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losjavis · 1 year ago
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los javis sirviendo gay rights en el último programa de joaquín el novato
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hassieharrisoon · 10 months ago
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I want a heart who loves me to say I love you Kevin
With a lovely nice text message that can
makes me to get flattered❤️❤️🎈❤️
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fueledbyhummus · 11 months ago
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crisrf1986 · 2 months ago
Cine de Navidad 2024
¡Hola, holaaaaa! Antes de nada, aprovecho para desear a todos unas muy felices fiestas, pues la Navidad está ya a la vuelta de la esquina y es lo que toca. Por eso, en estos días previos a las fiestas que suelen llenarse de canciones, libros y, sobre todo, películas entrañables; he decidido hacer una entrada muy fiestera con algunas de las películas Navideñas que podéis disfrutar este año en…
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queerographies · 8 months ago
[L'età dell'ira][Nando López]
"L'età dell'ira" di Nando López è un vibrante ritratto dell'adolescenza, che affronta temi come l'omofobia, il bullismo e i cambiamenti. La trama segue Marcos che, accusato di un terribile crimine, esplora la complessità delle relazioni familiari.
Un inno alla diversità, alla libertà, all’empatia e alla comprensione Titolo: L’età dell’iraScritto da: Nando LópezTitolo originale: La edad de la iraTradotto da: Carlo Alberto MontaltoEdito da: SalaniAnno: 2024Pagine: 336ISBN: 9788831019859 La trama di L’età dell’ira di Nando López Madrid, 20 settembre 2009. Marcos Álvarez, liceale di sedici anni, confessa alla polizia di aver ucciso il padre…
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waverlyyhaught · 1 month ago
Marta Belmonte and Alba Brunet Video Credit
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adrynne-darynne · 6 months ago
Whoa, Mafin.
Episode 134.
It's been a hot minute, but I'm all caught up.
Is it terrible I'm so excited for this platonic thruple situation? Not only do Marta and Fina get to live their marriage life, they get to do so without worrying about being discovered and without guilt.
Fina and Jamie getting to know and love each other platonically is what I'm excited for. Bonding over their mutual love for Marta and tag team teasing her. I hope we get a kitchen scene with all three of them together.
Then, Isidro can live in a father in law suite down the hall.
Haha, it back fired for you Jesus and Miss Secretary whose name I forget at the moment.
Marta's father took it way better than I expected. I thought he'd go Tierra de Lobos and toss her in a convent. As though an all women's dormorty wasn't swimming with "deprivaty" too.
I'm not predicting anything, because I've been wrong every time. And, there's nothing I love more than having the writers branch off in a direction I never expected.
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alltrekvarnews · 28 days ago
'Física o Química' se Actualiza con 'La Nueva Generación': "Ha cambiado lo que es ser Adolescente".
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View On WordPress
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mevuelvelocatuboca · 7 months ago
Do you know how it was to be a lesbian in 1958?
Do you know how it was - in 1958 - to walk side by side with the love of your life in a city where it was a sin and a fellon to be in love with another woman?
Do you know how hard it was to be controlled and to mantain some kind of form in fucking 1958?
I don't know, and I'm glad i don't. I'm glad that - thanks to some braves people - I'm allowed now to merry who I want and be who I am.
And I'm Italian, here it's not so rose and flowers - how we say it - but I am able to love who I want. And I know that we live in the world that we live in, where same sex scenes in tv aren't the same of the etherosexuale scenes, when we talk about visibility.
So, I'm disappointed about today scene, because I wanted to see Fina kisses both Marta's "comisura de los labios", see Marta pins Fina against the wall one more time but I know that this is not The L Word and that we have to know it (and fight against it).
At the same time I want to have faith in #sueñosdelibertad and the work that's behind, because they gave us so muche beautiful scenes that I am waiting to see again.
But please, don't disappoint us: don't ruin our favourite couple. "Cuidales".
Thank you.
#mafin #martayfina #suenodelibertad #atresplayer #antena3
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freiheitender903 · 28 days ago
With the recent removal of the English Mutant Busters dub from the Planeta Junior YT channel, I decided to research some places where you can STILL watch the show! ______________________________________ YouTube Channels: Mutant Busters Official Channel Spanish Dub, Free to Watch
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Of course, Mutant Busters in its entirety (52 episodes + Logs) is accessible for free on the OFFICIAL Mutant Busters channel! However, only the Spanish dub of the episodes are available. Some of the other official videos, on the other hand, are available in English AND French
Giggle Mug English Dub, Free to Watch
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Alongside the archive channel, Giggle Mug is also reuploading the English dub! However, it's not the only thing they upload, and as of writing this, not all of the episodes are currently available on the channel
Mutant Busters ARCHIVE English Dub (For Now), Free to Watch
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I've talked about this channel in a previous post, but I'd still like to include it here. Unlike Giggle Mug, Mutant Busters ARCHIVE is EXCLUSIVELY Mutant Busters, and has the full 52 episodes & Logs of the English Dub. However, I'm working towards making this a complete Dub archive. I'm currently hunting for the Dubs, and already have 2/3 of the French Dub on DVD, and was able to find the Italian Dub up until Episode 14 (Supercool). If you happen to know where to find the dubs (either on DVD or online) let me know! Anything helps when it comes to archiving the show!
