#Ask MIM
mentalillnessmouse · 2 days
I've had two episodes where I become non-verbal and go limp. A paralysis-like state where I am telling my limbs or hands to move, but they do not. Or if they do, it is slow and uncoordinated.
The first time it lasted around an hour, and my head was impossible to prop up. The second time was shorter as I was able to get into a call with some friends and their voices got me out of it.
All the while both times my mind was racing, and I was overwhelmed. I know what triggered it the second time, but don't remember what happened the first. I don't know what is happening.
hey anon,
you really need to consult a medical professional about this. if this happens again i would suggest going to your nearest emergency room or urgent care.
as a reminder: we are not able to give out medical advice on this blog.
stay safe,
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mimimik · 7 months
Scar the type of person to stare at you till you wake up because "you're comfortable" and "you looked so peacefully"
Then proceeds to ask for 5 more minutes, fall asleep and make you wait till he wakes up.
The cycle continues and ya'll don't get poop done
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Sunshine in his bed
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Grian just stays in bed with him
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cheekylittlepupp · 7 months
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The things I would do for him...
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luminarai · 5 months
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Attempting to get the beast used to a dental hygiene routine is… well, it’s going.
(She stayed that way for a solid 8 seconds despite hating being held belly up so I think it’s safe to say that Mim is not beating the ‘tiny speaker playing elevator music instead of a brain’ allegations any time soon.)
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artseniccatnip · 18 days
suggestion: wandersong guys as bug fables bugs ! OR bug fables guys in the wandersong universe if you'd rather but the bugification beam idea sounded more fun to me so i thought id toss it ur way in case it interested you! (unless youve already done this and i missed it!! sorry if so!)
i've actually never done it! I think I was intimidated with trying to think of bugs that fit but then I decided bug fables isn't always 100% accurate so I don't have to be either lol
anyways here's my designs for them!
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beeguillotine · 3 months
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Haaaappy Miriam Monday!!!
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kyuala · 5 months
como seria ser esposa troféu do Enzo?? onde seu único trabalho é cuidar se si mesma e ser rica? 😍
AIIIII SONHO DE TODAS AS GIRLIES PQP 💅🏼✨ não revisei mto peço perdão 😝
não sei se isso condiz muito com a realidade mas nossa, pensando aqui num enzo que gosta de BANCAR. que tem ORGULHO de olhar pra mulher dele e vê-la vestida da cabeça aos pés nas roupas e acessórios da melhor qualidade que ELE deu pra ela, que adora enchê-la de presentes... 💭
ele é total a favor da sua independência financeira caso vc queira, agora caso não queira... vai trabalhar sempre tendo em mente vc 🫵🏼 juro, acho que ele sente até um senso de motivação a mais sabendo que ele tá trabalhando pra te dar a vida de mimos que vc merece. ele te dá acesso a todas as contas bancárias e todos os cartões dele (e ainda dá um especial pra vc, se possível personalizado ou black 😶‍🌫️), fala pra vc usar como e quando quiser e, apesar de às vezes olhar a fatura do banco, suspirar e falar "olha o estrago que vc tá fazendo na minha vida, nena", ele adora!!!! ver que vc tá usando como se fosse teu mesmo (até pq na cabeça dele tudo que é dele é teu, então é mesmo)
