#Assistant Bea
Just a quick update since I haven’t been doin’ so recently. I’ve been workin’ on my home and it’s made good progress! I also ended up deliverin’ the rocks to the assistant during a supply run, so I’m doin’ good.
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bumblingbabooshka · 10 months
loving the original lore drops on your patreon! incredibly cool stuff
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THANK YOUUU~!!!! My little guys....<3
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the-gayest-sky-kid · 2 years
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finally did what i set out to do with my sketchbook this morning! except not really because i meant to get to aether today but ehhhh
soooooo notes!
Mona Megistus ✨✨✨
Mona after becoming a citizen! (Diluc pays. They are Friends to me)
She has a fortune telling stall at Yano market. Moderately popular. Still does quests for Diluc, Wiala, & Miara.
Honorary member of the scholars at this point. Practically lives at the library.
@tysly the Next Installment!
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rottmnt-honeybea · 1 year
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Hey, Leo?
Maybe don't get close to the highly trained killer that works for a crime lord?
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lilmoonsun · 1 year
How you feel about fans making dolls of you guys?
Sun: They look adorable.. The Fazbear people wanted to make a plush version of us~ 🌞
Moon: They already made one for Eclipse.... 🌙
Dee: It was me that made the eclipse plushie~ 🔧🤭
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smilesobrien · 11 months
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who do you think u are I AM
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gme-news · 1 year
Miami Heat vs Denver Nuggets Game 2 Highlights
View On WordPress
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sanvcnblvd · 2 months
[Nova, Baby] by chamel
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[Nova, Baby] by chamel/@cha-melodius
My god. This fic.
I could reread this fic over and over again (that and its companion/sequel holiday fic ... 😉). Back when I finished other canon-divergent fics about firstprince, I wondered what it would be like if Alex and Henry were a different kind of badass, and here comes chamel’s AU. Hit me like a MACK truck
And how she manages to include a 5+1 trope in the middle of it??? Are you freaking kidding me??? UGH ❤️❤️❤️
chamel if/when you read this, you’re one of my favourite firstprince writers and I’ve already said this to you before but what an inspiration you are and you deserve nothing but great things.
I am particularly proud of how Bea looks exceedingly badass on the cover. And because Oscar Isaac seems to be one of the main contenders for fan casts when it comes to Raphael Luna, he neeeeeded to be on this cover.
The full poster that can be added to the .epub file for your kindle/e-book reader is at the end of the post! If you need any assistance, please don't be afraid to ask!
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cha-melodius · 3 months
firstprince +💚
💚 true love's kiss / magic kiss / healed (I said no more than 500 words and of course this is 589 lol. Sorry for the cliffhanger; I just can't help myself. send me a heart and get a ficlet)
When the summons comes, Henry refuses to believe it’s real.
It is, course—heavy paper, dark ink, embossed seal. Your assistance is respectfully requested concerning a matter of some urgency…
Henry doesn’t read the rest. He knows what it says. The whole world knows what it says. Every since the American President’s son was cursed and fell into a deep and unending slumber, which was supposedly only able to be cured by true love’s kiss, there’d been a steady stream of hopeful girls through the White House. Still, Alex remained stubbornly asleep. Henry hadn’t heard of any men being invited, though, which is one reason he’s convinced this was a mistake.
“The palace staff must have mixed up our mail,” he tells Bea, trying unsuccessfully to shove the invitation at her.
Bea just gives him an exasperated look. “It has your name on it.”
“Then someone at the White House made an error in addressing it.”
“Because ‘Beatrice’ is so close to ‘Henry’. Happens all the time, really. The other day I got a polo club invitation meant for you.”
“Really?” Henry asks.
“No,” she huffs. “This is for you, dumbass.”
Henry stares down at it, chewing his lip. “But why me? Out of everyone else?”
“You didn’t hear?” Bea asks, cocking an eyebrow at him.
“Hear what?” He’s been actively trying not to read news about Alex’s condition, actually.
“It’s supposed to be someone he’s touched before. Otherwise, he’d still be awake. Someone must have remembered you two shaking hands in Rio.”
