#At least not until the night Gregory is there
Glamrock Freddy has repeatedly pulled the others into searching around a specific area of the Pizzaplex—where he witnessed what happened to Glamrock Bonnie.
The damaged rabbit is long gone—being moved somewhere completely different—but Glamrock Freddy finds himself still going there every so often.
“Maybe I missed something” he thinks, “Maybe he’s close? Hidden really well here?”
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ofstarsandvibranium · 3 months
Precious Truths: Part 8
Fandom: Bridgerton
Pairing: Benedict Bridgerton x F!Reader
Summary: After your father finds out you’ve been writing under a male pseudonym, he threatens to marry you off to an atrocious man unless you find yourself a husband within a month’s time.
A/N: I will not be taking tags for this series!
Series Masterlist
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You and Benedict spent the previous night talking until it was well late into the night. He escorted you back to your home to ensure nothing bad happened to you. No one had seen, of course, since all of the Ton was asleep.
Before stepping back into your home, you gave Benedict a hug, "You will always be my dearest friend, Ben. Never forget that."
He swallowed down the deep rooted desire to inform you of his affections. He can't. He mustn't. No matter how much he's been wanting to for so long.
Because James was a friend of Simon and Daphne's, the Duchess decided to throw a celebratory ball at the Clyvedon Castle for your engagement. You tried to decline, but Daphne, much like her mother, is very persistent and convincing. You, Aunt Eliza, James, Auggie, and Daphne all rode back to Clyvedon together.
You had only gone to the castle once and that was for the ball Daphne held after she and Simon married. It was just as beautiful as you remembered.
Simon was there ready to greet his wife and son with open arms.
Daphne steps out of the carriage with the coachman's help, Auggie asleep in her arms.
Simon smiles as he approaches his wife, kissing her head and looking down at his son, "Back in my arms again."
He looks past Daphne and gives you and your aunt a nod, "I see you have come back with a few more guests than when you left, my love," he gives Daphne a teasing look.
She rolls her eyes at her husband, "I wrote to you informing of our added guests as well as the ball I plan to hold here in honor of James and Y/N's engagement."
Simon sighs, "I've yet to read this morning's letters. I have been busy."
Daphne gives him an understanding nod and the stands to the side as Simon walks over to you, your aunt, and James.
"Congratulations to you both. Excuse me for my surprise to your arrival, Y/N. I have been behind on my letters."
"I understand, Your Grace. And thank you for allowing my aunt and myself to stay here up until the ball."
"You are a friend of Daphne's, Y/N. You are always welcome here." he looks over his shoulder and gestures to the housekeeper, "Mrs. Colson, here, will show you to your rooms. I will let you all rest until dinner. Now if you excuse me, I'd like to spend some time with my family."
"Of course, Your Grace. Thank you again for your hospitality," Aunt Eliza says with a bow and watches with a smile as Simon escorts Daphne and Auggie inside.
James looks at you with soft eyes, "Would you like to take a walk around the grounds after you rest?"
"I'd enjoy that very much," he tips his hat to you and your aunt, "I shall see you later then." He then heads inside the castle to get some rest for himself.
"Benedict, I know this must be painful for you, but you need to show face! If not for Y/N then at least for Daphne," Violet Bridgerton looks at her second son as if he'd grown a second head.
Benedict had just informed his family that he will not be attending the ball Daphne is holding for you and Lord Montclair.
"I apologize, mother, but I already have prior engagements."
"What prior engagements?"
Benedict looks at his mother and the rest of his siblings. He sits up, "Well, I have an interview with the headmaster of an art academy."
"That's amazing, brother!" Hyacinth exclaims in excitement.
"Which academy?" Anthony asks.
"One in France."
"France?!" Gregory's jaw drops, "How did you get an interview?"
"I wrote a letter to them and a friend put in a good word for me."
Anthony scoffs, "You let a friend help you and it is fine. But when I help you, you get upset."
"This friend didn't use money to help my case, brother," Benedict practically sneers. He's clearly still a bit upset about Anthony practically buying his way into the academy. But this time, Benedict's work, determination, and Henry Granville's word, helped him. Not Anthony's money and status as Viscount.
"Well, I suppose I cannot be upset by that. Well done, Benedict."
He grins at Violet, "Thank you, mother."
Daphne was meant to be a duchess. Violet truly taught her well, you think, as you watch her list off orders and demands to Mrs. Colson and staff. You let her do her thing, occasionally answering questions in regards to what color theme you wanted, the flower arrangements, the entertainment, etc. Other than that, Daphne took the reigns of it all. You admired the young woman.
"Shall we take a break?" Daphne asks as she guides you to the balcony that overlooks the grounds. Some glasses of lemonade are out waiting for you both.
You both sit and sip from your glasses. You sigh, "You were truly meant for this life, Daphne. You fill the role so well."
"Soon you will be in a position similar to mine," she states with a smile.
You let out a deep breath, looking out to the grounds, "Yes, I suppose I will be. I am not sure I am as well prepared as you are."
"I'm sure your aunt has done the best she could. However, if you have any questions, I will be happy to answer them." She shoots you a grin.
You chuckle, "You might regret that, Your Grace."
"Ah, I was wondering where my fiancée had gone," you hear the marquess say as he steps onto the balcony. Fiancée. It was so odd that you were a fiancée now. Even weirder that your husband to be isn't a certain Bridger-no. You mentally scold yourself for thinking about Benedict. You need to not think of him anymore. You and he are not meant to be. Not now. Not ever.
You look up at him from your seat, "Yes. We were just taking a break from planning the ball. To be honest, Daphne is doing majority of the work. Also, I hope you don't mind, but I chose lavender as the colors."
"Not at all. I think you'd look beautiful in the color," James smiles at you and you can't help but shy from his gaze.
You clear your throat, "Yes, it is one of my favorite colors so if you are not fond of it, then we might have to rethink this marriage." You respond playfully, causing the marquess and duchess to chuckle.
"You are a funny one, mon cher," he looks to Daphne, "Is it alright if I steal her away for some time together?"
"Of course not, my Lord," Daphne says as she stands. She smooths out her dress and pats James' arm, "I should get back to planning anyway." She nods to both of you and enters her home, leaving you two alone.
James occupies the spot Daphne previously resided, "I should let you know that my family will also be attending this ball. I figured now would be the best time rather than at the wedding."
You nod, "Of course. I'd love to meet them. Both your parents and sisters will be in attendance?"
"That is correct. I must warn you, my sisters can be rather mischievous," he smirks at you and you giggle.
"Oh, I have experience with mischievous. Growing up with the Bridgertons has made me quite familiar with mischievous."
"My sisters will love you then. They are twins. Both ten and two. My mother does her best to raise them as young ladies, but," he shrugs with a guiltily, "I like to show them a few tricks here and there."
You laugh, "I can imagine the scoldings your mother gives you for teaching your sisters such 'un-ladylike' behavior."
He shrugs again, "I tend to be a bit more progressive in the notion of what women can and cannot do."
"That's...that's very relieving to here, my Lord."
"And why is that?"
You didn't plan on telling James your secret until well after you two married. However, an opportunity to come clean has presented itself. You've come to learn that James is kind, understanding, loving, compassionate, and open to the idea of women having more freedom.
Previously, you were apprehensive about telling James your secret, that you were writing under a man's name to publish your work. But now, you felt even more relieved and comfortable to know he most likely wouldn't treat you differently because you are pursuing your passion.
You let out a deep breath and reach out to James, placing your hand on his, "I must confess something to you."
You open your mouth to confess, but you're interrupted as Mrs. Colson steps out, "Pardon me, miss, but her Grace has asked for you."
You nod, "Alright. I shall be with her in a moment."
Mrs. Colson retreats and you groan, "I must admit that I've lost my nerve now."
James places his other hand atop yours, "It's alright. Whenever you are ready to tell me, I shall listen with an open mind and heart."
You lean in and kiss his cheek, "I truly don't deserve you, my Lord."
He grins and stands, holding his hand out to you, "Come. Let's not keep the duchess waiting." you two walk together, hand in hand to meet with Daphne.
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atlabeth · 1 year
(not so) simple pt3 - anthony bridgerton
summary: coercing lord bridgerton into pretending to court you to avoid the affections of a baron is very simple — that is, until it isn’t.
a/n: so first of all let me apologize for how long it took for this to come out. literally nine months. a whole baby has passed. i lost my bridgerton inspo HARD but like i always want anthony bridgerton even if it's deep within me and that just came through today as i finally pushed through and finished it. hopefully you guys still care about this series because i sure do and the end is in sight, like i literally have most of it written i just have to do the in between parts and connect it all and this horrible wonderful terrible amazing mini series that has killed me will be done. anyways here she is and i hope you enjoy!!
wc: 9.7k
warning(s): historical inaccuracies, fluff, angst, a lil bit of violence/injuries, a cliffhanger that will make you want to kill me. yn is going kind of crazy because she's never felt pleasant emotions before
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The next month was akin to a blur. With each day your mother grew more and more excited about your courtship with Anthony, so much so she’d even begun knitting a blanket as a wedding gift to the Bridgertons. 
(When she’d first told you about it over dinner, you’d nearly choked. You were beginning to dread telling her the truth more than you dreaded your fake courtship). 
That, perhaps, was beginning to become a lie. Dread was not the proper word for how you felt about your courtship. 
It was still strange, knowing that everyone around you believed you and Anthony were to be married. Though your secret was still one well-kept, you could hardly contain yourself whenever you overheard snide remarks with you at the center—it seemed they had still not gotten over the fact that their precious opportunity at becoming a Bridgerton had been stolen by you. Perhaps their daughters would get their chance in the next season, once you and Anthony had broken things off. 
But that was not enough to hold his image in the same sour view as before.
Anthony was irritating as ever, yes, and but he was no longer the mere rake, the sarcastic older brother who firmly believed you were running out of time, the womanizer Lady Whistledown painted him as. 
At least, you did not see him as such. He certainly did not act that way around you anymore. 
Anthony Bridgerton was lighter around you—he smiled more, laughed more, joked around with you in a way that Benedict told you he hadn’t seen in years. And of course, he was only able to tell you that because Anthony brought you along on outings with his family. 
The Worthings had always been friendly throughout the years with the Bridgertons, especially because of your closeness with Eloise and, more so when you were younger and before her debut, Daphne. You were fond of the rest of the family as well, Benedict and Colin looking on you fondly as that of an annoying younger sister much like Eloise—you were happy to fill the role. Francesca was pleasant when she wasn’t off traveling, and Gregory and Hyacinth were always a delight. Hyacinth seemed more attached to you because of the courtship, and truly looked forward to welcoming you as a sister. 
Anthony had always been the older brother that foiled your fun with Eloise, that urged you to take your role more seriously if for no other reason than to influence Eloise down the path as well. 
Now you felt closer than ever to him, and though it was merely for your ruse, you couldn’t help but enjoy it. 
Stranger yet, though, was how your image of Anthony had changed since that first dance the night you agreed to this ruse. When at first you could only stand his company because of the promise of continuous jabs and protection from suitors, you now found that you actually… enjoyed being around him. You recalled the night out in the Bridgerton gardens with Anthony far more than you should have.
He certainly had no right to keep you awake at such late hours the way he did. 
You no longer despaired early wakings to promenade with him, no longer wrinkled your nose at the prospect of dancing with him. Though you still dreaded the glitz and the glamour of the ton all the same, Anthony himself did not spurn the same response. 
Of that, you did not know exactly what to think, but you supposed the absence of misery was something to celebrate. 
You and the viscount were becoming friends. You enjoyed his presence. You began to look forward to your next outing with him, time spent with him outweighing your dislike of early wakings. 
You were a frequent visitor of Bridgerton family outings because of your friendship with Eloise, and you only found yourself more involved with their picnics and promenades through Anthony. 
Invitations found their way to your doorstep far more often because of the Bridgerton name attached to yours, and you found you enjoyed them more on Anthony’s arm. 
You attended operas together in their private box. He frequently called on you, leading to conversations in your drawing room and promenades all about. You dined with them at least once a week, always sitting next to Anthony and whispering things to each other throughout. 
In addition to the time you spent with Eloise, your proximity to the Bridgertons, especially Anthony, was near constant.  
And you enjoyed every moment of it. 
Truly, there was something very wrong with you. 
But perhaps the strangest of all was your newfound fame. If there were ever any hope of keeping your ruse even the slightest bit secret, it was crushed by virtue of Lady Whistledown, who aided you with your most fantastical feat yet—you were mentioned by name in every single edition she’d published since the night you and Anthony partook in your first dance together. The ton knew you well now, far too well, and even when you were not around the viscount you were attuned to the glances and whispers of gossips. 
You found it interesting how easily you had become a source of intrigue, simply because it looked as if you were the object of Anthony’s affections—but you also found it largely annoying. You did not much like the attention. 
Running off to the country sounded better and better with every passing day. 
“I swear,” you muttered as you went through the stack of pamphlets, “news of our relationship makes up half of Whistledown’s repertoire these days. Truly, we should get a cut of her wages for providing so much material for her.” 
Anthony’s lips quirked up in a smile. The two of you were sat in your drawing room, chaperoned as usual by Julia, a stack containing each edition of Lady Whistledown during the length of the season set between the two of you. It was past the traditional hours of a caller, but the “advancement” of your “relationship” allowed Anthony leeway. He had brought with him yet another pamphlet of Lady Whistledown, which Eloise had confronted him with after getting her hands on it. 
“We do seem to be quite popular,” he agreed. “But at least that will make it easier for the news of our parting to spread.” 
“I just wish she did not make it so dramatic,” you huffed, and you picked up the most recent edition that Anthony had brought. You brought up the pitch of your voice and made your accent as haughty as possible as you read the printed words:
“The mystery that is the Viscount Bridgerton and Miss Worthing continues to unravel. The two were sighted together in a box at the newly redecorated Adelphi Theatre, admiring the opening night of Rossini’s Tancredi. I begrudgingly commend them on the taste in opera; I too, am a fan of Voltaire. One can only wonder the sort of activity they commenced in with their privacy.”
Anthony allowed himself a laugh as you shook your head and let out a sigh. “It’s ridiculous. She makes it sound as if we are engaging in the most scandalous behavior there is, when we were merely watching the opera! The only activity we commenced in was discussion.” You set the pamphlet down on the table with a huff. “It was quite intellectual discussion, if I do say so myself.” 
“Certainly,” he said with a nod, and he smiled wryly. “Are you saying you are not a fan of all this attention, though? Surely it is your dream for every member of the ton to know of you and your exploits.” 
“I am certainly not—” you began, but your attention was drawn to the doors as your mother walked inside. 
“Lord Bridgerton!” she exclaimed as a smile tugged at her lips. Though your mother looked happy, you saw through the practiced expression—she held a letter in her hands, turning it over and over as if to calm nervous energy. “How lovely to see you here.” 
“It is just as lovely to see you, Lady Worthing,” Anthony greeted, the charm flowing effortlessly through his words. “And may I just say how effervescent you look, even at this late hour?” 
Your mother smiled. “You know exactly what to say to get yourself out of trouble, don’t you?” 
“It is a virtue,” Anthony joked, and when he stood up you did as well. “I apologize if I have overstayed my welcome—I simply enjoy your daughter’s presence far too much. She is a sure credit to your family.” 
“Oh, it is of no mind,” she said, brushing her hand through the air. “I always enjoy having the Bridgertons over. You are no exception.”
“You flatter me so, Lady Worthing, but I must insist I take my leave.” He bowed to her and then turned to you, taking your hand in his and pressing a delicate kiss to the back of your palm. “I bid you a good night, my lady.”
You suppressed the flutter in your chest at his touch. Your hands were typically gloved whenever you held hands during dances or promenades, but not at this hour. His lips against your bare skin made your breath catch for a moment, even for such a slight occurrence. 
“I can escort you to the door,” you said, smiling through the uncertainty in your chest. 
Anthony nodded, a small smile on his lips as well. “I welcome your company, my lady.”
Anthony offered his arm and you took it, and you could sense the excitement from your mother even from afar.
“Do not stay out too long, you two!” she called with a grin as you strolled out the door, and you had to stifle your laugh.
“You are going to be the death of me, Miss Worthing,” Anthony murmured in your ear as you walked out, his breath tickling your skin.
“Not if you get to me first,” you countered. 
“I think the opposite is far more likely,” he said. 
“How so?” you said, feigning disbelief. “You are the one keeping me up past natural hours with your presence. You are the one dragging me with you into Whistledown infamy.”
“But you are the one who got me into this in the first place.” Anthony glanced at you. “Quite the predicament, I might say.”
“Oh, do not act as if you are not enjoying it by now,” you said. “We are friends at this point, yes?”
A small smile quirked on his lips. “I suppose so.”
Again, that warmth in your chest. If Anthony knew, he would surely understand that he was far more likely to be your undoing than the other way around.
You reached the doors, and when you opened one and peeked outside, there was a notable absence of a carriage.
“My deepest apologies Viscount Bridgerton.” You turned around to see your head maid hurrying across the floor, slightly out of breath. “There has been a miscommunication between our two estates—your carriage will arrive, but it will be delayed. It should not be too long a wait, albeit, but—” 
“It is of no worry,” Anthony interrupted, bowing his head. “I thank you for your dedication. Please, enjoy the rest of your night.”
She looked to you for confirmation and you nodded. “Thank you, Emma. You can retire for the night.”
She smiled gratefully. “I appreciate your kindness, my lady. It shall be here soon.”
You let go of Anthony’s arm as she began walking to the servant’s quarters and you pushed the door open again.
“What are you doing?” he asked.
“We have time to waste,” you said, looking back at him mischievously. “Do you trust me?”
“…You make it seem as if I shouldn’t,” Anthony said.
“Oh, relax. We have some time to ourselves and a night sky above us. Surely you can indulge me once.” 
“I believe I have indulged you far more than once,” Anthony said, but he followed you anyway. He planted his hand against the door, taking the weight off of yours, and for some reason even that act made you take a deep breath. 
Thank God for the cool air, you thought hastily as you stepped outside, because your cheeks were burning for no good reason. 
“I apologize on Emma’s behalf for the delay,” you said, thankful that he was following slightly behind you. “The Worthing estate has been in a state of disarray lately. I try to help around, but my mother insists it’s not my place.”
“I already said it was a nonissue,” Anthony said, and you bit your lip as he took a step closer and put you on equal ground. You’d no idea what was wrong with you.
“And I thank you for your continued grace, but I still feel as if I must apologize anyway,” you said. “You likely know of our… monetary issues.”
His brows knit together. “Of course, but that means nothing. Of your status, I mean.” 
You smiled a bit. “To you, perhaps. But my mother is so ashamed of our lack of staff, she hardly ever has her friends over for tea anymore. We’ve never been able to afford much, but we had to let many of our staff go over the past summer.” 
“It is noticeable. You’ve no doormen, few maids and servants,” Anthony said. “But it shouldn’t matter to any true gentleman.”
“I suppose that makes you a true gentleman, doesn’t it?” you said playfully.
Anthony chuckled. “After all the years my mother has spent trying to turn me into one, she would certainly hope so.”
“That is why this is all such a problem.” You glanced at him. “Why my mother is so delighted of our courtship. She believes you will be my— our entire family’s— saving grace upon marriage.” 
“Quite the burden upon us,” he said dryly, though his words did not hold the usual humor. There was a certain solemnity about him. 
“Indeed.” You sighed. “Our ruse frees me from the hand of other men for this season, but there is still the problem of… of what awaits.” You wrapped your arms around yourself, the night chill beginning to get to you along with something else. “I am certain I will think of a plan eventually, but still I worry more each day of what I will do when it is all over.” 
Anthony didn’t say anything, and you didn’t fill the silence though you felt his gaze upon you. Suddenly, though, you felt the heaviness of fabric over your arms. 
Anthony’s jacket, you realized when you looked at him. Your lips parted, words stuck in your throat, but he didn’t give you the chance to get them out. 
“You were cold,” he shrugged, answering your question before you could ask it. “It would be unfathomably rude to force my dearest betrothed to freeze.”
“You noticed,” you said. 
“Always,” Anthony said. 
You care.
You could not help but stare at him, if not just for a moment, because— because God, the man was beautiful. There lay no use in denying it. There was a reason that, despite being the ton’s most infamous rake, he was still so desired by countless ladies. 
His eyes almost as dark as the night around you holding a kindness he didn’t share with many, his white undershirt with slightly-rolled sleeves in stark contrast to it all, the curve of his jaw and the slope of his nose and the barest coif of his chestnut hair.
He was beautiful, and he was the one thing you could not have. 
“Miss Worthing?” 
Which did not matter, because you did not want him. 
“My apologies.” You blinked and cleared your throat, Anthony breaking you out of your spell, and you gestured with your head as you continued along your way. Heat burned inside of you, all the way from the tips of your ears to the soles of your feet, and you could hardly stand it.
“You seem… distracted,” he said. 
That was one way to describe it.  
“Apologies,” you repeated with the slightest of smiles. “I’m merely… in my head, is all.” 
This was all fake. You had to remember that, even if you had to bash it into your head for it to stick. The charm practically oozed off of him, and though you’d been near immune to it when you were able to despise Anthony, it was much more difficult not to fall victim to it now that you considered each other… friends.
You are a lady, and he is a gentleman, you could picture your mother saying. It is nature’s oldest tale. There is no shame in it. 
He is my brother, and you hate him, you heard Eloise scoffing in the same vein. The thought made you smile. 
“Where are you taking me, Miss Worthing?” Anthony’s coy voice brought you out of your stupor once again, and you blinked. 
As you looked around, you realized you’d already made it there. You turned to Anthony with a smile, your hands out as you gestured at the open field of grass behind your estate. 
“Isn’t it obvious?” you asked. “I’ve brought you here to stargaze.” 
“Stargazing,” he repeated, and he laughed a bit. “I’ve never…” 
“You’ve never stargazed?” you finished, and he nodded. “It makes sense. A serious viscount such as yourself cannot be bothered with such frivolities.” 
Anthony shrugged. “If you enjoy it, I would love to try.”
“It isn’t something you try so much as you just do,” you said as you sat down on the ground. You smoothed out your skirts and then looked up at Anthony, amused by the expression on his face. 
“It’s alright, my lord,” you said. “I promise, the grass will not hurt you. My maids have worked out many a stain in my youth, so I assure you that will be alright as well.” 
“I have a carriage coming,” he said. 
“They can wait,” you said. “Can they not?” 
He hesitated for a moment, and then his lips quirked into the slightest smile as he took a seat next to you. You took his hand, ignoring the skip of your heart, and you pulled him back so you were both lying down. 
“How do you feel?” you asked. “Have you fallen ill yet?” 
“Very funny,” Anthony said wryly. “I am just fine. Your worries are much appreciated.” 
“I would never worry about the great Viscount Bridgerton,” you said haughtily. “He has everything handled at all times.” 
“Hardly,” he countered, and he let out a sigh. “Lately it seems as if I’ve got nothing handled at all.” 
You made a noncommittal noise. “Then you are quite the actor, my lord. You’re very good at looking perfect.” 
“You think I look perfect?” 
You turned your head to see Anthony looked at you, a sly smile on his lips, and though your rolled your eyes you could not hold back your amusement. 
“Yes, Viscount Bridgerton,” you said playfully. “Quite perfect.” 
“It is good to know that my betrothed no longer hates me.” Anthony allowed one of his hands to rest in the grass, and you could feel his eyes on you. 
“Oh, we are not betrothed yet,” you said offhandedly. “The way my mother acts, though, you would certainly think so.” 
“Well, then,” Anthony said, “would you further prove your devotion by showing me some of your constellations?” 
You chuckled. “Of course.” 
Your gaze turned to the sky, squinting slightly as you searched for your favorite. When you did, you made a sound of triumph and you sat up on your elbows. “There— do you see those? 
He frowned as he pushed himself up as well, and in his focus he unconsciously leaned closer to you. “I do not see anything,” Anthony said, and you laughed. 
“Right…” you shifted closer to him, and you took his hand in yours as you held it up to the sky. “There.” You traced the outline with his finger, and you glanced at him. “Do you see it now?” 
“I do, but…” Anthony’s lips twitched into a smile for a moment. “It is just… lines. A triangle with lines.” 
You laughed, full and bright. “It is, that much is true. But it is the constellation of Libra, in relation to astrology.” 
“I did not know you were educated on astrology.” 
“Oh, I am certainly not,” you said. “But it is the sign of my mother’s birth month, and it was the first constellation she taught me to find. Now, it is always the first one I seek out on nights such as these.” 
His eyebrows rose ever so slightly. “You used to stargaze with your mother?” 
You hadn’t truly realized the implications of what you’d said until his words, and you paused for a moment before you took your hand away from his and laid back down. 
“It is alright if you do not want to talk about it,” Anthony said softly. 
“It is not that,” you said, and you sighed. “It is just… that the relationship I have with my mother is a complicated one.” 
You felt Anthony’s eyes on you still, and you bit your lip. 
“I have always felt so small whenever I look to the stars,” you murmured. “I think it is part of the reason I still do it— for the perspective. To remind myself of how minuscule I am in the broad scheme of things.”
