#Australian Wildfires
brasskingfisher · 3 months
"Sex/romance is what makes us human!"
What makes us human is our ability to make and use fire, and or cook our food.
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redrcs · 6 months
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Charred Urn. A lament for the wildfires, 2021
Artist: Juz Kitson, b 1987
Australian National Gallery
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aceoffangirls · 1 year
Given the fact that we are only just in Spring now, its only 28°C and I walked outside and saw the smoke in the atmosphere I am really not looking forward when it hits summer. I have watched the rest of the fires devastate the rest of the world and I am really scared for this summer. Although there were only a few small fires or grass fires today, given all the La Niña’s and El Niño’s we have had, I am worried.
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botaniqueer · 2 years
Seed germination instructions: expect germination within 2-4 weeks
Me: mkay sounds good :)
Also me: [Checking seeds every 12 hours after sowing to see if anything has happened yet]
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cyanicus · 11 months
where are u from ?
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(>‿◠)✌ Colorado USA
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topazadine · 4 months
Honestly I'm so fucking sick of Europeans sometimes, all they ever do is bash on Americans and whine about the stupidest things we do. Despite the fact that Americans are almost always on their side when bad things happen, fundraising for them when there are natural disasters.
But no, let's just shit on Americans for things that are incredibly difficult to tackle on an individual basis. Let's just call them stupid racist uneducated obese fucks who don't do anything for themselves. Let's make fun of school shootings or make fun of Americans going into thousands of dollars of debt for basic healthcare, because those are definitely the fault of the individual American and not a collective societal issue.
Oh and let's not even get started on that whole NY-Dublin portal thing where Irish people gleefully showed pictures of the World Trade Center coming down because hahaha that's sooo funny!! So funny that 3,000+ people died! Hilarious! Oh well, they deserved it because they're American lmao.
A lot of Europeans seem to fail to understand that people are not automatically their governments or even their societies at a large. I didn't choose to be from the United States and, given the blatantly ableist immigration policies of many other countries, I can't even leave! I'm stuck here and you're just taking potshots and mocking me for things that aren't even my fault.
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krosiefics · 2 months
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send nudes • bang chan
M D N I 18+
Summary: You accidentally send a nude to Chan and well…he takes it as a chance to act on his hidden feelings
WC: 2.4k
Tags: smut, afab!reader, dom/tease!chan, porn with little plot, piv, unprotected sex (just don't), fingering, oral (f & m receiving), creampie, mutual pinning(?), handjob, chan is a tease, reader calls chan; chris, chan, christopher, channie), use of pet names (baby, sweetheart, good girl, etc), not proofread, im prob forgetting some- sorry (brb gonna touch some grass)
“Shit shit shit!” You quickly pulled your shorts back up as panic spread throughout your body. You quickly look at the open messages to see if the picture has been seen yet. Ugh this is why you don’t send nudes! You screamed at yourself. About twenty minutes ago you were flirting over text with this random guy from tinder when it started escalating into pictures being sent, you took a picture and was going to send it to him but you unknowingly sent it to your best friend.
You hadn’t noticed until about five minutes ago when the tinder guy hadn’t replied yet, you noticed the notification of the image sent was under Chan’s contact and well now you’re trying to figure out how to delete the picture.
You already tried deleting it from your messages but that only deletes it on one end not both.
Suddenly the ringing of your phone fuels the flames of your anxiousness. You dwell on whether you should check the caller ID, peeking at the screen your heart drops, it’s Chan. “Oh fuck.” You snatch your phone, not answering it, before running out of your dorm, down the hall towards Chan’s dorm. His dorm isn’t far from yours so by the time you get there your phone is still ringing. As it’s about to hang up you finally answer it, banging on the front door.
The wood door swings open revealing a confused Chan. God you couldn’t even look him in the eyes.
“Hi,” Chan chuckles, not acting like he’s seen something that he wasn’t supposed to, you sigh in relief, “I was about to text you-”
“Don’t do that!” You cut him off, pushing past him to grab his phone. “Hey?!” He exclaims after you snatch his phone, Chan makes a move to grab but you quickly dodge him, opening his messages app.
