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ianfulgar · 1 month ago
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Check out the intersection of technology and design in Thailand's world's first 3D printed MedicalCenter by Siam Cement Group (SCG). It displays the remarkable potential of 3D construction printing.
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tinynemodekaren · 1 year ago
L'Astrolabe et son dessin intérieur
Il fait froid actuellement, et j'en profite pour dessiner les fresques intérieures actuellement.
Je suis en études à ENSAD en animation et ne vis actuellement pas dans la Tiny house. En revanche, je profite de dessiner tous les jours pour aborder les fresques à l'intérieur de ma tiny.
Parce que les murs ne seront pas exactement blancs dans le salon et je suis en train de chercher avec précision comment mon concept initial peut épouser la forme des murs, la place que prennent les fenêtres, mais aussi le fait que mon choix s'est porté sur les joints apparents entre les plaques de contre-plaqué.
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karenguillorel · 1 year ago
L'Astrolabe et son dessin intérieur
Il fait froid actuellement, et j'en profite pour dessiner les fresques intérieures actuellement.
Je suis en études à ENSAD en animation et ne vis actuellement pas dans la Tiny house. En revanche, je profite de dessiner tous les jours pour aborder les fresques à l'intérieur de ma tiny.
Parce que les murs ne seront pas exactement blancs dans le salon et je suis en train de chercher avec précision comment mon concept initial peut épouser la forme des murs, la place que prennent les fenêtres, mais aussi le fait que mon choix s'est porté sur les joints apparents entre les plaques de contre-plaqué.
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neozoneorg · 2 years ago
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fulgararchitects · 2 years ago
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The world's first 3D-printed medical center in Thailand! One of the exciting aspects of this construction is its ability to withstand seismic stresses. This upcoming technology is a testament to the resilience of 3D printed structures and their potential in diverse geographic regions prone to earthquakes. The #3DPrintedMedicalCenter sets a benchmark for resilient infrastructure. #earthquakeresistant #scg #constructionsafety #innovationinhealthcare #3dprinting #healthtech #futureisnow #designtech #architectureinnovation #constructionrevolution #thailand #cement #medicalcenter #cementart #concreteconstruction #aswediscover #construction #newconstruction #constructionproject #printing3d #3dconcreteprinting #3dprintingindustry #autoconstruction #constructionmaterial #architecture #3dprinternews #materialinnovation #loaddistribution — view on Instagram https://scontent-lga3-1.cdninstagram.com/v/t51.2885-15/348870498_1220796205298854_4516999845728601437_n.jpg?_nc_cat=108&ccb=1-7&_nc_sid=8ae9d6&_nc_ohc=QhdV_XMFVhsAX_lwJWZ&_nc_ht=scontent-lga3-1.cdninstagram.com&edm=ANo9K5cEAAAA&oh=00_AfAwATetAuO_ELZCDAoHw0zeh-gwNY8WcLf7dtbStNM3dw&oe=6476B24E
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courtierhypothecaire-blog · 2 years ago
Financement pour acheter un terrain
Lorsque vous envisagez l'achat d'un terrain, vous pouvez choisir parmi deux options de financement offertes par les banques : le prêt autoconstruction et le prêt terrain. Le prêt autoconstruction vous permet de bénéficier d'un financement complet de la part de l'institution financière, à condition que vous ayez un objectif clair et des plans de construction préétablis. Vous n'avez pas besoin de fournir de mise de fonds, car celle-ci sera incluse dans le montant total de votre projet. En revanche, pour le prêt terrain, vous devrez apporter une mise de fonds d'au moins 20 %, car le projet de construction ne sera pas immédiat. Si vous souhaitez obtenir un prêt pour l'achat d'un terrain, vous pouvez suivre le lien suivant : [https://soumissionsprethypothecaire.ca/financement-achat-terrain/ ]. Sur cette page, vous trouverez un formulaire à remplir, qui permettra à nos partenaires, des courtiers hypothécaires qualifiés, de vous contacter et de vous aider dans votre démarche. Ils se chargeront de négocier le meilleur taux hypothécaire auprès des banques en fonction de votre situation, et vous pourrez comparer les offres à votre convenance. Ce processus simple et gratuit ne vous engage à rien, et il est disponible dans toutes les régions du Québec, telles que Montréal, Québec, Trois-Rivières, Sherbrooke, Saguenay, Gatineau, et bien d'autres.
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mionghairearracht · 2 years ago
my aimless wandering in the depths has definitely allowed me to sequence break in tears of the kingdom. as from what i've heard i shouldn't have gotten autoconstruct until after i finish at least one of the four main quest bits; let alone before ive even entered any of the associated regions.
yay for early access to easier building stuff, i just hope this doesn't mess anything else up. also it would have been nice to have some indication of a boss fight in the area because i wandered in with exactly two hearts that weren't blocked and no food left to fix them and that sucked.
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hamilonia · 1 year ago
Greetings and warm feelings to you, Zolista Ah-Cirthsat of the Union. Our Federation currently has limited technical knowledge of the interstellar faster-than-light standards, thus we are unable to provide a private link with you. We shall, instead, give a list of the cargo here and the transponder code of the ship.
The Cargo is as such; Foodstuff - 50,000 Tonnes Durasteel - 10,000 Tonnes Photovoltaics - 500 Tonnes Qu'til - 10,000 3D-Printing Shop Machines - 500 Autoconstruction 3D-Printing Machines - 20 The Transponder code is: XHDG2749-SDGS63H We wish you well and hope this clears the air on what is being transported.