“But Alex hates me,” he says plaintively. This is, of course, the other reason this must be a mistake.
“So, now’s your chance,” Bea tells him with far too much mischief sparkling in her eyes. “Go lay one on him, and he’ll never remember.”
“Bea,” Henry gasps, horrified. “I would never—”
She rolls her eyes at him. “It was a joke, Haz. But the fact of the matter is that you don’t have much of a choice. Think of how it would look for international relations if the Crown refused a request from the President.”
And so, Henry finds himself with sweating palms and his heart in his throat, staring down at the most beautiful boy in the world as he lays sleeping in his bedroom at the White House. The First Family are all wan and sallow as his interminable condition wears on them, but Alex himself looks vibrant, as if he’d just nodded off. Perks of magic sleep, Henry supposes. A terrifying woman in stilettos and pencil skirt gives Henry instructions that he barely hears, then they all file out to wait.
Henry wrings his hands and twists his signet ring and shifts on his feet, knowing he can’t put this off for much longer. He’s not sure what he’s more terrified of—that it won’t work, or that it will.
“I’m sorry, Alex,” he murmurs. For the past, for this, for what may come.
He leans in—and hesitates. The aroma of cinnamon strikes him, drawing him in like a gravitational field he can’t escape, and he sways closer. When their lips brush, Henry feels it—not the kiss, but the fire that it kindles under his skin, the flame that flashes down his spine and out to his toes, the inferno that sets him alight. It’s too much, it’s going to burn him up—
Alex’s lips part and he gasps, long eyelashes fluttering as he wakes, and Henry stumbles backwards. He stares at Henry, rubs his eyes, then looks again.
“It's you?!”
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lingthusiasm · 7 months
Lingthusiasm Episode 89: Connecting with oral culture
For tens of thousands of years, humans have transmitted long and intricate stories to each other, which we learned directly from witnessing other people telling them. Many of these collaboratively composed stories were among the earliest things written down when a culture encountered writing, such as the Iliad and the Odyssey, the Mwindo Epic, and Beowulf.
In this episode, your hosts Gretchen McCulloch and Lauren Gawne get enthusiastic about how writing things down changes how we feel about them. We talk about a Ted Chiang short story comparing the spread of literacy to the spread of video recording, how oral cultures around the world have preserved astronomical information about the Seven Sisters constellation for over 10,000 years, and how the field of nuclear semiotics looks to the past to try and communicate with the far future. We also talk about how "oral" vs " written" culture should perhaps be referred to as "embodied" vs "recorded" culture because signed languages are very much part of this conversation, where areas of residual orality have remained in our own lives, from proverbs to gossip to guided tours, and why memes are an extreme example of literate culture rather than extreme oral culture.
Click here for a link to this episode in your podcast player of choice or read the transcript here.
We've created a new and Highly Scientific™ 'Which Lingthusiasm episode are you?' quiz! Answer some very fun and fanciful questions and find out which Lingthusiasm episode most closely corresponds with your personality. If you're not sure where to start with our back catalogue, or you want to get a friend started on Lingthusiasm, this is the perfect place to start. Take the quiz here!
Here are the links mentioned in the episode:
The 'Which Lingthusiasm episode are you?' quiz
'The Truth of Fact, the Truth of Feeling' by Ted Chiang
'The Truth of Fact, the Truth of Feeling by Ted Chiang — Subterranean Press' blog post by Devon Zeugel
'Orality and Literacy' by Walter J. Ong
Wikipedia entry for Grimms' Fairytales
Wikipedia entry for Milman Parry
Wikipedia entry for Homeric Question
Wikipedia entry for Mwindo Epic
Encyclopedia.com entry for Mwindo
Crash Course episode 'The Mwindo Epic'
'The world’s oldest story? Astronomers say global myths about ‘seven sisters’ stars may reach back 100,000 years' by Ray Norris on The Conversation
'The Pleiades – or 7 Sisters – known around the world' by Bruce McClure on EarthSky
Wikipedia entry for Nuclear Semiotics
99% Invisible episode 'Ten Thousand Years'
Wikipedia entry for Aesops Fables
'How Inuit Parents Teach Their Kinds to Control Their Anger' by Michaeleen Doucleff and Jane Greenhalgh for NPR
Deafness and Orality: An Electronic Conversation
Wikipedia entry for The Tale of Genji
Bea Wolf, a middle-grade graphic novel retelling of Beowulf, by Zach Weinersmith
Lingthusiasm episodes mentioned:
'Writing is a technology'
'Arrival of the linguists'
How translators approach a text'
You can listen to this episode via Lingthusiasm.com, Soundcloud, RSS, Apple Podcasts/iTunes, Spotify, YouTube, or wherever you get your podcasts. You can also download an mp3 via the Soundcloud page for offline listening.