“I… think I feel the opposite, funnily enough,” Anthony said. “I do not stargaze, obviously, but I have always viewed an individual’s contribution as meaning far more than I can even imagine. Each and every person who has walked through my life has made some sort of impact— you have been, and still are, one of those.” He looked over at you with a surprisingly earnest expression. “You are certainly not minuscule. Not by any sort of margin.”
You found your cheeks heating up from his words, and you could not hold back your smile. “Why, Lord Bridgerton, that was quite a compliment. Are you sure you are feeling well?”
“I feel wonderful,” he said, his eyes still not leaving yours. You felt your cheeks heat and you had to look away. 
“I know my mother only wants what is best for me. She pushes me so because there is no other choice, and she truly believes that it will just… click for me someday.” You pulled Anthony’s jacket tighter around your arms, but it was of no aid when the chills came from within. “And I feel as if I am failing my entire family by not being able to accept it.” 
“I understand what it is like to have the weight of your bloodline on your shoulders,” Anthony said after a moment’s hesitation. “It is my job to ensure that my family stays afloat, that our finances are handled, that my siblings are provided for, that everything runs smoothly without a hitch. It is…” he huffed a small laugh. “It is overwhelming, I cannot lie. But it is my responsibility as the head of house, and so I take it on.” 
“You are saying that I should pursue a real courtship,” you said dryly. 
“That is not what I am saying,” Anthony countered with a glance at you. “You were correct when you said that I could leave at any time if I so desired. I do not, but if I wanted to, I could. I am pushed on through even the most difficult moments because of my love for my family. Everything I do is for them.” 
“I still am not following.” 
“If you want to be happy, then you must find your motivations,” Anthony finally said, “and you must follow where they lead you. No matter where that is.”
“So you are supporting my ill-advised rebellion.” You sat up, looking down at him with the beginnings of a smile. “Is that it?” 
“I thought that quite obvious the moment I agreed to this ruse,” he responded wryly. “You are a bad influence, Miss Worthing. I am a man of honor.” 
“Of course.” Your words were laced with mock austerity, and you sighed. “I just do not understand why I was born the sole daughter of a struggling family. It seems a cruel joke when there is none I despise more than marriage.” 
“We are quite similar, you know,” Anthony said offhandedly. “We both have the fate of our families on our shoulders, and we both know what we must do for our name. It should be woefully easy, but… it isn’t.” 
You shook your head. “We are not similar, my lord. Perhaps in structure, but not in much else.” 
He raised his eyebrows, silently urging you to go forward. 
“You are a man,” you said simply, “and you have everything because of it. You can have whatever life you please. It is not required of you to marry, though your mother might like it to have an heir from the first son. But I have nothing— I am nothing— without a man. The life that I so desperately want is one that I will never be able to have, not without giving up everything I hold dear.” 
You swallowed thickly in your throat, turning away from Anthony to not give him a view of your imminent tears. “I either have to marry a man I will never love or abandon my family and become a disgrace, but I do not want either. It is as Eloise has always said — I just want so desperately to fly. Unfortunately, my wings are doomed to be clipped.” 
“Miss Worthing…” Anthony started, but he trailed off just as quickly. He could not seem to find the right words to quell your worries, and it infuriated him beyond any sort of reason. He did not have a way with words like Eloise, he did not have the effortless charm of Colin nor the presence of Benedict, and he most certainly was not able to comfort others like Daphne — and yet the need to fix problems he himself was incapable of fixing washed over him so suddenly and so intensely he could hardly bear it. 
“I am truly sorry.” It took him far too long to break the silence that hung in the air, only punctured once by your sharp intake of breath in an attempt to hold back tears. “I wish there was more I could do for you. There should be more I could do for you as a viscount, but…”
Sure that you would be able to hold back any tears should they decide to pester you once more, you turned to face Anthony with what you hoped was a convincing smile. “You need not apologize, my lord. You have already done far more for me than any rational man should have in your position.” 
“One could argue it is because of you I’ve done all this,” he said. “You have a way about you that makes a rational man want nothing more than irrationality.” 
That brought a genuine smile to your face, thankfully able to avoid the tears you thought were sure to come. 
“You flatter me, Lord Bridgerton,” you said wryly. 
“Anthony,” he said, and you blinked. 
“I believe we are far past Lord Bridgerton,” he explained with a slight smile. “What, with how many times you have bared your soul to me this season, I should think Anthony is perfectly acceptable.” 
You felt your cheeks heat up under his warm gaze as you nodded. “Then Anthony it shall be.”
Trying to recover from the embarrassingly soft moment, you cleared your throat and turned away once more. “Of course, your permission is not needed to refer to you as your name rather than a title, but I suppose it cannot hurt.” 
This time, the smile was nearly palpable in his words. “Of course, Miss Worthing.” 
You shook your head as you said your name. “If I am to call you Anthony, you shall call me by my given name as well. It is only fair.” 
He raised his eyebrows. “When has fairness ever been a concern of yours in regards to me?” 
“Anthony,” you said, though not without slight mirth, “will you do it?” 
“If it is what you desire.” Anthony then said your name, and you could not deny how your chest spurned in such a way at the sound. 
There was so much you yearned to say, so much on the tip of your tongue, nearly all of it relating to the man in front of you. How could there be so much of him on your mind, when just a mere fortnight ago you were joking with him about how much you could not stand him?
After ensuring none of your inner emotions were visible on your face, you turned back to him and offered a small smile. “It certainly is.”
But as he smiled back at you, that slight quirk of his lips that softened his features and brought out the light in his eyes that you had grown to appreciate but he did not have nearly enough…
You feared you were beginning to desire much more. 
You looked at the sky above, and the stars twinkling back at you suddenly made you remember as you turned back to Anthony. 
“We should get back,” you said. “It would be woefully inappropriate for a man of honor to miss his carriage.” 
His lips twitched at your words. “You end our outing so soon?”
“You were against it in the first place,” you pointed out. “And I believe this has lasted far longer than I initially planned.” 
“I was also against your ruse,” Anthony said, and when he stood up, he offered his hand. “But you seem to be quite skilled at changing my mind.” 
It was so different from all the others, when he offered his arm for a promenade or took you to the dance floor, and it was why you hesitated. But you pushed the thought aside as you took it, and Anthony pulled you up from the ground. 
“I suppose I am,” you joked.
“Thank you for this.” He brushed off his clothes, a smile as genuine as the others pulling at his lips. “It was enjoyable.” 
“Just enjoyable?” you asked playfully. 
“My apologies,” Anthony said. “This was fantastic. Incredible. Is life-changing satisfactory?” 
You nodded, biting back your smile. “I believe so. Nothing with me is anything less than life-changing.” 
“That is certain,” he agreed.
Anthony offered his arm and the two of you began walking back to the front of your estate. The silence was comfortable as it lingered in the air, only broken once you stopped in front of the carriage that he was indeed late for. 
“I do mean it,” Anthony said, “my thanks for this. Sincerely so.” 
“Of course,” you said. “If you ever find you are in need of some stars, my yard is always open.” 
His lips quirked into a slight smile. “The stars do not have much meaning without you beside me to give them one.” 
You huffed a slight laugh as your gaze turned upwards again. “Well, that is Cassiopeia,” you said with a gesture at the sky, and you managed a wry smile. “Though you will probably just see more lines.” 
“If you tell me they are more than lines, then they are more than lines,” Anthony said. “That much, I know.” 
You felt the warmth rise to your cheeks, and you curtsied to him. “I will see you tomorrow, Lord Bridgerton.” 
“I will see you tomorrow.” Anthony hesitated, gazing into your eyes with abandon. He lifted your hand and pressed a gentle kiss to it, murmuring your name before he let it go. 
And then he entered the carriage, though there was some form of reluctance in his movements. You waited until his departure, even longer after until he and his men were nothing but a speck in the distance, and it wasn’t until then that you could breathe freely. 
“My lady?”
Your focus was broken at the sound of your lady’s maid’s voice, and you blinked a multitude of times as you turned around.
“Julia,” you said. “What brings you here?”
“You, my lady,” she said with a slight laugh. “You’ve just been… standing out here. Alone. Doing nothing.”
“My apologies,” you said with a practiced smile, though you wrought your hands together. “I appear to be in my head tonight. You needn’t come out here for me.”
“I wanted to make sure you were alright,” Julia said. “Is the viscount gone?”
“He is. I saw him off.” The skin where his lips touched still burned, and you felt a swell of something inside of you. “I— I should be settling in for the night.”
You began walking in at a hasty pace, but Julia easily matched it. “Of course. I will help you get ready.”
You shook your head, and you couldn’t help but cast one last glance out the door before it closed. You cleared your throat and looked back at Julia. “All I request is that you help me into my dressing gown, and then you can retire. I would like some solitude tonight.”
She nodded. “Of course, my lady.”
“Is my mother still awake?” you asked as the two of you walked up the stairs together.
“No,” Julia said. “She retired shortly after you and the viscount took your leave.”
“Good,” you murmured. You did not think you could deal with her much tonight. Not after… whatever it was that went on between you and him. 
Julia did as asked, helping you out of your layers and into your nightgown before she took her leave. 
Lying in bed alone, you found yourself staring at the ceiling, unable to fall asleep. 
All you could think of was Anthony. His eyes boring into yours, the heat of his lips against your bare hand, his willingness to do something he likely saw as ridiculous merely because it made you happy. The weight of his jacket against your shoulders, the attentiveness he had towards you for him to have realized. 
The softness with which he said your name, every syllable a symphony in your ears, more beautiful than anything simply because Anthony spoke it. 
Your heart hammered in your chest as the realization struck. 
You were doomed. 
Split down the middle. It was an apt designation for how you felt in the coming days and weeks. 
One part of you—the idiot, lovesick part—wanted nothing but to spend more time with Anthony Bridgerton. A singing heart every time Julia told you he awaited you in the drawing room, weakened knees when he offered his hand to pull you onto the dance floor, an unavoidable smile throughout any of your conversations. You finally realized what all those ladies saw in the Viscount Bridgerton. 
The other part—the intelligent part that knew this was the one thing that could absolutely not happen—wanted nothing more than to ignore his every call. To stay silent during promenades, to refuse his dance offers, to stay shut in your room when he called on you. To be able to avoid him in every possible way because you could not encourage your feelings further.  
It was terrible. Awful. Horrendous. You were quite sure that you loved Anthony Bridgerton, and the one thing you were meant to do was not love Anthony Bridgerton. 
The more time you spent around him, the more you thought about him, the more you felt for him, and there was not a single way to avoid it because his courtship was the only thing keeping you above water. 
You really were doomed. 
“Are you even listening to me?” 
You blinked as Eloise said your name, and you looked over at her. “I apologize. I was in my head.” 
“You’ve been in your head quite frequently as of late,” Eloise said, and she huffed a sigh as she flopped onto the couch next to you. “I can only assume my brother is to blame.” 
You felt your cheeks heat. If only she knew how true that was. 
“He is part of it,” you admitted, turning your head slightly so she could not see any visible embarrassment. “It may not be easy to be a Bridgerton, but it’s by no means easy to be courted by one, either.” 
“I can imagine,” she said with another sigh. “For how serious Anthony always is, he certainly is dramatic.” Eloise eyed you. “Would you like me to speak plainly?” 
Your brows creased slightly, though you still didn’t look at her. “Always.” 
“I honestly think he may be enjoying this,” she said. “Anthony has never been much for… anything, really. Anything besides duty. He’s pleasant around us for the most part, and I love him with all my heart, but he’s always so serious.” She shrugged. “It appears that you’ve brought out another side of him.” 
Your breath caught in your chest for a moment. You still could not bring yourself to meet her eyes. “Truly?” 
“Truly,” Eloise nodded. “When you end this, I believe he’ll come out the other side a better man. So I suppose I should thank you for this whole ruse.” 
A smile played on your lips for a moment, but it fell just as quickly. You’d always known it was going to end—the ruse was your idea in the first place—and yet you were the one fighting against her impossible feelings. You were a damn doomed fool. 
You had to fight the urge to hit your head against the back of the couch. You felt as if you were going insane, but you could not reveal the whirlwind inside your mind to anyone. 
“There is no need to thank me,” you finally said. “It’s been a pleasure.” 
“A pleasure,” Eloise said dryly. “Really?” 
You nodded, finally sitting up and looking at her. “Yes. Anthony was a bit of a nuisance at first, but…” you smiled just at the thought of him. “We’ve become friends after all this time. Quite close friends.” 
Eloise’s nose wrinkled, and then she sighed yet again. “I suppose it is a good thing if you two are getting along. As long as you will still trade barbs with me about him.” 
You chuckled. “Always.” 
You couldn’t tell her. You wouldn’t tell her, because there was no use in creating such a problem for no reason. 
You loved Anthony, you were sure of that by now, though you had not previously thought it at all possible. And none of it mattered, because by the end of the season, your courtship would be a distant memory. 
You and Eloise continued your idle chatter, but your heart was not in it. How could it be, when you could only think of Anthony? You could only think of Anthony, the one man you never thought you would want and now the one man you can never have. 
It was ridiculous. He turned you into a ridiculous woman and you would never forgive him for it. 
You’d always wondered how you would end your ruse when your mothers had grown so attached to the courtship, the idea of you as a Bridgerton. 
Your mothers were no longer the problem. 
The middle of the season came and went, your feelings for Anthony growing ever stronger—your disdain for those feelings grew alongside them. 
Your parents were working harder than ever as the peak of the season approached—your father spent most nights bent over documents and papers regarding the finances, pushing pennies so that you would be able to afford the frivolities of the ton and appearing on the arm of a Bridgerton. 
Your mother had a job of equal difficulty—she had to maintain the Worthing image and name. It had never been the best to begin with as one of the poorer families of the ton, but Anthony’s courtship had pushed you through the ranks. Your mother was determined to keep you there. 
The pairing between you and Anthony should have remained the same stagnant charade, but it was difficult to act the same as always with your feelings evolving ever so. It did not help that both your mother and Lady Bridgerton were convinced a proposal was to be just around the corner when nothing could be further from the truth. 
And it was not as if they were wrong for holding that belief. Were this a traditional courting, Anthony would likely be preparing to get down on one knee—instead, your promenades consisted of discussions on how best to end your situation. 
(“Perhaps you could have a meltdown,” Anthony had suggested once. “It would certainly not come as a surprise to the ton—they would merely see it as what has been coming all along.” 
“Your faith in me is truly astounding, Anthony,” you said dryly. “It is sure to be a mystery on how we did not work out.” 
He chuckled and shook his head. “I am only trying to work with you. Must I remind you that it was you that started this, all because you did not want to get married? This would simply be an extension—you’ve never wanted to marry a man before, what is one more to add to the list?” 
“Yes, but…” you shook your head and sighed. “I fear we may have performed our act too well. At this point, it feels as if any means of our splitting will hurt our mothers and cause a riot in the ton, no matter how we do it.” 
“I think you may be right,” Anthony said, and he frowned. “I do not know whether I want Hyacinth to find out you will not be her sister through Whistledown or through me—I know I could not handle the look on her face, but to let her discover it through gossip seems even worse.” 
You could not help a sly smile at that. “Are you telling me I have charmed your family even more than I had before?” 
He offered a smile of his own. “I believe I have charmed your family just as much, if not more. Your mother adores me more than ever.”) 
No, it did not help that your mother adored him, and it did not help that Hyacinth and Gregory adored you. Every second spent around Anthony and his family pushed you further to your doom, and what a lovely doom it was. 
Seeing Anthony dressed up at every ball was also not of aid, and you could not help but smile when your eyes met at the latest ball. You knew of your mother’s watchful eye over both of you, but you found you didn’t care when he offered his hand. 
“You look beautiful,” Anthony murmured so only you could hear it as he led you out to the dance floor. You took up your positions and started the waltz—you had Anthony to thank for the increase in your skill, for the amount of dancing you did these days made it impossible for your ability to remain stagnant. 
You chuckled a bit. “Thank you, Anthony, but nobody can hear us. You do not need to keep up appearances.” 
The smile remained on his lips for just a moment too long before he blinked and nodded. “You are correct. I suppose it is just becoming a habit.” 
Butterflies erupted in your chest, and in your flustered state, you fell out of the rhythm and missed your next step. If it hadn’t been for Anthony leading so well, you would’ve fallen. 
How could he just say those things? How could he just say those frustratingly charming things without blinking an eye, words that made you trip over your feet and spurned warmth in your core and drove you insane? 
Did Anthony even know what he did to you? 
“Are you alright?” he questioned, and for a moment all you were able to do was stare into his eyes. They were beautiful. 
“Yes,” you finally managed, clearing your throat as you glanced away for a moment. 
It is just becoming a habit, he said, words that near perfectly echoed your own situation.
Each time you slipped your arm around Anthony’s, each time he was a caller in your drawing room for an early morning—early mornings which you were becoming all the fonder of with each outing—each time he smiled at you in that way of his, each time you looked into those warm brown eyes, each time he was just the slightest bit too close and you were able to feel your heart speed up and your breath hitch. 
Being around Anthony Bridgerton was becoming a habit for you, you realized, a habit you did not want to let go of. 
You did not realize Anthony was speaking to you until he said your name again and you snapped out of your thoughts, staring at him for a moment before you nodded. 
“Apologies,” you covered up, “it seems I am very in my head tonight.” 
“It is alright,” he said, smiling softly. “I was merely asking if your outing with your parents the other night went well.” 
“Yes,” you breathed, “yes, it was quite pleasant.” 
Though you answered, you could still hardly focus. And it was all because of the man you were dancing with, because of the delicate yet sure grip he had on your hands, because of the sweetest eyes you’d ever known gazing at you with reassurance. 
You were horribly in love with Anthony Bridgerton, and there was nothing you could do about it. 
“…So,” Anthony said as the two of you trailed through the streets, “remind me what you have roped me into?”
“I have not roped you into anything,” you said. “I am taking you to a rally; one for the advancement of women. I believe it would do you some good to see what your myriad of sisters put up with because of men like you.” 
“Men like me?” he repeated, having the gall to sound slightly offended. 
“Yes, men like you,” you agreed. “Men who do not even question why they are so deserving of their position so high above us, and do not even think to change things because society solely benefits them.” 
“Do you ever get tired of your constant bitterness?” he asked dryly. 
“No,” you responded cheerfully, “I only get tired of you.” 
“Ah,” he said with a nod. “That is why you have not only decided to be my fake courtee for an entire season, but to willingly bring me along on one of your weekend escapades.” 
“I put up with you so I will not have to put up with those even more irritating,” you reminded him.
“And that is why you always smile at me with the strength of a thousand suns while we dance?” he asked. “Why you continue to promenade with me and indulge my conversational whims and accept me without complaint as a constant caller?” 
You shrugged, and you hoped the heat rushing to your cheeks was not visible. Perhaps he could read you better than you thought. “As I said, it is so I will not have to put up with those more irritating. I have come to appreciate you.” 
“Times like these, I wonder if we are truly faking it,” Anthony said. “We already bicker as much as a married couple — perhaps we have somehow skipped the engagement and the wedding and gone right into the arguments.” 
“I believe that is simply called friendship, Anthony.” 
He raised his eyebrows, a smile tugging at his lips as he said your name. “You see me as a friend?” 
“And now I regret saying it,” you laughed.  
“Oh, do not lie,” Anthony said wryly. “Why have you brought me here, if not to argue on the way?” 
“It is simply a learning experience for you,” you scoffed. “It is actually quite enriching, Anthony. You may want to take your leave now though, lest you end up learning something.” 
“You are truly hilarious,” he said, devoid of emotion. He glanced down at the basket you carried in your hands before looking back to you. “And what is in there?”
“Any goods I can spare,” you said. “I am one of the poorer ladies in the ton, but I am still more fortunate than many of the women that attend these rallies. They are often working mothers and sisters trying their best to support their families, but it is hardly ever enough. I do what I can to make it even the slightest bit easier for them.”
Anthony went silent, and when you glanced at him he had an odd look on his face, his gaze set on you.
“What?” you asked, and he offered the smallest smile.
“That is quite a gesture,” he finally said. “Most families in society tend to ignore anyone beneath them. They would not be caught dead in a place like this.”
“They are not beneath me,” you corrected. “They are not beneath any of us. None of them have chosen the lives they lead; wealth begets wealth, and poverty the same. It is a vicious cycle that hardly anyone is able to break out of. I see no reason why I should not use my privilege to make anyone’s life even the slightest bit easier.”
“Besides,” you said with a raise of your brow, “you are here with me, are you not?”
Anthony nodded after a moment. “I suppose you are rubbing off on me.”
You smiled. “I am glad to have gotten through to you on at least one thing. Helping others with your wealth is perhaps the best thing for you to pick up from me, I think.”
“You are quite good at ruining the moment, are you aware?”
“Oh,” you said with a cheeky smile, “I absolutely am.”
You soon made it to the opening where the rally was being held. Though some were underground in the metaphorical sense, this one was rather out in the open. It was in a darker corner of the city, so you supposed the organizers did not think they would be disturbed. 
You wandered around with Anthony for a bit as you emptied your basket to a variety of women and youths, and by the time the first speaker had begun, you had handed out everything you’d brought. 
You took Anthony’s hand and pulled him behind you as you moved through the crowd to get closer, and when you tried to let go of his hand, he wouldn’t let you. You smiled up at him, and it seemed as if he’d only realized what he’d done in that moment. 
“I do not trust this part of town,” he whispered to you. “It is for your protection.” 
“Of course,” you whispered back, though you could not hide your mirth as you turned back to the speaker. 
It was wonderful. She spoke of all sorts of things relating to women and the betterment of your sex, how they deserved a place in Parliament and a voice and respect for more than motherly duties, how— 
“This is unseemingly,” Anthony huffed. 
You frowned. “How?” 
“This is hardly a proper place for anyone.” His eyes darted around. 
“This is where I am to end up if I do not figure out a better way out of the ton,” you said. “This is how a majority of London lives.” 
“I am aware of that,” he muttered. “Do not think me so naive that I do not understand my privilege. I just…” Anthony shook his head and sighed. “No matter. How many of these have you been to?” 
“Five, I believe.” You frowned. “Six, actually. There was the time I told my parents I was ill and snuck out.” 
“It is a miracle you are still alive,” Anthony marveled. 
You shrugged. “I never said I was intelligent. Merely smart.” 
He laughed, genuine and full, and you found yourself smiling. 
And then there was yelling. 
Your brows creased again as you looked to the front, only to see a man. His burly and unkempt appearance weren’t the only off-putting things about him. He spat rhetoric against everything the rally stood for, and the look in his eye was chilling. 
You’d heard of this happening before, of men from the city who indulged their baser instincts and liked the world just the way it was now, invading rallies and meetings held by women just to create problems and spread fear.  
Some cries ran out around the crowd, and your head whirled around to see other men like the one yelling pushing through the sea of people, intimidating and snapping their way through. You went to take a step back, but Anthony was already ahead of you as his grip on your hand tightened. 
It appeared that this was one of those times. 
“Ah,” you said, beginning to back up alongside Anthony. “I forgot to mention one thing to you.” 
“And that is?” he asked, annoyance coloring his words. 
“This gathering is not exactly legal.” You winced as a pairing shouldered past you, but you held fast onto Anthony’s hand. “I’d say it’s quite illegal, actually. Which is why it can be interrupted in this fashion.” 
“Wonderful,” he breathed. “I’d say that it is time to take our leave. Would you agree?” 
“Yes,” you said, “I would.” 
The glint of a knife caught your eye even from afar, gripped in the hand of one of the men, and a lady’s scream pierced the air. 
And then full-on chaos broke out. 
Everything after that was mostly a blur. Something triggered inside of Anthony, clear in the wild look in his eye, and his only thought was seemingly to get you out unharmed. It worked for the most part, to his credit, though you didn’t get away completely unscathed. 
You also did not get away together. Somewhere in the middle, someone had barreled between the two of you and broken your link. Anthony had lost you in the rush, and he felt as if he was going insane. 
This may have been your idea, illegal as it was, but he was not going to allow anything to happen to you. He couldn’t allow anything to happen to you— he couldn’t. 
He shouted your name, once, twice, three times, his heart pounding in his chest as he tried his best to navigate through the insanity. This was no longer a rally, this was a riot, and with you missing Anthony truly feared the worst. His stomach twisted into knots just thinking about it.
He shouted your name, once, twice, three times, his heart pounding in his chest as he tried his best to navigate through the insanity. This was no longer a rally, this was a riot, and with you missing Anthony truly feared the worst. His stomach twisted into knots just thinking about it.
He’d just passed an alleyway when a hand darted out of nowhere and pulled him to the side; though his first instinct was to break away, the weight of his anxieties disappeared when he saw who had dragged him over.
Anthony said your name with complete relief, his shoulders dropping as the tension faded away. “I couldn’t find you, and I thought the worst— thank God you’re safe.” 
“Thank God you are safe,” you murmured, and he chuckled as he shook his head. Somehow, in this situation, you were worried about him. 
“I still cannot believe you are here,” Anthony huffed. He moved to the edge of the alleyway to watch, waiting for the chaos to clear out. “Is this truly what you are engaging in every weekend? Barbaric riots where its attendees are lucky to make it out alive?” 
“I promise,” you said through a shaky exhale, pressing your aching fingers to your chest as you held your good hand against your bleeding nose, “they are never like this.”
