kaito-plush · 4 months
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Hello anon!! 💙💙
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inkcat1987 · 5 months
New character :3c
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Meet sweetie!!! :D
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what are your favorite sexy scenarios with your Ryan F/Os?
Oh what a fun question 👀!!! Thank you for asking!!!!
♡ Officer K being very grabby while making out on his couch in his apartment, mainly when I'm wearing a midi knee-length skirt. I LOVE thinking about this man's hands bunching the material of my skirt, glittery fabric spilling between his fingers as he's pulling and tugging. Feeling the petticoat adding extra layers of volume/texture and it just makes him wanna bunch it in his hands even more, clawing at it when we start getting really into it. Him pulling me onto his lap, leaving the skirt on while he undoes the buttons on his pants, and we just do it right then and there on that uncomfortable ass couch with his face buried in the crook of my neck, groaning like a starved dog.
♡ Driver being SO fucking horny out of his mind. When I drop into his dimension and it's been too long he just does his usual prolonged eye contact but with More Intensity silently saying let's get out of here. He gets us alone somewhere and it doesn't matter where, we're gonna fuck. Shannon's Garage after hours. His '73 Chevy Malibu (malibuuuu). The LA River. On top of the hood of some old race car he's fixing up. His living room floor. The shower. The kitchen counter. Oh, and I guess the bed works too... it's almost like a sleeping predator jolts awake within him and he just has to pounce immediately
♡ Sometimes when I leave Driver's dimension, he thinks I might not come back. He tries not to worry, but the fear is always in the back of his mind. Sometimes he's worried that I'll have another nightmare about him and I'll be too scared of him and I won't visit his dimension anymore. I tell him I'm fine now and I've never felt better and I haven't had any nightmares about him in a long time, but he still gets anxious. So any time we fuck, if the position allows it, he's hugging me. Arms wrapped around me and he tries to make me feel as secure and safe as possible. One hand cradling the back of my head, thrusting at a quick but steady pace that wouldn't hurt me but his little groans and little huffs sound almost heartbreaking when he hugs me tighter and tighter. Like I'll disappear if he lets go. I think about that a lot ;u; it's comforting to think about being hugged during sex and especially if it's with him
♡ Driver masturbating to the thought of me in his car -- I have doodled variations of this one hundred thousand times and I'll do it one hundred thousand more!!!! Sitting in the driver's seat, putting on some Charlie Puth songs on the radio (that dude has some horny asf lyrics and in interviews he's said he wants his music to sound fuckable in the most literal sense so I think it's perfect lol) reclining his seat back and going to town. I like thinking about him putting on "Smells Like Me" bc the lyrics seem fitting for us. He's missing me while I'm in Ken's dimension but he isn't worried bc I'm the one wearing Driver's scorpion bomber jacket. I could be getting action from any other guy or gal but I've got Driver's scent on me as long as I'm wearing his jacket and he likes that little sense of ownership over me, a bit of possessiveness... not in an extreme way but he just feels such an overprotective urge to make sure a part of himself is always with me. I DUNNO I don't care if that's in character or not, it makes me feel really good hehehe////
♡ Wait god I need to bring up K again..... I know it's a little out of character but I love daydreaming about him being sooo comfortable with me as our relationship progresses. You know how in canon, he comes home from retiring replicants, nearly getting killed, and he roleplays with Joi that he is just a simple human man who is coming home from a 9 to 5 shift at the office? He'd do that with me; he can come home from a long day and find me waiting for him on his bed - I'm wearing a skirt with a petticoat underneath bc I know he'll enjoy the texture of the folds between his fingers as he slides the fabric up my legs. Him doing the little "tsk tsk" click of the tongue while shaking his head, leaning over me with his hand snaking between my thighs, saying "oh, you poor thing, you've been soaking wet for me all day, haven't you?" and suddenly his stress of the day is gone. He forgets the dried blood on his face, the bruises on his neck, the stab wound in his shoulder. He crawls into bed and guides my hand, sliding my palm down his pants, tilting his head... "you feel that, sweetheart? feel what you do to me? I couldn't concentrate on my reports today, all I thought about was you..."
♡ That opening Bangkok party scene in The Gray Man, except put my self insert in there wearing a red dress to match Six's red suit, with white flowers and stars to match Dani's flowered suit. I know Dani isn't a Ryan F/O but I wanna think about her pulling me away into a private corner of an empty room and eating me out. Same with Suzanne oh my god please I need that woman to eat me out so BAD PLEASE ughhhhh. okay okay this was a Ryan F/O question... I'm sorry. I got Keri'd away
♡ The opening Bangkok party scene in The Gray Man and YES it makes NO SENSE for Six to be horny enough to need to pull me into the closet to fuck me, and that miraculously there wouldn't be cameras or mics in any of the rooms, but hear me out: you can do whatever you want forever and nothing in life matters. I'm working on a fic where mayhaps, against all odds, the Lord has given this horny desperate gentleman seven minutes where absolutely nothing bad will happen to him; he sees me in that red dress and he's like "Jesus CHRIST I missed my glittery wife. Baby please get over here." I have been in other dimensions for what, two weeks, maybe even two months, and this man has not only missed me so fucking bad, but he is starvinggg. He pulls me into a storage closet and we don't have time to Properly Fuck™ but I wanna give him a handjob just to give him some relief. His hands shaky while undressing me just a little bit so he can touch me wherever he wants, his head buried into my shoulder while he's groaning as quietly as he can. I think about this all the damn time and I really wish I had the time/energy to draw it. Maybe someday.
♡ Dean kissing me while straddling me on his bed, then slowly backing up and sliding his palms under my mini skirt, being very gentle and making eye contact with me the whole time he's slipping off my underwear, checking that I'm okay. Going really slow when he puts his head between my thighs, the whole time our song is playing in the background. Yes this is just me 100% self projecting over Cindy but that is exactly what canon love interests are for !!! and I like to think about him reaching out one of his hands and intertwining our fingers while he's eating me out 🥺🥺
♡ Ken eating me out and laughing into my thigh every so often. Licking his lips and saying "sweet girl..." giving that nickname a whole new meaning. I also think the image of him being completely oblivious to giving me an orgasm during our first time after eating me out and he's like "wow you're so yummy 😋 I want some more" while I'm gasping for air and shivering and saying HOLD ON GIVE ME A SECOND. Same goes for when I give Barbie her first orgasm after she becomes human and I'm just sitting there like "damn was my head really that good 😳"
♡ Sebastian not even bothering to undress, just unzipping his pants and bending me over the piano (consensually ofc) bc he's so pent up after a long night. Or sharing that tiny tiny tiny bed together in his little apartment, snuggling... we're both too pent up to sleep, and one of us starts grinding against the other and it just escalates... while he's wearing that tight white t-shirt and then his hair gets messier bc he's so lost in the moment.... yeah
♡ Laughing with Jacob during sex to the point where he's snorting and I'm wheezing and we have to stop for a few minutes. You know that cute couple thing where you pretend you're meeting for the first time, like, one of you pretends to be flirting with the other in a public space? And then you "go home together"? I think it's so funny to think about doing that with him. So we're at a bar, he's doing his thing, does the whole "let's get out of here" line, drives me home, we start going at it -- but I make a joke about something and he's losing it. He fires back and I have to cover my face and laugh. Out of every Ryan F/O, I like thinking about him saying "hey girl" just to make me laugh. He doesn't know the meme, he doesn't get it, but one time I asked him to say it and it made me laugh. and he's like "I don't understand what's so funny" but that doesn't stop him from saying it at the perfect moments. He's undressing me on his bed and it's all slow and sensual ooo and aaa... and after some sexy prolonged eye contact he mutters "hey girl" and I start losing it, and then he starts losing it because I'm losing it. and then he snorts and it makes me laugh even harder and then he's laughing harder. This may not necessarily be a "sexy" scenario but I really do love tender stuff like that in intimate settings... loving knowing my romantic partner is also my best friend.
♡ Luke is intimidating and he knows he looks scary but he tries to be rly gentle. He's slow and when I'm nervous he whispers reassurances until I relax. He's my guardian angel, he's my bodyguard, he wants me to feel safe with him. This isn't a "sexy" scenario I guess but I do think about this a lot, him just being very careful with me despite his outer appearance making him look like he'd be very rough. And maybe he would be! But with me he knows he's gotta go slow. and he's okay with that.
♡ COLT SPEAKING FRENCH Colt speaking French Colt speaking FRENCH Colt speaking French THE ENTIRE GODDAMN TIME in my ear while his arms are wrapped tight around me hugging me close. I have no fucking clue what he's saying to me but it sure sounds sexy. He could just be saying "omelette du fromage" lmao. but jokes aside maybe he'd say something like "my beautiful falling star" in French or 🥺🥺 something like that... and I think about being super careful with him bc of his back injury and double checking that he's okay all the time too. This man suffers from chronic back pain and he appreciates I am looking out for him and making sure he isn't hurt in any sort of position we're in. also did I say COLT SPEAKING FRENCH. Wearing a collar for me too maybe... with "therapy dog" on the tag... maybe he'd like being tied up too I dunno....................
