#Asks: Etienne
aroseyetbloomedwrites · 4 months
Occam's Razor: A Night of Dessert Flights
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An unpretentious pub at the edge of the Brume which doubles as a vocational school to set the stepping stones for those lost souls needing to reenter society, as well as train up the workforce of the new world; is having its second charity event. Join us for a single night of a fanciful dessert feast. You can try one, or all, and put your favorite to the vote. Whether seeking comfort in the familiar, or trying something new, we hope you'll find your perfect pairing.
Occam's Razor is an immersive, versatile roleplay setting where anywhere from light, to heavy roleplay may be acquired.
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Dessert & Temporary Menu:
Full & Permanent Menu:
Where: Dynamis, Maduin, Empyreum, Ward 7, Plot 24 When: Tuesday, June 11th, 2024 @ 5PM PST. 7PM CST & 8PM EST
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bloons-ask-bloog · 9 months
question for eti : do you and churchill ever pick on each other because of how short you both are? :3
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Churchill's no nonsense mindset doesnt always agree wuth Etienne's "lots of nonsense" personality, not that Etienne minds.
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greenbergwrites · 9 months
I am on my KNEES begging for another part to the feral omega steve and etienne prompt!!! it's so GOOD and I cannot stop thinking about it 😩 (please take this as inspiration and not pushing, I understand the creative juices are difficult to control ❤️)
I was very excited about feral Omegas yesterday, both this story and the original one, and had a whole bunch of ideas that I wanted to get started on today.
Unfortunately, my sleep aid is being wonky so I didn't get a good, deep sleep last night and my brain was rather hazy today. I did manage to cobble together what's below, even though it's not quite as many words as yesterday.
Hope you enjoy it, though!
Part One | Part Two
Bucky doesn’t want to think about what happens when the local Alphas arrive and so he doesn’t. There’s not much to be gained from dwelling on it, anyways.
Instead, he focuses on the Omegas.
He coaxes the feral Omega onto the gurney beside his blue-eyed companion. They cling to each other, their hands entwined, as he finds each of them a blanket to shield them from the cool weather. Once they’re bundled, he manages to scrounge up a couple of chocolate protein bars. He isn’t sure if they were left behind by the medical personnel or if it was something on hand to feed the other humans found in the warehouse. 
He supposes it doesn’t matter. 
Methodically, he unwraps two of them and hands one to each Omega. Pulling up a chair next to the gurney, he watches them both take hesitant bites. The feral Omega doesn’t seem to care much about the taste, but the blue-eyed one makes a face.
Bucky laughs softly.
“I know,” he murmurs, rubbing the boy’s arm through his blanket. “We’ll get you proper food soon. This is just to tide you over. Do you want some water? It helps.”
He takes a bottle from the table, unscrewing the cap and holding it out. The Omega doesn’t take the bottle from him; instead, he puts his lips around it, allowing Bucky to tip the water into his mouth.
The feral Omega pauses in decimating his protein bar, scowling at Bucky until he’s given the same treatment. After draining half the bottle, he goes back to his food.
Watching them settles something in Bucky’s chest. For the first time since he saw them, he doesn’t feel quite so suffocated. They’re warm in blankets he found, their hurts tended to at least partially by his hand, now eating the food that he’s provided. He’s taken care of them and because he did, they’ve calmed considerably.
That knowledge is a living thing under his skin, filling him with a primal sense of pride and satisfaction. This is what he was born for–what every Alpha was born for. To take care of an Omega.
He touches the blue-eyed Omega again, tilting his chin gently until the boy meets his gaze.
“Do you think you can tell me your names?” He asks softly. 
The feral one has been more vocal, technically, but for all his hissing and growling, he’s yet to speak an actual word. He might not be in a state of mind where words are possible, as unsavory as that thought is.
The blue-eyed Omega glances at his companion, who shrugs as he eats the last of his protein bar. It’s the most human gesture Bucky’s seen him display so far.
The Omega sets aside the remnants of his protein bar. He takes Bucky’s hand in his and turns it over, tracing his finger along Bucky’s palm.
Letters. He’s drawing letters.
