#Ash x reader
the-monkeies-girl · 3 months
Having snow ball fights with the apes playfully>>
*Laying all this fluff out for you guys in hopes that you forgive me for demolishing, and proceeding to demolish, your emotions with the customary series*
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Snow was rare for the area, Noa thought and watched as the delicate flakes fell from the gray sky above. Maybe… Once or twice in his entire life had it been cold enough for it to actually stick. It was nice, he was not denying that as a shiver ran down his spine, a few flakes clinging happily to the prickly fur that was standing up . The way it clung to the ground like it was the very breath it needed to survive, first only a dusting and getting piled on by the minute. As much as he wanted to pay attention to each flake to see if the tale was true - that they were all different shapes - his sharp green eyes caught the movement of you as were trotting through the open meadow, usually alight with greens and pastels of the wildflowers, now washen in white and almost blinding. 
But there you were, tightly bundled in a puff. Well, Noa knew it to be a winter jacket after he gave you a quizzical look when you slid it on in preparation of going outside, but the appearance and given the fact that it was a few sizes too big for you, make you look like you were walking around on stick legs, nothing more than one of those bugs that rolled in on itself out of defense on the top. He had always wondered what Echo’s did in the winter, when the cold was at its peak, and he finally got his answers. As funny at a distance as it looked, he found it endearing as you lifted your hand to play against the snowflakes in a bid to get some to melt against your open palm.
Like his thickened fur that set in right around mid-fall, you were also able to shuffle into layers, albeit, the idea of being able to shed it rather than it being a permanent fixture against your body was not favorable to him. How did you sleep with that thing on? He tilted his eyes, realizing that he had lost sight of you. Green gaze stuck around the area you had just been, Anaya and Soona coming into his periphery as they were coming to join the usual afternoon shenanigans before the evening meal. He lifted his head to greet them.
“Echo?” Anaya inquired, watching as your head finally popped up from the snow. You had been laying on your back, Noa realized, that’s how he lost sight of you. Curiously, he nodded at Anaya and the three of them walked towards you. “They’re called snow angels,” You smiled at your artwork as you straggled to your feet, trying to keep enough traction that you didn't sleep upon the sleek nature. “I--- Used to dream about making them as a kid, it never really snowed enough though.” The imprint of your body with what looked like wings imprinted on the ground looked like nothing other than a blob to all three of the Apes, but none of them had it in their hearts to really say anything about it as Noa soaked in your words a bit more than the others, “Snow… Angel?” Nodding, you crouched down and rolled some snow into your hands and began compacting it delicately at first but with gained momentum, it rolled into a semi-hardened ball and you found it hard not to laugh as you held the melting item in the palm of your hand, “This is a snowball.” Pretty on the nose as far as descriptive words went, Noa thought sarcastically and looked at it. He raised an eyebrow at you before you stood up quickly, arching your arm back and throwing the item with intense strength, so much so that Noa found the grunt you made when releasing to barrel through the air quite inviting.
Anaya was hit moments later.
Right on the back of the head, near the base of his neck. He growled at that, lifting a hand up and rubbing there before looking back towards you and Noa and you were fast to duck downwards, buffering yourself with your arms as you dropped to lay flat on your stomach. “Did he see me?” Noa, amused at his friend's reaction to being hit, laughed out a bit and looked down at you, “Yes, he’s coming this way.” Noa squinted, allowing himself the pleasure of Anaya dropping a large armful of snow right onto you. The screech you released followed by bouts of laughter were more than enough to convince Noa that these… Snowballs, you had called them, were a game and more fun than he initially thought.
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Caesar did not like the snow. He did not mind the rain, but the snow was beyond his liking and it was a disgusting addition to the Colony that led to the ground being nothing more than a slurry of browns mixing into the whites, turning gray and gross with each step an Ape took against it. It was rather tolerable when he was able to stay in the confines of a fire, enjoying the heat more as his dense fur really seeped into his pores and he was able to be self-sufficient with heat for hours from sitting in front of a fire for only a few minutes. He had done just that earlier in the morning before you adamantly dragged him out of the toasted nature of the enclosure he shared with you. 
There was no way you were enjoying it either, given the fact that you had nothing against the cold other than a few layered sweaters and a larger one on top of the rest of the layers that you were able to cover your hands with and a hat. He made a mental note to himself, watching as you trailed a few feet in front of him, your boots leaving indentations in the pure snow below, that he’d look for a winter jacket for you and maybe some gloves the next time he stumbled upon an abandoned human camp if you weren’t with him. And if you were, he would remind you to look for the items yourself.
So caught up in the chill that rested in his bare feet, Caesar’s gaze had been watching the way your steps looked in the snow below, when he looked up to see if you were still near, you were… Gone. He came to a slow stop at that. You couldn’t have gotten far, otherwise your movements would have been more detectable. Narrowing his gaze, his right ear picked up on a few sounds behind a large tree, frosted over the bark and up to Caesar’s shoulder. There you were, he thought to himself and with a small grumble in his chest to keep himself motivated to move rather than going back to the Colony in hopes that you would simply follow, he gravitated towards the tree, but once he looked behind it completely, you were nowhere to be seen. Obviously, from the stances of your feet in the snow below, you had been but the rapid nature of your steps, you had moved away just as quickly. Caesar drew a deep breath in. He had no time or willpower for games this late morning.
He understood the premise, you wanted to enjoy the cold and didn't want to be trapped inside the Colony the entire day, and snow was always a good time, he recalled at times reading children books when he was younger with Will detailing days spent in the snow. Snowmen, snow angels, snowballs, igloos… His favorite, admittedly, was Curious George in the Snow. He was still able to see the pictures vividly, to read the words to the best of his ability. A very happy monkey in the snow, versus a very grumpy Chimpanzee baring through it for the sake of his mate. How twisted life was sometimes, Caesar laughed at that and stayed near the tree you had been.
He could have sworn he heard your voice saying his name to the left and without hesitation at the beckon, never something that was a threat when it came from you and you only, he turned his head in the direction he thought it was coming from. You were playing hide and seek, Caesar dabbled on that with a brief smile. First, you drag him out into the snow and then you dare play a game with him that he, inherently as an Ape, was really good at and he was going to---
A flurry of white hit his peripheral before an explosion of snow hit his vision, blinding him for just a second before his eyes focused. Mouth ajar, he looked in the direction the projectile came from and he came to face his attacker. You. Another snowball in your hands and you had just nailed him with another. The smile on your face was beyond smug, something Caesar wanted to drag you home with in hopes that maybe he’d be able to wipe it straight off with a good session in the nest, the justification being that he was staving off your hypothermia. 
He considered the same retaliation, but you would see that coming. Seeing him bend down, forming a ball and by the time the Ape King stood, you were more than likely running off afraid of being pelted. Instead, you laughed at him, the smile so familiar and drawing Caesar in closer, close… He dropped. On all fours and galloped right at you, your reaction being too slow and without reserve, Caesar had you tackled down into the snow, careful enough in his movements that he wasn’t going to hurt you, but you did groan upon impact, your entire body suddenly being wrapped in warm as he laid himself flat on top of you. “Let me go.” You straggled, unable to hide the amusement in your face as you chuckled, weezing out a few cackles. “Caesar!” “No.” You felt like you couldn’t catch your breath as you threw your head back, his hands coming to grasp at your hips to keep you pinned down. “I can’t breathe!” “Yes you can.” He made sure of his words by not pressing his full body weight. “Apologize.” “Never.” “Apologize.” “You deserved it, I’m sorry I hit your face, I-I swear I was aiming for your chest.” Your laughter soon became nervous as Caesar’s hands left your body, and he was reaching above your head to cup some snow. “No, you wouldn’t.”
He wasn’t stopping, your laughter boisterous as you began struggling against him. Not out of primal, animalistic fear, out of fear of the snow hitting your face. He dangled it right above your face, your eyes focusing on the flurries. 
Cackling like a maniac, you shook your head, reaching above your head in a mirror of Caesar's previous actions, slamming some more snow against the side of his face. He was shocked enough by that, the snow in his grasp falling as you finally managed to get yourself free and without worry or care, you began running off. Caesar blinked. And then again, not willing to admit that he was having fun, before he rose carefully, darting right after you in a bid of revenge.
Blue Eyes / Ash.
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You looked at Ash with intent focus. Lifting your hands to your eyes, your pointer and middle finger adjacent to your eyes, you followed the movement outwards to the landscape that had been deliciously drenched in virgin snow. You were telling your friend to watch your back, you were about to go into the battlefield. You had a severe disadvantage. Blue Eyes was able to swing through the trees and drop down an attack.
You… You had your legs, the ground below and a dream as you looked down at the pre-made snowballs in your satchel that rested against the side of your body. Ash understood his assignment and nodded at you, watching as you hyped yourself up with rapid breathing, rising yourself onto your forearms before your feet planted your weight into the snow below and you began running. Harder and faster than you had in a while, your heart was racing in your chest. 
“I’m gonna make it!!” You yelled at Ash, seeing the embankment of the river only a few meters in front of you. The end of the line, the decided point that you had given in this very intense game that you were playing with Ash and Blue Eyes. Forming an alliance only with Ash as you both came to reckon that Blue Eyes was competitive, leaving you to wonder if that was a trait he got from Caesar or Cornelia, was a good move. You were fast at making the snowballs themselves, and Ash was good at spotting the Ape Prince and throwing them before Blue Eyes had the chance to nail you.
The laughter you let out was ripping, Blue Eyes watching intently from the second branch of a conifer as you drew closer to the river. Closer… Closer. He looked over at Ash who looked up at him. They were subsequently in cahoots. Ash faking an alliance with you, but his diligence towards Blue Eyes was evident as you were hit between the shoulder blades by a flying snow projectile. Not hard enough to cause any pain, but it was alarming as you screamed in response. 
“Who did that?!” It looked like you were running in circles at this point, another snowball flying your way from Ash himself, another following that was tossed by Blue Eyes. “A-Ash!!” Crying that out, you looked towards the area you had just darted from at your alleged alliance. “You---” Blue Eyes was suddenly in front of you, your eyes widening in surprise. “No.”
‘Think we won.’ He signed at you, your hand at your side tucking into your bag to grab a ball. It was cold and melting, but the more compressed and melted it was, the harder of a hit it was going to be. Given his heightened senses, he was able to grab your arm before you tossed the ball at him in defense, your wrist suddenly encased by Blue Eyes’ large hand. ‘Time to admit you lost.’
