gothoutlaw666 · 8 months
it’s actually such good writing with how insane the tutorial ace attorney cases are because it gives you the need to find out what the fuck is going on after like .
aa1 you meet mia and see her dynamic with phoenix, how much she cares for him and how she’s excited to see what he does. she guides him/the player when he’s trying to save larry, who he’s been friends with since childhood. and then she’s murdered at the end of that night before she can even formally introduce her subordinate to her sister, and her story doesn’t end there—it constantly continues throughout the original trilogy. phoenix has to figure out what’s going on and she’s not physically there to guide him anymore, not without maya or pearl’s help.
justice for all starts with phoenix literally getting bonked and suffering amnesia, and while it’s incredibly stupid it’s also a great way to help new players learn the mechanics. it also introduces the importance of phoenix’s relationships to said new players and emphasizes this to veteran players. phoenix is a man built on the love and trust he has in others, and it’s such an important aspect of his character throughout all of the games.
trials and tribulations gets even crazier because we get to see both 20 year old phoenix and rookie mia—and they’re so much different than what we’ve known them to be. we get a part of the context for a story that we don’t get to fully piece together until the end of the game, and this case gives us details that give more emphasis to the story of the previous two games too. it’s a great way to get people invested into the story and think even deeper about the games we’ve been playing this whole time.
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writingwithciara · 3 months
broken legos -matt sturniolo-
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summary: matt and y/n are both lego lovers so every month, they buy a set to work on together. it’s become such a normal part of matt’s routine that he doesn’t know what to do when y/n’s attention and time is turned elsewhere
word count: 5.1k
pairings: matt sturniolo x best friend reader, chris sturniolo x platonic reader
notes: i love how much matt likes legos and since he's just the cutest, i had to write this for him.
y/n and matt weren’t really friends until the triplets 11th birthday. she attended their party only because they had invited everyone in their classes and because her mom was good friends with mary lou.
her mom had picked out an individual present for each of them. they each got a different lego set so when the boys unwrapped their gifts, y/n’s eyes widened and she looked at her mom.
“how come i can never get a lego set, mom?” she pouted.
“because, sweetheart. you never ask for one.”
“you can help me with mine if you want.” matt suggested shyly. he smiled at her so kindly and y/n found herself wondering how she had never really wanted to be friends with him in the first place.
“okay. deal.” y/n returned the smile as both her mother and mary lou beamed with pride. they were finally getting what they wanted. their kids hanging out together.
they got lego sets on their birthday every year and y/n would work with matt to put them together. what started off as an annual thing, quickly turned into a monthly thing for the two of them.
the triplets had just turned 20 & y/n bought matt a ginormous harry potter lego collection that was surely going to take up a majority of their time.
matt was excited for it. maybe even more so than y/n because over their 9 years of friendship, he had developed feelings for his best friend. he knew it wasn’t right to have the feelings but there was nothing he could do about them. their time together became special to him and he cherished every second he got to spend with her.
they immediately began working their way through the diagon alley sets and the process was about to start on the hogwarts castle.
y/n clicked the last two bricks for the gringotts bank together and looked at her creation.
“it looks so perfect. don’t you think?”
“i agree, y/n/n. you killed it.”
“no, we did it together. as a team.”
“we make an incredible team, don’t we?”
“yeah. we sure do.” y/n smiled and looked at the box that contained to castle. “how long do you think that things going to take us?”
“not too long hopefully. i wanna display it and feel proud of something for once.”
“matt, you’re a youtube star. you should be proud of all the hard work you’ve put into this career.”
“i am proud of it. but sometimes, it lacks a certain feeling. i love my fans to death but it gets overwhelming and the only way i find any escape is the time i spend with you putting lego sets together.”
“i understand that feeling all too well, matthew.” she looked at her phone to check the time. “i should be headed out soon. i have to work tomorrow and the commute is going to kill me so i need some rest.”
“why don’t you stay here tonight? i can drive you in the morning.”
“thats sweet, matt. but no. thanks for the offer but i’m fine going home now.” she smiled and stood up. matt followed her to the kitchen.
“i’m serious. we live closer to where you work so it wouldn’t take as long to get there.” he looked at her. “do you just not want to spend time with me anymore?”
“what? no. i will never feel that way about you. you know that.”
“no, i know. it’s a stupid question anyway.”
“i do want to spend time with you. i always do. it’s my favorite thing to do. but if i keep spending nights here, someone’s gonna notice and your fans will freak out and jump to conclusions.”
“yeah i guess you’re right.” he sighed. “but please? just for tonight? i can tell you’re tired and i don’t want you driving home like that. don’t know what i would do if something bad happened to you.”
“okay. i’ll stay. but only for tonight. and only because you said please.”
“that makes me feel so much better.” matt smiled. "you can take the bed and i’ll sleep out on the couch.”
“don’t be ridiculous. your bed is big enough. it’s always been big enough for the both of us. you’re sleeping in here with me.”
“well if you insist.” matt didn’t put up much of a fight. he knew she was going to make him sleep in the bed with her.
“i’m gonna go change into some comfier clothes then. see you in about 10.” y/n grabbed a pair of sweatpants and one of matt’s old t-shirts then went to the bathroom. matt quickly changed then sat in his computer chair to wait. when she came out, they both got under the covers and went to bed.
matt waited until he knew she was dead asleep before grabbing his pillow and going out to the couch. he knew she’d be upset but he could handle that. what he couldn’t handle was the warm feeling rising in his chest.
he had convinced himself that his feelings were just those of a little crush. but the more time he spent with her, the stronger they got. he had known her his whole life and despite having only been friends for 9 years, every time they talked, he was finding something new about her that he liked. he’d been trying to think less about her but it was impossible. so he started distancing himself a little.
to say y/n was upset with the distance would be an understatement. her heart was breaking. after a week, she went to chris to see if he knew anything.
“i actually have no idea why he’s being so moody lately. maybe he was talking to a girl who only wanted to use him and he doesn’t want to tell us because he’s ashamed or something.”
“that’s horrible, chris. do you think that’s what really happened?” y/n could feel her heart breaking at the thought of someone hurting matt in any way.
“i doubt that’s what happened, but there’s so many possibilities as to why he’s distancing himself from everyone.”
“yeah i guess.” y/n sighed and set the lego box on the kitchen table. “we were supposed to start this lego set this weekend but he hasn’t been talking to me so i guess i’ll have to do it by myself.”
“wait. i can help you if you want.”
“that’s nice of you, chris. but you don’t have to make up for your brothers absence in my life.”
“hey, you’re my friend too. in fact, you were my friend first actually. so i would love to start hanging out with you again.”
“okay fair point.” y/n looked from the set to chris, contemplating on his offer. “yeah. let’s do it.”
“cool. can’t wait to start.”
“wanna start tonight?”
“yeah sure.” chris smiled. “wait, i can’t tonight. we’re filming a video tonight.”
“oh. tomorrow then?”
“we could actually start tonight if you don’t mind hanging around until we finish filming.”
“you doing a car video or one in the kitchen?”
“then can i chill in your room while you film it?”
“why don’t you sit behind the camera and be like an assistant?”
“i’ve never done that before. what will i have to do?”
“you’ll just have to hand us things when we need them. and don’t worry about being on camera. i’ll have nick edit you out.”
“thanks chris. i appreciate it.” she looked around the room. “are the boys even home?”
“no. matt took nick to pick up supplies for the video.”
“why didn’t you go with them? you always do.”
“i had a feeling you’d be stopping by so i figured i’d stay home. didn’t want to miss my opportunity to see you.”
“although you weren’t the triplet i was hoping to talk to, i’m glad you were here.”
“i’m here whenever you need someone to talk to.”
“i appreciate that. thanks, christopher.”
“chris, we’re home!” nick called from the garage. “come help with the stuff.”
“one sec!” he yelled back and turned to y/n. “be right back.” he was gone before she could reply. seconds later, matt was coming up the stairs. he noticed her sitting at the table and stopped in front of the stairs. nick bumped into him and almost fell down the stairs. but once nick saw y/n too, he understood.
“matt, what the fuck? stop acting so weird. she’s your best friend, for crying out loud.” he whispered to his brother.
“just trying to figure out what she’s doing here.” matt replied, rather loudly, causing y/n’s head to shoot up. she noticed matt and sighed.
of course he would make that comment, she thought.
chris heard what matt said and pushed past his brothers to sit next to y/n.
“i invited her here to work on this lego set after we’re done filming tonight. speaking of which, she’s going to be our off camera assistant for the video. so if you have a problem with her being here, i suggest you speak up. or don’t. because she’s staying whether you like it or not.”
“i’m cool with it. it’s not a bad idea to have someone helping out off camera every once in a while.”
“sure. whatever works.” matt waved his hand around and retreated to his room. nick turned to his friend and shook his head.
“please excuse him. he’s been moody all day.”
“kid needs some action. let’s be real.”
“we could probably arrange something.” y/n scrolled through her phone, only half paying attention to the conversation. when she looked up, chris raised his eyebrow. “what? he clearly hasn’t been laid in a while so maybe we should find him someone.”
“i understood what you meant. but i never imagined the suggestion coming from you.” nick chuckled.
“i’m full of surprises.”
“alright. let’s get this video over with.” matt walked out of his room and stood at the kitchen table. he eyed chris and y/n who were conversing in a tone nobody else could hear. she glanced at matt then laughed at what chris said before the two of them were joining matt and nick in the kitchen.
y/n hit the record button as instructed and chris began introducing the video. she watched as the boys each said what they were going to do for the video. matt’s eyes lit up with excitement when he was describing his portion of the video and for a second, it made y/n’s heart melt. until he made eye contact with her and rolled his eyes. whatever she was feeling for matt was quick to disappear.
after the video was filmed, matt headed back to his room and nick went to his. y/n sat with chris at the table as they began the lego set.
“so, do you think matt’s problem is that he hasn’t fucked anybody lately and it’s just built up aggression?”