“Don’t delete it!” Chan huffs out annoyed. You stop, dead in your tracks, Chan takes the chance to take his phone back, shoving it into his pocket. “What do you mean don’t delete it.” You burst, heat spreading throughout your face like a wildfire. When did he see it?! You thought to yourself as you took out your phone and looked back on your messages, it displayed ‘read 1 minute ago’.
“Chan…” You push, when he doesn’t reply simply wearing a smirk on his face you start getting even more flustered, “Christopher! What do you mean don’t delete it?!” Your face is as red as a tomato at this point, your heart pounding so fast you can feel it in your ear.
Chan lets out a bubbly chuckle, you only ever use his real name when you’re either pissed or are in a teasing mood- you are not in a teasing mood, “I’ve got blackmail. And besides, it's fun seeing you flustered.” The smirk he wore was just straight up menacing. “This kind of situation is weird and makes me flustered- Did you just save it?!” You shriek as you watch him take out his phone and scroll through your texts. Chan smirks at you as he shows his phone’s screen, the save button clearly pressed. “Why would even- Chris!” You cry out his name, he finally puts his phone down on the desk by his bed with a shrug.
“You forget I’m a man.” You stand crossed armed as you stare at your best friend, “Yeah okay, but keeping a nude of your best friend is kinda weird.”
“Would you rather me send you one too?” Chan asks calmly as if it weren’t the most absurd thing he’s ever said. You scoff, eyes blown out by his question, sure Chan’s a flirt and likes teasing you, but it's never actually gone this far between the two of you. Just a simple mistake opened this pandora box.
“Who was that meant for anyways?” The Australian asks, sudden curiosity leading him on. “That’s none of your business-“
“Well you sent me the photo, I should at least get an explanation, no?” Chan raises his brows. “The guy from my date the other day.” You admit embarrassingly, Chan lets out a laugh while shaking his head, “The one that you complained about for the next three hours after your date.”
“I was bored okay!” You throw your arms up in defeat, plopping down on his bed.
A few moments of awkward silence washed over the two of you- well more awkward for you- before your phone interrupted the silence. You checked the notification, rolling your eyes as you opened the message from Chan. Holy shit. The grasp you had on your phone loosened as the electronic tumbles onto your face, smacking you right on the forehead. “You that shocked by the picture?” Chan hums in amusement. You gape at him after massaging your sore forehead, “Well no shit, you just sent me a dick pic!” You shove your phone in his face.
On the screen was a picture of Chan’s crotch area. His gray sweats not hiding the boner he obviously sports, his veiny hands holding onto his intimate area. A sudden realization dawned on you, “Did you just take that?” You stared between him and the same colored sweatpants that he wore. Now it’s his turn to be flustered, sure he had fun teasing you but now thinking about it, it wasn’t exactly appropriate to take a dick pic in front of his best friend even if she wasn’t aware of his actions. Brushing it off, Chan shrugged with a smug face.
“God you’re infuriating sometimes.” You shake your head. “Oh c’mon, you can say it’s hot, your’s was. It’s the reason I’ve got a bone-“
“Chan!” You squeak, your hands covering your face. Chan was too blunt for you sometimes. “You still need help with this?” Chan says, gently guiding your hands down from your face to show you the picture that you had sent him earlier. You pout, thoughts in your head weren’t lining up to how your body was reacting, “Help?” You shake your head in confusion trying to understand what his words meant. Chan hesitantly trailed his hands to your inner thighs, instinctively you spread them apart which he takes as a go-ahead.
“Wait, wait, wait!” You stutter, realizing where this could be going, “We don’t have to do anything, if you don’t wanna.” Chan said, retrieving his hands from your legs. The warmth of his hands still burning your skin despite them not being there anymore. “No, I wanna-” Your mouth moved quicker than you could process, you slapped a hand over it. Chan raised a brow at you in his regular teasing manner, you simply shook your head at him, “Chan…you’re my best friend, I don’t wanna change that.” That was a lie, you did want to change that, you really want to change that, but losing Chan was something that always prevented you from ever telling him how you felt.
