redratt · 2 years
Beatrix & Whisper
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Pack priest who dresses like either a goth hooligan or a white dad on vacation / her first childe who got turned in like 78 or some shit
I need to draw her other two childer-- the one who was the ball in a game of sabbat football, and the one who was a hunter.
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salems-lots · 2 years
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Nearly forgot to post Joon Andrew ( @mekanikaltrifle ) Hours from last month, can't do that to clan Toreador
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tzimiscecore · 2 years
I just wanted to say, for the record, that seriously, playing in a sabbat pack is one of the greatest catharses possible
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esotericchorus · 3 years
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Remember to brace yourself when your antitribu friends says this while your coterie is being menaced by baddies.
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loxanchives · 3 years
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Sable -salubri antitribu- Sabbat Archbishop
Her fascination with the Tremere is.. well fascinating. If I didn’t know any better I’d say the chantry closed up just to avoid confrontation with her. She’s obsessed with historical record’s going back so far as Caine but her real goal is likely closer to her own family tree.
She’ll do just about anything to get access to the chantry, she’ll even play nice if she think’s it’ll get the door open. In the meantime though she’s hell bent on keeping the Camarilla influence to minimum. Can’t have anyone meddling in her little history project can she.
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seems-like-it · 4 years
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labaguettegameuse · 4 years
Playing antitribu again (even if I have a love/hate relationship with this mod) as a Lasombra (even if I’m way too human and too sensitive to be one of them) with the shadows of New York ost in my ears to be truly in the mood.
Ps; I was dicking around with my powers and I might have killed Max and his apprentices in the chantry. ... and I’m not sure if I quick save before doing so. Tough fight too. Should I assume my decisions and the consequences ? Should I continue in the doom world that I created ?
If only I could dick around with the sheriff and Lacroix.
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The Dead
She remained on her bed for a long time, almost as if in shock. She knew this was coming, saw it from a mile away, and yet it still stung like a dagger twisting in her gut. Rogue. Never to go home. Never to gain rank. Never to be smiled at, laughed with, taught by the people that had been with her since this entire thing began. Everything hurt. Everything stung. The feather piece atop her dresser was the worst of it, a sharp reminder of exactly the family that she lost. That she still loved. Rosemary no longer had the energy to sob, to cry, so though her shoulders shook she was nearly completely silent. The mark on her forehead felt like a burning brand, a reminder of her failures, of all that was given up. She remembered being told what this would be like. The Black Hand warned her. Doubt, pain, uncertainty...he was right. He was right about all of this. She hadn’t realized grief would well up like a bubble even after the sentence she already knew she would receive came down. Soon, she’d talk to her pack. Soon, she’d talk to Serafino. It was far too important to make sure the Blood Accords weren’t simply worked around. But now, she grieved. It was almost funny how the only words she could think to speak aloud weren’t anything but a quote. “We are the dead.”
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laraemmanuelle · 5 years
Vampire the Masquerade Bloodlines ANTITRIBU #02 - A Dor de Ser Mercúrio
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onemilliondoorways · 6 years
Watching Outstar on twitch play the antitribu mod for bloodlines. Holy hell it looks good, wtf! 0.0 Warning, that’s not the start of the playthrough! Somehow I managed to find a video right in the middle of it...
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modern--nights · 6 years
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Assamite Antitribu
When Clan Tremere cursed the Assamites, turning vampire blood toxic to the clan of diaberlist assassins, a few dissidents decided to turn their backs on Alamut and their brethren instead of bending the knee to unbelievers. They found a new home in the Sabbat as the Assamite antitribu, using their martial prowess for the Sword of Caine.
Instead of revering Haqim, the Assamite antitribu despise their founder just as they do all the Antediluvians. Their preferred role model is the first vampire, Caine, who they see as the paragon of their species. Many of them strive to become closer to Caine by lowering their generation by draining the blood of other vampires, usually Camarilla elders.
Other than belief, however, the Assamite antitribu are remarkably like their parent clan. The older they become, their skin grows darker in color, eventually turning jet black. Most of them adhere to a crude code of honor that conforms to the tenets of their sect. Lastly, they are intensely driven fanatics ready to sacrifice their unlives for their cause.
Nickname: Angels of Caine
Disciplines: Celerity, Obfuscate, Quietus
Weakness: Every time an Assamite antitribu drinks vampire blood, the player should roll Self-Control or Instinct (diffculty 3 + the number of blood points consumed). If this roll fails, the character becomes an addict. Once hooked, the character will take any opportunity to drink the blood of a Cainite. When they are given the chance to do so, the player should roll Self-Control or Instinct (diffculty 6). If this roll fails, the character enters frenzy and attacks the target, drinking as much blood as possible.
Quote: “Nothing is true; everything is permitted.”
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toreadorkable · 7 years
Golden child, Lion boy; Tell me what it’s like to conquer. Fearless child, Broken boy; Tell me what it’s like to burn. –oh darling, even rome fell // gallixie
Aesthetic made by allxria​ of my Ventrue antitribu, Yves. Thank you so much 💙 His Pinterest board can be found here x
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for-peace-war · 7 years
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Svetlana Zuyeva as “Nightfall” by HaneMS.
