#Australia legit terrifies me
butmakeitgayblog · 2 years
Koala land Sesame Street? That whole description cracks me up.
Well I think kid's show that's what comes to mind idk man idk what they're doing over there 😩
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madrone33 · 9 months
Right so... been going crazy trying to catch up on the explosion of stuff peeps have been doing since the EPIC: The Musical Ocean Saga release, but. Got some downtime now, and I just wanted to post my reaction to listening to the songs, 'cause it was wild bro.
Fyi, this is all taking place at around 11:30 pm 24th Dec for me, as I'm an australian, so that would make it... uh, 8:30 am 24th Dec for americans I think? Idk, timezones are weird bro. Basically, I listened to the songs and then wrote down my immediate reactions at like 1 am lol.
OK HOLY SHIT HOLY FUCK. OK OK. They came out for australians. They CAME OUT FOR AUSTRALIA!!!!
I was on dicord, right? And then another australian says they're out, and i'm like wait what but there's still like 16 hours till midnight in est, but i look up 'luck runs out jorgre rivera-herrans' on yt (cause it's a unique name) and scroll down and FUCK IT'S THERE!! THE STANDARD AUTO TOPIC VERSION!! IT'S NOT EVEN MIDNIGHT HERE YET?? (23:24 at the time of discovery. The vid says it was uploaded 3 hrs ago already)
The piano. I heard the first notes of piano and ohhhhh shiiiit it's actually happening!!!
i opened the door and called out to mum 'cause i was still in disbelief and she was still awake and i was like "mum... i think it's out" or SOMETHIG LIKE THAT IDK THE EXACT WORDS. She said jokingly she'd thought i had an existential crisis and GIRL IT KINDA FELT LIKE IT?? I WAS NOT PREPARED! I WAS SUPPOSED TO HAVE ANOTHER 16 HOURS!
I tapped on the link thingy to the album in the description and then i had the album RIGHT THERE HOLY MOTHER OF JESUS. IT'S STORM. IN THE FLESH. THERE'S A FUCKING TRUMPET-
I did my civic duty and informed (read: screamed in all caps) to everyone in the discord while mum listened to the first song 'cause she said she was interested and asked and i was so excited and gave her my headphones to listen to storm and then I took em back once I was done and now it's time to go dark. I said goodnight to mum and... pressed play.
Here's the highlights:
Storm: mixing is on another level bro. The vocals, the harmonies, the chorus, and hearing all those snippets without breaks in between, actually flowing and making sense and that ending beat is AHHH-
It went so fast. It's three min long how did it go by so fast what-
Luck Runs Out: the piano is godly. They actually changed the melody of the 'you could be caught off guard' part. My first thought after ooo? Was 'damn it no longer sounds like shut up and dance w/ me' lol.
I think this one changed the most from the snippets. Jsut the way they say lines, and stray words. I love it. The harmonies-
KYFC: the intro is that one atmospheric snippet he did with the flutes!! Aeolus sounds so sassy compared to the old snippets oof hell yes! There's a small instrumental interlude between the first chorus and the crew asking about the bag which is new.
Trying to hold them in his arms? Time to be that father he always wanted to be?? His eyes and heart and soul is heavy??? I'm FUCKING CRYING-
Also wow he really just stayed up for 9 days huh? Respect. Also, fuck those crewmates man. Bet they felt real stupid when it got them killed. Oh, wait, fuck it didn't Poseidon killed everyone but them oh hell nah- And Odysseus still goes to save them from Circe?? Bro. BRO. Just let them die. It ain't worth it.
And that's how Jorge introduces the land of the giants? Cool! I was wondering about that.
Poesiedon pull up! (Is it bad that i thought he sounded like ares in the pj musical there lmao-)
RUTHLESSNESS: it's here. Oh my lord it's here. Everyone stay calm. Fuck it IT'S FUCKING HERE!!
The chanting, Ody's terrified 'Poseidon...', the electric guitar on Poseidon's verse, the fucking growl in his voice is amazing, the 'Die.' is as;ihfd HELL FUCKING YES!!
I love that the 'Captain-!'s of the drowning men is more apparent here, and the silence afterwards... ooof you can hear Ody's horrified stuttered breaths and the way the lyric's changed to '43 left under your command' is soooo fucking good.
And then Ody's sudden defiance and the fucking burning in his eyes as he defies a god and escapes death- Yes. YES! It's so good-
... No wait it's over?? That's it??? WHYYYYY-
(Side note - the fact that there weren't any ads between vids is incredible and I thank the gods for this blessing.)
Ok, but all seriousness, that was incredible. I- I couldn't stop smiling. My face actually started hurting I was smiling so much. I was shaking the whole time, and I had to keep reminding myself to breathe, and- It was amazing. This was an amazing experience, and I'm so glad I could freak out to mum, and she was excited with me, and it was such a good surprise, like an actual chrismas gift from Jorge or some shit. I love it. I love this. Genuinely. It's an amazing thing he's given us and I thank him, sincerely. Thank you, Jorge, and everyone involved in creating this for people to enjoy and love. You should all be proud.