“Who says it has to change?” The curly haired boy leans over your body, dipping his bed at the weight. Your hands come up to his shoulders, not knowing whether to push him away or bring him closer. “Chris.” You sigh, eyes closing in thought. “Keep your eyes close, if you want me to stop just tell me…okay?” His words fanned across your cheeks as he spoke softly into your ear. You squirmed at his words but nonetheless kept your eyes shut.
A sudden touch to your thighs made you flinch, the hand hesitantly tapped your knee for your consent, nodding in response. Chan let out a shaky breath as his hands nudged your thighs apart, revealing the wet patch that stained the lining of your shorts. Did you get turned on by the tinder guy? No, it was by Chan and his insufferable teasing, he’s what got your arousal pooling. Chan hums, his breath breezing over your hot skin, sending shivers down your spine. “This okay? D’you trust me?” He asked as his fingered trailed along your throbbing cunt, you bit your lip in pleasure, nodding frantically, yearning for more friction.
Chan begins rubbing his thumb in circles on your clothed clit while his other fingers slip between your slick folds that stick to your panty. Moving your loose shorts to the side, you feel him dip his head down, licking a stripe up your cunt. “Channie.” You whine, hands flying to his curls, entangling them with your fingers. The sudden rush of pleasure has you opening your eyes, the sight of your best friend’s face between your legs, lickking at your most intimate area sends another wave of arousal straight to your core. Your thighs instinctively tense around his face, Chan gaze lifts to you at the action, locking your eyes and you're done. Chan’s eyes stared into you longingly, the smirk that made his way to his face when he sneakily maneuvered your underwear to the side had you writhing under his hold.
Chan continued his assault on your cunt with his mouth, sucking at your clit, swirling iit around your fold. His fingers brought you even closer to the edge as they ever-so-often sunk inside, never past his fingertips as if he was teasing you. That familiar knot formed in your stomach as your thighs began to shake, the movement not going unnoticed by Chan. “S-Stop!” You say closing your legs in an attempt to get him off, he sticks to his previous words and obliges to your command. “You okay?” Chan looks at you, a pang of worry flashing in his eyes, his mouth and chin was wet with what you’d assume is your arousal and his saliva mixed, he subconsciously licks his lips as you stare at them.
You nod in response before climbing onto your knees pushing him back onto the bed, “What are you- Y/N?!” Now it was Chan’s turn to turn pink, his heart pounded in his chest as he watched you pull the waistband of his sweatpants down revealing his hardened cock. “This okay?” You ask innocently, contradicting your actions. “Fuck yeah, this’s okay.” He sighed.
You stared at his dick, the very same one he had sent a few minutes ago, you never thought you’d ever be in this position with Chan. The tip was leaking with precum and the veins on the side evident from the lack of friction, he wasn't too big like the ones you’ve seen in those exaggerated pornos but he’s definitely above average. Your hand wraps around the base of his cock, pumping it a few times, precum coating it making it easier to slide up and down. “Jesus, fuck, you’re so pretty, such a good girl, baby.” Chan rambles as you lean down, placing a small kiss on the tip. Tongue trailing down along the veins before coming back to the tip and taking it into your mouth.
Rolling his head back in pleasure, Chan gently takes a fistful of your hair so that it doesn't get in your way. You hum in appreciation. Chan almost cums, the vibration of your hum going through his shaft towards that knot forming in his abdomen. Hollowing your cheeks, you attempt to take more of him but Chan stops you, pulling you off of him with a pop. “Why’d you- mmph.” The feeling of his soft, plump lips cuts you off. His lips were gentle yet rough against yours, lust and desire making the kiss messier. Without your lips coming apart, Chan guides you to the bed again, laying you down under him. Lips dancing with one another, he adjusts your shorts and underwear to the side again, prompting a gasp from you, he takes the opportunity to slip his tongue alongside yours.
