#Assamite antitribu
crownedinmarigolds · 4 months
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Requested by the gorgeous @heywizards/ @vampiremood - my various commissions sorted specifically by the vampire clans! :D What a fun idea thank you! Team Banu Haqim! (Well, Jesse is Antitribu but he counts.) Just three of them so far! :0 Names and owners beneath the cut ~
Vesper belongs to @informaltorching! Elijah belongs to @urist-goromi!! Jesse Steele the Antitribu belongs to @discodiablo!
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modern--nights · 6 years
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Assamite Antitribu
When Clan Tremere cursed the Assamites, turning vampire blood toxic to the clan of diaberlist assassins, a few dissidents decided to turn their backs on Alamut and their brethren instead of bending the knee to unbelievers. They found a new home in the Sabbat as the Assamite antitribu, using their martial prowess for the Sword of Caine.
Instead of revering Haqim, the Assamite antitribu despise their founder just as they do all the Antediluvians. Their preferred role model is the first vampire, Caine, who they see as the paragon of their species. Many of them strive to become closer to Caine by lowering their generation by draining the blood of other vampires, usually Camarilla elders.
Other than belief, however, the Assamite antitribu are remarkably like their parent clan. The older they become, their skin grows darker in color, eventually turning jet black. Most of them adhere to a crude code of honor that conforms to the tenets of their sect. Lastly, they are intensely driven fanatics ready to sacrifice their unlives for their cause.
Nickname: Angels of Caine
Disciplines: Celerity, Obfuscate, Quietus
Weakness: Every time an Assamite antitribu drinks vampire blood, the player should roll Self-Control or Instinct (diffculty 3 + the number of blood points consumed). If this roll fails, the character becomes an addict. Once hooked, the character will take any opportunity to drink the blood of a Cainite. When they are given the chance to do so, the player should roll Self-Control or Instinct (diffculty 6). If this roll fails, the character enters frenzy and attacks the target, drinking as much blood as possible.
Quote: “Nothing is true; everything is permitted.”
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vdillustration · 6 years
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Six Portrait
This is my friend’s OC, Six. Yes, that’s a codename ;) She was a secret agent before becoming a vampire assassin - Assamite Antitribu. She’s terrifying <3 This kinda matches my Lily portrait. I might do a series of the whole Sabbat Pack at some point!
Done in Procreate
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thirstforvitae · 2 years
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Since I did the blorbo bingo thing, i've decided to do the banu haqim bingo for orsino too. Here's a quick explanation of the results:
*judging you quietly*: usually true, but if provoked, he is perfectly capable of judging you out loud too.
HUNGRY: that's what you are when you use most of your blood for blood sorcery and most kindred are reluctant of letting a serial diablerist feed off them
Concealed weapons: when you're in the sorcerer caste you are the weapon.
"Me? Diablerist? NEVER." : he's using irony, of course.
Weird Aura: a) diablerie leaves marks on one's aura. b) a banu haquim sorcerer's aura is so stained with magic that it is blazing; hence there is little way to mistake one for anything else.
"DON'T call me Assamite": although Orsino recognizes that the term 'assamite' is outdated and technically only refers to the antitribu members of the warrior caste, he'll allow it; if only for the terror the name spreads.
Local sheriff: He's not a fan of that position and he'd never seek it out for himself.
Resident party pooper: This one actually depends on the mood his shadow is in. However, he's not above yelling to toreadors and/or brujas to 'keep the ruckus to a minimum or, by Lord, I'm gonna come down there and fry you'
Rules for days: Oh the joys of Alamut and the Sabbat alike
Creative punishments: Now this one's purely the Sabbat's fault
Self-disgust: Catholic priest. Who was forced to lose his true faith. Who was embraced in the Sabbat. Who, then, was trained to be an assassin. Who still tries to adhere to catholic values. Do i need to say more.
Always cleans after rituals: see above: rules for days.
Owns a judge robe: he doesn't, but he owns something better: a cassock
Owns a blood chalice: He's considered it, but changed his mind when he saw how small and impractical chalices are. He's happily settled to using a regular water glass since; mainly because it's easier to wash them
Celerity and obfuscate AT ONCE: It is in the assassin job description.
Keeps tabs on everyone: That one is in the clan duty description and holds a key part in Haqim's teachings. After all, how are you going to judge the actions of Kindred if you don't keep an eye on them?
Names their weapons: weapons are inconsequential, the end goal is what matters
Actually not THAT deadly: Heh. Hehe. Hehehehe. Challenge him at your own peril.
"A blood boil will teach them!": Consider getting a blood boil as his warning shot. If you continue he'll just explode your head.
Loves to death: he's proven that many times (see: @guard-dogbiscuits )
"DON'T tell me to relax!": sayeth your resident ball of tangled nerves
Every coterie fears them: They should
Every coterie needs them: Theoretically, yes; but in practice most coteries wouldn't trust him enough or wouldn't be able to cope with his rigid routines and set of rules
"We did blood sorcery first!": *cue a detailed meta followed by a 100-slide presentation on Dur-An-Ki.
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viviae · 4 years
Vampire the Masquerade x Arcana AU
No one will know what I’m talking about this is a Vampire The Masquerade Au, vampire the masquerade is a ttrpg game focused on clans of vampire with unique traits trying to exist in the modern world while blending in with humans. I can’t post a link because tumblr will be angry but you can find more information on whitewolf . Wikia . Com if you are curious
Clan: Lasombra (antitribu/Queen of Shadow)
Feeding Style: Bagger (only feeds off of blood bags, not mortals)
Nadia is the mayor of Vesuvia, Lucio is the camarilla prince. They are married for masquerade purposes to explain why Lucio has such a sway in government even if she despises how he runs the Camarilla
Lasombra and has a deep connection to the abyss, following a 20 year torpor (vampiric deep sleep) before becoming mayor she became connected to the abyss and prophetic
Elder vampire
Left the sabbat where she was previously a Queen of Shadow, or a politican who interacts closely with human society and does not interact with the cruelty of the sabbat
Became a bagger after leaving the sabbat, she is very high humanity and feels uncomfortable feeding from humans. Mainly blue blood
Portia has been working with Nadia since she’s been elected and already knows about Nadia being a vampire and it’s a very close guarded secret Nadia told her in confidence. One of the only times Nadia has broken the masquerade
Nadia doesn’t dominate individuals frequently but it’s a still a threat she uses when working with the courtiers.
Clan: Toreador, (his beauty obsessions are violence and gaudy gold)
Feeding Style: Siren (only feeds off of sexual desire, needs a high amount of resonce)
Prince of The Camarilla, runs a high end bar in town that leads to most of his social connections and where he keeps fed.
