viajerofantasma · 2 months
Aurora austral en Ushuaia. Argentina 🇦🇷
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turnnoffyourmind · 3 months
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Autumn is coming
Volcán Corcovado, Carretera Austral, Los Lagos, Chile.
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ljsbugblog · 4 months
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always a pleasure seeing a Bush Cockroach! Ellipsidion are a particularly beautiful genus of Australian roaches, both in nymph and adult forms.
Austral Ellipsidion a.k.a. Bush Cockroach (Ellipsidion australe).
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untouchvbles · 1 year
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Renault 5 Turbo
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elbiotipo · 7 months
Viajaste de 2023 al Buenos Aires Biopunk de 2143? Uy, que garrón. Dejá que yo te guío, no te preocupes.
Esa cosa que ves en todos los souvenirs? Es la Torre del Tricentenario. Es como una torre de biocristal en forma de hebra de ADN montada en el Río de La Plata, un kilómetro de alto tiene. La más alta de Sudamérica. Bueno, aparte del ascensor espacial de los brasileros.
Toda esa gente rara? No seas malo. Ah, vos decís las escamas, las plumas, las colas? Sí, ponele que es medio como los tatuajes en tu época. Es la moda. Bueno, vas a ver más que nada a la gente vieja que quedó del biopunk original, y algunos pibes de ahora con eso, a mucha gente no le gusta joder con esas cosas ahora. Que es biopunk? A ver, como te explico...
Sí, casi todo el centro es peatonal. No hay tantos autos. Ah, esos coatíes? Las cotorras y los carayá? Son personas, moreaus, animales con inteligencia por modificación genética. No les vayas a decir animales. Son ciudadanos de la Confederación, chamigo. Sí, el delfín también.
Confederación? La Confederación Argentina, obvio? Ah, a ver, como te explico. Bueno, por allá por los 80, cuando reprimieron la comuna porteña, el Buenos Aires carmesí, la gobernadora Alegre... che, estás escuchando?
Obvio que se vende Guaraná Antártica por todos lados. La Coca Cola? No la hacen más desde el Ecocidio. Creo que hay una fábrica que quedó en Córdoba, pero no sé si es el mismo gusto...
No, no es gendarme, es GENEdarme, porque están con todo el tema de la genética viste. No les digas Robocop. Son los del SENA. Servicio Ecológico Nacional Argentino. No, a los perros no les gusta que les acaricien, te lo van a decir. Sí, también son ciudadanos. Sí, son bien yuta.
Esas lianas y los árboles están para decoración y para las cotorras, sí, pero también limpian el aire de patógenos. Tranqui, vos estás en área segura. Buenos Aires es una de las ciudades más seguras del planeta.
Igual, por las dudas, comprate un barbijo. Tomá, 20 australes te deben alcanzar, no?
La UBA? Que, un vino? Ah, la UNBA. Sí, mirá, en los 80,
Esos bichos son las langostas del SENA. Y son como mitad helicóptero, mitad bicho. Claro, claro, algo así como los del Half Life! Juegazo. Salió la parte 5 hace poco, sabías?
Era todo avenida esto, podés creer? Mirá lo que es el Parque 9 de Julio ahora. Acá están todos los biopunks, bueno, para los turistas. Uy, mirá, mirá, los coatíes están haciendo una coreo! Dejales un par de australes.
Había un McDonalds en el Obelisco? Ah, como en las pelis viejas? No, no existe más eso.
El grafiti? Sí, son Evita y CFK. Las otras dos? La Dra. Alegre, obvio, y la del casco es Valeria Martínez, primer argentina en el espacio. El Dibu? Ah, me parece que es la nieta che.
La bandera esa es del Tawantinsuyu. Unión Andina, si no te sale el nombre. No, no son los incas, bueno, tienen esa onda... a ver, antes eran Perú y Bolivia. Son de izquierda, me parece. Sí, los equipos de fútbol siguen existiendo.
