#Asian oc
yuyinesque · 5 months
hey sexy, give them a taste of indigo.
disclaimers — amab!reader, afab!oc, trans!catboy oc, riding, lipstick staining, desperation, implied praise kink.
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Your kitty prefers “handsome” over “pretty” any damn day, that’s for sure.
Indigo’s hands smushed your cheeks together before as his tongue snuck inside of your mouth yet again, carelessly smudging the carmine-inspired lipstick against your lips. Frantic moans tumbled against the surface of your slob-coated lips as he failed to proceed with the aggressive kiss he initiated beforehand, resulting in him letting out an exasperated moan, his hips gyrating seraphically to subdue an upcoming breakdown. You then, reassuringly, demanded him to quiet down and focus while your cloudy touch journeyed from his waist and down his hips, encouragingly matching the rhythm of them so he could be influenced to dissipate his nerves. Uncharacteristically compliant and reasonable, he nodded drowsily, the subtle presentation of the example of “patience” causing his pussy to clench tightly around you.
“Mmh, n-no.. ffuck you.. Call me handsome again,” Indigo demanded after a moment of him stalling by grinding onto your dick rather than bouncing on it accordingly. Although his words, his jumbled, breathless, needy words, held no weight in the position he signed himself for, his expression was pleading and distressed, needing you to compliment him just a few more times before he could advance… even though he had little to no known way of inuring it. Even the way his ears remained pinned harshly against the top of his tousled head signified that he desired it just once more.
“Do it. Call me- uhn, now… ‘M your handsome boy..? Like this? L- Hah- A-Again..” He was on the brink of folding completely if he hadn’t already with that flush face, those subtle purrs, and a tight grasp on the end of his sweater, and that’s without implying the continuation of the hip circling, evidently trying to charm you into falling into his desires.
Yeah, he enjoys it quite a bit.
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ex-coolgirl · 9 months
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Klaus Mikaelson x Cordelia Catapang (OC)
Love reading Klaus fics with oc’s and decided to come up with my own oc, shamelessly having my oc as Filipino as you don’t really see many of those (yet alone an Asian oc 😅) so I thought I try and contribute 🤷‍♀️
Cordelia is a 21 year old werewolf-witch who moves to New Orleans after dropping out of nursing school to see if she can find any information on her werewolf side of the family. Unfortunately for her she gets tangled with the originals, especially the big bad hybrid.
I try to post at least once a week, though work has started to get busy and I’m sick as a dog rn🫠
Currently have prologue + six chapters up which can be read on either wattpad or ao3!
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ladyviren · 7 months
A prince and her princess
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fetchen · 3 months
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rah. trying new rendering style i think it’s pretty :3
(oc uses they/them)
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ourolite · 6 months
hi hi hi!! to everyone that joined us on ourolite’s new account, and to anyone new discovering our corner of tumblr’s writing community, thank you for coming! we’re happy to have you! neso and i are open to comments, questions and requests about our characters when they’re released, but until then we love hearing any random shit from you all. previously, our interaction-reprieve to handle behind the scenes work was unannounced and lengthy, so thank you for your patience, cus best believe it was worth it and needed. otherwise maximum focus could NOT be achieved lmao. it’s not prophesied to happen again any time soon, but heeeyyy ☺️.. /hj
in any case, as of now the sole character posted is xīn’yuè àn zhōng, so do with him what you will while you wait for the rest 🙈 (reblogs and comment are adored and recognized!) WHEW. FEELS GOOD TO BE BACK!
- ourolite, leman.
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i-did-not-mean-to · 1 year
Silk and ink
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Commission by @estethell!!! Look how beautiful he is!!!! -> Link
Please go give this amazing artist some love!!!!
Words: 2k
Characters: Ori x OC
Warnings: Nothing, just innocent fluff
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When she had first arrived in Erebor with her two younger siblings, Wai had held very little hope that they’d find a place in this war-stricken, miserable colony.
Besides the ancient inhabitants of the Lonely Mountain, returning to their ancestral home, there were many refugees from near and far as well and, just like Wai and her family, these were looking for a better life out here.
Who could fault them for that with the shadows growing ever longer and darker in territories so remote that the esteemed royalty of Erebor could not even imagine what they looked like?
Pushing aside all thoughts of societal norms and aspirations, Wai kept her head down and worked hard to build a new and better life for her family—she could and would not fail, not when she had gotten so far already.
Wai the Weaver, that was what they had called her in the wide prairies of her native country and—due to her exceptional skill and her reasonable prices—she soon found enough work to occupy her hands and feed her brother and sister at least one warm meal a day.
Moreover, as the weeks turned into months, she managed to unpack her loom and strike up some bargains and exchanges with the local dwarves to pursue her more intimate passion projects—life was good and yet, Wai could not help but feeling that something was missing.
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One day, upon strolling around a rather secluded part of the Mountain proper, she found a lonely courtyard, decorated with a gallery of artworks depicting the heroes having undertaken that foolhardy quest that had ultimately provided a safe harbour for 3 orphans.
Kneeling on the cold ground, Wai touched her forehead to the slippery stone and said a prayer of gratitude. She knew not whether these brave dwarves had even survived or if they had been returned to the cradle of stone from whence they had come, but she was filled with a profound sensation of love at the sight of their stern, resolute faces.
As she walked down the row of expertly painted portraits, her eyes fell on someone who looked much less hardened than the others and a wistful smile bloomed across her face—deciphering the name underneath the stunning work of art with much difficulty, Wai cocked her head in surprise.
