#Ash and Leon have both said that thing about holding back
jumaanboruto · 2 years
🙃 - How does your muse respond to losing a battle?⚔️ - Will your muse battle with anyone, or are they selective?
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— Generally speaking, Ash is a pretty good sport about losing. In friendly, sporting and competitive battles, he learned to take them in stride, praise his opponent, and resolve to train and overcome whatever shortcoming made him & his team lose.
Though Ash means well, he definitely also has a prideful streak that can be stoked under the right conditions. If someone’s successfully stoked his ego or challenged his ideals, or battles in a way he considers to be unethical, he’ll take winning or losing seriously. The degree to which he does depends on what the problem is. 
During Sinnoh, losing to Paul was always a personal insult to his pride and his firmly held beliefs. In Kanto, again, a loss to Giovanni at the Silph Company did a lot to undermine Ash’s confidence in fighting threats like him, even if he’d won by sleight of hand. In Kalos, his failures with Ash-Greninja made him feel insecure and lost, and a bad losing streak compounded on the problem and made him beat himself up and mope. Though, Serena reminded him that this behavior wasn’t like him, and he pulled himself out of the funk.
Those events and other experiences have given him a more mature and harder-to-shake outlook on losses, and he’s more-or-less handled losing battles well, ever since.
— Ash is happy to battle anyone!! He might warn less experienced trainers what they’re up against; not out of arrogance, but to maybe avoid something they’re not quite ready for. Ash isn’t fond at all of holding back, believing that, outside training, it makes battles kind of pointless. While he’ll adjust his Pokémon’s levels for fairer fights, he never pulls back on his tactics.
But, other than those worries, he’s happy to battle anyone to get to know them!
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lorei-writes · 7 months
Congrats again Lorei! 🐥🐥
If prompt 4 for Leon interests you, I hope you'll give it a shot (I'm interested to find out what it would entail 👀)
Aye, thank you! <3
We've talked about it before, so well... This work features an OC of mine. I suppose it really did end up being interesting in all sorts of ways >:)
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»All the things we choose to share«
Leon x OC (OC Chart: Viva) ~550 words Content Warnings: none
Silent Rhythm
Light dims, flames perched on the chandelier trembling to then curl into themselves. Vibrant lords and ornate ladies huddle over the ballroom floor, half-submerged in gossip shallows. They puff out their chests, embroidered silks of their suits and gowns their plumage, golden rings taking the place of talons. Eyes cast towards the entrance, they wait. The door opens.
Mea culpa.
A woman steps forward, dressed in just a plain linen dress. Rags intruding on riches, blonde curls fall over her shoulders, disorderly and unbridled like the freckles marking her face. The guests frown and scowls twist knightly faces, handsomeness souring at this dishonour. Irrelevant; proud like a starved lioness, Viva marches into the hall that does not welcome her. Candle flames spin themselves into a thread. At a flick of her wrist it becomes a gown, ephemeral gold softly enveloping her limbs, a tiara crowning her mane. Noblemen and noblewomen fade away one by one as she treads onwards, indifferent towards the marbles, the feast, velvets, foreign fashion, noxious remarks or nebulous complaints. The heels of her shoes plink like glass. Swarms of spurred whispers buzz.
Have you not had enough? How much more can you take from us?
The cage of rumours falls. All turns to black – black like his hair, like the soil that had once been his bed. It is just him, just them. Leon offers her his hand, the amber of his eyes shimmering like gold when exposed to her flames. Viva accepts his invitation. She burns, her touch the scalding guilt brought by that single coin. Callouses to callouses, they are joint. Leon opens his mouth, but her chest presses against his, her breath silently caressing the shell of his ear.
We are both fakes, little slave boy. So keep your mouth shut, hm?
Of course; Leon places his hand on the small of her back. Her laughter is the sound of a collapsing sun, the ballroom replacing the void. Viva leaps to the left, and he follows as if in her palm, as docile as a circus lion when in presence of her hurt. He grasps at her fingers, brings her closer still. Almost as one, they move. She leads. He leads.
Whatever happens, I will not proclaim you the king.
From fire to ashes, Viva withers, her cursed gown dimming with each swirl of her skirts. Her feet seem heavy or weighted down, each step more of a stomp, ungracefully bound to the floor. She struggles, but for what? Her movements lose their power, thundering roaring inside her chest being replaced by hollow quiet. The fire has cooled, so Viva withdraws, a smile of a penitent on her lips. Her heel breaks for her due fall to begin.
