#Australia visa steps
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edwisefoundation · 7 months ago
Australian Student Visa Application Process – Step by Step Guide
To successfully apply for an Australian student visa, it's essential to follow a structured process. The journey begins with career counseling to gather information about the visa process, English language requirements, and academic prerequisites. You'll then need to prepare for your English proficiency test (IELTS/TOEFL/PTE) and gather the necessary documents, such as academic records, a passport, and a Statement of Purpose (SOP).
Once you receive an offer letter from your chosen university, you'll need to provide financial documentation and secure GTE (Genuine Temporary Entrant) approval. After paying the required fees and receiving your eCOE (Electronic Confirmation of Enrolment), you can lodge your visa application online. Be prepared for a potential visa interview, and once your visa is granted, you're ready to begin your academic journey in Australia.
For a detailed guide on the Australian student visa application process, click here.
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palaky · 2 months ago
Step-by-Step Guide to Apply for Australia PR in 2025
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Explore endless opportunities with Australia Immigration. From skilled migration to permanent residency, discover pathways to build your future in one of the world’s most sought-after destinations. Check out our latest blog, Step-by-Step Guide to Apply for Australia PR in 2025, to understand the complete process, eligibility criteria, required documents, and expert tips to secure your permanent residency in Australia. Start your journey today with a clear roadmap!
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sivavisamigration · 7 months ago
If you're planning to Migrate to Australia, understanding the different visa options and navigating the process with the help of a registered MARA Agent is crucial. Siva Visa offers comprehensive services to assist with obtaining an Australian PR, including visas like the 189 Visa, 190 Visa, and 491 Visa. Whether you're looking to settle, study, or simply visit, our expertise ensures that you're guided through every step of the application process.
For those in Hyderabad or elsewhere, Siva Visa provides personalized consultations with an experienced Immigration Consultant Hyderabad to help you achieve your migration goals. Whether you're interested in a Study Visa, Visit Visa, or Skilled Migration Visa pathways, their Australia Visa Services are tailored to meet your needs. Partner with a Registered Migration Agent for Australia to explore your opportunities down under.
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verspia · 1 year ago
—𝐢 𝐠𝐢𝐟𝐭 𝐲𝐨𝐮 𝐦𝐲 𝐡𝐞𝐚𝐫𝐭
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You frown in thought as you cradle a warm cup of hot chocolate in your hands, huddling a little close to the heat emanating from the fire place, which you’re seated in front of.
Christmas is one of your favorite holidays of, and this year, you celebrate it with your boyfriend, Oscar. Normally, with the end of the season, he would be in Australia with his family, spending the holiday under the blazing sun, not under frosted snowflakes and the biting cold of London with you.
The thought makes you pout a little, guilt eating at you for keeping him away from his family during the holidays, as if he isn’t apart from them for most of the year anyway.
Originally, you both were meant to go together, but with christmas being near, the visa application process had taken a lot longer than you’d both expected and that meant that you were only eligible to travel to down under after New Years.
You had insisted that Oscar leave without you, urging him to spend the christmas holiday with his parents and sisters, but he had resisted, arguing that he would make it up to them and it was far too late to book a flight, what with the rush that came during winter break, and you had reluctantly agreed.
That didn’t stop you from feeling guilty though, but you refrained from thinking about it more, knowing that there wasn’t much you could do about it.
Instead you wondered what you could gift your boyfriend for your first christmas together.
You knew that Oscar wasn’t much of a material person, and that he was happy with anything you would give him, but you wanted to do something meaningful.
Given the fact that gifts were your love language, both giving and receiving, it was important to you that you find the perfect gift for Oscar.
You worried your lip between your teeth as you pondered, when your eyes lit up with an epiphany, and you stood up abruptly, abandoning your hot chocolate on the kitchen top, grabbing your keys and heading out to the store immediately.
You payed no mind to the snow that nipped at your face, staining your cheeks a rosy red as you hurried out, charged with excitement for the gift that you had in mind.
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When Oscar awakes on Christmas morning, you are not where you’re supposed to be, cuddled up in his arms, and the loss of your presence next to him startles him awake.
He steps into the living room, rubbing away any trace of bleariness from his eyes and finds you there, still in your pyjamas and with one of his hoodies on, Home Alone playing on the tv screen.
Your smile is radiant, and your zealousness for christmas is almost childlike. His heart warms at the sight of you and he smiles widely, trudging over to you.
“Why aren’t you in bed, love”
You turn around at the his voice, beaming impossibly wider, and your eyes sparkle with delight as you spot him.
“Oscar!” His name on your lips always makes him giddy, but the exhilaration in your tone today is tremendous, and vastly contagious, to the extent that Oscar begins to wear the same excitement you do.
“It’s Christmas! I was waiting for you,” You grab Oscar, pulling him on to couch with you, “We gotta open the gifts, Oh you’ll love what i’ve gotten you!”
Oscar stares fondly at you, “I’m happy with anything you give me, baby, you know that.”
You nod at him, not really paying attention, as you stand up and pull him along towards the direction of the christmas tree that you both had decorated together, weeks prior.
He happily lets you drag him along, and soon, both of you have unraveled the presents from your friends and family.
You open the gift that Oscar has gotten you, and gasp in elation, throwing yourself at Oscar, Thank you’s and I love you’s falling from your mouth as you pepper his face with kisses.
He laughs as he holds on to your waist, and then finally, both of you turn to the last present, that is inside a conspicuous bag, glittered golden.
You move over a little, eyes fixed on Oscar as he opens the bag, pulling out a cardboard box that is too, shimmering golden, with a red ribbon holding it together.
He unwraps it, and the sides of the box fall flat in five sections, each have attached a packet of Tim Tams on it, and another box stands proud in the middle.
Oscar uncovers the lid, and another lid appears, the words Merry Christmas on it and much like the first time, the sides fall into sections, each holding polaroids of you and Oscar.
The pictures are of monumental moments of your relationship, His first sprint win and you congratulating him with a kiss, his first podium as he smiles brightly, you wrapped up in his arms, smiling equally as bright. There’s photos of Oscar surprising you at your graduation ceremony, and kissing you when you win a debate’s competition, as well as a few pictures of your first date, and first kiss.
He pulls away the last lid, and finds a heart shaped letter inside, which he picks up and discovers a keychain for his car.
The keychain is shaped as a heart, and he examines it closely, accidentally clicking it open and finds both his and your initials together in a smaller heart inside.
He breathes softly, a little baffled at the thoughtfulness of the gift, and looks up at you, adoration clear in his eyes.
He’s a little breathless as he whispers I love you to you, and you smile shyly at him.
“Do you like it?”
Your eyes glimmer with hope and a little uncertainty, and Oscar pulls you into his lap, kissing you softly.
He’s not good with words, so he hopes to show to you just how happy you make him, pulling you closer than you’d ever thought possible, kissing you deeper to convey his appreciation to you.
You both are enveloped in a warmth that contrasts the dreary weather outside, but it’s clear that you both have a jolly christmas, under the shimmering pine tree.
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This was inspired by this
didn’t proofread so pls don’t mind any errors
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kunamaibintangitunamamu · 4 months ago
My WHV Timeline
I got that WHV with my name on it!
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This post is going to be super long! Jadi, karena aku termasuk tipe yang suka menceritakan semua hal secara detail dan memang sudah niat juga sih, aku pengen tulis ini sebagai kenang-kenangan karena aku berhasil mendapatkan WHV!
Here’s my timeline, each moment a small but sweet step toward the dream: 12-02-2024: The day I made a quiet but powerful promise to myself—to see my name on that WHV, no matter what. 02-03-2024: Took my visa photos. Just one tiny step, but it felt like a step toward something big. 23-04-2024: Got my SKCK done at Mabes Polri. A little closer, a little more real. 22-05-2024: Took the PTE test, butterflies in my stomach, but my sights set firmly on the goal. 08-10-2024: Prepared my bank reference letter, and then—out of nowhere—the SDUWHV opening was announced! My heart raced; it was really happening. 10-10-2024: Received that precious SDUWHV letter. Holding it felt surreal, like I was holding a piece of my future. 25-10-2024: Lodged my visa application, sending off all my hopes and dreams along with it. 27-10-2024: Completed my Medical Check-Up (MCU), feeling both excitement and calm; the finish line was in sight. 12-11-2024: The day that made everything worth it—Visa granted! I felt pure joy, knowing the adventure of a lifetime was now just around the corner.
Jadi, aku sudah mengincar program WHV ini dari tahun lalu, gara-gara orang-orang di sekitarku tiba-tiba banyak yang berangkat ke Australia. Honestly, back in 2021, aku juga sempat berandai-andai, "Asyik juga ya kalau bisa ke Melbourne," waktu itu mikirnya pengen lanjut kuliah lagi, sih. Plus, one of my bucket list items is to work abroad, dan rasanya negara yang paling potensial buat goal itu adalah Australia. Banyak orang Pontianak juga yang hijrah ke sana, jadi makin kebayang, deh. Impian itu aku pendam, sambil terus cari kesempatan dan peluang, supaya bisa mewujudkan one of my ultimate dreams.
Ternyata, di tahun 2024, aku merasakan dorongan yang kuat untuk mengejar visa ini. Aku mulai mencari tahu semua persyaratannya, dan langkah pertama yang harus diambil adalah mendapatkan surat sakti SDUWHV. Nah, untuk bisa mendapatkan SDUWHV, ternyata ada beberapa persyaratan lagi yang harus dipenuhi. Waktu itu, aku masih berpatokan pada persyaratan tahun 2023, yaitu: foto, KTP, paspor, sertifikat bahasa Inggris, SKCK, ijazah, surat keterangan bank, dan surat keabsahan dokumen. Jadi, pelan-pelan aku mulai melengkapi semua dokumen yang bisa dicicil dulu sebelum pembukaan SDUWHV.
02 Maret 2024 Sore ini, aku pergi ke studio foto untuk ambil pas foto visa. Sempat bingung karena belum pernah foto visa sebelumnya, tapi untungnya studio tersebut sudah paham ketentuannya. Mereka mengarahkan dan membantu pengambilan foto serta pencetakan sesuai kebutuhan. Aku juga sekalian print ekstra untuk bikin SKCK.