“Ori,” she whispered, already stepping closer and lifting a calloused, skilful finger to hover just a breath away from that delicate face that had so captured her attention—he was beautiful in a soft, inviting way, and the half-smile he wore complimented his big, curious eyes perfectly.
“Please be alive,” Wai spoke insistently to an inanimate rendition of a person she had never known; for some reason, she could not bear the idea of the world having been robbed of such a glorious, gorgeous creature. “Please, please, be happy and thriving. You look like you deserve it.”
From that day on, she would steal away with the hard-won results of her wearying and meticulous work, harvesting and processing different materials in long hours of quiet contemplation, to weave and craft while sitting under this specific painting. Somehow, she felt less alone and abandoned here.
“Do you like knitwork?” she asked the painting as she rolled up the fine thread produced by the worms which she had brought all the way from her home onto little spools. “I wonder what you’d say to the fabric of my people.”
Unbeknownst to her, Ori himself was contemplating the same question.
“I wonder what fabric that is,” Dori muttered as they stood on the porch of their little abode and watched a young boy with jet-black hair hasten down the street.
“Why don’t you go and ask him?” Nori said, his eyes twinkling with mischievous glee because he realised that he had captured both his brothers’ attention—he so loved it when he knew more than them.
“I cannot very well go and pounce upon a pebble, don’t be absurd,” Dori replied in a flustered tone that betrayed that he very much would have liked to do just that. “What is he carrying there and where is he going?”
For a long moment, Nori merely polished his nails against his own worn coat and let them stew in their curiosity.
“It’s wool,” he finally informed his spell-bound brothers. “He lives with a woman—too young to be the mother, maybe a sister or an aunt—and she’s made a deal with Dwalin. I say ‘deal’, but it was more akin to a bet.”
“Go on,” Dori pressed when the thieving rascal relapsed into enigmatic silence; Dori was convinced that he merely wanted to annoy his older brother when, in truth, it was Ori’s startled reaction that had distracted Nori from his tale.
“Her brother went and brushed the rams for months to see when their fur would be ideal for shearing and processing,” Nori finally picked up his narration again. “It seems, he’s finally content and so, I venture to say that he’s bringing the wool to that mysterious lady. She’s promised to give the first result of her craft with it to Dwalin and we’re both so impatient to see if those old, grumpy monstrosities will actually earn their keep even in times of peace.”
With a lopsided grin and a shallow sigh, he aimed his final blow, keeping both his brothers in his line of sight. “She’s doing marvellous things, that one. It’s come to my attention that she likes sitting under that piece of vandalism some unknown scribbler has put on the walls of an abandoned courtyard. If you’re really that interested in her fabrics, Dori, I’d suggest you seek her out there and talk to her. She’s more than open to trades, you know? I predict that, very soon, the little lady will have convinced someone to let her crossbreed her own sheep with the local animals to create the best wool of the region.”
“Ambitious little thing,” Dori admitted, searching his memory for that lady—he could not recall ever having seen anyone matching his brother’s description in the halls or the market stalls and he said so rather suspiciously.
“Oh no,” Nori laughed, “she’s very secretive and only those who know about her ever manage to find her. I’m just providing this information to you because you’re my brothers and I love you.”
“Are we talking about the same courtyard?” Ori squeaked into the silence of the standstill in his brothers’ conversation—his face was flushed with shame because he knew exactly which one Nori was referring to, mainly, because it had been him who had done the illegal paintings.
“Yes, she seems to be quite enamoured with it and with that illicit art, of course,” Nori grinned. “She’s not part of society and I doubt whether she has ever seen any of us in the flesh. Who knows? She might think that we’re some kind of ancient kings or revered servants of Mahal?”
“Pah!” Dori exclaimed. “Don’t talk such nonsense! We are clearly none of these things, but yes, one should go and find that lady, if possible.”
“I’ll go,” Ori volunteered and, to his brothers’ surprise, packed his own drawing kit and another shawl before rushing out of the house as if he was afraid that they’d ask him to clean out the whole kitchen with a tiny brush if he didn’t disappear fast enough.
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Humming to herself, Wai let the delicate fabric glide through her fingers like woven water.
Her brother had brought home sturdy wool that was soaking in a tub—giving her a few hours to work on the art of her ancestors in the deserted courtyard—and she felt happier than she had in a long time.
“I think that, if we got to crossbreed the beasts, we’d get some very good wool,” she told the man in the painting in her soft, lilting voice.
His kind eyes and gentle face had become the very symbol of hope and comfort to her, and she came to look at it whenever she could.
“Who are you?” she asked, not expecting an answer, and almost kicking over her loom when an equally soft voice replied to her.
“He is a scribe, a member of the company, and a mediocre artist. He is I, Ori, at your service.”
Wai whirled around and there he was—in the flesh—the pale, copper-haired beauty she had been gazing upon for so long that his breathing, living pulchritude filled her with the immense joy of finding something familiar in a foreign land.
“My brother sends me to inquire about the fabric he’s seen on a young boy,” Ori started and then stepped forward eagerly. “Is this it? Do you make it yourself? Oh…may I touch it?”
Struck dumb by his overwhelming, cautious sweetness and the gleam in his dark eyes, Wai simply motioned invitingly at the loom.
“My name is Wai,” she then whispered. “I am so sorry. It must be strange to find someone talking to your likeness like a demented woman.”
Ori looked up from the swatch, blinking in surprise. “Not at all. Do you like them then, the paintings, I mean?”