Independiente no gana nada desde el siglo pasado, pero creen que esta vez sí. Cuantas copas tenemos? A ver, si contamos el mundial de Cataluña, s-MIRÁ EL YACARÉ, siempre quise tener uno de mascota!
No, no podemos ir a Boulogne. No existe más.
No me importa si tu casa estaba ahí. Mirá, ya sé que lo de las "áreas restrictas" parece de película, pero en serio, no vayas.
Ah, no, está bien si le decís Capital, muchos se confunden. La nueva está en el sur. Sí, antes era Viedma, como sabías? Manejas toda la data vos, eh?
De que laburo? Ah, yo hago hormonas para mantener el sistema de lianas municipal. Sí, está bueno. Mi novia estudia astrobiología. A ver, si te digo que encontramos aliens te vas a desmayar también? Jajaja. No, es joda, joda. Pero sí. Los encontramos. No, están, como a 1000 años luz, no te preocupes. Bueno, dicen que en Titán...
Bueno che, te dejo que descanses acá. Este es uno de los mejores árboles de la ciudad, ombú bien pampeano y seguro, vos tranquilo. Lo atiende un par de cotorras super buena onda. Deciles que te canten algo de tu época, tipo los Wachiturros, por ahí te agarra la nostalgia.
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ausp-ice · 1 year
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Happy birthday to me 😌 (Austral, they/them) Personal Website | Discord Server 
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"Oreja de palo"
Ganoderma australe
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birdstudies · 1 year
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December 25, 2022 - Austral Pygmy-Owl (Glaucidium nana) Found in southern Argentina and Chile, these tiny owls live in temperate forests and scrubby habitats, as well as parks and farmland. They eat insects, birds, mammals, reptiles, and arachnids, hunting from perches alone or in pairs, mostly during the day. Laying their eggs between September and November, they nest in cavities in trees or banks where females incubate clutches of three to five eggs alone.
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nixieofthenorth · 6 months
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Northern Spiny-tailed gecko (Strophurus ciliaris) 📸 @clancy_wildlife
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guada-lupita-blog · 1 month
Birthday girl ✨
¿adivinen cuántos cumplo?
Más señora imposible
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briarborealisocs · 11 months
Do any of your ocs want kids??? Are any of them vehemently against it??? I am so curious, especially talking to Nat about Nuri has gotten me thinking about my OCs and what they'd want in their future.
oh a very interesting question!! i dont usually think about this in regards to my characters because i prefer not to think too much about romance in my writing (i am aroace and find other dynamics easier to write) but hmmmm yes i think i will give it a go
you will find many of my characters are on the aroace spectrum as well because the projection game goes too hard
kiska doesnt really want biological kids because shes. immortal. and it would be weird. but she's VERY maternal. she adopts vas almost every reincarnation cycle and even beyond vas she's the type to pick up strays. she's a great mom too, she does her absolute best to learn everything she can about parenting
vas is . 15 years old usually! i dont think kids are ever really on her mind when i write her. i know some teenagers are already thinking about having a family, vas is not one of them lol. but she grows up Eventually and i think if she found someone she really trusted and loved she wouldnt be opposed to having kids, adopted or otherwise. back when vas was a grown woman in older drafts, her story was actually a romance! and she did have kids with her partner, aaron, in some aus. so hypothetically she could want kids, but i dont think about it much because shes 15 and a gremlin and i dont think she plans for romance or family life, its something that finds her when shes older sometimes though
project starstruck:
since boreal and austral are kind of my sonas to an extent, uhhh... nah haha i dont think theyd want kids. austral definitely wouldnt, shes the type to be a Cool Aunt with a dog or a cat and several trips to italy HAHA. austral also has pretty bad parental issues that make her even more hesitant to have kids, even if she wasnt aroace.
boreal honestly might want kids someday but i dont think shes very interested in finding a partner to raise them with. i do have it in mind that boreal becomes a kindergarten teacher though! she loves kids and is very good with them, i just dont think she'd have any of her own.