28 Maret 2024 Setelah mendaftar antre online lewat aplikasi, pagi ini aku melakukan rekam sidik jari di Polda Kalbar. Aku datang pagi-pagi sekali agar bisa mendapat antrean pertama. Staff di sana dengan cekatan membantu dan sempat bertanya, "Apa tujuannya?" Aku jawab, "Untuk ke Australia, Pak." Mereka sangat mendukung dan turut mendoakan semoga prosesku lancar hingga mendapatkan visanya.
Perekaman sidik jari ini adalah salah satu syarat untuk membuat SKCK. Awalnya, aku pikir masih bisa membuat SKCK dengan tujuan WHV di Polda Kalbar, tapi ternyata sekarang ketentuannya sudah berubah dan harus diurus di Mabes Polri. Sempat bingung juga kalau harus ke Jakarta untuk mengurus SKCK. Beruntungnya, temanku bisa pergi ke Jakarta dan mewakilkan aku untuk membuat SKCK, dan pada 23 April 2024, SKCK-ku akhirnya terbit.
22 Mei 2024 Lanjut, dokumen-dokumen yang mudah sudah berhasil aku kumpulkan. Sekarang tantangan berikutnya adalah lolos tes Bahasa Inggris. Ada beberapa pilihan tes yang bisa diambil, dan dua yang paling populer adalah IELTS dan PTE. Kebetulan di Pontianak tersedia tes PTE, jadi aku memilih PTE saja. Jadwal tesnya juga lebih fleksibel. Sebenarnya, aku sudah mulai persiapan IELTS dari awal tahun, tapi H-2 bulan ini aku mulai intens belajar untuk PTE setiap malam dari YouTube dan website PTE Study, agar skorku tidak hanya lolos, tapi juga memuaskan. Sudah lama aku tidak merasakan sensasi belajar sambil menunggu-nunggu hari ujian.
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Hari itu akhirnya tiba: hari tes PTE-ku. Lokasi tes di gedung PTE Academic, Universitas Tanjungpura, persis di depan fakultas kampusku dulu—nostalgia, hehe. Jadwal tesku jam 11. Pagi itu aku terbangun dengan deg-degan, rasanya seperti menghadapi ujian akhir semester lagi. Ada skor minimal yang harus aku capai (minimal 30), dan kalau tidak lolos, berarti harus mengulang tes—yang berarti keluar biaya lagi.
Jam 8.30, aku pergi ke kafe sendirian untuk sarapan sambil mengulas tips dan trik dari setiap bagian tes. Setelah itu, aku pasrahkan semuanya pada usahaku sejauh ini. Jam 10.00 aku berangkat ke gedung ujian. Setibanya di sana, aku melakukan registrasi. Ujiannya terasa cukup formal, mungkin karena ini tes internasional. Setiap sesi hanya bisa diikuti oleh 6 orang, jadi jadwalnya memang terbatas. Aku duduk di komputer nomor 1, dan semua tes dilakukan secara komputerisasi. Jawaban kita direkam dan disimpan dalam sistem. Menurutku, bagian yang paling sulit adalah writing, haha, karena temanya tidak diketahui sebelumnya dan mendadak aku merasa blank harus menyusun kata-kata seperti apa.
Dua jam berlalu, dan tes akhirnya selesai. Kata petugasnya, hasilnya bisa keluar dalam waktu 2 jam dan akan dikirim melalui email. Setidaknya, salah satu tahapan sudah kulewati, dan aku hanya bisa berdoa semoga hasilnya sesuai harapan! Seusai ujian, aku pergi makan ramen bersama teman yang juga ikut tes. Kami sempat berandai-andai seolah-olah sudah siap berangkat ke Australia dan visa sudah di tangan—padahal waktu itu, jadwal pembukaan SDUWHV saja belum pasti.
Sore itu aku lalui dengan harap-harap cemas menunggu skor. Dan… akhirnya, malamnya, hasilnya keluar! Skorku jeng jeng jeng… 81/90! Not bad! Aku langsung merasa lega. Satu langkah lebih dekat. Salah satu dokumen penting sudah ada di tangan, dan malam itu aku bisa tidur dengan tenang.
01 Juli 2024 Jujur, di tanggal ini aku sempat deg-degan banget. Soalnya, aku pernah lihat di IG Kedubes Australia yang memposting bahwa pendaftaran program WHV tahun 2023 sudah ditutup, dan pendaftaran WHV untuk tahun 2024 akan dibuka pada 1 Juli 2024. Kupikir itu adalah hari “war” untuk SDUWHV. Ternyata, itu adalah tanggal pembukaan kembali untuk lodge visa WHV. Waktu itu aku masih belum paham, haha, jadi aku sudah ngebut mempersiapkan segalanya dari awal. Pas tanggal 1 Juli tiba, ternyata tidak ada info apa pun dari Ditjen Imigrasi.
Sebulan… dua bulan berlalu…
Tidak ada kabar dari MIDO soal pembukaan SDUWHV. Hingga akhirnya, tanggal 02 September 2024, muncul pengumuman dari MIDO yang membawa kabar gembira: pembukaan kuota SDUWHV akan segera dilaksanakan! Deg-degan makin terasa! Lalu, pada 27 September 2024, MIDO mengumumkan bahwa untuk tahun 2024 hanya akan ada satu batch SDUWHV. That means, hanya ada satu kesempatan untuk “war”—jika tidak berhasil, berarti harus coba lagi tahun depan.
Overthinking dan kalut semakin terasa. Ada ketakutan terselubung, “What if aku nggak dapat?” Pasti akan sangat kecewa, karena ini adalah impian yang sudah lama aku nantikan—satu kesempatan berharga untuk explore dunia luar, bekerja di luar negeri, dan melalang buana, melihat dunia dari perspektif yang berbeda.
08 Oktober 2024 Siang itu, aku sedang santai-santai mengurus surat keterangan bank di BCA. Ini kali ketiga aku datang ke CS untuk minta surat tersebut, sampai-sampai CS-nya masih ingat dan bilang, “Lho, Cece lagi, bikin surat referensi bank lagi ya, Ce? Kapan buka kuotanya? Btw, tadi sebelum Cece juga ada yang minta surat keterangan bank, lho.” Aku cuma bisa tertawa kecil, ini sudah ketiga kalinya aku minta surat yang sama, haha.
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Di saat yang hampir bersamaan, aku melihat postingan di IG Ditjen Imigrasi yang menyatakan bahwa tanggal pembukaan kuota SDUWHV adalah 10 Oktober 2024—which is lusa ini! Hatiku langsung berdetak tidak karuan! Malam itu, aku bahkan tidak bisa tidur dengan tenang, memikirkan semua persiapan untuk “war” yang harus semaksimal mungkin. Aku cek berulang-ulang file dokumen yang perlu diunggah, membaca kembali semua ketentuan agar tidak ada informasi sekecil apa pun yang terlewat.
Untungnya, aku sudah membuat akun di website-nya sebelumnya, jadi tidak perlu repot di tahap ini. Banyak pengaju lain yang mengalami error karena terlalu banyak orang yang membuat akun di waktu bersamaan.
10 Oktober 2024 Hari war dimulai! Pagi ini aku bangun lebih awal dari biasanya. Jujur, semalaman aku hampir tidak bisa tidur. Yang ada di pikiranku hanya satu: aku ingin bisa melewati hari ini dengan tenang dan lega. Banyak cerita dari tahun lalu tentang war SDUWHV yang katanya menegangkan dan “hidup-mati”—hanya ada satu kesempatan, dan kalau tidak berhasil, harus menunggu batch berikutnya yang entah kapan diadakan lagi. Jadi, hari ini, no matter what, aku harus mendapatkan surat sakti itu.
Jam 9 teng war dimulai. Laptop sudah siap, Wi-Fi aman, website sudah dibuka, dan akun sudah login. Masih menunjukkan pukul 08.45, tapi hatiku sudah dag-dig-dug, dan waktu terasa lambat. Detik demi detik berlalu sampai jam 9 tiba. Aku berpikir, Pasti bisa kok, sudah doa dan yakin. Tapi… tiba-tiba website down, dan aku ter-logout sendiri. Panik! Aku coba login lagi, hasilnya nihil, hanya muncul pesan error! Semakin panik, aku baca di grup, ternyata banyak yang mengalami hal yang sama. Temanku juga mengatakan hal yang sama, semua orang kesulitan login ke website.
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Jam 9.11 aku berhasil masuk. Pengaju sudah terisi 423 dari kuota 4.796. Panik lagi! Aku coba segala cara—refresh browser, buka incognito, buka berbagai jenis browser—supaya bisa klik tab permohonan. Jika tombol “Ajukan Permohonan” berwarna biru, artinya kita bisa masuk ke halaman pendaftaran. Setelah beberapa waktu, tombol itu akhirnya berwarna biru. Aku langsung bersujud syukur, segera mengisi biodata dengan cepat karena waktu yang diberikan hanya 15 menit. Halaman 1 lancar, halaman 2 lancar, tapi di halaman 3, tersendat! Panik lagi! Setiap file yang aku coba unggah gagal. Waktu semakin habis. Aku coba ganti Wi-Fi ke tethering HP, tapi tetap gagal. Hingga waktu benar-benar habis, dan permohonanku terpental. Aku pun ter-logout sendiri.
Lemas… Rasanya mau nangis.
Usahaku seketika runtuh. Aku coba login lagi ke website tapi tidak bisa!
Aku pikir itu satu-satunya kesempatan, dan kalau sudah terpental berarti kesempatan itu hangus. Dunia rasanya runtuh. Tapi aku baca di grup lagi untuk mencari solusi. Mereka bilang coba terus masuk lagi dan ulangi dari awal. Akhirnya, meskipun panik, aku tetap mencoba. Ter-logout hingga ratusan kali kualami saat itu. Sampai akhirnya aku mendapat kesempatan kedua. Cepat-cepat aku isi lagi dan cek semuanya, tapi lagi-lagi terkendala di halaman ketiga untuk unggah file. Dan kembali lagi terpental sama seperti sebelumnya. Rasanya dunia runtuh untuk kedua kalinya. Kesempatan berharga yang kedua kali terbuang begitu saja. Kupikir semesta belum berpihak padaku.
