#Automotive Excitement
techdriveplay · 5 months
Lamborghini Esperienza Giro Oceania 2024 roars into the Apple Isle for an unforgettable Tasmanian odyssey
Automobili Lamborghini welcomed over 40 passionate Lamborghini owners across the Oceania region for the highly-anticipated Esperienza Giro Oceania in Tasmania, marking its first venture beyond the mainland Australia. Set across five fascinating days, the convoy of more than 20 Lamborghini super sports cars and super SUVs embarked on an unforgettable journey, covering over 600km of Tasmania’s…
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mx5rfgr · 1 year
Exciting Roadster.
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manav2010 · 2 years
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mecachrome · 2 months
notes from nicole piastri's interview on red flags pod
oscar started playing monopoly and chess when he was 4-5 but he was too good at chess (relative to nicole) that she boycotted it
nicole opened her twitter account because oscar wasn't replying to her at boarding school and she needed a place to chastise him ("can you not answer... i KNOW you're on your phone") (it worked because he started replying to her there)
instead of unflappable she calls him "conservative"
even during christmas and birthdays he was never super excited, one time they went with a group of 5 mums and 5 kids to a hi-5 concert (popular australian kids' musical group) and while all the kids were "going nuts" oscar just sat there "focused the whole time" and didn't smile or move lmfao. they were like 3 years old
didn't know what she was doing with oscar as a baby because he was her first child and her mothers' group was her only reference and they went "isn't the best part of the day when you wake up and go to their crib and they smile at you?" and she was like ??? because oscar would wake up and just SCREAM every single day needing to be out of there immediately and she thought that was just normal... then she had the girls and went "ahhhh... so that's what they're talking about"
when he was younger than 2 he needed them to read car magazines to him and was already obsessed with all things automotive and while they were driving would just name off and point out car brands by their badges
for a long period of time he behaved like he was a car and would "spin" his wheels and pretend to accelerate and run like a car lol
did a big burnout the first time he was on a bike (it had training wheels but he still learned very early)
as a mum she wishes he'd chosen golf or tennis since it's much safer than f1 and sometimes people tell her that she technically had a say in that when he was a kid and she said "but i didn't! it was just in him!!!"
won an academic award when he was 13 and she was president of the parents' community so she presented it to him, normally these events are super formal and you simply shake hands but she gave him a big kiss and instead of acting embarrassed or spluttering he looked at the crowd, nodded silently, and walked off
came back for the summer a few years ago and they were biking on the beach together when she had to brake hard to avoid a kid and went over, when she recovered and got back on he went "are you all right?" very deadpan but after they got home they checked his heart rate monitor and saw that he was totally steady the whole time except for when she crashed and his heart rate went through the roof, told him "ah so you do have a heart... we just don't see it"
"there's no sibling that can piss him off?" "well he's a boy with three girls so he just doesn't go there because he's never going to win"
met lily in person for the first time when he came home for the melbourne grand prix (was still alpine reserve), at midnight oscar was like "hey mum you know the dts film crew are coming tomorrow morning right?" and she was like WHAT... and he was like yeah it'll be chill they just want to film us having breakfast like a normal family or whatever and she was like Mate you haven't lived here for 5 years now do you know what breakfast looks like. it looks like your sisters storming downstairs and grabbing an inappropriate breakfast and storming out the door giving me the finger!!! and then the next morning lily comes down and nicole is like "oh is oscar up?" and lily is like no... i think he's still in bed... (many such cases) and then mae refused to be in it so she got dressed and ran off to school 2 hours early to escape them. and then the mclaren fiasco happened and the whole thing got cut out of dts anyway
when she said "oh my god you met matt damon!" he was just like (shrugs) "yeah... yeah..."
they communicate by facetiming and he's Always lying in bed. one time in bahrain he was leaning back on an ornate tapestry and she asked what hotel he was staying at and he was like oh i'm at the royal palace i'm like a guest of the crown prince. she freaked out and was like "oh my god!!! get your head off the tapestry!!!" and he just looked back like ? no it's fine it looks pretty old lol
called her to tell her that he signed his f1 contract and when he said mclaren she Realized and was like oh no i love daniel!! and he straight up deadpanned "yeah everyone loves daniel. that's going to be a problem..." and said verbatim "of all the f1 drivers ever daniel is the worst one to be replacing"
one time in f4 chris couldn't go to a race and billy monger had just had his crash so she flew to the uk for the weekend to support him and when she was driving him back to boarding school she was happy because she had 2 hours to spend with him and she wasn't sure when she'd see him again but instead he slept the whole way through and the moment they got back to school he went "ahhhh... home sweet home" and she wanted to slap him lmfao
first day of primary school when he was 5 years old he said he didn't need her to walk him to school and she was like "well i actually do mate" so he forced her to walk behind him the whole way and the moment they got there he turned to her and went "all right i'm here you can go now" 😭
the chinese & italian & yugoslavian is on chris's side of the family while nicole's is scottish & irish ("that's where the pasty skin comes from")
red flags pod sent her a shirt with oscar's face composed of His Tweet and she showed it to him and he immediately said he wanted it
he gave her a small warning before he posted the tweet but it was just like "mum so this is going to happen just don't worry about it. it's all under control. it'll be fine" and was very calm the whole time
"we just had to trust that his personality would come through at some point, because the way he came across was not at all what he's like. people will work out who the real you is so just continue to do what you do" 🥺
all of the kids were obsessed with Cars (2006)
likes his mum's golden syrup dumplings and grandmother's rumballs
AT THE SINGAPORE GP IN 2023 HATTIE DISAPPEARED FOR HOURS TO GO SEE A K-POP CONCERT 😭😭😭😭 i think it was p1h lmfao (nicole was asked for her favorite group and went "i have no idea. five boys") ((it's txt)) meanwhile oscar is only into house music and she thinks everything he plays is the same song
did pilates when he went home but never with her and thinks it's a lot harder than it looks
takes him minimum 24 hours to respond to anything she sends
she had an exact conversation with oscar where she asked who he wanted to be teammates with and he said "well if i go up against lando i don't even have to get close the first year because everyone knows how good he is" 😭
oscar you are so you 🧡
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aledmorningstar · 7 months
╰┈➤Bad joke
Summary: Sukuna discovers that you don't like jokes.
Relationship: Ryomen Sukuna/Reader
Word count: 1.8k
Note: Slow updates, my editor and I are in a fight with my university administrators.
-‘๑’-: No curses au, uni au, sfw, humor, fluff, slight angst
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The terrible hours of class had finally ended, the hard day of university had culminated its torture at 6:00 pm, every day you reconsidered the idea of ​​continuing studying so intensely, did you really need that university degree?
Without a doubt, life sounded more beautiful in an imaginary world, being a pretty housewife who patiently waited for her millionaire husband who loved her madly, your days would be spent helping your children with their homework and wasting an unreasonable amount of money on any whim.
“We've told you to stop daydreaming, it could be dangerous in the wrong places.”
Your daydream was interrupted by one of your best friends, it seemed like your group of friends had already finished putting away their belongings and were just waiting for you to leave the classroom.
"Oh I'm sorry. I was just thinking about the future."
“Is the young lady returning to the fantasy of married life with her impolite boyfriend?”
"Hey! I already told you not to talk about him like that."
You argue while you put your notebooks and computer in your bag, the one that your boyfriend Ryomen had given you on your birthday even though you told him that a gift was not necessary, you knew how difficult it must be for him and how limited which can sometimes be the money in your situation; his mother, playing the role of both parents and trying to provide a bright future for her children; Yuji, his twin who had to complete several courses to be a firefighter and also study a Bachelor's degree in automotive mechanics; and finally Ryomen himself, who had to complete his university career as a lawyer.
It was definitely not easy for him or his family, unlike you, who had lived the life of a princess in an imaginary bubble impenetrable by the dangers and worries of reality. Even though you had insisted on helping that modest family financially, you were not allowed to do so. Both Sukuna and his brother and mother refused to accept a cent of your generous support, saying that they did not want to take advantage of your kindness. That did not stop them from you gave expensive gifts to each one on special dates.
Maybe that was the reason behind that expensive gift from your boyfriend, one day he simply listened to you talk about that beautiful designer bag that was going to become fashionable with its next release on sale, he used all his savings and even did part-time jobs, washing cars, walking dogs, helping model clothes for the fashion design department; just to be able to see a cute and excited smile on your face.
You are a princess, the most beautiful flower he could find and of course he would give you everything you deserve, everything that fine society has given you and he does his best so that you do not have any lack by his side, to be worthy of you.
You didn't have the heart to tell him that you had pre-ordered that bag thanks to your father's contacts and that you had to refund it, angering some merchants for their wasted efforts.
“Hurry up, if we don't get to the cafe on time the tables will be full.”
Like every Friday you and your friends got together to talk about the latest news in your lives, your social circle was mostly made up of girls just as privileged as you, it wasn't difficult for your father to convince you to choose a career in law, much less make you enter one of the most demanding and prestigious schools in the country.
Your friends are good girls, you knew that otherwise you wouldn't have even looked at them; However, like you, they were overprotected and followed the sophisticated rules that society had imposed on them. This was one of the reasons why they didn't quite agree with your relationship with Ryomen Sukuna, a commoner in their eyes.
Like any conversation between friends, the topic of boys and relationships could not be avoided, a topic in which you came to light with your strange relationship of “opposite poles”, the little princess of the city and the delinquent of the campus, it was the funniest and most interesting experiment your friends could witness.
“So… How is our little princess's relationship going? Did he already ruin it?”
Of course there were going to be silly comments that doubted that your relationship was authentic and that waited for the slightest mistake from your boyfriend to shout in your face “I told you so.”
"No and he won't, you don't know my 'kuna"
“We know his history”
Even though all your friends were always supportive and kind to you, there was one in particular who wasn't very nice. Ann, always making sarcastic comments and believing herself to be better than everyone, everyone could see how jealous she was of you; She had been the last to join the group, one day you saw her alone and decided to integrate her into your group, unfortunately you never found the words to tell her that you no longer wanted to be her friend.
“Come on, darling, everyone here remembers how your relationship began.”
“He has changed, he is not the same person he was before, he is a new man”
Sure, your relationship may not have started off in the most convincing way possible, there were lies, misunderstandings and a lot of tears, but everything is different now. Now you have the romance that any girl could dream of, one full of love, affection and trust of those you only find in books, you would have your happily ever after.
“Well, I'll wait for your bad boy to do one of his things and don't say I didn't warn you.”
"When pigs fly, that's not going to happen"
The atmosphere had frozen in an awkward silence as you and Ann exchanged a big forced smile, it was strange to see you angry because of your sweet personality, but it would certainly be even stranger not to see you jump into an argument that included Ryomen Sukuna's name, you are his unofficial lawyer.
“Okay girls, let's talk about something else…”
╚══ ❀•°❀°•❀ ══╝
You love Fridays, the best day of the week, since you could sleep over at your loved one's house and enjoy the weekend in his arms watching movies, doing puzzles, taking photos, listening to music, talking, watching videos, going out on dates, ordering takeout or even when he played a video game on the console and you were left coloring the pictures he printed for you (sometimes he needs his space).
That Friday the drawings were finished quickly, so you decided to watch some videos on your tiktok while Sukuna played a video game that you only knew had weapons because of the shots. The videos on your fyp were about pranks between couples (something that amused you), some light and others a little harsh.
Sukuna was someone who was a joker, someone who liked to make jokes but couldn't stand having one played on him; However, you were a couple, a slight joke between you could be kind of funny, it wasn't even a funny joke you just wanted to see how funny his reaction could be.
A message made Sukuna's phone ring, you thought it was the perfect time for your little act as you held back your laughter.
“Who is sending you so many messages? You have another girl, right?”
Your comment surprised Sukuna slightly, you weren't the jealous type, he looked at you for a split second and that was enough for him to know you were joking, he can play too.
"Oh my love. It's not even one girl, they´re five precious ones."
The amused smile that adorned your face disappeared in an instant, being replaced by a strange grimace, your eyes glistening from the tears that formed and that you refused to let go as you bit your trembling lower lip, preventing any sound.
“Of course, pretty. I'm too cool to stay with just one girl."
Memories of your conversation with Ann invaded your mind, Sukuna Ryomen had a past that was difficult to overcome, would he really change overnight for you?
Your boyfriend quickly realized that you had started packing your belongings back into your suitcase, why would you do that? The plan was that you would stay with him like every weekend, what was happening?
“Hey, what do you think you’re doing?”
Well, you had dropped a little bomb that exploded in your face and you didn't like it, but you wouldn't let him notice that it dealt a low blow at least for you.
“I'm just putting my things away. “Can you pass me my colored pencils?”