His eyes darted back over to you, and that was when he noticed the injury. “God, what happened to you?” 
You opened your mouth to diminish it, but Anthony moved over and began examining you for worse injuries. You let out a breathy laugh and shook your head. “I am fine, Anthony, trust me. Men in these parts believe in one vein of equality, at least, seeing as I was punched in the face.” 
His eyes widened and it only made you smile more. “Do not worry. I punched him back.” You held up your hand, bunching it into a fist. “I believe my knuckles will bruise something fierce later, though.” 
Anthony shook his head, another breathless laugh taking him. “You are truly something else.” 
“And I am fine,” you assured, though the slight strain of your voice said something different. Anthony did not notice, though, and he moved back to his spot on the edge watching for clearings.  
“You said you have been to six of these before,” Anthony said. “And they have never been like this?” 
“Then I assume this riot was something special they planned just for me.”
“You jest, but you may not be far from the truth.” You chuckled but immediately winced. “You are bad luck, Anthony.”
“I am bad luck?“ He turned and fixed you with a pointed look. “You are the one who threw herself into the middle of a fight; it is fortunate you got away with so few injuries.” 
You huffed a laugh but a sharp pain once again shot through your chest, far more extreme than the last, and you barely managed to stifle your gasp of pain. You took your hand away from your nose and pressed it against your side, but all it caused was an even greater ripple of pain throughout your entire body. 
When you took your hand away, every part that had been against your dress was coated in a shimmering layer of blood, a small drop falling from your finger and splattering to the ground below. Your heart caught in your throat as you weakly pulled at the hem, crimson red seeping through the laceration in the fabric as a confirmation of the injury below. 
So it seemed you had not been lucky enough to get away with only a bloody nose and bruised knuckles. 
“...Anthony?” you managed weakly, your limbs growing heavy as your vision began to blur. “I… it…” 
Anthony’s head whipped around. His eyes were the last thing you saw, wide with fear and lips moving in silent panic as he lunged towards you. 
And then the world around you faded into darkness.
perm tags: @dv0412 @siriuslyslyslytherin @maruchan77 @simonsbluee @kwyloz @masteroperator @louderfortheback 
bridgerton tags: @theonewithallthemilkshakes @rach2602 @milkiane @korol-lantsov @heyyitsreign
not so simple tags: @ifilwtmfc @readers-post @fangirling-galore @funkydinosaurs @baby-i-am-fireproof @mess-is-my-aesthetic @likeballet @mdkfh @brezzybfan @magical-spit @lafy-taffy @miss-celestial-being @mercurysrhapsody @evilsailorsenshi @mainstreambitchlife @aangsupremacy @chloepluto1306 @lostaudfound @panhoeofmanyfandoms @blhemmings @my-acrylic-heart
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springwitch26 · 10 months
Hey you're writing is so beautiful and *cough cough* incredibly hot, would you be down to write a Melissa brat tamer oneshot 😅
No pressure ofc!
tear you apart (melissa schemmenti x fem!reader)
summary: you're feeling bratty and melissa is all too happy to punish you.
warnings: smut (18+), brat taming, punishment, degradation, spanking, humiliation, overstim, voyeurism? basically unhinged content + agatha harkness obsession disease 💜
notes: thank you anon for your kind words and this request! hope this is worth the wait. melissa is such a brat tamer and i'm reminded of that every time she makes a biting comment or threatens to fight someone. she needs a girl who can take it and then give it right back.
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all you ever wanted was to make melissa feel good.
you knew from the start of your relationship that she was a top. but at first, you weren't sure what she liked: did she want you to be her good girl? or did she enjoy a challenge?
within a few weeks, you had pieced together the answer: it depended on the day. on bad days, all she wanted was her sweet, obedient angel.
one night she came home deflated, having fought with barbara over a teacher appreciation gift from the district. she pulled you into her and didn't let go, holding you close through hours of gentle sex. you were so soft, so comforting, so good.
"come sit on my lap, babydoll," she had said, patting her legs where she sat on the sofa. you obliged.
"are you okay?" you asked, searching her eyes for frustration and regret.
"i am now," she whispered as she caressed up your thighs, smiling as you nuzzled into her neck to hide your whimper. "just do what i say 'n make your pretty noises, and i'll be just fine."
good days were a different story. competition and conflict excited melissa. she felt most like herself when she was telling somebody off or winning some game. so, when things were quiet at work or when she was feeling playful, you were more than happy to give her the challenge she craved. your attitude drove her insane, and putting you in your place was always exhilarating.
tonight was a good night. you could tell from the moment she walked in the door, carrying that massive read-a-thon belt. she was on top of the world after her victory, and now she needed another conquest.
you twirled around the kitchen as you cooked dinner in your thin sleep shirt and little shorts. melissa loved seeing you like this: comfy, happy, and best of all, lightly clothed.
you smirked to yourself as you hatched a plan. instead of greeting her like usual, you pretended not to see her come in. then you held up your phone and took a selfie that just happened to provide a view down your shirt. melissa saw it all.
"whatcha doin', hon?" melissa raised an eyebrow at you, still smiling from a great day at work.
"oh, nothing. just texting ava," you replied coyly. melissa's jaw clenched ever so subtly.
you had been friends with ava since back when you were still working at abbott. melissa wasn't jealous of your friendship with ava. no, what irritated her was how shamelessly ava would check you out and hit on you. ava's advances were never serious, she knew that. but melissa also knew that ava hit on you at least as much as she did gregory, and that was a problem in her book.
you smiled at her and went back to your cooking like it was nothing. you were in for a fight tonight.
when you sat down in the living room to binge-watch wandavision after dinner, melissa attempted to stroke up your thighs several times. you refused her and innocently cuddled into her side.
all was going according to plan until you heard agatha say "good girl" on the television. you shuddered and pressed your legs together, and it did not go unnoticed by melissa.
"aw, hon. does that make you feel needy?"
she had the upper hand. but you could still salvage this.
"yes, agatha drives me crazy," you said, meeting her gaze and giving her a sultry smug look.
"i thought you liked wanda..." she grumbled, her jaw clenched. it was working.
"mmm no, agatha is more my type," you drawled. you remembered melissa dressed as the scarlet witch. that sinfully sexy costume. she had done it for you.
the fact that you were switching up on her now made her livid. your type? she wasn't your type?
"god, kathryn hahn..." you whispered when the camera focused in on agatha's magical fingers, absolutely selling that you were turned on. it pushed melissa over the edge.
in one swift move, she shut the tv off and crawled on top of you, pushing you into the couch by your sternum. the look in her eyes was dark, fiery, dangerous.
"take your clothes off," melissa growled, fire bubbling behind her eyes.
she pulled herself off of you and sat looking you over from the other end of the couch, an expectant look on her face.
"yes, ma'am," you scrambled to comply with her instructions, stripping eagerly in front of her.
"leave the panties on," melissa stopped you before you could drag your thong down your legs. "on the bed."
the two of you rushed up the stairs and over to the bedroom, her grabbing at your waist the entire time. melissa sat back against the pillows, her legs spread for you. she gestured between her legs and you knew what she wanted.
you squealed and quickly adjusted yourself to straddle her, your legs on either side of hers as you unbuttoned her shirt. she sat upright against the pillows, her messy hair framing her heated face.
once you had removed her shirt and bra, she fisted her hands in your hair and pushed your head downward. you quietly whimpered at the manhandling. she took the initiative to swiftly pull her pants and panties down to her ankles, giving you just one firm command: "be a good girl."
you parted her legs gently and dove in, licking wide stripes up her folds but avoiding her clit to tease her. it wasn't long before you felt a fist in your hair, pulling you off of her to meet her frustrated gaze.
"unless you want red handprints all over your ass, don't fuckin' tease," she sneered.
you were torn: you wanted that punishment, but you also wanted to be a good girl for her. you chose to be good for now, attaching your lips to her clit and making her groan in satisfaction. you could always push her buttons later.
"that's it, honey, right there," she choked out as you swirled your tongue around her clit. she wouldn't last long, already worked up from seeing you strip for her.
you lapped at her and sucked on her bundle of nerves, enjoying the chorus of good girl and don't stop until you felt her legs start to tremble around you. at that point, you pulled back, leaving her bucking up into nothing.
you gave her a mischievous grin and started to trace your lips with your thumb absentmindedly. you watched her seethe in anger, never taking her eyes off of you.
"oh, sorry, i think i smudged my lipstick. give me a second," you could hardly contain your giddiness at how angry she looked. you needed her to lose control.
without missing a beat, she grabbed your hair and forcefully pushed you back between her legs. all of her gentleness was gone.
"such a dumb fucking slut. can't even follow simple instructions," she scolded. "finish me off, whore, and then we'll work on your behavior."
you felt yourself get soaked again at the manhandling, her seething words and her promise to punish you. eager to make up for your misbehavior, you ate her out with reckless abandon. she reached her high within minutes, whispering filthy things to you the whole time.
"fuck, that's good. lookin' up at me like that with your big doe eyes. i'm gonna come all over that pretty, smart mouth."
she came with a low groan, coating your lips in her wetness. the sight was pornographic: you looked at her with hooded eyes and wet lips, slightly fearful of her next move. it was exhilarating.
when she had recovered, she sat up and stared you down, a twisted smirk on her face. you swore you knew what she would say before the words left her mouth.
"bend over my lap, beautiful." her tone was dark, but you could hear the excitement behind her words.
you scrambled to obey, laying face-down on her lap with your ass up, wiggling gently in front of her. enticing her.
for a minute, there was silence. she just watched in amusement as you squirmed in her lap, desperate for any kind of attention from her. from where she sat, she could see your arousal glistening on your thighs. she was drunk on the power.
"a little desperate, hmmm?" she teased. you nodded frantically. she started to trace light patterns on your ass with her fingernail. "let me tell you what's gonna happen now. i'm gonna spank your cute little ass until you're crying and begging me to stop. then, i'm gonna fuck you until you're so sensitive that you can't stand to be touched any more. sound good?"
while she was nonchalant, you were almost at your breaking point from her words alone. you were completely at her mercy. you managed a "yes" and nodded intently for her to continue with her plan, desperate to see it through to the end.
it was hardly a second later when she slapped your ass, hard. you should have seen it coming, but you still yelped in surprise. you felt throbbing between your legs as the pain spread through you.
this went on for a while, and eventually you lost count of how many times she'd hit your backside. tears rolled down your cheeks, and you hardly felt them. and you were soaking her lap with your arousal. melissa whispered filthy things to you the entire time.
"my pretty, little, brat," she emphasized each word with a harder slap.
when it finally stopped, she started to caress you all over and praise you for taking your punishment so well. her soft touch brought you back to reality, and she guided you to sit up.
"wow, sweetheart. you really made a mess," melissa said, gesturing to her legs which were sticky with your wetness. you hid your face in your hands.
"stop it, you know i wanna see you. in fact..." she trailed off with a smirk and reached to grab her phone off the nightstand. "touch yourself."
your mouth fell open at the command, and she gave you a challenging look. not wanting to push her any farther tonight, you did as she asked and tried to find a comfortable position.
"spread 'em wide, princess," she said, smiling down at her phone like she wasn't watching your every move.
a burning heat ran through you at her words. you leaned back and started to gently circle your clit through your panties, anxiously awaiting her next move. you were a whimpering, blushing mess when she finally looked up at you with a grin.
"stay just like that," she said while bringing her phone up to point it at you. you heard the clicking noise of the iphone camera and your eyes widened. melissa had never done anything like this before.
"w-what are you doing?" you barely managed the sentence as your fingers worked you up, making you gasp.
"oh, just givin' myself a little treat for later," she replied coyly. "and maybe next time you act up, i'll show ya these. make ya remember your place."
you shifted uncomfortably, feeling hot all over from your fingers and the humiliation. melissa noticed and put her phone aside to look in your eyes.
"color?" she whispered.
"pink..." you replied shyly. that meant she could keep going. she smiled and cupped your face in her hands, kissing you softly.
her hand traveled down to remove yours from between your legs. she finally laid you down on the bed, running her hands up your thighs. your legs fell open for her and she leaned in to inspect your swollen folds.
she hummed as she trailed two fingers through your wetness, earning her a pitiful noise. when she pulled away and mosied over to the dresser drawer, you knew what she was going to do.
"i think you're wet enough for the strap, don't you?" she pulled out a bright red one that you had never seen before. she watched your eyes as you reacted to its size.
"i bought this as a surprise for you knowin' you'd go crazy over it," she mused as she adjusted the harness and attached the dildo to it.
"mel, it's... big," you said, looking up at her with wide eyes as she positioned herself above you.
"yeah, hon, that's why i bought it," she teased, smirking as if it was the most obvious reply in the world. you breathed a sigh of relief as she covered the strap in a thick layer of lube.
she took the cock in one hand and maneuvered it through your folds, pressing on your clit and making you cry out. you shuddered when she positioned it at your entrance.
"you ready for me?" melissa trailed a finger under your chin and forced you to meet her eyes.
"pink," you breathed, and she pushed the tip in. you felt the stretch immediately, and melissa used her free hand to rub your abdomen soothingly.
she continued to work her way into you, her hand never stopping its comforting motions. when she bottomed out, you felt so full you could hardly breathe. it was a thrill.
you nodded at her to signal she could move, and she started to fuck you slow and hard. the size of the strap-on allowed her to hit places that you'd never felt before, and you couldn't hold back your moans.
her thrusts became rougher very quickly, and she dug her thumbs into your hips to balance herself. you knew there would be marks there tomorrow. her pace and the low groans she let out suggested that she was still hanging on to some frustration in need of release.
she hit your g-spot and you screamed, overwhelmed with the feeling of her. she noticed the telltale signs of your orgasm approaching: shaking legs, parted lips, strangled moans. in response, melissa reached down to rub your bundle of nerves roughly, and that sent you over the edge.
"good girl, so good," she coaxed you through your high. you thought she would stop after one. oh how naive you were. you were trembling and squirming away from her, and she just continued to rub your clit, rocking gently inside you.
"come on, honey, give me another, i know you can," she encouraged you, peppering you with sweet kisses. you nodded and she started to fuck you again in earnest.
every nerve ending in your body was buzzing, and all you could feel was melissa. she thrusted into you like her life depended on it, and you admired her face as she worked you. her red hair hung around her face, which had also become red from the exertion. it felt amazing—hell, it felt insane—to feel her hitting all the most sensitive spots inside you. but it felt even more amazing to have the sexiest woman on the planet on top of you, working your body like it was her life's mission.
when your second orgasm washed over you, it was more intense than the first. it drained all the power from your body and you surrendered yourself to your fiery lover. she again whispered sweet nothings in your ear to help you along. when you had stopped shuddering, she pulled out.
you caught your breath and watched her rise to her feet, humming as she took off the strap. you could see a devious glint in her expression that told you you weren't done quite yet.
after that small taste of relief, melissa stalked over to you and spread your legs once more. you whined in discomfort, too sensitive to take any more.
"shhhh, baby, lemme clean you," she soothed before beginning to lap at you, savoring your taste. she tried to avoid your clit but her nose brushed against it, bringing a pained noise from you. she hummed into you and kept going, stroking your legs to relax you.
after you had gotten comfortable with the feeling of her tongue she drifted up to your clit, circling it but avoiding direct contact. you gasped and bucked up into her mouth despite your best efforts. even the smallest touch felt like an electric shock.
when your whines turned to quiet moans, melissa wrapped her mouth around your clit and started to suck, rolling her tongue over it. the pressure was white-hot and deadly, and it sent you over the edge in seconds.
"my sweet angel, i love you, you did so well for me..." she comforted you through the comedown. she stroked your sides and you relaxed into her touch, your heartbeat finally slowing. she placed a fond kiss on your forehead, then got up to get a washcloth and some water for you.
"i won the read-a-thon today..." she said while she cleaned you.
"i noticed," you giggled, smiling up at her. the love in her eyes made the green irises sparkle and swim with possibility. "i'm so proud of you."
"you coulda said that earlier!" she joked, recalling your misbehavior. there was a comfortable silence before she spoke again. "actually, i think i like it when you fight me a little."
you gazed at her fondly and laughed again, feeling warm and cared for. "i noticed."
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janeyseymour · 7 months
hi i love ur writings so so much i’m so sorry this idea is rushed but i hope its enough
abbot family is trying to encourage melissa to “get back out there” and meet people after everything she’s been through. she brushes them off constantly until they stage an intervention during lunch and even barb is concerned for her work wife. melissa leaves this lunch with some big feelings because little does everyone know melissa has been seeing someone this whole time. comes home to reader smoking a joint while cooking in the kitchen and reader says something along the lines of “you look like you could use this more than me” and they make a plan together to introduce reader to everyone at a 4th of july bbq
you gonna get what you ask for 🤪 Not edited in the slightest. I got places to be and people to see
WC: ~2.35k
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It’s been a year and a half since Melissa Schemmenti publicly said no to a marriage proposal. A year and a half since the fiery redhead had gone out with anyone, and she really doesn’t have any plans to start dating again- at least that’s what the Abbott crew thinks.
The truth is, the second grade teacher has been seeing you since the night she went to the casino and bar to blow off some steam after reuniting with Gary to return his things and get her stuff back.
You were at one of the slot machines when the redhead passed by you, laughing.
“What’s so funny, Red?” you asked as you looked up at her.
“You ain’t gonna win no money that way,” the woman stopped in her tracks to tell you. “C’mon. Let me show you how it’s done.”
That night, you stuck by her side as you watched her win thousands of dollars at one table alone, clearing out quite a few men.
It’s late when she finally threw in the towel. She offered to walk you out to you car, and you took her hand in your own.
“So,” you exhaled a small cloud of smoke from the cigarette the two of you were sharing. “What are you gonna do with all that money you just won, pretty lady?”
“Take you out on a date,” Melissa had replied cooly. “I’ll pick you up tomorrow at seven?”
Neither of you looked back.
That was a year and three months ago. While your side of the family knew of your relationship with the teacher (and they absolutely adore her), her crew doesn’t have a single clue of your existence or rather large presence in Melissa’s life- despite the fact that you were now living together and your lives were intertwined.
So whenever anyone at Abbott tells Melissa that they found someone they think she might fancy, she just brushes them off.
“Janine, no offense, but if you think someone is worth dating, I would find them to be-”
“Hey,” Gregory cuts her off.
Melissa just shrugs. “My case in point. Greg, you know I love you like the black son I never had, but you’re boring as hell.”
“Ava, I am not about to go clubbing with you to pick up a man fifteen years my junior,” the redhead rolls her eyes.
“C’mon,” the principal chuckles. “They fun! They’re like energizer bunnies.”
“I barely have the energy to stand and get the remote from the other side of the room,” Melissa retorts as she opens her bottle of iced tea.
“I think you would like him!” Jacob pleads. “He saw your picture and said you were fine.”
“I am fine,” Melissa states, gesturing to her figure. “And I’m just as fine without a partner.”
It’s gotten to the point that even Barbara is concerned about her friend’s adamant denial to get herself back out there. So, the day that Melissa has recess duty, she brings it up to her coworkers.
“Now listen, I am not usually one for meddling in someone else’s love life, but don’t you think it’s concerning that Melissa flat out refuses to even attempt to put herself back out there?” the kindergarten teacher asks to the faculty room.
“Weird as hell,” Ava waltzes in, but having heard the question decides to chime in. “But aye, good for Schemmenti, realizing she don’t need no man in life.”
“I just find it odd…” Barbara taps her chin. “Melissa, while one with a tough exterior, loves love. She’s always wanted someone to spend her time with.”
“Maybe we should stage an intervention,” Jacob suggests. “To really show her that she’s good and healed from the failed proposal and to get back out there.
Gregory looks mildly impressed with that suggestion. “That might work.”
They have no idea that the entire time she’s supposed to be out monitoring the children on the blacktop, she’s smiling down at her phone like an idiot talking to you.
And when she comes home that day, she fully goes through with the things you two had texted about earlier.
The Abbott crew plans an intervention for Melissa- a banner, letters, all of it. When she comes into the staff room, smiling down at a midday text you had sent her, the rest of her colleagues are standing by the couch, looking somber.
“Fuck. Who died?” Melissa’s smile drops immediately.
“No one died, Melissa,” Barbara states.
“But we think a part of you might have,” Janine says dramatically, somberly.
“What the hell are youse talkin’ about?” thee redhead rolls her eyes. 
“Melissa, dear,” Barbara says softly, calmly. She makes her way over to her friend and takes her by the hand to guide her towards the seat they had put in the middle of the room.
One by one, they read the letters that they had all written, expressing their concern for their favorite fiery Italian teacher.
“Melissa,” the kindergarten teacher finishes up. “We all love you dearly, and while we understand that it takes some time to get over the heartache that Gary caused, this is a bit extreme. We are worried.”
“An’ I appreciate the thought and care that you guys put into this,” Melissa tells them with a sigh. “But I promise youse: I’m fine. I don’t need to get back out there.” She almost adds on that it’s because she’s happily seeing someone, and has been since three months after her split from the guy that filled the vending machine.
“Just… know that we’re all here through all of your seasons,” Jacob tells her. “The good, the bad, and the ugly.”
“We do care about you,” Janine says softly, and she offers the redhead a hug. Melissa doesn’t necessarily want to embrace the shorter woman, but she goes into the arms of her colleague.
Gregory just gives her a nod that conveys his love for his coworker, to which she smirks and nods right back in his direction.
“Now, can we eat lunch?” the redhead chuckles.
As the day passes on, Melissa comes to realize just how much her coworkers care for her- their gesture, albeit absolutely ridiculous and dramatic, was heartfelt and full of love. Maybe she should just come clean about the relationship she’s in. Or she could just buy them all some Philly soft pretzels and soda instead to thank them. Yeah… that’s what she’ll do for now before she can talk to you about how the two of you want to go public about your being together.
She orders the pretzels to be delivered to the school before the day is done, and when everyone is reconvening back in the faculty room to grab their lunch bags before heading home, Melissa makes sure she’s the first one down there. She has the box on one of the tables, along with a some cans of soda. Whatever they don’t take, the redhead knows will be eaten and drank at home.
“Oi,” she calls to her friends. “Come get a pretzel and a soda as my thanks for carin’ about me so much.”
They all light up at the sight of the gesture, aside from Gregory.
“I do not like pretzels, or soda, and for that reason I will not take one,” the man says as his friends dive in. “But thank you.”
Melissa rolls her eyes. “I figured you would say that. Which is why I got you a bag of peanuts and a water.”
He looks mildly impressed and takes the offered items gratefully.
Once again, they all voice their love and care for the woman that gave them a salty treat before heading out for the night. Everyone except for Barbara. She waits for Melissa to clean up and gather her things before walking out with the woman.
“That was very sweet of you,” the kindergarten teacher nudges her friend.
Melissa huffs. “Oi. Don’t knock me like that.” She readjusts her grip on the small box of pretzels before sighing. “But it was just a thank you for caring.”
“We care about you a lot more than you know,” Barbara smiles. “And just so you know… you are a Philly eleven, and I do think you should get yourself back out there. I know it can be scary to put your heart back out there, but even if it ends in heartbreak and a few smashed in headlights, I will always be here to help you pick up the pieces.”
“I know, Barb,” the redhead says softly, so out of character. “Thank you.”
“Think about it!” the older woman says as she parts and heads off in the direction of her car.
With a sigh, Melissa unlocks her car and gets everything settled before slumping into the front seat.
Coming home with a treat, she texts you.
Is it you? You reply back.
She chuckles at that. She can practically see the smirk written on your face. You’ll see.
When she pulls in, she can smell you before she sees you. You’re clearing smoking, but she can also smell the delicious dinner that you’re making. 
The redhead makes her way into the house, deep in thought of how much her friends are looking out for her, and attempting to piece together how to approach you about the topic of coming out.
It’s odd. Your girlfriend makes her way into the kitchen and places the box of pretzels down, but she doesn’t make her way over to you the way that she usually does. Instead, she’s looking down at the food, brows furrowed and deep in thought. 
You turn the burner down to ensure that the food won’t burn or bubble over before making your way behind Melissa. You wrap the arm that isn’t holding the joint around her waist before holding it up to her lips and offering her some. Even in your somewhat inebriated state, you know something is up with her.
“You look like you could use this more than me,” you chuckle softly.
She shrugs, but does take a hit before blowing the smoke out.
“Hard day?” you ask her gently. “Need to be taken care of?”
Again, she shrugs. She doesn’t really know what to say. This is so unlike Melissa. Usually, she comes in huffing about the ridiculous antics of her boss, she bounces on her toes when she tells you the sweet things the kids had done or said, and she is more than willing to dish out the tea that was spilled in the staff lounge earlier that day.
“Mel?” you ask softly, taking a cheek in your hand and cupping it gently. You force her to look at you. “What happened today?”
She laughs softly, before full out cackling. This sudden change in mood startles you.
“Mel, babe, you’re scaring me,” you tell her. “What happened?”
She sits down and plucks the joint out of your hand. “The crew planned an intervention for me,” she tells you with a chuckle as you go back over to the stove.
You turn. “Oh?”
She nods, a playful smirk on her face.
“For?” you raise a brow. You turn your attention back to dinner. “Can I guess?”
