valentinerevenge-666 · 5 months
I do call haley from stardew valley my mean lesbian wife but I don’t think she’s mean as much as she just doesn’t understand what she’s saying.
Like girl just has a thought and says it, she probably doesn’t even know she’s speaking. She could not understand a social cue if her life depended on it
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lunamoth14 · 5 months
I’m either autistic or just very very very bad at being a human
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sentientcloudofmusk · 8 months
I should be able to jerk off forever and orgasm without the slime that makes my autism explode, they should really add that next cock update
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writing this down more for self-documentation than anything, but maybe others can relate.
it has been so hard for me to understand and come to terms with my orientation because i'm so constantly told that anything out of the norm is something i need to "get over" or heal from. so when i noticed all of my relationships felt weird, my crushes didn't seem to line up with those of my peers, and i never understood modern "courting" as i referred to it, i just assumed i was experiencing some form of trust issues or didn't understand myself enough.
i have never understood the term "dating for marriage." not because i don't understand why people would want to get married, but because ever since i started "dating" at 12, i consider each relationship to be a potential life partnership and could not understand why else anyone would want to date. i finally think i understand why people have purposefully short-term relationships or "flings." it's because they don't want partnership. they want physical, sexual fulfillment. which is fine! just not something i can relate to.
what i crave is someone to care and provide for. someone to experience life with. someone to build a life with. to raise kids with. to build a house with. to grow old and die with.
but i don't want to have sex with them. i simply do not look at people that way. i don't even particularly like on-the-mouth kissing. i would LOVE to have a partner that i can give forehead kisses and hold hands with. in the same way i show love to my little sisters.
what i want is someone to be my person, my partner in life that i can bring into my family and love unconditionally. but i don't think that looks like what most people think i should want.
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greendalean · 2 months
sometimes i think im not abed coded but then i remember i drew both a friendship and romance diagram of my friend group and our interpersonal relationships
proof under the cut (i covered my friends photos for obvious reasons)
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whim-prone-pirate · 4 months
friends i'm pretty sure i experience most of my romantic feelings vicariously through fictional characters. i'm almost positive i feel as strongly about bucks feelings for eddie as i do about my love for a real life human girl.
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myneuroticromance · 5 months
ya know... casual playing music in the car with the fiancee and she's like, "when have you listened to anything other than fall out boy?" and I'm like, "hmmmmm?"
i looked into my stats and for the last six months i have listened to 4,000 more minutes of fall out boy than the second place artist, which is my chem (AKA my prev obsession... so this is recurring). i also only have 12.2k minutes listened...
really insightful that i don't enjoy music the same way that other people do. because seriously, it's fall out boy or bust these days and i just... don't even care. i love them and they make me happy.
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himbodarling · 10 months
Kaeya W Ftm reader HC's
With Kaeya being busy all the time as the guard captain, cuddles were the main way of affection between him and his partner.
Often, You and Kaeya cuddled up in his office next to the fire place while he looked through paperwork. His hand rubbing your back and his eyes skimming over the tiniest of words.
"Kaeya... Stop reading and pay attention to me!" "Honey please, this is the last one"
That's how most conversations go, well until he gets tired enough to lay down with you and he let's his head start to wander when you make a little peep.
The first thing Kaeya notices is the sleepy look on your face and the way you're slightly gone when you let out another peep noise. A smile covers his face and he caresss yours in love.
"Sleepy boy, making small noises cause you're out of it aren't you? Such a sweetie.."
(Sorry it's so short!! I've been busy with work, and I wrote this while I was half asleep!)
request from: @haikyusimpbottle
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trkkr47 · 1 year
One of my most frustrating ADHD symptom combinations is my bad memory + my emotional dysregulation. At any given moment, you could ask me how long I have felt a certain way, and literally the best I can tell you is somewhere between an hour and my entire life. This is particularly difficult at doctors and therapists appointments, but it is annoying ALL THE TIME.
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heart-attaxk · 8 months
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(Possibly part one of) Rosie combines their two hyperfixations into a dissection of characters and songs!!!
This time it’s Ghost and Soap in the context of “It Will Come Back” by Hozier.
