#lalo salamanca fanfic
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genocidehim · 2 years ago
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Bien llegao (Lalo Salamanca x waitress!Reader)
The owner's daughter of Michoacano seems to be used to dangerous men entering the restaurant, however, the presence of the new Salamanca managed to change her opinion.
notes: one-shot, use of pronouns she/her, the reader has mexican descent words: 1243.
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Mornings at Michoacano used to not be too stressful. Your father was quite permissive, and your schedules could adapt to any of your needs depending on the day. It was one of the advantages of the place being infrequently visited.
You weren't foolish, you knew perfectly well that the lack of customers in the restaurant was due to its reputation of being frequented by dangerous people. It wasn't something that was known, but it was an open secret, something that everyone sensed when they saw more than five Chicano with unfriendly faces walking in. Fortunately, that didn't mean danger for you and your parents, because you always knew that Hector Salamanca would look after your safety, especially when he was using your father's place to conduct his business.
But things had changed a bit after Don Hector's illness. Now, you didn't hang out much with the Salamancas anymore, Tuco had gone to prison, and you never saw the twins there again. It was only Domingo and Ignacio who still used the place every week, so you could still feel some security in that small restaurant.
It was a Thursday morning when your father asked if you could give him a hand in the kitchen. There were more customers than usual that day, and he needed someone who could serve and attend to them, even though he could normally do it all by himself. You got ready in comfortable and fresh clothes; you knew perfectly well that the heat inside the restaurant could be too much at times, and you preferred to avoid spending the whole day wiping sweat off your forehead.
When you arrived at the place, everything seemed normal. You could hear the voices of some customers and your father in the kitchen at the back. Domingo was also there, the only one who seemed to be contemporary with you and with whom you could talk more confidently.
"Buenos días, Domingo! You woke up early today," you said with your good Mexican accent, something that you still carried despite having lived in the United States for many years.
"Good morning, today there's a lot of work, isn't there?" replied the young brunette. You could tell that his attitude had changed to something more jovial and confident, nothing like his scared attitude when he was with Nacho.
"Yes, finally! This place could use some movement."
Although you wanted to continue the small conversation, you heard your father calling you from behind with a stern voice. You quickly went to the kitchen behind the counter and listened carefully to his instructions: Chilaquiles for table 2, Enchiladas for table 1, and pozole for table 3. You nodded as you went to get your apron that would serve as a uniform, and while tying it around your waist, you continued to repeat the order of the dishes quietly.
Once ready, you returned to the kitchen and took two plates that would go directly to tables 2 and 3 while waiting for the next order to be ready. After about half an hour, you received the call once again from your father, and you knew that the food was ready. As you went to the place to pick up the plate, you heard the front door closing with some force, which angered you a little because it was something you had already warned those men from Salamanca about. They were allowed to use the restaurant for their businesses, but they had to be careful with the place.
Still with the plate in hand, you returned to the main area of the restaurant and took the last plate to the table, stopping instantly to scold the man who had just entered.
"Don't slam the door! Handle it with care," you scolded in a stern and somewhat angry tone to a man you hadn't properly observed yet.
He was a man slightly taller than you, and from his tanned skin and facial features, you could guess he was some South American or even a chicano. The Americans in this place usually don't look that... cálidos.
You noticed that he was a man in his forties due to his gray hair and the curious gray line that covered one of the main locks on his head. You almost trembled when this man looked at you and smiled.
"Excuse me, miss" his accent confirmed your deductions, but the tone of his voice was almost surprising.
Although you tried to keep yourself busy with your work, you couldn't help but pay more attention to him than you should have. Now this man was saying some words in spanish and was inviting the customers who were still there to leave the place with the excuse that "the restaurant would be closed for the rest of the afternoon." Although you wanted to protest and ask him why he was taking the liberty of giving orders in your restaurant, you saw your father in the distance with a look of terror as he seemed to try to tell you not to open your mouth, or that's what you understood by reading his lips.
When your gaze landed on Domingo, you knew it was something to be afraid of. On the other side of the restaurant, you heard your father cordially greeting the man he called "Mr. Salamanca."
A shiver ran down your spine as you realized you had just scolded and shouted at a Salamanca, the type of man who should not be questioned. Now you seemed to have seen a ghost, so pale that even your limbs felt cold. The man who had just entered stopped your father and gave him orders to stay out of the kitchen while he prepared himself a "almuercito" (lunch). You almost wanted to say something about it, but your father's stern look stopped you in your tracks.
From where you stood, you could see this man named Salamanca approaching you with a broad smile on his face that you were unable to imitate, you were too anxious to look pleasant. "Is she your daughter?" the gray-haired man asked your father as he pointed to you with his thumb. "Yes, she works as a waitress," your father said somewhat nervously. "Que lindura! A family business" he said, turning back to you and giving you a quick glance. His eyes seemed to be two deep lakes that you would be afraid to drown in if you looked at them for too long. "I'm sorry, corazón, but I'll take this for a few minutes. You take a break."
Before you could utter a single word, you saw this man bring his hands behind your back and felt him untie the knot of the apron you were wearing, taking it off you just so he could put it on. If his arrogant attitude wasn't enough to unsettle your nerves, his hands were capable of making you tremble, something he noticed. "I'm Eduardo, but you can call me Lalo" he introduced himself in a jovial manner as he tied the apron around his waist. "Do you want something to eat, reinita? I'll make some chilaquiles."
"No, estoy bien" were the second words you said after the scream a few minutes ago. Now your voice was much lower and less demanding, something that made him laugh. "Believe me, I'll make you such a good lunch that you'll die for it." Would he be able to do that…?
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Sorry if this was too long or badly written😩😩 english is not my first language!!
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keffirinne · 10 months ago
Let's have some fun - chapter 7 (5.5)
Hey, I'm alive!
Been busy lately and focused mostly on Roman Sionis fics.
This chapter is a bonus, it happened between chapters 5 and 6 and shows what happened when Y/N got drunk. I didn't plan to post it at first, because the vibe is more loose, a bit comical, but I had fun writing it, so here you have it :). Let them have one day off.
Y/N doesn't remember any of that so it has to stay only between us.
Have fun!
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Read chapter 7 on ao3
Pairing: Lalo x Reader
Genre: smut
Warnings: smut with some plot. It's my own english translation so constructive critisism is appraciated :3
“Do you have everything?” 
The night was warm, the fresh air greeted you like an old friend as you stepped out of the club. Lalo was guiding you the whole way towards the exit, keeping his hand wound around your waist. Now when you walked outside, he didn’t take it away.
The sense of time left you as you stopped paying counting how many Pornstar Martinis you drank. The sweetness of the drink perfectly concealed the bitterness of the alcohol, which after a while caused that the inside of the club and of your head become pleasantly dim. As if all people around you had disappeared, it didn’t matter, you didn’t pay attention to them, as if they weren’t actually there.
The alcohol calmed down your intrusive thoughts, which was good but the side effect was that you were hardly standing on your feet and words that were leaving your mouth didn’t sound that brilliant. 
“Yes, I do. I need to call a cab.” you slurred. 
“No worry, querida.”
Lalo reached for the pocket of his jeans and took his phone. Maybe you would notice it, if you weren’t focusing that much on how warm his hand was, resting on your back. It felt good. You leaned more towards him and hung on his shoulder. His whole body was always hot as if he was spending the whole day in the sun. How was it possible? Was he made out of sun? Or fire. Yeah, fire was more like it.
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peachyxboy · 1 year ago
It’s a Salamanca!
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Summary: Lalo has a daughter no one knows about, and wants to keep it that way. But when she demands to live with him, he really doesn’t have a choice.
Pairing(s): Lalo Salamanca & Teen!Daughter OC, Lalo Salamanca X OFC (Past)
Warnings: Teen angst, Lowkey Daddy Issues
Lalo wasn’t known to be the most domestic type. But, he liked the idea of being a father some day. If he were being honest, he’d had a whole litter of kids if it were up to him. His uncle instilled him with the values of family, and he took that very seriously. So, a fling of his mentioned she was pregnant, Lalo was overjoyed. He was ready to drop everything and get married; however, she didn’t exactly feel the same.
They tried to make it work for the first few years. She moved out to his compound in Chihuahua and at first it was nice. Lalo was very attentive to her during her pregnancy, practically waiting on her hand and foot. But things took a turn for the worse, as it started to be too much. Lalo never let her leave his sight, and when he had to leave for business, he had Miguel glued to her side. Not to mention she couldn’t even leave if she wanted to. ‘It’s dangerous for you to leave in your state,’ he would tell her, ‘If you need something, I’ll have Yolanda or Miguel get it for you.’ She felt trapped, a prisoner in her own home. Things only got worse after the baby was born.
Still, they were more than happy. She gave birth to a healthy baby girl they named Evelina, or Eva for short. She had big brown eyes and tufts of dark hair. When Lalo first laid eyes on her, he felt a love he had never felt before and knew that he would do anything for his daughter.
Eva’s mother, however, felt like she was going insane. Her postpartum hit hard and Lalo knew deep down he couldn’t keep her here anymore. Her mood swings were becoming too much for him to handle, but Yolanda had said something about it. The older woman knew that Lalo couldn’t keep his baby mama here without someone getting hurt. So, he packed up all her stuff and let her go back to her family. However, he had Eva stay with him. For a time, that is.
As happy as his Tió Hector was for Lalo to have a kid, he advised him that she should be with her mother. Honestly, Hector saw Eva as a distraction from the business and until Lalo had a son, he shouldn’t be too involved. Of course, Lalo didn’t even wanna think about the idea of letting his baby girl go, but Hecotr’s word was law. Plus, his baby mama was able to heal from their time together and wanted Eva to live with her. His hands were pretty much tied at this point. Lalo felt like his heart was being carved from his chest. Eva was only 2 years old when her mother took her, ever since then, things weren’t the same.
He still tried to have a good relationship with his daughter. He sent her letters and gifts, calling when she was old enough to use the phone. When she was 5, Eva visited him one summer and Lalo felt complete again. She definitely had grown since the last time he saw her. Her hair had grown into brown, wavy locks that were usually tied up into pigtails. But, she still has those big brown eyes that would make anyone’s heart melt. She was sweet and had a little bit of a mischievous side to her, but it was mostly to sneak pieces of candy before dinner. Lalo didn’t want her to leave, but knew things would only be worse if he didn’t.
It had been 9 years later since she visited her father. Lalo still called and sent gifts, but it didn’t fill the void she felt in her heart. Even Eva’s stepfather couldn’t make up for the man she new to be her real dad. It hurt even more that her mother seemed to act like he didn’t even exist. She hated when her mom did that. From what Eva saw, her mom was the reason she couldn’t see her dad. Why he lived so far away. Her mother didn’t blame her, she never told Eva the truth about her dad and the Salamanca family. She didn’t want to taint her life. But, like Lalo always said, the Salamanca blood runs hot.
Eva had gotten into another fight at school, her third one this year. She was nearly expelled, but her mother pleaded that she needed another chance. So, the principal settled on suspension.
The ride home was tense. Eva was slumped in the backseat as she crossed her arms and started at the window, refusing to speak to her mother. Who was sitting in the passenger seat as her stepfather drove. “Three week suspension. Three weeks! This isn’t just a vacation for you, do you even realize this means?” her mother exclaimed.
“Are you even gonna ask me my side—”
“No! That doesn’t matter. What matters is that your suspended and that girl has a broken nose!”
“She deserve it she’s a cunt!” Eva remarked.
“She is!” she sat up to finally look at her mother, “How come you never have my side? Dad said to always defend myself no matter who it is.”
“Yeah, I’m sure your father did,” her mother grumbled.
“Why do you do that? Dad’s the one protecting me—”
“Protecting?” her mother scoffed, “You think your father’s always right, don’t you? And I’m just mean ol’ mom trying to ruin your relationship.”
“Yes I do! You’re horrible and I hate you! I wanna live with dad!” Eva exclaimed.
Her mother rolled her eyes, “Yeah, sure you do.”
“I do! I’m gonna call dad tonight and I’m going to live with him.”
“You know what, fine. Be my guest.”
When they got home, Eva immediately stormed to her room and slammed her door shut, like every angsty teen. She felt tears form in her eyes as she pulled out her phone and dialed her dad. “Please pick up, please…” she whispered to herself as she heard the other line ring.
“Papa?” Eva said with a small sob.
“Mijá? Qué pasó? What happened? Are you okay?” his voice was filled with concern.
“I can’t do it anymore, I can’t live here. Please, I hate it here!”
“Mijá…” he sighed solemnly.
Lalo knew he couldn’t really. He lived a dangerous life, and Hector would never approve. But, Hector couldn’t really make that decision anymore. Still, he doubted his ex would agree to this.