Despite Nadia not being an official figure in the Camarilla she is the mayor and frequently over powers his authority and she needs the camarillas protection so they got married
Has committed the greatest taboo: Diablere (consuming a vampires soul to acquire more power)
Diablerized his sire and father almost immediately after getting embraced for power, his aura his permanent tainted so normally individuals that can detect his diablerie tend to go missing
Had his arm burn off by vampire hunters and was therefore unable to heal from it. Commissioned Asra’s parents who were real magicians to craft his arm. Due to the danger of having magicians in the city as well as them detecting his diablerie they went “missing”
The courtiers are all members of the sabbat (Valdemar is a tzimisce, Vlastomil is a brujah antritribu, Vulgora is an assamite, Volta is a nagaraja, and Valerius is a Ventrue with questionable intentions) causing many members of the camarilla to question his intentions and goals.
Clan: Tremere, embraced outside of the pyramid and follows Carna’s teachings
Feeding: Consental (only feeds off of individuals when freely approving)
Asra’s parents were both magicians meaning Asra was born with high magicians. This made him very appealing to the tremere despite him never officially being a member of the pyramid
Follows carna’s teaching of the occult as well as him learning how to break blood binds between vampires and ghouls (when humans feed on vampiric blood without embracing but causes them to lose a degree of free will)
Grew up homeless with Muriel still but when Lucio made Muriel into his scourge and ghoul Asra was embraced shortly after by an unknown sire
Also became close with Julian who was a ghoul as well to Lucio
Most likely met MC who was a freshly embraced tremere in the pyramid, they ran away with Asra and he broke their blood bindings to the higher members of the pyramid but at devastating cost to MC
Also runs an occult shop with some odd tastes and acquisitions, he is pretty well known around the city for the shop and has a hide in plain sight philosophy
Race: Human, was previously a ghoul to Lucio
Scourges in The Camarilla do the princes dirty work, most of the time they are glorified executioners and assassins
Muriel despite being mortal and only a ghoul gained a reputation quickly in vampiric society to be feared, he was forced to work in daylight as per Lucio’s command when vampires would be in rest or hiding and kill them. Including any other ghouls they had
This was miserable and hell and he was living a life at constant risk and needed to be protected by Asra during the nights. This promoted Asra to begin to seek out Cartha’s beliefs to free Muriel
Muriel has since been free of his blood binding, he lives out in the woods outside of the city where vampires generally avoid out of fear of werewolves and few humans
He knows the secrets of vampiric society as well as Lucio’s diablerie, he’s worked with Nadia before to give her information in exchange for extra protection but seeing as he’s risk to the masquerade he lives mainly in fear and isolation
Race: human, was a ghoul for a short time
Julian works at a rather dingey hospital that is always being fought over by vampires for its blood bank
He gets caught in a lot of cross fire between vampiric society because of this but by in large pretends he doesn’t see more suspicious things
Lucio did try to make Julian a ghoul, shortly after Lucio was attacked by vampire hunters he sought Julian’s medical advice, Julian made an off handed comment about Lucio’s vampiric features and was a ghoul for about a month to try to erase his memory of the event
Lucio does still like Julian’s medical opinions and has sought to embrace him as a vampire a few times as Julian would peak the interest of clan Toreador (flare for the dramatic and love of the arts as well as his intellect being beneficial to the clan) but has not embraced him yet
Nadia pulled weight and refused to let Julian be embraced due to her relationship with Portia
Julian still retained the ability to quickly heal his wounds from being a ghoul and is constantly questioning why it is, paired with the gaps in his memory he is investigating the vampiric world on his own
Race: Human
Works for Nadia at the mayors office as her assistant where she has forged a close bond with Nadia
Portia has become fully aware of Nadia’s status as a vampire and exactly how high up the ladder she is
She has gained an eye at pointing out other creatures of the night to keep herself safe and to avoid their culture, but she does let herself get curious into the inner workings
Has to pull a lot of strings to keep Julian safe from vampiric society as he keeps trying to find the answer very clumsily. Because of this she one of the few mortals considered to be important to vampires
Nadia has pointed out to Portia that she does possess blue blood as well as Julian, making both of them desirable to be fed on. This has also prompted Portia to look into their family history to figure out answers
She is strictly unallowed to be embraced, Lucio tried to make her into a ghoul to get an insider to look into Nadia but she was able to fend herself from him, which is very impressive for a mortal
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missn11 · 4 years
OC Picrew!
I was tagged by @quarantinedisco​​ :D
I’m tagging @badass-at-fandoming​​ @persephonechiara​​ @nessynoname​​ @robotslenderman​​
BTW all my OCs here from VTMB
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Barbara, my low humanity Toreador Antitribu, betrayer and destroyer of the LA Camarilla and Anarchs and former lover of the (this timeline) late Nines Rodriguez, who I did my first Sabbat path playthrough in Clan Quest Mod with. https://missn11.tumblr.com/post/190459668581/httpswwwdeviantartcomnk11artbarbara-revampe#notes https://missn11.tumblr.com/post/190811425826/oh-those-better-nights#notes https://missn11.tumblr.com/post/190795816326/missn11-defiant-even-to-the-bitter#notes
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Tuba, my Banu Haqim (Assamite) who turned her back on Kindred society to join the Kuei-jin believing them best to rule LA, as well a close confident and lover of Ming Xiao. https://missn11.tumblr.com/post/189202882481/tuba-the-assamite-by-nk11-so-ive-been-playing#notes https://missn11.tumblr.com/post/612778223224389632/ill-keep-you-safe-in-my#notes
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Taika, my low humanity Tremere Antitribu, believing herself to be destined to save LA from the Ancient sleeping in the sarcophagus, she betrays her lover and prince, Sebastian LaCroix as well her beloved mentor, Maximilian Strauss, to join the Sabbat in stopping the Ancient. https://missn11.tumblr.com/post/613323065403850753/taika-httpswwwdeviantartcomnk11arttaika-834#notes
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Gloria, my high humanity Ventrue who was a dominatrix turned spy for the Anarchs and the secret childe of Prince Sebastian LaCroix and also, my tallest OC, by being 6′3ft XD I don’t have a proper fanart picture that shows off how she’s meant to be but rest assured, I will get to it at some point. :)  
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churchofcaine · 5 years
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Hierarchy in the Sabbat
The Sabbat is a more anarchaic and religious Sect than the Camarilla, and their titles reflect this. In this post, we’ll be discussing the particulars of the lower rungs of power in the Sabbat.
True Sabbat
A True Sabbat is a Vampire who has passed his Creation Rites- a sort of acceptance ritual- and been recognized as a child of Caine and member of the Sabbat with all rights and duties that entails. The member can add their blood to the Vaulderie chalice, participate in city-wide Ritae, and enjoys increased autonomy. Creation rites range from complex tasks such as stealing a Camarilla leader’s belongings, killing another vampire, or freeing yourself from a dangerous situation without frenzying, all the way to surviving a gang-style beat down from the rest of the Pack.
Before this point, the vampire, known as False Sabbat. has no rights. They are property of the Pack. If another pack attacks them, they cannot retaliate and have no means to strike back unless their own pack takes offense at their property being damaged. False Sabbat are often abused by Nomadic packs, who tend to take an “easy-come-easy-go” attitude towards potential members. Only the vaulderie they are forced to drink (or blood bond if a priest in unavailable) keeps them docile, as the artificial feelings of companionship and love rage against humiliation and fury over their treatment.