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Lingthusiasm is on Bluesky, Twitter, Instagram, Facebook, Mastodon, and Tumblr. Email us at contact [at] lingthusiasm [dot] com
Gretchen is on Bluesky as @GretchenMcC and blogs at All Things Linguistic.
Lauren is on Bluesky as @superlinguo and blogs at Superlinguo.
Lingthusiasm is created by Gretchen McCulloch and Lauren Gawne. Our senior producer is Claire Gawne, our production editor is Sarah Dopierala, our production assistant is Martha Tsutsui Billins, and our editorial assistant is Jon Kruk. Our music is ‘Ancient City’ by The Triangles.
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jtl07 · 1 month
Hi! Am I late to my favorite thing?! I love JT shenanigans 👏🏼📝 But first: the theater au is a really cool idea! I can totally picture the situation, haha. Of course Bea knows all the lines. And wow, the boat prompt 🔥 Okay here comes my prompt: fitness center + «oops my bad»
not late at all! and so glad you like the college theater au - more to come on that soon i hope 🤞
now to your prompt: my mind immediately went to i see you clearly now (i hold you dearly now) particularly this bit:
Beatrice [...] working out at the gym (Beatrice had gently suggested that Ava stay at home after causing a scene that Ava still blames Beatrice for - anyone with eyes would have had the same reaction to you doing hip thrusts, Bea -
(actually, @ant-heia i'm pretty sure you made a comment about this line lol)
so what if we noodle what this scene could've looked like? as in: Ava, still unseen, following along when Beatrice goes to the gym...
[under the cut because it got a little rambly lol]
Ava's not gonna lie: not having a body sucks.
it sucks because she can feel the sun but not really, she can move things but only so much, she can speak but not at times that she can control or predict - all they've figured out so far is that it isn't something they can fix.
and yeah, she misses how it feels like to stretch out on the bed after a good night's rest, misses how it feels like to sleep at all. she misses basking in the sun, misses even the way sweat collects in all those weird places on a hot day.
she misses too: having boobs.
but at least there's Bea's boobs. now, to be clear: Ava does her best to give Beatrice privacy in the apartment, makes sure to be go into the living room or the kitchen when Beatrice is changing or using the bathroom. and she makes sure then whenever she's looking, to only look with the utmost of respect - which is what she's absolutely doing now, tucked into a corner away from the flow of gym folks, the spandex and various levels of undress going unnoticed as she focuses solely on Beatrice's form - the flush on her cheeks, the steadiness of her form, the subtle bounce of her chest with every step she takes as she finishes her warmup on the treadmill.
Ava makes sure to be at Beatrice's side when she steps down from the machine, sees her smile as she registers her presence. and really, that's the only thing that makes this all bearable - Beatrice and her gentleness, her cleverness; the sense of togetherness they've built despite and in spite of Ava's state of being. because to bear witness to Beatrice's life, to live with her even now - it's a gift, even as she is.
and if Ava can be completely honest: witnessing Beatrice at the gym is the best gift she could have ever received.
if she still had her body, she'd have melted by now, watching -respectfully! - as Beatrice works the different muscles of her body, focused and deliberate, grace and power in every move. (and if Ava brushes her hand along the curve of Beatrice's bicep, her shoulder, the outside of her thigh - that's between her and the quiet smirk Beatrice gives her in return.)
she's memorized Beatrice's routine by now so when Beatrice diverts to a bench with a barbell in her hands, she frowns. "you're gonna do another round of chest presses?" Ava asks, confused especially with the lack of a weight rack. while she can help spot Beatrice if she needs assistance, they won't be able to explain a barbell seemingly floating in midair.