♡ With Julian I don't have any "sexy" scenarios but goddd I sure do find myself thinking about having really, really, really gentle slow sex with him... I'm a top 99% of the time, but I wouldn't mind allowing him to have full and complete control, so he feels safer. He's straddling me while we're drowning in those neon red lights. His hands shake a little too much to undress me at first so I gotta hold them until he's calmer. Him kissing my neck and hearing his soft, short breaths in my ear when he's inside me. He's a SA victim too, so he'd understand that I prefer going slow, and tbh maybe he'd also prefer that ;v; I think he could still be rough if he wanted to, but he just. he gets it. he knows why I'm so scared and hesitant, so he's gonna be so, so careful. I'm precious to him, he wants me to know that, wants me to know he doesn't want to hurt me. would rather cut off his own hands than ever lay a hand on me. wants me to know that, to feel that, when we're making love. I'm gonna start openly weeping over him for the 100th time today let's move along
♡ I've written having a threesome with Driver and Six where they both try to make me feel as comfortable and safe as possible. Regarding the nightmare thing, Driver gets emotional and a little sniffly when he hides his face into my tummy and says "I don't want to hurt you" and I tell him "I know." Six isn't as vocal about his fear of me getting too scared of him either but he definitely feels it and it shows through how careful he is when we're being intimate to the point where he almost treats me like porcelain. More of an angst scenario than a sexy scenario BUT LISTEN. I LOVE THE HURT/COMFORT and my ace ass finds emotion so much sexier than anything else.
♡ Speaking of emotion. Ken getting weepy and sniffly while I'm riding him for the first time (just pretend he has a dick for my sake ok) bc he's never felt so loved before and especially not in a sensual way. Cradling his face in my hands and kissing his tears away while he hugs me and when we finish we just sit there for a while and hold each other until he calms down. Maybe I'd get weepy too bc it would be my first time feeling safe in a rly rly long time
♡ Actual sexy scenario: Stephen fucking me hard in his office, me laying on my back on his desk, his face between my legs drinking his fill until he stands up and places his hands on my hips, pounding me -- no no listen I KNOW his office walls are see-through but let's just pretend that he has some... other... office somewhere with normal walls.
♡ I think about pulling Steven's hair sometimes...... or him sitting up in his bed, his back resting against the headboard, me in his lap, while he fingers me and whispers in my ear, kisses my neck.
♡ OH I FORGOT WEREWOLF DRIVER I need him to fuck me so lovingly in a forest somewhere please god. or werewolf colt I don't care who just please god I need a werewolf to fuck me tenderly while we're surrounded by wildflowers. I'll pretend bugs and dirt don't bother me. Getting fucked by werewolf Driver WHILE wearing his JACKET. OOGH. god. can someone please teach me how to draw werewolves so I can draw some good ol fashioned monsterfucking
Thank you for letting me ramble 🥰🥰🥰
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transpanda-1 · 7 months
Nom or chomp
Team nom:
Team chomp:
Looks like team nom takes it folks 😔
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the-staticc · 3 months
system ask game for traumagenic systems!
reposted due to us deleting our previous sysblog <3
remember that you are free to decline any question if it feels too invasive, this is for fun and you are not forced to answer anything 🀍
I: basics
❀ - what type of CDD do you have?
🧡 - are you medically recognised/diagnosed? if not, do you plan to? (no judgement either way!)
💛 - if you are comfortable sharing, what is your headcount? do you keep track of it?
💚 - do you have a high or low split tolerance?
💙 - do you switch frequently or do you go longer periods between switching?
💜 - does your system have introjects of any kind?
🩷 - do you have any subsystems?
II: alters
🎥 - who are your frequent fronters?
📌 - do you have any non-human alters? if yes, which species are the majority of them?
🎞 - do the alters in your system use more medical coined roles or more community coined roles? or both/neither? do you find them useful?
📜 - are the alters in your system more distinct or less distinct from each other?
📺 - do you make/buy gifts to other alters in the systems?
🎙 - does the taste in music vary a lot between different alters?
📻 - does your system have any type of in system relationships? (familial, romantic, platonic etc.)
III: switching
☀ - how much amnesia do you experience?
🌙 - do you experience black out amnesia?
⚡ - what does switching feel like for you? does it vary between alters?
☄ - do you experience quick switches or does it take longer to switch usually?
🌈 - do you get frontstuck often? what do you do to try to get ‘un-stuck’?
☁ - do you ever not notice you’ve switched, and suddenly realise that ‘you haven’t been you’ for a while?
💊 - can you switch ‘on command’ or is that something that is hard for your system? does it depend on the alter?
IV: headspace
🌱 - do you have a headspace? if yes, describe it! if no, do you want one?
🌿 - how easily accessed is your headspace?
☘ - is there a place in your headspace where dormant alters go?
🌳 - do alters have their own rooms/areas in your headspace?
🌵 - is your headspace big, or smaller? is it complex/less complex?
🍃 - do you have specific alters that cannot access headspace at all?
🪎 - did you have to build your headspace over time, or was it just there?
V: general
🍭 - how did you pick your system name?
🍪 - do you have a collective name/identity/orientation? if yes, how did your system make those decisions?
🍬 - what’s the funniest thing another alter has said to you? (internally or externally communicated)
🍫 - how does your system handle in system disagreements in general?
🧁 - is there anyone specific in your system you don’t get along with?
🍰 - are you ‘out’ as a system to anyone? (online friends/partners etc. count!)
🍊 - how good is your communication with the rest of the system? does it vary much between different alters?
🍡 - are different alters part of different subcultures? which ones? (we are!)
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guppygiggles · 4 months
💙 Tickle Asks! 💙
🔞 No minors, please! 🔞
☁ What are your favorite tickle tropes or scenarios?
⛈ Is it difficult for you to say the word?
🌥 Who are your favorite characters to see in tickle scenes, or who would you like to see?
🌊 Do you have a preference for more fluffy, lighthearted tickling, or more serious/intense scenes?
🌩 What kind of tickle content do you like to see/make the most? (art, stories, gifs, etc.)
🌚 Do you have a favorite tickle experience from real life?
🌀 Broadly, how does tickling make you feel?
☀ Are there any tickling scenes from books, movies, or shows that you're a fan of?
🌈 Favorite tickle tools/techniques you like to see used? Any you don't like?
☔ Any songs or music that you associate with tickling, or that put you in a tickle mood?
⚡ Do you like teasing? Are there any teasy words/phrases you especially like to see or hear? Any you dislike?
🌪 Are there any tropes/scenarios associated with specific seasons or holidays that you enjoy?
🌫 Broadly, do you like pinning/bondage, or do you prefer to see free range of motion with lots of squirming?
💧 Are there any tropes, spots, or scenarios you think are underrated?
🌂 Are you open with your IRL friends about how you feel about tickling?
For Lees
🧁 Favorite spots to be tickled?
🍰 Most ticklish spots?
🍊 Do you like being teased? Do you have any favorite/most effective teases?
🍒 Are your death spots also your favorite spots, or are they different?
🍧 What is your tickle laugh like? Is it different depending on the spot?
🍚 Do you like being pinned/restrained? If yes, what methods do you like the most?
🍩 Favorite tools/techniques to have used on you? Are they different depending on the spot?
🍓 Do you have a “dream scenario” for being tickled?
🍪 Are there any characters you love to imagine tickling you?
🍫 Do you like a stern, serious ler, or one who laughs along with you? Perhaps some combination of both?
🎂 Are there any spots that make you melt?
🍯 Is there anything in real life that tends to make you more ticklish than usual? (wearing socks, being surprised, being sleepy, etc).
🍮 Do you like being surprised with tickles, or do you prefer to know it's coming?
🍭 Do you do anything other than laugh while being tickled? Begging, pleading, swearing, etc?
🍬 Are you able to ask for tickles? If you can't say the word, how do you usually indicate that you want to be tickled, or provoke someone into tickling you?
For Lers
❀ Are there spots you especially love to tickle?
🧡 Does tickling someone fluster you?
💛 Are there any particular vocalizations/begging that you love to hear from a lee?
💚 Is there anything a lee could do, say, or wear that would make you want to tickle them, or want to tickle them more?
💙 Are you vocal while tickling someone, or pretty quiet? If vocal, what do you like to say?
💜 Are you ticklish? Do you enjoy being tickled, too?
🖀 Do you have favorite tools/techniques to use, provided the lee is okay with them?
💕 Do you like to use lotion or oil on a lee while tickling them?
💖 Is there anything you have found that seems to make a lee more ticklish? This could be teasing, clothing, tools, etc.
💗 Any “dream scenarios” as a ler?
💘 Any characters that you would just love to tickle?
💝 Do you like being provoked? If yes, how?
💟 Do you like to use blindfolds or gags, provided the lee is okay with them?
💌 Any particular positions you love to put a lee in for a tickling?
💞 Even if you do not daydream about being tickled, would you let a lee get revenge on you?
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mommyghostface28 · 8 months
Pronouns: She/Her 
Honorifics/titles: Mommy, Daddy, Mistress, Master. 
Kinks: praise, Degradation, somno, CNC, Anal, Primal play, Role play, free use, ownership, Bondage, pussy worship, orgasam control, edging, breeding, public sex.  Humiliation, Monster fucking, mind control, objectification, Housewife(1950s) kink. Corruption. petplay.
