#B. Daughter of a fisherman
essenceofarda · 3 months
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princessbrunette · 2 months
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thinking about dad!johnb who just looks so fucking good to you after you have your baby together.
maybe it’s the way he’s grown out his beard a little, adopting a scruffier look all around because he often didn’t have the time to get his hair cut as frequently either, stuffing a fisherman-type cap over his brunette waves. tv dinners became a little more frequent for him, and he didn’t have time to swim as often — only lift weights, so he’d naturally gotten a little thicker around the middle and chest, thighs bulging just that little extra — yet his arms thick and stronger than ever.
he’d really started to fill the ‘dad’ boots. walking around with your nearly one year old girl on his hip, his low voice mumbling conversationally as you wander ahead with a shopping cart doing the groceries, barely concentrating, just running off the soft lull of his voice in the background drone.
you liked him best when your daughter would be napping and he’d be on the couch, looking a little sleepy with his head tilted back against the cushion and his thighs spread. when he’s not at home with his girl he works long shifts at the docks — so his hands are all rough and he’s got the odd scratch and scrape which makes him all the more homely. all the more manly too, helping you tap effortlessly into your feminine as you snuggle up to him in a little sundress and cardigan— laying your body half on his.
“shes down?” he refers to your sleeping child, brows raised a little in interest. you busy yourself with nuzzling into his jaw with kisses, having been desperate to get your hands on him.
“mhm. just us…” you hum, feeling his cheeks expand into a smile.
“is that so?” he croons, still managing to be a goofball despite everything.
“missed you.” you sigh, manoeuvring just that little more onto john b’s thigh, grinding your hips down to relieve some of this ache.
“oh?” he hums, hands on your waist now. “haven’t been looking after my girl, have i?” it’s a question, but he says it more as a statement — an air of guilt to his voice that makes you shake your head.
“no, no john b you’ve been good. you’ve been so good jus— just need a little extra love t’day…” you feel yourself starting to get hazy and breathless, needing to turn it all off just for a little.
“okay sweetheart. we’ve got time.” he soothes your rushed jolted grinds against his leg, coarse hand rubbing the skin. “we can start… by getting this off.” he plucks at your dress, tilting his head with a little smile so he could look at you properly.
you look up, feeling lucky to witness that warm glint in his eye. john b could never neglect you.
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624 notes · View notes
puddle-nerd · 11 months
We Feast
Summary: As Ronal’s most dedicated student in the ways of healing, a soft spot had formed specifically for you, deeper than you might have guessed until your first heat hits you unexpectedly.
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Prompt 31 (A/B/O) for my final submission for LunasKinktober2023
Story Tags: No use of y/n, Female Reader, everyone is legal, A/B/O, M/F/F, Teacher/Student Relationship, Crushing on the Teacher, Overbearing Parents, Angst, Metkayina | Reef People Clan (Avatar), Na’vi Culture (Avatar – Cameron), Na’vi Language (Avatar – Cameron), First Heat, Maybe Dub-Con due to Heat Delerium, Threesome if you squint, Open Marriage-ish/Polyamory, Eating out, Face Sitting, Mention of inexperienced main female character, Voyeurism, Creampie Na’vi Translation: ‘Eve — girl (colloquial) Ma’ — my, mine, a way of showing possession of something Mawey — calm Muntxatan — husband Numeyu — student Oel ngati tse’a – “I see you” (physically) Olo’eyktan — Clan Leader Olo’zeykoyu — Clan Healer Paska’sngap — (NON-CANON) exact translation would be ‘honey sting’, a type of large bee that makes very sweet honeycomb Paskalin — honey (term of endearment) Sa’nu — mum/mom/mommy Sa’nok — mother (respectful) Tewng – loincloth Tìyawn — love Tsaheylu — a connection between two Pandoran beings (i.e. a Na’vi and a direhorse/ikran/ilu or between two Na’vi) with the tendrils of their neural queues enabling a mental communication between them and the sharing of information, including memories, emotions, and sensory input Tsahìk – a spiritual leader of a Na’vi clan, and the most important member next to the clan leader. The job of the Tsahìk is to interpret the will of Eywa, guide the clan spiritually, and perform important ceremonies Zeykoyu — healer Male OC: Ìtxän Te Atxzìtx Kxawun’iyan (a male Na’vi) and Ìstaw (your preferred male ilu) Author’s Note: Set around a year and a half before the events of Avatar: The Way of Water, before Ronal got pregnant and before the Recombinants arrived. This turned out a quite bit longer than I originally anticipated because I just couldn’t stop writing so if you’d prefer to skip straight to the smut, skip down to the break in text. And hey, so just in case you didn’t read the tags or the warning labels, this is a polyamorous relationship so this one will have Ronal and Reader going to town on each other in this chapter. If you don’t like descriptive scenes depicting woman on woman sexual action, then please don’t read this.
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“Good, yes, Ma’numeyu,” Ronal praised you with a soft brush of her fingers along your bare shoulder as you ground the herbs into a fine powder for future use as an anti-inflammatory paste when introduced to a few drops of fresh water. It needed to be as fine as silk-sand to the touch or else it would not do its job as needed and would be, in turn, useless. And you refused to have anything of yours be considered useless or not even good enough. Being the youngest of three daughters of your family, your older sisters set the precedence by being a fantastic warrior and a fantastic fisherman/cook so you had to be just as good as them, if not better or else your parents would pay you less attention or compare you to your sisters. So, you had to be the best zeykoyu as your talents lay with healing. And who better to learn from than the current Tsahìk?
You bowed your head with a slight smile. “Thank you, Ma’tsahìk,” you acknowledged the compliment with a light blush and grabbed the last of the herb to add to her mortar.
“Your dedication could lead you down the path to Olo’zeykoyu… one day.” You froze at those words hanging so tantalizingly in the air between the two of you and slowly, you glanced upwards slowly while the rest of your body remained paused in time, hunched over, hands gripping the pestle above the bowl of half ground herbs. Ronal raised a brow, a challenging smirk curling upon the corner of her turquoise lips. “Do you doubt your Tsahìk, Ma’numeyu?”
Immediately, you shook your head, breathing out, “No, never, Ma’tsahìk. I…” You licked your lips and whispered, “I just… that would be so… wonderful.”
And if you became the clan healer… that would mean you would get to have even more time side-by-side with the beautiful female you looked up to and adored so earnestly. Oh, yes, you wanted it – all of it, the position, the respect, the time with your Tsahìk.
Blue eyes softened as they took you in, seeing more than you perhaps wanted her to see of you, seeing the need for acknowledgement, the need to feel appreciated for your talents, the need to not be compared to someone else and found lacking. She shifted closer on her knees and lifted a hand and cupped your jaw so tenderly, the look in her eyes so warm and welcoming, so unlike your parents’ or your sisters’. “You will have earned it, Ma’numeyu,” Ronal whispered softly, earnestly, shuffling even closer to you. “Your dedication… and your talent… and your work ethic… is beyond par to any of my other students. One day… paskalin. Until then, finish grinding.” She shot you a smile, her hand cupping your cheek just a little bit firmer before it dropped.
The sound of the mauri pod front flap lifting had both female Na’vi’s looking up to see the fearsome Olo’eyktan stepping into the woven hut. His eyes immediately sought out his wife and a smile spread upon his lips.
“Hello, tìyawn,” he greeted the older woman, crossing the expanse between them and pressing his tattooed forehead to hers, their noses brushing tenderly.
You immediately dropped your gaze, face flushing as you bore witness to such a tender and intimate moment between the mated pair. Because your gaze was dropped, you missed the way the two of them glanced at you, a silent smile shared between them as they then met the other’s gaze, a conversation happening between them with only a few facial twitches and smiles.
The massive male cautiously turned and greeted you warmly. “Good afternoon, ‘eve.”
You looked up, smiling warmly and bowing your head respectfully towards your clan leader. “Good afternoon, Olo’eyktan,” you replied back.
“Just Tonowari is fine, paskalin,” he reminded you with a warm smile. It was contagious and you returned it with one of your own, blushing while bowing your head in respect once more for this man, not able to hide the shiver that ran down your spine at the nickname he had used for you. He was always just as kind and as warm as his wife was to you (in private; she couldn’t play favorites in public) and the two of them together like this… these two beautiful, wonderful people who were so genial and kind to you, it made your heart beat just a little bit faster with longing.
You… wanted…
“Unfortunately, your sa’nok is looking for you,” Tonowari’s voice made you focus back on the present and you flushed once again, this time in embarrassment at having drifted off on a mental tide. “She… seemed insistent.” There was a curiosity in his tone but all you could feel was dread at those words.
Because that was not good news.
Your mother never sought you ought on purpose.
Glancing at Ronal, she nodded, releasing you from your duties. “My apologies, Ma’tsahìk,” you murmured, setting aside your mortar and pestle and pushing yourself to your feet. “I will make it up to you tomorrow.” She laughed in enjoyment of your continued commitment to prove yourself and waved you away. You left the mauri pod with one, last respectful bow of your head to both of them before departing and stepping out into the bright sun. Shielding your eyes, you blinked a few times as your eyes adjusted to the light and turned towards the pod where your family lived, smiling at those you considered acquaintances and friends. Tsireya, Ronal and Tonowari’s eleven-year-old daughter, approached you with a bounce in her step and you grinned at her.
“Done for the day? Already?” she asked, grabbing your wrist gently, pulling you into dancing with her, much to a passing Na’vi’s amusement. “Sa’nu must be feeling kindly today.”
You laughed, spinning the pre-teen under your arm. “Your sa’nok had no choice, unfortunately,” you tell her. “My own requested the pleasure of my company.” The little girl’s smile faded somewhat, having an idea what that meant because she was getting to the age where she had started to observe the behaviors of those around her and had seen the way your own parents diminished you in comparison to your older sisters. “I’ll be fine,” you assured her, pretty sure you were lying to Tsireya’s face, pushing a curl of her hair back from her eyes like you wished your older sisters would do for you. “I’ll see you tomorrow, ‘eve.” You moved past her and kept on walking, straightening your spine, smile fading away and your face becoming a blank mask as you prepared for whatever your parents had prepared for you, interrupting your time of learning with Ronal, which you coveted greatly. You took your fear for whatever was about to happen and you shoved it down into the pit of your stomach, trying to ignore the feel of it settling like a stone in your belly. You were strong, you were dedicated, you were talented, and maybe one day you could become Olo’zeykoyu, just as Ronal had hinted. She believed in you. She thought highly of you. Whatever was about to happen… you’d make her proud. Her and her mate both.
Stepping into your family mauri pod, you found your mother kneeling at the cook table, serving a drink to your father and another male Na’vi whose scarred back was facing you. You paused, instantly recognizing Ìtxän Te Atxzìtx Kxawun’iyan from his stylish topknot bun, the set of his broad shoulders, the marred webbing of skin on the left side of his ribs, and his shortened tail.
“You’re home ma’ite. Wonderful,” your mother greeted with uncharacteristic warmness and a smile that read false, false, false! “You have a visitor. Come say hello.”
There it was.
The commanding edge to your mother’s tone that promised emotional anguish if you disobeyed.
Ìtxän turned and smiled at you, giving you the formal greeting, hand sweeping from his forehead. “ Oel ngati tse’a,” his voice was warm.
The way he smiled at you held hope and promise…
And you felt nothing for him.
You dutifully greeted him formally back, forcing a small smile upon your lips though you really didn’t feel like smiling. You crossed the mauri pod on legs that felt like they had something heavy weighing them down to sit across the round table from your mother, between your father and your visitor and that’s when you saw it.
The traditional Metkayinan courting gift.
You were old enough to start thinking about courting, having turned eighteen a couple of moon cycles prior to this moment and finished with most of your rites. You just had never really thought about courting, before.
Ìtxän had woven together thick fronds that he had gathered himself into a basket large enough to fill with food to feed at least three or four Na’vi. Once finished, he had had to catch, kill, gather, and prepare a meal for his intended mate, their parents and himself as a means of proving he would make an excellent provider. Once everything was ready, he had had to present it to his intended’s parents for inspection and if they approved, it would be presented to you for approval. The more elaborate the meal, the more serious the proposal to court. Usually. The fact that Ìtxän was trying to present one to you… left you feeling unbalanced. You didn’t have anything against him but you didn’t really know him. You’d barely spoken to him other than greeting him in passing or when he needed wounds looked after. Yes, you had been right by Ronal’s side when he had had a chunk taken out of him and some of his tail removed by an akula, assisting in keeping him alive and making sure he healed properly a year or so before. But other than that, neither of you had ever sought the other out. You hadn’t even realized he was interested in you.