You moan into the kiss as he presses the tip of his cock to your entrance. Your eyes meet once more, he has that same worry in his eyes, asking if he can continue. “Fuck me Channie…please.” Before your words could fully come out he’s already snapped his hips into you, bottoming out and letting you adjust to his size. “You okay, sweetheart?” The pet name draws out an erotic moan from your lips, you nod frantically as you wrap your legs around his waist, pulling him closer. Chan places your knees atop his shoulders, leaning into you as his hips smack against the back of your thighs. The echo of wet noises bouncing off the dorm room’s wall, Chan has never been more grateful that his roommate, Minho, wasn't in town. “S’close, Channie.” You moan into his neck, your nails clawing at his clothed back. It barely occurred to you that you were both technically fully clothed. “God I like you so much, you know that baby?” Chan mumbled as he drilled into your cunt. “Channie, I like you too- oh my fucking God.” You curse as he reaches your g-spot, hitting it dead on. “Actually?”
“Mhm, shit, liked you for a long time.” You say between moans and whimpers, your climax nearing as your legs begin to shake. “Fuck, gonna make you cum. S’fucking pretty.” Chan slurred as his hand made his way to your clit, rubbing circles onto it. Your orgasm hit you like a truck, you don’t think you’ve ever orgasmed like that before.
“Almost there, where d’you want it?” Chan pants over your whines of overstimulation, “Inside, I’m on the- holy fuck- on the pill!” The sensitivity of your cunt begins to be uncomfortable. Your words send Chan over the edge, spilling his hot cum inside of you.
Chan slowly pulls out before plopping onto the mattress next to you. “You really mean it?” He pants, chest heaving. You look at him confused, your mind too hazy for anything at this point. “You like me?”
“Heh, yeah…I do.” Chan leans over and gives you a sweet kiss on the lips. Rolling out of the bed, Chan comes back to you with a towel and some water. “Thanks.” You smile, taking the bottle of water. “Lemme get you some clothes from the closet.” As he makes his way to the closet an idea pops into his head. Chan snatches his phone before walking into his shared walk-in closet.
The ding of your phone grasps your attention, you reach for it and read the most recent message. It’s from Chan.
Send nudes ;)
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yeehawpim · 25 days
HELLO these creatures are not shrews but i wonder if you would like them - the australian greater bilby!!! its a small desert marsupial that used to exist across 70% (!!!) of australia but now bc of factors like feral cats (eat bilbies), rabbits (food competition), & wildfires (unpredictable, lack of traditional patch burning) they’re much reduced & close to extinction. they’re extremely cool!! nocturnal burrowers with long snouts!! & a very white tip to their tail! also the males have huge foreheads bc they’re too big to curl up to sleep so they use their head as a pillow!
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omg theyre so sweet 😭😭❤️❤️❤️I didn't know they existed and now I'm part of the fan club. Couldn't find a picture of them sleeping but oughhgough i need ittttt
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Habitat destruction is the leading cause of species endangerment and extinction. It can take decades, if not centuries, for a habitat to return to a point where it supports a given species' needs. Normally in nature there are enough other areas of habitat to keep species going while the damaged place recovers. However, we've wrought so much extensive destruction on ecosystems worldwide--whether directly, or through the effects of climate change and pollution--that many wild beings are forced into tiny pockets of their former range, making them vulnerable to extinction.
Anything we can do to provide appropriate habitat gives a threatened species a chance to hang on. It requires knowing what that being needs, and coming up with creative solutions. In this case, understanding what conditions the greater glider requires to thrive helped scientists create artificial shelters for them in the wake of devastating wildfires that destroyed a third of their habitat.
We're a long way from undoing the ecological harm we've done, and there's a lot of work to do. But every species we can protect from extinction is one more piece of the ecosystems we need to help recover. Ideally the forests that the gliders need will once again be widespread in the future, but for now these boxes will help keep the population going until conditions improve.
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scenetocause · 2 months
would like to hear your thoughts on what girl!oscar would think of Lando in a club wearing an australia hat 😳
ha well. fic unde the cut
The first thing she notices isn't what Logan's messaging her about. Which she finds out when "omg I fucking hate those sunnies" gets an eyeroll emoji and a long typing response.