“that’s one way to put it. but yeah. it all adds up.” chris was focused on the section of the set he was tasked with assembling. his tongue darted in and out as he searched for each piece.
“i guess so.” y/n glanced behind chris at the hallway that went to matt’s bedroom. she prayed he would walk out at that very moment and everything between them would be fixed. but that didn’t happen.
over the next few hours, chris was focused more on the task at hand than y/n was so when he fell asleep at the table, she wasn’t surprised.
“chris, i think you need some rest.” she giggled at his half asleep response as he swatted her hand away.
“five more minutes. i want to get this part done.” he held the pieces up to show her what was left. she looked down at the diagram and smiled.
“that part is finished, chrissy. looks amazing. you did good.”
“thank you.”
“do you want to head to bed now?”
“will you be joining me?”
“i gotta clean up a bit but i’ll be down there in a few minutes, okay?”
“yay.” chris stood up and pulled the lego piece from his cheek. he nearly tripped down the stairs and when he got to his room, he was out like a light.
y/n on the other hand was still very much awake. as she cleaned up their work area, she couldn’t help but glance towards matt’s room. her hope was shrinking. all she wanted was to confront him and ask why he was being such an ass lately. she wanted to yell at him for breaking her heart. but she knew that if she saw him, she would crumble. no yelling would take place on her end. and at this point, she didn’t even care if he yelled at her. she just wanted to see him.
she had put the lego pieces into their designated bin and set the already assembled parts off to the side. just as she was about to head down to chris’ room, she heard a door open and footsteps entered the kitchen. she turned around and saw matt at the refrigerator. his back was turned so he didn’t notice her standing there.
“matthew bernard, we need to talk.”
“no we don’t.” he shook his head, grabbed his root beer and headed back towards his room. y/n was not about to let him go without a fight. she immediately followed and just as matt was about to get comfy at his computer, she pushed the door open and stomped inside.
“you are not pulling this shit with me, matt. it’s complete bullshit.”
“god, do you ever mind your own business?” he set his can down and rolled his eyes. “i don’t owe you anything.”
“as your best friend, i think your absence needs to be explained.”
“we can’t be friends anymore. there’s your explanation.”
“not good enough.” she sat on the edge of his bed and stared at him before averting her gaze and fiddling with her fingers. “why don’t you want to be friends anymore? did i do something wrong?”
“yes. now please leave me alone. i’m tired.”
“okay.” y/n sighed and left his room without putting up more of a fight. matt sighed and leaned back in his chair. it was killing him to hurt her this way but he had to do it. his feelings weren’t reciprocated and he needed to distance himself, whatever it took.
the next morning, y/n was quiet throughout breakfast, which was unusual to chris. she was normally a yapper like he was but when she responded to his cheery good morning with a slight head nod, he knew something was up. and he knew exactly what caused it. or more specifically, who caused her to go silent.
when they were finally alone, y/n broke down and told chris everything. she didn’t want him to be mad at matt so when she explained it all, it took all of her strength to keep him from confronting matt.
“please don’t. it’s not worth it.”
“bullshit it’s not. he’s ruining the most amazing friendship for something so stupid. he didn’t even tell you what you happened to do to cause this sudden change so he doesn’t get to be protected by you anymore. i have to kick his ass.”
“chris, please?”
“ugh, fine. but i don’t like this. you used to be so happy and calm. but now you’re the complete opposite. it changed overnight and i’m not happy about it.”
“i’ll be fine. i still have you and nick.” she smiled at her best friend. it was only a half smile. the one where chris could tell she didn’t want to do it. but he put his arm around her and smiled back.
“i’m gonna make you feel better.”
“and how do you plan on doing that, christopher?”
“by taking you to get lunch. your favorite.”
“you can’t drive, moron. but i appreciate the thought.”
“damn. what can we do that’s close to the house?”
“can we continue the lego set? we were getting so far before someone passed out.”
“hey, i was working really hard.”
“i know. you worked yourself into a deep sleep, darling.”
“if that’s what will make you happy, then let’s go finish the set.”
“yay.” y/n clapped her hands together and ran upstairs. chris chuckled and followed behind her.
“i’ll order your favorite food for lunch.” he pulled out her chair for her then sat next to her with a smile.
“chris, you don’t have to.”
“i know. but you’re my best friend and i love making you happy because i love you.”
“i love you too.”
and they both meant it. not romantically of course. but they both knew that their bond was unbreakable, even more so now than it had ever been.
matt walked out of his room when he heard y/n giggling. he didn’t expect to see y/n leaning her head on chris’ shoulder. it bothered him but there was nothing he could do about it. instead, he cleared his throat to make his presence known. y/n was the first to turn.
“oh. it’s just you. what do you want?”
“you to leave.” matt replied rather quickly, like he had been storing that answer away for this specific moment, causing y/n to stare at him in shock.
“fuck you, matt.” y/n looked at chris before sliding her chair away from the table. “i’m sorry, chris. but i can’t do this anymore.” she grabbed her phone and walked out the front door.
“what the fuck, matt?!?!” chris yelled at his brother before running after y/n.
matt watched them disappear and let out a breath he didn’t know he was holding. nick appeared seconds later and gave matt a look.
“what is wrong with you?” he didn’t even have to ask what happened. he heard the majority of it. “if that’s how you treat women, it’s no wonder you’re single.”
“hey, just back off. i need some space away from her.”
“and instead of telling her, like an adult, you just stopped talking to her entirely? except when you do actually speak to her, you’re the biggest asshole in the planet.” nick shook his head. “why do you need the space anyway?”
“it’s complicated, nick.” matt collapsed on the couch and took a breath before resting his head in his hands. “i’m in love with her.” for the first time since matt realized how he felt, the revelation felt real. someone else was now aware of the feelings.
“then tell her, you fucking dumbass. this isn’t healthy. for either of you. you’re breaking more hearts than needed.”
“i can’t tell her. she’s my best friend.”
“correction. she was your best friend, up until about a week ago, when you became a complete dickhead. just fucking talk to her.”
“i just can’t. it’s better this way.”
“for who, matt? for who?” nick slapped his brothers shoulder and returned to his room, leaving matt alone.
outside, y/n made it halfway down the street before chris caught up to her. when he was beside her, she slowed her pace and looked at her feet.
“i’m sorry for leaving like that, chris. i just can’t get it through my head that i was best friends with someone for 9 years and now it’s just all gone to shit.” she kicked a stone in her path and turned to enter the park. she sat on one swing while chris sat next to her on the other. “i just don’t understand what i even did for him to be acting this way, you know? if i had any idea, it might take the weight off my shoulders. but either way, it sucks.”
“yeah. i know.” chris looked over at her and sighed. “i wish things were different.”
“why couldn’t i have fallen in love with you instead? we have so much more in common and you’re actually nice to me. you care about me and matt does not.”
“you love him?” chris’ eyes widened at his best friends revelation. y/n froze for a brief moment before making the swing move side to side.
“yeah, i guess i do. and part of me just wants to yell at him and tell him he’s breaking my heart and the other part just wants to yell at him. which would be fine but i know i could never yell at him. it sucks.”
“i understand. it’s confusing, but i think i get it. and if we loved each other, then life would be simpler.”
“life is never simple for me. it’s like the universe is telling me i’m never meant to be happy.”
“why don’t you try telling matt how you feel? maybe he feels the same.”
“um, did you miss the part where i said the universe doesn’t want me to be happy? because in a perfect world, matt would definitely have feelings for me.”
“you guys are so similar and the fact that neither of you has realized that the other one is in love with you, is ridiculous. i mean, it’s pretty obvious how much you guys truly love each other.”
“i don’t think it’s-“
“oh please. the stares, the fact you’re together 24/7, the inside jokes, the way you blush when he even acknowledges you. the constant teasing. the hand holding in public so y’all don’t get separated from each other. you guys are like the little 4x1 flat lego bricks.”
“come again?”
“you’re good on your own but when you’re attached together, it’s hard to pull you apart.”
“when did you become so wise, christopher?”
“i’ve always been wise. but for matters of the heart, i’m an expert.”
“says the guy who’s never had a girlfriend before.”
“i don’t want to commit to someone if they’re not gonna stick around. i want it to be real.”
“yeah i get that. but thank you for this talk. maybe i’ll talk to matt when i’m over next time.”
“why not stay tonight? we still have to finish that lego set.”
“i’m not ready to see matt.” she sighed. “but if we can do it in your room, i would consider staying tonight.”
“you got yourself a deal. and you can even have my bed tonight.”
“such a gentleman, christopher.” y/n stood from her swing and pulled chris up. “let’s go.”
when they got back home, matt was nowhere to be found. it was like y/n’s prayers had been answered.
they quickly got to work on finishing their lego set. chris played some quiet music in the background and helped put the finishing touches on the set. when it was finished, y/n smiled widely.
“thank you for this, chris.”
“it was my pleasure. and i know i wasn’t the triplet you pictured while working on this set, but i’m glad you let me help.”
“i’d pick you any day.” she patted his knee and stood up to stretch. “i’m gonna go get some snacks from the kitchen. want anything?”
“pepsi of course.”
“should’ve known.” she playfully shook her head and walked up to the kitchen. nick was in the living room and when he saw her, he smiled.
"hey. what are you up to?"
"just grabbing some snacks for chris and i. what are you up to?" she opened the fridge and grabbed the drinks before going to the pantry and looking through the snacks.
"matt said something to me earlier and i've been thinking about it for a few hours."
"what did he tell you?"
"i think that's something he needs to tell you himself."
"that would be easy if he was actually talking to me instead of being an asshole." y/n set the snacks on the counter and turned towards the living room. it was then that she noticed the flowers on the table. "what's this?" she walked closer and looked at them. there was a note under the flowers so she picked it up and read it. it was in matt's handwriting.
i know this may be a little too late but i needed to let you know that i am sorry for being so stupid. these are your favorite flowers and i will love you until the very last one dies. i promise.
y/n inspected the flowers and noticed that one of them was made entirely out of legos. "nick, were you aware of this?"
