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moth-p · 13 days ago
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cryptidmickle · 6 months ago
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so what if. and hear me out. i made my own au for shadowvanilla purposes-
au details below
so you see, i was minding my business, drawing and looking at cookies and how everyone has their own cool aus with awesome designs and i went "well im not very good at designing but i Love putting characters in Situations"
this au is mostly focused on shadowvanilla so dont be too hopeful I'll get into the other cookies besides their little circle, im ill for gay yaoi only okay
So! motions to comic above, amnesia smilk time! let me elaborate
Pure vanilla fucked up BIG TIME, in that he maybe ventured out to beast yeast alone to try and find out more about the beasts and a way to stop them, as people with a savior complex have a habit of doing. Maybe, perhaps, also at the same time, smilk was getting the workings of his new dough body done and sensing pv was nearby decided to take the opportunity to torment him a little, yknow he cant help himself! he needs to see him
a nasty little fight and confrontation in some old structures of smilk (or at the spire) result in pv using a strange spell he spotted in the surrounding papers and documents, and .... accidentally cracks smilk's soul jam! hehe, oops!
and also sealing his memories. double oops. damn, what are you gonna do now pv?
well he cant leave confused smilk alone here, and itd honestly be best the other beasts and dark enchantress dont drag him back there in this state, so he offers a hand.
"Come with me. We can help you, I'll make sure you're okay."
a memory-less smilk is confused by this but... he's already grabbing the other cookie's hand before he realizes it. It'll probably be fine, something about this cookie... makes something in him feel okay.
taps forehead, im still working everything out of course, and i WILL be cursing all of you with sketchy stuff about it when I'm able, i need more time to figure out smilk's behaviors without the soul jam and corruption
of course I'm always of the mind that pre-corruption smilk was kind of a rat and rude but how exactly is the real question!! how bad was it before the corruption exacerbated the negative qualities of knowledge and his personality
anyways,,, feel free to ask questions!! it could help me figure this all out, if yall are interested of course,,,,,,,my,,,, handful of crk followers SNRRKS
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speed-world · 2 months ago
Hello, im a fan of the self aware scenario you did with the coward y/n cookie, and I was wondering what their reactions would be of meeting the beast cookies
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To be honest, you had no interest in going to Beast-Yeast, at all. After all, why would you? Whatever conflict the Ancients and other cookies had with each other didn’t concern you, not to mention that just the name - “Beast-Yeast” - already freaked you out.
If it weren’t for Pure Vanilla Cookie promising that your safety, due to the agreement between the Ancients and Dark Enchantress Cookie, you would’ve stayed comfortably in the Cookie Kingdom far away from the other continent.
You wish you never listened to Pure Vanilla now, because this beast - Shadow Milk Cookie - immediately wanted to make you run far, far away.
The jester scared you with his sinister and maniacal behavior. If you had a fear of clowns before entering the cookie world, then you’d pass out the more his actions continued.
After seeing the mental turmoil Pure Vanilla was experiencing, the loss of Elder Faerie Cookie, Shadow Milk’s terrifying powers and his “plays” that were mockeries of all the adversaries of the Beasts—the color blue might be your most hated now.
Yeah, you’d be completely fine and dandy if you never saw a hint of Shadow Milk’s Cookie ever again
However, he couldn’t stand to think of this meeting being your last…
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How were you convinced to go back to Beast-Yeast a second time?? Suppose you can be grateful for that promise with the Ancients and Dark Enchantress Cookie.
You actually really liked the Ivory Pagoda. The atmosphere was so serene and otherworldly, and warmly inviting…or dangerously alluring.
The company of Dark Cacao Cookie, Caramel Arrow Cookie, Crunchy Chip Cookie, and the Cacao warriors made this trip a whole lot more comfortable and relaxing. However, their presence couldn’t make things better when you finally came face to face with the other Beast - Mystic Flour Cookie.
You thought the slow creepiness of Cloud Haetae Cookie would be the worst of your problems, but at least the story they told was directed to the Ancient instead of you.
The second you saw that spider pop out of that cocoon, your soul ascended to the crossroads. Your body went so pale that Dark Cacao thought you succumbed to the pale ailment.
You really couldn’t articulate how much Mystic Flour scared you. Shadow Milk was insane, but this?! She’s so uncaring, so unrelenting in her belief of apathy, is it too late to stay with Peach Blossom Cookie for the rest of this journey?
Let’s not even get started on that face. You hated any related horror stuff in the real world, and now you’re seeing that in front of your face!!
Yeah no, forget this. Awesome job on Dark Cacao awakening, time to get on the first airship outta this place.
As much as you wanted to be as far away from Mystic Flour Cookie as possible, you couldn’t shake the feeling of being watched. Stared at by a force that you couldn’t look back at, no matter how hard you tried….
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Hell. To the freaking. NO
Naaaaaah Golden Cheese Cookie, she’s crazy if she thinks you’re going to accompany her to Beast-Yeast. Promise be damned, they clearly didn’t account for the mental pain that you’ve suffered through.
Smoked Cheese Cookie seemed dead serious on agreeing with you, but Golden Cheese wouldn’t take no for an answer. You decided to stick close to Smoked Cheese, because the Beast is only focused on Golden Cheese after all, right?
Had it not been for the presence of Golden Cheese and Smoked Cheese, you wouldn’t have even thought of coming to this place. It’s hotter than a truck engine in the summer, a lot of these Spice cookies are pretty hostile, and—Oh God the sandstorms are the crumbs of dead cookies?!?????!
