icy-watch · 8 months
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She did it!
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Horace from The Chronicles of Nerezia is aromantic asexual!
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jpitha · 2 years
It's been said that every human comes out of hibernation differently. Some wake up as if they just had the best night's sleep of their lives, stretching and yawning and coming to consciousness gently, slowly. Others wake as if they were coming to after a night of partying; roughly, all at once, with a booming headache and fuzzy memories of the night before.
Alia woke screaming.
She sat up screaming, panicked, not knowing where she was. Her screams echoed in the cavernous room. The lights were dim around her, but she could see that the room was massive and empty. There were row after row after row of beds just like the one she was on, all made with cleaning linens waiting for people who weren't there.
Next to her was a data pad and a cup of coffee in a white mug on a little saucer.
The mug and saucer rattled gently with the rumbling vibration that Alia noticed only now. She turned and saw the pad had a message that read: "Read me please, Alia"
Taking a sip the coffee - it was hot, sweet and black, just the way she preferred it - She opened the pad. A message read:
I'm sorry to wake you like this. Something has come up. After you finish your coffee and get dressed, please take the cart to the command deck, I'll explain more when you get there.
Best, Greylock
The ship woke her early and is asking for her to come up to the command deck? Something must be wrong. As she swung off the bed, she saw the clothes neatly folded next to the little electric cart. Quickly getting dressed, she grabbed the coffee and pad, and got into the cart. As she sat down it gently started off, preprogramed with its destination. As she rode, she looked around.
The Mt. Greylock was a colony ship. Fifty thousand souls, all in deep, long term hibernation were aboard all (hopefully) still asleep, awaiting for them to arrive at their new planet to begin the hard, rewarding process of setting up a new home for Humanity. This isn't the first time we've done this. Humanity has sent out at least a dozen colony ships, all throughout the Local Group to extend our reach and make sure humanity can grow and thrive.
The little cart came to a gentle stop in front of the door of the command deck. Alia got out and walked through the door.
The command deck was also empty and dark except for the command chair in the middle, which had a single spotlight on it.
Her chair.
She was the human commander of the Mt. Greylock. Together with the AI that was the ship, getting everyone to their new planet and starting a new colony was their responsibility.
Alia sat in the cold chair and said out loud "Okay Greylock. I'm here, I've had my coffee. What is it? You've woken me up during braking if the rumbling and rattling is any indication. Something must be wrong."
"Well, you see.." Greylock had a smooth alto voice and she had chosen female pronouns. AIs don't really have gender, but some choose to present with either masc or femme traits. "You see, I don't know."
"What do you mean, you don't know?" Alia was incredulous
"We've received a message"
"From Earth? That's not that unusual. Maybe they have some updates for the colony package for us."
"Er, no. Not from Earth" Greylock said quietly.
Alia's blood ran cold. "From...another colony?" she asked, carefully.
"Sort of?" Greylock was audibly stressed. "Look. Why don't you just play it, I put it on your pad. That might help."
On her pad, a video came up. It was a human male and...something else.
Next to the human was a...a being, about a meter and a half tall, with large expressive eyes, reddish brown fur all over it's body, ears on the top of its head and maybe a tale in the background of the image? It was hard to tell. A sapient species?? But, humanity was alone in the galaxy. Humans have spent thousands of years alone, searching the whole time and never found anyone else.
She pressed the play button.
"Uh, Hello! My name is James Tennigan, and this is..." He gestured.
The sapient next to James spoke accented but very understandable Colonic, the language most humans off Earth spoke. "My name is Fellmeli Unmenniam and we represent the joint Human/K'laxi colony Zen'm'gan's Reach. We see that you have begun braking towards us. Two Starjumpers that were in-system and the Starbase are in agreement that you are most likely a Human colony ship coming to a stop here."
James nodded and continued "Yes, and we wanted to give you a few facts before you came in-system. One: Zen'm'gan's Reach is about 400 years old and has been a joint Human/K'laxi colony for 100 of those years. After we developed wormhole generators and the K'laxi showed us the Warp Gate system.."
Alia paused the video. "The what and the what?" she said
"I don't know either" Greylock said. "It sounds like humans developed some kind of wormhole generator and these K'laxi showed us an existing system of travel between systems. Sounds like we were missing out on a lot."
Alia restarted the video. "We merged with the existing K'laxi colony on this world a while ago. We can welcome all of you with open arms, but you won't be coming to a raw planet, ready to be shaped into a colony of your own making."