I’m sorry. I’m so, so, so sorry.
Who said I would let you go?
Leon catches her hand. He chases what is left of her, breathes new life into fading smoke, raising winds just one step short of tearing her apart. Glass shoes shatter as he forces her to discard them. Shame vaporises, guilt lies forgotten, penance, sins, retribution and revenge – all is irrelevant as they dance, freed of any prior inhibitions. Warmth blazes anew. Leon holds onto Viva, so very alive and living, his phoenix reborn. She clutches back at him, perhaps understanding that he too has been resurrected once.
Nobody. Nobody did.
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Pokémon Journeys Mega Rant
I originally uploaded this rant to Deviantart. But nobody really cared about it besides my watchers.
That’s why I’m pasting the entire thing right here. Any fans of the latest Pokémon saga or the spoiled mary sue named Goh should steer clear because like Leon, I don’t hold back. (When it comes to sharing my opinions, that is.)
When it come to Pokémon Journeys, I was always neutral towards it. I didn't find myself liking most of the new characters and I never felt compelled to watch any reruns. However, as I began to watch newer episodes, I realized that this saga was riddled with problems.
One of the main gripes I have with Journeys is that it doesn't know what it wants to be. Every saga in the anime at this point focused on the main titles then. With Journeys covering the 8th generation, you'd assume that they'd stick with Galar (with some new Sinnoh/Hisui elements being written in later). What we get instead is an amalgamation of different games. This saga is supposed to focus on Pokémon Sword and Shield. But we also have Pokémon Let's Go! Pikachu and Let's Go! Eevee (from the look of the Kanto region alongside Chloe's Eevee), Pokémon Brilliant Diamond and Shining Pearl (from the recent focus on Sinnoh), and Pokémon GO. That's 7 different Pokémon games packed into this one saga of the Pokémon anime. My guess for the inclusion of these different titles is due to the story of the Sword and Shield versions.
As you may know, the story for Pokémon Sword and Shield isn't the best. It's a bit shorter than most Pokémon games and has much-missed potential. And it shows. When they focus on Sword and Shield, it's just some story arc that goes on for 4 episodes.
Going back to Journeys, another complaint I have with it are the characters.
Starting with Ash, he's nothing like how he used to be during and before Sun and Moon. He's nowhere near as witty as before and feels kind of bland sometimes. He's also kind of dumb. Extremely dumb. (Not to mention a tad too modest.) As I mentioned in an old status update, there was an episode in Master Journeys where Ash is standing in front of a class of students. Goh gives a presentation about him and messes with him by saying that the only thing he thinks about is Pokémon. Ash contradicts Goh's statement by saying that the only other thing he thinks about is his next meal. This right here felt like a shot to Ash's character. The Ash I know would've bragged on and on about how great of a Trainer he is. Since Journeys focuses so much on the Pokémon world, he could've brought up some of his achievements over the years such as him being the champion of both the Orange Islands and the Alola region. But, no. The writers just had to have Ash make a fool out of himself. They referred to Ash's achievements in the second episode. But I say that's just a poor excuse for fan service.
Speaking of which, what's the deal with the lack of focus on Ash's new champion title. Back then, the internet was excited to find out that Ash won the Alola League. Now that he's a champion, life just goes on. The show rarely acknowledges Ash's Alola champion title and ditches it in favor of a new plot that doesn't rely too heavily on the show's canon. Another thing I hate about this Ash is that he doesn't feel like Ash. He isn't interested in catching any new Pokémon and does the bare minimum when it comes to training for battles in the Galar region that might require the use of Dynamaxing. The lack of catching is all due to one specific character: Goh.
