#Azure Architect Training
certzip · 2 months
Become a certified Microsoft Azure Solutions Architect with CertZip. Learn to design cloud-based solutions on Azure and enhance your cloud architecture skills. Enroll today!
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cloud-chalktalk · 2 years
Which is AWS Certification is Good Togo
There are many different types of cloud training programs available, so it can be difficult to determine which one is right for you. However, by considering your career goals and the specific skills you need to learn, you can narrow down your options and choose a program that will help you achieve your objectives.
One popular option for cloud training is the AWS Certified Solutions Architect – Associate Level certification. This certification is designed for individuals who want to work in a solutions architect role, and it covers a variety of topics related to AWS, including networking, storage, security, and more. If you're interested in pursuing this certification, be sure to check out our AWS Certified Solutions Architect course.
Another popular cloud training program is the Microsoft Azure Fundamentals certification. This certification is designed for individuals who want to learn about Azure, Microsoft's cloud computing platform. The course covers a range of topics related to Azure, including compute, storage, networking, and security. If you're interested in pursuing this certification, be sure to check out our Microsoft Azure Fundamentals course.
No matter which cloud training program you choose, make sure it aligns with your career goals and provides the skills you need to succeed in
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Muireann Uais
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Age: physically around 25 in ARR to 29 in EW (she was soul-snatched in Shadowbringers, age is a little funky)
Gender // pronouns: demigirl but not bothered to correct assumptions // she/her
Notable physical features not supported by in-game character creation:
lightning marks that start on the backs of her shoulders and spread down her back like wings.
Allagan channelling tattoos on her hands, arms, and legs.
Aether-burn scar on her chest as a result of frequent overuse of the dreadwyrm trance following the Archbishop's flee from the Vault.
Quirks/other things to note:
she has heightened hearing that is comparable to, though not quite as good as, Miq'ote hearing.
Her eyes are somewhat reflective in low light. She is bisexual and polyamorous, but she's also incapable of flirting once actual feelings are involved.
Muireann has an invisible disability in that she has ~fantasy lupus & fibro~ (I'm not arsed coming up with a ffxiv name for it) this mainly impacts her with chronic pain, fatigue, and light sensitivity. She manages this with the help of her many aetheric constructs and support from those closest to her.
Martial Skills: Allagan summoner, Nymian scholar and marine, marine status is derived from the warrior questline (using Bahamut as the Inner Beast), archer with some bardic knowledge, monk-in-training
Additional skills: she can tap into the dragonsong chorus after Shadowbringers, she has a unique manifestation of the Echo which is similar to Krile in that she can sense emotions. Muireann can also convey her own emotions and intent. These skills are largely limited to creatures and attempts to use them on another person will rapidly drain her of energy.
Family (biological): Silvairre (father) and Illiette (mother) Canaux. Somewhat estranged for most of the MSQ, reconnection timeline is wishy-washy. Additional extended family somewhere in Werlyt.
Family (adopted) (Muireann is the one who did the adopting): Raer Angathril (brother) and Haname Angathril (maternal figure) buth @azure-dragonsinger, Jehantel (grandfatherly or uncle figure), Ramuh (grandfather figure)
Partners (current and historic, multiple flavours - not all romantic/sexual): Haurchefant Greystone, Y'shtola Rhul, Hien Rijin, Runar, at least half of the marauder's guild, technically Shin Bokairo @accidentaloracle (legal wives, technically platonic)
Warrior Bonds(tm): Match Munroe @a-soul-full-of-stars, Alka Zolka, Surito Curito, Y'mhitra Rhul
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Panthea - architect and creations consultant at the Bureau of the Architect specialising in apex predators. Her parents returned to the star when Panthea was still quite young and she was hurt that they did not view supporting and caring for her as part of their life work. She suppressed her grief and hurt for countless years after this in order to fit in and started designing and creating extremely deadly and vicious creatures in part to try and examine her relationship to death and in part to force herself to let her emotions out through fear. She is responsible for several of the creatures in Pandaemonium including the protocarbuncle.
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Laisirhfíona - real name unknown. Laisirfhíona was a mage on the reflection that fell to lightning causing the second umbral calamity on the Source. In the lead-up to the catastrophic event that spelled the reflection's final doom, Laisirfhíona was manipulated by Ascians who granted her knowledge of more advanced magic than was known to her and the wizard she was apprenticed to. Foregoing her healing magic for ones forbidden in her world she broke down the doors to the tower that staged the final battle for the shard. She was tricked into dooming her home while believing she was saving everyone.
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Pandora Brooks - chief administrator of the Azys Lla research facility. Pandora (begrudgingly) worked alongside Amon and others bringing the horrific fruits of the research facility to life. With the knowledge of how to entrap an eikon and harvest its power granted to them by the Ascians, Pandora perfected the method through which tempered worshipers of the eikons could be preserved to ensure that the devotees would never die, nor would they be so comfortable that they would cease their prayers for deliverance from the pain they endured. She oversaw the project to automate the summoning arts, killing Sari's followers to gain his cooperation and initiating the order that led to Sari's eventual death.
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Ufufu Ufu - a Nymian scholar during the War of the Magi. When the Green Death arrived on Nymian soil Ufufu was amongst the scholars tasked with treating the victims and finding a cure. Seemingly immune to the affliction herself, she remained in Nym keeping the entonberried comfortable and placated while others risked their lives to find a cure elsewhere. She diligently maintained the wards on the Wanderer's Palace until the Sixth Umbral Calamity destroyed her city. Her final known act was to seal her codex, soul stone containing her fairy Bluebell, and a report on all those sealed within Wanderer's Palace in a secure container should any of her colleagues survive the flood.
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BOTW Link X F!Reader ~ Pt. 5
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A tilt of your head turned it to Link’s direction, who had been polishing the Mater Sword, which seemed to appreciate the care and the time bestowed upon it if the fluctuating energy around its mighty blade was anything to go by. Luminous Stone faintly illuminated his face as he approached with purposeful steps until coming to a stop beside you. Up your throat came a soft hum, your gaze still fixated upon the wares a Zora was offering but signaling that you’d heard the Champion’s call. Your full attention fixated upon him when the red Zora from earlier, Sidon, parted with a showcase of another near blinding smile, finding the azure eyed Hylian’s expression serious.
Shopping could wait.
Thankful for the shop’s time, you bowed your head then hurried when he led the way towards a more private area of the beautiful architect that was the Zora’s home. The arches from doorways to decorative accents were near neck breaking when one would attempt to behold their splendor, as yours nearly had when first arriving, though the Zoras themselves were just as stunning in your opinion. At first you were hesitant but they warmly welcomed your presence. Though you surmised Link had a big role to play in that.
He didn’t stop until an all too familiar shrine came into view, surprising you that one was in such a populated area. Its rough and rugged exterior was wet with the near dripping humidity that lingered within the air, its runes activating upon him nearing its boundary.
The tilt of his head earned your furrowed brows when noticing how it directed you to venture inside. You want me to do the shrine?, your own head tilted in question.
Blonde hair shifted when he nodded. “Training.”
Now this was odd. As far as you understood, the Champion, Link specifically, was the sole person who could complete the shrines to activate them fully and gain power that could be bestowed with the Goddess Statue’s Blessing. Such an honor, or duty, belonged to him alone. Right?
If he felt your inner confusion he didn’t show it as he tapped the Sheikah Slate to the pedestal. “Test.”
The twist within your gut was near nauseating. He was only using single word answers, something he hasn’t done in a very long time. At least since you’ve begun traveling with him. If that wasn’t worrisome enough there was a heavy shadow lingering within his gaze when it refused to meet your own despite any attempt you made.
What exactly had Sidon spoken to him about that made your companion exhibit such distant behavior?
Questioning would not provide any answers, especially when there was the intermixing of personas within his aura, portraying chaos threatening to bubble to the surface if he wasn’t careful. This time was different than before. The tendrils that solely belonged to the Link you knew were thick, leaving burning trails of light as if they were attempting to guard from an unseen enemy, the other personas you’ve come to recognize were trapped within. There was nothing you could do for him except fulfill whatever he requested you do.