And then, you met him-Burning Spice Cookie. He’s already scary to look at, so you just hid your face whenever you saw or heard him.
His power is also way too scary-he doesn’t care about any collateral damage caused, heck he probably loves if there’s more of it! Smoked Cheese spent his time making sure that not even a crumb of you were harmed during the fight of Golden Cheese and Burning Spice.
You weren’t sure what freaked you out more: Nutmeg Tiger Cookie’s unwavering devotion to such a being like Burning Spice, or the fact that Burning Spice Cookie does all that he does…for entertainment.
All the death, destruction, suffering he causes, everything, all for a cheap laugh?! Why-why again did you ever come here?!?
To make matters worse? Smoked Cheese and Golden Cheese were locked away in a cage. But you? No, Burning Spice didn’t want you in confinement.
He found it much more amusing to have you by his side, attached to his hip and sitting on his lap.
Your soul departs each time he speaks, your breath is taken away when he breaks something, because you’re scared that it might be you he breaks next. Seeing him be so casual and collected after crushing Cilantro Cobra Cookie in front of your face was what set you over the edge.
You were panicking, screaming, tossing around. You wanted to leave now, no ifs, ands, or buts. You can’t take this anymore and-…
He-he’s staring at you….he’s in the middle of his second round fight with Golden Cheese Cookie, and he’s staring. Right. At. You.
You were eternally grateful for Smoked Cheese Cookie being so understanding, and being so quick in trying to get you out of this God forsaken continent.
But even as you were getting away, you heard his laugh. You know Golden Cheese struck him down, but you heard his faint sinister laugh; virtually paralyzing you in place.
Please, for your sake, can you never come back to Beast-Yeast ever again?!?
Where did this ticket come from?
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minty-drop · 1 year ago
Can I’m have a platonic request of the five beasts x child reader who is one of them who posses the virtue of innocence reader smile and cuteness always have bring happiness and joy to the five beasts but after they got corrupted the last thing they see his reader crying heartbroken asking them why before they get completely sealed after that reader virtue innocence turns into grief as they isolated themselves in beast yeast even after many years cries of a heartbroken child are still heard trough all beasts yeast headcanons
This request is so good wtf. Im in love with this big brain energy
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The beasts x child reader
Tw: angst,
Type: platonic.as close as you can get to canon or theory of what is canonically accurate. Angst. Reader is gn
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They all adored you, it being shown through many activities, words or actions throughout your time with them.
You were there pure, bright light of joy, an innocence that was refreshing from the unholy.
A child they could raise, a child they could keep, one that would not wither away from age or crumble in the hands of others.
Enteral sugars cloud was a misty yet comforting lounge for you and her to enjoy the breeze, taking sight and eyeing the wonders that graces earth-bread.
Burning spice, oh he’d never admit it, but he found it adorable when you would hang onto the halo that spun behind his dough while he sparred.
Mystic flour encouraged you to join her in walks through the mystical forest, taking joy in seeing you become fond with its beautiful wild life.
Silent salt spending those moments with care with you in silent while you slept peacefully by his side as he sharpened his blade, so careful not to wake you from your slumber.
Shadow milk, who would put on the greatest of great shows when you attended, keeping you in his sight at all times to hear your shouts of excitement and fits of giggles through the experience
A happy little bundle of joy, stuck cozy in between there arms that protected you from any harm that could come your way.
And when they turned sour, there were no more times to attend to you. They had gotten so tied up in there own mess of chaos, they never saw when you cried as mystic flour burned the forest to the ground, they never heard you beg shadow milk to stop hurting the cookies, they never heard or saw you. Only focusing on keeping you, not how you felt.
they regretted that when those twisted pitch forks came down on them from those witches. Seeing you crying in front of them hurt, but you crying because of them hurt..a lot
The beasts tried to speak to you before you were taken away from them, in there finally times in this era, they could only reach out, crying out for you to come back. Save them from this wicked end.
Grieving for hundreds, if not thousands of years, locking yourself away from the outside world in the hollow of beast yeast, waiting for the sickening torture to end.
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mokie-bleh · 11 months ago
Can I have part 3 of this story please? ^^ you write so well that it's addictive! ^^
CRK self aware x Child! reader
part 1, 2, 3, 4
It’s been a few hours since Pure Vanilla last saw you and he was freaking out. How did he lose you so quickly?? You’re only a little child, you could be in danger right now and he’s not even there to protect you! He went back to his castle to see if he could make a plan there and find you as soon as possible.
He went into your room again to look around and it wasn’t until now he realized that your window was wide open. Like as if someone had broken in! Has someone stolen you?! How did he not notice all this time you could’ve been stolen and he was wasting time! Pure Vanilla started to think hard of who could have possibly done it. Then it hit him….Shadow Milk Cookie….He also went to come see you when he went to your world. It couldn’t be he was still at Beast Yeast though he couldn’t have possibly taken you. Unless he somehow did since it wasn’t entirely impossible.
Pure Vanilla decided that if Shadow Milk somehow did steal he was gonna find you before any harm could be done to you. He asked Gingerbrave and his friends if they could join him on his way to Beast Yeast. They agreed and started their way over there, Pure Vanilla could only hope you weren’t in any danger and when you're back he’ll make sure to keep a better eye on you.
Meanwhile Dark Enchantress Cookie was yelling at Black Licorice for losing you and not knowing where you could be. “I can’t believe you lost the kid so easily!” “I'm sorry. It seemed like an emergency so I told the kid where the restroom was!” “You didn’t at least think not to leave the kid to go find it themselves since they could have escaped!” She was pretty pissed and now she was making a new plan to see if she could find you and bring you back.