Thanks for reading me freak out, whoever made it to the end lmao. Tagging @dootznbootz because their rambles gave me the confidence to throw my own into the void. Thx :D
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kiunlo · 2 years
..lol this shit got sad
I've just realised how completely and utterly alone and isolated i really am. I don't even have ONLINE friends anymore who i talk to on discord every other day or whatever (let alone irl friends). I got ONE friend and that's my buddy larr who for some ungodly fucking reason still talks to me after ALL these years when pretty much everybody else has abandoned me or just stopped talking to me. and the only reason he's still my friend is because he is OPTIMUS PRIME & SUPERMAN levels of fucking kind and caring and feels guilty as shit for abandoning his friends lmfao. everybody else who i know or sometimes talk to on tumblr or in sum discord servers is still like. you're just sum person who i see on my dash and i enjoy your silly little posts but it's never deeper than that. i don't even consider most the people i know as "friends" unless they call ME their friend first because i'm scared of seeming like a clingy cunt DESPERATE for friendship (i really truly am). i don't know what has happened to me. if maybe i'm just so depressed and fucked in the head that talking to other people is pain and hell and suffering for me and having friends is genuinely something i cannot accomplish without having something fucked up and horrible happen to me or if i have became so closed off and unapproachable that people who do like me and who do want to be friends with me are too scared to bother me or piss me off. i don't even really speak when in discord calls or whatever. i love making shit during kandicraft and showing off my stuff but i feel like i used to talk so much more. i used to be so much more social when i was younger. so much more loud and annoying and more easily remembered. but i feel like after 2019-2020 i just. become completely shut off and lost some aspect of myself, and i can't tell if it was the trauma of covid or the trauma of the fires or both. i remember being so LOUD about what was going on in australia and i legit COULD NOT SHUT UP about what was going on even in the discord servers i was in because our water was contaminated and breathing the air was painful and like breathing pure poison and the smoke was so thick it was like the thickest fog imaginable and i was so terrified to lose everything to a fire (and we very nearly did). and then after it all happened. after it all stopped. it's was like i couldn't bare to open my mouth again.
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Bitcoin Buyer Amazon Platform Review 2023 – Scam Or Legit?
Amazon Platform Latest Investment Has The Government And Big Banks Terrified Australia citizens are already raking in millions of Euro from home using this “wealth loophole” – but is it legitimate? Amazon Platform comes out with new secret investment that’s making hundreds of people in Australia very rich “What’s made me successful is jumping into new opportunies quickly- without any hesitation.…
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cloverrover · 3 years
If We Never Met
A/N: Part 2 of Avatar Shangqi? pls pls share! Trying to get it out there though I hope to start writing more often and gain some more followers for my tiny blog, even though English is my first language that still can't save my grammar lols
Warnings: few curse words? warm fuzzy feelings fosho
W/C: 1.6k
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“Hey remember when I told you about the time I accidentally submitted an academic paper that had ‘before shit hit the fan,’ in it?”
“Yeah and you were freaking out for like a week.”
“So it’s exactly like that. But worse because we’re still friends and he knows.”
“Ah so that’s why you were being all weird and fidgety when you guys got back.”
When you and Shangqi had gotten back from Waffle House, things were definitely weird, and Katy voiced as much, but still friendly. But it did end with you going to bed sooner rather than later. Strange being kind enough to get a separate room for all of you so the other two were able to stay up as long as they wanted.
You and Katy had been walking through Time Square while Shangqi was trained further with Wong. Though neither of you were sure what that entailed other than finding him beat up with bruises going every which way. And that was only after a few hours in the morning when he’d come back for lunch. And in the walk Katy had all but given you ‘the look’ before you were spilling your guts about the previous night.
“You know what his dad did to him right?”
“What? Yeah of course I know you were there to help him tell me everything.”
“Have you considered his reaction might be because of that?”
“What do you mean?”
Katy sighs real obnoxious like you’re the one who’s dumber than a box of rocks. Not to say that you DON’T feel like that, but still.
“His dad became like that because he lost the love of his life. I know you’re not stupid Y/N, but in this moment you’re being monumentally idiotic.”
“Ok but I’m not the love of h-”
“If you finish that sentence like I think you will I’m having Wong drop you in Australia. In the middle of a group of kangaroos. Angry ones.”
You don’t even reply, too busy thinking of the graphic image and knowing that Katy really would have Wong do that. Whether or not Wong would actually do that, is another matter. Instead you continue to walk down the sidewalk, only partially listening to Katy as she goes on about her mom, again, being disappointed in her. You? You were too busy mulling over what Katy had said.
Yes things had been different the last few months before they had to up and leave to save the world, but you didn’t want to read into it. You just appreciated the moments like when you’d been cuddling on the couch watching anime and even the occasional make out session that led to more cuddling. Things were changing and you were too scared to admit that.
“Saying it out loud makes it real. That’s why I’m sacred? I don’t even know how I can be scared when I’ve already made it known.”
“That just means you care. And you care a lot you always have. Y/N you’ve never been one to half ass it when it comes to feelings. You never were. That’s what I loved about you when we met at Berkley.”
That only makes you snort.
“When we met you told me to get whatever glittered up stick I had in my ass out.”
“And you pulled an actual glittered baton out of your pants. I nearly shit a brick seeing you legit have one.” Nodding along, you eventually make your way back to hotel, noting Shangqi is back. Because you both can hear a REALLY bad rendition of Hotel California even through the expansive walls. As you’re inserting the key to you room, you hear Katy one last time.
“I know that having it out in the open scares you, but I promise you that it hurts him more. Shangqi cares more than you know. But he’s terrified of losing you and becoming his dad. And given his history, I can’t say I blame. And I know you don’t either.”
With that she turns in for the night, leaving you in the hall of a fancy as fuck hotel, while the man you love sings about as well as a white dad at a barbecue; and at the same volume of a drunk frat boy. Making it through the door, you opt to shower the day off. While you hadn’t done much outside of being a tourist, you still felt like you had nothing but dirt and sweat everywhere. Once out of the shower, you order room service and watch some TV, doing your nightly hair routine.
The knock on the door brings you out of your head, only to open the door and see that it’s not the hotel staff with your food, but one Shangqi with it. Though he looked like he was rushing someone away.
