#Athenodora Volturi
volterran-wine · 2 months
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3/ ∞ 𝐕𝐨𝐥𝐭𝐮𝐫𝐢 𝐑𝐞𝐥𝐚𝐭𝐢𝐨𝐧𝐬𝐡𝐢𝐩𝐬 ― The Royals "Brother, you are being ridiculous."―"Says the achaean brute."―"I was not the one who brutalised his own sire"―"I will have you know-" That was the moment Marcus made the choice to filter his two brothers out, all talk of how to encroach on Dacian territory up in purple smoke the moment Caius and Aro got in another row. With a deep sigh he leaned back against his seat, absentmindedly tracing the wooden patterns on the table sat before him. The younger ones continued hurling insults until Athenodora and Sulpicia's laughter reached them from up in their tower. Then the two of them knew the argument had either become terribly dull or silly, prompting it's end.
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light-miracles · 1 month
Bella: The Volturi are really slow to be vampire overlords. We literally had time to gather a vampire army.
Edward: Bella they're so sure of their strength they don't feel the need to hurry, they walk slow >:(
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the-dawn-star · 1 year
ooohh you're open! Would it be alright to request a very angsty and fluffy Aro x sister reader. When they were still humans, Aro, Didyme, and reader were very close (They practically raised her) tho reader has a huge age gap between her siblings. Can you do a reunited fic? Like Aro and Didyme thought reader was killed when they were human. Aro and reader reunited at the final battle with the Cullens. Reader never knew Aro was still alive (idk how it can be up to you) so when they saw eachother it was unbelievable. Let's just say that reader looks similarly to Didyme so angst ensues for Marcus baby (Can also be Marcus x reader). Reader looking for her dear older sister only to be told she's dead. I know it's a lot so I'll understand if you can't do it or would like to change the plot a bit.
A/N: Hello and thanks for the req, I loved writing this! The twilight wiki was my best friend while writing this, so all the historical content was got from there. I changed your idea a bit (Aro turned reader). Also let’s ignore that Edward and Aro can read minds and Carlisle spent time with the Volturi coven. This has a lot of back story but I think it is cool to know just the debts of vampire mourning.
PSA: I don’t remember much from breaking dawn part 2 so the battle is inaccurate.  
TW: Talk of kidnapping, murder, vampire fuckery, family dying, starvation, a mention of Refrigerator (Renesmee for the uncultured), I feel like Aro always needs his own warning so, Aro.
1000ish words (this turned out to be a lot longer than usual hcs for me).
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You were a child when Aro and Didyme were turned, and with your parents dead your siblings started to take care of you.  
Aro acted like you were his own child while raising you and protected you from anything that could cause any harm to your still human body.  
Didyme sang you to sleep for years and pushed all suitors away from you when you got a bit older.  
Aro turned you when you were about 20, and with a small disappointment he realized that you didn’t own any special abilities. Aro once had a massive rant that how someone as amazing as you, didn’t have any powers.  
You lived with your siblings for a long time and your coven got bigger and bigger while all the members got fiercely protective of you.  
But all took a turn for the worse when you were taken by some angry vampires, leaving your whole coven to believe that you were dead.  
Your captors told you that your coven was murdered by them. 
When you got out from the vampires, going back to Greece was too painful. So, you started to travel as far away as you could trying to find some happiness in your life without any of your family.  
For a long time, you didn’t talk to anyone and avoided all contact, leaving your house only to hunt. 
That was the time when you started to drink less and less, building such a good tolerance that your black eyes or sandpaper-like throat didn’t bother you. 
But time forces you to heal.  
In the 1900s you found a friend in New York, a lovely girl called Rosalie. It was nice, so human and the girl was so genuine with you.  
Rosalie disappeared from my life for a moment, then you walked in on her drinking from a rabbit and having the yellow eyes you had seen once or twice in your life.  
You spent a few years with Rosalie, Carlisle and Edward, but never joined their coven, you lost yours already and no time could heal it.  
But you were their friend staying with them from time to time and disappearing when it started to feel like you were replacing your old family.  
Rosalie called you first telling of the mess that was starting to unravel in America and you were on the first flight to Forks, after you hung up.  
You didn’t talk to any other vampires and stayed hidden, so you had no understanding of vampire law. After all the so-called kings were most likely younger than you so why should you listen to them.  
You stayed mostly alone while the others were talking of strategy with the other vampires all around the world.  
They were fighting for their family... something that you couldn’t do all that time ago.  
You stood at the edge of the field, back behind all the other vampires.  
You had barely fought anyone in your life, even if your age had brought you strength. But the Cullens had promised that this wouldn’t turn into a fight.  
Then a massive group of vampires appeared to the other side of the field.  
You couldn’t concentrate on looking at any of them, instead focusing on the snowy ground. You were there as a number and silent, and for you it was just fine.  
You hear Edward talking to one of them, only to hear the sound of a ghost... The sound of your lovely brother’s voice, Aro. 
You raised your head, looking around from the surprise. Were you really going mad, right now? 
You took a good look at the royal coven only to see ghosts all over it.  
Your feet started to move before you could stop them. You walked through the crowd of vampires stopping when you reached the Cullens at the front.  
Still your coven was there.  
You made eye contact with the ghost of Marcus. 
“Didyme?” It was a small whisper from him, but it got everyone's attention and slowly people turned to look at you, the one who got Marcus’s attention so completely.  
You always joked how you and your sister looked so similar even when you were just a human child.  
The ghost of your brother turned to look at you before slowly saying your name like a small prayer.  
Is this really just ghosts and are you going insane? Were they really there? 
“Brother?” You said, taking a step forward.  
“Sister?” Aro said, and you could only nod and straighten your hand as an invite for your brother's powers.  
Your brother was in front of you in a second and his hands were pressed to your cheeks, forcing you to look at him while looking at your memories. 
When your brother had enough of your memories, he pulled you to a hug that you had missed for centuries.  
“Brother, am I going mad” you asked in your native language that you hadn’t spoken for so long.  
Brother pulled back from the embrace. “No, my little sister, you just have been lost from me for too long.”  
You turned to look at your brother's company seeing your old coven mixed with a lot of new people. But you couldn’t find your sister.  
“What has happened?” you asked, looking back to your brother.  
“We took down the old rulers and we became the new one. Our coven has been royalty for over a millennium now.”  
The rest of the night went on in a haze. You couldn’t listen to any of the Cullens or the struggle of the immortal child. You just needed your brother.  
Your coven was in a private plain with you back to town in Italy, that was the capital of the vampire world apparently.  
You were glued to your brother’s side while you and your coven told you what happened after you disappeared.  
Aro and Marcus’s eyes were pooled with venom while Caius was silent but clearly as emotional as his friends.  
No one had mentioned Didyme the whole time and in your heart, you knew why, you just weren’t strong enough to get the confirmation. But you needed to know what happened, who took your sister away from you.  
“Big brother?” You asked in your mother tongue, getting Aro’s attention. 
“What happened to her?” You asked, afraid to get the answer.  
“She was attacked and killed a long time ago, but fear not she has been looking after you this whole time. And now she cries tears of joy after seeing us together at last.”  