Hard limits: scat, piss, raceplay, age play, knives. 
Hey there! If you’re reading this, that means you’ve stumbled into my dungeon. Welcome to my territory, I’m a rough, mushy Domme that loves to steal hearts and give praises to my good girls. Feel free to hangout, or slide into my DMs ;) 
@whoreishcritterrrr is my lovely sub! While I’m definitely not looking for another D/s dynamic, spicy asks are still welcomed ☺
Men will get a block, Minors will get a block. No messing with my mutuals, or mommy will have a problem. 
Taken emojis: 🍷🊕🪬🪿(🌞💜)🐺🩞😇🐰🔥🔮🧞🍒☕🐠🊂🌙🌷🐀🕊🐚💫🍭🊝👀😈🚀🩷🍄🖌🍑🧛‍♀🊋🌻👻❀🧬🪐❀‍🔥🧵🧚‍♀🧁🥌🪩🍂🩰🐇🊎🫧🐝🪎🧠🍓🍣🩵✚🥥🐧💋🐻🪌☄🊆🐮☠🌧🐌🐱❀‍🩹♏🏐♎🐛👑🪷🌛🌈🊈💧🊢🐢🔑🥞🊇🍋🍯🐊‍⬛🧎🐭💕🊊🐈‍⬛🐯👟🪻💝🍆♈⚰🐉💙🎋🪞☀🕞🎀🔪🊉🌊☔🐞🐑🥊👠💐♉🐍🊄🍇❄🌿🐊‍🔥⭐🪲🕷🊷🎞🊚🐬💘🌌🊩🐶🐿🍰🪶📚🍊🊔⚙🍀🊪🐕🐟🙈🍊🐥🥃🌋💄♋💊💉🏎󠁧󠁢󠁳󠁣󠁎󠁿)🎻ᅵᅵᅵᅵ🍪🐚🪞🥺🏁🧮🏳‍⚧♑🌗⛓🔔🧘🏟‍♀🎠💎🊖🥀🐙🌹🍬🍩🌵🍥🊚✌🏻🌱🌠☂🕺🍿🧋🍉♊💒🍐🙃🪅🀭⚡🔆🍏🏐🩶🀍🎃🌲🫎🌩🪭🊭🧚‍♂💌💛🧡🍧⚖🍫🎁🌮🎩🎓🫒🌳🐏🊠🫁🌚🎉🪄🇫🇷💥🎱🎟🍻🫊🌰🫐🥭👗🊀
—————- —————— —————— ————-
🏎󠁧󠁢󠁳󠁣󠁎󠁿 (they/them) 🊠 (Any pronouns)
🎩 (they/them) 🇫🇷 (She/Her)
🍧 (she/her) ⚡(they/them)
🀍 (she/they)
🕺 (They/Them)
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kaionyx · 1 year
!!MINORS DNI!! This is a 18+ blog and i will block you if i see you in my notifications
🔗🗝⛓𖀐⭒๋࣭ ⭑
Hello i’m Onyx, a transmasc dom with a severe love for sweet little angels who were made to be broken and anything gothic. I started this blog finally just to post what I think on the daily.
I’m 23, single, been on T for 2 years and counting with top surgery in the works. I’m mixed, 5’10, and my pronouns are he/him nothing else. Do not call me “master”, you’ll never get a response.
i’m pansexual and open to poly but mostly monogamous.
This is a strictly 18+ blog i post/reblog a lot of stuff that aren’t for minors of any kind. If I see that you’re following me you’ll be blocked.
I have a lot of hard kinks that I talk about, please make sure you look before you follow.
Hard kinks: Bdsm/petplay, dacryphilia, breeding (not pregnancy), gun/knifeplay, watersports, degradation, free use, CNC, somno, drugging, kidnapping, r4p3 play, impact play, blood play, and bimboification.
Hard limits: vomit, scat, gore, detrans, be*sti*lity, incest, race/age play, anything following that.
Yes my dms are open but i’m not just gonna take control over you, talk to me I’m nice sometimes ♡
DNI: minors, terfs, ed/sh blogs, bigots, etc. Cis men you’re on thin ice.
Taken anons: 🌞/🊇/🍄/🎃/🫀/🫧/🌟/🐊/🊠/🐛/🊝/👟/💗/🊈/🪜/🪐/🌞🐇/🧞/😇/🍣/🍃/🕯/🐶/🐕🀍/🫶🏜/⚡/🐻/🐍/🍭/🥀/🧿/👑/🍒/🎶/🊊/🊊/⚰/❄/🫡/🊎/🐟/🐈‍⬛/🊷/♊/🍷/🪌/🫐/✝/🌀/🎞/🌹/🫠/ 🐄/🔗/📎/🐹/🫂/📌/🌱/🊖/💘/🧚‍♀/🧁/🔪/🎀/🩵/🐿/🍩/🐱/🐺/🌻/🐑/🐩/🖋/🍰/🪬/🪻/💌/🊆/🍇/🏵/🩻/🕞/☣/☀🪜/🔮/😵‍💫/🊋/🪷/✹/💠/🌙/🪄/💜/☁/🚬/🀞/🩷💌/🐢/🊌/🐀/⚠🐟/🌷💋/🧷/🐁/🪭💎/🌻🥭/🌌/🎚/💙/💗🐟/🊢/🐰🖀/🊎/🍓💫/🐇❀/🪶/🍮🎶/🪲/🐆/🍊/💙🕳💊/🕊/😶‍🌫/🥞/🐞/🐶🀍/🥩🊎/🔥🧛/💒/🥘/🌞🌺/💮/🊕/🪎/🍯/🍓🍰
🔗🗝⛓𖀐⭒๋࣭ ⭑
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selfship-confession-box · 5 months
★ Hello my fellow selfshippers! ★
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Box Status: open !!!
Confessions are queued, may take a while to post ^^
This blog is for selfship confessions of almost any kind. Whatever reason you don't wanna post it on your blog, or if you just wanna put a confession here for fun, you're welcome here! Selfship art is welcome as well ^^
Whether your f/o(s) is/are obscure, non-human, etc, this blog is welcome to all kinds.
Similar blogs (not owned by me!): @/selfship-vent-confessions , @/nsft-selfship-confessions
"How do the f/o tags work here if I want to filter them?"
I tag them as "f/o (character here)!" It sometimes depends if the user who submitted the ask included a last name/full name/etc, as I usually do not know which characters the user is talking about 0_o (hence why i don't put fandoms)
Do not use the word "simp" here, as the word is appropriated AAVE. Do not use slurs either, I think that should be common sense.
Anything Harry P0tter related
Anything Hazb1n Hotel related
FNAFcraze19912 - Reason: Flirting with a minor
Taken anon sign-offs below!