All you could offer was a nod of understanding, the urge to reach out and touch his hand in passing being stifled down when seeing his darkened expression, stepping onto the platform that would lower you into the shrine’s innermost chambers. Just when the mechanism came to life was when he turned away but not before you saw his face become unrecognizable. One of your hands rose to press its fingers over your mouth before you could shout out to him. If doing this shrine would help him in some way you were prepared to do so in a heartbeat.
The Ne'ez Yohma Shrine had been a real challenge for you and had taken several more health resources than you’d care to admit but victory tasted sweet upon your tongue as Zora’s Domain came into view once more, a glowing sphere tucked safely within your inventory. The monk within had been especially stingy about you not being the chosen Champion of Hyrule but after much MUCH persuasion the old mummy had finally relented when you gave the reasoning that Link was seeing to other matters along with the confession of being his traveling companion. Could mummified monks smile? You swore it did when it heard that piece of context. It wasn’t a lie, which it seemed to understand, so it had passed over the energy orb to you without much more of a fuss.
Blinking, you ventured from the shrine to stand in awe of the elegantly carved statue of a Zora wielding a trident. There was no sign of Link anywhere around it, though he’d pointedly done everything within his ability to avoid it for some reason, which you couldn’t fathom why since it was just as beautiful as the rest of the domain. An elder noticed you admiring the statue and seemed to smile sadly when taking a moment to gaze up at it too.
“Princess Mipha,” he began, “was truly a kind soul that any would be fortunate of meeting in their lifetime. She was shy, that is true, often times hesitant, though one cannot deny her steadfast will to assist those around her. Truly a remarkable Zora to behold in the throughs of battle and swimming up the waterfalls with such grace that none could ever hope to compete.”
You could see it in the statue’s countenance. The gentle planes of her face, those eyes which seemed to see beyond the physical, how her lips looked parted as if to provide words of encouragement to those who need to hear; though you’ve never met the Zora Princess it was evident within the statue’s image and the words spoken courtesy of such a weathered elder were true.
Yet something sad lingered in the air.
“She was the Zora Champion, right?”
The elder chuckled. “I bet that Hylian has told you plenty of stories.”
Something similar to an invisible dagger slipped between your ribs to pierce your heart. “N-no, he hasn’t said a word about her.”
Seriousness filled the elder’s face, all humor gone from his gaze when it met yours. For a moment he regarded you with suspicion, as if weighing how much should be told, then he took a deep inhale. “They were childhood friends, Princess Mipha and the Hylian known as Link. Often times they would waste days at a time with the other despite the chores or duties the other had. None would stray far from the other’s side if it could be helped.”
The dagger twisted at the hilt, digging into your constricting heart when remembering the heavy shadow over his eyes when ensuring the Zora Armor, which helped him swim faster and up waterfalls, was in pristine condition.
Unbeknownst of the affect his words had, the elder continued. “We have a tradition here where our princess creates a set of armor to bestow upon her intended partner. Imagine the shock upon our people when discovering that she had just finished crafting such a thing just before Calamity Ganon befell Hyrule. There was a rumor floating around that it had been for that Hylian boy since she’d shown little interest in anyone else. My personal opinion…”
Ringing filled your ears, which drowned out the elder’s words. as your feet mindlessly moved away from the statue. The puzzle pieces were starting to fall into place of why Link wasn’t acting himself. One of your hands rose to press against your aching chest.
“…shame that she passed away. Killed, actually, by one of those wretched creatures. Curse that Calamity for taking over Vah Ruta and stealing away our beloved princess just like the other Beasts and their Champions…”
And then you were running.
Find him, your internal voice screamed, find Link!
Easier said than done.
Zora’s Domain was no easy terrain to traverse across. Everything was slippery, making you slide and misstep, nearly sending you reeling back downwards to the trail which led towards the palace. You couldn’t stop to rest when the thin air made you see stars once reaching a small area of level ground. Where would he go?
Ice filled your veins when hearing a passing Zora guard say something about a Hylian who had accepted the request of dealing with a monster preventing travelers from entering the domain from up north. Of course coming to such a place would be hard on anyone and he was certainly no exception no matter how stoic the swordsman appeared. Losing anyone close to one’s heart was never an easy wound to heal from. Surely there was a reason why he didn’t say anything to you! Mud caked itself beneath your fingernails as they attempted to haul you up then over a wet rock, fraying the tender skin beneath that would make anyone flinch or cry out. You didn’t care about that or how lightning forked across the sky above. Rain intermixed with your tears as they spilled down your cheeks to be lost in tiny rivers.
A fork of lightning struck the ledge you were preparing to scale, causing it to crumble, leaving nothing in its former place besides a near gaping crater in the cliff.
Something most would call a miracle happened as you fell into the waterfall which had been at your left.
Cold, pain inducting water was replaced by warmth which surrounded you like a veil. As if someone were holding you protectively against their being. Lungs burning for oxygen, your hand patted against the thing holding you, proceeding to cling to it when water was replaced by empty air. A red Zora with the kindest of eyes and smile easily caught your flailing form before the ground could meet you. “Do not fear,” a feminine voice soothed in your ear though her lips did not move, “he shall return to your side once his duty is fulfilled. For now, be patient, (Y/n), and keep hope.”
Gravity rushed to greet you as the lithe Zora disappeared to replaced by a much bigger one who flashed a bright white smile. “Almost took a nasty fall there. Good thing I was nearby!” Sidon carefully placed you with feet firm on the solid ground.
Blinking, you searched the immediate area and found only the two of you.
“Everything alright?”
You shook your head after a moment. “Sorry, I swore someone else was here there for a minute.”
The Zora Prince listened intently as you recounted the figure you’d seen and earned a sad smile. “That sounds like my dear sister alright. Even if she’s not part of this world anymore it still seems as if Mipha is watching out for our domain.” He laughed as your eyes widened. “I must not have mentioned she was my elder sister earlier.”
Part of you wanted to correct him, that it was his age versus appearance ration which had earned your shock, though that would have been rude so you remained quiet as his gaze fondly beheld the statue below. One of your hands rested upon his webbed own when seeing the deep, woeful longing within his smile. “Can you tell me more about her?” Your lips lifted into a smile. “If you have time, I’d like to learn more about such an amazing princess and warrior.”
Little were you aware of what exactly you’d signed up for.
Zora’s Domain was almost always obscured by rain clouds so you were unable to keep track of time. Not that you minded one bit. Sidon was even kind enough to take you to each of the carved tablets talking more about the Zora Princess. That was when you took a misstep which caused level ground to completely disappear before it was replaced by water. It was too deep for your shoes to brush the bottom, resulting in fear to grip you tightly when the water enclosed over your head.
The scream which rose from your throat as pressure took hold of your flailing legs was rendered to bubbles as it sucked you farther under until a roaring current filled your ears. It rolled you forward, to the side, then backwards, before repeating to leave you delirious and seeing stars as it tossed you effortlessly. Black was beginning to creep along your vision as a flurry of bubbles appeared ahead from where glowing that must be the Zora palace lay.
That must be Sidon coming to save you.
No, the color was all wrong.
A different face, one which you’d never forget, was filled with determination and concentration as familiar lean arms enclosed around you.
And then all you knew was black.
So cold…
And wet…
Something firm was pressing against your mouth…hands were pumping your chest…everything hurt…make it stop…
With effort, your eyes strained greatly to crack. Then they were wide open when finding the object against your lips was a mouth. One that belonged to none other than—
“She’s awake!”
Azure opened at the shout, meeting your own as Link retreated enough to part his lips from yours, relief filling his gaze and features when finding you staring up at him. “(Y/n).”
You were collected within a tight embrace in an instant when a collective cheer rose. From somewhere you couldn’t see came Sidon’s multitude of apologies for not paying more attention or reacting fast enough but you were quick to dismiss them saying that it was your fault in the first place for not being careful of where you stepped. “Really, I’m fine,” you assured each who inquired of your wellbeing once you’d been released, “I’m so sorry to cause you all worry.” Your gaze met azure as the lingering adrenaline danced within your veins, thank you for saving me…again.
“I am surprised to say the least that you, companion to the Hylian Champion, was not capable of saving yourself.” Ice filled your lungs as an elder’s lip curled, the gray Zora fixing you with a sideways disapproving glare. “Such company is unfitting for one as important as he.”