"i wasn't aware that this would be how he was going to tell you. but i knew he loved you." nick stood next to her and smiled. "what do you think?"
"is this why he's been an ass lately? because he loves me?"
"i think so." he put his hand on her shoulder and admired the flowers. "so he loves you. do you love him?"
"i do, actually. but this isn't fair. he can't treat me the way he has been & then try to make things better by giving me a lego flower."
"maybe you guys need to talk. he's in his room." nick nodded his head down the hallway before heading up to his room. y/n glanced at the snacks, then at the hallway that lead to matt's room. she grabbed the lego flower and the note then headed to matt's room. she knocked gently and the door swung open. upon seeing her, matt's gaze softened.
"hey." he looked at her hands and saw the flower. "i see you got the note."
"i did." she walked past matt and sat in his chair while he sat on the edge of his bed. "it's not fair, matt."
"what do you mean?"
"while i appreciate the lego flower, i don't appreciate the fact that you've treated me like crap for a week and thought you could make up for it with the note and the flowers."
"i figured it wouldn't be enough but just so you know, i'm prepared to do whatever it takes to win you back. you being with chris just isn't natural."
"me and chris? is that why you've been upset these past few days? you think i'm with chris?"
"you've been spending so much time with him lately. and you guys have so much chemistry."
"well, that's ridiculous."
"so you're not with chris?"
"no. but i've come to the realization that my life would be easier if i had just fallen in love with him instead of you."
"you fell in love with me? when?"
"like 5 years ago, i think. and it's been torture just being your friend for so long. every time we'd start a new lego set, it was like falling in love with you all over again. your face would light up like a kid in a candy store and i found it so endearing whenever you'd receive a new set."
"if it helps, it's been torture for me too. i've been pretending for years that i had no feelings for you whatsoever. and i realize now that there is absolutely no real excuse for the way i acted recently. but these feelings are fairly new to me. and i thought i had gotten over what i thought was just a crush. but it turns out, i love you. and i'm always going to love you, no matter what. you can stay mad at me and that's fine. because i love you." matt's leg began to bounce as he confessed everything. y/n got up from the chair and sat beside him. "and it's been torture to see you and chris working on lego sets when that was our thing."
"working on lego sets with chris meant nothing to me. sure it was fun and i enjoy spending time with him. but it was nothing compared to doing them with you." y/n placed her hand on his calmly, stopping his leg from shaking. he looked at her and when their eyes met, matt felt like he was on fire. like he was falling in love again.
"can we start over?"
"and erase our entire history? not a chance." y/n smiled. "let's just pretend the last week didn't happen and we can pick up where we left off, if that's okay with you."
"it's more than okay with me." matt chuckled. "just promise me you won't work on anymore lego sets with chris."
"from now on, i will only work on lego sets with the person i love."
"i love you too." matt smiled and placed a soft kiss to her forehead.
"you still have the hogwarts castle? or did you do it yourself?"
"i was hoping to start it with you."
"good. we can start it in the morning."
"why not right now?" matt pouted when y/n stood up.
"because i promised chris snacks and a pepsi. don't want to make him wait any longer for them."
"can't you just deliver them to him then come back? i miss you and i'm sure he'll understand."
"we'll see. but you'll understand if i don't return tonight?"
"of course. chris is important to you and i love that you guys get along so well."
"and i'm sure he'll understand it when i tell him i want to come up here to spend time with you."
"hurry back, love." matt chuckled and watched y/n disappear from his room. she walked into chris' room with the snacks and smiled at him.
"what took you so long?"
"i made up with matt and turns out, he loves me." she couldn't contain the excitement she was feeling.
"i told you he did. and i'm so happy for you." he chuckled and opened his pepsi. "i take it you want to spend time with matt again, right?"
"you're not mad, are you?"
"of course not. you're happy and that makes me happy." chris smiled. "just don't abandon me altogether."
"i promise to make time for you too, chris." she kissed his head and ran back up to matt's room, jumping on his bed. "he understood."
"great. now i can do something i've been wanting to do for months." matt pulled her close and finally kissed her. the feeling of her lips fitting perfectly with his was enough to make him feel like he was dreaming. thankfully, he wasn't. it was real and matt couldn't get enough.
being together was good for the both of them.
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kimbapchan · 2 months
urgh i'm sorry people on twitter are being shitty,,, sending love your way to combat the bad vibes!
and if it matters, your mu qing design is incredibly pretty in my opinion and i love that dancer outfit so much, he has probably my favorite design from your comic (and that is a high bar because the others are also awesome)
Thankyou so much 🥺 it makes me feel better getting some supportive words from you guys. Mu qing was my favorite redesign too! I play a character/jobclass in an MMO similar to that outfit so when I saw xie lian had an outfit like that, i fell inlove with it.
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This one ^ you can see the heavy inspiration from my rendition of the outfit in mu qing. I main this job class when I was still hardcore raiding on that game xD
Anyways yeah. I’m just scared of tgcf twitter. The people calling me out on twitter are being followed by my mutuals too. I didnt want it to blow up in my face or be accussed of punching down so frustratingly, I cant do anything about it. I can only rant safely here on tumblr which has surprisingly become a safe space for me. You guys are so supportive thankyou I am very grateful for having an understanding and mature audience here 😭
I wont outright delete mu qing from my AU and will probably draw him again in the future. But for now, I want to safely move onto other reversed scenes 😭 im too old and too tired of fandoms to be hated on. I removed myself from the bnha community for that very reason. Hopefully, I wont have to do that for the danmei fandom someday. Tgcf fandom especially. SVSSS is my safehaven 😂 we all starved, content-deprived people and embrace the chaos.
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callsign-rogueone · 5 months
cuddles - b.s.
Brennan Sorrengail x reader words: 565 🏷: no book spoilers, just thoughts about cuddles with Bren [re: this ask]. gender neutral + no pronouns used. brief mentions of the following things, but they aren’t described in any detail: reader and/or Brennan being injured or sick, having nightmares, stress, and worrying about your partner / being afraid of losing them again. one (1) implication of sexual activity at the end but it’s incredibly mild and left up for interpretation. not edited, just a ramble / headcanons. posting this from my bed, wishing I had a brennan here with me right now :(
Bren is absolutely a cuddler behind closed doors, when it’s just him and his partner around.
it’s definitely a stress reliever for him to just be held and relax with you, to take his mind off of preparing for war. everywhere else, he’s the stern, responsible Lieutenant Colonel, but inside your room, he’s just your Bren, and he likes to be babied sometimes. he deserves it! hold him. massage the stress out of his shoulders. be the big spoon for him sometimes (even if you’re shorter/smaller than him, he still loves it). let him lay his head on your lap / chest / etc and play with his hair and read aloud to him from whatever book you’re in the middle of. warning you though, he’ll probably fall asleep and trap you there for a good hour because he’s so tired all the time.
you’ve both been through so much, and sometimes he just likes to have you close, feeling the warmth of your body and your heartbeat and your breathing, as a reassurance that you’re still alive, still here with him 🥺 especially if one of you has a nightmare, or something scary happened to either of you that day — if you were seriously injured, he’s mending you immediately, obviously, but then he’s not letting you out of his sight. he’s taking the afternoon off and taking care of you, and that includes hours of cuddles. 
and he’ll do it as a reassurance for you, too. if you’re crying / injured / overwhelmed, etc., he’s scooping you into his arms and holding you close while he figures out what’s wrong and how to fix it for you, because that’s what Brennan does, he fixes things. but if it’s not an immediately urgent issue, he’s happy to cuddle you a while to help you feel better first.
and it’s a subconscious thing for him too. even when he’s asleep, he’ll reach for you, curling into your side when he finds you. he just wants to be close to you, as it’s a comfort to him. he falls asleep a lot easier and stays asleep longer when he can feel that you’re around. if he’s sick or recovering from an injury (like in the last six years), you need to be close to him — not just for your own reassurance and because you want to take care of him, but also because he’ll drag himself out of bed to find you if you leave. 
on nights where it’s too hot to cuddle, you have to settle for falling asleep holding hands, which works for a few minutes — until one of you wants to roll over — but it’s good enough for him. 
also, I stand by the fact that he’d have the most comfortable bed. he’s the top commander of the revolution, so he’d theoretically have the nicest room, and because he’s so tired from running the army and mending people and teaching a class now, too, I think he would value having a nice soft place to sleep when he can. a big mattress that you can stretch out on, lots of pillows and some very nice blankets.
and I am legally obligated to make this suggestive, because it’s Brennan: cuddling is a requirement after ~certain activities~. and also, cuddling tends to turn into ~certain activities~ quite often — when you’re not too tired, that is. 😉
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hugs4lifesworld · 11 months
Never mind - Peter Parker x Stark! reader
Former relationship between peter and reader but it has been bad since Tony died. Reader is friends with Flash and met him before Peter from galas, charity things, and other events. In some ways he knows her better than anyone else. Very little of Peter.
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"I can't believe you're really making me go." I grumble to Happy as he half drags, half guides me into the airport carrying my luggage given my refusal to even going on this trip. Happy having heard my complaints, bargaining, and weak threats the whole way continues to ignore me which he has done for the past half hour after simply arguing "Maybe this will be good for you." We make it to the large group of teenagers I call classmates where I am finally released only to be surrounded by my friends. As they chatter away I catch a glimpse of Happy speaking to the two teachers who are chaperoning before leaving. I roll my eyes and sit down beside Michelle knowing I won't get far if I even try to escape.
Before long the last member of the class comes and we go through to our gate. After that we board our plane. Out of habit I follow Flash to the first class area where we both have seats reserved, should we choose to use them. I laugh at him when the stewardess takes the drink from him when Michelle rats that he was blipped and therefore not 21. The two of us are instructed to sit with the rest of the class until after take off. We comply and I end up by Brad and Flash is a few rows back. In the seat across from me is Michelle with Betty beside her. The crew begins their safety demonstration and then we take off.