💉 Syringe anon
🩹 Band aid anon
🊄 Unicorn anon
🌻 Sunflower anon
🊐 Shrimp anon
⛅ Cloudy anon
🍵 Tea anon
🛞 UFO anon
🌌 Night Sky anon
🐰 Hare anon
S anon
🎶🎀 Music Bow anon
🫧🎀 Bubble Bow anon
🫧✚ Bubble Sparkle anon
🐶 Puppy anon
🊊 Otter anon
🊇 Bat anon
🩞 Blood anon
🎂🐈 Cake Cat anon
Blue Text anon
🎀 Bow anon
🪷 Lilypad anon
🪲 Bug anon
👟 Pixel anon
🧞 Teddy Bear anon
🌥 Cloudy anon
🕊 Dove anon
💙 Blue Heart anon
phonelover anon
🌷 Tulip anon
🥬 Lettuce anon
🎎 Japanese Card anon
🪶 Feather anon
⭐ Star anon
⛞❄ Ice Skate anon
Puppet anon
🌌🎶 Night Sky Music anon
⚡🗡 Lightning Sword anon
Sheep anon
🖊 Pen anon
☂ Umbrella anon
⚰ Coffin anon
🚫🎀 Blockmic anon
⌚ Keyboard anon
🪜🪻 Wing Lavender anon
🍊⚙ Citrus Bot anon
🎶🌚 Music Rain anon
💫 Shooting Star anon
Phen 228
Nya anon
💌 Love Note anon
🪵 Log anon
🊈🌪 Sharknado anon
🊭 Seal anon
🛂 Passport Control anon
💜🪶 Purple Heart Feather anon
🍊 Tangerinefucker anon
🍀 Clover Lover anon
Kaiju anon
🍕 Pizza anon
🧜 Sponge anon
🧪⚡Test Tube Lightning anon
🩷💌💛 anon
NK 💚
☀🎵 Sun Song anon
🌊 Wave anon
🩻 X-ray anon
🍞⚪ Whitebread anon
🌌🛞 Night UFO anon
🥩🊎 Meat Bone anon
👜 Alien anon
🌌💮🌌 anon
🌱 Sprout anon
⚡ Lightning anon
💥 Explosion anon
🐚💔 Broken Shell anon
🪞 Mirror anon
⌚🌱 Keyboard Sprout anon
🍓 Strawberry anon
❀🐈‍⬛ Lovecat anon
☕🥐 Coffee Croissant anon
🗡💚 Green Heart Sword anon
💉🩞The Count anon
🎬🌞 Movie Flower anon
👓🎮 Gamer Glasses anon
Silly Billy anon
🧊🧊 Ice Cubes anon
🐌 Sluggy anon
🩷💞💛 Business Failure anon
🔧💚 Green Heart Wrench anon
🪿 Goose anon
✚🖀 Sparkle Black Heart anon
🊈🍞 Sharkbread anon
🌌🔮 Nightseer anon
🎧🐟 Headphones Pawprints anon
🍋💀Deathlemon anon
🕳🐞 Froghole anon
🌈🐀 Rainbow Rat anon
🌿🎀 Mint Idol anon
€ ☎🎭 anon
💚☕ Green Tea anon
😚💀 coldsweat anon
🚬🐟 Smoky Paws anon
🥀🎶 Music Soda anon
🌫🪜 Sky Flight anon
🪭 Fan anon
🪐🌙 Solar System anon
🌌🌊 Night Sea anon
🧠🗣 Brainrot anon
🩵🌷 Blue Heart Tulip anon
💞🌀 Heartswirl anon
🔥✚ Sparks anon
🌻🌅 Sunflower Sunrise anon
🐍🔮 Seer Snake anon
🪻🍰 Lavender Cake anon
🍊🔫 Ice Cream Shooter anon
🍓🐶 Strawberry Dog anon
Anxious Rex anon
🌈🥁 Rainbow Drummer anon
🪌🐈‍⬛ Jellycat anon
🊉 Owl anon
🧡🧢 Orange Heart Hat anon
🎉🌀 Party Whirlpool anon
🪻🍰 Lavender Cake anon
🌱⚙ Sprout Gear anon
🍯🐰 Honey Bunny anon
🌑🌞 Moonflower anon
🧠🗣 Brainrot anon
💿🍎 CD Eater anon
🀡🫠 Melty Clown anon
Despair anon
🫀 Heart anon
☀🖌 Sun Brush
🌊🪌 Wave Jellyfish anon
💛🎭🔫 Hjack anon
❄🐱 Winter Cat anon
🐑💀 Sleepy Sheep anon
🐉☢ Nuclear Dragon anon
🎀🪡 Sewed Bow anon
🧛‍♀👑 Vampire Princess anon
💜 Purple Heart anon
🪊🊌 Dead Deer anon
⭐♠ Starspade anon
🌞 Smiley Sun anon
🩵🌌⚙ anon
♎♏ Vrisrezi anon
🌱⚙ Sproutgear anon
🐮🐝 Cow Bee anon
🍊🍀 Lucky Orange anon
S'more anon
🥀🩹 Bandaged Milkshake anon
☄💖 Red Comet lover anon
📖🐛 Bookworm anon
🎵🪜 Wing Song anon
🌟⬇ Starfall anon
🟚🟊🟥 Primary Colors anon
🊉🐇 Owl Hare anon
💚🔧 Green Heart Wrench anon
🌀 Whirlpool anon
Midget 💚🌎
🚪🌀 Hallways anon
⭕🎞 Geometric Guitar anon
🧀 Cheesy anon
🔪💻 Computer Killer anon
🐕🗡 Chihuahua Guard Dog anon
🌻🐱 Sunflower Cat anon
🌠🐟 Starry Paws anon
🥀📜 Rose Scroll anon
💞💫 Star Dollar anon
🪚 Saw anon
☀🌙 Eclipse anon
🐙 Octopus anon
:] anon
🊢🌊 Seaswan anon
🥩🊈 Meat Shark anon
🌌👻 Galaxy Ghost anon
Chaos anon
☎🊊 Otterphone anon
💉🊷 Dentist anon
📞🧌 Soapy Photos anon
🏺🐍 Alex Fierro anon
💜🏹 Hawk anon
💌💻 Digital Lovenotes anon
🍬💫 Starcandy Anon
TVee 📺 anon
⚠🀛 Dorito Fighter anon
⁉‌ anon
⭐☎ Starphone anon
🚭 No Smoking anon
🊊🪡 Sewed Fox anon
🐱💋 Catkisser anon
🊪 Oyster anon
🎠 Carousel Horse anon
🧁 Cupcake anon
🌌👻 Galaxy Ghost anon
Purple Text anon
🌌✚ Sparkly Flower anon
🎂🐚 Cakeshell anon
❀💻 Computerlover anon
🎪🎠 Carnival Horse anon
🊇💀 Sleepy Bat anon / 😐🎉 Yippee anon
🌎💚🖀 anon
💕🌅☄ Golden Comet anon
🪊🪜 Mortis anon
👹 Demon anon
🌟🍻 Starbeer anon
🧛‍♂🎪 Vampire Circus anon
🊇🎢 Batcoaster anon
97 notes · View notes
Master list
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disclaimer: I am dyslexic so their may be spelling errors but I use spell check. All are fem reader. Send me an ask if you want male reader.
(this series is Colby and y/n going to the sallie house and him comforting her)
midnight cuddles - chapter 1
good morning princess- chapter 2
Sallie house- chapter 3
The investigation- chapter 4
possessed- chapter 5
I love you- chapter 6
comments- chapter 7
Movies night/ Valentine’s Day (your sams sister and go on a date with Colby)
You slept with my sister!-part 2 (your sams sister and go on a date with Colby)
Halloween party (Colby gets jealous)
(you and finnick go into the arena)
Nightmares part 1
The ring part 2
Chariot rides part 3
Training part 4
Valentine’s Day
keep the door open!!! —(hopper is your dad and Steve is in your room)
vecna —(you get taken by vecna)
dragons days
Between the bars—(Coryo and y/n have their first kiss)
honeysuckle —-(what if Coryo met y/n in the arena)
the snap part 1 —(what if Matt disappeared in the blip)
better than the devil part 2 —-(what if Matt disappeared in the blip)
Sundays (newlyweds have a Sunday together and go to church)
Trust me there is many more to come.
249 notes · View notes
mtnikolle · 8 months
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Fandom: Naruto
Characters: Kakashi and Iruka
Modern AU, teens
WC: 1048
“So? You gonna come or not?” Iruka blurts to his friend when they meet up at lunch time.
Kakashi isn't quite sure what to make of this question. He doesn't recall talking with Iruka about going somewhere in their recent conversations—and he's pretty sure he didn't accidentally tune him out during any recent rambles, either. He looks at Iruka closely, trying to make heads or tails of it. Iruka is slowly turning red. His posture is getting stiff. And that scowl isn't the one he wears when he's angry, it's the one he wears when he's nervous. Kakashi bites the bullet.
“Where would we be going?” He asks.
Kakashi’s not sure how it's possible, but Iruka turns even redder. And face palms.
“Ummm, sorry. There's a fair in Senju Park this week. Mom said I can go tonight. And stay late, since I did so well on my last report card. So
” and Iruka takes a big breath in, “
do you want to come with me?”
This is unusual. Not the going out part, they do that all the time. This nervous, blushing, asking-in-person part, rather than a quick text.
“Would this be a date
?” Kakashi asks. And he's not sure how he feels about that.
Iruka goes from bright red to dead pale in an instant.
“N-n-n-no,” he stutters out. “Not— not—”
Yes, it was absolutely meant to be a date.
They meet up at the park a few hours later. Kakashi spent more time than he wants to admit to trying to figure out what to wear. His dad laughed at him. Especially when, in the end, he wore the same basic clothes he usually wears—comfortable jeans, sneakers, tshirt, and comfortable hoodie, but the green one that Iruka likes, rather than the red one he was wearing at school today.
Iruka has changed, too. He's wearing Kakashi's favourite top—the one that shows off his forearms. And suddenly Kakashi realises that he's been looking at Iruka for a while. They've been friends for
 well, almost ever. When did this happen? How did Kakashi not realise it before? Kakashi knows exactly how he feels about this now, and he is so, so happy now that Iruka was courageous enough to ask him out tonight.
They stare at each other kind of awkwardly, which is bullshit because they've known each other forever.
“Shall we
Iruka passes him a bright yellow wristband and leads him into the park.
Together they pick some rides to try. Iruka’s a bit of a daredevil, so he wants to go on the Drop of Doom and roller coaster immediately. Kakashi is somewhat less so, so he convinces Iruka that they should warm up with the Octopus and Monster rides, instead. Iruka agrees, and they laugh so hard and have so much fun that it breaks up any awkwardness remaining from their knowledge that this is a date. Kakashi feels really, really okay with that now.
An hour of rides later, Kakashi is more than ready for a break. Iruka reluctantly agrees, and they make their way to the food stands and carts that have been set up for the day. They find a truck they both like the look of and stand in line. A long line had to mean good food, right? Kakashi sure hopes so—he’s all about comfort in food and never ventures too far from his favourites.
Between them, the teens consumed one loaded chili dog, the greasiest hamburger Kakashi was sure he'd ever seen, a bucket of poutine, and a giant bear claw. Since the rides hadn't done him in, he is sure the food will. Then Iruka bounces up from the bench they've been resting on.
“There's one more place I want to check out!”
Kakashi isn't sure he can move yet, but he’ll try for Iruka.
“Let's go.”
