#Auch for chapter 2
Threes a Formula
Word count: 4.6k
Story Summary: Y/n Müller, a Media Design graduate from Stuttgart, accepts a live-in nanny position with the prestigious Wolff family in Monaco. She moves to care for their young son, Jack, and quickly adapts to the fast-paced lifestyle of the Formula One world. 
Chapter Summary: Y/n moves from Stuttgart to Monaco to work for the Wolff family, receiving a warm welcome from Toto, Susie, and their son, Jack.
Pairning: Toto Wolff x Susie Wolff x nanny!reader
Warnings: non all fluff
Chapter 2: Moving to Monaco
Y/n spent the next few days finalizing her arrangements. Moving to Monaco was a significant step, and she wanted to be well-prepared. She packed her belongings meticulously, making sure to include her favorite books, her design tools, and some comforting items from home.
One of the hardest goodbyes was with her best friend, Emma. They had been inseparable since childhood, sharing countless memories and adventures. As the moving day approached, they decided to spend one last day together, creating new memories to hold onto until their next meeting.
They met at their favorite café in the heart of Stuttgart, Mókuska a cozy place filled with the aroma of freshly brewed coffee and the sound of soft chatter. They found a quiet corner and sat down, their favorite drinks in hand.
“Ich kann es nicht glauben, dass du wirklich gehtst, (I can't believe you're really leaving,)” Emma said, her voice tinged with sadness. “Es wird so komisch sein, wenn du nicht mehr immer hier bist. (It’s going to be so weird not having you around.)”
“Ich weiß, (I know,)” Y/n replied, her heart heavy. “Aber wir werden in kontakt bleiben. Vidoe calls, nachichten schreiben, social media - Ich werde dich über alles auf dem laufenden halten. (But we’ll stay in touch. Video calls, texts, social media—I'll keep you updated on everything.)” Y/n had to smile a sad smile back eventhough she was happy for this new chapter in her life leaving the old one behind still hurt. She wouldn't let her friendship with Emma end just because she was leaving the country but she knew it would be hard work for both of them to keep the contact.
They spent the afternoon reminiscing about their adventures, laughing at inside jokes, and promising to visit each other as often as possible. As the sun began to set, they walked to Schlossplatz were ther was a smal park with a small lake in the middle of stuttgart, their steps slow as they savored their last moments together.
Standing by the lake, Emma turned to Y/n, her eyes glistening with unshed tears. “Ich werde dich so sehr vermissen, (I’m going to miss you so much,)” she whispered.
Y/n pulled her into a tight hug. “Ich werde dich auch vermissen Emmchen. Aber wir veravschieden uns nicht für immer. Es ist nur der Anfang eines neuen Kapitels inunserem Leben. Außerdem sobald ich mich eingelebt halbe kommst du mich natürlich besuchen. (I’ll miss you too, Emmchen. But this isn't goodbye forever. It's just the start of a new chapter for both of us. And as soon as I have settled in you will of course come visit me"
They stood there in silence, holding each other, until the sky turned a deep shade of blue. Finally, they pulled apart, both knowing it was time to say goodbye.
“Versprich mir du rufst mich sofort an wenn du landest. (Promise me you'll call as soon as you land,)” Emma said, her voice trembling slightly.
“Verprochen. (I promise,)” Y/n replied, smiling through her own tears. “Und du musst mich auf dem laufenden halten was hier alles passiert. (And you better keep me updated on everything happening here.)”
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Two weeks flew by in a blur of packing, goodbyes, and final preparations. Y/n stood in her now almost empty room in Stuttgart, suitcases by her side. She took a deep breath, feeling a mix of anticipation and nostalgia. This was the start of a new chapter in her life.
As she made her way to the airport, Y/n couldn't help but feel a sense of nervous excitement coursing through her veins. The thought of leaving behind the comfort of her hometown and stepping into the unknown filled her with a mix of trepidation and exhilaration. Yet, beneath the surface, there was an undeniable sense of eagerness—a palpable excitement for the opportunities that awaited her in Monaco.
Upon arrival at the airport, Y/n's nerves gave way to a surge of adrenaline as she checked in for her flight. 
Y/n's family gathered at the airport to see her off. Her mother hugged her tightly, whispering words of encouragement in German, while her father gave her a reassuring pat on the back. "Remember, Y/n, this is an incredible opportunity. We're so proud of you," he said. 
Y/n smiled, feeling a mix of excitement and nervousness. "Thanks, Dad. I'll make the most of it."The anticipation of stepping onto that plane, bound for a new destination and a new chapter of her life, filled her with a sense of exhilaration that bordered on euphoria.
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As the plane soared through the clouds, carrying her closer to her destination, Y/n found herself lost in thought. She couldn't help but marvel at the serendipitous twists of fate that had led her to this moment—the chance encounter with the job listing, the nerve-wracking interview, and now, the thrilling prospect of starting anew in Monaco.
Upon landing in Monaco, Y/n's excitement reached a fever pitch. Stepping off the plane and into the warm embrace of the Mediterranean air, she felt a surge of gratitude wash over her. She was ready—ready to embrace the challenges and opportunities that lay ahead, ready to immerse herself in the vibrant culture of Monaco, and most importantly, ready to become an integral part of the Wolff family.
As she made her way through the bustling airport, Y/n's heart raced with anticipation. She couldn't wait to meet Toto, Susie, and Jack, to begin her journey as their nanny, and to embark on this extraordinary adventure together. With each step she took, Y/n felt a sense of excitement and determination building within her—a determination to seize this opportunity with both hands and make the most of every moment.
As she emerged from the airport, Y/n scanned the crowd, searching for a driver holding a sign with her name. Toto had arranged for a driver to pick her up. "Welcome, Miss Müller. I'm here to take you to the Wolff residence," he said politely. Y/n smiled at him. “Its so nice to meet you. Y/n is fine.” She shook his hand.
as she was driven through the streets of Nice over to Monte Carlo, Y/n marveled at the stunning views of the sea and the luxurious yachts in the harbor. The journey wasn’t a long one but long enough for Y/n to think about all the possible scenarios about how the Wolffs would react to her standing before them. 
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Suddenly the car stopped by a massive tower block. It looked luxurious. Many cars were standing on the side to the foyer. Among the people walking in and out of the building, Toto was standing. To Y/n surprise he was much taller than she had anticipated sure she had seen some pictures of him online but seeing his height in relive was different than seeing him standing next to other tall people. Slowly she made her way out of the car. 
"Welcome to Monaco, Y/n," Toto said warmly, his voice filled with genuine hospitality. "I hope your journey was pleasant."
Y/n felt a wave of relief wash over her at Toto's kind words. "Thank you, Mr. Wolff,” she replied, returning his smile. "The journey was smooth, and I'm thrilled to be here."
Toto nodded, his eyes sparkling with enthusiasm. "Please, call me Toto. We like to keep things informal around here, we're delighted to have you join us," he said, gesturing toward the waiting car. "Let me help you with your luggage."
With practiced ease, Toto assisted Y/n in retrieving her suitcases from the car, his strength and agility evident in every movement. As they worked together to unload the bags, Toto engaged Y/n in light conversation, asking about her journey and expressing his excitement at having her as part of the family. 
As they finished unloading the luggage, Toto stepped back, a warm smile on his face. "There we go," he said, his tone cheerful. "All set. Now, let's get you settled in. I'm sure Susie and Jack are eager to meet you."
When she arrived at the Wolff residence, Susie was waiting to greet her. "Welcome, Y/n," she said, giving her a warm hug. "How was your flight?"
"It was great, thank you, Mrs. Wolff” Y/n replied, feeling instantly at ease.
"Come on in," Susie said. "I'll show you to your room and then we can have a tour of the house. And please, call me Susie.”
Y/n followed Susie through the beautiful home, taking in the elegant yet cozy decor. Seeing all of the shades of blue that were color accents in their home. Susie led Y/n to her room, which was spacious and bright, with a balcony overlooking the Sea. It felt like a perfect sanctuary.
"We've prepared this room for you. I hope you find it comfortable," Susie said.
"It's perfect, thank you," Y/n replied, placing her bags down.
"Once you're settled, come downstairs. Jack is eager to meet you," Susie said before leaving Y/n to unpack.
As Y/n unpacked, she thought about the journey that had brought her here. From the initial interview to the whirlwind move, everything had fallen into place. She was ready to embrace her new role and the adventures that lay ahead.
After freshening up, Y/n made her way to the living room, where she found Susie and Toto sitting on the couch inviting her to sit next to them.
Suddenly, a door swung open, and the sound of small footsteps echoed through the hallway. Y/n turned to see a young boy with tousled blond hair racing towards her, standing shyly at the doorway, his eyes wide with curiosity and nervousness.
"Jack!" Toto called out with a smile, beckoning the boy over. "Come meet Y/n, your new nanny."
Jack hesitated for a moment, glancing between Y/n and his parents. With a gentle nudge from Susie, he slowly made his way over, his gaze darting up to meet Y/n's.
Y/n crouched down to Jack's level, offering him a warm smile. "Hi, Jack," she said softly. "It's nice to meet you. I heard you love racing cars."
Jack's eyes lit up at the mention of his favorite topic. "Really?" he asked, a hint of excitement creeping into his voice.
"Yes, really," Y/n replied, her smile widening. “I only now started watching it. Do you have a favorite driver?"
Jack's shyness began to melt away as he launched into a spirited discussion about his favorite drivers and cars. "I like Lewis Hamilton," he said, his voice growing more confident. "He's so fast!"
Y/n nodded enthusiastically. "Lewis is amazing! Have you ever been to a race?"