“Did you really just shoo away the staff that was bringing me my food?”
Head turning like a deer in headlights, Shangqi stutters out some nonsense and ends up holding the pasta eye level to you with a soft ‘hi’ at the end. Complete with a fire engine red blush.
Motioning him inside, he sets the bowl on the desk, turns to face you, and just stares. Not even the cute stare, but the kind where you realize what you’re trying to do and the panic sets in. The silence continues for a few too many moments before Shangqi snaps out of whatever pulled him away, only to point at you with finger guns.
“Right. Sorry. I don’t know why finger guns was the first thing I did.”
“In your defense, fingers guns are in fact, without a doubt, the best line of defense. So it would be natural.” Shrugging, he simply looks at you with a look you’re not sure you want to actually decipher. A few moments of awkward silence later, you gave him a cough, urging him to actually get to whatever it is he needed to say.
“If we never met I wouldn’t be here right now.”
“Oh.” Taken back by the bluntness of it, you’re not first aware of how much that actually hurts. But then he doesn’t say anything after that. Noticing the tears forming in your eyes, he panics and realizes what it sounded like.
“Shit, no. Fuck Y/N that’s not what I meant. Oh good god I fucke-”
“Stop. Please. Just stop Shangqi. Stop.”
So he stops talking and tries to take your hands in his, but knows better than to try anything else.
“Look, I know I didn’t start that off right and in no way did I mean it for you to think I regret meeting you. I don’t in the slightest and you are the greatest thing I’ve ever known. I’m sorry for saying it like that Katy said I can get stupid when it comes to you.”
You can see the nervous look he has, so you squeeze his hands as encouragement.
“I know I should have replied to you at Waffle House, and I’m sorry for not, but I didn’t know how to respond. I mean I’ve spent the last, what 5 years pining after someone I know is way out of my league and that was before even considering my father and those family issues a-”
Kissing Shangqi always had one quality none of your other partners had. It felt like home. Yes it could get chaotic depending on the situation, but it always stayed like that. Lips that were soft like pillows and a tongue that could do all kinds of things, kissing him was probably in the Top 5 of life. But kissing him then, cutting off his rant, was a decision, you knew with every fiber, that wouldn’t be so bad.
Pulling back from him, you gave him a small smile. One he sees in the mornings when you’re first waking up and want to snuggle a little more.
“There she is.”
Smiling back at you, his hand has moved from you hold to stroke your cheek.
“I think it goes without saying, but I love you. I know you know that my father really did a number on me, but I’m so terrified of losing you that I’ll become like him. Those damn rings ruined our family and now that I have them I don’t want that. I don’t want to lose you but this life has proven quite literally anything can happen and I’m sorry for suggesting the whole friends with benefits thing I wasn’t thinking at the time.”
“No you were thinking. Just with the wrong head.” He simply snorts in response but you’re both smiling, and before you know it laughing at the absurdity of it all.
“Well, now that it’s been settled, wanna share the pasta? Because I think my eyes were larger than my stomach.” You ask him, getting up to grab the bowl he’d set down earlier. Hearing him settle onto the bed to be more comfortable, you get the pasta and make your way back to the bed. Sitting between his legs with your back on his chest, he wraps his arms around you and leans his head down to kiss your cheek.
“I’m so beyond in love with you. Just so you know.”
“I’m stupid in love with you too, Shangqi.”
Smiling and cuddling into him a little more, you bask in the warmth that he gives off. Knowing things will be ok.
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keibea · 3 years
1, 9, 17, 18 :D✨
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you bloody beauty, thank you johzii for putting up with me :DDD
1. the meaning behind my url
no meaning. i legit pulled it out of my ass.
9. tattoos i want
i really want a cross on my forearm somewhere :) and maybe a bunch of other random small ones.
17. a fact about my life
i have two older half-sisters?? idk couldnt think of anything interesting i truly have a boring life. OH! im a Christian?? that's something??
18. phobia
i live in australia, it's bloody spiders. terrifying mother frickers.
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roseunspindle · 4 years
Youtube Channel Recs
Odds are some if not most of these channels are well known and super popular but I’m bored tonight so here is this wonderful list. XD
Overly Sarcastic Productions
History/Classics/things that go with these/stuff channel, very fun, Blue and Red are very entertaining and educational at the same time. 
Ask a Mortician
Pretty much what the title says, she also covers historical events where dead bodies were important to the proceedings, answer common and uncommon death questions.
Linkara atop the 4th Wall
He predominately reviews bad comics, but does skits, and storylines, unboxings, history of power rangers, will occasionally review event comics, and does spooky comic stuff too. Very fun and entertaining, plus a good way to either find good comics or to find out about bad comics and how to avoid them.  
Snake Discovery
An awesome channel mostly about snakes, but also videos with their pet stunted rescue alligator Rex, a defeathered blue and gold macaw, and some lizards and geckos, also a venegaroon.
Bernadette Banner
A sewing channel, but like, artsy with dark academia, witchy undertones, lots of felling, bonus guinea pig, Edwardian love, well spoken sarcasm. 
Scarfing Scarves
lolita news, lolita letters, lolita clothes, unrepentant sarcasm, very fun.
Dominic Noble
Book to movie adaptation reviews/romance novel genre reviews (he does legit review them, not just mock them)/misc reviews of things he likes lots of fun, British sarcasm and humor.
Animal Wonders Montana
So many animals, so much squeeing, also videos with basic care how too’s, and just general animal cuteness, with occasional sadness as reality is tragically a thing.