Flash and I decide to stay with the rest of the class for the time being and he sleeps while I continue the book I have been reading. Roughly half way into the flight I finish the book and am not tired. The cabin crew is also making rounds, checking on everyone so it would be pointless to even attempt to sleep. Looking around the cabin I catch Peter's eyes already looking at me, feelings I have been pushing down bubble and overwhelm me and I have to rip my eyes away. Sighing, I divert my gaze onto the screen in front of me so they don't gravitate back to Peter. 'Might as well' I think before grabbing the headphones and putting them on. I reach forward flicking on the screen and pushing the listening option. Scrolling through I find only audiobooks about The Avengers, some older books about Steve and one on the blip.
I simultaneously feel angry, annoyed, and get a lump in my throat and my eyes burn. Quickly switching to the in-flight movies I hope and pray that it's something different. I quickly find that they are different but this is worse, so much worse.
All I see are "documentaries" on my dad. My breath hitches and the more I scroll through the less I seem to be able to catch my breath. I am startled when I feel a hand on my arm and look to see it's Flash giving me a questioning look and I nod. I know he doesn't believe me but he, thankfully, lets it go for now. I switch the screen off, practically ripping the headphones off. Michelle looks over at me while Betty gasps "Y/n!" causing several members of our class including Brad, Ned, and Peter to look at me which I try my best to ignore.
Just then a stewardess walks by, "Excuse me." I say to the blonde woman who has an incredibly fake smile plastered on her face. I think I catch the end of an eye roll as she turns to me answering, "Yes, how can I help you?". "Do you happen to have any other movies?" I ask her hoping I don't have too much emotion in my voice. Because Ned, Flash, MJ, and Peter are all focused on me but I can tell I failed. "I'm afraid we don't, Miss. I'm sorry." she answers and goes to walk away "How about a book then?" I ask her. With a barely concealed sigh she answers "I'll check." and she leaves. She is back in a few minuets with 3 books. Glancing at the spines I read the titles. Once again they are about the Avengers and the blip, Steve, and my father. This time I don't bother to hide anything, with a heavy sigh and a seemingly exasperated tone I ask. "Do you have anything that's NOT about Tony Stark? A magazine, anything?" I stress. "No, Ma'-" I interrupt "Fine, a sleeping pill then?" I ask snapping at her trying to keep from crying. she scoffs and straitens wiping the fake grin from her plump red lips and narrowing her brown eyes at me. "What is your problem?" She questions me and I shoot back "I just don't want to read or listen to anything about Tony Stark!" I exclaim thankful the two teachers are sleeping and I easily ignore everyone else.
She gapes at me looking indignant "How dare you. Tony Stark was an amazing man who sacrificed everything." she practically yells at me. "Never mind." I huff out sitting back in my seat "I don't want to hear about it. Okay?" I tell her in a clipped tone.
"Tony Stark was the founder and leader of the Avengers! He housed S.H.E.I.L.D. He was an incredibly selfless man who died for the world." She raises her voice slightly becoming more frantic as she speaks. I only hold my tongue for a few moments before I burst. Jumping to my feet "Okay. First, he was not the founder of the Avengers. That was Nick Fury who came up with the original idea and Phil Coulson and Maria Hill helped execute said idea. Second, He was not the leader. Steve Rogers is," I pause "Was. Captain America was the leader. Tony did however pay for everything. Third, He never housed S.H.E.I.L.D, only gave former agents new jobs. Finally, He was an incredibly selfish man." I list off, finishing emotionally and scornfully before rushing away only barely taking notice of Flash angrily send her away to get the head steward and not come back.
Leaning on the sink I heave, trying to catch my breath and not let the sobs out but one escapes.
Then another...
And another.
Next thing I know I'm in the hallway between coach and first class and Peter is kneeling in front of me telling me to breathe. The black at the edges of my vision slowly recedes and I can hear Flash shouting at who I assume is the head stewardess. I gather myself and push Peter away and stand. "I'm fine. You can go." I tell him making my way back to Flash and our seats to gather my things before he can say anything. "You and your staff should read the manifest." Flash states as I shoulder my bag. "I'm sorry, sir, but your friend was belligerent and Mr. Stark was a hero." She says trying to dismiss the issue. "If you had read the manifest you would have seen that Y/N Stark was on this flight. If anyone has the right to be selfish, it's her." He bites to her and snatches up his bag, I assume from the sound.
The last thing I hear before passing through the curtain to first class is "She is his daughter after all." and him stomping after me. Throwing ourselves in our new plush seats we sigh and Flash silently reaches over putting his hand on mine and we sit that way in silence for a while until he squeezes my hand. "What's going on in that head of yours?" He asks. My first response is a simple shrug but he gives me a look and I can't help sighing again, "I just still can't believe they made me come on this stupid trip." I tell him. "Maybe they thought it would be good for you." He tells me. "Yeah, right." I reply with a scoff.
"They get five years with him and I ... lost five. Sure, I'm not the only one in the world. No one else got blipped, came back, had to fight, and then watch their dad sacrifice himself." Feeling the tickle of the tears I angrily wipe my face and sniff before continuing, "Then I go home and find my dad married Pepper, which is great and I love her, she is the only mom I've ever known and on top of it I have a little sister." Flash just lets me rant. "Then, I have to go to work helping everyone else. I didn't even get to hug him or tell him I love him." I finally burst and Flash pulls me into a hug, holding me as I cry. Eventually succumbing to my emotions and exhaustion and falling asleep in one of my best friends arms.
A few hours later I'm lightly shaken awake by Flash so he can tell me we will be landing soon. I sit up staring at the floor before whispering "Thank you." to Flash who squeezes my shoulder as if to say "no problem" while holding out my make up bag out to me in the other. I raise an eyebrow at him and he simply said "Parker brought it.". I grab it with a huff and stand knowing I'm going to have to talk to him ... eventually. I make my way to the restroom I had previously tried to gain control in with a new determination but find the door locked. I stand and wait for only a few seconds before the door swings open to reveal Peter. Once he sees me his eyes widen and he slams the door. Okay I think and see Brad coming so I decide to try another restroom to fix my make up so when we land I will appear to be all together, just in case.
It only takes me about seven minuets to redo my makeup and make sure my hair is presentable. Once I finish that I go back to my seat, buckle my seat belt, and wait for the plane to land. "Your teachers want you to disembark the plane with the rest of your class." The head steward appears and instructs Flash and I and I simply roll my eyes while Flash gives a simple nod and she disappears.
"So, why are you pissed at Parker?" Flash asks as the plane slowly descends. "I'm not." I say. "That's bullshit and you know it." He shoots back. With a sigh I try again, "I'm not pissed at him. Why do you think that?". He gives me a look and answers "You two were good together. As much as I hate it. You were happy and now you'll barely even look at him." He points out. "We both have a lot of things to work out ... with my dad and stuff. You know the internship." I shrug. "So talk to him." "It's not that easy." I answer. He just looks at me as we land on the tarmac.
The plane finally comes to a stop and Flash and I join our class to disembark. Somehow I end up by Peter, MJ, Ned, and Betty. It is quickly revealed that Betty and Ned are dating. After a few awkward interactions between peter and I, the whole class exits the airport. With that our trip officially begins.
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bengiyo · 1 year
Love Class 2 Eps 9 & 10 (Finale) Stray Thoughts
Last week, in keeping with the theme, I can barely remember what happened in the K-BLs. I know that the younger couples all basically came out to each other, and all three couples gave some decent kissing. I continue to enjoy J-min. I also am glad we resolved the situation with Kim An’s orphanage friend, because that was kinda fucked. The TA and artist are dealing with a misunderstanding that feels a little meaty, so I hope we have a good resolution moment for it. I’m glad Maru and Minwoo finally kissed about their problems.
Episode 9
I’m okay starting with Minwoo and Maru spooning.
Okay, it’s very sweet of Maru to recognize that Minwoo has loved him for a long time and stood by him through all the things Maru went through. I love him promising to be there with Minwoo now.
Kim An is shirtless in bed? How now brown cow.
Never mind, they’re handling business and getting it in.
Oh shit. Joo Hyuk’s friend read him on this park date goddamn.
Oh, was Joo Hyuk with the teacher that Sungmin often does chores for?
Looks like Maru’s tormenting of the manager worked.
Look at my girl finally finding a straight man to flirt with.
The professor was Joo Hyuk’s uncle? LOL
My man Sungmin is so resilient. He realized he’d embarrassed himself, cleared up the matter, and then asked for a date. That’s what I’m talking about!
Kim An and Lee Hyun are frolicking!!
I’m okay with everyone getting cute dates this episode.
I will never get tired of people expressing their feelings for each other clearly and directly, and then making out.
“You are obedient at important moments,” and  “Let’s have many important moments. I promise I’ll be a good boy,” what actually so hot.
I appreciate that there was probably a limit to how physically intimate they could get an idol like J-min to be in this show, and so they fed us with the sides. It’s something Thailand relied upon a lot for a while. J-min served well by being so talented in the early parts when I was struggling a bit. This show has struck a really nice balance after I settled into it.
I see you boys rolling around with each other and I know what that means. Nicely done, sirs.
I love that the tag is giving us the backstory for how Joo Hyuk fell for Sungmin. Unsurprisingly, Joo Hyuk was kind of a whiny drunk.
Episode 10
Now we’re on a Gays Only Camping Trip? Incredible.
This looks like so much fun omg.
These people have immaculate vibes. This is way better than whatever the fuck was going on in Our Skyy 2: Star in My Mind.
This supermarket trip is so cute holy shit.
You mean the tell me this is a gay bbq and they didn’t know they was all paired off? Gay people are so dumb.
I love this conversation between Minwoo and Lee Hyun about how Minwoo used to be jealous of Lee Hyun’s feelings.
This show is doing a really good job showing couples settling into each other in its finale.