In Hozier’s own words, “It Will Come Back” is “..about asking somebody to do the right- the merciful thing and to cut all the ropes, cut all the ties.” The lyrics in this song often tie back to imagery of a feral animal, one that becomes dependent on human interaction. This compares the narrators love to that of a feral animal that depends on humans for warmth, shelter, food, etc. Later in the song, the narrator begs their lover not to show them these small kindnesses if it will only be temporary(“Don’t let it in with no intention to keep it”).
In this case, Ghost is the narrator who depends on every small kindnesses to survive. This imagery of a feral animal prevails with Ghost as well, as if due to his past and due to his actions, he cannot see himself as human. Another interpretation could be that he see’s himself without a soul, and is being for his lover(Soap) to give him that feeling of humanity back(“Don’t give it a hand, offer it a soul”).
Ghost is trying to convince not only Soap but ultimately himself that he would be better off not feeling this love, and is more acclimated to loneliness(“Leave it to the land, this is what it knows”). He’s begging to stop being led on, even begging to be treated poorly rather than fall into the trap of safety(“Jesus Christ, don’t be kind to it”).
In the end, Ghost would rather be left alone and have this overwhelming sense of loneliness than be loved and know better will be left, one way or the other. He and Soap are actively serving in the military, and he is fully aware that either of them could die at any moment. However, some primal, human, part of him wants to be loved but it’s as if he’s fighting himself more than he is Soap.
Soap is treating him well(Feeding it, letting it in, etc.) but Ghost can’t help but know that it can’t last forever. It would be easier to leave behind the safety and comfort of his love than deal with the heartbreak.
(Lmk if you want more of this content 🫶)
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fatatoes · 2 months
Sometimes my brain just goes like the instrumental of 19-2000 by the Gorillaz and I can’t do anything about it
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asterias-corner · 4 months
I stim a lot by moving.
and i mean moving i love dancing, i love doing dances i remember seeing, i love imagining myself dancing to music in my head if i can’t move my body how i want for some reason. I just love moving, it’s so nice and feels like I’m freeing the energy trapped in my body, all the bad energy is worked out and i get to have fun doing so <3
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sevdidntdie · 6 months
confused long post
so I keep getting into arguments with my parents but thats not what this is abt
like the thing is just i dont know whats happening like why theyre angry...like my mom's yelling abt something and it just sounds confusing...bc i thought i explained well but i guess not? its not like me thinking they dont get it its just that i dont get why its happening
like she said i keep saying things in a rude tone or mean way or smth but i thought i was saying it politely? cuz like when she asked a question i just responded truthfully but that just made her mad? like idky cuz i just said the truth and i dont think lying was good?
and im like is this autism? or is it normal?
when i told her that i dont know why shes angry that just made it worse for some reason? but i was/am really confused and im like...i still dont get it? i gave honest answers to what i thought were honest questions but were they like rhetorical or something? like i do have a problem with understanding peoples points but i think thats normal
and then she went off on me for interrupting her? but i heard a pause and i thought that meant that she was done? the tone sounded like it was coming to an end? should i just stay silent next time? i genuinely thought it was over and she was done so i started talking but then she started talking too and said i was talking over her...but i thought she was done so i kept talking...like did i just misunderstand the conversation flow? i thought i understood what was going on
its just confusing bc i thought i understood the conversation but none of the points made sense and the way the conversation went kept surprising me? im just confus
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Also pics of josh (and literally ONE of chris) just so the tags r actually related
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to-coyly-go · 10 months
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goofing off with @robinparravel
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immortalbutterflycos · 4 months
"Inside all of us are two wolves..."
Yeah, I've got ADHD and potential autism. Inside me, there are like... 12 wolves.
And they're actually constantly growing in numbers.
And the war that they're in is Cold because even though all of these wolves are conflicting, they're just sort of standing in a large circle staring at each other, waiting for one of the other wolves to do something while they're all simultaneously reminding each other that they're "definitely going to do something!! Ooooohh just you wait for me to do something!!"
And then ultimately none of them end up doing anything at all and before they know it, the day has been wasted.
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