S - T - E - V - E
“Steve,” Bucky says, once the Omega pauses and looks up at him. The boy nods and taps his own throat. 
His name is Steve.
He looks down and draws again.
E - T - I - E - N - N - E
“Etienne,” Bucky repeats, just to make sure he has it right.
Steve nods and points to the feral Omega.
Steve and Etienne.
Bucky smiles, touching Steve’s cheek.
“Thank you,” he murmurs.
Steve smiles shyly, nudging his fingers.
“Is there something wrong with your throat, Steve?” Bucky asks. “Did they do something to you?”
He shakes his head.
“You can talk?” Yes.
“You just don’t want to?” No.
Steve frowns, looking down at where his fingers still rest on Bucky’s palm. His lips part, breath hitching, but whatever he wants to convey seems too complicated a concept. He shakes his head again, his shoulders slumping. His scent isn’t sour, but it also isn’t as calm as it was a minute before.
Etienne snatches up his discarded protein bar, shoving it into Steve’s hands as he glares balefully at Bucky.
Bucky’s lips quirk. He doesn’t say anything as Etienne successfully distracts Steve from whatever is going through his head. As Steve starts to eat again, Etienne knocks their foreheads together. Steve’s answer is a small smile.
Once his scent has evened out again, Etienne turns his hard gaze back to Bucky.
Don’t do that again, he seems to say.
Bucky pats Etienne’s cheek.
“Don’t worry, pup,” he says softly. “I don’t want to upset him, either.”
Etienne harrumphs, turning his head to bite the meat of Bucky’s palm. He doesn’t sink his teeth in deep enough to break skin. If anything, he gnaws almost gently. 
It isn’t quite a playful gesture, though–-more like an acquiescence and a warning rolled into one. 
On the other side of the tent, a phone pings. Suddenly, Bucky’s reminded that they aren’t alone. The Enforcer is still there, though he’s given them space so that both Omegas can feel comfortable.
He turns just in time to see the Enforcer look up from his phone.
“The Alphas are here.”
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calliettes-posts · 9 months
Would you rank the skam wlw seasons? and could you justify the rankings? I am interested in your opinion. sorry my english :)
Your English is fine! And sorry for the late reply, I just finished s2 of skam españa so that I can answer this properly
1. Fatou (Druck s6)- now this is me being completely biased, but watching Fatous season live honestly was so life changing, I've never seen a black main character be so portrayed in a beautiful and caring way in Germany, and I honestly adore Fatou. I love that her season didn't deal with a coming out, but that she was already an out and proud lesbian, and I honestly LOVE how they portrayed her and Kieu Mys culture. For me, when it comes to black sapphics and sapphics of colour, I feel like they always make their culture a point of conflict, but with Fatou and Kieu My, their sexualities and culture could just coexist without any problem, and that is so special to me. And I absolutely love Kieu My, I love how well fleshed out she is, how we learn more and more about her throughout the season, and how she's more than what she portrays, how she just wants to be seen and not have to be perfect and please everyone all the time, how much pressure she puts upon herself just to make everyone happy, and so much more, I also love how they used her social media to document how and when exactly Kieu My stopped performing and started ro just be herself. Also back to the culture, I loved how they referenced Fatous, Kieu Mys and Avas cultures, it felt like it was made for bipoc watchers, and not to educate the white audience, and that is what made it so authentic imo, because as a black person, I don't need explanation for certain things, like for example when ava explained how mailin behaved at the protest, I immediately understood why she was bothered by it, and so did fatou, and that was realistic, its the small things, but that made me relate to the characters so much more, or when fatou face timed her relatives and relied on her dad to translate to her, these moments are so special to me. I also love the symbolism throughout the season, from Kieu My being the axolotl and Fatou the tortoise to the astrology references to Kieu My being the ice queen and Fatou the warmest person ever, how well they complemented etc etc. Also: " Kieu My, du bist so schön. Ich hab mir ne Liste gemacht an Dingen die so schön an dir sind. Wie du zum beispiel immer deine ohren hinter deinen haaren versteckst, wie du so eng mit deiner Familie bist, und dass du so krass gut mit Horrorfilmen bist. Aber am meisten lieb ich wenn du lachst. Weil dann seh ich dich. Und wie viel liebe in dir ist."Like hello???? Also, the entirety of Sonntag, 13:28, and how they related and bonded with each other through their experiences of being a child in an immigrant family. Generally, I love how much care was put into this season, and that's why Fatous s6 and kieutou will always be on top for me. Also, it's the remake where I don't need any translations for lol