I loathe this kid. I don't know why people love him so much. He's just so incredibly unbearable. Remember when I said that Pokémon GO was one of the many games that was thrown into this series? Well, the incorporation of that game is largely due to Goh. Every episode, he runs around and catches Pokémon with just one Poké Ball. The perfectness of his captures would've been nice for 1 or 3 Pokémon (or half an episode). But when you have this character catch Pokémon without failing just once, it doesn't make him look cool. That just makes him look like a Mary Sue. (And way too much like the Ash from this MAD skit: https://youtu.be/Nr-V6sAxA3g)
Still not convinced Goh is a Mary Sue? The episode "Serving Up the Flute Cup" shows how awful Goh is as a Trainer. (As well as how bad the series' writing is.) Ash enters him and Goh into this tournament in Hoenn. (Keep in mind that at this point, Goh had never been in a Trainer battle before.) Goh manages to lose in his first match. This loss looks like it really hit Goh hard. And after his Pokémon are healed at the Pokémon Center, he gets mad about his loss, says that catching Pokémon is better, and runs off. You might think that Goh would learn the importance of losing in a game and how you could take those losses and learn from them to improve your skills. But he doesn't. The episode mostly focuses on showing off Ash's skills in Pokémon battles and Goh is rarely in the spotlight. When Goh meets up with Ash again, he just smiles and says how Pokémon battles are a lot of fun. That's it. No lesson learned. No improvement to his character. He just runs off like a baby so he can catch more Pokémon, returns to the stadium, and ends the episode without having learned a thing from his loss earlier. According to the writers, Goh is just a perfect little angel who doesn't need to learn any lessons or face any challenges. Why focus on things like fair play when you can catch a Suicune in a regular Poké Ball (in one throw) or a flying Pidgey. (Just a reminder that Pidgey was the first Pokémon Ash wanted to catch. He struggled to catch it. Yet, Goh managed to catch the same species with no trouble at all. Which shows that Goh BARELY faces any challenges.)
Another thing that bugs me about Goh is how he steals the show away from Ash most of the time. Even in the first episode, Goh manages to have more screentime than Ash. It's gotten to the point where Goh isn't just one of Ash's friends. He's a protagonist who is being juggled with the actual one who's been in the show for over 26 years. And all that juggling makes for stories that can run into various writing mistakes.
Moving on from Goh, I'll talk about Chloe.
There is no reason for Chloe to exist. She barely offered anything new to the show until Master Journeys. For a female lead in Pokémon, she's as forgettable as a math subject. She has no personality other than being smart. Chloe only improves as a character during Master Journeys and even then, she still feels like a walking advertisement for Let's Go! Eevee. Speaking of which, I don't see what's so special about Chloe's Eevee. It can use the moves of its evolutions. But other than that, it's just as forgettable as its Trainer. The show builds up Eevee's powers as it'll lead to something big. (Do we really have to meet all of these Trainers who own an evolution of Eevee?) Personally, the only outcome I see coming from this is that Eevee will learn some powerful new attack. I don't even know why we're still focusing on Let's Go! Eevee since we already did that with Lana's Sandy in Sun and Moon. (Not to mention, Meltan and Ash's Melmetal filled in for content from Pokémon GO.)
While we're talking about Chloe, why do her and Goh have to attend regular school? Most schools we've seen in the show revolve around Pokémon or teach you how to be a proper Pokémon Trainer. But Chloe and Goh's school seems like the type that teaches you about English, or Science, or Algebra. (Like any school you'd go to in real life.) They never explain why kids like Goh still go to regular school even though they're Pokémon Trainers. I just assume that their parents don't think they're ready to go out into the world yet. But why should I, the viewer, have to speculate all of this? As writers, it's your job to explain how things in this world work through a little thing called world-building. (I know the answer might be in one of those old books written around the time of the original series. But why should I have to consult an external piece of media for an answer that could've easily been given in the show itself?)
This entire series feels like a complete mess. All they had to do was write a story that continued from where Sun and Moon left off. But what we were given instead were unneeded characters, the most badly written Mary Sue I've ever seen, missed opportunities,  and ruined characters. All of these qualities make Pokémon Journeys what I consider to be THE worst series in the Pokémon anime.
You know what stinks about all of this? The fact that Journeys has already been done before. In the 2000s, a Pokémon spin-off called Pokémon Chronicles began airing. This program focused on different characters in different regions. Most of these characters are old faces (like Misty and Tracey) while some of them are new characters made exclusively for this spin-off (such as Jimmy and Marina). The characters are given more depth. And sometimes, we get to see how certain things in the anime came to be (like how Team Rocket got together and how Brock decided to travel to Hoenn during the events of Pokémon Advanced). And while Ash and Pikachu aren't in it, this show is still as entertaining as the main one. I highly recommend this program as opposed to whatever Journeys has to offer.
I'm glad that Ultimate Journeys is here because that means we're almost done with this garbage saga. As far as I'm concerned, this series doesn't deserve the recognition people on Twitter constantly give it. I hope that the Scarlet and Violet series will be as much of a palate cleanser as Pokémon Brilliant Diamond was.
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A rogue Druid’s “please join us” speech to Merlin triggers a few things:
Gwaine tries to commit regicide, Leon confronts his (understandable) fear of Dragons, and Merlin has a full on mental breakdown.