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nebulousfishgills · 1 year
Alright, I went a little nuts. Watcher Screenshots as Twilight Characters
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vampyrheartz · 11 months
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The Volturi Queens—
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raindancer2004 · 7 months
The Other Swan
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Word Count: 4,410 Demetri x OC Swan. Final Part. Warnings: Fluff,
Danni excelled at being a mother to Nicolai, her maternal instincts stronger and running deeper than she ever thought possible, but then everything vampires feel is on a much deeper level compared to their human counterparts. Danni would bake cakes and cookies with Nicolai, something that he loved as he got to eat their creations. Demetri would often watch his mate and son baking together, painting together and playing games together. Danni even taught him how play the different card and board games that she played as a child so he could join in with them. Nicolai liked to call this family game time and Demetri couldn’t help smiling as he got to experience the family life he never thought he would once he became immortal.
Caius and Athenodora were pleased to hear that Danni and Demetri agreed to nurture both his human and vampire sides as this meant he got to experience the best of both worlds. Athenodora offered to bake with Nicolai one cloudy Wednesday afternoon “Can you bake Nana?” “Not really sweetie but I can read and therefore can follow the recipes from your cookbooks” She replied smiling down at him “Ok, we’ll start with a simple Chocolate cake recipe” Nicolai responded with a smile of his own as he took his Nana’s hand and walked beside her to the kitchen.
Caius decided to see how his wife and grandson were getting on in the kitchen and walked in to find her blue dress covered in flour and a streak of flour on her cheek. Nicolai had some chocolate around his lips but they both looked happy as they decorated the cake. Caius chuckled low to himself but due to their vampire hearing Athenodora and Nicolai heard him and looked up. “Look Grandpa, we’re nearly finished with our cake” “I can see, it looks delicious” He replied “It’s a shame Nana and I can’t help you eat it” “I’ve told him he has to share the cake with the new Secretary Lori especially as we have some Chocolate chunk cookies in the oven” “Sounds like a good idea darling” Caius replied smiling and Nicolai nodded in agreement.
Around the end of July Aro received a wedding invitation from Alice Cullen announcing that Bella Swan and Edward Cullen were to be married on August 13th although Caius was not happy to hear the news as he knew this was the Cullen’s way of delaying Bella’s transformation further by having a wedding first. Aro on the other hand was excited to hear of the nuptials even if this was the Cullen’s way of announcing that Bella was to become one of them. “I’m going to guess that Danni hasn’t received an invitation or even been notified of the upcoming wedding” Marcus mused aloud “Seeing as they cut her out of their lives months ago, I doubt it” Caius replied “I think we should be the ones tell her” Aro said and his brothers nodded in agreement “I agree. I won’t have secrets kept from her” Caius replied, his protectiveness coming to the surface, knowing that the news would likely upset her.  “Can I be there when you tell her please?” Demetri asked as he and Felix were the only other vampires in the room “Of course my dear boy” Marcus replied “Thank you master. This news is likely to upset her, especially after being cut out of her family’s lives” Demetri replied.
Danni was quiet over the next few days and everyone knew why and didn’t question her about it, they just let her be. Danni kept Nicolai close during these few days too, choosing to spend time with him alone. During one their shopping trips, Nicolai finds a ‘World’s Best Daddy’ mug “Mummy can I get this for Daddy please?” He asked pointing to the mug. Danni smiled before answering “Of course you can sweetie, He’ll love it” “Thank you Mummy” Nicolai replied and hugged her legs.
Later that night after his shift ended, Demetri returned to his room and saw Danni and Nicolai waiting for him, a blue and silver gift bag sitting on the coffee table. “Hello mi amore…” He kissed Danni’s cheek “…Hi buddy” He kissed his son’s hair before taking a seat beside them on the sofa. “Hi Daddy, this is for you” Nicolai said with a big grin on his face, pointing to the gift bag. “Hi babe” Danni replied smiling as Demetri reached over and opened the gift bag to reveal the mug inside. Danni and Nicolai watched as a big smile appeared on Demetri’s face, his eyes becoming glassy with unshed tears “Thank you so much buddy. I love it and you very much” He lifted his son onto his lap and hugged him close, placing a kiss on his hair.
Danni and Demetri started making plans for their wedding as Danni wanted a Winter wedding at the castle. Aro offered to officiate at the ceremony and Danni and Demetri agreed, both surprised and pleased that he wanted to participate in their wedding this way. “It would be an honour Aro, thank you” Danni said as Caius rolled his eyes dramatically from his throne, Demetri tried not to laugh at Caius’ reaction.
Heidi, Chelsea, Jane were asked to be Danni’s Bridesmaids, Gianna taking on the role of Maid of Honour. Felix was chosen as Best Man with Alec and Santiago being groomsmen and Nicolai was given the role of Ring Bearer, something he was very excited about.
Danni asked Caius to accompany her on a walk of the North facing garden and he agreed as he enjoyed spending time with his adopted daughter. They took a seat on the bench in front of the fountain and Danni took an unneeded breath before speaking. “Caius, I have something important I would like to ask you…” Caius took her hand in his and nodded for her to continue “…I wondered if you would give me away at the wedding?” Caius’ face lit up “Of course I would my child. I’m honoured that you asked” He wrapped his arms around her in hug “Thank you, not just for agreeing to give me away but for making me feel like part of the family” “You are most welcome Danni. As far as I am concerned you are my daughter and I would do anything and everything to ensure you are happy and safe always” He pulled her in for another hug, Danni resting her head on his shoulder, feeling tears fill her eyes that will go unshed.
Athenodora told Demetri that she and Caius would pay for Danni’s bridal gown along with the Bridesmaid and Maid of Honour dresses. “You don’t need to do that Mi’ lady” He replied “I know we don’t have to but we want to. As you know we see Danni as our daughter and this is our gift to you both” Demetri nodded “Thank you very much for your offer. It’s greatly appreciated” “You are most welcome my dear” She replied before giving him a quick hug. Demetri has always been Athenodora’s favourite guard and she was very happy he would become her official son-in-law soon.
Danni and Demetri had decided on a Red and White colour scheme for their Winter wedding, deciding on having Poinsettias as the centre pieces as they are a Winter flower. Red and White Roses would make up the bridal bouquets.
Caius had the guards freshen up the ballroom’s décor as it was looking a little dull after years of not being used. The cream-coloured walls looked bright and fresh against the polished real wood flooring once finished.
Marcus arranged for ‘Midnight Fangs’ a vampire quartet to play at the wedding, having had them perform at the castle during previous balls and galas.
If only they knew that all of these plans were going to be put on hold…
It is early December when Irina enters Castillo Volterra and makes her way to the throne room. Santiago opens the doors and she enters, Demetri and Felix walking towards her, curious as to what she wants. “What a pleasant surprise” Aro says as Irina enters the throne room, Marcus looks fed up and closed his book softly. “What do you want?” Caius asks sounding a little irritated turning around to face her “Hmm” She pauses a moment before replying “I have to report a crime…the Cullens…they have done something…terrible.” A smirk appears on Caius’ face and Aro closes his book and flashes over to Irina “Allow me my dear” Aro says taking her hand in his and looking at her thoughts and memories regarding the Cullen’s ‘crime’ “Oh my” He says once he’s finished. “Brother what have they have done now?” Caius asks as he walks towards them “It would appear dear brother they have created an immortal child” Aro replies “WHAT?!!” Caius shouts “ARE YOU SURE?” “Irina saw the child herself, she was jumping in the air catching snowflakes” Aro replied “Then we send the guards now! They can destroy the child and the Cullens” Caius responds “No brother. I think we will take our time, gather some witnesses and pay them a visit ourselves along with the guards” Aro replies calmly, despite the anger simmering inside. “A public trial?” Caius smirks “Yes brother. A public trial…this way we can be sure that our kind are reminded that creating immortal children is still illegal” Aro replies “Thank you for letting us know my dear” Marcus said smiling “Santiago please show Irina to one of our guest rooms” Marcus says looking at the guard “Yes master” Santiago bows his head and leads her to a guest room on the second floor.