“One’s shortcomings shouldn’t be held against them if they intend to strengthen those weaknesses.”
A collective murmur rose when you stood with a stiff spine.
Speaking against an elder, no matter their race or species, was threatening insult. He had thrown the first punch though. You stood tall when faced with that scrutinizing stare. “Unlike time, a person’s capabilities are only limited to their will. So tell me, elder, would you expect the same if I were a Goron traveling at his side? Or a Rito?” No opportunity was given for him to answer as you continued. “What about asking a Zora to traverse great distances over land where no river could be found? Wouldn’t it be just as wrong or insulting to expect the same from them? Do not be so quick as to judge or compare one to another,” your voice lowered to an almost growl, “and it’s not up to you who is at his side. Link has the freedom to choose whoever he pleases to travel with no matter what corner of Hyrule they are from or what their background. Everyone has their flaws, elder, and I think that gummy, loud mouth is yours.”
For a moment silence hung in the air save for the movement coming from behind you, a pair of hands appearing on your shoulders, almost making you lose composure when feeling them squeeze gently.
Amused laughter drew all’s attention to the nearby throne where a much larger Zora wearing a crown sat with eyes bright with approval. “I see now why you hold such company,” the King of the Zora’s rumbled, “my interest has been peaked. Come, Link, join us for evening feast. Be sure to sit beside me this time.”
Blinking, you glanced over your shoulder as a cheer rose, finding pride written within the Hylian Champion’s face as he nodded in approval. One of his hands released its hold while the other drifted down to collect your hand where its fingers laced with your own. “Not a dull moment,” he quietly teased, earning a blush to rise within your cheeks.
“W-well—I just—” No words came to you for a moment but a question certainly did. You waited until nearly every Zora had dispersed to their own agendas before fixing him with a curious yet guarded look. “Link, you always jump to the defense of others, whether battle or otherwise. So why don’t you protect yourself when someone starts talking to you like the handsy doctor back in Lurelin Village or the Zora elder?” Heat kissed your cheeks when his raised eyebrow reflected your own question back. “I-I don’t know why, okay? Seeing you silently take all the backlash and blasphemy makes my stomach roll. They shouldn’t be talking to or about you in such ways.” Realization filled your veins when seeing calm understanding fill his gaze.
Just as the swordsman protected Hyrule, you felt that it was necessary, as some form of repayment, to be his shield when among others. It wasn’t that he was socially awkward, the knight knew very much of how to conduct conversation. The discipline and expectation of him to remain steadfast or unaffected by the words of others save for the royal family may very well be why he never defended himself in such situations. And it had gradually eaten at you the more you traveled with the Champion.
They respected the title but when it came to Link himself they were quick to pass judgment.
Your heart clenched painfully when wondering just how long he’d been living this way.
He drew you close by the hand holding yours, allowing the free arm to wrap tightly around your shoulders, enabling you to feel his quick breathing and the hammering heart lying beneath his clothing. Honestly he couldn’t care less about what others said about him. Yet somehow, seeing you speak on his behalf when faced with such individuals, made something within him stir.
The Zora Armor donning his figure was beautiful with the addition of dragon scales and the blue hue which complimented that within his gaze. It was different than a lot of his clothing sets, each unique in their own special way, but now you understood why this one in particular was treated with a little extra favor. One could tell it was made with great care.
Your arm rose to return the embrace, the fingers he held giving a gentle squeeze. I’m still here, they said.
A faint squeeze of his fingers said, Yes.
“It’s alright to miss them, the other Champions,” you whispered, “just please don’t shut me out like that again. It’s scary when you start looking more like a statue than anything.”
That devious smirk raised a corner of his mouth when the two of you separated, directing your attention to the river below. His hand prevented your own from slipping free despite calls coming from the Zoras for the both of you to come. “There’s plenty of time to start swimming lessons before food.” He nearly outright laughed at your exasperation. The golden haired Hylian was quick to assure that any such thing could wait until later when the wafting scents of grilling meat and various vegetables filled the air.
This time it was you who prevented his hand from slipping away, earning a raise of his eyebrows when you became serious. “I overheard someone say that you took on a monster up North?”
A cluster of shock arrows was showcased; those must have been what the monster had dropped.
“You defeating it is not the point.”
Link, hearing your tone become sour, turned full attention to you, ignoring the rumbles sourcing from within his stomach.
From your pack appeared a glowing orb which you practically slammed into his chest with an open palm where it disappeared in a flash of light. “Of all the shrines…it had to be that one…” you growled while crossing both arms, releasing his hand, bottom lip protruding slightly, “it was full of lasers and giant balls. I would’ve gladly fought the monster instead.”
Understanding filled his features. Calloused fingers raised your chin until azure met yours. “Lynel.”
“Nope!” Up went your hands as if they were reaching for the sky while you spun on your heel. “Nope!”
His unadulterated laughter rang in your ears as the night drug onward. It seemed as if every moment your gazes met he had to bite the flesh of his lower lip to hold back a chuckle. A few times it was fun for you too. Especially when he was attempting to listen to the Zora King’s words and you attempted to distract him from a distance by raising your arms up in a similar fashion.
It wasn’t amusing just to the two of you. Several of the Zora found themselves enjoying the displays. Especially a certain red male who took the opportunity when his father, the king, held the Hylian Champion’s attention for longer than previous conversation topics.
Full, but not overly so, you excused yourself from the table to bow respectfully before slipping out into the night. Better to walk off a bit of the food before retiring. Pops sounded as you stretched high up onto your toe tips, teetering for a moment, then settled back on solid ground. Cooler though there was a slight sprinkle occasionally kissing your being, you treaded carefully across the smooth stone walkways that would eventually bring you to the inn. Now that it was night you could see more of the statue’s beauty thanks to the Luminous Stones. The teal glow reflected ethereally off the polished, moist stone as you slowly circled it with appreciation. There’s no doubt that Mipha, Zora Princess and the Zora Champion, had been who you saw earlier. On the breeze, just outside of the memorial’s shadow, a figure moved to join in your circulatory rotations. “She is truly stunning,” you softly praised, “I can tell a lot of care and admiration went into this statue.”
“I feel I must apologize once again.”
Your gazes met, locking together as neither of your paces or paths changed. Around and around the two of you seemed to dance. Sounds of the water filled the air as no words were spoken. This kind of silence wasn’t much different than what you were used to. The receiver, though, was vastly different. Not without his smile, the Prince of Zoras was distilling confidence wherever he went. Elders and young folk alike would often seek his council outside of royal duties; a few conversations that you’ve caught were of simple everyday occurrences. It was clear that all who lived here trusted him. Yet there was the air of uncertainty.
“You’re doing an amazing job.”
Sidon’s breath caught, eyes widening as you came to a stop so that his steps eventually brought him to stand before you. The same light bathing his sister’s monument now illuminated your being. Cool, humid air moistened your skin as it did the Zora and surrounding rock however he had never thought such an affect would accentuate one’s appearance as it did your own. Despite the blue hued light the highlights within your hair shone brightly like falling stars when a breeze played with a few tresses. Earlier, while sharing with you the stone tablets, he grew more familiar within your presence the longer he remained within it.
An assuring smile raised your lips at his expression of shock. “You’re trying your best to provide everything for your domain, whether it be resources like food or advice to soothe the soul. It’s alright to let them figure things out on their own. An easy answer to their problems doesn’t teach them anything, if you really think about it. Don’t be afraid to take breaks though, okay? Be sure to not wear yourself down. I may not have known her personally so I can’t speak on her behalf,” your hand reached out to gently take hold of his hand, “but if you were my younger brother I would want you to take care of yourself just as much as he does for his subjects—”
Whatever that was supposed to finish your sentence was lost as the ground disappeared to be replaced by toned muscle as pressure threatened to crush your bones. They weren’t needed though, judging from the large droplets of warm water that splattered across your skin that wasn’t protected by cloth. Just as quickly the red Zora Prince embraced you he released his hold to stand tall with that bright grin on display.