The knights are left to pick up the pieces and all of them consider following Gwaine’s lead.
TW: Blood, death, nightmares. Physical and verbal abuse. A very brief implication of potential suicide/self harm.
Everyone notices the sudden changes within the group, it would be hard not to notice.
No one has any clue what happened though.
One day, everything is fine. If they think back, they realise Merlin had seemed a little... nervous? Maybe? But other than that, everything was fine, normal.
But the next day? From then until now, a month later? Everything was different.
Arthur seemed much angrier. He flew off the handle over the smallest mistakes, he worked the knights so hard in training that at least three of them had to go to Gaius for treatment everyday, and he didn’t seem like he planned on letting up any time soon. He snapped at everyone, even Gwen and Gaius, which was unheard of.
Merlin seemed... quieter. The knights, Gwen, and Gaius barely saw him, but when they did, he flinched at even the slightest noise; his eyes constantly darted around, looking for a way to escape, and he wouldn’t let anyone touch him.
They were worried, but Arthur was so constantly furious that no one dared bring it up with him, and the one time they tried to ask Merlin, he came up with some ridiculous excuse and ran away. They thought they had barely seen him before, but after that they didn’t see him at all for at least four days.
They also noticed how both of their worrying moods seemed ten times worse when they were with each other. Even just being in the same room, made Arthur angrier, and Merlin... they didn’t want to think it but... more scared.
After three weeks of this, they gathered together, and put into place their emergency plan. Leon would speak directly to Arthur, and Lancelot would speak directly to Merlin.
Of all of them, they were the most trusted by each target, and were the most likely to get answers, and the least likely to get a bad reaction if answers were refused.
They were... pretty wrong. Merlin reacted in the same way as he had to the group two and a half weeks ago. Which is odd, because he normally tells Lancelot everything, and not only did he not tell him, he lied and came up with excuses.
Leon was much worse for wear. He showed up a while after Lancelot, pale and miserable. Arthur had just yelled at him a bunch and assigned him extra patrols.
A few days later, they were all still struggling with what to do when Arthur informed them of a quest that was to be undertaken. They were... nervous, to say the least. Going on any sort of dangerous trip with Arthur in this state was bound to go badly, but they could hardly refuse, and they definitely couldn’t bring up the issue again.
So they resigned themselves to it. Gwen wished them luck, and made sure to give Merlin an extra tight hug before they left, and Gaius slipped a few extra medical supplies in each of the knights packs, just in case.
Apparently, patrols of Camelot Knights kept going missing. Whole groups of soldiers, in one very specific area near the border, were just not coming back.
Arthur could hardly justify sending more patrols out, so despite his foul mood, and his desperation to stay away from everyone, he took himself, his five best knights, and his manservant.
Elyan could’ve sworn he heard Arthur mutter something along the lines of “As if I’d leave you here unsupervised.”, to Merlin, the tone far less jesting that it might’ve been a month ago, but he kept it to himself. They were travelling and camping together, there would hardly be an opportunity to share without Arthur and Merlin there.
And like they were all expecting, the trip was hell.
Awkward silences that not even Gwaine could fill, Merlin looking close to tears the whole time, and Arthur constantly looking like he’s considering extreme violence.
Merlin even rides at the back of the group (unheard of), doesn’t complain even once about anything (even more unheard of), and the few times he does speak, he addresses all of them by their titles (down-right panic inducing).
They, of course, realise it had been a trap far too late, and before they even had time to shout and draw their swords, the camp fades around them.
When they wake an indiscernible amount of time later, they have been stripped of armour and weapons, and have been shackled.
They appear to be in a circular, one-room hut, the knights spaced equally and chained to the wall. Their cloaks remain, but any chainmail or armour they had been equipped with was gone, leaving them in the thin clothes they wore underneath, completely unprotected.
Merlin stood in the middle of the room, looking very confused. Once he noticed the knights stirring, he tried to take a step towards them, but frowned when he realised he couldn’t get within a arm’s reach of them.
Once the knights came around fully, they realised that whilst Merlin couldn’t move all that much, they couldn’t speak.
Arthur looks to Merlin with fury written all over his face, and pulls violently on his chains. Merlin flinches back and gasps out:
“This has nothing to do with me, I swear!”
Before the rest of the knights have time to change their expressions to one of confusion, a man walks through the door. Everyone’s gazes turn to him quickly, and they take in his appearance.