A rare title seen only amongst large Sabbat domains or packs, the Abbot is charged with maintenance of the Communial Haven in Sabbat domains, or the securing of a safe Haven for Nomadic packs. They may also provide nourishment, help other members heal their wounds, and ensure the overall fighting fitness of the pack.
The Ducti are the leaders of the Sabbat packs. They form the most basic unit of leadership and the title is heavily contested. A Ducti may be “field promoted” to a new pack due to bravery shown in a siege or in facing down a Camarilla lick. Unlike Camarilla territories, the position is not guaranteed, it is earned. Whether through consent of other pack members, through fear of their power, or through sheer charisma, is dependent on the attitudes of the pack in question. Ducti handle all temporal matters for the pack, and unless challenged, their word goes. Of course an overbearing Ductus can soon find himself staked and left for the Dawn, so most are capable manipulators rather than authoritarian tyrants. Lasombra most often occupy this role, but Brujah, Ventrue, Serpents of Light, Salubri Antitribu, and occassionally Assamite Antitribu also have been known to be Ducti.
The iconic position in the Sabbat and certainly one of the most evocative. Priests ensure the spiritual well-being and unity of their packs. Priests oversee all Ritae in the pack, assist members in controlling their beast, provide aid in walking a Path of Enlightenment, teach Noddist lore, and redirect tensions in the pack through War Games and rituals. Priest themselves are often holy men of a sort, further along a Path of Enlightenment than any other member. They are trained in the most important Ritae - the Auctoritas- and often know a variety of Ritae from other packs or that they themselves have developed- known as Ignobilis Ritae. Tzimisce are most often priests, but Toreador, Gangrel, Malkavians, and -oddly- Nosferatu are also known to frequently assume the position.
Their most important duty is the administration of the Vaulderie. More than merely mixing Vitae in a cup, the Vaudlerie is often treated as a Communion with Caine. To perform, the Priest must have a bladed weapon used for no other purpose than the Vaulderie, and a chalice capable of holding all the Vitae. The priest generally shares a few words - most opt for some lines from the Book of Nod or other Noddist scripture- before drawing the knife across their skin and depositing a drop of blood in the Chalice. The Chalice is passed around and when each member has added to it (False Sabbat do not add their blood, only drink it) the Priest consecrates it. Whether to Caine, freedom, Jyhad, the Sabbat, or each other, the faith that flows from the pack transmutes the Vitae into something MORE. Each member drinks, and a weak blood bond is formed between members. The vaulderie is extremely imprecise. Some member’s feelings remain unchanged after drinking, and some are overtaken by a sudden affection toward their packmates. Even at its most potent, the Vaulderie is nowhere near the overwhelming obsession and false love the Blood Bond entails. Regardless, Vaulderie has numerous benefits. First, trust is increased between the pack. Second, the member can no longer be blood bonded. This allows the Sabbat a key advantage over the Camarilla in warfare: drinking from other vampires is virtually risk free. Finally, repeated sessions increase the Pack’s feelings towards each other and can erode even the strongest blood bond given enough time.
Join me again, neonates, when we discuss the higher ups of the Sabbat.
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rotten-ash · 5 years
What are your general thoughts on the different clans?
Let’s do it alphabetically, hm? 
Clan Assamite; Usually don’t show up without a reason. Getting one on your good side is a charm. They pay well and hold their deals.
Clan Brujah - Waste of space. Rabid shits that will act on nothing but their instincts. Stupid and good for nothing but to hit things, and barely even that. 
Followers of Set - Haven’t met many? Don’t really have any opinions on them to be honest with you. 
Clan Gangrel - A bit too focused on the wild, if I am to be honest. It distances them from humanity and what’s still important. 
Clan Giovanni - Good for business, but keep an eye out. They are sneaky and grabby for things they want.
Clan Lasombra - Nasty fuckers. Don’t like them. But only the Camarilla part of them. The Sabbat part? Don’t mind those guys, they are not nearly as pretentious and upstuck as the ‘antitribu’ 
Clan Malkavian - Usually very reliable. I never understood the issue most see with the Malkavians. You just need to keep an open mind, and be aware of potential changes. 
Clan Nosferatu - Best clan. 10/10. 
Clan Toreador - Too varied to judge as a clan, really. But if someone is infiltrating it will be as a Toreador or Brujah, so keep out for that. Some are great, some are not.
Clan Tremere - Don’t let them touch a n y t h i n g. 
Clan Tzimisce - Nasty. Weird in the head. Don’t like the powers they have and don’t like what they do with them. 
Clan Ventrue - I think without those guys most of everything would have collapsed by now, have to give them some kudos for that. Can be a bit upstuck sometimes, a bit like the Giovanni, really. 
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geek-patient-zero · 5 years
Part 1, Chapter 4
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Blood War: Masquerade of the Red Death Trilogy Volume 1
Washington, DC--March 11, 1994
Meet Makish, another Assamite assassin. He’s waiting in front of Union Station for a two o’clock AM meeting with his “mysterious employer.” It’s 1:59.
A small, slender male, with mahogany skin, slicked-down black hair, and too-wide smile, Makish attracted little attention other than that of an occasional bum asking for a handout. Or a hooker hoping to make some spare change. The few policemen, anxious to make it through the shift without any trouble, treated him as if he was invisible. Whenever one of them walked by, Makish grinned widely and sang out in a high-pitched, nasal voice, “Good evening, officer. I am waiting for my ride home, officer. Good to see you, sir.”
The “act annoyingly nice” method of getting city people to avoid you works, but I’m not sure it’d go so well for a clearly non-white dude doing it to a cop.
Union Station is the most secure building in DC’s southeast side. Half of the capitol is apparently like something out of a Snake Plisskin movie, or the beginning of Demolition Man where the street gang had anti-aircraft weapons.
The nation’s capital was infested with drug lords, crime bosses, and crooked politicians. Each controlled packs of thugs who engaged in a violent, ruthless war for territory. The small, outmanned, and outgunned District of Columbia police force had long conceded the street to the outlaws. North and West, where the major government buildings stood, were comparatively safe. The National Guard helped keep the peace. South and East, near Capitol Hill and the train station, justice came from the muzzle of a gun.
Remember the author’s note at the start of the book: the setting is a harsher, crueler version of our own world. What this usually means when it comes to Vampire: The Masquerade is that even ignoring the vampires, demons, etc., things are worse than in real life. The gap between rich and poor is larger. Slums are more run down and unlivable. The crime rate, especially homicide, is higher. The politicians and police are more corrupt. Corporations are more untouchable and all-powerful. There’re more specific examples too, like the levees in New Orleans being more poorly built and prone to breaking and flooding the city. Obviously that bit didn’t age well after 2005.
I know what you’re thinking. The most obvious and cynical take here’s that, except for all the supernatural crap, there’s no actual difference between real life and the World of Darkness. It’s 2019, and Poe’s Law reigns.