“I’ll continue to do my best!” He bent at the knee until the two of you were as close as his near neck breaking height would allow, approval shining brightly within his gaze. “Just you watch, (Y/n), I’m going to be even more admirable the next time you visit! And I’ll have a gift ready for you by then too so be sure to look forward to it!”
A gift? Excitement filled you. Maybe an accessory of some sort? “I can’t wait to accept it,” you started, “though if I could request something, may it not make me take this one off?”
His eyes followed your fingers to the circlet you wore. Deep thought filled his features for a moment before they smoothed over into one of acceptance. “Befitting if I’ve ever saw one, though the stone is lacking. Craftsmanship is adequate as well. Very well. Rest assured that my gift shall not dampen your beauty.” A knowing smirk raised his lips when seeing you fondly brushed the gem resting against the center of your forehead. “Ah, I see that it is your favorite, yes? No worries! My gift shall too become something you never wish to part from!”
Within your cheeks rose a faint blush of embarrassment. Were you really that easy to read? “The night is getting late, Prince Sidon, so I should retire to bed since we will be setting out at dawn’s light. In case I don’t see you, I look forward to seeing you again!” With a bow, you waved once more then departed for the nearby inn where sweet sleep was calling your name.
Little did you know that a certain swordsman had been watching the whole exchange from not too far off.
Pt 1: Blood Moon Encounter
Pt 2: Distant Howls
Pt 3: Identities Unknown
Pt 4: Rupee Troubles
Pt.6: Worthy of the Name
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az900certification · 7 months
"Navigating the Cloud: Choosing the Best AZ-900 Training in Australia"
Introduction :
AZ900 certification will expand your career in today’s highly competitive business market, especially in cloud computing. Because it provides a strong base for cloud services and Microsoft Azure services, the Microsoft Azure basics AZ-900 certification is in high demand.
This will definitely help in choosing an Australian training program, making sure that we get the guidance and support we need to pass the process.
Understanding the "AZ900 Certification":
 Those who wish to prove that they comprehend cloud ideas, core Azure services, Azure pricing, SLA, and lifecycle are intended to take the AZ-900 certification. This certification offers a strong basis for additional education and professional progression within the Azure ecosystem, and it also acts as a bridge to other, more specialized Azure credentials.
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Why AZ-900 Certification Is Important
Validation of Azure Fundamentals: 
Earning the AZ-900 certification validates your expertise in Azure services and core cloud principles, making you a valuable asset to any enterprise that uses Azure
Career advancement:
Getting licensed with AZ-900 allows you to consciousness on learning about cloud technology. This can result in new task opportunities and assist you pass ahead on your profession. Employers see AZ-900 certification as a signal of your capabilities and readiness to work with Azure technology, making you a desirable candidate for jobs.
Selecting Australia's Top AZ-900 Training Program:
When choosing an AZ-900 training course, it is important to consider several factors to ensure you receive the best instruction and support to match your learning needs:
Accreditation: Look for trainers who are accredited by Microsoft and have a history of excellent training courses.
Course topics: Ensure that the syllabus fully addresses each topic included in the AZ-900 exam objectives by observation.
Instructor Expertise: Make sure to check the qualifications and experience of the instructors who are teaching the course. This ensures they have the necessary skills and knowledge to teach the subject effectively.
Delivery Format: Consider how you prefer to learn and choose a course that offers different ways of learning. This could include live virtual sessions, online self-paced learning, or in-person classes.
Essential Components of the Top AZ-900 Training Program:
Broad Curriculum: The top AZ-900 training program will thoroughly cover every exam goal and give you a strong foundation in Azure principles.
Practical Labs: Engaging laboratories and tasks enable you to utilize theoretical understanding in practical situations, strengthening your education and enhancing your abilities.
Proficiency in Teaching: Throughout the course, knowledgeable instructors with a background in the business offer insightful commentary and practical advice, facilitating your understanding of challenging ideas.
Choice of Flexible Learning Options: Choose a training program that gives you the freedom to practice whenever it is most convenient for you.
Exam preparation: To help you feel confident and well prepared on exam day, we’ve armed you with effective resources, including practice tests and exam tips.
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Advantages of Gaining AZ-900 Certification 
Professional Prospects:
 Holding the AZ-900 certification gives you access to various levels of cloud computing including Azure Developer, Cloud Administrator and Cloud Solution Architect
Potential Salary: 
Due to the increased value and demand of their talents in the labor market, certified professionals frequently command higher pay than their non-certified counterparts.
Professional Development:
 By showcasing your dedication to ongoing observe and certification, you undertaking to capability employers which you are a lifelong learner.
Opportunities for Networking: 
becoming a Certified Azure Professional provides access to many resources and networking opportunities for professional development.
In conclusion, 
For anyone looking to start or buy an existing cloud computing company, it’s worth the investment to get AZ-900 certified. You can choose a top AZ-900 training course in Australia and be confident of receiving the great advice and support you need to pass your certification program.
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Questions Frequently Asked About Our Training Services:
What aspects of cloud computing do you teach?
The definition, traits, deployment patterns, and service models of cloud computing are among the core ideas and concepts that we instruct students in.
Which advantages of utilizing cloud services are included in your training, and how can one obtain them?
Absolutely, throughout our training sessions, we go over the many advantages of employing cloud services, including scalability, cost-effectiveness, flexibility, and improved security.
Could you provide more details on the kinds of cloud services you instruct?
Sure, please respond.We cover the abilities and usage problems of diverse cloud services, including infrastructure as a provider (IaaS), platform as a provider (PaaS), and software as a carrier (SaaS).
Which fundamental Azure architectural elements are covered in your training?
In order to give students a thorough grasp of Azure architecture, our course covers the fundamental architectural elements of Azure, such as regions, availability zones, resource groups, and Azure subscriptions.
Do you offer instruction on networking and computing services offered by Azure?
Yes, we provide thorough training on Azure networking services including Azure VPN Gateway, Azure Load Balancer, and Virtual Network (VNet), as well as Azure compute services like virtual machines, Azure App Service, and Azure Kubernetes Service (AKS).
How about the storage services offered by Azure? Do you cover these in your training?
In response, yes. We cover each element of Azure garage offerings, which includes Azure Blob Storage, Azure Files, Azure Queue Storage, and Azure Table Storage, in detail during our session.
In your training, how do you cover Azure identity, access, and security topics?
To make certain a sturdy emphasis on security quality practices, we provide in-depth training on Azure identification and get admission to management. Topics protected include Azure Active Directory (AAD), role-based totally get right of entry to manipulate (RBAC), Multi-Factor Authentication (MFA), and Azure Security Center.
Could you elaborate on how your training covers cost management in Azure?
Sure, possibly respond. In order to assist businesses optimize their return on investment while reducing expenses, we train efficient cost management strategies in Azure, such as Azure Cost Management+ Billing, budgeting, resource tagging, and optimization techniques.
Which Azure governance and compliance features and tools are addressed in your training?
In order to make certain compliance with regulatory requirements, our training covers a whole lot of Azure governance and compliance abilities and technology, together with Azure Policy, Azure Blueprints, Azure Security Center, and compliance certifications like GDPR and HIPAA.
Do you offer instructions on the tools and functionalities used to deploy and manage Azure resources?
In-depth training on Azure useful resource management and deployment abilities and tools, which includes Azure Resource Manager (ARM), Azure PowerShell, Azure CLI, Azure DevOps, and Infrastructure as Code (IaC) standards, is to be had upon request.
In your training, which Azure monitoring tools are covered and in what way are they addressed?
In order to offer insights into the general performance, availability, and security of Azure assets, we address a number of Azure tracking gear, together with Azure Monitor, Azure Log Analytics, Azure Application Insights, and Azure Security Center.
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annajade456 · 11 months
Embarking on a Digital Journey: Your Guide to Learning Coding
In today's fast-paced and ever-evolving technology landscape, DevOps has emerged as a crucial and transformative field that bridges the gap between software development and IT operations. The term "DevOps" is a portmanteau of "Development" and "Operations," emphasizing the importance of collaboration, automation, and efficiency in the software delivery process. DevOps practices have gained widespread adoption across industries, revolutionizing the way organizations develop, deploy, and maintain software. This paradigm shift has led to a surging demand for skilled DevOps professionals who can navigate the complex and multifaceted DevOps landscape.