Rachel Maksy
Sewing/vintage fashion/general silliness/a love of Halloween/her dog frodo
Chandler’s Wild Life
Venomous snakes, really big lizards, alligators, crocodiles...as with many, he is very enthusiastic about his animals, and has a love for venomous snakes especially.
Reading vlogs galore XD, lots of fantasy occasional contemporary or mystery. with a sprinkling of fashion. Adorable pug...
Rachel and Jun’s Adventures
Vlogs of their life and life in japan in general, also so many kitties.
The Mechanisms
great story music, lots of representation.
 Once Upon a Time in Space, Ulysses Dies at Dawn, High Noon Over Camelot, The Bifrost Incident
Jean Bookishthoughts
So many bookhauls, lots of nonfiction content, classics, feminist, did I mention ancient greek classics and retellings, also she has a Scottish accent
Morgan Donner
Sewing/ancient hair/ making of interesting things
Clothing try-on hauls, trying on weird clothing, dressing like different celebrities for a week, make-up things.
The Lion Whisperer
South African man working with lions at his sanctuary, getting knocked over by his lions, taking his lions on walks, conservation, hyenas, occasional sighting of elephants and giraffes.
Tito the Raccoon
Also Cheeto and Piper raccoons, a few snooty kitties, some cute ferrets, an enthusiastic puppy... so much pet raccoon content.
Safiya Nygaard
I’m sure no one’s heard of this channel. XD, bad make-up science, clothing history/ weird clothing/ bad cake science, giant lipstick, bad bathbomb science, general tomfoolery.
Buzzfeed Unsolved
Ryan tells Shane about unsolved cases, they sass, they discuss, they solve nothing. XD
Buzzfeed Unsolved Supernatural
Ryan and Shane and ghosts and cryptids and demons. Shane doesn’t believe in any of it, Ryan is terrified of all of it. Also Shane might be a demon. Also they stole the goatman’s bridge. Shane considers the annabelle doll weaksauce.
Freddy My Love
Clothing channel, much, much pink, she has a really nice voice. does “haulweeks” at the beginning of fashion seasons.
Maven of the Eventide
in depth discussion of vampire fiction, (movies/books/comics/manga/video games)
Sci-fi booktube channel, lots of robots and aliens
Lilly Singh
comedy sketches, focus on anti-racisim, anti-sexism, just general life, 
Lindsay Holiday
History, she’s planning to cover every female European monarch on her channel, good info, good visuals
Toxic Tears
Gothic clothing hauls, gothic subscription boxes, saying “cute” a lot, makeup tutorials
Strictly Dumpling
Going all over the world to eat delicious food and make all his viewers really hungry
H.P. Lovecraft readings, other horror short stories reading, occasional forays into other things generally related to h.p. lovecraft.
Rachel and Jun
More “at home” stuff, and of course, more kitties
historical fashion/dressing up 
Sam’s Nonsense
mostly fantasy (lots of robin hobb) some sci-fi, loves Christmas, occasional dogs
philosophy, transgender, politics, mood lighting, potential nihilism
Books, monsters, interesting things of learning
Tier Zoo
The world, but like it’s a video came, such as he refers to continents, and citites and what not as “servers” the world is called “the game” discusses different animals and adaptaions as “builds” and such, very nerdy, very fun
Tiktus Color Art
acrylic pour art
NASA’s youtube channel, launches, plans, landings, all sorts of space stuff
A Chick Called Albert
Large, but gentle man rescues birds, moslty domestic fowl but really any bird (and occasional small horse)
Bondi Vet
Vet’s in Australia, typically close-ish to Bondi Beach
Jenny Nicholson
Whackadoodle channel about bad media (that often makes you enjoy it?) and theme parks, and large stuffed animals
Let Me Explain Studios
animation channel, just funny stories from creators life
Lindsay Ellis
Film/Books/The Phantom of the Opera/being cancelled
Nazranaa Diaries
Say Yes to the Dress Sari edition
Ocean Conservation Namibia
rescuing cape fur seals at Pelican Point and a few other areas in Namibia from entanglements (also rescued a Jackal and a whale once)
Philosophy Tube
learning about philosophy and other stuff, I alwasy feel smarter afterwards at least ^_^’
more historical sewing
Some More News
sarcasm, anger, and not liking government parties
Xiran Jay Zhao
looking at asian or asian inspired content and seeing how it holds up and what not
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citrusveins · 4 years
50 Questions You’ve Never Been Asked
Tagged by the magnificent @baqukou~ I just love talking about myself.
1. What is the color of your hairbrush?: BLACK.
2. Name a food you never eat?: I wanna say tomatoes, but I guess I technically eat them in sauces. But if them bad boys be sliced up on a sammich, I say good day.
3. Are you typically too warm or too cold?: TOO WARM.
4. What were you doing 45 minutes ago?: Playing RDR2 🤠
5. What is your favorite candy bar?: KitKats
6. Have you ever been to a professional sports event?: Yeah, a few hockey games.
7. What is the last thing you said out loud?: I’m singing a song rn soooo lyrics.
8. What is your favorite ice cream?: If I can get a chocolate raspberry thing going on, I am pleased as punch. But birthday cake or coconut is also top.