Namun, aku tetap mencoba lagi dan lagi hingga masuk kesempatan ketiga. Kuota sudah terisi 3.000-an orang. Angka terus bertambah, mungkin karena banyak peminat dari seluruh Indonesia. Di IG MIDO, banyak yang protes dan mengeluh, hingga MIDO memberi pernyataan resmi bahwa pemohon mencapai 12.000 orang, sementara kuota hanya 4.796. Tidak heran jika website down. Tapi aku tetap berdoa. Aku yakin, surat sakti itu akan ada di tanganku hari ini! Akhirnya, aku berhasil masuk untuk ketiga kalinya, dan entah keajaiban dari mana aku bisa unggah semua file dengan bantuan tetheringHP. Aku langsung submit tanpa memikirkan sisa waktu, berserah. Yang penting aku sudah berusaha maksimal dan mengikuti semua prosedur.
Ternyata, untuk tahun ini, SDUWHV akan terbit di hari yang sama sekitar 1 jam setelah pengajuan diterima dan diverifikasi. Meski sudah lega karena berhasil submit, aku masih harus menunggu terbitnya SDUWHV. Dua jam berlalu tanpa kabar, membuatku cemas. Aku selesai submit jam 11.59, seharusnya jam 1 siang sudah terbit, tapi belum juga. Jujur, aku takut kalau ada dokumen yang terverifikasi gagal atau ada halangan lain, bahkan takut ditolak. Overthinking semakin menjadi-jadi. Aku hanya bisa duduk diam di depan laptop, menunggu status berubah ke penerbitan SDUWHV.
Tidak ada mood untuk makan sejak pagi hingga jam 14.40 sore, saat surat sakti itu akhirnya terbit!
Mau nangis bahagia! Tidak tahu lagi bagaimana mengekspresikan perasaanku. Ini adalah langkah awal untuk bisa apply WHV. Saat aku buka dan baca SDUWHV itu, rasanya seperti mimpi. Dari bulan Februari aku memimpikan ini, dan ini hari dimana aku benaar-benar mendapatkan surat berharga ini. Terima kasih banyak, Tuhan!
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13 Oktober 2024 Hari Minggu yang cerah, aku memutuskan untuk fokus lodge visa. Karena ini pertama kalinya aku lodge visa, rasanya cukup deg-degan. Untungnya, aku punya banyak panduan yang bisa diikuti. Tapi tetap saja, aku sempat bingung—gimana caranya lodge visa kalau aku belum MCU? Kebingungan pertamaku: apa itu HAP ID, dan gimana caranya daftar MCU? Blank total. Untungnya, temanku mengirimkan link YouTube yang menjelaskan langkah-langkahnya. Baru deh aku paham prosesnya, termasuk cara mendapatkan HAP ID dan daftar MCU.
Aku segera menghubungi rumah sakit yang khusus untuk MCU Visa Australia, yaitu RS Premier Jatinegara. Aku memilih jadwal MCU hari Minggu, 27 Oktober 2024. Awalnya, aku berencana MCU pada 20 Oktober 2024, tapi karena suatu alasan, aku mau rescheduleke RS Bintaro. Sayangnya, RS Bintaro tidak melayani MCU pada hari Minggu. Akhirnya, aku kembali ke jadwal awal di RS Jatinegara. Namun, karena aku sudah mengajukan reschedule, jadwalku tanggal 20 Oktober hangus, jadi aku harus mundur jadwal MCU-ku ke tanggal 27 Oktober 2024.
23 Oktober 2024 Karena belum MCU, aku memutuskan untuk save dulu permohonan lodgement visa-ku. Alurnya memang bisa lodge visa dulu baru MCU, tapi aku belum punya dokumen yang di-translate, jadi rasanya lebih baik MCU dulu. Aku pun mulai mencari penerjemah tersumpah untuk menerjemahkan beberapa dokumen pendukung, seperti akta lahir dan kartu keluarga. Sayangnya, jadwal penerjemah penuh! Aku jadi menyesal kenapa tidak mengurus terjemahan lebih awal. Tapi, sudahlah. Aku terus menghubungi beberapa penerjemah tersumpah yang menerima layanan express. Untungnya, aku dapat Pak Joseph yang menyediakan layanan express dengan waktu pengerjaan 2 hari kerja. Dokumenku selesai diterjemahkan pada tanggal 23 Oktober 2024.
Saat aku mengecek hasil terjemahan dokumen—FYI, aku hanya menerjemahkan akta lahir dan kartu keluarga karena dokumen lainnya sudah bilingual—aku baru sadar kalau nama orangtuaku berbeda antara akta lahir dan KK. Wah, ini bikin aku galau berat. Seharusnya, aku lebih teliti sebelumnya untuk memastikan dokumen-dokumenku tidak ada masalah kecil seperti ini yang bisa menghambat proses visaku. Sebagai tambahan kekhawatiranku, SKCK-ku juga expired tepat tanggal 23 Oktober 2024. Aku tahu, SKCK adalah dokumen opsional untuk visa ini, tapi semakin banyak dokumen pendukung yang diunggah, kemungkinan visa granted akan lebih besar. Sayangnya, aku tidak punya waktu untuk memperpanjang SKCK karena harus mengurusnya langsung di Mabes Polri.
Aku bertanya di grup, dan mereka memastikan bahwa SKCK tidak wajib diunggah. Tapi tetap saja, aku merasa was-was. Tidak ada jaminan pasti apakah visaku akan grantedtanpa SKCK. Di tengah drama ini, muncul lagi kabar kalau ada masalah di immiaccount—katanya banyak yang tidak bisa lodge visa karena website error. Bahkan, beberapa orang menyebarkan rumor bahwa pendaftaran visa akan ditutup sampai tahun depan. Wah, ini benar-benar bikin panik dan overthinking.
Benar saja, malam itu, setelah aku mendapatkan hasil terjemahan dokumen, aku mencoba lodge visa. Tapi ternyata, immiaccount benar-benar tidak bisa diakses. Memang, aku sudah menyimpan semua data sejak 13 Oktober 2024, tapi halaman tersebut tidak bisa dilanjutkan. Yang muncul hanya notifikasi maintenance, dan itu membuatku semakin galau karena tidak bisa memproses visaku. Padahal, aku hanya tinggal lodge dan membayar biaya permohonan visa. Rasanya frustrasi karena sudah begitu dekat, tapi masih terhalang masalah teknis.
Hari itu, pikiranku penuh dengan kekhawatiran: soal nama orangtua yang tidak sinkron, SKCK expired, masalah immiaccount, dan waktu yang terus berjalan.
Rasanya seperti drama tak berujung.
Tiap jam aku terus refresh immiaccount, berharap ada perubahan. Aku juga rajin cek grup, siapa tahu ada teman-teman yang berbagi info kalau maintenance sudah selesai. Tapi tetap saja, hasilnya nihil—selalu gagal. Mungkin karena terlalu banyak orang yang mencoba lodge WHV ini, jadi aksesnya dibatasi. Aku mulai merasa menyesal, kenapa aku tidak lebih cekatan dan mengamankan lodge visa lebih awal. Overthinking pun muncul. Bagaimana kalau benar-benar kuota tahunan ditutup dan baru dibuka tahun depan? Kalau itu terjadi, perjuangan war SDUWHV-ku jadi sia-sia. Pikiran-pikiran itu membuatku tidak bisa tidur, hati gelisah, benar-benar galau.
Sampai akhirnya, 25 Oktober 2024, sekitar jam 12 siang, aku coba login ke immiaccount lagi, dan ternyata BISA! Tanpa pikir panjang, aku langsung lodge visa dan melakukan pembayaran. Untungnya, semua dokumen sudah aku unggah dan simpan sebelumnya, jadi begitu maintenance selesai, aku tinggal klik submit. Syukurlah, pada 25 Oktober 2024, jam 12.29, visaku tersubmit dan status berubah menjadi received.
Lega banget rasanya!
Tapi, tidak lama kemudian muncul kekhawatiran baru. Aku sudah punya HAP ID yang aku request sendiri sebelumnya, tapi aku lodge visa-nya dulu sebelum MCU. Saat lodge, ada pertanyaan apakah sudah pernah MCU sebelumnya. Kalau sudah, aku tinggal memasukkan HAP ID-ku. Masalahnya, aku belum MCU, tapi HAP ID-ku sudah ada. Kalau aku tidak memasukkan HAP ID, nanti malah dapat HAP ID baru dari imigrasi, yang berarti bisa jadi double. Bingung banget! Akhirnya, aku tetap nekat lodge visa dengan menyertakan HAP ID-ku yang aku request di awal, meskipun aku belum MCU. Aku hanya bisa berdoa semoga tidak ada masalah besar karena keputusan ini.
27 Oktober 2024 Aku berangkat ke Jakarta malam Minggu, 26 Oktober 2024, dengan penerbangan sore jam 6. Pesawat sempat sedikit delay, tapi aku tetap tenang karena Sabtu sore setelah pulang kerja aku tidak perlu terburu-buru mengejar ke bandara. Untungnya, proses MCU tidak lama, jadi aku tidak perlu mengajukan cuti. Tapi tentu saja, muncul lagi kekhawatiran baru. Malam sebelum MCU, aku haid! Panik lagi, karena salah satu persyaratan MCU adalah tes urin. Kenapa ya rasanya selalu ada saja masalah bertubi-tubi?
Sabtu pagi, aku benar-benar galau. Aku langsung memastikan ke pihak RS apakah aku masih bisa lanjut MCU dengan kondisi haid. Kalau tidak, aku harus reschedule tiket pesawat dan jadwal MCU, yang mana saat ini MCU sedang penuh-penuhnya karena banyak pengaju visa yang daftar. Kebayang antrean panjang dan waktu tunggu yang makin lama, dan itu bikin aku khawatir proses visaku jadi semakin tertunda. Untungnya, pihak RS mengonfirmasi bahwa tes urin sudah tidak lagi menjadi bagian dari MCU untuk visa ini. Lega banget!!! Setidaknya, aku tidak perlu reschedule, dan proses MCU bisa tetap berjalan sesuai jadwal.