He looked like a Druid... but not quite right, like he hadn’t actually been to a camp in a while. He wore neutral colours, browns and greens, but despite his calm demeanour and gentle face, he looked a little crazed.
Where Druids stand calmly and walk softly, this man rushed in and fiddled with his hands, eyes darting around the room at everyone’s faces.
When Merlin goes to demand he introduce himself, the Druid holds a hand up, silencing him (no magic, just a gesture), and begins to speak:
“Who I am, does not matter. But I do know who you are, Emrys. I shall explain it your friends first, so they don’t get too lost.-”
The Druid smiles sadly, and turns to the knights, all of whom (apart from Lancelot) stare on in confusion at the melancholy resignation on the Druid’s face, and the dread on Merlin’s. Still unable to speak, and with very limited movement, they reluctantly resign themselves to listening to whatever speech the villain of the week had come up with.
“-Emrys has been being seen in prophetic visions for centuries. Whilst Uther Pendragon was destined to start the purge, Emrys, or as you know him: Merlin, is destined to stop it. He is said to be the most powerful Warlock to ever walk the earth, past present and future. He can bend the very elements of the world, bring down armies, turn cities to ash with a flick of his wrist. But destiny also foretold of The Once and Future King. Most have accepted that Arthur Pendragon, is said king.-”
Merlin was stiff but panicky during the Druid’s explanation, having realised that for whatever reason, he didn’t have access to his magic right now.
He could feel it buzzing under his skin, but every time he tried to pull it forward, it abandoned him, burrowing deep into his soul and hiding.
Merlin was tense and angry, angry that the chance to tell his friends the truth himself had been taken away, but his statue-like stillness is broken as he frowns and flinches slightly at the thinly veiled disgust in the sorcerer’s voice as he says Arthur’s name.
The Knights look confused, and very much shocked, their gazes flickering between the Druid and Merlin, but he refuses to meet their eyes.
“-Together, Emrys and the Forever King are destined to bring harmony and peace to the world, to restore magic’s place alongside the non magic, to inspire compassion, and stop the unjust genocide that Uther started.-”
Arthur and Leon shuffle uncomfortably at the mention of the late King and his sins, but are more focused on the other shocking revelations. The other knights (again, bar Lancelot, who is staring at Merlin apologetically) seem invested in the story, though they’re clearly confused.
Arthur was made aware of Merlin’s magic a few weeks ago, but despite Merlin’s choice to tell him willingly, he had reacted badly, and in his rage, hadn’t allowed Merlin to explain himself. The other knights were, of course, unaware of this, though they quickly put two and two together.
Despite Merlin’s best efforts, Arthur had stayed in the dark about the whole Emrys-prophecy-destiny thing.
The Druid gives each knight a short assessing gaze, seemingly to make sure they were paying attention.
He turns his attention back to Merlin, who is trying very hard to keep his expression blank (and failing) as he listens:
-”And how long have you waited, my friend, for Arthur to play his part in destiny. Ten years, of having the prophecies shoved down your throat by idealists, being told that you have no choice but to serve a man who would see your head on a spike should he know who you truly are. Ten years in the service of a man who has caused you nothing but pain, given you nothing but nightmares.-”
Merlin flinches and looks away. Every magic user in, or even near Camelot shares the same nightmares, all caused by the Pendragon Reign. There’s no need for a discussion about it, no need for a denial. 
“-His father ripped your family apart. He himself stood at the grave of your best friend and told you he was evil, he himself killed the woman you loved-”
Arthur frowns in confusion at this. Merlin had never been in love. But he quickly doubts himself when he hears Merlin gasp quietly, and looks to him to see a tear slip down his cheek. 
Fury flashes quickly across Lancelot’s face, obviously knowing the story, but he covers it quickly, and no one is the wiser to the anger slowly growing in his chest at what this so-called Druid was putting his friend through.
The Druid speaks his next words quietly, though still loud enough for everyone in the room to hear, as he lifts a soft hand and gently wipes away Merlin’s tear:
“-I know what you see when you close your eyes. I know why you are so exhausted. But do they? Have you told them?-”
The Druid nods his head in the direction of the knights, but doesn’t break eye contact with Merlin, who sniffles slightly before looking to the floor in shame. 
“-Of the smoke and flames that you choke on when you sleep? You dream of pyres built just for you, built by the people you care most about. Even when you are awake, every second you have your eyes closed, every time you blink, you are forced to picture your so-called King with a sword at your throat, as if the scene were painted onto the back of your eyelids.-”
His voice had risen as he spoke and he had begun to pace, anger growing at the pain his Lord had gone through. He practically spits the word “King”, like just saying it disgusts him. 