"no," Beatrice murmurs and Ava steps back, tucks herself again out of the way as she watches Beatrice carefully sets herself up, sitting on the floor perpendicular to the bench, barbell at her hips, feet braced. Ava has no idea what to expect when Beatrice takes that deep breath she always does before she begins a set and lifts -
Ava swears she passes out.
when she comes to, the first thing she sees is the near panic on Beatrice's face, an expression Ava hates and instantly surges forward to abate with a touch at Beatrice's wrist. "i'm here," Ava says, and feels Beatrice instantly relax.
"are you alright?" she asks, her brow lined with worry. if Ava still had a face, she'd frown (she misses that too, making faces, feeling her feelings on her face) because of course she's alright, she's invisible, nothing can hurt her while she's like this.
then she notices Beatrice's gaze shift to the side - and finally sees the cause for her concern: the long line of dumbbell stands where Ava had been hovering, now overturned like dominoes.
"oops," is all Ava can manage as Beatrice makes a sound that sounds like a sigh and a laugh wrapped in one, "my bad."
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bambiraptorx · 2 months
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[I.D. Two digital drawings of Beatrice and Venus, ROTTMNT OCs. Venus is a version of Big Mama's assistant and Beatrice is a pink, part krang humanoid turtle. In the first drawing Venus holds Beatrice upside down by the leg and grins at her. Beatrice's arms and the leg that is not being held have morphed into tentacles, the 'leg' wrapping around Venus' wrist. Bea stares at Venus with a neutral expression.
In the second drawing, Donnie stands near Venus with an angry expression and his hands raised. He yells "Venus! That's not how you hold a baby!!" Venus, still dangling Bea by a leg, smirks and says "Correction: it'sh not how you hold a baby". End I.D.]
Venus is such a good aunt you guys she's so good with children /silly
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oneforthemunny · 1 year
omggggg i’m gonna need more mafia!eddie with pregnant reader 😭😭😭 please i beg of you
I’ll do a little blurb bc I was inspired so enjoy :)
“Oh, Eddie, look at this.” You gasped, padding over to the small glass case.
Eddie and the boys (plus Max) had business in the city, which meant he was yours for the day. Taking you shopping, spoiling you for the remainder of the time. He’d taken you everywhere you wanted, insisting on starting off at Tiffany’s. You’d gotten emotional that your favorite ring was a little too snug now that you’d started to swell in every place, thanks to the pregnancy, so Eddie was adamant about getting you a replacement for the time being.
The small case contained a bear, a rattle, and other small, fine baby trinkets. You pressed your hands together, eyes watering at the sight of them. “Oh, isn’t that just precious?” Your lip wobbled. “They’re so tiny look!” The itty bitty baby bracelet, that looked like it might fit on Eddie’s thumb, was bringing on your own water works.
“That is.” Eddie hummed, rubbing your back soothingly. “Very cute.”
“Oh, it’s just so small. We’re going to have a baby that small.” You babbled, swiping at your eyes.
Eddie pulled you into his side, pressing a kiss sweetly into the side of your head. The baby hormones were in full swing, the tiniest things setting you off with emotion.
“Would you like to see any of the pieces, Mr. Munson?” The sales lady asked politely, white gloves already reaching for her keys.
“Just get one of each for us, Theresa.” Eddie waved to her flippantly.
“Would you like the rattle engraved?” Theresa asked, waving another sales assistant over to box up the items. “With a name or a message?”
“W-We don’t have a name yet.” You whimpered, lip wobbling in a different name now. A complete turn around from before.
Eddie sucked in a breath, the sales girl’s eyes widening in fear. “That’s ok!” Theresa blurted, urgently and a little nervous. “You can always bring it back when you have one, and we’ll engrave it for you. Complimentary of course.” She added.
Eddie nodded in approval, a dismissive jerk of his head as he crowded you gently. “See honey? We’ll bring the baby back and we could even get the date engraved too.”