But whatever the case, this theme is usually subtler elsewhere than here in Blood War, where the fucking capital of the United States is under siege by street gangs to the point where the National Guard has to defend the seat of power but leave the rest to the street gangs and the drug lords and politicians they secretly or not so secretly work for.
Makish looks down on DC’s criminal element. See, he’s not just an assassin. He’s an artist.
Makish couldn’t understand the senseless violence. The cheap hoods who killed for gang honor and loose change disgusted him. They acted like wild animals, with no appreciation for art. Murder needed to be done with style, with panache. Makish was a connoisseur of extermination. Most Kindred thrived on blood. Makish drew his sustenance from murder. He was the supreme assassin in the world of the undead.
Fun fact. In later editions of the tabletop, the Assamites have three different castes: warriors, sorcerers, and viziers. Viziers are the “scholars and artisans” of the clan. Like Makish, they take their art seriously and obsess over it. Unlike Makish, the art doesn’t have to involve killing people. It’s easy to think Makish is a vizier, but since this book came out early in the tabletop’s existence I don’t think viziers were a thing yet. At least not like how they’re described in the link. So he’s more likely just an eccentric warrior.
“I believe you are waiting for me?” asked a voice slightly behind and to the right of Makish. It was exactly two hours past midnight.
“That’s how you arrive exactly on time, McCann, you wuss.”
Makish is caught off guard, since no one’s passed by him for a few minutes. The speaker, a tall and lean figure in a raincoat and slouch hat that hides their identity, appeared from nowhere. He beckons for Makish to walk with him out to the streets, saying that it’s more private outside and “there is work to be done.”
Their destination is east, in Washington’s worst slums. During their walk, they talk business, and we learn that Makish was the one who hired McCann’s would-be assassins on his employer’s orders. The employer’s aware that the assassins died, but he’s all “as expected, things are going exactly as planned” about it like a Greg Weisman villain.
“The other arrangements you requested proceed on schedule,” said Makish. “The work will be finished tomorrow.”
“Excellent,” said the stranger. “Though I expect no less. You come highly recommended. And cost too much for the services you provide.”
“I charge what I am worth,” replied Makish. “Success cannot be measured in mere dollars.”
“A wonderful sentiment for these times,” said the other dryly. “You have an artist’s temperament. In a few minutes, we shall discover if your skills match your arrogance.”
Then raincoat guy’s stripping.
Reaching up, the stranger removed his hat. Makish’s eyes widened when he saw his employer’s features. The speaker’s chalk-white face was that of a long-dead corpse, with decayed skin stretched across his hairless skull. Streaks of crimson stained his cheeks and forehead. With a smile, the horror turned to the assassin. “I am known as The Red Death. Touching my flesh would be a terrible mistake.”
Ah. It’s just Red D. revealing his identity to Makish.
Makish nodded, watching the stranger remove his raincoat.
Underneath the raincoat, the Red Death is still wearing the tattered shroud held together with moldering bandages he had on at The Club Diabolique. He knows enough to hide his identity in public with a coat and hat, but doesn’t want to compromise on his ancient horror look by putting on a pair of sweats or some shoes. The narration said earlier that the streets are empty because it’s the middle of the night and there’s a cold snap, but that’s no guarantee someone isn’t watching. If I were hanging around a slum at two AM, an ugly stranger wearing a coat but no pants or shoes would draw my attention more. I’d think he’s a flasher and I was about to get an eyeful of his withered zombie penis.
Or, that he’s a sitcom protagonist on his way to his girlfriend-of-the-season’s place with a sexy surprise, but uh oh, her parents are visiting, and after some wacky misunderstandings and pratfalls they’ll get an eyeful of his withered zombie penis.
No, wait, you know what he looks like, with his coat and hat over his shroud and wrappings? Imagine a cosplayer who’s been walking the floor of a convention for hours. They’re tired, their makeup and costume’s getting messed up, they’re cold, and they clearly don’t give a shit anymore so they just put on a coat over their elaborate get-up and wander around for another half hour before calling it a day.
They’re still walking east through this crime-infested neighborhood, Makish presumably dressed like a normal person and the Red Death like a half-naked mummy (though not a World of Darkness mummy, as they’re yet another creature that exists in it). The coat and hat aren’t mentioned again, so it seems that Red D. just dumped them on the sidewalk somewhere, like a normal person would. He’s also got his Body of Fire discipline activated.
Though he stood several feet away from the grim figure, Makish could feel the heat emanating from the Red Death’s body. It felt as if the mysterious vampire was on fire, without the flames.
Things have gotta feel awkward for Makish right now. The Red Death makes things even more uncomfortable by changing the subject immediately after revealing himself to grill Makish about his past.
“You are a renegade, no longer obeying the commands of your clan?” said the Red Death. It was more statement than question.
“The Society of Leopold killed my sire,” declared Makish defensively. There was little respect among the Kindred for those vampires without a clan.
They don’t use the word here, but Makish may be what Kindred call an antitribu. Antitribus are vampires who reject the political loyalties and culture of their clan, usually by joining the opposing sect or going independent. Think of a Brujah in the Sabbat, or a Lasombra in the Camarilla. Makish has left the already independent Assamites to become a free agent. Next book, we'll learn he's willing to take contracts on other Assamites, which is forbidden in the clan. While I’m not sure if that makes him an antitribu if you go by the strictest definition, I think it’s close enough that you can call him one.
Makish was one of those vampires who’re close to their sire. He wanted revenge on the Society of Leopold for killing them, but the Assamite elders at their main base in Alamut, Iran refused, concerned that letting him go all Death Wish on human enemies would jeopardize the Masquerade. Remember, while the Camarilla are the sect most obsessed with upholding the Masquerade, according to this book it was first started by the methuselahs after the fall of the Second City, so all vampires are supposed to follow it. Makish ignored orders and killed the humans involved in the hit. And the humans who ordered the hit. And their families. In total, Indian Charles Bronson here killed one hundred and fourteen people to avenge his sire.
“I thought it only proper to make a personal statement of my grief. My sire deserved a fitting memorial.”
Phht. Artists...
The elders at Alamut don’t tolerate loose cannons even if they’re damn good cops assassins, and attempted to summon Makish back to “explain [his] actions.”
“I politely but firmly declined the invitation. That was when I began working as an independent contractor.”
“Six Kindred disappeared delivering that request,” said the Red Death, chuckling.
“They refused to accept my decision as final,” replied Makish. He spread his arms out, as if appealing to a jury. “I had no choice but to convince them that I meant what I said. Five further failed attempts finally convinced Hasan’s minions to leave me alone.”
Makish notes that the Red Death knows quite a lot about him.
“My plans involve both the Camarilla and the Sabbat,” said the Red Death. “While the Camarilla claim this city, there are traces of the Sabbat here as well. I require an assistant loyal to neither sect. You are the best available choice.”
Remember back in the previous chapter when I was ranting about how some of the mystery around the Red Death was compromised so soon after his introduction? You notice how I never brought up how he just straight up announces his Sabbat affiliation? That’s because he was lying about that.
