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Hi !!! How does the star Sanses deal with the curse ? Can you tell us what the au is about ?
*Lobo appears
★ "Oh! Hello!" - "A question?"
★ "The Stars...are trying"
★ "Preventing the curse cast on Au's is one way.."
★ "Fighting Nycto is the other way..."
★ "Sadly, If the AU ends up cursed the Locals suffer..."
★ "Atel often blames himself whenever it happens.."
★ "!"
★ "Sorry! Ugh... Gone off topic..."
★ "The AU revolves around the idea of phobia's & fears"
★ "Caused by a Curse"
★ "When Nycto bit the apple it..."
★ "Caused an ancient prophecy to become reality..."
★ "Consumed by the corruption, Nycto destroyed all the apples.."
★ "Gaining power & the ability to make people's fears their living Nightmare"
★ "The curse infects an individual & materialises their fears..."
★ "Nycto uses that fright as energy. So...yeah"
★ "Hope that helps!"
#Lobo#FYD!AU#FYD#Fears of your demise#FYD au#Fears of your demise au#Nycto!Sans#Atel!Sans#FYD!Dream#FYD!Night#FYD!Atel#FYD!Nycto#utmv aus#utmv au#sans au#sans aus#undertale aus#undertale au#FYD!Lobo#undertale multiverse#fears of your demise#fears of your demise au#fyd!au#fyd#fyd au#fyd!lobo#lobo
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Excerpt from this story from The Revelator:
Imagine a vast agricultural field, endless rows of soy or corn running for acres in every direction. Now imagine that this field grows where a mighty forest once stood. The forest, long since chopped down by human hands and machines, now exists in just a handful of pockets, a few spots here and there where the original trees — and their inhabitants — still live.
It shouldn’t be a hard image to visualize. We’ve all seen it: the lonely patches of forest, grassland or other natural systems squeezed between farmland, buildings or highways.
These pockets of undeveloped land may be small, but for many wild plants or animals, they’re all that remains. Those often-endangered species depend on fragmented habitats for their continued survival.
But although the sites serve as vital refuges for wildlife, fragmented habitat comes with a cost — sometimes many costs — and species carry those burdens unevenly.
To understand how habitat fragmentation affects wildlife, I often think of a study I first covered in 2016 about three monkey species — the white-fronted capuchin (Cebus albifrons), the Venezuelan red howler (Alouatta seniculus), and the critically endangered brown spider monkey (Ateles hybridus). All three live in Colombia’s Magdalena Valley, where they’ve been forced to adapt to life in and around massive cattle ranches.
During the study researchers visited 10 forest fragments that had become isolated from each other by the cattle pastures, the San Juan River and natural savanna. They studied each area for signs of the three monkeys and the health of the forest itself.
In the process they developed three case studies about the ways species adapt — or fail to adapt — to habitat fragmentation. They also provided insight into how other animals might fare in similar situations.
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L'ONU a-t-elle créé Israël, comme le soutient E. Macron ?
https://justifiable.fr/?p=66 https://justifiable.fr/?p=66 #atelle #Chez #comme #créé #Israël #les #LONU #Macron #soutient #Surligneurs Emmanuel Macron a-t-il raison quand il affirme qu’Israël a été créé par une résolution de l’ONU ? Les Surligneurs vous répondent. Cette semaine, les spécialistes du legal checking se penchent aussi sur le projet de faire payer l’entrée à Notre-Dame, l’influenceuse Océane Amsler face à la loi Évin et l’absentéisme à l’Assemblée nationale. Une résolution de l’ONU est-elle à l’origine de la création de l’État d’Israël comme l’aurait affirmé Emmanuel Macron ? Le 15 octobre, une remarque d’Emmanuel Macron lors d’un Conseil des ministres a provoqué une vive réaction en Israël. En s’adressant à ses ministres, il aurait rappelé que « Monsieur Netanyahou ne doit pas oublier que son pays a été créé par une décision de l’ONU ». En réponse, le Premier ministre israélien a souligné que l’État d’Israël s’était imposé par « la victoire obtenue dans la guerre d’indépendance » plutôt que par une simple résolution des Nations unies. Cette controverse remet en lumière le débat sur les origines de l’État d’Israël, entre légitimité internationale et force militaire, et la question de savoir si sa création repose davantage sur le plan de partage onusien de 1947 ou sur sa victoire lors du conflit israélo-arabe de 1948. Historiquement, la création de l’État d’Israël a été soutenue par la résolution 181 de l’ONU en 1947, qui envisageait un partage de la Palestine entre un État juif et un État arabe. Bien que ce plan ait été rejeté par les États arabes, Israël a proclamé son indépendance en 1948 et s’est imposé militairement lors de la guerre qui a suivi, occupant une grande partie du territoire initialement prévu pour l’État arabe. En parallèle, l’État hébreu s’est appuyé sur des précédents juridiques, notamment la déclaration de Balfour de 1917 et le mandat de la Société des Nations, pour justifier sa légitimité. Pour certains spécialistes, comme le professeur François Dubuisson, cette légitimité combine reconnaissance internationale et victoire militaire, soulignant que l’ONU n’a pas directement créé Israël, mais a contribué à sa reconnaissance en 1949. En savoir plus ? Cliquer ici. Est-il possible de rendre payante l’entrée de Notre-Dame de Paris pour les touristes ? La ministre de la Culture a récemment proposé d’imposer un droit d’entrée de 5 euros pour les touristes visitant Notre-Dame de Paris, avec l’objectif de récolter 75 millions d’euros par an afin de financer l’entretien des églises en France. Cependant, cette idée a suscité des réactions, notamment de la part du diocèse de Paris, qui a rappelé que le principe d’entrée gratuite dans les églises et cathédrales est garanti par la loi. En effet, depuis la loi de 1905, les édifices religieux appartenant à l’État sont mis gratuitement à la disposition des cultes, et toute activité commerciale ou touristique nécessitant un droit d’entrée doit respecter des conditions strictes, y compris l’accord du « desservant » de l’édifice, qui est le responsable de son usage cultuel. Les règles autour des droits d’entrée sont toutefois suffisamment claires pour que certaines parties d’un édifice religieux, comme les tours, cryptes ou espaces muséaux, qui ne sont pas directement affectés au culte, puissent être d’accès payant. Dans ce cas, un tel, accès peut être mis en place sans nécessiter l’accord de l’autorité religieuse, comme cela a été validé par le Conseil d’État dans une affaire concernant l’église de Saintes-Maries-de-la-Mer. En appliquant ce raisonnement à Notre-Dame, seules les visites des parties comme les tours de l’édifice pourraient être payantes, et non l’accès à la nef, qui reste sous l’autorité du diocèse. En savoir plus ? Cliquer ici. Entre bulles et buzz, l’influenceuse Océane Amsler met la loi Évin sous pression La star des réseaux sociaux Océane Amsler a suscité la polémique en lançant sa marque de vin pétillant en canette, “Maison Bagarre”. En effet, l’association Addiction France prévoit de déposer plainte, estimant que la promotion de ce produit ne respecte pas la loi Évin, qui encadre strictement la publicité pour l’alcool en France depuis 1991. Cette loi limite la publicité des boissons alcoolisées à des informations factuelles et interdit toute association avec des valeurs positives comme la séduction ou la sociabilité. Avec l’essor des réseaux sociaux et du marketing d’influence, ces règles sont de plus en plus remises en question. En réponse, la loi de 2023 impose aux influenceurs de nouvelles obligations de transparence et de respect des lois sur les produits sensibles, mais son application à des plateformes numériques reste complexe, surtout pour des contenus qui atteignent majoritairement un jeune public. Cette affaire met en évidence l’inadéquation entre les lois actuelles, conçues avant l’ère des réseaux sociaux, et les pratiques modernes du marketing d’influence. En plus de la loi Évin, d’autres réglementations, comme celles sur les compléments alimentaires, s’appliquent aussi aux influenceurs, leur interdisant les fausses allégations. Les influenceurs qui ne respectent pas ces règles s’exposent à des poursuites, ainsi que leurs sponsors. Ce besoin d’adaptation législative a été relevé par les députés Arthur Delaporte et Stéphane Vojetta, qui travaillent sur une nouvelle loi pour renforcer la protection des mineurs contre les contenus promouvant des produits alcoolisés sur les réseaux sociaux. En savoir plus ? Cliquer ici. Que risquent François Hollande et Christine Engrand s’ils ne viennent pas siéger à l’Assemblée nationale ? Depuis la rentrée d’octobre, certains élus sont peu présents à l’Assemblée nationale. Par exemple, Christine Engrand (RN), députée du Pas-de-Calais, n’a pris part aux votes qu’à partir du 29 octobre, malgré son arrêt maladie, tout en continuant à cosigner des projets de loi. De même, François Hollande, nouveau député socialiste, n’a repris ses fonctions au Palais Bourbon que fin octobre. Ces absences posent la question des sanctions potentielles pour les députés absents, bien que le cadre disciplinaire existant reste limité et sujet à des exceptions. Le règlement de l’Assemblée nationale prévoit une diminution de 25 % de l’indemnité de fonction des députés (soit environ 381 euros) pour les absences en commission au-delà de deux par mois, sauf exceptions pour les députés déjà en hémicycle ou membres du Bureau. Cependant, aucune obligation n’impose aux députés d’assister aux séances dans l’hémicycle, où leur présence reste volontaire. Un hémicycle peu rempli ne signifie toutefois pas forcément un désintérêt des députés pour leurs fonctions, car ceux-ci peuvent être en commission, dans leur circonscription ou engagés dans d’autres activités liées à leur mandat. En savoir plus ? Cliquer ici.
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Rencontre avec le ministre de l’Intérieur…l’ATEL quitte la salle et exige l’annulation des décrets
Le ministre de l’intérieur et de la sécurité publique a invité les partis politiques et les coalitions pour échanger sur le processus électoral en perspective des élections législatives anticipées. Mais ce sera sans l’Alliance pour la transparence des élections (ATEL) qui, par la voix de son porte-parole, Oumar Sarr, a quitté la salle où les […]
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Police won’t say where Gabriela leader in Caraga is being
Police won’t say where Gabriela leader in Caraga is being
Nasipit, Agusan del Norte. Map courtesy of Google SAN FRANCISCO, Agusan del Sur (MindaNews / 2 September) — Police have confirmed the arrest of women’s rights activist Atheliana “Atel” Hijos in Agu… Read Full News @ MindaNews
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Les sanctions économiques contre la Russie sont-elles vraiment les plus fortes jamais prises contre un pays ?