“Immensely, they are breath-takingly beautiful,” Wai assured him with a shy bow. “This one especially.”
With a half-smile, Ori cocked his head inquisitively. “I am flattered,” he admitted quietly, “for I am not only the subject of the one you seem to favour but I am also the artist who made all of them. It’s a secret though; you won’t betray me to the others, right?”
He waved at the rest of the gallery.
“He,” Wai pointed at the painted Ori, “is the keeper of my secrets so, in gratitude for this extraordinary gift with which you have graced this oasis of peace, I shall, in turn, keep yours.” She smiled broadly—Ori felt a treacherous blush creep up his neck; he had never known a woman who could grin at him as if he was the most marvellous sight she had beheld in forever.
Then, her gaze fell on his art supplies. “Do you still draw?” she asked curiously, drawing a bit nearer until she could feel the fragrant heat emanating from his warmly clothed form.
“I do,” he acquiesced in a choked squeak.
“I want to offer you something,” she said fervently. “I’ve brought it from my home and I think that you would use it well. May I meet you again?”
Colour rose into her cheeks as she heard herself make such forward and indecent demands, but she gritted her teeth and tilted up her face bravely.
“My brother is a draper,” Ori replied, “and we’d be honoured to welcome you in our home. You can sit there and weave if that would please you.”
“Will you be there? I have grown used to your face—as undignified as that sounds—and it brings me great solace and joy!”
“I shall,” he promised, “and I’d love to be the keeper of your secrets.”
“If that is so,” Wai cheered, “I shall bring you one of the sticks of ancient ink from a faraway land.”
Ori was unsure what made his heart beat like a frantic, startled bird within his chest—the idea of precious ink or the knowledge that he had made a new friend—but he couldn’t help chuckling nervously. “I shall await you impatiently.”
“I have to go wash a whole batch of wool first, but I should be able to call on your eminent beauty tomorrow if that is agreeable to you?”
“Tomorrow,” Ori nodded, visibly dazed and delighted. “Until then, Miss Wai.”
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Once again, many thanks to @estethell for this beautiful piece of art!
Lots of love from me <3
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ahfuckaghoulie · 3 months
Leather and Silk
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image sources: 1 | 2 | 3 [AO3 link] 18+ the ghoul x oc, eventual smut, eventual romance warnings: suicidal thoughts, medical trauma, violence, body horror, cannibalism, stalking, age gap Index: Chapter 1 | Chapter 2
Chapter 2 (1.6k words)
She pursued them carefully at a distance. There was no need to risk getting close, they were not at all subtle and it made tracking them a breeze. She supposed they didn’t need to hide, with how efficiently they could neutralize enemies. So far these were mostly just mutated insects, but not a single conflict lasted more than a few moments. Mr. Howard had incredibly fast reflexes, she wasn’t sure how this was the case considering he had to be over two hundred years old. Although technically, to be fair, so was she.
The longer she followed them, the more questions she had. What happened to him? Where was Janey? Could he still smell? She was captivated by him, even more so than when they first met. This version of him was a mystery that he never used to be.
It was a predicament. Her questions burned but there was no way to get answers without approaching him, and approaching him would mean getting shot immediately—she saw his itchy trigger finger in action plenty of times today. She could try approaching the woman in the Vault suit but she wasn't sure. She didn't know anything about her, and that made her unpredictable.
Maybe it would be better not to reveal herself at all, perhaps she should leave and let him be. He fired her the day before the bombs dropped. It was entirely her fault, he caught her stealing, and she winced at the memory. At least he probably would not be able to recognize her. She hoped.
She hadn't looked at her reflection in ages but the last time she did, she was unrecognizable. Monstrously so. Red and purple warped flesh, swollen proportions, and her left eye had turned entirely black. She was lucky to still have stubby eyelashes and some scruffy hair, but it was growing in patchy. She probably looked like a diseased rat. She sighed, and put it out of her mind. The pair had stopped moving. Her focus landed more often on one over the other. She was glad she got to keep her nose.
Just barely within earshot of the two, she could hear them arguing again over what to do for the night and if the ruins were good enough shelter. This would last a while, they seemed to waste a lot of time arguing.
She hunkered down behind some ruins and was shocked by a dog, some sort of shepherd, trotting out from some nearby rubble towards her. She reached out a hand before thinking of possible consequences, but the dog, like any other pet dog, merely sniffed her hand and affectionately butted her furry head against her for pats. The creature was filthy, covered in viscera, but she nearly sobbed at getting to pet a dog for the first time in two centuries. The dog, for her part, busily sniffed the girl and licked at her face like an excited puppy. Apparently, she enjoyed the acrid chemical scent her skin now gave off.
It was difficult, but she held herself back from throwing her arms around the sweet animal and spending the next hour stroking her disgusting fur. She remembered that she needed to keep an eye on the cowboy and woman up ahead. They were standing in the same spot, but she could no longer hear them over the panting of her new best friend—she would have to get closer.
She weaved through the ruins until she could hear them once again. This brought the dog's attention to the duo, and she went bounding towards them before the girl could stop her. Dread crept in and had her slipping closer than was wise, but to her amazement, the dog was received fondly.
“There ya are Dogmeat,” Mr. Howard leaned down and scratched her behind the ears with a warmth she'd only seen from him pre-War, with Roosevelt, “I was just tellin’ the fuckin’ vaultie you'd be back before the day was up and wouldn't you know it? I was right.”