Jack's excitement was palpable now. "Yes! Daddy took me often," he said, looking up at Toto with pride.
Susie and Toto exchanged a pleased look after seeing how easy it was for both of them to connect.
After unpacking and making her room her new home, Y/n joined Toto, Susie, and Jack on the expansive balcony overlooking the breathtaking Monaco skyline.
"Wow, this views amazin'!" Y/n exclaimed, her eyes wide with awe as she took in the panoramic vista spread out before her.
Jack, now more comfortable, eagerly grabbed Y/n's hand. "Come see my secret hiding spot!" he exclaimed, tugging her towards the edge of the balcony.
Laughing, Y/n followed Jack as he led her around the balcony, pointing out his favorite spots and telling her about past adventures. "This is where I like to watch the sunset," Jack declared proudly, gesturing towards a cozy corner with a cushioned seat.
As they settled into comfortable lounge chairs arranged around a small table, the gentle breeze carried the scent of sea air, while the distant sound of waves crashing against the shore provided a soothing backdrop to their conversation.
"So, Y/n, tell us a bit about yourself," Toto said, leaning back in his chair with a warm smile. "What made you interested in joining our family?"
Y/n felt a rush of gratitude at Toto's genuine curiosity. "Well, I've always had a passion for childcare and creating nurturing environments for children to thrive in," she explained. "And the opportunity to work with a family as dynamic and inspiring as yours is truly a dream come true."
Susie nodded in understanding, her eyes sparkling with warmth. "We're thrilled to have you with us, Y/n," she said. "We hope you'll feel right at home here."
As the afternoon wore on, Toto suggested they take a leisurely stroll along the picturesque promenade that lined the Monaco coastline. With Jack skipping ahead, they made their way down to the water's edge, the salty breeze invigorating their senses as they walked.
Jack bounded along the promenade, his excitement palpable as he explored every nook and cranny. "Look, Y/n! I found a seashell!" he exclaimed, holding up a delicate shell for her to see.
Y/n smiled at Jack's enthusiasm, feeling a warmth blossom in her heart. "That's beautiful, Jack," she said, reaching out to ruffle his hair affectionately.
As the sun began to dip below the horizon, casting a warm golden glow over the city, they decided to head back indoors for dinner. With Jack eagerly leading the way, they returned to the elegant dining area outside on the balcony, where a sumptuous spread awaited them.
The table was adorned with crisp linens, creating an atmosphere of refined elegance. Toto and Susie had prepared a feast fit for royalty—a tantalizing array of Mediterranean-inspired dishes, from fresh seafood to vibrant salads and decadent desserts.
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As they gathered around the table, Jack couldn't contain his excitement. "This looks amazing! Thank you Mommy.” he exclaimed, his eyes wide with anticipation as he surveyed the feast before him.
As they settled into the cozy ambiance of the dining area, Y/n couldn't help but feel a sense of excitement bubbling within her. The warmth and laughter of the Wolff family enveloped her, making her feel right at home.
"Um, Toto, Susie," Y/n began tentatively, her voice breaking through the lively chatter. "I wanted to ask if it's okay with you if I share bits of our daily life on my social media platforms? I like to document my experiences and share them with my followers, but I want to make sure it's alright with you first."
Toto and Susie exchanged a knowing glance before Toto leaned forward, a thoughtful expression on his face. "We understand, Y/n," he replied, his tone gentle yet firm. "While we respect your desire to share your experiences, we do have some conditions regarding what you can post."
Y/n nodded, eager to hear their conditions. "Of course, I completely understand," she said, her eyes earnest.
"We value our privacy as a family, especially when it comes to Jack," Susie chimed in, her voice soft but resolute. "We ask that you refrain from posting any photos or videos of Jack without our permission."
Y/n nodded in agreement, understanding the importance of respecting Jack's privacy. "Of course, I would never want to infringe on Jack's privacy," she assured them. "I'll make sure to always ask for your permission before posting anything involving him."
Toto and Susie exchanged a satisfied nod, pleased with Y/n's understanding and respect for their wishes. "Thank you, Y/n," Toto said, his tone warm with appreciation. "We appreciate your willingness to respect our boundaries."
With that settled, they returned to their meal, the conversation flowing effortlessly.
The dining room was alive with the sounds of laughter and animated conversation as Y/n, Toto, Susie, and Jack enjoyed their first dinner together. The delicious Mediterranean-inspired meal spread before them was a feast for the senses.
As the meal drew to a close, Y/n felt a sense of excitement bubbling within her. She wanted to capture this moment and share it with her friends and followers back home, but she was also aware of the importance of respecting the Wolff family's privacy. She took a deep breath, deciding to broach the topic carefully.
"Um, Toto, Susie," Y/n began tentatively, her voice cutting through the lively chatter. "I was wondering if it would be alright if I took a candid picture of just the two of you at the table and posted it on my social media? I want to share this wonderful experience with my friends and followers, but I understand if you'd prefer to keep things private."
Toto and Susie exchanged a quick glance. Susie's eyes sparkled with curiosity, while Toto's expression became more thoughtful. He leaned back in his chair, his fingers drumming lightly on the table.
"I'm not particularly fond of social media," Toto admitted, his tone measured. "I've always been wary of how much of our private lives are shared online. It can be invasive and sometimes even dangerous."
Y/n nodded, appreciating Toto's honesty. "I completely understand, Toto. I want to respect your privacy and boundaries. I wouldn't post anything without your approval."
Susie reached out and placed a hand on Toto's arm, giving him a reassuring smile before turning back to Y/n. "I think it's okay, Y/n, as long as we're mindful of what we share. How about you take a picture that focuses on us and the ambiance, without giving away too much of our personal details?"
Y/n's face lit up with relief and gratitude. "That sounds perfect. Thank you, Susie."
Jack, who had been listening intently, chimed in with a grin. "Can I be in the picture too?"
Susie chuckled and ruffled Jack's hair. "Maybe next time, sweetheart. Let's let Y/n capture this moment for us.”
Y/n looked over at Jack and smiled. "You know what, little man? How about we take a picture of all of us right after this one, just for the four of us. What do you think?"
Jack's eyes widened with excitement, and he bounced on his toes. "Yes, yes! Let's do it! I wanna be in the picture too!" he exclaimed, clapping his hands.
Y/n quickly retrieved her phone and framed the shot, capturing the beautiful spread of food, the warm candlelight, and the genuine smiles on Susie and Toto's faces as they interacted. She snapped the picture, making sure it conveyed the warmth and elegance of the evening without compromising their privacy.
After taking the photo, Y/n showed it to Toto and Susie. "What do you think?" she asked.
Toto studied the picture for a moment before nodding. "It's nice. You did a great job capturing the atmosphere."
Susie smiled warmly. "I love it. Thank you, Y/n."
"Do you have Instagram?" Y/n asked, feeling a bit bolder. "I'd love to tag you in the post, Susie."
Susie's eyes lit up with interest. "I do, actually. Here, let me find you."
They exchanged Instagram handles, and Y/n felt a surge of excitement at the prospect of staying connected with Susie through social media. She quickly edited the photo, adding a filter that enhanced the warm tones of the candlelight, and posted it with a heartfelt caption about her first dinner with the Wolff family.
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As they settled back into their chairs, Y/n couldn't help but feel a sense of accomplishment. She had successfully navigated a potentially tricky situation with respect and care, and in doing so, she had forged a deeper connection with Toto and Susie.
"Thank you for being so understanding," Y/n said sincerely. "I really appreciate it."
Toto smiled, his earlier reservations softening. "We appreciate your willingness to respect our boundaries, Y/n. It's important to find a balance."
Susie nodded in agreement. "And we're happy to share these moments with you."
“Thank you guys again for giving me this opportunity" Y/n replied, feeling a renewed sense of belonging.”
After a delightful dinner and capturing some candid moments, the evening began to wind down. Susie glanced at the clock and then at Jack, who was starting to show signs of fatigue.
"Y/n, would you mind taking Jack to bed?" Susie asked with a warm smile. "It's getting close to his bedtime, and I think he's had quite an exciting day."
Y/n nodded eagerly. "Of course, I'd be happy to.”
Jack took Y/n's hand, leading her towards his room with a sense of eagerness. "Come on, Y/n! I'll show you my room."
As they entered Jack's room, Y/n took in the cheerful decor. The room was filled with stuffed animals, books, and toys, with posters of race cars adorning the walls. Jack's bed was a cozy little haven, complete with soft blankets and his favorite stuffed animal, a plush race car.
"So, Jack, what's your bedtime routine?" Y/n asked, wanting to ensure everything went smoothly.
Jack looked up at Y/n with wide eyes. "First, I need to put on my pajamas."
Y/n nodded and helped Jack pick out his favorite pajamas, a set decorated with little race cars. Jack changed into them with Y/n's assistance, his excitement making the process a bit wiggly but ultimately successful.
Once he was in his pajamas, Jack climbed onto his bed and looked at Y/n expectantly. "Next, we have to read a story. I like the one about the race car that wins the big race," he said, pointing to a book on his nightstand.
Y/n picked up the book and settled into a chair next to Jack's bed. As she began to read, Jack listened intently, his eyes lighting up with each turn of the page. After the story, Y/n noticed that Jack seemed more relaxed, his eyelids growing heavy.
"Okay, Jack, what's next?" Y/n asked softly.
"We have to turn on my nightlight," Jack replied, pointing to a small lamp shaped like a car. "And then, you have to tuck me in really tight."
Y/n switched on the nightlight, casting a warm, soothing glow around the room. She then tucked Jack in snugly, making sure he felt secure and comfortable.