Iruka helps haul him up from the bench, and Kakashi is surprised he can stand. And then surprised he can walk. He has no idea how Iruka is bouncing around the way he is—Kakashi is sure Iruka ate more than he did!
They meander through the crowd for a while, waving at the occasional classmate they see, but making no move to join any of them, when Kakashi sees the stand a little ways away and balks. It is an ice cream stand. The concept of ice cream now is okay, but this isn't just any ice cream. No, the Golden Scoop is the ice cream shop on the other side of Konoha that Iruka has wanted to try since they opened. Kakashi on the other hand

The thing is, they make all these weird flavours, and they don't sell vanilla or chocolate at all.
Iruka turns around when he sees Kakashi isn't beside him any more.
“Are you okay, Kakashi?”
Kakashi doesn't want to ruin this for Iruka, but he's honestly not sure if he can make himself go over there. Curry Thai Chili ice cream just isn't something he can make himself eat

“I don't think I can eat that,” Kakashi explains. “Why don't you go ahead? I'll wait here.”
“Are you too full?”
Iruka is offering him the perfect out, but Kakashi knows him, and if he takes it, then Iruka won't go.
Kakashi wants him to go—Iruka's been wanting to try the Scoop's ice cream for ages. He hesitates to answer. Long enough that Iruka notices. Kakashi watches his face light up with understanding.
“Oh. Oh!”
Iruka holds out his hand to Kakashi.
“Do you trust me?” he asks.
Kakashi knows a trap when he hears one. Or, well, it would be a trap from anyone but Iruka.
Iruka holds out his hand.
“Take my hand. I know they'll have something you'll like, too.”
Iruka is so sincere when he says it that Kakashi believes him. So he puts his hand in Iruka's and lets Iruka pull him toward the stand.
Iruka walks away with a double scoop cone with lobster and strawberry chive flavours. Kakashi ends up with extra virgin olive oil ice cream. Iruka was right, they did have something he likes.
They continue on wandering the fair, looking at the craft vendors, eating their ice cream, but now with fingers slotted together.
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marvel-rhapsody · 1 year
The Scoops Troop | Steve Harrington x reader
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The Scoops Troop | Steve Harrington x reader
Warnings: written with fem!reader in mind, but I think it can be read as gender-neutral, bad writing tbh, not proofread,
Word Count: 2,000+
It's a warm summer day when you stroll into Starcourt Mall. You've already lost count of how many times you've walked the stores of the mall despite it only being open for a short period of time. It just goes to show at how little Hawkins has to do for a teenager, well, anyone really.
The mall is crowded, as it is every time you've been here so far. The crowds are everywhere, barely any walkway available. 
The place you're heading towards, Scoops Ahoy, sits on the bottom floor with the rest of the food court. There are so many options to choose from, a lot more than what Hawkins used to offer. Benny's and the singular bar in town could only get a person so far. 
Your best friend, Robin, secured a job at Scoops Ahoy at the end of April, just in time for school to let out and summer to start. 
She's been trying to get you to come by when Steve Harrington is working with her. She claims that he's lost all ability to successfully ask a girl out. All those years as the proclaimed "king" has finally come to an end.
But little did she know that you liked him during those years. Even though he was a complete asshole, you still wanted him. Somewhere, behind all the popularity, there was a decent guy. Someone that Steve could finally become after graduating and getting away from all the stuck-up kids he was used to hanging out with. 
Steve is working the front counter when you walk in. 
"Ahoy there..." he says with a dejected sigh. "Would you like to set sail on this ocean of flavor with me? I'll be your captain, um, Steve Harrington."
You stifle a laugh, and answer with, "I think I'll try Cherry Jubilee today, captain." 
Steve blushes a deep red and scoops the ice cream quickly. You hand him the money.
"Keep the change." 
He nods his head and rushes to the door that leads to the designated break room. A few seconds later, your blonde-headed friend comes through the same door. 
"That was awful, right?" Robin asks with a smirk. 
You shrug. "It could've been worse.. I didn't hate it."
"So, point for Steve?" his voice travels in from the window that's in the wall separating the store from the break room. 
Robin shakes her head. "Didn't secure a date, dingus." 
Steve groans.
"To be fair, you never asked," you chime in.
"Are you serious?" both Steve and Robin ask at the same time, their tones varying. 
You shrug. "Wouldn't hurt to ask, Steve..." 
Two weeks pass before Steve can take a night off for your date. 
He takes you to a quaint diner just outside of Hawkins. You've never been, but Steve claims it's the best, so you take his word for it. 
"What do you recommend?" you ask, skimming over the menu the waiter gave you.
"Can't go wrong with a bacon cheeseburger..." Steve replies. He hasn't taken his eyes off of you, but you have yet to notice. 
You set the menu down on top of his unused one. "Bacon cheeseburger  it is."
Steve flags the waiter down and orders for the two of you. The food doesn't take long to get to the table, despite it being a crowded Friday night. You eat in silence for the most part, a compliment on the food comes out a couple times. 
"You know," Steve starts, tossing his used napkin on top of his empty plate, "I'm surprised you agreed to a date..."
"Really? Honestly, I've always had a thing for you... Even as "King" Steve," you reply. "I know you were kind of an asshole in school, but Robin kept insisting that you were different. Claimed you couldn't get a date to save your life. So, I had to see for myself. I'm definitely not regretting showing up that day." 
Steve has a grin on his face. "You liked me in school? I never--"
"Of course you didn't know, Steve. We ran in different circles... I was one of the band geeks; still am, actually. But somehow, I knew that you weren't the guy everyone made you out to be... Those people you hung out with...sucked."
Steve doesn't reply. He doesn't know what to say. He's never had someone outside his little friend group say anything like that. But you could see the true him; the one away from all the hustle and bustle of the rich kids and their respective families. 
"Yeah, I know... They were all I knew.. I had made too much of a bad name for myself to try to find different friends.. But I'm glad that you can see the real me; the one who actually tries to be better." 
The waiter comes by with the check, and Steve insists on paying for your meal, too. You toss some cash onto the table as a tip and follow Steve out to his car. 
"Care for some Scoops Ahoy ice cream? I happen to know the best employees that place has to offer." 
"I would love some ice cream, captain." 
The mall is pretty quiet tonight, which is surprising until you realize that it's 30 minutes until closing. 
"Dingus, your friend is here," Robin says as she sees you and Steve walk in. 
Dustin Henderson is sitting at a booth near the counter, anxiously waiting for Steve to come by. 
You chat with Robin as Steve talks to Dustin for a few minutes. 
"I intercepted a secret Russian code!" Dustin yells out. 
Your head whips around to look at the duo sitting in the booth. 
"What are you on about?" Robin asks. 
"Nothing, he's just being weird..." Steve says, cooly. 
He and Dustin go back into a huddle, whispering quietly between themselves. 
Robin and you look at each other, and shrug before going back to our conversation. 
A little while later, Steve comes up and offers to take you home. The ride is quiet, but comfortably so. 
He walks you to your front door, his hands sitting in his front pockets. 
"I, uh, had a good time tonight... and sorry for kind of ditching you at Scoops..." Steve says, one hand reaching up to rake through his hair. 
"Don't worry about it... I had a good time, too..." you say. "I'd like to do it again sometime, honestly."
Steve shoots you a big grin. 
You reach up and kiss his cheek before unlocking your front door.
"Goodnight, Steve..." 
"Yeah, goodnight, (y/n)."
A few days later, you get a call from Robin.
"So, remember at Scoops the other night, when Dustin was there?" 
"Yeah, Robs, what about it?"
"Now he and Dustin are hiding in the break room and listening to some recording over and over again... I think the little dude actually found a Russian code..." she says. "So, want to come help translate?" 
"I don't know Russian, Robin..." 
"Neither do any of us, but it'll be fun! I'll see you soon, bye!" 
A dial tone rings through the phone, indicating that Robin hung up before you could reply. 
You grumble to yourself as you get turn off the tv and pick yourself up off the couch. You rush to your room and change out of your lounge clothes and into something more suitable for the mall. 
You grab your keys and bag before letting your parents know where you're going. The ride to the mall doesn't take too long. It's pretty late already, almost 8 o'clock. The parking lot is fairly empty, maybe 30 cars are occupying spaces. You head inside and towards Scoops.
"The week is long, the silver cat feeds when blue meets yellow in the west..." Robin's voice carries through the open window from the break room.
"You know," you say, leaning against the door, "if this is really a secret code, you should probably be whispering so everyone in the mall can't hear you."
The trio huddled around the table jumps in unison.
You wave at them before dropping your bag onto a chair. 
"Hi," Steve says, catching your gaze. 
"Hi, Steve."
"I'm Dustin," the boy speaks.
"(y/n), nice to meet you, Dustin." 
He grins. "You're the one Steve likes, right? The one that was here with him the other night?"
Steve smacks his arm with an exasperated look on his face. 
"Unless he's picked up another date since then, yes... That was me," you laugh. 
"Only you, sweetheart." 
They go back to the recording of the code and continue to decode the message. 
"That one is trip and then China and then something nice?" Steve says, looking at the translation dictionary. 
You take the book from his hands, flipping through the pages. 
"A trip to China sounds nice if you tread lightly," you say. 