They’ve walked three blocks since the start of their conversation. The narration gives us another taste of the World of Darkness’s version of Washington, DC.
They were deep in the heart of gang territory. With the ruins of rusted cars, weed-infested lots, and seedy tenements, the street resembled photos of war-torn Sarajevo more than the capital of the United States.
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Laying it on a little thick there, Mr. Weinberg.
The Red Death stops in front of a deserted-looking building, described as a “gutted brick structure.” He senses some vampires inside.
“The Camarilla rules the capital, but they cannot be everywhere. A Sabbat pack controls the drug traffic in this part of the city. It is time for them to learn the meaning of fear.”
The plan’s simple, but a classic villain move. Red D. will deal with the vampires, Makish with the ghouls except one. They’ll need a survivor to tell the story.
Question is, why does Red D. need Makish for this part of the plan at all? He was perfectly capable of leaving witnesses during his rampage at the Club Diabolique, and he shouldn’t have any problems handling mortals. It might have to do with how the Sabbat operates. Their low level cannon fodder troops tend to be vicious, stupid, and treated as disposable. I wouldn’t be surprised if they’d do that fight scene thing where there’s one mook standing who’d just watched one guy take down all of their buddies but charge him anyway, kamikazeing on the Red Death’s literally hot bod.
They enter the building and eventually come to a basement stairway, but it’s guarded by two security cameras. The Red Death’ll probably have Makish hack them. In Bloodlines, you’d have to find a computer and have a high enough hacking stat (or more likely just look up the passwords on Gamefaqs, because why waste the experience points when you could just do that). Or he’ll just destroy them. Beyond teleporting, it’s not like the Red Death is big on stealth, dramatic bastard that he is. Or-
“Childish toys,” said the Red Death. “I assume you can neutralize them.”
Makish nodded and pointed a finger at the devices. After a few seconds, he smiled. “I froze the picture on their screen,” he declared. “Anyone monitoring the hall will see nothing unusual. I disabled the traps in the floor and walls at the same time.”
...Or Makish could use his psychic powers to remotely hack the cameras and eliminate all the traps. The fuck!? What discipline is that!? If this were the tabletop this would lead to a long derailing argument with the storyteller.
“Fools,” said the Red Death. “Depending on machinery for protection is the mark of incompetents. They deserve to perish.”
People who say shit like this tend to have had laptop trouble--or since this is 1994, VCR trouble--a few minutes beforehand and are being passive aggressive about it. The Red Death’s probably just pissed that his technological illiteracy made him miss an episode of Beverly Hills, 90210.
They head downstairs to a small foyer with all the security stuff, including the video monitors Makish psychic hacked, and a large biker-looking ghoul.
His first glimpse of Makish was his last. He died silently, his head twisted about a full 360 degrees. Though not very big, the Assamite assassin had incredibly strong wrists.
Impressive, but how did he achieve that? Did he twist the ghoul’s head a few times like a bottle cap? Or did he just smack him so hard his head spun around like that scene from Kung Fu Hustle?
They enter this Sabbat pack’s main headquarters, and Red D. flexes his inner drama student again.
“Greetings from the Camarilla,” he announced in a harsh voice. “I am the Red Death.”
"Yes, 'tis I! The Red Death of The Camarilla! I like to do Camarilla things! Antediluvians don't exist! Diablerie is baaaaad!"
Compared to the Club Diabolique, this drug den is a sad little affair. There’s just two vampires, finishing off a victim, and eight more biker or punk-looking ghouls gathered around a TV and watching Beavis and Butthead. No, really, I’m not making a joke. They’re watching Beavis and Butthead. It’s to show that they’re “typical young punks” but to be fair there’s no proof that the Camarilla vampires from earlier also don’t watch B&B during their free time. They just wouldn’t watch it at the club because the parts where Beavis and Butthead riff on rock music videos would piss off old man Vargoss. 
Anyway, Makish immediately gets to work.
Ghouls were tough, stronger and quicker than normal human beings. The taste of vampire blood heightened their awareness and physical abilities. But they were helpless as children against the assassin.
Again, no mention of the whole “no free will, slaves to their master” deal with ghouls.
Makish moved so fast that his motions blurred. He raced from punk to punk in an intricate pattern, resembling a complex dance. His fingers, hard as steel, ripped and tore at the bodies of his foes.
There’s several sentences about all the geysers of blood he’s causing and how it’s splashing everywhere and how the drug den looks like a slaughterhouse now. Normally a vampire would have trouble controlling themselves around so much spilled blood.
Unlike most vampires, Makish held the beast within his soul under tight control. So much warm blood would have sent other Kindred into a mad frenzy. Not Makish. He drank blood when necessary, for the physical nourishment it provided his body. Killing gave him life.
Sounds like someone’s been getting good hunger rolls. Or is it willpower rolls? I’ve never played the tabletop game.
The Beast. It doesn’t get brought up that often in this book. It’s the name Kindred use to refer to the bundle of monstrous urges and compulsions they constantly have to keep in check. Here’s what the White Wolf wiki had to say about it:
“Beast is a term used by vampires to describe the inner predator that strives for control over a cainite's mind.
The Beast is an innate demonic predator that awakens within each and every vampire upon their Embrace. It stands in direct opposition to a vampire’s Humanity (and in some cases the Paths of Enlightenment) and is responsible for many of the debased urges Cainites feel on a nightly basis. In times of extreme distress the Beast can overwhelm a vampire forcing them into a state of pure animalistic fight or flight, which is referred to as Frenzy or Rötschreck.”
If they don’t keep their inner beast under control, a vampire ends up going into a frenzy, uncontrollably killing anyone they either perceive as a threat or who they can feed on, consequences and Masquerade be damned. For example, if Makish were to frenzy right now, he’d kill every ghoul in the room against the Red Death’s wishes and then ravenously try to slurp up all the blood he spilled. Or he’d just run away because there’s a fire monster in the room and fire is bad.
All the other Vampire: The Masquerade media I’ve seen, like Bloodlines and L.A. by Night, tend to focus on the Beast with all the drama and pathos you can expect from monsters trying to keep their humanity. Sometimes they get too wanky about it. Blood War is different in this regard. Maybe it wasn’t as focused on in the early days of the franchise.
We get several paragraphs describing Makish’s kills, and learn more about his “artistic” mentality.
“To the assassin, art meant style and substance. Makish served as his own worst critic.
Don’t we all, buddy. Don’t we all.
A satisfactory murder required a minimum of effort with a maximum result. He strove to waste not a motion. Death was a broad canvas on which he painted his masterpieces of destruction. Whenever possible, he worked with Thermit. The explosive powder provided flash and color to an otherwise drab business. Though the assassin’s expression as he worked remained fixed, mentally he strove to attain the blessed state of the perfect kill.
He kills the first three ghouls in thirty seconds, each in different ways.