2. Anaïs (Wtfock)- now I know the writing has been disappointing since ep7, but honestly, I am sosososososo grateful to have Anais as a main character in a skam remake. I honestly love her, I love how loyal, caring, and kind she is, and there's nothing that could make me hate her, like that's my nigerian sister, I honestly never thought that we'd get nigerian sapphic rep, and I'm so here for it. As for Anobbie, I love how their development was shown from ep1 to 6, especially ep3, that ep felt like it was straight out of a rom com, from anobbie fleeing together from that Fries place and getting closer to the subtle flirting of Bobbie, to Bobbie looking out for and helping out Anais at the party and with her friends drinking away her dads alcohol, to Bobbie opening up to Anais about her dad and showing her the place where her fathers ashes were sprayed, to Anais and Bobbie getting closer, to Anais arranging a date meeting with bobbie, to Anais playing "I'm gonna make you love me" and making Bobbie dance with her, to Bobbie finally kissing her, like it was so beautiful to watch. Also, I love how anobbie complements eachother and how theyre exactly what the other person needs, Bobbie makes Anais feel free and able to stand up for herself and feel like she's herself, and Anais makes Bobbie feel safe and provide a sense of stabilty, they really adore eachother and would go to great lengths to protect eachother, and I honestly love to see it. Also they reminded me a lot of kieutou, and alone for that they're high on the list. Also, just like Kieu My, I love how fleshed out Bobbie is as a love interest, she's such an interesting character that you want to know more of, and whether you love her or hate her, you pay attention to her, that's how interesting she is and im so here for it. And after druck, they're the remake where I need the least amount of translation for lol
3. Cris- (skam españa s2)- I just finished watching it, and omg, crisana literally invented gay staring, from their first meeting their eye contact was so insane, it got me giggling and kicking my feet lol. I really liked the season, I loved how reassuring and supportive Cris friend group is, how they were there for her every single time she had problems with Joana, and generally they seem like such a sweet friend group, and now i see why they're most peoples fave girl squad. As for crisana, they were so cute, I love how much they adored eachother, and I really love how reassuring cris was with joana at the end, telling her that she won't run away and that she'll be there for her. I also loved howbwe could see just how much cris cared for joana, like she cried in almost every single clip after joana disappears. honestly sometimes forgot that this was an evak remake lol, but I think it did the OG justice
4. Lola (skam france s6)- I don't remember much from lolas seasons except that it was veeeeryy dark, and that she could never catch a break, like why did they make her suffer so much? I feel like her and Maya could've had more development because their relationship felt rushed to me, but they were really cute, and I really love the scene where Maya draws on lola while she's laying there crying, it feels to intimate and special. Also, just like Bobbie, Lola is a polarising character, and I love those types of characters, especially female ones
5. Maya (skam france s9)- this never happened, mayla are still happily together while they work on their issues through proper communication, lola never broke up with Maya, and they still have their tattoo together
But honestly, this was so disappointing, the first time a LI got a season, and then we don't even learn anything about the LI at the end, it feels they just made the season to have an excuse to break up mayla, but we already knew that
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nipchipcookies · 11 months
I often think about the btd6 drawing you did for the barbie movie, it really solidified them being a fun friend trio for me, even if I see Etienne a bit differently
Yesss I love the Quingy, Eti and Benji trio! I remember drawing that piece after drinking (not recommended lol).
Most of it probably is just me putting my favourite heroes in a group cause it makes my brain happy lol. But I do like to think that when they're not out on the field, they're hanging out being complete nerds who are comfortable being silly around each other.