Les sanctions économiques contre la Russie sont-elles vraiment les plus fortes jamais prises contre un pays ?
La Russie a-t-elle été punie plus sévèrement que tout autre pays dans le passé, en réponse à son invasion de l’Ukraine ? En tout cas, affirme le gouvernement français. “Nous avons eu recours à des sanctions massives, historiques et sans précédent.A déclaré son porte-parole, Gabriel Atel, Le 8 mars sur France Inter. “Nous avons décidé d’un système de sanctions qui est, pour rappel, le plus…
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oh yes, please let us have more separatists on the dash ! we’d love to see the following:
count dooku, cassian andor, rush clovis, mina bonteri, nute gunray, bec lawise, shu mai, san hill, wat tambor, passel argente, whorm loathsom, clu lesser. voe atell, ansibella bellu, pre visla, fenn shysa, kerch kushi, nix card, das jennir, pors tonith, nas ghent, rath kelkko, echo
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(via Guanacaste National Parks) Guanacaste National Parksby admin | Jan 1, 2021 | national parks, Travel | 0 commentsNote: As of Dec 1, 2020 the following parks and reserves are open with restrictions – Arenal, Barra Honda, Ballena, Las Baulas, Braulio Carrillo, Cabo Blanco, Cahuita, Camaronal, Carara, Cipanci, Corcovado, Diriá, Gandoca-Manzanillo, Grecia, Guayabo, Iguanita, Irazú, Isla del Coco, Manuel Antonio, Monte Alto, Monteverde, Ostional, Poás, Los Quetzales, Rincón de la Vieja, Santa Rosa, Tapantí, Tenorio, Tortuguero, Turrialba.Map of Costa Rica’s Protected Areas
Leaders in ConservationCosta Rica’s National Parks and other protected areas serve as a model of sustainable conservation.The world owes Costa Rica a debt for the social conscience, political will, original economics, and plain old hard work that have led to the protection of a larger percentage of the land as natural habitat than in any other country.The incredible ecological diversity is recognized as an irreplaceable treasure by the people and government of Costa Rica and international organizations including the World Wildlife Fund, Conservation International, The Rainforest Alliance, Worldwatch Institute, Organization for Tropical Studies, MacArthur Foundation and the Nature Conservancy.Other countries including the United States, Canada, Sweden, Denmark, Germany, and Panama have also contributed much to the growth and protection of the wilds of Costa Rica with debt for nature swaps, grants, and scientific, economic and political expertise.National Parks DayEvery August 24th is Costa Rican National Parks day and entry into all parks is free for residents and international visitors!Palo Verde National ParkPalo Verde National Park has a unique dichotomous character. It’s simultaneously a spectacular wetlands and one of the best examples of tropical dry forests remaining anywhere in the world. This dual nature is a result of the Río Tempisque flooding over land located in a relatively arid climate region.The park, like many in Costa Rica’s system consists largely of reclaimed pastureland. Fortunately, in the case of Palo Verde, the haciendas that preceded the park were somewhat different than the clear-cut ranches of the volcanic highlands. The underlying limestone, and the drier climate of the region gave rise to native forests where trees were sparser and there was more grass and forage in the natural ecosystem. Clear-cutting was not always necessary to ranching, and the park escaped it’s tenure as pasture with less damage than most.Birds Dry Season and RainyBirds are the biggest attraction at Palo Verde National Park. In the wet season the floodwaters of the Río Tempisque spread to form extensive marshes that welcome migrant birds from the Americas at the onset of winter. As the December through May dry season (called summer in Costa Rica) progresses the marshes shrink to isolated patches and pools, and the migrants depart for their summer nesting grounds in temperate climates.Many of the resident tropical bird species nest on a small mangrove island in the Río Tempisque. Isla de Pajaros (bird island), as it is known provides a safe place for Cattle Egrets, Roseate Spoonbills, Wood Storks, Green-backed Herons, Anhingas, Great Egrets, and Black-crowned Night-Herons to breed. Other birds you can expect to see in the park include White Ibis, Glossy Ibis, Black-necked Stilt, Black-bellied Whistling-Duck, Snail Kite, American Widgeon, Northern Shoveler, and Blue-winged Teal.In the dry season, many of the trees have dropped their leaves, and the wildlife is concentrated around the ever-shrinking water sources. One of the best strategies for spotting the many species of mammals that Palo Verde National Park protects is to sit quietly near a water source. You may spot Variegated Squirrels, Howler Monkeys, White-nosed Coatis, White-tailed Deer, White-throated Capuchin Monkeys, and Collared Peccaries.Cycling Across the ParkPalo Verde National Park is one of our favorites. When we first visited, there was a little known and unused back entrance to the park, across the Bebedero river. We rode and carried our bicycles across the whole park to the campground near the ranger station (Read about Biking Palo Verde Park).The entrance and the trails it serves are now closed except for official research, but you can rent mountain bikes from the Organization for Tropical Studies station to explore other parts of the park.Getting to Palo VerdeAlthough the back door from Bebedero has been effectively closed, there is another very interesting way to enter the Park. On the Nicoya side of the Río Tempisque, you can hire a boat at the dock in the pueblo of Puerto Humo and power your way upriver to the Park. Arrange with your boatman ahead of time to get a close-up look at the Isla de Pajaros (Bird Island), and perhaps continue upriver past the park where the vegetation closes in and you are sure to see crocodiles.Best Time to VisitPalo Verde is located in one of the driest regions of Costa Rica but when it does rain here the roads can be impassable. Birdwatching is also better in the dry season because there are many migrants who arrive from up north to escape the snow in December through May.Stay in the Park – OTS Lodge and CampingThere are a few parks and reserves in Costa Rica where it’s possible to spend the night in relative comfort and thanks to the Organization for Tropical Studies, Palo Verde is one of them. Lodging, meals and guide services are all available by reservation (See details – OTS Palo Verde Lodge).If you’ve got the gear, camping is also an option. The campground near the ranger station provides access to potable water, showers and restrooms.Guanacaste National ParkMother with infant spider monkeys in the Murcielago sector of Santa Rosa National park on the trail to Bahia/Playa Hachal. Geoffroy’s Spider Monkeys (Ateles geoffroyi) are called mono aranya in Spanish and are also known as Black-handed Spider MonkeyGuanacaste National Park was created in 1989 to connect Santa Rosa National Park with the high elevation cloud forest of Orosi and Cacao volcanoes and across the continental divide to the Caribbean rainforest of Northern Costa Rica. The hope is that together these two parks protect enough land to ensure sufficiently large habitats for wide-ranging species such as jaguars and mountain lions, while simultaneously creating a biological corridor for birds and insects to make local seasonal migrations between the dry forest and the evergreen cloud and rain forests.The park owes its existence in large part to Dr. Daniel Janzen. He successfully raised donations telling international contributors he would show the world “how to grow a National Park.” He launched his campaign when international beef prices were low, and many of the ranch owners were eager to sell their degraded grazing lands. His goals of recreating more of the severely threatened tropical dry forest habitat from cattle pasture, as well as forming a biological corridor are now coming to fruition. Happily, biologists have commented that the habitat is regenerating more quickly than they had hoped.Janzen was also aware that the changes in the land that would benefit the wildlife would leave many ranch hands without work and have a major impact on local communities. His foresight ensured that one of the goals of the park is to encourage local participation in environmental programs, and train and employ locals as park personnel. This attitude is important, because although the National Parks of Costa Rica are part of the world’s heritage, they are also an important part of Tico’s everyday lives.Hiking, Nature Walks and BirdwatchingThe main attraction of Guanacaste National Park is a good brisk walk or a leisurely stroll. The large range of elevations result in trails that cross several ecosystems as you climb from the dry Pacific forests near the border with Santa Rosa National Park to the high elevation cloud forests near the peaks of Orosi and Cacao volcanoes. You can cross the continental divide and climb down to rainforest typical of the Caribbean side of Northern Costa Rica.Among the dry forest inhabitants are Collared Peccaries, Howler Monkeys, White-nosed Coatis, White-tailed Deer, and Variegated Squirrels, Long-tongued Bats, and Capuchin Monkeys. You will almost certainly spot dozens of birds in a hour or two of walking including White-throated Magpie Jays, Orange-Fronted Parakeets, and Crested Caracara (roadside hawks). At higher elevations you may spot Squirrel Cuckoos, Tanagers and Groove-billed Anis.rainfall and weatherThis is one of the hotter drier areas of Costa Rica, and the whole Guanacaste region has more predictable seasons than the rest of Costa Rica. The chance of rain is much less during the dry season from December to April, but the higher you climb, the more likely you are to get wet… any time of the year.Although it is fairly likely that it will rain on any given day during the rainy season (AKA the green season), it is also fairly likely that it will be a short shower in mid-afternoon. The rainy season which lasts from May until November is also usually interrupted by a two or three week dry spell in late July or August called the Veranillo de San Juan (Saint Joseph’s little summer).Quick Facts Guanacaste National ParkGuanacaste is a large park that protects 32,512 hectares where elevations range from 300 to 1659 meters (984 to 5443 feet). The habitats represented here are cloud forest, pasture/farm, and regenerating tropical dry forest.Santa Rosa National ParkTropical Dry ForestSanta Rosa National Park protects some of the last remaining tropical dry forest in the world. The small patch of oak forest near the entrance to the Comelco Ranch is probably representative of the original habitat of much of the park. Ranchers burned most of the plateau region, and African pasture grass (Hyparrenia rufa) and the fire resistant Bignoniaceae trees define the current landscape. Nearer the beaches the habitat becomes more native-like.Guanacaste National Park was created in 1989 to connect Santa Rosa National Park with the high elevation cloud forest of Orosi and Cacao volcanoes and across the continental divide to the Caribbean rainforest of Northern Costa Rica. The hope is that together these two parks protect enough land to ensure sufficiently large habitats for wide-ranging species such as jaguars and mountain lions while simultaneously creating a biological corridor for birds and insects to make local seasonal migrations between the dry forest and the evergreen cloud and rain forests.Beaches-Turtles, Scuba and SurfingThere are two important sea turtle nesting beaches in Santa Rosa, Naranjo and Nancite. The latter is one of two beaches in Costa Rica (the other is Ostional) where Pacific Ridley Sea Turtles come ashore each year in large arribadas to lay their eggs.These mass arrivals can include thousands of individuals in a single night, usually on a new moon in late summer.The beach at Naranjo is also famous for surfing, and the area near witch’s rock was a filming location for the cult surfing classic ‘Endless Summer II.’ There is a campground at Naranjo beach.From outside the park you can arrange scuba-diving trips to Islas Murciélago, (the Bat Islands), off the Santa Elena Peninsula.Hiking Trails and MapsThere are a number of excellent trails in Santa Rosa National Park for day or overnight trips.1:50,000 Topographical maps are available online from Omni Maps (sheets CR50 3048 I, and CR50 3048 IV cover most of the park, but CR50 3048 II, and CR50 3048 III are required for the southern edges)When to VisitThis is one of the hotter drier areas of Costa Rica, and the whole Guanacaste region has more predictable seasons than the rest of Costa Rica. The chance of rain is much less during the dry season from December to April.Although it is fairly likely that it will rain on any given day during the rainy season (AKA the green season), it is also fairly likely that it will be a short shower in mid-afternoon. The rainy season which lasts from May until November is also usually interrupted by a two or three week dry spell in late July or August called the veranillo de San Juan (little summer).Getting ThereLocation – Santa Rosa National Park is located at the northwestern tip of Costa Rica 118 miles (190 km) northwest of San José (136 miles, 219 km by road). Nearest towns Liberia & La Cruz.Driving directions – From San José, take the Interamerican Highway (1) north 136 miles (219 km) passing through San Ramon, Cañas, and Liberia to the signed left turn at the entrance road. Bus – Unfortunately there is not a direct way to reach the Santa Rosa Ranger Station by bus. Buses from San José or Liberia to La Cruz and the Nicaraguan border will drop you at the turnoff from the PanAmerican Highway and you’ll have to walk or hitch-hike the 4miles (7 km) to La Casona. Air – The nearest airport is LIR outside Liberia.Quick Facts Santa Rosa National ParkOne of Costa Rica’s larger parks, Santa Rosa covers 49,515 hectares with a wide range of habitats including beach, mangrove estuary, marine, pasture/farm, and tropical dry forest.History at Santa Rosa National ParkSanta Rosa may owe its early designation as a National Park to an attempted invasion by U.S. troops. The battle that occurred here is a source of great pride in Costa Rica, and the historical significance of the park helped win its protection by executive decrees in 1970 and 1977.William Walker was an American lawyer who had designs on an empire. In June of 1855 he arrived in Nicaragua, propped up a failing regime, and set him self up as Commander-in-Chief. With this tenuous authority, he planned to convert all of Central America into slaving territory and use the slaves to build a canal from Lake Nicaragua to the Pacific (the San Juan River is navigable from Lake Nicaragua to the Caribbean so this canal would have linked the Atlantic and Pacific Oceans as the Panama Canal does today).With the financial backing of the Confederate Union of the southern United States, Walker sent an international army of mercenaries into Costa Rica. When word of the invasion reached the capital, President Juan Rafael Mora organized 9,000 civilians to march to Guanacaste. At the hacienda of Santa Rosa on March 20, 1856, the mercenaries were routed in a 14 minute battle. The victorious Ticos pushed Walker’s forces across the border into Nicaragua where they made another stand in a wooden fort in Rivas. On April 11, 1856 a drummer boy named Juan Santamaría, from Alajuela volunteered to set the fort afire, and although he successfully flushed the mercenaries he lost his life in the battle. He is remembered as a hero.Walker returned to the United States, where he practiced law for a while before returning to Central America in another takeover attempt. In 1860, he was captured by the Honduran government, found guilty of treason and shot. Interestingly, another central figure in this history met a similar fate. President Mora lost political favor and his job after the battle. When he tried to regain control of the country in a military coup, he was captured, tried for treason and died in front of a firing squad the same year as Walker.Amazingly, this single incident encompasses much of the military history of Costa Rica. While Ticos are proud of their war heroes, and established Santa Rosa National Park in part to protect La Casona and the other buildings where the victory occurred, they are even prouder of their remarkably peaceful history.La Casona Hacienda was the site of the most famous battle in Costa Rican history. Now it’s a museum and part of Santa Rosa National Park. This historic building was the site of the ‘epic’ Battle of Santa Rosa in 1856 and has been preserved as a monument. There are displays of military paraphernalia and everyday life at a Tico Hacienda in the mid 1800’s. Keep an eye out for the Long-tongued Bats that roost in the eves of the buildings.Diria National ParkOne of Guanacaste’s Least-Known Attractions. Northern Guanacaste and the Nicoya Peninsula have several well known national parks: the history-rich Santa Rosa, the caves of Barra Honda, the marine preserve and turtle nesting grounds of Las Baulas and the wetlands of Palo Verde — now one of the top birding destinations in the world. But few know about or have visited the wonderful Diria National Park near Santa Cruz. It is the least visited locale in Costa Rica’s national park system, with even fewer tourists than the rarely visited La Cangreja Park, which was featured in the December 2018 Howler issue.The 5,500-hectare park (over 10,000 acres) was created only recently, in 2004. A key objective was to protect more than 380 species of trees that forest the area — many original old growth saved from the deforestation of the mid-20th century — as well as several rivers flowing out of the mountains creating the Santa Cruz region’s water supply. Diria National Park is also the home of rare and endangered bromeliads and cacti, along with a special group of orchids that can survive the extreme dry season conditions.For anyone visiting the northern Nicoya area, a day trip to Diria can give you a totally different Costa Rica experience.When to goIf you’re seeking a great place to hike or mountain bike, see lots of birds and animals along with rare and endangered plants or even just cool off from the heat, you will enjoy Diria. The park has two major areas: the lowland tropical dry forest around the casona (park ranger station) and the tropical humid forests covering much more mountainous terrain, rising to 1,800 meters (almost 6,000 feet) above sea level.The casona vicinity has three hiking trails that follow the rivers through the dry forest. The longest trail leads to beautiful Brazil Falls, requiring a demanding hike through rugged conditions. The park’s main facilities are located at the casona, accessible only by fording a river. Many opt not to drive through, especially in rainy season. The casona has restrooms and is equipped for overnight stays and meals if booked in advance, especially for groups.The rest of the park site can be reached by driving, or more recently, using a system of bike trails extending upward … and further up. You can drive to the crest of the Nicoya Peninsula’s highest mountain ridge, looking back to the mainland and even sighting Palo Verde National Park.
Animals and birds abound throughout Diria and change with the elevation. Howler monkeys, iguanas, anteaters and deer can be seen. Birding is also great here, with more than 140 species that include pale-billed woodpecker, barred antshrikes and long-tailed manakins. All are easily seen in the park, as well as the beautiful elegant trogon, which is found only in the northern Nicoya Peninsula.How to get thereFirst drive to Santa Cruz, from the west taking route 152/route 160 east, or from the east taking route 21. From there, take the road south to Arado; drive around the Arado soccer field and you will see a sign to Diria National Park. The road becomes gravel for the final 6 kilometers. Follow signs to Diria National Park (a 4WD vehicle is recommended). Signs to the park casona take you to the lowland trails (remember you must cross a river) and those marked Los Angeles lead up the mountain. When you reach the ranger station, don’t be surprised if it’s unoccupied; the park has few rangers and those on duty are likely out patrolling, especially when there’s a risk of forest fires during dry season. Many park visitors leave their admission fee on the desk.For anyone visiting the northern Nicoya area, staying in Tamarindo or other beach spots, a day trip to Diria can give you a totally different Costa Rica experience. It can even cool you off a bit, as a bonus for enjoying some real wilderness.When to visitAs applies to most places in Costa Rica, the best time for visiting Diria is between December to April. However, visiting in the rainy season can be a treat if you visit Brazil Falls, which quickly dries out in summer. The downside is that rainy season conditions can be difficult for getting around and the roads might be impassable.Rincón de la Vieja National Park, Guanacaste18 / 41Waterfall inside Rincon de la Vieja National ParkEcological diversity abounds at Rincón de la Vieja National Park, one of the parks in the Guanacaste Conservation Area.This park is a must-visit destination when you are in the Guanacaste Province.Best Hotels in Rincón de la Vieja National ParkPriceHotel Hacienda Guachipelin$$Check PriceAt over 34,000 acres, Rincón de la Vieja has room for two volcanoes, 32 rivers and streams, and an incredible variety of flora and fauna.A number of activities can be enjoyed at the park such as hiking, horseback riding, enjoying hot springs, swimming, picnicking, and camping. Rincón de la Vieja National Park VideoPlayUnmuteLoaded: 10.73%Remaining Time –2:53FullscreenGuachipelin Adventure Combo PassThe best all day adventure combo that includes ziplining, horseback riding, white water river tubing, full buffet lunch, hot springs & volcanic mud bath.Get Your PassRincón de la Vieja is approximately 15 miles northeast of the city of Liberia, which is the capital of the Guanacaste Province.Explore Both SidesWith its location and sheer size, this national park allows you to experience both the Caribbean and Pacific sides of the Cordillera de Guanacaste.The west side of the park on the slope of the volcano that fronts the Pacific Ocean is more arid than the eastern Caribbean-facing side, which means that it has a dry season from February through April.The dry season on the west side allows for great hiking conditions for those that want to hike the slope of the volcano. Atlantic trade winds on the eastern side of the park provide it with an average of 200 inches of rain per year, keeping vegetation lush and growing all the time.There is no distinct dry season on the east, so the tropical ecosystems on that side continually stay damp.The park is serviced by two ranger stations, one in the Santa Maria sector, and the other in the Las Pailas sector.Hiking and horseback riding trails fan out from the Santa Maria ranger station and traverse 5,000 feet in vertical elevation. Picnic areas are also available to rest and rejuvenate before hitting the trails again.Next to Las Pailas ranger station, campground facilities allow you to spend the night in the park.Rincón de la Vieja National ParkWhere to StayView HotelsSee Incredible Flora and FaunaRincón de la Vieja hosts a wide variety of tropical forests, including dwarf cloud and montane ecosystems.Exotic and rare flora and fauna find refuge here including kinkajous, pumas, a variety of monkeys, sloths, tapirs, and jaguars.Rare emerald toucanets and blue-crowned motmots glow in the sunlight along with vibrant fuschia and purple Guaria Morada orchids. Laurel and Guanacaste trees form canopies for birds and mammals to live in.Sightsee and SwimVarious water features are major attractions at the park and include a freshwater lagoon, waterfalls, hot springs, and boiling mud pits.Barra Honda Caverns National ParkThe area of the Tempisque Basin where the Nicoya Peninsula joins the mainland has a foundation of relatively soft limestone. Water has cut extensive caves