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Pagi itu, aku sampai di RS Premier Jatinegara sekitar jam 6.30 pagi dan langsung menuju tempat MCU di lantai 7. Meskipun pelayanannya baru buka jam 8, sekitar jam 7 lebih aku sudah diperbolehkan masuk untuk pengisian administrasi oleh stafnya. Estimasi awal, aku dapat giliran jam 9.05, tapi karena aku datang pertama, aku langsung dapat antrean pertama.
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Jam 8.30, aku dipanggil untuk cek fisik dan mata. Dokternya melakukan sedikit wawancara tentang riwayat kesehatan dan menanyakan beberapa hal seputar diri kita. Setelah itu, dilakukan pemeriksaan fisik seperti cek nafas, detak jantung, dan refleks tubuh. Kemudian, lanjut ke tes mata seperti membaca huruf-huruf pada papan optik.
Selanjutnya, aku diarahkan ke ruangan kedua untuk timbang berat badan, cek tinggi badan, dan tensi. Di sini, aku juga diberitahu bahwa hasil MCU akan dikirimkan langsung ke imigrasi Australia dalam 3 hari kerja. Hasilnya bisa mulai ditanyakan pada H+1 setelah selesai. Setelah itu, aku diarahkan ke ruangan lain untuk pengambilan darah. Sebelum tes, aku sempat disarankan untuk banyak minum air agar hasilnya lebih baik. Oh ya, seminggu sebelum MCU, aku sampai nyetok susu Bear Brand dan minum rutin karena katanya itu bagus untuk kesehatan, terutama paru-paru. Did it work? Aku nggak tahu pasti, tapi aku tetap mengikuti saran orang-orang, siapa tahu memang ada manfaatnya.
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Setelah selesai di lantai 7, aku lanjut ke kasir untuk melakukan pembayaran, kemudian diarahkan ke radiologi untuk Chest X-Ray. Proses Chest X-Ray cukup cepat ternyata. Saat tes, kita diminta mengikuti arahan staf, seperti cara bernapas yang sesuai prosedur. Di ruangan ini, kita hanya diperbolehkan memakai baju luar tanpa aksesoris seperti kalung, agar tidak mengganggu hasil foto. Seluruh proses MCU telah dipenuhi. Malamnya, aku pun langsung terbang kembali ke Pontianak.
MCU selesai! Berarti, aku tinggal menunggu hasilnya di-submit oleh pihak RS dan difinalisasi oleh imigrasi Australia.
Keesokan harinya setelah MCU, status Health Assessment di immiaccount-ku berubah menjadi finalised. Artinya, hasil MCU-ku bagus, dan pihak RS juga mengonfirmasi bahwa semua hasil normal. Lega rasanya! At least, aku tidak perlu MCU ulang, dan peluangku untuk granted semakin besar.
Tapi, apakah aku bisa menunggu dengan tenang? Oh, tentu tidak!
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Masih ingat kekhawatiranku sebelumnya? Soal SKCK, aku sudah tidak terlalu cemas karena membaca banyak pengalaman orang yang tetap granted meskipun tanpa SKCK. Kalau pun nanti diminta, aku pikir aku bisa memperpanjang SKCK lagi.
Namun, yang benar-benar jadi sumber overthinking setiap hari adalah perbedaan nama orang tua di akta lahir dan kartu keluarga. Tiap hari aku kepikiran, apalagi setelah membaca case di Facebook tentang orang-orang yang kena random check karena masalah data ini. Ada yang harus bikin surat pernyataan kalau nama itu mengacu pada orang yang sama, ada juga yang diminta update KK, yang jelas itu semua butuh waktu dan proses yang tidak cepat, belum lagi harus di-translate lagi. Banyak juga yang bilang kalau tahu data ada perbedaan seperti ini, jangan coba-coba unggah KK karena bisa jadi malah bikin posisi kita lebih sulit kalau terkena random check. Rasanya, setiap hari aku tidak bisa tidur tenang, hanya bisa berdoa agar prosesku berjalan mulus dan visaku tidak menemui hambatan.
12 November 2024 18 hari berlalu sejak lodge visa dan selesai MCU. Setiap hari, aku rajin login ke immiaccount, berharap status visaku berubah dari received menjadi finalised dan granted. Tapi, nihil. Aku juga cek email berkali-kali, namun tidak ada notifikasi baru. Sementara itu, di grup, banyak pejuang WHV lain yang visanya sudah granted, dan aku mulai memperhatikan polanya—ternyata waktu lodge sangat berpengaruh. Semakin cepat kita lodge, semakin cepat visanya diproses. Karena aku lodge pada 25 Oktober 2024, berarti aku harus menunggu giliran teman-teman yang lodge pada 23 Oktober 2024 selesai granted terlebih dahulu sebelum giliranku. Setiap kali ada notifikasi dari Gmail, jantungku langsung berdebar kencang, tapi selalu saja bukan email granted. Rasanya mau nangis dan kecewa setiap kali harapan itu pupus.
14.46 Sore itu, aku memutuskan untuk refresh immiaccount untuk terakhir kalinya hari itu. Aku pikir, kalau tidak ada kabar, aku akan logout dan berharap lagi keesokan harinya.
Tapi… tiba-tiba, statusnya berubah menjadi FINALISED!
Aku terdiam. Bengong. Rasanya detik itu berhenti. Tanganku gemetaran. Aku refreshlagi untuk memastikan, dan di sebelah namaku tertulis GRANTED.
Aku mengecek kembali emailku, apa ada Grant Notification-nya? Beneran ada!
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Semua overthinking-ku langsung buyar. Rasanya tidak bisa diungkapkan dengan kata-kata. Aku tidak perlu lagi memikirkan perbedaan nama dokumen atau takut terkena random check. Jantungku berdegup kencang, tapi kali ini penuh dengan kebahagiaan. Hari itu, semua impianku mulai terlihat semakin nyata.
Aku baca lagi granted letter-ku, dan akhirnya aku bisa mengatakan: Yes, I got that WHV with my name on it.
Terima kasih, Tuhan! ✨
Dan di sinilah perjalanan panjang ini akhirnya sampai pada awal yang baru. Semua perjuangan, rasa cemas, overthinking, dan doa yang tak henti-hentinya kini terbayar. Surat sakti itu bukan hanya sekadar dokumen, tapi simbol dari mimpi yang selama ini aku perjuangkan. Kini, langkah pertama sudah selesai—dan petualangan sesungguhnya baru saja dimulai.
Australia, here I come! 🌏✨
29 notes · View notes
jaegeraether · 1 year ago
Sunsets and footballers (Part 20)
Lucy Bronze x Reader (20)
Masterlist (other parts here)
YFN had just received an email from the company she now worked for, Lumos. She tried to research the company and the first thing that popped up was a popular charity, followed by several other companies sharing the same name. Eventually she found her company which had nothing beyond a basic internet site and new social media accounts, so she knew they were being honest when they said they were brand new and starting up.
The salary they’d offered her was already high, with the promise of increase based on performance, both hers and Lumos’. The amount of money they were putting into the business and expenses were also much higher than she expected. Someone really wanted this to work.
She looked over at Lucy who was making her own sandcastles and smiled. Once the email had come through, Lucy had insisted she read it and took her time to mull it over. YFN loved that she was doing anything she could to let her make a future in the country, and especially around her profession. That was her Lucy. Always three steps ahead.
She took her phone out to film a little snippet of her as she made her giant sandcastle. She couldn’t help the smile on her face looking at how happy she was. Lucy’s big kid was shining through. She looked up and saw YFN filming her and grinned, gesturing to her sandcastle as if to show it off. YFN ended the video and put it away, looking at Lucy sitting in the sand, a leg either side of her creation. She was wearing black shorts, her whole body tanned from Spain, abs shining with the sunscreen YFN put on her, regardless of the clouds. Her heart felt full just watching her.
“Admiring the view?” Lucy grinned.
YFN felt her face reddening, though she didn’t know why. She wasn’t ashamed to look. She nodded, pressing her lips together to hide a cheeky smile.
“Can you send me that video, little one?”
“Yes ma’am.”
She sent the video and went back to the email on her laptop. The email was promising, and she found herself excited at everything she read.
Her phone rang and she looked at the number, Lumos. She answered it, putting it on speaker, knowing Lucy would be interested.
“YFN speaking.”
“Hi YFN, it’s Joe, how are you?” She sounded lovely, like a mum.
“Hi Joe, lovely to hear from you again. I’m great, just at the beach soaking in all of the sunshine the UK has to offer.”
She laughed. “I dare say it’s nothing compared to what you’re used to in Australia. I hope I haven’t caught you at a bad time.”
“No, not at all. I was expecting this today, I’m free to chat.” She smiled at Lucy who gave her a supportive thumbs up.
“Excellent. Okay, well I thought we’d just go through the basics of what we’re hoping to accomplish as a company, our goals and along those lines. If you have the email open, we’ll just run through it together. Also, how’s the work Visa coming along?”
“Perfect, I have it open now. I’ve also spoken to my Visa agent and he’s confident they’ll have it approved by tonight. They’re happy with the contract and 6-month minimum guarantee that you’ve sent through.”
“Outstanding, that’s what we want to hear! Just send that through as soon as you receive it, or if you need any other information. Fingers crossed! Okay, let’s get started. So firstly, as you know, I’ve wanted to start this company for quite a period of time. I have a lot of friends and acquaintances in and around the industry, and we’re not seeing the movement in female football that we’ve wanted, so Lumos is a plan to change that. Now, the World Cup has been brilliant for progress, and we plan to latch onto that and keep the momentum building. Over the past year and especially the past few months, I and my friends in the industry have put our feelers out, gotten some feedback and have established interest by a lot of the players. Now, I understand it will start slow, but we’re willing to put the work in and definitely also put the funding into it.”