Sukuna decided to make the difficult decision to abandon his game and pay attention to the seemingly serious situation that was occurring with his beloved.
He did as you asked, you put away your colored pencils next to your other belongings with quick movements and finally wrote something furiously on your phone.
“I asked you a question, what are you doing?”
“Nothing… I'm asking my driver to come pick me up.”
“Yes, now. In fact I'm writing to him 'Please hurry up, I want to leave here right now, come as fast as you can'”
You could barely feel the force and speed with which Ryomen snatched the phone from your hands, he stood up and placed your phone on one of the highest pieces of furniture in the living room.
"Why would you do that?"
"What do you mean why? Did you hear what you said earlier?”
The hardest question you can ask a man, ask him the reason why his girlfriend was angry. The pink-haired man's reasoning quickly went to work.
Connect the dots, you had gotten angry within a period of 5 minutes, you weren't angry with him before that time, all he had done was play video games. Had that bothered you? No, he had given you drawings of your favorite characters to entertain you, the only thing he had done besides playing had been answering your joke... Oh.
“Ah, that's it.”
“Is that all you will say?”
Okay, a mental note for Sukuna: You like making jokes, you don't like having them made or returned to you. You're a crybaby, but he still loves you.
“Sorry, love, it was a joke. You know that I only love you, you are the only girl who occupies my heart, the owner of my soul and my body, I would kill for you, ask me to kill for you."
Ryomen approached to hug you from behind, he placed one of his hands on your abdomen and one on your shoulder, crossing your chest to bring you closer to him, you could feel his breath on your neck and after a few seconds you shivered from the kisses he gave you. he left on your cheek.
“I didn't find your joke funny.”
“In my defense, you started joking that I had another woman. You’re a baby, jokes aren’t your thing, darling.”
The look on your face made him feel like he had just kicked a puppy, his solution was to carry you back to the couch and hold you in his arms.
"I'm sorry baby. You can choose the movie we watch today, deal?”
⋆·˚ ༘ *🔭 master list is here
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suguae · 3 months
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1. The first encounter...
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⋆ ࣪. Synopsis! Suguru introduces you to one of his well friends who happens to be heavily associated in the underground world.
⋆ ࣪. Pairings! Streetracer! G.Satoru x F! Reader
⋆ ࣪. Contents! Smoking, Dry humping, minimal spicy shit.
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The parking garage is a vibrant spectacle of automotive art, every corner filled with the sleek lines and vibrant colors of tuned-up exotic cars. Engines roar intermittently, sending waves of sound reverberating through the space, while a mix of music genres blend into an energetic symphony. The air is electric with excitement and the smell of gasoline.
Beautiful girls, confident and stylish, stand proudly by their meticulously maintained vehicles. They exchange car jargon effortlessly, their passion evident in their animated discussions. You can't help but feel a pang of envy, admiring their knowledge and the way they effortlessly blend with the automotive culture.
"This is so cool," you mutter, almost to yourself, as you quicken your pace to catch up to Suguru. He walks with a relaxed confidence, clearly at ease in this high-octane environment. Hearing your remark, he chuckles softly, the sound a mix of amusement and understanding.
"I feel so out of place," you chuckle, trying to shake off the nervous energy. Suguru glances at you with a reassuring smile. "Don't worry about it," he says, his tone warm and encouraging. "Everyone starts somewhere. Just enjoy the vibe and you'll fit right in."
You take a deep breath, letting his words sink in. The vibrant atmosphere, the roaring engines, and the palpable excitement in the air slowly start to feel less intimidating and more thrilling. As you walk together, you start to appreciate the unique beauty of each car, the artistry in their modifications, and the passion of the people around you.
"Damn, and I thought your car was sick... these are next level," you tease him as you two stop in front of his tuned-up Lexus LFA. The car gleams under the garage lights, its aggressive lines and custom modifications making it a true standout.
Suguru laughs, shaking his head. "Hey, my baby can hold her own," he replies, patting the hood affectionately. "But yeah, there's some serious competition here."
You both stand there for a moment, taking in the scene. The diversity of cars is astounding, from hyper-tuned imports to classic muscle cars, each a testament to its owner's dedication and style. The atmosphere is alive with a mix of friendly rivalry and shared enthusiasm.
"So, what do you think?" Suguru asks, leaning against his car, his eyes twinkling with excitement.
You chuckle, leaning on the pole next to you. "Makes me want to add some shit to my boring-ass car." Suguru grins, his eyes lighting up. "That’s the spirit—It's all about making it your own. We can start with some basics and work our way up. Trust me, once you get into it, it's addictive..."
"I have a friend. We call him Arctic. I don't think I've introduced you to him before. He's pretty damn busy most of the time. But he's pretty sick, dope skills," Suguru says, scanning the crowd for his friend. "He's one of the best out here. Knows everything there is to know about cars and driving. If anyone can help you get started, it's him."
You smile to yourself, taking in your surroundings. "There he is—come with me," Suguru exclaims, spotting someone in the distance. Before you can even respond, he grabs your arm and drags you across the garage.
"What up, Arctic," Suguru says, giving Arctic a fist bump. Arctic returns the gesture with a confident smirk. Up close, you notice his striking features: white hair that perfectly complements his icy blue eyes, and a baggy leather jacket paired with black baggy jeans. His whole look exudes effortless cool, enhanced by the confident smirk on his face.
Next to him, a sleek white modded Skyline GTR R34 stands out, gleaming under the garage lights. The car is a masterpiece, with custom bodywork, a lowered stance, and aftermarket rims. It’s clear that a lot of time and effort has gone into making it a one-of-a-kind machine.
"This is y/n, the one I grew up with," Suguru says, introducing you to his friend. You blush as all eyes turn towards you, feeling a bit awkward under the sudden spotlight. You manage an awkward wave and a shy smile.
"Oh, come on, don't go all shy now, y/n," Suguru teases, giving you a playful poke on the shoulder. Arctic chuckles, a friendly twinkle in his eyes. "No worries, we don't bite," he reassures you. "It's nice to meet you, y/n. Suguru's mentioned you before."
You cock a brow, turning your attention towards Suguru. "You’ve talked about me, huh?" you tease, a playful smirk tugging at your lips. Suguru chuckles, scratching the back of his head sheepishly. "Uh, well, maybe," he replies, a hint of embarrassment coloring his cheeks. "But you know, you're my best friend. I gotta brag about you sometimes."
“I’m Arctic,” His smirk widening as he leaned on the hood of his skyline. "Where's your ride?" Arctic asks, pulling out a cigarette from his pocket and lighting it. His eyes never leave your figure, the smoke curling up around him.
You chuckle, feeling a bit sheepish. "I parked at the 7/11," you say, pointing in the direction of the convenience store down the street. Suguru chuckles, wrapping an arm around you. "Her ride's pretty sick," he says, grinning at Arctic. "We wrapped it up in my shop not too long ago, but everything else is just factory tuned."
Arctic smirks as he exhales a puff of smoke, his eyes glinting with amusement. "So, you're a rookie, huh?" he asks, his tone teasing. You chuckle, shrugging a little. "I guess you could say that," you admit, feeling a bit self-conscious. Suguru squeezes your shoulder reassuringly. "She's got potential," he says confidently. "And she's a quick learner." 
"We'll see about that," Arctic mumbled, checking the time on his phone. "Well, I have a race to attend pretty soon," he said, stuffing his phone back in his pocket."How much they bet on?" Suguru asked, taking the cigarette from Arctic's hand and taking a puff of his own. "Viper and Scar wanted to bet on a million yen," Arctic replied casually.
Your eyes widen at the mention of the intense prize, the stakes much higher than you had anticipated. You try to keep yourself busy, not wanting to butt into their conversation. "That's a serious bet," Suguru says, exhaling a cloud of smoke. "You feeling confident?" Arctic smirks, a glint of determination in his icy blue eyes. "Always," he replies.
"Arctic, they wanted to start the race early. Cops are all over the place, so it's the best time to do it," a voice calls out. You glance over to see a tall, drop-dead gorgeous girl with dark red sleek hair reaching her waist. She's wearing a bomber jacket over a short leather tube dress, and a cherry lollipop is intertwined in her fingers. She turns her gaze to you, a smile lighting up her face. "Hey, the name's Katana," she says, her eyes friendly and curious.
"Y/N," you smile back. "Sugu invited me." Suguru nods, confirming her words. "Yeah, I thought she might enjoy it," he says, giving you a playful grin. Katana's eyes light up with interest. "Well, you're in for quite the ride," she says, her tone filled with excitement. 
"Alright, I better start heading over," Arctic says, standing tall and stealing a glance at you. "Katana, keep her company and get a good view of the race for her, yeah?" He smirks. Katana nods, a mischievous glint in her eyes. "You got it," she says, flashing you a playful grin. "Don't worry, Y/N. I'll make sure you don't miss a moment of the action."
You smile back, feeling a sense of excitement building inside you. With Arctic heading off to the starting line, you know that the race is about to begin in earnest. And with Katana by your side, you're ready to take in every thrilling moment of it.
As Arctic disappears into the crowd, you and Katana make your way to a vantage point where you can watch the race unfold. With the roar of engines and the cheers of the crowd filling the air, you can't help but feel a surge of adrenaline coursing through you.
"So, are you Arctic's girlfriend?" you ask, trying to break the silence between you two. She chuckles, shaking her head. "Hell no," she replies, a hint of amusement in her voice. You can't help but laugh at her response. "I figured as much," you say, feeling relieved that you didn't overstep any boundaries.
Katana grins, giving you a playful nudge. "Nah, we're just friends," she says, her tone light and casual. "Arctic's more like a brother to me than anything else." You nod in understanding, feeling a sense of camaraderie with her. "I get it," you say. "Suguru's the same way for me. We've been friends for years."
"Thank god," Katana says, catching you by surprise. "I've heard them mention you a couple of times in Suguru's shop, and I thought you were his girlfriend at one point." You smirk, nudging her shoulder playfully. "Is there something you wanna tell me?" you tease, enjoying the banter between you.
She blushes as she sucks on the cherry lollipop, her admission catching you off guard. "Okay, yeah, I might have a little crush on Suguru," she confesses, her cheeks flushing pink.
You can't help but smile at her honesty, feeling a sense of camaraderie with her. "Hey, nothing wrong with that," you say, giving her a reassuring nod. "Suguru's a great guy." Katana nods, her blush deepening. "Yeah, he is," she agrees, her voice soft. "But I don't think he sees me that way."
You reach out to pat her arm comfortingly. "You never know unless you try," you offer, feeling a surge of empathy for her. Katana smiles warmly, her gaze meeting yours as she looks down at you. Katana smirks, throwing a hint your way. "You know, Arctic has been single for way too long now," she says, her tone playful. You playfully roll your eyes in response. "Relax, I barely even know the man," you say, teasingly.
Katana laughs, her eyes twinkling with amusement. "Fair enough," she concedes, her tone light. "But who knows? Maybe tonight's the night you two hit it off." You chuckle, diverting the conversation. "Oh look, the race is gonna start," you say, pointing towards the cars lining up next to each other. Each vehicle boasts a unique build and design, reflecting the personality and style of its owner.
As the cars rev their engines and the crowd erupts into cheers, you can't help but feel a sense of thrill coursing through you. With Katana by your side, you know that tonight's race is bound to be an unforgettable experience.
As the countdown begins and the engines roar loudly, you can feel the tension in the air building with each passing second. The anticipation is palpable as the crowd holds its breath, waiting for the signal to start. Seconds later, the cars speed off in a blur of motion, leaving behind a trail of smoke and excitement. The crowd erupts into cheers and applause as they watch the racers disappear into the distance.
As the cars navigate the sharp turns with ease, it's clear to see that Arctic is in the lead. His car moves with precision and grace, effortlessly drifting around the corners with skill and finesse. 
You and Katana watch in awe as Arctic's car powers ahead of the competition, leaving the other racers trailing behind in his wake. With each turn of the race, his lead only seems to widen, solidifying his position as the frontrunner.
As Arctic's car speeds towards the finish line, you can't help but feel a sense of excitement building inside you. With each passing moment, it becomes increasingly clear that tonight's race is his to win, a testament to his skill and determination as a racer.
As the crowd erupts into cheers and applause, you and Katana join in, cheering Arctic on as he crosses the finish line in first place. With a victorious grin, he emerges from his car, basking in the adulation of the crowd as he celebrates his well-deserved win
You and Katana exchange excited glances before hurrying down to meet Arctic and Suguru by the finish line. As you approach, you can see Arctic grinning from ear to ear, his victory evident in the way he holds himself with confidence.