“I’m taking this ship down with me.” You smiled at Blue Eyes, knowing exactly how it must have appeared for him as you drew your face that much closer to him. In the midst of surprise to your sudden closeness, his chest swelling at the prospect that you were going to touch him, you took advantage of his reaction, snapping your arm away from him and tossing a gait towards Ash, whom you successfully hit with a few snowballs before rounding a tree and making your way to the river. “I’m gonna win! I’m gonna tell Caesar all about how much his son--- OOF---” You… Disappeared. Ash looked at Blue Eyes, and Blue Eyes looked at the skid on the ground where you had vanished, bringing himself towards it cautiously in case you were playing another rouse to get him hit with another snowball. Once he came up the small embankment of raised ground, his azure glance, more blue now in the cold and bleak weather, noticed you. Slipped, you must have slipped and didn't realize that there was a small hill behind you and you ultimately lost your balance and went tumbling down.
Concern hit him at once as he got a bit closer, letting his curled hand place against your back. Movement caught him off guard, your shoulders moving. Were you… Laughing…? Blue Eyes looked over at Ash as his friend joined him to make sure you were okay, but it was more than obvious that you were, face down in the snow by all means, but your giggles were entrancing as usual for him. 
Out-stretched to the right, your hand. Blue Eyes looked at it as you turned your head to look at him. You were barely skidding the iced water of the river. Smiling at him, he narrowed his eyes playfully at you as you were given the power to gloat, “I knew I’d win. No one beats the champion.” 
“Wait,” You screeched, arms being held up by Blue Eyes whose movement towards your appendages you didn't see, your legs to follow by Ash and the two of them held your weight up as they trailed a bit closer to the river, “WAIT!! DON’T THROW ME IN THERE!! I’m the winner! I won fair and square!"
With one hand still holding you, Blue Eyes signed at Ash, ‘Did she win fairly?’ You watched the signing with baited breath and looked down at Ash who had your feet. 
‘She tried to rally me against you,’ Was his response, ‘Not fair. Each Ape to themself.’ “But I’m Human!” You bargained again with a nervous chuckle, “That rule doesn’t apply to me, right?”
The pair shared a glance. Blue Eyes nodded. Ash nodded. Your body swung back and without reserve, you were tossed like a leaf towards the water, “NOOOOO!!!!!”
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andreaheartscats · 4 months
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First kiss >.< !!
Sally face headcanons, includes!->
Sal Fisher, Larry Johnson, Travis Phelps, Ashley Campbell.
Sal Fisher
-> you really think he would take his mask off..? (jk guys..)
-> let's be for real, i think Sal wouldn't take his mask off BUUUUT let's pretende.. OKAAY...!
-> the kiss was reaaally clumsy but cute :) Sal was literally too stunned to speak and he was just looking at you with wide eyes and red face. The first thing that came to his mind is the fact that you saw him without his mask and heck even kissed him! He definitely liked it but wouldn't want to admit it cause he wants to seem all masculine and mighty
Larry Johnson
-> sheesh.. hot. Honestly all i have to say.. Larry knew exactly where to put his hands and how to position his head just the right angel. Very good kisser! Teases you about it all the time obviusly, even tho YOU were the one that made the first move on him. He kissed you a toooons of times after that cause he really really and i mean REAAALLY liked it
Travis Phelps
->i am so sorry to all my Travis fans (including me, myself 😔) but unfortunately Travis wouldn't even let you think about kissing him.. NOW DON'T YOU THINK I'M NOT GONNA FEED YOU ALL!
-> okay soo since he is such a bully and all that, he always seems tough and shit but he likes to be hugged and comforted once in a while too. That's where you come in! You were just comforting him and hugging him telling him it's okay to hsve feelings and kissed him on the forhead! He definitely wasn't expecting it but suprisingly he liked and and yes guess what.. he said do it again I KNOW IM SO CRINGE.
Ashley Campbell
-> OHHH BABEEEE. She has such soft lipsss OMGGG!! When you two kissed it was like match made in heaven!!! She couldn't stop smiling after the kiss, HECK even during the kiss she was smiling the whole time! (those are literally the best kind of kisses omg.). She aaalways leaves her lipstick smudged on your lips and wouln't tell you until you saw it yourself! when she kisses you, she likes to put her hands around your back so she could get as close as possible to you! I love her sm omg!
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ohwaitimthewriter · 30 days
I absolutely love the imagines of Reader throwing a rock at Koba to save Ash! Have you ever thought about how they would approach the reader? If the reader was more wary or scared of the apes, considering the reader was definitely at the scene when the humans were being chased
I swear you all are going to convince me to write a full oneshot about this story!
The reader would be dead ass scared! And I think there are two possibilities that would lead to this:
After throwing rocks to Koba (and here you have more possibilities of how you feel, you can be shaking as a leaf or your survival instinct could kick in and pour you a huge amount of confidence to harass Koba with rocks, it really depends on who you are, some people act all frantic while others can be very calm in their head, so you chose!), here are the choices:
(1) You hide. You're too afraid to move from your hiding place which is probably under a pile of rubble or under a demolished car or something like that. And for sure you'll end up being stuck there and the only way to get out would be someone helping you from the outside. You're going to stay quiet and curled up until all the hustle and bustle around you dies down and you don't hear any more ape cries or crashing noises.
In the mean time (and after all the story we know with Koba being killed by Caesar), Ash would recall the event to his father (Blue Eyes confirming each words) still overwhelmed by your act of bravery and the fact he would not be here to tell this to Rocket if you didn't act upon it.
And Rocket will be desperate to find you to thank you for saving his son.
He'll end up finding you when it's all over, because you'll start calling for help to get a human to come and get you out from under the car. Except it won't be a human, it'll be Rocket who lifts the car with Ash's help.
And I'm willing to bet you'll mistake Rocket for Koba! You'll end up frozen in fear because he's bound to kill you by dropping the car on you, or he'll rip your throat out, or… anyway, you imagine every possible scenario until Ash tries to communicate with you using sign language to ask you to get out. That's when you recognize the ape you've been trying to save.
I think they would try too approach you in a very caring way like, trying to be gentle and slow in their movements so you don't feel threaten. If you got your knees close to your chest, I bet they would try to touch your leg with their knuckles softly to say something like "hey we're not going to hurt you please come" and they will give you space!
I mean, I believe apes are very observant and they know how to read facial expression, especially because we share more or less the same facial expression. Human are probably more expressive so it's even easier for them to read your emotions throw your face and Rocket would notice the fear! So definitely they give you space once you're out from under the car! Especially if you flinch when they try to touch your leg for example.
So yep, for this kind of direct encounter right after the aftermath, they would be gentle!
(2) You ran away. Which means you won't meet them right away, but much later. Maybe months after you've saved Ash!
You could be looking for food or water, and I can imagine you struggling to find any! And maybe you'll even try to steal a fish from Ash and Blue Eyes at the river, and that's how you'll find them again 🫣
They'll catch you trying to steal a fish and just as there's a moment of hesitation where you're staring at each other, not really knowing what to do, Blue Eyes starts growling and all of a sudden, watching you get scared, Ash remembers you!
He'll let you go with the fish, and that's the start of your adventure together!
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ofapesandmen · 23 days
Of Apes And Men — Masterlist
last updated: 5/9/24
—★ Finished:
NSFW HCs - (ao3 link)
Makers Marked- drabble [watersports, humiliation, hate sex] (tumblr link) (ao3 link)
Ride the Donkey - oneshot [size difference, dubcon, m/m] (ao3 link)
Dating Oda - headcanons [human reader, ape reader, sfw, nsfw] (tumblr link) (ao3 link)
Proximus Caesar
Good Boy - drabble [praise, power dynamics, m/m] (tumblr link) (ao3 link)
Through Flesh - drabble [painplay, nipple piercings] (tumblr link) (ao3 link coming soon)
Before the Thunder - multichapter [voyerism, hate sex] (ao3 link)
1960'S POTA:
Dr Cornelius
Due for a Thorough Probe - drabble [medicalplay, petplay, prostate milking, m/m] (tumblr link) (ao3 link coming soon)
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see what to expect next:
—★ Posting Soon:
Koba/Reader/Rocket(/Caesar) - drabble [double penetration, cucking]
—★ Currently Working On:
Spoonful of Sugar, Proximus Caesar/Reader/Anaya - multichapter [love triagle, cucking, threesome]
Caesar SFW & NSFW Alphabet - headcanons
Bad Dog, Koba/Reader - oneshot [petplay, bdsm]
Dating Blue Eyes and Ash, Blue Eyes/Reader/Ash - headcanons [human reader, ape reader, sfw, nsfw]
—★ Next In Line:
Savoury but Sweet, Caesar/FTM!Reader - oneshot [period sex]
New Lovers New Experiences, Blue Eyes/Reader - oneshot [first time]
Warrior's Lesson, Oda/Reader/Anaya - oneshot [pseudo-cucking, threesome]
Sweetness, Dr Cornelius/Reader [fluff, cuddling]
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the very long list of future fics:
—★ In The Future:
Caesar/Koba [hate sex, jealousy]
Rise!Rocket/Caesar [power dynamics, hatesex]
Proximus/Noa/Anaya [dubcon, exhibitionism]
Lightning/Noa [dubcon]
Human Reader
Blue Eyes/Reader [teasing, public]
FTM!Blue Eyes/Reader [heat cycle, cunnilingus]
Ash/Reader [rimming]
Rocket/Stone/Reader [double penetration]
Koba/Stone/Grey/Reader [dubcon, exhibitionism, foursome]
Anaya/Reader [overstimulation]
Anaya/Reader [edging]
Oda/Proximus/Reader [dubcon, cucking]
Proximus/Reader [petplay]
Proximus/Reader [watersports]
Proximus/Reader [edging]
Proximus/Reader [topping Prox]
Proximus/Reader [genital piercing]
Proximus/Sylva/Reader [exhibitionism]
Dr Cornelius/Reader [lobotomy, power dynamics]
Ape Reader
Caesar/Reader [cheating, age difference, Reader is dating Blue Eyes]
Rocket/Reader [first heat]
Pre-Dawn!Koba/Reader [fluff, babysitting]
Grey/Reader [cheating, Reader is dating Koba]
Spear/Donkey!Reader [hate sex]
Noa/Reader [comfort sex]
Koro/Brat!Reader [age difference, daddy kink]
Sona/Reader [childhood best friends]
Oda/Rival!Reader [competition, edging]
Proximus/Royal!Reader [arranged marriage]
Sylva/Reader [size difference]
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carmen-is-away · 7 months
cuddling with the legends pt. 4
part 1 | part 2 | part 3 | part 4
In this post: Fuse, Valkyrie, Seer, Ash, Mad Maggie
a/n: i wrote this like two years ago and never posted it, sorry if it's maybe kinda inaccurate now and short compared to my other posts
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I might just be fantasizing right now, but I feel like Walter's a real touchy dude and he loves when his partner cuddles up to him. He eats that shit up and doesn't mind cuddling all day everyday. He's definitely grabbing a handful of ass no matter what position you two are in, but he's a big fan of having you lay on top of him.
