the rest of your life. Coupling your schedule (as mentioned above) with a clear stopping point boundary each day will improve your work life and your home life.
Working from home is truly a game changer for those of us whose lifestyles don’t fit into the very narrow category of 9-to-5, and with some basic planning and foresight, you’ll be doing it sanely and successfully.
from Web Developers World https://skillcrush.com/2018/06/25/how-to-work-from-home-2/
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