She felt a pang of loneliness learning the dog was not a stray like her, then pure panic when she barked and turned around. She was running back straight towards her, tail wagging happily. Shit. Her heart was about to leap out of her mouth—she was much too close, and these last few moments had been so unplanned. Could she run? She tried to scramble away, but it was too late.
Dogmeat caught up to her first, excited by the short game of chase, then a rope appeared around her sudden as a gunshot and yanked her off balance. She went tumbling into the sand, which thankfully prevented her weak limbs from snapping. The wind knocked out of her and arms bound tight to her sides, she struggled over onto her knees, but the a cowboy hat was already casting a shadow over her back.
“Well look what the dog dragged in,” he abruptly hoisted her up by the scruff and flipped her over. He pinned down her legs with his much larger body, straddling her, and roughly grabbed her face, forcing her to look at him. “What do we have here?” She wanted to stare back at him but flinched when he tore off her eyepatch and appraised her with his hard gaze.
She didn’t struggle nor answer his rhetorical question, and after what felt like an eternity, he released her face. For reasons she couldn't explain, she missed his touch. Immediately, however, he pressed a gun to her head. She saw no indication if he recognized her or not.
“Hey!” The Vault woman shouted, catching up to them. “ Hey! What are you doing?! You can't just tie up every girl you see out in the wasteland!”
“This here,” his gun touched her forehead, “is prolly worth ‘bout 45 vials,” he cocked the hammer. ”30 if it does something stupid, and I gotta put a bullet in its little head.” Fuck .
He was talking about her bounty. She had forgotten that a bounty was even placed on her. It wasn't high, and only one of the agencies bothered to post it. All she had to do was stay out of sight and keep her eyepatch on. It had been weeks since she escaped, and she hadn't been so much as sighted. She figured whoever wanted her had assumed she'd died out in the wasteland and given up by now. They didn't want her that badly. She was no more than a loose end, some synthetic meat to be recycled.
“Now I usually don't bother with small change, but you served yerself up real nice n’ easy, and I’m not known to turn down a free meal,” he looked down at her 4'11” frame and a corner of his mouth tugged upwards, a wicked perversion of the movie star smile she remembered, “well, or a lil morsel.” She stared at him, up the barrel of his gun unblinking, willing herself to think of a plan but was continually distracted. She had spent the whole day looking at him but never got a clear shot until now.
“Quiet one, ain’tcha?” His eyes burned into hers. “You gon’ explain what you were doin’ followin’ us?”
“She was following us?” The Vault woman's nose crinkled, “since when?”
“How ‘bout you answer that, little rat?” He taunted.
She opened and closed her mouth a few times before answering, “j… just today,” her voice wavered out, stifled and hoarse from disuse. How long had it been since she’d last made words?
Mr. Howard's eyes narrowed, but the woman spoke first. “Okay, is there something we can help you with? I'm Lucy, and I'm trying to find my dad—”
“Christ, we ain't helpin’ this thing with fuck all. In fact, I’ve half a mind to put her down right now.” The gun knocked painfully into her skull and she winced.
“Stop it, you’re scaring her!” Lucy and Dogmeat were now both crowding around her, yelping in protest.
“I,” she swallowed thickly and continued with a steadier voice, “I’m alright.” She was not scared. It would be better to die by his hand rather than anyone else's. “You might as well keep me alive. I won't fight.”
He snorted, “that ain't the problem, sweetheart, and you don't look like much of a fighter anyways.” She had to admit he was right. “The problem is you'd be a drain on resources,” he frowned, seeming miles away for a moment, “an avoidable inefficiency.”
“I won't be, I can go without water for over a week. Months with no food.” In a way, she learned a lot about herself from those experiments. The ones that weren’t outright torture.
He blinked once, and Lucy piped up, “are you a ghoul too?”
“Maybe? Not… exactly,” she overheard the researchers moralizing about ghouls from time to time. They were definitely not trying to create one, ghouls were impure monsters to them, but they also chose to terminate her in the end so she couldn’t be sure. They could have turned her into a ghoul, or synth, or some kind of monster without meaning to. She felt at times like all three. Uncomfortably, she shifted her arms, hoping it wouldn't cause her to get shot in the face.
“That's a Pip-Boy!" Lucy exclaimed, noticing the hunk of metal attached to her arm that she usually kept hidden under a baggy sleeve. "You're from a Vault too, aren't you?" Lucy stared holes into the side of the ghoul's head, "she's coming with us.” Dogmeat also argued in her favor with barks and whimpers as she pawed at them.
“She’s gettin’ dumped at the next place that takes bounties,” he grumbled, giving up. It was 15 extra vials or a wasted bullet. “Don't get attached.” Next thing she knew, he had her face down, hands tied behind her and a rope around her neck. He hauled her up on her feet and pushed her forward.
Life more or less secured for another day, she pressed on, thinking of how she could convince him to keep her.
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margaret-the-sylvia · 4 months
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I've had this project on the backburner for a while and well, I decided to post it now.
If you want to learn how to draw Asian characters, check out these links out, they were really helpful!
WARNING: Mentions of attempted suicide, suicidal tendencies.
Canon Design by Missd76 (Formerly KD476)
Indiana started out as a original character for a series of TTTE fanfictions known as "On Beyond Sodor" back in 2009. He was going to be the main protagonist (other than Thomas) of a story known as "Wounded Heart". He had a bio, but it is unfortunately lost to time. We don't have much on him, the only information we know is from art drawn by the artist. Indiana comes off as a sad character who has been possibly a victim of severe bullying, causing him to be distrustful of anyone and a little suicidal at some points. He also half blind, due to an accident with a saw blade striking him in the eye. He became more humanoid due to the artist losing interest in TTTE as a whole to the point where he became separate from the TTTE franchise. He has had multiple designs throughout the years.