"The week is long. The silver cat feeds when blue meets yellow in the west. A trip to China sounds nice if you tread lightly." Dustin reads the final product. "What the hell does that even mean?"
Robin looks around the room, and her eyes widen. She rushes out of the break room and out to the lobby of the mall. 
You all rush after her. 
"The silver cat is the delivery company, a trip to China is the restaurant, tread lightly is the show store...When blue meets yellow in the west..." she pauses before turning her gaze to the clock that hangs on the wall. "The clock hands are blue and yellow.... So west must mean 9 o'clock?"
Everything had, honestly, gone to shit. The plan the four of you hatched out has gone downhill. Dustin and yourself, along with Erica Sinclair, who you really should not have brought into this, are trying to find a way to get back to the outside world. Steve and Robin have been drugged with something, and now Russians are chasing you in the labyrinth underneath the mall. 
You finally make it back to the elevator that got you into this mess, and use the keycard you swiped off one of the Russians to get you back to the surface. 
"Do they seem drunk to you?" Dustin asks. 
"They were drugged, Dustin... We need to make sure they don't kill themselves." 
The elevator doors open revealing the delivery zone outside the mall. You grab onto Steve's arm while Dustin and Erica take Robin. The five of you rush to the back hallways of the mall and run toward the movie theater. 
"This is probably the safest place we can hide... Lots of people are in here, hopefully they won't make a scene," Dustin says, leading everyone inside. 
There are three empty seats at the right side of the front of the theater, so you sit with Steve and Robin while Dustin and Erica head towards the left side.
"I feel sick..." Steve says, and Robin quickly agrees. They both get up and rush back out of the theater, with you hot on their heels. 
They go into the bathroom and into separate stalls as the drugs finally start to leave their system. After a few minutes, you finally speak. 
"You guys aren't dead, are you?"
You hear a huff from the stall Steve went into. "I think I'm good... Robin?"
"I'm good, too." 
The Russian portal is now destroyed, along with part of the mall. 
You find Steve sitting at the back doors of an ambulance, an ice pack pressed to his head. 
"You know, when you first asked me on a date, I didn't know you dealt with alternate dimension monsters..." 
He snorts. "Yeah, that really gets all the ladies... I'm sorry we got you into this mess..." 
You reach over and push the hair that fell over his face out of the way.
"It's not like you knew this would happen, Steve. I'm just glad we survived..." 
"I really like you, by the way. And this isn't the drugs talking, it isn't the adrenaline talking... It's just me..." 
You grin at him. "I like you, too, Steve... and I would really like it if you could be my boyfriend, maybe? What better time and place to ask, huh?"
Steve stands from the ambulance, dropping the ice pack inside. He reaches towards you and cups your face in his hands before pressing his lips to yours. His split lip feels like it's throbbing to him, but he'd risk everything to kiss you again.
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prosekaiuwu · 2 days
YAYY REQUEDTS!!!! may i ask for cutouts from kaitos 2024 anni card? ^_^ !! unless youve already done thag (_;) thenn just silly kaito 4koma cutouts !! :3
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I feel like Dean from Blue Valentine would kiss you slowly, going lower and lower and lower until he lifts your skirt slightly but looks at you for permission. Once he gets it, he'd gently pull your panties off, making sure to slide the palms of his hands down your thighs before diving in, doing it as if to both pleasure and savor you at the same time. Because he loves you. He missed you. You've been gone from his universe for a while and he wants you to know how much he loves you.
THANK YOU SO MUCH!!!!!! 😭😭😭💞💞💟💟💝💝💘💗💞💕 OH. OH WOW. OH this was such a pleasant message to wake up to, oh my goodness. Thank you so very much for taking the time to send this to me. 🥺🥺🥺 Dean is a very very new F/O for me so it's been a little hard for me to believe he'd love me, especially in That Way, but ahh, wow. This helps a LOT!!!!! I mean WOW............... this... wow I don't know what else to say other than wow wow WOW!!!!! 🥺🥺🥺🥺🥺🥺🥺 I will reread this over and over and over again until the sun explodes