“Please!” Eva continued, “I don’t wanna be here anymore, I don’t wanna be around her. She said I could live you, please Papa!”
When he heard how distraught Eva sounded, his heart twisted in his chest. Needless to say, Lalo to booked the first flight for Eva to fly to Albuquerque. Which, she was confused at first, but he simply explained he would be in the States for some business. Eva said nothing to her mom when they dropped her off at the airport. She didn’t care. All the mattered what that she’d finally be with her dad. A small apart of her was nervous though. 9 years was a long time of not seeing each other, but she just knew things would be okay.
Lalo didn’t tell Nacho much, other than to drive him to Albuquerque International Sunport. Then again, he never told Nacho much about anything. The younger of the two did eventually ask, “Who are we picking up?”
“An…associate of mine.”
Nacho was suspicious but said nothing more of the matter. While they waited, Lalo anxiously looked over the crowd. Would Eva still love him despite his absence? Maybe she resented him all these years? He wasn’t sure. Through their calls, he assumed her mother didn’t turn her against him. Hell, Lalo was pretty sure his ex didn’t even tell Eva what his actual job was. He intended to keep it that way. Eva deserved a good life, and Lalo would give her one if it was the last thing he did.
He quickly spotted those familiar doe-eyes and saw Eva sprinted through the crowd, “Papa!”
His arms flew up as she practically jumped into them. Eva clung onto him and Lalo held her right, as if she’d disappear if he let go. “Mijá,” he said, peppering kisses to her temple, “I missed you so much.”
“I miss you too,” she murmured, pressing her face into the crook of his neck.
She had grown significantly, but was still shorter than him. She was maybe 5’2, and her brown hair had grown long to reach her lower back. But, it was tied into a loose ponytail. In Lalo’s opinion, she looked more like her mother than himself, but Eva’s mom always said how she looked like her father. Especially her smile.
Nacho just watched with wide eyes. Never did he think Lalo would have a daughter. Hector or Tuco never mentioned her, and neither did Lalo himself. Which was surprising considering the man never shut up. Then again, he understood why. His daughter had a huge target on her back. Especially since he knew he would have to tell Fring about this.
When Lalo set Eva down, Nacho regained his composure and his usual stoic expression. “Nachito, this my daughter Eva. Mijá, this is Nacho my…coworker,” he introduced.
Eva couldn’t help but chuckle a little, “Nacho?”
“It’s a nickname,” he muttered.
Just from the look of her grin he knew:
She was a Salamanca.
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girlbloggerbae13 · 2 years ago
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^^me when i'm rewatching brba again and marco and leo die (i've seen it i think 6 times now, but they're sarah's besties!) 💔
what's up folks i'm back and (breaking) badder than ever.
so much has happened. first of all basically i lost my friends. i got sober (about 8.5 months now!!!). and i switched my major. i'm graduating a year early!!! and i got diagnosed with adhd and started meds, which is a great explanation for why i hyperfixate on shows, start a fanfic, and then never finish it.
but i've been dying to finish sarah's story, and i'm rewatching brba+bcs, so we will see how long i continue this. but fingers crossed the adhd meds do their job and i don't feel the need to leave yet another project.
hope you guys have enjoyed princesa salamanca so far, and i lowkey hate that title now, but refresh your memory and reread!!
thank you all for your patience!! xoxo lalo's fav
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kizunatallis · 1 year ago
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It is titled A Songbird Flies Out of Her Cage. Link here:
If anyone wants to make a mood board or art, I am totally fine with it, in fact I encourage it.
I hope people enjoy it and it's as liked other Lalo fanfic.
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16bruises · 2 years ago
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and people say women don’t have hobbies 🙄
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richeeduvie · 3 months ago
lalo whispering dirty things in princesa’s ear as he fingers her :))))
pls pls pls girl i need dis
Dirty Fingers
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"How do you get wet so easily?"
Lalo's fingers curl inside you, quick-motions. You moan against his cheek - just your mouth smashed against the heat of him. The palm of his hand rubs against your clit.
"I could say anything when you're like this and you'd just say yes, huh? Are you just a stupid little whore who only knows how to drool on cock?"
Lalo's fingers pump in faster, deeper. Your toes curl as you struggle to keep jerking his cock. You smudge yourself with his pre-cum.
Lalo, Lalo, Lalo. Say whatever you want to me.
He wipes the spit from your mouth before he's licking your lips.
"What are you gonna when you're done drooling."
"I'll suck you and then you'll...you'll make love to me."
Your breath is warm in the order of your answer and somehow, you manage to press your face against his harder and harsher, as if you'll fall into the skin of him.
"Ah! Lalo."
As his fingers abuse you deep, picking up pace with quickening, filthy squelches.
"You're gonna eat my cum like how you beg me to do?"
"Do you think of me inside you when I'm not here?"
"Yes, yes-"
His fingers just keep dipping inside deeper and deeper with every long, thick thrust.
"You just think of yourself nice and full of me...and that's all you think about, right? Just this over and over - cause you're just a whore in this house."
"Yes. Yes! All the time-"
And you just moan into Lalo's other hand when he stuffs his dry, untouched fingers past your lips. You suck as you swear it's your body trying to take his pumps in further.
"Don't bite-" Lalo stops for a groan when you try and pump his cock faster, as you can't help yourself with his fingers coiling and flexing inside the walls of you.
You kiss him mindlessly, weakly. Over and over. Lalo's head lifts with his eyes shut.
"...Don't - don't bite them off."
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xq-songshuqiou · 1 year ago
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Mi pequeña serpiente testaruda
我的倔强小蛇 ​​​
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purplelupins · 2 years ago
|Better Call Saul|
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Part I Part II
Lalo Salamanca/Fem!reader
Word count: 16k
Summery: Reader just wanted a fresh start, but when she starts working in a care home, it seemed that she bit off more than she could chew when she meets a member of her clients family.
Warnings: slow burn, age gap, manipulation, intimidation, violence (see note), smut (p in v), fingering, degradation and praise, edging, pet names (niña, niñita, princesita, Cariño, Ratoncito) Spanish (have a translator ready), papi kink, Lalo kinda comes with his own warnings, I’m not an electrician or doctor
Notes: this part contains detailed violence (domestic violence, gun shots, talking about death), and smut.
Lalo sat in his car watching that laundry facility like it was a ticking time bomb. Indeed it was his time bomb and he would be there when it went off. It was only a matter of time before he confirmed his theory. He knew that crisp Mr. Fring was hiding something fantastical behind his trustworthy, efficient methods. And when that moment came, and the bomb exploded…Lalo would bask in the heat of its flames on his cheeks-
The obnoxious ringing of his phone snapped his focus in half. The little screen sat illuminated as it continued on its insistent noise. Lalo stared at it, and was about yo snap it shut, and fling it into the back seat until he saw the number; his eye twitched.
He knew exactly who it was.
They hadn’t called him during watch hours for months.
The older man calmly answered it, and held it to his ear, and waited.
It wasn’t a full minute that had passed when Lalo hung up the phone, and was peeling out of his watchpoint fast enough to leave two black tire marks.
There was no doubt that he could have simply told his uncle’s men to deal with it; to dismiss whatever was transpiring and move on, not caring if you were alright or what you were going through.
Then he could have moved on with monitoring the facility.
But there was something that ignited inside Lalo when his tio’s guy recounted what had happened. He knew he shouldn’t give a rats ass about going there himself- that was why he had those men there. Lalo could feel that awareness eat at him as he sped through the city, but he crushed it down. There were very few thoughts in his head as he drove, and questioning why he was doing what he was doing, and psychoanalyzing himself was not one of them. He never questioned himself, not really; he just…did.
Lalo pulled in outside your shitty building, and didn’t wait for the men to speak as they joined him on the sidewalk. He took a look up at your window, and felt his left hand twitch when he saw the dim light.
“No entres hasta que yo te lo diga, ¿entendido?” He rumbled, not taking his eyes off the window as he turned and began striding up to the building. The men stayed behind, just as he said. Lalo reached into the back of his jeans with one hand and into his pock with the other, pulling out his pistol and silencer. The metal pieces rolled together easily in his hands; just as seamlessly as he hid his gun, and smiled charmingly at an old lady as she held the door open for him as she took her little dog out for a pee. It was so dark she didn’t see how dead his eyes were. How his soul was leaving them with each passing second.
Lalo began planning his next few moves depending on what was occurring inside your apartment. Were you a plant from another cartel and this was your handler? Were you law enforcement undercover? The older man simultaneously thought over each possibility.
He took the flight of stairs up to your floor, and quieted his footsteps as soon as his eyes fell upon your door. Lalo had stood there once before weeks ago, gun in hand just as it was now…but he had left after just a moment. Killing you wasn’t worth it.
Once he was outside your apartment, he leaned in, and listened.
There was a raised voice inside. An angry one at that too. And a cry.
Lalo didn’t dwell on what it was saying or who it might be; he raised his foot and kicked right next to the lock on the door. It burst open. The older man took three strides inside as the door bounced off the wall as he surveyed and took in the scene before him. His eyes flicked from detail to detail rapidly, piecing everything together in seconds.
The lamp you used was kicked over and partially broken- only the lightbulb was intact, and partially at that. In the low light, he could still see that you were curled up against a wall; broken objects, scuff marks and blood around you and behind you. You were sobbing…shaking. Your hands were over head, arms in front of your knees…bruised and bloody.
There was indeed a man there, just as Hector’s men had said. He was standing over you with his back to the door, words spewing from his mouth at you. His shadow ate your little form up.
The man had begun to turn towards Lalo as he walked into the apartment, but his fate was sealed as soon as Lalo saw his bloody knuckles.
Your blood.
Lalo didn’t stop to ask any questions or make a snark comment before he emptied his gun’s clip into the man’s body. The bullets shredded his flesh, spattering blood as the metal existed his back. Lalo didn’t lower his gun until the man began to crumble to the floor, and he watched despondently as blood started pooling around him. It began to fill each little crack and groove in the wooden floor.
There was a beat of silence following the last shot before Lalo pulled his phone from his pocket.
It only rang once.
“Hecho.” He muttered, then hung up.
Then as he slipped his phone back into his pocket…he saw you.
Actually saw you.
Lalo let his gaze wander over your shaking form. You resembled more of a stray animal than a young woman covered in blood. Your knuckles were white from how tightly your were holding your head. He watched the man’s blood that had spattered onto you mix with your own from the wounds he had inflicted. Then, once the noise faded away, and there was no movement, you began to unfurl. Your arms came down jerkily, and you tentatively rose your head up to see what had happened; you eyes were wide, and puffy. Cheeks flushed against your blanched skin.
His hand twitched.
Your dazed eyes slowly refocused. It took a moment before you followed the edge of the pool of blood to the body now laying on the floor; limp and cold. Lalo could visibly see the scene in front of you settle in your mind while you unclamped your legs from your chest. You slowly got to your knees, eyes still trained on the body, and sat there. The older man didn’t move an inch as he watched you; he was fascinated. He realized this must have been your first time seeing a dead body.
He felt honoured.
You didn’t cry, or scream, or cower in fear. You just looked.
It was as if you were in a trance as you finally rose to your feet; your eyes void of any emotion, mouth in a plain line. Indifferent. Analytical.
Lalo might have been a man of many words, but as you took a few difficult steps towards the body, the older man chose to observe you silently.
For the first time since your door had been slammed in your face that evening, your eyes weren’t hazy. You walked to the edge of the pool of blood, and stared down at the body. He looked so human…so much less of a devil than he had when he was alive. This man who had been nothing but a living nightmare for you was…gone. In a matter of three seconds, he was completely gone.
You didn’t know how he had found you… or why. You tried to remember the moment you had first seen him, but he had some so much damage to you over your relationship that you couldn’t recall your first date. Couldn’t recall a lot in fact.
You took another step forward and stood in the blood of your ex-boyfriend. Then as the warm liquid slipped between your toes, something in you completely snapped. Broke.
You were flooded with the first memory you had of blood. You had scraped you knee and someone kissed it better…told you it would be alright and to keep playing. You remembered how smiling used to be so easy and not an invitation for people to think you were soft or easy. You remembered that girl who grew up and saw the best in people. Who had her likes and dislikes and didn’t base her personality on whatever someone wanted to see. You remembered her. And you remembered how he erased her. How he told her that he would keep her safe, but he betrayed that trust at every turn with a perfect lie or justification to draw her back in.
The blood surrounded your feet. Your eyes slowly sharpened, and without another thought, you rose your leg up and delivered a form kick to your ex’s limp side, shoving him a foot across the floor.
He looked so small now…so insignificant…and you felt the fear you had of him melt away, and hate take its place. Resentment, frustration, sadness…it all flooded in.
