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staiyn · 7 months ago
more memes
in here are some that I really love
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They are literally that song, no one can prove me otherwise
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Also how are we feeling about them as a love-traingle?
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bengerm · 3 months ago
Some Master and Margarita drawings I've done lately
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lexishoney · 5 months ago
woland and his entourage + can you buy me pads?
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(he would buy it later)
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loadsofcats · 6 months ago
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one random headcanon for each member of Woland's entourage because I think about them daily
Azazello takes care of everyone's leather. they have a ton of it and no one but Azazello know how to take proper care of it and he just can't let such good material go to waist (it's also a love language for him)
Korovyev doesn't have any understanding of the human time period he's currently in so he will be caught trying to take an antique medicine box filled with cocaine through airport security in our lord's year 2024
Behemoth is not stuck in his cat form and the time he can be a human is not limited. he just gives himself an owful truly hideous haircut every once in a while and refuses to face anyone in his human form until it grows out (idc it's canon for me)
Hella loves to insert herself in random moments in history and just have an insane life. she had a career in Italian opera in the 18th century. she was a pirate and had to stop only because she got a really bad scurvy. she was one of the first women to get a PhD in philosophy. she just loves to create vaguely famous messy lesbian historic figures
Woland will ask you to hit your vape. he will ask to hit anyone's vape. he has like 3 packs of cigarettes and 2 vapes on him and everyone in the entourage has at least one as well and it's still not enough nicotine for him (btw just a casual reminder that syphilis is highly contagious)
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meri-l · 1 year ago
"The Master and Margarita" trailer with English subtitles
As far as I understand, now the director and producer are negotiating for international distribution, and then the trailer will be released with official subtitles, and maybe even with voice-overs (but I still recommend watching in the original dubbing)
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maravinc · 7 months ago
I recently rewatched the series "The Master and Margarita" and I had a question:
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yourhelenwolf · 3 months ago
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Азазелло (Azazello, 2024)
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captain-nikola-b · 1 year ago
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Master and Margarita characters aesthetics (Art used in aesthetics is NOT mine)
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specialshinytrinkets · 1 year ago
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[Description in alt text!]
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staiyn · 6 months ago
Fav Book so more memes
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bl00dyghoul2 · 3 days ago
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"Azazello's cream", Margarita and Azazello
Illustration of Bulgakov's Master and Margarita, by Alexander Fedorov
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loadsofcats · 7 months ago
You’ve been hit by
You’ve been struck by
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rurivu · 1 year ago
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Seriously, I've never thought I be obsessed w them(ALL).
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spideyladman · 10 months ago
For the blorbo bingo:
Azazello >:3
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[Start ID] A BINGO card. There are two completed bingos on them and the ones that are marked in 50% opacity are "I can fix them. They need me," "Most fandom takes are incorrect" with a side note that says "Though there barely are any-", "There's probably a deep seated reason I love them", "Don't typically discuss irl because" and top of it it's rewritten in MLP Bold Font saying "Class is gonna go loco," "Has done nothing wrong (is a war criminal)" with a side note that says "Sometimes-", "Unwillingly have come around to them" with a side note that says in Capital letters "I DON'T KNOW HOW IT CAME TO BE-", "Need them to crack my spine like a crawfish and slurp out my insides", "Projection has entered the chat", "Free Space", "I can make them worse", "They are the white noise in my brain I can't live a normal life anymore," "brainrot", "Biting my fist," "Lost potential" with a side note that says "By the fandom-", "STOP PUTTING THEM INTO SITUATIONS" with a side note that says "Me to my brain lol-", "Need them that is concerning to my well-being," "I'm so normal about them" with a long smiley face emoticon, "Not enough canon/underrated" with a side note that says "By the fandom-"
The ones that are not coloured in are "Writers dropped the ball on them" with a sad emoticon, "There's probably a deep seated reason as to why I hate them," "Actively plotting their demise," "I don't see the appeal," "I'd put them in a woodchipper if given the chance," "Pretty privilege," "Complex and well written. Would skin irl." The writer would mark the first part of the last one but they were tired when making the Bingo card lol.
[End ID]
Sorry it took a while, the dysfunction is not functioning qvq
But yep!! Here 'tis!!! Hope that the fandom can see his potential like you with your Megamind brain-/VPOS
Also I think I accidentally deleted a message of yours from my inbox because of the amount of bots there were in it or because Timblr ated it but the same I tell you about the colours!!! >:3🫵🫵🫵
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bizarre-blorbo-bracket · 2 years ago
Round 1 poll 7: Fraszka from the 2004 Warsaw production of Cats! the musical vs Azazello from the 1996 adaptation of The Island Of Dr. Moreau
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Propaganda under the cut:
Okay, so in 2004 there was a production of Cats which is widely known as the first Non-Replica, which means it doesn't use the same costumes/choreo/theming as the West End and Broadway productions. Cats has a lot of nonreps, like a weird number of "what if they were cats.... in a circus" productions, and at least one "what if the cats were in a WWII bunker in London?" production. So Cats Warsaw is kinda set on a closed film studio, and kinda on a roof in Warsaw. And for some reason in this nonrep they had just loads of characters. Like 36 characters, and seven of them are original. That's where Fraszka comes in. She's a Warsaw exclusive kitten and she is the love of my life. She's so bubbly and excitable and lovely. She looks a little like a racoon. She's a random chorus character. She's inexplicably on the Wikipedia page for Cats. She's almost indistinguishable from Kocik Le Miau, an adult character. I had to recheck my reference guides for Warsaw to double check the Wikipedia pic is her. I have included her in a fic. I don't have a 100% rate of recognising her. I think I might be her 2nd biggest fan on all of Tumblr. I'm not sure if she sings any lines by herself. And I don't speak a word of Polish. Well that's a lie, I know several Cats themed words in Polish. The picture included is the one of her on Wikipedia.
Everyone except me hates that movie and Azazello used to be a Saint Bernard
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