Kairi only likes to cuddles while winding down, whether that be before bed or after sex. Her hands are on your waist at all times and she's always pulling you closer. She's definitely gonna flirt and make plenty of sleezy comments the whole time.
He's a lover and he loves to cuddle. He wants to be very close and intimate with his partner, so of course he's gonna wanna cuddle. Expect candles, nice thick blankets and maybe even a small massage. He wants you to hear how his heart beats for you so expect to have your head on his chest often.
Ummm Ashleigh Reid is NOT a cuddler. She is all business all the time. She will literally have to be powered down before you should even consider just thinking about it. Sorry gang
Mad Maggie
Also not a cuddler, but less anti-cuddle than Ash. She's too busy girlbossing and being a Salvonian icon to cuddle. If you're cuddling Maggie, you would definitely have had to be very close to her for a very long time. She's partial to spooning if she is cuddling.
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your-poetic-lifeline · 7 months
Anything for Ash and Rev please.. ( I do mean anything )
Yeahhh i gotchu!!
How the Murder Bots Show Affection
consists of: rev being creepy as always (but i think it’s cute!), ash struggling to fully accept how fond she is of you, slightly messy strewn together thoughts on the two
word count: ~500 (496 exactly if you’re curious)
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- revenant can’t help but be permanently menacing. He’s no where near a romantic guy.
- he does show affection though! it’s just… very strange.
- he’s touchy, but it’s discreet. it’s supposed to be at least. teetering hands along your waist or shoulder as he says creepy, but… slightly endearing? remarks.
- he’s a weird, grabby creature
- he doesn’t know how to properly ask for affection. or initiate it himself.
- most times he’ll loom behind you until you face him. If you take too long, he’ll grab the top of your head. it definitely looks very murderous from outside eyes. like he’s about to yank your head off.
- he also tends to grab your face, palm blocking your vision. it’s his way of directly averting your attention. sometimes it’s his way of complimenting your face?
- he’ll sometimes even stand in front of you expectedly. blank and unmoving, which couldn’t look anymore weird to the others…
- refers to you as his “favorite skinbag”. As well as “sweetheart”, but usually when he’s trying to taunt you.
- any rare moment that he’s being normal genuine, he’s likely to call you “hon”. short and simple, subtle enough to almost miss in conversation
- he always knows where you are, so he just comes to see you whenever he pleases. might bring something along with him? a snack maybe?
- has sometimes showed up after you’ve already went to sleep. He won’t disturb you after realizing, but he’ll linger a bit before leaving.
- not sure how long she thinks she can keep it up, but sooner or later she won’t be able to keep up the formalities.
- she’s wants to put her hands all over you, but it takes her a billion years to get over herself
- literally
- Ashleigh might be the polite side of her being, but she can tease her sometimes and it quite literally messes with her head
- “You’re actually quite fond of them, hm?” “Silence, Reid.”
- She can’t deny it though
- It takes her time to let go of that no love, no warm, “human” feelings mentality. but she likes you so much that she kind of lets that stuff go. at least enough to be a decent lover to you while still keeping up the façade around others
- while around others she’ll link an arm with you, or around you in some way, but anything more touchy embarrasses her
- away from prying eyes though, she’ll let you initiate any form of affection you want. she appreciates hugs a lot actually.
- she likes examining you. Adjusting your clothes, your hair, or taking note of any scars or other healed injuries on your skin.
- If she leaves you to go do…whatever she does… she sometimes tends to come back with an interesting item (i see her as a bit of a trinket gal)
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beanzwrites · 1 year
since you write for spn, what about something where the reader is Sam and Dean's little sister and yk when in season 2 they go to the Roadhouse- well, maybe She meets Ash and she gets a crush on him and when they go to the Roadhouse She always stay with him? And maybe they also notice that she has Ash's ring (yeah in my mind he wears a ring with the scrabble's A) and they're like, teasing her, expecially Dean, saying things like 'oh, why don't you come ti the Roadhouse with us? We're pretty sure there's someone waiting for you' and it's just fluff with Ash? Thank you so much, even if you don't write it :3
"Your Frog Prince is Waiting~"
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A/n: Thank you so much for the request; it's my very first one! I hope you enjoy! I'm not used to writing Ash, so I apologize if he seems a bit out of character; I tried my best.
Dean x Sister! reader x Sam, Ash x reader
Warnings: Cursing, potential cringe pet names, teenage crush
Description: As the Winchesters spend more time at the Roadhouse, the youngest gains a little crush on one of the residents. 😊
Latin Translation: mnemosynum (Keepsake)
˚₊· ͟͟͞͞➳❥˚₊· ͟͟͞͞➳❥˚₊· ͟͟͞͞➳❥˚₊· ͟͟͞͞➳❥˚₊· ͟͟͞͞➳❥˚₊· ͟͟͞͞➳❥˚₊· ͟͟͞͞➳❥˚₊· ͟͟͞͞➳❥˚₊· ͟͟͞͞➳❥˚₊· ͟͟͞͞➳❥˚₊· ͟͟͞͞➳❥
The inside of the saloon was quiet as Dean shuts the creaking front door. All of the lights were off besides a sparking LED light hanging behind the bar. The place was grim, the sun casting through the ragged curtains seeming to be the only bright thing in the place.
(Y/n) stays close to her brothers as they venture deeper inside, only to bump into Sam as he stops suddenly. Her older brother barely spares her a glance, his attention caught on the boy laying across a pool table a few feet away.
"Oh god... is he dead?" She murmurs, eying him with slight trepidation. Sam shrugs in response.
"Hey, Buddy?" Sam calls out, taking a step forward. No response. "I'm guessing that isn't Ellen."
"You think?" (Y/n) snaps, observing the backside of the stranger. Sam snorts in response, before heading towards the back. "Sammy? Sammy, where are you going?"
"Stick beside me, squirt." Dean's voice says lowly, "We don't really know what's going on here."
(Y/n) turns to him to make a sarcastic response, but pales as she sees a woman press a gun to his back. "Dean..."
"Oh god, please let that be a rifle..."
"No, I'm just real happy to see you," the woman responds, cocking the gun.
(Y/n) took a step forward, only for the woman to dig the head of the gun deeper into Dean's back. "Don't move, or I'll shoot his spine out."
"Don't move -- copy that," (Y/n) repeats, making eye contact with her brother with a dry swallow.
"You should know something, miss. When you put a rifle on someone, you don't want to put it right against their back, 'cause it makes it real easy to do..." Dean rambles before turning around swiftly and stealing the rifle away from the woman's grip.
Before Dean can stand his ground fully, the woman throws a full punch at his face, causing him to stagger as she pulls the gun back to her.
"Sammy-" (Y/n) calls in alarm.
"Sorry..." Sam states as he comes back out with his hands over his head, "Can't help right now, I'm a little tied up."
The older woman who has Sam hostage eyes the two men for a moment before glancing at the young girl standing with a distressed look on her face. "Winchesters?"
"Yeah," both (Y/n)'s brothers say in unison.
"Son of a bitch," she laughs, putting her revolver in her back pocket. "Hey, I'm Ellen. That's my daughter, Jo."
"He didn't send you..." Ellen pauses, a look of sadness washing over her expression. Neither (Y/n) or her brothers responded as each of them look away from her. The pain of losing their father is still fresh in their heart. "He's alright, isn't he?"
No," Sam finally states with a sigh, "he isn't. It was the demon, we think. It, um... it just got him before he got it, I guess."
"I'm so sorry."
"It's okay. We're all right," Dean says.
"Really, I know how close you and your Dad-"
"Really, Lady, I'm fine," Dean interjects with a stern look. (Y/n) gently places her hand on his thigh before looking at Ellen with the shake of her head.
"So, look, if you can help..." Sam announces, trying to change the subject, "We could use all the help we can get."
"Well, We can't," Ellen replies, "but Ash will."
"Who's Ash?" (Y/n) questions.
Ellen snorts before yelling out the name. As a response, the guy from before swiftly gets up with a groan. Balls fly from the table as he looks around to where his name was being called, his long hair flipping back and forth erratically.
"What?" Ash's voice booms, looking over at the group huddled by the bar, "closing time?"
"You got to be kidding me. This guy's no genius," Dean grumbles, "He's a Lynyrd Skynyrd Roadie!"
"Dean, give him a chance." (Y/n) grumbles out, kicking him slightly in the leg. Ash cheekily smiles and Dean rolls his eyes.
"Alright. Well, this stuff's about a year's worth of out dad's work," Dean shares as he sits down, "Let's see what you make of it."
Ash looks over the papers that Dean slid over, and scowls. "Come on, this crap ain't real. Ain't nobody can track a demon like this."
"How do you know?" (Y/n) questions, "Our dad was really good at it."
"Well, sweet cheeks. These are nonparametric statistical overviews, cross-spectrum correlations. I mean... damn. They're signs, omens. If you can track them, you can track this demon- You know, like crop failures, electrical storms. You ever been struck by lightning?" (Y/n) shakes her head in response as he looks at her, "It ain't fun."
"Can you track it or not?" Sam asks, giving Ash the stink eye.
"Yeah, with this, I think so."
"Really? How long?" (Y/n) questions with the quirk of her brow.
"It's gonna take time. Give me, 51 hours."
"You can really track down a demon in the span of over two days? I gotta say, that's impressive."
"Oh, you'll be impressed." Ash says with a smirk, "It'll be just like fine wine."
(Y/n) didn't say anything as her face flushes.
"That kid's hair was something else," Dean chuckles out as they go back to Bobby's car. "Looked more like a rat's nest to me."
"I don't know, I kinda liked it," (Y/n) responds with a small smile.
"Liked it?" Dean speaks, whipping his head around, "You mean to tell me you'd get your hair cut that way too?"
"No! What I meant is, it suited him. Not everyone could pull it off," (Y/n) speaks, climbing into the back of the van.
"Yeah, if you call that a suited haircut..."
"Do you really think he'll be able to track Dad's demon in 51 hours?" Sam asks, looking out the passenger side window.
"Psh, my bet is no. Dad spent his entire hunting career looking for that thing. There is no way a kid who sleeps on a pool table can top that!"
"I say he will," (Y/n) replies matter-of-factly.
"What makes you say that?"
"I just got a good feeling about him, is all."
"Did you find the demon?" Sam's breath tickles the back of (Y/n)'s head as he leans over her. Ash sets his computer down, casually placing his arm beside hers as he types away.
"It's nowhere around, at least nowhere I can find. If this fugly bastard raises its head, I'll know. I mean, I'm on it like divine on dog dookie."
"You can really be alerted right away?" (Y/n) asks with awe.