CARTOONLND(?) Italian Dub, Free to Watch
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Upon further investigation, I found new channel called CARTOONLND that seems to be reuploading the Italian dub of Mutant Busters! The videos are a little over a week old, and they claim to have up to season 2 (if they reach 20 subs, they'll upload it, as per their community post)! Hopefully, they'll upload more, because it would be great to have the other dubs available!
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One of the few streaming services that has Mutant Busters still available, however it IS subscription based. ON THE BRIGHT SIDE, though, it at least offers Spanish subtitles AND is internationally available, unlike Roku.
ROKU CHANNEL/ROKU.COM Spanish, Free to Watch w/ Ads REGION LOCKED (USA, UK, Canada)
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One of the other streaming services that still provides Mutant Busters in full, Roku offers all 52 episodes + Logs in Spanish. Unfortunately, though, the service IS region locked, and if you're outside of the aforementioned countries, you would need to use a VPN to access this service.
I'll update this thread accordingly as new places & ways to watch are found! If you have any suggestions/leads, don't be afraid to drop them in the notes or reach out via DM! Happy Busting!
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losjavis · 9 months ago
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capturas de estos días 💖
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docpiplup · 10 months ago
So, the first episode of the series is available now on the Atresplayer platform if you have a premium account. If you have the free account or you want to watch it whenever it's on air on TV in Antena 3, like me, you'll have to wait a bit more to watch it for free 😐 (well, there's also the option of searching in webpages to watch online or download)
Edit: It's seems that the first episode is available on Prime Video too
Edit 2: Don't mind, Prime redirects to Atresplayer
Meanwhile, during the following weeks I'll be publishing content about the series: promo pics, GIFs, info...
🥀Episode 1: Nosotras Elegimos (We choose)🥀
Lucia de Avellaneda receives a letter from her mother on her deathbed while she celebrates her engagement party with Rodrigo de Guzmán, Marquis of Peñarrosa. Her brother Munio, Count of Vellaví, her only family, enjoys this agreement that will allow him to keep his assets safe. Munio prevents Lucía from going to visit her mother Lucrecia, but her sister manages to reach the beguinage where she resides. But unfortunately, when Lucía manages to enter, her mother, the Great Lady of the beguinage, has just died. Munio tries to make her return, but his sister manages to calm him down and asks him to wait until the funeral is over. Lucía feels very suspicious of the Beguines whom she blames for her mother's madness, but there, no one shares it, her mother was The Great Lady of the Beguinage, not a madwoman. Telmo, baker and supplier of goods to the beguinage, tries to make her understand the important work of these women, but Lucía rejects his arguments. At the funeral, Guiomar, dedicated to caring for the sick in the beguinage, confesses to Marie Anne, Lucrecia's intimate, that The Great Lady has died of poisoning. Lucía remembers, next to her mother's body, that she played with Munio in those gardens, but her brother denies it and is so violent that he ends up expelled from the funeral. Lucía finds, in her mother's cell, a letter addressed to her, where she asks her to discover the whole truth about her life and leaves her the seal of the lineage of her mother, Leonor Labrit, founder of the beguinage.
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fueledbyhummus · 11 months ago
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Tamir's first fanart
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smolsawyer · 5 months ago
Hi! I ran across your previous anon message, and was wondering if you know where suenos de libertad can be watched with English subs?
Officially nowhere. Officially you can watch full episodes only with Spanish subs on atresplayer (EU countries). But there are some ways to use some browsers to auto translate the subs as they go. It's just really bad translation and you need to use your imagination a bit 😆
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damnamour · 10 months ago
is the app you use to download from atresplayer free ?
yes, IDM is a chrome extension and it's 100% free!
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heart-eyes-motheracker · 2 years ago
hi there :) wanted to get on the luimelia train. do you know where can I watch it with english subs?
Hello and welcome! 👋😁 Do you mean the series or Luimelia's story in Amar es para siempre?
About #Luimelia: if you don't mind paying, it's arrived to HBO recently, but I'm not sure if it's available in all the countries, you'd need to check (or use VPN ;)) Second option would be the atresplayer premium platform, its place of origin.
And if you can't afford either, then there are places like for example playdede that can help you, you just need to create a free account.
As for the Amares story, atresplayer again, or you can ask around on Twitter, there are people who have all the scenes recorded and saved, I'm sure they can share or point you in the right direction.
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