Thank you for describing him as so... gentle with me ;-; that's so important to me. And he's missing me?? ME?? 🥺🥺🥺 I'm gonna cry right here right now dude thank you so much. You even remembered that I jump between different universes -- and you think he'd miss me when I'm not there, and that HE LOVES ME?? 😭😭💕💕💝💝💓💘💝💗💞💞💕💕💕 GOSH THANK YOU SO MUCH!!!!!! I cannot express enough how deeply I appreciate this. This makes me feel so wildly happy. I am kicking my feet in my chair and giggling. When I first read this ask I went "awww!!" out loud and then I read it again and went "AWWWWW!!!!" even louder.
I hope you have the most wonderful day today anon, you are such a sweetheart and I appreciate you taking the time to send me such kindness. You've actually inspired me to sketch this!!! 🥺🥺 SO THANK YOU!!! If I finish coloring the sketch I'd love to post it sometime soon... I wanna get into the habit of feeling Loved in an intimate and safe way and that's this blog's primary purpose, but it's so hard for me to actually sit and get started, but this motivated me quite a bit!!! So!!! Thank you thank you thank you for taking the time and energy out of your day to be kind to me!!! I am sending you so much love!!!! Here take these flowers and stars just for you my beloved!!! 💐🌞🌟🌺🌹🌻🌟🌷🌹🌺🌟🌞💐🌞🌟✚
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crazylittlejester · 1 month
YOOO ITS MEWING ANON AND YOU POSTED MANDERIN WARS ANON FIC COOL DUDE THAT IS SO SIGMA (I can’t fucking spell) when I saw that the fic took 5 months it reminded me of that super sigma fic rq I sent you (the one that’s gonna take like four whole Zelda game development cycles to make but YOU ARE AWSOME FOR SAYING YOU WILL. anyways I am glad that ask is between you me and GOD if literally anyone else had seen that I’d be like 😀😃😄😁😆🥹😅😂🀣🥲☺😊😇🙂🙃😉😌😍🥰😘😗😙😚😋😛😝😜🀪🀚🧐🀓😎🥞🀩🥳🙂‍↕😏😒🙂‍↔😞😔😟😕🙁☹😣😖😫😩🥺😢😭😀😠😡🀬🀯😳🥵🥶😶‍🌫😱😚😰😥😓🀗🀔🫣🀭🫢🫡🀫🫠🀥😶🫥😐🫀😑🫚😬🙄😯😊😧😮😲🥱😎🀀😪😮‍💚😵😵‍💫🀐🥎🀢🀮🀧😷🀒🀕🀑🀠😈👿👹👺🀡💩👻💀☠👜👟🀖🎃😺😞😹😻😌😜🙀😿😟🫶🀲👐🙌👏🀝👍👎👊✊🏻🀛🀜🫷🏻🫞🀞✌🫰🀟🀘👌🀌🀏🫳🫎👈👉👆👇☝✋🀚🖐🖖👋🀙🫲🫱💪🊟🖕✍🙏🫵🊶🊵🊿💄💋👄🫊🊷👅👂🊻👃👣👁👀🫀🫁🧠🗣👀👥🫂👶👧🧒👊👩🧑👚👩🏻‍🊱🧑‍🊱👚‍🊱👩‍🊰🧑‍🊰👚‍🊰👱‍♀👱👱‍♂👩‍🊳🧑‍🊳👚‍🊳👩‍🊲🧑‍🊲👚‍🊲🧔‍♀🧔🧔‍♂👵🧓👎👲👳‍♀👳👳‍♂🧕👮‍♀👮👮‍♂👷‍♀👷👷‍♂💂‍♀💂💂‍♂🕵‍♀🕵🕵‍♂👩‍⚕🧑‍⚕👚‍⚕👩‍🌟🧑‍🌟👚‍🌟👩‍🍳🧑‍🍳👚‍🍳👩‍🎓🧑‍🎓👚‍🎓👩🏻‍🎀🧑‍🎀👚‍🎀👩‍🏫🧑‍🏫👚‍🏫👩‍🏭🧑‍🏭👚‍🏭👩‍💻🧑‍💻👚‍💻👩‍💌🧑‍💌👚‍💌👩‍🔧🧑‍🔧👚‍🔧👩‍🔬🧑‍🔬👚‍🔬👩‍🎚🧑‍🔧👚‍🔧👩‍🔬🧑‍🔬👚‍🔬👩‍🎚🧑‍🎚👚‍🎚🧑‍🚒👩‍🚒👚‍🚒👩‍✈🧑‍✈👚‍✈👩‍🚀👚‍🚒👩‍✈🧑‍✈👚‍✈👩‍🚀🧑‍🚀👩‍⚖👚‍🚀🧑‍⚖👚‍⚖👰‍♀👰👰‍♂🀵‍♀🀵🀵‍♂👞🫅🀎🥷🊞‍♀🊞🊞‍♂🊹‍♀🊹🊹‍♂🀶🧑‍ᅵᅵ🎅🧙‍♀🧙🧙‍♂🧝‍♀🧝🧝‍♂🧌🧛‍♀🧛🧛‍♂🧟‍♀🧟🧟‍♂🧞‍♀🧞🧞‍♂🧜‍♀🧜🧜‍♂🧚‍♀🧚🧚‍♂👌🀰🫄🫃🀱👩‍🍌🧑‍🍌👚‍🍌🙇‍♀🙇🙇‍♂💁‍♀💁🏻💁‍♂🙇🙅‍♀🙅🙅‍♂🙆‍♀🙆🙆‍♂🙋‍♀🙋🙋‍♂🧏‍♀🧏🧏‍♂🀊‍♀🀊🀊‍♂🀷‍♀🀷🀷‍♂🙎‍♀🙎🙎‍♂🙍‍♀🙍🙍‍♂💇‍♀💇💇‍♂💆‍♀💆💆‍♂🧖‍♀🧖🧖‍♂💅🀳💃🕺👯‍♀👯👯‍♂🕎👩‍🊜🧑‍🊜👚‍🊜👩‍🊜‍➡🧑‍🊜‍➡👚‍🊜‍➡👩‍🊌🧑‍🊌👚‍🊌👩‍🊌‍➡🧑‍🊌‍➡👚‍🊌‍➡🚶‍♀🚶🚶‍♂🚶‍♀‍➡🚶‍➡🚶‍♂‍➡👩‍🊯🧑‍🊯👚‍🊯👩‍🊯‍➡🧑‍🊯‍➡👚‍🊯‍➡🧎‍♀🧎🧎‍♂🏃‍♀🏃🏃‍♂🏃‍♀‍➡🏃‍➡🏃‍➡🏃‍♂‍➡🧎‍♀‍➡🧎‍➡🧎‍♂‍➡🧍‍♀🧍🧍‍♂👫👭👬👩‍❀‍👚👩‍❀‍👩💑👚‍❀‍👚👩‍❀‍💋‍👚👩‍❀‍💋‍👩💏👚‍❀‍💋‍👚🪢🧶🧵🪡🧥🥌🊺👚👕👖🩲🩳👔👗👙🩱👘🥻🩎🥿👠👡👢👞👟🥟🧊🧀🧣👟🥟🧊🧀🧣🎩🧢👒🎓⛑🪖👑💍👝👛👜💌🎒🧳👓🕶🥜🌂🐶🐱🐭🐹🐰🊊🐻🐌🐻‍❄🐚🐯🊁🐮🐷🐜🐞🐵🙈🙉🙊🐒🐔🐧🐊🐀🐣🐥🪿🊆🐊‍⬛🊅🊉🊇🐺🐗🐎🊄🫎🐝🪱🐛🊋🐌🐞🐜🪰🪲🪳🊟🊗🕷🕞🊂🐢🐍🊎🊖🊕🐙🊑🪌🊐🊞🊀🐡🐠🐟🐬🐳🐋🊈🊭🐊🐅🐆🊓🊍ᅵᅵᅵᅵ🊣🐘🊛🊏🐪🐫🊒🊘🊬🐃🐂🐄🫏🐎🐖🐏🐑🊙🐐🊌🐕🐩🊮🐕‍🊺🐈🐈‍⬛🪶🪜🐓🊃🊀🊚🊜🊢🊩🕊🐇🊝🊚🊫🊡🊊🊫🊥🐁🐀🐿🊔🐟🐉🐲🐊‍🔥🌵🎄🌲🌳🌎🪵🌱🌿☘🍀🎍🪎🎋🍃🍂🍁🪺🪹🍄🍄‍🟫ᅵᅵ🪞🪚🌟💐🌷🌹🥀🪻🪷🌺🌞🌌🌻🌞🌝🌛🌜🌚🌕🌖🌗🌘🌑🌓🌒🌔🌙🌎🌍🌏🪐💫⭐🌟✚⚡☄💥🔥🌪🌈☀🌀⛅🌥☁🌊🌧⛈🌩🌚❄☃⛄🌬💚💧💊🫧☔☂🌊🌫🍏🍎🍐🍊🍋🍋‍🟩🍌🍉🍇🍓🫐🍈🍒🍑🥭🍍🥥🥝🍅🍆🥑🫛🥊🥬🥒🌶🫑🌜🥕🫒🧄🧅🥔🍠🫚🥐🥯🍞🥖🥚🧀🥚🍳🧈🥞🧇🥓🥩🍗🍖🊎🌭🍔🍟🍕🫓🥪🥙🧆🌮🌯🫔🥗🥘🫕🥫🫙🍝🍜🍲🍛🍣🍱🥟🊪🍀🍙🍚🍘🍥🥠🥮🍢🍡🍧🍚🍊🥧🧁🍰🎂🍮🍭🍬🍫🍿🍩🍪🌰🥜🫘🍯🥛🫗🍌🫖☕🍵🧃🥀🧋🍶🍺🍻🥂🍷🥃🍞🍹🧉🍟🧊🥄🍎🍜🥣🥡🥢🧂⚜🏀🏈⚟🥎🎟🏐🏉🥏🎱🪀🏓🏞🏒🏑🥍🪃🏏🥅⛳🪁🛝🏹🎣🀿🥊🥋🎜🛹🛌🛷⛞🥌🎿⛷🏂🪂🏋‍♀🏋🏋‍♂🀌‍♀🀌🀌‍♂🀞‍♀🀞🀞‍♂⛹‍♀⛹⛹‍♂🀺🀟‍♀🀟🀟‍♂🏌‍♀🏌🏌‍♂🏇🧘‍♀🧘🧘‍♂🏄‍♀🏄🏄‍♂🏊‍♀🏊🏊‍♂🀜‍♀🀜🀜‍♂🚣‍♀🚣🚣‍♂🧗‍♀🧗🧗‍♂🚵‍♀🚵🚵‍♂🚎‍♀🚎🚎‍♂🏆🥇🥈🥉🏅🎖🏵🎗🎫🎟🎪🀹‍♀🀹🀹‍♂🎭🩰🎚🎬🎀🥁🪇🎹🎌🎧🪘🎷🎺🪗🎞♟🎲🪈🎻🪕🧩🎰🎮🎳🎯🚗🚕🚙🚌🚎🏎🚓🚑🚒🚐🛻🚚🚛🚜🊯🚲🛎🩌🊌🊜🛵🏍🛺🛞🚚🚔🚍🚘🚖🚡🚠🚟🚃🚋🚞🚝🚄🚅🚈🚂🚆🚇🚊🚉✈🛫🛬🛩💺🛰🚀🛞🚁🛶⛵🚀🛥🛳⛎🚢🛟⚓🪝⛜🚧🚊🚥🚏🗺🗿🗿🗿🗿🗜🗌🏰🏯🏟🎡🎢🎠⛲⛱🏖🏝🏜🌋⛰🏔🗻🏕⛺🛖🏠🏡🏘🏚🏗🏭🏢🏬🏣🏀🏥🏊🏚🏪🏫🏩💒🏛⛪🕌🕍🛕🕋⛩🛀🛣🗟🎑🏞🌅🌄🌠🎇🎆🌇🌆🏙🌃🌌🌉🌁⌚📱📲💻⌚🖥🖚🖱🖲🕹🗜💜💟💿📀📌📷📞📹🎥📜🎞📞☎📟📠📺📻🎙🎚🎛🧭⏱⏲⏰🕰⌛⏳📡🔋🪫🔌💡🔊🕯🪔🧯🛢💞💵💎💶💷🪙💰💳🪪💎⚖🪜🧰🪛🔧🔚⚒🛠⛏🪚🔩⚙🪀🧱⛓⛓‍💥🧲🔫💣🧚🪓🔪🗡⚔🛡🚬⚰🪊⚱🏺🔮📿🧿🪬💈⚗🔭💊💉🩞🧬🊠🧫🧪🌡🧹🪠🧺🧻🚜🚰🚿🛁🛀🧌🪥🪒🪮🧜🪣🧎🛎🔑🗝🚪🪑🛋🖌🪆🧞🛌🛏🪞🪟🛍🛒🎁🎈🎏🎀🪄🪅🎊🎉🎎🪭🏮🎐🪩✉✉🧧📩📚📧💌📥📀📊🏷🪧📪📫📬📭📮📯📜📃📄📑🧟📊📈📉🗒🗓📆📅🗑📇🗃🗳🗄📋📁📂🗂🗞📰📓📔📔📒📕📗📘📙📚📖🔖🧷🔗📎🖇📐📏🧮📌📍✂🖊🖋✒🖌🖍📝✏🔍🔓🔒🔐🔏🔎🩷❀🧡💛💚🩵💙💜🖀🩶🀍🀎💔❀‍🔥❀‍🩹💗💓💞💕❣💖💘💝💟☮✝☪🕉☞🪯✡🔯🕎☯☊🛐⛎♈♉♊♋♌♍♎♏♐♑♒♓🆔⚛🉑☢☣📎📳🈶🈚🈞🈺🈷✎🆚💮🉐㊙㊗🈎🈵🈹🈲🅰🅱🆎🆑🅟🆘❌⭕🛑⛔📛🚫💯💢♚🚷🚯🚳🚱🔞📵🚭❗❕❓❔‌⁉🔅🔆〜⚠🚞🔱⚜🔰♻✅🈯💹❇✳❎💠🌐Ⓜ🌀💀🏧🚟♿🅿🛗🈳🈂🛂🛃🛄🛅🛜🚹🚺🚌🧑‍🧑‍🧒🧑‍🧑‍🧒‍🧒🧑‍🧒🧑‍🧒‍🧒⚧🚻🚮🎊📶🈁🔣ℹ🔀🔡🔠🆖🆗🆙🆒🆕🆓0⃣1⃣2⃣3⃣4⃣5⃣6⃣7⃣8⃣9⃣🔟🔢#⃣*⃣⏏▶⏞⏯⏹⏺⏭⏮⏩⏪⏫⏬◀🔌◀🔜➡⬅⬆⬇↗↘↩↙↖↕↔↪↩‎‵🔀🔁🔂🔄🔃🎵🎶➕➖➗✖🟰💲♟💲💱™©🔝👁‍🗚®🔚🔙🔛🔝🔜〰➰➿✔☑🔘🔎🟠🟡🟢🔵🟣⚫⚪🟀🔺🔻🔞🔹🔶🔷🔳🔲▪▫◟◜◌◻🟥🟧🟚🟩🟊🟪⬛⬜🟫🔈🔇🔉🔊🔔🔕📣📢💬💭🗯♠♣♥♊🃏🎎🀄🕐🕑🕒🕓🕔🕕🕖🕗🕘🕙🕚🕚🕛🕜🕝🕞🕟🕠🕡🕢🕣🕀🕥🕊🕧🏳🏎🏎‍☠🏁🚩🏳‍🌈🏳‍⚧🇺🇳🇊🇫🇊🇜🇊🇱🇩🇿🇊🇞🇊🇩🇊🇎🇊🇮🇊🇶🇊🇬🇊🇷🇊🇲🇊🇌🇊🇺🇊🇹🇊🇿🇧🇞🇧🇭🇧🇩🇧🇧🇧🇟🇧🇪🇧🇿🇧🇯🇧🇲🇧🇹🇧🇎🇧🇊🇧🇌🇧🇷🇻🇬🇧🇳🇧🇬🇧🇫🇧🇮🇰🇭🇚🇲🇚🇊🇮🇚🇚🇻🇧🇶🇰🇟🇚🇫🇹🇩🇮🇎🇚🇱🇚🇳🇚🇜🇚🇚🇚🇎🇰🇲🇚🇬🇚🇩🇚🇰🇚🇷🇚🇮🇭🇷🇚🇺🇚🇌🇚🇟🇚🇿🇩🇰🇩🇯🇩🇲🇩🇎🇪🇚🇪🇬🇞🇻🇬🇶🇪🇷🇪🇪🇞🇿🇪🇹🇪🇺🇫🇰🇫🇎🇫🇯🇫🇮🇫🇷🇬🇫🇵🇫🇹🇫🇬🇊🇬🇲🇬🇪🇩🇪🇬🇭🇬🇮🇬🇷🇬🇱🇬🇩🇬🇵🇬🇺🇬🇹🇬🇬🇬🇳🇬🇌🇬🇟🇭🇹🇭🇳🇭🇰🇭🇺🇮🇞🇮🇳🇮🇩🇮🇷🇮🇶🇮🇪🇮🇲🇮🇱🇮🇹🇯🇲🇯🇵🎌🇯🇪🇯🇎🇰🇿🇰🇪🇰🇮🇜🇰🇰🇌🇰🇬🇱🇊🇱🇻🇱🇧🇱🇞🇱🇷🇱🇟🇱🇮🇱🇹🇱🇺🇲🇎🇲🇬🇲🇌🇲🇟🇲🇻🇲🇱🇲🇹🇲🇭🇲🇶🇲🇷🇲🇺🇟🇹🇲🇜🇫🇲🇲🇩🇲🇚🇲🇳🇲🇪🇲🇞🇲🇊🇲🇿🇲🇲🇳🇊🇳🇷🇳🇵🇳🇱🇳🇚🇳🇿🇳🇮🇳🇪🇳🇬🇳🇺🇳🇫🇰🇵🇲🇰🇲🇵🇳🇎🇎🇲🇵🇰🇵🇌🇵🇞🇵🇊🇵🇬🇵🇟🇵🇪🇵🇭🇵🇳🇵🇱🇵🇹🇵🇷🇶🇊🇷🇪🇷🇎🇷🇺🇷🇌🇌🇞🇞🇲🇞🇹🇞🇊🇞🇳🇷🇞🇞🇚🇞🇱🇞🇬🇞🇜🇞🇰🇞🇮🇬🇞🇞🇧🇞🇎🇿🇊🇰🇷🇞🇞🇪🇞🇱🇰🇧🇱🇞🇭🇰🇳🇱🇚🇵🇲🇻🇚🇞🇩🇞🇷🇞🇪🇚🇭🇞🇟🇹🇌🇹🇯🇹🇿🇹🇭🇹🇱🇹🇬🇹🇰🇹🇎🇹🇹🇹🇳🇹🇷🇹🇲🇹🇚🇹🇻🇻🇮🇺🇬🇺🇊🇊🇪🇬🇧🏎󠁧󠁢󠁥󠁮󠁧󠁿🏎󠁧󠁢󠁳󠁣󠁎󠁿🏎󠁧󠁢󠁷󠁬󠁳󠁿🇺🇞🇺🇟🇺🇿🇻🇺🇻🇊🇻🇪🇻🇳🇌🇫🇪🇭🇟🇪🇿🇲🇿🇌 grr yknow?