"Any of those signs or omens appear anywhere in the world, my rig will go off like a fire alarm."
"That's amazing..."
"Where did you learn to do all this?" Sam gasps in amazement.
"M.I.T., before I got bounced for fighting." Ash explains with a somewhat embarrassed look on his face.
"What was the fighting about?" (Y/n) responds, amusement crossing over her face.
Ash looks over at her with amusement of his own, "Wouldn't you like to know, sugar cube."
"Okay!" Dean says as he gets up from the table, "Give us a call as soon as you know something?"
"Si, si, compadre."
(Y/n) gets up from her seat, going to head after her brothers who already made their way back to the front, before being stopped by Ash.
"Hey, sugar cube. I wanna give ya somethin' before you hit the road," Ash says, as he leans against one of the chairs.
"Oh? And what's that?" (Y/n) replies with a flirtatious simper.
"Give me your hand," Ash says simply, "and you'll get your big surprise."
"Okay..." (Y/n) chuckles, reaching her arm out. Ash grabs at her wrist softly, eyeing each one of her fingers before placing something cool to the touch over her middle finger.
"mnemosynum," Ash announces with a bow, granting her access to what he put on her. A bulk piece of metal clung to her slim finger; the initial A engraved in it. "Until we meet again."
"Why?" (Y/n) asks. It's not that she didn't like it; it was quite charming. She was just slightly confused on why she got the gift in the first place.
"I have a good feeling about you, sweet cheeks. I think we are going to be tight these next couple months," Ash announces, "You can keep that, by the way."
"Thanks... You know, I can say the same thing for you."
"Is that so?"
"It's so."
"Come on, kiddo. We gotta get going," Dean says as he grabs his keys from the top of the motel's mini fridge.
"Why's that?" (Y/n) responds, not looking up from her book. "I thought you and Sammy were just going to the town over."
"We need some info," Dean pauses as he checks out the ring on his sister's finger, "and I'm sure your roadkill boyfriend would love to see you."
"He's not roadkill, Dean!" (Y/n) shouts, slamming her book shut. "And he's not my boyfriend!"
"Sure, and you aren't red as a tomato right now," Dean smirks. "Seriously though, we gotta go, so... get to moving, princess. Your frog prince is waiting~"
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multifandomthoughts · 7 months
Ash Williams with an anxious s/o
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TW: Brief drug mention
Ash knows anxiety way too well. The feelings he had while being attacked by deadites stuck with him; he can’t forget them no matter how hard he tries. He knows how icky both the physical and mental feelings can be.
However, he doesn’t quite understand yours. The fact that yours pops up at random times where you’re nowhere near danger confuses him. Naturally, he does his best to help you feel better. Sometimes he’s better at doing it than others, but as time goes by, he gets a sense of what works and what doesn’t.
He’ll try to distract you the best that he can. Whether that be trying to make you laugh, flirting with you heavily, or just even telling you funny stories about his life. (He makes sure to keep the deadite stories under wraps; he doesn’t want to exacerbate how you’re feeling.)
If it’s incredibly bad, he’ll offer you some weed or an edible to try and calm you. It’s up to you whether or not you take him up on his offer. Even if you decide not to, he’ll put on a good movie for you, and sit beside you. Even if he can’t do much for you, he’ll sit there and make sure that you know he cares, and that he’s listening.
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itsohh · 12 days
Reuniting with Isekaied R6S Operators
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A/N: Female reader, for Doc, Fuze, Tachanka, Fuze and Ash. Takes place at the end of CR-8.
Word count: 2664
Warnings: None
It had been a long time since you saw such a sight on your teammates' faces. Not quite hope but pure happiness. To see Ela was nothing short of a miracle, you could still remember the message coming through. As glad as you were to see her, your eyes searched the scene behind her. 
The gallery hadn't been spared any kindness, destruction crumbled the scene and people littered the area but no one seemed to be too hurt. Smiles of relief were upon them and your eyes finally found what you had been searching for. Of course, he was helping someone. A person who looked like they had passed out, but by his actions it didn't seem like your lover seemed too concerned. 
“Gustave!” You called out his name and cut off Alexsandr who had been talking to Ela. Their heads turned towards you and watched when Gustave’s head snapped towards the sound of your voice. His eyes locked onto your face and his face softened. He stood from his crouched position and he spoke your name. You couldn't hear it, but you could recognise the shape on his lips. 
The pair of you stared at each other for a moment, as if one of you moved the other would disappear. He was the one to break the staring competition and approach you. Casually he walked up to the group and joined you all. “I finally found you.” He smiled and didn't stop his approach until he was directly in front of you. His hand reached for your face and you felt the familiar latex gloves on your face. Gustave frowned for a moment and removed his hand much to your own confusion. 
With the snap of his glove, he removed it with his other hand and once again that hand was on your face. This time his warmth from his hand had you hum and press into his touch. “Much better.”
Your hand raised and covered his, not to push it away but to hold onto when you leaned into his touch. His thumb brushed out and pushed away the tear that had started to roll down your face and you let out a choked laugh. “You're trapped here now…”
“Perhaps but there's no one else I'd rather be trapped with, mon chère.”
A bittersweet smile formed on your face and Gustave’s hand slipped down with yours. His fingers turned and tangled between yours. The distant but never quite forgotten feel of his lips pressed against yours. Slow and gentle. You didn't rush the man and savoured the feel of his soft lips against your own. 
Slowly he pulled back just so your lips were parted, noses still touching. “Je ne peux pas vivre sans toi.” His voice was a whisper against yours, each word he spoke had his lips brush against yours while his grip on your hand tightened, he didn't want to let you go.
“I can't live without you either.” 
A shout pulled you from your own little world, it wasn't one of agency but Alexsandr greeting Shuhrat. The pair of you parted and Gustave looked over his shoulder to see Alexsandr wrap an arm around the man. 
A chuckle lit up Gustave’s face as he watched them. His hand pulled your hand up to his face where he planted a kiss against it. For a second he glanced towards you. A calm look was settled on his face and he looked back towards the scene. For a moment you could enjoy the peace. 
Next to you, Elias had a big grin on his face, after Ela, Gustave was the first that you came across. There was a level of tiredness in his eyes. A different look from Ela who had a genuinely pissed look on her face only mitigated by the joy of seeing your group. Next was Iana. She had an almost child like wonder to her eyes. Every moment she looked about you could see the questions form in her eyes. 
If anyone was perfect for the situation they had joined you in, it was her. Shuhrat was the last to appear. His face was hidden by his usual helmet but right away you knew he spotted you when his hand dropped to his side and he froze. 
“Shuhrat!” You called his name with a big grin. Meanwhile, your heart throbbed inside. Even though you had read the reports, you didn't quite believe it. You slung your rifle over your shoulder and jogged up to the man. Despite his dislike for public affection, you couldn't help yourself. 
You wrapped your arms around him and he reacted surprisingly fast. Shuhrat instantly accepted the hug and pulled you into his chest. The action was mutual. “I missed you so much.” You mumbled into his chest. 
“When I said I would follow you anywhere this wasn't what I meant.” He huffed in your ear and you couldn't help but laugh at his reference to his wedding vow. 
“Mmm forgive me?” There was a cheeky look on your face and he squeezed you tighter. 
“Make it up to me and I'll think about it.”
The smile fell from your face and you started to pull back from him. “Shuhrat I don’t know how long it will take us to go back, we've tried and been searching. How you guys got here is kinda amazing but I can't-”
He swore quietly under his breath in Russian. “That's not what I meant.” There was a pause before he elaborated. “Stay by my side. I finally got you back I would hate to lose you again.”
“Oh!” Heat rose to your cheeks and you went to cover your face when his hand stopped you. 
“I want to see my girl.”
“Well, that's hardly fair.” You had a lighthearted tone to your voice and you gestured to his helmet.
“Go on then.” With his permission, you started to pull the helmet off his head. Shuhrat helped you with it until his head was finally clear. His brown hair was a little bit of a mess which put a smile onto your face. “Better?”
With the bomb threat disabled and people at a safe distance, you were free to speak your concerns. With a hushed voice, you spoke to Shuhrat as the pair of you headed to regroup with Gustave and hopefully Ela. “Pharmaceutical companies don't have the best rep.”
“Doc seemed to get along with them.” You knew who was talking about, Tequila and Catapult. 
“I don't know. They're a bit disorganised no? Even if they do have the best intentions they seem like armatures.” 
“Everyone we have encountered are armatures.” Shuhrat huffed and you couldn't help the laugh that rumbled in your throat. 
“I mean they have the biological advantage above us, imagine if they were properly organised.” You continued the conversation only for it to be interrupted by the loud echo of your name. It had your mouth snap shut and you frowned. It sounded almost like-
Your thoughts were cut off when a pair of large arms wrapped around you and lifted you in the air. Shuhrat didn't say a word but you could tell he was grinning under his helmet.  A shriek of delight left your lips as your mind caught up. “Alex!” Your wriggled in his grip and he put you down for a moment. 
The second your feet met the floor, you spun to face him and wrapped your arms over the back of his neck. You pulled him down with ease and the cool metal feel of his helmet pressed against your forehead.  “You're here… you're okay.” There was a choke from your voice as you tried to prevent yourself from crying. 
“Oh, my sweet little dear I should be the one saying that.”
“What on Earth are doing on Terra?”
“Looking for you and your squad! You guys up and vanished of course I would go after you.”
He pulled his head up and your big wet eyes followed him. Alexandr removed his glove and you soon felt his rough hand capture the tears on your cheeks. 
“Well since you’re here, I'm never letting you go again.” 
Alexsandr let go of your face and pulled off his helmet. Under it was his usual balaclava and you could properly see his warm eyes. In the corner of them, you could see how his skin creased giving away the massive grin that was covered. His helmet ungracefully fell to the floor and you couldn’t wait for him to remove the fabric. Again you pulled him down by the back of his neck.
Your lips connected with his with only the balaclava as a barrier. Alexsandr’s arms wrapped around you and picked you up again. This time he spun the pair of you around and you couldn't help but break from the kiss to let out a laugh of delight. 
Alexsandr laughed along with you, an echo that drowned out your voice with ease. “My little minx.”
“These communicators don't have a long battery life.” You voiced your irritation to Iana. Anxiety about Ela’s prolonged silence gnawed at your skin, you hoped she was okay. 
“I don't know, I think she's okay and found a couple of friends.” At first, you were slightly confused at her words but she then gestured for you to stop looking at her and see what was in the distance in front of you. There was the missing squad you had all been looking for. 
Your eyes made contact with his at the same time. As you called out his, he called out yours at the exact same time. Like a Hollywood movie, the pair of you sprinted towards each other where his arms scooped you up with ease. “Elias it's really you.” 
