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montesmithart · 3 months ago
Gift for Liss Fourtea! 🐲
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theblasianwitch · 2 months ago
新年快乐!! Happy Year of the Wood Snake!! 🌳 🐍
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This is the year of growth, creativity and introspection, with the snake, however, it is also a year of cataclysmic events and revolutions including self revolutions where you take action to better yourself.
Now, let's see what the year has for each group.
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Metal: Birth years ending in 0 or 1
Water: Birth years ending in 2 or 3
Wood: Birth years ending in 4 or 5
Fire: Birth years ending in 6 or 7
Earth: Birth years ending in 8 or 9
**This was written after completing all the predictions
Lucky Zodiacs this year: Fire Rats, Earth Tiger, Water Snake, Fire Horse, Wood Rooster Unlucky Zodiacs this year: Metal Rabbit, Water Horse, Earth Goat
Continue Reading for Predictions for 2025
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Metal: Four of Pentacles, Four of Cups, Nine of Cups. This is the year to save and guard what you have and not spend on every little thing your heart desires. It is a time to sit with yourself and explore some emotions that you may have been hiding or holding back, not doing so will lead you into a sense of overwhelm and make you apathetic towards life. There will be those that leave you and those that help you. The ones that help and stay during your emotional exploration will become your closest allies and help you to ascend. Water: Wheel of Fortune, Seven of Wands, Nine of Pentacles. There will be a lot of ups and downs this year and quite a few times you will have to defend yourself and your beliefs. Rivalries may show itself anywhere, but it only serves to make you learn and get stronger. Throughout the year, embrace all the gifts and blessings that will come to you as you get recognized. Wood: Ace of Pentacles, Eight of Wands, Four of Swords. New circumstances and life changes will cause you to be constantly on the move. This movement will cause a lot of positive changes in your life, but remember to take time to rest. Rest and recharge is essential to perform at your best and keep the mind sharp. Fire: Nine of Cups, Ten of Cups, Ace of Wands. A year of profound happiness and contentment, appreciating the love around you and realizing all the support you truly have. This support will cause a surge in inspiration Earth: Ten of Pentacles, Six of Cups, Three of Swords, Seven of Cups. You may expect gifts from your family, chosen or blood, and these will bring back some painful memories that will require some inner child healing. Bare in mind, inner child is any form of our younger selves, so it may not necessarily be from a time you were a child. You will have moments of heartbreak and depression if you let this linger too long, leading you to searching for a new meaning to life and having to make a lot of decisions.
For a more in depth and personalized reading, please order here.
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Metal: The Magician, Four of Swords, Nine of Swords, Six of Wands, Seven of Wands. "You have all you need" should be your mantra this year, because you truly do. Everything you need is within you. You desperately need time to yourself and to retreat inward. There are wounds within that cause great mental stress that needs to be healed. Succeeding in this will allow you to be more prepared against whatever the world throws at you. Water: Page of Pentacles, The Fool, Queen of Cups. Patience and nurturing are the theme of the year. Whether it's to yourself or others, just be patient and kind. You will be starting a completely new journey, whether within or without, and not everyone is on that journey with you. Deep breathes. Love yourself, and love others. Wood: Wheel of Fortune, Strength, The Sun. Fate, inner strength and joy. Three major arcana that can mean practically anything. The Wheel of Fortune could mean karma coming to get you or figuring out your own destiny. Strength is sometimes found in being perceived as weak, as the card of strength is one of showing compassion and forgiveness and having the inner strength to do what's right. The Sun is for finding joy and success in every day life. Unfortunately, I know not what the three all together could mean for you, but I do know that kindness and strength do get rewarded by life. Fire: Three of Swords, Eight of Pentacles, Five of Cups, Two of Swords. A lot of grief and heartbreak this year. Perhaps you're recovering from a break up or one is coming, or maybe it's just a big case of homesickness as you have now lost contact with everyone you every knew and loved. Regardless, it seems to be a sacrifice in order to get the life you dreamed, a career longed for, and making a living doing what you love. You will be making a lot of new decisions and finding that this new life is the compromise made, and the separation is the loss. Earth: White Numen, Five of Pentacles, Black Numen. You have quite the year ahead of you. You will be going through some rather drastic changes that will change your whole perspective of the world, a belief, or society as a whole. Everything you think you know about it, will all be proven wrong. At first you will find this new truth hard to take and will go through a period of despair and much needed rest. You will either have to rise with this new truth and become a trail blazer, or sink with your old beliefs.