The first ghoul died with its throat torn out, nearly decapitated. The second collapsed on the floor in a steaming pile of its own insides, ripped from it with a disemboweling stroke of needle-like claws. The third screamed once, then choked to death on his own blood as Makish slammed his nose into his brain.
This is how Makish’s kills are typically described. The ones that don’t involve explosives, anyway. A simple move, and the victim explodes into a pile of gore, described graphically but almost offhandedly by the narration. He’s dancing around killing these guys in varying ways, and the way it’s portrayed I can see how it could be “artistic”. It still gets tiring after a while seeing yet another description like: “Makish slapped the ghoul on the back, causing his entire digestive tract to rocket out of his mouth. AAAAARRRRRRRRRTTT!!!”
The fourth ghoul is the one Makish spares to tell the story later. He smacks him out of the room, into the foyer. Instead of running, the fool conveniently watches in horror as Makish finishes off his buddies in under a minute.
The triumph of his art rushed through him like a powerful drug. He found the exercise an invigorating, if short, encounter. Simple, uncomplicated deaths, they required little effort. The truly satisfying kills, those done with explosives, would come later.
Yadda, yadda, yadda, you get the point. AAAAARRRRRRRRRTTT!!!
Makish checks to see how the Red Death’s doing. The big guy’s got the two Kindred by the throat, one in each hand, and, in contrast to his quicker Diabolique Club kills, is slowly cooking them alive. Soon, though...
The monstrous figure laughed. A wave of incredible heat poured out of his body, sending the temperature of the room soaring. With a faint popping sound, a trace of fire appeared around the Red Death’s fingers, like a crimson set of brass knuckles. The imprisoned Kindred shrieked in unbelievable agony as the tiny flames touched their cheeks, setting them ablaze.
They burned like dry, rotted wood. Flesh melted, eyeballs exploded, bones crackled and burst like rotted sticks. Makish, no stranger to violence, shook his head in amazement.  In a thousand years of murder he had never witnessed anything like this before. The Red Death was approriately named. He was flame incarnate.
Impressive, but remember that during all of this Beavis and Butthead is playing on the nearby TV. Their uhhhhuhuhuhs and hehehehehes would be heard over the Red Death’s little show. It ruins the moment a little.
(Heheheh! Fire! Fire! Fire!)
Their chosen witness runs away, and everyone else is dead. The Red Death is pleased. He expects news of this will spread.
“The Sabbat anarchs will demand immediate revenge against the Camarilla.”
Sabbat “Anarchs” huh? Well, that’s another thing I’ll have to rant about later. This chapter recap’s long enough.
"Prince Vitel and his council of advisors will retaliate swiftly to any such action. They know the Sabbat hungers to control the capital. A push or two in the right direction should finish the job. A single incident will escalate quickly into a major battle between the rival cults.”
“A Sabbat attack is assured. Leaving me free to pursue my objectives without interruptions.”
The Red Death smiled. “It is almost too easy.”
So Red D.’s acting out false flag operations in order to start a war (a blood war, you could say, and Makish does) between the Camarilla and the Sabbat, which’ll distract both of them from whatever he’s planning. Makish points out that hundreds, maybe thousands of vampires will die. The Red Death concludes by hinting at his true goals.
“The existence of the entire Cainite race depends on the success of my mission,” said the Red Death, all humor gone from its voice. “If I fail, entire generations of vampires will die in a slaughter unmatched in history. I must succeed, no matter the cost.”
*softly, from the other side of the room* “Settle down, Beavis.”
Now there’s one major flaw in Red D.’s plan I can point out. So far, his false flag attacks involved him arriving at a faction’s haven, introducing himself and declaring his allegiance to the other faction before killing a few people. But why is he exposing himself at all? Last chapter, Tyrus Benedict mentioned that the Camarilla has spies in the Sabbat, and presumably the Sabbat has spies in the Camarilla as well. Wouldn’t those spies discover that the same horrible fire vampire is attacking both sides, and come to the conclusion that he’s trying to start a conflict? Even without the spies, wouldn’t they discover the deception when one side, I don’t know, demands that the other side turn over the Red Death or something? Maybe Red D.’s counting on the tit for tat bullshit between the factions crossing the point of no return before it could make a difference? And the Camarilla and Sabbat would never actually team up against him. But he’s still drawing unwanted attention to himself, and at least some resources will be used against him that wouldn’t otherwise if he stuck to the shadows and kept his big dumb mouth shut.
Or maybe I should follow Makish’s lead.
Makish, who had been employed by fanatics many times in the past, knew better than to respond.
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theonyxpath · 5 years
Now available from our RedBubble store: Stickers! We’re starting off with unlocking a ton of Vampire: The Masquerade material, both modern and Dark Ages:
Dark Ages Clan Shield: Assamites (sticker)
Dark Ages Clan Shield: Brujah (sticker)
Dark Ages Clan Shield: Cappadocians (sticker)
Dark Ages Clan Shield: Followers of Set (sticker)
Dark Ages Clan Shield: Gangrel (sticker)
Dark Ages Clan Shield: Lasombra (sticker)
Dark Ages Clan Shield: Malkavian (sticker)
Dark Ages Clan Shield: Nosferatu (sticker)
Dark Ages Clan Shield: Ravnos (sticker)
Dark Ages Clan Shield: Toreador (sticker)
Dark Ages Clan Shield: Tremere (sticker)
Dark Ages Clan Shield: Tzimisce (sticker)
Dark Ages Clan Shield: Ventrue (sticker)
Masquerade Sect: Anarch Movement (sticker)
Masquerade Sect: Camarilla (sticker)
Masquerade Sect: Sabbat (sticker)
Masquerade Sect: Independents (sticker)
Masquerade Sect: Tal’mahe’ra/The Black Hand (sticker)
Masquerade Clan: Assamite (sticker)
Masquerade Clan Variant: Assamite antitribu (sticker)
Masquerade Clan: Brujah (sticker)
Masquerade Clan Variant: Brujah antitribu (sticker)
Masquerade Clan: Followers of Set (sticker)
Masquerade Clan Variant: Serpents of the Light (sticker)
Masquerade Clan: Gangrel (sticker)
Masquerade Clan Variant: Gangrel antitribu (sticker)
Masquerade Clan: Giovanni (sticker)
Masquerade Clan: Lasombra (sticker)
Masquerade Clan Variant: Lasombra antitribu (sticker)
Masquerade Clan: Malkavian (sticker)
Masquerade Clan: Malkavian antitribu (sticker)
Masquerade Clan: Nosferatu (sticker)
Masquerade Clan Variant: Nosferatu antitribu (sticker)
Masquerade Clan: Ravnos (sticker)
Masquerade Clan Variant: Ravnos antitribu (sticker)
Masquerade Clan: Toreador (sticker)
Masquerade Clan Variant: Toreador antitribu (sticker)
Masquerade Clan: Tremere (sticker)
Masquerade Clan Variant: Tremere antitribu (sticker)
Masquerade Clan: Tzimisce (sticker)
Masquerade Clan Variant: Old Clan Tzimisce (sticker)
Masquerade Clan: Ventrue (sticker)
Masquerade Clan Variant: Ventrue antitribu (sticker)
Masquerade Bloodline: Ahrimanes (sticker)
Masquerade Bloodline: Anda (sticker)