He didn't reply but instead started to plant kisses all over your face. A laugh escaped your lips but he didn't stop. Every since piece had to be kissed. 
“Elias!” You laughed with a pathetic effort to stop him. Your attempts only encouraged the man more as his lips found your jaw and neck. “Elias-” His name cut off as you couldn't help but laugh. 
“Missed you so much.” He managed to mumble out between kisses.
“I can see that.”
“My beautiful girl, my precious little Liebling.” He pulled back suddenly and started to size you up. If it was a search for injury or just to look at you, you were unsure. The distance allowed you to briefly look behind him and see your squad mates not so subtly laughing at your expense. Even Eliza was having a good time. 
Your attention was quickly stolen once again when Elias pulled you back into his arms with his head over your shoulder. His body tensed up for a second and your pressed your lips together.
“Marry me.”
“What?!”  You pulled back from him with wide eyes and held onto his shoulders. 
Even though he was still a little tense, there was a grin on his face. A calm, loving grin and somehow even if you said no he would still be happy. 
“I was planning to ask you before all this happened.” He pulled out not a box but a small padded bag from the inside of his vest pouch. “But I couldn't find that right moment. I wanted it to be special but natural.” Elias opened the bag and pulled the ring out. “But when all this happened I couldn't help but promise myself if I ever saw you again I wouldn't waste a moment.” 
He started to lower his body and you grabbed his wrist. “I'll marry you. Of course, I'll fucking- don't go on one knee.”
“I think I'm having trouble standing and if you go down I think I'll fall.” 
That side smile on his face somehow got wider and he immediately went to stabilise you in the form of grabbing your face and pulling you into a kiss. All the tenseness left his body. 
Cheering came from behind Elias and you now realised why there was so much focus on you. Elias pulled back and wrapped an arm around your waist. “They knew?” You asked. He glanced at your hand and you rose it up so he could slide the ring on. With his free hand, he pushed away the tears that had formed under your eyes, you hadn't even realised you were crying. 
“It might have come up once or twice when I was thinking out loud.” 
“Can we even get married?”
“If your question is about Terra’s marriages, who cares? We can get Alexsandr to officiate if we have to. Then when we go back to Earth we can do all the big stuff if you want. Or we could do it Vegas style. You, me and the first Elvis we see.” He wiggled his brows and you lightly slapped his chest which only gained you a laugh from him. 
The dust had settled all around you but you were the last to rejoin your team. A groan left your lips as you rolled your shoulder. “Is it hurting?” Gustave asked, disapproval in his voice. He had told you countless times to hold yourself back and refrain from using your gun. 
“A little, I think it's just the muscle.” You admitted. 
Gustave freed his hands and approached you. Right away he started to feel at your shoulder. After a few moments and he nodded and his face relaxed. 
“Your discomfort is from the bruised muscles, you didn't dislocate it again.”
“Ah see I told you I'd be fine Doc.” 
The man wasn't impressed with your lack of care for the injury and sighed. 
“What are you doing here?!” A normally focused and headstrong voice interrupted your conversation. It was slightly panicked but loud. Right away your head snapped towards the voice and Gustave took a step back away from you. A few people around you looked your way but didn't dare interfere. 
“Eliza-” Your surprise was cut off when she grabbed your shoulder.
“You followed us here? We can't get back yet, you should have stayed home. You can’t-” 
A wince left your mouth at her contact on your shoulder and she immediately let go. Her eyes were hidden behind her glasses but you could imagine the look in her eyes. “And you're injured?!”
“It's just a bruise ‘Liza I'll be fine. Gustave patched me up.”
“-No, you listen here ‘Liza. You lot vanished without a fucking trace and you don't expect me to immediately jump in the first squad that goes to investigate? You're insane. Of course I followed you. You're my entire world. What would I do without you?”
Eliza went silent. Her lips parted slightly like she was going to speak only for them to close again. 
“If I have to travel across time and space to find you again, so be it. There's not a force out there that could stop me from following you.”
Seconds ticked by and she didn't say anything. She never was good with heart-to-heart situations that didn't involve anger. You took a step towards her and grabbed her hand. It was a slow and gentle action that she could easily break from at any moment. Both your hand enclosed her hand and brought it up to your lips where you placed a small kiss on her knuckles. 
“Be as mad as you like at me, I won't apologise. Not when I have you here in front of me again.”
Eliza glanced away but took a step towards you. Right away you knew what she wanted, an unspoken request. You let go of her hand and accepted her into a big hug where her head rested on your shoulder. Despite the confident leader she was, her hands trembled slightly when she grasped onto your clothing. 
“I missed you.” Her confession was quiet but you knew it meant a million words. 
“I missed you too.”
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kaleldobrev · 1 year
Unexpected Love
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Pairing: Ash x Sister!Winchester!Reader
Summary: Ash is your mullet knight in flannel armor
Original Prompt: Requested by anonymous | Hiii, I saw you write for spn and I throught about making a request. Idk if you even remember Ash, he's seen in season 2 but for like, just 5 minutes in total so I'm not gonna be mad if you don't remember him, but I throught about asking you if you could write something for him with Reader that's Dean and Sam's little sister? You can write what you want, even something bite sized, I just feel like he's not appreciated enough 🥺 It's ok if you don't want to write it, and take your time if you do. Have a good day 💕
Word Count: 1.6k
Warnings: Cursing (1x), Fluff, Sam & Dean just being protective/supportive older brothers
Authors Note: Of course I remember Ash my anon friend! How could I not remember Doctor Badass? | Since you told me to write whatever I wanted, I decided to do a cute little romance between him and reader cause hey, he needs some love too! | He’s honestly one of my favs | I hope you liked how this came out! I never wrote Ash before, so I hope I was able to do his character justice! | Takes place in Season 2 obviously | Flashbacks are in italics | If you want to request something, just send me a message! | If you liked this, don’t forget to like & reblog. I really appreciate it! Feedback is always welcome ♡
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Dating was something that was always particularly hard for you as you’ve been consistently on the road with your father and brothers since you were six months old. The four of you never staying in the same place long enough for you to ever form any kind of connection with anyone. In a way, you thought that it was a good thing considering this line of work, but at the same time, human connection was something that you craved, yearned for. Yes, you had a strong bond with your brothers (Sam more than Dean – twin power you know?), and kind of had a strong bond with your father, but the bonds that you had with the three of them weren’t particularly fulfilling for you. You always felt like there was something missing.
At one point when you were seven or eight, long before you had learned of the supernatural, you had asked your father once when the four of you were in the car if you could stay at Uncle Bobby’s for a while.
“I’m tired of moving around so much daddy. Can I stay at Uncle Bobby’s for a while?” You had told him, asked him; silence filled the impala, despite the music being so loud.
Sam turned to face you before turning to look at your father – you knew that Sam had felt the same way. Dean turned to look at you, craning his neck as he was in the front seat along with your father who was currently driving to the next motel. It would have been the third motel in less than two weeks. Your father looked into the rearview mirror, looking at you as you started playing with your thumbs. “I’m sorry…” You whispered.
When the four of you had gotten to the motel, Dean had practically pulled you to the side while your father and Sam had started bringing things into the motel room. “Why do you want to get away from dad so bad?” He asked, almost as if he was offended.
“I want to stay in one place longer than two days.” You said. “Motels smell funny.”
Dean scoffed. “So does Uncle Bobby’s house.”
That was the last time you had ever asked.
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Even if you had found yourself lucky to pull a date, something or someone would always get in the way. Either a hunt would take precedence, or one of your brothers (usually Dean) would “accidentally” interrupt the date. With either scenario, the guy you had landed the date with would either never call you make again – despite your efforts of trying to make something work or, they would outright tell you to never call them again.
As the years went by, you had simply come to the conclusion that you were destined to never find love, destined to spend the life on the road with your brothers as hunters.
“Come with me.” Sam said to you, a few weeks before he had told you, Dean, and your father that he was going to be leaving to go to Stanford.
“I can’t Sammy. I don’t have a full ride like you do.” You said. “Besides, he’d be too fucking worried if I went.”
“But we’d be together Y/N. It’s not like we’d be by ourselves.” He said. He wanted you to come with him, despite not really interested in the whole college thing; but he knew hunting was something that you had never wanted to do. You wanted that white picket fence life like he wanted.
“I can’t…leave Dean with dad.” You told him. As much as you had wanted to go with him, you couldn’t leave Dean and dad alone, as you were usually the buffer between them. Yes, they rarely got into fights but when they did…it got bad.
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You were fully prepared to do the whole one night stand thing for the rest of your life. At least you would have some kind of human connection, even if it was just for a little while. Hell, it’s been working out just fine for Dean, why wouldn’t it work for you? But that was until you met Ash.
Ash was an interesting person; someone that you thought you wouldn’t have ended up with. Despite knowing him less than a year, he was someone that you could actually imagine spending your life with (no matter how long that life span may be). You had first met him about a few months after the death of your father when your brother Sam was listening to your father’s voicemails.
“He’s always been so secretive.” You told them, upon hearing the sound of a woman’s voice in one of the voicemails – a woman that called herself Ellen.
“Think dad ever had a thing with her and it ended badly? Maybe that’s why he never told us about her.” Sam theorized.
His theory caused your other brother to give a disgusted look. “Gross, now I’m thinking of dad having sex.” Dean said, his voice sounding just as disgusted.
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“You are far too pretty to be with these two.” Was one of the first sentences that Ash had ever uttered to you. A sentence that had made you laugh, but a sentence that offended your eldest brother Dean the most.
The relationship between you and Ash was something that you honestly didn’t expect to happen. Not because he wasn’t your type, but because you had thought that there would be no possible way to maintain a relationship given the fact that you were always on the road.
“You know this isn’t going to work out right?” You had told Ash, the day you and your brothers had gotten back to the Roadhouse after completing the Rakshasa case.
Ash looked at you, trying his best to play it cool as your brothers were only standing within earshot. “That’s the beauty of technology. You’d only be a phone call away.” He said. Him saying this was something that you had never really thought about previously; but it was something that had made perfect sense to you.
“If someone wants to be with you kid, they’ll make the effort.” Bobby told you numerous times growing up. For years, it was a line you thought that he just said in order to make you feel better. But for the first time in your life, you realized that Ash was the only guy in your life (besides your brothers and your father) that had actually wanted to make the effort.
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“You and Ash still going strong uh?” Dean asked, leaning up against Baby.
“Uh, yeah.” You replied. “Still trying to get used to the whole long distance thing.”
“That’s fair.” He said. “At least you guys text and call right?”
“Yeah.” You nodded.
Dean raised an eyebrow. “Do you not want to talk about this? Thought this would be something you’d be all over.”