Surely you haven't got him so whipped you don't even notice when he's switching nationalities for you yet?
And no, yeah, she does. Notice it. It's not like Valtteri or whatever, becoming an honourary bogan. Lando couldn't pass for Aussie to save his fucking life, he's possibly never (at least as far as Oscar can tell) experienced "chilling out" and throwing a shrimp on the proverbial barbie would have him shrieking.
But Lando's started deliberately checking on Australian sports. He clearly has no idea what most of them are but makes an effort to natter to her about them, when they're wasting time in their driver room and both in danger of getting antsy before whatever media drivel they're scheduled into.
He's a lot smarter than people give him credit for, generally but especially when it comes to something he's concentrating on. Lando knows more about Australian politics than she does, now. Has views about wildlife conservation Oscar tries to keep up with, endorse the wildfire prevention and recovery fund the Quadrant outback drop donated to.
He even googled foods from Melbourne and discovered pigs in blankets is something they're both easily into eating a secret box of, smuggled from Tesco to the weird little flat they sometimes stay in in Woking
Think that's for Keegan not me dude
This time Logan takes no time at all to send back lmao and as if followed by never change Oscar.
She just sends back I really do hate those sunglasses, they make him look like Alonso before we were born. Lando's style is his own business but Oscar reserves the right to take the piss out of it when he deserves it. And only abuse the media team's access to Getty Images a bit when he wears something really hot into the paddock.
"Wow, harsh," the man in question declares, reading over Oscar's shoulder. "I think they're quite cool."
"You think clubbing is cool." She rolls onto her back, lets him snuggle down on top of her. They probably ought to get dressed soon, for the jet back from Ibiza. If they're late they might get sent to fucking Marseille again and as wank as it is having complaints about private jets, Oscar's not keen to repeat that.
Making a woman wait 10 hours for her post-win fuck is inhumane, no matter the mode of transport.
"Yeah." Lando sounds oddly melancholy about it, makes her tighten her arms around him and leave a space for him to carry on his sentence.
It's a few long beats before he does. "Prefer just hanging out with you, though."
They've talked about this, that they're becoming a bit insular. Don't spend as much time with their other friends, doing their separate hobbies, as they used to. It's rare Oscar wakes up without someone who loves her, understands her instantly, in the same bed.
It's not a bad thing. Or at least, it shouldn't be. People on TikTok make out like they're never apart and body language freaks on YouTube say they're tired of each other but they're not. The more time they spend together, the easier it is. The harder it is to imagine how they exist apart.
Just as well, really, if they're getting married. Makes her bundle Lando up against her, like even imagining what separating them would be like is a thought crime she needs to protect him against.
It's pretty sweet, being Oscar Piastri, this time.
"I don't want to take the plug out," Lando mumbles into her armpit. "Do you think it'll set off the scanner things?"
Probably not. Silicon isn't metallic and they're not likely to cavity search him.
"Won't you be all," she tries to gesture what he's like when he's wriggling. "On the plane."
Lando thinks about it for a second, then tucks himself into her, looking dangerously like he's about to fall asleep. "Nope. Not if you cuddle me."
"I'll take it out when we get back to the flat." She has no idea if he'll last that long or get squiggly and end up doing away with it in the tiny bathroom on the jet.
"You can put something bigger in." Lando's hand engulfs hers, where he wraps them together but Oscar can get the jist of what he's asking for. Kisses his hair, to hide how much she's squeezing her thighs together, wet and hot at just the thought.
And maybe a little bit for the engagement ring on his finger, biting hard and solid into the pulse point of Oscar's palm.
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cypherdecypher · 1 year
Animal of the Day!