For a more in depth and personalized reading, please order here.
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Metal: King of Pentacles, Knight of Cups, Eight of Wands, King of Swords, Queen of Pentacles. With wisdom, experience, and hard work, things start to happen quickly and you soon find yourself in a leadership position as you are now seen as someone people can rely and depend on. Water: Strength, The Hierophant, Three of Pentacles. The time has come to forge your own traditions and break away from the family norms and maybe even form a new family, a chosen family either by deep bonds of friendship or a pact of love. This is the year you figure things out together. Wood: Page of Swords, Seven of Wands, Queen of Swords, The Hermit, Ten of Pentacles, King of Wands. Many are curious and even jealous of you, the evil eye is one thing that surrounds you, learn to protect your energy and maintain control of your situation. Being clear of mind and completely honest is key to the survival, as is taking time for yourself and realizing your value. Words said in hate are said out of jealousy. Think of your goals and the big picture, stay strong and you shall overcome. Fire: King of Cups, Six of Cups, The Empress, The Hierophant. Your heart and your mind are at ends with each other, you must maintain emotional control. Nurture yourself, as your inner child needs it. It is time to move forward from your past and start your own traditions. Break the cycle. Earth: Nine of Pentacles, Seven of Cups, Five of Pentacles. Blessings and good fortune are in the cards for you this year. It will be a year where you seem to become different from all the rest. You will go through a grieving stage at some point of people or a lifestyle lost as these blessings make you change from who you use to be to those around you.
For a more in depth and personalized reading, please order here.
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Metal: Page of Swords, Two of Pentacles. A deep truth will be uncovered this year, one that will put great strain on your psyche. You will have to make a difficult choice while trying to keep yourself together. Water: Two of Swords, Queen of Wands, Six of Cups. With great confidence and self preservation, a decision you made out of compromise will prove beneficial in the long run. It shall bring about healing and even some special reunions. Old friends and familiar faces will bring you joy. Wood: Eight of Wands, Nine of Wands, Five of Cups. This is the year you stand up for yourself. You quickly set up boundaries and enacting change sets a wave of events, particularly ones that make you feel no longer wanted or loved. Stand your ground. It is better to find ones that appreciate and love you for you and respect your boundaries than to tolerate those that constantly break them. Time heals all wounds and gains new friendships. Fire: Queen of Swords, The Hierophant, Knight of Swords. You always tell it like it is, sometimes impulsively. Your words will catch up to you as there is no filter between your thoughts and your words. This will cause some people to abandon you. You tend to be unbothered, but this year you will lose someone you truly cared about and thought was different. Earth: Knight of Pentacles, Seven of Pentacles, Three of Cups, Two of Swords, Seven of Swords, Two of Pentacles. Your hard work is paying off as you receive your much awaited reward from all your success. You have a lot of support around you that celebrate with you as you have a new decision to make for moving forward in life. Someone who was working close to you however does not take the news well and instead abandons their post, which leads you to have to develop a new strategy and learn to multitask more so than you already were. Success comes at a price.
For a more in depth and personalized reading, please order here.