"That was one hell of a win, Arctic," Katana says, her voice filled with admiration as she engulfs him in a hug. Arctic's smirk widens as he accepts her embrace, clearly relishing in the victory. As he looks over at the other two men, who look bitter for losing, Arctic's expression remains confident. He knows he raced well and earned his win fair and square. "Thanks, Katana," Arctic replies, his tone appreciative. 
You smile and give Arctic a small high five. "Good shit right there. Guess Suguru was right," you say, chuckling. Suguru stacks the wad of cash down on Arctic's arms, a satisfied smile on his face. "Three million yen for the winner," he announces, the sound of money rustling in the air.
Arctic takes the money with confidence, his smirk widening at the sight of his winnings. "Just know, next time I'm not letting you win so easily, Arctic," a taller, lean man says, his voice laced with challenge. His dark hair contrasts with the scar on his lip, giving him a rugged appearance.
Arctic's smirk doesn't falter as he looks up to meet the man's gaze. "Looking forward to it, Scar," he replies, his tone confident. You and Katana exchange glances, sensing the tension in the air. Just before things got serious, the sound of cop sirens echoed in the distance, sending a ripple of panic through the crowd. "Cops!" someone yells, their voice carrying over the chaos as everyone scrambles to their vehicles, engines roaring to life.
Your heart races as you realize the gravity of the situation. You mentally curse yourself for parking so far away, but there's no time to dwell on it now. With adrenaline coursing through your veins, you follow the crowd, weaving your way through the chaos as you search for your car. Amidst the commotion, you spot Suguru and Katana ahead, already making their way towards their cars. You bury the worry at the back of your mind as you make your way near the 7/11, unlocking your dark purple Nissan 240sx. Parking this far did slow you down from the rest of the people, but you waste no time as the engine roars to life.
With a quick glance in the rearview mirror to make sure no cops are in sight, you swerve out of the parking lot, adrenaline coursing through your veins as you push the car to its limits. The familiar roar of the engine is music to your ears as you navigate through the streets, weaving in and out of traffic with practiced skill.
Your heart races as you mentally curse yourself out, the cops hot on your tail as you swerve through any sharp turns between buildings, desperately trying to lose them. Your eyes widen as you spot a familiar white-haired man running between the alleyways, with cops right on his heels.
"Fuck," you mutter to yourself, realizing it's Arctic. Without hesitation, you stop the car and unlock the doors. "Get in!" you yell, urgency in your voice.
Arctic wastes no time, jumping into the car as the engine roars to life. With the cops still in pursuit, you hit the gas, speeding off with determination. The adrenaline courses through your veins as you navigate the streets, pushing the car to its limits in an effort to outmaneuver the law.
The sound of sirens fills the air as the cops continue their pursuit, hot on your tail once again. But you refuse to give up without a fight, weaving through traffic and taking every opportunity to lose them.
As minutes passed and you finally lost the cops, Arctic looked back to make sure they were completely gone before turning to you. "Since when the fuck did you learn to run away from cops?" he asks, his tone incredulous. Arctic raises an eyebrow, clearly impressed. Sliding off his leather jacket to reveal a tight tank top that shows off his muscles and tattoos, he leans back in his seat with a smirk. 
Arctic chuckles, a mischievous glint in his eyes. "And this 240sx is sick, although we could tune it up for you," he says, taking a good look at the clean interior. You smile and nod, intrigued. "Speaking of which, where the hell is your car?” Arctic chuckles, a hint of mischief in his eyes. "I lost the cops and parked in an empty garage," he explains. "I figured walking could help me blend in, but those cops know my pretty face too well."
You arch an eyebrow at Arctic's response, a smirk playing on your lips. "Okay then, where to, pretty boy?" you tease, your eyes focused on the road ahead as your hand shifts the stick shift with ease. Arctic returns your smirk, his gaze fixed on you with amusement. "Suguru's shop," he suggests, his voice confident. "He should be there by now with Katana."
You nod in agreement, a sense of determination driving you forward as you turn the radio up. The familiar beats of your favorite song fill the car, adding to the excitement of the night.
“♫ nights like this - the kid laroi...”
As you and Arctic come to a stop in front of Suguru's shop, you both exchange confused glances as you notice that it's empty. Your eyebrows furrow in confusion, a sense of unease settling in the pit of your stomach.
You turn to Arctic, who looks just as perplexed as you feel. "This is weird," you mutter, your voice tinged with concern. Arctic nods in agreement, his expression serious. "Yeah, it doesn't make sense," he agrees, his eyes scanning the area for any sign of activity.
Without hesitation, you dial Suguru's phone number, holding your breath as you wait for him to answer. "Hello?" his voice comes through the line, and you feel a wave of relief wash over you. "Hey, Suguru, where are you? Are you with Katana?" you ask, trying to keep the concern out of your voice.
Suguru's voice comes through slightly muffled, and you can hear loud music pulsing in the background. "Yeah, we're at my place."
You exchange a glance with Arctic, both of you puzzled by Suguru's response. "We're outside your shop, it's empty. We thought you'd be here," you explain, your confusion growing. "We? Who are you with?" Suguru asked, his voice tinged with curiosity.
You pause, exchanging a puzzled glance with Arctic before replying, "Uh, I'm with Arctic. We were just checking in on the shop and noticed it was empty."
There's a moment of silence on the other end of the line before Suguru responds, his voice tinged with confusion. "Arctic? What's he doing there?" he asks, sounding genuinely puzzled. You relay the explanation to Suguru over the phone, "He needed a ride. Cops were hot on him," you explain succinctly, trying to keep the conversation light.
There's a brief pause before Suguru responds, his voice filled with understanding. "Ah, gotcha. Thanks for looking out for him," he says, sounding relieved. You nod, even though Suguru can't see you. "No problem. We'll catch up with you later," you say, before ending the call.
"It's just us tonight then," you reply, slipping your phone into your back pocket as you glance around the empty street. Arctic sighs beside you, pulling out the keys to the shop. "Want a cold beer?" he offers, gesturing towards the door of the shop and holding it open for you.
"Sure," you smile, appreciating the offer as you step inside. The familiar scent of grease and engine oil fills the air, mingling with the sound of distant traffic outside. As Arctic heads over to the fridge, you take a moment to look around the shop, feeling a sense of comfort in the familiar surroundings.
Sitting on one of the chairs, you watch as Arctic walks back with two cans of beer in his hands. He settles on the floor in front of you, opening one of the cans with a sigh. "Hey, y/n, I'm very thankful you saved my ass back there," he says, chuckling softly as he props his hands on his knees.
You smile, taking another sip of beer as Arctic's expression turns serious. "It's nothing really," you insist, but he shakes his head. "It is actually. If we got caught..." His voice trails off, and he sighs, running a hand through his hair. "I would've gotten you in deep shit."
Confused, you tilt your head, trying to understand what he means. "What do you mean?" you ask, furrowing your brow. "It's not all about cars and underground racing, at least for some people," Arctic says, taking a thoughtful sip of his beer. You raise an eyebrow, intrigued by his statement. "There's more to it?" you ask, curious to hear his perspective.
Arctic's chuckle fills the air as he teases, "Way more to it, I would tell ya', but I don't wanna scare such a pretty girl off." His playful comment makes you blush, feeling a warm flush spread across your face. "But now you've got me all curious," you admit, a playful glint in your eyes.
Arctic smiles, enjoying your reaction. "Maybe someday I'll tell you the whole story. But for now, let's just say that underground racing isn't always what it seems," he says, taking another sip of his beer. You nod, intrigued by his mysterious past. "I'll hold you to that," you say, a smile playing on your lips.
You both sit in the quiet of the shop, enjoying each other's company and the cold beers, "Call me Satoru," Arctic says, breaking the silence with a gentle smile. You nod, feeling a sense of closeness with him as he shares his name. "Satoru," you repeat, the name rolling off your tongue easily.
"Nice to officially meet you, Satoru," you say, returning his smile with one of your own.
As Satoru watched your warm smile light up your face, a pang of guilt burrowed into his heart. You were genuine, and he could see that just by looking at you. He found himself wanting to get to know you more, to delve into the depths of your personality and share his own secrets with you. But as he considered the dangers that lay ahead, he couldn't help but wonder if he was ready to bring you down to his level.
The underground racing scene was fraught with danger and uncertainty, and Satoru knew that involving you in his world could put you at risk. He couldn't bear the thought of bringing harm to someone as kind and genuine as you.
Lost in his thoughts, Satoru grappled with his inner turmoil, unsure of what to do next. Should he distance himself from you, to keep you safe from the dangers that surrounded him? Or should he take a chance and open up to you, risking both of your safety in the process?
"I'm sure you won't scare me, Satoru," you whispered, your gaze drifting off into the distance, lost in thought. Satoru's heart skipped a beat at your words, surprised by your response. He had expected you to be cautious, to pull away from him in light of the dangers that surrounded him. But instead, you showed him a kindness and understanding that he had not anticipated.
"We all have a story that changes someone's perception of us, don't we?" you said, your voice soft as you looked at Satoru. He met your gaze, sensing the depth of your words. There was a knowing look in your eyes, a recognition that you, too, had secrets that you kept hidden from the world.
Satoru nodded in agreement, a small smile playing on his lips. "Yeah, we do," he said, his voice tinged with understanding.
"I was thinking we should get rid of the seats and add better ones, upgrade the suspension of your car, and change these damn stock tires," Suguru chuckled, wiping the sweat beads from his forehead. You nodded, crossing your arms as you watched Suguru take a couple of notes on your car. "Also upgrading the engine would be a big help. Geez, next thing you know, you're the next Arctic," you chuckled.
Suguru sighed as he made his way towards you, a hint of concern in his eyes. "But your pockets are gonna hurt," he admitted, his tone serious. You smirked, feeling a surge of determination. "I said give me notes on what would be best for my car. If I didn't have the money, I wouldn't be coming to you," you said confidently.
Suguru chuckled, rolling his eyes playfully. "One night with Arctic and you're already acting like him," he mumbled teasingly, giving you a playful nudge.
Before you could respond, a loud engine roared through the parking lot of Suguru's shop. You both turned to look, and there was Satoru's white skyline, making an entrance. You couldn't help but smile as he stepped out of the car, looking effortlessly good in his baggy cargo pants paired with a black tight compression shirt.
"Hey, pretty girl," Satoru greeted you with a warm smile, giving you a small hug before turning to give Suguru a fist bump. Suguru's eyebrow raised at the new nickname Arctic had given you. You couldn't help but blush at the nickname, feeling a flutter of excitement in your chest. "Hey, Satoru," you replied, returning his smile.
"Satoru?" Suguru asked, a playful tone in his voice. "Damn, I'm hurt he doesn't even let me call him that," he joked, grabbing onto the cloth of his shirt near his heart and acting as if he had just been stabbed.
You chuckled, trying to shake off the unexpected flutter in your chest as your eyes lingered on Satoru longer than you had anticipated. Satoru caught your gaze and offered you a warm smile, his eyes crinkling at the corners. There was something comforting about his presence, something that made you feel at ease.
You quickly looked away, feeling a flush creep up your cheeks. "So, about those car upgrades..." you began, trying to steer the conversation back to safer territory. Satoru's laughter filled the air, his steps closing the gap between you with subtle determination.
He was fully aware of your attempt of diverting the conversation, noticing how shy you got as your face turned red.
“♫ poison - bell biv devoe..."
As the two boys worked on the car with what they had, your gaze kept drifting to Satoru. Sweat beaded on his forehead, making the tips of his hair damp. His biceps flexed with each movement, drawing your attention as you smiled to yourself.
"Someone can't keep her eyes off, huh?" Startling you a bit, Katana, who unexpectedly arrived, gave you a warm hug. You laughed nervously, feeling a bit embarrassed at being caught. "Hey, Katana," you said, returning her hug. "I, uh, was just admiring their work."
Katana grinned, giving you a knowing look. "Sure, sure," she teased, before turning her attention to Suguru and Satoru. "Hey boys." As she greeted the boys, they got back to work on the car. "Damn, you have a pretty sick car already." Katana said, taking a seat next to you. "And the color is gorgeous."
"Thanks, so, did anything happen last night with you and Suguru? I heard you headed back to his place after the race," you chuckled, nudging her playfully. She bit her lip, blushing slightly, and glanced over at the tall, muscular suguru, who had his hair half up, half down, focused on the machine in front of him. "We might've made out" She giggled as you smiled in surprise.
"Well, what about you? I heard you and Arctic were at the shop alone?" She smirked. Unbeknownst to you, Satoru smiled to himself, pleased that he brought up in the conversation. "Yeah, well we just talked." You shrugged.
Katana's face dropped, "You're lying?" Satoru couldn't help but laugh lightly at her reaction. "No, I'm not...but I need to know the details about you and Suguru!" You say shrugging off your interaction with Satoru.