Later that day Aro calls Danni to the throne room and asks the guards to leave except for Demetri. “Thank you for coming Danni…we have something we need to discuss with you” Aro starts “Ok. Have I done something wrong?” She asks looking between the Kings and Demetri “No, Danni you have done nothing wrong” Aro replies with a warm smile and Danni instantly relaxes “However, someone you know well has done something wrong, illegal even…” He pauses for a moment “…It would seem that the Cullens have created an immortal child…” “You have to got to be kidding me? Like seriously? What the hell?” Danni cuts Aro off. The Kings and Demetri cannot help laughing a little at her reaction. “Well I hope you plan to deal with them accordingly Caius” She adds looking at him “Yes child we do. There will be a public trial in Forks with witnesses” He replies and she nods “You don’t object to that?” Marcus asks curiously “No, I don’t. Caius gave me a history lesson once whilst Demi was away and informed me of your laws and how you dealt with the immortal children problem when it arose centuries ago” “But Bella’s your sister” Marcus adds, his head tilted to the side slightly “Don’t remind me!...” Danni bites back and Demetri intertwined his fingers with hers, squeezing them gently “…She left me here nine months ago and hasn’t looked back, remember” The Kings all nod at her, sympathy shining in their ruby eyes at the memory of that day.
A moment of silence passed before Danni spoke again “Can I ask how you know about this?” “We had a visitor this afternoon and she told us about the child. In fact, the child was seen with your sister” Aro replied “Bella may not have been aware of immortal children and the law surrounding them but Carlisle would have known and I’m sure Edward would also have been aware. They have broken a law and need to face the consequences and let’s face it you’ve been lenient in the past with Bella and Edward and look how they’ve repaid you” She responds back “That was not the reaction I was expecting from you my dear but I will say I am impressed with the way you have handled the news” Aro tells her honestly “Thank you Aro. I do, however, have a request…regarding the trial and any subsequent punishment” “We’re listening my dear” Caius replies this time and steps closer to her “I do not want Demetri to have any involvement in the punishment of the Cullens, especially Bella and Edward. I am not sure if you are aware but last summer Edward and his brothers killed a vampire who tried to kill Bella and as a result the vampire’s mate sought revenge…she even tried to kill Bella. This took place after Edward left her…before we came here…” She paused to see the Kings reactions, they nodded for her to continue “…As selfish as this may seem I am asking that Demetri is not involved as I do not want any of the Cullens to come after me or him as revenge. I do not want to be looking over my shoulder or worrying about him when he is on missions, more than I do already. Also, I do not want our son to grow up with only one parent” She added looking up at Demetri to see that he was looking down at her lovingly. “I think we can all agree with that request my dear, after all you haven’t asked for anything since you arrived and you understand the situation we are in and have handled it better than we expected. I also have no desire to risk anything happening to my grandson or his parents” Caius answered her “Thank you Caius” She replied and gave him a quick hug “Yes thank you master for agreeing to Danni’s request” “You are both welcome. We do, however, ask that you both accompany us when we go to Forks” He replies “Of course master” Demetri replies and Danni nods in agreement.
The following day Irina was in the library reading along with Alec when Danni entered with Nicolai “What the...?” Irina says shocked when she notices the little boy who resembles Demetri but who clearly has a heartbeat “Irina this Danni, Demetri’s mate and their son Nicolai” Alec introduces them “It’s nice to meet you Irina” Danni smiles at her “Nice to meet you too” Irina replies “Nicolai…he has a-a heartbeat…but how?” Irina asks “I’m half-human, half-vampire” He replies “I had him whilst I was still human, Demetri changed me after he was born…about six months ago” Danni adds “But he-he looks like...” Irina trails off “His vampire side means he grows faster than his human counterparts and is quite smart for his age too” Danni tells her as she takes a seat on the sofa opposite her and Nicolai sits beside his mum. “I didn’t know that vampires could have children” Irina says looking at the boy “Neither did we. It was a surprise to us all to discover that male vampires can father children with human females” Alec responds. “I’m gifted too like mummy and daddy” Nicolai says proudly “Really? May I ask what your gift is Nicolai?” Irina asks, curiosity shining in her amber coloured eyes “I’m a shield like mummy and I am able to track people like daddy, but only those with shields. I fill in the gaps of daddy’s gift” He replies proudly “Wow” Irina breathed out, “I can’t believe how much he looks like Demetri” Irina says looking between Nicolai and Danni “I know, me too. He’s a mini version of his dad” Danni replies and Nicolai just smiles back at Irina.
A few days later Nicolai and Irina were walking in the South facing garden when he stopped walking and gently tugged on her hand to get her attention. “Irina, can I ask why you have amber coloured eyes seeing as you are a vampire?” Nicolai asked curiosity shining in his blue eyes “I have amber eyes because I am a vegetarian vampire…” “What’s a vegetarian vampire?” He asked, cutting her off “A vegetarian vampire survives on animal blood instead of human blood” She responded and watched as Nicolai tried to process this information and knew he would have more questions for her. “What animals do you eat and how do you find them?” “Where I live in Alaska, there is a very big forest surrounding our house and my family and I hunt the animals there. In the forest there are different animals, Bears, Moose, Wolves and Caribou to name a few” “Oh, that’s different. Why don’t you hunt humans like other vampires?” “My family and I used to hunt humans but after many years we decided to try surviving on animal blood and found that we could survive that way, although there are not many vegetarian vampires” “You are the first vegetarian vampire I have met” He said with a smile “You are the first vampire / human hybrid that I’ve met” She replied with a smile of her own. They resumed their walk around the garden and continued to talk about different topics. Irina was surprised at how ‘grown-up’ Nicolai was and sounded despite how young he was.
Whilst the Kings and the four Elite guards were away from the castle to gather some witnesses of their own for the upcoming Cullen trial, Danni found that Nicolai’s shielding ability had developed. “Look Mummy…” Danni looked up from her book to see a faint shimmering glow circling her son, giving him the appearance of being inside a protective bubble. Danni smiled, feeling proud of her son and his growing ability. “That’s amazing sweetie” She praised him and he smiled back at her. She wondered if she could get her shield do the same or something similar at the very least. ‘It’d be nice to be able to protect the ones I love, as well as myself’ She thought to herself and decided to ask Santiago and Heidi for their help in Demetri’s absence.
Danni and Nicolai met with Santiago and Heidi the following morning in the south-facing garden as they had agreed to help them develop their shielding abilities. Nicolai asked to train with Santiago as he knew that Demetri had trained Santiago when he joined the guard and still spars with him regularly. Danni and Heidi worked together to see how her shield worked and if she could shield someone other than herself.
With a lot of hard work, Danni was able to shield multiple people as she had practised constantly, pushing her shield to its max. Her shield looked different to her son’s as hers looked almost like it was an extension of her, a faint shimmering was the only hint that her shield was in use to protect the ones she loved.