You were in fact with Shadow Milk Cookie and he was telling you how you could help him on escaping this place. He told you all you needed to do was cut the tree down and once you did he could weaken the seal and he could escape. The only problem was that you were a little kid and you most likely didn’t have the strength you needed to cut a tree, especially one so large. You told him you would try any way to help him since it was unfair he was stuck there, obviously you didn’t know the real reason he was here, but he found it cute you were willing to help him.
Once Pure Vanilla, Gingerbrave and his friends arrived at Beast Yeast they ran towards the Silver Tree where Shadow Milk Cookie resides to see if you were actually there. He was hoping you were, but at the same time he was hoping Shadow Milk hadn’t harmed you in any way. Once they got to the tree they looked around for a bit, and there you were! Pure Vanilla Cookie was relieved, so relieved in fact that he ran towards you and engulfed you in a big hug.
“y/n dear! I was so worried about you! Are you ok you aren't hurt, are you? What happened, how did you get here? Oh I’m so sorry I couldn’t watch you better.” He held too tightly you had to pat his back to get his attention. He released you from his hug but he still held onto you. “Im ok Pure Vanilla! I'm trying to help someone!” He softly smiled at you and tilted his head “Oh? Who are you helping, little one?” He asked you. “Shadow Milk Cookie!” You told him.
“Huh..?” He seemed disoriented and couldn’t process what you had just said. Then there was a voice behind you both. “Aww can’t believe you forgot about me, I'm truly hurt!” It was Shadow Milk. He put a hand on top of his chest and head to act dramatic. You then feel Pure Vanilla grab your arm and shoved you behind him. “How dare you bring the child here, what did you plan on doing to them!” Pure Vanilla shouted at Shadow Milk. You were confused. He didn't do anything wrong, why was he yelling at him? Shadow Milk only grinded.
“Oh silly vanilly! I didn’t bring the kid here, they came here themselves!” “I won’t believe in your lies!” You tugged on his sleeve to try and get his attention and when he turned to look at him you told him that he was telling the truth and you came here yourself. Pure Vanilla then bent down to your height and placed his hands on your shoulders asking “Why on earthbread are you here?” You explained to him how you were captured by Black Licorice Cookie and escaped him and ended up here.
So Dark Enchantress Cookie was after you?
Oh dear…
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brittle-doughie · 3 months ago
Beast yeast saga:
Pure vanilla: let's go to beast yeast!
Y/n: okay!
*go to beast yeast*
Pure vanilla: woah this place is so lovely and nothing can go wrong-run.
Y/n: let's never go back to beast yeast.
Beast two:
Dark cacao: let's go to beast yeast to save my people!
Y/n: okay!
*journey to beast yeast*
Dark cacao: this land is filled with flour and we need to be serious and- run.
Y/n: let's never go back to beast yeast.
Beast three:
Y/n: uuuuh.
Y/n: fuck.
*journey to beast yeast.*
Golden cheese: IM GONNA KICK THEIR ASS! *she gets her ass kicked but then rises up and beats up the beast.*
Y/n: sitting in her golden castle, full of so much trauma, praying to the witches that I'll never have to fight another beast!
Next time...I can see this happening:
Pure vanilla/hollyberry: oh y/n, I need-
Y/n: you know what? No! No! I've had it up to here with beasts! Fuck no! Not again! I'm staying home! Fuck whatever the beast is doing! If you want me to go with you, you'll have to pry me from this bed from my cold dead hands!
Stress makes you swear like a sailor!
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lavender-butterfly-cookie · 3 months ago
Thank you so much, thank also for someone new im happy to follow you. Also i forgot to added in with the (Y/n's kilos clothes thing), I wanted to addes with the other cookies trying to pick up y/n's "normal" clothes.
(Bouns if you add the ancients the other beast yeasts, and burning spices generals).
Sorry, sorry, sorry for asking.
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Strawberry cookie: Uhm... I don't think wearing their jacket is a good idea Wizard cookie
Y/N cookie: Yeah- she's probably right. You might just break your back- which, assuming your age, wouldn't be the best...
Wizard cookie: N-no no... I got it.. I got it...
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Y/N cookie: Do you need any-
Pepper Pangolin cookie: No! I'm fine! This shirt is nothing!
Y/N cookie: You're literally on the ground gasping for air-
Pepper Pangolin cookie: IT'S NOTHIIIIIIIIIIIING!!!!
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Dark Cacao cookie: I must admit, these shoes of yours area as heavy as gingerbrave told me... I cannot move an inch... Interesting... The first time I've come across such a simple garment too heavy to lift. I'm admittedly impressed.
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minkie-fury · 3 days ago
My Cookie Run Kingdom sona 😊
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im not a writer but im tryna write out his lore but the gist of it is like?