Message from the 2nd Quadrant
Hello, Xenos of this galaxy of ours. We are the Federal Systems of Hamilonia, a republic that is requesting aid in securing property. While in transit from the Planet of Jo'jayan to the new Colony of A'Dadan, the cargo it was transporting overpowered the guards and took control of an FTL Capable Starship.
This is a massive security issue, for all those who are around, a ship with the cargo in control is no good. In fact, we know that all of our kin who were guarding or piloting the ship died. We saw it on our cameras.
So please, if you can, find and track our ship. We are offering a reward of 10 Million Federal Credits for tracking it down. 60 Million plus cargo if it is recovered.
We hope for the galaxy's help in our harrowing endeavor.
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amoonet · 3 years ago
Poema XIII
Não me procures ali
Onde os vivos visitam
Os chamados mortos.
Dentro das grandes águas
Nas praças
Num fogo coração
Entre cavalos, cães,
Nos arrozais, no arroio
Ou junto aos pássaros
Ou espelhada
Num outro alguém,
Subindo um duro caminho
Pedra, semente, sal
Passos da vida. Procura-me ali.
Hilda Hilst
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ianfulgar · 7 months ago
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Check this out: The Siam Cement Group (SCG), which is Southeast Asia's largest cement and construction material maker, has just built the world's first 3D Printed Medical Center in Saraburi, Thailand. Welcome to the future of medicine and construction!
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moldurasboas · 4 years ago
É agosto mas não chove!
O sol queima e eu sinto uma luz que me ilumina fortemente as cores que formam um arco-íris invadem a tela do meu telefone formando uma linha holográfica, hoje lembrei tanta coisa,pedi perdão pelos erros e agradeci pelos erros me tornaram quem sou,peço perdão a mim principalmente por desacreditar tantas vezes de mim, mas me perdoei e que a luz que vive em mim ilumine tudo o que for ruim em meu caminho .
Hoje o dia que resolvi começar a escrita, sempre estive guardando as cores mais bonitas aqui dentro sei que hoje quero e posso compartilhar 💕
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chopper7224 · 4 years ago
Abraham Cruzvillegas: Autoconstruction.
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Quote: “The house is an authentic labyrinth polished by the simultaneous rust of construction, use and destruction "
Comment: The artist Abraham Cruzvillegas, has developed his work in the urban landscape that surrounds his family home, there the houses remain in constant change, which has allowed the artist, influencing by that thought, to develop his work called "self-construction", improvising with construction materials and techniques.
Question: Does the work called self-construction have an intrinsic economic and political sense?
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neozoneorg · 2 years ago
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autoconst45 · 5 years ago
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Auto Construction | Use of Drones In Construction
Auto-Construction is not a “Company” nor a “Brand”. Auto-Construction associates a new Industry of technology partners and their support networks. This association (ACA) aligns the interests of these stakeholders in the pursuit of end to end construction automation. Each partner has an important role to play, but the industry does not rest solely on a single entity. Even as many new partners enter the space, the industry will honor its membership program globally.
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b1518 · 5 years ago
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Pierre et Lisanne se sont lancé.e.s dans la construction d’une tiny house en ossature bois au début du confinement. Dimension 6,60 x 2,50 m. Section bois 45 x 95 mm. Isolant Métisse 10 cm.
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Lessons from my own experience
I may seem really enthusiastic about building an ecological house, but it's not that easy.
Truth is, most of the time, it's hard. Hardcore hard. Especially when you don't have money. We built our house almost on our own with a little help from our friends.
In our case, the creator of the concept is not an architect nor a specialist in construction. Which added to the hardcore hard (I don't want to develop here, if you have questions I have an ask box)
Don't forget that most of the pictures of beautiful ecological houses you see are mostly made by professionals for rich people.
For common people, it's really expensive (either save a lot of money or give all of your time instead of *working*, and cry because of financial problems that come within) and it's not as dreamy as it seems.
Of course, you'll have the satisfaction of doing something worthwhile, but you'll have to deal with frustration, fear and anger.
If you want to build this kind of housing, be prepared. Have the best equipment you can afford. Accept to live in precarious conditions for an unknown time. Accept that people you thought were your friends are not. Be ready to live disappointment, delays and delusion.
You can't be perfect : if you're poor, you'll have to compromise about the materials. Don't feel guilty about it, you're doing more than most of people do.
In the same vein, some people will try to bring you down. Don't listen to them. You do this thing for you, it's going to be your home. As long as you're happy with it, outsiders don't have a word to say (except when this is a constructive thing about ecology and it can improve what you're doing…).
Save yourself, be gentle, listen to your body and your mind, take breathers or else you could end being hurt and/or bitter.
Just remember that it's going to be long. Very long. Very very long. Don't be in a hurry.
Now, the most excruciating thing to do : work yourself to the bone and forget everything else.
Building a house can be exhilarating at first, because the whole structure goes fast to be built. But when you come to electricity, water and inside stuff, it seems really long and disappointing. That's normal. Keep track of your progress, you'll be surprised.
Truth is, when you'll get to the point where you can add comfort, you'll feel so good that you'll know it was all worth it.
Just don't go if you're not ready, and if you're ready, be realistic. It's going to be quite the ride…
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