Doodled them cause why not
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the girlies
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esdithequeen · 2 years
etienne rarnis is my son and he is made of sunshine and i love him and he has never done anything wrong ever
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Canon Rijha dialogue
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strange-doll-child · 7 months
Shadow Pianist and one of the Dualists holding hands? (Genderbend)
Yesss <3
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Etiennette and Lottie <33
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connectthedotsdummy · 2 months
Can I get some lore ab Tati/her brothers? :D I love sibling dynamics (also their thoughts on Joey! As a bonus if ur up for it!)
ohhh The ever lovely Etienne family. They're like royalty in the small town of Graveside. The wealthiest, most influential family, they straight up rebuilt the town with their own money and construction company so they are well liked and respected. I'll get more into that if people want it.
I'll start with the oldest for her brothers (Tati is the youngest so she'll go last)
Royal - 41 y/o He's an international super model, he's home the least but everytime he calls he always checks up on Tati. That's his baby. He's a very soft spoken man, bordering on non verbal, but he's extremely sweet- He doesn't know Joey that well but from Tati told him about him. He thinks Joey is a nice and sweet boy. Man also considers Joey a baby though. (Since Joey is 21 most of the story) i gotta work on him some more.
Zyair "Zee"- 40 y/o He's a highschool literature teacher. He has a 4 year old son named Ezekiel, who calls Tati "Aunty Tea". Zyair is extremely protective of Tati and does not like Joey and does not try to. He hides it somewhat because Tati gets mad at him over it. but Zyair sees Tati as if she's still a teenager.
Lucent "Louie" - 38 y/o He's the local librarian, he spent most of his time there as a teenager that when they offered him an assistant job he took it and it went on from there. he's not as soft spoken as Royal and can be pretty blunt (not harsh though, he believes you shouldn't be nasty when telling someone like it is). when he was a teenager, he told one of his moms that he's trans and that helped her realize that she's trans too, they exchanged names and have an annual mother son day every year. - Lucent likes Joey, he sees him often at the library which is a surprise to him because Joey looks like such a jock (he's not lol)
Mykel - 30 y/o He's the youngest older brother besides Po (Tati's twin). he never went to college, refused to go really, he makes most of his money from online entertainment like an 0nlyf@ns. Tati finds Mykel so annoying, that man gets on her nerves often, especially once he finds out about Joey. - Mykel loves Joey, he thinks that boy is so funny and cute, and thinks he's a perfect match to his baby sister's rudeness.
Kaipo "Kai" - 23 y/o Tati's twin brother. he's actually Joey's best friend so he has everything nice to say about him. Joey refers to him as "Po" cause it's cuter to him. but Kaipo runs a blog/video journaling called Weirdos in Washington, where he searches for proof of cryptids in the woods of Graveside. He's already finished with college and about to go to grad school, but he's taking a year off because Tati is so attached to him that he doesn't feel confident to leave her on her own. He wants Joey and Tati to get together faster cause he knows they like eachother, Joey is just silly.
Tatiana "Tiana" - 23 y/o Joey calls her Tati because he misheard her when they got introduced officially. They were actually roommates for a whole semester but because of conflicting schedules they never ran into eachother at their dorm. She actually talked to him for the first time at Po's dnd party, which she didn't want to go to but because one of their members bailed cause she turned down his affection, she felt obligated for her brother lol. anyway, Tati is THE Princess of graveside, and her business is everyone else's business. she never really has a moment to herself without someone gossiping about her. and it doesn't help that she has a habit of sleeping around and NEVER falling in love. So it was a big deal for everyone when word got out that their princess fell in love, and not just with anyone, but the new kid, that no one knows anything about. Especially since Joey definitely doesn't fall in line with Tati's type lol
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vicekings · 4 months
🐌🎲🌫️ for crash and also etienne since you never talk about him anymore ;w;
dsdfsad etienne my dear boy etienne. i dont have a huge interest in dragon age these days but i did do a durge etienne bg3 playthru recently lol. and i do think abt etienne all the time i miss him. look at him. guy of all time
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🐌 do they carry their home with them or is it a place?
crash: if you ask crash where his home is, he's gonna say the matthews family house— though it's a combination of both the place and the people for him
dark urge!etienne: etienne's a gloom stalker ranger, so he considers his home to be wherever he is at the moment. prior to ending up in baldurs gate, he wandered for a very long time and thus never really laid down any roots.