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Exploring DevOps Job Opportunities
DevOps has given rise to a spectrum of job opportunities, each with its unique focus and responsibilities. Let's delve into some of the key DevOps roles that are in high demand:
1. DevOps Engineer
At the heart of DevOps lies the DevOps engineer, responsible for automating and streamlining IT operations and processes. DevOps engineers are the architects of efficient software delivery pipelines, collaborating closely with development and IT teams. Their mission is to accelerate the software delivery process while ensuring the reliability and stability of systems.
2. Site Reliability Engineer (SRE)
Site Reliability Engineers, or SREs, are a subset of DevOps engineers who specialize in maintaining large-scale, highly reliable software systems. They focus on critical aspects such as availability, latency, performance, efficiency, change management, monitoring, emergency response, and capacity planning. SREs play a pivotal role in ensuring that applications and services remain dependable and performant.
3. Automation Architect
Automation is a cornerstone of DevOps, and automation architects are experts in this domain. These professionals design and implement automation solutions that optimize software development and delivery processes. By automating repetitive and manual tasks, they enhance efficiency and reduce the risk of human error.
4. Continuous Integration/Continuous Deployment (CI/CD) Engineer
CI/CD engineers specialize in creating, maintaining, and optimizing CI/CD pipelines. The CI/CD pipeline is the backbone of DevOps, enabling the automated building, testing, and deployment of code. CI/CD engineers ensure that the pipeline operates seamlessly, enabling rapid and reliable software delivery.
5. Containerization Specialist
The rise of containerization technologies like Docker and orchestration tools such as Kubernetes has revolutionized software deployment. Containerization specialists focus on managing and scaling containerized applications, making them an integral part of DevOps teams.
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Navigating the DevOps Learning Journey
To embark on a successful DevOps career, individuals often turn to comprehensive training programs and courses that equip them with the necessary skills and knowledge. The DevOps learning journey typically involves the following courses:
1. DevOps Foundation
A foundational DevOps course covers the basics of DevOps practices, principles, and tools. It serves as an excellent starting point for beginners, providing a solid understanding of the DevOps mindset and practices.
2. DevOps Certification
Advanced certification courses are designed for those who wish to delve deeper into DevOps methodologies, CI/CD pipelines, and various tools like Jenkins, Ansible, and Terraform. These certifications validate your expertise and enhance your job prospects.
3. Docker and Kubernetes Training
Containerization and container orchestration are two essential skills in the DevOps toolkit. Courses focused on Docker and Kubernetes provide in-depth knowledge of these technologies, enabling professionals to effectively manage containerized applications.
4. AWS or Azure DevOps Training
Specialized DevOps courses tailored to cloud platforms like AWS or Azure are essential for those working in a cloud-centric environment. These courses teach how to leverage cloud services in a DevOps context, further streamlining software development and deployment.
5. Advanced DevOps Courses
For those looking to specialize in specific areas, advanced DevOps courses cover topics like DevOps security, DevOps practices for mobile app development, and more. These courses cater to professionals who seek to expand their expertise in specific domains.
As the DevOps landscape continues to evolve, the need for high-quality training and education becomes increasingly critical. This is where ACTE Technologies steps into the spotlight as a reputable choice for comprehensive DevOps training.
They offer carefully thought-out courses that are intended to impart both foundational information and real-world, practical experience. Under the direction of knowledgeable educators, students can quickly advance on their path to become skilled DevOps engineers. They provide practical insights into industrial practises and issues, going beyond theory.
Your journey toward mastering DevOps practices and pursuing a successful career begins here. In the digital realm, where possibilities are limitless and innovation knows no bounds, ACTE Technologies serves as a gateway to a thriving DevOps career. With a diverse array of courses and expert instruction, you'll find the resources you need to thrive in this ever-evolving domain.
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haripriya2002 · 1 year
From Novice to Pro: Mastering Microsoft Azure for Unparalleled Career Growth
In today’s ever-evolving digital landscape, staying ahead in the realm of information technology is essential for professionals seeking unparalleled career growth. With the increasing reliance on cloud computing, mastering Microsoft Azure, one of the industry’s leading cloud platforms, has become a vital skill set. This comprehensive guide aims to transform novices into experts, providing valuable insights and resources to help individuals navigate the Azure landscape and unlock endless career opportunities.
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Education: Building a Strong Foundation
Embrace the Fundamentals
Before diving deep into the vast realm of Microsoft Azure, it is crucial to lay a strong foundation by acquiring foundational knowledge. Familiarize yourself with the core concepts of cloud computing, such as Infrastructure as a Service (IaaS), Platform as a Service (PaaS), and Software as a Service (SaaS). Understand the advantages and drawbacks of cloud computing and how it is revolutionizing the way businesses operate.
Explore Azure Fundamentals
Start by earning the Azure Fundamentals certification as you set out on your path to mastering Microsoft Azure. This entry-level certification validates your understanding of Azure services, cloud concepts, Azure pricing models, security, privacy, and compliance. It equips you with a strong base of Azure knowledge and sets you on the path to becoming an Azure expert.
Invest in Continuous Learning
To stay ahead in the rapidly evolving technology landscape, it is crucial to invest in continuous learning. The ACTE institute offers a variety of resources, including Microsoft Azure training courses, documentation, and certifications, to help individuals deepen their Azure expertise. Leverage these resources to expand your knowledge and enhance your problem-solving skills, keeping you at the forefront of industry developments.
Information: Navigating the Azure Landscape
Familiarize Yourself with Azure Services
Microsoft Azure offers a vast array of services designed to meet diverse business needs. Spend time exploring and gaining familiarity with the core Azure services, including Virtual Machines, Azure App Service, Azure Functions, Azure Storage, and Azure SQL Database. Understand their use cases, benefits, and how they integrate within the broader Azure ecosystem. This knowledge will enable you to confidently architect, deploy, and manage Azure solutions.
Master Azure Networking
Networking forms the backbone of any cloud infrastructure. Azure provides an extensive suite of networking services and capabilities that enable seamless and secure communication between various components of an Azure deployment. Dive deep into understanding concepts such as virtual networks, subnets, Azure DNS, Azure Load Balancer, and Azure Traffic Manager. By mastering Azure networking, you will gain the expertise needed to design and deploy highly available and resilient architectures.
Harness the Power of Azure Security
As organizations increasingly adopt cloud technologies, ensuring robust security measures within the Azure environment is paramount. Gain an in-depth understanding of Azure’s security features and controls, including Azure Active Directory, Azure Security Center, Azure Key Vault, and Azure DDoS Protection. By becoming well-versed in Azure security, you can protect sensitive data, detect and respond to threats, and confidently address compliance requirements.
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Technology: Advancing Azure Proficiency
Automate with Azure Automation
Automation is the key to maximizing efficiency and productivity within Azure deployments. Acquaint yourself with Azure Automation, a service that allows you to automate repetitive, manual tasks and standardize processes. Learn how to create and manage runbooks, design and implement automation workflows, and leverage the power of Desired State Configuration (DSC). By becoming proficient in Azure Automation, you can streamline operations and unleash the true potential of Azure.
Embrace DevOps with Azure DevOps
In the world of modern software development, DevOps practices play a vital role in driving agility, collaboration, and continuous delivery. Azure DevOps provides an end-to-end DevOps platform, empowering teams to plan, develop, test, and deploy applications seamlessly. Expand your Azure proficiency by diving into Azure Boards, Azure Repos, Azure Pipelines, and Azure Test Plans. Mastering Azure DevOps will enable you to deliver value faster, ensuring your career growth remains unmatched.
Explore Advanced Azure Services
Once you have developed a strong foundation in Azure, immerse yourself in the realm of advanced Azure services. Gain expertise in areas such as Azure Kubernetes Service (AKS), Azure Functions, Azure Logic Apps, Azure Cognitive Services, and Azure Machine Learning. These cutting-edge services allow you to build intelligent applications, leverage artificial intelligence capabilities, and unlock new possibilities in various domains. By continuously exploring and expanding your Azure skills, you position yourself as a sought-after professional in the technology landscape.