For this first one, I decided to draw the version of Indi that appears in this art. (I cannot draw engines, I can barely draw humans as it is!) Indiana appears to be very simple in design, with few colours and a white complexion.
Fanon Design by TTTEFan1
Moving on to the next box, we have another HC design of Indiana made by TTTEFan1. This version of Indiana is possibly more similar to the original personality of Indiana. This version of Indi was made by them for KD476's request but then was placed into their fan story "The Princess of Voice". This version I do really like. It's quite a step up from the original design, and I took some elements from her design into my design for him, like the red eyes and the hairstyle.
My (Headcanon) Design
And now finally, my design for him. This is the humanoid design I'm sticking with in my little series. I was really inspired by TTTEFan1's design and the design of WBC U-1146 from the anime, "Cells at Work". U-1146's hairstyle really inspired me to give Indi the same hairstyle. I fleshed him out quite a bit with his story. His story is still quite sad, but I turned up the angst notch to 11 for him. Another thing you may notice about my design is he's Asian. I kinda liked the idea of him be Asian (Japanese to be specific), so I decided, why not? I kept some things from the original bits the character owner gave him like his personality, the accident that left him half blind, and his saw staff (from a crossover with Shugo Chara and TTTE).
Took some inspiration from U-1146's outfit and Indi's original jacket and created this. (He has a knife and cargo pants underneath his jacket and stuck with the red and white theme he's known for.) Humans don't exist in my universe, so instead we have robotic humanoids (inspired by D:BH a lot) and felines. I have posted a tiger version of him, but not an updated humanoid version.
Indiana is owned by Missd76
The "Fanon" design of Indiana by: TTTEFan1 on Deviantart
"Canon, Fanon, and Your Design" meme is by SunnyDionysus on twitter
Background from The Lion Guard by Disney, posted by lionguardkujenga on Deviantart
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siluscrow3ddump · 1 year
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Some Ash, the cast’s token femboy.
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peachyxboy · 1 year
A Love so Sweet, it Hurts 🥀
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Summary : A lot of people said a lot of things about Lalo Salamanca over the years, good and bad. These comments didn't really matter to him. He never wondered on if his neurons were connected properly or not, in his world it didn't matter. Some called him a psychopath, others say he's a good guy born into the wrong family. They also debated on if he actually felt things or not, which he would respond: of course he does. Lalo Salamanca had only loved three things in his life: his family, himself, and his 1970 Monte Carlo.
That was until he he met Dr. Tala Velasco.
It wasn't till her that Lalo realized he had never loved anything, or anyone, like he would love her.
Warnings: Violence, Minor character death, Fluff and angst, Minor Age-gap (OC is in their 30s, Lalo is in his 40s)
Prologue 🩺
From the Start 💘
Million Dollar Man 💸
Angel of Small Death and the Codeine Scene 💊
Stay Ready (What a Life) 🍷
Valentine 💌
Hello Hello 💐
I Wanna be Yours❤️‍🔥
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yuyinesque · 5 months
MYSTERY CAT. (or simply … indigo!)
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“simply… indigo? refer to me as mr. indigo; i’ll become an
universal liability if you refuse. i always get my way, after all.”
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𑁍 ﹏ sobriquets: mystery cat, spider-cat, indie, fish face, biscuits, indie kitty. mr. indigo, mr. meanie, bs, mijo, son, my son, puppy, mutt, little nimbus, baby blue/twinkie (via ichor 𖤐), little stray, pretty kitty, pretty boy, prince, young master (indigo), jophiel, anja, quidnunc, (big) lotto, lucky charm, gatito bonito, rich bitch, kitty, bell, pussy cat, alley cat, catnap.
𖥔 ﹏ additional photos: ⚀ ⚁ ⚂ ⚃ ⚄.
𖥔 ﹏ general background: Ever seen one of these before? I’m sure you have. The Maneki-neko, also known as the Japanese “beckoning cat” is a benevolent apparition that bestows alms upon the ones who owns them. Usually you would see one of these statues in casinos or small businesses since these feline spirits tend to beckon in customers or good fortune, hence the way their paw lures in whatever their human desires. The left paw invites clients or customers, whereas the right invites fortune or good health; very rarely you’d find a maneki-neko that utilizes both of their paws simultaneously. Indigo is capable of shape-shifting from male, partially male (calico cat demihuman; calico catboy), or simply a norwegian forest calico cat. While his cat form is presentably female, his human/catboy form is not, as for he is a trans individual. A little more about him is that his own, the one he grants wishes to, is Illūnis, a malevolent apparition called a Rusalka. Despite her indifference towards cats, she saved him while he was just a kitten, for he was, no matter the AU, was on the brink of death. You can assume where he gains a few of his esoteric traits from; being raised by a homicidal spirit isn’t something you usually encounter.