Masquerade Bloodline: Baali (sticker)
Masquerade Bloodline: Blood Brothers (sticker)
Masquerade Bloodline: Caitiff (sticker)
Masquerade Clan Variant: Panders (sticker)
Masquerade Bloodline: Cappadocians (sticker)
Masquerade Bloodline: Children of Osiris (sticker)
Masquerade Bloodline: Daughters of Cacophony (sticker)
Masquerade Bloodline: Gangrel (sticker)
Masquerade Bloodline: Harbingers of Skulls (sticker)
Masquerade Bloodline: Kiasyd (sticker)
Masquerade Bloodline: Lamia (sticker)
Masquerade Bloodline: Lhiannon (sticker)
Masquerade Bloodline: Maeghar (sticker)
Masquerade Bloodline: Nagaraja (sticker)
Masquerade Bloodline: Noiad (sticker)
Masquerade Bloodline: Salubri (sticker)
Masquerade Bloodline: Samedi (sticker)
Masquerade Bloodline: True Brujah (sticker)
Masquerade: V20 Ankh (sticker)
Masquerade: V20 Skeleton Creeper (sticker)
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Dystopia Rising: Evolution: Dystopia Rising: Evolution rulebook
They Came from Beneath the Sea!: They Came from Beneath the Sea! rulebook
Trinity Continuum: Trinity Continuum (core rules and Trinity Continuum: Æon)
Exalted: Dragon-Blooded: What Fire Has Wrought
Exalted: Lunars: Fangs at the Gate
Vampire: The Masquerade: V5 Chicago by Night
Chronicles of Darkness: Chronicles of Darkness: Dark Eras 2
Geist: The Sin-Eaters: Geist: The Sin-Eaters 2nd Edition
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modern--nights · 5 years
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vdillustration · 6 years
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Party Time
Here are some more badass Vampire the Masquerade OCs: my Tzimisce Lily, and my friend’s Assamite Six. I love them both - Lily is the caregiving Pack Priest, and Six is her biggest project ("Please stop killing people, before you lose all your Humanity...")
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gefdreamsofthesea · 6 years
For those of you who are interested in Bloodlines 2 but don’t know anything about VtM/don’t want to play Bloodlines for whatever reason, here is a summary:
You are a big scary vampire, but you are actually a small fish in a big pond and practically everyone wants to use you and then stab you in the back.
The factions:
Camarilla: They are basically The Man but you know, literal bloodsuckers
Anarchs: Anarchists but again, literal bloodsuckers
Sabbat: Vampires who believe vampires should do vampire things, the “evil” faction, although everyone’s a dick they just happen to be dicks who don’t give a fuck
Independents: Exactly what it says, keep to themselves basically, might get to play them as DLC
The clans (note: each faction has clans that typically join that faction but there are exceptions, called antitribu, so a Lasombra that joins the Camarilla is a Lasombra antitribu).
Camarilla clans (AKA the ones you’ll most likely get to play as)
Brujah - Uh, strong? I don’t know anyone who is really like FUCK YEAH BRUJAH! Down to fight.
Gangrel - When you’re a furry but you don’t want to play Werewolf
Malkavian - walking ableist tropes, basically the Chaotic Neutral of OWoD (in that everyone wants to play one but no one knows how to play them properly) I still love them and think they have some of the best lines in the first game
Nosferatu - The Bad: You’re really, really ugly. The good: You can turn invisible.
Toreador The Anne Rice vampire, easily distracted by beautiful things (no really this is their official clan weakness)
Tremere - Magic and backstabbing, nobody trusts them in universe but fans love them because Thaumaturgy is awesome
Ventrue - Capitalists
Sabbat clans (AKA you probably won’t get to play as them right away but they’ll probably be DLC or even their own storyline)
Lasombra - Proud shadow people
Tzimisce - Think of them as sculptors only they use flesh instead of clay
Independent clans (AKA probably definitely DLC)
Assamite - Assassins
Followers of Set - Snake people
Giovanni - Necromancy! And incest.
Ravnos - Romani stereotypes
Those are the main ones that were in or mentioned in Bloodlines, I don’t know how much the new edition has retconned or changed.
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lotusdelusion · 6 years
VtM clans for (some) DGM characters
Allen: (dominate) Malkavian                       Cross: Ravnos Kanda: Brujah                                             Tiedoll: Toreador Lavi: Tremere                                              Nine: Gangrel Krory: Nosferatu                                         Sokaro: Assamite Link: Ventrue
Adam/Earl: Tzimisce                                   Tyki & Lulubell: Lasombra Road: Malkavian (antitribu)                         Sheryl: Giovanni Wisely: Salubri                                            Skin Bolic: Nagaraja    
( also consider THIS POST )
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chromaticthird · 3 years
// vampire: the masquerade verse ideas
// don’t mind me im just gonna ramble to myself (tw!!! mentions of blood, blood fetishism, killing, and a form of cannibalism)
still stuck on whether i’ll have him embraced into a clan that actually fits his personality or into one that just happened to be the clan of his sire
the two options:
a. banu haqim – assamite antitribu ( –> autarkis? ( –> ????? ) )
- where he garners the interest of a da’i of the assamite antitribu who’d been under the guise of one of kisa’s business associates. after years of observation, he’s abducted and embraced at the age of 20. with grit teeth and a morbid curiosity for the unlife he’d been dragged into, he dutifully serves his sire for the expected 14 yrs, all the while gaining their favour for his unique approach and perspective that aided towards an alliance with house genji (a main kuei-jin house involved in a conflict over the control of tokyo)
- so yeah he could either stay in tokyo and basically exist as an emissary between the house genji and the sabbat – so neck-deep in the politics of it all
- or he could finally be sent overseas, maybe to california, to aid in the main conflict against the camarilla, only to discover just how vast this world of darkness actually was, and it urges him to break out of the mold his sire had fashioned him into. gives him a renewed vigour and near obsession towards the pursuit of a cause that would actually be worth staking his final death on
- disciplines: celerity, obfuscate, quietus
- derangement: blood fetishism, later on. perhaps after over-relying on quietus through the years he had to devote to his sire?
b. malkavian / autarkis
- niki dies. but not through an illness this time; it’s because he’d been embraced. and he returns for one of his monthly visits with the intent of embracing saruhiko because lmao let’s doom the already fucked up kid into another ‘life’ with a hunger for blood and chronic derangement. he’s a malkavian, but of course he won’t tell saruhiko as much. much less about the existence of the clans and sects and disciplines. thankfully, desperate hiding and the lack of kindred presence (particularly camarilla) in tokyo didn’t make enlightenment too daunting of a task.
- …okay it was hella daunting because he had to rub elbows with some kuei-jin who fortunately didn’t kill him on sight, and it’s after gaining enough insight to hack into their database that he learns of the kindred and of his particular affliction.