"Anything else?" she asked, smoothing his blanket.
Jack nodded, his voice becoming quieter. "You have to sing the goodnight song. Mommy always sings it to me."
Y/n's heart melted at Jack's request. She hesitated for a moment before saying, "I don't know the song your mommy sings, but I can sing a song my grandma used to sing to me when I was your age. Would that be okay?"
Jack nodded sleepily, his eyes half-closed. "Okay."
Y/n began to sing a soft, soothing lullaby that her grandmother had sung to her countless times. It was a German song. 
Aber Heidschi Bumbeidschi, schlaf lange, es is ja dein Muatter ausganga; sie is ja ausganga und kimmt neamer hoam und laßt das kloan Biabele ganz alloan! Aber Heidschi Bumbeidschi bum bum, aber Heidschi Bumbeidschi bum bum.
As she sang, Jack's eyes slowly closed, and a contented smile spread across his face.
When the song ended, Y/n whispered, "Goodnight, Jack. Sweet dreams."
Jack murmured a sleepy "Goodnight, Y/n," before drifting off to sleep.
Y/n quietly tiptoed out of the room. She returned to the living room, where Susie and Toto were now waiting for her on the couch.
"How did it go?" Susie asked, a hopeful look in her eyes.
"It went really well," Y/n replied with a smile. "He's asleep now. We read his favorite race car story, and I sang him a lullaby my grandma used to sing to me. He seemed to like it."
Susie and Toto both smiled, clearly pleased. "Thank you, Y/n," Toto said. "We appreciate you helping with Jack's bedtime routine. It means a lot to us."
"It was my pleasure," Y/n said sincerely. "Thank you both for a wonderful first day. I can't wait for the next one."
Susie nodded, her eyes sparkling with warmth. "We're so glad you're here, Y/n. You've already made a great start."
Y/n took a deep breath, feeling a surge of gratitude. "Before we call it a night, is there anything important I should know about for the next week? Any appointments or events?"
Toto nodded thoughtfully. "Yes, we do have a few things coming up. Jack has a doctor's appointment on Wednesday afternoon, and on Friday, we have a family dinner with some friends. We'll make sure to fill you in on all the details."
"Perfect, thank you," Y/n replied, appreciating their clear communication.
As the evening drew to a close, they all stood up to head to their respective rooms. Susie gave Y/n a warm hug. "Goodnight, Y/n. We're so glad you're part of our family."
"Goodnight, Susie," Y/n replied, feeling a sense of belonging.
Toto extended his hand with a smile. "Goodnight, Y/n. Sleep well."
"Goodnight, Toto," Y/n said, shaking his hand warmly.
With final goodnight wishes exchanged, Y/n made her way to her room. She reflected on the day's events, grateful for the warm welcome and looking forward to the days ahead with the Wolff family.
After getting ready for bed herself, Y/n was eager to share her experiences with her best friend, Emma. She pulled out her phone and started a FaceTime call.
"Hey, Em!" Y/n greeted as Emma's face appeared on the screen.
"Y/n! Wie ist Monaco? (Y/n! How’s Monaco?)” Emma's eyes sparkled with excitement.
“Das was ich bis jetzt gesehen habe ist wundervoll! Wir haben grade zu Abend gegessen. Es war sehr wahrmerzig und einladend. Hier, ich zeige Ihnen die Aussicht von meinem Balkon, (What I have seen of the country is just amazing! I just had dinner. It was so warm and welcoming. Here, let me show you the view from my balcony,)” Y/n said squiling, turning the camera to capture the breathtaking Monaco skyline.
Emma's jaw dropped. “Wow, dass sieht so wunderschön aus! I kann nicht glauben dass du wirklich dort bist. (Wow, that's stunning! I can't believe you're actually there!)”
“Ja ge? Und Susie und Toto sind so nett. Sie haben mir sogar erlaubt ein bild von ihenne beim Abendessen zu machen und ein Gruppenfoto von uns allen. Warte ich schike es dir, dass andere bild siehst du in meiner story. (I know, right? And Susie and Toto are just lovely. They even let me take a picture of them at dinner plus a groupe picture of all of us. Waite i'll send it to you the other picture you can see in my story."
As they chatted, Y/n felt a comforting sense of connection to her life back in Stuttgart. Despite the distance, she knew that her bond with Emma would remain strong, buoyed by their shared excitement and regular updates.
“Danke für den Anruf Y/n. (Thanks for calling, Y/n,)” Emma said warmly. “Ich vermisse dich aber ich freue mich so für dich. (I miss you, but I'm so happy for you.)”
"Ich vermisse dich auch, Em. Wir bleiben in Kontakt, ich verspreche es, (I miss you too, Em. We'll stay in touch, I promise,)” Y/n replied, feeling a pang of homesickness mixed with gratitude for her friend's unwavering support.
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_____________________________________________________________@pand-de-pandora-blog @wonderwolffs @laura-naruto-fan1998 @strangegirl974 @totothewolff @xoscar03 @noooway555 @myescapefromthislife @omgsuperstarg @laur2608
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unholybacon355 · 2 months
Everything stays in the family: Part Four
Park Jihyo x Huh Yunjin
Word Count: 3.2K
TW: Incest.
[PART 1] [PART 2] [PART 3] [PART 5]
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DISCLAIMER: I’m adding this disclaimer because I think it’s necessary.
This story have some taboo themes like incesto to name one. I need to say that obviously some of the things I wrote here aren’t good and by any means I’m trying to make it look like good and normal things. Read at your own discretion.
Everything you see here is fiction and many things in this story are not really good. This is for fun and only for that. Also, all the characters you see here are adults and Jihyo is older, but I’m not specifying how old she is.
Another thing to say is that I have no clue about how human bodies actually work, so you can’t expect me to be very accurate about some things. I’m not saying what because I want you to figure it out as you read.
That afternoon Yunjin and Chaewon spent many hours talking. Yunjin told her girlfriend everything that happened in great detail, crying in many parts and hugging Chaewon in many more. It was really cathartic in a very different way than talking to Jihyo had been. While talking to her mother had helped her a lot, being able to vent to Chaewon was a different relief. After all, her girlfriend could see everything from an outside perspective and offer her a new point of view. Although they practically agreed on the fact that Yunjin had done well to trust Jihyo and finally started calling her mother. After all, she behaved in a maternal way much more than the woman who gave birth to Yunjin.
Chaewon also found it adorable that Jihyo let Yunjin sleep with her. Which in Chaewon's opinion was yet another proof that Jihyo had earned the right for Yunjin to call her mother. Of course, Chaewon hadn't found what had happened that very morning when they returned to get the SD card adorable or funny at all, so evidently Yunjin had to lie. She said that when she came back she had seen something that reminded her of her biological mother and that's why she hid in the bathroom to cry, that when she got back to the car she was angry with herself and that's why she had yelled at Chaewon. Fortunately her girlfriend fell for that whole vile lie.
Although Yunjin had to apologize to her girlfriend for treating her like this and taking it out on her when it had nothing to do with the matter, that was much better than telling her the truth. It was impossible that she was going to tell her girlfriend what she had done locked in that small bathroom, it was something she had to go to her grave with.
“... And that's why it's better that you worry about Jihyo and her baby now."Chaewon said with a sentence that Yunjin hadn't heard half of it, all because she was lost in her thoughts.
“You're right."Yunjin replied lying on her back on her girlfriend's bed. "All I have to do is forget this bad time and help Jihyo, especially now that my father is gone.”
"Speaking of which, I hope he thinks about me and brings me a present. Auch!!"Yunjin punched Chaewon in the thigh.
"First you want to steal the baby and now my father? Yunjin said laughing, stroking Chaewon's thigh.
"Eewwww no!! You know the only person I call “Daddy” is you. But you have to earn it."Right after releasing that obscenity she leaned over to kiss Yunjin between the laughter of both of them.
Yunjin returned home earlier that day than the day before. Proof of this was the fact that the sun could still be seen setting in the distance over the roofs of the houses. Wrapped in the golden and reddish glow of the sunset sun Yunjin prepared to enter the house, not wanting to look towards the living room where everything had happened the night before.
Yunjin tried to go straight to the stairs, but as soon as she set foot on the first step she heard Jihyo calling her from the kitchen.
"Yunjin, is that you?"Jihyo's tone was kind as always. “Can you come for a moment?”
"Hello."Greeted the redhead coming into the kitchen. She found her mother leaning on the island in the middle of the stay, drinking from what looked like a cup of coffee. “Is everything all right?"Yunjin asked fearing that Jihyo would want to talk about what happened that morning when she found her naked in her bed. “Are you drinking coffee?" She added quickly as she noticed the aroma coming to her nostrils.
"Don't worry, it's decaffeinated. Your dad hid the regular coffee." The woman said with a hint of sadness as if she missed drinking caffeine. “At least the aroma is the same.”
"Don't worry, I'm not going to tell him if you drink a cup every now and then.”
“I'm supposed to be the responsible adult here, but you're spoiling me. Jihyo let out a small laugh. “But I shouldn't. Also that's not why I called you anyway." She made a little movement with her hand as if wanting to put thoughts about coffee out of her mind.
“What's the matter? Did something wrong happen?” Yunjin suddenly felt afraid because the expression on Jihyo's face had changed. What if her biological mother had picked on hher again? No, that couldn't be it. It had already become clear to that woman that Yunjin did not want to see her again. Then what could it be? Something about what happened in the morning maybe? The redhead really hoped that it wouldn't be that either because she wouldn't be able to bear the embarrassment of talking about the matter with Jihyo. The truth is that she could not bear the embarrassment of talking about this topic with anyone.