Upon Demetri’s return to the castle Danni and Nicolai updated him on the development of their gifts. Nicolai was able to shield not only himself but one other person easily. “I hope I can shield more people when I’m older” He said looking up at his dad “You’re doing just fine as you are buddy” Demetri replied proudly, as he looked down at his son as they both stood inside Nicolai’s ‘protective bubble.’
Caius, Aro and Marcus stood watching Danni and Nicolai with proud smiles on their faces. “At least we can keep Edward from reading our thoughts now” Caius said proudly and nudged Aro slightly “Yes, and it’ll be a good surprise for the damned law breaker too” Aro replied with a smile.
December 31st – Confrontation –
Once it had been declared that Renesmee was not an immortal child, Irina was ripped apart and burned for providing a false allegation against the Cullens. “That’s a shame mummy, I liked her” Nicolai said low so only his parents heard him and she nodded in response.
Alice and Jasper made their way back to the Cullens and their witnesses but before anyone could leave Vladimir shouts out “TRAITOR” and looks directly at Danni “Excuse me?” She asks “You are on the wrong side my dear, should you not be over here supporting your sister?” He replies “Supporting my sister, why would I want to do that after what she and her precious Edward did?” “You mean have a child together?” Stefan replies “No. I’m talking about the fact that they left me in Volterra nine months ago and haven’t been in touch since. In fact, I received one letter from Esme telling me that once Edward and Bella landed back here, they told my dad I had died in an accident and that a memorial was held for me. Edward made that decision on the flight back from Volterra thus, ensuring I could never come home to see my dad, never have the chance to introduce him to my mate. They took away my chance to say goodbye” She replied and noticed the shocked looks on the faces of the Cullen’s witnesses “Oh…you all look surprised. Did they not tell you that part? Did they also tell you that they never invited me to their wedding? I only found out about the wedding from Aro after they sent an invitation to him to let him know it was taking place. It was their way of announcing Bella’s transformation.” She added and Demetri squeezed her hand gently. Caius moved closer to Danni, a scowl settling on his face.
“I notice you have a child of your own” Tanya says looking at Nicolai “Yes, I do. My son was born six months ago and my fiancée changed me after he was delivered, we didn’t want to risk another pregnancy as there was no guarantee I would handle another one so well” She responded and noticed Carlisle looked a little confused. “Danni drank human blood regularly once we discovered she was pregnant, this allowed her to meet the baby’s needs and she was able to keep certain foods down too” Caius advised him proudly and Carlisle nodded, clearly impressed as it sounded like Danni had an easier pregnancy than her sister.
“Why did you not tell me I had a nephew?” Bella asked “Why would I? You cut me out of your life, cut me out of my own family. I have a new family now and I couldn’t be happier” Danni replies smiling.
“You have a chance to reconnect with one another, especially as you both have children now” Esme replies softly “Esme as much as I like you and Carlisle, we’re all aware that if it wasn’t for this ‘situation’ we wouldn’t even be talking. I mean none of you got in touch to advise me of the wedding or that my niece was born three months ago” Danni replied. “You can’t take the high ground Danni, your mate would have killed us if there had been a fight today” Edward called out “That is where you are wrong Eddie. The Kings agreed to my request of keeping Demetri out of any executions involving you Cullens as I didn’t want any of you coming after me or my mate as revenge. I protected my family unlike you. I mean look what happened after you killed James, his mate went after Bella to avenge him and you weren’t even here to protect her. So, I have every reason to take the high ground as you put it as I have done nothing to any of you” She replied. Edward went to speak but Caius cut him off “I would consider your next words to Danni very carefully Cullen or you’ll find yourself joining Irina in becoming a pile of ash” “Why do you care what he says to her?” Bella asked “I care because Danni is my daughter and no one, and I do mean no one will disrespect a member of my family” Caius replies and Demetri smirks at the Cullens as surprise registers on their faces.
“What?…how…?” Bella struggled to speak, too shocked at Caius’ news. “My wife and I always wanted to have a daughter and once we met and got to know Danni, things fell into place and we came to care for her as though she was our daughter…” Caius spoke looking directly at Bella “And I came to care about Caius and Dora as my parents in return” Danni finished Caius’ sentence with a warm smile. Everyone watched as Athenodora stepped forward and slipped her hand into her husband’s as she spoke “We were there for Danni when she needed love and support as she navigated her way through a new relationship, whilst she settled into her new life and her new home...” Bella looked as though she wanted to say something but Athenodora didn’t give her chance. “…You abandoned your sister without a second thought when she needed you, needed your support to navigate her way through a new relationship, a relationship with a vampire no less and everything that came with that, seeing as you had experience with this but you chose Edward instead.” Danni nodded and felt so loved in that moment hearing her adoptive parents speak this way about her.
“Just so we are clear Bella, you will not be receiving an invitation to our wedding as it’s for our family and friends only” Demetri adds and Danni nods in agreement before adding “We had to postpone our special day because of you and your ‘antics.’”
Silence filled the air as no one spoke, as they tried to process everything they’ve just heard. “Danni and the Volturi are telling the truth about everything…” Maggie says looking around at the Cullen’s witnesses “…And Bella and Edward haven’t even bothered to apologise or make amends for their actions” Maggie continued, distaste clear in her voice.
“Our apologies Danni for calling you a traitor. It appears we were not told the truth regarding yours and Demetri’s situation” Vladimir called out and she and Demetri nodded. “That’s quite alright. I don’t blame Demetri for keeping me by his side that day. If I’m being honest, I’m glad he did as our relationship developed naturally and I got to have a son with the man I love. I am looking forward to spending an eternity with my family and that doesn’t include any of you” She replied looking at Bella and the Cullens, before turning to face her mate. “Let’s go home mi amore” Demetri smiled down at her and looked at Marcus who just smiled and nodded. The Cullens and their witnesses watched as Demetri and Danni left the field with their son and didn’t look back.
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ltalaynareor · 1 month
Twilight Volturi Aesthetic
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wakeofvultures · 9 months
My interpretation of the Athenodora/Caius dynamic can be summarized as that they both think they're the last sane person on earth and the other person is the most insane person they've ever met. After decades of giving each other shit, they decide to make out. Marriage.
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volturilovers · 1 year
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Caius Volturi
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-Shadows of one’s past: part 1, part 2, part 3.0, part 3.5 (all requested)
-Mate with a heart condition(request)
-Protective Caius (not done yet)
Aro Volturi
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Nothing yet
Marcus Volturi
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nothing yet
Demetri Volturi
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-Demetris mate getting harassed by guard(requested)( not done yet)
-how you meet demetri volturi
Felix Volturi
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-Mate born blind and see things for the first time(not done yet)
-Mate doing self-harm(not done yet)
Headcannons and world building
Volturi guard
Elite Guard
Jane Volturi
Alec Volturi
Demetri Volturi
Felix Volturi
Higher guard
Afton Volturi
Santiago Volturi
Renata Volturi
Corin Volturi
Chelsea Volturi
Common guard
Magnus Volturi
Rosea Volturi
Andromeda volturi
Ismau Volturi
Asnee Volturi
Ritsu Tatsuki Volturi
Nnamdi Volturi
annika volturi
Osiris volturi
Rosanna Volturi
Lower Guard
Alessandra Volturi
Claudia Volturi
Juliano Volturi
Roselyn Volturi
Volturi kings
Aro volturi
Caius volturi
Marcus Volturi
Athenodora Volturi
Sulpicia Volturi
Didyme Volturi
Important info
More imagines and character info is going to come with time. However if the there is no link to it they aren’t done yet. .
