tahyirasavanna · 2 years
The Astrology of Milo Yiannopoulos
The Astrology of Milo Yiannopoulos
Controversial figures are what we thrive on here, and Milo definitely fits that description. He was one of the first to be “canceled,” and now is involved in a major Trump/Tim Pool/Kanye West scandal. I think it’s worth taking a look at this man, especially because he is lauded as a possible genius in his field, despite his shortcomings. Let’s see what the great celestial clock has to say about…
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middlenamesage · 3 years
When the Moon was at very close to precise conjunction with the North Node in Taurus, just after dark last evening where I live here in Eugene, Oregon, USA, I was walking to the store on the bike path along a river when a nutria (large semi-aquatic rodent) darted almost into my path but immediately veered quickly down towards the river. It didn't go all the way to the water though, and being that I'm an animal lover, I tried (successfully) to creep closer to it. I kept watching it from an increasingly lesser distance, and at our closest, we were literally just staring at each other from right across a low, sparse bush, with me kneeled down at its level, for a good minute or two.
I have always found these creatures way cute whenever I've seen them, but I don't believe I had ever in my life been this close to one before. It wasn't until a bit after this incident that I started thinking about the Taurus/Scorpio axis symbolism of this creature, which so perfectly fit that cosmic moment, with the Taurus Moon conjunct the North Node (and opposite the South Node, which is on my Scorpio Moon).
This is a creature very much built for both land and water. I was reading that when frightened, it heads straight for the water and submerges itself and/or swims away to protect itself. But this little dude last night wasn't frightened enough by me to dive in. It was like a symbolic "No thanks" to that South Node in Scorpio karma... and an embodiment of the Taurus North Node by sticking around on solid ground just to vibe with me from a healthy distance and be in the moment, highly attuned to the senses.
So yeah, in summation, when the Moon (mother of the natural world, and something myself and animals seem to share being most attuned to of all the cosmic bodies) was highlighting the collective work occuring now on the Scorpio-Taurus axis via the Moon's Nodes, I had an unforgettable moment with a giant swamp rat (as nutria are actually nicknamed, despite the technical misnomer)... and I'm not sure there are many things more Scorpio-Taurus than this. 😂❤ I was even thinking about how rats and other rodents can be known for hoarding things, and Taurus is "to have" and associated with material accumulation. Also I know that nutria make eleborate dens by burrowing through soil; they very much work with the earth. Then give this rodent the ability to navigate and exist in the water as well, including the instinct to submerge itself in hiding at times from the upper world, and it clearly has the Scorpio side mastered too.
What a serendipitous appearance and symbolic nod to the North Node this creature made last night deciding to stay for the moment on land with me.
(Pic on the left: the best pic I could manage of the little (well, cat sized) dude using my phone's flash, Pic on the right: what these terrestrial/aquatic hybrids actually look like)
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averycanadianfilm · 3 years
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2022 Venus Conjunct Pluto
March 3, 2022 London UK 5:56 pm
Venus Conjunct Pluto 27 deg Capricorn 51 min
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saijagannatha · 3 years
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Creating power, ensuring success and leading a happy life based on your astrology. Consult well-known famous astrologer Pandit Jagannath Guruji in Bangalore. Get personalized future predictions.
Enquire Now at +91 9880711822
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astrologerumesh · 3 years
Finance Horoscope 2022
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If you’re wanting to know the financial future of your life in the year 2022, you can find your answer in our 2022 Finance Horoscope LIbra To Pisces.
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Finance Horoscope 2022
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What will happen to your financial life in the year 2021? If not sure, choose our 2022 Finance Horoscope Libra to Pisces for great solutions.
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pavitrajyotish · 3 years
Finance Horoscope 2022
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The year 2022 will spell new transitions in your financial life. Know the same with our 2022 Finance Horoscope Libra to Pisces.
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horoscopeeveryday · 3 years
Cancer Horoscope 2022 - Cancer Yearly Astrology Predictions
The focus point for the Cancer natives this year may be Personal life, Career, Finance, and Property. All these spheres would be integral and essential, as there are quite happening, things that would happen in all these spheres of life.
All this year demands from you is tough work, hard work, and diligence, because the year could also be rewarding to all or any those that would be exerted and decide to surpass each milestone.
Inaction breeds doubt and fear. Action breeds confidence and courage. If you would like to overcome fear, don’t sit home and believe it. Go out and get busy.
All the Cancer natives are advised to line small goals and work upon them. It is said that thinking small is that the secret to enormous success.
Setting small goals gives you both a future vision and a short-term vision. It helps you organize your time and resources accordingly. Even better, once you set small goals, you accomplish them faster, and therefore the accomplishments boost your confidence and assist you to progress more quickly.
Cancer natives might be pretty content with the year horoscope 2022, as compared to 2021.
You would be happy to find the support of your spouse or your partner, especially in the ones in a long-term relationship.
2022 may use in the freshness of affection, so feel the breeze and sniff the air, as love is everywhere.