“Dean, you and Sammy have never been people I’ve spoken to about guys before. Nor have either of you really asked. Why the sudden interest in Ash and me?” Whenever you had crushes on people in the past, you had never once found yourself gunning to tell one of your brothers or your dad. You knew that it would only end badly; especially if you told your father or Dean.
He shrugged. “Can’t your brother just be interested in your relationship for once?”
“Not without ulterior motives he can’t.” You gave him a look, your brother automatically looking offended.
“Me? Have an ulterior motive? Honestly sis, I’m offended.” He scoffed.
“It’s kind of your MO brother.” You said. Dean opened up his mouth as if to say something; to try and get himself out of whatever hole he had dug himself into. But there was nothing that he could possibly say to get out of it. He instead just closed his mouth.
“Look, I’m just happy for you. Truly I am.” He actually sounded sincere. “You know me and Sammy just worry.”
“And you know just as well as I do that I can kick either of your asses.” You said. “I can take care of myself just fine. And Ash…neither of you have anything to worry about honestly.”
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“You know, I’ve been thinking Ash.” You said, sitting on the trunk of Baby while your brothers were inside of the motel room. Being outside was the only source of privacy that you could possibly have when being on the phone.
“What’s up Missus Badass?” He asked, hearing the smile in his voice.
“I was thinking, after we finally kill Yellow Eyes…I’m going to quit hunting.” You said. “How would Ellen and Jo feel about me working at the Roadhouse?” Your tone half joking and half serious. Ash was silent for a moment, more quiet than he normally was whenever he was on the phone. “Ash? I didn’t lose you did I?”
“No…No…” He began. “They’d love to have you.”
“Yeah?” You asked. “You know, I am very familiar with the workings of a bar.”
“If I didn’t know you so well, I would be concerned by that statement. But, since you are a Winchester, I ain’t the least bit surprised.” He said.
“Yeah. I’ve been hustling pool, and playing poker before I reached puberty.” You laughed a little. “As Sammy would say, the way we were raised was jacked.” You paused. “But hey, at least I met you.”
“Your mullet knight in flannel armor.” He said serious.
“Oh, I like the sound of that.” You smiled. The motel door opened, your brothers coming out. “I gotta go but…I love you.” You whispered the I love you. Hoping that it was just loud enough for Ash to hear, but low enough for your brothers not to.
Your I love you had caught him slightly off guard, but it was something that he enjoyed hearing you say. “I love you too.” He responded back. You were happy that he said it back, afraid that you might of said it too soon. For the first time in a long time, you had felt like you might actually get that happy ending you have always wanted: a life away from hunting.
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Tag List: @roseblue373 @beansproutmafia @queenie32 @deanwanddamons @missy420-0 If you'd like to be added to a tag list, let me know!
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arsenicbluebell · 1 year
Idk if ur taking requests, but if you AREEE, i’d like to request Sally face x Dyslexic!Fem!reader? If it’s okay w u :))
Yes I am taking requests, and TYSM FOR BEING THE FIRST ONE TO REQUEST :]]] I hope you have a lovely day <33333 but I didn't know if you wanted just sal or the whole gang so I'm doing that- Todd's gonna be platonic since he's gay, enjoy<3
SallyFace x Dyslexic!Fem!Reader
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Sal Fisher
You two were assigned to read a book for history, and he noticed that you took discomfort
You guys planned to read the chapters at his apartment, to try and make it easier
He noticed that you would have to take a break from reading every few minutes, he asked you about it
You told him that the words didn't make sense to you and that you got a headache when you tried to read the book
He got you some ibuprofen to ease gour headache and then read the chapters to you, as you laid on his bed while he sat next to you
He started doing this alot, every time you wanted to read a book he'd offer to read it to you, since audio books weren't easily accessible in the 80's-90's
He'd also share his notes with you after class if you guys had to read something in class
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Larry Johnson
You two were in his room, Larry was showing you one of his latest painting, it was covered in letters and words and sentances
He asked you what you thought of them, but you couldn't give him an answer, the words didn't make sense to you, and it was hard to ignore them since they were all over the painting
He asked you if you wanted him to read it, not prying any further
You accepted his offer and then he started reading for you,
Sometimes, when he notices you looking at things like posters or words on a soda bottle, he'll read them
He pretends that he just likes reading outloud, but you both know that's a lie
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Ashley Campbell
You guys had to write an essay for English class for homework
You both went to the park to write it, to share notes and ideas
And to also occasionally play on the playset
She looked at your notes and they made no sense, the letters were scrambled and didn't look like letters
She asked you about it, being a bit more pushy than the others until she got you to say what was the matter
You told her that you had dyslexia, she doesn't know a lot about it, so she asked you to tell her about it
After that, she asked you to lay on her lap as she sat cross legged
You did, feeling your cheeks warm up a bit. She took your notebook and used you as a hard surface to write on
She asked you to say what you wanted her to write in the essay, you told her every last word as she wrote it down, occasionally ruffling your hair as you laid there
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Todd Morrison
You guys were reading up on the paranormal while taking notes to try and find out what was going on in Nockfell
When you saw the pile of books, you got visibly uncomfortable
He asked you what was wrong, you were probably the most comfortable with Todd because he looked at things from a logical point of view, keeping his emotions aside to try and help, so you knew he wouldn't judge you
You told him you had dyslexia and he understood, telling you he's read about it
He left the room for a second, getting you some advil and water incase you decided to read and got a headache
He looked up the book on the internet and then pasted it into Google translate and clicked the sound button, to read it outloud as he took notes
He also didn't want you to feel completely useless, so he gave you some photos of some paranormal stuff the group caught on camera and asked you to pick out what you saw, since the photo was blurry
Hoped you liked it!! Have a wonderful day! And if I got some things wrong, please tell me! I don't want to spread misinformation
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simpforchuchu · 8 months
Last Goodbye
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Prompts: DAY 8 - “why won’t it stop ?” @febuwhump Characters: Ash x reader x Eiji Fandom: Banana Fish Summary: A difficult goodbye
A/n for prompts: Hello guys! This is my first time trying a prompt challenge. I hope you like the short fics I wrote. I will finish them by writing some of the requests I have. I love you 💜
Sorry for the grammer or spelling mistakes.English is not my main language so...
Thank you and love you 🥰
Warnings: mention of gunshots, blood, character death, angst…
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There are wrong decisions in life. The wrong people you met, the wrong people you helped, the wrong times you were somewhere...
Y/n knew that the bullet in her chest was the end of her. It hurt so much and she could feel her shirt getting wet. It was difficult to breathe. Her legs did not have the strength to carry her anymore.
Ash heard the gunshot from streets away. When he ran there and saw the young girl collapse on the ground, he screamed in pain.
Ash and Y/n had met a few years ago. Y/n found him injured and hid him in her house. Even though she was a few years older than him, Ash acted like her older brother.
Eiji knew her too. She was a cute and kind-hearted young girl. She was always making jokes and making Ash angry.
Y/n wasn't smiling today. Here eyes were closed. No, it wasn't like her eyes squinting when she smiled. She was unconscious.
Ash ran over and looked at the red mark on the young girl's chest. He took off his jacket and pressed the wound to stop the bleeding. When the young girl winced in pain, Ash took a deep breath because she was still alive.
"You will be fine! We will go to the hospital, okay?
Eiji was looking at them in fear. He called the ambulance, but he knew they didn't have much time.
"Damn? Why won’t it stop? Y/n ? Do you hear me?"
The young boy's jacket was completely stained with red liquid.
After a few seconds, the young girl tried to open her eyes, slightly opened her eyelids and smiled.
Ash looked at her in surprise. Could she smile at him even in this situation?
Y/n wanted to speak but failed. She coughed and grimaced as blood flowed from her mouth. She turned her gaze to Eiji and smiled again.
“Take care of him, Eiji-kun…”
Despite her low voice, they could both hear her. And unfortunately, these were her last words. Y/n slowly closed her eyes and exhaled her last breath.
Ash knew that another person had died because of him. If Y/n hadn't helped him, she would be alive right now. But y/n was happy, grateful for the short time she had known him…
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andreaheartscats · 6 months
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Sally Face Characters taking care of you when youre sick
characters: Sal, Larry, Ash
-> im feeling a bit stuffy and sick so i got this idea :)
-> panic, panic, panic, panic!!
-> he is always around you and making sure you have everything you need
-> constantly checking your temperature
-> "are you feeling any better?" "do you want another blanket?" and just keep on asking questions.
-> doesnt really know what to do and instead of letting you sleep it off and rest he is always there with you, making sure you have everything you need.
-> asks his mom what to do cause he has absolutely no idea.
-> once his mom told him everything he needed to know, he made sure you were comfortable in your bed while he made you some soup
-> since youre sick and cant do much, he hangs out with you and watches movies with you, also makes sure youre gonna be fine
-> when you run out of any meds you need for being sick or anything you need in general, ge would SPRINT to the closest shop/ pharmacy to get you what you need
-> since hes been around you a lot, he got sick himself too.
-> girl was ready for this!!
-> she knew you were gonna get sick soon, since you didnt wear your jacket last night when you were hanging out.
-> she got your meds ready, some soup, everything you could ever need!
-> as much as she loves you and wants to take care of you, she also keeps her distance since she doesnt want to get sick too
-> i mean whos gonna take care of you if shes sick too, am i right ?
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ohwaitimthewriter · 2 months
I can't stop thinking about Ash being saved by a human who was a part of Malcolm's group
Now, they have no real reason to save him. He's with Koba, he was, at least initially, there to kill people. Even as he hesitates, it'd be more than understandable for the human to just leave, let Koba kill him and save themselves while everyone's distracted
But they don't. Instead they throw a stone at Koba and hope that Koba doesn't catch them, god please don't let Koba catch them (he doesn't... somehow) (Caesar, Rocket and Ash better appreciate this fr)
Oh dear! Oh dear! Oh dear! THE ANGST for real, if you give me enough time, I may write something about it! I HAVE THOUGHTS
If this happen, Rocket would take you under his wings, I swear you’d become his little precious flower, I feel this would be your nickname for Rocket: little precious flower. He’d probably treat you like his daughter from this day on and he’d ask to Caesar to let you live among them as a reward!