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venusofvolterra · 1 year
what do you think the physical ages of all the Volturi are in your hc?
Okay, rapid fire answers w/o context.
Aro - 24
Sulpicia - 18
Caius - 47
Athenodora- 49
Marcus - 19
Didyme - 21
Felix - 32
Demetri - 27 (this one actually has context here)
Jane - 12
Alec - 12
Heidi - 28
Renata - 18
Chelsea - 35
Corin - 26
Santiago - 29
Afton - 23
Unfortunately, I know that if Stephanie gave them cannon ages they would be very weird and a lot younger on average however I think these ages make more sense for their back stories and my personal head cannons about them. 
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volterran-wine · 5 months
Hello again dearest Nathalie, I hope you are doing well. Some time ago I asked how the whole glittering in the sun worked and in your answer you mentioned that every vampire looks different in sunlight. You, for example, mentioned that Caius has a pearlescent look to him and now I've been wondering for a while what the other volturi would look like. Could you make like a list with pictures of what it would look like or if that is too much work (which I totally understand, so no pressure at all) just a list without pictures? I hope you have a good day/week/month :) <3
• — 𝐓𝐡𝐞 𝐕𝐨𝐥𝐭𝐮𝐫𝐢 & 𝐓𝐡𝐞𝐢𝐫 𝐆𝐥𝐞𝐚𝐦
Ah yes, I remember this question quite fondly.
It was difficult for me to find pictures that truly spoke to how I imagine their glow, so for now I have decided to answer it in written form. Volterran-Wine does in fact own a large crystal selection she has studied to find the right answers.
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𝐀𝐫𝐨: The first you would see is a greenish hue, like oxidised copper. There would still be those hints of warmth however, with a discreet sheen of sparkle.
𝐂𝐚𝐢𝐮𝐬: He almost has a pearlescent finish to his skin and there’s a slight reddish hue when he enters certain types of light.
𝐌𝐚𝐫𝐜𝐮𝐬: They say he once shone more brightly in the sun, but now vampires compare this kings skin to dulled brass
𝐒𝐮𝐥𝐩𝐢𝐜𝐢𝐚:  This queen shifts beautifully like the darkest garnet, with a glitter-like shift that leaves those around her spellbound when they see it.
𝐀𝐭𝐡𝐞𝐧𝐨𝐝𝐨𝐫𝐚: Many have compared her skin to the glint of steal, speckled with red like a bloodstone when the sun hits her just right.
𝐃𝐢𝐝𝐲𝐦𝐞: Once upon a time she resembled an opalite with a pinkish hue, now few remembers how vibrant of a sparkle Didyme once had.
𝐃𝐞𝐦𝐞𝐭𝐫𝐢: Our resident tracker resembles a bronze statue in it's prime, almost bordering on a golden hue, not unlike the crystal tigers eye.
𝐅𝐞𝐥𝐢𝐱: The way Felix shines in the sunlight is the same way a great mountain glimmers in a bronzed and golden glow if there are copper minerals deep within the earth. It is warm and inviting.
𝐉𝐚𝐧𝐞: Her glow is very particular, it is soft and almost has a translucent quality to it. The best way I can describe it is that Jane looks like living and breathing selenite.
𝐀𝐥𝐞𝐜: Seeing as though him and Jane share a lot of the same genetic makeup, they are quite similar. However, Alec has a slight blue-ish tint to his glow as well.
𝐇𝐞𝐢𝐝𝐢: This woman looks like an Opalite, come to life with a rosy hue beneath it all. Among the Volturi she is also one of the vampires who do in fact have a certain glitter to their skin.
𝐑𝐞𝐧𝐚𝐭𝐚: She is one of the few that partially glitter, though she gleams more if you ask those around her. If you look at Renata for too long it is like a duochrome of sienna and burnt orange.
𝐂𝐨𝐫𝐢𝐧: Under the correct lighting Corin is like a pearl, but most of the time she looks like the iridescence you find inside of shells,
𝐂𝐡𝐞𝐥𝐬𝐞𝐚: She looks like a marble statue come to life, the softest glow you will ever see.
𝐀𝐟𝐭𝐨𝐧: Some say that Afton nearly looks like a silver statue when he moves under the sunlight, it is almost blinding with a soft blue-ish hue.
𝐒𝐚𝐧𝐭𝐢𝐚𝐠𝐨: He has this quality about his skin that is like smoky quartz, you expect it to be quite dark and dull-but the shifts in colorur is just out of this world. His tattoos almost seem to take up a life of their own when he steps under direct sunlight as well.
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Twilight Moodboard: Athenodora
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nebulousfishgills · 1 year
Nobody should have given me access to the Barbie poster maker, I spent all day with it...
Anyways, here are some Twilight characters in the Barbie Movie:
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raindancer2004 · 10 months
The Other Swan
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Word Count: 5,368 Demetri x OC Swan. Part Ten. Warnings: Fluff, NSFW
The following morning Jane knocks on Demetri’s door gently “Hi, how are you and Danni doing?” “Danni’s doing well, see for yourself. I’m ok, thanks to Gianna giving me advice on how to care for my son. I’m just getting a bit impatient regarding Danni’s transformation, I just want her to wake up” He says “One day down, two to go and then you’ll have forever together. I can already see some physical changes to her after just one day” Jane says as she stands over the crib. “You can pick him up Jane” Demetri said grinning “Thank you. Come here little one” Jane coos at Nicolai as she picks him up wrapping him in his blanket and making her way to the sofa. ‘He smells like chocolate with a hint of peppermint’ she thinks to herself looking at Nicolai. Jane spends the day helping Demetri take care of Nicolai, giving him some time to sit beside Danni and read to her, this acting as a distraction for both him and Danni or so he hoped.
Alec came to visit in the afternoon “Hi Demetri how’s are things” “Jane hasn’t put my son down since she arrived this morning, so I have been reading to Danni trying to distract us both. I hate knowing and seeing that she’s in pain even if she is trying not to show how much it hurts” “I’m glad Danni is handling her transformation well” Alec replied “It’s my turn to hold him now I’m here, please sister.” Alec said sitting beside Jane and waiting for her to hand him Nicolai. Demetri was a little surprised that the twins wanted to be around his son as much as they did, not he minded though.
Meanwhile Danni is going through her transformation. Her body felt like it was fire, every nerve ending burning as her blood was being replaced with venom, Demetri’s venom. She couldn’t help the random thoughts running through her head. ‘I felt Demi kiss my neck before he bit me letting his venom enter my system. I know that Heidi, Chelsea and Gianna changed me into a clean dress and brushed my hair for me and that Felix carried me back here. This is too much I don’t know if I can do this.’ “I love you so much cara mia” She hears Demetri say softly in her ear. ‘I can do this. I have do this… for Demi, for Nicolai.’ She tries to lay as still as possible despite the pain she is in, knowing that Demetri would feel bad enough that he is the reason she is going through this right now. She tries to focus on Demetri’s voice as he reads to her, hoping to distract herself from the burning pain that’s tearing through her entire body.
On the third day of Danni’s transformation Demetri took Nicolai to Heidi’s room “Can you watch Nicolai for me? Danni should wake up today and I’d like to take her hunting before she sees him again” “Of course I can, just come and find us when you’re ready” Heidi responds smiling “Hello little one, ready to spend the day with auntie Heidi?” Nicolai coos in response; Demetri chuckled as it would seem that his son has awakened the maternal side within all the females in the castle.