Okay, deciding to no longer kiss in the shadows is such a baller gay thing to say that this show just earned half a point.
Okay this photo is really good.
Final Verdict: 8.5, This Was Cute as Hell. I want to thank @he-is-lightning-in-a-bottle for getting me to keep going with this show. I think it was a little hard to follow at first, but I had really satisfying outings with all of the characters here. It was kind of a grab bag of plots, but once I locked in I had a fantastic time. This was really fun, and a worthwhile watch. J-min has real talent and I was impressed by him.
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chikuto · 1 year
Hello I saw your post about your breakthrough with ADHD and art and!!! Yeah!!! Similar hat!!!
Something I think that goes into it as well is the idea that ADHD people are undisciplined, like 'oh they're so smart in class but just don't apply themselves' but it's because (at least in my experience) our 'applying ourselves' looks different than what the typical (capitalist) school system demands! I work in short bursts of like 10-30 minutes and break doing nothing and do this for Hours, and this extends to working on a project for days and then not doing anything for weeks before picking it up again. The rhythm is chaos and there is no predicting it but to me it's important not to force myself into doing something I don't want to because it literally will not work and will ONLY make me miserable!!
I tried to be a semi-freelance artist in my gap year and early uni years, and had schedules for myself for how much to draw and practice and especially post down to the week and guess what happened? Literally nothing, I didn't follow that schedule at all, I procrastinated and didn't do much and felt incredibly guilty for not being productive or a proper artist, and ended up burning out within a couple years and did basically no art last year, I've only got back into it this year because I've let myself do it because I Want to and not force myself to, it's no longer a Priority task in the sense of 'this has to be done' and now more a priority in the sense of 'i do this because it makes me happy'.
It was interesting reading your post because yes! I resonate! And feel like I've been in that position and have now come to find ways that I can still draw that work for me and mean I enjoy it and don't fight my brain because doing that for my entire childhood (when you're told you're inherently just lazy and need to work harder than oh boy do you run yourself into the ground) made me absolutely miserable and unable to do anything. Part of my getting back into art was accepting the chaotic and strange way I worked and just letting that flow and not fighting it, as Frustrating as it could get sometimes and as unhelpful it was to a 'traditional' model of work that industry demands.
Idk if this is helpful but you mentioned being unsure how to go from where you are after this revelation and I guess all i want to say is: figure out your workflow and Do Not Fight It. ADHD brain is distracting, yes, but it is also the most stubborn bitch ever and fighting it will just make you unhappy and tired. Figure out how you work best in a way that keeps you content and happy and work with it.
Of course there can be discipline aspects there too; I do find pushing myself to get up and pick up the sketchbook when I am feeling lazy is good, there's definitely elements where you can push yourself just to do a little bit more or work a little bit harder - but only to the point it still works for you. Once it gets hard, stop fighting and let yourself flow naturally.
Ajdhjsja idk if this makes sense I've just done a lot of thinking about this over the years and hoped it might be a bit helpful
I feel you man. Schedules are foreign things to me, and trying to make one for myself is both physically and mentally painful. When I was doing my webcomic, holding myself accountable day in and day out to pump out page after page after page made me so ill. Even when I tried to take it slower and make it easy on myself, I would just get laden with guilt. I had to put it down for my own health and figure out what was wrong with me.
I have received the "Don't Fight It" advice from other ADHD friends before, and i'm STILL FIGURING OUT HOW TO APPLY IT TO MYSELF ... like i said, there are always gonna be external factors that impede your ability to do what you love, even without ADHD (living situation, general mental/physical health, etc).
I definitely wanted to post this ask though, because I hope other people can also benefit from this advice. It's definitely helpful, and after reading everyone's responses to that post, I think it's something I should start being more mindful of too. Thank you for sharing your experience!
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luveline · 9 months
Asking for a little advice since you’re so incredibly well spoken and wise… I start my next uni semester next week and to say that I am nervous and stressed is an understatement. I’m typing all of this at 6 AM and have not had any sleep at all lol. All of my classes are science and math courses, and like you said (I believe) in an ask that you answered about what you had studied in uni the first time and now, I too am not too good at science. I get all A’s not because I’m good at it, but because I put so much effort into it. It feels pretty pathetic that I was always once considered the smart one in my family and friend groups, but I think I’m now just the academically burnt out student. I’m getting a job for the first time this semester, and I’ll be volunteering to build up my resume. There are so many more incredibly essential things (both uni related and personal life related) that I have to do in the next six months and I don’t think I will be able to handle it all. The thing is, I have no other option. It is what it is, and I just have to deal with it. Therefore, what would you say is the best way to remain positive and what methods do you think are useful to reduce stress or at least calm yourself down in times such as those?
I’m so sorry for venting, I just wanted to give context to make my question make sense. Love ya Jade🫶🏼
no it’s okay don’t be sorry!!
well, firstly I would say that to -it is what is is, as gently as I can, that that’s not technically true. I’m so sorry because I don’t know your situation and you might be sitting there thinking well yes it is I have no other alternative, but that is the sort of thinking I had when I was in my first year of university , and it was so so damaging to me, I was so cruel to myself because I was trying to reach a level I could not get to no matter how hard I tried, and I considered this a deep personal failing when it wasn’t the case!! I truly don’t doubt that you’re in between a rock and a hard place and that there’s nothing else you can do, but if I can give you some advice it would be to try and slow down. Sometimes it’s necessary to fail a bit if it means you can breathe properly at night. I’m not sure if this is helpful to hear but when I first started uni I tried so hard all the time but I was exactly like you where I was incredibly burned out but I had always been a hard working kid (though I don’t think I personally followed the burned out gifted kid thing I was just more average and struggling when the work got really hard) and trying to force myself to perform when I just couldn’t hurt me so badly. I was really sick and I made myself worse. I’m not saying that that is what you’re going to do, but I guess what I am trying to do is gently suggest that it isn’t feasible to hold yourself to this standard, and even if it puts your life on pause or if it stunts your academic progress, you need to look after yourself, I’m really really sorry please take what I’m saying as like I know fully that I’m an outsider and I don’t know you and this isn’t even the advice you asked for, but as someone who I think has been exactly where you are I guess I’m suggesting what I wish someone had told me to do, which was to reach out for as much help as you can right now before things get unmanageable. I hate thinking you’ve been up all night worrying, no one deserves that sort of anxiety. Please get some rest if you can.
it’s so soso because this has actually made me want to cry, I have tears in my eyes writing to you, I’m just so sorry for you my love, I can’t imagine how awfully tired you must be feeling trying to carry all this weight and pressure by yourself, it’s a really horrible thing to feel so stressed out and you don’t deserve it. If you can take it easier please do, but now I’m gonna try and answer your actual original question as best as I can! I’m not sure anyone enjoys being told this but meditation can work! It really doesn’t work for everyone but it actually does for me, as well as trying to snap yourself out of the stress response. If you go on YouTube or TikTok there are videos where you follow along and they try to snap you out of your anxiety, when I was at my absolute worst they did help some. Better is to tell someone!! I would not have survived my worst moments if I didn’t have the blessing that is my nice and extremely patient friends, I have really paranoid anxiety and if I can’t get it out it stews so much and makes me feel like I’m dying and I can’t recommend enough telling someone about your problem in detail and getting some reassurance. If you can’t tell a friend or don’t want to, there’s a text service in the UK called SHOUT where you can talk to volunteers about how you’re feeling, but they’re extremely busy at night and never answered in my experience so if you do need to chat there’s more chance they’ll answer in the mornings. They will listen to anything related to suicide, self game, eating disorders, anxiety, stress, abuse, and it’s completely confidential, they just want to listen, and they genuinely answer you with real compassion and thoughts on your situation. there’s also some ways to stay positive I’m sure you know this but eating well and sleeping well can help, but obviously if you’re struggling to begin with it’s difficult to do those things. A few years ago when I was struggling with suicidal thoughts every day I started keeping a gratitude journal, and there’s a lot of apps for that but I used one called Finch!!! He’s like a pet at the same time. It’s hard to stay positive when you feel alone and like you’re carrying a lot, so I’d maybe suggest not focusing on positivity, because when you fail to feel positive that might be another thing to upset you !! I totally get why you want to though.
there are other things I personally do to stay positive. Not sure if you can do these things but, I carve out time for my hobbies even if it means I fall behind on chores! I eat way too much sugar which is terrible for me but it makes me happy! The same for fancy drinks, I’m much happier every day if I can wake up and have a cold drink lol. Also you can get lots of dopamine from quick things like yoga or phone games. Washing your face with really cold water can help!! Im sorry if any of this comes off as patronising or condescending that’s the opposite of my intentions, I just want you to be happy!! I think it really struck a chord in me because I know I’ve felt exactly the same way and I remember how impossible the situation felt for me. I hope so much that you can be nice to yourself while your circumstances are less than kind honey!!! You deserve some rest!
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goodgrammaritan · 1 year
Gratitude Journal
Saturday I had my last session with the therapist I've been seeing for the past year. She is leaving the practice, so I had to decide whether to immediately seek someone new or take a therapy break. She gave me some referrals, but seeing that by this point in our work together I was only seeing her once a month, and that that was sufficient, I told her I'd decided to try going without for a bit.
I thanked her for the work we'd done together, and for pushing me out of my comfort zone into trying new things. (For instance, we did sand tray therapy, something about which I was a bit skeptical, but that resulted in a decrease in the nightmares I've been having about my junior high bullies, nightmares that had been occurring with various frequency for 22 years.)
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We both agreed that I was doing well, and that our therapy sessions of late had been more me reporting victories and successes, talking about how I used my therapy skills to cope with difficult situations, rather than expressing shame and regret about how I'd handled things. I told her that I was going to continue tracking my daily moods, and utilizing my support system.
