#BB1 Sam
captain-kraken · 1 year
7 snippets 7 people
thank you for the tag @sam-glade - see their post here
no pressure tag for @lexiklecksi @kittensartswriting @fictionalbullshitter @toribookworm22 @writingmaidenwarrior @aquadestinyswriting @afoolandathief
[All snippets are from BB1 (the 80s-90s era)]
Snippet 1
Rujav wasn’t looking at him, chewing at his nails with an odd expression on his face. A small cloud was beginning to form over his head, and the temperature in the room felt as though it had dropped a few degrees.
            “Dad, p-please s-say something.” Viter couldn’t stop the sob escaping from his throat, and he clenched his fists, accidently crumpling the paper in his hands.
His father turned his head in his direction but still wouldn’t look him in the eyes, even as he spoke. “Don’t call me that, Viter.”
Snippet 2
            “We shouldn’t do this.”
Viter put his hands on Tafgen’s face. “We both want this.”
            “It’s still wrong.”
            “How is it wrong for us to want what everyone else has? Do we not deserve to be happy? Just because of some stupid rules that say neither of our lives are worth anything?”
He was saying the thoughts that had echoed around Tafgen’s head ever since he was a child. All he’d ever wanted was this. Someone who loved him, just as he was.
Snippet 3
Being so close to each other only served to highlight their differences. Whilst Sahrav’s pinkened skin was coated in a thin glaze of sweat, Lerensa seemed unaffected by the dry heat. The only sheen on her rich brown skin came from the golden glitter that had been delicately brushed onto her shoulders. Her eyes burned like a sunset, mimicking the desert land that surrounded them. A sharp contrast to the glaciers that Sahrav’s own represented.
Snippet 4
“How did it feel for you? Giving up your freedom willingly?”
Tafgen shrugged. “I didn’t have much freedom beforehand. I wasn’t losing much.”
            “But what about children? Love?” Mahrias rolled over to face him. “Were they easy to give up? Or did they never interest you to begin with?”
            “Children, no. Love though…” He sighed, absent-mindedly stroking his scar. “Love is complicated.”
Snippet 5
Deivi stared into his empty cup. “Seventeen thousand, six hundred, and forty-two.”
            “I’m sorry?”
            “That’s how many lives Solima lost during the war. How many people died from my family’s choice to get involved. You’re right, Imojin is alive. Perhaps she would have been even if we hadn’t gotten involved. But either way, how can we say that one gishar life is worth that many human ones? We are not gods. We shouldn’t have that kind of power.”
Snippet 6
That would be the ideal situation, to marry his son to the daughter of his best friend. Yet Osin had not said a word since Sahrav came of age, and it felt strange of him to ask.
Rujav knew it wasn’t for a personal reason, nor anything to do with Sahrav himself. But it still hurt his feelings. If only simply because Osin had failed to tell him the reason behind the unintentional snub.
Snippet 7
The damp wind clinked through the chimes that hung from the sloped roof near the door. It was only when they got closer that Mahria saw they were made from bones, too small to be human, but unnerving to him nonetheless.
As soon as he stepped inside, he knew that he shouldn’t be here. But it was too late to back out now. It was almost as dim inside, lit by a few candles that were laid sporadically around the main room. Shelves and tables bordered the area, filled with the treasures that the twins had gained over the years. Mahrias gulped as he realised that each one of these was a deal made, much like the one he had come here to make.
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roguescores · 23 days
Check out this listing I just added to my Poshmark closet: Sam Edelman Animal Safari Pool Party Swimsuit.
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liwia-sims · 3 years
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The party goes on! 
Miles seems to be quite impressed with Sierra’s dancing. 😏 Jared and Kieran join everyone on the dance floor, but Jared soon moves over to the bar instead to make some drinks. Sam and Andres are just telling jokes and having a good time!
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hi bestie What’s your BB winner tier list ? S Rank being legendary, A being Great, B being Good, C being Neutral, D being lucky/not good, F being bad
Hey bestie! I’ve never thought about this before. Buckle up for some hot takes:
S - Legendary
BB2 - Dr. Will - Self-explanatory.
BB6 - Maggie - Yes, she admitted to manslaughter on the live feeds, but she ran that alliance like a cult. Poor Howie never stood a chance 😩
BB10 - Dan - Strategic mastermind. He should’ve won BB14 also and that is the BB hill I am willing to die on.
A - Great
BB4 Jun - Didn’t watch but I have seen / heard enough about her game and this season to feel comfortable placing her here.
BB8 - Evel Dick - I’m sorry, but getting a duo that is known to the entire house on Day 1 to Final 2 is impressive. Also, not a day goes by where I don’t think about how unlikeable Daniele must’ve been to lose a vote to this man. Embarrassing 😳
BB15 - Andy - Horrible, disgusting person who played a strong, effective, rat-floater game.