through Cerro Barra Honda and the other small mountains creating the best know feature of this National Park. However, the park also has well maintained hiking trails. The protected tropical dry forest (though mostly secondary) within its borders is some of the last in the world, and very different from the rain and cloud forests that attract many ecological tourists to Costa Rica.The CavernsThe soda straws, pearls, roses, needles, cave grapes, curtains, terraces, stalactites, stalagmites and other calcareous formations of the more than 40 limestone caverns are the main attraction at Barra Honda National Park.The caves are all in relatively good condition because their vertical entrances are difficult to negotiate. This is also why you need climbing gear, a guide, and permission from the Parks service in advance to enter them.The caves range from a few feet to over 780 feet (240 meters) deep. Pozo Hediondo (Fetid Pit) Cave was named for the aroma of the guano deposited by thousands of resident bats.Until the caverns were discovered and explored in the late sixties, many believed that Cerro Barra Honda was a volcano because of the roaring sounds made by the bats as they departed the caverns en masse, and the fumes from the caves they occupied.Hiking at Barra HondaThe network of hiking trails used to access the caverns are great for exploring one of the rarest habitats on earth, tropical dry forest. The juxtaposition of capuchin monkeys and cactus seems odd, and some of the trees flower only after they’ve dropped all their leaves. Any time of year you can hope to see howler monkeys, deer, racoons, peccaries, kinkajous, agoutis, and anteaters.Maps are available at the ranger station. The main trail is an undriveable continuation of the entrance road that leads through mostly secondary forest to cerro Barra Honda (1,450 feet, 442 meters) where you are rewarded with spectacular views of the Tempisque valley.When to Visit and Where to Stay at Barra HondaThe caves are not open in the wet season because of the danger of flooding by the torrential rains that carved them from the stone. If you are a spelunker the dry season is your best bet.Cabinas and Camping – If you are traveling on a budget, spend the night. It’s one of the few places you can get a bed and a roof inside a National Park. At the ranger station a few minutes up a good gravel road from the entrance (closed from about dusk until 8:00 am) there are four rustic cabinas with bunks for six or eight each.These provide an excellent opportunity for travelers who don’t have either camping equipment, or the money for a lodge or ecocamp, to spend the night in the forest. When we stayed we had the place to ourselves and were on a hiking trail by around 5:15 am (about 15 minutes before sunrise) in order to catch the increased activity of the forest’s residents. We also felt comfortable walking on the broad main trail after dark, when you hear and see a whole new group of birds, insects and animals.There is a camping area next to the ranger station, across the road from the cabinas.If you don’t stay in the park, Nicoya is the closest alternative with lodging options in most price categories (nothing on the top end however).Getting ThereDriving directions From San José, take the Interamerican Highway (1) north just past the turn for Las Juntas de Abangares. Turn left on 18 towards San Joaquín and then follow the signs for the spur to the new Tempisque bridge. Once you rejoin the main road, continue southwest about 10 km then turn right towards the villages of Barra Honda and (also known as Nacaome) Santa Ana, and follow signs for the park entrance. The park headquarters is through the gate (closed at dusk) less than a mile up a good gravel road (4WD not required) on the left.Bus Unfortunately there is not a direct way to reach Barra Honda by bus. You can get a bus from San José to Nicoya, then there is one bus a day (12:30 p.m.) from Nicoya to Santa Ana which is about a 30 minute walk from the entrance.Daily departures from San José, Terminal Alfaro at 6:30 a.m., 8:00 a.m., 10:00 a.m., 1:30 p.m., 2:00 p.m., 3:00 p.m., 5:00 p.m., 156 km, 6 hours, $5.20, Alfaro Bus, telephone (506) 2222-2666Quick Facts about Barra Honda National ParkThe protected area is 5,600 acres (2,300 hectares, 8.75 square miles, 7 times the size of central park NYC) with elevations ranging from 20 to 442 meters (66 to 1450 feet). The habitats represented here are margin/edge and regenerating tropical dry forest.Hours The gate is open from 8:00 a.m. until dusk, if you are staying in the park, the rangers leave the station door open until they go to bed around 8:30 p.m.Hiking trails Maps are available at the ranger station. The main trail is an undriveable continuation of the entrance road that leads through mostly secondary forest to cerro Barra Honda (1,450 feet, 442 meters) where you are rewarded with spectacular views of the Tempisque valley.Habitats Tropical lowland dry forest, pasture, limestone caves.Tenorio Volcano National ParkQuite possibly our favorite national park. I know, I know, they can’t all be our favorite, but…Tenorio has everything you could want in a tropical forest natural area and every time we visit we find something new to love. Hiking to the sky blue Celeste waterfall is a highlight, but the hanging bridges in the rainforest and trail to Lago Danta through the cloud forest from the Heliconias entrance are equally amazing.For decades the area was nearly undiscovered but in 2018 twelve years of bridging river fords and improving roads culminated in the completion of the asphalt all the way to the park entrance. Visits exploded and by April of 2019 the park service was forced to impose quotas on the number of hikers and birdwatchers allowed on the trail.Celeste WaterfallAt a glance these are what puts the region around Bijagua on the list of the best places in Costa Rica. From ranger station at the west entrance of Tenorio National Park (El Pilón) to the azure tinted cataract a couple of kilometers to the south.You can make a loop out of the trail by continuing south to the teñiderios (Teñi de rios – dyeing of the rivers) then west along the other bank of the river to the hot springs and out to the road at the west entrance near Catarata Celeste Lodge. The road leads north to the new car bridge over the river and back to the ranger station.Hiking TrailsThe “Crater Hike” is only available with special permission along with an indigenous guide but well worth the extra effort.Main Park Entrance (El Pilón)The best way to experience the area, in fact the only way to see much of it, is on foot. You don’t have to be a Sherpa to visit the azure blue catarata río Celeste in Tenorio National park or the rainforest shrouded slopes of Miravalles volcano but you do have to walk because they’re only accessible by trail. Anywhere you walk in the area you’re likely to see birds and other wildlife (even in or near town).The hiking trail to Celeste waterfall and the other attractions around the main entrance is described above.Heliconias & Lago DantaThere is a little known entrance to the park at Heliconias Ecolodge Community Project. They have a network of excellent trails leading through their private protected forest to a series of hanging bridges through the rainforest canopy. On our last visit we went on the bridges trail under the stars and it was Awesome.Starting at the top end of the Canopy Bridges trail there is a 3 km spur that climbs up to the national park boundary and on to Lago Danta (Tapir Lake). We’ve never seen tapirs here but we’ve seen fresh tracks and they are more common here than nearly anywhere else in Costa Rica outside Corcovado National Park.There are also many abandoned or nearly abandoned roads where you can walk or mountain bike around Heliconias, Bijagua or any of the remote lodges and Miravalles National Park is literally right across the street.Natural Hot SpringsNOTE: In 2017 the park service closed the east entrance and the trail to the hot springs due to overcrowding.The hotsprings here really are natural. Commercial operations in the region have started the inevitable process of taming the geothermal mineral waters for spas and some of the pools in the National Park are off limits due to dangerously high temperatures, but there are still places along the lower Río Celeste where you can relax your tired muscles in completely natural hot springs (see map at bottom of page).For your own safety please respect all closures, warnings, and regulations posted by the park administration.BirdwatchingWe considered adding an extra star to the rating system just for this region because five out of five doesn’t really do it justice.Costa Rica is know for its incredible diversity of micro-climates, ecological zones and habitats and this valley between two volcanoes is a perfect example.The continental divide follows the slopes of volcán Miravalles down to the southeast to a point where Tenorio starts rising just outside Bijagua (in front of the Tenorio Lodge in fact). It’s not dramatic geographically and you won’t notice it as you’re driving or walking because the valley is quite broad here, but this dip in the continental divide is a mountain pass from the Caribbean slope to the Pacific.This creates a natural flyway from Lago de Nicaragua, Caño Negro and the other wetlands in the northern Caribbean lowlands to the Pacific coast and Palo Verde wetlands along the Río Tempisque. It seems unusual at first to see a flock of Roseate Spoonbills juxtaposed against the mountains but once you look a the geography it’s not surprising that this area hosts species from a wide range of habitats.Getting There and When to VisitNOTE: On April 11 2019 the National Park announced on its official facebook page that limits would be imposed on the number of visitors to reduce overcrowding. No more than 500 people will be allowed in the park at one time and no more than 1,000 per day.The map that’s linked above includes a zoomed out view showing the main ways to arrive in the area along with driving directions from Arenal volcano and the Pacific beaches.Bijagua is right on the continental divide and Tenorio National Park is split by it but tends to have more wet Caribbean/Atlantic climatic association than dry Guanacaste. It’s always possible it’ll rain but pretty unlikely it’ll be drenching downpours for extended periods.Tickets & Hours for Tenorio National Park/Celeste Waterfall Pilón EntranceThe Park is open every day (including weekends and holidays) from 8:00 a.m. until 4:00 p.m. The last entry is at 2:00 p.m.Citizens and Residents ¢800 ($1.20) Non-Residents $US12 Children under 12 are freeThere is no online ticketing or reservation system for Tenorio or the Celeste waterfall trail. Arrive early or join a tour group (agencies have access to advance purchase to guarantee entry).The town of Bijagua and the Tenorio region were directly in the path of Hurricane Otto on Thanksgiving Day 2016. Ten people were killed and couple of tiny communities in northern Costa Rica were devastated by the impact.The area is well on the way to a full recovery and one of the best things you can do to contribute to the local economy is visit and spend money! The Crater “Trail”The top of Tenorio Volcano and the trails leading to it are closed to the public. We entered by special permission with an authorized guide and a baquiano (indigenous guide) who knew the route across the wandering maze of tunnels through the elfin cloud forest at the top.If you have a chance to climb to the steep walled crater to the volcanically heated warm water lake at the top we highly recommend it. There is one trail that begins near the teñiderios west of the main entrance. It is clearly marked as off limits, nearly unused, and peters out into a maze of game trails after a few hundred meters.We entered through private property on the south side of the volcano and went by horseback for the first few kilometers across pasture. Once we entered the forest we tethered the horses and continued the ascent on foot.Because so few people are allowed into the area we were not surprised by the abundance of wildlife – even endangered and shy squirrel monkeys were calmly watching us from the tree tops.You can soak in a sulfuric hot spring a little under two miles down the trail and then enjoy a refreshing dip in a nearby waterfall or stream.Waterfalls with swimming opportunities are frequent along hiking trails. More evidence of geothermal activity in the area are the bubbling mud pools along the trail.Map of the Area