After our session I talked with Noah about it, and asked him to keep an eye on me and tell me if I was hyper focusing or obsessing or falling into bad habits. I told him I knew I was asking a lot, but that I would also be doing my best to be vigilant about my behaviors and actions. He was 100% on board, and told me that he was going to be teasing me about things, because that's just his way of getting me to laugh at myself or take a step back and examine my behavior. He said that if I noticed him teasing me repeatedly about the same thing that that might be a problem area. I laughed and agreed that that was a good plan, and was generally feeling very optimistic.
Here's the thing: Saturday was a packed day. I had done my workout in the morning, then I had my therapy session, then Noah and I picked out new tile to repair our floor and also made a stop at Home Depot. I also did three loads of laundry. And I felt good about all of it, but that's a very spoon-heavy day.
So Sunday I woke up exhausted, had very little energy, and was just going through the motions and being a little morose. I expressed a desire to still attend a yoga class, and Noah said he was surprised because the entire day I'd been all "I'm so tired, I don't want to do things, I have no energy, blah blah blah." And he said it in a bit of an exaggerated tone. He left to get a haircut and I decided to do some proofreading work because sometimes that helps my mood, but then I thought, "Hey, he's teasing me, am I wallowing?" And that was enough to kind of jolt me out of my mopey behavior. I told him about it when I got home, and I said it was rude of him to make me follow through on my post-therapy emotional regulation plan just one day after my last therapy session. "I was planning on doing this, but not so soon!" So we laughed about it, and I asked if it had really been a problem, and he said not really, but sometimes I get comfortable being depressed because it's familiar.
"I'm always depressed."
"Is that your secret? You're always depressed?" Noah asked, paraphrasing The Avengers.
"Yeah, I guess."
Then he said "The Incredible Sulk!" and I burst out laughing. I pretended to be appalled, but come on, that shit's hilarious. So, I'm happy to report that my post-therapy strategies are already a success.
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birlwrites · 2 years
hi! it's me, the person who had the very confusing birthday! uh so i got dumped which in and of itself, I'm not v upset abt (it needed to happen, we just aren't v compatible as a couple, and if he didn't break up w me, I would've broken up w him), but I am a bit upset it happened on my birthday :/// but I digress!
im really curious about how the light scions will view regulus's side, vs Dumbledore's! I know that in ur previous posts, you've talked abt how Sirius hasn't even told his friends abt the dark arts, and I just thought it would be fascinating to hear what u had to say abt, say, James and Remus, and how they feel abt Dumbledore. for the marauders, I'm pretty sure Sirius being on regulus's side will make all the difference, but that also makes me curious about light scions who aren't friends w Sirius or regulus?
I know this is probably not going to happen for a while but I also can't wait to see how Dumbledore would react to there being a third side, and how he might change his recruitment strategy to account for ppl who are sympathetic to muggleborns, but aren't against the dark arts
getting dumped on your birthday does seem like it would sting. yikes. my sympathies for that, but also yay for something happening that needed to happen!
ohohohohoHO alright so first of all - i'm not going to talk much in this response about how dumbledore is going to react to there being a third side. you're correct that it's not going to happen for a while, and tbqh how he reacts depends a LOT on the shape of regulus's side by the time that dumbledore finally finds out about it
which is an elaborate way of me saying that like. i have the general sketch of how dumbledore's going to respond, but it's not fleshed out enough for me to really be able to ramble about it afjlsghskfj - i leave my outlines very flexible because i make a lot of decisions as i write, and i'm just not close enough to that point yet to really know how it's going to go
okay but now back to the first part of your question! namely: if you believe that dark arts are bad/evil/wrong/associated with blood purists........ how do you view regulus's side versus dumbledore's?
i'm going to start with james and remus because oh my god fASCINATING. (these are the things i think about in class)
first james: as you've said, sirius being on reg's side will make all the difference for him, tbh. or like, enough of it. but let's say - look, james is part of the sacred 28, okay? he's part of that fraction of the sacred 28 that isn't part of the dark network, but he is still sacred 28, his father is still in the wizengamot, his family still attends society events, and--okay my point here is that james has grown up learning some THINGS about house black.
and also about dumbledore.
let me bullet point these out:
house black:
super old, *pristine* bloodline, to the point of disowning people who marry blood traitors
dark arts follow them like a shadow - centuries ago, the blacks were rather open about practicing them, and nobody's forgotten
uptight power-hungry purist assholes, mostly
defeated grindelwald, an incredibly powerful dark wizard (and fanatical blood purist, no surprises there), which catapulted him into legend status
uses his positions as headmaster of hogwarts and... y'know, whatever sway he has at the ministry (my brain is tired and i haven't so much as breathed on canon in quite some time ajfslkghkdf) to champion muggleborn rights and fight against blood purist institutions
a whimsical fellow :)
oh, and some context on dumbledore's role in the war - of course *we* know he's the head of the order, and regulus knows he's the head of the order, and voldemort knows he's the head of the order, but most people don't know about that. the order of the phoenix is a vigilante group - they may share common goals with the DMLE, but they're still operating underground, so it's not a Known Thing that dumbledore is in charge of them. (not that it surprises anyone who learns the truth, because again, legend status, government sway, etc)
so that's james's background information on the leaders of these two sides. also, he does not like regulus on a personal level, for reasons i went into........... somewhere.
oh my god afsjlghdkfj this is going to have to be multiple posts. i can't go into detail about james's thought process on this post and then also talk about remus and then also talk about most of the general population of hogwarts and also magical britain, it will be a dissertation
the important thing to note with james is that he has never, ever been put into a situation in which he needs to question his own belief that dark arts = evil. sirius is bending over backwards to keep james from needing to question that (although sirius is mainly doing it to protect himself - and that's not to say that james is completely blissfully unaware of sirius being a tad uncomfortable around the topic of dark arts, but that's a whole other post). so james's first impression of regulus's side will be....... let's call it Not Positive. (and he does interpret dumbledore's side as The Good Ones)
but people practicing dark arts are different from dark *creatures*, aren't they? moony can't help being what he is...
which brings me to remus!!
remus got the same messaging that james did about house black and dumbledore, but it wasn't nearly as strong for him, because that's just.... not the world he moves in. like, yeah yeah yeah, some of the noble houses do/have done bad shit, the headmaster of hogwarts beat a dark wizard in a duel. he knows all of the same INFORMATION that james does, it's just that remus didn't grow up around these people, so it always kind of remained in distant mental territory, you know?
remus is a dark creature, which doesn't make him pro-dark arts. not at all, actually. he can't help what he is, and he never had that choice, and it boggles his mind that some people CHOOSE ~the dark side~. he associates that with pain and suffering and just bad things in general, on a very visceral level
oh and here's another thing that's going to give remus even more trouble: he owes a LOT to dumbledore. dumbledore permitted remus to attend hogwarts, which means dumbledore gave remus access to friends, magical education, a shot at eking out some sort of non-awful existence in the magical world, and most importantly, dumbledore TRUSTED remus to use this chance wisely
(i think dumbledore did genuinely want remus to have the same opportunities as other magical kids his age, or at least as close to that as possible. i also think dumbledore was very, very aware of the debt of gratitude he was incurring upon remus, and his family, by making this happen - he just wasn't sure what would come of it. then the war broke out, and he was like 'ah yes perfect i could use a werewolf who feels indebted to me')
so remus has a lot of trouble with the idea of dark arts being something good or desirable, and he also has a lot of trouble with the idea of going against dumbledore's side - not the order necessarily, i specifically mean *dumbledore's* side.
and sirius being on regulus's side does make a huge difference, but remus is wrestling with some very gut-wrenching internalizations here, and that's never easy
with regard to everyone else:
i think the perception of 'dark arts = blood purity' is so strongly interwoven into magical culture that when Normal People™ find out about regulus's side, their first reaction is going to be HUGE amounts of cognitive dissonance, because 'wait what do you mean they're doing both, that's impossible/ridiculous/contradictory--isn't it?'
which means regulus's side coming out into the open (which will not happen for Quite some time) will *really* shake the foundation of the war, in a way that will not please voldemort or dumbledore. both voldemort and dumbledore (and the sides they represent) benefit from this dichotomy, and when regulus fucks it up, he fucks up a LOT of their strategies for recruitment, image, rhetoric, etc.
suddenly, things are possible that weren't supposed to be possible. the world is different. and voldemort and dumbledore do NOT APPRECIATE THAT
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rosebud2829 · 10 months
so incredibly happy. Wanna know why? Because i
A) am now passing 5/7 of my classes
B) Got my friends gifts for christmas that they absolutely loved
C)Got to cuddle and get kisses from my boyfriend (im happy when just being near him and he does it anyway but i was rlly tired and he let me lay on his lap during a game)
D)Have a new beanie and Plushie (courtesy of said boy)
E) Got to steal a ball from a group of boys who were catcalling me and my friend and then proceeded to follow us around for a bit b4 giving up.
F)finished all my finals.
im so tired but so happy im done.
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laura-apexart · 1 year
Day 25: 8.1.23 
Tonight is a full moon and rainy rainy day here. 
Claustro de San Agustín photojournalism exhibition El Testigo
Takes place in the Devenir University “a biocultural project engaging in the process of an Amazonian territory becoming a university.” Like most of the museums or cultural spaces I’ve visited, this one also has an incredible courtyard in the center lush with plant life.
There are two massive videos on the ground floor filmed in the Amazon rainforest, the orientation of the indigenous communities toward centering plant life -non human centric understanding of the world and learning through experiences, fieldwork, physical engagement, an oral tradition of story telling vs western focus on knowledge desire to catalogue and classify and record and document.
On the second floor is the exhibition of photo journalism which are incredibly poignant and sharp
Powerful.People holding up photos of family who has gone missing or were killed. Images of the cemetery. Military men using a person's shoulder to prop, rest their gun on.
Video of men in hazmat suits digging up bones from unmarked trails in the jungle.  
A young girl, maybe 6 looking through a shattered windowpain -her eye lining up with the bullet hole. A room of photos focusing on protests and demonstrations In simon de Bolívar square.