Soon enough the two boys had enough of working with the car, meanwhile you and Katana had just finished up catching up any latest gossip in your lives. "So, the cars gonna need to stay for the night." Satoru says leaning on the wall next to you.
"I'll take you home, yeah?" Satoru suggested, with a knowing smirk on his face. Katana looked over at Suguru with a playful grin, "Me and Sugu are heading out," Without hesitation Suguru and Katana parted their own way, leaving you and Satoru alone in the garage of Suguru's shop.
The engine beneath you roared lowly as you sat in Satoru's white skyline, the awkward silence lingering between you two as he scrolled through his phone, looking for a song to play in order to keep the ride less awkward.
"So how's the car looking so far?" You asked as you nervously play with your fingers, he smirked setting his phone down. "Looking pretty nasty right now, soon you'll be driving around looking pretty badass." His eyes glued onto you.
"Pretty car and a pretty girl driving it, you're gonna have to watch out." You blushed at his words, his voice being less playful this time...more seductive. You cocked your head to the side, "Yeah?"
He leaned in closer, his face only a few inches away from yours, his scent of sweat and musk overwhelming your senses. You could feel the heat radiating from him making your heart race. His eyes bore with amusement and something else you couldn't quite catch "Yeah."
As you smiled he couldn't but chuckle as your response, his thumb gently tracing the bottom of you lip, "Watch out for what?" You whispered as your eyes shadowed pure lust.
Closing the gap between you two, his lips gently meet yours. He kissed you slowly and deeply, his hand on your jaw keeping your head tilted towards him. His tongue slipping into your mouth, exploring every inch as the kiss deepens.
“♫ Gata Only - FloyyMenor, Cris MJ..."
"Is it bad that I've been wanting this ever since last night?" You whispered, gently pulling away from the kiss as a string of saliva connects between yours and Satoru's lips. He chuckled as he wiped away some of the saliva from your lip with his thumb.
"You've been thinking about me?" He said with a smirk, his eyes roaming over your face, you nodded as your eyes were glued to his icy blue eyes and his peachy pink lips. His hands still cupping your jaw as his thumb traces your lower lip.
"Come here, sit" patting his thigh, indicating for you to straddle his lip. You would be lying to yourself if you said you didn't find him attractive the first night you met him. But you honestly didn't expect the night to turn out like this just on the second night of knowing him either.
"Are you sure?" You asked in a whispered manner. Satoru smiled nodding his head, his hands gently pulling you to sit on his lap. He positioned you so that you were straddling his thighs, your body pressed against his.
"Perfect view of my pretty girl." Satoru mumbled as his hands gripped your hip tighter, looking up at you as his eyes roamed over your body. He ran his hands up and down your thighs, his touch gentle but firm. He pushed your skirt up slightly, his fingers tracing the bare skin of your inner thighs.
Sending shivers down your spine, being touched by someone was something you definitely lacked as the years went on. "Satoru," You softly whimpered. He paused at the sound of his name. Pulling away slightly so he could get a good look at your face. "Yes, my pretty girl?" His voice was low and his eyes also now filled with lust.
"Touch me more."
A wide smirk spreads across his face hearing your request, "Anything for you my love." His hands grip you tighter, pulling you flush agaisnt his chest. His lips onslaught on your neck, planting hot, open mouthed kisses along your skin, his hands explore your body, roaming under your shirt.
As he continued to explore your body, his hands and lips leaving a trail of fire wherever they touch. He pushes your shirt up, his fingers tracing over the bare skin of your breast. "Beautiful," he groans as his lips move down to your chest, planting kisses along your collarbone and the top of your breast.
He groaned loudly as he feels you rock back and forth, the friction between your bodies making him lose his composure. His hands grip your hips even tighter, his fingers digging into your skin as he urges you to keep moving. Smirking at his sudden lost of composure you lean in. His soft peachy lips sweetly lingering onto yours.
He moans into the kiss, his lips parting to allow your tongue entrance. He kisses you back hungrily, his tongue tangling with yours as he pull you even closer to him. One of his hands move up to the back of your head, fingers gripping your hair as he devours your mouth.
"Fuck me," You mutter pulling away from the kiss.
Before Satoru could even respond, interrupting the moment your phone vibrated with the loud ringtone. He looked at your phone in annoyance. The heavy shared breaths lingered as you grab your phone from your bag.
Your blood ran cold reading the contact in front of you,
Dad <3
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seat-safety-switch · 3 days
There's two reasons to do a cross-brand engine swap: because you're cheap, or because you're filled with spite. I am, of course, both. For years, forum people have become enraged from literally any prospect of putting a Dodge motor in a Chevy, or vice versa. Such an act is sacrilege. It taints the noble purity of the Chevrolet race, and its meticulous assembly by a group of guys who were high as hell on synthetic drugs and kept forgetting which way to bolt the windshield on. I really like making those folks, in particular, very mad.
To leverage my disgusting amounts of knowledge about everything automotive in the pursuit of "those things probably shouldn't go together" is basically the pinnacle of excitement. Why not jam a Rolls-Royce geared high-bypass turbofan from a 747 into a Jaguar XJ6? Does it even fit? How long can you run it for before it snaps your tack-welded motor mounts off the frame and starts flying down the expressway, clobbering Bronco Sports and blasting tollbooths into a fine mist of wood powder?
Of course, as with everything else in my life, I have to be pragmatic. What really drives me to do these swaps is the fact that I have a large collection of motors lying around, and I don't care too much what it says on the valve cover before underhand-lobbing it into the nightmare project that I need to drive to work tomorrow. Making people mad is just a bonus, even if it is a really good one. Soviet diesel engine it is. I'll run it on kerosene, that'll really show Diesel Ivan at the gas station.
Does the average person care, though? Does it impress them? No. I stopped explaining myself to them years ago. They don't think it's weird at all that a Plymouth could hold a Ford engine. In fact, they are surprised that it was ever the opposite case. They're just engines, right? Plymouth got them from the engine store, same as Ford.
In fact, the more we talk about this competition-of-swaps, the stranger it seems to my rational side that I have embarked upon a campaign of harassing the very same folks who could empathize with my odd hobby the most. Just don't ask a professional to psychoanalyze me. Those folks get real competitive when they find a weird thinkin' problem, too, and then I have to crawl out of my therapist's office while they exchange gunfire before I can get to my car and escape. Good reason to swap in a faster engine, come to think of it.
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steviewashere · 4 months
The Great Cornholio
Rating: General CW: Implied/Referenced Animal Abandonment, Implied/Referenced Animal Neglect, Implied/Referenced Child Abandonment, Implied/Referenced Child Neglect Tags: Post-Canon, Established Relationship, Mild Angst, Fluff, Steve Harrington is Impulsive, Steve Harrington is a Little Shit, Steve Harrington is a Sweetheart, Eddie Munson is a Sweetheart, Soft Steve Harrington, Soft Eddie Munson, Adopting a Dog, Beavis and Butthead Reference, Cornholio the Dog, Steve Harrington Has Bad Parents, Domestic Steddie, Domestic Fluff
🐕—————🐕 There’s a disrupting clatter of noise coming from the front door of their apartment. Eddie stops immediately what he’s been doing in the kitchen—wiping down counters and putting away the dry dishes from the rack—and listens in. Shushing. Scraping? And then…a whine.
“Steve?” He calls out.
All of the sounds immediately stop. Unnervingly so.
“Uh…Steve, you alright?” He calls out again. “You didn’t get into another fight again, did you? I think we’re out of rubbing alcohol, so it’ll be a bitch to disinfect any wounds you got.”
Subtle shuffling comes closer to the open doorway of the kitchen. Eddie turns to look. Steve’s standing in his work clothes, vest over his polo, jeans straight down his legs, shoes still laced. He’s flushed bright red. Nervously fiddling with his fingers. He shifts from foot to foot and peers up at Eddie through his eyelashes. Mirth glints at him.
“What’d you do,” Eddie sighs.
Steve smiles at him. All his teeth. Squinting his eyes so hard, they nearly look closed. “I got us something,” he giddily states, “you’re going to love it.”
Eddie gestures for him to get whatever this thing is. And waits, dish gloves up to his elbows, barefoot and in his pajamas, half-tired, not showered. He had a day off from work, the automotive shop around the corner, so what if he does chores and nothing else? But he’s especially exhausted. Just wants to relax. And knows, whatever Steve’s done, will tarnish all of that.
A couple minutes later, Steve comes back towards the kitchen. Vest gone, shoes off. Hands behind his back. Squirming left and right as his grip subtly—or not so subtly—changes. Slowly, carefully, he reveals the contents of his hands. And staring back at Eddie is a dog.
It’s a smaller breed—whatever breed it is. Soft looking, white fur. Ears that fold over like airplane wings. Big, brown, bug-like eyes. Pink nose, straight tail, short legs, and six toes on the front left foot. The dog’s cute, Eddie can objectively notice. It doesn’t mind being held, considering how Steve’s holding it close to his belly like it’s a toddler. And it’s not barking at him, like most dogs do the first time they’re introduced to him. This one’s rather mellow. Very relaxed. Though, that may just be from nerves.
“I got a dog,” Steve says. His voice goes a little high with his happiness. Smile bright and big and unmistakeable. Eyes excited and warm.
Eddie already knows he won’t turn this away.
“I can see that,” he states. “Is it our dog or—“
“His name is Cornholio. Like in Beavis and Butthead. And I’ve got all the supplies in the trunk,” Steve begins explaining, barreling over Eddie’s question. Okay, so it’s definitely ours, Eddie notes. “Cornholio here is housebroken. He knows how to sit and lay down. He’ll be sleeping with us in bed, I’m not making him lay in a dog bed by himself. And I’m going to buy him his own turkey to eat for dinner. And—“
“Wait, wait, wait,” Eddie interrupts. Immediately, Steve stops talking. And his smile fades. Looking more like…Well, it’s in bad taste, but he looks like a kicked puppy. The longer Eddie takes to collect himself, though, Steve appears as if his entire family has been slaughtered in front of his eyes. Eddie rubs a, now gloveless, hand between his eyebrows. “We didn’t talk about getting a dog? What led you to do this? How much did he cost? Have you factored in the possibility that either of us could be allergic?” Calm down, he scolds himself. He takes a quick, steadying breath. “I’m not…We can keep the dog, Stevie. But I—I’m not prepared for a dog.”
Steve cradles the dog closer to himself. Looks down at the top of his head and kisses the fur between his ears. Cornholio looks up with his big brown eyes, his tail wags as much as it can where Steve’s holding him, and he licks the underside of Steve’s jaw. “I just thought it would be nice to have a little buddy around,” he murmurs lowly, a little sad. “There was an ad for the humane society in the newspaper this morning and I thought, y’know, what if I looked after work? Just for the shits and giggles of it, but then I saw him. 
“And he’d been there for three years. He used to be left alone at his old house for weeks on end. Just left with scraps and the bag of dog food. Whatever he could find. He was lonely and sad and…Somebody finally called for him to be taken in.” Steve shrugs as much as he can with the weight of the dog between his arms. Looks up to Eddie, his eyes just as big as Cornholio’s, wet and tired. Meekly, he adds, “He made me think of myself. When…When my parents would just leave me all alone.”
Oh, Eddie thinks. His chest feels heavier. Head foggier. Eyes stinging.
“And you wanted to give him a better chance than what you had,” Eddie says, though he meant it like a question. It comes out a little breathy, too much of a realization to be anything more than that. Steve nods slowly, gently.
“He was only $50. I’ll return him if it’s a prob—“
“No, no,” Eddie rushes. He forces himself to move forward. Stand close and in Steve’s space. He peers down at the top of Cornholio’s little head, his tantalizingly soft fur. So, he scratches his nails over the baby’s scalp. He peers up at Steve again. At his impossibly sadder eyes, just a second away from bursting into tears. His free hand comes up and cups Steve’s left cheek. Thumb gently swiping over his cheekbone. “I think that you picked a good one, sweetheart. This baby’s adorable,” he coos. “Look, he’s even got my eyes.”
Steve scoffs. “Your eyes? He’s my son!”
Eddie hums. “Actually, he’s our son,” he murmurs. Smiles small to himself at the way Steve preens at those words. “And his name is Cornholio, like in Beavis and Butthead. And he’s going to eat turkey with us every night. And he can sleep between us in bed to ward off our nightmares, yeah?”
“Really? You’re not mad?”
He shrugs. “No, maybe just a little scrambled. But…I’m also an impulsive person, so this matters none.” Cornholio’s fur is incredibly soft under his hand. And he looks up at the two of them with all the gentleness in the world. And, maybe, Eddie thinks he could die happy here and now.