- so it’s here that this could stand as a ‘standard’ vampire au, where saruhiko just also happens to have derangement as an extra handicap, because why even involve himself in the politics when the camarilla doesn’t know of him and the kuei-jin don’t deem him a threat? (un)life and suffering goes on lol
( - lowkey highkey wanna make him diablerize niki at some point (basically kindred cannibalism, but it’s to the point of final death, and while it’ll enhance his blood and abilities, it could also result in part of niki’s soul residing within him oof))
- disciplines: auspex, obfuscate, dominate
- derangement: sanguinary animism (gaining the memories of those he feeds on. drowning in them for hours after)
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missn11 · 4 years
I was tagged by @badass-at-fandoming​ thanks so much! :D
I’m gonna tag @midnight-musings-at-venturetower​ and @nessynoname​
let’s see I think I’ll do my VTMB OCs: Gloria, Tuba and Barbara. I would do Taika but I’m currently writing a short story of her and LaCroix and I have no idea if I’m going to have LaCroix’s fate be the same as in the good ending of the Sabbat path or not...
Anyway, let’s start with Gloria, my Anarch Ventrue who had a complicated relationship with her sire Sebastian LaCroix before she gave him the key to his doom.
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still need to do a pic of her XD
✖ FINANCIAL – wealthy / moderate / poor / in poverty
✖ MEDICAL – fit / moderate  / sickly / disabled / disadvantaged
✖ CLASS OR CASTE – upper / lower / middle / working / unsure
✖ EDUCATION – qualified / unqualified / studying
✖ MARITAL STATUS – married, happily / married, unhappily / engaged  / partnered / divorced / widow or widower / separated / single / it’s complicated
✖ CHILDREN – has children / no children / wants children / adopted children
✖ FAMILY – close with sibling / not close with siblings / has no siblings / siblings are deceased / it’s complicated
✖ AFFILIATION – orphaned / adopted / disowned / raised by both parents
✖ disorganized / organised / in between
✖ close-minded / open-minded / in between
✖ cautious / reckless / in between
✖ patient / impatient / in between
✖ outspoken / reserved / in between
✖ leader / follower / in between
✖ sympathetic / unsympathetic / in between
✖ optimistic / pessimistic / in between
✖ hardworking / lazy / in between
✖ cultured / uncultured / in between
✖ loyal / disloyal / in between
✖ faithful / unfaithful / in between
✖ SEXUALITY – heterosexual / homosexual / bisexual / asexual / pansexual / omnisexual / demisexual
✖ SEX – sex repulsed / sex neutral / sex favourable
✖ ROMANCE – romance repulsed / romance neutral / romance favourable
✖ SEXUALLY – sexually adventurous / sex experienced / naive / inexperienced / curious / uninterested
✖ COMBAT SKILLS – excellent / good / moderate / poor / none
✖ LITERACY SKILLS – excellent / good / moderate / poor / none
✖ ARTISTIC SKILLS – excellent / good / moderate / poor / none
✖ TECHNICAL SKILLS – excellent / good / moderate / poor / none
Next is Tuba, my Banu Haqim (Assamite) who betrayed her own fellow Kindred as she had the belief that the Kuei-jin deserved to rule LA and fell in love with the Kuei-jin leader, Ming Xiao. 
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✖ FINANCIAL – wealthy / moderate / poor / in poverty
✖ MEDICAL – fit / moderate  / sickly / disabled / disadvantaged
✖ CLASS OR CASTE – upper / lower / middle / working / unsure
✖ EDUCATION – qualified / unqualified / studying
✖ MARITAL STATUS – married, happily / married, unhappily / engaged  / partnered / divorced / widow or widower / separated / single / it’s complicated
✖ CHILDREN – has children / no children / wants children / adopted children
✖ FAMILY – close with sibling / not close with siblings / has no siblings / siblings are deceased / it’s complicated
✖ AFFILIATION – orphaned / adopted / disowned / raised by both parents
✖ disorganized / organised / in between
✖ close-minded / open-minded / in between
✖ cautious / reckless / in between
✖ patient / impatient / in between
✖ outspoken / reserved / in between
✖ leader / follower / in between
✖ sympathetic / unsympathetic / in between
✖ optimistic / pessimistic / in between
✖ hardworking / lazy / in between
✖ cultured / uncultured / in between
✖ loyal / disloyal / in between
✖ faithful / unfaithful / in between
✖ SEXUALITY – heterosexual / homosexual / bisexual / asexual / pansexual / omnisexual / demisexual
✖ SEX – sex repulsed / sex neutral / sex favourable
✖ ROMANCE – romance repulsed / romance neutral / romance favourable
✖ SEXUALLY – sexually adventurous / sex experienced / naive / inexperienced / curious / uninterested
✖ COMBAT SKILLS – excellent / good / moderate / poor / none
✖ LITERACY SKILLS – excellent / good / moderate / poor / none
✖ ARTISTIC SKILLS – excellent / good / moderate / poor / none
✖ TECHNICAL SKILLS – excellent / good / moderate / poor / none
Annd finally Barbara, my low humanity Toreador Antitribu who ended up joining the Sabbat and much murder and sad things happened, especially to her former lover NInes Rodriguez! :(
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✖ FINANCIAL – wealthy / moderate / poor / in poverty
✖ MEDICAL – fit / moderate  / sickly / disabled / disadvantaged
✖ CLASS OR CASTE – upper / lower / middle / working / unsure
✖ EDUCATION – qualified / unqualified / studying
✖ MARITAL STATUS – married, happily / married, unhappily / engaged  / partnered / divorced / widow or widower / separated / single / it’s complicated
✖ CHILDREN – has children / no children / wants children / adopted children
✖ FAMILY – close with sibling / not close with siblings / has no siblings / siblings are deceased / it’s complicated
✖ AFFILIATION – orphaned / adopted / disowned / raised by both parents
✖ disorganized / organised / in between
✖ close-minded / open-minded / in between
✖ cautious / reckless / in between
✖ patient / impatient / in between
✖ outspoken / reserved / in between
✖ leader / follower / in between
✖ sympathetic / unsympathetic / in between
✖ optimistic / pessimistic / in between
✖ hardworking / lazy / in between
✖ cultured / uncultured / in between
✖ loyal / disloyal / in between
✖ faithful / unfaithful / in between
✖ SEXUALITY – heterosexual / homosexual / bisexual / asexual / pansexual / omnisexual / demisexual
✖ SEX – sex repulsed / sex neutral / sex favourable
✖ ROMANCE – romance repulsed / romance neutral / romance favourable
✖ SEXUALLY – sexually adventurous / sex experienced / naive / inexperienced / curious / uninterested
✖ COMBAT SKILLS – excellent / good / moderate / poor / none
✖ LITERACY SKILLS – excellent / good / moderate / poor / none
✖ ARTISTIC SKILLS – excellent / good / moderate / poor / none
✖ TECHNICAL SKILLS – excellent / good / moderate / poor / none
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