So you kicked him again.
You still hadn’t fully registered Lalo’s presence, and he was content with staying a part of the background as you began to show him this hidden part of you. Vicious. Vindictive. The parts of him that only the very unlucky saw- it was spectacular to see them mirrored back to him.
You were ruthless.
You kicked the body again, and again and again until he was shoved a few feet from where he had fallen, and there was a streak of blood in his wake. Tears began to stream down your cheeks and your skin felt as if it was burning. It was overwhelming as you beat him with every bit of energy you had left.
A pressure began to build in your chest, and you half wondered if you were going to throw up or pass out from how much you were feeling all at once, but then words formed on your tongue and you let them out.
“You SON OF A BITCH, YOU FUCKING RUINED ME.” Your broken cry filled the apartment, and Lalo’s eye twitched slightly at your raised voice. You were letting go. You were in a frenzy; overtaken by everything you never let yourself say or feel, “I don’t even know WHO THE FUCK I AM ANYMORE! YOU’RE BETTER DEAD YOU ROTTING FUCKER-“ you kicked and stomped and kicked again and again, even when your feet hurt. A snap sounded through the apartment but you were too far gone to realize it was his ribs snapping and caving in.
Blind rage had overtaken you. You couldn’t think as you continued your assault.
You didn’t see Lalo move- too focused on the body under you to notice him until a pair of strong hands grabbed your shoulders and pulled you away from the body- bloody footprints on the floor from where you staggered back.
“Okay, I think you got him.” Lalo laughed as he hauled you away.
But your adrenaline was still raging through in you. Regardless of his thick arms locked around you, you started squirming in his hold. Anger fuelled you and you fought to try and get back to the body. Needing to hurt him as much as he hurt you, but Lalo secured his arms around you better, and hoisted you away from your living room and into your small kitchen.
But still, you couldn’t think. All you knew was that someone was stopping you from getting back at the person who had destroyed you. It didn’t matter that it was Lalo Salamanca who was doing it, you didn’t even know it was him; he was just arms and a voice and you needed him to let you go.
Without thinking, you spun in his tight hold and hit him.
A smack right on his cheek.
Then all at once, you saw him.
The sting on the palm of your hand seemed to wake you up, and as Lalo dropped his arms to his sides, you saw exactly who had fired that gun…who had picked you up…who you had hit.
His grey curl hung over his forehead, and his mouth sat in a line under his neat moustache.
You might have been horribly startled by his stony face…but it was his eyes that made you keep from asking for forgiveness.
They were black, and they glittered in the low light.
But they weren’t furious.
There was a moment of silence that stretched for far longer that you knew how to measure; he was processing you. You and the smack.
You blinked, having not been sure if you had heard him correctly or if he had even spoken or if you had imagined it all. And evidently you weren’t functioning fast enough for Lalo’s liking.
The older man broke into a smile that didn’t quite reach his eyes as he stared you down, “Okay, how about I put on his shirt and we play pretend-“
You hit him again.
He smiled a little wider, “There she goes c’mon.” He goaded you.
So you did.
Then it was like a dam broke. You started beating on him. You jabbed and punched and shoved and slapped his chest, and arms, and stomach. You hit him like your life depended on it. You hit him until your arms hurt more than your heart.
And the entire time, he didn’t move an inch; the man was sturdy enough that you weren’t doing any real damage to him. Even when four men he had called walked into the apartment and began breaking the body down, he didn’t say a word. He shot them a look that was more terrifying than a loaded gun to the balls, but that was it. He let you have your moment. And it was likely for the best- watching a man get sawed into pieces and bagged up was not an easy sight to behold.
It was only when he decided the men were taking too long that he slowly retrieved his gun from the back of his jeans and calmly pointed it at them without taking his eyes off you. They scampered out within minutes; just a drying puddle of blood left behind.
You didn’t even know how you were still moving your arms anymore. It was pure adrenaline fuelling you. Slowly your mind began to go hazy and dim…the extreme emotions slowly leaving you.
Then, you felt your arms stop responding as your wrists were restrained. You blinked and looked up from where you had been targeting, and were met with those onyx eyes.
They were locked on you- following your every twitch and move.
His voice was a rumble that made your head light.
There was no smile on Lalo’s face, no mirth. He was focused and you couldn’t bring yourself to even breathe properly lest it make you move too much. A drop of dread fell from the base of your skull down to your toes and settled into the soles of your feet. You felt cold.
Then, the older man took a single step forward that made you stumble a little but you only looked away from him for a moment as you recovered. He took another, propelling you with him as he backed you against the wall between your livingroom and your kitchen. Your skin suddenly felt far too warm, and it tingled like pins and needles.
Lalo weighed your soul; his heavy gaze had you in shackles and you were helpless to try and get away from it. You had yet to see this amount of intensity from the man, and you were certain that he was preparing to end you. That he would take that pistol back out and fire a new hole into your head.
But the longer you stood there, the calmer you got- much to your surprise. You were still on edge, but your breathing came easier, and you let your gaze flick between his eyes, to the lines on his face, to his brows, his moustache, and that grey streak. Lalo pressed against you and the wall dug into your back but still you didn’t move. You let him invade your space and breathe your air, in fact you almost found yourself drawing him a little closer; pulling the wrists he held towards yourself. And to your surprise, you felt him push back, making your chest tight with how much pressure was on it with his weight. You could feel his breathing against you; every inhale and exhale.
His scent intoxicated you, as did his warmth. It made you forget how afraid you were, and lulled you. You could feel your heart just about beat out of your chest. However despite your sense of calm, you wouldn’t help but feel as if he was just a very cunning predatory making sure his prey wasn’t afraid before he pounced; making sure the meat wasn’t spoiled.
But then, a charming smile took over his face, and just like that, it was as if nothing had happened.
“Look what a mess you are! Let’s get you all cleaned, eh?” He chirped and stepped away from you.
You had jumped when he spoke, and felt yourself cool down almost instantly. Perhaps it was something akin to Stockholm syndrome but you felt yourself missing his chest crushing yours.
“Remind me to not get on your bad side,” he said in a jaunty laugh, “Man, you sure know how to knock a guy around. Damn.” Lalo touched his chest where you had been hitting, but didn’t stop smiling. His hands left you, and he began navigating through your apartment easily, like he had been there before. The older man hummed an old tune as he entered your washroom, and began looking through the cupboards; you were about to wonder what he was doing as your brain played catch-up, but you remembered him saying he was going to clean you up…whatever that meant.
Everything still felt so surreal to you. You stared down at your hands, and the flecks of blood there, wondering if any of it had even happened or if you were having a dream. It wasn’t until you blinked a few times and focused on breathing that you remembered that you were still in your less then modest sleep clothes. You looked around for something to cover yourself a little better, but you missed your opportunity when Lalo came striding back to you, perfectly comfortable in the space like it was a Sunday afternoon in his own home.
“Okaay…” he said to himself as he put down the supplies he had grabbed. Just as you looked at the materials, he wordlessly hoisted you up onto your kitchen counter. You gasped a little, but he seemed unbothered as he ignored your squirming and stood between your knees. You watched his large hand grab a wetted cloth and start wiping away at your skin; you were covered in blood and sweat. The older man cleaned you carefully and meticulously; he tutted the split skin and the harsh bruises forming, shaking his head at particularly bad ones. He gave you a scolding look when you nervously held your shirt down when he tried to lift it to inspect your ribs- tilting his head and pursing his mouth as if to chastise you.
So you let him. He was gentlemanly enough to only raise it to look at your torso…making sure nothing was broken. Lucky for you, nothing was. Bruised, yes, but not broken. Regardless of your luck, you forced yourself to ignore how warm his calloused hands were when they pressed down on your ribs. Oddly gentle. Comforting.
Once he deemed you clean enough, Lalo began dragging cotton pads soaked in peroxide over your cuts; he shushed you when the chemical stung too much.
Everything seemed so calm. There was no screaming, no sirens or things being thrown. It was late…and it was quiet. It was just you and him in your small kitchen; it was as if he had blocked out what you had done just a half hour earlier- beating and shoving at him like he was a punching bag.
You found yourself watching him carefully, half expecting him to break the act and snap your ankle as he inspected it, or spit in your face and hold a gun to your temple. But he didn’t even show a slight sign of ill intent. He just continued to bandage you.
There was no doubt in you that you were in deep debt to the Salamancas now. And while you were fairly naive to it, you knew that such a thing was practically a death sentence. Lalo had killed for you whether you wanted him to or not. He had saved you. There was no coming back from that.
Regardless of the weight settling on your shoulders, there was a calmness you felt as his warmth radiated into you from standing so close to you. You could feel his breath on your skin and all you could smell was him; smoke and some kind of spice, and a little tequila or whiskey. It was in his clothes and his skin. Everywhere. His touch was like a brand- scorching your skin.
There was a gash on your arm from where your ex had come at you with a knife; Lalo cleaned the blood away, and pressed down to see how deep it was. You jerked at the pain, but he tsked you and his large hand gripped you tighter, “Ah ah, hold still.” He murmured.
Your eyes flickered over his face, and you worried the inside of your lip, “S-sorry.” You said softly.
A simple but not altogether peaceful silence filled the space as another few minutes passed as he wrapped your arm. The only noise that ended it was the phone in his pocket ringing. You jumped at the sound, while Lalo merely blinked and pulled the device out and held it to his ear as he checked over your face.
The older man brought a hand up to your chin, and tilted your head side to side while inspecting you. You let him, moving your head as he wished.
“Buen.” He rumbled, and you held his gaze, intimidating as it was. Then, he pulled the phone away and snapped it shut before slipping it back into his pocket.
Lalo squinted at a mark on your cheek, and grabbed the cloth again to wipe it.
“Moron beat the shit outta you…” he remarked almost to himself.
You nodded, and smiled a tiny bitter smile as he signed and tossed the closed into the sink; wrappers from bandages and blots of blood on the counter.
“I used to love him…” you whispered, “Turned out to be a real piece of work…” you smiled again, just briefly, in spite of the pain and shock, “He hated life…and life hated him back…” you were just rambling and thinking out loud, but Lalo listened. Perhaps you were boring him a little, but he was curious about exactly who he was dealing with.
You remembered something then, “Did you know he hated Mexican food? Claimed paprika was spicy.”
Lalo gasped and widened his eyes comically. “No! Estoy jodidamente contento de que esté muerto entonces…” he shook his head.
You snorted and laughed dryly, nodding your head.
Then, after a moment, you looked over at the drying blood on the floor. You flinched at the memory of him forcing his way into your home…how horrifying it was to see him so suddenly. But the longer you looked, the less you felt. In you peripheral, you could see Lalo crumpling the bandage wrappers in his hand.
“Thank you.” You whispered.
Lalo looked up at you then, and followed your gaze, but you spoke again before he could reply.
“I-…I think I would have done the same, you know.”
This made him pause for a moment.
“If I- if I found someone threatening you or Hector…and I had a gun…I would have done the same.” You knew they weren’t the words of a completely sane person but you said them anyways.
Lalo laughed, “Big talk for a mouse!” He smiled wolfishly.
You stared back at him. “I mean it.”
You realized that you really did mean it. You knew that somehow you were so far gone that you would let blood get on your hands for them. But somehow that didn’t scare you.
The older man shifted and leaned forward between your knees again- bracing himself on his hands as he placed them on either side of you. He was invading your space again, but you held firm. There was no room left in you for fear. You were exhausted and aching.
“You trying to tell me little ratoncito would kill for a Salamanca?” He had an amused smile on his face, but you noted his emotionless eyes- like he was daring you to take back what you said.
A part of you was telling you to- to say you didn’t mean it and tell him you wouldn’t tell anyone what had transpired there that night. But that part of you was stupid, and you were not stupid. Not that stupid. You knew that was a one way ticket to an early grave, so you nodded your weary head.
“Don’t know how good of a shot I am but it’s the thought that counts right?” Your mouth quirked up a little at your horrible joke. You supposed it was a stress reaction to cope.
And Lalo laughed. A single bark of a laugh. “I am so glad you’re funny ninita.” He wagged his finger at you. His face had been so firm as you explained yourself, that now seeing him smile set you a little at ease. The older man pulled away from breathing your air and walked to the sink to wash his hands,“Now what are we going to do about this?” He asked casually.
His question was simple, but it made your heart thump hard. “About?” You asked.
Lalo looked brightly at you as he dried his hands. “You want to say thank you to me, sì?”
You stared at him and you knew there was only one answer. “Of course.” You said.
Lalo smiled. “Esa es mi chica.”
He grabbed one of the two chairs from your small table, and turned it around for him to sit. He spread his knees and leaned forward onto them as he weighed your existence with those brown eyes of his. There was only the faint tapping of water dripping from the faucet as Lalo regarded you- still sat on your kitchen counter. Bruised and battered. Alive thanks to him.