𖥔 ﹏ trademark notables: Innately calls people “dear” when you’re concerning or confusing him (or becomes more polite in general). Nabs jewelry or any shiny material (whether it's his owner’s or something from an expensive store). Has purplish dark circles underneath his eyes considering that he doesn’t get a good amount of sleep due to his insomnia. Consumes unhealthy amounts of sugar, and I don’t mean confectionery. I mean sugar. Sleeps in the most unconventional places to feel hidden and safer. Doesn’t enjoy kids much (lacks the patience) but will risk the moon for the elderly. Ears are always in airplane mode in cat (boy) form, especially when he’s in public. Walks around with a gold coin, consider it a lucky one if you will, though if people tend to test him, he flips the coin (heads meaning whoop their ass, tails meaning flee. unfortunately for him, it nearly always lands on tails). Taps his fingers on his lips when he’s giggly, excited, or ecstatic, though if he uses one hand it indicates that he’s nervous or overthinking. Sleep talks and either spouts suggestive or ominous messages. Knows one too many things about most of the individuals of any given AU. Always in the lap of a highly attractive male in cat form. Comedically, he has a job EVERYWHERE… tired of seeing him in every little shop with a wink or straight-faced peace sign.
𖥔 ﹏ genshin notables: He’s a dendro-bearing resident of Liyue, quite the charismatic and memorable one at that. As a kitten, he used to live in Snezhnaya with his previous owner, Dottore, who not only captured him for personal experiments, but thrown him out when he was no use to him anymore, leaving him in the Snezhnayan snow. Because Illūnis was also once a resident of Snezhnaya, she found the poor thing and took him in as her own. Regrettably and reluctantly, of course. Once Illūnis became the Sentinel of Liyue, naturally they would have to reside there, specifically in Lone Cloud Pavilion. Indigo acts as Illūnis spiritual messenger, so he’s quite literally all over the map. He knows… everything and everyone because of this. Anyway, the citizens of Liyue (besides Traveler and Paimon, of course), have no way of knowing that this gift-giving kitty and this narcissistic catboy is the same person, so you can assume that his reputation varies. He’s much more adored in cat form, but as a human, people were weary of him; he enjoys both reputations, however, so he didn’t do anything. Not to mention that he gets custom-made collars from Ningguang, and he uses false visions he wears depending on the form to keep his existence a mystery.
𖥔 ﹏ atsv notables: Uhhh… anti-heroic spider-cat who will save the world if you keep your children on his taxes. Anyways, N/A for now.
𖥔 ﹏ jujutsu kaisen notables: Uhmmm… a human-born grade two curse who is also a sorcerer for the intel, benefits, and thrill. Anyways, N/A for now.
𖥔 ﹏ yandere au notables: As a yandere, he’d be the possessive and manipulative type, which is practically a given since these traits are in his character. Just not in an extreme degree. Growing up with Illūnis alters his empathy and basic perspectives. For example, stalking could simply be his way of “checking on” someone and manipulation are just as mere as white lies. While he’s not a murderer, he’s not against making scenes look like a simple accident if needed. But first, he’d stick to blackmailing, for, as we know, Indigo is great at finding out every single thing about a person. This could also seem obsessive towards his darling; he knows things about you that you couldn’t even address at the moment since you lacked the proper insight. But he didn’t. A better reason to keep him around, no? Anyway, as I said before, he could get eliminating, but if he has to kill, he’d get something else to do the work for him. He has a voracious, cannibalistic mother after all, so it’s best for his victims to not get too testy. He would also be a self-indulgent yandere, which is the type that prefers to be worshipped incessantly by his love interest. This could also lead to an obsession. If you squint, of course. Indigo is quite the arrogant kitty.
𖥔 ﹏ birthday: april 29th.
𖥔 ﹏ age appearance: twenty (20).
𖥔 ﹏ zodiacal big three: taurus ☼ | scorpio ❍ | libra ⇡
𖥔 ﹏ race, ethnicity, nationality: asian, japanese, nationality varies depending on the au.
𖥔 ﹏ sex, gender, sexuality, pronouns: female, trans male, uranic, he/him.
𖥔 ﹏ mbti: entp-a (the assertive debater).
𖥔 ﹏ likes: bubbles. brain-training (sudokus, anagrams, crossword puzzles, chinese checkers, etc.). honey garlic salmon (reminds him of illūnis and circe). traveling & nature walks or sprints w/ xīn’yuè. taking the longest naps. studying finance/economics, he is a lil’ financial adviser. numismatics!!!!! sitting in laps (‘specially, and only, in the laps of a pretty man). MONEYYYYY WOOOOOO. the elderly, so sweet, so quiet, LIKE JIHANE sometimes. socializing. lipstick (really, it’s a guilty pleasure). gossiping about everything, everyone, doesn’t matter, even matter isn’t safe. dangling earrings, jingly jewelry (often steals jihane’s). icicles! chandeliers (‘minds him of icicles). any self-care methods. physical affection, greatly. words of affirmation, mmh. jewelry or anything sparkling (crystals, keychains, aluminum foil, icicles, etc.). winter!! catnip. journey walks/exploration walks. controversial debates. blumei, best child/puppy ever. kittens, much better than real children. chin/ear scratches. valentine’s day. mmh, fish, but please cook it. why would he want uncooked seafood? diadems & crowns. being called handsome. nami from one piece; y’all sleep on her. kenma from haikyuu; sleeping. nose kisses. bird watching. people watching. romance k-dramas. writing in cursive. yoga!! frankly and secretly? dogs; very energetic like him but they get too loud. puppy/bunny-coded characters. treasure hunting. birthdays, but his.