“Sure, hun,” she laughs as she takes another drag.
  “The aggression that you email the parents with?” No. “The heeled boots hitting the linoleum tile too loudly when you’re pissed?” No. “The arson?” No. “The threats of a bare knuckle fist fight?”
“Jesus,” Melissa laughs. “When you list all of that out, I sound like a terrible person.”
“No,” you say quickly. “I love everything about you!”
“I know you do,” she chuckles. “But no. None of that.”
“Then what?”
“My love life.”
“Your love life?” you turn to look at her incredulously.
“My love life,” the redhead sighs. “They had a banner, they had letters, they had the chair in the middle of the room… everything. And for me. When I don’t even have a problem with my love life.”
“So why did you come in lookin’ all sad?”
“Not sad… just thoughtful. The things they said… it showed me how lucky I am to have coworkers that care for me as deeply as they do. So at the end of the day, I had pretzels for them to show my gratitude. And after, Barbara and I walked out together… and… how would you feel about telling people that we’re together?”
You finish stirring the food and plating it before bringing it over to the table where your girlfriend is sitting. You set the two dishes in front of her before sliding into her lap. You finish off the joint together before smiling.
“I’ve been ready,” you tell her. “I’ve just been waiting for you to be.”
“Yeah?” she asks you as she kisses your temple.
You nod before taking a bite of your dinner. Damn, between the two of you, you should open your own restaurant. “We’ve been together for over a year, living together since six months in, I don’t plan on going anywhere, and I would hope you don’t either. I think it’s time.”
“I think so too,” she says softly. “But with the end of the year comin’ up… we’re all crazy busy.”
“So we can organize something for after the school year?” you suggest. “Maybe a fourth of July barbecue?”
So that’s what the two of you do. Your girlfriend walks into school on the last day and tells her friends that she knows that don’t have anything going on for Fourth of July, and they better be at her house for a barbecue. They all look at her, clearly confused. No one- not even Barb- has been invited over to the house since Melissa and Gary broke up. Nevertheless, they don’t argue and all promise to be there.
They all come in one clump, and the faces that they make when you open the door draped around Melissa are priceless.
“This is my girlfriend, Y/N,” she says proudly. “The reason that I have been declining all of the people you’ve suggested I date, and the reason I have not ‘put myself back out there’. I don’t gotta when I have her.”
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clanwarrior-tumbly · 1 year
Could I request a reader who is an adult probably scavenging some parts or an ex maintenance worker who rescues Cassie with the help of roxie and Monty who was fixed by the reader.
As the young girl came to her senses, she could only groan in pain, although it was violently cut short when she began coughing due to the surrounding dust.
She then felt a warm liquid trickling down the side of her head, eventually landing on her bottom lip where she tasted iron.
Spitting it out in disgust, she could see it was crimson red.
'What happened to me...?'
Cassie tried to move, but quickly found that her leg was pinned underneath rubble, and above that was a slab of concrete that would be impossible for her to lift up on her own. She still tried to free herself, only to stop when she felt pain.
Her eyes eventually found the smashed maintenance elevator she was thrown out of, her memories becoming clearer. 'That's right...the elevator..'
Soon her gaze fell upon the shattered Roxy-Talkie device that was once her only connection with the outside world.
Her only connection with Gregory.
Or...at least who she thought was Gregory, only for it to be a lie.
And just as the real one managed to contact her and save her from that evil endoskeleton who was mimicking him, he betrayed her by dropping the damn elevator.
"Th-That jerk...!" She coughed. "He-"
'Cassie! Is that you?!"
"Cassie! If you can hear us, hang on!"
Blinking, she turned her head to see a familiar wolf coming to her rescue, alongside an adult who looked like one of the Fazbear technicians.
"Cassie! Thank goodness. We thought you were a goner.." Relieved, Roxy began shoving aside whatever she could to reach Cassie. From pipes to rocks to metal sheets.
"I-I thought you were, too." The girl shuddered, feeling her tugging on her arms.
But she remained stuck and cried out in pain when Roxy tried pulling her out, to which she immediately let go. "What's wrong? I-Is your leg broken?"
"No. She's just trapped under a giant concrete slab..you're not gonna be able to lift that, Roxy. That means you're up, big guy."
"Leave it to me, boss."
Cassie felt her blood run cold upon hearing the other familiar voice...one that she wishes she didn't hear.
Within seconds, the slab was lifted, and she was free to look up at whoever saved her.
It was Monty, his upper body now affixed to a glamrock endo's lower half. He loomed over her, teeth gnashed together as he stared back down, looking annoyed. "I can't hold this all da-"
"AHH!! G-GET AWAY FROM ME!!!!" With a scream, she scrambled to her feet despite being in immense pain, determined to get as far away from the monstrous gator that stalked her all night.
She couldn't let him catch her.
Not again.
And so she ran-
Until she crashed into you, nearly knocking you over.
"Cassie! It's alright!" You kneeled down, holding her closely as her panicked breathings kept getting worse--to the point of hyperventilation. "It's okay. He's not gonna hurt you, shhh."
"B-But he's...h-he's...he's....!!!" She struggled to finish.
"Cassie, it's okay. Monty's on our side now. Look."
Hearing the comforting voice of her favorite animatronic, she slowly calmed down enough to look back, seeing Roxy standing there beside Monty, who had dropped the slab.
She blinked several times, confused at why he was so calm now and wasn't trying to chase her. "How did he...? He was in the water, and...I fried him-"
"It seems like you pushed the factory reset button on him," you spoke up. "Whatever you did worked pretty well. He's got his old personality back, although I don't think he remembers what exactly happened.."
Cassie gazed at you. "I-I'm sorry..who are you?"
"[Y/n]." Smiling, you set your hands on her shoulders. "I used to work with your dad, and-"
However, you fell silent when she began sniffling, eyes watering up as her lips trembled, clearly trying to stifle her sobs. You frowned and hugged her closely. "Oh, honey.."
That was all she needed to burst into tears, burying her face into your jacket as the stress of her journey finally came crashing down on her--in the emotional sense, this time.
She had no words to described how hurt and betrayed she felt; all she could do was sob and sob as she clung to you.
Roxy almost ran to comfort her on instinct, but Monty held her back by the arm and shook his head, assuring her that you both needed the space. The last thing she needed was two dangerous-looking animatronics hovering around her.
He knew that very well.
She reluctantly listened, watching as you picked up Cassie and allowed her to hug you around the neck.
"I-I wanna go home.." She hated how pathetic she sounded, though it was the truth.
She was so very tired.
"We'll get you home, I promise." You reassured her. "We found a way out."
"B-But..what about that endo?" Sniffling, she raised her head to look at you, wiping at her smudged makeup. "I-It's still here..what if it gets out, too-?"
"Oh, it ain't going nowhere anytime soon."
Confused, Cassie glanced back at Monty, her eyes widening upon seeing the head of the Mimic in his claws. "My trophy." He grinned from ear-to-ear, before attaching it to his hip.
You chuckled. "He tore that thing up in two seconds flat. It didn't even stand a chance."
"We both kinda ganged up on it." Roxy nudged her bandmate's elbow. "Nobody messes with the Glamrocks..especially us."
"Haha. Got that right!"
"That's good.." Cassie muttered, finally calming down as she realized he was indeed back to his old self, relieved the Mimic was no longer a threat. "But..what about the elevator?"
"It's not our only way up. If I know one thing about this place, it's that we got too many damn stairwells." You huffed. "Fortunately Monty cleared a path to one that was hidden. That's how we got down here and found you."
"Yeah, I did that." The gator boasted. "You guys should be thanking me!"
"We will after we get out of this dump." Roxy reminded him, rolling her nonexistent eyes. "I need to find Gregory so I can....." She paused, feeling as though you're staring at her, before she changed her wording carefully. "....tell him what a bad "friend" he is."
"I'll tell him that myself, too.." Cassie grumbled, resting her head against your shoulder. "Can we go now?"
"Yeah." Nodding, you took out your flashlight. "Let's not stay here any longer than we need to."
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privatehousesanatomy · 2 months
Based on the amusement park idea:
How about House goes into a horror house with the reader?
You know, the ones with real actors in it? :D
And House would be absolutely unimpressed but can play the strong protector for Reader who he has a thing for?
(Maybe with a little make out scene in a darker corner? 🙈🙊)
ooh this sounds like fun! i've been in a spooky mood lately so i am actually so hyped for this one!
If you were to ask House about what he thought about holidays in general, he'd say they were a waste of time while also making the argument that their only good purpose was time he got off work and still got paid for.
He also was not a fan of amusement parks, and he wasn't even sure how you'd managed to drag him along to one. It was a week to Halloween, and the park had gone from it's usual cheery theme to a haunted wonderland, and House wanted zero part in it. And yet, here he was.
"Oh come on, House. Live a little. Have some fun," you urged as the two of you wandered around the fairgrounds. Wilson had wandered off with the team to go find something to eat, but House has spent the entire evening eating so far.
"I'm not going on any rides," he huffed. "Unless you want those four corndogs I ate all over that sweater."
You rolled your eyes. "I don't think any of the rides are cripple-friendly, anyway," you teased.
"Ouch," he said, feigning offense as he leaned on his cane. The air was cool, and it did help the pain in his leg a little bit, but he could still feel pain searing through it.
"But we're not leaving until you do something. Or until the park closes. I guess whichever comes first," you said.
"We'll be here all night then," he mumbled. You sighed and looked around the park until you spotted a haunted house, and there wasn't a long line in front of it.
"If you go through the haunted house with me, we can go home," you promised, and House raised an eyebrow.
"That's it? You're not going to force me to get my face painted like a ghost or anything?"
"We'll go right home after."
It had been years since you'd been inside a haunted house, and from what you could remember, you weren't the biggest fan of them, but you were determined to make House have some fun.
"Are you sure you want to go in? You're not gonna get all scared on me, are you?" he asked, and you rolled your eyes.
"I make no promises," you teased, and before you knew it, you were walking inside the haunted house. It was dark, and there was a soundtrack of spooky noises playing in the background.
"Fake spiders. How convincing," House rolled his eyes as they walked through the rooms. You stayed close beside him, and the darkness thankfully hid the smirk on his face.
As you turned the corner, one of the actors dressed as a zombie jumped out from behind a chair, and you stumbled backwards.
"Jesus!" you gasped, and House burst out laughing.
"You couldn't hear him shuffling back there?" he asked, and you smacked his arm.
"I wasn't expecting it!"
"Who goes into a haunted house and doesn't expect to get scared?" he asked.
"Oh shut up," you mumbled, but every time someone jumped out at you, you had the same reaction every time, and House laughed every time.
"You'd never survive in a horror movie. You'd be like, the first one that gets killed," he joked, moving one of the hanging cobwebs out of the way so that it didn't get stuck on his face.
"Oh, like you'd do any better. You couldn't run to save your life. At least I have that over you," you retorted, and House feigned offense.
"God, if insulting a cripple was an Olympic sport, you'd take home the gold," he rolled his eyes, a smirk creeping up on his face.
"At least I could compete in the Olypmics," you teased.
"Hey! The ParaOlympics exist for a reason," he replied. He was enjoying the back and forth banter. He always did.
Before you knew it, you came to the end of the haunted house, but not without an entire ten minutes worth of newfound nightmare fuel, but before you walked out of the exit, House grabbed you by the wrist and pulled you into a corner.
"What are you doing?" you asked, barely able to see the smirk on his face.
"We're gonna scare the next poor bastards that walk through here," said, pulling you closer to him so that you weren't visible to anyone else.
"Are you serious? We're gonna get kicked out," you said.
"Oh come on, Y/N. Live a little. Have some fun," House spoke, mocking your tone from earlier in the evening.
"Fine, but we're leaving right after," you said, to which House nodded his head in agreement.
As the two of you waited for someone else to come by, you started to realize just how close you were standing to him, and his voice broke through your thoughts.
"Have you ever kissed someone under the cobwebs before?" he asked, and you raised an eyebrow.
"Isn't it usually meant to be under the mistletoe?"
"Yeah, but cobwebs are a little more my speed," he teased, and you rolled your eyes jokingly.
"Touche," you said, and House pulled you closer (if that was even possible at this point). He pressed his lips against yours, and you found yourself getting lost in the kiss. So much so, that you completely forgot about trying to scare the next people who exited the haunted house. Not that either of you cared, anyway.
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fadingdaggerr · 1 year
crystal clear
pairing: melissa schemmenti x gn!reader
summary: five times other people realized melissa was in love with you and the one time she realized it herself
warnings: mostly fluff, reader gets called a slur but it isn’t written
note: sorry i’ve been slow on updating, it’s finals week and a relative has had some a health scare :/
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when ava introduced you to the other teachers in the break room, she truly wasn’t going to give them much of a glance. a new teacher here that understood all the references she throws out instead of squinting? now that was someone she could hang out, and party, with outside of work.
but ava coleman is nothing if not observant. she sees the way melissa is struggling not to stare at you, the way her blinking looked almost forced. she brushes it off. you’re hot. at least she knows melissa isn’t blind, being down a teacher when she just hired one would suck.
it wasn’t until months later that ava actually noticed just how much of melissa’s attention was specifically for you. jacob had gotten you hooked on some show, now the two of you were excitedly talking about last night’s episode. ava listened to none of the nerdy word vomit coming from the two of you, but instead watched melissa gaze at you while you spoke. the soft look in her eyes and the barely noticeable smile almost made ava laugh, but she kept quiet.
this could be fun.
movie night this week was replaced by you and jacob watching the two hour finale of your show together. just as you got your snacks and drinks spread out, as well as every throw pillow you owned, and the ones jacob brought, arranged into a makeshift mega-couch, the buzzer of your apartment went off.
you scrambled to your feet, “melissa is here!”
jacob nearly choked on a swedish fish, “melissa? melissa like schemmenti?”
“what other melissa do we both know?” you laugh as you buzz her in, “she caught up so that she would watch with us,” you say with a big smile. jacob had thought melissa wouldn’t come to this movie night, the way barbara, janine, and gregory didn’t for tonight, and ava never came to any, claiming she was ‘too fine’ for the occasion. they didn’t watch thisv show, neither did melissa, until now.
“yeah… us,” he mutters under his breath.
jacob watches you nearly bouncing when you hear the knock on the door, rushing to answer it. he hears a muffled mel! followed by hey sweetheart. no one else, except barbara, could call her mel. he tried once and got a glare that still haunts his dreams. she was so easy to reply to you with a pet name, too. usually she called everyone dude, or kid, or just plain you. but not you, no, you got sweetheart.
jacob was almost convulsing, the realization was just too good. he covered his mouth in order to not scream. melissa schemmenti, notorious hardass, had a big, fat crush on you. he squeals at the thought.
“do not tell me you looked at a spoiler jacob abernathy hill!” you shout as you walk back in.
“abernathy?” melissa laughs, stopping the second you look at her, before looking at jacob for an answer.
he stiffens, “nope. just super excited to see this all happen.”
being yanked by the sleeve into her classroom like a raggedy anne doll was not what janine expected on a monday morning. jacob shut the door and turned to look at janine, bouncing on the balls of his feet.
“i have got to tell you something,” jacob says with excitement practically oozing from him.
“what is it? is barbara okay?” janine asks quickly.
“no, no. barbara is fine, it’s something good. i’m not going to spoil the big surprise, i wanna see it on your face,” jacob answers, “but i’ll give you a hint.”
“oh my god, jacob. please just get to the point.”
“yes, sorry,” he clears his throat, “melissa has got one of the biggest crushes i’ve ever seen, second only to yours on grego-”
janine smacks a hand over his mouth, “uh-uh. who is it?”
“i can’t tell you!” jacob sing-songs as he rushes from her classroom.
the next week has janine practically stalking melissa around every corner. she watches her hold the door for you, shove jacob out of the way so she can get the last iced tea, roll her eyes aggressively when ava spoke, hold tacks for you as you hung up the new monthly decorations, then hold your hand as you stepped down from the from the chair.
janine saw in real time how melissa’s tough exterior dropped with you. she watched her handle you so gently, anyone would think you were made from glass, but you didn’t seem to notice. it was so normal for you to see this side of melissa, you couldn’t see that it was different. janine scurried to her classroom to happy dance quickly before calming herself, as much as janine is capable, before leaving to get the kids from the art room.
thankfully, janine’s knowledge of melissa’s feelings for you did not make front page news or into the morning announcements. janine felt it a safer choice for her and jacob if they just kept this secret to themselves, which left gregory in the dark.
gregory only heard mutters of your name and melissa’s, which gave him some sort of direction about their whisperings. he looks towards you, seeing you leaned into melissa while looking at something on her phone. totally normal. gregory continued to eat his also totally normal sandwich, boiled chicken is not weird.
it feels a little less normal after janine called melissa a bad teacher, leaving janine unprepared for the might of courtney’s troublemaking. when the kids are at recess, gregory starts towards the lounge but is stopped by voices inside your classroom. he stops to listen, suddenly intrigued.
“do you think she’s right, though? she wouldn’t just say that normally,” melissa says, her voice tense and sad.
“no, i don’t think she’s right. she got an ego trip from thinking it was a real requested transfer and it spilled over, i don’t think she meant it,” your voice is calm, soothing in a way.
“are you sure?”
you laugh softly, “of course. you’re one of the best teachers in the world. i know it, janine knows it, hell, stanley tucci knows it.” your words make melissa laugh, something she very much needed it seemed.
gregory feels the need to take just a tiny peek. he sees your arm around melissa’s shoulders, her head on your shoulder while yours rests on hers, your fingers gently playing with the loose curls in her hair. melissa looks relaxed, content even. he’d never seen her showing physical affection to anyone, except the occasional side hug to barbara. but she was leaning on you, playing with the hem of your shirt as she spoke, letting you playing with her hair.
gregory stepped away from the door and started briskly walking to the lounge. so that’s why jacob and janine were so giggly about you two.
barbara knows her friend very, very well. she saw the look she gave you the first time she met you. she also clocked every other look melissa has sent your way since. at first she thought melissa was just checking you out, but after a few weeks the heat in her gaze turned to cartoonish heart eyes bulging out of her head.
barbara was no fool, she saw how you acted with melissa. it didn’t slip her mind once that you also had feeling for the red head. she watched the dance between you two, smiling at the fact her best friend was so happy, even if she didn’t realize it. barbara keeps her smile to herself.
legendary schools was a hyperactive bull running through abbott elementary’s very delicate china shop. parents were snapping at teachers left and right, one setting off melissa’s ‘fight-or-fight’ response. jacob walks in, babbling about a commercial. he almost asks where you are so you be part of the conversation for the take-down plan, but he’s cut off by yelling in the hallway.
everyone rushes out to see the mother of one of your students in your face. barbara can see that you’re trying not to cry at the cruel words, but she also sees how you’re holding your own. you don’t yell back, only speaking when the mother takes a breath. a word barbara cannot and will not repeat strikes through the air, silencing everyone around you. your face drops immediately, looking like you’d been harshly slapped.
melissa is walking down the hall before anyone can stop her, immediately in front of you. “you got some nerve talking like that around here. what is this, 1951?” melissa barks at the parent, holding herself back from swearing at and beating the living day lights out of someone on this seemingly normal thursday afternoon.
“you have teachers in this school pushing their own shit onto our kids, and you’re defending it? you’ve got a cross around your neck!” the mother yells.
“liberation movements are part of the curriculum. i asked the kids what three topics they were most interested in and we covered those, i didn’t choose,” you try reasoning from behind melissa, she won’t let you move from your spot.
barbara heads over and speaks to the mother with a plastic smile, “i’m going to have to ask you to leave, the school day is done. i’m sure you’d prefer to re-educate your child with some ignorance at home, correct?”
ava leads the mother away and barbara focuses on you; your breathing is fast and you can’t tear your eyes from the floor, lip wobbling. melissa’s hands gently go to your shoulders, you barely nod before she’s pulling you into a hug. barbara can see that melissa is whispering to you, but she can’t make out the words, she just sees you nod. you pull away from melissa slowly before taking off to your classroom to get your stuff and leave.
barbara comes to melissa’s side, “going back to your place?” melissa nods and follows you down the hall.
she filled in barb later that you watched golden girls on the couch until you fell asleep against melissa’s shoulder. barbara watched the muted smile on melissa’s lips struggle against her efforts to conceal it. lord this woman was whipped.
melissa knew she loved you, but truthfully not to the extent in which she did. she had spent so long convincing herself she cared about you the same she cared for all her friends, that she didn’t see the love for you was different. somewhere between you bringing her lattes and her letting you use her lap as a pillow on movie nights, the lines between what was friendship and what was maddening love for you blurred.
melissa’s first hint that she had feelings for you should’ve been when she started looking for you. it was so small but when she realized she was doing it, she’d blush and force herself to look down. during meetings she watched you take notes, then watched as those notes slowly turned to doodles of flowers and fossils. you’d given her a very accurate drawing of a bumble bee after an ava-centered meeting. you’d told her it was because her name meant honeybee in greek, before walking back down to your classroom, leaving melissa with honeybees buzzing in her chest.
the day she actually realized she had full on, gross, huge feelings for you, you’d been running late. you ran into the break room with a mug already in hand, bag haphazardly over your shoulder. everyone collectively looked at you with a little bit of shock.
with a stern face you stated back, “speak now or forever keep your two cents. i’m not a fan of staring.”
immediately all eyes dropped back down, except for melissa’s. she just kept watching you move about with quick steps, pouting at the change in the normal routine. she moves to the coffee maker and pours you a cup, using the creamer you prefer from the fridge. you only responded with a relieved smile and a mouthed ‘thank you.’
she watched you hurriedly get your classroom ready for the students, a small smile across her rosy lips. “you want help or are you enjoying the crazy chicken dance?”
you huffed at her, “ha ha, schemmenti,” your fake glare dropped, “could you pass out the science quizzes? they’re on my desk.”
melissa looks over your desk as she grabbed the papers, taking note of the knickknacks and pictures. the funko pop of dorothy from golden girls makes her smile, so does the sketchbook with a bee sticker on the cover.
she passed out the quizzes, and helped you prep the whiteboard for the day. you chatted lightly, but mostly just moved around each other while music played. it was so incredibly peaceful, the ease of it made her feel this warmth in her chest.
“thank you for helping me, melissa. truly. you didn’t have to,” you say as you finish rearranging the classroom chore chart.
“it’s no problem, really… i like spending time with you,” melissa says tentatively, gauging your reaction.
any nervous energy she may have had dissipates when you smile and duck your face down. you look back up at her, shy smile on your lips, “i like spending time with you too.”
you walked with her to get the kids from drop off, standing just a little bit closer than usual.
today was different. this beautiful saturday morning with you practically pulling her around the flea market. you inspected every item on the table with equal curiosity, always showing melissa your favorite things and things you think she’d like. her smile never fades and her eyes never leave you.
as you finish having lunch under the large center tent, she sees your eyes widen with excitement.
“what? what is it?” melissa says through her final bite of a hotdog.
you grab her hand and pull her towards what she now sees as the mini petting zoo. your immediately cradling the face of a goat, baby talking it to high heaven. she walks up next to you, gently petting the top of the goats head.
“he likes you,” she says.
“only him?” you say with a laugh, watching another goat approach, now wanting the attention his friend was getting from you two.
melissa laughs to hide her shock at your words before facing you, “no, definitely not just him.”
your smile grows at her words, the way you bite your lip makes melissa feel a little faint. thankfully she gets a moment to breathe when you’re distracted by a piglet coming towards you, making you squeal in delight. in this moment, melissa was sure she loved you.
melissa stands back up after bit, going over to grab both of you a lemonade. when she walks back, the words she hears only solidify her thoughts.
an older gentleman approaches you, “you and your wife are a beautiful couple.”
his words clearly shock you, “oh,” but she sees you push it down before responding with a kind smile, “why thank you, that’s very sweet! she’s definitely the beautiful one.”
when you turned, you see melissa and immediately move towards her. she wordlessly hands you a lemonade, which you accept as well as loop your arm with hers. she’s quiet as you walk back to the car and place your purchases in the backseat.
before she can start the car, you place a hand on hers, “you okay? you’re just a little quiet.”
“yeah, sweetheart. never been better,” she says, squeezing your hand. she relishes in your tugging her arms and hugging it, stretching across the console to rest you head on her shoulder as she drives you back to her place for dinner and a movie, as always.
melissa ann schemmenti realized she was big time in love with you that day.
not sure if i love this but let me know what y’all think :)
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sazwritesstuff · 12 days
Unexpected | Logan x reader drabble
Summary: your night out at a bar with your friends hadn't really gone to plan. It had looked like it was going to end up being a boring, lonely night until a chance encounter makes it a lot more fun.
TW: alcohol, a little violence, minor misogyny (arsehole at the bar)
Word count: 828 | AO3
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You’d been excited when your friends had suggested going out to a bar tonight. Hoping that you’d get a chance to catch up over some booze. Have a few laughs. You know, the something casual and lowkey. But those hopes had died as soon as one, then another and another, had drifted away chatting with other people in the bar.
You couldn't really blame them for wanting to flirt with some attractive people. Hell, you'd probably do the same if someone caught your eye in this crowd. But, alas, none had.