Rufous Hare-wallaby (Lagorchestes hirsutus)
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(Photo from Australian Wildlife Conservancy)
Conservation Status- Vulnerable
Habitat- Northwestern Australia
Size (Weight/Length)- 2 kg; 30 cm
Diet- Seeds; Fruits; Leaves
Cool Facts- The rufous hare-wallaby, also known as the mala, are ancestral beings for the Aboriginal people of Australia and are tied tightly to their culture. These adorable macropods live in thick grasslands where they make shallow burrows with grass roofs to sleep the day away. During the summer, these burrows are dug deeper to escape the heat. Due to invasive species like foxes and feral cats along with multiple wildfires, the Rufous Hare-wallaby went extinct on mainland Australia. The mainland subspecies survived in captivity along with the Bernier and Dorre Island subspecies. In 2019, 30 individuals were reintroduced to mainland Australia in a gated and predator-free sanctuary. The predator-free island of Dirk Hartog Island has also become a sanctuary for the Rufous Hare-wallaby, allowing for their continued existence in the wild.
Rating- 12/10 (A teddy bear kangaroo.)
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mirrorofliterature · 9 months
like it is hard to communicate to non-australians how fucking bleak the referendum was
like we knew the referendum was doomed the failure the moment peter dutton stabbed it in the back for political gain, but we still tried to convince people to vote in favour because it was really such a small step for reconciliation and we need to listen to the voices of first nations people living in Australia when making decisions about them, for godsake.
but people fell for misinformation that the media spread like wildfire and the vote was a resounding no, even in victoria, the state I live in, the most progressive state, the one with the highest yes voice.
if we cannot have something as basic as a non-legally binding first nations parliamentary advisory body, how the fuck are we ever going to achieve reconciliation?
anyway. it's not the end of reconciliation in Australia, but it is a big stumbling block that was not needed.
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briankang · 1 year
not sure if the info made its way over to tumblr but in the tweet linking to the unveil for FNF, there’s a dedication saying “For all nature and wildlife lost from the 2019-2020 Australian bushfires”. FNF looks like it’s an abbreviation for “flora and fauna”, meaning the surrounding life in a region, flora being the plants, fauna being the animals. chan also used the term in a post back in 2020 in an instagram post during the wildfires with some accompaning photos of australian wildlife and gorgeous views that you can find here, but i’ll post a photo of his caption below.
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it’s such a sweet and meaningful dedication and shows how much love they have for back home, and knowing they got to film the unveil/possible music video for it showing off the beauty of sydney/australia in general makes me SO emotional. this song seems so meaningful to them, i’m so glad chan and felix are giving us a chance to listen to it and enjoy it and share their love for their home so that we can as well.
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wild-raven-and-crow · 4 months
Check it out!!! They start fires intentionally to flush out prey.
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mapsontheweb · 1 year
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Indigenous Trauma in 2019 Black Summer Fire
by u/Away-Pepper-9239
Data sources
(1):The name Australian law gives to the traditional ownership of land and waters.
(2):Fire Extent and Severity Mapping (FESM) datasets.seed.nsw.gov.au/dataset
(3):Aboriginal Peoples and the Response to the 2019-2020 Bushfires caepr.cass.anu.edu.au/research/publications/aboriginal-peoples-and-response-2019-2020-bushfires
(4)Population data :www.abs.gov.au/statistics/people/aboriginal-and-torres-strait-islander-peoples/census-population-and-housing-counts-aboriginal-and-torres-strait-islander-australians/2021/
(5):Koala reponse after wildfires  www.nrc.nsw.gov.au
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Lessons from Australia for preventing and managing fires in Brazil
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“Brazil needs to create a culture of prevention”, says Semaden coordinator. José Marengo, general research coordinator at the National Center for Natural Disaster Monitoring and Alerts, says that Brazil “needs to be prepared not only to fight fires, but to prevent them”, and that the fires Brazil is facing are a “declaration of doom for science”.
In Australia, firefighters are specially trained to fight fires. Although many fighters are volunteers, Australian firefighters are specially trained to fight bushfires. Marengo argues the same should happen in Brazil: “It costs money, but it’s necessary”.
Social education is a pillar of controlling fire. Before the wildfire season, the Australian Government promotes education campaigns on what to do to reduce damage. Recommendations include: create firebreaks around homes; trim branches to keep them away from homes; remove leaves from gutters; cut grass, keep it green and short, and place ladders near windows.
Continue reading.
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