Demetri returned to his and Danni’s shared room and stood at the balcony doors looking out over the garden waiting for Danni to wake up. Her heartbeat had slowed right down now so he knew it would be soon. Danni’s heart stopped beating and Demetri looked over his shoulder to see her open her now bright ruby red eyes. She could see everything more clearly, including the little dust particles in the air and she could feel the individual threads on the Egyptian cotton duvet cover beneath her. 
It took her a moment to adjust to this new sight, then a scent she had never smelt before flooded her senses ‘sandalwood and citrus’ Her eyes scanned the room and they fell on Demetri and she smiled wide, getting off the bed and running into his arms. She threw her arms around his neck and held him close “Oomph. You’re a lot stronger than I am now, so it’s your turn not to break me mi amore” Demetri said into her ear “Sorry Demi” She pulled back a little as he took in her appearance, his eyes looking her up and down “You’re absolutely stunning baby” He ran his fingers through her hair that was now longer, brighter and fuller than before. He leant down and kissed her lips. “We’re the same temperature now Dem” She said smiling holding his hand in hers and he nods “I’ll have to get used to that” He chuckles “I’m so used to you being warm, but I’m so happy that I get to spend forever with you” “I love you Demi” She kisses him soundly on the mouth “I love you too.”
“How’s Nicolai?” She asks “He’s amazing cara mia and so gorgeous. Everyone loves him” “Where is he? Can I see him?” She looks towards the door “I want to take you hunting first. Come on” He takes her hand in his and they make their way out of the castle and as it is an overcast day, they don’t have to worry about being exposed.
They leave Volterra to go hunting, Danni noticing every little thing around her as they run together, including how fast Demetri is. He stops running and turns to catch her in his arms, Danni coming to a stop in his embrace. “Close your eyes and listen, tell me what you can hear amore” She closed her eyes and focused on listening to her surroundings. “I can hear faint chatter of people below, birds in the trees, traffic in the distance. It’s amazing Dem” “You’ve focused really well cara. Come with me and I’ll show you how to hunt. Stay close”
Ten minutes later they were standing on the roof a building looking down at an alleyway that was about a five-minute walk from a bar. “Keep your eyes on those two” Demetri said pointing to a couple leaving the bar and making their way towards the alleyway. He took her hand in his “Jump with me cara” They landed silently in the alley below them. Danni caught the scent of the couple and squeezed Demetri’s hand tightly “It’s ok cara. I’ve got you” She nods and brings her other hand to her throat feeling the burn. “You stay here and I’ll lure them in ok” He kisses her temple and releases her hand. About 30 seconds later Demetri and the human couple enter the alley and make their way towards Danni, once they are near enough Danni hears Demetri softly call out “Now” She watches as he grabs the man and sinks his teeth into his neck, the woman goes to run but Danni is quicker and grabs her around the throat holding her to her chest and bites down on her neck, the blood flowing down her throat easing the burn. When she had drained the human, she released her and she fell to the ground. “Well done amore” Demetri says smiling and kisses her “Very efficient. Still thirsty?” “Thank you babe and yes I am, a little” She kisses him back “Let’s dispose of these two and then we’ll find you someone else.” Demetri snaps their necks and then they throw the couple into the nearby river and watch as the bodies wash away. “Come on cara” He takes her hand in his and they make their way towards another part of the city where they kill and dispose of two more humans. “You were amazing cara. You were fast, efficient and they were very clean kills…for a newborn. I’m so proud of you” He wraps his arm around her, pulling her to his chest and kisses her “I learnt from the best babe” She kissed him, tasting a little blood from his last kill “Let’s go home” She laced her fingers with his and they made their way back to the castle.
Danni enters her and Demetri’s shared room and sees Nicolai for the first time since waking as a newborn. He was lying in his crib and she leant down and picked him up gently. She didn’t make a move to harm him, just cradled him to her and took in the new baby smell he had. She felt multiple sets of eyes on her and realisation flashed in her eyes “You think I’d harm my baby…my son?” “No, no not all mi amore” Demetri replied stepping closer, though her eyes never left Felix, Heidi or the twins’ faces. “We never knew that our kind could have children before now and therefore do not know how or if the scent of his blood would affect your senses. Newborns are…driven by instinct and I didn’t want to take a chance with the two of you as I know you would absolutely hate yourself if you harmed our son in any way.” Danni thought for a moment before responding “So you had four vampires watch over me along with yourself, that’s a little excessive Dem. Surely you and Felix would have sufficed” The others chuckled “So you aren’t mad at us sweetie?” Jane asked “Of course not, a little irritated that I was being scrutinised whilst I held my son for the first time since waking as a newborn” She replied “That’s on me darling” Demetri said as he wrapped an arm around her back and kissed her temple. “I know but I am going to ask everyone to leave us so the three of us can bond as a family. I don’t want any other firsts with my son to feel…tainted” Demetri felt a little guilty hearing that his mate felt that way and knew that she would never forget feeling that way whenever she thought back on today now that she was immortal. The others nodded “Sorry Danni” They murmured as they left the room.
Once they were alone Demetri whispered into her ear “I’m so very sorry that I have upset you, that I have ruined this moment between you both…” He looked down at his son briefly before continuing “I love you both so very very much, I don’t know what I’d do if I ever lost either of you” He kissed her temple again and stepped back from her. “Where are you going?” “I thought I would step away for a bit, allow you two to bond as I did with him whilst I waited for you to wake up” “Don’t be silly, come here. I just want some time with my boys” She smiled at him and watched as he stepped closer to her “Kiss me Dem” He complied, kissing her lips softly before leaning down to kiss his son’s head. “For the record you didn’t ruin anything. You were just being overprotective…like way overprotective” She chuckled and he did too “Can you blame me? I’ve dealt with many newborns over the years but…you’re different…you’re mine. My mate, my creation, the mother of my gorgeous son. You are acting nothing like a typical newborn, you’re so calm and in control and I…” “…You worried if my newborn instincts would kick in around our son, that I may harm him without ever meaning to” She finished for him “Exactly darling” “And that is why I am not mad or upset as your actions came from the heart, from your love for me as they have always done” She kissed his cheek “I love you more than I ever thought possible Dem” “I know mi amore. I feel the exact same way about you and our son.”
The others heard their conversation from the corridor as they lingered outside Alec’s door down the hall. “Danni is amazing and she is very calm for a newborn. I’m impressed” Jane said “I agree. I think that maybe that has something to do with the fact that she knew ahead of time that she would be turned, knew what to expect. I mean she has lived with us for three months and therefore was prepared for this life” Heidi replied “Not to mention she is a mum and her maternal side is clearly showing” Alec added with a smile “I think they’ll be fine and if they need us, Demetri knows where to find us” Felix added before walking back towards his room, the others doing the same.
Later that night Demetri and Danni stand over Nicolai’s crib and watch him sleep for a bit “I just want to say thank you for giving me a son” He cups her face in his hands and kisses her “I still can’t believe I’m a dad” She smiles up at him “I didn’t do this on my own, you helped Dem...” She kissed his lips softly “…I’m glad that I got to have a baby with you” She added and rested her head on his chest and looked down at their sleeping son “I thank the gods every day for bringing you into my life…” He kissed the top of her head “…you and our son.”