Your father began to unpack the basket.
It wasn’t lost on you that the main dish was akula steaks and your father chuckled at that. It was prepared very elaborately, marinated with a thick dark sauce and many spices, garnished with small leafy greens. There was also a large bowl of fruit, a bowl of stalk-like vegetables more commonly known as Fire Tails due to their spicy flavor all by themselves and also happened to be a favorite of yours. To finish it off, there were small bread rolls and, last but not least, a jar of honey the size of your fist.
You and your parents both froze, seeing that innocent little jar of amber. Not because it meant something bad. Oh, no. It meant Ìtxän was pushing forward the ultimate symbol of intending to make you his mate one day.
Honey from a Paska’sngap hive was difficult to come by as the bees — which were half the size of an adult Na’vi’s skull — were harmless by themselves and usually didn’t attack unless it felt threatened. An individual bee could sting up to three times before it died and each sting would release a bit of toxin which would take about a day or two to recover from after their stingers were removed from your skin. And typically, a Na’vi could survive a handful of stings but multiple stings from a dozen or more Paska’sngap’s could result in enough toxin in their bloodstream to act as a paralytic so that bigger creatures could be able to eat the helpless Na’vi. Even more stings than that – say, if the whole hive stung you – that much toxin could stop your heart. Foraging for honeycombs was usually a test of endurance, skill and speed as the bees could swarm in defense of their home and easily overpower any being. The fact that Ìtxän had accumulated so much of the sweetest honeycombs anyone in the clan had ever tasted…
You looked up at Ìtxän who was smiling at you so brightly and hopefully… and still felt nothing.
Your parents laid out the dishes and your mother looked up at you expectantly when you didn’t move. “Well, ma’ite?” She prompted and you swore you could hear her teeth grinding. You looked from the delicious food spread out in front of you and you had to admit, it looked wondrous with all of the hard work he put into it but you couldn’t lie. Not about this. Sitting back on your knees, you lowered your head into a respectful bow towards Ìtxän, eyes lowered, ears twitched back because you knew your parents were about to be furious with you. “I formally apologize Ìtxän Te Atxzìtx Kxawun’iyan but I cannot and do not accept.” Your mother, predictably, hissed loudly as you scrambled to your feet and away from the table, your father looking severely disappointed with you, scowling harshly. “Why not?” she snarled. “I don’t know him!” You shouted right back, tail lashing. You glanced at Ìtxän, voice lowering as you repeated softly, “I don’t know you. I didn’t even know you were interested in me. And then… this…” You waved your hand at the meal on the table and stared at him. You shook your head. “I can’t… I…” You turned away and darted out of your family mauri pod, ignoring your mother’s calls, pumping your legs and running down the bouncy walkway as fast as you could, dodging people just barely enough to not crash into them until you could dive out into the water and swim. An ilu you preferred and called Ìstaw approached you and you quickly grabbed hold, making tsaheylu and bonding with him so you could get away even faster. Together, you and the ilu swam to what you liked to consider your secret cave, breaking the surface of the water and looking around the grotto. “Thank you, Ìstaw,” you smiled gratefully, breaking the bond and hauling yourself up onto the stone lip. Turning back to see him still watching you, you reached and rubbed his head gently with a smile, telling him, “I’ll swim back on my own when I’m ready.” The ilu bowed its head and returned the way it came, disappearing from view. With a sigh, you took in your secret cave and felt yourself relax, being away from your parents and their expectations. The bioluminescent flora growing over the roof of the cavern was beautiful and pink, glowing bright, along with the hole showing you a small circle of the sky and giving you ample light to see. With it being high-tide, the water lapped at the stone lip gently, spilling a little bit of water up and over with every slow wave and hiding the lowered entrance to the grotto. With the lapping water in mind, over the years, you had built yourself a sleeping pad up and off of the ground, padding it with layers of moss and blankets you had woven together to make it quite comfortable. You had trinkets, like a collection of shells, a couple of handmade instruments, and spare ingredients and tools you needed for your craft in healing. You also had some freshwater casks and fishing gear so you could feed yourself if you wanted to stay for a night or two. The perfect little getaway when your family’s overbearing attitudes and expectations got too much. Slumping down onto the sleeping pad which was big enough for you to stretch out and still have some room, you felt your emotions rise up and overwhelm you. How dare your parents spring this courting request upon you?! How dare Ìtxän?! And why had they bothered with him? Why had they been so eager? Your sisters were single and they were “better” in your parents’ eyes so shouldn’t they have wanted someone to come courting them first? Unless they figured if you left the mauri pod, your sisters would have better chances. Or they just wanted you out of the way. And this thought made you cry. Did they really hate you so much? Your emotions poured out of you and you cried and cried until you exhausted yourself, falling asleep upon your sleeping mat, curling in on yourself, tail pulled tightly into the backs of your thighs and you didn’t dream. Thankfully, you didn’t dream. 𖥸 · ─────── · 𖥸 · ─────── · 𖥸
Waking slowly with warmth trickling through your limbs, you felt groggy and disoriented and unable to shake the fuzzy plant fibers from your mind. You were cognizant enough to realize you felt feverish and achy. Sitting up slowly, a wave of dizziness took hold of you and you flopped back down. Your belly, or maybe right below that, was clenching against the emptiness you felt inside of yourself.
Oh, you felt… need… carnal need.
You had started your first heat?
“Oh no,” you moaned in self-pity.
From the conversations you had overheard your mother have with your sisters, you weren’t supposed to start having your heat cycles until you began to indulge in sexual pleasure with someone – and you hadn’t. You were dedicated to learning how to be the best zeykoyu you could be… and spoil yourself with the delectation of Ronal’s company. If you took care of yourself on occasion in the dead of the night or here in your secret cave, you did it by yourself with no one for company but your thoughts and imagination. “Oh no, oh no, oh no, oh no, oh no…”
You shook your head, trying to ignore the exacerbating warmth unfurling beneath your belly, that bubbling heat sending out the signal throughout your limbs that you needed a partner to take care of you in the most lascivious of ways possible. A nonexistent partner because you weren’t interested in anyone…
Anyone obtainable, that is.
While Na’vi were inherently sexual beings and it wasn’t entirely unheard of that some mated couples took on a third, you were nothing but her student and while Tonowari – her mate, her partner, the love of her life, the father of her children, you reminded yourself — was very handsome, and kind and wonderful, there was something about Ronal that just called to you even more. Appealed to you more. She was, in a way, even fiercer than her husband, almost frighteningly so. But she was also graceful and beautiful and strong and wise and…
Oh… Eywa, you had it so bad for her.
Not saying there was anything wrong with all of those strong muscles and that filthy smirk you’d seen him shoot Ronal once or twice before they suddenly disappeared for an hour or so, coming back to smell strongly of musk.
Oh… and just the thought of him being able to pick you up easily and manhandle you however he saw fit?
And then your mind’s eye drifted down to his tewng, wondering exactly what he had been endowed with. Probably something very enticing if Ronal shirked her duties for a bit every so often for a moment of pleasure with her mate.
You began to tremble as a wave of lust washed over you like a gentle wave.
Trying to focus on what you had been taught by Ronal and what you had heard about these symptoms from other sexually active women in the clan, you took stock of the heat that was prickling beneath your skin, an itch you couldn’t seem to scratch as you writhed upon your sleeping mat. A near dizzying surge of warmth pulsed from your core and you finally registered the wetness seeping from that place between your legs, preparing you to be taken and pleasured and fucked. You needed your clothing off and struggled with shaking fingers to untie your necklace and your Tewng, succeeded after a few stuttered curses and tears leaking from your blue eyes.
“Ohhh,” you whined, throwing your clothing away and curling up tighter into a ball as your body wracked with desperate need. “This can’t be happening.”
Behind the curve of your naked back while you trembled, with the tide going out, you didn’t notice Ronal appear with the ilu you named Ìstaw at the visible mouth of the grotto, which allowed air into the cave twice a day. You didn’t see her lift her tattooed face and scent the air and understanding wash over her as her pupils dilated. You didn’t hear her thank the ilu, nor when she disconnected her queue, sending him away to find her mate and slowly approaching you through the waves. You did hear the water “sploosh” off of her body as she hauled herself up onto the stone lip and came to sit at your side, the sea water dripping off her and onto your overheated skin not doing much to cool the fire burning within you.
“Oh, Ma’numeyu,” Ronal cooed gently, gently looking over you and brushing away the curls from your turquoise face. “When did this start?”
Tears welled up in your blue eyes and you whimpered, “It shouldn’t have started at all, Ma’tsahìk. I haven’t… I never — not with someone!” A harsher shiver wracked through your body and you trembled visibly like you were wracked with sickness, your muscles tightening and releasing spasmodically. “It hurts… Ronal. Is it supposed to hurt?”
You’ve never used her given name before but the clawing need inside of you, the heat burning your body from the inside out, you absently hoped she could forgive you when all was said and done. The tattooed woman gently forced you onto your back, her hands resting upon your sweat damp brow and the naked curve of your mons, just above where you ached the most. You couldn’t stop the whimper from escaping your throat and screwed your eyes up tightly. You didn’t want to see any pity for your predicament, any disappointment, if she… for whatever reason… maybe thought you were lying.
“Oh, paskalin,” the warmth in her tone made you look hesitantly up at her, “this is a gift from Ewya to put us all on the path together that she wants from us. Ma’muntxatan and I were going to speak with you later today… but Eywa pushed us to this, by giving you this gift and having us show you in a different way that we can take care of you.”
She and her husband…
She couldn’t mean… could she?
“May I touch you paskalin?” She asked gently. “Touch will ease the fire within you.”
Oh, Eywa, yes. Please.
Ronal laughed. Oh, had you said that out loud? You flushed, face getting a touch hotter, if that was possible. Then you were distracted by a pretty mouth caressing your own chastely and delicate hands with calloused fingertips gently sliding over your heated flesh. A wanton moan bounced off the grotto walls. “Yes, paskalin, let it out. Tell me your needs and I will fix it.”
“Please,” you begged. “Kiss me some more. Touch me some more. Anything. Everything. Please… just let it be you, Ma’tsahìk.”
The older woman hummed and slid onto the sleeping mat you had created, kneeling between your thighs and reaching up to remove her necklace. Her breasts were large for a Na’vi and her hardened nipples were a darker shade than her beautiful turquoise skin. And it was a sight to behold. You whined and reached for her eagerly, arms trembling. With a predatory look, she swooped in and kissed you hungrily, one arm holding herself up, the other sneakily cupping one of your own breasts, her thumb playing with your nipple, swallowing your moan of approval. She tasted sweet, of fruit and honey, and you could easily see yourself get addicted to her flavor.
Pulling back to breathe, Ronal moved down to your neck, kissing, sucking, nibbling your flesh as she played with you breast, humming in approval as you slid a hand down her back, fingers digging into the swell of her backside and shifting your hips to find you grinding against her knee. You released a whimper.
“Mawey, paskalin,” she teased, raking her fangs against a forming bruise upon your throat. “Trust me to take care of you.”
Her mouth found your neglected breast.
You couldn’t help but let out a whine as the tattooed woman sucked on your sensitive nipple, the pleasure causing your core to clench harder around nothing. Oh, how you needed it. Needed her. But she promised she would take care of you. As if reading your mind, her lips finally descended from your breast down your belly, licking and sucking at your hips, her fingers holding you down to prevent you squirming. Your eagerness for her attentions caused her to hum in glee. Finally, she came to the juncture of your legs. “Fuck,” Ronal breathed, surprising you with her foul language as her eyelids fluttered shut as her nostrils flares. “Oh, paskalin. You are so slick for me. Smell so sweet.”
You can’t help but nod almost frantically, hips faux fighting her strong grip, wanting to rock up against her face. “For you, yes, yes, yes,” you admit with a whining chant. “It’s always been you. Admire you. Adore you. Want you!” She smirked at that.