"Oh don't worry." Jihyo reassured her. "Something did happen but it wasn't bad, it was just an accident… I think." Yunjin really didn't know what to expect at that moment, but at least Jihyo didn't look nervous so it couldn't be anything serious. "Well, you see. This afternoon I found a dirty towel in the bathroom on the first floor.”
”I'm sorry if I haven't helped with household chores lately..." Yunjin tried to apologize thinking that this was about a towel that hadn't been changed. The truth was that the project she had presented today at the university had been taking up more time than she wanted and she had neglected her home duties a little. But clearly it wasn't about that because Jihyo interrupted her.
“No, it has nothing to do with that. It doesn't bother me at all that you get a little careless if it's because of your studies." The woman paused for a moment before continuing. "You see... the hand towel in that bathroom was stained with semen.”
Yunjin was petrified once again that day in front of Jihyo. Right now the redhead wanted to be swallowed by the earth, there could not be anything more shameful and dirty that her mother found traces of her semen scattered around the house. Her face turned a much more intense red than her hair as she tried her hardest to think of a proper apology.
“No, no, I'm not scolding you. Take it easy." Jihyo dedicated a new reassuring smile to her. "After the way you found me this morning it's clear that I have no right to scold you about that. But if I'm going to ask you to be more careful and be more responsible." Yunjin felt like with every word the temperature on her face kept rising, probably her face was so red that it could be seen a mile away in the pitch dark. “If you are going to use a towel you have to change it immediately, especially if it is from a common area. Remember that sometimes people come from work and it would not be nice to receive them with such a surprise. For the rest I don't care where and when you give yourself pleasure.”
Yunjin listened to everything in silence, thanking that her mother did not know the reason why she had masturbated in that bathroom. It was still very embarrassing that Jihyo had found traces of her semen. She could swear that she had cleaned up well, but probably because of the rush of forgetting to check everything
“I'm sorry, really. It's not going to happen again... I'm not doing it outside my room again." She added that last hesitantly, but since she had already found the woman masturbating that same morning Yunjin believed that she could allow herself that little license.
"As long as you don't give a show to the neighbors or someone outside the family I have no problem where you do it, but please clean up after you're done." The very calm way Jihyo had practically just told Yunjin that she was allowed to masturbate anywhere in the house as long as no one catch her and leave everything clean, certainly contrasted with the normally sensitive topic they were dealing with. But that also helped to calm Yunjin down a little, because it was clear that she hadn't gotten into trouble.
"I'm sorry.” The redhead apologized once again. “From now on I will be more careful.”
“That's the way I like it. Now, young lady, since I had to change the towel, it's only fair that you have to clean it. I left it by the washing machine with a load of dirty clothes, you just have to put it inside and turn it on. Okay?”
Yunjin couldn't believe that she had escaped from that, but she still felt ashamed. “Okay, it is the least I can do." She finally replied.
“Well, if you haven't had dinner yet, there's food in the oven for you. After turning on the washing machine you can heat it up.” Jihyo meditated for a second and then added. “That's part of your punishment. If I find out that you ate before putting the clothes to wash you will have to clean the towel by hand." That really sounded like a punishment, or it would have done it if Jihyo hadn't started laughing a few seconds after saying that. "Don't worry, do whatever you want dear. But you should turn on the washing machine before going to sleep.”
Yunjin really couldn't believe how lucky she was that Jihyo was such a relaxed person. But fortunately that day she had discovered that her mother was much more open about sexual topics than she had ever imagined. That is, anyone else in her position would have yelled at her for barging in while she was masturbating, or given her a big reprimand for smearing semen on a towel in a bathroom that everyone used. But there she was, making jokes and telling her that pleasuring herself was completely normal. Really, all this time Yunjin had been overlooking how much it made life easier for her to have Jihyo as a mother.
"I prefer to do it right away, so I don't forget it.” She was about to leave the kitchen, but turned around at the last moment. “And thank you for being so understanding.”
Jihyo gave her a big smile before answering. "Since you found me in a much more embarrassing situation this morning, the one who is being understanding is you.” The red color returned to invade not only Yunjin's face, but now the older woman's cheeks had also turned red.
"Oh that... well..." Yunjin swallowed hard. “You yourself said that it's kind of normal.”
Still feeling like a hormonal teenager from being discovered in such a way, Yunjin entered the laundry room and set out to do the assigned task. In fact, said towel had a thick string of her own semen, which she did not understand how she could have missed. But the whirlwind of emotions she had been feeling since the previous night surely didn't help her to be very thorough in the things she did.
She threw the towel into the deep of the washing machine and then went about adding the rest of the dirty clothes without paying much attention, lost in her own thoughts and tribulations until something caught her attention. She had a piece of soft black fabric in her hands, which couldn't be anything other than one of Jihyo's panties. One of her mother's used panties.
Without really understanding why, she stared at the garment with a questioning expression. She had been fantasizing all day about the smell of her mother's private parts, what if... No, no, that was wrong. But on the other hand, when would she have the opportunity again? Maybe they didn't even have a smell, maybe they were just there by mistake, but it was so tempting. Finally, with her heart beating as if it were going to explode, Yunjin took the garment with both hands and spread it in front of her eyes. Now she could clearly see a white stain in the place that corresponded to the crotch, so yes they were used and it was very likely that they still had some smell.
The redhead knew that what she was doing was disgusting and only made her actions from the morning even worse, the same ones that in a strange coincidence had led her to this point, but she had stopped resisting. Yunjin brought the panties closer to her nose and at the same moment that the aroma of her mother's vagina hit her nostrils, her cock was flooded with warm blood.
In her opinion it was one of the most wonderful aromas she had ever smelled. It tickled her nose and it somehow relaxed her. She felt like she was floating as her nostrils filled with the musky smell of that perfect vagina, so much so that she couldn't resist continuing to inhale as much as she could. It still wasn't enough so to her surprise Yunjin found herself licking the small stain of fluids on the panties. The taste was almost as wonderful as the aroma, and it only served to complete an experience that threatened to take Yunjin to nirvana itself.
She had also inadvertently put her hand into her pants and started pumping on her cock. Damn, her range of motion was so small and Yunjin was so horny that she couldn't help but open her pants and free her cock. She had forgotten that Chaewon had kept her boxers so she wasn't wearing anything underneath, but that didn't matter right now. In fact, she also didn't realize that thinking about her girlfriend had done nothing to break her out of the trance she had entered, as a result of which she was now rubbing the used garment over her face.
Despite everything Yunjin still didn't get enough pleasure, but an idea crossed her mind. Maybe the only sane thought she'd had since she found the used panties, except it wasn't a sane thought at all either. In fact, it was not sane at all.
Despite herself, Yunjin separated the panties from her face and quickly began to dig on the dirty clothes. Luckily for her, it didn't take long for her to find another pair of Jihyo's panties, this time they were white, and without wasting any time she wrapped the fabric around her cock while she buried her face again on her mother’s black panties.
The soft fabric felt glorious against the skin of her throbbing member. Maximizing the sensations caused by the constant pumping of her hand, while the smell of Jihyo's intimate areas kept her mind blank. Even Yunjin had caught the smell of her mother's butt on the garment, which caused a new wave of pleasure and intensified the rhythm with which she moved her hand.
By now Yunjin had already lost count of how many times she had come that day, but surely she must be setting a new record for herself. Even though the fleeting encounter she'd had with Chaewon in the college bathroom had threatened to let her dry, she could somehow feel how her balls were full again and ready to shoot a load for her mother. Which was also curious because it wasn't going to be the first time that day that she came thinking about Jihyo, much less the second since she had released her load inside Chaewon while she thought about Jihyo.
The enormous excitement she was feeling right now served as Yunjin's shield to resist shame and disgust for all the obscene acts she had done, and continued to do, that day. In her head there was only room for pleasure and perverted fantasies about Jihyo. She had quickly given herself over completely to sexual impulses and had forgotten everything else.
Her senses were flooded by the scent and taste of the older woman. Yunjin couldn't understand how something as obscene as smelling and licking dirty panties brought her so much pleasure, but it's not like she was thinking about that right now. Flashes of fantasies wandered through her mind in which Jihyo was in the most diverse poses, sometimes completely naked and other times wearing only the panties that Yunjin now had on her own face. Those same fantasies made her wonder what it would be like to taste Jihyo's orgasm, because although her garment was clearly stained with vaginal fluids, the redhead was convinced that her mother had not come while she was wearing those panties. At least Chaewon's taste changed between normal fluids and when she exploded with pleasure, so surely Jihyo's taste changed too. It was surely even more delicious and wonderful than what she was experiencing right now.
Yunjin imagined herself with her face covered in Jihyo's fluids. A mixture between the nectar from her vagina and the woman's breast milk. She imagined warm droplets running down her face as she tried to catch as much as possible inside her mouth. She had already received Jihyo's breast milk on her face earlier that morning so remembering the taste of her came easily, which quickly threatened to bring Yunjin to her climax. It only took a few more pumps with her hand for her to cum again that day fantasizing about the woman who only the night before had accepted her as her daughter.
Without a doubt a very twisted situation, but that itself excited Yunjin more and made her release ropes of hot semen that leaked through the fabric that wrapped her cock. Those panties had been completely ruined, coincidentally it was the second pair of white panties that had been ruined that day because of Yunjin.
Yunjin's arm hurt from having frantically masturbated non-stop, again, and it was hard to breathe. A lot of that last part was because she still had her face buried in her mother's black panties. Gasping she removed the garment from her face, but continued to maintain her grip on her cock. That fabric wrapped around her member was the closest Yunjin's penis was ever going to be to Jihyo's vagina, and she wanted to prolong the sensation as long as she could.