BB16 - Derrick - Ran the season thanks to an incredibly stupid cast. Turned BB into a team sport and helped break the game. Fuck him and yawn.
B - Good
BB12 - Hayden - A solid member of a solid alliance. But I enjoyed him better on Survivor tbh 🤷🏻‍♀️
BB13 - Rachel - Probably the greatest character development and story arc in BB history. Great competitor and loved the game. Benefitted from twists. Will never forgive her for forever fucking up the meaning of floater in the BB universe tho.
BB14 - Ian - Smart, likable, knew the game. Benefitted from a bitter jury.
BB21 - Jackson - A manipulative psychopath who used his evil powers to convince a house full of people to give him $500k. Also, winning BB while going through drug withdrawals is quite the feat
C - Being Neutral
BB1 -Eddie - Never watched, completely different game. I’m sure he’s a nice guy.
BB17 - Steve - Nice guy. Love that he loves Da’Vonne. As awful as it was to watch, it was the smart move to evict Vanessa. Overall: meh.
BB20 - Kaycee - Piece of furniture for 75% of the game, went on a late game comp spree, benefited from Tyler’s mismanagement of Sam. Very forgettable 😴
D - Lucky / Not Good
BB3 - Lisa - Didn’t watch, have heard she had a solid social game, but we all know Queen Danielle Reyes was robbed 😭
BB5 - Drew - Didn’t watch, but whenever I hear about this season it’s either about Diane, Nakomis or the twins, so I don’t think he could’ve been that good 😬
BB11 - Jordan - Fun fact: This was the first season I watched live and I was alllll about Jeff and Jordan. (Embarrassing, I know) Sweet girl, very genuine and probably the most likable winner. Won the comps she needed to win, somehow got Natalie’s #1 to vote for her?!? 🥴 Never had post-game delusions or tried to re-write history. She knows she got lucky and has openly admitted it and I appreciate that.
F - Bad
BB7 - Boogie - Got carried by Dr. Will. Honestly, had no business being there
BB9 - Adam - Didn’t watch but I know that Final 4 HOH was bullshit
BB18 - Nicole - Ugh. 🤮 Nicole didn’t win, Paul lost.
BB19 - Josh - Again, Josh didn’t win, Paul lost.
BB22 - Cody - If your BFF has to literally arrange deals and alliances for you five months before you even enter the house, you’re probably a pretty fucking terrible BB player 🤷🏻‍♀️
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Could I possibly get a pendulum? Was I dating RM, RG, BB1, BB2, someone else, or no one at all in my Sam Houston canon? Thanks a bunch, partner. Sorry if that’s too many questions. 🐎
yeah that’s cool!!! it’s not too many at all--believe it or not, i’ve done larger readings!!
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gonna let lecu take care of this one--
you did date: RM (strong yes), BB1 (moderate-weak yes), and BB2 (weak yes)
you did not date: RG (moderate-weak no), and someone else (moderate-strong no)
not sure if the dated people were at the same time in a polyam or if they were separate, but you’d know best!!
- mod sayori [lila]
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inb4vaughn · 5 years
The Putter Fitting (Club) Champion
A putter fitting? Really? Why bother?
That such a question still hovers in the air in 2019 is both understandable and frustrating.
Most casual or even semi-serious golfers rely on feel and familiarity when it comes to wielding the flat stick. They’ve been doing it for hundreds of years.
Some folks latch on to a putter they bought new after just a few tryout strokes — usually on the pro shop carpet.
Others dig the One True Birdiemaker out of bargain bin and deem it divine intervention. Still others accept a hand-me-down wand and simply mold their stance, grip, alignment and stroke to its loft, lie angle, shaft length and weight until it “feels right” and it least gives the illusion of making more knee-knockers and saving shots.
Now the frustrating part: All those people, myself included, could be so much better if we’d just embrace 21st century technology, submit to the most popular putter fitting system out there — Science & Motion Sports, or SAM — and turn that feel into the stats we truly need to start sinking more putts.
I finally did, at a Club Champion fitting outlet in Roseville, California, and man, what a revelation.
In less than a half hour on SAM, under the direction of PGA Professional and master club fitter Rob Weizer, I had not only had a roadmap of how I naturally putt, but a much clearer idea of what kind of “vehicle” I should commandeer to negotiate that map.
Figure 1: SAM shows the full gamut of putting particulars, including path and face angle at impact.
Turns out the well-worn-in early model Bettinardi BB1 I’ve been rocking lately — the one with the “RJB”-monogrammed honeycomb face and handsome solid copper insert — still had some miles left in it, or so SAM reported.
But how did Weizer and I get to that surprising destination with a wand that, admittedly, I’d mothballed a good dozen years ago, then brought back out of the garage shadows on a whim  with a new, oversized Flat Cat grip?
As always these days, the numbers tell the story, but first I had to be put through SAM’s paces, starting with calibration.