Mastering Microsoft Azure offers an unparalleled path to career growth in the information technology industry. By embracing education, navigating the vast realm of Azure services, and advancing your Azure proficiency through technology-driven practices, you equip yourself with the tools and knowledge needed to propel your career to new heights. The journey from a novice to an Azure pro may seem daunting, but with determination and a commitment to continuous learning, the rewards are plentiful. So, seize the opportunity, immerse yourself in the world of Microsoft Azure, and unlock a future filled with endless possibilities.
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datavalleyai · 1 year
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This is an exciting opportunity for students with a computer science or IT background and good academic records to enhance their skills and knowledge in high-demand fields like Big Data Engineering, Azure DevOps, AWS Solutions Architect, and Microsoft Business Intelligence. The fact that the training programs are online and offer 100% job placement assistance with multiple rounds of career guidance sessions makes it even more attractive.
The eligibility criteria are clear, and interested students should apply before 21 st May and attend an online pre-assessment to secure a spot in the program. It's important to note that this is a first-come-first-serve basis, so students should apply as soon as possible to increase their chances of being selected.
Overall, this is a fantastic opportunity for eligible students to jump-start their careers in data-driven technology, and I encourage all eligible students to take advantage of this scholarship program.
#DataValleyScholarship #100PercentScholarship #DataDrivenTechnology #JobOrientedTraining #BigDataEngineering #AzureDevOps #AWSSolutionsArchitect #MicrosoftBusinessIntelligence #OnlinePrograms #JobPlacementAssistance #CareerGuidance #PreAssessment #ApplyNow #ScholarshipOpportunity #KickstartYourCareer #ITScholarship #ComputerScienceScholarship
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onlinecoursesworld · 1 year
❤️❤️Top udacity courses❤️❤️
1--Become a Computer Vision Expert
2---Become a Natural Language Processing Expert
3--Become a Deep Reinforcement Learning Expert
4--Expand Your Knowledge of Artificial Intelligence
5--Deep Learning
6--AI for Business Leaders
7--How to Become a Machine Learning Engineer
8--AI Engineer using Microsoft Azure
9--Object Tracking and Localization
10--Introduction to Natural Language Processing
11--Advanced Computer Vision & Deep Learning
12--Building a Reproducible Model Workflow
13--Introduction to Deep Learning
14--Introduction to Generative Adversarial Networks
15--Ethical AI
16---Learn multi-cloud computing
17--Build autonomous systems that are better, safer, and faster.
18--Become a cross-functional force through business training.
19--Cloud training no matter what the system.
20--Digital Freelancer
Nanodegree Program
21--Agile Software Development
22--Growth Product Manager
Nanodegree Program
23--Become an AI Product Manager
24--How to Become a UX Designer
25--Become a Data Product Manager
26--How to Become a Product Manager
27--Learn multi-cloud computing
28--Cloud Architect using Microsoft Azure
29--Cloud Computing for Business Leaders
30--Cloud Native Application Architecture
31--Site Reliability Engineer
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cloudcomutingp · 2 years
Cloud computing training in calicut,Malappuram,kerala
Techno Dot Academy is one of the best institute in Calicut,Malappuram,Kerala we are providing a skill diploma in cloud computing course in calicut,malappuram,kerala. Our trainings assist learners to focus their skillsets and stay ready in the competitive job market. Skill Diploma in cloud computing is the key concepts of Google workspace, Office 365 Administration, AWS Solution Architect, and Azure Administrator. for more in formation visit our website :https://www.techno.academy/certifications/best-institute-for-cloud-computing-training-in-calicut-malappuram-kerala/
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Cloud Computing Courses & Training – SkillUp Online
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Cloud computing has revolutionized the way businesses and individuals access, store, and manage data. As industries increasingly shift towards cloud-based systems, the demand for professionals with cloud computing expertise continues to rise. SkillUp Online offers a range of comprehensive cloud computing courses and training programs designed to help individuals develop the skills necessary to thrive in this evolving landscape. In this article, we will explore the various cloud computing courses offered by SkillUp Online, the benefits of cloud computing education, and how you can accelerate your career in the field.
Why Cloud Computing Skills Are in High Demand
The rapid adoption of cloud technologies across industries such as finance, healthcare, retail, and IT has created a significant demand for skilled professionals. Companies are leveraging the cloud to enhance operational efficiency, reduce infrastructure costs, and improve scalability. With major cloud providers like Amazon Web Services (AWS), Microsoft Azure, and Google Cloud Platform (GCP) driving innovation, organizations are constantly seeking experts who can deploy, manage, and optimize cloud environments.
SkillUp Online understands this need and offers cloud computing courses that cater to beginners, intermediate learners, and advanced professionals. Whether you’re looking to become a cloud architect, cloud engineer, or cloud consultant, SkillUp Online’s curriculum is designed to provide the hands-on experience and theoretical knowledge you need.
SkillUp Online Cloud Computing Courses
SkillUp Online provides a variety of courses that cover key aspects of cloud computing, from basic cloud fundamentals to advanced cloud architecture and management. Let’s take a closer look at some of the top cloud computing courses available:
1. Cloud Computing Fundamentals
This course is perfect for individuals who are new to cloud computing. It covers essential concepts such as:
What is Cloud Computing?
Different Cloud Service Models (IaaS, PaaS, SaaS)
Cloud Deployment Models (Public, Private, Hybrid)
Benefits and Challenges of Cloud Adoption
Through hands-on labs and real-world examples, learners will gain a solid understanding of the foundational principles of cloud computing. This course sets the stage for more advanced topics and certifications.
2. AWS Solutions Architect Training
Amazon Web Services (AWS) is one of the most popular cloud platforms globally, and the AWS Solutions Architect certification is highly regarded in the industry. SkillUp Online’s AWS Solutions Architect Training course equips learners with the skills to design scalable, cost-effective, and secure cloud solutions. Key topics include:
AWS Core Services (EC2, S3, RDS, Lambda)
Cloud Security and Compliance
Architecting High-Availability Systems
Cost Optimization Strategies
The course also includes practice exams to help students prepare for the AWS Certified Solutions Architect – Associate exam, ensuring that learners are fully equipped to pass the certification on their first attempt.
3. Microsoft Azure Administrator Certification Training
As more enterprises migrate to Microsoft Azure, the demand for Azure-certified professionals has surged. The Microsoft Azure Administrator Certification Training course offered by SkillUp Online prepares individuals to manage Azure cloud environments, with a focus on:
Azure Virtual Machines, Storage, and Networking
Identity Management and Security (Azure Active Directory)
Deploying and Managing Azure Resources
Monitoring and Optimizing Azure Workloads
This course is ideal for IT professionals looking to enhance their skills in cloud administration and pursue the Microsoft Certified: Azure Administrator Associate certification.
4. Google Cloud Platform (GCP) Training
Google Cloud Platform (GCP) is another major player in the cloud market, and SkillUp Online’s GCP Training course offers comprehensive coverage of Google’s cloud services. Learners will explore topics such as:
GCP Compute, Storage, and Networking Services
Data Analytics and Machine Learning in the Cloud
Security Best Practices for GCP
Managing Kubernetes Clusters in GCP
The GCP training course provides students with the knowledge and skills to become proficient in managing Google Cloud environments, making them highly sought-after by employers.
5. DevOps and Cloud Computing
DevOps practices are often tightly integrated with cloud environments, making it essential for cloud professionals to understand how to implement continuous integration/continuous delivery (CI/CD) pipelines in the cloud. SkillUp Online’s DevOps and Cloud Computing course focuses on:
Automating Cloud Deployments using Infrastructure as Code (IaC)
Managing Cloud Workflows with Jenkins, Docker, and Kubernetes
Configuring Cloud Monitoring and Logging
Building and Managing CI/CD Pipelines in AWS, Azure, and GCP
This course is designed for professionals who want to bridge the gap between DevOps and cloud and become proficient in both fields.
Benefits of SkillUp Online Cloud Computing Training
1. Flexible Learning Paths
SkillUp Online understands that learners come from diverse backgrounds and have varying levels of experience with cloud technologies. As such, the platform offers flexible learning paths that cater to everyone, from beginners to advanced professionals. Whether you prefer self-paced learning or instructor-led training, SkillUp Online has options to suit your schedule and learning style.