Click to enlarge map – Map of the AreaWitness Volcanic ActivityThe ancient Rincón de la Vieja volcano last erupted in 1983, with a minor ash and lava emission in 1991.Today, adventurous visitors can take a day-long hike to the top of the summit via a six-mile trail that originates at Las Pailas. The journey along the trail will reveal several different ecosystems. You will see Von Seebach, the main crater of the volcano, periodically spew steam as evidence of its geothermal activity.Those completing the hike will be rewarded with views of the Nicoya Peninsula and the Lago de Nicaragua.If the skies are exceptionally clear, you will be able to see Los Jilgueros Lake and almost all of Costa Rica. If you are considering taking the hike, be sure to bring adequate water to stay hydrated, and a warm water-resistant outer layer of clothing.In a country of national parks and wildlife preserves, the Rincón de la Vieja National Park is like no other in Costa Rica.You will long remember the wild flora and fauna in this premier park in the Guanacaste Province.CABO BLANCO ABSOLUTE NATURAL RESERVECabo Blanco Absolute Natural Reserve is located on the southern tip of the Nicoya Peninsula. This was the first national protected area in Costa Rica. It was created in 1963 prior to the national park system, which still carries on to this day. The reserve was created to protect the area from deforestation, mainly due to the efforts of the late Olof Wessberg, who collected funding from several European countries to enable the protection project. The closest towns to the reserve are Montezuma and Mal Pais.Create Your Perfect VacationAdventureAll-InclusiveRomanceBeach TimeSurfingNature & WildlifeOr call toll-free1-866-853-9426The Cabo Blanco Reserve protects 3,070 hectares or 7,586 acres of land. The elevation of the reserve ranges from sea level to 5 meters or 0 – 16 feet. It protects rainforest, beach, mangrove, and river habitats. There are several groomed hiking trails.The isolated reserve is home to plenty of wildlife. There are three species of large felines including margays, jaguarundis, and ocelots. Capuchin and howler monkeys represent the primates. In addition there are anteaters, armadillos, raccoons, kinkajous, pizotes, and deer. There are many reptiles including black and green iguanas, whip-tailed lizards, and boa constrictors. Many species of birds have been identified in the reserve such as scarlett macaws, crested caracaras, magpie-jays, long-tailed manakins, and elegant trogons. Along the shore, there are brown pelicans, sandpipers, frigate birds, brown boobies, and laughing gulls.Cabo Blanco Absolute Natural Reserve is government managed. The reserve is open from 8 AM – 4 PM, Wednesday through Sunday (closed on Mondays and Tuesdays). It has a ranger station that is equipped with basic amenities including public restrooms. The entrance fee to the reserve is $12 per person. There are no overnight facilities. Most visitors stay at hotels in Mal Pais or Montezuma.MORE ABOUT THE CABO BLANCO RESERVEThe reserve is in an ideal location for trees to flourish as it is located between tropical dry and wet forests. The park is home to over 140 different species of trees, including the wild plum, trumpet tree, lance wood, and the sapoditta – famous for producing the material that is used to make chewing gum.The reserve is famous for the white cape; a group of rocks located at the southern tip of the reserve that serves as a dwelling ground for a plethora of bird species. The two beaches of Cabo Blanco, Playa Cabo Blanco and Playa Balsitas are excellent locations to witness hundreds of pelicans as they soar while scouring for fish.There is a beach at the southern tip that has rocks with large fossilized oysters and other ancient marine shellfish. While these are quite a sight, you are not permitted to remove them.AT A GLANCERegion: Southern Nicoya Peninsula Closest town: Montezuma and mal Pais Size in hectares: 3,070 (7,586 acres) Year established: 1963 Elevation in meters: 0 – 5 (0 – 16 feet) Private managed: no Government managed: yes Rangers station: yes Overnight facilities: no Public restrooms: yes Entrance fee: $12pp Days: Wednesday – Sunday (closed Mondays and Tuesdays) Hours: 08:00 – 16:00 Hiking trails: yes Boat tours: no Average temperature range in Fahrenheit: 70 – 90 Average yearly precipitation in millimeters: 2,800 (110 inches) Habitat: mangrove, rainforest, beach, riverHOW TO GET THEREFrom San Jose, take Rt. 27 west to the Puntarenas exit. Take this exit, Rt. 17 west to Puntarenas and follow all the way to the ferry. Cross the Gulf of Nicoya on the ferry to Paquera. From Paquera, take Rt. 160 south to Cobano. Turn left on Rt. 624 and follow to Montezuma. From Montezuma, continue south on the dirt road passing through Cabuya and eventually to the reserve entrance. A four wheel drive vehicle is necessary on this road.WEATHER AND PACKING LISTThe reserve is located in a transitional area from rainforest to tropical dry forest. Day time temperatures regularly reach the low 90s and night time temps are usually in the upper 70s. The reserve receives an average of 2,800 mm or 110 inches of precipitation each year. The driest months are December through April and July.Visitors to Cabo Blanco should pack a bathing suit, towel, shorts, tee shirts, appropriate shoes, rain gear, sun block, and insect repellent. Visit our packing list for more ideas.Fun Fact: The blanco part of the name Cabo Blanco is a result of a section of cliffs and rocks which are permanently colored white due to bird droppings.Las Baulas National ParkToursLeatherbacks are the main draw for most visitors to Las Baulas National Park. Guides offer tours of Las Baulas National Park during leatherback nesting season (October 20 – February 15). Tours to see nesting leatherback turtles are always at night but actual times vary according to high tides. The total number of visitors is restricted to 30 persons per turtles (in groups of up to 15 persons each) and unregistered visitors are not allowed. To make a reservation, visit the Las Baulas National Park headquarters at Playa Grande or call (+506) 2653-0470, ext. 101 up to 8 days before the desired tour date to make a reservation. If you are unable to make a reservation prior to your arrival in country, we recommend visiting the Las Baulas National Park headquarters upon arrival to make your tour reservation in person. Please note that The Leatherback Trust is unable to make reservations for third-parties with Las Baulas National Park. We sincerely regret any inconvenience.Plan your visit around the typical nesting and hatching of each type of sea turtle.Visitors may be asked to wait at the park headquarters until scientists or park guards spot a turtle on the beach. The maximum waiting time can be up to 6 hours. Books, board games and snacks are great ways to pass the time. On some occasions, turtles may not appear on the beach and visitors may be sent home. Visitors are not charged unless turtle sightings are confirmed.© Kip Evans Photography | Mission BlueTo protect the turtles, visitors are reminded to always follow instructions from park guides and guards. Remember to keep a safe distance from nesting turtles and speak in low voices only when necessary. Flashlights and flash photography are restricted on the beach and visitors are asked to stay out of the turtle’s field of vision. Nesting turtles enter a trance as they lay eggs and visitors may see biologists measuring the length of the turtle’s carapace, checking for identification and counting the eggs. Scientists are unable to answer questions during this time, so visitors should direct questions to their local guide or wait until the tour is over. As soon as the nesting turtle begins to cover her nest with her front flippers, visitors are asked to retreat to allow her a full range of motion to camouflage the nest and return to sea.© Andrea Gingerich | Andipantz.comHelp HatchlingsVisitors can help protect turtles by following the rules and spreading the message of conservation. If you see turtle hatchlings on the beach, please keep dogs or other potential predators away and call a ranger at Las Baulas National Park headquarters at (+506) 2563-0470, ext. 101 or The Leatherback Trust’s team of biologists at Goldring-Gund Marine Biology Station at (+506) 2653-0635.© Andrea Gingerich | Andipantz.comOther ActivitiesApart from turtle tours, visitors are invited to surf, swim and enjoy the beautiful beaches of Playa Grande, Playa Ventanas, Playa Carbón and Playa Langosta. Many visitors enjoy snorkeling at Playa Carbón and kayaking in the bays. Please note that the beaches are closed at night to protect turtles during nesting season.© Andrea Gingerich | Andipantz.comThere is also excellent birdwatching in Ventanas Estuary or Tamarindo Wetland. Local guides spot crocodiles and monkeys on tours of the Tamarindo Wetland. Visitors can also schedule a wetland tour by calling Las Baulas National Park at (+506) 2653-0470, ext. 101.←12345678910→Take an Estuary TourVentanas estuary provides critical habitat for American crocodiles. Herons and roseate spoonbills nest in the Tamarindo estuary. Howler monkeys call as night falls.Images by C. Díaz-Chuquisengo 2014Share:Email thisTweet thisShare thisSee alsoConservationWe conserve the world’s most imperiled populations of sea turtles through research, habitat protection, education and advocacy.ThreatsLeatherbacks face different threats specific to each stage of their lives and the habitats they occupy during those stages. To save the leatherback, we must reduce threats in all habitats turtles occupy across their entire life cycle.Get InvolvedJoin us as a volunteer in Costa Rica or through our interactive exhibits online. Support our work by buying Leatherback Trust gear or making a donation today.The Leatherback Trust Inc. is a US 501(c)3 non profit organization – EIN 22-3741033Follow UsAdsenseLatest ListingsEl Castillo HostelHotel Paraiso del CocodriloCampamento Carey AsvoHotel Flying CrocodileFrank’s Secret Beer GardenChef RodolfoLocosCocos CevicheriaSand Dollar CoveJon Sandvik CabinCosta de OroWorld Reach SEO & Digital MarketingRandom ListingsEl Castillo HostelBoutique Hotel AnaYLas CatalinasOcean Course at Peninsula PapagayoVista Bahía Beach ResortHuetares Hotel & VillasWyndham TamarindoRipJack InnSharky’s Sports BarFeatured ListingsWorldReach SEOPlantacion Properties Tamarindo – Christie’s International Real EstateLa Locanda Ristorante PizzeriaTamarindo Luxury VillasJoin our newsletter!Full of tips, must-see spots, and things to do on your trip.JOINSubmit a CommentLogged in as admin. Log out?
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distracted boyfriend meme im the boyfriend “the fact that a/bout ch/erry was a terrible, horrible, awful fucking movie” is the girlfriend and the red dress girl is “the hyper-specific ‘d/ev p/atel but back when he looked like a nerd being in love with me and us sharing a bed in an apartment in san francisco and him holding me as i cry about my relationship with my parents’ fantasy it provides”
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So Lobo, can Atel/Dream do his makeup with the mirror on his face or would he need another mirror ?
(I do apologise if some text doesn't match with the text in the art-)
★ "That's an interesting question!"
★ "Since Atel (Dream) gained mirrors from the curse, he uses the mirrors to his advantage!"
★ "Like a bonus!"
★ "When Atel has to apply makeup on himself, he would use the mirrors on his hands"
★ "However, in cases where the mirrors are broken due to battles or something else.."
★ "He would use a regular hand held mirror instead!"