Steve leans in a little closer. Rests his cheek on Eddie’s shoulder as they both peer down at the little white dog. “Huh,” he mutters, “I guess he does have your eyes.”
“See?” Eddie asks softly, grinning. “Match made in heaven. How about we take him on a walk? Show him our picnic spot?”
Abruptly, Steve gasps. “Oh my gosh!” He crows, “We can take him on our picnics with us! And he can meet all the dogs at the park! And he can lay in our laps! And—“
Chuckling, Eddie swipes a soothing hand down Steve’s back. He’s bouncing in place, probably five seconds away from lift-off into the ceiling. He kisses Steve’s temple. Murmurs, “I’ll make some sandwiches, alright? Go get his collar and leash.”
Steve positively squeals.
And Eddie was right. This does ruin the plans he had on his day off, but he figures this is better. Way better than anything he could’ve done for himself. There was no way he was going to turn down the opportunity to see his boy happy.
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plooto · 1 year
⋆·˚ ༘ * blinker fluid . ft. katsuki bakugo
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synopsis . all he ever did was use you, why can’t you see that?!
warnings . nsfw . pining , childhood friends to lovers ! au , aged up ! au , quirkless ! au , toxic ! cheater ! kirishima is an ahole ( sorry not sorry ) , ( ooc katsuki ? , ) cursing , crying !! , cheating !! , more than friend ! bakugo , tons of emotion , slight overuse of pet names , piv sex , fingering , body worship , size kink if you squint , multiple orgasms , slight breeding kink , clingy ! small ! slight bimbo ! reader , slight possessiveness at the end.
words . 6k
notes . 6k i think is my longest yet.. thank you guys for all your support !
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“ katsuki! you were right! ” you rushed up to him. sparing you an uninterested glance and a half hearted laugh,
“ i’m always right, what this time? ” you shook his arm,
“ c’mon kats, i’m your favorite person! the least you could do is pretend to be excited when i am.. ” he fully turned to you, leaning forward with his elbows on his knees, playful smile on his face.
“ tell me then, what’s got you so excited? ” you take a moment, eyes widening at his undivided attention. you open your mouth, your heart beating hard in your head brought you back to reality.
“ k- kiri likes me! you were right, he’s taking me on a date tomorrow night. ” the soft smile that once graced his featured disappearing. he stayed looking at you, heart growing heavy, waiting for you to say something, waiting for you to discredit yourself, to say something, anything.
“ why aren’t you saying anything? ” he blinked once, then twice. recentering himself in the position that he put himself in. your smile faded, being replaced with worry.
“ good for you, yn ” he nodded, you smiled and looked at your phone before saying that you were running late.
“ good for you.. ” he said bitterly. this time he knew it was to convince himself.
he thought to himself, trying to figure out when these dammed feelings started to arise.
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“ eiji! do you want to go to the store with me? ” you asked, double checking the shopping list you made on your phone.
“ go by yourself, pretty, i have to finish some things here. ” you nodded, leaning down to place a sweet kiss on his cheek.
“ do you want me to pick anything up from the store for you? ” you asked, placing an small hand on his arm. which he lifted and rubbed the back of his head, thinking,
“ uh, yeah could you stop at that store i always like and pick something up for desert? ” you nodded writing it down. he looked down at his phone, getting a message. “ oh, also some blinker fluid, i checked your car this morning and it’s low. ” you nodded again, picking up your keys and waved bye to eiji.
it was taking you forever, time you didn’t have. you still had to run to kiri’s store and get his desert for him and make dinner when you got back but you couldn’t find the blinker fluid for your car. remembering that your boyfriend had things to do you pressed some buttons on your phone to call katsuki instead. not even two rings later, he answered,
“ what do you want? ” you heard his gruff voice, you felt your face flush and then nervous from being lost in the store that you spend the most of your time in.
“ um, i need help ” you confessed, the next moment was filled with objects shuffling and keys jingling.
“ where are you ” you stuttered for a moment,
“ i’m at the store..i can’t find this thing for my car. ” you explain, everything on the other end of the phone coming to a halt. “ katsuki? ”
“ what are you looking for.. ” he asked, the tone in his voice made you nervous
“ um..blinker fluid? ” you heard the door slam shut, but no outdoor noises.
“ hah?? ” you looked around the automotive section frustrated, a hand running through your hair.
“ prin- how long have you been looking for it? ” you checked the time, distressed from how long you’ve been in this store,
“ um, almost an hour.. ” you hear something break in the background, “ kats? what’s wrong? ”
“ you’ve been played sweetheart. there’s no such thing as blinker fluid. ” you feel the muscles in your face release, but your eyebrows never giving way.
“ w- what? ” you tilt your head to the side,
“ shitty hair lied to you yn, i’m on the way just stay there. ” you mumbled a small ‘okay’ and waited in the store,
katsuki made it to the store in nearly record time, probably breaking every driving law in the book.
“ i can’t believe you fell for that, ” he huffed, you chalked it up as fatigue from running. you pouted at him, watching as he shook his head and used a large hand to push the hair off his sweaty face, followed with pulling the hem of his shirt up to wipe his face, giving you a clear view of his chiseled abdomen that he’s been working on since middle school. you looked away embarrassed that you were staring at another man, nonetheless the best friend of your long term boyfriend..
“ blinker fluid ” he scoffs, looking around before looking back down at you, “ why’d you call me instead of your boyfriend? ” he asked,
“ he said he had to do some things, so i didn’t want to bother him.. ” you tell him, a softer pout following.
“ call him. ” he told you, your head whips to look up at him,
“ wh- i just told you he said he would be bus- ”
“ call. him. ” he said, narrowing his eyes at you, you gave him the meanest glare you could muster before listening. you pull out your phone and click the call button,
“ speaker. ” you looked up at him and pressed the button, letting out a breath before he answered.
“ yn, what is it? ” he’s out of breath, you bring the phone closer so you don’t have to yell,
“ um i couldn’t find the thing you told me.. ” you said trying to hear what he was doing in the background,
“ huh? ask one of the fuck, ask one of the employees, i have to shit, i have to go. ” he doesn’t wait for a response before he hangs up
“ see? busy. ” you say waving your phone as if he didn’t just hear it for himself. his arms are around his chest now, an unfamiliar look on his face, “ what is it? why are you looking at me like that ” you tilt your head to the side
“ eiji is a good man, he loves me. ”
“ all he ever did was use you, why can’t you see that? he’s cheating on you, yn. ” your eyebrows pull together, confused you take a step back.
“ what? n- no,..he was probably working out. ”
“ i’ve worked out with him before, that ” he points to the phone, “ was not working out. ” you let out a half laugh, but he wasn’t amused.
“ that’s not funny katsuki.. ” he didn’t say anything, just looked at you, and finally it hit you:
he wasn’t joking.
your heart sped up, creeping up to your throat, you felt your throat close,
“ check his location, he doesn’t have work out equipment at home right? ” you shook your head. you unlocked your phone again, going to his location and seeing he was still at home.
“ no..he loves me, he- he wouldn’t ” you shook your head, shaking out the heart aching thoughts that plagued your mind. hands made it to your shoulder and you looked up at katsuki. he lifts his hand and you flinch, he pauses before wiping the tears streaming down your face
“ finish your shopping, and i’ll drive you. ” you shook your head, finally lifting your hand to wipe your tear clad face.
“ it’s okay, i- i can do it alone..thanks for helping kats. ” he scans your face, your warm puffy face.
“ yn.. ” you give him a smile before pulling your shopping list off and crossing out blinker fluid out,
“ thank you for your help katuki, but i still have dinner to make.. ” you told him, giving him a hug before going about your day.
‘ i shouldn’t have told her.. ’ katsuki thought to himself, ‘ at least she knows now.. ’ you walked away from him, hand coming up to wipe the tears still staining your face. and he just watched. that was all he did, for the past three years all he’s done is watch as you got hurt over and over again.
you knew he could be cheating on you, you’ve known for too long, but he’s so sweet to you you couldn’t think it possible.
“ i’m home. ” you said, placing the groceries down and taking your shoes off. kirishima comes to you from the table, placing a kiss on your cheek,
“ did you find everything? ” you looked up at him, remembering what happened in the store. you smiled,
“ i tried, the employee said someone bought the last jug of the uh, blinker fluid. ” he nodded, patting your head and taking the bags from you,
“ i ordered some takeout, i’m kind of tired and i have to get up early tomorrow. ” you pursed your lips together.
“ oh..um okay.. ” you walked with him to his kitchen and out up the groceries as he plopped on the couch, engrossed with whatever was going on in his phone.
“ i’m going to jump in the shower, call me when the food gets here? ” you nodded giving him a small smile and turning to the groceries. once the bathroom door shut and the water came on you leaned against the counter, feeling numb from everything that took place today. you quickly put up the rest of the groceries and made your way to his bedroom. you both had your own place, but you tended to crash at his place more often than you were at your own.
you found yourself walking to the bedroom, his phone on the charger as he showered. you fought with yourself, trying to convince him to leave his phone alone. that you trusted him and he loved you and wouldn’t do a thing to hurt you.
his phone buzzed.
you lost the battle with yourself. you sat down and pulled his phone to your chest. you knew his password, he hasn’t changed it in years..you typed in the day you guys started dating and read the newest message
ashido : i had fun tonight, can’t wait to see you again <3
your heart dropped, creating an empty space where it used to be. you opened the message and scrolled, finding a message asking if she could come over around the time you were leaving for the grocery store.
you shook your head, it just had to be true, didn’t it?
you heard the shower turn off and you were brought back to the situation. marking the last message as unread and closed the app before going to photos to scroll for something to cover up.
“ sweetness? what ya doin over there? ” you looked up at him, a smile gracing your face,
“ i was looking for that photo i asked you to delete of me the other day, the one with noodles shooting out of my nose? ” you giggled, seeing him smile after you,
“ i couldn’t delete that one, that’s one of my favourites! ” he joked, you shook your head, locking his phone and hearing the doorbell ring,
“ oh that must be the food. ” he said,
“ get dressed, i’ll get it. ” you walked out and opened the door, giving the driver a tip before locking the door back.
the next day, kiri said that he had to stay late for this new proposal that his bosses have assigned to him.
he told you to not wait up for him, indicating that he’s going to be home really late, or not at all.
it was already late and you were tired of sitting at home, doing nothing. you still had a good amount of energy that you haven’t used, so you grabbed your keys and went to get takeout, opting to go to bakugo’s.
you called and asked what he wanted and then made your way to his place.
“ why do you drive so slow? ” you shrugged not looking to entertain his smart mouth. he shifted to give you room to walk in with the takeout. the two of you settled in his couch, watching a show you’ve been dying to watch. stuffing your face you watched as the two main characters finally confessed their feelings that they’ve had for each other since high school with interest.
beside you, katsuki looked down at you, feeling the utmost domestic in this moment with you. you leaned forward to grab your drink and you leaned too far, loosing your balance. katsuki’s arms reached out and looped around your waist, pulling you back, you landing on his side.
“ thank you, ”
“ hold yourself up dumbass. ” but the notion of letting you go went right over his head, you looked up at him, through your lashes. his eyes glanced down at your lips, and for a fraction of a second he knew this was a bad idea, but only for a fraction. one of his hands moved to cup your cheek and he leaned down to you, connecting your lips in a chaste kiss. it was short but you felt every bit of it, his lips were soft and his hands gentle as the arm around your waist pulled you closer ever so slightly. you parted, his eyes searching yours for any disagreement, any sign to tell him to stop.
there wasn’t.
in an instant he pulled you to straddle his lap, arm pulling you flush against him, leaning in to close the all too large gap between you he captured your lips in a fiery kiss. a kiss that told all his underlying feelings for you. all that he wanted to confess to you. how he loved the way your eyes sparkle when you talked about your stupid animal crossing island, or when you threw your head back way too far while laughing. he pulled you even closer, as if you were not chest to chest already. katsuki’s brows knit together, focused on feeling every inch of you through the passionate kiss. you wrapped your arms around his neck, his hand falling down to your hip, pushing and pulling you on his lap, breathless you pull away from him and he turns his attention to your unmarked collarbone, but not before leaving gentle but passion filled kisses down your neck, goosebumps trailing behind him. you gripped his shirt, a soft moan falling from your pretty lips. finding the spot that makes your knees weak he pulls you up higher, brushing your clothed sex over his.
“ katsuki~ ” you whine, he freezes,
‘ what the hell did he just do. ’ he curses at himself as he pulls away, hands coming off of you as if you burned him. you sat on his lap dumbfounded, body on fire from the heated session you just took part in. your chest rose and fell quickly, much faster than it was before. he couldn’t bring his eyes to meet yours, as much as he wanted to continue, to show you all the pent up feelings he had for you, he couldn’t. he reached up to pull your arms from around his neck and held your wrists in between you two, effectively putting some distance between the you of two.