“Then you shall have me,” the older woman vowed. She finally pressed her face forward.
A tongue surprisingly broad swept up the lips of your vulva before it poked between them and found your clit, lightly stroking and making you nearly scream out a curse, her hands struggling to hold your hips as you arched into the touch that caused lightning to zap through you.
It didn’t register when a second set of hands, much larger than the ones before, suddenly held your hips down much firmer. You were too swept up in the feel of that tongue dipping and dancing between your folds, alternating between licks and gently prodding against your nub. And when two delicate fingers pressed into you, you choked on your moans and gasps, absently clasping onto the thick forearms to help ground yourself just a little. Ronal continued to feast upon you, withdrawing her fingers to slide her tongue into your depths. Where her fingers failed, her tongue found a spot that made you mewl and moan worse than before and that coil inside you wound tight.
“Oh please, oh please, oh please,” you sobbed, screaming out as a gentle pinch to your clit and her tongue pressing on that spongy spot inside you had your first orgasm of the day crash through you like a furious Akula. “RONAL!”
The older woman lapped at you like a hungry kitten, easing you through your afterglow with a smirk adorning her face that you only saw after you opened your eyes.
Tonowari stared down at you with a heated smirk as he left over his wife’s back to hold you down to your sleeping mat. “My turn,” he purred. Ronal slid over one of your thighs and laid down with her back to the cavern wall as her mate scooped you up easily and took your place on the bedding, lying back as you had been doing and dexterously adjusting you into a kneeling position above his chin. “Now sit, paskalin. It’s my turn to feast.”
Glancing at Ronal, she just smirked at you. “You are in for a treat,” she promised with a knowing smirk.
With one of his large, warm hands wrapped around one of our thighs, Tonowari cupped your backside with the other to support your weight and pulled you down onto his hungry mouth. Immediately, his tongue darted out to lick a stripe from your sensitive entrance to your clit, causing a high-pitched squeal to rip itself from your throat which nearly smothered his low moan.
Ronal nearly cackled in glee, questioning her mate, “She is divine, is she not, Muntxatan? She is even sweeter when she cums.” A hum of agreement was the only response before he truly began to feast upon your flesh.
Tonowari ate at your pussy like a man starved, voracious in his appetite, nose massaging at your clit while his tongue worked tirelessly inside of you, his arms preventing you from rocking your hips more than just lightly. You couldn’t help the movement as his experience coiled you tightly quickly, the cries and moans endlessly pouring from you as he quickly dragged you closer to your second orgasm. His tongue was even longer than his wife’s, thicker too and it wasn’t long before he coaxed you through a second orgasm, his name a stuttering scream. “T’no’ri!” It was a garbled mess but the intensity of two orgasms in less than an hour had you slurring and incoherent once more, shaking like a leaf in a storm, muscles twitching and spasming until it plateaued into bliss that left you feeling like boneless jelly.
Luckily, his wife was there to help ease you off of her husband’s face and manipulated your body to straddle his thighs.
“Oh,” you whined, seeing that at some point between you mounting his mouth and now, his tewng had disappeared and he was even more endowed than you had briefly allowed yourself to imagine. You should have realized, though, as the male was massive all-over, he would have a thick, long cock as well, slightly darker turquoise than his skin, almost rivaling Ronal’s nipples in shade and the stripes were raised and bumpy with little ridges and nodules.
Ronal smirked up at you and turned, kissing her husband’s messy face with her own.
“Say you want this paskalin,” Tonowari rumbled out, voice a deep purr that sent shovers down your spine.
You nodded with a whine, “Yes, please. Eywa, oh please.”
He guided you down slowly onto his shaft, the slick from your previous orgasms aiding his insertion, the achiness of your heat finally subsiding despite the pleasure he and Ronal had coaxed out of you.
You whined, feeling yourself stretch around his girth as you sank him in deeper and deeper inside of your body. Beside you, Ronal had made tsaheylu with her mat so she could share in on the pleasure. And then Tonowari began to move, guiding your hips over his fat cock and beginning to fuck up into your greedy cunt, causing you to cry out in pleasure. Shifting his legs into a bent position, it shifted the angle inside of you, allowing him even deeper penetration. His hands lifted you up and then he thrust up into you as you slid back down upon his cock, the head of his shaft bullying close to your cervix and causing stars to burst behind your eyelids.
“Oh, ‘Wari, yes, please,” you begged, grinding down on him, chasing your pleasure as it built higher and higher up inside of you. His thrusts became harder, sloppier, causing your whole body to shake as that coil in your belly tightened once more. “Oh, Eywa, don’t stop,” you sobbed, reaching out to ground yourself and intertwined your fingers with Ronal’s. “Please don’t stop! Knot me! Please!”
“Do it, muntxatan,” Ronal encouraged, her hand working steadily at her own center as she watched hungrily.
“Mine!” Tonowari snarled, gripping your hips tightly and slamming you down onto his cock. You came with a scream, your gummy walls camping down upon your Olo’eyktan’s length like a vice. His knot had begun to swell and he forced you down onto him one final time with a roar, locking you in place as he came, shooting ropes upon ropes of seed deep into your depths while your greedy depths milked his dry and filled your womb with potent seed.
The pleasure was overwhelming.
“I think we wore her out,” Tonowari chuckled as you lay there, half conscious a moment or two or five later.
You were only partially aware of when his wife smacked his arm. “It’s her first heat, brought on by the will of Eywa,” she reminded him, kissing your shoulder. “You will be kind to our ‘eve. She was untouched before me.” He must have rumbled something in response because the last thing you heard before drifting off for a short nap was, “Give her a moment then we may feast upon her honey again.”
𖥸 · ─────── · 𖥸 · ─────── · 𖥸
Originally Posted: 31 October 2023 Word Count: 5,357
@pandoraslxna, @eyweveng @teyamsatan @lovefrommeelise
148 notes · View notes
bestmusicalworldcup · 9 months
2024 Best Musical World Cup Qualifiers Official List A-K
This section of the Official List features musicals between letters A-K that have NOT automatically qualified.
Here is the list of musicals that have automatically qualified.
Here is the list for letters L-Z.
& Juliet 9 to 5 13: The Musical 21 Chump Street 25th Annual Putnam County Spelling Bee 35MM: A Musical Exhibition 42nd Street 1776 1789: Les Amants de la Bastille Ablaze The Act Adamandi The Addams Family Aida Ain't Misbehavin Alice By Heart Allegiance American Idiot An American in Paris American Psycho Amélie Anastasia Anne & Gilbert Annie Annie Get Your Gun Anyone Can Whistle Anything Goes Applause The Art of Pleasing Princes Assassins Av. Larco Avenue Q Back to the Future the Musical The Band's Visit Bandstand Bare: A Pop Opera Bat Boy Beauty and the Beast Bedknobs and Broomsticks Beetlejuice Be More Chill The Best Little Whorehouse in Texas Big Fish Big River Billy Elliot the Musical Black Friday Blood Brothers Bloody Bloody Andrew Jackson Bonnie and Clyde The Book of Mormon Bran Nue Dae Bridges of Madison County Bright Star Bring It On Bugsy Malone Bye Bye Birdie La Cage aux Folles Calendar Girls Calvin Berger Camelot Caroline, or Change Carousel Carrie Catch Me if You Can Charlie and the Chocolate Factory Chess Chitty Chitty Bang Bang A Chorus Line Cinderella (Rodgers and Hammerstein) City of Angels Clown Bible The Color Purple Contact The Count of Monte Cristo Crazy for You Curtains Damn Yankees De 3 Biggetjes Dear Evan Hansen Death Note: The Musical Death Takes a Holiday The Devil Devotion of Suspect X Dogfight The Dolls of New Albion Don Juan Dorian Gray Dracula, the Musical Dreamgirls The Drowsy Chaperone Elisabeth Émilie Jolie Everybody’s Talking About Jamie Evil Dead: The Musical Evita FANGIRLS The Fantasticks Finding Neverland Fiorello! Firebringer The Fisherman’s Daughters Fly by Night Follies Fosse Frankenstein (Wang Yong Beom + Brandon Lee) Frankenstein: A New Musical The Frogs Frozen Funny Girl A Funny Thing Happened on the Way to the Forum A Gentleman's Guide to Love and Murder Godspell Grease Groundhog Day Guys and Dolls The Guy Who Didn't Like Musicals Hair Hallelujah, Baby! Hans Christian Andersen Harmony Heathers Hedwig and the Angry Inch Hello, Dolly! Holy Musical B@man! How to Dance in Ohio How to Succeed in Business Without Really Trying Hoy no me puedo levantar In the Green In Transit Jack the Ripper Jagged Little Pill Jane Eyre Jekyll and Hyde Jerome Robbins' Broadway Jersey Boys Jesus Christ Superstar Joseph and the Amazing Technicolor Dreamcoat Kimberly Akimbo King's Table The King and I Kinky Boots Kismet Kiss Me, Kate Kiss of the Spider Woman
14 notes · View notes
kraekat29 · 7 months
Day Two- Titanic AU
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April 10th, 1912
Ruby stood on the docks with John B as he read over the tickets for the millionth time, eyebrows furrowed as he once again read the note their father had left before he went missing.
Ruby didn’t seem to mind, she saw America as a fresh start, an opportunity for her to be a successful artist, and John B a well off fisherman.
But her stomach soured as she looked at the huge engagement ring on her finger; Rafe Cameron, her forced fiancé would also be joining them along with his family.
Rafe and his family were first class, but instead of extending the offer to John B and Ruby, he let them be casted away down to third class.
Meanwhile, JJ sat in the bar with Pope, two other men; Olaf and Sven; sat across from them. The four playing a game of poker.
The table was littered with loose change and cash, a pocket watch, a swissarmy knife, but most importantly, two first class tickets to the R.M.S. Titanic.
JJ brushed his hair out of his eyes, bringing his cigarette up to his lips, taking a drag before exhaling the smoke; flicking the ashes into the small circular tray.
“JJ c’mon man..” Pope whispered, eyeing his own cards nervously, “nothing to lose right..?”JJ whispered back, drawing another card from the stack.
Pope shook his head, bringing his glass up to his lips and taking a long sip of the beer; JJ was impulsive, one wrong move and they’d be living under a bridge.
JJ’s lips twitched into a smirk as he eyed his cards, faking sadness as he sighed, “Pope I’m sorry..” he muttered and Pope’s heart dropped into his stomach as he opened his mouth to respond.
“I’m sorry we won’t be staying here anymore. We’re going to America! Full house boys!” JJ cheered, slamming his cards down onto the table.
Pope sighed in relief, the two best friends quickly gathering their things, money and tickets before hauling ass to the ship- they only had five minutes.
Thankfully they made it in time, making their way to the rooms and getting adjusted- man first class rooms were incredible.
JJ couldn’t wait to go home.
April 11th, 1912
Ruby was miserable, forced to be around Rafe at practically every second. She felt as though she was suffocating, unable to handle the weight of having to be perfect at all times.
Every now and then Sarah would give her a sympathetic look before going back to talking to Sage, the Medici’s daughter, the family was very close with the Cameron’s.
John B was having a better time, focusing on the water and his newfound admiration for Sage, he hoped that she would notice him.
Ruby zoned out at the dinner table, a look of longing and disgust on her face as Rafe kept whispering in her ear. She couldn’t handle this life anymore.
Afterwards Ruby stood in her room, frantically trying to get out of the fancy clothes, sobbing as she yanked her hair out of its fancy updo.
She gave up and ran out of the room, knocking into to several people as she ran up to the first class deck, makeup, dress and hair a wreck as loud sobs left her lips.
Ruby made her way to the stern, her hands finding the railing as tears streamed down her face- she felt guilty for leaving her brother behind, but it all had become too much.
She couldn’t imagine a life with Rafe Cameron, not one she wanted. And she knew this was her only way out.
She took a shaky breath and nodded to herself, climbing over the railing and turning so her back was against it, looking down into the crashing waves below.
Ruby swallowed hard, mentally preparing herself for what she was about to do, getting ready to let go.
“don’t do it..” JJ’s voice rung out and she turned her head, eyes wide, “stay back! don’t come any closer! I’ll let go, I mean it!” Ruby weakly threatened, her voice cracking.