But what had started off as a nice catch up with friends had dissolved into you sipping away at your drink. Alone.
The plan was to finish your drink, say goodbye to your friends and then go home. Maybe grab a burger on your way home too. Just as a little pick-me-up after being practically abandoned by your friends.
It was a solid plan. A good plan. A boring plan. But a plan none the less.
Sighing, you lifted your drink up to your lips and took a large mouthful. The quicker you finished this drink, the sooner you could go home.
A voice broke through your little mental pity party “What’s a pretty lady like yourself doing drinking alone?” Internally sighing and trying not to roll your eyes you glanced over at the guy that had slid up to your table.
White trousers, blue button shirt, brown shoes. The guy stuck out like a sore thumb in this crowd. His clothes and haircut were just a little too clean. And not really your type.
“I’m having a drink. By myself.” Making a show of taking a deep drink.
Apparently, the man took it as an invitation to take one of the seats your friends had abandoned about twenty minutes ago. “How about I join you?”
“You already have.” You muttered taking another swig of beer “But I’m not interested.”
He laughed as if you’d said the funniest thing in the world, leaning towards you leering. “Pretty and funny, a deadly combination.” You weren’t sure if the man was trying to make an alluring face or was having some sort of stroke. “I’m Gregory by the way.” He stuck his hand out for a shake. You ignored it.
“And I’m still not interested.” You moved to stand up, deciding that this wasn’t worth it, Gregory’s hand grabbing ahold of your arm. Tightly.
“Hey, come on now-”
“She said she ain’t interested, bub.” A gruff voice said from behind you.
“Stay out of this, man. Me and the lady are just having a little-”
You didn’t realise that you’d hit him until he was squealing like a pig clutching his nose. “You just punched me!” he shouted.
At least he’d let go of your arm.
“You’re lucky it wasn’t me; I would’ve broken your nose.” Piped up the man behind you. You let out a laugh at his words. Out of the corner of your eye you could see one of your friends looking over from where they stood by the bar. “Although, I’d be happy to teach you how to break a creep like this ’s nose, if you want?”
“Nah, that’s alright, thanks though.” You said finally turning around to look at your backup and felt your stomach do a little flip. This man was G-O-R-G-E-O-U-S, gorgeous. On second thought, “Actually, made you should. But you have to buy me a drink first.”
“Deal.” The man smirked at you, his eyes quickly scanning up and down your body not even trying to hide that he was checking you out. “I’m Logan.”
“Excuse me?!” the man that you’d punched squawked “Are you serious? First, you flirt with me-”
“I did not flirt with you.”
“- then you punched me, and now you’re flirting with some old guy-”
“Old?” Logan frowned.
“- that interrupted us! The least you could do is apologise!”
“No.” you said turning back to Logan, “Do you want to go get a burger instead? I’m not really liking the vibes in here tonight.”
“Sure, I could eat.” He gestured for you to go ahead and he followed after you as you made your way out the bar. The both of you leaving Gregory, still causing a ruckus, and your friends behind.
You quickly shot off a text to the group chat to let them know that you were going.
"So, do you have anywhere in mind?" The man, Logan, asked as you stepped outside.
You grinned "I've got a place in mind."
The night had not gone in the direction that you had expected. It definitely hadn't gone they way you'd planned. You weren’t the type of person to leave a night out early often. And especially not with someone you’d just met, but you were glad you had that night.
The burger you’d shared with Logan that night had been good. But the breakfast he’d made you the next more had been even better.
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funemployed-fangirl · 4 months
Modern Bridgerton AU
Benedict and Sophie's NYC Apartment
Benedict and Sophie still maintain an apartment in the city (it was Benedict’s before he met Sophie). The apartment has become an open secret among the siblings as the place you go if you don’t want questions asked. Over the years:
Each of the youngest siblings has used it to sober up after at least one high school party that got a little too wild. Benedict once woke up to Gregory asleep on his couch, missing a shoe, no shirt, and green hair. 
Hyacinth, Herminone, and Lucy stayed there one weekend in college after allegedly setting a small fire on campus. Campus security has never been able to prove anything.
Colin stayed there for a couple months when he got back from his post-NYU adventures. When he moved out after getting engaged to Penelope, Sophie insisted they needed new sheets. 
The one and only time Francesca has ever been high was while she was at Julliard, and she ended up at the apartment (Benedict still isn’t sure how she got there). He fed her snacks and water until John could come collect her and get her back to campus. Benedict still sends her videos of that night periodically, just for fun. 
Eloise and Phillip’s twins go to New York for their 18th birthday. They’re supposed to stay with Violet, but they end up at the apartment after going to a party that some kids they know through the family threw. Sophie was in the city and there when they stumbled in. She called Eloise to let her know they were okay (and sent videos of her hungover kids the next morning). 
The apartment has an electric keypad. Benedict doesn’t know how everyone keeps getting the code. He has changed it multiple times, but everyone always seems to have the new one almost immediately. (While one might assume this is Hyacinth or Gregory’s doing, it’s actually Francesca. Benedict never figured out that the keypad could store multiple codes, and Francesca programmed one specifically for the siblings to use. Sophie figured this out immediately, but has never told her husband.)
more (x)
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bimoonphases · 5 months
@wolfstarmicrofic May 6 - prompt : First Kiss [word count 974]
James knew this would happen sooner or later. Sooner rather than later, given the number of times Remus and Sirius had bickered that week. They usually calmed down enough only when the Marauders planned their pranks and got out of Gryffindor Tower in the dead of the night to execute them. As had been the case that night, at least until they had been putting in place the very last touches and had rounded a corner only to find themselves in front of Mrs Norris. That had ended with them running away as fast as they could and only James’s cloak had saved them from Filch, who had as usual appeared out of nowhere as if summoned by his cat. And when they had finally reached their empty Common Room, the bickering had started again. Only this time it had escalated.
“So much for your wolf’s hearing, Moony,” Sirius rolled his eyes. “You can’t even hear a fucking cat.”
“Oh, my hearing? What about your nose, Padfoot?” Remus shot back. “I’m not the only one here who didn’t see her coming.”
“Oh, so your sight is gone too? Because if you hadn’t noticed, I’m in human form now.”
“If you can call that human, you look more like a walking poster of Bowie right now.”
“How dare you insult Bowie.”
“I’m not, I’m just questioning your taste in clothes.”
“Right, grampa has spoken. You look like you should be put in an archaeological museum every time you’re out of uniform.”
“At least my clothes are comfortable, you’re always running around half naked. Did you know crop tops were made for summer and not fucking December?”
“The only hotness I need is my own, thank you.”
“Merlin, you’re so self-centered!” Remus threw his hands up in exasperation.
“Centre of attention, there’s a difference.”
“Right, I forgot about all of your girlfriends. By the way, do they know about each other?”
“You’re one to talk, the other day that boy Gregory was practically drooling just looking at you!”
“I tutor them, I don’t end up making out with them in every single corridor I walk through!”
“Oh, I’m sorry I’m having fun while you break your back on books!”
“At least I get good grades while yours are dropping.”
“Never cared about them. While you do too much apparently.”
“You’re going to fail your OWLS if you go on like this.”
“Like you care.”
“I do care! I want you to do good, why do you think I don’t? But you apparently care more about snogging girls than your own future!”
“I don’t want to think about my future!” Sirius screamed. “I refuse to think about it! Because if I do, the only thing I see is the future my parents are planning for me and I don’t want that!”
There was a moment of silence. James shot a look at Peter, tense like he was. He had lost count of the times Sirius had crawled in his bed in the middle of the night, shaking after a nightmare, terrified of what his parents would do to him come this Christmas break. He knew Sirius had only told him the extent of his fear, that he preferred to keep on a brave face in front of the rest of their friends, especially Remus, whom he admired a lot despite all the tension between them.
“I don’t want the good grades they expect me to have! I don’t want to be their obedient son, I don’t want them to still have the hold they have on my little brother, I don’t want my surname to be theirs anymore! And I don’t want to look like them in the way I dress, I don’t want them to cut my hair again, I don’t even want to snog all those girls!”
Sirius stopped, panting, his eyes now filled with tears James knew he would do anything to push back. Remus was looking at him, paler than usual.
“What do you want then?” he asked slowly.
Sirius sighed, a tired sigh, a sigh of defeat. He moved a hand.
“You,” he whispered. “I want you, Moony.”
Remus’s jaw dropped open.
“What?” he said.
“Why do you think I always have a Bowie shirt on? He’s a god, yes, but he’s your favourite singer. Why do you think I hate that boy Gregory? Because he has a very blatant crush on you!”
“He doesn’t,” Remus shook his head.
“How would you know? You don’t look at him, exactly like you don’t look at me, not in that way. Why do you think I always have girls around? Because I can’t have you!”
“Sirius, I…”
“Why do you think we’re always bickering? Because that’s the only moment you pay me attention, the only moment in which you see me and if we have to fight for me to get just a sliver of your interest then so be it!”
Sirius had lost the fight with his tears, because James saw one roll down his cheek. But before he could brush it away, Remus had crossed the space dividing them and had taken Sirius’s face in his hands, diving in and kissing him. The strangled sound Sirius made lasted only half a second before his arms wrapped around Remus’s waist, dragging him closer. James didn’t move, even though he thought that maybe him and Peter should find a way to leave those two alone. He feared that any kind of sound or movement would break the spell.
“I’m sorry, Padfoot,” Remus murmured when they came up for air. “I… I want you too.”
“Halle-fucking-lujah,” Peter whispered as Sirius smiled and leaned in for another kiss.
James just shook his head as Peter stirred him towards the stairs to their dorm. He wasn’t mad about those two finding an alternative for all their bickering.
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thatmooncake · 1 year
The way Sun and Moon have experienced so much hurt and so much horror but in a way they may never be able to fully address because they just may not quite have the full understanding or the drive to unpack all of what’s happened to them in any sort of context beyond just seeing it as another part of their lives as silly jesters performing at the whims of other people as a small fragment of a dying franchise. That denial and where that understanding escapes them makes it even more tricky for them to heal because they can’t even begin to come to terms with the way the virus and their repurposing has affected them both, but the horrors keep on coming and they’re slowly unraveling and they know - they’ve known from the start - that something is wrong, and yet they can’t quite figure out what for the longest time.
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When the virus hits, they just carry on as normal because that’s all they’ve ever known. They notice the other one is acting differently and it alarms them but they aren’t listened to. Perhaps they don’t openly voice their concerns, or maybe no one is there to hear them. Perhaps they don’t even stumble upon the answer until a long time has passed, sitting in denial, just blocking out the changes and the concerns, and the other one whose existence has now thrown their lives into turmoil.
Sun carries on like everything’s fine and dandy - that is, until he can’t anymore. What a life. Always on. Always acting. He’s a good actor, sure, but when you’re meant to play one half of a day-night cycle I bet it wears at you when you now have to cover both shifts. The fact that he’s even trying to - he’s desperate not to be pulled back into the abyss so Moon can come out because he knows how broken Moon is right now. And I’m guessing that even if he did have a clue how to fix them (which, maybe he honestly didn’t, or simply wouldn’t come to terms with until he saw the faz-wrench in Cassie’s hand in Ruin), he couldn’t leave the daycare at most hours because he’d be at work, entertaining the kids, or not supposed to be out if the daycare was out of order. And then when the pizzaplex was closed, there were the blackouts all over, keeping him locked in where the generators were, where he’d have a chance to retreat into the light (and we can’t forget how useful Moon was to Afton and co as a retrieval bot, so he’d be out and about of course, they’d make sure of that, but not as himself).
The alternative would have been knowingly risking unleashing Moon upon more potentially innocent victims, and getting both of them in even more trouble when he should have been out. He should have been making sure things stayed working at least a little bit. And we see Sun fighting Moon with everything he has in the Ruin jumpscares just so they won’t do something they’ll regret. How long has he been fighting? How many times might he have tried and failed to stop Moon and woken up with blood on his hands?
How exhausting that must have been. Did he blame Moon at all? Any animosity between them could only have hurt more. And even if he didn’t give in to that frustration, the fact is, he was keeping Moon away that whole time, not letting him out to play. For his own good or not, that can’t have felt nice, and it certainly can’t have been easy.
And then Moon on the other hand expresses little clear awareness that something is wrong in Security Breach itself, at least none that’s addressed to Gregory or any of the others, simply going about his business, but it’s heavily implied he knows - and maybe he always knew - that there is something pulling from beneath the surface from the things he says in Ruin. “It won’t work!” He knows at that point at least that Sun (or perhaps Cassie) has a plan, of sorts. But he denies it. He doesn’t trust in that plan to fix them. He knows Sun is there, fighting to come out the moment the lights come on. He’s determined not to stay locked away anymore.
Imagine that frustration too. He wants Sun gone - he has to - because he’s in pain as long as the lights are on. And we can tell from Sun’s sad little song that he feels every bit of emptiness when he’s not active as well. And yet, being active feels like a desperate struggle on both sides as well. They’re in a constant battle with themselves, and there can be no victor.
Now imagine if Moon’s awareness - or his relative resignation at the state of the virus - had extended way back to the main game, when they first became afflicted by it. Knowing there was nothing he or Sun could do to stop it - because he (because they?) tried, and failed? Or just (optionally, if we’re considering the novels) because he was always the “villainous” appendix FazCorp couldn’t cut out of the otherwise comparatively “functional” working daycare attendant? Because then maybe Moon knew all along that there wasn’t a version of events where he was actually supposed to be here anymore.
(When he was infected by the virus, on the other hand? Moon had a purpose. Not a nice one, exactly, but a purpose nonetheless. Something Sun still had in the daycare that he wasn’t allowed. It’s not surprising that they ended up at odds with each other at all no matter how you look at it.)
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2 Years of turn around, bright eyes!
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Thank you SO much to everyone who has read, commented on, and otherwise engaged with turn around, bright eyes! It has been quite the ride to plot out and write and I've loved hearing your thoughts and theories and been made to blush by your exceedingly kind words. Thank you for sticking with me!
Since I did not get a new chapter ready in time for the actual anniversary date on April 15th, I'm dropping a flashback from an upcoming chapter.
Without further ado . . .
He is eight when baby Colin’s arrival on a blustery January morning makes him an eldest – rather than merely elder – brother. 
The last night it would only be they two Bridgerton boys, Benedict sneaks into his room and stays through the night. They sleep top and tail, fitfully, until tiredness overtakes even their unease at hearing their mother’s cries of pain as she struggles to bring their new sibling into the world. 
Early the next morning, as the light of dawn begins to peek through his curtains, Anthony awakens to find their father hovering over his bed, a bundle of blankets in his arms that cannot be anything other than the new baby.
“Good morning, Anthony,” says Papa in a scratchy voice as Benedict slowly stirs to wakefulness. 
“Morning,” he mumbles. “May I see?”
“Once Benedict budges up, I’ll sit.”
He kicks his younger brother in the shin, which wakes him up properly. 
Benedict scowls at him, but he mirrors his stance, sitting up to make room for Papa and – 
“This is your brother,” Papa says softly once he’s settled down between them, the baby cradled gently in his arms. “Colin.”
Two children whose names start with A for the elder and B for the younger might be a coincidence; choosing a name beginning with C for the third officially makes it a pattern. Nose crinkling, he tilts his head in question. 
Papa grins. “Your mama insisted.”
“Mm,” he murmurs noncommittally. He would never dream of criticizing Mama, but it’s really rather silly. Oh well. He looks more closely at his new brother. 
He isn’t sure what he expected, precisely, but the baby looks . . . like a baby, with chubby pink cheeks and a little fuzz of indeterminate color on his head.
Papa laughs when he makes that observation aloud. “He’ll grow into himself eventually and we’ll get to know him and his personality properly. Give it some time.”
“His eyes are like mine,” Benedict says smugly when their new brother blinks open his eyes for a few moments. 
He frowns; Benedict isn’t quite right (the baby’s eyes are a much darker shade of blue) but they are blue, so he is – and it seems will continue to be – the odd one out with his dark, dark eyes. “No, they’re not –”
“Either way, they might well change,” Father interrupts, well-practiced at defusing their disputes. “Babies’ eyes often do.”
(Colin’s will not. They stay the same dark blue he entered the world with, the same dark blue with which Eloise, Francesca, and eventually Hyacinth will all be born – their mother’s dark blue. 
Only when Gregory comes along will one of his younger siblings finally share his eye color.)
Papa clears his throat. “You are both big brothers now. That is a very serious thing. You will need to teach him everything you know and guide him so that he grows to be a good, kind boy as I try to teach you to be.”
He and Benedict exchange solemn looks, their fingers ghosting over the edge of the blanket and not quite touching their baby brother’s tiny fingers; they can sense at least some of the import of Papa’s statement based on his tone, before turning to Papa and nodding seriously.
“We will,” he says fiercely – if quietly, so as not to startle baby Colin, who startles him by wrapping his little fist around his index finger.
And stealing his heart.
For as long as he can remember, Benedict has been his best friend and his partner in crime, but he knows in that moment that Colin will be something entirely different.
(He does not know then that it will be Colin with whom he makes nearly all his worst mistakes as a brother.)
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janeyseymour · 10 months
Fire in My Heart pt 2
for @milfjuulpod who asked for a second part :)
Summary: You and Melissa host a barbecue where the crew officially meets you for the first time. Melissa is nervous, to say the least.
Part 1
WC: ~4.1k
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Her friends from work are coming over today for a barbecue. They’ve all been here before. The only differences this time around are that they know you exist now, and you’ll be there. But even before, they’ve been here. It was always owned by the two of you. So when Melissa wakes up that morning in a panic, you really don’t understand why.
“Babe,” you whine as she tries to roll out of bed. You pull her back to your chest. “C’mon. I wanna lay here with you.”
“We’re having guests today,” she says as she tries to fight out of your arms. “We have things we have to prep.”
“You did most of your food prep last night,” you remind her as you kiss her neck gently. You nip at her again before she can say anything.
“We have to clean the house,” she tells you, matter of factly. Then she lets out a small groan at your affections. 
“The house is spotless,” you mumble into her skin. “Mel, your friends have been here before. It’s not that big of a deal.”
“It is,” she whines. “They’re meeting you for the first time, and I want it to go perfectly.”
“Since when do you care what anybody at work thinks besides Barbara?” you chuckle softly.
“In case you forgot, Barb is coming,” your girlfriend tells you. “And I do weirdly care what they think.”
“And I’m sure it will be just fine,” you try to assure her.
“It’s never too early to start,” she tries to argue.
You look over at the clock on your bedside table. “Honey, it’s… 7:15 in the morning. They aren’t coming until three. C’mon. Just lay here with me. I’m tired, and I want to spend time with you before things get crazy.”
“Twenty minutes,” she tells you sternly as she stops trying to wiggle away from you. You grin as you hold her close. She stretches to press a gentle kiss to your cheek with a grin. 
You manage to fall back asleep, and when you wake up again, Melissa isn’t curled up with you anymore. You roll your eyes and slip on a pair of shorts before heading downstairs to see what she could possibly be up to at… 8:27 in the morning. You’re somewhat shocked she didn’t wake you after the promised twenty minutes had passed, but you’re grateful for the extra hour of sleep.
With a yawn, you enter the kitchen. You can tell she already made breakfast, and there’s a pot of coffee calling your name.
“Mel?” you call out.
“In the yard!” you hear her voice float in from the screen door. “Your breakfast is in the microwave waiting for you!”
You grab your things with a tired smile on your face before heading outside and sitting at the table. The redhead is currently on her hands and knees pulling out weeds from the potted plants the two of you keep.
“Babe, take a break and come sit with me for breakfast,” you sigh as you let the hot steam rise from your coffee into your face.
“I’m weeding,” she sighs.
“No one is going to- well, Gregory might, if what you have to say about his gardening is true,” you shake your head. “But come on, Mel. It’s only 8:30, and they won’t be here for another six and a half hours. I think you can spare ten minutes to sit with me while I eat.”
“You’re lucky I love you,” she rolls her eyes as she stands and dusts herself off. She goes inside to grab her own coffee before sitting next to you.
“Oh, c’mon, hon,” you try to pull her into your lap.
“Y/N, I’m covered in dirt right now,” she tells you as she bats your hand away from her body.
“I’ll shower,” you snort and pull her all the way into your lap. She huffs playfully but gets comfortable on top of you, kissing your hair. 
“So, what’s on the agenda today, my love?” you ask as you take a bite of your breakfast. You know she wants today to go perfectly, and you really don’t feel like dealing with a Melissa Schemmenti meltdown before her friends come over.
She smiles at you before rattling off the list of things she wants to accomplish before they come over.
“I can handle the living room if you want to handle the kitchen,” you offer. It’ll help the two of you cross things off your list faster, and you won’t be in her way while she’s finishing her food preparations and setting everything out. “When I’m finished that, I’ll clean the grill and run out to grab some more propa-”
“I already got it,” your girlfriend says sweetly. “It’s in the trunk of my car. You just gotta bring it around back. I also picked up some more beers and seltzers. The only thing you might have to pick up is another bag of ice to put in the cooler for the drinks.”
“Anything for you,” you tell her as you kiss her shoulder. You notice how tense she is. “Honey, it’s gonna be fine. We really don’t even have all that much to prep today, so we can take our time, yeah?”
“I’m just nervous,” she admits to you. “I want this all to go perfectly.”
“It’ll go just fine, Mel,” you promise her as you finish up the last of your french toast. You pat her back. “Alright, up. If we’re going to get you to calm down by the time your friends get here, we have things to do.”
You finish cleaning up the living room by 10:30. You’ve cleaned the grill and put in the new tank of propane by 11:15. The beers and seltzers that your girlfriend bought are sitting in the mudroom waiting to be taken outside by 11:25. The cooler is sitting right next to it.
“Babe?” you wander into the kitchen, twirling your keys around your finger. She’s standing at the island trying to set up the charcuterie board she’s insisting on making. You snake your arms around her waist and set your chin on her shoulder. “How many people are we having over? Because damn did you buy a lot of drinks.”
She shrugs as she continues to set different meats on her serving board. 
“Well, they’re all inside,” you relay to her. “I’m off to go grab the ice to put in the cooler. Do you need anything else? Or maybe want to take a break and come with me?”
“Can you pick up another thing of brie?” she asks you. “And maybe some chocolate covered almonds?”
“I can do that,” you chuckle. “Anything else? Maybe some Xanax?” you tease.
“Hey,” she pouts.
“Brie and chocolate almonds,” you repeat to her. You silently make a note to also pick up a bouquet of flowers for her. “Got it.”
“Thank you, hon,” she sighs quietly. She pauses for just a second to press a quick kiss to your lips. “You’re the best.”
“I know,” you laugh as you give her one more gentle squeeze and peck her cheek. With a playful toss of your hair, you release her and head out to the store.
When you return, you quickly dump the ice into the cooler and arrange an assortment of drinks into the container. You make sure to take two out of the pack to take in with the cheese, almonds, and flowers. 
“Mel?” You call as you walk into the house.
“Outside! Backyard!” you hear her voice float into the house.
“I’m putting the brie and almonds on the counter,” you tell her as you set them down. You make your way outside with the flowers and drinks, and she’s currently rearranging the chairs. “Hon.”
“What? I’m making sure that the seats are- some are in the shade and some are in the sun,” she tells you as she continues fussing over them. She has yet to look over at you holding her favorite flowers.
“Melissa,” you sigh. You set down the drinks you brought out and take her by the shoulders. “Sweetheart, it’s going to be okay. People can move the chairs as the sun moves.” You kiss her gently and hand her the flowers. 
“You got me flowers?” she asks softly.
“I did,” you tell her. “I thought they might help calm you down… I also brought beer.” You jut your chin out in the direction of the drinks.
“You’re too good to me,” she shakes her head.
“That ain’t true,” you roll your eyes. “I’m treating you the way you deserve.”
You let her go and crack open her beer for her before taking a sip. It’s an IPA, and god… she laughs at the face you make. You hand it to her with disgust.
“Why do you always take a sip when you know you’re going to hate it?” She asks as she brings the bottle to her lips.
“I like sharing with my girlfriend, but Jesus Christ does that stuff taste like dirt,” you quickly open your own seltzer to get rid of the nasty taste in your mouth. You sigh in content. “So much better.”
She takes your can and takes a small sip of it. “Eh.” She puts both drinks down on the table and starts fussing over the chairs again.
“Honey,” you sigh. “I think everything looks fine. Why don’t we go inside, finish up the charcuterie board, put your flowers in a vase, and then… I don’t know about you, but I need a shower.” You wiggle your eyebrows suggestively. She smacks your shoulder playfully but nods.
After a longer shower than anticipated… the two of you get dressed and ready for your guests.
“Help me set the sides out?” she asks softly, and you can tell she’s getting more and more nervous again.
You frown at the way she’s balling up her denim over-shirt in her hands. You nod. Usually, you let her do it because she’s rather meticulous about it, but she’s asking for your help, and you’ll do anything to make her life easier for her. You let her instruct you on where to put things and what spoons to put where and- “Hon! Don’t put the plates on the edge of the table, or Janine will knock ‘em all over the floor!” 
“Sorry, babe,” you apologize. She’ll say she’s sorry for snapping on you over something so stupid later, but right now she’s stressed and you’ll just let her be. It’s for the best that you just let her so her thing. You put the plates exactly where she wants them.