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Metal: Four of Wands, The Chariot, The Lovers. When The Lovers and The Chariot come together in a reading, it can indicate that you will succeed in matters of the heart, but only if you remain focused and determined. However, you have a disconnection to your heart and have been having an apathetic approach to life. A need for change in that aspect is required before any success can happen. You are not a robot, you are human, and every emotion is telling you something. Listen to your heart to guide your journey. Water: The Fool, Page of Swords, Four of Swords. Get ready for a new life, one in which you may not know anything or anybody. It will take some time to get used to and requires a lot of mental energy, remember to take time for yourself and relax whenever you can. Wood: King of Wands, Three of Swords, Ace of Pentacles, Black Numen, The Fool. You are recovering from overcoming a lot of challenges. New opportunities to change your life around will present itself, but you may not notice as you feel the world is falling apart around you. You will overcome this though. New opportunities will keep showing, and eventually you will notice and they will lift you out from your dark slump. Fire: The Devil, Ten of Swords, Four of Wands. It is time to break free from something that is harming you and causing great pain. Whatever it is, it has to stop now before it is too late. It is time to start over and return to your family for assistance. They will welcome you with open arms and help you recover. Earth: Ten of Wands, White Numen, Knight of Swords, King of Wands. You have taken on a lot of responsibility and are overwhelmed with stress. A return to the spiritual and divine calls to you as you need a lifestyle change and to take control of your life, making efforts towards the life you truly want. The divine calling to you wants to help, all you have to do is ask.
For a more in depth and personalized reading, please order here.
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Metal: Ten of Cups, Ten of Pentacles, Ace of Pentacles, Eight of Cups, Page of Swords, Page of Wands, The Hanged Man, Strength. A lot of ends and beginnings surrounds you this year, as well as periods of learning. You will have what you need to survive at your fingertips and be able to comfortably explore all that your heart, mind and spirit wants to explore. In the process you will find a lot of things that are the opposite of what you use to know and you take it well. You transcend beyond your previous limitations and become someone better in the long run. You share this new knowledge with others, but not many will take what you have to say, but it's fine, because you're at peace with just letting them know what you know. Water: Three of Cups, Queen of Cups, Ace of Pentacles, Ace of Swords. You find love and support all around you due to your forgiving and healing nature. As you stumble upon new opportunities that change your life in a positive way, you may find new people approaching you. Your emotions will tell you who is true to you. Listen to it. Wood: The Magician, Eight of Wands, The Hierophant, Nine of Swords, Page of Wands, The Devil. Despite having everything you could possibly need, you are completely overwhelmed and bored with your situation which urges you to forge your own path and find new ways to break away from family, tradition, and the mundane. Whether or not this desire is beneficial or just ravid temptation is unclear. Fire: The High Priestess, Two of Pentacles, Ace of Pentacles, Nine of Cups. Intuition will be your main way to guide you through life this year, as you will be faced with difficult choices and have to learn a delicate balance. A surge of new opportunities will present itself to you this year and will cause some great satisfaction. From these opportunities are the choices you will have to make in order see what direction your life will take. Don't worry, they all lead to something good. Earth: Page of Swords, Four of Pentacles, Justice, Four of Swords. Life has been going good for you and people have taken notice to the point of wanting to take whatever they can from you. From wasting your time to wasting your resources any way they can. A need to protect what you have as well as your mental energy will rise from this. You can only let people get to you if you let them in. Eventually they will get what is coming to them, for now just keep your guard up.
For a more in depth and personalized reading, please order here.