9. What was the last thing you had to drink?: Cream soda!
10. Do you like your wallet?: Yep. It’s IT related.
11. What was the last thing you ate?: Salad with some chicken.
12. Did you buy any new clothes last weekend?: NO. I am desperate need to go shopping.
13. The last sporting event you watched?: Probably... hockey... from a long time ago.
14. What is your favorite flavor of popcorn?: I love that salty shit from the theaters or caramel corn. OR OMG CHICAGO MIX. (@baqukou I don’t think I’ve met a person who doesn’t like popcorn! Not that you’re not allowed to not like it baha 🤷)
15. Who is the last person you sent a text message to?: My sister.
16. Ever go camping?: Not for a few years now, but I’ve been!
17. Do you take vitamins?: Nah.
18. Do you go to church every Sunday?: Haaaaaaaa. I’ve literally never been to church.
19. Do you have a tan?: I am white as all hell, my brotha.
20. Do you prefer Chinese food or pizza?: Don’t make me choooosssee. I love pizza though.
21. Do you drink your soda with a straw?: I prefer to if there’s ice in a glass simply because the ice bumps against my teeth and it makes this horrid slurping sound because apparently I don’t know how to drink like a human.
22. What color socks do you usually wear?: White.
23. Do you ever drive above the speed limit?: Only a wee bit sometimes, but I’m pretty good. Got pulled over once and my anxiety says “No thanks” to letting that happen again.
24. What terrifies you?: Doctors.
25. Look to your left, what do you see?: Lilacs I picked~
26. What chore do you hate?: DISHES.
27. What do you think of when you hear an Australian accent?: Australia? haha
28. What’s your favorite soda?: Rootbeer. Or Vanilla Coke just because it’s only out sometimes in Canada :’(
29. Do you go in a fast food place or just hit the drive-thrus?: I love me some drive-thrus.
30. Who’s the last person you talked to?: My sister.
31. Favorite cut of beef?: Hahah legit like steak? I... I don’t know. Shit that’s not fatty? I hope this isn’t some hip young kid innuendo I’m too old for.
32. Last song you listened to?: Candles - Daughter
33. Last book you read?: I’ll be Gone in the Dark by Michelle McNamara
34. Favorite day of the week?: Saturdaaaayyyy
35. Can you say the alphabet backwards?: Not without severe complications.
36. How do you like your coffee?: Iced baybee
37. Favorite pair of shoes?: My zombie heels I never wear.
38. The time you normally go to sleep?: I prefer 3am but WORK likes to RUIN that. So typically it’s 11 or 12.
39. The time you normally get up?: I prefer 10-11, but again, WORK. So usually it’s 6:55.
40. What do you prefer, sunrise or sunsets?: Sunrises because I am rarely up that early so when I get to see them it’s in that weird “I haven’t slept yet and should’ve done so hours ago” stage and it’s all dreamy and calm and magical.
41. How many blankets on your bed?: Two~
42. Describe your kitchen plates: White with black flowers.
43. Do you have a favorite alcoholic beverage?: I love margaritas and long island iced teas. Or really if a drink is blended, I’m down.
44. Do you play cards?: Go Fish?
45. What color is your car?: Grey-ish?
46. Can you change a tire?: I’ve been shown once before so I think I could figure it out with some difficulty.
47. Your favorite province?: We like... We like talking Canada here? I love my BC, but it’s expensive as shiiiiittttt.
48. Favorite job you’ve ever had?: Working at the piercing jewellery kiosk at a mall.
49. How did you get your biggest scar?: It was from when I fell out of the tub as a kid and scraped my knee on some mangled metal sticking up from a bolt on the toilet.
50. What did you do today that made someone else happy?: I drew a dumb drawing for my co-worker that she was surprised with in the morning.
YO. I tag @todokiis @gummyconcrete @milkofthewildpoppy @quirkle2 @arcticgraham ONLY if you all wanna ramble about yourselves. AND OF COURSE, anyone else. Don’t be shy. I steal tag games all the time.
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thewayiremember · 4 years
Nathaniel Blake is lying across from me. He’s 16 years old, 5.9, 154 lbs, has no allergies, and no chronic illnesses. At least that’s what his medical chart says. How I got access to that is not important. I don’t actually know the guy, but we’ve been practically inseparable for the last couple of days. Plus, even though he hasn’t regained his consciousness yet, I’m sure he complains as much as I do about being here. He just cannot express his frustration. I have it easy. I can roll my eyes and sigh as loud as I want to. But there’s no one to see it, so, what’s the point?
Nathaniel Blake was supposed to travel across the Pacific in a couple of days for his dream vacation in Australia. He has been preparing for that trip since last summer and it was kind of a big deal because that would be his first totally independent adventure. I know that because his grandparents lament about it every time they visit. He can probably hear you. It won’t make him feel better if you keep reminding him how sad it is he won’t be able to go. His left arm is encased with a cast. Luckily, the doctors said it should heal very nicely, and that he shouldn’t have any movement difficulties afterward.
I always pretend to be asleep when he has visitors, so I have a little trouble forming opinions about his friends. He has too many. They seem like good fellas, though. The guests usually come in the mornings, which works for me cause it’s easier to play dead when you’re still tired. I know they would feel a lot less comfortable talking to him if they knew I’m awake. Plus, I wouldn’t feel comfortable looking at their sad faces, either.
I talk to Nathaniel a lot. I feel a little guilty because I can’t know for sure he even wants me to talk to him, but the silence of this place really gets to me. So I made him my friend in spite of him being unconscious. He knows me really well. He can’t tell me to shut up, so, I never do. I try not to whine too much and keep it positive to cheer him up after all that sobbing he’s forced to listen to, but I can’t always help myself. My buttcheeks hurt from not really changing this half-seated position and the wi-fi dies on me every five seconds. I have plenty to complain about.
But he’s alive. And I’m alive. So, there’s that.
It’s nice to have a friend who listens so well, but I do hope he wakes up eventually. Keeping my fingers crossed.