JJ thought for a moment before showing her the cigarette between his fingers, stepping closer to throw it over the railing.
“no you won’t..” He said and she scoffed, “what makes you think I won’t?” She questioned.
“well if you jump in I’m gonna have to jump in there after you” JJ said casually, “are you insane? You’ll be killed” Ruby said, glancing back at him.
JJ shrugged, a smile playing on his lips, “I guess that’s kinda why I’m hoping you’ll help me out here..” he said, holding out his hand to her.
Ruby nodded once, reaching back and intertwining her hand with his, allowing him to help her slowly turn back around.
“I’m JJ.. JJ Maybank..” He offered with a smile, “Ruby Routledge..” She breathed out, looking in his eyes.
Ruby went to step up on the rail, her high heel getting stuck on the end of her dress and causing her to slip with a shrill scream, JJ’s hands automatically finding her arm.
Her eyes were wide with fear, both of her hands desperately clinging to his, “don’t- don’t let go please!” She sobbed, her body starting to shake, “ hey! Hey I’ve got you alright? I won’t let go.. I promise” He said.
Ruby nodded, both of them using all their strength to pull her back onto the ship, the two of them tumbling onto the deck in a heap.
Two crew members ran over, no doubt hearing her screams, and unfortunately, the two of them looked to be in a sketchy situation.
Ruby felt guilty as the handcuffs were placed on JJ, looking down in shame as Rafe began to scream at him.
“Rafe! He didn’t do anything! I slipped” Ruby said, it wasn’t the whole truth, but at least she could protect JJ.
“what..?” Rafe breathed out, “I was leaning over the railing and I slipped” Ruby lied, JJ giving her a questioning look.
“You slipped?” Rafe questioned, “I was leaning far over to see the um, uh, the- the propellers! And I slipped! And I would’ve gone over if it wasn’t for Mr. Maybank here, he almost went over himself trying to save me” Ruby explained, clasping her hands together.
After that it all worked out, JJ was released and even invited to join them at dinner, and suddenly Ruby could breathe a little easier.
She paid no mind when Rafe presented her with the heart of the ocean that night, she knew it was all just for show.
She wished JJ was the man she was set to marry.
April 12th, 1912
Ruby spent the day with JJ, getting to know all about him and thanking him profusely for the night before, eager to show her gratitude in some way.
He told her over and over again that he didn’t need anything in return, so she showed him her sketchbook and learned he was also an artist himself.
Every minute Ruby felt herself falling harder and harder for JJ, wishing she could live a carefree life with him.
They even made plans to travel together once the ship docked, she silently prayed those plans weren’t a false promise.
When it was time for dinner Ruby took pride in the way she looked, she could clean up nice for a third class girl.
She walked to the grand staircase with a newfound happiness in knowing she would be seeing JJ, also feeling happiness for John B as Sage had asked him to escort her to dinner.
Ruby swore her heart stopped when she saw JJ at the bottom of the staircase, he could clean up really well- however she was eager to mess up his hair, the slicked back look didn’t suit him.
He flashed her a smile, watching as she placed her hand in his, their fingers intertwining, however the moment was short lived.
“well Maybank. Looks like you can clean up nice” Rafe sneered, looping his arm through Sarah’s who rolled her eyes in response, clearly unimpressed that her brother was going to be escorting her tonight.
JJ however paid no mind to the comments, placing a soft kiss on the back of Ruby’s hand that made her heart do a flip, blood rushing to her cheeks in a scarlet glow.
She looped her arm through his, a quiet laugh escaping her lips as he pretended to be snobby, grinning as he was able to get her to relax.
Ruby couldn’t remember a time she’d felt at this at ease, or had butterflies in her stomach- Rafe had never made her feel this way.
The whole night the table tried making jabs at JJ, but he would just laugh it off and come up with some witty reply. He didn’t seem to care what they thought of him.
By the end of dinner Ruby could feel her happiness slipping away, sadness creeping in as she realized JJ would have to go and she would be alone until Rafe and her brother were done drinking brandy and smoking cigarettes.
“bye JJ..” Ruby said quietly, a soft smile on her lips as JJ held her hand, “I’ll see you around..” JJ promised, kissing the back of her hand before walking away, glancing back at her.
She felt a piece of paper in her hand and her eyes widened as she read it,
‘meet me at the clock. Make it count.’
Ruby smiled and glanced around, realizing no one was paying attention and stood, making her way to the staircase.
The two locked eyes as he stood at the top of the steps, a smirk playing on his lips as he held his hand out to her.
“ so, you wanna go to a real party?”
April 13th, 1912
Ruby had spent the entire night down in third class with JJ, she’d met Pope and his girlfriend Cleo.
Things were going great, until she realized Rafe had sent Kiara to find out where she was as she wasn’t there to greet him in his room.
Ruby made her way up to first class, annoyed of how she had a third class ticket but Rafe had bribed workers into letting her into first class areas.
That’s how she ended up on the balcony with Rafe, mixing the sugar in her tea as she admired the water.
“I’d hoped you’d accompany me last night.” Rafe said flatly, “I was tired.. I went to bed early” Ruby said quietly, taking a small sip of her tea.
Rafe scoffed and shook his head, “I’m sure you’re excursions below deck were exhausting no doubt” Rafe said coldly.
Ruby looked down into her tea cup before straightening up, “you had your little lap dog follow me?” She asked and Rafe remained quiet.
“Rafe. I’m not some worker you can command. I’m your fiancé.” Ruby quipped and Rafe laughed, “my fiancé? Then be my fiancé!” Rafe shouted, throwing the table across the deck.
He lent down and tightly wrapped his hand around her throat, “my wife in practice if not yet by law. You will honor me the way a wife is required to honor a husband. Do I make myself clear?” Rafe growled and Ruby nodded frantically.
He let go of her throat and left the room, leaving her struggling to catch her breath as the maid came over to clean up the mess.
“I-I’m so sorry.. l-let me h-help..” Ruby choked out, sinking to the floor and struggling to clean up the glass with shaking hands, “it’s alright miss.. it’s alright..” The maid soothed.
Ruby let out a strangled sob, her hand clutching her chest as her eyes were filled with nothing but pure terror.
Later that morning Ruby mostly stayed quiet during the church service, stood between Rafe and John B, still feeling her anxiety.
She forced herself to zone out, which is why she didn’t notice JJ was trying to get her attention and later being removed.
She didn’t utter a single word, well until Mr. Andrews was showing them the lifeboats, she quickly pointed out that it didn’t seem there were enough.
Mr. Andrews found her knowledge extraordinary, but Rafe found it annoying, harshly pinching her hip before catching up with everyone else.
Ruby stayed back for a moment, wiping away a few stray tears that had fallen before beginning to walk again, shrieking as JJ pulled her into the gym.
“JJ I-i can’t..” Ruby rushed out, trying to leave but JJ caught her by the arms, “I just had to make sure you’re alright..” JJ murmured.
She swallowed hard and fought back tears, “I’m fine.. really I am..” She whispered, “Rubes..” He said quietly.
“JJ I’m engaged to Rafe. I love him, really I do” She said, it was a total lie but she had to do this, “I don’t believe you..” He said, searching her eyes.
“You jump I jump Rubes.. I can’t walk away without knowing you’ll be alright..” JJ whispered, “I’ll be fine..” Ruby choked out.
“you’re gonna die if you don’t get out Rubes.. that fire I love about you? He’s gonna put it out..” JJ reasoned, cradling her cheek in his hand, “I have to go..” Ruby murmured, pulling away and walking out.
At tea she sat with Rose, Wheezie, Kiara, Sarah and Sage- and as the girls gossiped Ruby realized just how terrible this life would be, so she stood up and left.
Ruby made her way to the front of the ship, finding JJ there, leaning over the railing and watching the waves, her heart fluttered as she admired him.
“JJ..” She called out, a soft smile on her lips as he turned to face her, “I changed my mind..” She said softly, automatically putting her hand in his as he held it out to her.
“do you trust me?” He asked, “always..” She responded, allowing him to help her up onto the railing, subconsciously leaning her body back into his as he stood behind her.
Something about him made her feel free, like she wasn’t being tied down. She felt loved and god was it an incredible feeling.
Ruby didn’t know what came over her in that moment, but she turned her head, capturing JJ’s lips in her own, in the most passionate kiss she’d ever had.
After that she followed JJ to his room, he said he wanted to draw her and she took him up on the offer, looking around his room in awe.
Ruby reached into her purse, grabbing the heart of the ocean, feeling its weight in her palm- Rafe saw her as a possession, not a real thing. Much like this diamond.
She smiled to herself and presented it to JJ, laughing quietly at his reaction, “he always said I was scandalous.. but uh.. I understand if you don’t want to-“ She started, “I’ll do it..” He breathed out.
Ruby was a virgin, it was true, no man had ever seen her bare before- this was embarrassing and somehow erotic for them both.
But the way he treated her with respect, every now and then cracking jokes to ease her mind through it all only made her fall harder for him.
After it was over Ruby stood behind JJ, admiring the drawing with red cheeks, in awe of it.
“thank you..” she whispered, giving him a small kiss that quickly turned heated.
The two of them snuck into Rafe’s room, putting the necklace back into the safe along with the drawing and note.
Ruby went to change her clothes into something more comfortable while JJ went outside to have a smoke, shivering as he realized how cold it was.
A knock sounded on the door and Kiara’s voice rung out, Ruby quickly grabbed JJ’s hand, the two of them sneaking out the back door.
They both quickly took off running, Kiara chasing them until they got to the elevator, jumping in as Ruby waved to Kiara and held up her middle finger.
But once lower she found them again, the two quickly running into the boiler room to get away, but the workers noticed them.
So they ran again, running and laughing until they got into the storage room, finally finding a quiet place to hide as JJ led them to the car.
Ruby sat in the back, admiring him as he was like a little kid, unable to help herself as she pulled him into the back with her, snuggling up against him.
She looked into his eyes, playing with his fingers until she brought them to her lips, kissing each one until he got the message of what she wanted, connecting their lips in a heated kiss as he laid her down against the seat.
After that it was all a blur, all she could focus on was his body rocking into hers, her hand slapping against the window as she came undone.
She held him close as he laid his head against her chest, petting his hair as they shared a few more heated kisses.
The afterglow was short lived as they heard voices, both scrambling to get dressed and running some place to hide, laughing as they found the empty car and running out the side door.
JJ spun Ruby around outside, spinning her around as their laughter echoed until she held the sides of his face.
“when the ship docks.. I’m getting off with you..” She whispered, looking in his eyes, “this is insane..” He breathed out and she giggled, “I know, that’s why I trust it..” She said, allowing him to pull her into another kiss.
But little did they know tragedy was about to strike, an iceberg was right ahead, but there was too much speed and not enough time to miss it.
A horrid screeching sounded out as the iceberg completely tore apart the starboard side, the lower quarters filling up with water in a matter of seconds.
April 14th, 1912
Everyone was in a calm panic, the workers trying to hide that the ship had struck an iceberg, but JJ and Ruby overheard and immediately went to go find John B.
But once inside she was met with a very angry Rafe Cameron and the Master of arms who began to search JJ.
“Rafe what’s going on?” Ruby demanded, “something very dear to me has been stolen.” Rafe hissed.
Ruby’s heart dropped as the necklace was pulled from JJ’s pocket, “ Rue- baby c’mon you know I didn’t..” JJ tried, but she was in too much of a state of shock to reply, not even hearing his shouts of her name as he was drug away.
She stood there for a few moments, replaying everything in her head, there’s no way JJ could’ve taken the necklace, she was the one who put it away and he didn’t know the code.
Rafe stood across from her, his jaw set as he eyed her in disgust, it was clear he had found her drawing and read the note.
“Rafe I-“ She started, yelping as he back handed her so hard that her head whipped to the other side, a bright red handprint already forming.
Ruby clutched her cheek, trying to process what just happened and recover from the dizziness as one of the crew members came in.
She barely heard what was said as she put on her jacket, following everyone else to the grand staircase, waiting for the next bout of orders.
Ruby overheard Mr Andrews saying that the ship was indeed going to sink and her heart dropped, JJ was down in the crew section of the ship. There’s no way he’d be let on a lifeboat.