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Metal: Queen of Swords, Two of Pentacles, Three of Pentacles, Eight of Pentacles, Six of Pentacles. You have a good head on your shoulders and always have. Your mental acuity does not go unnoticed as more and more people come to you for advice and the ones who greatly appreciate it find ways to make it up to you and make your life much more fulfilling. Enjoy the rewards you gain from your natural gifts. You are not being used if they show their appreciation. Water: Black Numen, The Star, Ten of Pentacles, Three of Pentacles. Your world has fallen apart and you feel as though you have been sinking for a long time with no hope in sight, but your faith has always been strong and your spirit team/deity has never abandoned you. You will be cared for and have all you need to survive this time. You will find those who are truly there for you and find ways to make something beautiful out of the ashes of your life. Keep your head up. You are not alone. Wood: The Emperor, Ace of Cups, King of Swords, Six of Cups. You are full of ambition and purpose, your goals are in sight and you know how to get there. There is no doubt in your mind that you will, but as you work towards your goals, untouched emotions will surface as things begin to trigger you. Know that this has been coming for a long time as you have been suppressing things for most of your life. It is time to release, heal and handle these emotions before they get in the way of your goals. Fire: Six of Cups, Page of Wands, The Lovers, Six of Pentacles, King of Pentacles. Your emotions will lead you into new forms of expression as creativity starts to give you inspiration for ways to turn your experience into a shared experience. You will spark others to seek help while healing yourself in the process as you become a strong symbol for others to look up to. Earth: Seven of Wands, The Devil, Five of Swords, Wheel of Fortune, Eight of Cups. It is time you learned to defend yourself in order to regain control of your life. No don't give in to some of your more violent urges and don't just be amiable for sake of lessening the impact. You need to set boundaries and show that you have some backbone in order for others to stop taking advantage of you and see you as an easy target. Eventually they will get what they deserve, your job now is to learn to defend yourself so that you are no longer a target. From this you can learn to move on and heal. Eventually you may even feel like you miss that wrong form of attention, but that is not for you and is not who you are meant to be.
For a more in depth and personalized reading, please order here.
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Metal: Three of Wands. REVERSED: Three of Swords, The Emperor, Ace of Cups, Ten of Cups, Strength, Seven of Swords. It is time to get out of your comfort zone and learn something new. This could be a new place, new school, new career, or just a completely new subject of hobby that has interested you for a while. It is necessary in the process of moving on and moving forward. You have suffered under the rule of another for too long and must now relearn who you are without them and what you can be. A lot of emotions will happen, confusing ones that make you think you should return to the familiar life of abuse and misuse. You feel that your dreams are now shattered as you have lost what you believed to be the only thing you wanted in life. You need to change your way of thinking and focus on what is best for you and learn what your heart truly desires as you recover from the life you left behind. Water: The Fool, Ace of Cups, Ten of Cups, Strength, The High Priestess. A new life is flourishing for you. This marks the beginning of a whole new chapter in your life, one that you may not feel equipped and ready for, but you have total support in. Stay strong and follow your heart this year as it will lead you to where you're supposed to be, who you can trust, and much more. You are stronger than you know. Wood: The Emperor, Six of Pentacles, Ace of Wands, Two of Swords, Six of Cups. It is time to take control of your life, learn to accept help when you need it and offer your own whenever you can in what means you can. You will find a new sense of purpose that inspires you to make the life you want. Perhaps it's one that you recall from you past. A brief moment in time when things seemed right for you. Let's work to bring moments like that back. Fire: Three of Pentacles, The Magician, The Hanged Man. It is time to learn how to work well with others, even those you don't necessarily want to. Everyone offers a perspective in life that you may not know. Open your ears to learn from them. You need to let go of old ways of thinking and embrace a new perspective in order to pursue your goals with a new confidence as now all the pieces will be in in your hand, it is now your job to put the pieces together. Perhaps now you've had the lost piece you've needed for a long time, you were just too closed minded before against a particular person in order to see it. Earth: Ten of Swords, Strength. There's no sugar coating it, you've reached rock bottom. You have fucked up in ways that cannot be fixed anytime soon and have reached a point in life where you have lost practically everything that means anything to you. The recovery from this will require great inner strength and a lot of kindness towards yourself. Learn to love yourself and heal now. You won't be at the bottom forever
For a more in depth and personalized reading, please order here.