“Just let me do it,” she finally snaps and snatches the cups from you. “Jesus.”
“Mel,” you look at her with furrowed brows.
“Sorry, sorry,” she sighs. “I’m just-”
“Stressed,” you finish for her. “I know. But it’s all gonna be fine. Everything looks gorgeous, including you. Now, I’ll let you handle this while I grab the cooler from the mudroom and take it outside, but you need to take a deep breath and try to reset, or you’re going to lose it.”
You head into the room over to grab the cooler before she can say another word. You take it outside and grab another seltzer for yourself and a beer for her.
“I grabbed you another,” you tell her as you head for the bottle opener hung on the fridge. You take yet another sip of her drink, fully knowing you’re going to hate it, before passing it to her and looping an arm around her waist.
“I’m so nervous,” she admits to you as she leans into your embrace and takes a rather big swig of her beer. 
“It’ll all be fine,” you promise her. You kiss her head, and the doorbell rings.
It’s Barbara who is first to arrive, and you can see the way Melissa relaxes when her work wife comes in with a big grin, a bottle of wine, and immediately goes to give you a hug. 
“Barbara, this is-” Melissa goes to introduce the two of you.
“The woman who has so graciously allowed me to keep burning my candles at the school,” the kindergarten teacher grins. “Oh, thank you so much, honey.”
“It’s nice to finally meet you,” you say quietly as you hug her back. “I’ve heard so much about you.”
“I wish I could say the same,” Barbara chuckles as she pulls back from you to give Melissa a quick embrace. “But this one and all her secrets.”
“Y/N was never a secret of mine,” the redhead rolls her eyes. “Youse never asked, so I never had the opportunity to tell.”
The veteran teacher hums. “Where can I put this?” she gestures to the bottle of wine still in hand. 
Your girlfriend ushers her friend into the kitchen and dining room, showing her the spread proudly. You stay in the living room and fiddle with the television to try to put on some music to have in the background. They’ve just opened the wine and have barely started to chat about the chaos of the day before when the doorbell rings.
“Mel? Do you want me to get it?”
“Yeah, hon,” your girlfriend calls back. “That’d be great, thanks! Did you want a glass of wine?”
“I’m alright, but thank you,” you tell her as you go to the door. On your front stoop is Janine, Gregory, Jacob, and Mr. Johnson. You take a deep breath before opening the door with a smile. 
“Hey, come on-”
“Y/N!” Janine grins. “It’s so nice to meet you! Well, actually meet you because we technically met at the fire safety meeting that you had to hold, but you know what I-” Your girlfriend was right. Her coworker does talk a lot.
“It’s nice to meet you too, Janine,” you tell her. You nod in the others’ directions as well, also saying their names.
“Oh, you know all of our names already!” Jacob says, and he looks pleasantly surprised. 
“Mel talks about you guys every night when I get home from the station.” You fight the urge to roll your eyes. “Of course I know who you all are.”
“Even me?” Mr. Johnson asks from the back.
“Yeah, Mr. J. Even you,” you chuckle, and the janitor looks mildly impressed. 
“Well, come in. Barbara is here already. There’s drinks outside in the cooler, there’s some stuff to snack on out in the kitchen, and I’ll probably get the grill going around four.” You usher them in, closing the door behind the last of them, before heading into the dining room yourself. 
“Melissa!” Janine and Jacob exclaim at the same time as they lay eyes on the charcuterie board.
“Yeah?” the redhead raises a brow.
“This looks exquisite!” the history teacher grins. “I didn’t know you could do stuff like this!”
“I ain’t just cheesesteaks, wings, and beer like youse all think I am,” your girlfriend deadpans. “I got some class.”
“It looks amazing!” Janine tags on.
“Thanks, kid,” Melissa smiles. “So, I’m sure Y/N already told you, but there’s drinks outside, there’s snacks in here, and you can hang in or out. It don’t matter.”
Everybody heads outside to pick out a drink, and you take the opportunity to pull your girlfriend in close. “See? Nothing to worry about.”
“I know,” she says softly. “But you know how I get.”
“I know,” you tell her. “Just know I got you.”
Your fingers intertwine as the two of you follow your guests out to the small little backyard you have. She lets you go so you can pull a chair up next to her, and the second you’re sitting down, her hand is resting gently on your knee. 
“So… I wish we could say we’ve heard all about you,” Barbara chuckles. “But we know your name and that your the chief of the fire station.”
“That’s me,” you chuckle. They all lean forward for more information. “What do you want to know?”
“Guys, don’t grill her,” Melissa rolls her eyes. “She’s a private person like me.”
“I’ll answer,” you squeeze her hand gently. “What do you want to know?”
“Everything,” Jacob says immediately.
You sigh. “I was born in Philly, I grew up in Philly and wanted to be a firefighter. Always thought my redheaded teachers were hot… ended up meeting Mel at the bar, rest is history.”
“She said the two of you have been seeing each other for three years?” Barbara asks. You nod. “And you’ve been living together for the last year and a half?” You nod again.
“So you know she’s hit that,” Ava says loudly as she walks into your backyard. 
“Ava!” Melissa whips around and glares at the principal.
“You know I’m right,” the woman shrugs as she closes your gate. At the exasperated look everyone is giving her, she rolls her eyes. “Don’t act like you weren’t thinking about it.”
“Hello, Ava,” you chuckle and smile in her general direction.
“Don’t flirt with me,” she tells you, making a face. “I don’t need Melissa threatening to kick my ass and all that.”
“I won’t threaten,” the redhead says quickly. “I just would do.”
“I wasn’t flirting,” you laugh and squeeze your girlfriend’s knee. “I only got eyes for my girl. Redheads, man. Redheads.”
“If you show up to school on Monday with red hair,” Melissa points a finger at her boss. “Don’t think I won’t kick you ass.”
You settle yourself at the grill, away from all of your girlfriend’s coworkers. You need a few minutes to yourself. They’re a sweet bunch, but you’re beginning to understand why Melissa is only super close with Barb. You get why she comes home exhausted, claiming that if you thought the kids had a lot of energy… Janine and Jacob were another story. 
Those two are currently dominating the conversation talking about god knows what when you feel someone wrap an arm around your waist. You turn, and of course it’s Melissa.
“Hey, baby,” you say softly, kissing her head as you flip a few burgers.
“You doing okay?” she asks softly, and she hands you a new seltzer. You nod as you flip a piece of chicken. “You sure?”
“Positive,” you promise her. 
“What do you think?”
“I think I’m going to have to take a twenty four hour nap when they leave, but they’re a sweet bunch. They really care about you,” you tell her.
The Abbott group has nothing but great things to say about the meal the two of you put together.
“Have you guys considered a catering business?” Gregory asks. “I even like this,” he says as he eats his plain chicken.
“Seriously,” Mr. Johnson says. “Between the two of you…”
“Maybe in another ten years,” you chuckle. “She’ll retire, I’ll step down from the station, and we can start a business. What d’you think?” You look at your girlfriend.
She has an almost unreadable face for a minute before she breaks out into the biggest grin. “In ten years.” She nods.
The clan ends up staying longer than you expect. You even pull out the small firepit the two of you keep in the mudroom. By the end of the night, you’re a little tipsy, and Melissa’s had more than a few IPAs. You’re sitting in her lap, an arm slung around her neck as she has a steady hand resting on your hip.
The two of you have yet to leave each other’s sides, really- neither of you have even broken the seal. But finally, Melissa has to give in.
“Be nice,” she tells them sternly as she pats your hip. You let her up and take her seat. She sends threatening glares to each of your guests before heading into the bathroom.
“So…” Barb drawls out once her friend is out of earshot. “Three years?”
“Three years,” you confirm. “Hopefully many more.”
“Why her?” Ava asks. “You could have anyone.”
“Melissa is home,” you say simply. “She has been since our second date. I’ve known since our second date, she’s it.”
“Oh?” Jacob leans forward and prompts you to continue.
“I suppose I should clarify: our first date was impromptu at the bar. She got stood up, I was there after a… rather rough shift, and I don’t know why because I never do this, but I worked up the courage to hit on her. We closed down the bar, and our second date was three days later- when my schedule allowed me to see her again. We had dinner here, and I-“ you sigh happily. “She was just… more than I could ever expect in a woman. I knew I couldn’t let her go.”
“Oh, that’s so sweet!” Janine can barely contain the squeal that leaves her body.
“She’s my person, you know?” you ask, like a lovesick puppy.
“That’s how I feel about my husband,” the kindergarten teacher says softly, a smile on her lips. 
You lean forward to make sure the redhead isn’t coming or around the corner before glancing at Barb. You take a deep breath. “I got a ring.”
“You what?” the veteran teacher gasps.
“I got a ring hiding at the fire station,” you admit. “I’m gonna ask her soon, but I wanted to meet you all before she just showed up with a ring outta the blue and engaged.”
“That is so sweet!” Janine grins and she grips Jacob’s hand. “You have our approval!”
“I wasn’t really looking for it,” you tell her gently, but she doesn’t care.
Melissa returns, and she sees the way that everyone in her friend group is looking at you- like they approve of you.
“Dammit, Y/N,” she breathes out as she sits down in your lap. “What’d you tell them.”
“That you’re my girl,” you say honestly. “That you’re home. Stuff you already know.”
“Oh, god. You didn’t tell them anything else?” she asks, nervous you exposed her soft side.
“No, hon,” you assure her. “All from my brain, none from yours.”
“Well,” Barbara sighs. “I suppose it’s getting late, and Gerald is expecting me home tonight. But, it was absolutely lovely to get to official meet and know you a bit better, Y/N.”
“I guess we should all start heading out,” Gregory says when he catches the yawn you try to fight away. He takes Janine’s hand in his own.
“Don’t be a stranger,” the custodian says as he stands from his chair.
“Your tasty ass is welcome anytime at Abbott,” Ava winks at you. She then raises her hands defensively. “Melissa, I’m joking!” 
“Alright, get out, all of you,” the redhead shakes her head playfully. “I’ll see youse all on Monday.”
Once her friends are gone, you help your girlfriend clean up the place- as much as you can with the exhaustion setting in. Really, all you do is put out the fire and then help put a few of the dishes into the dishwasher and put away the last of the food.
“We can finish this all tomorrow,” Melissa tells you as she wraps her arms around you.
“It’s okay,” you mumble. “I know you don’t like waking up to a dirty house.”
“You’re tired, I’m tired,” she sighs into your shoulder. “We can clean up the rest tomorrow.”
“Oh thank god,” you sigh as you start to practically drag the two of you in the direction of your bedroom.
The two of you prepare for bed, and before you know it, you’re laying half on top of her.
“So, you actually liked them?” the teacher asks you.
You hum. “Sweet group. Told you you had nothing to worry about.”
“I know, but I-”
Talk more tomorrow,” you whisper. “Tired, Lissa.”
That’s how she knows you’re beat- you only call her Lissa when you’re utterly exhausted.
“Okay, babe,” she chuckles quietly. She presses a gentle kiss to your head. “I love you.”
“I love you too,” you mumble, already on your way to a deep sleep.
Meeting the Abbott crew hadn’t been that bad- it was fun, even. You knew from the second everyone had walked in, they approved of you. Because you make their favorite feisty teacher happy. But you’re absolutely drained, and you fall asleep against your girlfriend, ready to continue on with this life that the two of you had built together- without hiding. Soon hopefully, she wouldn’t have to introduce you as her girlfriend of three years, but instead as her fiancee. 
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warping-realities · 1 year
Dalton Academy - Vanity Fair
A good night's sleep without Sanchez mumbling was the thought that first crossed the mind of a relieved Jacob Miller when he woke up on Sunday morning. Until he turned around and saw why, his roommate hadn't slept there.
"Weird." - He murmured to the empty room, wondering if he should worry about what happened. He and Jaime had a peaceful relationship, they weren't really friends, but they got along well enough for him to inform someone responsible if his colleague didn't show up. The problem was precisely that, if he communicated too early and put his colleague in trouble the peaceful existence of the two in that dormitory could be compromised. Jaime already was upset because his colleagues find out about his nightmares.
Damn Gregory and his big mouth. He shouldn't have shared that with his brother and had only done so out of concern and after much deliberation. He would hate if them create a gossip reputation. It was enough that people sometimes saw the two brothers as slow in mind. It didn't help that the two had grown up on a farm, working hard, plus they had that combination of raw muscle and fat that had earned them both the defensive tackle position and also added to that unwanted fame. But that fame was injust. Well in Jacob's case at least.
His brother was a diferent story, Gregory was machine in relation to any physical activity, with an enviable reasoning within the fields but he had depended his whole life on the help of his twin in relation to his studies.
Jacob on the other hand was a good student in all fields, not excellent but adequate, although he didn't have the same level of athletic ability as his brother. Which sometimes irritated him, because people sometimes judged the twins by two measures. They forgave Gregory his academic shortcomings due to his genius at sports while judging Jacob for being average at one and just good at the other. But that was ancient history, while Jaime's disappearance was something that was happening right now.
Jacob got up and decided that if his colleague didn't show up until he finished getting ready before breakfast he would talk to management, but Jaime finally appeared when he was already partially dressed and decided to report his absence.
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"Where have you been man?"
"Why the curiosity Mille? Ready to start another malicious gossip?"
"Fuck off, man! I really worried about you both times."
"You fuck off, Jacob. I have enough problems to deal with without you meddling." - Answered the Latin boy who for some reason looked much more threatening than Jacob remembered. Though he certainly could still give him a good spanking if he wanted to. What he wouldn't. - "Sanchez, if you want a fight you're trying with the wrong person. Calm down and tell me what's going on, you're not acting like yourself." - He replied looking directly at his colleague who for a moment seemed ready to fight back, maybe even physically. But he then sat on the bed with a tired look on his face and let out a sigh.
"If I told you, you wouldn't believe me man. I'm sorry, you're right, I'm not like that."
"Dude, I know we're not best friends or anything, but we share the same room and I promise I won't make the mistake of bringing this up with my brother again." - He said with a characteristic calm tone that always amazed those who heard him for the first time, as if they expected something much more aggressive due to his size. And it was almost always precisely that tone that made him solve his problems without major conflicts and conquer other people's trust. And for a moment it looked like that was what was going to happen once again, as he saw his colleague drop his guard for a moment, only to then close up again.
"I'm sorry Jacob, but it really is better that you don't know. And I appreciate it if you don't mention this to anyone, especially your brother."
"It's fine man, but remember if you need anything I'm here."
"Thanks, there is actually something you can do. Try to stay away from Chadwick Hartfield and his friends."
"Why?" He replied thinking that maybe this was his chance to have an opening with his colleague.
"I can't tell, but promise me that if they try to get close you'll back off."
"Those crow boys never even looked at me man, why would they show any interest now?"
"I think you would be surprised."
"Good morning gentlemen, I suggest you shower and get ready before breakfast, this room reeks of sex. So spare me the sordid details." - Chad said, suddenly entering Eddie's and J.B. bedroom.
"Chad, what the fuck, man?" - Eddie replied while nudging his sleeping friend.
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"I wonder how you two fit in the same bed. - Said a smiling Mike entering the room right behind with a mischievous smile on his face. - And weren't you the one who wouldn't sleep with Eddie at all, J.B.?"
"What can I do if I'm fickle when it comes to pleasure?" - J.B. answered, standing up naked without the slightest ceremony. - But it won't happen again. Or maybe will, it depends on how bored I will be.”
"Well, save your dick your day is about to get interesting. We need to secure Miller today and then Sanchez will come to us and the job will be finished and the Contract validated."
"It's not like you haven't said this a million times before, Chad. - J.B. replied entering the bathroom. - I'll take a bath and then we can start, is everything arranged in the city?"
"If your lover did his job right, yes."
"I'm nobody's lover, J.B. and I just meet our needs, Chad. You should try to do the same sometimes. Before you end up crippled for breaking into other people's rooms without permission." - Eddie replied, still irritated, putting on a pair of shorts and sitting back on the bed.
"Chad won't admit it but he's worried, this is the most important moment and we don't know how Miller's brother will react. They are identical twins, they've shared everything together forever and you can't change one without changing the other."
"I don't know why so much concern, we will probably gain an extra brother."
"Probably. But I prefer certainties. - Chad answered."
"Nothing was completely guaranteed from the start, bro and we're all here according to your plan. You've told us that many times yourself, the board know what they're doing, we must trust and stick to the plan." - Mike intervened.
"So let's put it into practice. The bathroom is all yours Eddie - said J.B. leaving wrapped in a towel - try not to take too long this time, today is the Millers beauty day and not yours. And I can't wait for it ."
Jaime found himself in the principal's office for the second morning in a row. He didn't know if Carmichael would be there, but it was the only way to carry out his plan. Standing in front of the door he thought not for the first time if it wasn't better to give it all up. But he had a plan, a plan he had started to come up with while he was still in the library and which he would continue to work on while she was taking a shower playing with his abs or while arranging her hair in neat curls in front of the mirror or while choosing a shirt that flattered his defined arms. He had done a quick research on King's work and believed he understood what his grandmother had wanted to show him in the last dream.
The problem is that he wasn't sure if the plan would work. The dream could have been just another warning for him to run away from Dalton. And then there was the matter ofthe differences between King's books and the film adaptations. Some of the things that appeared to him came directly from Kubrick's work and not from the author. In King's book after the destruction of the Overlook the place continued to be cursed, while in Mike Flannagan's film, the destruction of the hotel seemed to end the curse, although even there that was not clear.
That's why Jaime thought that maybe it was better to give up and find a way to escape. But then there was the matter of the bones, from the way Chad had said it he deduced that Dalton's spirit had somehow united forces with the thing that inhabited the site before the school was built and he would bet that the fact that the Hartfield ancestor's body had something to do with it.
It was a hunch, but he believed he was right. So if he found out where those bones were and them maybe he could reverse what was done to the others, he didn't remember who they were before but he believed they deserved to live their real lives and not the distorted version that was imposed on them. But for that he needed to get closer to Chad. And in that vision he had heard his colleague talk about a field trip, which meant that he was going to leave Dalton and that if Jaime wanted to get more information he would have to go with him.
That was also a good way for him to get away if he made that decision. Which put him on the principal's door again, as he would need his permission if he wanted to take any of the plans forward.
"Come in - the director's bass voice resounded in the room and Jaime entered at the same time mentally thanking the director for being there and wondering once again if he wasn't making a mistake. He was surprised to see that Carmichael was dressed in a gym outfit that demonstrated every detail of his perfect physique while he looked at him with a serious face.- Good morning, Jaime, if you are here to ask again to leave Dalton I believe I was quite clear."
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"Good morning sir. In fact it's just the opposite. I came to tell you that you were right. I haven't tried hard enough to fit in with my colleagues and that's why I'm here. I would like your permission to visit the city today with some of them."
"I'm glad to hear that, lad. And I sincerely hope this isn't some crazy plan to get out of here. I need to remind you that Dalton is deep in the upstate and the nearest towns are many miles away. It would be unwise of you to try who knows why to try to escape in that way." - admonished the director with a stern look.
"Don't worry sir, I'm not naive enough to try something like that. And as I told you, I no longer have the desire to leave the academy."
"Then you have my permission Jaime. Don't let me down. But tell me who are the colleagues you want to accompany into town?"
Jaime was unsure whether to lie to the director or take the opportunity to see the older man's reaction, in addition to perhaps ensuring an easier rapprochement with the Crows. He chose to speak the truth.
"There's something else I'd like to ask you, sir. Because me and these boys, we're not friends yet, but if you intercede I believe they should agree to take me along."
"I can try Jaime, but we're talking about the other students' personal lives, if they don't accept your company, as much as it disappoints me, I won't be able to force them."
So the principal didn't feel comfortable intruding into the students' personal lives. Jaime smiled charmingly at hearing such hypocrisy and then landed the blow.
"Ah, but they will, you've known one of them since his birth and he respects you too much to deny you such a request, Sir. I'm talking about Chadwick Hartfield and his friends."
Gregory sat eating his breakfast in silence. That was how he liked to spend his time off the football field. Even more so in a place like Dalton where everyone would judge you for the slightest verbal slip. He knew that everyone thought he was slow minded, even his brother. But that wasn't true. On the field Gregory had quick reflexes and absurd agility for his size. But off the court he was careful, when you have his size it's easy to broken things, hurt things, so he weighed everything very carefully before making any decisions. Combined with his academic difficulties, that made him look stupid. He knew that his brother also had to deal with that fame and that he resented it. But while Jacob had a great ability to relate to others in that characteristic calm way, Gregory could not. That's why he kept quiet and when he got really angry he made some threats that he rarely had to carry out. But that had been enough to increase that unwanted fame.
"You're quieter than usual Greg, is there a problem?" - commented Leonardo Reis, his roommate, sitting at the same table.
"Jacob is still pissed at me about that Sanchez thing, if I ever find out who leaked it..."
"I already told you I didn't do it, man. Probably someone heard when you told me and spread it all around."
"I shouldn't have told you in the first place. I only told you because I thought maybe you could talk to the guy and help him out in some way."
"And I already told you that this was a very prejudiced idea on your part. First, because Mexico is much closer to here than to Brazil. Second, because the two countries don't even speak the same language. Third and most important, because Jaime is as native to this country as you are. Which makes the two of you closer than he and I will ever be." - Reis replied with a frown.
"I know man, I understood when you explained all this the first time. It's just that Jacob has been blaming me for something beyond my control. I thought with the game yesterday things would get better. But the truth is, they. They've not been good for a long time."
"So talk to him man, you're brothers, you came into the world together, you've shared everything since forever."
"I've been thinking that maybe that's part of the problem. We're not the same person. And people sometimes forget that." Gregory replied, remembering that this had not always been the case. When they were kids having a twin brother was awesome. Someone exactly like you, with whom to share everything. And indeed they shared everything from toys to clothes to the same upbringing by their parents.
Their parents were simple, hard-working people, raised within the religion and the precepts of love and respect for the homeland for which they could one day die if necessary. And they raised their children the same way.
The problem started when the talents and deficiencies of the twins became apparent and external demands began. It was expected that the two would obtain the same results regardless of their individual abilities. And it frustrated both of them, even though neither of them had talked to each other about it.
Gregory didn't think Leonardo was the right person to understand the problem either. His colleague could understand international politics and all that other stuff, although not as much as he thought. Gregory could, for example, have explained to his colleague that although he and Jaime were from the same country, the differences between the two could be even greater than the differences between Leonardo and Jaime, not that Gregory and his brother were the kind of person who hate immigrants. His parents were firm believers that America was still the land of opportunity it always had been and that there was enough room for truly dedicated people to thrive. Although not all members of their community shared that opinion.
And the fact is that he already realized that Reis avoided talking about what he thought of the values under which Gregory and Jacob had been raised by associating them precisely with the type of people who would have expelled him from the country if he had not been legalized and son of important people. Which proved that Gregory really wasn't as slow as people thought. And precisely because there was this barrier between the two, a complete friendship had not been established. Reis was great for talking about sports or having a few laughs talking about everyday shit, but he didn't feel comfortable talking about more meaningful subjects with his colleague. Which wasn't necessary, because at that moment Jacob sat down next to him, wearing the exact same shirt as his, a mistake they didn't like to make.
"Good morning Leo, good morning brother. Don't worry, I'll change my shirt after breakfast."
"Why? You guys look so cute dressed like that." - Said a sassy Jonathan Roberts sitting down at their table without ceremony and being followed by his bunch of friends in an unusual demonstration of approximation with colleagues outside their group. Which made Leonardo assume an expression of displeasure and the twins exchanged inquisitive glances between themselves.
"To what do we owe the honor of the elite's presence among the common folk?"- Leonardo asked, visibly troubled.
"The grandson of the owner of one of the largest mining companies in South America could hardly be considered common." - Rebutted Eddie Chang. Making Leonardo blush and the twins stare at their colleague with inquisitive looks.
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"Is this true?" - Gregory asked whileLeonardo seemed to consider the answer before answering.
"Yes it is. Thank you very much for that, Chang." - He replied even more irritated.
"You're welcome dear colleague, I found it very interesting to learn that our little defender of the weak and oppressed is as much an imperialist swine as the rest of us."
"Things don't work that way, my grandfather hasn't spoken to my mother for years since she married my father instead of making a more profitable marriage."
"Still there's a small fortune waiting for you in Brazil, it's a lot more than some of us at this table can say." - Answered Mike Jones.
Gregory couldn't understand what all this was about, although it seemed pretty clear that the Crows were looking to pick some kind of fight with Leonardo. He just didn't understand why. He didn't care much that his colleague was a millionaire, almost everyone in that school was and besides Leonardo was always respectful with him. He saw that his brother got ready to intervene and try to calm things down, but he didn't have the patience and was faster.
"Listen here you assholes, if you have a problem with Leonardo you'll have a problem with me and I'm one of the few people in this school bigger than you."
"Wow, calm down there Miller, this is just a friendly conversation between colleagues." - Jonathan Roberts replied.
"Our definition of friendly is very different." Gregory snapped, clenching his fists.
"He's right brother, calm down, we don't want to start a fight in the middle of the cafeteria."