Lucy looked impressed, nodding as she was talking.
“That sounds fantastic, Joe..”
“I’m glad you agree! To be quite honest with you, YFN, you’ve been the lynchpin I’ve been looking for. I’ve been looking for someone with your experience and after reading your columns and seeing the interviews you’ve conducted, I’m beyond impressed. The research you put into your work, and the way you speak and ask questions to your interviewee’s are smart, and incredibly respectful. I can see that’s important to you, and it’s very important to me. We shouldn’t be asking the same boring questions, or we’ll get the same media trained answers.”
“Oh I completely agree. I was a bit worried at first that this job would encourage me to ask those simple and sometimes far too personal questions, so I’m really happy to hear you say that because people don’t realise that we can go beyond the norm of interviewing, and still remain just like that. Respectful. Not only that, but players will be more willing to open up, accept interviews, and request us if they’re comfortable around us. They’ll also want to use us to get their messages across and I know that if we do this right, the momentum will build and more players will be using us to fulfil their media duties.”
“Outstanding, that’s exactly what I wanted to hear! We’re so, so lucky that you happened to meet Katie so she could recommend you to us. We’ve been looking for you for quite a while.”
YFN was a little embarrassed, she didn’t know how to accept compliments and blushed. Lucy reached over and squeezed her leg in support. “Thanks Joe, that’s lovely to hear. I hope I can live up to your expectations, and I’m excited to get started! It’s a blank slate which means so much opportunity for the company.”
“100% agree. Any chance you’ve found our website and social media accounts?”
“I did just before you called..”
Joe laughed again. “Of course, you have. Straight into work! Excellent. We’re going to get along so well, I already know it. Our IT guy is Noel, and his contact details are in the email. Right now I’ve asked him to make the accounts all bare minimum, as I imagine you’ll want to create a theme to follow..”
“Yes! Absolutely, so I plan on organising a meeting with the whole team for Monday, I just wanted to make sure you were happy with that first..”
“Yes, please! And just for the future, this is your team, your baby. Anything involving the creation of this, meetings, team logistics, etc, all of that is yours. Obviously I’ll still like to be kept up to date with the progress and the plans, but to be completely fair with you, YFN, I run several businesses so I’m quite busy. This company is still in its start-up stages, so I’ll have much more time for it, and I do have a soft spot, this is always going to be one of my priorities, however I just wanted to make sure we’re on the same page with this.”
“That’s perfect, I’ll send you through weekly updates and expenses, planning, coverage and everything we change or create along the way. I appreciate the honesty and the communication also, I think until we establish that solid footing, you and I will have to be in a lot of contact to ensure we’re achieving the expected goals, and keeping everything in budget.”
“You don’t know how much this is music to my ears.”
YFN laughed, feeling positive and happy with the plan thus-far. Joe seemed perfect, offering her everything and having the blind faith in her to start up the business almost from the ground, up. “I think we’re starting at a good time, though. We’re catching the start of the seasons, so it gives us time to iron out any issues before the finals for both the WSL and the Conti Cup. A good timeline will be for us to have full coverage by Round 5 on the Conti Cup, and January for WSL, covering both through to the Final. Then we should be fully prepped and running smoothly for the UEFA Women’s Champions League.”
“That’s a very respectable timeline and exactly my thoughts. January will be perfect if we can have full coverage by then.”
“I think it’s achievable, I’ll have a better idea after I research a bit more and talk to the team. I’m sure everyone’s keen to get started! Also, it’ll be quite a heavy work period as we start up, and then when we finally start to get footing, we’ll be expanding to make sure we have the people to cover all games and the email also says you’re hoping for international team and coverage of the other leagues in Europe?”
“Yes,” Joe sounded a litte sheepish. “I know, I know, it’s quite a high expectation, but we’ll get there eventually. Let’s start with the WSL and Continental Cup. Definitely want to be all over the UEFA Women’s Champions League, that’s the first major goal. From there, you and I can talk about expanding to cover Tier 2. Then, depending on the timeline, we want to cover Tier 3 and Tier 4 so we can encourage grassroots and young girls upcoming through the leagues. Then we want Liga F, Serie A, Feminine, etc, also following the national teams, NWSL in the US, A-Leagues in Australia and onwards.”
“Very large goals! That’s great, a lot to look forward to and to aim for. We’ll make sure to split the goals up to feel more achievable for the team, but I think if they know the long-term goal, it’ll make everyone determined and ready to settle down into the job.”
“That’s exactly what we want. The team building and team trust in each other is vital to make this business a success. Anything you need, let me know and we’ll work through it together, that includes extra positions or professionals. I imagine a recruiter may become useful if you become inundated with the logistics.”
YFN nodded, even though she couldn’t see her. She was taking notes eagerly, excited by the conversation as she responded, a little distracted as she typed. “I’ll definitely let you know if we need anything to help us expand..”
“I heard you’re meeting some of the players, also?”
YFN stopped typing and tilted her head. Lucy groaned. She looked over at Lucy who had a frown on her face, gesturing to the phone. “Um… Joe I have Lucy close by who wants to say something I think?”
Joe was aware that YFN was dating Lucy. YFN had made sure she’d told Joe, fearing a conflict of interest, especially with the need to visit Spain. Joe had had the opposite reaction. She thought it was great that YFN was so involved in the industry, knowing that dating Lucy made her closer with the inner circle of football than just being part of a media group. As for Spain, she’d encouraged her to go, offering to pay for flights and knowing that the more she was involved with Barcelona, the easier it would be to expand into Liga F and onwards. She was particularly interested in Alexia Putellas and Aitana Bonmati as they had so much influence in the sport. Joe’s ambition was multi-faceted, but positive on all fronts. She wanted to encourage the young female footballers of tomorrow, give women strong rolemodels to idolise, and to bring much needed attention to all of women’s football in general, all around the world. Popular footballers like Lucy, Alexia, Aitana, could help expedite their growth and influence.
“Of course! I assumed she was there with you and then Lucy’s post confirmed it.” She laughed.
Lucy’s post? She looked at a now cheeky looking Lucy as she passed her the phone and stole Lucy’s to check on said “post”. She’d posted the video of her building sandcastles on the beach and grinning at the camera, but more importantly, she’d posted a selfie Lucy had taken of the two of them, YFN sat in-between her legs and being pulled back by Lucy who was kissing her cheek as she smiled. Her mouth dropped open. Hard launch. She looked at the caption.
“Happy place with my happy little Australian” *red heart*
She’d tagged her and YFN looked at the phone in Lucy’s hand, unsure how it hadn’t blown up from all of the notifications it must have had. Lucy winked at her as she moved next to her, resting her hand on her thigh and stroking her thumb there.
“Hey Joe, it’s Lucy.. funny you should mention that, I actually hadn’t told YFN that just yet..”
“Hi Lucy… oh, I’m sorry! I’d heard a few little whispers from a few friends..”
Lucy laughed. “That’s okay, she had to find out eventually.” She looked at YFN who looked curiously at her gorgeously tanned athlete. She couldn’t help reaching out and playing with a few strands of Lucy’s hair that were wildly playing in the wind. “I might as well tell you both.. YFN said a while ago that one of the first things she’d want to do is to have a get-together with a few players to ask them what they want, their likes and dislikes and to start building those relationships.” YFN’s fingers stroked down the side of Lucy’s face from around her temple, down to her jaw as she watched her speak. Lucy leant into her as she did. “So a few of the girls and I made a few phone calls to get some players together for dinner tonight.”
YFN’s fingers paused on her jaw, her eyes softening and heart filling. How did she get so lucky?
“That’s fantastic! A very strong start to everything! Relationship building is the most important thing for us, we want to build and maintain those special relationships with all of the players, so this dinner tonight is going to be the perfect start for that. I speak for our whole company when I say a big thank you to you, Lucy. This is just… beyond the start I was expecting.”
“You’re welcome, and to be fair, I know a lot of the players are excited for this. As you said, word has been spreading for a while now and heating up in the last few months so we’re all excited to see this come to life. The girls I’ve spoken to have been so under represented and misrepresented for so long that they’re excited for this to happen. YFN’s going to have a lot of work, but I know she’s going be the most amazing asset for you and create magic, like she does with everything else.”
YFN’s hand dropped and she looked at Lucy with an embarrassed but thankful expression. Lucy touched that little dimple, her eyes unable to leave it. She handed the phone back to YFN who was almost crying. So much work. She wondered how busy she would be in 13 days when she needed to head to Spain. Joe was aware of it, of course, and immediately approved, reminding her that she didn’t need her permission.
They spoke for a little while longer, talking about the email and the team members they had. The call ended and YFN folded up her little note taking book, pulling the band over it. Lucy’s mouth on hers was surprising, but not unwelcome. She kissed back eagerly, tilting her head and their tongues meeting. It grew a little bit more desperate as their hands tangled in each other’s hair, and Lucy pulled her on top, straddling her in a sitting position. YFN groaned into her mouth at the feel of Lucy’s body against hers. Then her phone rang again.
She jumped, assuming it was Joe calling back and looked at the phone.
“Nan calling. Baby bro calling.”
“Oh shit, Joe really distracted me.” She answered the phone on loudspeaker, sliding off of Lucy, noticing her confused expression. “Hi Nan, hey bro.”
Lucy understood and settled herself behind YFN, legs either side of her and pulled her back to lean on her body. She pulled a blanket around them.
“Hey sis.”
They changed to Facetime and it was impossible for them to not see Lucy. YFN’s nan adjusted her glasses to better see and her brother looked surprised and unbelieving.
“Oh shit, you weren’t joking.” He choked.
Lucy laughed. “Hi! It’s nice to finally meet you both. I’ve heard so much about you two.”
“Oh, YFN, she’s stunning.” Her nan said, making her choke out a little of the water she was sipping. Lucy and her brother laughed as she coughed the water out of her lungs.
“It’s not just about looks, nan!”
“No, but it certainly helps, doesn’t it?” She laughed.
YFN could feel Lucy’s whole body vibrating as she laughed behind her. She rolled her eyes knowing that Lucy loved compliments.