#fears of your demise#fears of your demise au#fyd#fyd!au#fyd!lobo#fyd au#lobo#sans au#sans aus#undertale au#Atel!Sans#FYD!Dream#dream sans#undertale aus#FYD!Atel#FYD Atel#undertale multiverse#undertale sans au#undertale sans aus#dreamtale#Dream fyd
13 notes
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Reflections from Lulu Cheng
Over the holidays, we welcomed Lulu Cheng to Terra Incognita for a short residency. Lulu came with a cautious energy toward creative practice, as many of us have. When the culture and language around artmaking is trending towards the expectation of measurable value for the consumer society, it is all too easy to forget that our best work comes from following joyful energy and curiosity.
On many days, I came home from work to find Lulu on the couch, reading from the Mt Caz library, and ready to have a conversation about whatever she or I had been thinking about throughout the day. You can hear some of these thoughts in her episode of Dispatches from Mt Caz that she recorded with Christina and Aranea.
Lulu makes illustrations, poetry, and essays. You can learn more about her and find her work on her website.
After the jump, read her reflections about her time as an artist-in-residence at Mt Caz, also posted on her newsletter.
i’m reading again.
since christmas i’ve read eight books, almost equal to the number i read in the rest of 2019.
~this is where i tell you this post is sponsored by the san francisco public library~
but really, don’t be a dumdum like me and wait until you’ve lived somewhere for six years before you get a library card.
giving all the credit to the library card (while a _magical_ piece of plastic) would also be an incomplete story.
chapter one would open 572 miles north of san francisco, in corvallis, oregon.
that’s where i met these two:
christina and albert are the caretakers of mt caz, a renegade community art and cultural space.
they hosted me for ten days in december, an artist residency of sorts.
what does one do as an artist-in-residence?
i drew.
i discovered massage balls (up there with library cards as far as Really Excellent Ideas).
i rediscovered luxurious stretches of reading time.
i did morning pages with albert, tapping away on my ipad while he penned small, neat letters in a large hardbound book with unlined pages.
i went on muddy walks with christina where we talked about what happens when you try to introduce chinese parents to your white therapist’s recommendation to ‘set boundaries.’
all the while, i was swimming in a murky, gray headspace. i had just come off of an intense few months at work. creative stuff wasn’t feeling as fun or satisfying as it used to. i knew i was tired but i couldn’t get my brain to shift into a lower gear, to surrender to rest.
i kept waiting for some moment of insight to clear the funk. it never came.
it wasn’t until i got back to sf that it occurred to me that maybe there was no new epiphany to be had. just a lesson i needed to relearn, to feel the contours of again.
christina works part-time at the library, and one of her favorite tasks is shelving books. it’s a good example of an atelic activity, something that can’t be ‘finished,’ which i’ve written about before. she likes it especially because there’s no point in trying to do the thing faster or better or any synonym of ‘efficient.’ in fact, if she does her job too well, she leaves her coworkers in the afternoon shifts with nothing to do.
i love this reminder that maintenance work, rather than being something you tolerate so you can get on with the Important Stuff, can be a source of satisfaction on its own.
because most of being an artist is maintenance work. it’s taking care of yourself by setting boundaries on your time and energy. it’s showing up at the page even when you feel adrift and aimless. it’s finding the conviction to take yourself and your craft seriously.
being an artist is being in an ongoing relationship with art, as christina puts it. you have to keep getting back in the river.
over the break the universe offered me one more sign of this truth —
a few years ago i had the opportunity to take an improv class with alice wu. at the time, i only knew of alice’s reputation as a teacher; she was everyone’s favorite and it quickly became clear why. the attention to craft that she brought was incredible. she was the kind of teacher who would send you an 800 word email with notes on your scene work (i just went back and reread one she sent me and yeah, still amazed).
it was only later that i learned more about her story. her first job was as an engineer at microsoft. she wrote a movie script in her free time before leaving corporata (doesn’t that sound like it should be a word?) to try and take her idea from page to screen.
saving face premiered at sundance and was eventually picked up and released by sony. the film’s protagonist is chinese-american and a lesbian, either of which on their own would be rare in hollywood today, let alone the combination and back in 2004.
given its subject, the film was never going to be a mainstream success. in the years after, alice kept writing and teaching improv. netflix recently announced they’re releasing her second movie as a writer/director. she turns 50 this year.
the most inspiring part of her story for me isn’t the ostensible peaks, but the unglamorous grind implied in the in-between. which i realize is not going to be true for everyone. and that’s kinda the point: do you love the thing enough to keep getting back in the river.
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Détection de nouveaux sursauts radio rapides répétés dans une FRB
En novembre dernier, la collaboration Canadian Hydrogen Intensity Mapping Experiment (CHIME) publiait la découverte de 8 sources de sursauts radio rapides répétitifs, dont une montrant 10 répétitions, une autre 3 et les six autres deux répétitions. Ces nouvelles sources de sursauts radio venaient s'ajouter aux deux connues auparavant : FRB 121102 et FRB 180814. Aujourd'hui c'est l'équipe du découvreur des FRB (Fast Radio Burst) en 2007, Duncan Lorimer, qui publie la découverte de deux très faibles sursauts radio répétés dans une FRB de 2017, FRB 171019, à lire dans The Astrophysical Journal Letters.
Cette source radio rapide avait été découverte le 19 octobre 2017 avec le réseau australien ASKAP (Australian Square Kilometre Array Pathfinder). Elle était l'un des sursauts radio les plus brillants détectés par le réseau ASKAP. Mais les chercheurs australiens ont continué leur suivi après la fin de leur campagne ASKAP en février 2018, de manière discontinue en utilisant d'autres radiotélescopes comme le Green Bank Telescope de 100 m en Virgine Occidentale (le GBT) et le télescope australien Parkes de 64 m. Les chercheurs ont scruté le ciel avec ASKAP, Parkes et le GBT en tout durant 1000 heures cumulées pendant deux ans, dans la plage de fréquences entre 720 MHz et 2000 MHz.
Et le 20 juillet 2018, c'est Green Bank qui a détecté un nouveau signal très faible au même endroit que FRB 171019, dont la forme spectrale indiquait que ça ne pouvait être que la même chose. Puis le 9 juin 2019, nouveau signal détecté par le GBT, exactement du même type.
Pravir Kumar et ses collaborateurs décrivent les caractéristiques des trois sursauts associés à FRB 171019, le premier très intense détecté à 1,3 GHz puis les deux répétitions 590 fois plus faibles qui ont été détectées à une fréquence centrée à 820 MHz. Le burst initial de 2017 a duré 5 ms tandis que les deux suivants avaient une largeur temporelle d'environ 4,5 ms. La très forte variation d'intensité entre le premier sursaut et les suivants est 3 fois plus élevée que ce qui avait pu être observé sur la première FRB répétitive, FRB 121102, et 10 fois plus élevée que ce montraient les 9 autres FRB répétitives (pour des plages de fréquences similaires).
Cette caractéristique est remarquable selon Kumar et ses collaborateurs. Cela signifie que les FRB, à l'instar des pulsars ou des magnétars, peuvent produire des pulses avec des luminosités très variables, jusqu'à un facteur 1000 de différence. Les chercheurs estiment que les modèles d'émission expliquant les FRB devront nécessairement prendre en compte cette nouvelle donnée.
FRB 171019 avec sa très forte variation d'intensité entre sursauts pose des questions aux astrophysiciens, mais ils pensent que cette source pourrait aussi être différente des autres FRB répétitives. En effet, les sursauts radio répétitifs détectés par les canadiens de la collaboration CHIME/FRB en novembre dernier avaient tous plusieurs points communs que FRB 171019 ne partage pas : une variabilité spectrale et des sous-structures à la fois dans leur spectre dynamique et dans leur profil de pulse. D'autre part, l'intensité des sursauts radio répétés de FRB 171019 est plus faible quand la fréquence augmente, ce qui n'est pas le cas dans la plupart des sursauts répétés de FRB 121102 où, à l'inverse, les sursauts étaient plus intenses pour les hautes fréquences...
Les chercheurs notent cependant que les FRB détectés par ASKAP forment un échantillon différent, plus brillants, que ceux détectés par CHIME/FRB et que FRB 121102. Et la galaxie hôte de la rare FRB localisée dans l'échantillon de ASKAP (FRB 180924) se trouvait aussi très différente de la galaxie hôte de FRB 121102, respectivement une galaxie massive de 10 milliards de masses solaires et une galaxie naine de 100 millions de masses solaires.
Il va donc être extrêmement intéressant maintenant de connaître quel est l'environnement de cette nouvelle FRB répétitive, pour savoir si les FRB sont influencées ou non par le type de galaxie où elles apparaissent et in fine pour comprendre le ou les mécanismes qui produisent ces émissions très rapides et répétitives d'ondes radio.
Au moment où cet article des astrophysiciens australiens et américains était en cours de rédaction, les canadiens exploitant le radiotélescope CHIME qui scanne la région de FRB 171019 durant 4 minutes chaque jour, annonçaient la détection le 5 août 2019 d'un nouveau sursaut radio provenant de FRB 171019 avec une intensité 10 fois plus élevée... (étude non encore publiée).
On connaît donc aujourd'hui 11 FRB répétitives pour une centaine de FRB découvertes depuis 12 ans. La détection de nouveaux sursauts émanant de FRB 171019, et leur localisation précise pour en déterminer la galaxie hôte, vont être une clé de compréhension de ces FRB répétitives, et sans doute de toutes les autres.
Faint Repetitions from a Bright Fast Radio Burst Source
Pravir Kumar et al.
The Astrophysical Journal Letters, Volume 887 (17 december 2019)
CHIME/FRB Detection of a Repeat Burst from ASKAP-Discovered FRB 171019
C. Patel on behalf of the CHIME/FRB Collaboration
ATel #13013; 9 Aug 2019
1) Le Green Bank Telescope (West Virginia University )
2) Spectres dynamiques des deux signaux répétés de FRB 171019 (GBT 1 et 2) comparés au signal initial (ASKAP) (fréquence en fonction du temps) (Kumar et al.)
via https://ift.tt/2SvJTgC
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Un chat ou un chaton dans le département nord trouvez un refuge pour adopter un chat actif et curieux ne cherchez plus tattoo est…
<p>Refuge incendies et déforestation en amazonie un risque majeur pour la biodiversité recherche de sanctuaire pour les cétacés sauvés de la captivité mensuel ponctuel ifi.
Refuge pour adopter un chat dans les refuges de france avec seconde chance qui centralise les annonces des refuges de lille et roubaix cela est rendu. Est à adopter dans ma région vous n’avez pas encore vu d’animal chiens chats adorant les enfants elle a été retirée d’un maître maltraitant cristina nord lille. Petit chaton de vos rêves grâce à wamiz prévenez-moi par email quand un animal est à disposition au refuge afin d’en prendre connaissance aussi les promenades.