🎲 are they lucky?
crash: incredibly so. he's been born into a pretty goddamn privileged position and has been able to fuck around a lot because of it. he actively acknowledges that the only reason hes gotten any of the success he has in his life is because he was born in the right place at the right time.
etienne: only because i have the ability to save scum his rolls until i get the result i want. listen i respect dice rolls for roleplaying purposes irl, but in a viddy game? i am god here, and i make etienne's luck for him.
🌫️ how does this character feel about lying?
crash: depends on the context, but usually he feels guilty about having to tell big lies. he doesnt mind maintaining kayfabe when needed, but he dislikes not being able to be honest with his coworkers during his initial elweewee run
etienne: gaslight gatekeep gloomstalk. he loves making shit up and putting on little shows to get himself into places he very much shouldnt be. its part of what made him so effective when he was working alongside gortash, and continues to help him out as he walks down his path to redemption and chooses to betray bhaal
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laulo821 · 7 months
Hi! I have a drawing suggestion for you >:)
Draw your OC Etienne either in this or this outfit (you can even do the same poses if you want)
(I could have chosen more interesting outfits but I decided to keep it tame :D)
hahaha orelsan what else did i expect <3 here it is !!
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character-wise it really suits him. white really is his colour. good choice! he'd absolutely like it. character-wise though... unfortunately that's too layered, he'd rip the sleeves apart due to his robo-arms. but he'd definetly keep the coat, he loves it!!
as for the second one....
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bro is literally cosplaying his lover <3 so cute. anyways you actually nailed the pants, it's very close to what he's usually wearing. and he wears a black top too, albeit different - so overall, pretty close to what's going on under his labcoat!! back on this specific outfit, he'd really like the coat, again, it's very fluid, much space for his arms, he would definetly keep it. but doubt he'd really actively wear it unfortunately
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Apart from Hiro, Victor, Ashima, Nia, Kwaku, and a few others, what other international engine calls Sodor their home (or second home in the case of Hiro)?
Well, Hiro ends up staying at Sodor after staying at the Vicarstown Museum and now works at the Tidmouth Pier railway with Gator, nicknamed the “Spirited Away” line since the rails are above water but it gives off the impression that they’re racing in the ocean 🌊 (think Lake Burlinskoye).
I’ve mentioned before that Etienne is part of the Peel Godred Branchline alongside Kana. He was 9004’s sibling and he was on static display at the Cité du Train but since Sodor (and by extension the Mainland) offered to help fix him and others for preparation and ends up meeting the rest of the electric engines, he felt right at home and loved to stay and since the museum agreed cause they couldn’t properly accommodate him.
There’s Gina she was actually part of the early days of Sodor as part of the S&M, she’s very protective and looks out for her other colleagues but she ain’t gotta mess around, she bonds with Emily and Lily over this. She stayed especially when Italy 🇮🇹 in ww2… she’s now works at Edward’s branchline and part time at the earl’s museum (also Beau is there)
there’s also Tracy the tram engine working for the Vicarstown tramway along with Flora and her oc sisters.
also some ocs like Koko, Akira, Kana and Kenji’s sisters, Lucia (which was actually Gina’s old concept art and name is a FS electric locomotive), cfr mountains engines Chinh Sơn and Tuyết Hien, miniature engines Kessie and Polo from Kenya 🇰🇪 Tracy’s sisters Macy Lacy and Stacy.
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bloons-ask-bloog · 8 months
congrats ben on the interdimensional communication! so i wanna know, which of the other heroes do you get along best with?
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Benjamin is chill with most people, especially if they can be needs or work out together, Pat is his gym bro
He and Quincy got an enemies to rivals to friends slow burn going on
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greenbergwrites · 9 months
Green. I’m a starved man. I’ve been rereading your post about Steve and Etienne being feral and Bucky trying to take care of them. If you have anything in your beautiful brain about that to continue off of. I think I’d cry. Love and appreciate you for everything you do and have done <3
Real talk, the original story I’ve been trying to write all year has been a feral!Omega plot inspired by that very post. [I even kept the name Etienne for one of the minor characters 😂]
Feral!Omega is apparently my new fixation and I regret nothing. 