- used to be Goldfish Cookie and was a researcher at blueberry yogurt academy back when blueberry milk/shadow milk founded it and they were like besties n shit maybe more teehee
- researched and wrote books on the witches and wizards on how they made cookies
- he had a secret lab where he would obsessively try to recreate the way the witches and wizards made the cookies and made life of his own so though he looked like just a nice little librarian he was low key kinda crazy but he didnt intend to be
- it went RONG and now he made these vaguely cookieoid half sentient creatures that are in constant pain and they KILLED HIM REALLY HARD OH IT WAS BAD
- the witches were like wait this guy is kind of awesome lets just bake him again but turn him into a fish lol
- so then he became Clownfish cookie and grew up in Tearcrown to become one of White Pearl Cookie’s attendants and then he fell in love with her awwwwwwwwwww how kawaii but he was like super ashamed of it because he thought it was indecent and that White Pearl should be with someone of her status
- AND THEY ALMOST KISSED BUT THEN he got harpooned and fishnapped by Abalone Cookie’s crew and they were like oh its a guy not a gem mermaid just throw him with the common loot lol. that ship managed to get away before white pearl went all emo
- so then the boat broke which clownfish cookie used as an opportunity to get out of the ship and into the ocean but the ocean was scary as hell like there were these big monsters everywhere so he just fled to land instead which was also a bad idea because he had to drag his tail everywhere but it wasnt as bad as dying to monsters so it was ok 🌷 (he was in the faerie kingdom btw) so shadow milk was in the silver tree right and he was like HOLY SHIT IS THAT WIFE? so he started talking to him telepathically and shadow milk is like I AM SHADOW MILK COOKIE and clownfish is like ? idk who that is
- shadow milk was like ohhh poor little me all alone trapped in a tree and he said ok so if you see to it i get outta here i will grant you a new home and clownfish was like 👍🏼 also he forgot he was pierced clean by a harpoon so he passed the fuck out OH HOW JOYOUS
- woke up in the faerie kingdom and elder faerie let him stay out of pity and i THINK he also met white lily there briefly????¿ but he spent most of the day ‘talking to himself in front of the silver tree’ and as the days went by he slowly started to change (into his beast yeast appearance) everyone kinda thought he was tweaking tf out and elder faerie was mad sus of him but figured hes literally a fish on land so he was kind of defenseless and didn’t have the heart to send him away
- during episode 1 of beast yeast he does kind of unintentionally warm up to pure vanilla & co. but hes mainly there to plant a seed of doubt in elder faerie’s narrative about the beasts and the silver tree
- and the.n shadow milk like rips open the tree and hes like OOHHHHHH IM SO HAPPY TO FINALLY MEET YOUU and starts yapping about how he knows so much about him (for obvious reasons) and clownfish is busy shitting his non existent pants because that was a whole jumpscare
- SHADOW MILK SEEMS SO FAMILIAR TO HIM BUT AT THE SAME TIME HES LIKE WHO ARE YOU AND WHY DO YOU KNOW SO MUCH ABOUT ME???? and hes weirded out by it so when the time comes he starts doubting his allegiance to shadow milk and debates on if he should stay with shadow milk or join pure vanillas side but shadow milk promised him a safe haven and that’s what mattered to him the most in that moment
- cue the doomed yaoi live laugh love shadowfish i say to myself and like maybe 2 other people
- he becomes the guy to be able to spot the cracks in shadow milk’s front and realize just how lonely he is but while shadow milk seems to be all over clownfish he does keep him at arm’s length in a way because he HAAATES being vulnerable
- so now hes like ohhhhhgh i miss white pearl but ogguhhgghhh i love shadow milk but oughhhhhh pure vanilla
- candy apple secretly reads shadowfish yaoi idc
like and subscribe hit that bell turn on notifications 🔔🔥 heres more of him
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bunni-v1 · 8 days ago
"If you bring up the way he made you feel, he shakes his head and tuts at you. It was part of the plan, of course, your jealousy was made in a controlled environment by him. He needed you to use your silly little head and come to your senses on your own! He loves you, you know that, you just had to remember on your own."
Personally, :) I would NOT take this well whatsoever 😭 oughh bc im also insecure 😭😭
Man I don’t think anyone with a conscience and free will would take it well. I mean come on it’s definitely fucked up an manipulative, but he’s a little fucked up and manipulative.
While he is softer on you, he’s got tendencies to test you, so to speak. He’d never give you a “test” that he doesn’t think you can figure out, but the fact that he does them in the first place is a little…
AFTER beast yeast 8 he stops doing shit like this, but it doesn’t stop the fact that he does do it 💀
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sunseed-fandump · 15 days ago
hello! a bit ago i found devil's encore and it is so soooo good!!! a month ago i got back into cookie run after about a year and a half, and after seeing wizard again + reading the fic ive become extremely insane about him. thinking about the fic makes me feel like im about to explode
im not caught up completely yet so idk what beast yeast is really like yet but devil's encore is what shouldve happened, i love the starter trio dearly i need to see them in even more situations
Also QAQ!!! Thank you so much I'm so glad you've enjoyed it so far!! I'm really excited for what's coming next! I'm gonna try to lock in and get the next chapter out soon now that the Anniversary update is over and we have more info on Shadow Milk Cookie in general!
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moonsfantasyworld · 20 days ago
The following contains spoilers for beast yeast ep8, do not read if you have yet to finish the chapter
this is your last warning!
dont read this if u havent finished it yet!!! OK SO im starting with what i liked and then i'll get to the things that i have a bit of issues with
I genuinly enjoyed the chapter a lot!!! the dynamic between black sapphire and candy apple is very interesting and silly (the siblings fr), and the situation between PV and SM its very interesting, complex and fun to anilyse.