You both may finally feel good about abandoning the past issues. This year may bring a breath of fresh air to the connection.
So, make the foremost of this point, attempt to plan romantic dinners, make plans to visit the foremost romantic or worthy places. The world is your oyster’s lovebirds!
With the New Year come New Year’s resolutions. But if there’s a replacement year resolution that might assist you the foremost, especially for the longer term, then it’s “Financial Resolution”.
Before you begin the year, outline a budget plan for you and plan the year consistent with the project, because the budget plan may assist you with monetary gains.
Beginning from monetary gains, this might be the year where you’d take a replacement resolution to not lend money to anyone.
The experience had been bitter, and you’d now want to find out from those experiences by not repeating them.
In terms of health, you’re advised to ta1ke care. Those who had any ailment within the past and therefore the same relapsed are advised to take care this year.
No doubt planetary alignment supports an honest treatment, on the other hand, as it’s said, prevention is better than cure.
A regular check-up alongside medication would still be helpful. This would also prevent you from being affected by any severe ailment.
You would need to be more careful altogether walks of life. Further maintain an honest diet, as this is able to help your health and fitness this year.
Source Url: https://horoscopeeveryday.com/horoscope-2022-prediction/cancer-horoscope-2022/
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tahyirasavanna · 2 years
The Astrology of Alex Jones
The Astrology of Alex Jones
The king of conspiracy. The master of misinformation. The tyrant of tin foil. Alex Jones is certainly an American icon. And, he has been in the news as of late for his trial over Sandy Hook. But is he really the kook the media makes him? Let’s take a look at Heaven’s confidential files. Alex JonesPhoto: Michael Zimmerman, Wikicommons We don’t have a birth time for Jones, which is particularly…
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tahyirasavanna · 2 years
The Astrology of Jordan Peterson
The Astrology of Jordan Peterson
King of the incels, custodian of the patriarchy, Jordan Peterson is known by many names. Often touted as deeply inspired by some, yet derided as a pseudo-intellectual by others, it may be hard to get a grip on what it is, exactly, Peterson actually represents. Hated by the political left and loved by the right– Let’s attempt to get a grip on this man of polarity. Jordan Peterson.Gage Skidmore,…
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tahyirasavanna · 2 years
The Astrology of Barak Obama
The Astrology of Barak Obama
Former President Barak Obama manages to stay in the spotlight since he left the Presidency. He still wields an enormous amount of influence in the Democrat Party, and some say, over Joe Biden. So, what is the nature of this controversial figure? We’ll let the stars do the talking. Barak Obama.Photo: Wikicommons Rumors continue to fly concerning the Biden administration and who it is, exactly,…
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tahyirasavanna · 2 years
The Astrology of Tucker Carlson
The Astrology of Tucker Carlson
Tucker Carlson is the bane of modern left-wing American politics. Not many figures conjure so much vitriol and abhorrence as he. But, is he truly the monster many make him out to be? Or is he a well-intentioned news anchor challenging the mainstream narrative? Tucker CarlsonPhoto: Wikicommons It is often difficult to see our political opposites as human, easily making them out to be devils and…
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tahyirasavanna · 2 years
The Astrology of Clarence Thomas
The Astrology of Clarence Thomas
Widely considered to be the most conservative sitting Supreme Court Justice, Clarence Thomas is in the spotlight concerning the recent overturn of Roe v Wade. A lot of mud is flying, so let’s see what the heavens have to say about this highly influential man. Clarence Thomas, Supreme Court JusticePhoto: Steve Petteway, Wikicommons Clarence Thomas is the second of only two African Americans to…
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tahyirasavanna · 2 years
The Astrology of Elon Musk
The Astrology of Elon Musk
Elon Musk has entered the chat. Yes, he’s officially in the political discourse of everyday citizens these days. Love him or hate him, he’s now one of the most important leaders alive today. So, let’s take a step away from the authoritative power players of governmental office and toward a financial power broker in the business world to find out who Elon Musk truly is. Elon MuskPhoto: Duncan…
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tahyirasavanna · 2 years
The Astrology of Volodymyr Zelenskyy
The Astrology of Volodymyr Zelenskyy
Welp, the world’s elite seem to make my job easier and easier these days. It’s clear I needed to do the next installment of our little astro-political series on President Zelenskyy. This is yet another chart that knocks it out of the park, but for different reasons. Get ready for the deep dive. Volodymyr ZelenskyyPhoto: Wikicommons Sometimes charts are incredibly obvious. Many of the large…
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tahyirasavanna · 3 years
The Astrology of Hillary Clinton
The Astrology of Hillary Clinton
Although The Astrology of Vladimir Putin is certainly getting more attention right now, and for good reason, Hillary Clinton has suddenly re-entered the modern zeitgeist. With rumors, and even gesturing by Hillary herself, of her running for President in 2024, it seems appropriate to discuss her natal chart. Hillary Rodham ClintonPhoto: Gage Skidmore, Wikicommons Hillary has a number of envious…
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