The redhead's cock was still hard, perhaps a product of those fantasies she still had hanging over her head, so she slowly started pumping with her hand again. The sensation this time was much softer, as her own semen acted as a lubricant. Yunjin closed her eyes and although she knew that it was impossible for her to have two orgasms in a row, she continued to masturbate slowly while she lost herself again in her fantasies. And that was what made her not realize what was about to happen, because for the third time that day Yunjin was petrified in the moment when she heard Jihyo talking to her from behind.
“Huh Yunjin, what do you think you are doing?” That simple question was enough to make the redhead's blood run cold.
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keelt9 · 4 months
Chapter 2
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It’s what I like to call my day off; Anton gives me Sunday so I can rest and enjoy the day. I would love to see his face if he knows that instead of going out, I’m sitting in the living room seeing my little sister Mia struggling to brush her hair while we do our daily video call.
“That’s why you should use a conditioner.” Mia is a diver, even though she has practiced since she was 5 years old, she normally is careless with her hair, she takes a deep care of her body but her hair seems to be in another world. Mia keeps making funny faces as she tries to get the comb out of her hair. 
Liam even getting his keys, he chooses knocks first, waits for a couple of seconds and opens the door.
“Morning, morning.” Liam enters with my new supplies of ice bags, bigger ones. 
“What about if…” As he passed to the kitchen leaving the bags in the cooler, he noticed who I’m speaking to. “Oh, hi Mia.” 
Mia with a comb stuck in the top of her hair and taking a bite of her sandwich smiles and waves her hand. 
“Hi Coach.” Liam smiles and lets us talk. 
“Show me, show me.” My hands fake the sound of tambourine on the table, Mia takes out a silver medal under her shirt, she got it this afternoon. “Congratulations! Oh, I would love to be there.” 
“I love having you here too, but first you need to recover, I mean, I want the next medal we celebrate be from you, and if I don’t ask too much, a golden one.” Mia is my personal cheerleader and I’m hers, since she was little it was easy to recognize her in my junior competitions for her big pink poster in the crowd.
“Breathe and feel the air in your lungs.” We spoke at the same time, the words our dad always repeated to us when we were so overwhelmed. 
Talking about the king of Rome, we hear him shout for her. “I have to go, I’ll call you tomorrow, ok?” Mia smiles before ending the call, still I was able to see her picking her sandwich and running to dad.
“Hey, you have really cleaned the apartment.” Liam is observing the kitchen and the living room, I stand not before grabbing the ice bag one more time and putting it over my shoulder. 
“It’s my way to pass my free time.” Liam lends his head and his face turns serious. “Come on Liam! Don’t look at me like that, I go out for groceries… Oh! And I found a really nice place where they prepare delicious french toast.” 
He doesn't need to tell me anything just grabs the keys one more time, takes the ice bag from me and drags me out of the apartment. 
“Fuck” I whisper lowing my head not before dropping the scapular to the floor. “Sorry, it's just…”
“It’s ok Y/N, it’s a different exercise, take it easy.” This week the towel is left aside and I start to use the scapular, for a scapular stretch. To be honest I try to use scapulars. 
“Here.” Liam gave me an ice bag, and lately it became my best friend. The ice bags help to reduce the swelling and minimize the pain, always wrap around a towel. “Let us talk a little, I will make sure to call you for a check up.”
That means they will talk about things I shouldn't hear, yet. So, I grab my bottle of water, my phone and the ice bag with me walking straight to the garden. 
“That’s a better hack.” I turn around when I hear Max's voice. My bottle now has a strap avoiding it rolls out of my wrist. 
“Oh, yeah, it makes my life easier.” Max nods and points to the chair next to me. 
“Can I?” I nod so he can sit. “Are you all right? I mean, the ice bag is not a good sign, right?”
“It’s a small inflammation, I’m ok, thanks for asking.” I don’t want to mention right away anything he probably hears the first two minutes someone mentions when meeting him for the first time. 
“You? Are you all right?” My questions take him by surprise but he presses his lips in a smile and nods. 
“Just a little bit of physical conditioning.” The silence that follows, he cut it out with a question. “You mention about being ready, what do you mean?” 
“Amm, well, there is a competition in a year, but the test begins in 10 months, so if I want to be there, first I need to be in the tests. It's a long story.” 
“I love to hear it.” I am getting goosebumps all over my body.
We talked for 40 minutes, in the middle of our talk he already mentioned what he does and his really impressive achievements and his goals, naturally, not trying to brag about just as he’s telling his day by day. 
I felt comfortable talking with him about my goals too, how I terribly miss grabbing a bow and shooting arrows over a field, even allowing myself to tell him things I usually don't tell anyone who I just meet. 
“Y/N, ready?” Liam appears in the crystal doors with my bag over his shoulder and his in the other one.
“I have to go, thanks for listening to me.” The ice bag stops being ice now just a liquid gel forgotten in my lap.
“Please, thanks for hearing me too, Y/N” Max stands with me, however he remains in the garden as I walk where Liam is waiting for me. 
“Ready.” I plan to take my bag but he moves faster and takes it out of my hands. “Is everything alright?” 
Liam smiles and puts his hand carefully over my right arm. “Just good thighs, just good things. So…”
“HEY Y/N!” Max shouts at me. I don’t know if Liam recognizes Max or he is pretending not.  
“I’ll wait for you outside.” Let me alone so Max can reach me.
“It’s ok if I… well… If I talk with you when we meet here, you know, just a simple talk.” 
“Are you really asking me if you can talk with me?” Eyes hide just a little bit between his eyelids, smiling.
Can it be cuter?
“I mean, I don’t want you to feel uncomfortable around me.” He jokes, making me laugh.
“I'm already feeling the pressure.” 
Max’s smile is contagious, now I know that.
That's how our small talk happens every time we meet in the center, varying each one of them; sometimes long, sometimes short but each time I get something meaningful from him and I give him something meaningful from me.
“That's nice! Well done Y/N.” My exercises of internal rotation have been pretty well, the swelling slowly decreases; Anton hopes in a few weeks, we will introduce advanced ones.
A soft knock on the door calls for our attention, one of the nurses of the center told us she has an envelope for me. 
Mia has been sending me photos, not for email, not for a message, a palpable ones; for at least I make the apartment look a little bit like home.
“I have to fill some papers, I’ll wait in the reception.” By the time Liam ends that phrase leaving the room with Anton, the third beep of the call I made was interrupted.
“What about if instead of a boring Sunday shut in your four walls you spend a full package all included for a F1 race?” The train tickets, the name tag with my photo, and a strange brochure from 3 different restaurants are in my hand. 
“Max, I really, really appreciate it…” He won’t let me reject him so easily.
“No, no, wait, let me finish, have you ever been in a F1 race?”
Thank you so much for reading.♥️
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dashalbrundezimmer · 3 months
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street art // oostende
part V
the last chapter about oostende is dedicated to street art. the city is covered with many small to monumental works of art. there is something to discover everywhere. the city's website also suggests several routes to visit the works of art. as they vary in length, there is something for everyone.
the last two photos were taken analogue on agfa apx.
das letzte kapitel über oostende ist der street art gewidmet. diese findet sich in der stadt mit vielen kleinen bis monumentalen kunstwerken. überall gibt es etwas zu entdecken. auf der website von oostende werden auch verschiedene routen vorgeschlagen um die werke zu besuchen. da die touren unterschiedlich lang sind ist für jeden etwas dabei.
die beiden letzten photos entstanden analog auf agfa apx.
1.ben slow
2. jaune
3. jaune
4. helen bur
5. unknown
6. case maclaim
7. unknown
8. unknown
9. alex senna
10. unknown
11. leon keer
12. unknown
13. unknown
14. strook
15. helen bur
16. unknown
17. unknown
18. telmo & miel
19. telmo & miel
20. joëlle dubois
21. mobstr
22. dourone
23. unknown
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leonsliga · 1 month
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Manu’s farewell letter to die Mannschaft:
–> Translations below the cut
Liebe Fans, liebes Fußballdeutschland,
nach über 15 Jahren und 124 Länderspielen endet mit dem heutigen Tag meine Karriere in der deutschen Fußball-Nationalmannschaft.
Jeder, der mich kennt, weiß, dass ich mir diese Entscheidung nicht leicht gemacht habe. Ich fühle mich körperlich sehr gut und natürlich hätte mich auch die Weltmeisterschaft 2026 in den USA, Kanada und Mexiko gereizt. Und trotzdem bin ich nach vielen intensiven und langen Gesprächen mit meiner Familie und meinen Freunden zu dem Entschluss gekommen, dass genau jetzt der richtige Zeitpunkt dafür ist, mein Kapitel in der Nationalelf zu beenden.
Wenn ich heute zurückblicke, fühle ich Stolz und Dankbarkeit! Nicht zuletzt, weil wir uns am 13. Juli 2014 unseren großen Traum erfüllen konnten und gemeinsam in Brasilien Weltmeister geworden sind. Für insgesamt 7 Jahre und 61 Spiele durfte ich - bis zu meiner Verletzung - die deutsche Nationalmannschaft als Kapitän aufs Feld führen. Eine Ehre, die ich jedes Mal aufs Neue zu schätzen wusste.
Die Heim-EM in diesem Jahr war ein weiterer Höhepunkt, auch, wenn es leider nicht für den Titel gereicht hat. Denn: Ich habe in jeder Sekunde eine ganz besondere Euphorie und Zusammenhalt im ganzen Land gespürt. Behalten wir uns das bei!