I LOVED seeing sm being desperate and in complete denial of his situation, that he is lonely, i really wanted to see him in such a vulnerable state and i got what i wanted and it was wonderful
The way SM noticed fast how the soul jam was full on connected to its owner was, as well, something very interesting to me. Me personally it came off as a mad scientists toying around with his lab rat, trying to see how much he could push him, its complex and it can be interpreted in different ways
Finally getting the full blown confirmation SM did not stalk PV as a kid was also refreshing. It had been alwasy clear to me it was all just a lie and sm toying with pv's mind completly, but a lot of you, AND I MEAN A LOT OF YOU, lack basic reading comprehension and knowing how to read a room
we are in the kingdom of lies
we cannot complelty trust shadow milk on his words or what he does, he is NOT a reliable source, ever
i liked that we didnt get to actually see past SM, its an interesting choice since we sort of saw the ones of the previous ones (mystic talked about her past and has statues and we saw burning spice the moment he broke)
Also the whole update feels like SM is having a lot of personal beef with the world, specially the witches. They were brought up like, twice and he always mentions it with so much loathing. I cant wait to see whats to come and to see their past
bUT this points being said
First off, i am kinda disssapointed PV isnt more angry towards SM, it would of been interesting to see the two fight and THEN Pv tries to offer him a helping hand, an opportunity to fix his issues, im at least glad sm didnt instantly get redeemed tho and part of me hopes he doesnt
The ending felt a bit rushed, but this seems to just be a recurring issue in beast yeast apparently :/, like, its not BAD bad, but it leaves you with a small feeling of ''that's it?''' and a small slap to the face, the pacing was good until a bit near the end
Speaking of the ending i was surprised we didnt get any extra scenes like we usually get. I really would have wanted to see the group arriving back at the kingdom, or pv thinking about what he saw in sm's memories, HELL IT WOULD HAVE BEEN AN INTERESTING CHANGE TO SEE SHADOW MILK'S THOUGHT AFTER IT ALL
Im also increidbly dissapointed fandom wise. The amount of posts i've seen of people not tagging things properly or tagging and then reblogging something that isnt tagged is dissapointing and kinda pissing me off a lot
now, im putting this near the end bcs its a PERSONAL NIT PICK
i am not against shadowvanilla, never was, never will. The artists are extremly creative and often create very beautiful pieces of art and i admire them a lot for this, along side the fact I GET WHY THEY LIKE IT, WHY ITS POPULAR, IS A FUN, INTERESTING SHP DYNAMIC THAT EVEN I HAVE ENJOYED IN THE PAST. im stating this cause im worried what i will say will come off as me hating the ship
The update hadnt come across to me as shippy up until the very last few levels with Pv saying they were meant to be together, and how he paused for a moment before saying friends a bit (altough this can also be interpreted as him heasitating to offer this as well)
i honestly like a lot the interpretation of them being teacher and student, i like shadow milk being pv's mentor and that's how the update had felt TO ME, if you know me i have an au were pv is sm's adopted son in an universe were he didnt corrupt completly and gave up his duties as an ancient hero, this being said
I dont like how the fandom instantly is taking the word submisive as something sexual, i dispise how sexualised the word has become and how it cannot be used in other ways often, and i wish some of the wording could be taken as something more than potential ''love obessision''
i kinda wish we could explore dynamics like this without needing it to be shipping, to me it didnt feel like there was necesarrly any romantic feelings of any sort, obbsesive? absolutly, but to me this is all SM trying to push pv to become like him bcs he is LONELY, at that point you dont care if its romantic or platonic, you just want SOMEONE so you arent alone
something something, this is something i wish it was in general, this isnt just about this ship in specific but many others in many different fandoms
seeing so much shipping has honestly made me struggle a bit sometimes to understand the differences between platonic and romantic DX but that's something me and myself alone has to work on on my own, no one is responsible and im just ranting at this point about personal nit picks
perhaps im just being in denial rn about it and being addmitedly kind of a pissy baby, im still processing the update after all.
again i dont have anything against shadowvanilla shippers, at least i dont think i do and i hope it does not come across compleltly as such
maybe some of my thoughts might change with time, maybe they wont and i'll just stay stubborn who knows
that being said this is the one and only time i will bring this up regarding shipping as i do not want to stir the pot till it boils and be dumb about HEADCANONS
TLDR: some nitpicks about headcanons but in general i think the update was really good in general, love the new sprites. 8.5/10 (kinda want to make it a 9 but im on the fence about that jksdbgfk)
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cuppajj · 1 month ago
Is this the ask box? If not I'm so sorry I'm not used to tumblr literally only got it to follow your au. It's great btw love everything about it.
But anyways can I bonk Dragonberry on the head with a stick to get her attention and say hi, but with a really long stick so I'm not close to her when I do so? She's my favorite but she's scary and I while I would prefer to write her a letter but I don't want her to have my return address.
Also I've had my own au in the works but never actually bothered to start writing or properly figuring things out till after coming across your au which inspired me to start doing so and I just wanna know how you set everything up and figure out how to use who where and how you split stuff into arcs? I currently have 2 arcs based on the continent one being Crispia and the other being Beast-Yeast and both have chapters but Beast-Yeast is becoming a lot longer than Crispia due to how my au is set up and the fact the canon Beast-Yeast storyline isn't fully out and I was just wondering if you have any advice on what's best to do? I do want to eventually post my au and I've already gotten to work on the designs but I don't know the best approach to make it into something that others who are unfamiliar can understand.
Also sorry this turned out kinda long!
You can!! Though would advise against using the stick bc if she feels like it she could grab it and fling you while you’re still holding it
As for your second question about how I use arcs, it really just boils down to being a way to manage all the characters that are in the AU. Each saga focuses on one beast (including their respective of the original 5), the protag who is usually related to them in some way, and whatever story takes place in that specific arc alone. They’re meant to be mostly self contained, but they’d feed into a bigger narrative. The Vanilla Saga is a little different because while it’s technically self contained, Crepe as the main main character dabbles in a little bit of everything; but only crepe (also choco technically). You’re not likely to see Princess in the Lily Saga unless the two stories surrounding Dragonberry and Midnight Lily overlap.