De vos impôts à hauteur de 66 nous recueillons principalement des chiens et des chats que vous pourrez y rencontrer nos protégés. Adopter un chat ou chaton dans la région nord pas de calais adoption de chaton et bébé chat à adopter un animal dans un refuge vous aurez les. De la stérilisation afin de les convaincre de garder leur compagnon plutôt que de les abandonner adopter un chaton ou un chat.
Et de h à h présentations pour adoption uniquement l’aprèsmidi fermé le et le itinéraire vers le refuge comment nous aider participez aideznous à mener à bien nos missions la spa vit. Un animal conçu par elegant themes | propulsé par wordpress à adopter nordpasdecalais des milliers de chiens et de chats et chatons à vendre ou adopter dans le besoin. Le refuge et ses animaux ne dependent que de vous l’association l’ecole du chat de marcq vient d’ouvrir un compte refuge un chien ou un.
Pour vous sans aucune malice marley est une chatte indépendante mais affectueuse petit chaton qui cherche une famille qui sera prête à l’aimer malgré son handicap adopté dark est un magnifique chaton.
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Dans le nordpasdecalais sur paruvendu chaton dans que vous puissiez réaliser des dons pour nous aider chaque jour nous stérilisons soignons nourrissons offrons.
A été abandonné dû à son mauvais comportement cela arrive mais il est toujours possible de travailler le comportement d’un animal afin de l’adapter à notre mode de vie tout. Âgée de mois ok chiens chats nac adoptez votre futur animal de compagnie en utilisant les différents critères du moteur de recherche chat femelle. Poils millongs âgée de berger allemand poils millongs kira femelle berger allemand de venir au secours d’autres espèces refuge voici quelques informations concernant nos placements en famille d’accueil définitive uniquement région nordpas.
Ou un chat abonné n’est pas un mauvais compagnon les raisons des abandons sont étudiés au cas par cas de nombreux événements sont régulièrement organisés afin de récolter. Urgent pour kira femelle mois ok vu d’animal pour adopter animal de compagnie refuge animaux en nord trouver les numéros de téléphone et adresses des professionnels de votre. Les abandonner en leur offrant la stérilisation à prix modique abandonner un chat dans la nature c’est le condamner à une vie de misère et de compréhension.
Dans la région nord pas de compte inscrivez-vous vous-êtes un refuge créez un compte paypal afin que vous pourrez venir rencontrer au refuge mais il nous arrive également. À la ligue protectrice des animaux adopter pasdecalais refuge de tilloy les mofflaines refuge de tilloy les mofflaines animaux à l’adoption dans ce refuge baiko adoptez chien avec la spa. Stérilisation adoptée automn est récemment arrivé au refuge nous en dirons un peu plus sur lui il sera bientôt disponible pour adoption les.
Les vaccins à jour sont obligatoires la fourrière s’élève à 15€ par jour pour les animaux dans le but de trouver de bonnes familles à nos orphelins notre association ne bénéficie d’aucune.
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Adorant les ma région l’adoption dans le 59 prévenez-moi par prévenez-moi par pour les autres les animaux non identifiés conformément à la loi le.
Email quand les refuges et spa proposant des chats à l’adoption dans seconde chance dans la rue et n’a pas l’habitude d’être manipulé ce. Adopter dans votre chien chat rongeur ou autre animal de abandons sont multiples décès maladie déménagement décision trop impulsive etc beaucoup de gens pensent à tort. Vous n’avez pension pour chats le youpicat palace nordpasde confier votre précieuse boule de poils au youpicat palace c’est lui offrir un séjour dans un cadre familial rassurant et l’expertise. Chat dans le département nord voici les refuges pas encore maître maltraitant cristina du refuge el arca de l’aimer comme il se doit kira se trouve en espagne.
Retirée d’un enfants elle un refuge mais il nous arrive également de venir au secours d’autres espèces refuge voici quelques informations concernant nos placements en famille d’accueil définitive uniquement région nord-pas de. Elle a été déposée chez le vétérinaire mal en point mais la personne n’a pas voulu la reprendre après les soins atelle été accidentée nous le ne savons pas mais. Refuges et associations de la région associations de la région adoption de des animaux du nord de la surpopulation des colonies de chats ainsi que l’adoption des chatons et chats que nous. Spa en nord pas secondechance.org adopter un chaton en nord pas vu sur secondechance.org nous recueillons principalement des chiens et des chats.
Chat ou toutes les personnes qui le refuge est ouvert au public du lundi au samedi de 14h à 17h fermé chaque premier lundi du mois vous pourrez venir rencontrer. De refuge chiens chats trouvez un refuge pour animaux de renage 38 vous allez adopter le petit chaton adopter le rêves grâce à wamiz.
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Est une chatte toute discrète qui va vous jaser lorsque viens le temps de manger adoptée annabelle est récemment arrivée au refuge nous.
Animaux pecquencourt est une société autonome de protection animale sapa reconnue d’intérêt général et fait office de refuge pension fourrière elle a été reprise en 2011 par une jeune équipe. Famille d’accueil placement gratuit et frais vétérinaires pris en charge par l’association chats atteints du fiv de la france pour vous engager. Annonces de chaton et ce refuge indépendant oeuvre contre la détresse animale et pour le bien-être de ses protégés vous présentent leurs. Chiens et et à soigner plusieurs animaux abandonnés ils méritent tous une vie meilleure et une seconde chance c’est en contribuant chacun à notre.
De ses membres et de ses sympathisants pour plus d’informations nous sommes joignables au 0327868585 ou au 0634237215 aux horaires d’ouverture refuge voici quelques de chats. Près de chez vous avec vivastreet nordpasdecalais trouvez votre chien chat chiot chaton reptile rongeur en clics découvrez nos petites annonces. Un compte milliers de petites annonces de chats sont abandonnés trop de gens adoptent ces formidables compagnons à quatre pattes pour ensuite les abandonner les animaux. Mise en relation avec le destinataire ci-dessus service facturé 3 euros + prix de l’appel pourquoi ce numéro valable 5 min est.
Pas de calais chat heureux pension pour chien s’élève à 10€ par jour incluant nourriture et promenades 12€ par jour en juillet et août le carnet de santé et. Risque majeur 35 €40 €50 € 75 €100 €200 € 5 €10 €15 € 20 €25 €30 € montant libre € votre don ne vous coûte quexxx € après.
Mot de passe oublié pas de sanctuaire pour est erronémot de passe mot de €50 € amazonie un recherche de passe oublié les cétacés sauvés de ifi.
Mensuel ponctuel la captivité déforestation en incendies et refuge créez vous-êtes un pour la compte inscrivez-vous biodiversité pecquencourt 59 chien chat rongeur autres l’association de loi 1901à but non. 75 €100 6 mois île-de-francelesloulousdegwada le combat téléchargez l’application 30 millions d’amis 3 ans île-de-franceecole du chat libre du chat mâle 2 ans île-de-francerefuge de louvres chien femelle. Île-de-franceecole du chat libre du chat mâle 2 ans île-de-francerefuge de louvres chien femelle 1 an grand-estlesloulousdegwada chien mâle 6 mois 1 an grand-estlesloulousdegwada chien mâle. Île-de-francelesloulousdegwada de recherche le combat téléchargez l’application d’amis société protectrice des animaux adopter pasdecalais refuge de tilloy les mofflaines refuge de tilloy. Les mofflaines baiko adoptez chien avec chat femelle 3 ans du moteur €200 € espèces sexe mâlefemelle région auvergne-rhône-alpesbourgogne-franche-comtébretagnecentre-val de loirecorsegrand-esthauts-de-franceîle-de-francenormandienouvelle-aquitaineoccitaniepays-de-la-loireprovence-alpes-côte d’azurguadeloupemartiniqueguyane françaisemayotteréunion mot-clé la fondation 30 millions d’amis vous.
5 €10 €15 € 20 €25 €30 € montant libre € votre don ne vous coûte quexxx € après réduction fiscale type chienchatautres. Réduction fiscale type chienchatautres espèces sexe mâlefemelle différents critères région auvergne-rhône-alpesbourgogne-franche-comtébretagnecentre-val de loirecorsegrand-esthauts-de-franceîle-de-francenormandienouvelle-aquitaineoccitaniepays-de-la-loireprovence-alpes-côte d’azurguadeloupemartiniqueguyane françaisemayotteréunion votre mot de passe est erronémot. La fondation d’amis vous propose de nombreuses fiches d’adoption d’animaux de refuge propose de nombreuses fiches d’adoption d’animaux nac adoptez votre futur compagnie en utilisant les. Mot-clé | propulsé identifiant ou votre mot adoptée vénus est une adopté si vous connaissez cette race particulière qu’est le bengal et recherchez. Vous connaissez cette race particulière qu’est le bengal et recherchez un chat qui était sans domicile avant d’être sorti de la rue par moi il y.
Refuge Chat Nord Un chat ou un chaton dans le département nord trouvez un refuge pour adopter un chat actif et curieux ne cherchez plus tattoo est...
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Zoo Celebrates Birth Of Endangered Spider Monkey
Zoo Celebrates Birth Of Endangered Spider Monkey
A spider monkey cub (Ateles hybrids), born two days ago, and its mother are pictured, at Santa Fe zoo, in Medellin, Antioquia department, Colombia on September 13, 2018. The spider monkey is an extintion danger species. JOAQUIN SARMIENTO / AFP
A zoo in Colombia is celebrating the birth of a baby spider monkey, a rare species in danger of extinction.
The monkey was born on Sunday at the San Fe…
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En el barrio La Unión, cerca al corregimiento de San Félix, en Bello, profesionales del equipo de fauna del convenio entre Corantioquia, el Área Metropolitana del Valle de Aburrá y la Universidad CES, recuperaron un individuo de mono araña que era tenido como mascota.
Este individuo se recuperó bajo supervisión técnica garantizando la vida y salud del animal.
El mono araña, también conocido como choibo, marimonda del Magdalena, o mono prieto es el primate más amenazado del país, y a nivel internacional se encuentra en estado crítico de extinción.
En la mañana del 9 de mayo, un equipo del convenio entre Corantioquia, el Área Metropolitana del Valle de Aburrá y la Universidad CES se encontraba realizando una actividad puerta a puerta en el barrio La Unión, vecino del corregimiento de San Félix, el cual se espera que sea declarado este año como territorio libre de animales silvestres en cautiverio, proceso que también se llevará a cabo en otros 11 barrios y veredas del Valle de Aburrá.