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Metal: Eight of Wands, Three of Swords, Ten of Cups, Six of Cups. You won't see it coming, but those around you did and they will love and support you when someone you loved and trusted betrays you and/or breaks away from you. The comfort and love you feel from your friends and family will be just what you need to heal. Water: The Hierophant, Six of Wands, Three of Wands, Ace of Pentacles, White Numen, The Star, The Lovers. You've been a sucker for family traditions and beliefs for a long time and it's served you well... in terms of your family anyway. New circumstances will lead you to questioning things in terms of your spiritual beliefs and test your faith. Perhaps some beliefs can be combined? Or perhaps some old beliefs already did and now you are learning the other when you've predominantly known one... Wood: The Empress, Queen of Cups, The Moon. It is time to dive deep within, deep into concepts of inner feminine. Everyone has a mixture of feminine and masculine. In terms of femininity, the feminine concepts trying to call out to you are the ones that rule over the spiritual unconscious, the concept of beauty, the nurturing side, and finding joy in the things you love. Perhaps these are concepts you forgot in the hustle and bustle of the world. Your inner self wants you to be happy and realize the beauty in all things in order for you to regain the ability to care for things of the world you have been neglecting. Fire: The Emperor, King of Swords, Nine of Cups. Your mind has been figuring out everything for you for a long time, and for good reason, it is a strong and powerful mind, one with wisdom for the ages and a strong command. Those around you see that in you and respect your opinion to a point where they value what you say above all others. This causes a great satisfaction and contentment with life. You have reached an emotional plateau. It's not good or bad, but you also won't try to ruin a good thing Earth: Two of Swords, Two of Wands, The Hierophant, Ace of Wands, Two of Cups. Decisions surround you. Decisions in life, love, and the home. You've reached a point where you seem to breaking away from everything you know and love and living life for yourself. You will be forging your own path and don't care what others think, because in the end it is your life and your choice.
For a more in depth and personalized reading, please order here.
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Metal: Nine of Pentacles. REVERSED: King of Wands. You're a spoiled brat. There's no other way to put it. You have had everything you could possibly need in life and yet you want to rock the boat and risk losing it all for something that, to everyone around you, seems impossible. There is no indication of success or failure in the cards for you this year, just that you will risk it all anyway just for your own personal beliefs. Water: Seven of Cups, Nine of Cups, Ten of Swords. You are surrounded and maybe even overloaded by the amount of things that run through your mind. You aim to have a life that exists in your mind with no clear path to get to it. You will be running around with your head cut off until you crash and burn if you don't figure out a plan or at least a path in your mind. You have a destination, how do you get there? Wood: The Emperor, Page of Cups, Eight of Pentacles, Two of Swords. Through utter determination you have been studying and working for the life you want and it's all coming together for you this year. Your efforts have been noticed and it will lead you to make a life changing decision at the end of the year. Fire: The Hermit, Four of Cups, Four of Pentacles. You are for yourself and by yourself. You are guarded in every way against the world. You have nothing to offer the world and don't think anyone in the world deserves it anyway. Not your time, attention, love, support, or money. Everything you care about is within you and around you. You are truly alone. Are you happy? Earth: Wheel of Fortune, Three of Swords, Ten of Cups, Three of Pentacles. REVERSED: The Fool. Life has a way of throwing things at us when we least expect it, and in this case it may be a sudden diagnoses or accident as you may find yourself in the hospital this year. You won't lose your life, but you will find out who truly cares about you during this time, and those same people will help you in your time of recovery. Such vulnerability may lead you to thinking you are being taken advantage of. Focus on your physical healing and be vigilant. Just cause you are weakened doesn't mean you'll be utterly useless and easily used.
For a more in depth and personalized reading, please order here.
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Metal: REVERSED: Wheel of Fortune, Knight of Wands. Learn to let go. Release those you are so desperately clinging to. Being desperate only pushes them away further. Your clinginess and impulsiveness will only lead them further and further away to a point of no return. Water: Three of Pentacles, Three of Swords, Temperance. REVERSED: The Hanged Man. A change of perspective is needed as those you work with lead to disappointing you. There's not much you can do about this other than stay calm and wait out the storm. It won't affect you if you don't let it. Wood: Two of Cups, Three of Wands, Page of Cups. Life will change fast this year as you and your partner get some surprising news. Fire: Eight of Pentacles. REVERSED: Four of Cups. You choose your own happiness this year as you devote yourself to what you love to do and it works in your favor. This is your year. Earth: Ace of Swords, Nine of Cups, Ace of Cups, King of Wands. A new relationship will cause a new perspective on life and spark confidence within you to take on the world. All in all, you're getting a life most dream only dream of.