e mesmo sabendo que vc pode muito bem usar o dinheiro dele pra comprar o que vc quiser, ele ainda AMA de paixão te presentear. aniversários, datas comemorativas, até em dias que aparentemente não têm nada de especial ele chega com um mimo pra vc, seja aqueles buquês gigantes de rosas vermelhas (ele é fã desses), jóias caras ou roupas de grife (é defensor de que vc merece apenas do melhor) ou coisas menos caras mas mais focadas num valor sentimental, como um disco que contém a música de vcs, um quadro da sua paisagem favorita que viram na lua de mel e muitas vezes até se aventura com coisas diferentes, como a vez que ele te deu uma caixa de sabonetes artesanais que ele mesmo fez, todos com fragrâncias que o lembram de vc. ele é muito fã mesmo de presentes que vêm do coração tbm e ele presta atenção, viu? muita mesmo, em todos os seus detalhes. cada presente dele parece que ele deu uma lida completa na sua alma
e como ele não é bobo nem nada, às vezes ele gosta de receber um agradinho em troca também, né? quando vc compra alguma coisa que ele julga ser exorbitantemente cara ou quando vc gasta mais com os outros do que consigo mesma (tipo a vez que vc jurava que sua amiga tava precisando muito de ajuda e a ajuda foi tipo, gastaram mais de mil reais num restaurante pq ela tava triste e vc achava que ela precisava sair de casa). aí ele vai dar uma risadinha soprada pelo nariz, balançar a cabeça, falar que vc não tem jeito mesmo, né? é incorrigível, tá toda mimadinha já pela forma como ele te trata como rainha... talvez vc precise fazer por merecer um pouquinho agora, sabe? pq seu homem precisa de um agrado também... e vc obviamente mais do que concorda, já se ajoelhando no chão em frente a ele mal ele termina de dizer as palavras (mas é tudo leve e uma brincadeira acordada entre vcs gente pelo amor de deus jamais acho que ele faria isso tipo real ☠️ é só pelo conceito da fic)
também ADORA investir em vc em outras áreas e gosta de acompanhar os resultados e te incentivar. ele tá pagando um curso pra vc? nossa, vc é tão inteligente... que tal dar uma aulinha demonstrativa pra ele? ele comprou livro de receitas, aparelhos novos pra cozinha e te deixou livre pra gastar e pegar o que quiser no mercado? vai ficar todo caidinho de amores quando a primeira vez que vc tenta algo já transforma em um jantar romântico pros dois como forma de agradecimento a ele. ele te pagou uma viagem pra fazer sozinha pq confia muito em vc e acha que vc merece relaxar, mesmo que ele mesmo não consiga te acompanhar por causa do trabalho? te pede fotos, vídeos e atualizações a cada hora do dia pra ver seu sorriso e vc se divertindo. ele paga seu crossfit, seu yoga, seu pilates que vc faz bem madame de dia de semana às 3 da tarde? poxa, dá uma voltinha pra ele quando sair do banho pra ele ir acompanhando seu progresso também... 👁️👁️
agora se tem uma coisa que derrete o coração dele e o desarma de qualquer coisa na hora é quando vc usa o dinheiro dele pra mimar ele. ele fala e fala e fala que não precisa se preocupar com ele, tudo que ele quer ele já tem (lê-se: você) e o que mais ele precisar ele mesmo arruma, é um cara simples, não precisa de muita coisa. gosta de gastar com vc justamente pq recebe mais dinheiro do que consegue ele mesmo gastar. mas sempre que percebe que mesmo assim vc insiste em presenteá-lo regularmente, também presta atenção em todos os gostos dele e todos os comentários que ele faz sobre o que gostaria, mesmo que por cima, e depois aparece com algo personalizado e sob medida pra ele... mulher, ele fica com um sorriso bobo no rosto o resto da semana, coloca a mãozinha de lei no peito sinalizando o quanto ele tá tocado e, claro, te recompensa mais ainda da forma que vc desejar 😇
bônus: é fã número 1 de te levar em eventos importantes e red carpets e acredita fielmente que vc é a pessoa mais linda, gostosa, bem vestida, inteligente e interessante de todo o evento e vai falar pra todo mundo isso e vai te fazer se sentir bem assim mesmo. amamos enzo maridinho que é praticamente um sugar daddy 💘💝💖💗💓💞💕
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daily-smol-silm · 6 days
Your art is adorable, and I really enjoy seeing your designs for the Silm characters! If you are still taking submissions, would you do Mîm, please? But there's no pressure; I completely understand if you'd rather not.
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Day #86 - Mîm
Awww ty!!
No problem! Mîm (Or, at least, his portrayal in the Czech musicals) is one of my favorites :D
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lover-of-mine · 14 days
What's the Theory with the cars? I'm sorry, I'm lost on that one.