Her heart raced as she followed everyone outside onto the deck- she couldn’t leave JJ here to die for a crime he didn’t even commit.
She saw her brother with Sage, it turns out she had dressed him as a woman to guarantee he would safely get off the ship.
Ruby felt her heart ease at that, at least John B would be safe from any harm.
She eyed the lifeboat, her nose wrinkling in anger, “Ruby. Get on the boat” Rose beckoned, “Rose, Sarah.. I’m sorry. Kie take my seat.” Ruby said and backed away.
She couldn’t do this, she’d rather die trying to save the man she loved then leave and be forced to marry an abuser.
“Ruby! What are you doing!” Rafe growled, grabbing her by the shoulders, “ let go of me!” Ruby yelled, “look at you. A whore to a gutter rat! It’s a shame really, that drawing would be worth so much more by morning” Rafe seethed.
Ruby searched his eyes and shook her head, “you unimaginable bastard..I’d rather be his whore than your wife..” She breathed out , fighting against him as he tried to bring her back to him, hauling back and spitting right in his face.
She used his shock and took a her chance to run like hell, determined to find JJ and get him out of there.
She found Mr. Andrews, begging and pleading with him until he told her exactly where JJ was, she didn’t care if the elevators were closed. She needed to get down there.
Ruby swallowed hard as the elevator filled with water, shoving past the worker as she made her way out, repeating the room number out loud until she found what one he was in.
“ JJ! JJ I’m sorry! I’m so sorry!” Ruby cried, trudging through the water to get to him, throwing her arms around his neck.
“Rubes..” JJ breathed out, kissing her forehead, “I’m gonna get you out okay? ‘M gonna help..” Ruby murmured.
“It was a silver key. I don’t know where he put it” JJ said and she nodded, searching the whole room for the key, wanting to cry in frustration as she only found brass ones.
“I’m gonna find someone okay? I promise I’m not leaving you here” Ruby said, kissing JJ one last time before running out, determined to find someone, anyone who could get him out.
She ran up and down every hallway, shuddering in fear as the power went in and out, but she had to do this, she had to save him.
Ruby saw the axe and nodded to herself, smashing the glass and grabbing it, running down to the stairwell.
She swallowed hard as the water was almost fully up the steps, she shrugged off her jacket and grabbed the axe, gasping as she was met with freezing cold water.
But Ruby was determined, shivering as she trudged through the water, axe held tightly in her hands as she made her way into the room, her lips already tinged blue.
“this is all I could find..” Ruby said, shivering violently, “ alright- alright do a couple practice swings, we only got one shot” JJ said and she nodded.
She did a couple swings like he said but there wasn’t enough time- she made her way over to him, her hands shaking from how cold she was.
He nodded once at her and she squeezed her eyes shut, swinging the axe and cutting the handcuffs off of him.
JJ cheered in relief, grabbing the sides of Ruby’s face and pulling her into a kiss, gasping in shock as he went into the water.
The two couldn’t go the way out, so they had to break through one of the moldings, finally glad to be out of the freezing water.
Now they just had to make it all the way up to the lifeboats.
Up top Rafe was searching for Ruby and trying to get on his own boat, pacing around as people were starting to go into a frenzy.
JJ and Ruby ended up in third class, finding Pope and Cleo fighting to get the gate unlocked, but the worker was refusing to help them.
Cleo wrapped Ruby in a blanket, noticing the way she was still violently shaking as JJ and Pope tried to form a plan of how to get out.
The other gate was no use either, so JJ and Pope did the only thing they could, ripping the bench out of the floor and smashing it through the gate, JJ helping Ruby up and over.
The four of them stuck together, frantically moving through crowds of people- so many people that it made Ruby’s head spin.
They found a boat on the other side, but Cleo was unwilling to leave Pope behind, she loved him too much.
Ruby’s eyes frantically searched the area, her heart sinking as Rafe came up behind them.
“Ruby c’mon.. baby get on the boat..” JJ whispered and she shook her head, “no.. not without you..” Ruby whispered back, tears already filling her eyes.
“there’s a boat for men. But you better hurry Ruby. This one’s almost full” Rafe said and she shrunk in on herself, “ see? I got my own boat to catch” JJ said softly.
Rafe put his jacket on Ruby and she cringed, searching JJ’s eyes, she didn’t want to leave him behind.
But she didn’t have a chance to respond before she was being pulled onto the boat, tears streaming down her face.
“there’s uh.. there’s no boat is there?” JJ asked and Rafe smirked, “oh there is. Just not for you” Rafe said cockily.
Ruby’s eyes frantically searched everything around her, she couldn’t do this.
So she jumped, right off the lifeboat and onto one of the lower levels, both of them running as fast as they could to get to each other.
At the bottom of the staircase, Ruby jumped into JJ’s arms as she sobbed between feverish kisses, “you jump I jump right?” She cried, “right..” he breathed out, his voice cracking.
The moment was short lived as Rafe came in, he had finally snapped and pulled out a gun, shooting at them as JJ and Ruby ran, getting away.
They ran until their legs hurt, pausing as they heard a little boy crying, going down the steps and following the sound.
“we can’t leave him..” Ruby said and JJ nodded in agreement, running over and grabbing the little boy as they frantically searched for a way out.
The boys father came out, yelling at them as he went the wrong way, the water breaking through as JJ and Ruby fought to outrun it, getting swept up until they landed against a gate, using it as leverage to get up to the stairs.
Ruby shook the gate and so did JJ, “no- no god!” Ruby choked out, the two of them saw a working, begging for his help to unlock the gate.
But in his panicked rush, he dropped the keys into the water and made a run for it. Ruby sobbed, begging him not to go as JJ went under, finding the keys.
The two chose one and went for it, Ruby sobbing in fear as the water climbed higher as JJ struggled to get the key in.
Eventually he got it unlocked, the two of them frantically going through and up the steps, shivering from the water.
They made their way back up to the deck, keeping a tight grip on each other as they made their way through the crowds.
They made their way to the stern, they could feel it starting to lift as they struggled to make their way up, gripping each others hand tighter.
Ruby was terrified, she didn’t know if they would even survive this, no ships were responding to the SOS signals. They were all doomed.
They found Pope and Cleo again, the couple in a similar situation as them, clinging to each other for warmth and safety as they held onto the rails.
Ruby tucked herself against JJ, scared tears streaming down her face, “JJ.. this is where we first met..” She breathed out.
JJ held her tighter, pulling her small frame up further as he kissed the top of her head, refusing to let her go.
The screams were terrifying, of horror, of sadness or even both. But whatever the cause, Ruby knew it would be engraved into her brain forever.
The stern began to rise more and more, JJ moved over the railing, helping Ruby do the same as Pope and Cleo copied their actions.
Ruby’s fingers gripped the railing tightly with one hand, while the other had a death grip on JJ’s, feeling her stomach churn as she watched so many people fall.
She watched one man jump off the ship, hitting off the propellers with a sickening crunch. She’d never get that image out of her head.
Suddenly the ship lost power and split in half, the stern slamming down into the water before being drug back up.
Ruby shook in fear, sobbing as JJ kept a tight hold on her, looking down into the dark ocean below.
He talked her through it, easing her mind the tiniest bit as he tried to distract her from all the screams.
They shared a look with Pope and Cleo, both couples wishing each other good luck and hoping they would survive this as the stern began to sink.
Ruby sobbed as the water came faster, not once letting go of JJ’s hand, taking a deep breath when he said as the stern went under.
The two were met with freezing water, struggling to keep hold of each other as the suction forced them apart.
Ruby swam up, frantically searching for JJ and calling out his name, sobbing in fear as she couldn’t find him, swimming as far as she could.
Eventually they found each other and JJ led Ruby to a large piece of wood, helping her on first then getting on after.
The two shivered, spotting Pope and Cleo a bit away, sighing in relief as they were safe.
JJ and Ruby huddled against each other, shivering violently as they struggled for some type of warmth.
“it’s alright.. we’ll be alright now.. the boats are gonna come back for us Rubes..” JJ promised, kissing the side of her head, Ruby nodded, too weak to do anything else.
Hours went by and there was still no boats, the screams had gone down and now the darkness was eerily quiet.
Ruby looked up at the stars, lips blue, eyes hazy and skin covered in ice, JJ looked the same.
“I love you JJ..” Ruby murmured, “don’t.. don’t say it like that, we aren’t saying goodbye yet.. we’re gonna survive okay..? And we’re gonna get married and die old and in bed together alright..? Not here..” JJ promised and Ruby sobbed.
“winning that ticket is the best thing that ever happened to me.. it brought me to you..” JJ choked out, the two of them clinging to each other tighter.
Another hour went by and Ruby could feel her body giving up, she could still hear JJ’s breaths, but his were also becoming labored.
Suddenly she saw a flash of light and blinked, sitting up as ice cracked off her and JJ, she saw it again. It was a flashlight.
“JJ.. the boats..” Ruby gasped out, “g-go..” JJ shuddered, he was too weak to move, Ruby searched his eyes and nodded.
She forced herself to swim, going over to the man with the whistle and grabbing it, using all her strength to blow it.
It must’ve worked because the boat came back, she begged them to get JJ and they did. Huddling against each other as they were wrapped in blankets and given hot tea.
“you scared me.. i-i thought you were gonna die..” Ruby cried, nuzzling herself against him, “I promised you I wouldn’t baby.. I promised..” JJ soothed, wiping her tears away.
Once on the Carpathia, the two realized the heart of the ocean was in Ruby’s pocket, and once they docked at New York City they claimed it had been lost at sea and got the insurance money.
She took his last name on the boat, they had gotten engaged as soon as they stepped foot in New York, they didn’t want to wait.
JJ had stayed true to his word, they moved to the Outer Banks; Cleo and Pope joined them and she found John B and Sage as well.
JJ and Ruby got married and had two kids while running a successful business; they lived to tell the tale of what had happened that night.
And JJ was right, they went together old and warm in their bed.
But the best part? Was in heaven JJ was back to that same eighteen year old she fell in love with, that wildness in his eyes. And she was seventeen all over again, kissing him as though it was the very first time.
She was home.
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ashes-of-ailell · 1 year
Unit Info - Tyler-Rose Carter
The daughter of a blacksmith in Leicester, Tyler is incredibly skilled when it comes to making all sorts of weapons. Growing up reading all sorts of fairytales and watching her dad, Xander, make the weapons of various soldiers around Fodlan, Tyler loves knights and the stories some of them share with her. She hopes to one day become someone people can depend on for both friendship and protection.
Preferred Class: Falcon Knight
Birthday: 9th Great Tree Moon (19 - 24/25)
Strengths: Lance / Flying / Brawl
Weaknesses: Bow / Authority
Budding Talent: Authority
Unique Ability: Weaponsmith's Wisdom - When unit uses a combat art, chance for no durability to be lost.
Status: Weaponsmithing apprentice from Leicester
Personal Profile:
Interests: Weapons / Drawing
Likes: Cool Weapons / Lilies / Knights / Hugs / Peaceful Surroundings
Dislikes: Confrontation / Public Speaking
Personal History:
1161 - Born the child of Xander Carter, a blacksmith in Leicester.
1177 - Finds Max in the forest while on a short trip with her father.
1179 - Decides to travel alongside Lucien and the others to Garreg Mach.
1180 - Enrolls in the Officers Academy at Seteth's suggestion.
Max / Lucien / Lunaris
Dorothea / Linhardt / Petra / Ferdinand
Felix / Sylvain / Ingrid / Dimitri
Ignatz / Hilda
Constance / Hapi
Byleth / Seteth / Manuela
Learnable Skills:
Sword: Wrath Strike - D / Grounder - C / Sunder - A
Lance: Tempest Lance - D / Knightkneeler - C / Monster Piercer - C+ / Swift Strikes - A
Axe: Smash - D / Helm Splitter - C / Focused Strike - C+
Bow: Curved Shot - D / Heavy Draw - C+
Brawl: Fading Blow - D / Rushing Blow - C / One-Two Punch - C+ / Healing Focus - B / Mighty Blow - A
Reason: Thunder / Sagitae
Faith: Heal / Restore / Rescue
Authority: Rally Movement / Battalion Renewal
Usual Class Path:
Commoner -> Soldier -> Pegasus Knight -> Falcon Knight
Favourite Gifts:
Owl Feather
Armoured Bear Stuffy
Legends of Chivalry
Riding Boots
Ceremonial Sword
Stylish Hair Clip
Disliked Gifts:
Blue Cheese
Exotic Spices
Training Weights
Lost Items:
Notes about Weapon Repair - Neatly written notes about which weapons in the training ground need maintenance.
