#Asher Talks
asher-francis · 6 months
*the squirrel entity has a magnum to Asher* I advise you not to do that again.
.you can’t tell me what to fucking do you bitch.
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slutsofren · 2 months
What happened the the High Lady of Cunning story?
it's next to abandoned at this time, after the plagiarism and minors refusing to leave me alone i dont feel comfortable enough to continue posting. every single bad interaction ive ever had re: high lady has been from a literal teenager or younger who cant respect a boundary and unfortunately that affects all the adults who i wish to share fandom space with. im still writing, continuing it offline and in my own private space and maybe one day i'll just throw it all up on ao3 or something after i stop caring so much lol
tldr: it's on an incredibly slow update schedule (like one chapter a year at this rate) due to minors being fucking weirdos
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our brain is so fucking gone rn that we blacked out, threw our zip-up hoodie into the laundry basket and hours later, found it in there and had no recollection of ever throwing it in there and we didnt need to either bc it just came out of the dresser too...
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interstellarr-void · 1 year
heyyyy!!! reign here, I was wondering if you could share your aureth coining to-do list/plans with me? I have a huge list myself and I want to make sure I don’t accidentally recoin any of yours!!!
Hi Reign! These are the only ones I have but they’re just rough ideas for terms, so if any of them are on your list I don’t mind taking them of my list ^^
- aureth related to stars
- aureth related to the void
- aureth related to galaxies
- aureth related to the universe
- aureth related to planets
- aureth related to aliens
- aureth related to black holes
- aureth related to the moon
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liberhoe · 2 years
im gonna be real and say i dunno how they plan to progress season 4 without Billy Kametz as Macaque. He gave Mac his sass and wit. I hope they keep Mac in the show, but then again it would be odd to hear him as someone other than Kametz.
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Hiya we were wondering if we could join your discord server! The link doesnt exactly work ^^
Oh sure!!! Which one? :00
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radiant-cowgirl · 4 months
perhaps a silly question but are angel and baabe’s unempowered familes invited to the wedding? that’s gotta be a huge covert breach
but imagine the silly hijinks that would ensue
“hey why’s the best man (gender neutral)’s boyfriend sitting under an umbrella? it’s supposed to be clear skies all day”
“oh um he’s just super goth”
“he’s wearing a cowboy hat”
“wtf angel”
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dawnofiight · 1 month
Now Presenting: The Talbot Siblings
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This is an excuse for me to draw Madelyn.
Her and Amanda are BFFs that's why both of them have dyed pink tips.
Amanda adopted Talbot
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asher-francis · 6 months
“You won’t go anywhere. Not anymore..”
*Gretel smiled as it grew wider.*
(@thedeadchildren ITS OUR TIME)
*He rolled his eyes and walked away *
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slutsofren · 3 months
on my way to miami for florida supercon! if anyone catches me come say hi 🫶🤍✈️
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boowiij · 12 days
Asher would 100% send this to David just to piss him off
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interstellarr-void · 1 year
Happy pride month!! I’m not dead, but uh lots of irl stuff happening (mostly good) and adhd. Um I’ll probably return sometime idk when *shrug*
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liberhoe · 2 years
im so
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tommytomatoe · 2 months
you know, in psychology we’re taught that people are attracted to their unresolved traumas…i’m looking at you milo. smile pretty for me, treasure. what the fuck happened to you, geordi?
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lynzishell · 8 hours
The Present ❤️ Selvadorada
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Transcript below the cut:
Asher: Jesus, look at this place. This is the museum?  Atlas: Yep, this is it. Asher: Wow. Kind of intense, isn’t it? Atlas: Little bit.
Little Sister: What is it? Big Sister: It’s a dinosaur, stupid. Little Sister: I’m not stupid, you’re stupid. Big Sister: Good one. Little Sister: Shut up. I’m telling mom. Big Sister: [mocking] i’M tElLiNg MoM
Child: Mommy, why can’t we go downstairs? Parent: That section isn’t for kids, sweetie. Child: Why? Parent: I don’t know, I’ve never been down there.
Twin1: Why did they frame it if it’s broken? Twin2: Because it’s old, duh. Twin1: So, it’s old and broken and that makes it special? Twin2: [shrugs] I guess. Twin1: Dad, I’m bored. Can we get ice cream?
Atlas: Holy shit. Asher: What? Atlas: I’ve seen these before. Asher: Really? Where?
Atlas: Well, I… in a dream, I think. Asher: What? Atlas: Yeah, I used to have this recurring dream, and there were skeletons in it just like this. Three in a row. Asher: Weird. Atlas: You have no idea. [waves to museum employee] Excuse me.