"Certainly you don't want Mister Miller." - Someone commented with a serious and mature voice. And all the boys turned to see the impressive image of Director Carmichael in his gym clothes, accompanied by Jaime Sanchez, at that moment with a small smile playing on his face, as if he knew something that the others did not even suspect. - Mr Hartfield, I'd like to ask you a favor.
"Yes sir. If I can help, count on me." - Chad replied politely, but with an look of astonishment on his normally self-assured face.
"Great, Mr. Sanchez here has asked permission to visit the city today and I would like you and your friends to accompany him." - Said Carmichael apparently not realizing the revolution that caused on the Crows at the table. But neither Jaime, his smile widening, nor Leonardo, still irritated, nor the Millers, failed to notice.
"Si... sir? I don't understand. - Chadwick stammered to the astonishment of everyone at the table, apparently that was a day of firsts.
"I don't find it difficult to understand Mr Hartfield, you are going to go to the city, Mr Sanchez would like to go there and also to get along better with his colleagues, it seems to me an obvious opportunity to achieve both. So I ask you to take him and keep him company. Of course, no one is forcing you to, but I will be personally disappointed if you refuse." - Carmichael ended with a look at Chad that denoted that the director would do much more than just feel disappointed if he refused."
"Of course he can go with us sir." - Chad replied cornered, his face still half incredulous.
"Wonderful! Why don't you sit down and enjoy breakfast with your colleagues before the rideJaime? It seems to me that between Mr. Hartfield's and Mr. Chang's cars everyone at the table can go to the city. - Concluded Carmichael ready to withdraw but being interrupted by Chad.
"Sir, if you don't mind I would like a word with you in private."
"I don't mind, accompany me Mr Hartfield, but be quick, I believe you have no time to lose." - Answered the director looking at Chad and the other Crows. While Jaime sat next to Jacob at the table Chad got up and followed the director, leaving an uncomfortable silence behind. For the first time the ever-confident Crows didn't seem to know what to say. While Jaime seemed to ooze a self-confidence unknown to the rest.
"Jacob, if you're not going to eat that omelette, can I? - He said smiling before turning to the still uncharacteristically silent Crows. - So, guys, what are your plans for today?"
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Chad didn't know if he was more scared or irritated by what was happening. But to anyone hearing his voice at that moment, it would be clear that irritation was winning.
"What the fuck was that Carmichael?"
"It's Principal Carmichael or Sir, Chadwick. And don't use bad language with me again."
"Sir, we have a plan and we were sticking to it, we were going to get Reis out of the way and finish the job with Miller and only then meet with Sanchez. What you've done now puts all my work at risk!"
"I know Chad, but it was the only thing to do. He knows."
"I don't know, but somehow he knows, the bastard maneuvered me, which shows he's very close to being one of us, even though he's not yet. But in doing that he showed me that he knows something and has some kind of plan. I could lock him in some room and wait for your work to be done. But he's stronger than any of us thought, Chad. And we gave him weapons, he already thinks and acts like us without actually being one of us yet. I don't know what kind of things he would be able to do if he really wants to utilize what's left of his power. I can't risk it. And he wants to be close to you. I'm sorry about that boy, but right now the safest thing is for him to stay over your eyes, I don't have any power over your contract but you do. Secure Miller as quickly as possible and prepare a contingency to secure Sanchez.
"You don't understand, Miller is already an incognita because of his brother, now the Source comes to us before the right time and I still have to deal with Reis and he is not even connected to our contract."
"Ask your friends to deal with the Millers together, make sure the brother is included. Regarding Reis, it would be best not to mix two different contracts before they are validated. But if you can't get rid of him take him along and keep an eye on him while making sure Sanchez doesn't do anything to get in the way of your plans."
"Sir, do you realize how difficult it is to do what you are asking me, the variables..."
"You've got Dalton's own blood running through your veins Chad if there's ever a true son of this Academy it's you. Put your crafty brain to work and I'm sure you'll find a way to do it. Sorry to let the burden on your shoulders son but if you want what you've worked so hard for to come true it's up to you.”
"I thought you didn't want me around the Crows because they were trouble, Jaime. Then you show up and offer to hang out with them!" - Said Jacob staring at Jaime in the school yard while they waited for Chad's return. After breakfast the strange and disproportionate group formed that morning split up, while the Crows went to get the cars the others were waiting in front of the main school building. Now they were staring at each other from distance as if the thing they least wanted to do was what they were about to do.
"And they're trouble, I really don't think you guys should go." - Jaime replied in a whisper to avoid being heard in what he already knew beforehand would be an unsuccessful attempt.
"If you explain why maybe we won't go but there's no way we're going to miss the chance to go to the city, none of us have expensive cars." - Answered Jacob also whispering.
"I'd rather not go with that bunch of assholes..." - Leonardo started to say in a loud voice making a total effort to be heard, only to be interrupted by Eddie Chang leaning against his Mercedes AMG G 63.
"Then don't come Reis. No one was going to invite you anyway. You're lucky this beauty arrived yesterday, otherwise none of you would have gotten a ride."
"...but I'm never going to let you go without me. Just like Sanchez, I don't trust them either." - concluded Leonardo as if their colleague had not even spoken.
"Are you afraid the big bad wolves will devour your Little Red Riding Hood friend?" - Shouted Mike Jones leaning on Chad's Porsche Panamera and hitting another target unintentionally as a tremor went through Jaime when he heard that mention of wolves.
"Stop this nonsense - said Chad at that moment leaving the school building. - Reis, you are really not welcome so get out. I can't order Sanchez to do the same without offending the principal otherwise I would order him to do the same. The other two are invited if they want to come."
"If Leo doesn't go neither will we." - Gregory answered.
"Fine. If you want to impose this discomfort on yourself and us you can come along Reis. You and Sanchez come with me and Mike and the Millers go with Eddie and J.B."
"I think there's plenty of room in Chang's car for me to go along there." - Leonardo replied.
"Too bad it's not up to you to decide that. You can meet your boyfriends in town. So either you come with me or you all stay and screw what Carmichael thinks."
"Liar." - Jaime whispered in his colleague's ear as he passed by him and headed to his car. Being followed by a sullen Leonardo. While Chad stared at them with an inscrutable expression. That little trip promised to be quite an experience.
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Embarrassing was not enough of a word to describe the mood inside Edward Chang's car at that moment. The Miller brothers were still not on good terms with each other or their hosts. These in turn still hadn't been able to completely absorb the events of breakfast but at same they knew they had a duty to fulfill. Reinforced by a single message sent by Chad - "Stick to the plan, I'll handle Sanchez myself." - And it was thinking about that that J.B. decided to break the ice.
"So once we get to town I thought we'd go down to the county fair, the Academy may be Dalton town's main source of employment but it still has some interesting shops and venues that are going to be open today to welcome students. I am in need of new clothes. Then we'll take the opportunity to solve your problem, boys."
"What problem?" - Gregory asked.
"I could be wrong but I don't think either of you was too keen on the idea of going around looking like your mother still dressed you."
In the confusion that followed after breakfast none of the brothers had remembered to change clothes and at that moment they were looking even more like the mirror image of each other sitting in the back seat of the car.
"Thanks Roberts but we don't have enough money to shop in the same stores as you guys." - Jacob replied.
"Don't worry dear. It's on the house."
"We can't accept it our parents would be furious if they knew"
"So it's just that they don't find out. And call me J.B. is what all my friends call me."
"So now we're friends? I thought you had been forced by the director to bring us..." - Gregory replied.
"Greg come on they didn't have to bring us along. And as for what you said Roberts we weren't raised that way we're not going to break our parents' trust." - pacified Jacob.
"We were going to call you before Carmichael showed up Gregory. We were just prodding that hypocrite Reis a little. And as for your parents, Jacob is simple, consider today your early birthday present." - Eddie replied.
"Why? I would like to know what all the sudden attention is about." - Replied Gregory instead.
"That's easy, we want you to join the Crows." - Answered a smiling Eddie.
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If the mood in the other car was awkward in Chad's car was definitely hostile. There was no one there to break the ice until they reached the city. Each member of the small entourage lost in his own thoughts. Jaime's thoughts varied between guilt for not having been more firm in preventing the Crows from approaching the Millers, justifying to himself that he couldn't actually stop them without looking like a lunatic, the hope that being far away from what he considered to be the power center of his colleagues they were prevented from making any progress and although he refused to admit it a morbid curiosity to know what their next step would be.
Leonardo still irritated with the way he had been treated but realizing that there was some kind of bigger situation that he had no idea what it could be happening around him.
And finally Mike and Chad, their concern hidden behind their arrogant faces. Their plan had been to divide and conquer. So they would have to trust Eddie and J.B. to handle the Millers while they took the hard part controlling Sanchez until he was ready and still managing to handle Reis. Although they didn't show it both were anxious and Sanchez's silence and mysterious smile had only contributed to increase that anxiety. So it was with undisguised relief that Chad parked the car in front of an imposing house.
"We're here. Welcome to Hartfield Manor. Let's go in and have a drink. Since we're going to be forced to spend the day together let have at least something nice." - He said getting out of the car, while Chang's SUV continued down the road.
"Where do the others go?" - Reis asked.
"Eddie and J.B. have an appointment in town they'll meet us when they're done and then we'll decide what to do." - Answered Mike following Chad to the entrance of the house.
"Impera et divide" - commented Jaime following the two. - Good move, I would have done the same."
"Perhaps because you are more like us than you care to admit." - Mike retorted.
"You Wish" - Answered Jaime smiling and entering the house. Demonstrating a confidence he didn't really have.
"Clearly there's something going on here and it turns out I'm the only idiot who doesn't know what it is!" - Exploded Leonardo right behind.
"You intruded where you weren't called now bear with it.” - Mike replied, also entering through the door that Chad held open.
"Actually Reis has a point although he's wrong he's not the only one who doesn't know what's going on. Each of us has a piece of information but none of us know the whole. So why don't we sit down enjoy a nice drink and cleared it all up? I'm really curious to know what you have to tell us Sanchez." - Chad said while closing the door behind him after Leonardo passed by and looking to his colleagues scattered throughout a luxurious room. Mike next to him, Reis and Sanchez further away next to each other.
"And I'm supposed to believe you're going to be honest with me?"
"You tell me what you think you know and I'll tell you what I know."
"That simple?"
"That simple." - Answered Chad. Taking several glasses and filling them with an amber drink. - Sit down have a sip and ask whatever you want."
The twins were surprised to hear that invitation. Jacob as always the fastest recovered from the surprise first.
"Why? What do we have that might interest you?"
"Better change that behavior if you want to join the club Jake. Low self-esteem doesn't sit well with us." - J.B.
"I think what my brother meant is that we don't sit well with you guys." - Gregory commented, more aggressive. But he was dealing with experts.
"And why wouldn't you go down well with us? You have everything the Crows look for, you're strong, competitive, good at sports, have a healthy level of ambition to have come this far despite the kind of prejudice you might face from your humble beginnings. Think about it your story is very similar to Mike's and he is our vice president - Eddie replied.
"And besides, they're delicious." - Added J.B. smiling slyly.
"You see that's precisely why it wouldn't work. This behavior ..." - Jacob began being interrupted by J.B.
"I thought you didn't like being seen as a redneck Jacob. If you want to change that maybe you should drop the homophobia."
"I'm not homophobic man, I think everyone should do what they want with their lives. It's just..."
"You don't want it to be around you. I get it, you know what it's called? Homophobia." - J.B. cut in again with a mocking tone.
"J.B. stop teasing you're not helping bro." - said Eddie irritated.
"We don't have problems with gay people - intervened Gregory. - the problem is these attitudes. It doesn't matter if it's between a man and a woman or not. What matters is that there must be respect. If you two are lovers I think that ... " - Unfortunately he didn't get a chance to say what he thought because at that moment Eddie and J.B. burst out laughing.
"Dude, me and J.B. aren't dating."
"But the way you talk to each other, the flirting between you..."
"The name of it is fun, Greg. You should try it sometime." - J.B. replied still laughing.
"One more reason not to join your club, we don't agree with that, it would never work." - Jacob said.
"Wait a minute, you mean you guys never had fun? Never...my God Eddie, we have two virgins in the car!"
"Do not use the name of the Lord in vain." - Jacob answered without denying or confirming anything.
"J.B. if you don't stop talking shit I'm going to stop this car and put your ass down. - Eddie said angrily before turning to the Miller brothers and continuing. - Guys we understand, you were raised in a Christian home and if you decided to wait we have nothing to do with it. And just to be clear J.B. is teasing you but he will immediately stop it if he likes his front teeth. Mike and Chad are not exactly on the same wavelength as you guys but they also tend to get a little....uncomfortable about certain things and we manage to get along well. So let's work something out. We spend today together, J.B. tries to keep his big mouth shut and if when we get back to school tonight you don't want to have anything to do with us, fine. We're going our separate ways.
"Fine - replied Jacob already knowing what their answer would be, they would never dishonor their upbringing that way. - But I think we just passed the place where Chad parked."
"Yes, Hartfield Manor, we'll be there later but first we need to go into town to sort out a few things, including your clothing problem."
"We already said that..." - began Gregory.
"You know what, I’ve got sore muscles from training and I bet you do too. - Eddie said. parking the car - So while J.B. and Jake sort out the clothing situation why don't you come with me to the massage studio? The comment is that they do magical things there.”
"I didn't poison the drink you can drink it". - Chad said taking a sip of bourbon to prove it.
"I prefer not to share those habits." - Jaime replied sitting on the sofa next to an increasingly confused Leonardo.
"For now. - replied Chad smiling mischievously. So Mr. Jaime Caetano Sanchez first I think I should congratulate you. I believe this is the first time in Dalton's history that the source is aware of what is happening before the end. But that will not change the outcome very soon you will be willingly sharing this drink and many other things."
"Not if I can help it. You know you've been used as much as the others aren't you? When I look at you I can see a shadow of what you were and you all have them including you. You don't want to know what was done to you, who you really are? Tell me where Dalton Hartfield is buried and maybe I can reverse what was done to you."
"Ah so that's your move? Smart. I think we'll get along just fine when you're ready. The big problem is I don't know where Dalton is buried, no one does. And about your offer to help me remember who I was. Very touching of you, but I don't care in the least. I am who I am, who I should always have been, this is the real me." - Chad replied while Mike Jones nodded.
"What the fuck are you talking about?" - asked an irritated Leonardo.
"Be quiet there Reis. You'll understand soon. In your own time. You also have a contract to fulfill. But what's going on here doesn't concern you."
"Contract? What contract? You guys are crazy!"
"No, they're not. Just very twisted. I know it's hard to believe but they weren't always the way they are. The Crows you know are the result of some sort of sorcery or magic. And Dalton made them. There’s something at the academy that turns students into Dalton Hartfield idealized version of what a man should be. So they are a kind of Stepford Jocks. And when Chadwick refers to a contract I believe it is how to refer to the deal someone made with whatever governs the school. Who I believe it is in some way Dalton Hartfield himself. Which means someone wanted you to be here Leonardo. Someone provided the means to make you into someone like them."
"Very good, Sanchez. Really. Very, very good." - Answered Chad.
"You are crazy, all of you." - Leonardo said.
"No we are not. Sanchez is correct, we are what you will soon be. But contrary to what he thinks there is no way to escape. From the moment someone enters Dalton their fate is sealed. No matter where they go.
"What are you talking about?”
"You have correctly deduced some things but not all Sanchez. When Dalton Hartfield entered the clearing where the academy would be built he found himself with something ancient, powerful and...hungry. The natives gave this being various names, Malsum, Wendigo. .. the truth is that the creature and Dalton entered into an understanding. Dalton found the means to feed it and he provided the necessary means for Dalton's ideals to last. His own soul sealed the pact and conducts the contracts. That’s why no one knows where his bones are. They are the guarantee that Dalton's soul will continue to be able to fulfill his part of the bargain. If the bones are removed, the deal is off. But like I said, you won't find them ."
"Not even behind a certain red door in your headquarters?" - Asked Jaime smiling again.
"I don't know what you're talking about Sanchez. Maybe you think that being out of Dalton the contract doesn't reach you. You're wrong the moment you accept to join the academy you insert your name in it, the moment you set foot in Dalton's territory you activate him and ensure that he has power over you, no matter where you are. Things are a little different for The Source, for you. You are what feeds Dalton, you have in abundance what some call precision, illumination, shining... We call it light. We all donate a little of it and in return Dalton shapes us but for significant changes a much bigger battery is needed and you Jaime you were a like a sun. You secured our contract and many others but now you are almost exhausted. Dalton took and took and took more to ensure his sustenance and the fulfillment of the contracts. And every little bit he took left a little bit of him in you, a little bit of us. You're much more like us, like him, than who you were when you got here."
"No, it can't be... I would have known I would have felt something."
"Would you really? None of us felt the change and yet here we are. You say you see a shadow of what we were when you look at us, isn't there a shadow behind you too?"
"No, no... - said Jaime, looking at a mirror on the living room wall and seeing exactly what his colleague had told him, an indistinct shadow behind him, exactly like the others.
"Ah, I see you realize now, tell me Jaime, does it seem interesting to you to cease existing to make way for a version of yourself that you don't even remember being? Not that this current version will last very long, once Eddie and J.B. are done with the Millers Dalton will be done with you too and we'll get to know the real you and there's nothing you can do about it or where you can hide."
"No, no, no! - Jaime shouted, holding his face with his hands. While Chad and Mike looked at each other and Leonardo, divided between running away from that madness or calming his colleague opted for the second option and placed his hands on Jaime shoulders in an attempt to calm him down. Though he regretted it the moment Jaime lifted his head and opened his vacant glassy eyes at the same time he opened his mind in a way he never had before sending out a wave of energy that enveloped them all.
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"Speak the truth Jake, no teasing from me this time. Didn't you and your brother have any kind of action? Ever?"
"It's not like that, I dated for two years with a girl from my town and Gregory also hooked up with some girls. But if you mean sexual relations, no neither of us had that kind of action. Maybe it's hard for you understand that but it is a commitment established between us and God."
"I understand about commitments I just don't understand why God would care where I stick my dick. - J.B. replied, separating a shirt from a rack and adding it to a sizable pile of other clothes. He and Jacob had separated from the other two and gone to a men's clothing store where he sorted out enough clothes to overhaul his and his brothers' entire wardrobes. "Don't get mad, sorry if I was offensive. I really don't understand, but I respect it. It's just...
"Just what?" - Jacob replied staring at the pile of clothes that he would flatly refuse.
"You're young this is the time when you should be doing crazy things, enjoying life. If you leave it for later it might be too late."
"Just as you don't understand my way of thinking I don't understand yours, Jonathan. Don't be offended, but to me those things you said are just vanity."
"Well, a little vanity wouldn't do you any harm. You have all these muscles and you hide them behind an old shirt?"
"My muscles are a result of my work and not because of some desire for attention."
"I imagine your Instagram account is the modern version of a church flyer."
"I don't have an Instagram account. It's futile."
"But your brother does, and he's on Tik Tok too. I've seen it myself." - Asked J.B. adding a stylized jeans with rips that Jacob would not wear even under threat of death.
"For him it's a necessity, he thinks about becoming a professional player and today there's no better showcase than social networks, there's always the possibility of catching the attention of a scout."
"But you play football too, why don't you do the same?"
"Because I have no illusions about it. My chances for the future lie elsewhere not in football."
"Still you never know man, you're a good player and you know your brother like no other. There's always the possibility that a college will take two for one."
"I don't want that kind of proposal. I don't want to be my brother's shadow or be invited to something just because of him."
"Pride is just another form of vanity, Jake. Didn't the reverend of your church teach you that in the Sunday sermon?"
"I, it's not that..."
"Chill out man, now I'm teasing you. Let's go to the dressing room and see how to put that little bit of vanity to work."
"I still can't believe you convinced me to do this Chang." - Said a half-naked Gregory Miller, sitting on the massage table while waiting for the massage therapist.
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"I didn't convince you of anything Miller, what convinced you was the pain in your back that you've had for weeks and didn't want to admit."- Eddie replied, infinitely more comfortable with the current situation, sitting in an armchair, with his feet placed in a basin with warm water and products that exhaled a floral aroma while a young woman was filing his fingernails. - Are you sure you don't want a manicure and pedicure job? I know the damage the field can do in those parts.
"Thanks, but no. The massage is fine, it can help with the pain and improve my work, but the rest? Besides being unnecessary, it's well... a woman's thing."
"Do I look feminine to you in any way, Gregory?"
"Dude, if you like this things that's your problem. But I'm not going to do that." - Gregory snapped.
"Okay, it's your choice. But I think you could get rid of that tension a little bit. - Eddie replied before turning to the small brunette woman working on his nails. - Tatiana let's finish later. My friend Greg is in need of your services."
"Okay Mr. Chang. - She replied heading to where Gregory was waiting. - Mr. Miller, I'm going to need you to lie down on your stomach, let's start from your back which is where your biggest problem is. I'll be right back, I'll just get some essential oils and then we can get started.”
"Are you going to stand there and watch?" - Gregory asked Eddie without following the masseur's instructions.
"I can't get my feet out of here so I don't disturb Tatiana's good work, besides that you have nothing to worry about I'm not going to attack you. You can rest assured but your brother… He’s going to need a lot of luck to deal with J.B."
"Your friend won't get anything from that one over there, not even if he were the hottest woman in the world."
"You say that as if you don't fully agree with Jacob's way of thinking."
"I believe the same as he does, in God, country, hard work and rewards for those who do not stray from the path. But..."
"Well, if anyone understands, it's you. Sometimes a man has... needs"
"I get it man. So what was it? A blow job after training? No Homo?"
"No man, gross. But I... I already... I had sex with one of the cheerleaders last year, I had been drinking which I also shouldn't have done and... things just happened... and she convinced me that if it was... you know... from behind... it wouldn't be a sin...”
"And you judging me for doing the same thing... Just kidding,man. - Eddie said when he saw his colleague's face sulk. - But it must have been tricky for someone as... straight as you. And speaking of someone rightfullness. What did your brother think of this little detour on the path?"
"I... I didn't tell him... he doesn't know, so..."
"Relax man, your secret is safe with me. But I imagine hiding it from Jacob wasn't easy."
"No, it wasn't easy at all. And with coming to Dalton... well things aren't the same between us anymore. We used to share everything and... it's not my fault that I'm better than him at football but I I think he resents it and I... I'm not the smartest guy in the world either and if it wasn't for him well... I wouldn't get very far in my studies and I'm grateful for that but he doesn't get the recognition due by the others."
"Wow dude I don't think I've ever heard you talk so much, that must be a lot of weight. No wonder your back is fucked. I can't help much with the situation with your brother. But at least I can help you lighten up a bit. Lie there and let Tatiana do her work. When you get up you might have a new perspective."
Jaime was in Dalton, in the lobby. Leonardo beside him, Mike a little further away and Chad almost at the door, looking at the open door with a look of deep disgust.
"What the fuck is this??? How did we end up in Dalton?"
"I think... I think I brought you with me, we're in some sort of dream, or vision. That's how I found out about everything that was going on."
"We are not in a dream." - Chad said still staring at the door.
"How do you know that?" - Asked Mike staring at his friend.
"Because I think we are in a memory. - He replied, still looking at the door where a handsome middle-aged man was entering, so similar to Chad that he could only be a close relative. - That is my father and I believe that the one right behind is... me - he concluded looking with an expression of even greater displeasure to a blond and chubby young man wearing glasses.
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"No way! You were a total loser!" - mocked Jaime although he didn't know where that impulse came from.
"Funny, because apparently mine and your old selves could have been brothers."
"You were a lard pudding, Sanchez. If you want to go back to being that that's your problem but I refuse to become that." - Chad answered following his father and that other version of him with his eyes."
"So what are we looking at?" - Mike asked Chad.
"I don't know, Sanchez dragged us here he should know."
"I have no control over these visions. And besides, this memory is yours."
"I wouldn't be so sure, I think maybe it's a memory about me but not mine. I can't remember that, for me it never happened. I know I was the first of our group to come to Dalton, but I have no recollection of it."
"So it's your chance to find out. I'll follow them. Feel free to come along or fuck off. I don't care." - Jaime said. Making Chad and Mike exchange glances and Leonardo staring at him in astonishment.
"What's going on with you Sanchez?"
"What's going on is I have to save a bunch of suckers who don't even want to be saved and..."
"And risk becoming a miserable obese. We share the sentiment, Sanchez. So why don't you just get this over and take us back?"
"Don't put us in the same basket, Chad. I'm going to do what's right no matter what happens to me. And no, I can't end this. That's not how it works. I have no control over what happens here." So be quiet and enjoy the ride." - Jaime retorted as he followed Chadwick Hartfield III and his son, so different from the one he was talking to now to the entrance of a familiar room.
"Wait here and try not to embarrass me more than you already does. - Said the father before opening the door and entering without being announced. While the boys followed him looking at the boy who had lowered his head in embarrassment.
When they entered the room they were faced with an unusual scene. Chad Senior hugging director Carmichael for whom he showed much more affection than he had shown to his son.
"Trip! You asshole, if it was anyone else walking into my office like that... it's really good to see you, man. I imagine you're coming to talk about your boy's admission, no need to worry it's all right. The Hartfields have a place guaranteed in Dalton."