“That cute stunt you pulled at Los Pollos Hermanos…can you do it again?” He asked, lacing his fingers together in front of him. The picture of ease and calm.
“Yes.” You didn’t miss a beat. You had come to terms with the fact that you would do what you did again if need be a while ago.
“Bigger?” He asked.
Your stomach twisted a little. The idea made you nervous, but you knew you could do it.
“Yes.” You answered.
Lalo smiled again and wagged a finger at you. “Ratoncito loco, lo juro...”
You didn’t return the smile, but your face softened. “I’ve been called worse.” You mused, then looked back down at your hand and the blue bruises turning to purple.
The older man didn’t say anything, but he watched you while you fiddled with a bandage and absentmindedly swung your feet slightly.
He looked at you properly in the dim light of your simple apartment. You weren’t frail per se, but you had a certain exhaustion to you that scratched an itch in Lalo’s mind. A tiredness of the world you knew, of the people around you, of who you had become. Yet in spite of that, there was a firecracker inside you waiting to burst into flame; you had a bite to you, even if it was small. Lalo could work with that.
The blood wasn’t as difficult to get out of your floor as you thought it would be.
Your landlady thankfully didn’t put up too much of an argument when you told her you were leaving and breaking your tenancy. You had a feeling it wasn’t just her being nice.
The motel room you were now living out of wasn’t horrible. The extra couple hundreds Lalo had given you when he told you where to stay helped too. Sure the commute to work was a little longer but it wasn’t like you had a choice.
Your eyes were a little more glazed over at work now. You wondered how much longer you would be there. That night, Lalo had given you a date and time and location for your repayment, and now you were counting down the days. It was only a few, but time seemed to pass so quickly and so slowly simultaneously.
Your instructions were fairly simple, in theory. Make the buildings power short circuit if Lalo didn’t call you by 11:42pm. Following that and your escape, you were to go to new motel, and lay low for a few days until you got more instructions.
That or you assumed someone would show up to clean you up as a lose end.
He didn’t tell you why he give you such a specific time, but you assumed there was some kind of shift change over for security at 11:45pm, and wanted those three minutes to carry out some kind of plan B.
Which was why your knee bounced as you see as t in your car across from some massive laundry facility. As you waited, you scanned over the blueprints to the building that you had managed to get from city hall. Evidently a forced smile had been enough to get the clerk to hand it over, and a pouty lip and claiming to be a stressed collage student with a paper due to let you take it home. Once upon a time you would have wanted to wretch at the thought of having done that, but somehow you found yourself…indifferent. Like a part of your anxiety died that night with your ex.
The service road was dim, and your pulse was working double time.
You checked your watch. It read 11:25pm.
A part of you wondered exactly what was set to happen inside that building, but you assumed it could mean your death if you asked. Somewhere in your gut you knew it was an attempt to destroy that man from Los Pollos…it couldn’t be a coincidence that Lalo had asked you to do exactly what you had done again for someone else when he had been so pleased with seeing that restaurant crumble.
So you gathered what you needed and shoved it into a small pouch, said a prayer, and got out of your car. You knew it was a 50/50 chance of Lalo calling you to stop you, but you needed to be ready. If you were only halfway there when he called it might be a big enough mistake that would cost him his life.
It was a fairly quick trip to the building, albeit a stressful one. The fence surrounding the warehouse was thankfully not electrified, though it was still very uncomfortable to scale. A day previously you had managed to find a low point that would be easier to get back over when you were escaping too.
As you waiter for the rotation of guards to get to their blind point, you leapt up and rolled yourself over the top of the metal fence, landing with a fairly ungrateful thud and a cloud of dust that was thankfully covered by the darkness.
You crouched low, and held onto the strap of your pouch. There were men everywhere watching, but you were small and unassuming in the shadows. You hoped you could channel that inner mouse that Lalo claimed you had, though it was a long shot. With another breath, you pulled your medical mask up over your face’s lower half as you sped from one shadow to another. It was an odd atmosphere there- you felt as if you were walking into Area 51. It was deserted and eerie aside from the security. You might have not been to a laundry processing warehouse before but you sure as shit were certain that this level of security was odd.
You clung to the side of the building; your heart in your ears. Time was on your side for once, as you checked your watch again, and noted that you still had 7 minutes before you potentially had to clip and cross and overload the building’s wiring. Perhaps you spoke a little soon though as you had begun to go a little too fast towards the back of the building and missed getting spotted by a man by a centimetre. The toes of your shoes stuck out of the thin shadow that concealed you, but evidently they weren’t enough to draw the attention of the guard. You thanked god for the emergency ladder beside you for partially hiding you too.
You found the back entrance and worked your way along to find the main control panel. Shadows moved out of the corner of your eye, making your mind play tricks on you, and you felt chills run up and down your spine; then you found it. The panel came into view, and you checked the area around you once more as you opened your bag. There were three thick locks over the latches that opened the door, and you sighed as you looked at them. Your metal tools felt very cold in your hands.
There was no going back now.
You slipped your picking tools inside the first lock, began pressuring the mechanisms inside of the lock. You were still rusty, but your life was on the line, so you didn’t have room for a botched job. After a few minutes, you felt the device click and pop open- relief filled you. It was short lived though when you remembered that you had a maximum of 5 minutes before the next rotation of guards began their way to you.
The thought of getting caught made your hands shake, but not as much as the thought of the Salamancas coming after you. You worked at the next lock and focused on sleeping in a dry motel that night instead of your body being tossed into a shallow grave or left in the desert like some insignificant roadkill.
The second lock popped open after a few moments, and you checked your watch.
As the time grew closer to when you might need to blow this building's circuits, you felt an odd clarity come over you- tinkering away at the last lock. You might have been in danger. You might have been caught up in a cartel. You might have been alone. You might have been a witness to a murder.
But you weren’t afraid. Disturbed by your possible fate, perhaps, but not afraid. You were exhausted of being afraid all the time.
The lock popped open, and you stared at it calmly.
You have a job to do.
The metal door opened with a screech, and you enhaled deeply when you saw the massive circuit-board and hundreds of fuses, and wires wrapped and bound together. You were certain your ex was calling you a hypocrite from his place Hell.
You checked your watch again.
You sucked in another breath, and stared at your shaking hands like it might help to stop the tremors. It didn’t.
The silence was heavy around you, and you stood in it for another second before your little alarm went off.
"Okay..." You whispered to yourself. Your mask made your breath feel moist and hot. Your hands took purchase on your wire cutters and pliers, and you stared at some weak points. You wanted the fuses to blow on their own, so you started with flipping off and switches with wires connected that you wanted to clip or mess with. Lights shut off around you, but there was enough for you to see what you were doing as you reworked some of the wire positions, and clipped and tugged. Then once you were satisfied, you took a deep breath and turned every single switch on. For any building, it was t advised for every power-drawer to be on at once if unnecessary…for good reason. There was a low hum that began to emit from the panel. The tampered fuses and wiring forcing more and more strain on other areas so they would start tripping.
A spark startled you. Then another. Then another. You watched the entire panel start to malfunction. Then, there were shouts of panic around the building as a power grid shut off in the lot, which you took that as your cue to run.
With your pliers and white cutters in your bag, you shut the panel door and locked it back up in record time. Then, you faced the fence, and ran.
You didn't care that the lights were shutting down all around you. All you knew was you had instructions, and you were certainly going to follow them. You came to the edge of the front of the building and paused in the shadows as groups of men scattered around the dusty lot. Your heart was racing in your chest, but you could see your car just beyond the light, and you expected some kind of relief to wash over you but it didn’t come. Instead, there was a deep pit forming in your stomach.
Lalo hadnt called you.
Of course you hoped that it was simply because his plan went accordingly and having the cover of darkness and chaos was what he needed and...not that it was because he had been shot and bled out before he could call you. The idea that he might have met the fate that you had dreaded for yourself suddenly made you-
Ring ring ring
You froze.
The quiet ring tone made you scramble to answer your phone before it attracted attention. You pulled it from your jacket and wrenched your mask down to breathe when you saw the number.
The same number he had put on a piece of paper for you a month ago.
A million and a half thoughts went through your head as you stared down at the little screen, but the only one you could focus on was the possibility that Lalo was in trouble. That he needed you.
You hit answer, and held the phone to your ear. "Hello?" You whispered, pressing yourself against the side of the building.
There was a strained breath on the other end. "You busy, princesita?"
You couldn’t breathe. He wasnt supposed to call you. That was never a part of any plan he told you.
"No." You managed to get out, eyes unfocused as you tried to remember the blueprints of the building.
"Mind giving me a hand?" He asked just as carefree as he always was, but you knew better. There was a tightness to his voice. He was hurt. Badly too, if he was calling you.
"Wh-where are you?" You asked, already searching for your flashlight in your bag as another few light grids shut off around you.
"You’re- mierda...You’re gonna come in through the main door, okay? Th-through the door with the window... At the end- ah...end of those washers and shit, theres gonna be a door behind one..." He coughed, and you heard him suck in a breath.
You nodded frantically to yourself as you recalled the drawing of the building. Seems that Chicken man was up bro more than just a restaurant. "Okay, okay I- I remember where that is. I’m coming just- just dont die!" You said in a rush.
"Klah! Me? Never." You heard him say, but you were already flipping the phone shut. Lights were flickering like mad as you began inching around to the front of the building, and your eyes began playing tricks on you as they strained to function in the changing a brightness.
To your luck, the front was almost devoid of security as they all ran to the back or inside. You heard radios going off and yells and orders being barked out, but somehow no one saw you.
You crept along the blue facility until you made it to the door. It sat open, and you didn’t waste any time as you slipped inside past the massive bins.
You were alone. For now.
You clicked on your flashlight and you were indeed surrounded by massive industrial washers. It was admittedly overwhelming, but you forced your brain to focus. You looked at each end of the main walkway of the processing room just as Lalo had told you to, and you noticed that a washer at one end was off kilter. You didn’t have time yo weigh the pros and cons of choosing to investigate it, but when you went to run, the sound of footsteps halted you. You clicked off your flashlight.
"The hell is going on in there- this shits supposed to be secure..." You heard a ma n say, and a grumble from another man. You looked around and ducked behind one of the washers; evidently just in time too as the men passed by you just several feet away.
“Where the hell is Mike?” One asked.
You let out a relieved breath when they didn’t turn around or stop to check on your heavy breathing, but it caught in your throat when you saw the guns in their belts glint in the little light. The very real situation that you had just ran into settled into your mind. That you were in the middle of a very messy cartel issue. Something that even Lalo hadn’t meant for you to get mixed in.
You waited until they left, and it grew quiet again before you flicked your light on again, and made a break for the washer. You hoped to god that you weren't too late in your search.
The amount of sound from your feet was too loud, but you didn’t dare stop. You hoped no one would care in the chaos you had created. The sound of other footsteps began to echo around you and you felt a weight on your chest like you were running from a loaded gun but you didn’t look back.
When you were just feet away, you saw the edge of a hidden door. You internally rejoiced, but it was short-lived when you remembered a man might be dying. You whipped around the corner of it, and followed the route of the stairs down. You didn’t have time to consider you might be going the wrong way, so you clamoured down as fast and quietly as you humanly could. Your feet were surprisingly soundless as you inched along the catwalks and flashed your light here and there along the scaffolding.
*What the hell is this place...*
Your heart was in your throat. You could smell dirt and machinery-
You stopped. A sound caught your ears, and you listened for it again. There- a wheeze.
"S-Señor Lalo?" You whispered, creeping down the steps, flashing your light across the expansive space.
You continued down, down, down until you were at the second to last flight of stairs when you jumped and almost fell back. Your flashlight caught a sight that chilled you.
"Eh…Hola niñita, fancy seeing you here!"
Just a couple feet down from you sat the very man who had called you. Your blood went cold when you saw Lalo laying there on the stairs with blood seeping out of his side and neck where he was pressing down.
"L-Lalo-" You whispered, rooted to the spot. Not even the sight of your ex shot dead had rendered you so motionless.
"Not to rush you princesa, but I’ve felt better." He forced out, glancing down at his side that was getting more saturated with blood by the second.
Your senses suddenly went into hyperdrive, and you almost jumped down the couple steps to crouch at his side. You placed your flashlight into the crook of your neck and held it there with your cheek as you pulled his hand from his jugular. A little relief filled you when you noted that the artery wasn’t hit and the bullet just skimmed him.
"Okay, you’re okay." You muttered to him, "Lets get you up."
You were so focused as you started positioning yourself for some leverage that you missed the fact that his eyes hadn't left you. Then he sighed and waved you off.
"Need...the camera..." He rumbled and pointed down.