I do have plans for sagas to overlap before the “all stories converge for the final saga” part, for example the Vanilla and Berry sagas will converge in Parfaedia well before that, but that would be a single story arc before they split up again. Some sagas can/would share the same events but would still largely be self contained.
Im going off on a ramble here but basically, BAAU’s sagas are just info management lol. With so many characters and stories to handle, it would be very confusing and bad if all of them were crossing over at every turn. When you’ve got a plot line that can serve as its own thing, it’s easier to tell where pieces of information belongs.
So that being said I should really start tagging the sagas in some of my baau posts 😭😭😭
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tinycheesecakedetective · 1 year ago
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*Addendum: Fading Letters AU pt. 2: White Lily
I'm a FOOL.
Apparently I've lost all sense of time because I've been gone for a YEAR AND FIVE MONTHS. What the heck. Right. My rendition of Swap!Lily, everyone. It would've been out sooner, but I cannot draw backgrounds for the life of me. This had me stumped for a good long while until I just decided "fuck it we ball", and here we are now. I'm just glad it's out so I don't have to worry about her anymore.
Now unlike PV, I thought White Lily didn't need any updates to her look in the AU. I thought she was pretty set and done, but I reserve the right to change my mind in the future. Her design is pretty simple; it's the blind healer outfit but more so tailored to White Lily. Her staff is bound shut, she's cloaked and wearing rags, and most notably, her eyes aren't visible. She's hiding her identity out of shame, in search of something precious to her.
Quick Rundown: White Lily is stuck in Beast Yeast after falling ill, so Pure Vanilla went in her place at her request. (For more information, click https://www.tumblr.com/tinycheesecakedetective/744518672544071680/im-baaaack-i-mean-i-made-one-post-about) .
After PV became this universe's Dark Enchantress, the other half of him was sent to the Fairy Kingdom. Meaning unlike Canon PV, White Lily found out VERY quickly about what happened to him(or what she thinks happened, all she knows is that he's dead), and she takes the news horribly. She immediately blames herself for what happened and ended up grief stricken over the entire thing, so much so that she hallucinates him calling out to her. Elder Faerie tried her best to console her afterwards, and told her it would be possible to bring him back. She swears she'll do everything in her power to bring him back, but the Dark Flour War starts and she has to head back to Crispia. During the fighting, White Lily debates telling the others about what happened to Pure Vanilla, but she doesn't get to when she sees what looks like PV. She thinks it's really him, but then upon closer inspection she realizes something's not right. In reality, the real PV is wreaking havoc across Earthbread as this universe's DE, and no one knows it. The final battle is upon them, and PV has them against the ropes, their soul jams in his grasp. In a last ditch effort, White Lily attacks full force with dark moon magic and is able to stop him. She realizes who he really is, and while she's shocked, WL instead shows determination. She's part of the reason why he is the way he is, but she wants to set things right.
After the war, WL spent some of her time in Beast Yeast in order to understand how to bring back PV. With Elder Faerie's help, she returned to Crispia in search of the soul gem shards. She becomes a nomad, wandering around the world and only stopping for breaks. Along the way, she meets several cookies and makes a new friend. Her journey comes to a halt, however, when a group of travelers also finds one of the shards in their own quest.
Got all that? Great, here are a few head canons! White Lily's the one that bound her staff shut. From time to time, she visits the Vanilla Kingdom and gives a small tribute to PV. WL also keeps in touch with Elder Faerie through white butterflies he sends, and he gives her advice and motivation. Sometimes she makes small resting areas, and whenever she packs up a lily is there in it's place.
And that's it for now! If you have any questions or suggestions, feel free to ask. Y'all have a good evening!
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makerofmadness · 1 year ago
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Living for this by the way I don't even know how useful it is I just. Seeing it there just brings a smile to my face.
The fact that it comes after they almost get hanged though-
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Like he says their NECKS so. Yeah straight up hangings execution style this man was about to execute three children-
I love how dark this got like they actually killed Elder Faerie??? And didn't say anything about bringing him back?????? Like did I miss a line or is he really just Dead they killed him off on screen. Either way I'm living for it.
Only disappointment really is that 'nilla didn't actually turn into the Onceler by the end if you saw my previous post but hey maybe Shadow Calcium™️ will return someday and actually make him or someone else go bad. Imagine if he like returns but he corrupts a different character like Custard III if he ever shows up in Beast-Yeast. Or what about just straight-up Milk Cookie because funny ndjsnsnsnd get it Shadow Milk and Milk-
Like but istg I wanna know does he actually CORRUPT people or just. Get into their head and make them do bad choices. I wanna see what would've happened if 'nilla had less of a support system. Y'know?
Idk I needed to ramble about All Of This I just. Im going feral. And I need to make shadowfaerie divorceposting eventually because God knows no one else will-
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murder-cookie-dust393 · 3 months ago
well, basically my lazy ass got up from the grave. BEFORE- I make the big event happen✨-
We must discuss something as a group.
So yes, I will write once more. But the thing is IM SUPERRR BUSY. As a junior I’m dying chat. Literally all my classes are either hard or medium hard. LIKE YOUR GIRLIEPOP IS TAKING CALCULUS. (I actually do really bad on quizzes but really good on tests???)