there are sooo many characters here! i'll only talk about the ones that do probably want kids, and ignore the ones who are already canonically parents
leon definitely wants kids. he's a real teddy bear of a guy and he wants to be a dad someday, maybe even a stay at home dad if his future wife makes enough money to support the house on her own. he's dated on and off but nothing ever really worked out for him so far. he really really values family and would love to raise one on his own... he's kind of got other priorities right now that make dating hard, though haha. especially because his crush is an aromantic villain
dani i feel like also wants kids. my gut instinct was that she would not want kids but i think... not biological kids, probably, maybe? but she wouldnt be opposed to, when shes a lot older, having a kid or two of her own. i will say that currently its probably one of the LAST things on her mind, she doesnt even know what college she's gonna go to, much less what her romantic prospects are.
brendan (the dad-aged hero i havent formally introduced you to yet) probably WANTED kids but was never able to settle down due to his hero duties coming first. i think he probably still wants to have a family someday but its looking less and less likely the older he gets. dont worry dude, youll find someone someday
maia (dani's best friend who i also havent formally introduced you to yet) also wants kids someday. it actually is something thats been on her mind despite being a teenager, she's very grounded and the "plan ahead" type and shes already thinking about what she'll need to do if she wants to raise a family someday... girl its alright you can relax. you dont even have a girlfriend yet
the weaver's apprentice:
dijah doesnt hate kids? but she definitely does not want one of her own. maybe she gets baby fever every once in a while but then she remembers the reality of having to raise a child for 18+ years and decides she is NOT equipped for that, Thank You!
the owl house:
sol does not want kids. or a partner. or romance. but maybe someday when shes a lot older she'll take on an apprentice who becomes like a kid to her. (vague shrug) i love that trope and i feel like sol could pull it off if she wanted to. she definitely doesnt want kids though. she wants a potion empire and to hang out with her best friends
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gebo4482 · 7 months
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birds-and-flowers · 2 years
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Austral Negrito (Lessonia rufa)
© Paulina Torres Pérez
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inefableapodyopsis · 8 months
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Espero algún día estar como el vino en su boca, que embriaga y recorre su cuerpo en éxtasis.
Espero que este en mi boca, tanto como deseo estar en la suya.
Sobre mi, en mi, sobre todo...
Que locura. Solo creí que su cuerpo podía estar en sintonía con el mío, hacer intercambio, detonar destellos.
Pero ¿Su corazón?
¿Y el mío?
Es completo misterio.
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khrushchov · 3 months
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aspirationatwork · 8 months
[Image Description: four digital drawings based off of original designs from Steven Universe and Splatoon.
The first drawing depicts an original Lapis Lazuli design with muted, teal skin, a tear-shaped gem on her right foot, and a curly mullet. Her hair forms sapphire-blue waves with royal-blue streaks at the ends. Lapis is wearing a light-blue crop top with a blue-diamond emblazoned on her chest, loose pants with a hole cut out over her left knee, and toeless socks.
Lapis Lazuli smirks, her face cast in shadow, one hand placed on her hip and the other raised with the index finger lifted. Water floats above her hand.
The second drawing depicts an original Splatoon design in a human form. They have tanned, yellow-hued skin, angular features, and a neon orange mullet plus pompadour highlighted with vibrant shades of yellow and coral-red. They are wearing a green-and-pink Hawaiian shirt.
The third drawing is a sketch depicting an original Steven Universe character, Austral Abalone. She is a tall, elegant Gem with long limbs, a seashell shaped gem on her right thigh, and thick curls styled into a spiraling bun. She is wearing a diaphanous dress with a long slit over her thigh.
Austral Abalone is sitting, leaning back against her right hand and swirling a wine glass in the other.
The fourth drawing is a sketch depicting an original Pearl design. She has short hair covering the left side of her face and a spiked crown circling her head. The Pearl glares, making a slit throat gesture with their clawed hand.
End Description.]
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