“ i think you should go home. ” he said hoarsely, as if he didn’t want to say it. you blinked, a wave of hurt taking the place of bliss that had entranced you just moments ago.
“ w- what? ” you voice was nearly nonexistent. you lifted your hand towards him, to see his face but his hand shot out to grab yours,
“ leave yn..before we make another mistake, ” before i make another mistake. he turned to you, revealing his vermilion hues, ones that no longer held the hunger he just displayed to you. you sat back, looking down before taking a breath and getting off his lap, nearly falling from your knees being in such an awkward position for so long.
he didn’t spare you another glance, hand coming up to cover his burning cheeks. you took one last look at him before making yourself scarce to your childhood friend.
you stayed at your own apartment that night, putting your phone on the charger before shutting it down. your heart pounded in your chest, the heat of bakugo still lingering after the drive..you pressed a finger to your lips, puffed and swollen. you pulled the covers up to your chin, curling into a ball before taking the long path to sleep.
you woke up late, assuming so from the positioning of the sun in your window. you turned to lay flat on your back, stretching from being balled up all night. you let out a sigh, the scenes of last night pouring back into your mind. you sat up quickly, regretting the quick action immediately. you held your head as you reached over to grab your phone. turning it on you found messages from your boyfriend and one missed call from bakugo.
you ignored the missed call and opened the messages from your boyfriend.
my heart : hey are you okay?
my heart : call me when you see this
my heart : i’m going to bed, love you.
you shook your head as you read the messages over.
“ i really am blind. ” thinking back to his lax attitude when you were on his phone, as if he was not committing infidelity in your bed hours earlier. you were one to talk, weren’t you? making out with his best friend with no intention of stopping.. you sighed, taking a shower and getting dressed to go to kirishima’s. you unlocked the door, opening your mouth to greet him when you realized a pair of shoes you didn’t recognize in your spot. closing your mouth you tucked your keys into your purse, setting your purse down on the table by the door and silently sliding your shoes off. you walked around for a moment, not before you heard a grunt from the bedroom.
your heart pounded, almost too hard, you were sure he would hear it if you opened your mouth even a little. you made your way to the bedroom, the shaking bedframe becoming louder by the second. you wanted to walk out, pretend you never came here, pretend you were still in bed and didn’t get up until the sun went down, but you couldn’t..you didn’t want to, as much as you wanted to run away you didn’t.
you pushed the door open, the lewd sounds reached you first, your eyes falling behind to adjust to the darkness of the room. the scene playing out in front of you was suffocating, watching your long term boyfriend pressed up against another in the most intimate way. loosing your grip on the doorknob, the light from the living room alerted the two,
“ oh fuck, yn! ” the pink haired girl didn’t scream, didn’t bother pulling the covers to cover herself, just smirked at you. kirishima stumbled, tripping over the covers to pull his boxers up his thighs. you stared blankly, you mind telling your body to turn and leave, with droopy eyes, you made your way to your shoes and slid them on, hurried footsteps behind you.
“ yn wait, i promise i can explain. ” you snapped out of your trance, you turned to him, tears starting to form,
“ explain what kirishima? ” you said, shrugging at him, eyebrows pulled in defeatedly. you waited for some excuse or lie to come out of his mouth,
“ well? say something. yell, scream, say something! anything dammit! ” you pleaded for him to say something to make you think that he wasn’t as bad as he made himself out to be, anything at all.. tears flowing freely now, your throat closed tighter and tighter the longer you were in his presence.
you hiccuped, looking past him to see the girl he was just balls deep in.
“ sorry to interrupt. ” you barely made out. the overwhelming feeling of rue washing over you. you turned back to kirishima, raising a heavy arm to gesture to the girl leaning against the bedroom door “ someone’s waiting for you.. ” you added heavy-heartedly. kirishima hung his head, sweat dropping down from his forehead. turning around you pulled on the door handle and shut it behind you. you got in your car, turned it over and ignored the figure of kirishima in your rear-view mirror.
you didn’t know where you drove to, your limbs knew where to go and you were just along for the ride.. you made it to your destination and got out, barely remembering to lock your car and started walking.
you weren’t sure when it started raining but when the cold sky water began to seep through your jacket you finally felt all of the emotions you were trying to block out.
as every rain drop hit you, two tears came in their place, your lip trembled. you shook your head, trying to fight it, you couldn’t. your chest heaved, breaths becoming shorter and shorter, your legs gave out from under you, knees slamming to the ground you screamed. trying to let it out, let out everything that has went wrong, everything you realized wasn’t as it seemed: when he’d stay out later than before, when he stopped showing you affection, when he stopped being your boyfriend..
eyes blurry you picked up your phone, not being able to see you held the power button, telling your phone a short task.
watching some random videos on youtube as he ate his favorite spicy noodles, his phone rang. seeing your name pop up he finished chewing his noodles
“ katsukii ” you cried on the other side of the phone,
“ yn? ” there’s a pause, it’s raining and your breathing erratically,
“ kat- he- i- it hurts.. ” you wailed, he balled his hands into a fist.
“ where are you? ” no response, “ stay there, i’ll find you, okay? ” he grabs his keys and a jacket for you and rushed to his car, sliding away from the call screen to maps. you managed to share your location with him, coughing and sneezing as he drove with white knuckles around the steering wheel.
putting the car in park he ran to where you map marker was and saw you, cursing he kneeled down to you, placing a warm hand on your cold cheek, he took his jacket and draped it over you,
“ hang onto me, okay? ” feeling your weak nod he lifted your arm over his shoulder and hooking the other under your knees, he lifted you up with ease. settling you into the passenger seat of his car he buckled your seatbelt and taking off your wet jacket, he places his jacket more comfortably around your shoulders. getting in the driver seat he turned up the heat.
arriving back to his house, he helps you out of the vehicle. he brought you to his room, stepping out after giving you some sweatpants with a warm hoodie as he warmed up a towel for you. you stood in the middle of the room, arms by your side, not in the sleeves. he took your hair and wrapped the towel around it, the warmth snapping you out of your daze, helping him slide your arms through the sleeves. leading you to the kitchen he turned to you,
“ do you want something to eat? ” you shook your head slowly, he sighs, resting a hand on the now damp towel.
“ i’m going to make you something to eat. ” lifting you to place you on the counter. you numbly watch him move around the kitchen, picking up various pots and ingredients.
“ katsuki.. ” you muttered, wiping your face with your fingers, he turned and look at you and you pushed yourself off the counter, and walked to him. he looked down at you quizzically and you ignored it, you tried to stop the tears falling from your eyes but they wouldn’t. you wrap your arms around him and just let it out. bakugo looks down at you, frozen unaware of what to do. he pulls his arms out of your grasp, heart hammering in his chest, and wraps them around your waist.
“ it’s okay, let it out. ” he runs a hand up and down your back, opting to make you something when you calmed down, he lifted you into his arms, taking you back to his room. he looked down at you, your cheek against his shoulder, eyebrows relaxed, and lips lightly parted. he kneeled down on his bed, placing you as gently as he could before lifting the covers over you, taking the towel from around your head. hearing your breathing slow, soft snores took the place of hiccups and ragged breaths. he sighed, getting up to clean up his kitchen he felt your hand grab his,
“ don’t leave me, ” your lip quivered, he bit his lip going to tell you he’d be right back, “ please, don’t leave me.. ” he gave in,
“ alright pretty. ” you dropped his hand and he walked to the other side of the bed, relieving himself of his outside clothes and putting on a pair of shorts and a tshirt. pulling the covers back just enough for him to climb in, he settled in next to you.
his arms came to engulf you, turning you over to rest your head on his chest, rubbing your back as he did before. your soft sniffles fill the quietness of the room.
“ you feeling better pretty girl? ” he felt you nod into his chest, cuddling closer to him. “ are you comfortable? ” you didn’t reply, just shifted your legs, taking the hand from your back, he lifted your leg to rest over his hip. you sighed contentedly, as he pushed a warm hand under his hoodie, resting it on your back. you shifted, getting uncomfortable again,
“ what’s wrong? ” you wanted to shake your head, tell him nothing, but bakugo knew you better than that. you bit your lip before pulling your leg off of his, turning around, holding onto his fingers. he laid still, waiting for you to position yourself before wrapping an arm around your middle.
“ i’m good now.. ” you mumbled. he hummed, closing his eyes and he gently pulled you into him.
you couldn’t sleep, today being way more eventful than you wished, so many moments, so many feelings you wished you’d forget.
“ you’re still up, ” you felt his voice rumble your body.
“ i- can’t sleep. ” you mumbled,
“ hm, ” he slipped his hand under the hoodie once more, pulling you flush to him. the hand resting on your stomach glided over your soft skin gently, wrapping around you fully, he placed a kiss behind your ear, your hair now dry. he kisses lower, finding your sweet spot like muscle memory, drawing a sweet moan from your lips.
“ tell me to stop princess, tell me to stop or i- ”
“ please, katuski.. ” you begged, turning to him and resting a hand on his jaw, the fresh stubble tickling your palm.
“ fuck. ” he cursed, pulling you close and locking your lips together. biting on your bottom lip you hesitated before opening your lips to allow him in. as his tongue explored you, his hands began to wander, going lower to grope at anything he could reach.
a sting of curses fall through his pretty lips and you open your eyes to lock with his. lips parted, allowing more air through as you breathed heavily. you leaned up to him but he pulled back, you pulled back to, wanting to apologize, that you didn’t mean to go so fast.
“ let me appreciate you, doll. ” he said, laying you flat on your back and softly stripping you of the clothes he let you borrow. without another moment, he peppered kisses down your body, leaving goosebumps in their wake. you squirmed, pulling him up by his shoulders to connect your lips again.
“ fuck..the things you do to me ” his hand trails down your body, slotting himself between your legs.
as his hand slid over your hips, he rests his thumb on your bundle of nerves, rubbing gentle circles on it. watching you face crunch up, he leans down to suck bruising marks on your supple skin, anywhere his mouth could reach. your fingers wrapped around the hem of his shirt, tugging on it, he pulls is over his head, sitting back on his heels. you sat up with him.
running your hands over his structured chest, you planted soft kisses down his torso.
“ you’re gorgeous katsuki.. ” you mumbled against one of his pecs, looking up at him through your lashes. he groaned, reaching behind you to unclip your bra, watching it slide off your shoulders before laying you down. he pulled back to free himself of his shorts before helping you out of your underwear.
turning his affection towards you, he captured your nipple in his mouth, swirling his tongue around it, fondling the other. you ran a hand through his hair, tugging at it every so slightly. releasing your nipple, he goes on to leave more love marks along your skin,
“ katsu..please s- stop teasing~ ” you whined, engulfing him in a heart stoping kiss.
“ what princess wants, princess shall get” he mumbled against your lips, “ i wanted to take it slow, but- can’t deny my pretty girl “ he spoke gently. stripping the both of you of your last articles of clothing left he pushed middle finger into your warmth, his ring finger soon following. a few quick thrusts of his hand and he already found and was abusing the spot that made you see stars. sucking one more hickey into your collarbone, katsuki let his tongue glide down your body, all the way down to where his hand met with your warm sopping hole.
“ you’re so wet for me pretty girl. ” you whined, grinding down on his hand as you ached for more. it wasn’t enough, not nearly enough..
“ more katsu, please. ” you moaned oh so sweetly. he groaned at the sound of his name falling from your lips, cursing, he moved off you, tugging his bottoms off in one swift motion, using the slick from you to rub on his dick. you watched him intently, sitting up while reaching for his member, he took your hand in his, pressing a soft kiss to your palm. the gesture enough to make your heart swell and bring tears to your eyes.
“ tonight’s about you baby, ” he muttered, leaning down to press kisses to the shell of your ear. rubbing the bulbous tip of his cock rub against your clit he draw another moan from your sweet lips, “ let me take care of you ” he whispered and you bit your lip, trying to hold the sinful noises back. katsuki pulled back a smidge, lining up with your entrance,
“ take a breath for me. ” and you did, with that, he pushed inside your heat ever so gently. you both moaned, and he captured your lips in his, swallowing any further noises from you as he pushed deeper inside you, you pulled away from him, pushing your head further into the pillow. you pulled your lips between your teeth, trying not to cry out from your cunt stretching to accommodate the sheer size of bakugo. peppering kisses along your cheeks, ending on your eyelids he tucked his flushed face into your shoulder as be bottomed out.