You wiped your eyes, feeling a little silly, head still spinning with emotions way out of your own control. “Do you promise?”
“I swear, kitty. I’ll bring you back with the baby and you can get whatever you want engraved.” Eddie stroked your cheek sweetly, the pad of his thumb grazing over your cheek bone.
Sure enough, he was true to his word. Months later, you had your teeny tiny bundle of joy in your arms. Baby Bea with her little Tiffany bracelet on her chubby little arm, swaddled in blankets while you watched them engrave her month and date on the rattle.
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cygnusdoesthings · 2 months
Case File 081: The Unmasking of the Aussie Anon
(Catalogue by Det. C. DoesThings)
Case Description:
On July 12th, 2024, 0108 (AEST), CygnusDoesThings received a message from an anonymous asker, claiming that they were Australian. CygnusDoesThings then proceeded to try to figure out the identity of this Australian Anon- often shortened to Aussie Anon.
From there, multiple people have joined the case as we have investigated.
This is a long post. You have been warned. It may be a little overwhelming. I will reblog this post with status updates.
@cygnusdoesthings (Codename: Cyg or Cygnus) as Lead Detective
@igotthisaccountunderduress (Codename: Iggy or Rosie) as Assistant Detective
@quotidian-oblivion (Codename: Quo or Quotidian) as Lead Investigator, Organizer, and Catering
Involved Suspects and Identities being Interrogated;
@brb-on-a-quest (Codename: Birb) as scribe,
@walkthruthewords (Codename unknown) as Birb's Mutual (Adjacent Role: Lawyer)
@gracefulchristiangirl (Codename: Gracie) as informant.
Jury Members (If you wish to not be involved, feel free to message me and let me know!)
@auroraofthesun1 (Codename: Aurora)
@book-girl4eva (Codename: Bea)
@thomasstaples (Codename: Thomas)
@myfairkatiecat (Codename: Katie)
Suspects Ruled Out (or not): (unless proven guilty)
Katadastical (Australian, Cyg's Mutual) (i think i got a message from her or smth, not her)
dsabian (They/Them). Has been following along most posts. Just I think likes observing (tags).
MispeltNostoglia (Australian, Cyg's Mutual) (Lack of Activity)
Iggy (Being Canadian) (And this)
foursixtwonineoh-pieces-of-lego (Evie) (Fitting Criteria)
ah0yh0y (Fitting Criteria) (Denial)
ko1e (Mutual, Australian) (Hasn't done Anything on Tumblr. Like. At All)
its-stairs-time (Stairs) (Aussie Quo Mutual) (Unlikely)
the-echos-error (Echo) (Aussie Quo Mutual) (Unlikely)
foineswoine (Pigeon) (Aussie Quo Mutual) (Unlikely)
godsenther (hasn't responded lmao)
brb-on-a-quest (Birb) (Still a Major Player) (but unlikely to be culprit)
gracefulchristiangirl (Gracie) (Still a major player)
periwinkle-the-11th (Codename: Peri). Has been following along, and has been online at the exact times of the anon asks. I have not yet pulled her into this investigation, but it is worth keeping an eye on her. (American.)
Assistants: N/A.
Anon Asks so Far
Original. The catalyst. If you want to see how this all happened, this is a good place to start.
Unrelated (Anon 2). Thank you for the well-wishes.
Mysterious Anon Maybe That I'm Just Realising Probably Was The Red Herring. Birb sent a reblog that outlined that we missed a red herring. My theory is that we missed this.
Anon Mentioning The Involvement of Gracie. This is... Incredibly suspicious. Gracie has inserted herself into this case (btw i totally do not mind, we have fun here), and has brought to our attention.. several other suspects.
Gracie In Disguise (Evidence: here)
Matching Fish Posting: Birb, Quo, Cyg, Walking. Fishy Anon is not innocent; but also not necessarily Aussie Anon. We need to find out who they are. (I'm pretty sure it's Gracie.)
Informant, possible code anon. Focusing on the capital letters. Code yet to be deciphered.
(right in front of you) (Binary Anon)
Series of asks, from an unknown (presumably) The Original Aussie.