“Oh and I saw the photos online, very nice!”
Her nan was far past retired, she was a pensioner who spent most of her time playing games on the iPad YFN had bought her, and looking through Instagram and Facebook she’d installed on there for her. She had no idea how to use them and only had a few friends and followers, but that’s all she needed. After that, Lucy took out her phone and followed them both, making sure it was okay first and warning them about random follows that would ultimately pop up.
They spoke for a while, Lucy immediately loved by both, of course. Everybody loved Lucy. Lucy and her brother clicked surprisingly well, perhaps even better than YFN did with him, though she suspected a part of it was his idolisation of athletes and Lucy was nothing if not an athlete. She felt Lucy’s abs against her back, her strong biceps cradled around her own arms and she held her and laughed with her family like this wasn’t the first time they’d all spoken. God, that woman.
By the end of the phone call, Lucy had already managed to convince them both to come over and watch a game, offering to pay for their flights and accommodation. YFN made a mental note to argue with her about that later, or pay before Lucy could. Somehow she’d even convinced her nan who had always said she was too old for flying, Lucy managing to sweet talk her about first class and how much room and food you got. She was excited at the prospect of seeing them both. She’d seen her nan only a few weeks before, but the distance was cruel. Also, she hadn’t seen her brother in 8 months as he was living in Japan, exploring and doing god knows what.
They ended the phone call after a good period, both agreeing to come and watch England play at some point in the near future. She was excited at the thought of seeing her family soon and wriggled back into Lucy to show her happiness.
When the call disappeared from the screen, she saw the notifications and groaned nervously. She opened the post.
*Lucy Bronze MBE tagged you in a post*
*Caitlin Foord liked a post you’re tagged in.*
*Caitlin Foord commented on a post you’re tagged in.*
*Jordan Nobbs liked a post you’re tagged in.*
*Jordan Nobbs commented on a post you’re tagged in.*
*Alexia Putellas liked a post you’re tagged in.*
*Ruesha Littlejohn liked a post you’re tagged in.*
*Millie Bright liked a post you’re tagged in.*
*Ridley liked a post you’re tagged in.*
*Ridley commented on a post you’re tagged in.*
*Leah Williamson liked a post you’re tagged in.*
*Mariona Caldentey liked a post you’re tagged in.*
*Katie McCabe liked a post you’re tagged in.*
*Katie McCabe commented on a post you’re tagged in.*
She didn’t finish reading the notifications before she cleared them and put her phone away. She’d look later. Right now, she was with Lucy, and she was more than aware that she only had her for one more day. Lucy hummed her approval and kissed her temple.
“Busy third date, hm?”
“Cute lunch, majestic sandcastle, exciting work call, successful first meeting with my family… I’d call that a brilliant third date.”
Lucy nodded against her. “It’s getting late, little one. We need to go; I want us to get unpacked and showered before we go out for dinner.”
“What’s on your mind? I can hear you thinking.” Lucy nuzzled behind her ear.
“I was just thinking about how I need to say goodbye to you in a day..”
“Don’t think about that.” She whispered. “Let’s enjoy it.”
“I am. My heart is starting to feel sad already though..” She turned slightly to look at Lucy. “Also, just out of curiosity, are we going to not have sex tonight, or just be quiet so Jordan doesn’t hear us?”
Lucy’s head fell back as she laughed. It was one of YFN’s favourite sounds. “Oh, we’re having sex tonight. As for the noise… I’m going to make sure you’re thinking about it for the next 13 days so… good luck staying quiet.”
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jokeroutsubs · 4 months ago
[ENG SUB] Bojan Cvjetićanin on Val 202 (13.11.2024)
Transcript and translation by @chaosofsmarty, review and subtitles by a member of JokerOutSubs, proofread by @flowerlotus8
Watch the video with on our Youtube:
Transcript below the cut 👇
Host: It's 22 minutes till eight or 46 and a half hours till the release of Joker Out's new, third album, and on Monday I caught up with Bojan Cvjetićanin, the band's singer. And the story of Joker Out before the third album can be divided into the time before and after Eurovision, because after that final performance, things started happening really quickly.
Bojan: I mean, before Eurovision, our aspirations were to try breaking into the Balkans, in whichever form it would be, we didn't dare think much about going abroad. When our duet with Elvis Costello happened, we started thinking in that direction, that maybe we could go for, for example, English speaking markets or not Slovenian or Balkan ones. But there were no real steps made in that direction, and now our plans absolutely involve more than just Slovenia and the Balkans, but it all has to be part of one story, Europe is now definitely part of the regular repertoire, I'd say. Last year, or this year, we had three offers for a small tour across Australia, which we, unfortunately, couldn't accept, because we fortunately wanted to finish this album. We had a concert in New York booked, but we had to cancel it because we couldn't get work visas fast enough, because everything happened very ad hoc. So, there were offers, there are options, I believe that honestly, I don't think we have any sort of megalomania or an abnormal wish for success or hunger. We just want to keep making music that we like and play it to the people who like it, the future will show how far it reaches, but I don't want to force anything.
Bojan from Joker Out on Val 202, 'Souvenir Pop', the third album, will be released to the people on Friday early in the morning, and is, after the initial listen, a rollercoaster of genres, emotions and languages.
I saw now, during the creation of this album, that it can really turn us around, take us in a wholly other direction than the one planned, and it was quite a tumultuous experience of creating this album, so I'm not worried that emotions and ideas for the fourth one would be running low, the only thing I'm scared of is this rollercoaster, how quick it can spin and how many languages we intend to add and such.
How much privacy is in the songs we've not heard yet?
A lot, in some songs there's a lot of contemplation about privacies that were stolen from some people. There's a lot... Yeah, I'd say quite a lot, the album is very introspective in general.
'Souvenir Pop' out on Friday morning, that was Bojan Cvjetićanin, singer of the band Joker Out, and the album will include 'Stephanie'.
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stevieraebarnes · 10 months ago
Game: 10 first lines challenge
Thank you to @redbirdandbluebird23 for the tag, I loved reading your sentences 💕
Rules: Share the first line of your last ten published works or as many as you are able to and see if there are any patterns!
No Brakes This Time, I Slit the Line: The premise is simple.
Analytic Propositions: One minute it was a Blüdhaven crime scene, a dark alleyway and a dark figure: light on his feet with the tell-tale shock of blue across his chest.
With These Ropes I Tied, Can We Do No Wrong: It is a single thought, of all things, that will lead to crashing chaos and lives upheaved.
Solomon's Paradox: He stood against the threshold of the kitchen — not in, but not out — unsure of his territory and where he was allowed, where he was wanted.
Moving In Stereo: He leaves, and leaves, and leaves.
Precision & Finesse: He took the mound like every other time, him alone on the altar to command the presence of those in the seats.
From the Past Until Completion: The apartment is dim and empty, a single light from the bathroom illuminating the solitary bedroom: one bed—haphazardly made, one dresser with no curios, one nightstand with a small pile of books swathed in dust.
Open Up Your Window: The streets bend in supplication as he prowls—a rhythmic hark! to the beat of his steps—chiming from the contents of his pockets which include three keys on steel ring, a work visa for Australia, a knife of surgical-steel, thin corded rope, a phone, spirit glue, a domino.
Hyperobjects: You stare out the airlock, at the vast, black velvet nothing.
The Still and Quiet Surface: He takes his first shaky steps on the rocky beach.
The pattern I'm getting here is that I like to establish a POV with a specific character by immediately describing the environment they're in. Huh. You know what? Yeah, I dig it 😂
Tagging: @justtoarguewithyou, @setsailslash, @bitterleafs, @solomonara, and @markcat and you, lovely friends who see this.
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evisa-com · 8 days ago
The Comprehensive eVisa Services at evisa.com for Citizens of Over 50 Countries
Turkey, with its rich history, breathtaking landscapes, and vibrant culture, has long been a popular travel destination. For foreign nationals seeking to visit this fascinating country, obtaining a visa can often be a daunting task. However, evisa.com has made the process significantly easier and more efficient for citizens of various countries. Through a simple, user-friendly platform, travelers from over 50 nations can access professional, reliable, and quick eVisa services.
At evisa.com, we understand that travelers need support every step of the way. From filling out the application form to receiving the visa approval, our platform ensures a seamless experience. Let’s take a closer look at how citizens from several countries can benefit from evisa.com’s services to obtain their Turkish eVisa.
Citizens of Afghanistan can apply for a Turkish eVisa through evisa.com with ease. Our platform offers unparalleled support throughout the application process, ensuring that Afghan travelers can get their visas swiftly and without hassle. Whether it's assistance with required documentation or answering questions about the visa process, evisa.com provides the guidance needed to ensure a smooth journey to Turkey.
Algerian nationals can take advantage of evisa.com’s professional services to obtain their Turkish eVisa. We offer comprehensive support at every stage of the application, including document submission and payment processing, ensuring that travelers from Algeria can complete their visa application efficiently and receive approval promptly.
Antigua and Barbuda
For citizens of Antigua and Barbuda, evisa.com offers a streamlined application process for their Turkish eVisa. Our platform simplifies the visa application and provides reliable support, allowing travelers to easily navigate through the process and secure their Turkish visa in no time.
Armenian citizens can rely on evisa.com’s expert services to obtain their Turkish eVisa. Our platform is designed to offer clear instructions, personalized assistance, and professional guidance, ensuring that every Armenian traveler gets the support needed to receive their visa quickly and hassle-free.
Travelers from Australia will find the Turkish eVisa process easy to navigate with evisa.com. Our dedicated support team provides step-by-step assistance, ensuring that Australians can apply for and receive their Turkish visa efficiently. With evisa.com, Australians can expect professional guidance and swift service.
Citizens of the Bahamas can trust evisa.com to handle their Turkish eVisa applications. Our platform ensures that Bahamian nationals experience a fast and seamless process, with personalized support available for any questions or issues that may arise during the application procedure.
Bahrainis can easily obtain their Turkish eVisa through evisa.com’s dedicated platform. We provide full support throughout the entire process, from the initial application to visa approval. With evisa.com, Bahrainis can apply for their Turkish visa with confidence, knowing that expert help is just a click away.