You might refused though, but somehow, you’d set your camp in their perimeter with Malcolm’s small group. So you still meet with Rocket who’d become such a protector towards you 🥹
AND ASH, if he was wary of human, you proved otherwise, maybe he would still feel suspicious of the other humans but YOU, he would show fangs at anyone and anything that would threaten you! He will bring you fish he’d caught in the river or small prey, he’d even invite you to go fishing or foraging berries and you’d become a trio with Blue Eyes because you saved his best friend? If he will not show in an outgoing way his feelings, he will still feel so grateful to you and he will definitely recognize your worth! You can go fishing with them whenever you want I swear 🥹
Caesar would most certainly let you come to the colony if you need anything, he can’t force you to stay if you don’t want to but you’ll always be welcome. I do feel though he’d keep his distance, not because he’s wary or anything like that, he’ll greet you when you come by and talk to you a little bit before keeping on his day but he’ll not engage as much as Rocket or Ash simply because he feels you kind of « belong » to them. You are their little precious flower, in a way you are Rocket family marked 😂
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rae-gar-targaryen · 2 years
Oooh for the dirty drabbles 21 for Ash (and maybe a bit of 32?)
heated and hollow, just how you like it [ash garver ("no exit") x fem!reader]
Summary: Here’s hoping your neighbor from down the hall with the sinfully dark eyes and the glimmering, shark-tooth smile is all smooth talk, and no action (he isn’t). I hope you don’t mind the bitterness of dark chocolate in your teeth, and that you have the chance to catch your breath – baby, you’re gonna need it. Based on the prompts “bite me,” “if you insist;” and “you wanna have sex with me” (the latter is slightly modified for flow, sorry.)
Pairing: Ash Garver [“No Exit”] x fem!reader
Word Count: 3.6k (THIS WAS SUPPOSED TO BE A BLURB) of an encounter as heady as perfume and bitter as black coffee, of viper venom in your veins, dragging your bones beneath the bounds of trouble .
Warnings: smut, so 18+ ONLY – p in v sex, unprotected sex, dubious/fearful sex (it’s dark, okay? He’s not a nice man), allusions to oral sex (fem!receiving), biting, mild choking, some degradation, coming inside (and f*cking it back in – WHO AM I). IM SO SORRY.
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It’s like this: Your neighbor Anita is perfectly pleasant. She holds the door for you when she sees you coming with arms laden with grocery bags. She brings you cookies she’s baked for your floor every holiday season. Sure, she can be a little noisy for your taste – you could do without the pulsing of your shared wall on nights she throws parties – but what neighbor was perfect?
And, speaking of her parties, she always, always invites you, no matter how many times you’ve refused in the past. Yeah, Anita is goddamned neighborly. And, honestly, you felt bad for turning her down so many times when she was just trying to be nice. You concede. 
So, here you are, on a Friday night – one you would typically spend curled up on your couch with a glass of red wine and your favorite soft, stretchy joggers. Swapped out in favor of a high-waisted, front-buttoned leather skirt that your friend had insisted on you buying, and you insisted you’d never have occasion to wear. Standing in one corner of Anita’s too-hot apartment, the dimmed overhead ambience cut through with strung-up little twinkling party lights. A red Solo cup of Anita’s “famous” (she had assured you, as she pressed the cup into your hands with her mildly sticky fingers) punch, sipping every so often so as to appear busy. 
What was the appropriate time to stay at these things before you left? 
You’d had a day. The coffee shop near your office was closed, relegating you to the unsatisfactory bitterness of pre-prepared office coffee. You had missed lunch. You had been on the receiving end of a few choice passive-aggressive emails today. A guy had leered at you on the bus home (and no matter how much you’d wanted to snap at the creep, you didn’t have a death wish.) And to top it all off, you arrived home just in time to remember that you had agreed days before to be at this party, when you’d much rather relax in silence in your bathtub, in your home – you know, where your stuff was and where other people weren’t. 
And as you glanced around the room of packed-in partygoers (most of whom you assumed were friends of Anita’s), you made eye contact with him. 
Your neighbor from the opposite end of the hall. You were quick to glance away out of self-preservation, lest he think you were staring, while you tried to place a name to an admittedly devastating face.
What was his name? Andy? Adam? Something with an A…
“Hi,” a tanned hand entered your periphery, interrupting your musings and shaking you from your reverie. If you hadn’t been so busy worrying about remembering your neighbor’s name, you might have noticed that he made his way over to you, now standing before you with a hand waiting expectantly for you to shake. “I’m Ash.” 
Ash. That was it. 
You gave him your hand and your name, trying not to belay any of the molten gold rushing through you at the way your hand felt so warm in his (was that just the heat of the room, or was it him?), or at the way your name sounded from his lips as he repeated it back to you, before sidling to your side and taking a drink from his own cup, dark, glimmering eyes taking you in over the rim, never leaving you.
"I know," he admitted, leaning into your space to do it, lips just shy of your ear – and, in all honesty, probably too familiar for someone who had just introduced himself to you. Even if you saw him most every day.
"Know what?" You query. And really, you'd only been here for a bit, but the combination of the dim lights, the music, the punch, and now the man in front of you was doing a bit of a number on your better senses, heated and hazy.
"Your name," he smiled. Although, smile would imply congeniality, grace. The show of teeth was flattering, charming, brilliant, even on his angular face. But it wasn't… friendly.
 A Cheshire's grin, sinful and smirking. Potentially predatory, pernicious and pithy. Almost… pornographic, really, if you associated sexual attraction with flashing warning lights. 
And, you supposed, you had seen him seeing you, week after week, by the mailboxes. Out of the corner of your eye, like a shadow looming, before you slip back into your apartment. Unsettling. As if he was hoping to catch something of your correspondence, what packages you received from week to week. Something about you.
"And what else do you know?" You breezed, taking another sip of the sickly-sweet concoction, appraising the man before you – his inky dark curls shining in the low light, the flirtation of a solitary curl teasing and tempting along his forehead.
“I know that you wanna get out of here,” Ash’s voice was a little too smooth, a little too easy, still crowding you in the dark corner you were occupying. He paid you the courtesy of the swooping up-and-down of obsidian, oilslick eyes roving your form, biting his lip in brief pause before continuing. “You put on that skirt, but you keep eyeing the door like you can’t wait to make a break for it.” 
“Parties aren’t really my thing,” you conceded, turning to place your now-empty cup down on any available surface, when Ash’s arm met the wall beside your head, boxing you in and invading your senses with the woodsy smell of his aftershave. 
“So you do wanna get out of here,” his eyes flicked from yours down to your lips. “How about it? With me?” 
So, now, what did you know? You knew that he was smooth. He eased his way through conversations with your neighbors, through the building’s common spaces, with a facile air hat urges the edge of something, something like “charm, but practiced,” as though he had studied how to smile. How to seem just-so. And, like you said,  always, always on the edge of your peripheral vision. 
And maybe… maybe … maybe if you weren’t a drink-on-an-empty-stomach deep, and if your gut wasn’t already in knots at the heat coursing through you, you might have been more wary of him. Had overheard him once telling the old lady across from him that he was “originally from San Fran,” when you knew that no self-respecting California native ever referred to it that way  – it was always “SF,” or “The City.” 
But Ash’s lips on the shell of your ear were causing your skin to tingle to your toes – you nevertheless clung to your better senses by the very tips of your fingers when you replied with a snort, 
“Oh, bite me,” you rejoined, a playful roll of your eyes so as not to too-deeply offend. 
His responding grin was fully-predatory now, glimmering and shining teeth … waiting to devour. 
“If you insist,” he purred. 
And Ash does not just devour. (At least not yet.) Ash overwhelms, like a capsizing wave, the way he ushers you through your neighboring apartment door – crowding you in with strong arms and a solid frame in your interior hallway, pulling at your lips with his own, nipping your lower lip between those hunter’s teeth, groaning at the feel of you as he pressed a warm thigh between yours, parting your legs. 
His hands are warm on the peaks of your cheeks as they trail down to the hollow of your throat, tugging at the loose collar of your oversized sweater, taking in the flash of your crimson bra adorning your bare shoulder. 
“Aw, Cherry,” he breathed, the new moniker spilling from him as his full lips pressed to your neck. “That’s a pretty little piece of red.” 
He shucks the sweater from you, exposing your chest encased in the red lace to his narrowed, glittering gaze, drawing a heated hand down to your thigh and beneath your skirt, up, up, up to meet the clothed heat of your center, taking in the gasping part of your lips at his touch, your response garnering a smirk from him before devouring your lips with his own.
Ash maneuvered you through your living space to your bedroom as though he’d been there before – and how was that possible? What should have unsettled you tipped out of your head as Ash’s mouth fused to yours, his fingers roving purposefully along your clothed slit before he guides you back onto your bed. Thoroughly melted, despite not even having really touched you. 
“C’mon, Cherry,” Ash goaded, withdrawing his hand from your center, looking down his nose at you, and smirking at your resulting whimper, “I’ll touch you if you tell me you really want it.” 
And in the low light of your bedroom, you could swear his inkwell eyes, though heated, were empty – as though he was seeing you without really seeing you, taking in every inch of you with jet-black gaze and sinful touch alike as he roved covetous fingers over your form, drawing whimpers from your throat. 
And, if you were keeping track, this would be well-past strike three. But who could keep track when he was touching you like that? – Still … 
“I – I don’t even know you,” you sighed as his hands cupped your tits through the lace of your red bra, heated thumbs tweaking your nipples. 
“No,” Ash hummed his agreement as he swarmed over you again, drawing the bridge of his nose across your throat, lips following to trail the fine line of your neck, feeling the hum of your pulse beneath his lips. “But you still wanna fuck me. I see you, pretty girl,” his lips press again to the column of your throat. 
His hands are beneath your skirt again, shucking it up to expose your panties, half-hard already at the sight of you, in what is now clearly a matching set – all wrapped up like a gift for him. And maybe, just maybe, if he’d had his way, he would tie you up with a bow. And the thought of tying you up, the sweet, quiet little thing from down the hall – all gasping breaths from full lips, all wide, doe eyes – was sinful. And Ash was no stranger to sin. 
“Y-yeah?” you sighed, rolling your hips to place yourself more fully in Ash’s greedy hands, encouraging him to guide your panties down your legs.
“I see you down the hall,” a kiss to your throat.
“I see you in the elevator with your head down,” a kiss to your chest, a little tease of tongue behind it, as though he were tasting the beat of your heart, the pulse of you. 
“I see you waiting,” And he’s maneuvered down your body, between your legs, pressing full-mouthed kisses to the skin behind your knees. "Waiting for someone to come along and give it to you how you like it… how you need it."
And when had he lost his sweatshirt? His shirt? You take him in, now, eyes blown at his words, as he kisses his way up your legs, toward your aching center, his fingers following the blazing trail of his lips.
Ash’s fingers slide along your glistening slit, a perpetual tease, as he continues to press full kisses to the insides of your thighs, the firm line of his jaw sharp against your skin like a heated blade. 
And you’re basking in it, reveling at the feel of his thick fingers teasing your center, gathering your wetness and playing you like a game he knows so well. (And how would that be??) When –
You yelp at the jolt of pain, as the softness of his lips against your inner thigh is abruptly gone, replaced with a painful scrape of teeth. 
He had bitten you?!