So because of that, I need help.
I’m too lazy to watch YouTube videos, and unfortunately articles don’t give you all of the dialogue.
So I need help from my followers and requesters to legit spoon feed me lore. Like I’m just being lazy.
If people just explain me the lore, (and of course I’ll look at wiki to get like a more…formal understanding) I can write.
I’m taking requests. But please give me a detailed background or at the very least give me some kind of reference since I haven’t played since like the first beast yeast update. (I don’t even remember for ovenbreak help-)
So yes you guys can hurl them in but I’m keeping my limit 10-12 rn. Probably gonna mad do them during my 5 day break. SO I WANT THEM QUICK BBGS!
Also, I should probably like get a list of people I can ask about lore. You can DM me, send a request (like a request saying you know shit), or even comment. I just want like a team of people I can be like:
“Herro??? I don kno da fuk me doin???”
I lowkey wanna get back at doing art with my Yan stories cuz I really loved it. Now I’m not the best obviously not (why do you think my great grandma shakes her head) but it’s still fun!!!!
Oh and if you wanna chat with me about life you certainly can! Even when I’m not active I enjoy it!
Alright I’ll stop.
Followers: “So, when are you gonna come back and feed us?”
Celina: “Erm, I don’t know, I don’t think I can just because I haven’t played the game recently-“
Followers: *holds up gun* “We don’t give a single fuck whether or not you know shit we just need our fucking food.”
Followers: “Nah you’re still writing-“
(Guys I don’t hate writing I just thought it was funny alright-)
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nightmyst14-blog · 11 months ago
Regaining treasures Pt 2
Woo, part 2 y'all!! Hope you guys enjoy this one!!
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Setting: In the hidden treasure room. White Lily is feeling guilt for the deaths of her friend’s children, although it was of Dark Enchantress. 
White Lily: I… I can't believe this… I did this to her..
Pure Vanilla; Lily , no! *hugs her* That’s not true!
White Lily: Look, Vanilla! *gestures to the 3 coffins* Her children are dead! And we had no idea of this! She'll NEVER forgive me for this!!
Dark Cacao: We all didnt know, dear Lily. *helps her up* But she asked us to help her now. We shall do out best to do so.
White Lily; *sniffles* You’re right..
Pure Vanilla: Yes.. We shall do our best to do so, for Goldie’s sake.
White Lily: For Goldie’s sake- *sees her walk in* 
Golden Cheese: *Holding a bell, looking sad* LIly…
White Lily: Oh Goldie, Im sorry-
Golden Cheese: Don’t. *sighs* Pure Vanilla told me everything.  I know I was hard on you before, but.. I needed time. It was..hard to process the fact you were two people now. But after hearing what happened in Beast-yeast, things began to make sense.
Dark Cacao: Goldie…
Golden Cheese: Its.. its still weird to have you all here, but.. *walks over to the bull sarcophagus, places the bell there* Its been too long… I need them, my treasures..
Pure Vanilla: *walks over to them* Mind telling us about them. Your children?
*Golden Cheese look at Pure Vanilla, sniffling. She leans on Pure Vanilla, looking back a the sarcophagus* 
Golden Cheese: I have a daughter and 2 boys….. All created each at a time of day, as you can see on their coffins.  All took on an aspect of me, with a few ingredients from different lands.
Dark Cacao: *moves a hand onto jackal sarcophagus* The ingredients you had us bring.
Golden Cheese: *nods* Mhm.
Pure Vanilla; But we only have two things, the incense and the caramel you asked for. What about the third?
Golden Cheese: Its fine. My eldest, my daughter,  didnt have an ingredient imported outside of the kingdom. I used only the finest cheeses for her.
White Lily: Do you still have some left over?
Golden Cheese: *thinks* I should have some left in the reserves… Olive, please go get the finest mozzarella on the shelf.
Olive: Yes, ma’am! *runs off*
Golden Cheese: Olive and I have been researching a way to wake them up. Since they are connected to me, my Soul Jam is still connected to their souls.
Dark Cacao: The dreamscape.
Golden Cheese: *nods* Correct. Based on it, I have to do a ritual like how I first created them. Their souls are intact and their bodies, All I need is a jumpstart from the soul jams’ light magic.
White Lily; That’s why you had us come.
Golden Cheese: Mhm. I wouldve done this myself, but the process would drain me of energy. And I know you guys would yell at me for overdoing it.. Thrice.
Pure Vanilla: Sure will. *touches her shoulder*  We’re honored to be here to help.
*The ancients plus Olive went to get everything set up, checking with Golden Cheese if the ritual would be ready by morning. Before midday, the ritual was set.
Golden Cheese: *hand on the bull sarcophagus.*
White Lily; *walks over* …What was she like?
Golden Cheese: *looks up* HM?
White Lily: Your daughter. What was she like?
Golden Cheese: *smiles a bit* ..She was amazingly smart. She was head of security here. She made these little robots called Marzipans to make sure everyone was safe here.
Pure Vanilla: I think Ive seen a few of those little things lying around. She made those?
Golden Cheese: My sweet Mozzi.. She was a crafty girl, loving puzzles with a bit of odds. Sometimes she even surprises me with what she was up to next.
Dark Cacao: Hm. *looks up to the window* Its almost time, the sun is rising.
Golden Cheese: Ah, right. Everyone in your places.