Handmade Stuffy - A small, handmade yellow cat stuffy with a pink ribbon around its neck. Seems to be very well loved.
Favourite Tea Blends:
Lavender Tea
Seiros Tea
Favourite Meals:
Grilled Herring
Saghert and Cream
Fruit and Herring Tart
Garreg Mach Meat Pie
Fisherman's Bounty
Fish Sandwich
"My knowledge grows by the day" -Tyler, level up good stats (Pre-timeskip)
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wayward-lives · 1 year
Prompt list
Hey guys! This is all the prompts I had in my writing folder that I never got around to writing anything for. Some of them are just a couple of words or sentences, while others are absolute monsters. If any of you wanna do something based on one of these prompts, go for it! I'd love it if you tagged me or let me know, just so I can read/see where you've gone with it <3
"How about you take me out back and I don't call you tomorrow?" "How about I take you home after and you sneak out when I'm asleep?" // "You make a habit of sneaking around behind buildings?" "Last time I did, I fucked a cute guy. Maybe I'll get lucky again."
Nymph Bucky falls in love with a hiker who walks through his woods
Post WS. Bucky is in SHIELD custody and doesn’t remember Steve, but he remembers Natasha from the Red Room when she was a child
Vet Bucky. Steve is running from New York after the Snap and he hits a dog and brings it into Bucky's clinic
Bucky doesn't do relationships, but Steve keeps seeing him for sex and Bucky falls in love - friends with benefits (what's love got to do with it - Tina Turner)
College AU - Bucky is an international student who's paired with Steve's roommate Sam
Steve and Bucky are close friends, Steve is complaining one night about how annoying hook-up culture is, and Bucky suggests a FWB situation. Bucky's been in love with Steve for years and it's only when they start sleeping together that Steve realises that he feels the same way
Bucky recognises Steve during their fight on the bridge
Bucky and Steve had broken up, but they keep sleeping together whenever they run into each other
Shrunkyclunks: nurse Bucky works at Stark tower
"just friends who have sex sometimes and live together" where Bucky and Steve don't realise they're dating
Winter Soldier Steve/civilian Bucky
Pirate AU - Bucky's dad is a fisherman who takes Bucky out on trips. One day when Bucky's twelve, they're taken by the crew of the HYDRA, run by Captain Pierce. Pierce kills Bucky's father and keeps Bucky as a slave. Several years later the captain from a rival ship (Steve) is captured by Pierce and he and Bucky fall in love
A/B/O post-winter soldier where the mask doesn't come off and the WS is brought into custody at Avengers tower by Natasha, and Steve falls in love with him without knowing he's his long-lost mate
Steve survives the war but Bucky still falls off the train. In the 50's the Winter Soldier has a mission in New York and on his way is spotted by Rebecca Barnes's daughter, who's eight and has been told all about her uncle Buck. The daughter finds it so amazing that this total stranger looks exactly like uncle Buck and pulls him along to meet Rebecca, who has a breakdown and persuades the Winter Soldier to come home with her. The Winter Soldier just kinda goes along with it because nobody's ever been nice to him and this lovely woman has promised him meatloaf and pie and for some reason he knows that he really likes meatloaf and pie. Becca calls up Steve and the Winter Soldier moves in with Steve because Becca can't look after her amnesiac brother on top of two kids and a third on the way
Big Eden Shrinkyclinks AU
I hope it's warm in hell, because darling I hate the cold
My dreams look like you - Steve and Bucky used to be best friends during high school but lost contact when Steve moved away - they meet again at a mutual friend's party when Steve moves back home
Steve and Bucky used to be together and are both masked vigilantes. They have a bit of a rivalry going but the fun kind where they both kinda wanna fuck. Neither of them know who the other is.
Post WS - Steve and Sam move back to NY to be closer to the other avengers. Sam starts noticing someone following him and watching him and he soon realizes it’s Bucky. Sam starts gently trying to get Bucky to interact with him and starts buying him sweet pastries. Soon Bucky becomes more comfortable and lets Sam help him recover as long as Sam doesn’t tell Steve
(NSFW) Steve is a knight who often visits a manor house where a disgraced Lady lives. The Lady was disgraced for her promiscuous and sexual appetites, but she's comfortably set up in the Manor. Steve visits because the Manor's on a path he travels often, and it's one of the only places to rest for the night. The Lady always sends a group of her servants to service her guests, and Steve is used to this by now. Bucky is a new servant who works in the kitchen who's sent to Steve's chambers with food, and he sits by Steve's bed and hand-feeds him as Steve is serviced. Steve never takes his eyes off Bucky. Each time Steve visits after that, they manage to see each other
Bucky chooses to forget Steve and has his memory erased, because it’s too painful for him to be around Steve when he thinks that Steve doesn’t love him. A few years later Steve picks Bucky up in a bar and pretends not to know him
Prompt: My husband thinks that our parents arranged this marriage. We’ve been married for ten years now, and for ten years he has thought this. I’m not sure how to tell him that my parents wanted me to marry his older brother but I fell in love with the younger brother (my husband) so I pretended to be my parents and sent his parents a letter asking for his hand in marriage. And then the wedding invitations were being made, and it was too late for my parents to do anything. And I was very happily married to my Husband, but he courted me for two years after our marriage not knowing that I was already in love with him.
Steve falls for vet nurse and animal lover Bucky despite being allergic to pretty much all household pets and trying to hide it
Shrunkyclunks - a few dates in Steve tells Bucky he's Captain America, but Bucky doesn't believe him and thinks he's delusional. He doesn't tell Steve he doesn't believe him and has a moral crisis about whether or not he should be dating someone with such strong "delusions". Steve just thinks he's hit the jackpot with supportive boyfriends.
Pirate Captain Bucky captures Navy Captain Steve from his ship and holds him for ransom (very homoerotically) (steve is confused and horny)
Steve is a warrior in his village who's come down with a mysterious illness. The townspeople send him to the "evil" witch who lives in the forest to see if he can be healed
Weird a/b/o
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Hardly any Queen Omegas, those who are a threat to national security. Bucky is the WS working to murder hydra and Steve is sent to take the same hydra base that the WS targets
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tagged by the lovely @setnet who gave me the words:
river | help | often | shimmer | interests
I really only have one big WIP, so we’ll see what I scrounged up 😁
river - from “The Golden Slipper,” original
Katenka never thought she would feel sorry for a fish. Yet, when Papa handed her the bucket, she felt a stab of sympathy. The gleams of green scales circled continually against the dark wood planks, and when she saw how the pike-perch’s long striped fan of a fin knocked against the side of the bucket over and over again, Katenka knew she was going to be hungry tonight.
Mother peered over Taisiya’s shoulder, looking into the second bucket. “Osip, how much did you waste on these?
“Nothing, my love.” Papa grinned, his nose red as his lips. “It was actually in return for a favor. I lent a fisherman a hand last spring, hauling up his catch from the river, so he gave me these fish as thanks.”
Mother stood up, hands on her hips. “You worked for someone without getting payed!”
Papa shook his head and laughed. “It was just a small little favor, my love.” He grabbed Mother and kissed her. “We get what we give.”
help - from untitled Jonsa fic, ASOIAF
Her mother had taught Sansa how to swim when she was still too small to be scared. She remembered her mother taking Sansa into her arms, and lowering them both into the waters of the hot spring. Her small feet kicked out, as she explored the feeling of weightlessness. Sansa held her mother’s hands while she treaded water, helped up by both the water and her mother’s grip.
Catelyn showed Sansa how to float, to lay back and gaze at the frame the trees of the godswood made against the sky.
Sansa used to practice holding her breath, spending long moments completely below the surface. Curling her feet up, she wondered.
often - from “a poison tree,” HoTD/F&B
Cousin Rhaenyra may have Syrax, but she never goes anywhere on the dragon, not really, not like Lady Jeyne who always has the dust of somewhere else on her, with her steady horse and coin for ships. She was always going to and fro on her own business, from Maidenpool to Duskendale to Harrenhal and back again. She may go wherever she likes, even to Gulltown, simply because she wants to, and there is no one tell her different.
Alyssa thought she might very much like to travel, if it was in the company of Lady Jeyne, who never laughs but smiles often.
She had told her father that she might like to be a widow, and he had laughed. “Already plotting to do your poor husband to-be in? That’s the sort of thing you might get in trouble for.”
shimmer - from “a poison tree”
It was a child’s harp, made from a pale golden wood, with ravens carved up the pillar. Alyssa ran a hand along the strings, listening to the shimmering sound. “Is this for me?” she asked in wonderment.
“Indeed, it is,” Lady Jeyne said with warmth in her voice. “It is the same one I learned on as girl, and it’s been gathering dust at Harrenhal for years now. I thought it might be worth making it sing again.”
“Thank you, Lady Smallwood. But,” she said, frowning, “I do not know how to play.”
“I thought I might be the one to teach you.”
interests - from “a poison tree”
“I have never sought the crown, Rhaenyra. I have no taste for ambition, not for myself or my child."
“Nothing is final, as you said, Uncle. Have you not told me before that you had my best interests at heart? Your daughter is a Targaryen, a princess. She should be married to one of our own.”
Great fun!
tagging @cappymightwrite, @woodswit and @notbloodraven with the words and variants:
 salt | crackle | soft | hover | run 
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nycbagcls · 2 years
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sohan pague.     he/him.     trans man.      ›spotted   at   the   met   steps   ,   luka   kent   ,   most   likely   listening   to   gimme!   gimme!   gimme!   by   abba  with   their   airpods   pro   .   the   twenty-three   gained   quite   a   reputation   ,   known   to   be  -cynical  yet   +kindhearted   to   anyone   who   knows   them   .   you'll   easily   spot   them   when   you   hear   about   a   signature   denim   jacket   with   pins   on   the   pockets   //   getting   your   name   right   the   first   time   you   say   it   //   forcing   distance   from   family   in   order   to   find   yourself   //      a   seven-figure   bank   account   under   a   name   that’s   no   longer   yours   ,   followed   by   literally   just   old   spice   deodorant   .   latest   nepoupdates   article   talks   about   director   anthony   kent’s   middle   child,   who   disowned   his   family   three   years   ago,   is   allegedly   working   at   a   starbucks   on   the   upper   east   side  ,   but   i   guess   any   reputation   is   good   reputation   .   ( muse b // subplot 1 )
name: luka kent
age: 23
gender: trans man, he/him
occupation: starbucks barista.
sexuality: bisexual
residence: a three-bedroom apartment shared by five people and two cats on the lower east side
languages: english, minimal french & portuguese
social class: lower, formerly upper 
education level: high school diploma, was accepted into nyu, deferred, and didn't end up going.
height: 5′6"
build: cuddly, but in shape
hair: brown, always cut short, minimal styling
eyes: hazel
piercings: lobes pierced, purposely doesn't wear.
tattoos: none 
+ kindhearted, caring, selfless
- cynical, pessimistic, bitter 
aesthetics: a   signature   denim   jacket   with   pins   on   the   pockets   //   getting   your   name   right   the   first   time   you   say   it   //   forcing   distance   from   family   in   order   to   find   yourself   //      a   seven-figure   bank   account   under   a   name   that’s   no   longer   yours // an apartment that may be considered too crowded, but you're never lonely // sending tiktoks to your friends at 2 in the morning // giggling over nonsense // the disillusionment of seeing childhood peers who may or may not recognize you now // gender euphoria, being shirtless at riis beach in the summer
PEOPLE TO KNOW (NPCs unless otherwise noted)
rebecca whitehall-kent, broadway producer mother
anthony kent, director father
older brother (player character, see wc on main)
younger brother (player character, see wc on main)
roommates (player characters, see wc on main eventually lol)
hobbies ;; guitar, pottery, has tried his hand at rug making, baking, and embroidery
likes ;; lattes with oat milk in the morning, the way the city is quiet when he's going to work, spending time with his roommates, cats, dogs, traveling (when he can afford it), going to the beach, his testosterone prescription, silly nonsense tiktoks, cuddling, movie nights, youtube video essays
dislikes ;; familial pressures, the excess wealth that's being hoarded by the 1%, societal pressures, the fact that the tabloids won't realize he's not A Kent(tm) anymore, feminine clothing, the fact that you have to pay just as much rent in february as you have to pay in any of the months with 31 days.