Merlin remains quiet, but he has a steady stream of tears down his face as he looks back at the Druid with despair. The knights watch on in anguish as they see the way he is suffering. 
Arthur stops feeling angry and confused, and starts to feel a little guilty. Not that he would let it show; he stares on blankly.
Everyone wanted desperately to believe that the Druid was lying, manipulating them, that Merlin would deny it. But he didn’t. And that told them all they needed to know.
The Druid stopped his pacing, coming to a stand still in front of Merlin and cupping one of his cheeks softly with his hand. The knights pretend not to see Merlin lean into it slightly as his tears continue to fall.
The Druid begins again, speaking softly once more:
“-Were those fears unfounded? Were those nightmares irrational? I see the terror in your eyes. I see how petrified of your King you are.-”
Merlin lets out a shaky breath and glances quickly to Arthur, before looking back at the man in front of him.
The King is taken aback, and the knights are furious at the flash of fear on Merlin’s face when his gaze had momentarily met Arthur’s.
“-What did he do, when he found out? When you bared your soul and gave him nothing but honesty, and undeserved apologies. What did he do?-”
Merlin lets out his first audible sob, and the Knights pull at their chains slightly, desperate to comfort their friend. Arthur slumps back, remembering his actions as if they were mere hours ago.
One of Merlin’s hands lifted to cover his mouth as he chokes back a second sob, but the other lifts subconsciously to tug at the scarf around his neck.
The Druid lets a single tear escape his eye as he waves his hand gently, the scarf disappearing with the gentle golden glow of his eyes.
Merlin seems too distraught to notice; and moves both hands to clamp tightly over his mouth as tears stream down his face. His shoulders hunch, but not enough for any of the knights to miss what the Druid had clearly been trying to expose; a thin, barely healed scar along the base of his throat. As if a sword had been pressed there.
The Druid’s eyes lose focus slightly and he frowns as he ghosts a finger over the scar, seemingly asking the next question to himself:
“-Nightmares on the back of your eyelids, or visions of the future, hmm?-”
His eyes refocus, and he cards a hand through Merlin’s hair, trying to calm the man’s heartache as the knights stare on in horror. 
Arthur resists the urge to look towards his knights, not wanting to see the disgusted glares he knows they’re sending his way.
The Druid pauses for a moment in his speech, waiting for Merlin to calm slightly before he quietly continued:
“-And what has he done since then? Has he allowed explanation? Has he seen the error of his ways and tried to understand? Or has he called you a liar, and a traitor. Has he called you a monster, whilst demanding that you continue to serve him?-”
Merlin’s breathing grows deeper as he struggles to control his sobs. He lowers his hands to be clenched at his sides, shaking, as the Druid softly places his hands on his shoulders.
His next words are spoken even quieter, though the knights can still hear him and the deadly anger that’s barely concealed in the man’s tone:
“-Has he laid hands on you, and called you a beast, while you cowered in fear, knowing that if you defended yourself he would see himself proven right?-”
Merlin let’s out loud, gasping sobs once more as the Druid’s hands travel softly down, from his shoulders to his wrists. There, he looks down, sorrow on his face as he carefully lifts Merlin’s sleeves, bunching them around his elbows.
The knights decide then and there they are going to protect Merlin no matter what, no matter from whom, as they each see the handprint shaped bruises littering Merlin’s arms.
“-He has hurt you, over and over and over-”
As he speaks, the Druid hovers his hands over the bruises, his eyes glowing softly golden as they heal.
“-And you despair, believing yourself worthless-”
Merlin flinches, and his sobbing grows more intense as his face is taken in soft hands.
“-waiting on a Golden Age that he refuses to bring. He is cruel, and unjust, how many more times must he hurt you? How many more of our people will the Pendragon line slaughter, out of misguided hatred? How much more sleep must you lose? How many more nightmares must you endure? You have stood loyally by his side for a decade, and had to stand and watch as he continued his father’s legacy, forced to believe it was destiny.-”
The Druid says “destiny” as if he hates the taste of the word in his mouth, the bloodshed of the past almost thirty years clearly having made him lose faith in the prophecies.