For a more in depth and personalized reading, please order here.
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Metal: Nine of Pentacles, The Devil, The Lovers. Oh the things you do for love. You won't waste any expanse to make your partner happy. Your desire to please doesn't filter out anything, instead as soon as you think of something for them, you're already three steps ahead in making it happen. These desires to please are still temptations that if not reeled back to sensible means will lead you to bankruptcy. If you truly want to make your partner happy, find new ways to show your love every now and then that won't take too much out of your bank account. Water: Queen of Wands, The Hierophant, The Emperor. With great confidence and a bold passion, you take life by the horns and tame it to your desires, paving a way into a new life that is different from anything you knew before. Nothing can stop you, your mind is made up. Wood: Seven of Pentacles, Ten of Swords, Ten of Cups, Five of Pentacles. You've been a patient, good hard worker, but one without appreciation. A turn for the worse will lead you into a downward spiral where you will completely rely on your family once again, but at the same time you will find the time to work towards what you truly want in life and find your inner happiness. Fire: Six of Cups, The Emperor, White Numen, Two of Pentacles, Two of Swords. You've been the spiritual center of your family for a long time. They remember your words of wisdom over anything else and see you as a symbol of authority. This year, all those memories forged with your family will lead you to becoming the multitasker and decision maker for most of their problems as they bring them all to you for your counsel, advice and prayer. Earth: Ace of Cups, The Hierophant, Four of Pentacles, Three of Pentacles, Page of Cups, Queen of Wands, Wheel of Fortune, Six of Wands. REVERSED: The Sun. New emotions arise as you question how things have been done for this long. You debate if things should continue this way or if it's time for a change. Finances become more guarded as you lean on those around you for whatever assistance you can get. This is only temporary and a frequent cycle of your life, but you will find hope and meaning in doing things for others. This will bring back positive memories where you may even find the answers you need. Depression will be prominent this year, but this is just another temporary stage of life.
For a more in depth and personalized reading, please order here.
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amoodysimtrashyvibes · 3 months ago
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She's going to be trouble!
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dudja · 6 months ago
Chris Understood The Assignment 😂 #familyguy #comedy #funny #chrisgriffin #petergriffin #lgbt #meme
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relaxedstyles · 2 months ago
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justdavina · 6 months ago
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Vikki Le: Beautiful Transgender Vietnamese Lady!
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kuhulua · 3 months ago
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Come and get a fish!
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demisexual-in-distress · 6 months ago
OUT is a coming-of-age drama-comedy that weaves together stories of three queer Asian kids in their mid-20s. When OLIVER accidentally tells his parents that he’s found a girlfriend, he turns, as one does, to the internet. With the help of his best friend, KASEY, and a new dating app “+1”, he hires MAY to be his pretend date. The three soon find their lives becoming intertwined in more ways than they’d expected, and begin to question not only who they are, but what they owe to their families.
Book by Kalos Chu
Music by Ian Chan
Lyrics by JuHye Mun
I think it deserves so much more attention than it's gotten!!
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theblasianwitch · 1 year ago
新年快乐!! Happy New Year!!
Lunar Year 2024: Wood Dragon 木龙
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Lucky zodiacs: Monkeys, Roosters and Pigs for Eastern Zodiac. Taurus, Leo, Virgo, Scorpio and Capricorn for Western Zodiac
For those looking for ways to celebrate at home most common is food and crafts. The actual celebration tends to last an entire month with various activities.
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What's your Chinese zodiac?
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Overall theme for this year:
老鼠 Rat: Developing and creating the space you need in order to release your fears and let inspiration flow. You will have many choices to make and understanding which to reject is more important than which to choose.
牛 Ox: There's an overwhelming sense of anxiety and worry that surrounds you in regards to the physical aspects of your life. Health and finances in particular. The more you learn and try to take control of your life the more you realize just how up to chance everything really is. Events are happening in an attempt to pull you towards something specific.