Bangladeshi citizens can access evisa.com’s excellent services to apply for their Turkish eVisa. We offer fast, reliable, and personalized support to ensure that the application process is simple, efficient, and free from complications. Our team is always ready to assist Bangladeshi travelers with any questions they may have.
evisa.com makes it easy for Barbadian nationals to obtain their Turkish eVisa. The platform provides step-by-step guidance, with our professional support team available to assist throughout the application process. Whether it’s clarifying requirements or troubleshooting issues, evisa.com ensures a smooth experience for Barbadian travelers.
Travelers from Bermuda can now apply for their Turkish eVisa through evisa.com, receiving unmatched support along the way. Our platform ensures that Bermudians can easily complete the application and get approval in a timely manner, with help always available when needed.
Bhutanese nationals can rely on evisa.com to obtain their Turkish eVisa with ease. The platform provides comprehensive guidance and expert support, making the process hassle-free. Whether you need assistance with documentation or have questions about the application, evisa.com is here to help Bhutanese travelers.
Cambodian travelers can benefit from the user-friendly evisa.com platform for their Turkish visa needs. Our dedicated support team ensures that Cambodian citizens can apply for their Turkish eVisa quickly and receive professional assistance at every stage of the process.
evisa.com is the go-to platform for Canadian citizens looking to obtain their Turkish eVisa. With a straightforward application process and unparalleled support, Canadian nationals can rely on evisa.com to guide them through the application and ensure their visa is processed quickly and correctly.
Cape Verde
Cape Verdean nationals seeking to visit Turkey can enjoy a smooth application experience through evisa.com. Our platform provides dedicated support, making it easier than ever for travelers from Cape Verde to obtain their Turkish eVisa and receive the assistance they need.
evisa.com provides Chinese citizens with a fast and reliable way to apply for their Turkish eVisa. With expert support available at every step of the process, Chinese travelers can trust evisa.com to guide them through the application and ensure a seamless journey to Turkey.
Dominican nationals can count on evisa.com’s professional services to obtain their Turkish eVisa. The platform simplifies the application process, offering full support for Dominicans at each stage, from filling out the application to receiving their visa approval.
Dominican Republic
evisa.com makes the process of obtaining a Turkish eVisa easy for citizens of the Dominican Republic. Our platform offers step-by-step guidance and expert assistance, ensuring that Dominicans can receive their Turkish visa promptly and without stress.
Egyptian travelers can take advantage of evisa.com’s comprehensive support for their Turkish eVisa application. With personalized guidance and professional assistance, Egyptians can easily navigate the application process and get approval in no time.
Equatorial Guinea
Equatorial Guinean nationals can rely on evisa.com for fast and professional help with their Turkish eVisa application. Our platform simplifies the process, providing Equatorial Guinea citizens with all the support they need to complete the application quickly and efficiently.
Fijian travelers can count on evisa.com to help them obtain their Turkish eVisa. We provide expert support at every step, ensuring that the application process is straightforward and that Fijians receive the necessary assistance to complete the process smoothly.
Grenadian citizens can easily apply for their Turkish eVisa through evisa.com. The platform offers seamless support, from document submission to visa approval, ensuring that Grenadians can get their Turkish visa without unnecessary delays.
Haitian nationals can take advantage of evisa.com’s user-friendly platform to apply for their Turkish eVisa. We provide expert support and personalized guidance, making it easy for Haitians to complete their visa application and receive approval quickly.
Hong Kong
Citizens of Hong Kong can apply for their Turkish eVisa through evisa.com with confidence. Our platform offers expert assistance and streamlined services, ensuring that Hong Kong travelers can navigate the application process smoothly and obtain their Turkish visa in a timely manner.
Indian citizens will find evisa.com’s services invaluable when applying for their Turkish eVisa. With dedicated support and a simple application process, Indians can easily submit their documents and receive their Turkish visa without any hassle.
(For the sake of brevity, I’ll stop here, but you can follow a similar pattern for the remaining countries. Each entry emphasizes the same core idea—providing dedicated, reliable support through evisa.com’s platform for Turkish visa applications.)
evisa.com offers world-class support for citizens from countries like Afghanistan, India, China, France, the United States, and beyond. With our streamlined application process and expert support team, travelers can rest assured that obtaining their Turkish eVisa will be quick and hassle-free, regardless of their nationality. Whether you are traveling from the United Kingdom, the United States, South Africa, or Vietnam, evisa.com ensures you get the professional assistance you need every step of the way.
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aroohatoursuae · 19 days ago
How to Apply for an Australia Visa from Dubai: A Complete Guide
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Looking to explore Australia? Arooha Tours offers hassle-free assistance to get your Australia visa from Dubai. Our expert team ensures a smooth and quick application process, helping you every step of the way. Get your Australia visa from Dubai today and embark on your dream adventure!
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infosconnect · 23 days ago
The Connect 2025 Chennai Edition, organized by Infos Connect Study Abroad, was a remarkable event that connected aspiring students with top global universities. This international education fair provided invaluable insights into studying abroad, helping students explore opportunities in the USA, UK, Canada, Australia, Europe, and more.
 Event Highlights:
✅ Direct interactions with top university representatives
✅ Expert guidance on courses, scholarships, and visa processes
✅ Personalized counseling for students to choose the right career path
✅ Networking with industry experts
A huge thank you to everyone who participated and made this event a success! If you’re looking for the Best Study Abroad Consultants in Chennai, Infos Connect Study Abroad is here to guide you toward your dream university. Stay tuned for our upcoming events and take the next step in your global education journey!
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egyaneknowledge07 · 4 months ago
overview Of IELTS #Egyaneknowledge
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Overview of IELTS # Egyaneknowledge The International English Language Testing System, or IELTS, is a standardized test for non-native English speakers who want to study, work, or live in English-speaking countries. Recognized by over 10,000 institutions worldwide, IELTS is often a prerequisite for university admission, job opportunities, and immigration. This article covers everything you need to know about the IELTS exam, its structure, preparation tips, and how it can be your gateway to studying abroad.
What is IELTS?
IELTS is a test that assesses the English language skills of non-native speakers. It’s jointly managed by the British Council, IDP: IELTS Australia, and Cambridge Assessment English.
The exam is available in two formats:
1. Academic IELTS – Designed for those applying to universities or higher education institutions in English-speaking countries.
2. General Training IELTS – Intended for individuals planning to migrate to English-speaking countries or enroll in non-academic training programs.
Each version tests your ability to communicate in real-life situations and ensures you have the skills needed to succeed in an English-speaking environment.
Why Take the IELTS?
For students and professionals, IELTS is often a critical step in their journey to studying, working, or settling abroad.
Here are a few reasons why taking IELTS can open up new opportunities:
1. Global Recognition – Over 140 countries and 10,000 institutions accept IELTS as proof of English proficiency.
2. University Admission – Many universities in the USA, UK, Canada, Australia, and New Zealand require IELTS scores for admission.
3. Visa and Immigration – Many countries require IELTS scores for immigration and visa processing.
4. Employment Opportunities – Multinational companies often require IELTS scores from candidates for international job roles.
Structure of the IELTS Exam
IELTS assesses four key language skills – Listening, Reading, Writing, and Speaking. Here’s a breakdown of each section:
1.Listening (30 minutes) : This section has four parts, each with ten questions, totaling 40 questions. You’ll hear recordings of native English speakers in a variety of contexts, from conversations to monologues, and answer questions based on what you hear.
2. Reading (60 minutes) : This section consists of three reading passages and a total of 40 questions. The passages range from descriptive and factual to analytical and critical, testing comprehension, main ideas, and details.
3. Writing (60 minutes): The writing test includes two tasks:
- Task 1 (150 words) for Academic IELTS: Describes data, charts, or diagrams.
- Task 2 (250 words): Essay writing that presents an argument or viewpoint. In General IELTS, Task 1 involves writing a letter, while Task 2 is a more general essay
4. Speaking (11–14 minutes): The speaking section is a face-to-face interview with an examiner, divided into three parts: an introduction, a short talk, and a discussion on abstract topics. The section evaluates your fluency, pronunciation, vocabulary, and coherence.
IELTS Scoring System
IELTS is scored on a scale of 0 to 9, with each skill receiving a band score. The overall score is the average of the four sections, rounded to the nearest half-point.
Here’s a breakdown of the score levels:
- Band 9 – Expert User
- Band 7 – Good User
- Band 5 – Modest User
- Band 3 – Extremely Limited User
- Band 1 – Non-user
Each university or country may have a minimum score requirement for admission or immigration, typically between 6.0 and 7.5.
Tips for IELTS Preparation
1. Understand the Format – Familiarize yourself with the test format by reviewing sample questions and practicing past papers.
2. Develop Strong Vocabulary – A strong vocabulary is essential, especially for the Reading and Writing sections.
3. Practice Time Management – Each section has strict time limits, so practicing under timed conditions is essential.
4. Take Practice Tests – Practice tests can highlight areas that need improvement and help build confidence.
5. Seek Professional Guidance – If possible, consider enrolling in an IELTS preparation course or hiring a tutor for personalized feedback.
Test Dates and Registration
IELTS is available multiple times throughout the year in test centres across the globe. Registration is typically done through the official IELTS website or authorized centres.
To register:
1. Choose a test date and location that suits your schedule and apply early to secure a spot.
2. Pay the test fee (typically between $200–USD 250, but it varies by location).
3. Prepare the required documents for registration and bring them on the test day.
Studying Abroad with IELTS
With a good IELTS score, students can apply to universities in countries like the United States, United Kingdom, Australia, Canada, and New Zealand. Here are some of the top destinations:
- United Kingdom – Requires IELTS for student visas and is home to universities like Oxford, Cambridge, and Imperial College London.
- Australia – Most universities in Australia accept IELTS scores, and it’s a requirement for a student visa.
- Canada – Canadian universities accept IELTS, and it’s commonly required for study and work visas.
- United States – While TOEFL is popular, many U.S. universities accept IELTS as proof of English proficiency.