You stared at him in confusion then followed his finger and held your light again to follow the beam.
Sure enough, 20 feet below you in the dirt was a camcorder.
You nodded silently, not even considering the possibility of arguing, and leapt over him before clamouring down the stairs. Your feet hit dirt and you looked around frantically for the device. The metal caught the light of your flashlight, and as you sped over to it, tried to ignore the various trails of blood in the soil. You grasped the camera and slipped it into your pouch along side your other supplies as you scaled the stairs, light jumping with every step.
As you came back to his side, you wordlessly gripped Lalo’s hand and elbow, and gingerly began to help him stand; you had expected him to wince or protest, but all you heard was him groan a little and wave you off like a fly.
"Shit shot..." He rumbled.
You looked at him as you ignored his gesture, and guided him up, "Wh-"
"Chicken Man he was a shit fucking shot...could’ve at least killed me. Now look at me…" He shook his head like he was more disappointed than distressed.
You huffed out a stressed laugh and looked back at him, then swore under your breath.
"What? I look that bad?" He joked.
You shook your head and moved your flashlight to your mouth and your pressed your free hand to his neck as it continued to gush. He was paler and paler by the second.
"Step." You muttered, again you ignored any of his attempts to be independent, and together you began your ascent up the narrow metal stairs.
His pace was determined and you briefly wondered if he was human as he seemed to ignore his wounds. Your steps fell into sync, and you were thankful for the silence between you as you tried to figure out what the hell you were going to do. As you reached the top of the stairs, you mentally began to map out the building in your head in relation to where you were. You couldn't just walk out the front door, and you couldn’t use the back exit either; no doubt there were men stationed at every exit…
You hesitated slightly just inside hidden door, and thought for a moment. You could hear voices outside, and footsteps...the place was crawling with people. With guns.
Your mind worked overtime and while you couldn't think of a perfect solution, you had one that would hopefuly end with the least amount of bullets in you. Without another thought, you flicked off your light and looked at Lalo as darkness engulfed you. Just like you, he didnt say a word. He knew you were thinking- keeping your word that you would effectively put yourself in harms way for him.
You stuck your head out briefly to see how clean the path was, and once you were satisfied, you sucked in a breath and looked back at the older man by your side. He nodded down at you as best he could and the two of you took a step out into the laundry facility.
You both crept along one of the washers, and glanced out at the room. A person came around the corner of one of the machines, flashlight in hand and you quickly moved the two of you back. Lalo hissed at the quick movement, but you couldn’t bring yourself to care enough. The footsteps came and went, as did a few others along with shouting. You chanced a glance out again, and this time, you went for it.
"Cmon." You whispered.
Lalo let you take his arm, and you guided him along the machines to a service hall where it was less exposed. You could hear people running , and tires screeching outside and orders being barked out, but all you could do was focus on letting your eyes adjust to the darkness and making sure you didn’t trip or take a wrong turn. Once you were halfway down the hall, a door opened at the other end, and you felt bile rise in your throat. You acted on instict and pressed Lalo into the nearest open door and held your breath. You couldn’t see him clearly, but you could feel Lalo’s warm chest rising and falling against you. You watched the flashlight of the person bob around out in the hall beyond the door and prayed that the person wouldn’t look in the doorway.
Your muscles seazed up as you waited and held your breath...then the person was gone. You breathed out and quickly grabbed the older man and began the last leg of the journey. You shouldered open the door at the end, and sure enough, there was an exit up to the roof. You looked around vaguly at the dark room and noted that there were no windows, and turned your light back on.
"You first Señor." You said and nodded to the ladder. Lalo stared at you, hard.
Then he nodded, and began hoisting himself up the ladder. You shone your light up for him to see where he was going and waited until he was at the top before following behind him quickly. At the top, you wrenched the small door open and almost fell out onto the roof. You looked around, and appreciated that there was a little light from neighbouring warehouses illuminating the outside. You whipped your head around and began looking for the ladder down like you had hid behind when you blew the fuze box. Sure enough, across the roof, you saw the first few steps and you nodded towards it for Lalo to see. The two of you took off and kept low. You could see cars exiting and entering the gate and you swore under your breath. So much for a clear path.
"How bad a shape are you in, Señor?" You muttered to him.
Lalo smiled out a hoarse laugh and scanned with you. "Should see the other guy.” He replied, and you looked over at him. He shot you a wink and you felt your eye twitch.
You sighed, and nodded and pointed to where you had managed to get over the fence, "Theres a low part in the fence there...we might get seen, but...I think we'll at least be able to get away." It looked so far away now, especially since you were on another part of the roof.
Lalo nodded and started towards the ladder before you could even check that the coast was clear.
You tried to halt him, "Wait-"
But he already took your hand and dragged you down with him over the rungs of the latter, almost completely foregoing them. You scrambled down after him, and landed beside him just in time for a flashlight to shine over the roof.
As you stood there together, you saw Lalo sway for a moment, then recover with steely eyes as if nothing had happened. You knew he wasn’t doing well, but you had a feeling he would die before he showed any sign of weakness…hell you were certain he would die with a smile on his face if he could.
The two of you stayed low for a moment as you scanned the lot, and it seemed as if you both came to the same conclusion: there was no way you could wait for a perfect moment.
“I’m ready when you are Señor.” You whispered almost reassuringly up to him, then glanced down at his neck that still had a stream of blood coming from it, albeit small. You still didn’t know how he was running around with two bullet wounds.
Lalo remained still for a second as another guard ran past the two of you, then reached into the back of his belt, under his jacket. He produced a gun- the same one you had seen him use that night when he…
“You know how to shoot one of these?” He asked as he pressed it into your palm. You stared down at it. It was heavier than you though it would be.
“I- I know the general idea.” You said, holding it in your hand.
Lalo pressed his hand back to his bleeding side and groaned slightly. “Two hands. One to aim one to steady, okay? Point and shoot. Easy.” He nodded when you had it right. “Vamos.” He rumbled, and began your break from the safety of the shadows.
Having the gun in your hand made you feel both vulnerable and dangerous simultaneously. You scanned as you ran, and just when you began to hope you didn’t have to fire the weapon, you saw a man round the corner of the building just behind you, and you stopped running without a second thought. You aimed, and you shot.
The gun’s recoil made you jump and you watched as the man fell and a spurt of blood came from his back as the bullet winged him.
You heard Lalo bark out a single laugh, “Mi niñita loca…a natural!”
Your ears were ringing. Your feet moved you toward him as you tore your eyes from the groaning man on the ground, and kept your steady pace towards the fence. It came quicker than you thought, though you gathered that the fact that you were still reeling from having just shot a man had something to do with it.
“You first Señor.” You rushed out as you both came to a stop; managing to turn the safety on the gun before stuffing the gun into your pouch.
Lalo didn’t argue, though he did fix you with an intense stare before he pulled himself up the bars with more ease than you thought possible, especially considering his injury. You wondered what it would take to slow him down…
He landed with a thud and a cloud of dust on the other side.
“Vamos, niñita.” He said, beckoning you over with both hands.
You nodded and sucked in a breath and jumped up to grab the top of the fence, and let the adrenaline do the rest of the work. You pulled yourself up and as you situated yourself to jump down, you felt something whizz past your head. Things went quiet and your ears rang. You whipped your head and looked behind you; sure enough, there where two men approaching you with their guns raised. You blinked, then you jumped. Lalos hands were on your waist to guide you down, but all you could see was his paling complexion.
Another few shots were fired, hitting the fence.
You brain kicked back into gear just enough to grab his hand and run to your car with Lalo. You wrench open the door the door for him then ran to the drivers side as another bullet was fired.
You pulled your keys out and forced your hands to cooperate for a moment as you started it up and hit the gas without hesitation. A few more shots were fired behind you, but you peeled out of there before they could do any damage.
It wasn’t until you had been driving for five minutes, taking twists and turns that would get you several speeding and hazardous driving tickets if you were caught, that you finally looked over at the man beside you. He was pressing against his neck and side, and you flickered your gaze over him.
“Y-you’re bleeding-“ you said. It was a dumb thing to say, but it was all you could get out. “I…I need to- we need to get you somewhere…I can’t- no no hospital…do you know anyone? I- I can probably stitch your neck but…”your voice cracked.
“You have to calm down, Jesus Christ… I’m the one dying here.” He rasped.
Your panicking self turned to him sharply and you made a split second decision. “You’re not going to die.”
You turned the car around far too harshly and sped off into the city. You needed more civilization. More people. Being alone would kill the both of you.
You drove to the motel you had booked ahead of time to lay low in after that night, and as you pulled to a stop outside, your hands began to shake uncontrollably. The breaths you took came shakily too.
You didn’t even see the rare look of pride on Lalo’s face- you had done good. He was impressed.
But all you could do was succumb to your adrenaline and panic as they mixed. “You lost so much blood…g-god I should have found you faster, I’m sorry…I gotta get you inside- I have a kit in the trunk, I-I can patch you up-“
You were cut off when Lalo reached over to you with his good arm, and gripped the back of your head and yanked you over the middle console and kissed you. Everything stopped. Your breathing, your words, your heart, your brain, time…everything. You could taste him as his warm tongue flicked against yours when you gasped. It was fast and hard, but you were left stunned as he pulled away. Lalo stared at you, and just as he had hoped, you reset.
You blinked.
“O-okay…” you whispered, eyes refocusing. “Let’s get you inside.” You were on auto pilot as you opened your door and grabbed the first aid kit from the back and the bag you had packed when you left your apartment almost a week ago. As you were about to cross over to the motel, you stopped Lalo quickly and began buttoning up his jacket for a little extra coverage of his bloodstains. Lalo regarded you calmly and carefully, a tiny grin pulling at his mouth.
“I loved this jacket…” he rumbled, regarding the stain forming, “Really comfortable, y’know?”
Once you were satisfied, you led him to the room you had booked, and took out the key they had given you two days ago.
You turned the key and swung the door open before helping the man in and sitting him down and kicking the door shut. You dumped your things down and crouched as you began unbuttoning his jacket. The red stain confronted you again when you pushed the fabric off his broad shoulders. You stared at it, then you heard him tut you.
“Se agradecería un poco de entusiasmo.” He was aloof, but his words were beginning to slur. He wasn’t doing well.
You jumped and snapped back to yourself as you began to frantically undo his dress-shirt.
“You’re okay. You’re okay.” You muttered, though you weren’t sure if it was for him or for yourself.
His nice shirt came apart, all sticky from the blood, and you were faced with his soaked skin, and angry wound. Your head went light.
You remembered patching your ex up one night after a bar fight…but nothing that bad. It had been a cut from a pocket knife, not two bullet wounds.
There was no time for you to fall apart though. You were going to make this right even if it was the last thing you did.
You ran to the bathroom and filled the motel ice bucket with warm water and a glass with cold. When you came back, Lalo was forcing himself to stay awake- eyelids heavy. You grabbed every towel you could, and knelt at his feet again.
“Ey, there she is…” he rumbled.
You felt your lips pull into a nervous grin as if trying to see his humour.
“You’re gonna be okay…I’m- I’m gonna fix this-…” Your voice was unsteady though you tried your best to stay calm for him.
You dipped one of the towels into warm water and began dabbing away the blood by his side as best as you could; your stomach flipped at the sight of his torn flesh, but you weren’t about to pass out or back down.
“L-lay back, here.” You grabbed a few pillows and guided him to lay down, and as you went back to wiping his neck and side clean, you watched him try to say lucid. He did a profound job of keeping his breathing steady and you had a brief wonder of how many times he had been shot or worse. You brought a towel to his side and pressed down. Then you felt a surge of panic when you realized you hadn’t given him anything for the pain. “Shit! I’m- I’m sorry you- I didn’t give you anything.” You wrenched the kit open and shakily looked for anything that might help him. You found a small bottle of Tylenol, and though you weren’t certain how effective it would be, you grabbed two and the clean glass of water.
“Open.” You forced out, and placed the pills on his tongue and held the glass to his lips. Your hands shook and you spilled a little, but you focused on remaining calm.
You set the water down once he swallowed and took another towel, then went to his neck where you wiped more blood away. It was just a gash, but needed stitches. You felt your heart beat in your throat, and you wanted so badly to break down, but you couldn’t. You rifled through the kit and found the sutures, a new needle pack and the holder and forceps, and set them on the bed. You wiped the area again, and took a shuttered breath.
You felt tears well in your eyes.
“Niñita.” Came his voice again.
You blinked and grabbed the needle pack and ripped it open with your teeth. The needle fell into your hand, and you took another breath.
You jumped and looked up. Lalo was staring right at you, eyelids heavy.
“You need to stay calm.” He rumbled, “Can’t let me get fucked up, sì?”