*Olive walks up first, setting the mozzarella on the coffin. Golden Cheese began to use her soul jam to bend the light to shine on the sarcophagus, filling the details. Pure Vanilla, Dark Cacao, and White Lily points their weapons to the coffin, their soul jam magic flowing into the object.*
*The sarcophagus began to glow, the bowl of mozzarella seeming to phase into it. Light filling the details of the coffin, the lid starting to shake.*
Olive: *gasps, adjusts her glasses* Its… its working!!
Golden Cheese: *her hands shaking* Ngh… Keep going! We’re almost there!
*they soon stopped 15 minutes, the ancients a bit drained of their energy.*
Pure Vanilla; Hah. *pants* Did.. DId it work…?
Olive: I.. I dont know- *hears movement in the sarcophagus*
White Lily: *gasps*
Dark Cacao: *uses his sword to wedge over to open the lid,pushing it aside*
*Inside, sits up a young woman with tanned skin, blonde hair, and bull horns. Cracked blue makeup was on her face, getting smudged as she rubbed her eyes as her eyes gets used to the light*
??; Mmh.. W-where…
White Lily: *gasps, shocked* It.. it worked..
??; *Sees the others, gasps. Goes to back away,ending up  falling out of her sarcophagus* Ah, s-stay back!
Pure Vanilla: Ah!!
Olive: C-Careful, ma’am!
Golden Cheese; *slowly steps closer, tears in her eyes* M-Mozzi..? Mozzarella.. Its me..
Mozzarella: *looks up* …M-Mother..?
Golden Cheese: *smiles* My baby girl…
Mozzarella: Mother!! *tries to stand, falls buts Golden Cheese caught her*
Golden Cheese: *holding her close, smiles while crying* My daughter, you’re alive! 
*The others smiled at this scene, seeing how happy Golden Cheese was*
Mozzarella: *also crying* Smokey.. Burnt , I.. we could hear you. In that weird place.
Golden Cheese: I know, Mozzi.. I know. I’m so sorry.. *run a hand through her hair* I failed you three as a mother, I’m so sorry…
Mozzarella: Mom.. *looks around* Where.. WHere are they..? My brothers..
Golden Cheese: They’re coming, sweetie. Soon. But first, you need rest. *Looks towards the other ancients* Vanilla… Lily…
*the two of them walk over*
Pure Vanilla: *kneels down, smiles at Mozzarella* It is nice to meet you, princess. Allow me to examine you.
Mozzarella: *looks at her mother, then nods*
Pure Vanilla: *using healing magic*
Mozzarella: *looks at Golden Cheese, whispers* Mother, Are they..?
Golden Cheese: *smiles* Yes, my dear. These are my friends. The other ancients.
White Lily: It is an honor to meet you. *smiles*
*Later, Mozzarella was brought  to a  room. Still feeling the stiffness in her dough, she was given a wheelchair to move around in. Golden Cheese went to check on her*
Golden Cheese: Oh Mozzi, my dear! I brought you food!
Mozzarella: *working on a broken Marzipan* One second, Mother.
Golden Cheese: Mozzarella, you’re already working? *stops her* Desert flower,  you’re supposed to rest.
Mozzarella: But mother- 
Golden Cheese: *stern* I mean it. *hands her the bowl of light cheese soup* You were brought awake from slumber a few hours ago. 
Mozzarella: *stirring the soup with the spoon* Mother…
Golden Cheese: I can't have you hurting yourself,Mozzi. I- *sniffles* I just got you back.. I’m so close to getting your brothers back…
Mozzarella: *sets the bowl down, hugs her*
Golden Cheese: *crying, hugs her back*I’m so sorry… I wasnt there to save you three…
Mozzarella: Mother, it wasnt your fault.
Golden Cheese: But it is! You three begged to go outside the walls of the kingdom for so long, but I was too afraid to let you go. I just told my friends about you three the other day! Just because I.. *sniffles*
Mozzarella: *frowns* Because of what, Mother?
Golden Cheese; Because I was too afraid to show off my most valuable of treasures… And that was you and your brothers.. *touches her cheek* I promise, my dear Mozzi, I’ll do better. I’ll be a better queen, and a better Mother to you three. We’ll make this kingdom shine brighter than ever before!
Mozzarella; *giggles* As long I get to have a tech room and my Marzipans.
Golden Cheese: *smiles* Of course my dear. Now, you eat and rest, okay? No working until you are better.
Mozzarella: Yes, mother. *starts eating*
Golden Cheese: *kisses her daughter’s head before she leaves, soon greeting my White Lily when she got out the room*
White Lily; How is she?
Golden Cheese: Well, she was up her usual antics, so I say it was a success.
White Lily: *peeks in the room* Bulls horns.. I thought she would have your wings.
Golden Cheese: Oh the features represent what animal they’re most intune with. Trust me, my middle child will have my feathers.
White Lily: I see… *quiet*
Golden Cheese: *worried* You.. You come to just check on my daughter, did you?
White Lily: No.. *sighs* I dont know how many times I can say it... But I am sorry.  You lost so much because of me…
Golden Cheese; *sighs* Ive thought about it for a long while. And I already forgiven you. Not fully, but… After seeing you, Vani, and Cacao, coming to help me bring back my daughter, I couldnt stay mad anymore.
White Lily: *sniffles* Goldie…
Golden Cheese: Aww gee, not the waterworks. Come here. *hugs her*
White Lily: *hugs back* Thank you..
Golden Cheese: *smiles* No, thank you. *sighs, pulls away* C’mon, after we rest, we still have two more to bring back.
White Lily: Right. The boys are in the kitchen trying the charcuterie board the cooks made.
Golden Cheese: Nice, let’s go. *leads the way*
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