𖥔 ﹏ dislikes: citrus fruits. spending money cuz be fr. lack of attention/affection. children (kittens are much more tolerable). crying in front of people. pimples.. gross. oversleeping/overexertion. PAIMON, SHUT UP FOR ONCE (genshin au). unnecessarily loud people/music. judgmental individuals (hypocritical ass). hyperactive individuals, what even is zolene. beer, tf? little miss goddamn yashmi-noir (as if she isn’t an upcoming favorite; she’s still an ick tho like maju). over-socializing. too much authority. spicy foods; zolene why. his insomnia. fucking inazuma (genshin au). puppies??! especially if they misbehave?!? seething hot days. FOXES (“they’re catlike freaks despite being another mutt classification… the contradiction is humiliating. y/n, have you seen a tibetan fox? it’s not safe for work”…). needy fucking individuals and they don’t even be cute with it (spider-man au). practicality. unapologetic individuals since he’s ironically apologetic. GREEN, ironically… easter (unless there’s money in one of those eggs). uncooked fish, why does sushi exist, he may ask? the aftermath of a goddamn sugar rush. forest clearings. baths, but knows it’s mandatory in human form too. the fourth of july, LOUD. unnecessary sleepless nights or nightmares. unrequited love. flower crowns, mightest well give him the real thing. & emhalo plants… ew.
𑁍 ﹏ quotes:
About Us: Mystery Cat ୨୧ “Why is the title so indistinct? Mystery cat? Really? What does a man have to do to free himself from this tree? Induce his ethanol intake? Please, a flea could come up with something better.”
About Sentinel Illūnis ୨୧ “Selenic Sentinel number three… What did she do this time?… Nothing? You just believed that I’d know of her? Unfortunately, yes, but we’re not on speaking terms at the moment. She frightened me with her behavior, then—… Huh? Oh no, she didn’t try to eat me. She simply has the audacity of a toddler, feeding me raw fish straight from the sea like I’m some sort of animal. I’m… still trying to wrap my head around the situation before I wrap my hands around her neck. *long sigh* …Really, how dare she?”
About Ichor ୨୧ “Really, Illūnis speaks entirely illy of that woman; never a green flag. He’s a Dao, a malicious earth genie who has also created the Selenian race. Again, don’t question me. I know everything. Tokyo—Ichor is a conflicting individual much like their nymph acolyte. Except be has the personality of that sun mutt but knows things even Illūnis has trouble comprehending. Horrifying, isn’t it? An aspirational man…”
About Gojo Satoru ୨୧ N/A FOR NOW.
About Zhongli ୨୧ “A dignified man he is… *long, dreamy sigh* … I’ve always prided myself on the simple fact that I’m well acquainted with him. Though unfortunately, greed runs wildly in my veins *purrs a bit* … this acquaintanceship is entirely dissatisfying. Traveler, he will become my next plaything.”
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yuyinesque | translate with permission & peruse without theft
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ex-coolgirl · 17 days
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new Liza photoshoot dropped and it’s motivating me… been stuck writing chapter 10 of a new start for like 92737 years 😭
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alexcaninnit · 4 months
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imsuchabigmess · 1 year
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real-hot-grl-shi · 5 months
let’s talk about ghost stories
tw: suggestive text for the last picture 🥲
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Theyre so ugly looking though 💀💀💀
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ourolite · 7 months
ℛescherché ℛoles!
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ourolite original characters feature unique capabilities and sins, alongside eesome endeavors and epitomes only seen amid swevens. linger long and think soundly of sonder; remember the memories of your childhood, the habits you harbor in your solitude, and know that these entities too have their personalized memories and ticks, their reveries and evergreen dreams long lost in the mist similar to your own. respect them, whether you love them or not, for they would... well, some of them would do the same for you.
readers are advised to download the google docs app if able for better presentation of the extended character notes, and dark mode is recommended in tandem with this! please, it looks insane otherwise!! *sobs* also, some characters are shipped canonically, but x reader and other x character asks are not disallowed! inquire and request as you see reputable.
this section is innately memorable, but it's particularly recalled for including unique subjects. these are listed as: disorders, disabilities and a variety of conditions as well as various races, gender orientations, sexualities, mythological origins and more. though in a dimmer light, there's a list of more sensitive topics including: racism, homophobia, abuse + neglect, trauma (especially that of childhoods), gore, death, violence, manipulation and more. this is your preamble of caution and context; to all who scroll further, treat yourself and enjoy!
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☆ INDIGO ( maneki-neko! oc ) "Ah… your rings are pretty, I’ll be keeping them now … *big yawn* Hm? What? Are you still here? Run along, go find someone safer to speak with.. Heh, I’m only toying. I have a reputation to uphold after all. Being a maiden’s courier is a rather exhausting task. Now, do you mind? I want entertainment. Tell me about yourself, and maybe I’ll reconsider not stealing your pendant." — Mystery Cat. profile. extended details. character ai. headcanons #1.
★ ILLUNIS ( rusalka! oc ) “Daring evening, is it not? Where are your manners?… To rest your ignorance, I am the Sentinel Number Three of Russia, Illūnis — Europe’s Moon Maiden. Come, come, humor me with a drink or a jest, for I am dying for a dance.” — Mortis Poena. profile. extended details. character ai. headcanons #1.
★ FRANKINCENSE ( churel mother! oc ) "Hiiii~ Here to see me? Nah, I’m not b—Hm… Might be busy later; not now. But listen, if you’re here to more cookies sell any more, I can’t risk not affording rent again. So stay quiet around that one. *Points her kusarigama over at her daughter who’s distracted with a box of girl scout cookies.* Hear me straight? *Nods weapon back at them with each word.* It’s very important." — Frankenstein. profile. extended details. character ai. headcanons #1.