2. Hands-On Experience
Theory alone isn’t enough to master cloud computing. SkillUp Online emphasizes hands-on labs, simulations, and real-world projects to help learners apply their knowledge in practical settings. This experiential learning approach ensures that students are well-prepared for the challenges of working in cloud environments.
3. Industry-Recognized Certifications
Obtaining a certification from major cloud providers like AWS, Microsoft Azure, or Google Cloud Platform can significantly boost your career prospects. SkillUp Online’s courses are designed to help you pass certification exams on your first attempt, giving you a competitive edge in the job market.
4. Expert Instructors
SkillUp Online’s instructors are experienced cloud professionals who bring real-world expertise to the classroom. Their insights and guidance are invaluable in helping learners understand complex concepts and industry best practices.
5. Career Support
In addition to providing top-notch education, SkillUp Online also offers career support services. Learners can take advantage of resume reviews, interview preparation, and job placement assistance to help them land their dream job in the cloud computing industry.
The Future of Cloud Computing
The future of cloud computing looks promising, with innovations in areas such as artificial intelligence (AI), machine learning (ML), and edge computing driving further adoption. Companies are increasingly adopting multi-cloud and hybrid cloud strategies, creating new opportunities for cloud professionals.
As cloud technologies continue to evolve, staying up-to-date with the latest trends and gaining new certifications will be crucial to maintaining a competitive advantage in the workforce. SkillUp Online’s courses are designed to help you stay ahead of the curve and achieve long-term success in the cloud computing field.
SkillUp Online’s cloud computing courses and training programs provide the perfect foundation for anyone looking to enter or advance their career in cloud computing. Whether you’re aiming to become an AWS Solutions Architect, an Azure Administrator, or a GCP expert, SkillUp Online offers the tools, resources, and support you need to succeed.
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softcrayons4455 · 5 days
The fun parts of cloud training with softcrayons
In a world where technology reigns supreme, cloud computing is no longer a distant dream—it’s the driving force behind the most innovative and agile businesses today. Companies across the globe are abandoning traditional infrastructure for the boundless possibilities of the cloud, and they need experts like you to guide them into the future. That’s where Softcrayons’ Cloud Computing Training Course in Noida comes into play. This program isn’t just about learning cloud technology—it’s about shaping the leaders of tomorrow.
A Glimpse into Softcrayons’ Cloud Computing Training
Our program isn’t your standard IT course. Softcrayons’ Cloud Computing Training is designed to transform you into a forward-thinking cloud professional, capable of architecting, deploying, and managing cloud solutions with confidence.
Course Highlights:
Immersive, Hands-On Experience: At Softcrayons, we believe that the best way to learn is by doing. Our course is packed with real-world projects where you’ll get your hands dirty working with leading platforms like AWS, Google Cloud, and Microsoft Azure.
Expert Mentorship: You’ll be guided by industry veterans who have been at the forefront of cloud innovation. Their experience spans across industries, giving you insider knowledge and best practices that textbooks can’t teach.
Cutting-Edge Curriculum: Stay ahead of the curve with the latest tools, technologies, and trends in cloud computing. Whether it’s mastering serverless architecture or implementing AI-driven cloud solutions, we’ve got you covered.
Uniquely Crafted Learning Experience
What sets Softcrayons apart is our approach to training. Cloud computing is not just a set of tools—it’s an entirely new way of thinking. Our curriculum reflects this by blending technical depth with a focus on strategic thinking. You’ll not only master cloud technologies but also learn how to apply them to solve real-world business challenges.
What You’ll Learn:
Foundations of Cloud Computing: Start with a deep dive into cloud fundamentals, including virtualization, cloud deployment models (public, private, hybrid), and service models (IaaS, PaaS, SaaS).
Advanced Cloud Architecture: Learn to design robust cloud solutions, focusing on load balancing, elasticity, redundancy, and security. You’ll gain insights into managing multi-cloud environments and cross-cloud migrations.
Cloud Security Mastery: In a world where data breaches are rampant, cloud security is paramount. Our course equips you with advanced knowledge of encryption, data protection, and identity management to secure cloud environments.
Automation & DevOps: Discover how to automate cloud processes using tools like Jenkins, Docker, and Kubernetes. Integrate DevOps methodologies to ensure fast and reliable cloud deployments.
But we don’t stop there. Our unique approach ensures you understand the "why" behind each cloud decision, making you not just a technician, but a strategic cloud consultant.
Career Prospects: Soaring to New Heights
The demand for cloud computing professionals is rising at an unprecedented rate, and the opportunities are as diverse as they are rewarding. Here’s where your Softcrayons certification can take you:
Cloud Solutions Architect: Design and implement tailored cloud solutions for businesses, ensuring scalability and efficiency.
Cloud DevOps Engineer: Streamline development and operations with cloud automation, making software delivery faster and more reliable.
Cloud Security Specialist: Safeguard sensitive data in the cloud by designing and implementing airtight security protocols.
The best part? Cloud computing spans every industry. Whether it’s healthcare, finance, entertainment, or manufacturing, companies across the board are investing heavily in cloud infrastructure.  
A Glimpse at the Future
With over 90% of companies expected to adopt cloud computing in some capacity by 2025, the job market is booming. Industry reports suggest that cloud architects and engineers are some of the highest-paid professionals in IT, with salaries often exceeding six figures. This is your chance to secure a future-proof career in a rapidly growing field.
Why Softcrayons?
In a sea of training institutes, Softcrayons stands apart because of our commitment to not just teaching—but transforming careers. We know that every student is unique, and that’s why we offer personalized mentorship, flexible learning schedules, and job placement assistance. With Softcrayons, you don’t just finish a course—you embark on a career journey.
What Makes Us Unique:
Tailored Learning Paths: We understand that each learner’s journey is different. Whether you’re a beginner looking to break into cloud computing or a seasoned IT professional seeking to specialize, we offer customizable learning paths to suit your needs.
Lifelong Learning Community: Even after you complete your course, Softcrayons continues to support your growth. You’ll gain access to an alumni network, regular workshops, and updates on the latest in cloud computing.
Job-Ready Curriculum: Our curriculum is designed with a focus on employability. From mock interviews to resume-building workshops, we ensure you’re fully prepared to make a lasting impression in the job market.
The Softcrayons Difference: Learning Beyond the Classroom
At Softcrayons, we believe learning happens everywhere. That’s why we incorporate hackathons, collaborative projects, and industry seminars into our training programs. You won’t just be sitting in a classroom—you’ll be part of a dynamic, interactive community where ideas are exchanged, challenges are solved, and new possibilities are explored.
Conclusion: Your Journey to Cloud Mastery Starts Now
Cloud computing isn’t just a trend—it’s the backbone of tomorrow’s digital infrastructure. With Softcrayons’ Cloud Computing Training Course, you’re not just acquiring skills—you’re building a future where possibilities are limitless. Whether you're looking to jumpstart your career or pivot to a new role in tech, this course is your gateway to success.
For more information visit:-https://www.softcrayons.com/cloud-computing
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carrergrowth · 7 days
The Best Tech Careers for the Future: What You Need to Know
The technology sector is undergoing rapid evolution, creating a plethora of exciting and lucrative career opportunities. As businesses increasingly rely on technology to drive innovation and efficiency, the demand for skilled tech professionals continues to soar. Here, we explore some of the best tech careers for the future, and why they are poised to be top tech jobs of the future.
Artificial Intelligence (AI) and Machine Learning Engineer 
AI and machine learning are at the forefront of technological advancement. Professionals in this field develop and implement intelligent systems that can learn and adapt. Their work encompasses everything from developing algorithms to training models and deploying AI solutions. 
Skills Required:
Proficiency in programming languages like Python, R, and Java.
Strong understanding of algorithms, data structures, and statistical analysis.
Experience with machine learning frameworks like TensorFlow, Keras, and PyTorch.
Why It’s a Future Tech Career: AI and ML are transforming industries by automating processes, enhancing data analysis, and improving decision-making. As businesses increasingly rely on these technologies, the demand for AI and ML engineers is expected to soar, making it one of the most in-demand tech jobs for the future.