Okay, given the way that the car in the front is a 57 Chevy Bell Air and the car in the back is potentially a Chevelle, and we know that Eddie has a Chevelle, I'm assuming either car show or a shop specialized in classic Chevrolet cars because there's something going on with the car that Eddie can't fix on his own. Metaphorically, I think a shop would be more interesting and it would explain why Eddie's truck is also in the back. Some people were thinking race, but you don't race in a 57 Chevy, yk? So I'm inclined to believe a mechanic.
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blogdaabelha · 5 months
sensações boas: 🌌
abraçar árvores, correr, pular, girar, tomar chuva, dançar bêbada, rir alto, respirar, gozar, ouvir uma música boa pela primeira vez, sentir o cheiro das pessoas quando elas passam por ti, falar com empolgação, pessoas falando com empolgação, cheiro de roupa nova, cozinhar seguindo receita, receber elogios aleatórios, sentir o vento, andar descalça no chão limpo, ser pega no colo, beijinho na mão, ouvir o "thu, thu" do trem e o mesmo passando nos trilhos, esmurrar coisas (não pessoas), asmr, massagem, alguém mexendo no meu cabelo, banhos longos, cuidar de plantas, ouvir idosos, sorrir, dar aquele espirro, sentir o cheiro das flores, tomar sol, pegar bebês no colo, fazer presentinhos a mão, caminhar de manhãzinha, fazer carinho em filhotes, amar e outras mil coisas.
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princess-ibri · 7 months
In a scenario like Descendants where every villain is brought back to life but are without their powers or means of control, are there any that you could see not necessarily being redeemed but being rehabilitated?
Well, I already did a whole idea about a Hans rehabilitation with my Frozen 3 thing xD So I guess him
Besides Hans? Hmmm
I feel like a lot of them are pretty set in their ways/belief that they're in the right and so have no need to change or have any desire to make amends
But ones I could see becoming at least semi cordial with the heroes?
Well weirdly the first person I thought of was the Queen of Hearts xD I think just because she isnt so much evil as just--mad? I feel like with good management of her anger issues she could be a decent enough person. She definitely loves her husband a lot.
Um, Amos Slade is just a crochity old man who actually does seem to get some insight at the end so thats something
Edgar from Aristocats just wanted the money and understandably, and he didnt even kill the cats he just abandoned them. Which was bad and cruel but not really evil. I feel like he just kinda snapped and by the time he gets rescued from that crate going to Timbuktu he'll have mellowed out and learned his lesson
John Silver of course tried to fix his mistakes and help Jim and while he was definitely a murderous pirate he does seem to have some conscious
Madam Mim I feel like would be willing to be an ally if she liked someone, she feels like someone who's bad because she likes causing mischief more then actually doing real evil
Mor'du the bear prince seemed pretty remorseful when his spirit was finally released from the bear
Yzma I feel is another who in certain circumstances would be willing to ally at least and I think (there was at least a rumor) there was a planned redemptive-ish movie for her before Ertha Kitt's passing?
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mentalillnessmouse · 2 months
Can licking a recent cut lead to an infection or is it just a myth??
cw wound care
hey anon,
we can't give medical advice, but consider this: your body is full of bacteria and there's no telling what bacteria is living on your tongue/in your mouth that could lead to an infection on an injury. sooo for safety i would recommend you follow standard cleaning methods to clean a cut or injury.
hope this helps!!
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mimimik · 1 year
My friend likes scarian so everytime you shows up my feed I send it to them and watch them scream :D
Your art look great and I specially like how you do your lines
I'm also expect compensation for the damage you caused with your desert duo art of Grian & Scar smiling while having a knife behind his back
I'm glad you and your friend really enjoy my art! That makes me so happy to read!!!
And as for compensation hmm.. I only really have this messy sketch
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instarsandcrime · 3 months
I was wondering, do you have any Alastor head canons? They can be about whatever you'd like to say
Oh dear, that's an interesting question! He's one of the characters that I tend to write at my slowest because honestly, like everyone else, I have no idea what his deal is. But I'll do my best for both snz and otherwise!
