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Berlinale 2024: Kino in schmerzhaften Zeiten

Nach fünf Jahren ist die 74. Berlinale auch die letzte von Mariëtte Rissenbeek und Carlo Chatrian. Einst trat das Duo mit dem Auftrag an, das von Dieter Kosslik heillos überfrachtete Festival künstlerisch und organisatorisch zu reformieren. Am Ende waren es vor allem die Sparmaßnahmen, die zur Verschlankung des Programms geführt haben, dem auch nach fünf Jahren eine klare Handschrift fehlt. Read the full article
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The untold history of The Sweet Hereafter, 25 years after its TIFF debut broke the world’s heart #BruceGreenwood #TheSweetHereafter #AtomEgoyan #TheGlobeandMail https://www.theglobeandmail.com/arts/film/tiff/article-the-untold-history-of-the-sweet-hereafter-25-years-after-its-tiff/ https://www.instagram.com/p/Ch6gkr3JePl/?igshid=NGJjMDIxMWI=
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New Fatal Attractions episode alert! Episode 82: Atom Egoyan’s Where The Truth Lies (2005) is available now on your podcast app of choice and Spotify. Find links on @FatalAttractPod on Twitter and please tell your friends / leave us an Apple Podcasts review if you can! No, really, please do. #fatalattractions #wherethetruthlies #kevinbacon #colinfirth #alisonlohman #atomegoyan #podcast #eroticthrillers #film #movie #filmpodcast #moviepodcast #eroticthrillerspodcast #podcasting #poster #filmposter #episode82 #applepodcasts #spotify #replyifyouactuallyreadthehashtags https://www.instagram.com/p/CY1GXH-qv4I/?utm_medium=tumblr
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#chloe #2009 DIR #atomegoyan CAST #amandaseyfried #juliannemoore #drama #movie DP #paulsarossy (à Toronto, Ontario) https://www.instagram.com/p/B_LHXV9IRF-/?igshid=19cak6a64j9m1
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RIP Shahnour Vaghinag Aznavourian, Շահնուր Վաղինակ Ազնավուրեան Charles Aznavour(22 May 1924 – 1 October 2018) French-Armenian singer, lyricist, actor, public activist and diplomat. شهنور آزناواريان، خواننده، هنرپيشه، ترانه سرا و فعال سياسى اجتماعى، فرانسوى-ارمنى در فيلم آرارات، به كارگردانى اتم اگويان٢٠٠٢ #charlsaznavour #rip #atomegoyan #ararat (at Montreal, Quebec) https://www.instagram.com/p/Bob081hgCh8W9bLvUFxxlH64fFbpMaeH__oJXU0/?utm_source=ig_tumblr_share&igshid=d6qxoqmk4rve
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@keywestvideo was on-hand to #shoot the @zoryaninstitute 35th #anniversary #gala #event featuring #keynote #speaker #atomegoyan #corporatevideo #graniteclub #Armenian #videoproduction #instapic #film #director (at Zoryan Institute)
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Just Pinned to Julianne Moore: Chloe (2010) Directed by #AtomEgoyan Starring #JulianneMoore #LiamNeeson #AmandaSeyfried #Chloe #Hollywood #hollywood #picture #video #film #movie #cinema #epic #story #cine #films #theater #filming #opera #cinematic #flick #flicks #movies #moviemaking #movieposter #movielover #movieworld #movielovers #movienews #movieclips #moviemakers #animation #drama #filmmaking #cinematography #filmmaker #moviescene #documentary #screen #screenplay #moviescenes https://ift.tt/2xNxhpt
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Best Film You'Ve Never Seen #book #torontopubliclibrary #library #bookonfilm #film #cinema #moviedirectors #johnwoo #dannyboyle #johnwaters #toddsolondz #arthurhiller #alexproyas #quaybrothers #toronto #directors #jayduplass #richardcurtis #frankoz #michaelpolish #antoniocampos #atomegoyan #richardcurtis #richardlinklater #billcandon #stevejames #jonathanlevine #kevinsmith #austinchick
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Misleadingly marketed as an erotic thriller by Miramax. Exotica is largely about loss, mourning and the effects they have on human connections… https://www.criterion.com/films/29270-exotica https://www.bfi.org.uk/interviews/exotica-atom-egoyan #brucegreenwood #atomegoyan #canadianfilm #cannesfilmfestival #GenieAwards https://www.instagram.com/p/Ce9oS37hrlD/?igshid=NGJjMDIxMWI=
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#chloe #2009 DIR #atomegoyan CAST #amandaseyfried #drama #movie DP #paulsarossy (à Toronto, Ontario) https://www.instagram.com/p/B5naYCvo7Os/?igshid=sdo5eseej6od
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Just Pinned to Movies on TMT: Remember (2015) Directed by #AtomEgoyan Starring #ChristopherPlummer #BrunoGanz #JurgenProchnow #HenryCzerny #DeanNorris #MartinLandau #Remember #Hollywood #hollywood #picture #video #film #movie #cinema #epic #story #cine #films #theater #filming #opera #cinematic #flick #flicks #movies #moviemaking #movieposter #movielover #movieworld #movielovers #movienews #movieclips #moviemakers #animation #drama #filmmaking #cinematography #filmmaker #moviescene #documentary #screen #screenplay https://ift.tt/2Mkwsh6
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#exotica #1994 DIR #atomegoyan CAST #miakirshner #eliaskoteas #drama #movie DP #paulsarossy (à Toronto, Ontario) https://www.instagram.com/p/B0Ghmx8DwoD/?igshid=7asd5iguafpg
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Just Pinned to Movies on TMT: The Sweet Hereafter (1997) Directed, Produced & Screenplay by AtomEgoyan Starring #IanHolm #MauryChaykin #PeterDonaldson #BruceGreenwood #SarahPolley #TheSweetHereafter #Hollywood #hollywood #picture #video #film #movie #cinema #epic #story #cine #films #theater #filming #opera #cinematic #flick #flicks #movies #moviemaking #movieposter #movielover #movieworld #movielovers #movienews #movieclips #moviemakers #animation #drama #filmmaking #cinematography #filmmaker #moviescene #documentary http://bit.ly/30gHxDH
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