Vielen Dank allen Mitarbeitern, Betreuern, Trainern und auch Mitspielern, die mich seit meinem Debüt in der Nationalmannschaft am 02. Juni 2009 begleitet haben!
Und besonders möchte ich mich bei euch bedanken, liebe Fans, dass ihr mich in all den Jahren unterstützt habt!
Ich habe es geliebt, das Trikot der Nationalmannschaft zu tragen. 🖤❤️💛
Dear fans, dear football-Germany,
After over 15 years and 124 international matches, my career with the German national football team ends today.
Anyone who knows me knows that I didn't make this decision lightly. I feel very good physically and of course, the 2026 World Cup in the USA, Canada, and Mexico would also have appealed to me. And yet, after many long and intensive discussions with my family and friends, I have decided that now is exactly the right time to close my chapter with the national team.
Looking back today, I am filled with pride and gratitude! Not least because we were able to fulfill our big dream on July 13, 2024 and become world champions in Brazil. For a total of 7 years and 61 games, I was allowed—until my injury—to lead the German national team onto the pitch as captain. An honor that I appreciated every time anew.
This year's home European Championship was another highlight, even if it unfortunately wasn't enough to win the title. Because: in every second I felt a very special euphoria and cohesion all over the country. Let's keep it that way!
Many thanks to all the staff, coaches, trainers, and fellow players who have supported me since my national team debut on June 2, 2009!
And I especially want to thank you, dear fans, for supporting me all these years!
I loved wearing the national team jersey. 🖤❤️💛
Thank you!
Your Manuel
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awesomephil89 · 21 days
Happy Birthday to me. :)
Rey beendet "Ein neuer Morgen" an ihrem Geburtstag; ich beginne 'New Kid in Town' an meinem so richtig.
Heute geht's richtig los mit 'New Kid' und hier ist das erste volle-Kapitel in dieser langen Reise.
Viel Spaß!
(@bonefae, ich wollte auch dich mit der Parallele überraschen. Sorry. 👉👈Have fun,)
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A small preview of Chapter 2. I wrote it a long time ago, but it's quite long and honestly, I was too lazy to translate and check for spelling mistakes. But feel free to comment if you want me to finish translating it to publish on Wattpad.
Una pequeña vista previa del Capítulo 2. Lo escribí hace mucho tiempo, pero es bastante largl y honestamente, tenia pereza para traducir y verificar los errores de ortografía. Pero siéntanse libres en comentar si quieren que termine de traducirlo para publicarlo en Wattpad
Spanish version
Por un momento sentí que tal vez seguía soñando, no pude reaccionar hasta unos instantes después en que pude vocalizar mis palabras.
—¿Qué... qué estás... haciendo aquí? —pregunté confundido, mi expresión permanecía asombrada.
—¡¡Shhh!! Primero los saludos. No te olvides de ser cortés, no conocía esa parte de ti, Luci. —Él interrumpió mi pregunta con un tono socarrón, como de costumbre. Tal acción bajó por completo la seriedad que sentía en ese momento. Nunca cambias, ¿verdad?
—¡Buuh...! ¿Es en serio? —Él tapó mi boca con una de sus manos.
—¡Nada! No eres libre de hablar hasta que digas *cof* —Él aclaró su garganta para luego, con su otra mano, ponerla en su cabeza dando tintes dramáticos—: "¡Oh! ¡Hola, Kingsley! ¡No tienes idea de cuánto te extrañé!"
Solo me quedé mirándolo seriamente, levantando una de mis cejas.
—Vamos~ no me hagas esperar~ —Procedí a quitar su mano de mi cara.
—Hola, King, cuánto tiempo sin vernos, ¿cómo has estado? —Él solo devolvió una pequeña sonrisa maliciosa.
—No es lo que quería escuchar, pero valió la pena. Pues es un placer verte de nuevo igualmente, Luci~ —No era de sorprender su actitud tan... extravagante. A él le fascinaba molestarme de esa manera.
—Apenas regresas y ya quiero que te vayas —Bajé un poco mi cabeza y cubrí mi frente con mi mano.
—¡Auch! ¿Es tu mejor insulto? Si así son las cosas, no me dejas más opciones —Vi cómo se acercó a mí y con sus brazos me encerró en una llave para después empezar a estrujarme y acariciar con fuerza mi cabeza con su mano y codo. Intenté hacerme para atrás, pero él me tomó con fuerza.
—¡Oh! ¡No lo harás! ¡No te voy a soltar hasta que te disculpes! —Apretó más sus brazos, aprisionando con fuerza mi cuello.
—Puf... f... ¡Aaagh! ¡Ya! ¡Me rindo... me rindo! —Le doy unos golpes con mis manos para que se detuviera—. Sí, sí, sí, lo siento y mamada y media, pero ya suéltame. Sí, estoy feliz de verte de nuevo.
—Eso está mejor, haha —Él me soltó y no paraba de reírse por aquel acontecimiento.
—Ahora estoy todo despeinado —Intenté arreglar mi pelaje, pero quedó peor, a lo que King se acercó y me lo acomodó.
—¡Listo! No te preocupes, luego te lo arreglaré mejor, hahaha —Él me volvió a dirigir la mirada con su sonrisa tan característica. Vi cómo me observó de pies a cabeza—: ¡Fiu! No has cambiado en nada, sigues igual que hace años, incluso igual de pequeño, haha.
—Ni me lo menciones, ya parece que nunca voy a crecer —Ambos comenzamos a caminar mientras hablábamos. Él me tomó del hombro y se encimó un poco.
—Mejor, así me veré mayor, hahaha. Fuera de broma, te verás joven por un buen tiempo, muchos matarían por eso —Luego regresó otra vez a caminar por su lado.
—Con riesgo de que te confundan con un niño y te secuestren, o el peor de los castigos, vivir en un mundo de gente alta y vivir la maldición de siempre usar banquitos —Contesté con un tono sarcástico y él replicó con una suave risa.
—Y... ¿qué te trae por aquí? Ahora que dejamos las formalidades, no has venido aquí en mucho tiempo y realmente no hay tantas cosas aquí —Pregunté por curiosidad, ya que me parecía raro. No había recibido ninguna señal de vida de él hasta ahora.
—De visita, eso creo. La verdad no sé cuánto tiempo me quede. ¡De hecho, fue uno de los viajes más cansados que he hecho! ¡No tienes idea de lo que pasó en el barco por las semanas que tuve en embarcación! —Él alzó su voz con dramatismo mientras exageraba con sus brazos.
—Hay algo que aún no entiendo, ¿cómo rayos me encontraste? Entre todas las ciudades y pueblos que pude haber estado —Él me cerró la boca cuando sacó un sobre. Lo reconocí al instante, era el sobre que mandé hace un año.
—Solo seguí la dirección de este lindo papelito de aquí~ —Él sacó la carta y sacudió el papel frente a mí. Yo me alteré bastante e intenté quitárselo.
—¡Olvida eso! ¡Eso no es nada! —Me daba mucha pena que él la hubiera leído. No pensaba que de verdad iba a llegar a él.
—Aww, vamos, es una carta adorable —Él solo levantó su brazo de tal forma que, por más que saltara, no llegaba a alcanzar el papel.
—¡Aaah! —Salté unas veces más hasta que me rendí—. Okay, tú ganas... al menos supongo que no viste las demás.
—Nope, lamentablemente. Aun así, conservaré la carta, haha. Ahí podré tener un recordatorio de cuánto me amas y de cómo lloriqueabas por volver a verme~ —Le di un pequeño empujón cuando bromeó con eso.
—¡No molestes! Solo estaba pasando por un momento de tensión. ¡Ya bota esa cosa! —Algo avergonzado, intenté volver a quitarle la carta, fallando miserablemente. Él jugó de esta manera conmigo un par de veces más y guardó la carta en su bolsillo derecho.
Suspiré un poco, pero no podía hacer nada más para hacer que cambiara de opinión, así que me resigné a que se quedara con esa carta. Realmente no sé qué estaba pensando a la hora de escribir eso.
Ambos decidimos ir a una cafetería cercana. En medio de nuestro camino encontramos el viejo lugar donde antes era el orfanato que King, pero que había sido reemplazado por unas oficinas de una industria de flanes. Sentí un sentimiento profundo de nostalgia golpear mi pecho. De verdad había pasado tanto tiempo. Pude notar que King también se sentía invadido por la nostalgia. Sin decir ninguna sola palabra, pasamos de largo el edificio, pero por dentro no parábamos de pensar en el pasado.
Unas calles más adelante logramos llegar a la cafetería. Yo entré primero y me quedé viendo el mostrador, asombrado por los postres, mientras que King ingresaba con su equipaje. Solo me dejé llevar y apoyé mi cara en el mostrador, observando maravillado la cantidad de pasteles. Entre algunos estaban: pastel de chocolate y mantequilla de maní, empanadas de piña, alfajores, bizcochos de limón, cheesecake de coco y piña, pastel de café con nueces.
Se me hacía agua la boca de solo verlos, saliendo de mi trance una vez que escuché la voz de King llamarme. Él ya estaba sentado en una mesa y me estaba esperando. Me despegue del mostrador y me dispuse a ir a sentarme con él. Había caído en cuenta de que no había desayunado nada hoy.
English version
For a moment, I felt like I was still dreaming. I couldn't react until a few moments later when I could finally speak.
—What... what are you... doing here? —I asked, confused, my expression still amazed.
—Shhh! Greetings first. Don't forget to be polite; I didn't know that part of you, Luci. —He interrupted my question with a sarcastic tone, as usual. His action completely broke the seriousness I felt at that moment. You never change, do you?