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vampyrekitteh · 8 years
Character Backstory: Rebecca Sandoval
Rebecca Sandoval was born on July 14th, 1944 in Jacksonville, Florida, to parents Thomas and Audrey Sandoval. She grew up an only child in a middle class household; traditional nuclear family. Her parents held onto some values that would be considered traditional, but they weren’t strict by any means. They taught their daughter things all girls should know, but her father also wanted her to be able to do some things boys could do as well, as times were changing somewhat. Her father didn’t want her to be dependent on a man, he wanted her to stand on her own. He pressed her to do well in school and wanted her to go to college. She did the best she could, but she was an average student. Her grades consisted of mostly B’s and C’s and a couple of A’s. Her parents weren’t too happy about the C’s but she was trying her best. She graduated high school in 1962 and she applied to several colleges and she got into a Christian university in Miami. Her father paid for her tuition and off she went.
Rebecca settled into school and made a few friends. She liked living in the dorms and in a different city than her parents. She started to venture out at night and found a group of people she liked. She started smoking marijuana with these people and they got her interested in civil rights. She attended several demonstrations and rallies, and even traveled to Washington, D.C. to hear Dr. Martin Luther King, Jr speak. This was when he delivered his “I Have a Dream Speech” on August 28th, 1963. She was inspired by this and became more and more involved in advocating for the rights of black people and women. When the school got wind of her extra-curricular activities, and her grades started to suffer, she got expelled. She wasn’t too awful sad about that, as she had already started living with her friends and didn’t care for school much. When her parents heard about it, however, she was basically cut off and disowned from them. This didn’t really bother her too much either, as she had ways to make money. Rebecca was deeply affected by the assassination of MLK in 1968 when she heard about it, but this made her even more determined to fight for the cause she had devoted herself to. She also attended the Woodstock festival in 1969, and it was one of the best and most memorable experiences of her life.
The 70s were filled with Rebecca travelling around Florida with her friends, attending various rallies for various causes and living the “hippie” lifestyle. This mostly consisted of protesting and getting as high as possible on marijuana, cocaine and LSD. In the fall of 1977, she caught the attention of a man, whom had introduced himself to her as simply “Jack”. She never knew if that was his actual name, or his last name. At first, she liked the attention he paid to her, he always called her beautiful, even though she was of just average appearance. Over the next few weeks, he started to get more and more obsessive and forceful, even possessive of her. She didn’t like this at all, as she was an independent woman and a free thinker. She told him to back off several times, and this only seemed to make things worse. Finally, some of her friends told him to leave her alone, and he stopped contacting her, at least for a while. Things calmed down and went back to normal, and she started to relax and let her guard down again.
Jack wasn’t leaving her alone, however, just laying low. He began to watch her from afar, using binoculars, figuring out where she would go. Rebecca eventually found herself back in Miami, in the summer of 1978, and decided to stay there for a while. She got a job at a local restaurant as a waitress and it is at this restaurant that Jack began to frequent. He wore a disguise so that she wouldn’t recognize him, and it had been nearly a year since she had heard from him, so she wasn’t looking for him. She continued to work, and he continued to watch. One night, in January of 1979, Jack followed Rebecca back to her apartment. She never made it back there, as he decided to take her. She never saw him coming, and her life would never be the same again. He took her to a house, down to a basement and kept her there. He wanted to keep her for himself, and never let anyone else have her. He kept her locked in a room inside the basement, it was a nice room with its own bathroom. He kept her there for over a year. He spent a lot of time with her down there and he fed her his blood so that she would “love” him. She did eventually “love” him and let him do things to her she wouldn’t have consented to had she not been under the effects of a blood bond. Of course, she knew what he was, but he wasn’t content with just keeping her as his ghoul. He needed her to be more, to be just like him. He told her of his clan, Brujah, and how he had once been part of a larger society, but went off on his own some years ago. He told her a little about the Camarilla and the Sabbat, and their clans, and she hung on to his every word. He also told her that he was no longer affiliated with either sect, as he wanted to be on his own.
Her embrace was more pleasant than it would have been if she hadn’t been a ghoul and not afraid or repulsed by him. However, something he wasn’t anticipating was that the level 3 bond was broken upon the embrace and she was able to hate him again, only having a level one bond to deal with now. Some “feelings” are still there, but she was horrified and disgusted by the things she did while under his “spell”. He also didn’t anticipate the thirst of a fledgling, and with her enhanced strength and speed, she easily overpowered him. He was the nearest source of blood, so she drank from him, and didn’t stop. She drank as much blood as she could and when she thought he was “dead” she ran as far away as she could get. In reality, she drank him into torpor, and left him there. As a brand new vampire, she didn’t really understand how to kill him. She was just happy that he was incapacitated and appeared to be dead so she fled. She spent a few terrifying nights by herself, and she managed to find shelter away from the sun to sleep during the day. She was found by the Sabbat, scared and uncertain of her future, and they offered her a place to live, to be accepted, if she proves herself worthy. She told them of what had happened to her and what her sire had done, and what she had done to him. They told her that it’s unlikely she killed him, because he would have turned to ash if she had. So, now, she watches for him, to see if he will find her again, always on edge and on alert.
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labaguettegameuse · 4 years
Antitribu mod ; I love you. But at the same time, fuck you. Just because it’s harder doesn’t mean it’s better. Thank you. *go back into playing it immediately*
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geekandsundry · 9 years
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You guys, we're all about the 90s nostalgia here at Geek & Sundry.
The RPG Where Everyone is a Villain - Vampire: The Masquerade
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