Merlin’s breathing has calmed slightly, and the knights aren’t sure whether to be relieved or frightened, as the Druid desperately continues, clutching Merlin’s hands in his own:
“-Too many lives have been lost, too much innocent blood spilt. Haven’t you yourself been forced to kill your own people to protect this False King from the consequences of his own actions?-”
The knights think too soon as Merlin’s breathing and sobs grow erratic once more. The manservant almost falls to the floor, his eyes clenched desperately shut, and only the Druids hands on his shoulders keeping him upright:
“-I was young, and naïve once. I too, believed in Arthur Pendragon, I believed in the prophecies, I believed he would a great king and a good man-”
He leans forward, pressing his forehead to Merlin’s as he gently says:
“-but he is not. He has failed you, and failed our people.-”
The Druid steps back, but still holds Merlin’s shoulder tightly as he gives him a pleading look.
The knights know what’s coming before it is said, and with the anguish and desperation and grief on their friend’s face? After they learned what their benevolent King had done? Well... they wouldn’t have blamed Merlin for saying yes.
“-I ask you to join me, Emrys. I know it’s difficult, to give up on a man you gave so much of yourself to, but there is too much Uther in him. It’s time, and you know this, to rewrite destiny. Dig your own path, liberate your own people, bring magic and compassion and harmony back to the world yourself.-”
Merlin, though distraught, still looks doubtful, and the knights hold their breath as the Druid continues, becoming more and more furious at their inability to speak. 
All of them have tears in their eyes, if not falling already, even Arthur, though he has remained still and blank through the tears.
“-I know the flames you fear, the sword’s edge, the gallows’ drop, the axe’s fall. Do not let our kin continue to fear those things, do not stand by, waiting for the Pendragon tyrant to change, and allowing sacrifices to be made in the mean time.-”
Merlin’s sobbing begins again, and the Druid kisses him softly on the forehead before kneeling to the floor, gripping Merlin’s hands and looking up at him desperately:
"-You are Emrys, Lord of the Druids, and Conduit for all magic of this world. Not some servant that an entitled brat can toss around and treat lesser than the dirt he walks on. You are my King, our King. Not him.-”
He stands again and grips Merlin’s arms tightly, most likely leaving more bruises in place of the ones he had healed.
Merlin doesn’t notice the pain, but shakes his head stutteringly, still crying.
“-Do not let your people lose you to Arthur, as Arthur lost himself to Uther. To give up on him is painful, but the screams of your kin, burning for their gifts, echoing in your skull day and night?-”
The Druid’s hands move up to grip the sides of Merlin’s head, and he shakes him ever so slightly, his tone frantic and pleading:
“-That is worse. That is pain he will never understand, and certainly never care for. Join me, please my Lord I beg you, for our people.”
One of the Druid’s hands slides lower, to softly cup Merlin’s cheek again, but the other drops entirely.
The knights have never resented being magically gagged more than in this moment. They could do nothing but watch on in horror as the man summons a dagger behind his back.
The Druid is clearly waiting on his response, and Merlin is too distraught to notice the consequences of a wrong answer, tears flowing quickly down his face and ugly sobs forcing their way out of his throat.
Arthur watches in terror, knowing that this was his fault, that every shitty, selfish decision he had ever made had to led to this point. And the knights knew it too.
All they can do is pray to every deity they know the name of, that Arthur has done enough damage for Merlin to say yes. And oh, what a terrible thing to pray for.
The Druid softly strokes Merlin’s cheekbone with his thumb as the Warlock takes a deep breath, trying to calm himself. He looks up, meeting the gaze of the man opposite him before croaking:
“I... I can’t. Arthur is a good man, I have faith that he will-”
Before he can finish his sentence, the dagger is thrust up into his chest, his words stuttering to a stop and his red-rimmed eyes growing wide at the sudden, agonising pain spreading throughout his body.
Merlin is vaguely aware of the knights pulling roughly at their chains, but he pays them no mind as blood gurgles up his throat and he frowns, struggling to hear what the Druid was whispering in his ear:
“Then you have forsaken your people, and so I shall forsake you. Traitor.”
With that, Merlin is dropped roughly to the floor, dagger still imbedded in his chest as he lands on his side. Blood spills from both his mouth and the wound, eyes unfocused but heavy as the tears continue to overflow.
The knights are silently screaming, thrashing against their chains as their friend chokes, but Merlin ignores them in favour of smiling gently at the soft feeling of nothing, growing outwards from his chest.
He frowns once more, as though remembering something, and his eyes go glassy as two words escape from his mouth, barely a whisper:
“I’m... sorry...”