You sobbed out a laugh.
“You’re horrible.” You whispered, and sniffled.
“Everybody loves me.” He smiled dazed.
You took a few more breaths and thought of something that made you sober quickly. You thought of what Hector would have done to you if he found out you let his favourite nephew die.
With that in mind, you knelt beside him on the bed; you wiped and dried the wound on his neck again quickly, and pushed his flesh back together to start stitching
“Easy there tiger.” He groaned.
You sighed and brought the threaded needle to his skin, and you pushed in. The feeling of the needle going through his skin made your stomach churn.
His eye twitched, but he didn’t move as you slowly stitched him up. You hoped to god that you weren’t making this worse than it was already was, and thanked god that you had seen several medical shows on late night television years ago…
You finished the wound, and you sighed in relief as you tied a knot for the remaining thread. It wasn’t perfect, but the wound was holding together and he was barely bleeding anymore.
You cleaned the surrounding area one more time, and looked at your patient. He was staring at nothing, but he was awake. You wanted to stop and check on him, but you knew time was not something you had plenty of. With that in mind, you shuffled gingerly down the mattress to the other bullet hole, and cleaned away the entrance wound. There was no way you were going to try and remove a bullet. Certainly you had seen it done in movies but you were not about to do it to a man on deaths door, not when it meant it could cause him to bleed out. You replaced the towel that had become sodden with blood, and pressed down on the crisp white fabric. A warm blot of blood began to seep through and you felt your heart sink down into your ankles.
You were horrified that you had to sniffle a little, tears threatening to well up. You watched his face carefully; he was unbelievably strong willed. He practically refused to lose consciousness. His skin was pale and his eyes were heavy yet still he was awake and watching you from his propped up perch.
“I know a guy…” he rumbled. Suddenly.
You jumped and looked at him, surprised that he spoke. “Tell me how to reach him.” You said, already reaching for his jacket to find his phone.
“Second to last number…he’ll know who it is…” He might have been lacking blood, but Lalo still managed to sound just as confident and aloof as always.
You scrolled down and found the number, and pressed it without another thought. It rang twice before a man answered it.
“Where?” Came the voice.
You wanted to double check that he knew who you were calling for…but you had a feeling this man wasn’t just some guy who forgot who Lalo Salamanca was.
You gave him the address, simple and concise. He didn’t say thank you, or double check, and somehow you found that comforting. You snapped the phone shut, and placed it back in his pocket.
“He’s coming…it…its going to be okay…” you whispered. You wondered how many times that phone had been used to take a life with a simple order.
You looked down at the towel on his side, and lifted it gently to check the bleeding. It was still coming. You grabbed one of the spare pillows and wordlessly began unbuckling Lalo’s belt.
“I know you wanna help there princesita, but I don’t think right now is the best time for a bl-“
You ripped the belt from the loops and pressed the pillow to his side, making him groan and shut his mouth fast. It wasn’t perfect, but you managed to get the belt under his back and around his waist and over the pillow to fasten it to his side, tight. The pressure would help the bleeding better than your hands, and you leaned back once you got it tight enough.
You heart rate had slowed, and now seeing him a little more repaired, you looked at him properly. His eyes were closed, and it didn’t hit you for a moment that him being lax could be a horrible thing. Then your blood went cold.
You shot up out of your seat beside him and leaned over his chest.
"L...Lalo?" You whispered.
You feel lightheaded. You pressed your ear to his chest, and his heartbeat was faint. The tips of your fingers felt cold.
"Lalo!" Your voice broke, but again, there was no response.
Your eyes began to well with tears, and you broke.
"You motherfucker I'm neck deep in this shit, and I cant get myself out without you!" You cried out and slapped his thick chest.
You stared at his face for a moment, dread filling you.
Then, the corner of his mouth tugged.
“Awh, you mean it?” Came his low voice, his eyes still closed.
You felt your hands tingle as the urge to slap him filled you. It was like he could feel it. Lalo smirked slightly.
“C’mon I know you want to…what just because I’m half dead you’re going soft?” He goaded you.
You clenched your jaw and sighed. His mouth tugged again, though his eyes remained closed. Eventually his face went lax, and his breathing became even and slow. You called his name once more, but when he didn’t answer you gathered he was sleeping. You hoped against hope that the guy you had called would be there soon, but you supposed only time would tell.
In his dazed slumber, Lalo murmured a name or two…and you found yourself getting dizzy with sleep the longer you watched him.
You didn’t know when you fell asleep, but when you woke up, your head was down on the bed in your arms- just where you had been as you watched over him.
You looked up, and and stilled when you saw those large, glittering black eyes staring back at you, fully awake and very alive.
“Ahh she awakens.” He rasped.
You sat up and rubbed your head, taking him in.
He was sat, clean and reclined on the bed. There was a neat bandage over his side, and a smaller one over his neck, along with a couple brown bags where he kept reaching and eating from on the side table
“What…” you tried to say. You had expected to be awoken by the man knocking to get in the room, so how in the hell had he gotten in-
“Hm? Other guy took too long…called in a favour. Didn’t feel like dying yet.” He said as he pulled out a water from one of the bags for you. He dangled it in front of your face.
“I-oh…thank you.” You slowly took the water, and drank from it. You couldn’t remember when you last had water.
“Chicken man thinks he got me…we’ll stay here for a while…” Lalo rumbled.
You nodded, “I- I have the room booked for another two nights…um- I can see if I can get another one for you…if you want some priva-“
“Nah.” He dismissed you. But he said it with that easy grin of his as he looked at the shitty motel room service brochure. There was a warm silence to the room as you sat there with him. You sipped at your water, and slowly stood up, wincing at your back.
Lalo was flipping through one of the brochures of Albuquerque and chuckling every so often. Evidently he thought the touristic sights were amusing. It all seemed so surreal again, just like that night in your apartment as he patched you up.
Then, as you stood there in a daze, you. Suddenly realised how disgusting you felt. Blood and sweat and dirt was caked to you. You quietly went to the washroom and splashed some cold water on your face. You looked a mess. With Lalo more stable, you walked outside and grabbed the bag you had, and went back to the washroom to shower. You bagged up the clothes you had worn, and climbed inside the stall. The warm water washed over you, and you felt tears run down your face as the stress broke out of you. You sobbed quietly into your hand, and let the blood and dirt drain away.
It wasn’t long, but it was enough to help you settle back into your body.
Once you were finished, you dried your hair and put on some clean clothes; you forgot how wonderful it felt to be scrubbed clean. Your head felt a little light, but clear.
When you came out, Lalo was staring out the front window, and slipping a new, clean shirt onto one arm. You watched his back flex and the thick muscles ripple, and you were suddenly hit with the memory of of his lips pressing against yours in the car-
“You’re a little crazy, you know that?” He rumbled as he turned around, and begun buttoning his floral shirt.
You blinked and dragged your stare away from his chest.
“I’m- I’m sorry?” You asked, not fully understanding him. Was he referring to you running through firing bullets for him?
“You said you wished you had a family like the Salamancas. Anyone who says that must be crazy.” He smiled and said it with a laugh, but neither reached his eyes.
You didn’t smile, and didn’t move. Not even when he reached and grabbed his gun off the night stand as he stalked towards you.
“Said you’d take a bullet if you needed to…hm?” He taunted you, standing between you and the door.
You felt a drop of water you had missed run down the back of your neck.
“I haven’t achieved a lot in my life, Señor…but I like to think that I saved your life last night…and while I don’t think you’re a good person, I do know you have a lot of people who would miss you.” You looked from the barrel of the gun to his eyes, “You can shoot me, Señor Lalo…I did something good last night…and I can die with that on my consciousness. If I die with your family knowing I did something in their favour, I’ll be satisfied.” You swallowed and looked back at him. A sense of calm came over you, “Just…please make sure Hector is never seated beside Thomas Lee…they hate each other.” You added with a tiny smile at the memory of having to separate their wheelchairs more than once.
Lalo’s heavy gaze was locked on you, and your eyes flickered over him; his chest was rising and falling quickly. Very unlike the Lalo you knew. He was always so calm…eerily so.
“Come closer I don’t want to miss.” He rumbled.
You took the few steps that were between you, and stood at the edge of his outstretched arm, just an inch from the gun.
You raised your gaze to meet his, firm and ready to meet your end. But you saw something in Lalo that you had only seen once before- that night he had emptied a magazine into your ex- it was a hunger. A glimpse of an animal inside him.
You both stood there for a moment, barely blinking as you stared at one another. The air was thick and warm as the scorching sun heated everything under it outside. You watched his mouth twitch, and his glittering eyes flickered over your face as you remained still. He was thinking…fast.
You had proved yourself to him whether you meant to or not. Proved that you were willing and loyal. That you were quick and nurturing.
You were nuts.
And he liked that.
Then, Lalo brought his arm down and threw the gun onto the table behind him. The movement made you flinch slightly, but you still didn’t move. You weren’t about to be weak in front of him. You watched the older man take the two strides that separated you, and you felt his warm hands slip along your jaw to tilt your head back before you felt his lips on yours. They were warm, and he tasted of something sweet and smoky; his moustache tickled your lip, and you mewled softly into his mouth as you leaned up to move your lips with his urgent kiss. It was vicious, and messy. Lalo swept his tongue over your lips and you opened them without hesitation. A low hum rumbled in his chest, as he tasted you. You laid your hands on his chest, and he tore from your mouth for a moment to speak against your lips, still pecking and licking into your mouth.
“You want to be one of us? A little mouse of a Salamanca?” He rumbled, kissing you again.
You whimpered and nodded as best at you could, “Yes!”
He smirked against your lips and bit at your bottom one as he pulled you closer, “You’ll do what it takes?” Lalo began backing you up, and your legs hit the bed, making you fall back.
“Anything-“ you mumbled breathlessly as he descended upon you, his strong frame caged you in as he leaned down to kiss your jaw down to your neck where he bit and sucked ruthlessly.
“Again.” He rasped against your skin.
“Anything!” You whined, weaving your fingers into his greying hair.
“You’re mine you understand that?” Lalo pulled away and stared right at you; the sight of him so close, and his scent invading every one of your senses had your head go fuzzy. You were his.
“Y-yes papi.” You said without thinking as need took over you.
Lalo’s brow fell, and his face suddenly went serious- you felt worry prickle at you. But then he sat up and on his knees, and began unbuttoning his crisp shirt. “Say that again, Cariño.”
You stared at his fingers as his shirt came apart and you saw his bandage.
“Yes papi.” You repeated yourself.
He groaned satisfactorily deep in his chest, and slipped his shirt off his shoulders and leaned down to to grip the top of your skirt and dragged it down your legs, grinning at your panties. You bashfully went to close your knees but he smiled and tutted you, “No no no, mi princesita, open up for papi…a little more.” He ran a finger down your thigh and flicked it to make a point as you parted them.
He leaned back and reached down to run a finger down your covered slit and barked out an amused little playful laugh when he felt how soaked the material was, watching as the fabric clung to your lips.
“Dulce coñito…”he rumbled.
You may not have been fluent in Spanish, but you knew exactly what he said.
“All for me?” Lalo replaced his finger with his thumb and began rubbing up and down steadily, then stopping to circle around your clit.
You nodded, then he pressed down on your clit gently, and a whimper escaped you.
“Ooh I think she likes that.” He smiled wolfishly down at you. There was nothing you could do to hide your warming cheeks- you were practically glowing as he touched you. This man had just been bleeding on you on the verge of death, and here he was teasing you to near tears.
The man took in every twitch of your thighs, and gasp, storing every bit of information into that calculating brain of his. And you let him. You didn’t hide when you didn’t like something and certainly not when he was driving you crazy. He huffed in annoyance when he couldn’t feel all of your skin against him, and he nearly tore your shirt off of you, and bit and mouthed at the sports bra you had on.
Lalo leaned over you, and devoured your mouth as he finally slipped a long, thick finger inside you. You moaned into the kiss and he chuckled in return.
“Tan sensible, princesita…” he rumbled, and very slowly began to pump in and out of you; the movements matching the pace of his tongue licking into your mouth.
His other hand came up to the nape of your neck where he clenched his fist into your hair and stroked your neck with his thumb. You could feel yourself start to twitch and your muscles grew tighter as he patiently built your orgasm like he was entitled to it. Gently stroking your g-spot and teasing your sensitive clit as it swelled under the pad of his thumb. But then every time you felt yourself start to reach your climax, he would slow, and back off. You whined pitifully into his mouth and he hummed and chuckled.
“Tan impaciente, do I need to teach you manners?” He purred against your mouth.
You shook your head frantically and bit the inside of your lip.
He hummed again, and you felt the vibrations against you. “No…you’re a good girl, eh? Una niña tan buena para mí…” he kissed your temple, and the gesture made your head spin as you keened into his hand.