style ;; rarely seen without his trademark denim jacket, likes printed button-down shirts, jeans, converse, vans, fisherman's sweaters. you'll rarely see him in anything formal, but if he's forced into a formal situation, he'll rent a suit and tie.
trigger warnings for transphobia // dysphoria // familial neglect // injections
born [REDACTED], he was the only daughter of rebecca and anthony kent, and rebecca was overjoyed to have a little girl to raise into a mirror of her. but luka always knew that he wasn't who his mother wanted him to be, even before he had words for what he was feeling. every time he was forced into a dress, he would throw a fit, causing the family to be late to many a premiere or red carpet event.
as a child, he was in a few of his father's movies as a background or minor character - it was kind of richard's thing, putting his kids in scenes in his films. it was cool, for a while, before it became just another thing he dreaded - being in the movie meant seeing himself looking wrong, and there weren't words to describe how much he hated it.
luka always hated the way that the kents could never go out to dinner, go see a movie, do anything without eyes and cameras on them. he loved new york, don't get him wrong, he still does, but there were days that he wished that they lived anywhere where the paparazzi and rumor mill didn't exist the way it does in the big apple. he's jealous of the people who have never been affected by the severe lack of privacy that he experienced.
as luka grew up, he got access to the internet, and he started finding words for himself. transgender, primarily. the word felt freeing, like he could finally understand why he hated his brothers for the fact that their mother never tried to force them into dresses for premieres, why he hated them for being able to go out and play in the rain and get their clothes all muddy, why they seemed so comfortable in their bodies while luka hated every single second of puberty. he started transitioning socially with peers online when he was sixteen, though he didn't bring it up to his family until he was nearing eighteen, afraid of repercussions.
he was right to fear - as soon as he spoke up, there were a lot of tears shed, primarily from his mother; things about how he'd always be her little girl, and how could he do this to them, and a bunch of other shitty things that he's tried to block out of his memory since then.
that was when he deferred his acceptance to nyu, not sure he wanted to go to college under his deadname, not sure who he wanted to be at all. he knew that there were people talking about him, knew that there were people staring at the back of his head whenever he went out in public, and he hated all of it.
he spent two more years with his family trying to put up with it, but, on his twentieth birthday, he was at his breaking point. he couldn't handle being called [REDACTED] and all of the "she/her"s he got from his mother, couldn't handle the way he looked in the mirror, couldn't handle the way his voice sounded wrong every time he opened his mouth.
luka was on one of his trademark depression walks when he saw a sign on a stoplight pole asking are you searching for roommates? want to live with cool people? must be queer-friendly and like cats and listing a phone number to call. he stared at that sign for way too long, his hand on his phone in his pocket. he dialed the number, made the call, and had agreed to move in by the next week.
packing up all of the few things he loved, luka moved into his current apartment on the lower east side within the week. it was also that week that he found himself a job at a starbucks, and took the last chunk of money out of his old bank account that he would ever use - a down payment on his top surgery, and the first payment for his new testosterone prescription. he took his first shot surrounded by his roommates (and new best friends), and he hasn't looked back since. this life is the one he's chosen, and he may be poor, but he's happy.
director   anthony   kent’s   middle   child,   who   disowned   his   family   three   years   ago,   is   allegedly   working   at   a   starbucks   on   the   upper   east   side
this is true and luka has no shame about it at all. it pays his portion of the rent & utilities and allows for some additional cash to spend on things he'd like to do, like his pottery classes. they also have gender affirming care covered, so he's planning on working there for the foreseeable future.
roommates — (  luka lives with two queer couples on the lower east side. they have two cats. this is very much a found family relationship; the five of them are ride or die and they have been since they met luka three years prior. they could have known each other for longer, though!. ) // 0/4
friends (present) — (  they've only known luka post-disowning his family and his transition. they're also a support system for him, though not as close as his roommates are. they're the people who get invited over after drag shows, for movie nights, for early morning pancakes and coffee on luka's days off ) //
friends (past) — (  they knew luka before he was luka. they cared about him, but he always seemed a little closed off, more distant than others. it was rare to see him truly smile, let alone laugh. they haven't spoken regularly in three years. ) //
not the kid you once knew — (  actors on his father's films! luka knew them all from his trips to set as he was growing up, and they may have thought they knew him, too, because he put on a happy face, even though he was dying inside. they may not recognize him if they see him on the street now. ) //
family friends — (  friends of his parents' kids. they spent a lot of time as kids together. they haven't heard from him at all in the past three years. ) //
muse a (see subplot page on the main)
brothers (wc tbd)
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hbhughes · 2 years
William R. Pickering, Jr.
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William R. Pickering Jr., 85, of Woodside Drive, Dallas, died Friday, Nov. 11, 2022, in Geisinger Wyoming Valley Medical Center, Plains Twp.
Born in Kingston, he was the son of the late William R. and Catherine Knecht Pickering Sr. He graduated from Forty Fort High School and served in the U.S. Navy.
Bill resided in Dallas for the past 20 years. He was self-employed, owning a Tastykake franchise. He was a member of Alderson United Methodist Church. He was an avid hunter and fisherman and enjoyed carving decoy ducks. He was also past president of the Cherry Run Rod & Gun Club. For 20 years, he volunteered at the Department of Veterans Affairs Wilkes-Barre Medical Center in Plains Twp.
Preceding him in death was his wife of 58 years, Margaret Davis Pickering, in 2021.
Surviving are his children, William D. Pickering and his wife, Lori, Hunlock Creek; daughter, Lynda Nicholson and her husband, Robert, Palm Bay, Fla.; grandchildren, Mariel Zink; Carissa Lengler and her husband, Matthew; and Sammie, Kaya and Art Pickering; and great-grandchild, Russel Lengler.
A funeral will be held at 11 a.m. Tuesday from Hugh B. Hughes & Son Inc. Funeral Home, 1044 Wyoming Ave., Forty Fort, with the Rev. David Walker officiating. Interment with military honors will be in Chapel Lawn Memorial Park, Dallas. Friends may call from 10 a.m. to service time Tuesday.
Memorial contributions, if desired, can be made to St. Jude or the Kidney foundation.
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chaosssinabottle · 14 days
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What if, @angry-geno-is-score , the Pirate (or fisherman) and the Siren had a daughter?
I probably shouldn’t read A/B/O fic before bed…
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wolfsbanemanor · 3 months
Lilith Headcanons
Lilith and Caleb are twins. She is the older of the two. They were born prematurely, but she was the stronger and healthier of the two of them.
When she was younger, she preferred to play outside. She was all about soccer, while her brother was all about piano.
She didn't get quite as much attention from her parents as Caleb did.
She loved to paint. She wasn't sure whether she wanted to be a painter like her mother, or a pro-athlete like her idols on TV. She knew she didn't want to follow her father into medicine, and told him as much.
She had baby names all picked out before she even had her first period. She always wanted to be a mother, and to have a large family.
As a teenager, she began to rebel against the expectations her religious father had. She snuck alcohol from her parents' liquor cabinet, she experimented with weed, she "messed around" with half the boys in her class (and may or may not have made out with another girl, too), she broke curfew, she read Henry Puffer at the Willow Creek library (a book forbidden in their super-religious household), she sassed her parents (her father in particular), she flirted with men old enough to be her father, she read yaoi fanfiction, she played with a Ouija board, she tossed her purity ring into the bayou (and rumor has it a fisherman found it when he went to mount the guppy he caught) and she stole a tube of lipstick from the Sims equivalent of CVS just for the rush. (That one earned her a month-long grounding from her parents, and community service from the court.) This made her goody-two-shoes cousin Lily suspicious of her. (That's part of what Lily meant when she said Lilith had more of a "dark side" than Caleb. The other part is how she fell under Vlad's influence more quickly.)
She got a tattoo of birds in flight, reflecting her desire to be free from those expectations. When Edward saw it, he was fit to be tied! But, as angry as he was at the fact that his children left his religion and rebelled against his rules, he never stopped loving them or caring about them. Artesia would never admit it in front of Edward, but she loved Lilith's tattoo. And her Dark Form tattoo "levels up" into a pair of angel-like wings.
She didn't always have the best relationship with food thanks to diet culture. This may be reflected in her "withered stomach" vampire weakness. This weakness of hers breaks her brother's heart. Especially knowing that...
She became a vampire to help him. She blamed herself for what Miss Hell had done to him (though given that it took place in a restroom, there probably wasn't anything she could realistically have done to stop it). She found Vlad on the computer while searching for answers, and he took advantage. He took advantage of her grief for her parents, her desire for a better life, her self-blame for what had happened to Caleb, and her desire to help her twin. He offered her what had seemed to be comfort and empathy. And when he came to her house, she eagerly agreed to let him turn her.
When she became a vampire, drinking blood just came naturally to her. It didn't for Caleb. (And no, she's not as scrupulous about asking for permission as he is.)
Shortly after becoming a vampire, she started dating Travis Scott. (The Willow Creek guy, not the singer.) But her vampirism proved to be a deal-breaker for him, and it didn't last. Caleb remarks that, of all the boyfriends Lilith had over the years (and she had a lot), Travis was his favorite.
On some level, she knows that Vlad had been gaslighting her, but she's still more under his influence than Caleb is. Her relationship with her Maker is...complicated.
The necklace she wears used to belong to her mother. Before that, it belonged to her mother, and her mother before that. It's been in the family for at least four generations, and came over from The Old Country. Lilith hopes that she has a daughter someday to pass it on to.
Growing up, Lilith was always super protective of Caleb, because he got picked on a lot in school. She got in trouble for fighting a lot, but she never regretted it.
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the-firebird69 · 9 months
Watchmen | Official Tease | HBO
This is exactly what Max wanted you to do and what you're doing you're running around threatening the whole world with devices for them it's what they're saying it's what their goal was and they're pushing you to do it and here you are and there's a few years ago saying it out loud because you're a bunch of assholes and this is when you were big you had enough of your regular job and you were saying it it's because of weakness and you're disgustingly stupid and you fell for their stuff and you're falling for it and a lot of you are kind of terrorists and that's what you do and your boss Trump is a terrorist and they're allowing him in the media and get away with stuff and it's a mistake and he's having fun terrorizing people that's what he's doing and he's doing it to all of you and including the max who are still allowing him to do it and they wanted air of lawlessness because with or without you they can still build their stuff feed their people on them they're underground and they're not part of your society and this guy is a complete failure and he's encouraging terrorism with his activities and actions and verbage and he has almost no resistance to it.
The marking down all of his comments and we are going after him and pushing him just like the max to take him down because of his posture and others like him soon he'll be dead completely in a New York City it goes through probably 50 to 80% of his higher ups who have this idiotic talk and they're completely erased and just a few days coming up soon the rest of his organization falls to pieces in minutes and he gets lynched globally like he was saying our sun would and the guy is a peevish little b**** her son's alone out there and you can't figure it out at all everyone's been explaining it to you by pumping you full of iron they've been telling you. And you ruined the ACT for almost your whole realm but you started with a clan who had a really powerful one and the max were doing it a little and you did a lot and it ruined them they're ruined and they hate you and it turned into a life and death situation and we had to act and apparently that's what we needed and it's true and it works and it's working now in our father and mother respectfully say to us remember that these are people that were slaughtering and were right in our judgment and they need to be slaughtered and this is what's required and it really is but boy is it hard to identify you screaming idiots honestly goodness you ruin your chances of survival with your asinine approach you don't even believe our son and daughter when they say that they're down there growing their army using your your stupid bunker in westborough that's what they did you weren't using it as governor they figured they grab you if you get if you went there you're so goddamn stupid that you can't figure out what this is true because they're rubbing it in cuz you're such a huge a****** he sits here and yells and hopes to go off and try and become your little sheriff guy cuz you're getting beat up every time and we're putting a hit on you Trump cuz he a****** next door and you're the a****** named Sam and you pilot the boat down fisherman's village and your dead meat or putting a hit on you e can run off and try and do it because everyone's going to kill your f****** ass. He also John remillard and there's hits on you already they're going to look it up and go after you and you're going to go get in your copy uniform and you're not even here you sneak out all the time still and people see you all the time you're a huge f****** moron cuz he hates the s*** out of you if you're here or not he's sitting there attacking you
Thor Freya
Zues Hera
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wikiuntamed · 11 months
On this day in Wikipedia: Friday, 13th October
Welcome, שלום, Willkommen, Bienvenue 🤗 What does @Wikipedia say about 13th October through the years 🏛️📜🗓️?