There’s a TV hanging from the ceiling but I don’t know how desperate I’d have to get to turn it on. The ads play every ten minutes and they’re so loud it makes me even more hyper and annoying. We don’t want that. At least I have plenty of time to meditate. No… I don’t meditate, I just watch Netflix. Though I never realized staring at the screen all day could be so exhausting. Headaches are no fun. So I have to take brakes, and then I’m left with me, myself, and this beautiful ward.
And that is not sarcasm. It’s actually really pretty. Minimalistic, by budget, or design, who cares? We can see only whites, blues, and some pink-ish whites. And the light wooden window frames on the tilted wall complement those colors very nicely. There’s not a lot of space in this room, but in my opinion, it makes it cozier. We have our own bathroom that seems clean and doesn’t give you chills when you walk in. Not that we use it much, especially not Nathaniel. And for me getting out of bed is still very challenging so I try not to drink too much so I won’t have to go to the toilet too often. I have the smallest bladder on Earth.
The sun is setting and the whole mood starts shifting. I have a wide view of the lake when I look outside the window. The water reflects all the colors of the sky. A gradient of perfectly aligned hues is breaking through the clouds. It’s insane how sexy the sky can be. Lots of blues, yellows, and purples. Do you know what else has lots of blues, yellows, and purples? My chest. Not as sexy, though.
It’s been five days since I was brought to the hospital. I can’t tell if it’s a long time or not, but I feel like the recovery isn’t gonna be as difficult as I thought it would be at the beginning. When I first woke up in this bed I could barely breathe. It felt like my ribs were all shattered into pieces and my face was so swollen I couldn’t open my left eye. The bruises aren’t really fading away just yet, but I’d say half of the pain is gone. At least I can breathe, see and eat normally.
I used to be obsessed with watching medical programs. Plastic surgeries, body transformations, treating horrifying skin conditions, but they tend to be very repetitive and predictable, so I especially liked the ones when something went wrong along the way. Like that one time, the doctors were stitching up the patient’s toes and they couldn’t bring back the blood flow. And of course, it’s probably a little scripted for the sake of the show, but they did look genuinely terrified that the toes would turn black and fall out. That was exciting. Luckily, I didn’t need any surgeries. I’m pretty much just bruised up, I think. No internal bleeding, no broken bones, but they wanted to do some more tests on me and asked me to stay for a couple more days.
My parents come to visit once a day, but somehow they manage to make this place even gloomier than when I’m alone. I’m surprised they even care. Or maybe they just feel obligated to come. Like, we barely even talk. Why are you here? I mean, I DO get it. Not everybody has to like each other, not even people blood-related. And it’s fine. We’re just very different people. And if it makes them feel better when they come to check on me, that’s cool. I feel like I am understanding, but still, I’m not gonna lie, this whole situation is very frustrating.
I am aware that the problem is more on my side, cause most of the things they say wouldn’t bother me if they were said by somebody else. Today (like every day since I’ve been here) they asked me how I was feeling. Now, if any of my friends or nurses asked about it, I’d take it as an act of caring. But when the same question is asked by my parents, in my mind I go berserk. And how do you think I’m feeling? Have you looked at my face? Even though in reality I don’t feel that bad. I don’t know where that anger comes from. Maybe because they never cared before. Why now? But I just reply, as politely as I can, that I feel OK.
10:30 PM
I wear earplugs when it’s bedtime because once it gets dark and the rest of the hospital’s asleep, the heart rate monitor that Nathaniel’s still attached to, I swear, levels up in volume. I need something to occupy my mind. I just read 100 random facts on some website and did you know that by taking just one step you use over 200 muscles in your body? That means that today I used the same 200 muscles at least 20 times in three series while I had to use the bathroom. That’s a legit workout if you ask me.
There’s a group of friends skinny-dipping in the lake. I wonder how much time it will take for them to get in trouble. They are far away from any buildings, I can barely see them myself, and there’s a pretty dense forest spreading behind the lake, but that’s no less than half a mile away. Other than that, the space is quite open.
10:45 PM
I can hear dr. Gramm talking on the phone behind the door. I swear she doesn’t sleep. Or even go home, like, ever. She’s the one who takes care of me and Nathaniel. She and the whole staff… they really seem to care. It’s nice to see them coming in here so often to make sure that we’re doing OK. And here’s the thing, Nathaniel can’t complain, and every time they check on us, they make sure to adjust his body so that he’s comfortable. Sweet.
Since I can’t actually remember what happened to me and why I’m here, after long conversations and many check-ups on me to make sure there’s no any brain damage, dr. Gramm told me that thinking out loud makes your brain work more… efficiently. She must have read those 100 random facts on the internet as well. I’m pretty sure it was a fact nr. 48.
Well, I don’t know about thinking out loud. She probably wouldn’t be happy to hear that I traveled back in time. I think I’d be put in a different kind of hospital. So, I hope keeping a journal will do just fine.
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arelya-andaria · 5 years
JRox Interview Travel II
I know I’m spamming, but I’m having a lot of feels tonight (as usual you could say now) but my crush is deep. So here’s something else about his travels. From 25 June 2017. The link is here.
How often do you travel? Not nearly as much as I'd like to. Musical-theatre runs are long and, if you're lucky, you can try to schedule a fortnight here and there to hop on a plane and go somewhere exotic where there is no reception.
I think that is why I really do the travel thing when I get the chance.
Your earliest memory of travelling abroad?
I won a Rotary speech competition and the prize was a five-week trip through New South Wales, Australia. Aside from Sydney, the other locations were very provincial. Interesting but provincial.
I spent my third day there nursing my pockmarked shins, since I'd spent my second day loading bales of hay onto a truck. For sheep.
I travelled thousands of miles to load bales of hay for a sheep buffet. This was a "surprise" from host family.