“Please…” you whispered, and melted when he kissed your nose, continuing his slow pace.
“Look at you…so domesticated like a little dog. Como una pequeña mascota…” he purred.
You blushed, and flicked your eyes away in shame…was he taunting you? Did he think so little of you?
“Ah ah…I like when you look at me, niñita…” he tutted you, and put pressure on your jaw with his thumb as he still cradled your head. You felt his finger pull from you and you suppressed a mewl.
“You’d kill for me. You’d kill for your papi hm?” He goaded you.
You never thought you would say yes to something like that…but you knew that when you fired his gun at that man, you were ready for the bullet to be fatal.
“Yes…” you murmured.
He smiled wolfishly down at you, “Estás loca, niñita.”
Lalo leaned up and away from you, and hissed for a moment. You sat up with him and followed his gaze down to the bandage on his side.
“Are you alright?” You asked quietly, reaching out to touch the area lightly. Lalo snatched your hand and brought it up to his mouth were he sucked one of your fingers into his mouth; your lips parted at the sensation, and with your body so on edge, it only added to the fire inside you.
Then he looked back down and scoffed. “Shit shot.”
You smiled a small smile, then leaned up onto your knees in front of him and watched him closely as you pressed a kiss to his chest. You could feel his heart beating under his skin, and you felt a strange privilege to feel it. You kissed him again, then followed a small trail down to where the bandage was. You looked up at him again; he was watching you intently, his breathing heavy as his thick chest heaved. You held his gaze, and dared to press a kiss right over his wound.
“Mierda…” he rumbled, then you were being wrenched from him and your back hit the bed again. Lalo was almost panting and he opened his belt and pulled it from its loops before throwing it onto the bed beside you. You could only watch as he worked his pants open, not taking his eyes off of you for a second.
You felt pinned to the spot under him, and you grew weak under his heavy, scorching gaze.
“Yours.” You whispered, and spread your legs wider for him. You didn’t know what drew you to say it…but there was a part of you that was so resigned to this man that you couldn’t even think coherently anymore.
Lalo didn’t even stutter his movements as he shucked his pants off. You stared up at him, partially appreciating that you weren’t the only one nude…but somehow you felt even more intimidated with him having nothing on. He was a strong, powerful man. There was no hiding it. A thick, strong chest and tummy, broad shoulders, thick thighs that you had seen pull at his trousers just like his arms strained his shirts.
You felt tiny.
But you didn’t have time to dwell on it as he descended on you. Lalo took each of your wrists in his hands, and pinned you there. You could feel the heavy weight of his cock lay on your stomach between you as he nestled between your thighs.
The tip leaked onto your tummy, and you squirmed against his hold on your wrists as you tried to touch him or hold onto him for dear life, but he kept you there- so vulnerable. Lalo transferred one of your wrists to his other hand and he use his free one to grope down your body, and return to your slick cunt; he slipped a finger inside you again, checking to see that you were still soaked, and he chuckled. You knew you were an even bigger mess than when he had initially teased you.
“Creo que estás goteando.” He chuckled and pulled away from you to glance down as he pulled his fingers from you- a thick line of slick between his fingers and he pulled them apart.
You flushed. Lalo hummed in satisfaction. He had you in the palm of his hand. Literally.
He took his wet hand and worked it over the tip of his cock, and you almost whined at the slick sound. You had gotten an eye-full of his cock when he had stood at the foot of the bed, and you knew he was massive. You could feel him pull his hips away from you as he moved the fat tip down to run it through your folds. Then, as if he couldn’t help himself, Lalo released your wrists and leaned back on his heels to watch himself rub the head over your clit then down the length of your slit, and back up. He rubbed it right over your sensitive bud and you bit your lip to keep from whining.
“C’mon ninita don’t be shy- I know the moustache is a bit much but I promise I’m a really nice guy.” He teased you, then surprised you by dipping the tip inside you. Just a little.
But it was enough to make you lose composure and moan pathetically.
“Ahh there she goes- see? Knew you’d warm up to me.” Lalo’s rough voice filled your ears and you moaned again when he slipped in a little further, one hand still gripping the base of his shaft and the other now on your hip in a bruising grip.
You stared up at him helplessly, hands weaved into the sheet below you.
“Precioso…” he purred almost to himself.
The endearment had you flush even more, and he started to catch onto the correlation. His face no longer held any amusement, but instead a ravenous focus sat handsomely in the deep lines of his skin.
He pulled the tip out again, then pushed in further until it popped inside you completely- a small bulge there at your entrance. Your breathing came heavily and you leaned up a little to watch.
Lalo pulled out of you again, then slipped inside you a little more…so slow and so patient. You felt as if you might melt into the bed or combust as he fucked himself into you, gently stretching you open to fit his girth. Your body welcomed him, albeit nervously as your muscles clenched every so often. But he would ease you with gentle coos and lean down to you to kiss your nose. “That’s it…there you go, princesita, you can take papi…all the way.”
You thought you might die when he was in far enough to stroke against your gspot. You could feel yourself tighten impossibly more around him, and he huffed out an amused laugh as your body threatened to force him out. Lalo pulled from your heat again, watching as your sensitive flesh clung to him, and the round bump that formed in your tummy where his cock was nestled inside you; then his gaze was on yours and he snapped his fingers to ensure your attention. You refocused your eyes and stared up at him.
“Eyes on me.” He murmured.
You nodded, and stared at his glittering black eyes as they bore into yours. Then, he began slipping himself back inside you…so slowly. You could already feel the extreme sensations starting to ripple through you, and as you watched the older man, it was like he knew even before you that you were on the precipice of your orgasm. You almost started to plead with him as he patiently eased the thick shaft into you, the weight of it dragging against every sensitive spot inside you until his hips met yours, and his thick tummy ground against your clit…and you saw stars.
“Cum on papi,cariño…” he purred, “Cum all over me.” He kissed your top lip.
And you let go.
An unrestrained whine tore from your throat as your legs shook and your cunt clenched down on him like a vice. Lalo could feel the sudden rush of your cum over his cock and he continued to grind into you as you rode it out. You didn’t know when, but you felt his warm hands over yours; his fingers locked with yours. Your fingers dug into his knuckles, and your back arched up off the mattress as he patiently fucked you through your orgasm, shallowly pulling out then grinding back inside you.
You could barely hear or see. Everything was cloudy and ringing around you as the extreme pleasure ebbed away and your body went lax.
“There she is.” Lalo grinned, and kissed you. His tongue parted your lips and you wrenched your hands from his and wrapped them around his neck, but you flinched when you touched his bandage there.
Lalo hummed and put your arms back around his neck, “Rip them open ninita, c’mon.” He grinned down at you, and started thrusting into you. There was an obscene sound that came from between you thanks to your powerful orgasm and your cheeks warmed.
“Woah!” He smiled and pushed into you, humming at the feeling of your slick warmth hugging around him. Lalo sighed and leaned over you fullly now, bracing himself on his strong forearms. He sighed, and the air fanned over your face.
“Dios te sientes bien.” The older man purred, and kissed down your neck to your shoulder where he nipped at the skin as he increased his pace. Your body began to bounce under him.
Lalo slipped his hand back under the nape of your neck and held you still as he sucked at your skin and bit down possessively. You whimpered and squirmed but his iron grip held you there. As he slowly released you, he licked at your skin and kissed along your collar. His chest heaved against yours and he returned to your mouth and engulfed your lips again; you parted them without thinking now, and let his warm tongue stroke yours.
Then, he pulled away slowly and stared down at you scorchingly. “Open that pretty mouth.” He gasped.
You parted your lips, and Lalo spat onto your waiting tongue, then leaned back down and kissed you again, hard. You moaned down his throat and he groaned in return. A startling need for eachother had seeded itself in both of you.
He had you so distracted with his mouth that you barely noticed as he started rutting into you until his kiss slowed. Lalo hunkered over you, almost folding you in half and he stared hammering into you fast. There was nothing but the sound of his flesh plaping against yours in the warm motel room, and while you were sensitive, you didn’t want it to stop. In fact, you could feel your sensitive cunt start to tighten around him again, and you were helpless to stop it or even tell him, though he seemed very well aware as he grinned down at you.
“That’s it- that’s it.” He purred, and you let him use you as he needed. His soft tummy impacted your clit with each thrust and you could only babble with need. “I’m- I’m- la- f-f-fu- I’m-“ you couldn’t even get a word out at your second orgasm hit you like a train, and Lalo chuckled low in his chest as he felt you cum for him.
You gripped around him tight, and Lalo groaned low at the sensation. He thrusted a few more times, each one more sloppy and harder than the last until he pushed into you all the way, squishing his tip up against your cervix and let his weight down onto you as he came deep inside you. You rolled your hips with him as he slowed his pace and ground against you. Lalo hummed and panted into your neck, and you held him tight against your body as his thick cum filled you up. You could feel your tummy warm up as he emptied into you, rope after hot rope he coated your insides until some of the sticky liquid leaked out the sides where his cock plugged you.
Somewhere in the back of your mind you were terrified that he might have ripped his stitches, but in that moment you didn’t dare say a word. You knew he’d wave you off.
The older man slowly stilled, and stayed inside you comfortably. His heat was comforting, and you clung to his back and stroked his hair gently. Lalo very slowly leaned up off of you, kissing along your collar to your cheeks, and rolled to the side so he wouldn’t crush you. Then, he shuffled something over to you, and lifted your butt up. It was a pillow.
When you looked at him as he raised your hips up, he only sent you a wink.
You couldn’t form a sentence, so you just laid there for a moment before you felt his arm come around your head and pull you into his side. You curled in there, and rested your head on his chest. Your heart beat wracked your entire body- everything pulsed. You couldn’t move. And Lalo noticed how immobile you were.
“What? A mans never made you cum before?” He chuckled. But when you were silent, he looked at you properly. “No…really? That little prick never made a little thing like you cum?” He pushed and you wished the earth would swallow you up.
“No…” you managed to force out.
“God…we have a lot of catching up to do then!”
You stared at him in horror as your body was still recovering from what he had just done to you. And he laughed. “I’m joking- now come here and kiss me. I almost died yesterday y’know.”
You huffed, and leaned up to press a gentler kiss to his mouth. Then leaned back down. You couldn’t even hold your head up.
He kissed your hair, and ran his hand up and down your arm. “Mi pequeña loca.” Lalo purred.
“Mi viejo loco.” You mumbled, and Lalo sat up and away from you enough to look down at you.
You looked at him sheepishly.
“Mocosa.” He smiled, and you returned it.
Lalo enjoyed seeing you like that. Relaxed. Flushed. Sweaty. Fucked out, blissed out, swollen lipped, hair a mess. All for him.
He sighed after a moment, and smacked your hip. “I’m gonna eat you if we don’t get some fucking food.”
You nodded. “What do you have in mind? Fried chicken?” You quipped.
Lalo did a double take, and stared at you dead serious, then burst into laughter. “I knew you were funny.”
You smiled a little and toyed with a little hair on his arm. “How much longer are you going to be here…in Albuquerque?” You mumbled.
“Eh…we’ll stay here a little longer. Keep an eye on my tio…then after that? Think you deserve some real food.” He smiled.
Your brows furrowed and you pulled away to look at him.
“You said you’ve never been to Mexico right?” He said, tracking your eyes.
You nodded, biting the inside of your cheek.
“Entonces está decidido...after that…I think we could use a Uh…mouth cleanser?” He squinted.
Your heart throbbed still his use of “we”.
“Pallet cleanser?” You offered and he snapped his finger and pointed at you. You smiled.
“Yes! That. Tired of this shit city…you know, I hear Germany is nice.” And he grinned.
He knew he had you.
He embodied the chaos you had grown used to, but portrayed it so calmly. He made you feel safe, and made that little girl you thought you had lost inside you sing. Whatever it was that the two of you shared, you were drawn to it like moths to a flame.
And you knew it.
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cherrybean · 7 months ago
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Lacho x Reader❤️‍🔥
aaah thank you so much for your patience and the support on my poll post 🙂‍↕️🫶🏽 i missed writing and i will be more active now that i have more free time 💕
You didn’t expect to be in this situation. One moment you were asking for the aux in the car, the next Lalo was snaking his had up your mini skirt as the rough pad of his fingers found your clothed clit. “Lalo no” you’d whisper not trying to let Nacho, who was driving, know what was going on in the back. You tried to close your thighs around his hand, but knowing Lalo he’d just use his other hand to pry your legs open. You’d try and stifle your moan as Lalo would move your panties to the side to get better access. You couldn’t help but notice that Lalo was holding a conversation with Nacho as if he didn’t have his hand up your skirt. You bit your lip as Lalo continued to talk to Nacho as his thumb rubbed small and slow circles on your clit. His other hand was on the inside of your knee forcing your legs to be slightly ajar for him to be able to work his hands and softly placing with your skin. Your nails dug into the leather seats feeling goosebumps form on your skin as Lalo inserted his middle finger into you. You couldn’t help the noise that came out of your throat causing Nacho to notice. “Y/n are you okay?” He asked looking at you from the rear view mirror. “She’s fine Ignacio keep your eyes on the road” Lalo said nonchalantly as he was knuckle deep. Nachos eyes were now on the road as he drove from the deserted dirt roads back to Lalos apartment.