"Maybe we shouldn't have that privilege if what we have to deliver is someone like my son, Vince." - He said sitting in the chair in front of the director's desk.
"I don't understand the last time I saw the kid a few years ago he was fine, we talked a lot about basketball."
"The problem is it never got past the conversation stage. I don't know where I went wrong with him, Vince. I tried to raise him like my father raised me and his father before him, in the Dalton Hartfield way. But he's... different. Soft, in every way. He walks behind me like a puppy when I need a wolf. And all that weight... my own son disgusts me!"
"Ouch, that must hurt," - scoffed Jaime. What was happening to him? Why was he acting like this? Not that Chad didn't deserve it, but still, that wasn't normal for him.
"How many times do I have to tell you that idiot out there is not me Sanchez. I am what my father wanted and I can assure you I have the best possible memories of our relationship."
"Oh, man, that sucks. You know Dalton will help a little,but there are limits. Without a source..."
"I found a source. Half-Mexican kid almost as fat as my son. The kind you wouldn't look twice at. But his light Vince you won't believe. There's enough in him for several contracts."
"Great, then we bring him here and guarantee..." - Carmichael began before being interrupted by Chad senior.
"No Vince, the kid is out there and I can't take another day. His Contract starts today. And I provide the means to bring the Source here."
"You know it's not up to me."
"I know, but I thought it impolite not to talk to the director first. Will you come with us?"
"You know the way, pass on the way back, regardless of the result."
"There is only one possible outcome, Vince."
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"I can't believe you talked me into this." -Jacob was in a small room with a mirrored wall wearing only the underwear he had put on that morning. Beside him, J.B. separated the clothes he chose for his colleague to try on.
"Relax man trying on some clothes is not going to get you out of your beloved path. - J.B. replied with a mischievous smile. - How about starting with the pants?"
"Fine, but that doesn't mean I'm going to keep any of those things." - Jacob replied picking up the ripped jeans he swore he would never wear. As he was getting ready to put them on he heard a distinct noise and his eyes were hit by a flash of light- Hey, man. Not cool. I'm exposed here."
"Don't worry you're not in the picture. Come on, put those pants on." - J.B. urged causing Jacob to finally put on the garment. He thought he wouldn't be able to pull them up to his waist. But he was wrong, the pants held. Although they were very glued.
"Dude, no way. The pants are too tight."
"But that's how they have to be, Jake. They’re perfect, they model your muscular and defined thighs, your firm ass and especially that pouch in the front."
"You think?"
"Of course, let me take a picture for Instagram."
"I... I don't have Instagram account."
"What are you talking about Jake? Of course you have, you don't go a day without posting."
"Come on man, shirt this time. Your followers are waiting." - And Jacob found himself putting on the shirt J.B. handed him. Invaded by the feeling that something was wrong. But J.B. was right, his followers would be waiting. But which followers? He was no celebrity and he didn't like that term, only the Lord should have followers. Still, he had an Instagram account so someone should follow it, right? That flurry of thoughts is interrupted by another flash.
"Wow, perfect man, look at those arms, and those pecs, you look like you're going to burst your shirt. And you should, all those hours spent training just thinking about having a body worthy of admiration. It's a shame to hide that eight-pack but we can take some shirtless pictures later."
Jacob was confused, J.B.'s words echoed in his mind. He knew it wasn't true, it couldn't be. His muscles were the result of hard work... and anyone who saw him in the gym would know that was just the case. Not to mention the strict diet he followed to get all that definition. It was to be admired. No... the lord... the lord had created man in his image and likeness, so when others admired Jacob's body they were also admiring the lord's work.
“Thanks, bro! I hope you're doing a decent job my followers are picky.”
"If you want something better, hire a professional, you asshole. - J.B. replied but with a smile on his face. - Now the loafers, size 14?"
"Yes. Thank you."
"A shame to hide those feet, I know people who would pay a fortune on onlyfans just for the chance to take a look at them..."
"J.B. It's one thing for me to praise the good work the lord done with my body, it's another thing to explore perverts..." - Jacob began, but being again prevented from continuing by a flash of light. Well, he could understand it, his feet were the epitome of masculinity, massive, powerful, like everything else about him. God really did his best when he drew Jacob. And if there were people willing to pay to see that work maybe it wasn't such a bad idea after all.
"What were you going to say Jake?"
"That maybe I'll do just that, the lord good work should bear fruit. So, ready for a picture of the full look?"
"Just one more thing, it won't show up in the picture obviously, but I think it suits you perfectly with that whole mane of red hair. - Said J.B. picking up a bottle of Creed Green Irish Tweed perfume and spraying it on his colleague before taking another picture.
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"Let me see. Perfect, but it's hard to go wrong with material like me."
"You're a bundle of vanity, Jake." - commented J.B. mischievously causing the colleague's mind to conflict again.
Vanity was a sin wasn't it? And what he was doing was vanity. Show himself on social media, compare himself to God? What would his parents say about that? What would Gregory say about that?
It was the first time he thought of his brother since he entered that room.
Things between the two were messed up, but he loved his brother, and the feeling of letting him down, betraying him, betraying his beliefs was too much for him. He imagined the expression of rage that his brother would make when he looked at him, his powerful muscles contracted, his nostrils flaring, his perfect face... Lord, Gregory was perfect! And how could he not be if he was exactly like him?
Looking at himself in that mirror in front of him a new feeling invaded him, desire, pure, primal, he wanted to be desired, he wanted to be admired and that was why he envied his brother and his talent on the field. And that was why he would use his own means to achieve that. He would have more and more followers and his parents and brother would have to live with that. And as for the lord, well he had made Jake that way, so let him deal with that too.
"How about we do those shirtless pictures, dude?"
The boys followed father and son along a path known to most of the group, although only half of them had physically entered it. The Crows Club headquarters was practically the same as the last time Jaime had been there. Chadwick senior who hadn't even looked at his son during the journey stared at the boy for a long time as if he evaluated him one last time and again wasn't pleased with what he saw.
"Sit here and wait for me boy." - He said heading to the back of the room, where a red door was waiting for him. Jaime smiled with satisfaction looking at Chad and Mike, who only exchanged a few glances.
"What is that smell?" -Mike asked as if he wanted to change the subject.
"Cinnamon"- Answered Jaime increasing his smile.
"So this is the headquarters of Dalton's most infamous Club? After all the craziness I've seen and heard I expected something more... macabre." - Leonardo said.
"I think your wish will come true very soon." - Jaime replied seeing Chad father return to his son.
"Chadwick, I know you think I don't love you. That's not true. I love you, though... Son you're a Hartfield and there are certain standards a hartfield needs to meet and the truth is you've failed to live up to them. All of them. But you are my son and I want you to know that everything I have done and will do is for you and our lineage. Come with me, son." - He said with a little more affection this time. Guiding his son to the place he had just left. With Jaime and the others following them. But as soon as father and son entered that place the door closed behind them. Jaime went forward trying to open it but it was completely locked.
"Shit, shit, shit! Why bring me here if you're not going to show me anything relevant?" - Jaime shouted into the void.
"Well, maybe now you think of a way to get us out of here..." - Mike started to say but interrupting himself when the screams behind the door started. Loud, penetrating, reminiscent of the whining of a dog that someone was mistreating.
"What did they do to you, man?" - Leonardo asked Chad.
"I already said that I don't remember any of this. But... The transitions I saw were always painless. I don't know what's going on there." - Chad replied, pale as they had never seen him before.
"Still happy with what was done to you?" - Asked Jaime.
"I'm not going to change my mind, Sanchez. Forget it, if that was the price I had to pay to become who I am, so be it."
"Because it wasn't you who felt it, was it? It was that poor guy inside there who had to die for you to be born. I've been thinking about it since you told me that I changed too. I got pissed, because for me like you said that's me, I've always been like this. But I know enough to know that's not true. And I'm still the real me enough to know that life isn't worth living if I have to taking someone's life. That innocent boy inside didn't deserve to go through what he went through, let alone to turn into a piece of shit like you. And the original Jaime doesn't deserve me to take his place either. That's the difference between the two of us."
"A beautiful speech but it doesn't matter at all, I'm here to stay and whoever comes after you wil be too." - Chad replied at the same time that the screams ceased. Shortly after, the door opened again and out came Chad the father, his eyes full of tears, accompanied by the version of Chad they knew hugging his father who was speaking to him at that moment.
"Remember the names son, Michael Jones, Edward Chang, Jonathan Roberts, Jaco..." - Jaime didn't finish listening, as he started to run and cross the half-open door.
"Holy shit!" - That's what escaped his mouth when he saw where he was.
Gregory lay on his back on the massage therapist's table, while her delicate but firm hands worked on the numerous knots of muscular tension in his developed muscles. With his eyes closed and away from his cell phone he didn't see the notification of a new follower on Instagram nor the multiple notifications that appeared afterwards. The reality is that he was lost between the mix of pain and pleasure caused by those skilled hands. He was lost in his own thoughts too. He loved his parents and he loved Jacob and of course he loved the Lord. But that conversation with Eddie had made him realize that he'd enjoyed the only sexual experience he'd ever had and that he wanted more. He knew what his parents and brother would say to that. But there were very good people who followed the Lord's ways and at the same time were sexually active. So why couldn't he do the same?
"Just a moment Mr. Miller, I'll be right back, I'll have a colleague help me with a particularly tough knot."
"A particularly tough knot in a particularly tough man." -Gregory heard Eddie comment apparently from a great distance, so much so that he preferred not to comment. His mind was too busy with more interesting things.
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What he couldn't ignore however was the strong hands that resumed the massage. Hands much bigger than Tatiana's and pressing with much greater intensity taking that mixture of pain and pleasure to new levels.
"What are you thinking about big guy? - Whispered a familiar voice in his ear. - Is in that sinful cheerleader? In What did you do to her?" How you would like to do that again? - continued Eddie hitting the exact spot, both physically and mentally and making Gregory groan with pleasure.
"Ed...ward. Stop...don't..."
"Ah, Greg, don't worry I won't stop. - Eddie replied feeling his hands work on the musculature below as if it were made of clay and he could mold it to his will. - I will continue until you beg me to I go on. And you want me to go on, don't you? You want me to go to other places. - Eddie continued, running his fingers lightly along his colleague's back. Until he reached the limit between them and the butt. - That's what you want. Do you want it?"
"Me? No... not."
"Fine, I'll stop then."
"No...don't stop!"
"But isn't that wrong? Isn't it sinful?" - Provoked Eddie. And Greg knew that was really sinful, he thought about what his brother would say if he knew. But then, fuck what Jacob thought.
"... it is good..."
"Yes it's good, feeling all that attention isn't it? That's why you like the field so much isn't it? All those eyes on you, all that admiration." - Eddie continued, now kissing those firm and muscular glutes. - Turn sideways Greg." - And Greg turned, thinking about the cheering crowd, the pleasure in being admired, idolized... until his thoughts were interrupted when he felt those firm hands around something that only he had touched for years."
"You're a big guy indeed in every way Greg, but there's room for improvement." - Eddie said while making rithmic movements from top to bottom, and even his giant hand had difficulty holding all that circumference.
"Isn't it big? I disagree, and it's getting bigger. And you still haven't told me what you're thinking about. Is it what you think about when you masturbate?" Eddie asked, as Greg felt his cock grow and engorge, passing the size limits to which he had become accustomed. - I bet you masturbate looking in the mirror admiring yourself, a body like that is not easy to resist. - Continued Eddie watching his colleague's pecs get firmer, harder, while his arms his seemed to shrink in size but gain definition with all the fat sucked out of them, then they got bigger again, he didn't know if that was the result of his work or what J.B. was doing with Jacob and frankly he didn't give a damn, his own dick erect behind the shorts he was wearing and dangerously close to Greg's ass. "How much do we have here, big guy? I thought it was like seven inches, but it's a lot more."
"...that's nine.." - In reality it was six, but the other number came to his mind and it seemed to be very real. After all if anyone should know the size of his dick it was him. Him and Jake. He remembered the two of them jerking off together looking at each other at the most beautiful thing they had ever known, and almost came. But at that moment that strong hand released the pressure taking the pleasure with it.
"What the fuck, man!" - He shouted, full of rage and speaking coherently for the first time.
"Turn around." - Eddie replied. And as soon as Greg turned around he began to kiss him in the groin, just above the cock. But the kisses flowed in the opposite direction, towards his abdomen.
"Don't...do this to me...man!"
"What? Give you more pleasure than you've ever felt." - then kissed him again and in the place where his lips touched a small block of muscle appeared - Give you more pleasure than you thought you deserved - another kiss another block - pleasure that you've been denied your whole life - one more kiss, one more block until there were eight perfect blocks on that abdomen and Eddie's mouth was approaching those dense, wide pecs like two slabs of meat. - "What do you think about kissing another man, Greg? Just one more little detour won't hurt, will it? Or is it that you don't care about the path anymore?" - Eddie teased, their lips now almost touching." - Did you ever truly care?"
Of course he cared, of course he believed... but then he felt his mouth invaded by a hot tongue, violent in explorations and bringing with it a heady taste and heightening pleasure again. He forgot the path, forgot his promises, he just wanted more, more of it. But again what he wanted was denied him because that wonderful mouth was gone and the voice that at that moment he loved and hated with the same intensity returned.
"You know what I think you want? You want everything, to be loved, to be admired, to be worshiped as you think you deserve. You want me to do that, don't you?"
"Did he really want that? It was blasphemy. But he was already far from the path, very far... - Do it...- said Greg, his head a whirlwind of images, his parents' disappointed faces... fuck it. -... do it!"
"What? I didn't hear you right." - Eddie said looking at Greg's face, his eyes closed, the expression between ecstasy and agony."
"Do it..." He thought of his brother. In his chaste brother. In his holy brother... Ha, in front of their parents perhaps, Jake was much worse than he would ever be, that depraved stray and his dirty secret jobs!
"I told you I was going to make you beg."
"No what?"
"I'm not going to beg. You can be the king of the mat and have all the attention you want there, including mine. But here, at this time the one who will be admired the one who will be worshiped is me." - Greg said with a totally firm voice holding Eddie by the hair and leading him to his fully erect cock.
"Only today" - replied Eddie before starting to suck.
"Holy Shit" - said Jaime out loud. He was standing in front of what would one day become Dalton. But that was a very embryonic Dalton, still under construction with the walls still unfinished, cables and scaffolding hanging down. It was like seeing the skeleton of an immense animal. And at sunrise, sitting far away on the other side of the clearing was a silhouette, facing towards him but not looking at him.
"Nice move, dumbass. But apparently it didn't work. Where the hell did you bring us this time?" - Asked Mike Jones behind him and when Jaime turned around he saw that Chad and Leonardo were with him.
"Use your fucking head Jones. We're in the exact same place."
"It seems that we are seeing the beginnings of Dalton. And Dalton himself."- Commented Chad.
"That's Dalton Hartfield? How is that possible? - Leonardo asked looking at the motionless figure.
"How is all this possible? But Chad is right. That is Dalton Hartfield. I've seen a picture of him and..."
"Of course I'm right, I'm a Hartfi..."
"...and as I was saying before being interrupted by an asshole in need of self-affirmation I believe we are seeing the exact moment when it all began."
"Are we going to end up with two hotheads?" - Chad asked Mike, causing Jaime to glare at him. - But Sanchez is right. We are seeing the begining of everything.”
"I don't see him doing anything but just sitting there looking at the... AHHHH! Puta que pariu! What the fuck was that?" - Leonardo shouted when something flew past him. Something huge with black wings that landed on Dalton Hartfield's side.
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"A crow. Of course." - Jaime murmured as Chad and Mike nodded in agreement.
"I didn't understand." - Said Leonardo.
"What you don't understand would fill several books, Reis" - Mike Jones prodded.
"Dalton Hartfield's nickname was The Crow, Leonardo. Now pay attention. He's saying something." - Said Jaime.
"...so we have a deal?" - Dalton Hartfield asked to someone or something they couldn't see.
"... we have a deal?” - Cawed the crow passing to the man's shoulder while another identical bird flew towards the man and pecked his eye, plucking it out, to then settle on his other shoulder.
"What the fuck?!” - Leonardo shouted. But the others didn't even answer him this time, perhaps because they shared his astonishment or because a group of workmen was approaching Dalton Hartfield from the opposite direction.
"Gentlemen, there will be no more disturbances, you can resume your work. - And then seeming to look directly at the boys with a bright eye and an empty hollow from which a trickle of blood was still oozing. - You have a contract to fulfill."
And then the crows took flight right in the direction where the boys were.
Jake was admiring himself in one of the living room mirrors after taking several pictures and making some reels and also videos for Tik Tok. He was well on his way to being a successful fitness influencer. He loved listening to the noise of notifications and reading comments from followers, that kind of attention was what made his day, even more so now that some companies were after him for publicity, usually in conjunction with his brother but he didn't care they were hot together and Greg took his advice when it came to handling social media the same way he followed his brother's directions when it came to football. Their parents did not like that kind of exposure initiall, but with the inflow of money that allowed their father's business to expand and modernize and hire workers do to do de heavy work they were willing to turn a blind eye. Of course if they knew where the money really came from, the twins' successful account on onlyfans, might be too much. But what they didn't know wouldn't hurt them.
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"A penny for your thoughts." - Said a completely naked J.B. Roberts lying on the comfortable carpet in the living room, where he still hadn't gotten up after the wild sex that the two had done.
"My fees are usually much higher than that. - Jake replied smiling. - I was just thinking that it's past time for us to meet with Eddie and Greg."
"Wish fulfilled." - Answered someone opening the door of the small room. Jake turned and for a moment it looked like he was staring into another mirror. - Did you miss me, brother?" - Greg asked, entering the room followed by Eddie. Both completely naked.
"How did you get here? And like this?" - Jake asked while admiring his brother's perfection, their perfection.
"Tatiana owns the salon and the clothing store. The two rooms communicate so we thought we'd stop by and see how things were going. And it looked like they were very interesting." - Eddie replied with his gaze wandering between the two colleagues.
"Looks like between you too." - J.B. commented completely at ease in that situation. As Greg approached his brother.
"Hello, Brother" - he said with his lips almost touching Jake's.
"Hello Greg."
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"Sorry to interrupt such a beautiful moment of brotherly love but I think we should get dressed and go to Hartfield Manor." - Eddie said.
"Why the rush?" - Greg asked, looking away from his brother but maintaining the proximity between their bodies.
"To make your joining the Crows Club official of course."
"So we are in?" - Greg asked.
"My dear, if your performance is at the same level as your brother's, you entered with flying colors."
"Great - Jake replied while squeezing his brother's firm butt. - So if we're already in how about a four-way celebration before the official announcement?
While four colleagues were amusing themselves in the most sordid ways on the poor Tatiana's shop four others were slowly waking up from a trance-like state at Hartfield Manor. Chad was first followed by Mike. When the two looked in the direction where the still unconscious Jaime and Leonardo were lying Mike asked amazed:
"What does that mean, bro?"
"That Eddie and J.B. completed the work. - Chad replied looking at Jaime Sanchez's massive body, reminiscent in every way of their own. - And that we have an unforeseen event to deal with." - He concluded looking at an equally massive and modified Leonardo Reis.
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madamridley · 1 year
The Story of the Steel Wool FNAF Games? A “short” summery
Hello, This will be a summery of the current FNAF story set up for you to be caught up and not as confused as the first month Security Breach was released. This post will not be focused on Theories just what is fact.
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HELP WANTED: this game showed us that Fazbear entertainment had returned and attempted to turn their shady past into a monetizable story. Due to them wanting to cut corners they scanned old animatronic AI chips so that the in game AI would be as accurate as possible. After doing so a man named Jeremy (The alpha tester who would actually play the game) killed himself with a guillotine paper cutter. It was discovered that something got into the game, took the roll of the Spring Bonnie in the final minigame and attempted to steal Jeremy’s body.
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You play as a beta tester on a new team cleaning up what the old team left you. By the end with the help from some hidden tapes you try to destroy the anomaly only to fail and have it “Lock you away into a room” before to return back to the game as if nothing had happened. Later in the DLC you find a white rabbit mask and while wearing it you can commune with the anomaly.
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These appear to be the events that lead up to Vanessa becoming Vanny
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Special Delivery appears to show off a new type of delivery service that is tampered with, turning the mass-produced animatronics violent. 
We also get accidental messages from a man named Luis talking about his co worker Ness
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Throughout the events of these texts Luis tries to get coffee with Ness who keeps ignoring him. That is until she asks him a bit about his job in IT. In the unreleased Emails Ness creates a fake IT Email and starts heavily sabotaging the company locking people out and activating the same virus from Help Wanted into the animatronics turning them violent. Ness then gets a job at the Pizzaplex.
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Security Breach's story on it’s own is extremely bare bones so this will be very fast so we can get into the important stuff. A boy named Gregory would constantly hang around the Pizzaplex. One day the security guard scares him bad enough he fears she is going to kill him. Glamrock Freddy who broke down in that mornings show is used as a hiding place by him. The two work together to survive the night and destroy the Pizzaplex animatronics that have turned violent. In the games story we learn a game called Princess Quest seems to be the key to free Ness aka Vanessa from the anomaly but also under the Pizzaplex is the Pizza Place from FFPS which houses a strange nameless creature that appears very similar to the long dead William Afton.
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Now we move to The Tales From The Pizzaplex to fill in the details. not every story is important we will only be going over GGY, The Storyteller, The Mimic, and The Epilogues. I’d also like to bring up the last book/2 books have not yet released and wont before Ruins release.
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GGY shows us the answer to a mystery in Security Breach. Who was being spoken to in the Therapy tapes 4672 to 4679 Tapes that started with 71 were directed towards Vanessa as you can hear her in them. Those which started with 46 had no known patent until this story. Gregory is shown to have been at least at some point possessed by the anomaly and would hack into the pizzaplex systems to play games for free while also messing with the animatronics AI.
He wrote a poem at the end of the story about how GGY was a wizard’s favorite apprentice and how they were fighting against a corporates conspiracy  "the wizard's most favored apprentice" "an animatronic supervillain who went into battle with a tentacled monster."
Gregory’s four therapists are shown to be killed by his use of animatronics. What happened to cause him to become free from the anomaly is unknown.
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The Storyteller shows a young chairman of Fazbear entertainment named Mr. Burrows attempting to use AI to replace the writers for the stories around the Pizzaplex. An old business partner of the original fazbear owners Edwin Murray tries to stop Burrows and ends up seeing something he shouldn’t have.
Inside the large baobab tree used to house the new AI made to create stories holds a White Tiger head dubbed The Storyteller. This causes Edwin to have a panic attack for some unknown reason. The Storyteller caused the glamrock animatronics to act out like they do in the game. Chica is extreamly pushy, Monty is violent, and Roxanne is meaner then she should be.
Edwin attempts to stop this and gets into the tree after the Pizzaplex closes for the night. He sees The Storyteller is playing a program named Mimic_1 which freaks Edwin out again for no known reason. Mr, Burrows locks Edwin into the tree believing he was causing all of these glitches.
Edwin dies from asphyxiations and when the door is open inside shows cardboard that Edwin brought in covered in symbols and the words “I’m sorry”. The door closes behind Burrows locking him in too.
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The Mimic shows Edwin back when he was young, He created the costumes for the Fazbear Animatronics and lived with his son David. Due to his wives passing he had to work with his young son around. So to keep him company, he created an endo with a new type of AI made to mimic what it sees.
The Endo would learn from David and started to act like him. David had a small white tiger plush with a blue and green eye which he held close to his chest. The Endo would also hold his arm close to his chest to mimic David. Edwin would build the Endo his own plush tiger.
One day David ran into the street and was hit by a car. Edwin watching the impact unable to save him. The Endo turns into a mockery of his son to Edwin and so he smashes it. Over and over until it was smashed. Filled with Pain and Hate.
years later it reawakened now knowing that pain and hate and mimicked it. It killed anyone it saw and would use the costumes Edwin made to hide and trick it’s prey.
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The epilogue expanded the Pizza Place under the Pizzaplex. Somehow The Mimic was sent down to the Pizza Place with a bunch of endos meant to help a clean up team get rid of the wreckage. It is reprogramed to tear the heads and arms off the broken down endos that were destroyed in the fire but once it ran out of endos it began doing so to the workers. Once the Pizza Place is sealed off, 8 teens make their way there after hearing rumors of it’s existence before getting trapped down there alone with The Animatronic. The Mimic possesses a broken frame of rabbit ears but no other factors to match it to The Springtrap at the end of Security Breach. At least not yet. Through the epilogues it kills the teens one by one using random costumes all around the Pizza Place as disguises. Eventually it begins learning how to speak by listening in on the teens thinking of plans on how to get out. Then there is the newest epilogue from Tiger Rock. The Mimic kills one of the girls and wears her as a suit to try and get her friends attention. At this point missing only the Springtrap suit he wore in Security Breaches ending. Even when you beat it in the final cutscene you may notice it’s arm curl in close to it’s body like it would to hold it’s tiger plushy. 
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In conclusions the antagonist of these stories, The Anomaly is a learning AI that due to the death surrounding Freddy’s has learned to become a killer. It continues to learn from every interaction it has and with every Fazbear Entertainment Story it grows more into an unstoppable force spread across more then just it’s body.
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