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13th October 2019 🗓️ : Event - 2019 Chicago Marathon At the Chicago Marathon, Kenyan runner Brigid Kosgei set the current marathon world record for women running in a mixed-sex race. "The 2019 Chicago Marathon was the 42nd annual running of the Chicago Marathon held in Chicago, Illinois, United States on October 13, 2019. The men's race was won by Kenyan Lawrence Cherono in 2:05:45 while the women's was won by Kenyan Brigid Kosgei in 2:14:04, a world record by 81 seconds. The..."
13th October 2018 🗓️ : Death - Annapurna Devi Annapurna Devi, Indian surbahar (bass sitar) player (b. 1927) "Annapurna Devi (17 April 1927 – 13 October 2018) was a Bengali Indian surbahar player of Hindustani classical music. She was given the name 'Annapurna' by Maharaja Brijnath Singh of the former Maihar Estate (M.P.), and it was by this name that she was popularly known. She was the daughter and..."
13th October 2013 🗓️ : Event - Navaratri During the Hindu festival of Navaratri at a temple in Madhya Pradesh, India, rumours about an impending bridge collapse caused a stampede that resulted in 115 deaths. "Navaratri is an annual Hindu festival observed in honour of the goddess Durga, an aspect of Adi Parashakti, the supreme goddess. It spans over nine nights (and ten days), first in the month of Chaitra (March/April of the Gregorian calendar), and again in the month of Ashvin (September–October). It..."
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Image licensed under CC BY-SA 4.0? by आर्या जोशी
13th October 1973 🗓️ : Death - Cevat Şakir Kabaağaçlı Cevat Şakir Kabaağaçlı, Turkish ethnographer and author (b. 1886) "Cevat Şakir Kabaağaçlı (17 April 1890 – 13 October 1973; born Musa Cevat Şakir; pen-name "The Fisherman of Halicarnassus", Turkish: Halikarnas Balıkçısı) was a Cretan Turkish writer of novels, short-stories and essays, as well as a keen ethnographer and travel writer...."
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Image by Homonihilis
13th October 1923 🗓️ : Event - Ankara Ankara becomes the capital of Turkey. "Ankara ( ANG-kə-rə, US also AHNG-kə-rə; Turkish: [ˈaŋkaɾa] ), historically known as Ancyra and Angora, is the capital of Turkey. Located in the central part of Anatolia, the city has a population of 5.1 million in its urban center and 5.7 million in Ankara Province, making it Turkey's..."
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Image licensed under CC BY-SA 4.0? by Boubacar Amadou Cisse
13th October 1822 🗓️ : Death - Antonio Canova Antonio Canova, Italian sculptor (b. 1757) "Antonio Canova (Italian pronunciation: [anˈtɔːnjo kaˈnɔːva]; 1 November 1757 – 13 October 1822) was an Italian Neoclassical sculptor, famous for his marble sculptures. Often regarded as the greatest of the Neoclassical artists, his sculpture was inspired by the Baroque and the classical revival, and..."
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Image by Antonio Canova
13th October 🗓️ : Holiday - Azerbaijani Railway Day (Azerbaijan) "There are several public holidays in Azerbaijan. Public holidays were regulated in the constitution of the Azerbaijan SSR for the first time on 19 May 1921. They are now regulated by the Constitution of Azerbaijan...."
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Image by Azim Azimzade (1880-1943)
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hexxxboys · 1 year
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Stage Name: Storm
Birth Name: Lapis Jeon Nazgul 
Position in Group: Roadie , bodyguard and sometime bassist for the band. 
Age: 27
Pronouns:  He/They/Them
Sexuality:  Bisexual
Dom/Sub/Switch: Dom 
Relationship Status: Highly selective multi
Birthday: December 21st
Zodiac Sign: Sagittarius
Blood Type: B
Height: 6′8
Eye color: Dark brown
Current Hair color: jet black with electric blue undertones
Supernatural Species: Water Elemental  
Personality: Emotionally keeps to himself.  He is good at reading people making it hard for them to keep secrets from him. He has an uncontrollable rage towards his mother and siblings and anyone related to them. He is a bit detached within themselves do to the fact that they don’t really know anything about themselves including where he came from or why he was born in the first place which adds to his rage/hatred towards his birth mother.  They sometimes feel stuck , lost and confused which makes him lash out violently at times due to his frustrations of his inner struggles. This makes him act a bit cold and distant at times. 
Once he opens up he is actually very kind , loving , protective , loyal , clingy and a bit needy. He loves affection and to be praised. He is also a romantic but that side is very reserved for that one special person. 
Bio: Lapis is from a small fisherman town in south korea. He was abandoned by his birth mother and left in the care of his aunt however things are a lot more complicated than just that. 
Lapis’s mother ( Jiyeong ) and aunt ( Jisoo )  were once very close , they had a normal childhood until their father died in a boat accident. The girls’ mother married rather quickly in order to provide for her family but this sudden marriage brought problems with it. Their stepdad was abusive and conflicted with the eldest daughter –Jisoo to the point that she left the house. This broke Jiyeong’s heart. Since then she became a rebellious teen that would sneak out of the house every time she could and get into terrible situations however her sister was always there for her. 
One day the sisters were at the beach celebrating Jisoo’s birthday when they decided to go out for a midnight swim. The two were slightly drunk while swimming and did not notice the storm that was starting. In a blink of an eye tragedy stroke , Jisoo was pulled into the ocean leaving Jiyeong traumatise for the rest of her life. After that incident she ran away from home , being in her hometown was just too painful and there was nothing for her there so she left to start a new life. However Jiyeong ended up joining a cult where she was offered as a sacrifice to a powerful demonic god being titled  the devourer of words .
This god was known for destroying anything he deemed unworthy but was responsible for being into the world the four horsemen of the apocalypse. He was also known for choosing a bride to have theses sons with them however the god would only have offspring with women who had rare and exceptional qualities that would transfer over to their future offspring , unknowing at the time but Jiyeong had all that which made the demonic god attach himself to her the moment he was summoned. After the ritual was made and he had been brought back into the world , he was able to forcefully conceive with Jiyeong as he took her as his bride. However the spell that was cast to summon the demonic god was weak and it slowly faded causing it to break , sending the demon back to the netherrealm. Meanwhile Jiyeong was able to snap out of her  brainwash-like state and escape the cult. She eventually returned to her hometown to get away from the nightmare her life had been and it was in that moment something unexpected happened.
As Jiyeong wandered onto the same beach she had lost her sister in a year and half ago , something in the ocean caught her eye. As it slowly emerged from the water she realised it was her sister. They were never able to find her body and everyone assumed that the waves had dragged her far but Jiyeong couldn’t believe that her sister was walking towards her at that moment. She wasn’t the same , her eyes were white , her skin was an icy blue and her lips were dark. There was seaweed in her hair along with barnacles attached to her legs. This was not the same sister she knew and loved but Jiyeong knew it was still her somehow. The two sisters talked for hours , catching up with what had happened to them since that fateful day. It turned out that Jisoo did die but her body was found by a sea warlock who replaced her heart with a siren’s allowing her to live and breathe underwater. Jisoo had also learned magic becoming a witch of the sea. 
After hearing all that her sister went through , Jiyeong had broken down and asked for forgiveness then continued in telling her about the cult and what had happened to her. The reaction that Jisoo gave her sister wasn’t the one that the younger one was expecting. Jisoo was so intrigued that she told her sister that she had to keep the baby if she indeed was pregnant. That made Jiyeong upset but she was so scared of the possibility of being pregnant that she agreed to have it if it meant that her sister would be by her side. That is what happened–four months had passed by and Jiyeong had an unexpected abortion causing her to almost die but Jisoo helped her sister give birth and save the baby in which she lied to her sister and told her it had died during birth which caused Jiyeong to feel a sense of relief. 
After Jiyeong had recovered , she stoled a book on witchcraft and runes from her sister before running away once again. At this point in her life Jiyeong was done with the occult and wanted to get away from it all. Once Jisoo had returned she had realised her sister was missing but it didn’t bother her cause she wanted the child. She was fascinated with the idea of a little demon child she could raise and call her own . Jisoo raised that child the best she could , teaching it all sorts of magic. In her mind she wanted him to become powerful so he could reshape the world to how she wanted it to be. But as the child grew so did his inner turmoil. 
Lapis felt lonely , being a child on a small island in the middle of nowhere wasn’t ideal for a little boy. He grew to hate his ‘mother’ and everything she believed in or stood for , he was sick of being kept from the rest of the world especially after finding out his heritage. 
For years Lapis was told he was special , that his father was a very powerful entity and if he wanted he could destroy the world and make a new one but that wasn’t what he wanted. In fact Lapis never knew what he wanted until he had his very first dream. A dream in which he had a family , a loving mother , a proud father and siblings to play with. It was such a nice dream that he didn’t want to wake up from it but it helped him realise that it was something he craved. This idea of the perfect family stayed with him until he found out the truth of his  ‘father’ and his siblings. He felt anger towards his mother for keeping that information from him that he eventually ran away from their home.  
The more he travelled the more he learned about his father and his siblings and that caused confusion that turned into rage , not understanding why he had been left behind , why he was different from the others–it made him feel less than special. The only thing that kept him going was the idea of having a family but this dream quickly came crashing down the moment Lapis met Briar Salem. 
Lapis became obsessed with Briar , he found them to be perfect in every possible way but the moment he found out that Briar belonged to Manikya Nazgul something snapped within him. It had been sometime that Lapis had found out that Maikya was his brother and the pure thought that his brother had the life he so desperately wanted drove him mad with envy. Things only got worse when he found out that Briar was expecting a child , that was the last straw for him. The boiling rage Lapis felt made him want to destroy anything that belonged to Manikya and that included his lover and child. He let that rage control him, causing him to hunt the child and torment him but if it wasn’t for Glory , Lapis would have gotten rid of him years ago. 
There was a point in time where lapis was about to give up and move on from his personal vendetta towards Nazgul and his loved ones until he realised that he had another sibling. A human sibling that his birth mother abandoned years ago who was also living his dream. Not only did he have to deal with the fact that his brother from his father’s side was in a relationship with the person he was in love with and had a child with, but also finding out that he has a half human brother who gets to share that experience. That drove him insane to the point he concocted a plan to enter HEX somehow and destroy them from the inside. 
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thunderingoutlaw · 1 year
Tag: more than a damned battery [modern fantasy au]
Applies to: modern-day settings with magical elements
Backstory Changes: - born to a fisherman and a pub owner - took an early interest in ships and engineering, did well in sciences in school - came into his powers at ~13, had to change schools to be around fellow students with magical abilities; further away from home - went to university for engineering, but only got his Bachelor's, felt too guilty over the amount of money spent on his education to continue any further - took on a few shorter-term part-time jobs, including in retail and food service; eventually found a job in a car repair shop, worked his way up to being one of the chief mechanics
Other Changes: - lives in a second-floor flat half a dozen blocks from his workplace; used to live there with his adopted daughter, but she now has her own flat - travels primarily by walking or public transit - honed his control to the degree of being able to jumpstart a car, test circuits, etc - works on little side projects with his daughter when he's free - routinely supports / joins protests over social justice issues, regularly volunteers with local food banks & shelters, etc
Tag: still fights worth winning [modern powerless au]
Applies to: modern-day settings without magical elements
Backstory Changes: - pretty much the same as AU 03-A, just no electricity magic & not being transferred to a separate school
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