The Devenir University is located in the complex of Municipal/government buildings with lots of -Military on guard —I hear music/drums and sounds familiar from the military Parade music and when I leave the building, I follow the sound and see that the military marching band is practicing and this seems more interesting than the military parade itslef because I like watching their bodies shift from rigid and uptight to relaxed and resting in between sessions. I also like the formalism of their bodies against the backdrop of imposing marble buildings.  I want to film but don’t out of fear that I’ll get stopped or yelled at and am feeling too tired to handle that. 
In the late afternoon I have a Craft Beer Tour with Tasting
I am the only one which is funny but also nice because I get to just chat with the Guide–Gabriel who reminds me a bit of a friend-I tell him that this is a tour a would not sign up to take myself but he is a great story teller and very knowledgable and I realize that this is another way, angle, perspective of learning about the history of the city.  
We meet at the Cranky Croc Hostel in La Candeleria neighborhood and opens a bottle of beer for me and asks me to look at the brail number on the inside of the cap–I have the higher number so if we were at the store, he would buy the beer–a game him and his friends and other Bogata people play. He studied language and told me that when studying English his class was asked if they wanted to learn British or American phonetics–they chose American. 
Grew up on caribbean coast of Colombia and Venezuela and we spoke a bit about the politics of moving between both countries and the tensions. 
He also told me a story behind one of the indigenous ceremonial fermented drinks of Bogota first? made by the Muisca originally called Fatcqua but now called Chicha made of (apple, sugarcane, (spit) water and corn) —when the spaniards came the Muisca thought they were gods because they had guns which were like thunder and so they gave the colonizers whatever they wanted and they drank the Fatcqua and werent used to the corn in their bodies/diet and ran to the bushe with  diarirhea–and the Muiscas yelled Chicha Chicha–and the spaniards thought that was the name of the drink but really it was Diarrhea.
We talked about the culture around eating mombe as a social activity and the “Circle of Words”–emphasis on the oral tradition here, how information is transmitted through storytelling and not written down (which makes me acutely aware of this  process of listening to the guides, trying to hold what they say while having an experience, knowing that I must write it down, that much of what I write will omit certain details and maybe even botch up histories and facts etc and limited perspective.
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sandrafiler · 2 years
A Legacy of Love – Helena’s Story
                                                       Happy Summer! 
I share with each of you a very personal story about my dear “hippie sister,” Helena.  It is shared with permission and deep respect for her courageous journey! She is a true warrior (of love).
Life Measured in Moments
A Legacy of Love – Helena’s Story
I felt a stirring of emotion as my thoughts went to Helena, a student of mine who is in stage four cancer. Because I am a firm believer in following through on Universal nudges, I sent a text of inquiry. A simple, “How are you doing? May I come visit you?” Her raw and truthful response flashed onto my cellphone screen,
“Love is what we need. My husband is sad, my kids, too. And like the song, I need a friend. Thank you.”
In the pit of my stomach were the butterflies that come in those character defining moments. Having a desk piled high with things to do and follow-up requiring my attention, I asked myself, what is more important? Tackling the “to do” list or clearing the calendar to hold a friend’s hand? Turning to Kim, we locked tear-filled eyes and nodded in agreement that making the three-and-a-half-hour drive to Delray Beach is more important.
The next morning, I buckled up, pushed the OnStar button, and drove, finding myself reflecting on special moments spent with Helena during the training just four short years ago. I remembered that she could barely feel her feet due to the medications ingested yet, she enthusiastically lead a Zumba class. How when she went for one of her chemotherapy treatments, there was a child without the proper funds to get theirs so she forewent hers to allow the child theirs.
Upon arrival, after receiving a warm hug and enormous smile, my senses are filled with the beauty that surrounded her. There was ambient music, a white candle lit for the souls that have gone before her, the walls covered with art, mostly painted by Helena herself. Ocean scenes as they are her favorite. And the smell of homemade Columbian chicken soup!
Helena in a weakened state, invites me to sit down to enjoy a bowl of soup. She tells me that the soup is simple, and that she hopes I will like it. Gingerly carrying the bowl to the table, I notice that each piece of chicken is cut into thoughtful little bits, all the same exact measure. The boiled potatoes, sliced immaculately, and laid in the bottom of the bowl, in what one might say with the hands of a master. I’m going to say with the hands of pure love.
Love and Legends Helena
We sat at that table together while I consumed soup and stories. It began with her talking in a soft whisper, as her husband was within earshot. She leaned in and began telling me how heart-wrenching it is to listen to her husband’s weeping in a neighboring room when he thinks she is sleeping. What a horrific experience it was to lose 50 units of blood in a surgery to save her life.
How intense the leg and back pain are most likely from the tumor pressing onto a nerve. And that no pain medicine works for her because her body violently reacts, causing her to vomit all through the night, leaving her 95 pound body, tired and frail.
Once the sadness was spoken she turned her attention to recounting the beautiful stories of her twenty years spent in Columbia working to save the children. Passionately describing her days finding families for the children needing to be adopted. Story after story, word after word, my respect for her courage, commitment, faith, and fortitude, grew!
As I began to wrap up the visit, we hugged and looked deeply into each others eyes. Sharing that if that day was our last day, we’d each remember the other and that I’d look to the sky for the brightest star, “The hippy sister star.”
Sliding back into the seat of my car, no music played, only the sound of the wheels on pavement. The two hours spent with Helena going through my mind. The visit was intended to provide comfort. It resulted in being incredibly instructive. In a world filled with comparison and competition, I was taught a lesson through her actions.
You may like this: Money A Love Story 
Life is measured in moments. Those moments determine our legacy. Helena’s legacy is love.  ❤︎
A GoFundMe page was created for Helena by Starr Goddess to assist with her family with medical expenses: Helena
Note: Since the publication of this story, Helena’s spirit left her body to fly free and sparkle as one of the absolutely most brilliant stars.
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iwannaban0nym0us · 2 years
time for a ramblely post about my life because i'm actually really happy rn
so my partner holy shit they're so amazing i don't even know how to explain it but everything they do just proves how incredible they are,, like we haven't said "i love you" to each other but i feel 100x more loved by them they i ever did by my ex who must have told me they loved me at least 100 times
ok btw i have no idea where this post is gonna go it's probably just gonna be a bunch of random thoughts all lumped together
so uh the reason i've been fairly inactive lately is because it's robotics comp season! Our first comp was last weekend meaning that the week leading up to it I was super busy trying to help get all the things to work (they still didn't lol) friday and saturday were insanely long days that were fun but also so tiring
we barely got things working in time on friday to clear inspection and make it to one practice match and then on saturday we had the worst possible schedule (first match of the day, a random match, last match before lunch, then 2 10min turn arounds, and then last match of the day) the most stressful part of the day was when in the last match before lunch we overextended our arm, pulled out all of the electronics, broke the extension spool, and got 25 penalty points. we spent lunch trying to fix all of that and also change out wheels (we didn't have a chance before because of our shit schedule) and also someone thought it would be a good idea to swap intakes but then we had to unswap intakes because the new one was too big and then the two very fast turn arounds after that were hella stressful
we actually ended up wining our last match of the day tho and i'm very proud of that since i took lead on the strategy talk before the match
then sunday we had a better match schedule and won one lost one so we ended quals 39/42 and therefore didn't go to playoffs, and me being the so so smart person that I am decided that since the other goalie was out sick it would be a great idea to go to my soccer game that afternoon (after 2.5 long tiring days of robotics)
And so I did and by the end of the game i felt like i was gonna fall asleep and i don't know how i managed to make several good saves and we only lost 5-0 (2 of their goals were super lucky tho) I am really glad i went since i got to see an ex-teammate and teammate who might quit the team soon for running and i hadn't seen either of them since last season
this week i've had a bit more time and monday i was so so so tired that during my freeblock which i usually use for hw since i have no free time i just hung out w/ my partner and was like half asleep the whole time, me and my partner also skipped an assembly on burnout because we were both too tired (they had a vaulting comp at the same time as my robotics comp) also tuesday i skipped soccer because of the weather so i got a whole afternoon off
over the next 2 weeks i'm only gonna have 5 days of school because we get next wed-fri off for conferences and then i'm at robotics the following thurs-sat which i think is kinda funny
uh anyway shifting gears,,, thursday i had my gender and sexuality class w/ my ex and since the teacher was out we spent the whole time in small groups talking about quotes from our hw reading and I ended up w/ a friend and my ex and ofc my ex felt the need to read out each of the quotes which normally would be like whatever but for some reason that day i just could not deal w/ their voice or their strong opinions on stupid things
there was one point where their voice had gotten to me so much that i just kinda zoned out and then they had the audacity to ask me if I was ok and that threw me for a fucking loop because when we were dating the only time they would notice something was off was when i was tired not when something was actually going on, like the day where they caused me to have a mental breakdown i was very clearly not ok that afternoon and they didn't say a single thing despite us having class together and so for them to say something now despite me having made it clear we're not friends ??????????
also i was in this state where I was torn between why does their voice still hurt me so fucking much and why don't i hate them more they did some really shitty things to me and i'm just so confused how i can feel both of those things about them and aaaa i just want them to go away
ok this has gotten long enough and i have some things i need to do so i'll probably reblog this later to talk about yesterday :)
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violexides · 4 years
im so fucking tired
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starryeyedmunson · 2 years
sleepless nights - e.m.
pairing: eddie munson x fem!reader
summary: you and eddie have always been close, and sleepovers were practically routine. on this particular night, you were having trouble going to bed due to some sexual frustation. luckily your best friend is there to help you fall asleep.
warnings: smut (minors get out), masturbation, fingering, piv sex, pet names: sweetheart, baby, princess; multiple orgasms, creampie (a little breeding), squirting, to clear up confusion the reader is 18!!
author’s note: i got this idea randomly and it’s 1 am. enjoy.