As soon as Danni closes the door to their closet Demetri pulls Danni towards him, turning her so her back is against his chest, his arms wrapping around her from behind, and slowly leaves a trail of kisses up and down her neck before gently turning her head upwards towards him, covering her mouth with his in a loving kiss. She turns in his arms and resumes kissing him. He bites her lip asking for entrance and slips his tongue into her mouth, their tongues moving together as he puts his other hand on the back of her head deepening the kiss. She moans into the kiss and one hand goes to the back of his head; nails scratching at his hair at the base of his neck. He growls low and Danni moves her other hand downwards and brushes over his crotch “Danni” He says with a warning tone breaking the kiss and he feels her hand squeeze him “Demi” She replies and winks at him.
Before he knows what’s happening Danni pushes him on to sofa and climbs onto his lap straddling him and begins leaving a trail of open mouth kisses along his neck. A soft growl left him when he felt her fangs bite down on his neck and the tingle of her venom marking his skin “Mine” She purred in his ear and he smiled, liking that she had marked him as hers.
He placed his hands on her cheeks and captured her lips in a passionate kiss; she bit his lip gently as she grinded against his hardening cock, his lips parting allowing her to deepen the kiss, their tongues dancing together in a sensuous rhythm. She started to unbutton his shirt, her hands moving over his chest, her nails lightly scratching him; a light growl left him at the feel of her now cold, firm touch. A reminder that she was no longer human, that she was in fact, now an immortal like him.
In one swift movement he pulled at her dress, ripping it from her “Hey” “It was in my way amore” His ruby eyes darkening with desire and he moved his hands to her ass and stood from the sofa, gently laying her down on the rug in front of the fireplace. “So beautiful and sexy” He said as he gazed down at his mate, if she was still human she would be blushing. They resumed kissing and touching one another, their arousal building and filling the air around them. “These are in my way” Danni said low and she pulled his trousers from him, ripping them in the process. He chuckled low before tugging her bra and panties from her. His head dipped down and he took one nipple into his mouth before she could respond. Danni’s back arched slightly in response to Demetri’s actions as he massaged one breast as he continued to kiss and suck the other.
Demetri adjusted himself between Danni’s thighs and slowly entered her, stilling for just a moment before slowing moving in and out of her, making love to her. Soft moans filled the room as Danni’s body responded to every touch, every kiss that Demetri left on her naked body. “Oh…Dem” He pulled almost all the way out of her and ran his hand up her thigh holding her leg to his side as he re-entered her filling her fully, deeply, completely being at one with her. Another moan of pleasure slipped past her lips as he hit that spot inside her over and over again. He roughly thrusted into her and captured her lips with his muffling her cry; her nails scratching up his back as he continued to take her roughly, growling into her ear “Oh God…Danni!” He felt her walls tighten around him just before her orgasm washed over her, her body alight with a pleasure she’d never known before. She held him tightly to her as the intensity of her orgasm kept building as he continued to chase his release. “It’s…it’s…” She trailed off and felt his release fill her, noticing that it didn’t feel cold this time, in fact it felt warm and she smiled knowingly at him. He smiled and nodded in response, knowing what she was thinking in that moment. A few moments of silence passed between them before Danni spoke softly “I thought my first time with you as a human was amazing…but god that was…” “I know baby” He smiled and kissed her softly as he held her closer to him.
Although Demetri had enjoyed being intimate with Danni whilst she was human, this time was different, this time he was able to enjoy being with her intimately without the fear of hurting her. “I love you Demi” “I love you too cara mia.” They made love to one another over and over again that night, seeing as Danni no longer needed to eat, breath or sleep.
Nicolai was just a week old when he said his first word “Daddy” Demetri’s face lit up with pride as he scooped his son up into his arms, holding him close. Danni watched the two of them from the closet doorway and couldn’t help smiling. “Such a clever little boy” Demetri praised his son and turned to see his mate watching them. “I can’t believe he said his first word at only a week old” Danni said “None of us know how slowly or quickly he will grow and develop as he is the first human / vampire child to be born” Demetri replied “All the more reason to document his development in his baby book.” She replied with a smile.
Nicolai shocked everyone when he took his first steps, seeing as he was only three weeks old. He was playing with his cars in the family room and pulled himself up and took his first shaky steps over to where Demetri was building a castle out of building blocks, Danni sitting beside him. “Can I help daddy?” His little voice rang out in the almost quiet room “Of course you can” Demetri replied as Danni lifted him into her lap smiling proudly at her son. “He’s amazing Demi” “Yes, he is” He replied and kissed his son’s cheek.
Nicolai was so loved dearly by his parents, grandparents and his aunts and uncles in the castle, that he was never without someone to play with or spend time with. The vampires were amazed at how quickly he was developing compared to his human counterparts outside the castle and the Kings put it down to his vampire side. Aro tracked his development with his parent’s blessing “We are curious about your development and growth little one as we have never met anyone like you before” Aro said softly to him as he measured his height again and made a note of the physical changes to the boy in the past week.
Caius would often ‘steal’ his grandson and would hide away in his study so he could read stories to him. Athenodora would join them sometimes, sitting beside her husband cuddling her grandson whilst Caius reads aloud. Nicolai often fell asleep in his grandparent’s arms following story time, something they all enjoyed.
Nicolai is cuddled up to Danni as they watch Hotel Transylvania when he suddenly turns and asks her “Does daddy turn into a bat? Can you turn into a bat? Ahh, can I turn into a bat?” He asks excitedly, Demetri hears him from the closet and chuckles. “No sweetie, we can’t turn into bats” Danni answers “Oh” Nicolai replies looking and sounding a little sad, Danni holds him a little closer and kisses the top of his head. A little while later Nicolai asks “Does daddy say ‘I’m Dracula blah blah blah’?” Danni can’t help but laugh a little “No little one I don’t say ‘I’m Dracula blah blah blah’” Demetri replies imitating Dracula’s voice from the film and smiles as he sees his son’s eyes light up a little “Daddy you’re the best” Demetri smiles and takes a seat beside Danni lifting Nicolai onto his lap “I know” He kisses his son’s hair and they continue to watch the film as a family “Mommy was daddy your zing?” Nicolai asked once the film ended “Yes sweetie. Daddy was my zing” She replies smiling and kisses Demetri’s cheek “I love you Dem” “I love you too Danni” “What about me?” Nicolai asks “We love you too” Demetri and Danni say at the same time.
The following day Demetri spoke to Marcus and asked if Gianna could be turned as she is not only friends with Danni but she helped him take care of Nicolai whilst Danni was undergoing her transformation. Marcus agreed and even added that her dedication to her work also went in her favour. “I’ll change Gianna myself as you have one newborn already under your care Demetri” “Understood Master and thank you” Demetri replied with a nod “You’re welcome and I’m glad that Gianna will be joining the family permanently.”
Demetri returned to his room and found Danni in the closet. “Danni, I have some news for you” He says as he approaches her, she turns and nods letting him know he had her attention. “I have spoken to Marcus and he has agreed to make Gianna an immortal and is even going to turn her himself as I already have a newborn under my care” Demetri said with a smile “Oh my god. You’re amazing. I love you” Danni says excitedly and threw her arms around Demetri’s neck. He chuckled and wrapped his arms around her, holding her close “I love you too darling” “Does she know? Can I tell her?” Demetri chuckled again “No, Gianna is not aware that I asked Marcus to turn her and yes, you can tell her. Marcus will talk to her about when her turning will take place once he’s told Aro and Caius of his plan” Danni kissed Demetri before leaving to find Gianna.