Cybersecurity Specialist 
As cyber threats become increasingly sophisticated, the need for skilled cybersecurity professionals is paramount. Cybersecurity specialists protect digital assets, develop security strategies, and respond to cyberattacks. 
Skills Required:
Knowledge of network security, encryption, and penetration testing.
Familiarity with cybersecurity tools and technologies.
Strong analytical and problem-solving skills.
Why It’s a Future Tech Career: With the rise of cyberattacks and the increasing value of data, cybersecurity is a top priority for organizations worldwide. This role is not only one of the highest-paying tech jobs of the future but also essential in maintaining the security of digital assets, making it a highly sought-after career path.
Data Scientist 
Data scientists are the architects of insights, extracting meaningful information from vast datasets. They employ statistical and machine learning techniques to uncover patterns, trends, and correlations. As data continues to accumulate at an unprecedented rate, the demand for skilled data scientists will only increase.
Skills Required:
Expertise in statistical analysis and data mining.
Proficiency in programming languages like Python and R.
Experience with data visualization tools like Tableau and Power BI.
Why It’s a Future Tech Career: In the era of big data, organizations are increasingly relying on data-driven insights to guide their strategies. Data scientists are essential in extracting valuable information from vast amounts of data, making this one of the best tech jobs for the future.
Cloud Computing Engineer 
These professionals are responsible for designing, implementing, and managing cloud-based solutions. Their expertise in cloud platforms like Amazon Web Services (AWS), Microsoft Azure, or Google Cloud Platform is essential for businesses looking to leverage the benefits of cloud computing.
Skills Required:
Proficiency in cloud platforms like AWS, Azure, and Google Cloud.
Experience with DevOps practices and tools.
Why It’s a Future Tech Career: As more companies migrate to the cloud, the demand for skilled cloud computing engineers continues to grow. This role is pivotal in enabling businesses to scale their operations and improve efficiency, making it one of the top tech jobs of the future.
Robotics Engineer 
As automation and robotics gain traction across industries, the role of robotics engineers becomes increasingly important. They design, develop, and maintain robots for various applications, from manufacturing to healthcare. With advancements in AI and ML, robotics is poised for significant growth, creating exciting career opportunities.
Skills Required:
Strong understanding of mechanical and electrical engineering principles.
Proficiency in programming languages like C++ and Python.
Experience with robotics frameworks and simulation tools.
Why It’s a Future Tech Career: Robotics is revolutionizing industries by automating tasks and improving precision. As technology advances, the role of robotics engineers will become increasingly important, making it one of the future tech jobs in demand.
Blockchain Developer 
Blockchain technology is revolutionizing industries from finance to healthcare. Blockchain developers are responsible for designing and building blockchain applications and platforms. As blockchain adoption continues to expand, the demand for skilled blockchain developers is expected to soar.
Skills Required:
Proficiency in blockchain platforms like Ethereum and Hyperledger.
Knowledge of cryptography and decentralized systems.
Experience with smart contract development.
Why It’s a Future Tech Career: As businesses from finance to supply chain management explore blockchain applications, the demand for skilled blockchain developers is set to rise, making it one of the highest-paid tech jobs in the US.
Network Administrator 
Network administrators play a critical role in ensuring the smooth operation of computer networks. They design, implement, and maintain network infrastructure, troubleshoot issues, and provide technical support.
Skills Required:
Knowledge of network protocols and hardware.
Experience with network security and administration tools.
Why It’s a Future Tech Career: With the increasing reliance on digital infrastructure, the role of network administrators is more critical than ever. This position is essential in maintaining robust and secure networks, making it a key tech job of the future.
Mobile App Developer
The proliferation of smartphones has led to a surge in demand for mobile app developers. These professionals create and develop applications for various platforms, such as iOS and Android. 
Skills Required:
Proficiency in programming languages like Java, Swift, and Kotlin.
Knowledge of mobile app development frameworks.
Experience with UI/UX design principles.
Why It’s a Future Tech Career: With the rise in the use of mobile devices, the demand for innovative mobile apps continues to grow. Mobile app development is one of the top tech jobs of the future, offering numerous opportunities for creativity and impact.
The tech industry is dynamic and ever-evolving, offering a plethora of exciting career opportunities. You can position yourself for success in the future by staying updated on the latest trends and developing in-demand skills. Whether you are passionate about AI, cybersecurity, or cloud computing, the tech industry offers diverse career paths for individuals with the right skills.
In-demand tech jobs in the US and around the world are constantly evolving, but roles like AI engineers, data scientists, and cybersecurity specialists are set to remain at the forefront. By acquiring the necessary skills, you can position yourself for success in these top tech jobs of the future.
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samiinfotech1 · 8 days
Leading IT Education Center in Nerul: Shaping Tomorrow's Tech Leaders
In today’s fast-paced digital world, Information Technology (IT) skills have become indispensable. Whether it’s software development, networking, or cybersecurity, professionals equipped with the right IT knowledge have a significant edge in the competitive job market. One city that has witnessed a surge in IT education is Nerul, a bustling node of Navi Mumbai. The Leading IT education center in Nerul here are playing a pivotal role in shaping the future of the tech industry.
Among the standout institutions, XYZ IT Education Center has carved out a reputation as a premier hub for aspiring IT professionals. Located in the heart of Nerul, XYZ offers a comprehensive range of IT courses, catering to both beginners and professionals looking to advance their careers. From specialized software development training to full-stack programming and cloud computing certifications, this institute has become a cornerstone in Nerul's IT education landscape.
Why Choose an IT Education Center in Nerul?
The demand for skilled IT professionals has skyrocketed in India and across the globe. As companies continue to digitize their operations, there is an increasing need for individuals who are adept at handling complex technological processes. IT education centers like XYZ in Nerul provide the kind of targeted training that helps learners stay up-to-date with the latest industry trends, tools, and platforms.
Nerul’s growing IT education ecosystem is supported by excellent infrastructure and access to industry networks, offering students unique opportunities to collaborate with companies and gain hands-on experience. In addition, these institutions provide access to the latest hardware, software, and tools, giving learners the best environment to nurture their skills.
Course Offerings
XYZ IT Education Center offers a broad array of courses to match the evolving needs of the tech industry. Some of their flagship programs include:
Software Development: This course covers multiple programming languages such as Python, Java, and C++. With a focus on object-oriented programming, students gain in-depth knowledge of how to develop scalable and efficient software solutions.
Web Development: Full-stack development training is another popular program, where learners dive into both front-end and back-end technologies. Frameworks like React.js, Angular, and Node.js are taught, alongside essential skills in HTML, CSS, and JavaScript.
Data Science and Artificial Intelligence (AI): Data science is currently one of the most sought-after skills. XYZ's comprehensive course in data science and AI provides training in data analytics, machine learning algorithms, and AI frameworks.
Cloud Computing: In partnership with cloud service providers like AWS and Microsoft Azure, the center offers courses in cloud computing that cater to the growing demand for cloud architects and administrators.
Cybersecurity: In an age where digital threats are becoming more prevalent, the need for skilled cybersecurity professionals has never been higher. XYZ offers cybersecurity training that includes ethical hacking, vulnerability assessments, and network security protocols.
Hands-On Learning and Placement Opportunities
What sets XYZ IT Education Center apart is its commitment to hands-on learning. The institute emphasizes practical experience over theoretical learning, offering labs and live projects that mirror real-world scenarios. This approach ensures that students are industry-ready by the time they graduate.
Additionally, XYZ has a strong placement cell that has established partnerships with several IT companies. These alliances have resulted in high placement rates, with many students securing roles in leading tech firms in India and abroad.
A Bright Future for IT in Nerul
As the Leading IT education center in Thane East continues to evolve, institutions like XYZ are stepping up to equip the next generation of professionals with the skills they need to thrive. Nerul, with its strategic location and growing tech ecosystem, is fast becoming a hub for IT education. With centers like XYZ leading the charge, students here are not only receiving cutting-edge training but also getting access to a world of opportunities.
In conclusion, if you're looking to start or advance your career in the IT sector, Nerul offers some of the best education opportunities in the region. The IT education centers in this bustling area are dedicated to shaping tomorrow’s tech leaders, ensuring that students are equipped with the latest skills, certifications, and hands-on experience required in the global IT landscape.
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