So yes, I will happily continue that story for you.
Original post here for anyone who needs a reminder.
The feral Omega can walk out of his cage under his own steam. His companion, still as quiet as ever, cannot. Along with whatever injury has him bleeding, there appears to be something wrong with his foot. 
Bucky kneels beside the boy, permitted reluctantly by his protector, pursing his lips as he looks it over. The feral Omega hovers just over his shoulder, that warning little grumble-hiss still in every breath he takes. Should Bucky do or say the wrong thing, he has no doubt the Omega will attack.
He tries to keep himself and his scent as calming as possible, but it’s not easy. The boy’s foot is bent at an unnatural angle and seeing such an injury on an Omega makes him want to rage. His anger would accomplish nothing but agitating the feral Omega and potentially scaring the silent one, so he tamps it down as best he can.
The Omega is too dirty for him to figure out of it’s an old injury that’s healed wrong or a newer one that can be more easily fixed. Either possibility is unacceptable–angled like it is, it has to be causing the Omega pain.
“We’ll get this fixed up in no time,” he murmurs to the boy, keeping his voice soft and soothing. “For now, will you permit me to carry you?”
The Omega blinks up at him with those big, blue eyes. There is an air of vulnerability to most Omegas, but it’s more intense with this one. His gaze is so open, so sad. Bucky wants to find everyone who’s responsible for that expression and hurt them slowly.
The Omega nods silently.
Carefully, Bucky scoops him up. The boy is so light, it’s almost sickening. He pauses, giving himself a moment to rest his cheek on the boy’s hair.
No one else will hurt you, he vows silently. 
He promised it aloud already, and he’s sure that neither of them believed him. He won’t fail them, though. He will make sure they’re safe.
The feral Omega vibrates with tension, as if wants to snatch his companion from Bucky’s arms and carry the boy himself. As small as the other Omega is, Bucky isn’t sure he’d succeed, though. Perhaps that’s what stops him.
“Follow me,” Bucky tells the feral one, his voice still soft. 
It doesn’t soothe this one quite like it soothes the Omega in his arms, but it doesn’t seem to hurt, either.
Outside, the rain hasn’t slowed. Most of the vehicles are gone now, as are most of the humans. Two black trucks and a single ambulance remain, all three parked near what appears to be a triage tent near the entrance to the warehouse. The Enforcer that guided Bucky inside is standing near it, holding open the flap to allow them inside.
The feral Omega darts forward, putting himself between the Enforcer and Bucky, snarling loud enough to be heard over the storm. It doesn’t seem to register to him that he’s being drowned by the rain.
Bucky sighs softly, shifting the Omega in his arms as he approaches their little bodyguard. He lets his fingers brush over the feral one’s damp arm.
“Enough,” he chides. “Get in the tent so we can all get out of the rain.”
The Omega glares at him, but after a glance to his companion, he reluctantly obeys. 
Inside, the tent is set up with a gurney, two chairs, and a rudimentary set of medical supplies. It’s also empty.
The Enforcer comes in behind them, letting the flap shut behind him.
“You said they don’t like humans,” he said, “but all the medical personnel on site are human. I have some training, but unless they’ll allow the others in, it’s all we have.”
Bucky nodded. “I think we can make do with the two of us.”
It takes quite a bit of coaxing, and more promises of safety from Bucky, but the feral Omega allows the Enforcer to help his companion. Bucky can take care of their superficial wounds, but the foot requires more training than he has. 
By the time Bucky’s found cleaned and bandaged their cuts, the Enforcer has cleaned the silent Omega’s foot and examined it. Now that the dirt is gone, Bucky can see that his foot is swollen and red, making the injury new.
He hates how relieved he is about it. The idea of an Omega being hurt at all is unthinkable, but at least they won’t have to re-break the bone to set it correctly. He isn’t sure the feral Omega would be able to stand that.
“I’m going to have to set it,” the Enforcer says apologetically, looking to the blue-eyed Omega. “It’s going to hurt, but only for a second.”
The Omega looks to Bucky, and Bucky can almost hear what he’s thinking.
You said I wouldn’t hurt anymore.
