#Ask Mads
iheartmonaco · 1 month
why don’t u write female reader? a bit sexist, no?
Because... I'm a guy?
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thewuzzy · 2 years
Overthrow the UK
*puts phone on hold* look I'm on call with the trans agenda right now and they say they're working as fast as they can
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xiaq · 9 months
So my bike was stolen from our garage last night. My beloved, custom, carbon fiber, most-expensive-thing-I-own-aside-from-my-car bike. I just found it listed on FB marketplace. Shit is about to go down.
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samgiddings · 10 months
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@staff @support @engineering @music @books
Have you ever considered this is a really stupid layout to have when there’s no way to easily get your account back if you accidentally hit the wrong button???
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deyageka · 3 months
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No srsly I can’t believe they’ve actually done this:
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wombywoo · 5 months
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local cuisine 🤌
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autosadist · 7 months
i don't talk too much about how trans women get treated in original posts because im not a trans woman and plenty of trans women on this site are sharing insights that i can just reblog but also sometimes i see other trans dudes talk about trans women in ways that make me want to step in 1 on 1 like "hey man, do you remember what it feels like to be a girl getting treated like a piece of meat by some guy you don't know then dismissed for standing up for yourself. because you're that guy now"
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inkskinned · 9 months
the problem is that being single is seen as the consolidation prize, and not the natural neutral state of being-a-person. at the end of the movie or the book or the poetry, there is a person waiting for you at the altar, and they love you. if the play is a comedy, everyone gets married. the metaphor is about how you are not-whole. the metaphor is about how everyone is going to be happily-ever-after. the metaphor is that romantic love is the most important resource on the planet, not just all-love. all-love is not a thing, that is a disappointment. the treasure is not the friends we made along the way. the treasure is the girl you landed.
the metaphor is that you cannot be alone, that means you are broken. are you getting over someone? that is acceptable, you can be getting over someone, but not for long. you must be single because you would rather not be single. you must be single and looking to not-be-single. you must want to date, eventually.
friendship and community are never seen as being equal-to or even-better than romantic connection. that person is your one! you need to find them. you need to hunt through the sand particles until you can shift out some kind of gem. this is regardless to your own experience of the beach and the sun. you need to be somewhere with someone.
if you are taking this time alone to heal, that is so sad. everyone gives you this little pitying look. the understanding is that you are not actually happier than you were before you were single. it is seen as a sort of pity - oh, you are choosing yourself, making yourself the priority? - that isn't quite right. you must mean that you are making yourself ready for the right person. you are just laying the bed better this time. open up your heart. you'll find them, we promise!
what do you mean you're really-truly genuinely-very happy? you are probably misremembering what it was like to be in a relationship. and besides, once you meet your person, that time will look grey and bland and wasted. your person is the only way for you to see in color. so what if you have taken this time - for the first time in your entire life - to actually-for-real do the fucking work. you can be proud of yourself, sure. but the way we need to know that you got better is that you get a partner. you're healed enough for the next bad part!
people don't choose to be single, they just say they're choosing to be single - they actually mean "nobody wants to date me." it doesn't matter how many people you have gently rejected or how many times you've talked it over carefully in therapy. what matters is that you are single, and by all accounts - that means you are something worth our pity. your successes and life all seem pale in the sunlight. sure, you have done amazing things and finally found your way in life. what matters is that there wasn't a person in the room with you while you did it.
you want to tell them - that's the whole thing. i didn't know how to be alone in the room. i didn't know how to handle the silence. every moment was so sharp, and i kept choosing the wrong way to close the door. i have spent my entire life in the empty well, living in the ricochet of someone else's cruelty. for once i have built myself a ladder. for once everything i taste is all mine, every bite of sunshine and laughter. i have learned how to sleep out in the open with my memories. recently, they have started to purr.
your father rolls his eyes. listen. this isn't about you. i just want a grandchild in my future.
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originalartblog · 8 months
Apparently much-needed reminder that reposting artists' art (by saving the images or screenshotting them and reuploading them yourself) on other platforms without the artists' expressed permission and without credit is theft and an insult to their passion and craft. You are profiting (in views, in attention, in feedback) from someone else's work and ideas, who do not get that feedback for sharing their creation.