“ fuck you’re so tight.. ” he groaned, his thumb seeking purchase on your bundle of nerves. you cursed, his name falling from your lips as you clenched around him, he pulled out slowly, leaving just the tip in before pushing back into you. your eyes rolled to the back of your head,
“ feels so good~ ” you mewled. his forehead dropped into the crook of your neck, panting heavily.
“ fuck, i can’t- shit.. ” he pulled back, watching as he pulled out, a line of your arousal forming at the base of his cock. the sight nearly undoing him on the spot, he pushed back into you, circling your clit faster. you squeezed around him tighter,
“ oh~ katsuki, i- i’m ” he sped up his pace ever so slightly, watching your facial expressions as he angled his hips to hit the sweet spot inside you. your mouth opened but no sound came out,
“ come on baby, give it to me ” your body listened. clenching down on him like a vice, his hips stuttered as he fucked your through your first orgasm. slowing down to give you room to get your breath you pulled him by his shoulders for a seering kiss. he thrusted into you, more needy, wanting more of those pretty little sounds to leave your lips. he fucked into you as if it was the last thing he would do. aching with pure need your cunt pulls him in deeper, kissing all the right places you feel the coil in your stomach getting tighter. moaning into his mouth, you scratch against his back, leaving red marks as you go. he groaned into you , pulling from you to rest his forehead against yours, eyes closed as the feeling of you engulfed him in pure ecstasy.
“ fuck i’m close..you gonna cum with me pretty girl? ” you nodded mindlessly, moving your hips to meet his thrusts. you’re driving him crazy, the sounds of your body reacting to him, the feeling of you against him, it was nearly too much. wrapping his arm around your shoulders he coaxes another orgasm from you. eyes seeing stars, your nails dig into his biceps.
“ katsuki!! ” your orgasm hits you hard, tumbling over the edge head first you see white.
“ fuck. ” a few more thrusts and he was joining you at that cliff, pushing himself over to meet you he stills, blowing his load deep into you. your chest heaves, body shaking as he coats your walls with his seed. he presses his forehead against yours, eyes closed as you both breathed in the passionate air that settled around the two of you. pulling out of you, you whined. he hovered above you, letting air back into your lungs.
“ i’m going to get you some water, stay up for a little bit longer. ” you shook your head, not wanting him to leave your side.
“ stay..please.. ” he nodded, pressing a kiss to your hairline, he whispered:
“ okay ” he found your underwear somewhere strewn next to the bed and pulled it up your legs, making sure his load was secure. finding his and tucking his member into his boxers he pulled the covers up to your hips as you cuddled into his chest. he wrapped his arm around you, pulling you flush against his.
“ mine ” he growled lowly, you smiled gently,
“ yours.. ” you mumbled, eyelids fluttering shut.
not uttering another word, he watched as you peacefully lulled off to sleep, falling into a deep peaceful slumber. nothing could ruin this moment, the girl of his literal dreams asleep in his arms after a long night together.
but something could, and it did. it was your phone ringing. groaning he shifted to turn it off, but not before looking at the caller id.
hearts and an e. kirishima. he didn’t think twice about how this would sever the life long friendship with the red haired fool before answering.
“ yn baby! ” he shouted,
“ if you want to wake her up again go right ahead, just know i have to work in the morning and i would kill you. ” he said, vermillion eyes narrowing at the phone.
“ b- bakugo?! ” he grinned, finally realizing what’s happening. with his other hand he gently rubbed your back, hoping that the yelling from the phone would not wake you. not even a little bit.
“ that’s right. now you delete her number, i’ll text you when i can come get her stuff, don’t ever call her again. and i so much as feel you thinking of her, i’ll end you. ” with that he hung up the phone and shut it down.
he would protect you.
his perfect girl.
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published . august 28 , 2023
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pocketfullofsimshine · 3 months
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decided to go with a diner/gas station/automotive shop for foundry coves community lot still in the very early stages, but i'm excited. I think i'll make the garage into a club hang out - maybe for robotics or some kind of crafting activity :)
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nataliawrites · 2 years
Sweeter Than Revenge // Toto Wolff
Toto Wolff x Verstappen!Reader
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Toto Wolff was a perfectionist. He demanded nothing but the best. He refused to settle for second or third. He knew what he wanted and he knew how to get what he wanted.
That’s where you come in. Some would call you a jack of all trades. Despite your relatively young age, you had graduated at the top of your Oxford class with a Doctorate in Engineering Science — specializing in automotive and mechanical engineering — and a Masters in Strategy and Innovation. Your thesis on exploiting friction and wind resistance instead of battling against it caught the eye of numerous car manufacturers, all wanting to snatch up the mind behind the innovate approach that could revolutionize the industry.
But when Formula 1 teams joined the fray for your employment, your mind was made up the second you saw the email from the Mercedes-AMG Petronas team principal himself. The exorbitant salary, company car, and executive position Toto was offering you were benefits but they paled in comparison to the opportunity to do the one thing you had been waiting for since you permanently left home at 18 years old — prove the people that you had once called family wrong.
Growing up as the eldest child of Jos Verstappen and half-sister to Max Verstappen was anything but sunshine and rainbows. Constantly in the shadow of your younger brother. Always ignored in favor of your father’s golden son. Never receiving approval or the affection you desired after the loss of your mother. Always an afterthought to racing.
When you moved to an entirely different country, merely a teenager yourself, the only communication you received from your family was a text message from Jos reminding you “not to embarrass the family name” a few months after you started university. So you powered forward, completely alone in a foreign country and forced to work two jobs on top of school, but finding solace in your studies.
Now, as you hit send on your response to Toto Wolff, all of your struggles were going to pay off.
Not long after, you were invited to formally meet the team and sign all the necessary paperwork in the beginning of the offseason. You made the drive to Brackley and smoothed your power suit before entering the team’s technology center. A composed receptionist took your name before guiding you down the halls lined with moments and memorabilia from team history and leaving you in front of a door with a steel “Toto Wolff” nameplate on it.
You took a moment to collect yourself and rapped your knuckles against the solid wooden door, turning the handle when a deep accented voice from within the office told you to enter. The Austrian, who painted an imposing picture behind his desk, rose to greet you with a firm handshake. You quickly realized that he was tall and fit and, despite how hard you tried to keep your mind professional, extremely handsome.
“Dr. Verstappen, it’s great to finally meet you,” Toto motioned for you to sit down across the desk from him.
“The pleasure is all mine, Mr. Wolff. I am so grateful for this opportunity.”
“The pleasure is ours. We are very excited to have you onboard this coming season. And, please, call me Toto.”
“Then you must call me Y/N. And while we’re on the topic of names, I’m sure you’ve noticed mine.”
Toto leaned back in his leather chair, “a funny coincidence to be sure. I hope that doesn’t mean you cheer for Red Bull.”
You hid a wince at his joking tone, “about that … it’s not exactly a coincidence. Max Verstappen is my brother. Half-brother if you want to get technical.”
You continue as you see him about to speak, “let me assure you that this will have no negative impact on my work with you. If anything, it will make me work harder towards the team’s success. I don’t exactly go around making this public knowledge, but my childhood was not the best and I haven’t spoken to my brother or my father since I first moved out at 18. They never supported me or showed that they cared about me. I’m doing this for myself. I’m going to help Mercedes win to prove them wrong.”
Your heart pounded out of your chest as Toto impassively stared into your soul. “I believe you.” A breath you didn’t even realize you were holding rushed out in relief. “I’ve had the pleasure of meeting Jos Verstappen and what you’ve told me does not exactly come as a surprise.”
“Thank you, Toto. I promise you won’t regret it. We’ll get Mercedes back on top.”
“I am counting on it. Welcome to the team.”
You spent the rest of the off-season working more often than not, applying the research your Doctorate was built on to the car and optimizing it as much as possible. You spent your days working closely with the engineering team and both Lewis Hamilton and George Russell, gathering as much data as possible before you flew out to pre-season testing. Your evenings were usually taken up by Toto, the both of you workaholics who stayed far past the time that everyone else had left, typically discussing strategy and your mutual loathing of Red Bull over dinner that was ordered into the office.
The attraction that you felt upon first meeting your boss grew more and more as you got to know him better. While his handsomeness certainly didn’t hurt, his intelligence and passion truly did it for you. His age didn’t bother you — boys your age certainly left something to be desired — but you refused to be known as the woman who slept her way to the top (despite how unfair and inaccurate that would be) in a heavily male dominated field. So you used all your willpower to stay professional and prayed that Toto didn’t notice when you would gaze at his lips or his forearms or his chest in that famous button up shirt for a bit longer than strictly appropriate.
There was no way that Toto Wolff could possibly reciprocate your feelings so your resolved to keep them tightly bottled up.
He had a different idea.
You were in Toto’s office to mark your last dinner before flying to Bahrain for pre-season testing, lightly talking over a bottle of wine, when he abruptly set down his glass and looked resolutely down at you. “Tell me if I’ve misread the situation,” he pushed your plates to the side, uncaring, as he reached out to pull you across the desk and towards him.
You seized up in shock but melted as he crashed his lips to yours.
You gathered what little common sense you had remaining to detach yourself from him, “Toto, we can’t.”
His eyes went guarded, “Do you not feel the same way?”
“No but-“
“Then why?”
“Because you’re my boss! Because even the thought of this is unprofessional! Because it can ruin both of us!”
“But you want this.” He said it as a statement.
“Of course I do,” you deflate. “But we can’t-“
“And I want this too. I want you. You are strikingly intelligent and incredibly beautiful. We are both consenting adults and the team does not have a fraternization policy. There is no reason we must suffer in restraint.”
He takes both of your hands, engulfing then with his large ones before continuing, “you have been taking care of yourself for so long. Now, let me take care of you.”
You were extremely thankful the next morning that you accepted Toto’s offer to join him on his private jet instead of flying commercial charter with the rest of the team. At least this way he had time to drop you off at your apartment so you could pick up your luggage on the way to the airport without having to rush.
The other perks were pretty nice too. If you had told your younger self that you would be joining the Mile High Club with Toto Wolff on a private jet heading to Bahrain for the start of the Formula 1 season, you would have laughed in your own face (and then tried to work out the physics of how you time traveled to see your younger self in the first place).
Once in Bahrain, you jumped into the beautiful chaos that is the F1 season head first. Mercedes started off on a much higher note than last year and the mood around the garage remained light as the team kept the momentum going. It quickly became common to see 1-2 Mercedes finishes or at the very least both Mercedes drivers on the podium as the optimized car and your unorthodox strategies gave them the extra edge.
You and Toto tried to steal as many moments together as you could away from the hurricane of work that sometimes swallowed you up. Soon, neither of you particularly trying to keep your progressing relationship a secret, the rest of the team became aware that you were together. Despite your initial fears of backlash, you were met with support and the worst you got from the team was gentle teasing about managing to tame the infamous Toto Wolff.
As the season unfurled, neither your father nor brother had noticed you working for their rival. While photos of you with Toto, your drivers, and generally around the team did circulate, neither of them made the connection between the woman in Mercedes gear and the daughter and sister they cut off years ago. You ignored the traitorous pang in your heart every time Max or Jos’ eyes glossed over you, not realizing who they were looking at.
Or at least they didn’t until the FIA Prize Giving ceremony.
Toto was attending to receive the Constructors’ Championship trophy while your drivers collected their respective Drivers’ Championship and second-place trophies and you had come along as his date. While making the rounds on Toto’s arm at the gala after the ceremony, Max happened to overhear Toto introducing you to an acquaintance and your brother’s head snapped up at the sound of your name.
Max stared at the woman with Toto. It couldn’t be … but she had the same face shape and nose shape and hair color he remembered. His feet moved towards you before he could help himself, “Y/N?”
You heard the familiar voice interject from behind you and steeled yourself before turning around, “Max.”
“Is it really you?”
“Last time I checked.”
Toto had managed to excuse himself from his conversation and joined the awkward reunion between the estranged Verstappen siblings.
“Verstappen,” he nodded a curt greeting.
Your brother paused, looking between you and Toto, “wait-wait. You and him? You’re together?”
“For a while now,” you gained some satisfaction from the mix of emotions, none of them pleasant, that crossed Max’s face. “I’m surprised you didn’t notice earlier. I mean, Toto and I did only meet because I work for Mercedes. I’ve been around the paddock every race.”
You didn’t notice the approach of your father until you looked at Max’s wide eyes frozen on someone behind you.
“How dare you! To go against your own family? To actively work against your brother?”
“Hello, father. How are you? I’ve been great! It’s only been a little under a decade since I’ve heard from you.”
“Why you little who-”
Toto stepped in front of you before your father could finish what was sure to be a very complementary sentence, “Verstappen, I would stop it right there if I was you.”
“I always knew Y/N was an embarrassment but even I didn’t expect for her to become a gold digger going after men her father’s age.”