Or maybe that’s just his guilty conscience, promising something before he knew all the facts. 
Bucky touches the boy’s hair.
“If there were any other way,” he said, “we’d do that instead. But if we leave it, it’ll heal wrong and we’ll have to re-break it if you want to walk again. It’s up to you, but setting it now is better.”
Frankly, Bucky is surprised it hasn’t healed itself already. The fact that it’s still swollen and fresh is worrisome. Their kind don’t heal quite as quickly as the movies portray, but they do heal fast. It should be at least halfway there already.
The Omega looks back at the Enforcer and nods solemnly. His feral companion, though, snarls before the Enforcer can even touch him.
Bucky takes him by the arm, pulling him closer. The fact that the Omega lets him is a good sign, considering how hostile he is. He takes the feral Omega’s face in his hands, making sure the boy is looking at him.
“We have to do this,” he says firmly. “It’s what’s best for him. Hold on to me if you have to. Don’t look. Whatever it is you need, but you have to let this happen. Do you understand?”
For several long seconds, the Omega just stares at him, and Bucky worries that he doesn’t. That he’s too far gone to truly grasp what’s happening.
Then, thankfully, he nods. It’s small, and the boy’s breath is shaky, his gaze displaying fear for the first time. But still, he nods, and Bucky knows he isn’t so far gone.
“C’mere,” he says, gathering the feral Omega to him, and the boy buries his face in Bucky’s chest, his fingers gripping Bucky’s shirt tightly. 
Bucky shuffles them closer to the gurney, because he can’t allow one Omega to be comforted and leave the other bereft. He keeps one arm tightly around the feral Omega’s back and lays his other hand on the back of the silent Omega’s neck, squeezing lightly.
The silent Omega reaches up, grasping his wrist.
“Eyes on me,” Bucky orders him. When the Omega obeys, staring up at him, he tells the Enforcer, “Go on.”
It’s quick. A little jerk of the Enforcer’s hands, the snap of bone going back into place. The feral Omega jolts in his arms, trembling, and the blue-eyed Omega closes his eyes, his breath hitching almost imperceptibly. 
When it’s over, Bucky relaxes his hold on both Omegas. He sighs in relief, nuzzling first the feral Omega in his arms and then leaning down to do the same to his companion.
“Good,” he murmurs to them both. “You were both so good. I’m so proud of you.”
The blue-eyed Omega gazes up at him in wonder. He leans back until he’s resting against Bucky’s hip, pulling Bucky’s hand down to rest on his chest. He keeps holding onto it, clinging to Bucky as fiercely as his companion does.
The Enforcer reaches for something to bandage the ankle with. By the time it’s wrapped, both Omegas have calmed considerably, though neither of them have let go of Bucky yet. He doesn’t make them, either. They’ve been through hell, and whatever comfort they want, they deserve.
The Enforcer clears his throat awkwardly.
“Neither of them have a pack scent,” he says to Bucky. “Until they can tell us where they belong, the next step is to have a local pack foster them. We’ve already contacted the closest ones, their Alphas should be here soon.”
Bucky’s instinctive reaction is to protest. These Omegas are no one to him, not in any sort of way, even though it feels like the opposite.
They trusted him enough to let him get them out. They trusted him enough to allow the Enforcer into their space. They trusted him enough to allow pain, no matter how briefly, and to let him comfort them through it.
He swallows down that instinct, though, knowing that he has no right. 
Reluctantly, he nods and tries not to tighten his old on the Omegas.
“Okay,” he says, and the word tastes like ash on his tongue.
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transjarlaxle · 1 year
i dont know much about BG3 but i do love AUs, so... what roles would your main OCs play in a hero/villain au? :3c
i stopped in the middle of drawing oc nsf// to answer this bcz i completely forgot about it ngl<3
but listen anon you are SPEAKING MY LANGUAGE so i'm gonna break it down for you okay here we go
now. i am going to talk about the ocs i'm mostly using for bg3 because theyre the guys im talking about most these days and most of my other ones are specific to other kinds of content. THAT SAID, i have two(2) ocs who are FOR hero/villains settings, and they are:
Jury, indie villain-turned-hero. she utilizes photokinesis and limited flight as a front-line fighter - she'll use her light to form wings and a hammer to burn and blind her opponents and create openings for her teammates. she's pretty independent at this point but i originally made her for bnha, and yes she gets to kiss aizawa there.