Series of asks from the original Aussie Anon. Focusing on the capital letters. Code yet to be deciphered. Knows my status on discord. Possible leak.
1 (Do people lie on the internet?)
2 (A Fan of Fans)
3 (Well-Wishes from An Anon)
4 (Akabura Western Hats)
5 (Straight Shootin’)
6 (Are Hints the Norm?)
7 (a swing and a miss.)
15th July, 2024 asks:
1 (Along the Way)
2 (Still Figuring it Out?)
3 (Blind)
Binary Anon and Binary Anon Poem
Jury Anon
Birb. Sent by someone to give us a red herring. Who sent (i dont know what your pronouns are) Birb? They at least have possibly connections to whoever sent the message, and we would love to know who did, under what circumstances, and, most of all, how to contact them.
Update: Birb is the Red Herring Anon, and the Sending Information anon, but not the Aussie Anon. Evidence.
walkthruthewords. A mootal lawyer. Is kept in the loop, but seems.. suspicious. Met with cooperation, but passed the blame to Gracie.
Update: Involvement as an mooterny only.
Gracie. Possible ally. Will need to interrogate further regarding fishy anon asks and the ask about who she tagged. But.. very suspicious. Multiple people involved with the Innocence Ask have pointed to her, as well as the Fish Ask itself.
@godsenther. Has not yet responded. Aussie. Recently made a personal Tumblr account. Is in the server I posted updates to. Knows me on Discord. Can be cryptic as hell.
And one other.
Current Process of Investigation (outlined by Quotidian):
interrogating birb about the details of the red herring
investigating the mutuals who are most likely to find cyg's post
Go through the notes of each of the unmasking posts and see who interacted and interrogate them
Try and lure kindly convince the anon to send another ask to one of us
Beg the Aussie anon to give us a hint
Drop to our knees and surrender ourselves to the nimbleness and cleverness of the Aussie anon
Interrogation and Progresses
> Detective Thread 1: Process
> Detective Thread 2: Decoding
> Detective Thread 3: Anons and Identities
> Interrogation Room 1: Birb (With Walking as a mootual lawyer)
> Interrogation Room 2:
\The Final Confrontation:
Anon Identities
Aussie Anon
Red Herring (And Fishy#3) Anon - @brb-on-a-quest
Advice Anon @mayamohini
Fishy Anon- @gracefulchristiangirl
Fishy Anon #2 (Possibly also the Jury Anon) -
Last Updated: 15th of July, 2024, 6:55pm AEST, by Det. C. DoesThings.
(Thanks for joining the fun. If you want to clarify things, I'm CygnusDoesThings on most platforms, but Discord is the easiest way to reach me.)
> One: Suspicions of my Teammates. (~1pm, July 14th, 2024 AEST)
> Two: Clear of Suspicions & A New Suspect. (~5pm, July 14th, 2024 AEST)
> Three: Thought Process and Private Journal (6:40pm, July 15th, 2024 AEST)
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rottmnt-honeybea · 10 months
Big Mama and Venus’ relationship, are they similar to Silco and Jinx?
I...have not watched Arcane (is that what it's called?) and doing some digging on the wiki and in some forums, I'm not sure if that would be an accurate representation of them.
Venus in my fic swings between obediently following Big Mama, and secretly despising her with every fiber of her being.
On the one hand, Big Mama gives her food, a place to stay, consistent work to do, and praises. She can be very motherly and caring when she wants to be.
On the other, Venus is basically a prisoner to Big Mama. She can't just come and go as she pleases, she—
Ope 🫢 spoilers
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lilmoonsun · 1 year
Bea you going to visit lunar?
Bea: Yep, My break is rn... Oh hey little guy! ❤
Lunar: Bee Bee!!⭐ -He hugs her leg while he felt happy to see her but he stares at the Sun animatronic-
Sun: Brother....🌞
Lunar: stupid face... ⭐
Moon: Oh great the dumb doll... I thought you're watch the pizzaplex... 🌙
Lunar: I was... ⭐
Bea: No fighting boys..
Boys: Sorry.. 🌞🌙⭐
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