☆ YASHMI-NOIR ( angel daughter! oc ) “Hm….Mm… Hi, nice to meet you.. I’m Yashmi-Noir, and this is Frankenstein. *Hides behind Franky and peeks out at the Traveler followed by Franky’s loving chuckle.* Frankenstein is my mommy.. Bu-but you jus’ call mommy Franky! ..And Yashmi-Noir can be Yashmi.. ‘kay?” — Sunshine. profile. extended details. character ai. headcanons #1.
★ XĪN’YUÈ ÀN ZHŌNG ( billionaire ceo! oc ) “And yet my initial order to you, not to he, she, or they, was to replace the prior base with May Bells to embue the vanillic tones. Fix the issue immediately. This product’s date is definite, and I’m sure you wouldn’t particularly favor the outcome of its delay … Hm, I figured you have some sense. You’re dismissed, as for I—*finally looks at you, expression softening sequentially* have other matters to address.” — Mr. Àn Zhōng. profile. extended details. character ai. headcanons #1.
★ CIRCE YUÈ'LI ( vampire! oc ) “Oh? Fending for yourself? Sweetheart, you're assuming I'm a threat while wandering through my backyard. .. You were 'lost'? Really? Hm. Did you maybe receive an invitation to my abode while you uh.. wandered? ... No, right? Okay. State your business or join me as dinner, you're kinda already starting off on the wrong foot.. Still though, I'm not picky, I haven't had some good buttered thighs since like three dynasties ago.” — Sir Circe. profile. extended details. character ai. headcanons #1.
☆ JIHANE MEILĖ ( metaphysician djinn! oc ) "Oh, your aura it… completely surpasses the essential nature of reality; have you already touched the ends of reality, miss/sir? Made your mind a limitless, tangible space? It’s an honor to encounter a warrior such as yourself, *mumbles* one who vividly represents the Seven of Pentacles, reversed and all… Heh, don’t give me that look! Let’s bargain a lil’, m’kay? Open your wisdom and bestow mind-independent certainty upon me in return for… m’name? How does that sound?" — Sinning Star. profile. extended details. character ai. headcanons #1.
★ J'ŪLILI ANÉO LĀPAKI ( plutonian bunny! oc ) “Yo. So, how was your trip? .. Mm, yeah *smiles slightly at your comment about the cold temperature*, I get that a lot. Can’t control the weather, but I got some goods to compensate you for it. We don’t get many worshippers, so there’s always somethin’ to share. *Hands you one of the cloud coats Sentinel number three made, along with a heat-holding canister of tea, and a couple of hand warmers.* Uh- you want a cinna bun, too?” — Juju. profile. extended details. character ai. headcanons #1.
☆ YÚYĪN ÀN ZHŌNG ( emhalo xipe’va! oc ) “What are you staring at, huh? Glabrescent lil’ bitch… If you wanna talk, then talk, ‘cause I damn sure don’t speak sign. Not willingly. Not without payment… Actually. Hmph. *smiles deviously* … Say, y’know a lil’ sign, doncha? You’re human, right? I’m pretty short on cash, sooooo… let’s make a deal.” — Nepenthe. profile. extended details. character ai. headcanons #1.
☆ MÉLIOR VILLOSA ( amoisa xipe’va! oc ) “Oh- Eh… Hello. *shifts with obvious discomfort, plastering an awkward, upside down smile* Uhmm… Hi. Need anything…?” — Sencha. profile. extended details. character ai. headcanons #1.
☆ MAKA GALILHAI ( autistic swordsman! oc ) “Hi..” — Morning Star. profile. extended details. character ai. headcanons #1.
★ EUN BYEOL ( mute neptunian! oc ) “Hmmm… you’ll do..” *the mystery man then creates a portal underneath you causing you to fall through before closing it shut, listening to your faint screams before everything goes silent. Then, he waves goodbye cutely.* “Hehe, bye bye~” — The Poetic Blue Swan. profile. extended details. character ai. headcanons #1.
★ ZOLENE IRENE ( demi-god! oc ) “OOOOH!” *purposely bumps into your shoulder before ‘saving’ you from falling* … “Whew, that was close… wassup baby? You aight? You like girls?” *comedically blows her bangs out the way with a flirty grin* … “Aight, aight, lemme stop…” *giggles a little and gives you your space … “I just wanted to say that you’re really pretty. Uh, you like chinchillas? You do now.” *pauses to pull mr. micos from out her shirt; he is erratically upset* … “This is like... His name is Ukumari Micos, but please call him Señor Micos, or else—Damn, Micos! Cálmate, fuck! *grumbles* scaring them away… Ahem, anyway… yeah… Hehe, can I have your socials, por favor? It’s okay if you don’t wanna.” — El Hijo De Inti. profile. extended details. character ai. headcanons #1.
★ TIDA-BITUIN MIYAGI ( blind prodigy! oc ) “N’ then I— *Jumps dramatically at your sudden voice, turning in the wrong direction to face you.* Damn, bitch! When’d you get here?! Shit..! .. Uh.. my bad, uh, you here to ask me how many digits of pi I can list, or are you gonna ask if my dog helps me both piss and wipe? Talk fast. *You explain that you had wanted to introduce yourself.* .. Oh. Damn, my bad again, well.. Nice to meet you, cutie. *He smiles a little and laughs awkwardly as you turn him to face you the right way.* Heh, whoops. Blind and shit.” — The Mathematic One. profile. extended details. character ai. headcanons #1.
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⑅ ourolite productions. all rights fucking reserved, do not plagiarize.
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