Toto came to your rescue once again, “she’s far from a gold digger. Y/N is Mercedes’ Executive Engineer and Strategist. She’s a large reason why we beat your son all season long.”
“What she is,” Jos spit out, “is a shame to the Verstappen name.”
Toto resolutely held you close, “then it’s a good thing she won’t be a Verstappen for much longer.”
Taking the opportunity, you raised your entwined hands to show off the diamond ring that graced your ring finger since Toto took you on vacation to the Seychelles and surprised you with a beautiful proposal a week ago.
“Max, Jos … we’ll be sure not to invite you to the wedding.”
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ancaporado · 1 year
For all the hub-bub about 3d printing and at-home cnc machines in the gun world. I'm genuinely excited to see how disruptive they can be in the automotive industry. Weird OEM brackets and body work? we can fix that... Fuel injector cracked? just give us some bar stock and 45 minutes we got a new one, no need to order from a warehouse... I don't know why every major city doesn't already have kit-car building and modder shops that will can just fab your dreams. We pay insane rates for the UAW to make cars in large factories and it's just not going to be necessary in 10 years. They are gonna mandate EV's and we'll be out here just making mad-max style kit cars for half the cost of the dealers and factories.
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1950 Oldsmobile Polynesian Coupe
It’s the early 1950s, and the world of custom cars is booming with excitement. In the midst of this automotive frenzy, one car stands out—the Polynesian. Crafted in 1952 by the talented folks at Valley Customs in Burbank, California.
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1950 Oldsmobile Polynesian Coupe
This special car was ordered by Jack Stewart, a car lover from Canton, Ohio. Fresh from military service, Stewart fell in love with custom cars when he saw Dunn’s Ford at the Motorama show in Los Angeles.
The Exciting Transformation
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1950 Oldsmobile Polynesian Coupe
Completely captivated, Stewart got in touch with Neil Emory and Clayton Jensen of Valley Custom. He had a dream to transform his ’50 Oldsmobile 88, and over nine months, the car underwent an incredible makeover.
The changes included a 4-inch body section, a redesigned front, unique fender skirts, and a cool front bumper/grille made from a ’47 Olds bumper. The headlights got a special touch, and ’52 Studebaker taillights were treated the same way.
Emory and Jensen, who were true experts, used hammer-welding and metal-finishing to make the car look fantastic, ending with a beautiful orchid metallic finish.
In the Limelight
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1950 Oldsmobile Polynesian Coupe
Debuting in Hot Rod magazine in September 1953, the Polynesian became a star. It even won ‘best of show’ at the first Michigan Auto Rama in 1953, proving it was a showstopper. The car appeared in many magazines and books, becoming famous in the world of custom cars.
A Mysterious Disappearance and a Glorious Comeback
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1950 Oldsmobile Polynesian Coupe
But like many classic cars, the Polynesian disappeared mysteriously, hiding away in storage for a long time where it faced the effects of time. It wasn’t until 2005 that a dedicated owner decided to restore it to its former glory carefully.
Under the Hood
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1950 Oldsmobile Polynesian Coupe
Beneath the shiny exterior is the powerful heart of the Polynesian—a strong 324 cubic-inch Oldsmobile V8 engine. With a .030 overbore, egge cast aluminum pistons, and a 9:1 compression ratio, this engine brings the iconic custom coupe to life.
In essence, the Polynesian tells a story of a time when people put their hearts and skills into making timeless cars.
With its triumphant return, this Oldsmobile 88 Holiday 2-door coupe keeps capturing the imaginations of car lovers, showing that classic custom cars will always be fascinating.
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1950 Oldsmobile Polynesian Coupe
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tadc-harlequin-au · 2 months
Depressed!anon here. Thank you for inspiring me 💜 heres the concept for my goofy lil oc(art coming soon)
OAKE 13 Model-D, The Ochre City/ Oakley, the Wistful Vivarium!
A multi-die Puppet designed as a moving city, meant to be capable of housing a sizeable population. Well, for the rich, of course. Multiple soul dies were used to make the entire city move, with Oakley at the head, and seven additional soul dies for the legs, windsails, and tail of Model D. OAKE stood for Oct-Alma Automotive Kinetic Environment, with three models being prototyped. OAKEs never made it to full-scale production, due to the immense resource requirements and the fragility of the sanity in the soul dice. Oakley was one such prototype, Model Dragon. 
As 13 M-D, Oakley was old enough to witness the fall of humanity. His immense body contained a giant vivarium, a completely enclosed mobile city. As the other seven soul dice slowly became corrupt and caused the destabilization of the vivarium, Oakley did his best to lead his collapsing body to what he hoped would be a safe haven, before he too gave into madness. He gave up his fight not far from the City of Circuits, an immobile head attached to a rusting hull.
As a rebuilt Puppet, Oakley has a smaller frame, and his own body for once. Now a dragon Animatronic, he can freely roam to his heart's desire, providing a method of fast travel for Pomni when they cross paths. Oakley's one and only wish is to see the world rebuilt.
if I had a nickel for everytime someone created a dragon OC with such a fleshed out and intriguing concept for this AU, I would have two nickels
which isn't a lot but it's SO AWESOME THAT IT HAPPENED TWICE AUGH
My brain immediately thought of Shadow of the Colossus for this big guy and I think that's so amazing, I LOOOOOOVE giant creatures colossal beings my absolute beloved I wish we had them in real life but as friends
I'm getting sidetracked I'm just so excited for this concept like WHATTTT, A GIANT MECHANICAL DRAGON THAT'S ALSO A FLOATING CITY?!??! FOR THE RICH!???!?!?! I WANNA SEE THAT SHIT JUST TO WITNESS HOW SUCH A THING TRAVERSES FROM POINT A TO POINT B AUGHHHH THAT SOUNDS SO COOL (but also... very tragic.... 7 dices were used... containing multiple souls... Oh, these poor, tragic people who had to be subjected to such cruelty. I hope they found peace somewhat, if the dices were destroyed)
The concept of fast travel was something I've been considering for this AU too, mostly with the idea of "soul magic + device that causes object displacement" (or more commonly known as "teleportation") BUT NOPE, GIANT DRAGON NOW, LOVE IT, PITCH IT, SELL IT
(also reminds me of The Last Stag from Hollow Knight, would Oakley also be giving Pomni the option to go from city to city? All the major, largest cities of this world are neighbors, and they kinda form like, a weird giant cog)
OH, this makes me SO excited to see your concept art for it. like, oh my lord. Goodness gracious, it's going to be amazing and I just know it. As usual, take your time, don't feel pressured, I await the lad's visual concept with all the patience in the world teehee :3
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antiquatedplumbobs · 8 months
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Spring 1916
Joe's grand plan for a full service automotive service station in Brindleton Bay cleared a large hurdle in the Spring of 1916 with the securement of a sizeable investment from a certain Walter Fernald (heir of THE Fernald shipping fortune), who summered at the Cavalier Hotel every year. The sharp rise of excitement Will felt was mirrored by the swoop of dismay as he realized there really was nothing else for it: he had to tell his father.
It wasn't until after the evening milking that Will got the nerve to broach the subject. Twilight had descended on the farm, muting the verdant green of the grass poking up in the pasture. A soft breeze was rustling the newly unfurled birch and maple leaves. The air carried with it that particular spring quality of hopefulness and new beginnings; an aura that Will — nervous as he was — was rather oblivious to. He'd spent the day worrying over what to say, how to tell Hamish this huge news. The perfect words had been elusive, so what came out when he finally got the nerve to speak was terse, if not to the point.  
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"Joe's offered me a job as a mechanic. I'm going to take it." Will felt an immense weight list from his shoulders as the words left his lips. His concern over his father's approval was still there, but it no longer ruled him; it was as if speaking it aloud had freed him. 
Hamish, who had been washing his hands at the pump, jerked at the statement, splashing water over himself. 
"Christ, Will, not one for a gentle breaking of news are you, son?" Hamish cursed under his breath as he removed his now soaked overcoat, leaving only his shirtsleeves. "He's expanding I suppose? I'd figured he might with how many autos there are on the roads these days." He sighed, and fished in his pocket for the slightly crumpled pack of cigarettes he always had there. Happy that they were dry enough he shook one out and busied himself with the business of lighting it.   
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"I didn't know you wanted to leave, Will." While the words were spoken softly, they may as well have been shouted for the impact they had upon Will. He looked down, gripping the fence rail hard enough to hurt, not wanting to see the disappointment in his father's eyes. He was surprised when a work-worn hand appeared, offering a cigarette. He looked up to see his father's eyes did not hold disappointment, but some other inscrutable emotion. Will accepted silently, and his father equally silently held up the lighter to him before turning to look over the fields. 
"I don't think I ever really told you why I bought this farm, son." Will stayed silent, not wanting to ruin the moment. Hamish loved his son, but he was a taciturn man and had never been quick to share his feelings. Will sensed the story he had to tell was more than the simple one relayed to small children at their father's knee; that his father was offering Will a side of himself he had not seen before.
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"My father was an exacting man to work for, you might not believe that 'cause he mellowed out with age a bit, but when I was young everything had to be done exactly how he wanted or there would be trouble. There was all this literature on new farming techniques, ways to increase yields, and I'd show it to him but he never wanted to hear it, never even let me try it on my own." Will thought he heard the ghost of the anger his father had held as a young man in those words.
"So I bought this place." He said it matter of factly. "If he wasn't going to let me do anything my way, I didn't see the point in working with him. Old Mr. Sable had always liked me, I'd help him out sometimes when I had extra time. After his wife died he just wanted to get rid of anything that reminded him of her, the farm included. He sold it to me for a steal really," Hamish said looking around at the farm; the buildings so lovingly maintained and improved by a quarter of a century of his father's hard work. 
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"This is a good opportunity," Hamish said, abruptly switching the conversation back to the present. "I'm glad for you." He clapped Will on the shoulder. "Now I think your mother will be wondering why we've let her get her supper go cold while we stood out here." Will looked up to see his mother standing in the open kitchen door and grinned. 
"Well, now," Hamish said thoughtfully as he smiled up at Will's mother. "Meeting your mother was the real push to make my own move, has Ms. Parr been influencing this decision at all?"
Will started at the question, asked in a jovial, almost conspiratorial tone. As if his father was sure he knew the answer but only wanted to tease Will. The truth was, Will hadn't thought about Clara at all when making this decision.
His mother's impatient call to come to dinner saved Will from having to answer the question that should have had an easy answer to. As he sat down at the laden table in the warm, cozy kitchen and his father leaned down with a small smile to kiss his mother's cheek, he was gripped intensely by the desire to have something like this for himself. He found himself imagining a smaller kitchen, the table set for two, and the arms of his wife to welcome him home.
next / previous / first
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seat-safety-switch · 2 years
Contracts. What even are they? A lawyer could tell you, but my lawyer just laughs at them and uses his desk-mounted cigar lighter – in the shape of a human skull, I’m pretty sure it’s not real, okay I’m not so sure anymore – to torch any attempt to get him or me to sign one. My attorney’s name is Max, and I met him once when he was doing some public-defender work, representing some unwashed maniac who jumped a mall fountain in a Baja Bug. Ever since then, we’ve been the best of friends.
Let me explain why: have you ever had a coworker who was a fan of extreme sports? They probably started out jumping out of an airplane, which was scary but fun. Then, it wasn’t enough. They started doing group jumps, elaborate stunts, nude skydives. Moved on to cliff diving, riskier and riskier shit. Max is like that, but for the law. He figures that all human law derives eventually from nature, and by bending every law to its maximum extent, he will finally be able to perceive the rhythms of an absent bureaucratic god.
This is exactly why he needs me. Max drives a very lushly appointed Saab 9-5, which is certainly some ridiculous pervert shit, but it still doesn’t put him in my league. Only someone as immersed into automotive culture – and specifically the dirtbaggiest niches of it imaginable – can even consider the creative ways in which I break parking, traffic, highway, and husbandry laws. Sometimes the responding officer has to take out his little notepad and scrawl out some diagrams to figure out just what it is I can be charged with. Sometimes his brow furrows, little beads of sweat appearing, and he climbs back into his cruiser and leaves. It’s those moments that Max is most excited about, as it represents the limitations of mortal man to understand just what specific category crime I am committing. Anything weaker, he usually gets me off of in a weekend of playing golf with the judge and charging me (with a discount) for his coke and strippers.
You could say that this is a perfect symbiotic relationship, but on the advice of my attorney, I would have to pretend I don’t understand what you’re saying. That’s an awful big word, and is the kind of thing that you should direct to my attorney. Ideally with a big bag of knowledge about the niche hobby that you are interested in, and specifically the corner cases that would get you on an FBI watchlist.
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