You reach down to jerk Ash’s head from between your legs, moving your hips back and withdrawing at the hard bite he had rendered to your inner thigh. You glance down to see an imprint of teeth marks on the tender skin there.
“Wh-what the hell?” you demanded, “Too hard!”
“Sorry,” Ash bit, sounding not one ounce of sorry, cooly shrugging one bare, sculpted shoulder at your angry face. “You said to bite you, Cherry.” He smirked again, his face a puzzle of mismatched emotions as his bourbon eyes swirled with what looked like penitence, urging your forgiveness in their sincerity. While his mouth continued to play you with its soulless smirk. 
Red flag number… what was it now?? Just who was this guy?
And dd his mouth only know how to quirk in that one sinful, maddening way? 
He rocked forward on his knees, and you felt him then, fully hard in his jeans against your naked center, crowding you once more as he cupped the base of your jaw, fingers spidering back to tangle in the hair at the nape of your neck, eyes finding yours once more before kissing you.
Now his lips were penitent. Kissing your lips raw, like the scrape of crystallized honey – once smooth. 
Breathless, your heart stuttering, Ash pulls away, admiring your lips swollen from the nip-and-tug of his teeth, admiring your starry, lust-blown eyes with the heavy lids, the whole of you undone by his lips and his fingers, and he demands. Demands more. Wants you to need him as much as he desires to control you, the ache in him twisting like a knife between his ribs. The ache in you, fluttering and flush. He wants you to want it, to need it.
“Do it again?" He asks, busying himself with undoing his jeans and sliding them down his own legs, along with his boxer briefs. exposing more and more of his golden skin to your gaze before turning those obsidian-smoke eyes back to your piteous form, heated and wet for him. 
You quirked a brow, "Do what?"
"Pull my hair, Cherry," Ash replied leaning back over you once more to envelop you, a rolling shadow. A facile and firm wave, content to drown you in him. "Hard as you want."
And you're only too happy to oblige, moaning at the roll of Ash's hips into yours, his length sliding along your slit, weaving hour fingers through his curls and tugging – your reward a deep, desirous groan into your mouth as Ash slides his lips along yours, open-mouthed and wanting.
And he’s got you tied up in knots – figuratively, that is. Though you had the sneaking suspicion that if you’d vocalized any iteration of this, he’d only be too happy to do just that. And the thought of your shady neighbor tying your wrists to your own headboard shouldn’t make you wet. Shouldn’t make you groan while he’s kissing you, his tongue plunging into your mouth to taste your reciprocal moans. 
With a decided roll of his hips, he's inside of you, the drag of him heavy as he begins to thrust. He skates his palms along your legs, wrapping his hands around your thighs to hoist them up around his waist, satisfied when you lock your ankles around him.
He rewards you with a decidedly brutal thrust, pleased at the gasp it tears from your lungs.
He allows his hands to travel further upwards, to grip the leather skirt still bunched around your hips, using it as leverage to lift your hips and guide you, fucking you back onto his own cock at the frenzied pace he's set. 
It's almost overwhelming how just everywhere he feels, the drag of him inside of you heavy. The strange astrology of him, of your pairing, as he fucks you like you're a stranger to yourself.
Your headboard, you note faintly, is thumping against your wall in time with Ash's ministrations, but you're too out-of-body to care, the sound falling hollowly on your ears as the rest of your skin tingles and warms with in tandem with the building pleasure inside of you. You've never been more grateful for one of Anita's parties. Certain that no one on the other side of the shared wall could hear the headboard through the pulsing bass, could hear the hiccuping moans slipping from your lips.
And Ash must've had the same thought, his lips twisting as he rolls his hips, tearing his eyes from the sight of your now-heaving tits, to appreciate the headboard snapping against your lavender-painted bedroom wall.
"D'ya think they can hear you, babe?" He croons mockingly, rolling forward and planting his hands on either side of your head, a heated roll of his hips causing a brush against your clit at this new angle. "Do you want them to?"
You shook your head mildly, the pleasure-pain at Ash's rough, repeated thrusts causing a blur in your eyes.
He's pleased at this, you note, whether it was your honesty or a blushing stroke to his own ego, Ash smiles again. All resplendent radiance that seemed so right on such a wrong face.
He's brushing your clit with a circling thumb, you note absently, and when had he shifted again?
"That's right," he murmurs to you, leaning forward to lick a line down your neck while he continues to rub your clit. "Only I get to hear you scream. No one else."
With a renewed vigor, his thrusts continue, his attention on your clit almost punishing now, punching the air from your lungs in a strangled moan that did, indeed, sound like a shuttered scream. Music to Ash's ears, like breaking glass, jagged and desperate. 
You were a wreck now, your arousal dripping down Ash's cock. The skin of your thigh burning where he had bitten you was now rubbing repeatedly against the taut skin of his waist. 
“Look at that,” Ash cooed, his voice a whiskey murmur of smoky haze into your ear, cupping your cheek as he used his thumb to drag the tears that had pricked in the corners of your eyes along your lower lash-line and beneath your eye, causing your eye makeup to smear and smudge. “Did you know how fucking pretty you are when you cry? When I make a mess of you?” 
He pressed his lips to your other cheek, dragging them along your heated skin and down to your mouth.
“No,” he murmured into your lips, catching your lower one between his full ones, chasing with teeth enough to lightly pull the plush of your bottom lip, “nonono… of course you don’t. You’re only pretty like this for me.” 
And, maybe you were addicted, now, to losing your senses. To throwing caution to the wind. To jagged little shards of danger. To pretty men with pretty curls whose words spilled like oil, thick and dark, from chapped lips. And you think you may be losing a bit of yourself at the feeling of him overwhelming you – what other reason would you be fucking your neighbor who always gave you the mild heebs? Fucking you dumb into your own mattress.
You snap at a particularly clever roll of his hips, coming on Ash's cock, the wet squeeze of your walls around him has a groan spilling from his lips like snake’s venom, blazing its way from his mouth through your veins – the whites of his eyes behind fluttering lids as they roll back at the feel of you around him, spurring his own orgasm as he came inside of you.
His mouth was covetous and prideful as he kissed you again, forceful, before withdrawing himself and guiding you onto your stomach.
You were too blissed out to care, too numb, dumb, and warm from your own release that you allowed Ash to shape your bones, running a palm down the curve of your spine as he guided your hips up. Allowing those glimmering, empty eyes to take in your swollen, abused pussy – to admire the way his own release leaked from between your lips.
He gathered a bit of himself on his thumb, causing you to shiver at the touch on your sensitive skin, before bringing it to your mouth. Wordlessly, you wrapped your lips around his thumb, hollowing your cheeks and allowing your tongue to run along the length of his digit, tasting himself on his own skin. A rare thing, as you realized, distantly, he hadn't really offered you to touch him during this entire encounter.
Ash groaned again at the sight and feel of your mouth on him as he took himself, still hard, and thrust back into your pussy, fucking his own come back into you with a few lazy thrusts, met with your mewls and squirming hips.
Content that you were full of him, he withdrew again, extricating his thumb from your lips before bringing it to his own, tasting your saliva before pulling it from his lips with a pop, smiling at you again. 
"Aren't you just a dream, Cherry?" 
You offer a wan half-smile in return, still hazy from the feel of him smattered in tingles across your skin, like fallen stars at the end of the world, eyeing him as he begins to bustle around your room, smoothing hands over his curls and making himself presentable. Seemingly uncaring for your boneless state, legs at an odd angle, like a fucked-out doll.
“See ya ‘round, alba,” he bids, tucking himself back into his pants and starting toward your door. Leaving you with the feeling of bad, wrong, want – in his destructive wake. 
“I truly hope not,” you murmur, unsure whether your words will reach Ash’s ears as he clicks open your door and begins to stride in the hallway. The ambiguity resolved for you, as you see him turn around to reward you with a blinding grin, a wall of white teeth. On a less pretty face, it likely would have served as intended – a warning. But then again, you clearly weren’t so good at heeding those when they were wrapped in handsome packages. 
Oh, you were so screwed… 
Tagging: @joaquinwhorres @withahappyrefrain  @thegirlwhowritesfics @xbamboowishesx @abibliophobiaa @clints-lucky-arrow @inklore @phoenixhalliwell @ohmagawd-life @mrshipsmcgee @p3mybeloved @letmeplaytheliontoo @vestrangel @moonlight-prose @aphrogeneias @levylovegood @thatredheadwriter @2clones-1kamino @zombieaurora @shadeds-library @writercole @ijustwantedplums @justalonelyslytherin @gretagerwigsmuse @fanboysfangirl @siriusfahey @gingerbreadandpaper @the-navistar-carol  @alexxavicry @jadore-andor @fanboygarcia @lavenderluna10 @thedaredevilsgirl @fluffyprettykitty @mickeyluvs @mothdruid   @maxmayfield @eagerforthesky @melinacalhounxo @marvelousmermaid @callmemana @spencer-is-amazing @mxgyver ​ @n3ssm0nique ​@mothdruid  @andrewrussgarfield @bioodforbiood @themarcusmoreno @the-purity-pen
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alienguts · 7 months
Belated Valentine's Day (Ash Williams x GN!Reader HCs)
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Warnings: none
A/N: so, i was so busy writing something else for valentine's day that i didn't finish in time i forgot to write anything for this blog. oops.
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Ash isn't always good with dates
He'll remember your birthday, his own birthday, Halloween, Christmas and the 4th of July, but holidays that he doesn't consider to be that important are almost always forgotten about
Unless the two of you make definite Valentine's plans, he will forget that it's a holiday that exists
He's in the camp of 'it was invented by Hallmark to sell greetings cards' (even though the first Valentine's card was sent hundreds of years before Hallmark existed) but if you get him something for Valentine's Day, he will get you something in return
he makes sure to get home from work before you do so he can get things ready
he bought one of those weird heart-shaped steaks with his staff discount and the cheapest wine he could find, and ran a bath for the two of you with some bath salts even though he doesn't know what they're supposed to do
unfortunately, ash is more of a shower person than a bath person so when you come home, he's lounging in lukewarm water that's spilling over the side of the tub, beckoning you to join him
'happy valentine's, baby' 'ash, valentine's day was two days ago' 'doesn't mean i can't still do things for you'
before you get in, you make sure to drain some of the water out so you can put more hot water in
if it wasn't for the fact that his skin gets all pruney, ash would stay in the tub with you until it went cold just to be naked with you
although he could be naked anywhere with you, being in the tub together makes you physically closer to him
once you get out of the tub, you'll make dinner together
ash will likely insist on making it himself as a treat for you, but he can barely be trusted with a microwave
after dinner you'll likely stay in since you'll be wearing pyjamas or robes and you'll see where the night takes you
he promises to remember next year, but chances are he won't
(not that it matters anyway, your anniversary is more important)
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