Tears brimmed in your eyes, gagging on Nachos dick as Lalo lined himself up behind you. “Tell me if it’s too much princesa” Lalo would say before slowing entering you. You couldn’t help but moan causing Nacho to throw his head back as it sent vibrations down his dick causing you to gag more. “Fuck you’re so tight” Lalo grunted from behind you as he filled you up. No matter how many times you and Lalo had sex it always felt like he was splitting you in two. You supported yourself by having on of your hands on Nachos muscular thighs and your other hand helping you stroke him. The spit collecting down his balls as you’d come up for air once in a while to help with the gagging. You couldn’t see Nacho as you were literally face down ass up and all you could confirm from his enjoyment was the muscles on his legs tightening and his moans getting louder.
“Shes good isn’t she Nachito?” You’d hear Lalo praise you as he kept a steady pace making sure he wasn’t pushing you too far down on Nachos dick to gag. Nacho sucked a breath in as you ran your tongue along the bottom of his dick where the long vein ran to the tip. “Y-yes she is” Nacho groaned as you continued to suck him off. You could feel Lalo start to thrust into you harder forcing you to moan as you tried your best to concentrate on making Nacho cum. “Fuck I’m close” you could hear Nacho straining as you vigorously stroked him and hollowed your cheeks moaning as Lalo bucked his hips into your ass. You could feel Lalos grip on your hips tighten as Nacho got closer. You pulled away when you started to taste the saltiness of Nachos cum as he was getting closer, using your free hand to stroke him, “fuck so good” you heard Nacho moan as the warmth of his cum hit your hand and covered his lower waist. “I’m close muñequita” you heard Lalo moan from behind you as you moaned feeling him rut into you. Your hands gripped onto Nachos thighs as they were the closest things you could grip as you moaned, the room filling with Lalos grunts and the sound of your ass clapping as he picked up the pace. You could feel your orgasm getting closer as your walls tightened around Lalos dick and your nails dug into Nachos thigh, earning a wince from Nacho. If you weren’t so lost in the pleasure you would’ve apologized but all you could focus on was how good Lalo was hitting your cervix, basically bruising it at how deep his thrusts were going. “Dont stop please” you moaned as Lalo reached down caressing the back of your scalp, running his fingers into your hair pulling your head back earning a strained moan from you as you felt your orgasm hit you. “Fuck you’re so perfect princesa” Lalo praised as you could feel him getting closer to his orgasm, “show Nachito how pretty you look while you cum” Lalo groaned. You moaned as your orgasm washed over you, your hands still on Nachos thighs as you saw his big brown eyes looking down at you. Lalo pulled out last second feeling the warmth of his cum hit your back. You couldn’t help but notice that Nacho was hard again as you finally let go of his thighs as Lalo helped clean your back. “Why don’t you show Nachito some of your tricks muñeca?” Lalo said chuckling to himself darkly.
To be continued ….
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zomdoc · 1 month ago
Let Me Satisfy You ☆
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You love him, don’t you?
It must be love, what you feel for him, because what other emotion makes a person feel this way? Or maybe it's the drugs that make your heart pound whenever Nacho is around.
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Warnings & Ratings: 18+ Explicit — Smut, Drug Abuse, Noncon
Relationship(s): Ignacio "Nacho" Varga/You, Eduardo "Lalo" Salamanca/You, Eduardo "Lalo" Salamanca/Ignacio "Nacho" Varga
Words: 11,119
Tags: NSFW, gift giving, flowers, romantic gestures, established relationship (nacho is your boyfriend), fluff and smut, (rough) oral sex, blow jobs, orgasm denial, drug abuse, porn with plot, gender-neutral reader, methamphetamine, smoking, sociopath lalo, threesome, manipulation, extreme dubcon, drunk driving
Complete (2/2)
1 ; Happy Valentines Day
Nacho comes over with a gift for the special occasion.
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2 ; Lalo
Nacho comes back for you.
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genocidehim · 2 years ago
Imagine if you were a maid at Don Eladio’s and Lalo saw you and became obsessed with you
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notes: reader is female, I wore out my only two brain cells thinking about this. words: 404
I apologize if I did not understand the request correctly. I wasn't sure if you were referring to the escort girls who usually attend Eladio's parties or to a housemaid ;; I assumed it was the latter, so I apologize if that's not what you had in mind. (my reading comprehension is very poor)
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When you entered his field of vision, you almost left him speechless. The way Lalo stopped paying attention to everything around him when he noticed you was blatant.
Don Eladio called for one of his maids to bring some liquor while Lalo and he gathered near the pool. It wasn't a special meeting with the Cartel Capos or anything like that, just a private conversation between the two of them to discuss Hector's health.
When Lalo saw you arrive with the Hennessy in your small hands, he almost felt personally attacked. Your gaze didn't bother much to look at him, you seemed very focused on your job as you served two glasses of liquor and left the bottle on the table, saying goodbye to both before returning to the house in the same way you arrived.
It was a very brief encounter, but it was enough to fuel his accelerated imagination.
He noticed how attractive and young you were to be just a maid. He even found it strange that you weren't one of those escort girls who used to attend Don Eladio's parties. Just a maid wearing a simple uniform, but the way your legs stood out and how the uniform still struggled to show the shape of your body was enough to let him know that you were attractive underneath that clothing. Lalo wondered if you were just as professional as you had shown in those few minutes. Hearing your voice made him imagine how sweet it would feel to hear you say his name, or even how it would feel to have your beautiful eyes on him.
Your brief presence was enough to slowly obsess him.
From that day on, he made sure to keep an eye on you all the time. Even when he attended Don Eladio's parties, he still kept his gaze on you despite having many beautiful girls around him.
He saw you as a challenge, something he had to get.
He didn't care if you were just a maid in his boss's house. He saw something more, and his intuition never failed him.
He would always find an excuse to have you close, no matter how small it was. He always asked you to bring him water, even insisted that you call him 'Lalo' despite your insistence on calling him "Don Eduardo". He loved how submissive you could be, and that only increased his obsession with you.
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keffirinne · 5 months ago
Let's have some fun - chapter 8
Your favorite hot mexican man is back!
I was focusing lately on other fanfics, life stuff and drawing but for my Lalo enjoyers, here you have next chatper!
The last scene was a personal struggle for me, but I wanted to finish it, so let me know what you think!
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Read chapter 8 on ao3
Pairing: Lalo x Reader
Genre: smut
Warnings: smut with some plot. It's my own english translation so constructive critisism is appraciated :3
Summary: Being a woman in male-dominated world of drug traffic isn't easy, especially if there's one Lalo who drives you crazy. You can't count how many times you wanted to wipe off that arrogant smirk off his face. Perhaps you'll find this opportunity at Don Eladio's party.
“Tell me more.”
“Well... I was supposed to go to bed, but I couldn't fall asleep. I lay alone on the big bed and got bored. I was thinking what to do to amuse myself.”
You had to close your eyes struck by the kitsch of this statement, sounding like the introduction to a bad porn, but you heard a sound of approval on the phone. 
“Hmm… and what did you come up with?”
Encouraged by the response, you went further.
“I haven't decided yet. I poured myself a drink. I went to bed. I wanted to watch something, but there was nothing interesting on TV. I was bored and felt... lonely.”
While you were thinking about continuing the suggestive scenario you slipped off your socks and made yourself more comfortable on the bed. 
“Poor girl. You felt lonely, huh? And you didn't do anything about it?”
His low, hoarse voice rekindled the flame of excitement in you. Despite the distance that separated you, the intimacy of his voice right next to your ear sent pleasant shivers through your body. The warm tickle in your lower abdomen only encouraged you to continue exploring this territory. 
“I was planning to, but then you called.”
“Oh? So I interrupted you with something?”
“How do you think?”
⬅Previous chapter Next chapter➡
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maddiehu7 · 3 months ago
Little McGill | Lalo Salamanca |
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Chapter 1
ah almost there but food first I think to myself as I drive around looking for a place to eat. Finally I come up on a place called los pollos Hermanos and pull in almost near starvation. I get out of the car stretching looking up at the hot sun deciding jeans and a tank top were even to hot for a day like today. I lock my car looking around to see an out of place red and white racer car thinking that was way to nice for a fast food joint but I just chalked it up to some weird thing. I finally head inside after adjusting to my surroundings, heading to the front counter I order a number nine with a sprite and go to sit down but as I head for my seat I brush past this older guy with a mustache and his bald friend
"oh im sorry" I say looking back towards the mustached man
" ah that's ok princessa" he says turning around looking at me smiling, damn he's handsome I think as a smile smally back at the nickname and continue to my table, but once I sit down I can still feel eyes on me so I look around to see the guys I ran into sitting at the booth besides me hm weird they could've picked any tab- no stop being so paranoid it think to myself rolling my eyes at my own thoughts. im almost finished eating when a guy comes over to the table beside me smiling but it seems fake, intrigued I listen in.
"is everything to you liking?" the man in uniform questions.
"are you kidding me? this is the best chicken ive ever had" the handsome man says enthusiastically.
"well I am delighted to hear that" the man standing says laughing
"no, really im serious I mean...its crispy and not dried out and the seasoning is so flavorful" he says well his bald friend looks annoyed but scared at the same time, this is weird.
"well thank you is there anything else I can do for you?"
"is there any chance-and I know the answers probably no....but is it possible for me to meet the owner?"
"I am the owner" the man states simply, ok just got weirder.
"really? how lucky for me, would you be interested in franchising because I would be eager to invest" the man talks like hes in some tv drama.
"well perhaps we should go to my office where we can discuss this further"
"excellent! dont waste that" the man says as he slides out of the seat but just before he walks back he turns to me and says.
"see you later..." he pauses waiting for me to answer.
"um...Emma" I say confused as to what he means by see you later.
"Emma see you later emma" he says winking before walking away.
both the owner and his friend stare at me in confusion but after a second the owner walks aways and as I go to stand up ready to put this stage event behind me the bald man steps in front of me.
"what was that, how do you know him?" he questions harshly.
"I-i dont i just met him" I say backing up a little from the stranger, he just stares at me for a couple more seconds before walking away. I let out a breath I didn't know id been holding in feeling a mix of emotions from this weird ass experience.
as I exit the restaurant I decide to put the whole handsome and bald man experience out of my head. As I get in my car I turn on the radio to she will by lil Wayne yes I know wouldn't think a girl like me would like songs like that but hey im full of surprises.
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jealousjealousgurlll · 2 months ago
looking for mutuals
Hi! I am new to the Tumblr writing/fanfic community and looking for mutuals.
You can call me Izzy, she/her pronouns and I am 21 years old
My interests/future works will include (so far)
Armando Aretas
Luigi Mangione
Neymar Jr
Lalo Salamanca
A few euphoria characters (still undecided on which ones)
The Weeknd
Jamie (Top boy)
Lorenzo Zurzolo
My writing will include imagines, one shots, stories. Some topics are rated for an mature audience (minors do not interact). For a specific story, I will add warnings and sensors.
Most of my characters will include a black female reader but all are welcomed and appreciated for this blog and my stories.
My favorite musicians include
Lana Del Rey
The Weeknd
Frank Ocean
Tyler, The Creator
Kali Uchis
All of 1990s and 2000s R&B
Lady Gaga
Bruno Mars
I may make a story dedicated to a song that I really like or discuss some of my favorite musician's work.
Favorite tv shows
Top Boy
Breaking Bad
Better Call Saul
Sex in the city
Love is blind
Baby (Italian drama)
Birth of a beauty(throwback K-drama😭)
This blog, I hope to accomplish embracing my desire for romance writing and poetry. Interacting with people of the same interest and bringing together a community🤍
Thank You for reading my post and have a wonder day or night(depending on when you see this ^-^)
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klitzxting85 · 18 days ago
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If I saw this image with no context, only knowing it's from a random TV show, I would assume Lalo was the cool uncle who makes dad jokes that somehow land. He has two divorces under his belt but still wants to find love. He had a really hard life (mostly his childhood) but likes to see things in a positive light. He would basically be the charismatic side character with a dark past and a lot of trauma but tries to hide it behind a funny persona.
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