Fellmeli went on "And Two...We need your help. You, specifically, Alia Maplebrook, Co Captain of the Mt Greylock. We'll send another message when you're closer, but we wanted to get this message beamed as soon as possible to give the Mt Greylock time to wake you and prepare."
The message ended.
Alia looked up at the ceiling, then looked out into the empty command deck.
"Fuck Me." was all she said.
Update! Part two is here!
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Awakenings, 1990
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389 · 2 years
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Penitent Spirit's Search for a Space Between Heaven and Earth Adrian Cox
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frances73 · 6 months
Robert De Niro fake small child in films ranked
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(Awakenings 1990, portrayal by Anthony J. Nici): mole is included, looks dorky enough, baby face and brows present
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2. (The Godfather Part II 1974, portrayal by Oreste Baldini): very adorable and notable performance, mole is present, sad eyes present
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3. (Once Upon a Time in America 1984, portrayal by Scott Schutzman Tiler): a bit too pointy, future rapist, mole present
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4. (Novecento 1976, portrayal by Paolo Pavesi): no mole, looks devious
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nellarw95 · 2 months
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Happy Heavenly Birthday Robin 🎂💔
Robin Mclaurin Williams 🤍
July 21,1951 - August 11,2014🙏🏻
We Miss You So Much 🕊️♾️
Buon Compleanno in Paradiso 🎂💔
21 Luglio 1951 - 11 Agosto 2014🙏🏻
Ci Manchi Moltissimo 🕊️♾️
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transbookoftheday · 6 months
Awakenings by Claudie Arseneault
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Innkeep, hunter, blacksmith, nurse—Horace has apprenticed for every clan in the domed city of Trenaze, and they've all rejected em. Too hare-brained. Too talkative. Too slow. Ever the optimist, e has joined Trenaze's guards to be mentored. Horace has high hopes to earn eir place during eir trial at the Great Market. That is, until the glowing shards haunting the world break through the city's protective dome, fused together in a single, monstrous amalgam of Fragments.
Armed with a sword, a shield, and far too little training, Horace doubts eir ability to defend the market-goers. But eir last stand is interrupted by a mysterious elven figure who can dissipate the Fragments with a single, strange sentence: your story is my story.
From the moment it is uttered, Horace knows the sentences holds true for em, too—and when the elf collapses in the middle of the market, e carries them to safety, to recover away from the panicked crowd and inevitable questions from eir fellow guards. It could cost em eir apprenticeship—eir last chance to find eir place in eir home city—but Horace cannot resist the pull of this mystery elf and the call of a new friend.
Aliyah has but one desire: to leave Trenaze's safe boundaries and find the forest that haunts their dreams. After an afternoon of board games in their quiet, sharp-witted company, Horace is ready to follow, confronting Fragments and other dangers of the road to understand what happened that day, hear Aliyah's laugh again and finally feel like e belongs.
Awakenings is the first of a series of nine fantasy novellas with a platonic found family at its heart. It marries the quiet moments of cozy fantasy and the fun adventures of D&D-style sidequesting.
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trainer-sean · 5 months
So, on YouTube I saw a video about devil fruits and awakenings, and found a comment.
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This, this is an interesting idea and premise.
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babythegod · 2 years
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icy-watch · 8 months
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Is this how Zane snaps out of it?!?!?
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lgbtqreads · 1 year
Exclusive Cover Reveal: Awakenings by Claudie Arseneault
Today on the site, I’m delighted to reveal the cover for author and AroAce Database creator Claudie Arseneault’s upcoming fantasy, Awakenings, which is now up on Kickstarter! (Link below cover.) Here’s a little more on the story: Innkeep, hunter, blacksmith, nurse—Horace has apprenticed for every clan in the domed city of Trenaze, and they’ve all rejected em. Too hare-brained. Too talkative. Too…
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jpitha · 2 years
Awakenings 2
Part one is back here
****Six months earlier****
"Okay, the recording has ended." Starbase said. "I'll pack it down as compressed as I can and beam it to the ship." Starbase paused for a moment. "Wait, I don't have a message laser. We're going to have to rig a message laser out of something, we've never had to send ultra long distance messages before, certainly nothing like half a light year!"
"What about one of the Starjumpers? They're old enough that they probably have message lasers." Fellmeli said as she went over to her desk in the office she shared with James and sat back down, drained from recording the video message.
"Oh, good idea Fellmeli! I'll ask them."
James sat across from her at his desk and looked at Fellmeli "So, what do you think?"