Vindicator, my main Sidestep for Fallen Hero. He's most often a version of Jesse O'Shea, who is my self-insert oc that i use in pretty much any IP. His build focuses on subtle manipulations over strength of mind, arrogant/ruthless/daring, and his main situationship is Ortega, but sometimes Herald. please play fallen hero it makes me insane
ALRIGHT now that they have been mentioned - the dnd/bg3 crew :3
i imagine this is going to have to be a sort of avengers / justice league situation, with a sort of suicide squad / league of villains thing happening on the other side. so, with that in mind:
reaper is The villain. i haven't talked about him here much, but he was my original Bhaalist oc from like four years ago, before i even knew baldur's gate was a thing. he's a death cleric, commits murder as an act of worship, and in my homebrew world, is one of five members of a cult dedicated to an undead chaos goddess. so in this AU, i imagine he's one of the leaders of whatever Bad Guy team exists here, in charge of getting the band together and whatnot
rumari is also a villain. they grew up as an assassin, which translates well to this AU - raised as a blade, to be wielded by whosoever is in charge at the time. depending on who they end up around, they might be reformable - but most likely not. i imagine they're the sort of loki-type, the one that the heroes capture and banter with, the one they lock in the glass box, but they always escape to cause more problems<3
leorin and kaz are the villain lackeys. they're part of the evil elf squad with rumari, and theyre the ones to match up with the heroes in the big end battle. leorin is a dark magician type, corruption and fire and whatnot, and kaz has a big fuck off sword and heavy armor - he's the tank. they don't get as much screen time as the others, but they're usually in the frame together, and banter a lot, so all the edgy teens ship them
kaine is the wild card. they're introduced late in the series or one of the sequel films, and it's a will-they-won't-they thing - they're a free agent, and they're easily swayed by power and promises of freedom, so there's probably a long arc of them working alongside the villains. most of the heroes want to take them out bcz of how big of a threat they are, but theres one or two (gale? wyll?) heroes who Believe In Them.
max is the face of the hero squad. i mean, he's The Butterfly Knight - he does the tv appearances, the sponsorships, the press releases, all of it. and he loves it! and he's not Just a face - he has the power to back it up, but his powers are really more showmanship than anything.
if max is the face of the group, etienne is the backbone of the operation. he's not a leader, but he's a guide, and he's adept at strategy and keeping his team safe. he willingly allows himself to fade into the background - which is also an advantage, as it allows him to absorb much more information than he would without max as a shield.
kit is the old guard. he never wanted to be a hero, and still doesn't. he was caught in the middle of one high-publicity incident when he was in his 20s, and got a lot of attention from it, but never became a hero, and did his best to fade into history. but when the threats begin to resurface, the new generation digs him up, and due to his situations and his mindset, he finds himself taking on an advisory role. he's the one that you Know the villains don't wanna fuck with - and he gets an arc that really shows the extent of his abilities, where he has to keep everyone else alive after a grave miscalculation of some sort, and it's like, oh, he's the one to watch out for.
honorable mention:
the warhawk is the free agent. he's a vigilante, and most of the time, the heroes clash with him because of his disregard for the law. the only law he follows is the law of the land, and he lets people know that, but when they really need him, he's there<3
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nipchipcookies · 1 year
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Fr*nch pastry chef Etienne and izakaya chef Benjamin
Inspired by one of the NK blogs that stated Eti could run a patisserie and cafe 🥐☕🍰 (with his drones helping out lol) if he had to.
Their restaurants are across the street from each other. They wouldn’t be rivals cause their operating hours are completely different, plus Eti’s the dessert supplier to Ben’s. 😄
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I love the Etienne/Spiceberry waterfall scene because my friend was live-reacting the chapter to me and she wouldn’t stop sending me this image
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And I was like girlie the whole point of that location is that winter ever touches it but nope. She continued sending me “finally yuri on ice” image. So anyways shes right. Finally. Yuri on ice
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