Not snz:
To me, he's a fellow anemic. He needs to recover his strength with food after he goes a bit overboard with his powers or transforms into something larger and more eldritch.
As a small addition to the previous headcanon, his go-to food for recovery is his mother's jambalaya rather than the regular venison or otherwise. I know that's a bit of a well-used one, but it's well-used for a reason!
Before episode 5 Alastor most likely still visited swing clubs with Mimzy. I can definitely imagine them tearing up the dance floor together, even after death!
I can also imagine Alastor on regular dinner dates and tea times with Rosie for gossip sessions.
I genuinely do believe in the 'Lilith deal' theory, and that his order is to protect the hotel. However, he's also trying to worm his way out of the deal with the hotel as well.
He refuses to use a cellphone at all times. He would rather suffer a double death. So if there's ever a worst case scenario where he does need to communicate via text, he would probably dictate the message to Niffty. The results tend to vary.
He has a radio in almost every room for security, safety, and communication purposes.
He has a strong alcohol tolerance, considering the 1930's and its speakeasy days. He'd probably be the second or third to last in the hotel to lose to a drinking contest.
The most crack headcanon that I have in regards to Alastor being aroace: Before he fucked off for seven years, Vox tried to ask him out, but Alastor didn't pick up on the cues at all and thought that it was a deal to join the Vees instead. That leaves everyone who asks with the impression that Vox was pissy over asking Alastor to join his team instead of, you know, a date. And the worst part is that Vox can't say shit about what really happened either, because who would just admit that????
He has a deer's tail because I say so, actually.
Another obvious one, but he's a germaphobe. 100%.
He's not much of a caretaker unless he really likes the person. Charlie, Niffty, and Rosie are good examples!
When they're asleep he'll sneak in a Creole pet name for luck, as long as no one else is around to hear it.
He has bad bedside manners for anyone he doesn't have much of an opinion on-- or worst case scenario, anyone he hates.
With Lucifer he pulls out all the stops. However, he does align with the fact that he cares about Lucifer recovering-- but only because it would be boring without the regular brand of chaos that he brings.
Connected to the 'Alastor has radios set up around the hotel' headcanon: He has a playlist of over 1,000 songs specifically titled 'Songs Lucifer Hates', and puts each one on full blast until Lucifer caves and takes his medication or goes back to bed.
Yes, this torture method can easily follow him out of Lucifer's room and to any radio in the hotel.
No, Lucifer does not last past four or five songs, and that disappoints Alastor every time.
Alastor does not get sick often, but when he does he gets hit hard.
His sneezing usually comes in doubles or triples, and they tend to be on the more intense side.
They're hard to hold back, so he normally stifles to stay quiet-- unless the room wants to listen to screeching feedback and loud outbursts.
He is a handkerchief user, and carries them wherever he goes. For people very close to him, he will let them keep one.
I'm a sucker for a magic user's loss of control with their powers-- I can see Alastor's emotions get outed by his shadow, or his tentacles shoot out at random intervals.
He gets feverish easily, complete with fever dreams, and tends to mumble about them in his sleep.
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luminarai · 7 months
can we get more pictures of the void?
I present to you, Mim doing what she does best (cuddling, gazing at you with the biggest anime eyes, head completely empty except for elevator music)
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She has dermatitis (cat eczema basically) and while it’s very well managed she occasionally has flare ups, meaning that she has to go to Baby Shirt Jail
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This is part of a series that I call Bombastic Sideye: Void edition
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And finally: local void tuckered out face down in a beret. A normal occurrence in our household
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cherryblogss · 26 days
cherry mamiii te amo nunca pare de escrever💋😭
e eu não prentendo mor! só to tomando um tempinho pra organizar minha cabeça que tá podre ultimamente. não vou mentir que semana passada pensei mt em desistir de tudo, mas acredito que é a voz da exaustão falando mais alto que o meu lado racional que sabe que tudo isso é só uma fase ruim☠️
te amo filhota⚘️
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