Sam: Hi there, I’m Sam. Can I help you with something? Atlas: What are these? Sam: Ah, these are the Temple Guards. Atlas: Temple? Sam: Yes, the jungle used to be home to three ancient temples. They were said to contain great treasures, and people would come from all over in search of them. The Guards were one of many things that would protect the temples from trespassers. Asher: They don’t seem very intimidating.
Sam: [laughs] No, these wouldn’t. These are just replicas. The real ones are much larger and are said to have the ability to curse their enemies. Atlas: What kind of curse? Sam: It varies. Legend has it, they take the victim’s greatest wish and turn it into their nightmare. Asher: Creepy. Sam: Very. If you’re interested in learning more, we have the real thing downstairs. It’s a slow day. I can give you the full tour at a 25% discount. Asher: Um… Atlas: Let’s do it. Sam: Follow me.
Sam: Now, everything you see around you, with the exception of some reinforced archways and support beams, comes from the actual temple ruins. These temples were constructed as mazes with various floors, rooms, hidden doorways, and dead ends. They were designed to confuse their enemies and cause them to get lost, unable to find their way out. And, if that wasn’t enough, the whole place was booby trapped. These devices here, they would shoot arrows at anyone who tried to cross them. However, they contain a puzzle. By solving the puzzle, one could deactivate them and continue on.
Sam: This is the kind of room one may find themselves trapped in. The only way out, again, is to solve the puzzle. Get it wrong, and each podium has a different punishment in store for you. Atlas: Why would anyone go into these temples if they’re so dangerous?
Sam: Oh, plenty of reasons. Greed, adventure… Sometimes people just think they’re special. That, even if hundreds have failed before them, somehow, they’re the one who will make it through, the one who will make it out alive. But I’ve yet to hear a story where someone did. Trouble is, once you’re in, there’s only one way out, and good luck finding it.
Asher: [pokes Atlas] Are you thinking what I’m thinking? Atlas: [nods] It’s perfect. Sam: This way, my favorite room is just up ahead.
Asher: Whoa. Atlas: This is amazing. Sam: Right?!
Sam: There are freshwater pools in the jungle. We have no idea how they got there, but they’re said to have been cursed. That they were originally created as traps for those seeking out the temples. It could be very temping to go for a swim, but if you were to try it, you’d be pulled straight to the bottom.
Asher: Fantastic. Atlas: You okay? Asher: How ‘bout we move on? Sam: Oh, uh, sure.
Sam: And here we have the real Guards. Asher: Okay, yeah, these are a bit more intimidating. Atlas: The real ones? Sam: That’s right. The very ones that stood inside one of the temples. Atlas: The temples, are any of them still there? Sam: ‘Fraid not. Only ruins. We’ve collected what we could and preserved it all here in this museum.
Atlas: I think maybe it’s time we head back to our rental. Asher: Yeah. This place is creepy, isn’t it? Atlas: That’s putting it mildly. Sam: Well, good news is, the next stop is the last on our tour. Bad news is, it’s about to get a lot creepier. Asher: Not sure how you’ll manage that.
Sam: This is Barbara. Asher: Barbara? Sam: Well, no. She doesn’t have a name, so I make up a new one every time I come down here. Just whatever pops in my head. So, today she is Barbara. Asher: You really enjoy your job, don’t you, Sam?
Sam: I do. And this is my favorite part. You see, it wasn’t only those looking for treasure or grand adventures that were trapped in these temples. Anyone who wandered nearby could fall victim. Legend has it, the temple
would come alive at night, and so would Barbara. She would crawl her way out of the ground and lure in anyone who dared to get too close. As I mentioned, once inside, there was only one way out. But also, there was a limited amount of time in which to escape. Once the sun rose, the temple went to sleep again, the exit sealed, and anyone left inside was lost forever.
Atlas: What happened to them? Sam: Nobody knows.
Asher: I’m so glad we’re finally back. I’m exhausted after all that. Atlas: Me too. You were right. We never would’ve made it out of the jungle before dark. I’m glad we decided to wait. Asher: Me too. We should get to bed soon so we can get up early tomorrow, take our time. Atlas: Good idea. [snuggle] Hey, Ash, I— Asher: Jesus, do see this? Come here.
Asher: I can’t believe how many stars are out tonight. We never see this in the city. Atlas: It’s beautiful. Asher: Sorry for cutting you off just now. What were you going to say?
Atlas: Oh, um… nothing. I was just going to say that I love you. Asher: [smiles] I love you too.
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