"Think? I think this is insane. We have what is most probably a lost human colony ship coming in system with who knows how many people on board, they don't have a wormhole generator, nobody is awake on it and they can't steer." She looked up at James. "Oh, and it also has the last human alive - probably alive - who was equipped with a brain computer interface, a cybernetic connection and Starbase says that they need her to do....something. Your people really colonized planets this way?"
"Much before my time, but yeah. We colonized four planets that way." He paused a moment before continuing "It was dangerous though, we did send out a dozen or so colony ships, Mt Greylock was one of the last, if not the last one. Most colonies got 2 ships - Parvati got 3 - and 3 ships were lost."
"Lost? like destroyed?"
James nodded. "One was confirmed destroyed, the Mt Stratton was destroyed on initial boost after it had left Earth, probably an engine failure. Mt Greylock and Mt Baxter were both lost en route, assumed destroyed. There was no way to reach them and they were both supposed to be vanguards for their colonies, so nobody to report that they never made it."
"Why do you know so much about old colony ships?" Fellmeli asked as she flicked an ear, a K'laxi raised eyebrow.
"Oh, I learned about them in school; I did a report on them when I was 14. I learned all I could and a Starjumper - the Spyglass - was in-system when I was doing the report, so I got to ask them about it. They weren't around for the launches, but they did travel to the colonies. I had never got talk to a Starjumper before, let alone interview one! They were really nice about talking to a kid for 30 minutes while they were loading up."
Fellmeli nodded. "Lucky then that you're one of the co-representatives of Zen'm'gan's Reach when what might be the long lost My Greylock is coming in."
"Yes, but it's weird. Why here? Why now? The Greylock is at least 500 years overdue, and I don't think was even set to come this way. It doesn't add up."
As James mused, Starbase chimed in. "Good call Fellmeli. The Dialectic did still have a message laser and was able to send the message to the ship coming in. She actually was excited to do it. She said she hasn't used her message laser in nearly two hundred years!" Starbase sounded pleased.
"So how long until the message reached them?"
"Dialectic said it was only an estimate, but it based on the calculations from observing the drive flame, it'll take five or six months for them to get the message, by which time, they'll be much closer to us. We should have the second message ready to send them in 3 though, we'll need to give them time to prepare."
James stood and started pacing the room. "Speaking of that, Starbase, just why do you need a cybernetically equipped human at all? You are a K'laxi starbase!"
"Well, yes, originally. When humanity came on board, we were surprised at how many humans - whole families - came on board. We were caught flat footed and had no room. a Starjumper, the Picaresque volunteered to be broken down and integrated into me for immediate needs and then after that we started construction on less..ad hoc upgrades."
Fellmeli stopped cold. "Wait, Starjumpers all are run by AIs. Starbase, what happened to Picaresque."
"Yeah, that's the thing. He was supposed to be offloaded into a body but I think Picaresque is still in here. I need a cybernetically equipped human to...er....go inside me(us) and look for him"
"YOU CAN'T TELL??" Fellmeli blew up.
"No...I mean, yes...I mean...not really? So much of Picaresque's systems were used in me that we merged...only a bit though. I'm still me, but I think he's still in here, and...I think he has asked me if he can come out. The whole thing is weird. I've been the Starbase ever since I was brought to being, but now I sometimes I feel like I need to...thrust my stardrive, or twist to face the stellar wind. Things I would never know myself as a Starbase, but things a Starjumper would know. Also I get these hints. Like Picaresque is lost and trying to ask for help. It's tough to explain. I've tried explaining it to Starjumpers when they visit and most of them agree that at least part of Picaresque is in me, and they also agree that we should try and reach him - at least to give him the option to leave - and if he doesn't want to leave then to either merge completely or get like a joint custody thing going."
Fellmeli stared dumbstruck at the wall. "So Picaresque has been lost inside you for...more than one hundred years?"
"I fear so Fellmeli. I hope Co-Captain Maplebrook can help. She's probably the only one who can."
Part 3
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Awakenings, 1990
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aroaessidhe · 9 months
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2023 reads / storygraph
Start of a fantasy adventure novella series
a nonbinary jack-of-all-trades who keeps failing apprenticeships is guarding the dome of the town e’s in when it’s attacked by the magical metal fragments that roam the land, but a magical stranger with amnesia who turns into an eldritch tree creature saves the day
the two of them and a lizard artificer, start traveling together in a magic wagon and become friends as the start to travel from town to town
Board games, friendship, nonbinary & aroace MCs
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frances73 · 7 months
Leonard lowe from Awakenings
i am normal about this
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