Demetri?” “Hi Gianna, it’s nice to see you too. Demetri and Nicolai are well. Nicolai is growing up so fast bless him, it’s taking a little getting used to” “I get that. It is a little weird to see him walking around the castle given how old he actually is” Danni smiled and nodded in agreement. “I have some news for you” Danni said, trying to contain her excitement “Ooh tell me, tell me” Gianna replied, curiosity shining in her eyes “Demetri spoke to Marcus about you becoming immortal…” Gianna gasped, clearly shocked “…We’re really good friends and you helped Demetri with Nicolai during my transformation. Marcus agreed and has decided to turn you himself” “Oh my god. Really?” Danni nodded “Really. Dem told me about ten minutes ago and Marcus will discuss the details with you later.” Gianna got up from her desk and hugged Danni “Thank you so much. I owe Demetri one” “No, you don’t, this is his way of saying thanks to you remember” Danni replied and felt Gianna nod in response.
A few days later Marcus changed Gianna and stayed with her for the first day as he wanted to ensure she was handing the change well. On day two Danni and Nicolai sat with her so she wouldn’t be alone. Danni read to Gianna hoping it may distract her a little from the burning sensation. Nicolai talked to her, telling her what he had been up and what was going on in the castle. ‘Ah bless him, love him greatly’ Gianna thought to herself. Danni smiled down at her son, proud that he was so caring and compassionate given his young age. Demetri spent day three with her as he didn’t want Nicolai in the room with a newborn as he was unsure how Gianna would react once she woke up.
Upon waking on day three Demetri and Alec took Gianna on her first hunting trip as it wasn’t safe for Marcus to do so as he was one of the Kings. Demetri noticed that Gianna was a messier newborn during her first hunting trip than Danni was. Gianna acted more like how a newborn vampire would than Danni did and Alec put that down to the fact that she had less time to adjust to the thought of becoming immortal than Danni. The one thing that everyone noticed about Gianna was that she was not tempted by Nicolai’s human side, something Danni and Demetri were pleased about.
Danni had been gone for most of the day and Demetri wondered aloud to himself “I wonder where your mummy is” “I know where she is” Nicolai replied and took off running to find his mum. “Hey, wait up” Demetri calls as he runs after him.
Nicolai finds Danni sitting in the north facing garden talking with Caius “Mummy” He calls out and runs towards her and Danni lifts him onto her lap just as Demetri enters the garden. “Hi Grandpa. See daddy, I said I knew where mummy was” Nicolai says grinning “I know and you found her very quickly. How did you do that?” He asks crouching down in front of them. “I just thought of mummy and I knew she was here.” This caught Caius’s attention as he and his brothers were waiting to find out if the boy was gifted like his parents. Demetri stands before sitting beside Danni on the bench turning slightly to face her and Nicolai “I think you may have a gift little one, like me and mummy” “You and mummy have a gift. What does that mean?” Nicolai asks “Some vampires have gifts, for example; Uncle Alec can take away a person’s senses, mummy is a shield; this means she can shield herself from psychic attacks and no one can read her mind unless she allows it and I am a tracker; I can pick up on the essence of someone’s mind and can follow it like a scent over any distance. To be able to do this I have to either have met that person physically or anyone who has met the person in the past. Although I cannot track mummy due to her shield” Nicolai nods smiling “Wow! Daddy yours and mummy’s gifts sound cool” Demetri and Danni smile hearing this “Are you able to track me daddy?” He asks curiously “I have never tried to” Demetri replies and concentrates on his son, trying to reach out and pick-up Nicolai’s tenor. “It would seem that I cannot track you little one. I think you may have a shielding ability like mummy, as well as the ability to track her” Nicolai smiles wide at his dad “Really? That’s cool. Can we a play game, get mummy to hide and see if I can find her again? Please daddy” Excitement shining in his blue eyes and Demetri looks at Caius who nods “Go on let’s have some fun and test his gift” “Thank you master. Sit with me and Caius whilst mummy goes and hide.” Danni passes Nicolai to Demetri and leaves the garden to go hide. “I’ll count to 20 mi amore and then we’ll come find you.” Twenty seconds later Demetri smiles at his son “Right let’s see if you can find mummy” Nicolai nodded and thought about Danni and how much he wanted to find her. He quickly climbed off his dad’s lap and started running towards the castle “Come on daddy, Grandpa” He called out and Demetri got up and followed his son “He’s very fast” Caius said as he ran beside Demetri.
Nicolai ran into the castle ballroom “I found you mummy” Demetri heard his son declare just before Danni giggles “Yes you did, my clever little boy” She bent down and scooped him up in her arms, spinning him around. “Well done son, you did great” Demetri said smiling at his son and placing a kiss on his head before kissing Danni’s lips “Looks like you can track me after all Demi, as long as our son is with you” She smiles and winks at him “That’s ok with me cara mia.” Demetri replies and wraps his arm around her.
“I’m curious though, can you find Aro, Nicolai?” Caius asks Nicolai and he shrugged, before closing his eyes and focusing on finding Aro “I can’t sense Uncle Aro, I’m sorry Grandpa” He sounded sad “Don’t be little one, this just confirms what I thought. You have a gift like your parents or should I say you have two gifts. First it appears that you are shield like your mummy and secondly, your tracking ability fills in the gaps of your daddy’s gift; enabling you to track people with strong psychic shields like your mummy” Caius replies and Demetri looks at his son in his mate’s arms with a proud smile on his face “That’s my boy” Nicolai smiled back at Demetri.
“I wonder how he is able to track people. Do you think he can pick up the tenors of someone’s mind like you or do you think it works differently for him as it seems he can only find people with shields?” Danni says curiously “I’m not sure but we have plenty of time to find out” Demetri replies wrapping his arm around her and placing a kiss to her temple. “Are you ok knowing that he can track the people you cannot?” She asks “Of course cara. It means when Nicolai is older, he will be able to help me track people down and then there won’t be anyone that can hide from the Volturi” Demetri says smiling proudly and ruffling his son’s hair. “I can promise you this, Nicolai will a member of the elite guard along with his parents once he is old enough” Caius says smiling wide “Really Grandpa?” Nicolai asks “Yes my boy. You and daddy will be a great team when it comes to tracking others and I can’t wait to see how your gifts develop” Caius replies smiling “That’s good isn’t it daddy? I get to work with you when I’m all growed up” Nicolai replies “You mean when you’re all grown up sweetie” Danni corrects her son softly and he nods at her. 
“I’m going to inform my brothers of Nicolai’s gifts” With that Caius takes off to see Aro and Marcus “They’re in the throne room master” Demetri tells Caius and he nods, feeling proud of his grandson. “You may just be the master’s favourite guard now babe” Danni says teasing him “That is all thanks to you gorgeous” He was looking at her with a look of pure adoration on his face “Nicolai is 50% yours Demi, so it’s really a joint effort” She replies and kisses him, Nicolai giggles at his parents.
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ltalaynareor · 4 months
Caïus et Athénodora Volturi.
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Style 17e siècle.
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wakeofvultures · 8 months
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My greatest strength and weakness is getting attached to characters that barely exist in canon. Anyway, have Athenodora and Sulpicia being gal pals, because I wanted a new background for my laptop.
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