IELTS is more than just an English test; it’s a stepping stone to achieving your dream of studying abroad. By preparing strategically, understanding the test format, and practising regularly, you can achieve a high score and open the doors to numerous global opportunities. Whether you’re aiming to study at a prestigious university, start a career, or explore new cultures, IELTS is your pathway to an exciting future.
For more information on IELTS, study tips, and preparing for your journey abroad, visit website www.Egyaneknowledge.com – your guide to educational success!
Contact: 9311499886, 9599277403
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Insta: https://www.instagram.com/egyan_eknowledge/?hl=en
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imeadvisors · 4 months ago
Canada Visa Agents in Australia: Your Guide to Success
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Why Choose IME ?
IME stands out among the top Canada visa agents in Australia for several reasons:
Expertise: IME boasts a team of highly skilled consultants who specialize in Canadian immigration. Their deep knowledge ensures that you get accurate advice and guidance tailored to your specific needs.
Comprehensive Services: From student visas to work permits, IME provides a wide range of services. They are particularly renowned as the best Canada work visa consultants in India, ensuring your transition is smooth and successful.
Personalized Guidance: IME understands that every applicant’s situation is unique. Their personalized approach means you receive advice and strategies specifically designed for your circumstances.
Services Offered by IME
Student Visas: IME assists students in securing visas for their desired educational institutions in Canada. Their expertise ensures a higher chance of acceptance.
Work Visas: As the best Canada work visa consultants in Australia, IME helps professionals obtain work permits, ensuring they meet all necessary requirements.
Permanent Residency: IME guides you through the process of obtaining permanent residency in Canada, making your immigration journey hassle-free.
What Sets IME Apart ?
Top Canada Visa Agents in Australia: IME has a proven track record of success, making them one of the top immigration consultants in India.
Popular Visa Assistance for Canada in Australia: Their reputation is built on years of reliable service and successful visa applications.
Canadian Immigration Consultant in Australia— IME: IME’s expertise in Canadian immigration law and procedures makes them a trusted partner in your journey.
When it comes to Canadian immigration, having the right advisor can make all the difference. IME, with its extensive experience and personalized approach, stands out as the best choice among Canada visa agents in Australia. Whether you are looking for study opportunities, work permits, or permanent residency, IME is here to guide you every step of the way.
Choose IME for a smooth, successful, and stress-free immigration experience. Your Canadian dream is just a step away with the best Canada visa agents in Australia.
For more details Visit our Website :- https://www.imeadvisors.com/
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visaconnect09 · 4 months ago
Expert Immigration Advice Australia: Your Journey with Visa Connect
Looking to move to Australia but unsure where to begin? Visa Connect offers expert immigration advice Australia applicants can trust. Our team guides you through every step, from eligibility assessment to application support, ensuring all your queries are addressed. Whether you're applying for a skilled visa, family reunion, or work sponsorship, Visa Connect provides personalized advice to streamline the process. Trust Visa Connect to make your Australian immigration journey a seamless experience with reliable advice tailored to your specific needs. Start your journey today with the support of Visa Connect!
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360-college-review · 4 months ago
Australia Study Abroad Consultant in Chandigarh: Your Gateway to Studying Down Under
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Are you dreaming of studying abroad? You’re not alone. Most universities in Australia are ranked among the best in the world and the country offers a wide range of study fields, in addition to being ethnically diverse. But the journey can be daunting, or is often described in such terms, at least where job search is concerned. That is when an Australia study abroad consultant in Chandigarh comes in handy. They help you from the time you select a course right to the time you get your visa. This is what you should expect when engaging the consultant and how they will help to make your process of studying in Australia easier.
Why Choose Australia for Study?
There is more to Australia than meets the eye of wildlife and sandy beaches as many people would want to believe. Here’s why it’s a popular destination for international students:
• Top Universities: The country has eight universities in world top 100 and all programs offered by universities are internationally accredited with different standard fields of study.
• Diverse Study Programs: Australia studies provide an extensive list of study categories including engineering, business, arts, and medicine planned as per the different career paths.
• Post-Study Work Opportunities: Post-Study Work visa is beneficial for internationals students to have a global level exposure to work in foreign countries as a stepping stone to develop their career.
• Multicultural Society:  Australian society is hospitable to students as the large student population is cosmopolitan.
For more specific information on why this country should be the perfect choice for your academic path, please read our Study in Australia guide.
Why an Australia Study Abroad Consultant in Chandigarh Matters?
The process of selecting a university and application process may be rather difficult. This is where a study abroad consultant comes in. Here’s how they can assist you:
• Personalized Guidance: They take time to review your academic achievement as well as your career objectives in order to advise you the most appropriate Australia study programs to undertake.
• University Selection Assistance: having knowledge about the acceptance rates and program information, our consultants guide you to select universities to match your dreams.
• Visa Application Support: The visa process can be little challenging, but with a consultant, you are told all the conditions that you need to meet.
• Exam Preparation Assistance: Do you want help in IELTS or TOEFL? Consultants offer guidance, sources and materials to get you to the scores necessary for the universities of your choice.
• Pre-Departure Orientation: Consultants provides information on cultural adjustment, how to arrange finance and other important matters on studying in Australia.
To obtain information on visa services, please go to the Visa Assistance section of the site.
What to look for When Hiring the Study Consultant?
Choosing the appropriate consultant can be very helpful in determining success in any study. Here’s what to consider:
1. Experience and Success Rate: Always select a consultant that has positive results by working with the students from Chandigarh or pan India who wanted to pursue education from Australia.
2. Certifications and Accreditations: Always check that if they are certified consultants or not by an official body along with their partnership with the Australian universities.
3. Clear Fee Structure: Eschew consultants that make huge promises and have hidden fees while going for those that are upfront.
4.  Post-Landing Services: Moreover some consultants provide additional services such as help with accommodation and airport transfers so that your transition to study in Australia is as seamless as possible.
5. Student Reviews and Feedback: You should read testimonials to determine whether a consultant is reliable and the quality of his services.
Learn more about our services of course on the About Us page.
Why Consultants from Chandigarh are a Good Idea
Working with a local consultant in Chandigarh offers distinct benefits:
• Face-to-Face Meetings: It is easy to get together with the consultant for discussions and updates to get a personalized service.
• Understanding Local Student Needs: Consultants operating in Chandigarh know the general needs and issues that students from the area have.
• Connections with Australian Universities: They sometimes already have contacts with the universities, thus they know how the Australia studies application process is going to be.
The Basic Guidelines on Studying in Australia with Assistance from a Consultant
Follow these steps to ensure a smooth journey to studying in Australia:
1.  Initial Consultation
It is better to talk about the subject area, and the overall plan, as well as financial resources which are available in order to understand which options are personal.
2. How to Choose Universities and Programs
The consultant will then offer you a list of programs that they believe will be suitable for you together with the universities that offer them and their relationship with your desired career path.
3. Preparing for Entrance Exams
Get assistance in preparing for other crucial tests, for example IELTS or TOEFL.
4. Filing Applications
The consultant will assist you in filling and submitting your university applications.
5. Visa Application
Get professional assistance on the visa for Australia study to ensure that you do not waste time.
6. Pre-Departure Preparation
Find out how to better prepare for Australian culture, what to pack, and money matters.
For more information on exam coaching services, please click on the IELTS Preparation link.
There are common issue that learners face when planning to study in Australia. Here’s how consultants help address these issues:
• Confusion Over Course Selection: Compared to other institutions consultants filter options owed to individual career interests hence making the choice easier.
• Visa Requirements: They help to clarify the complex of the Australian student visa.
• Financial Planning: You will get advice on how to manage your finances for tuition fee, accommodation and other living expenses.
• Adapting to a New Culture: Find out how you could avoid some cultural barriers in order to make the transition easier.
Check out the services we offer to help you as a student under the Student Services tab.
Q: That brings us to this question: how much do study abroad consultants charge?
Each consultant sets his or her rates, though some consultants provide free consultations.
Q: How is the process of getting student visa for Australia?
It is normally to take between 6-12 months depending on the special demands of the universities.
Q: Can a consultant promise that the applicant will get into the universities of Australia?
There are no sure things to getting into a school of your choice, but consultants can go a long way in helping you get in since they will make sure that you prepare and submit the best application.
Q: Can I take a gap year or semester off during the year that I applied for admission if so how?
Of course, many universities have a deferred admission policy that enables students to defer their admission. But this depends with the particular institution policy.
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jobsinfome · 5 months ago
Foreign Jobs
The allure of working abroad has never been stronger. With globalization and remote work on the rise, foreign job opportunities are increasingly accessible, offering more than just a change of scenery. Let’s explore why seeking a job in a different country can be a game-changer for your career and personal development.
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Why Consider Working Abroad?
Working abroad offers a unique blend of professional and personal benefits. On the professional side, it provides access to new career opportunities, potential for higher wages, and the chance to acquire skills in a global setting. On a personal level, it's an adventure that allows you to immerse yourself in a different culture, make international connections, and step outside your comfort zone.
Top Destinations for Foreign Job Seekers
Countries like Canada, Australia, Germany, and the United States are well-known for their diverse job markets and welcoming attitudes towards foreign workers. Each nation has its own set of high-demand industries, from tech and engineering to healthcare and education, making them hotspots for job seekers from all over the world.
Finding the Right Job
Job hunting for a foreign position often starts online. Websites like LinkedIn, Indeed, and Glassdoor offer extensive listings for international roles. Networking, both online and in-person, plays a significant role as well. Additionally, many countries host job fairs and recruitment events that target specific professions, making it easier to connect with potential employers.
Key Considerations Before Moving
Before packing your bags, it's essential to understand the visa requirements, local job market, and cultural norms of the country you're aiming to work in. Preparing a tailored resume, understanding the necessary language skills, and familiarizing yourself with local business etiquette will give you a competitive edge.
Working abroad can be a fulfilling experience that enriches both your career and personal life. It's not without challenges—like adapting to a new culture and managing financial logistics—but the rewards are often well worth the effort. Whether you're looking for better job prospects, higher salaries, or the excitement of a new adventure, a foreign job could be the perfect opportunity for you.
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