They were down a farmhand that day and thought, "Why not?"
What do you need for a perfect holiday?
Absolutely no deadlines or obligations. I don't mind the odd family catch-up with ex-pats, but that's an hour at the most. Too many meetings and appointments and I feel I may as well go home.
Favourite holiday destination and why?
New York. Hands down. A colleague of mine said that walking through New York makes you feel like there are sparks shooting out of your feet at any time of day. That's the best description of how I feel when I'm there. The city has a legit energy to it and, if you go with it, you are completely reinvigorated.
Best holiday ever and why?
It wasn't actually a holiday. In 2014, I toured London and New York back-to-back with a show. It was just under three weeks and we saw almost 20 shows on Broadway and the West End.
When we weren't performing, we were exploring, eating piping-hot pea soup on one side of the Atlantic and the best Peking duck on the other.
Most relaxing destination and why?
Montusi Mountain Lodge in the Drakensberg. Complete silence, the best hiking and very bad cellphone reception. Oh, and their wine cellar is proof of the existence of a benevolent higher power.
Favourite restaurant?
Junior's on Times Square. Their bottomless coffee and pastrami omelette is available from 5am - pretty much my go-to jetlag meal.
Most adventurous travel experience?
Recently, I did a canopy tour in the Drakensberg. I'm terrified of heights but I got through it, thanks to my guide. I just held onto him for dear life - I'm still paying for his physical therapy.
Favourite hotel?
The Intercontinental in Wellington was my last stop on my most recent tour. Not overly plush, a bed big enough for me to lie horizontally on without my feet getting cold and a breathtaking view of the ocean.
Best piece of travel advice?
Salomon hiking shoes are useful anywhere.
What's your one travel essential?
Lip-Ice. There's no need to look like a sand person from Star Wars.
Where next?
I want to go to Greece. My friend Harry Sideropoulos has basically planned the itinerary of islands, tavernas and Greek singers. His one rule is no cellphones or alarms. Now you see why we are friends.
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dollwritesarchive · 5 years
um yes story time pls 🥺 (if you don't mind ofc!!!)
Idk how many of y’all are in the rpc (or if it’s even still a thing) but I was in it for a long time and luckily I got out when it started getting too toxic.
Me and this girl I met via another rp decided to make one ourselves, so we did and we both put soooo much work into it. It was also ?? A HUGE rp for its time like a lot of people knew about it and I was proud to be the founder but tbh she was a co admin but not like ? She didn’t OWN the rp with me, the ideas and everything were mine, but she did help —
For a little while, but I’ll get to that.
I had a male character and she had a female character and they were an on again off again kinda thing as per our plot, but I noticed whenever I asked her ooc if she wanted our characters to break up for a bit to build tension and drama, she’d get so weird and obsessive??
And I also noticed she was hella jealous of my other friends, especially the ones that I had irl. I had brought a couple on to co admin the rp with us because we were both busy, and she legitimately got so mad she STOPPED doing anything remotely to help me or the cos out. So I called her out and I was like “look, you can’t be admin if you don’t do anything” because it felt like all she wanted to do was have the title but I was doing all the work STILL. So, she stepped down willingly, but would go on later to tell everyone I forced her to lmao.
Well thennn she got really hostile to literally every member of the rp, but she was incredibly so to me, and I was like yeah I’m done so I told her I wanted our characters to break up and I wanted to distance myself from her and this girl goes INSANE.
She told me that if our characters, two FICTIONAL CHARACTERS, broke up she would kill herself, and that she couldn’t live without them.
Dude, when I tell you that terrified me... like, in a way it was scary because this was a character that I made up and that I wrote for, and in a way she seemed hella weird and possessive over me as a person, not just that character. And so I stopped responding to her and she FaceTimed me 125 times in one night, she left voicemails on my phone of her crying and threatening to kill herself if I didn’t talk to her and I was legit so ??? Confused and nervous because I didn’t want her to hurt herself over me or our characters, but she was also using that to her advantage.
EVENTUALLY she left, but the last I heard was months after and she was telling everyone I kicked her out and that I said those things about our characters no her and that I was the obsessive one djdkkdkd LMAO
+ side note, she also lied to me for a year about how old she was and where she lived for literally. No. Reason. like, she told me she lived in Australia but she actually lived in like the Philippines ??? It was fucking weird, man, it was by far the most obsessive I’ve seen someone act over me??
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Amazon Web Services Immediate Connect Review 2023 – Scam Or Legit?
SPECIAL REPORT: Amazon Web Services Latest Investment Has The Government And Big Banks Terrified Australian citizens are already raking in millions of dollars from home using this “wealth loophole” – but is it legitimate? Amazon Web Services comes out with new secret investment that’s making hundreds of people in Australia very rich “What’s made me successful is jumping into new opportunities…
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tiefighter · 6 years
@defira85 IS ACTUALLY A FUCKI STALKER no seriously, I posted a photo once of my bus that I was catching but it had a GIANT HOLE IN IT and she fuckin looked up every public transport in australia just to make sure I was on the perth one before she was like HEY WE SHOULD HANG and then I totally stalked her at work when she used to work at Game in the city and then it closed down and I was sad but we hung out anyway I called her by her internet handle for ages before we felt comfortable enough with each other for first names and the most important thing to me was like I was terrified Legit terrified of losing her as a friend when I came out as trans. Like, I knew cat was gonna be okay, because we’ve been friends since adam was a zygote, but while I knew Kirsty is an accepting person and is literally one of my best friends in the world I was just worried it was gonna be too much. I’m a lot to handle, so when I was like lol my name’s cade now she was 100% accepting, and just switched over no problem and when I was like lol I’m a dude now she was like ....fuck ok cool you’re a dude now gonna change your pronouns no issue whatsoever and I don’t think she ever realised how much her unending acceptance has meant to be, or how much it continues to mean and how proud I am of her for doing as well as she does, writing what she does, being who she is (which is regularly awesome) and how much having her in my life has made me a better, more considerate person.  I love kirsty a lot is what I’m saying. she’s excellent and I’d die for that girl. ok bye.