stay sigma!
i DID post mandarin wars anons fic!! well
 the first chapter at least 😭 I REALLY HOPE THEY’RE ABLE TO SEE IT
and i’ll get to yours at some point don’t worry man, it just may not be a while i have school starting up soon (boooo)
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tapioca-puddingg · 10 months
The Guardians of Light and Content Creation
More headcanons that no one asked for :p
Sora ❀
plays fornite, minecraft and roblox
plays with Ven and Lea
i think horror games might be too scary for him but he tries anyway
tries to get Riku and Kairi to play with him but they ain't havin it
occasionally enjoys RPGs too
calls Riku when he gets stuck on a hard part
sometimes plays fighting games with Riku. He always loses
Riku 💙
I can't see him doing content, I feel like he'd be more of a private person
although i feel like he might show up in Sora's streams from time to time
he's the person Sora calls when he gets stuck on a hard part
Sora also calls him to get his reaction to certain things. if not in person, then thru discord
also plays fighting games and Mario Kart with Sora and Kairi sometimes. He wins almost every time, Sora accuses him of cheating
Kairi 🌞
as for gaming, i can see her streaming rhythm games, like Project Diva
also plays Terraria
plays Animal Crossing with Xion
sometimes plays Smash and Mario Kart with Sora and Riku. she's gotten a couple wins, but Riku is surprisingly good at the game and wins a lot
very down to earth and is sweet with her chat
Bonus: Namine 🀍
artsy fartsy
does art streams
maybe art tutorial videos
likes drawing the Guardians of Light
she takes requests from the GoL too
i can also see her learning to paint
also plays lofi hip-hop
didn't even know what games were until Lea showed him
now he's hooked
likes JRPGs and MMOs
convinced Lea to play FF14 with him
he's a hardcore raider. he gets very intense
stays up til the wee hours of the night until Lea and Isa force him to stop playing and go to bed
joins Lea and Xion for meme reactions
Xion 🐚
​i can see her streaming or doing videos of chill games like Animal Crossing or the Sims
​has lofi hip-hop playing in the background
​joins Lea and Roxas for meme reactions
also likes playing party games with the squad
Lea 🔥
​Horror games and asymmetrical horror games (Dead by Daylight, Texas Chainsaw Massacre, etc)
also ​Lethal Company with Ven, Roxas and Isa
​he tends to scream and freak out. Isa gets frustrated with him in-game
​Everyone else laughs at him (hey what are friends for)
​meme reaction videos occasionally
​plays with funny mods
Bonus: Isa 🌙
Similar to Riku, he doesn't create content, but he does play games sometimes
​also enjoys listening to podcasts and reading
​will tune in to Lea and Ven's streams on occasion
​is amused by Lea's screaming when he's not playing with him
​plays games with Lea and Ven
​does not understand Roxas and Lea's memes
Aqua ❄
i think it's canon that she likes to bake, so i think she could run a cooking channel or a cooking blog
she'll have terra or eraqus come in at the end to taste test the food
canonically is into arts and crafts, so maybe she'll make videos about jewelry-making and 3D printing
i can also see her making crystal bracelets
maybe she could run her own online shop?
Terra 🀎
defo a gym bro
​does workout tutorials
​does those videos where he shows what he eats in a day
​canonically is into woodworking so he could do content surrounding that too
​and 3D printing
​i just think 3D printing is cool okay
​plays Smash with Ven. Things get pretty heated between them
Ventus 💚
also streams minecraft, roblox and fortnite
also Lethal Company
also likes Sonic
tries to get Terra to play with him, but those type of games just aren't for him
"You kids and your video games"
Aqua doesnt too much understand it either
plays with Sora, Lea, and Isa
tries to play asymmetrical horror games
plays Smash with Terra. that game might singlehandedly tear their friendship apart
Bonus: Vanitas ☠
plays online games
CoD, Overwatch, etc
Typical toxic gamer. You don't wanna hear him in lobbies
Has been banned from vc multiple times
None of the GoL wanna play with him lmao
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