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You and Eddie Munson were inseparable. The second you guys met your freshman year, you two instantly clicked. Sure, you guys had zero things in common; you were the top of your class and practically lived at the library. Meanwhile Eddie couldn’t even point out the library on a map of your school and was at the bottom of every single class, even the ones he repeated. It didn’t matter, though, because you two found each other to be a long-needed comfort in each others’ lives.
The sound of various crickets and birds outside filled the comfortable silence in Eddie’s room as you two got ready to go to sleep. It’s normal for you two to share the same bed given how close you two are, and tonight was no different. You slipped into an oversized t-shirt you found on Eddie’s floor, and Eddie’s back was turned to you to give you some privacy. You turned back around and made your way to his bed, crawling under the covers. He followed you and got into bed on the other side of you before turning the light on his nightstand off.
“Sleep tight, Y/N,” he said sleepily.
“Night, Eds,” you replied, turning your back to him.
You gave up on trying to go to bed after about 30 minutes. You had been tossing and turning to try and find a comfortable position, but the covers were just too hot for you to actually fall asleep. You finally laid on your back and stared at the dark ceiling, wondering how you were going to fix your insomnia. You wracked your brain for ideas on how to make yourself tired, and one finally came to mind.
Absolutely not.
Even though it worked like a charm, you were not about to masturbate next to your best friend.
Your incredibly attractive best friend.
You weren’t going to lie, you had given it some thought. The idea of hooking up with Eddie had played in your mind more often than you would’ve like to admit. You never vocalized your fantasies; it would cause too much awkward tension. But you couldn’t deny the fact that Eddie was objectively hot. Sometimes you would see girls come to his shows at The Hideout and watch them drool over the guitarist, but it was rare that Eddie would even pay attention to them. His eyes always found you, and it gave you a boost of confidence knowing that you meant more to him than some groupies. However, you found yourself longing for him to see you in a different light than just his best friend.
Thinking about him playing the guitar, his fingers moving fast up and down the neck of the instrument had your hand involuntarily moving down to your underwear. This is so wrong, you thought. But the more vivid the memories became, the less you could stop yourself. You slowly moved your panties to the side and let your fingers run through your folds. You stopped at your clit and began to rub slow circles around it. You closed your eyes as you let yourself be engulfed in the feeling, images of your best friend flashing in your mind. You thought about his curly hair and how good it would feel to pull on it while his head was in between your thighs. His stupid smirk that would appear on his face whenever he saw you in the school hallways. His little touches here and there.
You couldn’t even feel your squirming around, and you definitely didn’t feel the boy next to you slowly wake up. You were too lost in your own fantasy, eyes still closed and fingers still moving.
“Sweetheart,” you heard his voice and froze. You refused to move, even when he flipped his body to face yours. “Whatcha doin down there?”
“Just trying to get comfortable,” you squeaked, completely embarrassed but still hoping he was unaware of what you were doing.
“So you thought your hand down your pants was the best way to do that?” You mentally facepalmed.
“I thought you were asleep,” you said, still refusing to make eye contact. He laughed to himself and moved closer to you, causing you to tense up.
“Does that make it any better?” he asked, and you could hear the smirk on his face. You stayed silent, but he kept going. “Since you opened up the topic, care to tell me who you were thinking about?”
“No one,” you said quickly, but Eddie was buying nothing that you were trying so desperately to sell.
“I’ll ask again,” he said. “Who made you touch yourself only a foot away from me?”
“No one,” you repeated. He sighed before continuing.
“Really,” he dragged out. “Well whoever it was clearly wasn’t doing the job.” You finally turned your head to look at him in the dark.
“What is that supposed to mean?” you asked.
“You were being so quiet. If it was actually working, you’d be a little louder. That or you’re not doing it right,” he said.
“I think I know how to masturbate, Munson,” you fought back. The embarrassment was starting to fade, but a touch of it was still there.
“I didn’t say you didn’t, all I’m saying is that you should probably have some help if you actually want to get anywhere,” he said. Your eyebrows raised as you finally understood what his end goal was.
“What, are you going to teach me?” you said, nervous about his response.
“If you’ll let me,” he said slowly. You felt his hand trace down your arm before it met with yours, which was still centered on your clit. Your breath hitched as he slowly began to move it away and replaced it with his own. “Tell me this is okay,” he breathed. You nodded your head, and his fingers slowly started to make the same motion yours were just minutes before. You let out a soft moan as he picked up speed, and you finally let yourself move. You twitched as he pressed into your clit, hitting the bundle of nerves perfectly with each circle.
“Fuck, Eddie, just like that,” you said. He turned over some more so he could have more access to you, and his hand became relentless. He lost contact with your heat only for a moment before inserting one of his ringed fingers into your pussy, causing you to arch your back. He pumped in and out, faster with each one. He added a second, and his thumb found its way back to your sensitive bud.
He worked you with a single hand, and you were loving every second. Your back physically couldn’t arch any more, and you grinded your hips down to help his fingers reach even deeper. He was hitting your sweet spot, and you began seeing stars. You’d always imagined it would feel this good, but now that you were experiencing it in real time your expectations were exceeded.
“Feel good, baby?” he said, his voice low and in your ear. You could barely form the word ‘yes’ as wrangled moans came from your mouth. “Louder, princess, wanna hear you.” Your moans grew louder as you felt yourself nearing release.
“F-fuck, please, faster,” you got out, and Eddie complied. You were hurtling towards the edge, and you knew Eddie could tell.
“Wanna feel you cum all over my fingers,” he said in a low voice, and it sent you over a cliff. Your body spasmed as you yelled out his name, and he finger-fucked you through one of the most intense orgasms you ever had. Your chest heaved as you came down, and you felt him remove his fingers slowly from you. You looked over at him, and with your eyes having now adjusted to the darkness you saw that he wasn’t even breaking a sweat.
“Feel better, doll?” he said with a sly tone. You did in fact feel better, but you craved that same high that he had given you.
“More,” you said. He raised his brows, then smiled when you kept speaking. “I want you to fuck me to sleep, Munson.”
“You’re asking for it,” he said, and he climbed on top of you. You hadn’t kissed at all, but it didn’t even matter as you felt his clothed bulge press into your pussy. You groaned at the friction, and Eddie laughed to himself. “So easy,” he said, but his cockiness turned to shit when he looked at you open your eyes to reveal your pupils taking them over completely. He got off of you only to rid himself of his underwear, and you laid back and watched him kick them off the bed. He recentered himself, moving your panties back to the side after giving his already-hard cock a couple long strokes. “So hard already, baby. Been thinking ‘bout this for a long time.”
He finally put his tip against your re-wet pussy, running it up and down and hitting your clit over and over. “Please, E-Eddie. Need you inside,” you said, and you were instantly satisfied. He pushed into you slowly, and your head fell back as he bottomed out. He set a slow pace at first, but as he sped up you lost all sense. Your legs wrapped around his waist in an attempt to pull him closer, and he took your hands to pin them above your head.
“Fuck, princess, so fuckin’ tight. Squeezing me so good,” he said, panting. You moaned so loudly the neighbors probably heard, but it felt so good that you couldn’t even think about that. He was absolutely railing you now, his hips snapping into yours. Your vision was about go black before he took one of your legs and put it on his shoulder. He was able to reach that perfect spot, his cock hitting just below your cervix with each thrust. “Tell me how good it feels, wanna hear you tell this whole trailer park who’s fucking you this good.”
“Sh-Shit, Eddie!” you screamed. “F-fuck me harder!” You didn’t even think it was possible, but he proved you wrong by pounding himself into you even deeper and faster than he was before. You couldn’t even look him in the eyes as your own rolled back into your head, but his focus was on his dick ramming in and out of your pussy. He squeezed his eyes shut at the feeling of you clenching around him, trying not to cum as your walls sucked him in. His hand let go of your wrists to move down to press on your stomach, and the feeling engulfed you both.
“Fuck, baby, you feel that?” he panted, and with each thrust he could feel himself. “So fucking deep inside of you I can feel it with my own hand.”
You were in euphoria, and you both could see the finish line coming closer and closer. “Gonna fill you up nice and good with my cum, you want that, hm?” he cooed, but all you could respond with was more screaming. “Tell me you want it, princess. Tell me you want me to cum in your tight little hole.”
“Y-yes, fuck!” you managed, and that was all you both needed. The tightness in your stomach finally snapped, and you were drowned in ecstasy, Your pussy clenched him tighter than it had ever before, and you felt yourself drench Eddie’s bare chest in your squirt. He too was pushed over his own edge, and you felt his cock twitch inside of you as it filled you up with his load.
You both were out of breath as he stayed inside you for a while, and he finally pulled out slowly. He rolled off of you to go get a towel, then came back to clean the cum that was dripping from your freshly-fucked hole. He wiped himself clean after then threw the towel on the floor, still standing up.
“Tired yet?” he said, and you choked out a laugh.
“Shut the hell up, Munson,” you said. He smiled down at you before reaching under your back and legs. He picked you up effortlessly, and your arms hung loosely around his neck.
“I would love to sleep in my bed tonight, but you made quite the mess, princess,” he said. Your face turned red as you buried it into his neck, but he just chuckled and carried you to the couch in his living room. He set you down gently, then got you a blanket and draped it over you.
“Where are you going?” you asked as he walked away.
“Just to the other couch, sweetheart,” he said.
“Wait-” you called after him, and he turned back around to you. “Is this going to be awkward in the morning?”
“Um,” he started, scratching the back of his neck. “I mean, we can just act like it never happened if you’re uncomfortable or something.”
You tried getting up, but as soon as you stood your legs gave out and you almost fell to the floor before Eddie rushed over and grabbed you. “What if I want it to keep happening?” you asked, your voice hoarse from all of the yelling before.
“I’d like that,” he said smiling. He leaned down and kissed you gently, your lips fitting perfectly together. He pulled away before breathing out a small laugh. “I probably should have done that before all that other stuff.” You smiled back before pulling him in again, your lips connecting as perfectly as they did before. He pulled away again before saying,
“How about we make another mess on this couch?”
pt. 2 here!
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