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bangbangyou · 3 years
staring up at the ceiling and thinking about how the latest Steel Panther Australian tour was supposed to happen in June of 2020, then it got rescheduled til February 2021 then it got rescheduled to October of 2021 and who the hell knows if it’s even gonna happen because of all of the new covid cases down south. Also now Lexxi isn’t in the band anymore like.. not to sound dramatic but I’m legit majorly bummed out about it. I’ve thought about it every single day since the announcement. SP was the first band I was obsessed with when I was like 14. I was so depressed at that time and I used to stay up and watch their videos all night. It was one of the only comforting things to me at a time when I didn’t know what the fuck was going on in my head. They came to Australia for the first time with a music festival and I was terrified at the though of a music festival so I didn’t go. I was so mad at myself that the next year when they came back on their first solo band tour I *had* to go, regardless of how much anxiety was raging in me. I was 16 so I had to go with my Mum. I didn’t even make her listen to them or explain the gimmick, I just said “Mum I need to see this band and the venue isn’t gonna let me in unless I have a parent with me” lol so off we went. That was in October of 2012 and it’s a night I’ll never forget. I’ve been lucky enough to see them a total of 5 times now. I’ve never like, gotten up on stage with them or done the meet and greets or whatever but goddammit, I love those fucking guys and I just hope that they’re all doing good.
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cookinguptales · 6 years
I'm looking for a new job! What do the goofy cards say about my chances?
well actually I was also like “deady likes ukiyoe and I got dat ukiyoe deck” but then
TAROT OF BONES I got a whole deck that’s just bones
and if you want the ukiyoe one just hmu it’s not going anywhere\
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So first, my friend, we have a bunch of bones which I believe are not ribs but they remind me of ribs anyway bc I’m kind of hungry so I’m gonna say in the past, you were in the vicinity of food. (boy I’m hungry.) My heart is telling me it was barbecue. I do not know if they eat barbecue ribs in Australia but I hope they do. For your sake. Then we have this straight-up terrifying skull on a sun design but I gotta be real, it makes me feel good??? It’s the present, live the present, go out in the sun and let it leak into your bones. And then also the moon, which is frankly confusing put right next to the sun. Get a job outdoors. NO. Become an astronomer. Leave your food service days behind you and find a job where you can look at the moon but not the sun bc that’ll fuck up your eyes and I super do not endorse that. Go outside.
(And I can give you a legit one if you want one, but you specifically didn’t ask for it so I won’t now.)
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ithelpstodream · 7 years
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Here at the top 10 reasons I’m voting ‘no’ to changing the law to allow same-sex marriage in Australia.
1. Because the YES campaign secretly loaded a U2 album onto my iPhone and now I’m with Team Bigot.
2. Because a red-headed Tasmanian tried to headbutt Tony Abbott and he missed and if I can’t have the only thing that could make me truly happy neither can you, gay people.
3. Because won’t somebody think of the children who’ll be stuck with two dads and they’ll have to stop in at the bakery every day for emergency cheddermite scrolls for school lunch and probably breakfast too because everyone knows dads are hopeless, so vote no for the kids.dunked into a river or set on fire by priests.
4. Because this country can’t afford to let gay weddings delay a moment longer the vital infrastructure projects this country needs that will be delayed when queeros start marrying their favourite bridges and other transport nodes.
5. Because if religions have their religious freedoms taken away from them we might one day live in a country where witches cannot be dunked into a river or set on fire by priests.
6. Because if gay people get married there will be no freedom of speech anymore because Tony Abbott and Lyle Shelton and Pauline Hanson and Mark Latham and Fred Nile and Miranda Devine and Andrew Bolt and Bernard Gaynor and Ray Hadley and Janet Albrechtsen and Chris Kenny and the entire line-up from Sky News After Dark will be so terrified that they will never stand up in Parliament or go on the telly or the radio, or write columns for The Australian or the Daily Telegraph or the Herald Sun ever again.
7. Because that guy from the Cronulla riots held a “Straight Lives Matter” rally on the weekend and only got a dozen single men in identical T-shirts to meet him in a park because everyone knows that with gay marriage all the parks will be full of the gays marrying each other and having even a dozen men without girlfriends in the same adorable T-shirt gathered in one place could only be a provocation to those insatiable gays, oh god I hope Cronulla riot guy is alright!
8. Because marriage is a sacred institution that has always had a special place in our society, a place we call prime time, which we traditionally reserve for the quiet contemplation of the spiritual bond between a man and a woman on The Bachelor, The Bachelorette, The Farmer Wants A Wife, Married at First Sight, Bridezillas, Whose Wedding is it Anyway, My Redneck Wedding and Divorce Court.
9. Because it says so in the Bible, somewhere, in the Old Testament I think, and if we ignore that we would also have to ignore the bit that tells us it’s OK for a dude to sell his daughter into slavery, and totally legit to stone adulterous women and disobedient children to death and then we’d be on a slippery slope to hell in a handbasket, wouldn’t we.
10. Because have you ever seen a gay man eat a pie? No you haven’t and when the gay marriage law enslaves the bakers of this country and forces them to make homosexual wedding cakes and nothing else there will be no more pies so I will vote NO.
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