—Boo...! Are you serious? —He covered my mouth with one of his hands.
—No excuses! You're not free to talk until you say *cough* —He cleared his throat and then, with his other hand, placed it dramatically on his head—: "Oh! Hi, Kingsley! You have no idea how much I missed you!"
I just stared at him seriously, raising one of my eyebrows.
—Come on~ don't make me wait~ —I proceeded to remove his hand from my face.
—Hi, King, long time no see. How have you been? —He just gave me a small malicious smile.
—That's not what I wanted to hear, but it was worth it. It's a pleasure to see you again too, Luci~ —His extravagant attitude wasn't surprising. He loved teasing me like that.
—You've just arrived, and I already want you to leave —I lowered my head a bit and covered my forehead with my hand.
—Ouch! Is that your best insult? If that's the case, you leave me no choice —I saw how he approached me and locked me in a headlock, then started ruffling and rubbing my head with his hand and elbow. I tried to move back, but he held me tightly.
—Oh! You won't! I'm not letting you go until you apologize! —He tightened his grip around my neck.
—Puf... f... Aaagh! Okay! I give up... I give up! —I hit him with my hands so he would stop—. Yes, yes, yes, I'm sorry and all that, but let me go. Yes, I'm happy to see you again.
—That's better, haha —He let me go and couldn't stop laughing about it.
—Now I'm all messed up —I tried to fix my fur, but it got worse. King came closer and fixed it for me.
—There you go! Don't worry, I'll fix it better later, hahaha —He gave me that characteristic smile again, looking at me from head to toe—: Wow! You haven't changed at all. You look just like you did years ago, still as short, haha.
—Don't remind me. It seems like I'll never grow up —We started walking while talking. He put his arm around my shoulder and leaned in a bit.
—Better, this way I'll look older, hahaha. Seriously though, you'll look young for a long time; many would kill for that —Then he walked beside me again.
—With the risk of being mistaken for a kid and getting kidnapped, or the worst punishment: living in a world of tall people and always need stools to reach things —I replied sarcastically, and he chuckled softly.
—So, what brings you here? Now that we've got the formalities out of the way, you haven't been here in a long time, and there's not much around —I asked out of curiosity since it seemed strange. I hadn't heard from him until now.
—Just visiting, I guess. Honestly, I don't know how long I'll stay. Actually, it was one of the most exhausting trips I've ever made! You have no idea what happened on the boat during the weeks I was on it! —He raised his voice dramatically, waving his arms around.
—There's something I still don't understand. How the heck did you find me? Out of all the cities and towns I could've been in —He shut my mouth by pulling out an envelope. I recognized it immediately; it was the one I sent a year ago.
—I just followed the address on this lovely little piece of paper~ —He took out the letter and waved it in front of me. I got really agitated and tried to snatch it from him.
—Forget about that! It's nothing! —I was embarrassed that he had read it. I didn't think it would actually reach him.
—Aww, come on, it's an adorable letter —He raised his arm, and no matter how much I jumped, I couldn't reach the paper.
—Aaah! —I jumped a few more times until I gave up—. Okay, you win... I guess you didn't see the others, right?
—Nope, unfortunately. Still, I'll keep this letter, haha. It'll be a nice reminder of how much you love me and how you were whining to see me again~ —I gave him a little push when he joked about that.
—Stop teasing! I was just going through a tense moment. Throw that thing away! —A bit embarrassed, I tried to take the letter from him again, failing miserably. He played around like that with me a few more times before putting the letter in his right pocket.
I sighed a little but couldn't do anything to change his mind, so I resigned myself to letting him keep the letter. I really didn't know what I was thinking when I wrote it.
We both decided to go to a nearby café. On our way, we passed the old place where the orphanage used to be, where King was, but it had been replaced by the offices of a flan company. I felt a deep sense of nostalgia hitting my chest. So much time had really passed. I could tell that King also felt the nostalgia. Without saying a word, we walked past the building, but inside we couldn't stop thinking about the past.
A few streets later, we arrived at the café. I went in first and stood amazed at the counter, looking at the pastries, while King entered with his luggage. I just let myself go and pressed my face against the glass, marveling at the variety of cakes. Among them were chocolate and peanut butter cake, pineapple turnovers,Gizzada, lemon biscuits, coconut and pineapple cheesecake, and coffee and walnut cake.
My mouth watered just looking at them. I snapped out of my trance when I heard King's voice calling me. He was already sitting at a table, waiting for me. I peeled myself away from the counter and went to sit with him. I realized I hadn't eaten anything today.
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marimayscarlett · 9 months
Ooohh what were the 2 fanfics, please?
Hi 👋🏻
1. "Kanal 5" by the lovely @ms-nerd 🤍 It's not purely a Paulchard fanfic, but the Paulchard moments in this really made me smile and some of their interactions are just... I'm melting away 🫶🏻 Plus the contrast of them being cute while being cunning mercenaries is wonderful. And the writing style is so good!
2. "Immer und überall", a German Paulchard fanfic by @lottacharlene and @avienna86 🤍 The title translates to "Anytime and anywhere", it's a purely Paulchard fic and it's basically this, always and everywhere:
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It's so well written (the Berlin accent of Paul is 👌🏻) and I just tried out to translate the website into English using Google to see if it still works, and it really does!! Apart from some of Paul's dialect, everything is pretty well translated, so even non-german speaking people could read it 😊
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ao3feed-tf2ships · 9 days
Ich Liebe Dich Auch
read it on the AO3 at https://archiveofourown.org/works/58757428
by illbeyourfrankenstein (heavenscented)
Medic and the Classic spend time together post-sex.
Words: 100, Chapters: 1/1, Language: English
Fandoms: Team Fortress 2
Rating: Mature
Warnings: No Archive Warnings Apply
Categories: M/M
Characters: Heavy (Team Fortress Classic), Medic (Team Fortress 2), RED Medic (Team Fortress 2)
Relationships: Heavy (Team Fortress Classic)/Medic (Team Fortress 2)
Additional Tags: One Shot, Drabble, Implied/Referenced Sex, Love Bites, Fluff, Cuddling & Snuggling, Post-Coital Cuddling, Post-Coital, Established Relationship, Healthy Relationships
read it on the AO3 at https://archiveofourown.org/works/58757428
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desceros · 9 months
I'm gonna re read the whole thing (I just read 22, auch.)
I'll try to be more attentive this time knowing that everything you write is intentional
I'm calling it I'm calling it but I am not going to say anything
This is the end of chapter 2 after Violist just met Donnie
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From the start, she was in danger. I doubt they are after her because she's the turtles friends? Or maybe it is and this is the start of it?
Is even Bishop the one putting bombs on her? Danggggg
[hits play on x_files_theme.mp3]
also good god. god speed on that reread. salutes you so much
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wonwoosthetic · 1 year
You guys are absolutely wild😂
I just wanted enough content for ONE or two new chapter/s but thanks to you, you guys are gonna get quite a bit more haha ˙ᵕ˙
A mimiwon fanvideo chapter is coming in a bit, a wonnie fanvideo maybe later today or tomorrow, AND a Minnie x Mingyu fanvideo chapter in a few days🫣☺️😬
Thank you to everyone who added ideas here: (I’m gonna leave it open for the next few days if you have any other things you’d like to see, so I can add them to the Minnie x Wonwoo and Minnie x Mingyu chapters + there will be a Minnie x the other members chapter maybe next weekend, I’m still working on finding some content for that ˙ᵕ˙)
Also: literally auch a huge and massive thank you to everyone who already left their ideas in this form, you guys are SO creative🫶🏼🤍🫶🏼🤍🫶🏼I now have other chapters for the future planned already! (I don’t want to spoil them just yet, but wow, you should be excited for what’s to come☺️)
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herzlak · 5 months
kapitel zwei :) diesmal bissi mehr spicy aber auch mehr hurt
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estomia · 1 year
bitte gebe mir eine liste mit jedem einzelnen gleim fakt in chronologischer reihenfolge
Also er war glaube ich det 9. von 12 Kindern ...hatte glaube ich aber nur 2 andere Brüder aber idk??? Also er hatte mehr Schwestern als Brüder..aber alles Wissen was ich jetzt einfach aus meinem Kopf ziehe (Ergo: Ich werde diesen Post wahrscheinlich nochmal überarbeiten)
Es gibt diese Anekdote dass seine Schwestern die Haare seines älteren Bruders Lorenz cooler fanden als seine, und er dann Nachts seinem Bruder aus Rache heraus die Haare geschnitten hat.
Dann ist er als Kiddy auch einmal fast ertrunken, weil irgendein jüngeres Kind(idk ob es nh Geschwisterchen war) in son Fluss gefallen ist, weil die da nur so ne super sketchy Brücke hatten, und er ist dann halt hinterher. Konnte halt aber selber nicht schwimmen und wurde dann von irgendnem unbekannten erwachsenen rausgefischt.
Dann gibt es so nen kleinihen "Familienkonflikt" darüber was seine Eltern wollten, also in dem Sinne, dass seine Mutter die halt lowkey religiös war so wollte dass er in den Priesterhasen geht yk. Und Vaddern wollte-- glaube ich dass er eben ins Recht geht. Bestie ist nichts von beidem geworden. </3
Er hat ne ganze Zeit lang anscheinend bei seinem Lehrer gewohnt und ist nur an Feiertagen Nachhause gekommen(Aber da bin ich mir auch nicht ganz sicher)
Sein Vater ist gestorben, da war er glaube ich so ...16?? Und Muddern ist ein paar Jahre danach gestorben, was lowkey belastend klingt ngl.