老虎 Tiger: Life will seem to come to a screeching halt before suddenly speeding forward. Realization will hit you as your passions line up and put you in a position to reshape your life into a new beginning where you finally have some sense of control. Guarding your emotions is also common as these events happen. No one will be aware of what is at work within your heart
兔子 Hare: Fear is your leading motivator. Your fears drive you to make drastic changes and move forward. Whether or not it's good for you is unknown. Your fears are just too strong to see past anything else
龙 Dragon: Your high passions and motivations have led you into a state of ideation and desperately needs a pull back. Your drive is too much for those around you as you seem to force people to stay and secretly suffer for your own goals. If you don't pull back and realize this, you will end up alone, because in their minds you already are as they are not yours to keep.
蛇 Snake: Your ideal life in your mind is to be alone. You're blunt and to the point in terms of your own boundaries and morals. You're so calm with it though people don't take it as being mean and just take it as information, maybe even appreciate it. Solitude and peace of mind is what you have and will continue to have, but you continue to have connections waiting for you whenever you decide to no longer be alone
马 Horse: Energy protection is your theme of the year as your choices make you a little more vulnerable but also more powerful. This is a year of immense energy and strength. Don't let bad decisions or those around you try to take it
羊 Ram: Self isolation due to an immense amount of varied emotions is going to be common as you try to process them. The emotional overwhelm seems to stagnate your life and causes you to miss opportunities that present themselves to you. A regret that is sure to happen later on. Your focus is lost as you are trapped in your emotions and mind
猴子 Monkey: A sense of moving backwards or away from your goals is prominent as your focus remains on material gain to the point of being somewhat stingy. You base your strength and confidence on your finances and place a lot of focus and protection on it, becoming somewhat cold to the world
公鸡 Rooster: Success is the theme of the year. How do you define success though? A drought in life is ending. The sun is high and there is a rainbow everywhere you look. Embrace it
犬 Dog: Anger clouds your vision. Anger at the world, someone, or your situation. Either way, red seems to be all you see. And it drives you to learn what to do. To learn yourself. And to try and fight against the hands of fate. Anger is a high energy emotion, and you use that energy to fight, learn, and push forward
猪 Pig: You're taking back your life and rejecting the cards dealt to you by the universe. Imposter syndrome has been a commonality for you as you took on roles based on the situation, but now you're learning and being yourself and taking on the world. This change and push requires you to keep your guard up if you want to survive. Protection, boundaries, and periods of isolation are your friend
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pallas-cat · 8 days ago
and the thing is i've been around working class usamericans and canadians who are eighty times more curious and open to the rest of the world than the fucking losers online pissing and moaning and using them as an excuse
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wellthisissomething · 5 months ago
AI-Less Whumptober Day 15 - Removing Body Parts
TW: Blood and Gore
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Watcher - Ep. 12
Gunslinger (槍俠) - Ep. 35
Lost Promise - Ep. 26
The New Snow Leopard - Ep. 28
Are You Safe? - Ep. 5
Rugal - Ep. 1
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hughesybear · 2 months ago
we got wushu at Rogers Arena 🔥🔥
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mayorwhisper · 2 years ago
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Red Crane was designed by @redcraneacnh and it's a really nice island! I love how everything was designed but I especially loved the flower field. Check it out!
DA 3852-9978-4700
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quaggyday · 6 months ago
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Justice, Perseverance, and Intergrity
I really love @s0ckh3adstudios Undertale gold au so I figured I make an oc! Meet Lang (they/them) a young about 13-14 year old human and my interpretation of the perseverance soul in utg.
If you've got questions ask in the notes for now!
Flo (polka dots) and Rover (Monster) belong to @s0ckh3adstudios
(Also I apologize for how weird Clovers eyes look, I'm pretty new to drawing so if you've got tips send em)
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justdavina · 8 months ago
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Asian Transgender Goddess who's legs are magnificent!
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kuhulua · 1 month ago
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When you get excited about the fish >>>
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