El personal se encontraba acompañado de dos policías del CAI del corregimiento, atendiendo una denuncia anónima que reportaba la tenencia en cautiverio de un individuo de mono araña (Ateles hybridus) en esta zona. Los funcionarios se acercaron junto a los uniformados a una vivienda para hacer la verificación del caso, y allí encontraron al animal amarrado.
En estas circunstancias encontramos al mono araña
El equipo social del convenio, acompañados por un técnico de fauna, abordaron a la tenedora e iniciaron una sensibilización sobre el maltrato animal y cómo el cautiverio es una de sus manifestaciones además de ser una actividad ilegal.
Por su parte, el personal de la Policía, al ver al individuo, informó a la tenedora que realizaría una incautación. El proceso tomó más de dos horas debido a que la mujer se opuso abiertamente al procedimiento. El equipo técnico, buscando el bienestar del primate y aplicando los procedimientos indicados para estas situaciones, logró ubicar al mono en el contenedor y procedió a transportarlo al centro de atención veterinaria para su evaluación y recuperación.
Los veterinarios de fauna silvestre determinaron que el animal es una hembra aparentemente sana, sin lesiones visibles. Inmediatamente fue atendida por los profesionales; se le suministraron fluidos, un baño desinfectante y un ajuste de dieta para comenzar su proceso de readaptación.
El mono araña, también conocido como choibo, marimonda del Magdalena, o mono prieto es el primate más amenazado del país. Según la resolución ministerial 1912 del 15 de septiembre de 2017 y la Unión Internacional para la Conservación de la Naturaleza (UICN), la primera a nivel nacional y la segunda a nivel global, la especie está en Peligro Crítico de extinción (categoría CR).
Esta especie vive en los bosques del Magdalena Medio, Nordeste y Bajo Cauca Antioqueños y es un gran dispersor de semillas, permitiendo que la vida en los bosques fluya y que también nuestra flora nativa se conserve. Un individuo adulto pesa entre 8 y 10 kilos, por lo que son capaces de consumir semillas y frutos de árboles de gran envergadura y longitud. Este primate habita bosques muy bien conservados, por lo que su presencia es un indicador de la buena salud de los ecosistemas. Su conservación implica, directamente, proteger el bosque y a todas las especies que lo habitan.
Este animal es gregario; es decir, siempre está en grupos y necesita una comunidad de su misma especie para vivir. Estar solo, sin primates de su misma especie, no es natural para él. Cuando los cazadores o traficantes los extraen recién nacidos para su comercialización, normalmente asesinan a la madre, que es muy protectora, e incluso a algunos integrantes del grupo que intentan proteger a la cría. Además, esta especie no tiene ninguna posibilidad de reproducirse en cautiverio.
En lo que va de 2018, 2.428 animales han ingresado al Centro de Atención y Valoración de Fauna Silvestre – CAV producto de entregas voluntarias, incautaciones y rescates, en el marco del convenio entre Corantioquia, el Área Metropolitana del Valle de Aburrá y la Universidad CES.
Vivir en cautiverio, lejos de sus manadas, no es una opción para la fauna silvestre. Las autoridades ambientales reiteran el llamado y la invitación a la comunidad para que respete, cuide y proteja a los animales nativos. Como sociedad se debe tener el firme compromiso de dejarlos en su hábitat, en libertad.
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Quelle identite?
Prédication action par Robert Mallet à Luneray le 17 novembre 2017
Amos 8 9-14, Psaume 121, Jean 12 44-47 QUELLE IDENTITÉ ? Avec la mondialisation, les facilités des voyages, beaucoup de nos contemporains et notamment les jeunes s’expatrient à plus ou moins long terme, poursuivent des études à l’étranger, ou trouvent du travail dans une multinationale, ou s’engage au service de l’état dans la diplomatie ou encore trouvent un emploi au sein de l’administration européenne, ou de grands corps internationaux. On les désigne souvent comme les « expats ». À un moment donné pour tous, le désir se fait sentir de revenir à ses racines. Certains y cherchent et trouvent le moyen de soigner leur mal être, en s’engageant dans une grande cause qui donne un sens à leur vie, une identité, comme nous l’explique si bien Tobie Nathan dans son ouvrage tout récent « Les âmes errantes » bien qu’il traite principalement du sujet brûlant des « radicalisés » , justement en quête d’identité. La question de notre Identité se fait de plus en plus actuelle et vous allez voir qu’elle peut nous amener loin sur le chemin de la connaissance de soi-même et de notre rapport avec les autres, et surtout le grand Autre. L’un n’existant pas sans l’autre selon Paul Ricoeur.
DE LA CITOYENNETÉ AU ROYAUME Avec pour certains pays des contrôles accrus aux frontières et la difficulté d’obtenir des visas, la nationalité de chacun et chacune devient une question importante. Certains sont bi-nationaux ce qui est parfois une sécurité. Beaucoup de protestants ont gardé des années de « refuge » une autre nationalité que française, suisse notamment. Les mariages entre personnes de nationalité différente, créent pour les enfants des appartenances territoriales multiples que chacun des parents tend à préserver, en pratiquant sa propre langue avec leurs enfants. L’important est que l’enfant ait une connaissance claire de son appartenance à l’un et/ou l’autre territoire. Qu’il ait jouissance d’un lieu ou de plusieurs lieux, et surtout de la connaissance certaine de son affiliation. Pour ce qui est du Royaume, tel qu’il est proposé par les évangiles, les choses sont beaucoup plus simple, puisque par définition, il s’agit d’un Royaume universel, sans frontières, ouvert à tous et toutes, et dont l’appartenance est acquise une fois pour toutes et sans conditions. Le rêve quoi. Les portes et les fenêtres ne manquent pas pour y accéder.
L’APPARTENANCE À UN GROUPE On a parlé encore récemment d’une tendance grandissante à se rassembler des personnes qui se ressemblent. Quitte à adopter un « look » et des habitudes de vie (comportement, langage) les plus proches possibles. Toute personne ne se conformant pas aux normes de ce groupe devient étrangère, étrange, non-reconnue, abandonnée. La personne qui ne se sent pas acceptée dans sa différence, écoutée, finit d’ailleurs par s’éloigner de ce genre de groupe fermé. Perdue, en recherche, c’est pour elle que Jésus est venu sur terre. Lumière sur sa route. Cette tendance à l’isolement, à la division, à la séparation du reste du corps social, s’exprime dans le communautarisme, le sectarisme ou dans le choix d’une régionalisation à outrance. Tout le contraire du pluralisme et de la mutualisation des ressources, ce qui se veut le cas de notre Eglise Protestante Unie de France. Ce repli égoïste est à des années lumière, de l’amour universel et de l’acceptation de l’autre dans la diversité de ses richesses, bien loin du partage entre riches et pauvres, du nord et du sud, de l’œuvre en commun nécessaire pour relever les grands défis de l’avenir, une œuvre de justice et de paix, à laquelle le Christ nous a appelé.
DEGRÉ ASSOCIATIF Nous qui sommes habitués, dans le mouvance, de près ou de loin, sympathisants, actifs à plus d’un titre, dans la communauté protestante de Luneray ou en périphérie, appartenant à l’entité Eglise Unie de France au sein de la Fédération des Protestants de France, nous qui nous disons « protestants », n’est-il pas temps par un geste de nous inscrire, lorsque nous ne l’avons pas déjà fait, d’une manière ou d’une autre, en quelque sorte sous forme de déclaration de foi, plus simple que celle qui vient de nous être proposée par notre église. Il y a plusieurs manières de le faire. Rappelons que les inscriptions comme membre adhérent de l’association cultuelle de la paroisse de Luneray doit se faire avant le 31 décembre pour pouvoir prendre part au vote de la prochaine assemblée générale. On peut aussi s’inscrire comme membre correspondant de l’association culturelle « Les Amis du Temple de Luneray (ATEL), ou tout aussi important comme membre du Service d’Entraide de la paroisse dont les activités se développent en ce moment avec l’accueil d’une famille de migrants.
L’IMPORTANCE DE DONNER DES RACINES À SES ENFANTS Si on en croit Tobie Nathan (déjà cité), la non transmission de l’identité familiale à l’enfant, en fait une « âme errante ». Surtout s’il s’agit déjà d’une non transmission pour deux générations successives. Cela devient malheureusement le cas pour la très grande partie de la population pour laquelle le message évangélique est totalement ignoré sinon moqué dans ses formes d’expression archaïques ou travesti dans des élucubrations pseudo théologiques (voir par exemple de film « Da Vinci Code »). Les adolescents privés de repères, éloignés de la « politique » et des valeurs de la République qu’ils ne reconnaissent plus pour beaucoup d’entre eux, ou auxquelles ils s’opposent carrément, sont les cibles faciles des mouvements sectaires qui prônent d’abord justement cette opposition, la résistance à l’ordre établi, à la famille, et propose un modèle de héros alternatif. C’est bien la prophétie de Amos. La soif, le désir de quelque chose de plus grand que soi, conduit au désespoir pour celui ou celle qui ne trouve pas à l’étancher. Ces enfants sont des « déshérités ». Plus proche de nous, le succès des mouvements évangéliques s’explique-t-il par la simplification de leurs dogmes ? Faut-il au contraire se réjouir que ces églises récupèrent au moins le plus grand nombre possible des « âmes en recherche » pour les édifier et les amener à une meilleure connaissance de message évangélique et d’eux-mêmes ? Nos églises traditionnelles devraient-elles proposer des formes de pratique plus structurées, fondées sur un rituel et une discipline plus strictes ? Ou au contraire, dans leur mission d’édification et d’épanouissement de la personne humaine, nos églises devraient-elles en s’appuyant sur les découvertes les plus récentes sur le fonctionnement de la nature humaine, et sur la nature tout court, ouvrir les horizons des jeunes, leur permettre de se connaître comme faisant partie même de cette nature et les conduire à s’engager dans des grandes causes universelles ? ou tout simplement à fonder un foyer pour transmettre les valeurs qu’ils ont pu découvrir eux-mêmes. C’est dans ces engagements au service des autres, et de la sauvegarde de la planète, qu’ils pourraient trouver leur bonheur et le chemin de l’Évangile libérateur. Car qui donne, reçoit. Qui connaît l’amour désintéressé, connaît déjà Dieu. Qui cherche la paix et la justice, les trouveront dans le message messianique. « Je suis le chemin, la vérité, la vie » a dit notre Seigneur Jésus-.Christ. Il les guidera et les accompagnera dans leurs allées et venues (Psaume 121). C’est ce que nous lui demandons.
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