Er hat zumindest angefangen Juristerey zu studieren in Halle, und hatte dort auch so nen kleinen eigenen antiquaren Buchhandel, durch welchen er wohl Peter Uz kennengelernt hat. Welcher ihn dann später so dem Baumgarten Typen und dem Götz da vorgestellt hat, und dann halt 2. Hallescher Dichterkreis..dies das.
Hiernach fängt so dat Berlin Chapter an, da verschwimmt mein Wissen was Chronologie angeht...
Also er war halt als erstes so Hauslehrer bei so nem Typen der sich irgendwie um die Stadtarmee gekümmert hat??? Aber idk
Er hat da zumindest gewohnt, ist dann so zum Schreiber des Prinzen von Schwedt geworden, also weil vielleicht war er ein scheiß Lehrer idk.
In Berlin hat er auch schon son paar Freunde angesammelt aber keine Ahnung welche...
Dann ist er dem Schwedt Typen in den Krieg gefolgt und hat dort so Suppe für seinen Kleist gekocht, er war da zum schreiben, nicht zum kämpfen. Dann ist Schwedt gestorben rip. Er ist dann nach Berlin zurückgekommen und hat dort einen anderen Freund, dessen Namen ich vergessen habe. Tod in dessen Wohnung aufgefunden, dat ist schön.
Er wurde dann zum Schreiber des alten Dessauers, hat diesen bei ihrem ersten Treffen in Unterwäsche aufgefunden. Ihm waren die Verhaltensweisen des Dessauers zu weird, so dass er sich glaube ich krank gestellt hat und dann gekündigt hat.
Über nen Bekannten..Verwandten?? idk hat er dann ne Stelle als so Domsekretär in Halberstadt und wurde später auch noch so Kanonikat-typ im Stift Walbeck.
Ich werde später noch weiter schreiben/überarbeiten, aber hier mein erster Hirnrotz
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crystalelemental · 7 months
Okay, for real this time. Unicorn Overlord defeated. There was a bonus chapter. It legitimately feels like a victory lap where every fight was pretty easy to beat. We got Alain's team to level 50. No one else, but like. A lot came close. Anyway! Now that it's definitely 100% over, I wanted to record the teams I used, with some comments on how they did.
Alain/Melisandre, Scarlett/Rosalinde/Nina The ace team. Nina is absurdly strong, Melisandre is a great dodge tank, especially backed by Alain's constant defensive coverage. Alain feels excellent for defense, if crap on offense. He's an excellent general guardian and leader, given the boosted Valor gain and cav movement. Melisandre is wonderful, but I do have to admit, the way I used her she was more an evade tank with incidental offense, rarely getting much out of Meteor Strike but being able to immediately destroy high evasion Scouts. Scarlett's excellent because Innocent Ray removes debuffs from the entire enemy team. Rosalinde did alright, I don't consider her damage output to be peak, but she's definitely great at offense once she gets Elemental Impetus. Nina's hilarious. Sapphire Pentant + Enrage into Assaulting Blow to regain AP every KO. Phenomenal work, girl.
Virginia/Fran, Kitra/Leah/Miriam This team was structured because Knights of the Rose with the descendant and her wife, Leah. The team was always pretty damn strong, though occasionally they'd meet something that would push their entire shit in. I couldn't really tell you why. Fran focused on direct offense rather than Fatal Dive, so great on cavs but otherwise alright. Kitra is Nina again. Leah aimed more for offense, but to be direct, I think she's outright worse off than Melisandre. Evade tanking with Swordmasters doesn't go so well long-term, and offensively, Meteor Strike leaves a lot to be desired, being 2AP and easily Guarded by heavy shields. Their high Initiative works against them, as armors are almost always able to jump in. I have some ideas for Playthrough 2 to test getting them more offensively motivated, but we'll see how it goes. Miriam as a holy knight feels...fine. I admit, I don't think too highly of Holy Knight, I like the magic negation but on a rounded tank like Virginia, it's unnecessary.
Railanor/Ithilion, Eltolinde/Gammel/Galadmir Eltolinde team. Eltolinde herself is very comparable to Rosalinde, having the Elemental Impetus into heavy offense, so I like her setup a lot. I opted for both Fencers due to their regaining 1AP on a successful dodge, and paired them with Gammel, who can spread Blind to a whole row. Galadmir is just some extra damage output and potential freeze to slow down the enemy offensive, because this team is ridiculously frail.
Celeste/Liza/Yunifi, Tatiana/Lhinalagos Second only to Alain. Celeste went for Fatal Dive, which came together excellently once we acquire the Ervelda's Talisman. Column-wide true damage that can't be guarded, uses unique items that most others have significantly less use for, she's great. Liza was excellent the moment she dropped, Sharpshooter might be my favorite underrated class. High shielding, healing, solid damage output; like her stuff a lot. Yunifi was high-risk high-reward. Counterattack focused, hitting three enemies for full damage whenever she dodges or takes a hit. Tatiana had the staff to grant Overheal, pushing Celeste's damage even higher up. Lhinalagos was nice magical damage, and had Ice Arrow to set up a powerful Yunifi follow-up.
Ochlys/Fodoquia/Raenys, Sharon/Auch Ochlys' life is funny. Comes in amazing as a pre-promote, falls off around mid-game when her stats and extra AP/PP aren't as impressive anymore, then comes back doing pretty alright by endgame. I don't think she's excellent, but I like her. Raenys is ridiculous. Her ability to just shred enemy PP is staggering. Fodoquia is all nonsense, outright reflecting magic back at opponents. Sharon is the healer because come on, while Auch...kinda showed up on this team early game to easily manage the first Galarius fight, and just never left. He kept being useful.
Hodrick/Monica, Chloe/Ridiel/Berenice Hodrick and Monica are fantastic. Heavy shield defense, and the ability to negate an entire magical attack thrown at his whopping 1 Mag Def. Chloe showed up on this team early, thanks to her ability to heal Hodrick and keep him tanking early game, and just never left. Ridiel was added for magic damage and because Chloe/Ridiel is good, while Berenice is the persistent physical offense with...I can't remember the name of the skill, but similar to Nina is gives +1AP on a KO.
Hilda/Jerome/Lex, Yahna/Primm A little slapped together, but it works. Hilda has Fire Breath supplemented by an Ice and Freeze effect from Yahna, inflicting two good status conditions on a row. Yahna herself casts Trinity Rain, and Primm has Quick Impetus to get her firing immediately. Lex specifically prevents Hilda from getting bopped by anything, and has the shield that grants max initiate for whoever he's covering, which is usually Hilda or Yahna. Jerome's around. I can't really say much about him, he's fine.
Clive/Adel/Renault, Gilbert/Aramis Cav Charge. Clive, Adel, and Renault all have Cavalry Call as a stackable buff, and then just blitz enemy columns, or regain AP constantly with their variation on what Nina does. Gilbert is excellent for applying Initiative for the team, and then even more attack boosting. Aramis was chosen because I was doing rapport stuff with Gilbert, but if I were to make a switch, it would be to Sanatio. I think the cavs, rather uniquely, would love the Endure effect. They're a hit and miss kind of comp, where the miss usually means the entire front row getting decimated. Sanatio would easily prevent them from taking all that much, thanks to the block to an clean KO.
Berengeria/Gloucester/Travis, Mandrin/Selvie This team never took off. I blame that partially on mobility, resulting in their level falling behind the curve and just never catching up. The rest is that I think some of these components are a problem. Berengeria herself is excellent, but really wants the opponent to have some kind of detrimental condition. Travis was set to be that condition, with row-wide Blind. Gloucester can also Burn a whole row and has good offensive pressure. The problem is really in the back row. Mandrin offered nothing of particular interest to the team, just kind of existing, while Selvie can debuff but isn't really doing anything novel. Like, Travis doing his job means the offense debuffs aren't necessary, and Selvie is competing openly with Beregeria for a good on-entry skill. I might split them up next run.
General Impressions You may notice, no Bestrals. That's because by that phase of the game I was super stuck on my current teams and just wanted to progress, stopping only for some favorites and tests that I felt important. As a result...I literally don't know what they do. I intend to fix that on round 2, their actual skills didn't seem too influenced by this whole day/night cycle thing. In particular, Ramona sounds ridiculously good. Flying means evasion, and evasive healers are great, but having one that also supplies good PP control is divine.
I really like how most of these teams came out. There are a few I felt were a bit low-effort, but it wasn't enough to make them detrimental. I'd like to experiment a bit more with alternate combinations, and focus on different strengths. Some major goals are: making Meteor Strike Melisandre a damage focus of a team (the plan is Aubin's War Horn), testing out Bestrals generally, actually playing with more staff effects, and getting a team that actually uses Selvie that I'm happy with. I like debuffs! I should like this class, but everywhere I put her I just felt it wasn't that great! I don't know what happened, I know they can be devastating, I've faced them!
I'll be picking up Round 2 shortly. Want to catch up on Dungeon Meshi and Frieren with my wife, but will likely start a new playthrough tomorrow morning. I might try a harder difficulty. Normal was fairly simple to clear, and I don't really know what changes with difficulty selection, but it might put a bit more pressure on my comps. I'd at least like to try.
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rockthistowninsideout · 8 months
Nach ein bisschen Pause hier Kapitel 2 und 3 meiner Wilde-Hühner-Fic. Ich bin gerade im Flow, sodass ich, schätze ich, die Fic in nicht allzu ferner Zukunft beenden kann.
Ungeplante Auftritte von Frieda und Willi inklusive.
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