The post The Putter Fitting (Club) Champion appeared first on Golf Tips Magazine.
from Golf Tips Magazine http://bit.ly/2WWYAvz
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zooooopp · 6 years
[Event ""] [Site ""] [Date "2018.6.9"] [Round ""] [White "bennc"] [Black "Sam"] [TimeControl "1380+3"] [Result "1-0"] [ECO " "]
1.e4 c6 2.Nc3 d5 3.Nf3 dxe4 4.Nxe4 Nd7 5.d4 Nb6 6.Bd3 Nd5 7.c4 Nb4 8.Bb1 Bf5 9.Qb3 Bxe4 10.Bxe4 Nf6 11.Bb1 e6 12.a3 Qa5 13.Bd2 Nd7 14.Ra2 Qb6 15.axb4 Be7 16.O-O Qc7 17.Qe3 Nb6 18.b3 h6 19.Ne5 Bf6 20.Re1 a6 21.f4 Qe7 22.d5 Bxe5 23.fxe5 cxd5 24.Qxb6 d4 25.Be4 O-O 26.Qxb7 Qh4 27.Rxa6 Rab8 28.Qa7 f5 29.Bxf5 Rxf5 30.Qxb8+ Rf8 31.g3 Qxg3+ 32.hxg3 Rxb8 33.Rxe6 h5 34.Re7 Ra8 35.e6 Rf8 36.Rf1 Rxf1+ 37.Kxf1 h4 38.gxh4 Kh7 39.Rf7 Kg8 40.Rf4 g5 41.hxg5 Kh7 42.e7 Kg6 43.e8=Q+ Kxg5 44.Qf7 d3 45.Re4# 1-0
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roguescores · 3 months
Check out this listing I just added to my Poshmark closet: Sam Edelman Animal Safari Pool Party Swimsuit.
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liwia-sims · 3 years
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Party hard!
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liwia-sims · 3 years
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Good morning! 🌤️ New day, new opportunities!
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liwia-sims · 3 years
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The party is started! 
Jared and Kieran decide to sit this one out. A bit surprising of Kieran, but lifting weights all morning makes you tired I suppose.
Out of the contestants dancing, Andres and Sierra are clearly putting in the most effort! I’m not sure I’d call them good dancers (yet), but at least they’re trying and having fun! 😄
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liwia-sims · 3 years
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Welcome to Big Brother: Season 1!
| RULES | TAG (Chrono) | TAG (Latest) |
Aya Bashar
Ethan Oakley
Delia Lane
Soren Mello
Sierra Rodriguez
Dakota Wilson
Miles Dennison
Sam Oberlin
Andres Ortega
Jared Lumberjackson
Athena Drakos
Arachne Drakos
Kieran Morse
Matilde Coppola
A big thanks to @musicalplumbob, @rebouks, @bakersimmer, @natolesims, @mangopysims, @aniraklova, @peytonccrecs, @zosa95, @its-plum-jam, @dagdagsims, @marshmallowslugsims, & @sims4italianfan for providing me with the contestants for this challenge! ❤︎
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liwia-sims · 3 years
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Soren and Sam decide to cook some breakfast together. Which apparently means Soren does the cooking while Sam makes fun of him. Or rather, they make fun of each other.
Sam: “Man, you suck at this!” Soren: “I’ve seen you start fires with your cooking, so you hardly have any room to talk.” Sam: “In my defense, it was a small fire and it made for some very entertaining reality TV!” Soren: “True. I still wouldn’t eat your food though!”’
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Gameplay info:
Soren thinks Sam is Funny and he now has a positive Cooking Together sentiment toward her.
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liwia-sims · 3 years
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Good night 😴💤
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liwia-sims · 3 years
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After asking around for a bit, it seems that Athena has found the actual prankster. Sam’s insistence that “~ it’s just a prank bro ~” is not calming Athena down. 
Athena: “I just never know where I stand with Sam. One moment she’s so nice. It’s all compliments, and stories, and jokes - and the next moment she's pulling some immature shit like this! Ugh...”
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Gameplay info:
Reminder that Athena is Hot-Headed, dislikes Mischief, and has a crush on Sam. I can imagine she’s having some conflicting emotions right now!
I actually have no idea who set up the prank, but (iirc) only sims with the Goofball trait do it autonomously, so it’s either Sam or Jared, and since Athena started an argument with Sam, I’m rolling with that!
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liwia-sims · 3 years
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Sam is trying, and totally failing, to tap the keg. Ethan still looks like he’s having a good time though.
Ethan: “This experience has been a lot of fun so far! I had hoped going on this show would give me the chance to meet some awesome new people, and I certainly have. Sam is great company! I’m not sure if she’s, you know, into me, or if she’s just a naturally flirty person, but I don’t mind either way! I’m happy to just take it one day at a time and see where things go.”
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Gameplay info: Ethan’s first impression of Sam is that she’s Fun to Be Around and he thinks she’s Very Attractive.
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