If you are an art reposter, you are a thief and I have no respect for you.
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jewfrogs · 1 year
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this post sucks so bad massachusetts takes its name from the indigenous massachusett people who were genocided and whose land was stolen and that would be obvious if you would think for a single second and look up the etymology before posting. mocking a native language that was eradicated for centuries and is only now beginning to be revived is not fucking funny it is ignorant and racist and cruel
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soodoonimin · 15 days
My FAVORITE Poolverine trope is Wade and Logan mutual pining and the ONLY reason Logan doesn’t believe Wade is serious is because of how much he flirts with him and like literally EVERYONE else 😂😂
Like Logan isn’t shy about his feelings at all but he’s also been hurt too many times before and even though he has a healing factor that doesn’t mean a broken heart doesn’t still hurt and the last person he wants to be hurt by is Wade fucking Wilson. So he thinks the only reason Wade flirts with him is because that’s just how he is and Wade is like “IM LITERALLY FLIRTING SO HARD WHEN WITH YOU, IS THAT METAL SKULL OF YOURS SO THICK THAT YOU CAN’T TELL WHEN SOMEONE WANTS YOU?!”
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iheartmonaco · 2 months
Always baby boy 😽
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thewuzzy · 2 years
They just released this excerpt from Shonda’s new book “Inside Bridgerton” where she and another executive producer talk about Colin. The way that neither of them even understand his character. Talking about how he got honor and a savior complex. As if he wasn’t the one being scammed left right and center and was a prick when Anthony asked about why he was taking out so much money for that scam.
that's fucking hilarious 😂
Colin does have a sense of honour...but only in the deeply misogynistic old fashioned sense; that is, the one where women in his social orbit are helpless possessions whose purity and innocence he needs to defend for the sake of his own reputation.
It really isn't made clear in the show at what point Colin realised Lord Featherington was a scam, and I do think he was initially in serious danger of falling for it. Anthony is a chauvanist patriarch who controls the family finances then resent his siblings for not sharing the burden but my GOD was I pissed when Colin just ran off with a wad of cash without even letting him know!!!
He treated Penelope like an object when he concocted his covert plot to "save her family's reputation" without ever thinking to involve her --- even though this issue deeply materially affected her, NOT him. I can't imagine the pressure Penelope was under, and yet he never even considered to ask her how she felt about it or what she knew. He's a piece of shit.
It would never occur to Colin in a thousand years that Mrs Featherington could be involved with the scam, or that Penelope might already know about it, because he doesn't see women as humans capable of agency or rational thought. It would never occur to him to ask them if they are okay, because he sees women as empty vessels, whose only feelings are projections of his own. This is why he continued to delude himself around Marina even after her marriage. This is why he will never, ever be able to recognise that Penelope loves him unless he decides that he loves her first. This is why despite Eloise's obvious unhappiness and jealousy, it never occurred to him to ask if she wished to accompany him or even VISIT him in Europe with a female chaperone (which absolutely was within the realms of respectability at the time, if unusual). Because women only feel what Colin feels.
(This is another difference with Anthony. Anthony fully recognises that the women around him know and think and feel things, and crucially that women can disagree with him. That's why he verbally spars with them, and gets pissed with when they undermine the sexist or stupid roles he's trying to enforce for himself and the family. Whereas Colin....doesn't even talk to them.)
Honestly, based on his behaviour around his siblings I don't think it's just entrenched misogyny. He is so staggeringly unobservant and careless with others that I think he actually doesn't have a theory of mind about other people.
Thank you nonny!
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jay-wasstuff · 6 months
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keferon · 3 months
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The tac net crash chapter is one of my favorites so far~
Ah and. Guess what. I just discovered that including this post, I made 50 pieces of fanart for Mistakes on mistakes until.. I’m so sane and normal about this story can you tell👍
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iceagebaby · 3 months
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Despondency / Refuge
that's supposed to be Bennys lighter, the Courier is dealing with cosequences of being thrown into a mess they had nothing to do with
the halo was something that turned out on an accident but i love it
Rant below
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