An apology to whom, no one knows, but with those last words his body goes completely still, the pool of blood still expanding beneath him, and his eyes unseeingly staring just to the left of The King.
No one in the room can tear their eyes from Merlin’s pale corpse, face now a mess of tears and blood.
The Druid looks down at him with an odd mix of contempt, and genuine sorrow. He had obviously waited long enough that his resentment of Arthur had bled into his feelings for his so-called saviour, but still grieved for what could have been.
The Knights look at him in horror, all understanding that they had never been lucky, they had just had Merlin. He had never asked for thanks, or recognition, or reward. He had kept them all safe, at great expense to himself, and now he was dead.
Lancelot seems the... calmest, though he still cries like the rest of them. He had, in theory, known of the pain Merlin was in, but had he known it was plaguing him to this extent... well perhaps he wouldn’t have been so loyal to Arthur.
Arthur himself stares at Merlin with nothing but terror and agonising grief. He had done this. If he had just let Merlin explain, if he had just given him five minutes, instead of bruises and nightmares and fear, then he would still be alive. 
If he hadn’t been so selfish and cruel, perhaps hundreds of people, just like Merlin, just as scared and innocent as Merlin, would also be alive. 
Merlin had spent his entire time in Camelot trying to convince Arthur that he wasn’t his father... and Arthur had gone and proven him wrong at every turn. And even then Merlin still had faith, still called him a good man.
The silencing spell still has hold over the knights, so they cry and scream and thrash soundlessly as the Druid finally rips his gaze from the body at his feet.
He steps carefully around Merlin to stand in front of Arthur. The sorrow clears from his face, leaving only contempt and rage left to be directed at the man in front of him. Arthur does not look up, keeping his tear stained face focused on the floor, even as the Druid begins to speak:
“You see what you have done, Arthur Pendragon? You think magic is the thing that corrupts, but it is not. It is you. Emrys was meant to be a saviour, a God, a guiding light to help our people to safety, but you tainted him, reduced him to nothing more than a sad, scared boy, and then reduced him further, to a corpse. My hands are clean of blood Pendragon, but yours?? Oh, yours are drenched in it.”
Arthur slowly lifts his distraught gaze to the Druid, but quickly widens his eyes at what he sees.
Merlin stands behind the Druid, eyes glowing golden, tears once more streaming down his face as he grips the handle of the dagger, still buried in his chest.
The bloodstains grow even larger as he grimaces slightly and pulls it free, before wordlessly forcing it through the Druid’s back.
The man lets out a sudden gasp, and looks down to see just the tip of the blade poking out where his heart should be. He gargles something, words that no one can make out, before Merlin pulls the dagger out again, and his body crumples to the floor.
The knights and Arthur can feel the silencing spell release them, but none of them make even a noise as they stare in shock at their tormented, but very much alive, friend.
Merlin drops the dagger from his hand and it lands with a splash in the mixing puddles of blood, before he himself falls harshly to his knees.
The others finally break out of their stupor, once again pulling towards their friend. Their cries and shouts of his name can be heard by everyone but him as he leans forward, placing his forehead against that of the lifeless Druid.
His cries grow erratic again as he whispers apology after apology, and every heart breaks even more at the sight before them.
They know why he apologises, they know why he grieves, even over a man who had tried to... had succeeded in killing him. The death of yet another of his own kind who was sick of waiting, who was rightfully angry, was not something to be celebrated.
They had thought, at the beginning of this, that they would get through whatever the Druid threw at them, they always did. But this, the brokenness of one of their dearest friends, was not something that looks fixable.
Merlin finally sits up again and he sobs louder, still deaf and blind to those around him. Lancelot has just enough time to yell at the others to cover their eyes, as a gut-wrenching scream escapes the Warlock.
They’re almost blinded, even with their eyes tightly shut and their arms thrown up. The scream is the loudest, and most anguished they’ve ever heard, and the force in which Merlin releases his magic completely eviscerates the hut they had been chained in.
Each of them is thrown violently backwards, and their chains crumble to the floor with the rest of the building as they try to find purchase on the ground. None of them are hurt too badly, and they’re grateful for the fact that even in this state, Merlin’s magic seems incapable of really causing them any damage.
The scream ends, and the knights look up to see Merlin sat in the middle of the crater he had created, staring blankly into the middle distance. Tears still stream down his face, but he doesn’t move and he makes no sound, just kneels there with his blood soaked hands on his lap, palms towards the sky.
It takes a few moments for the knights to regain their senses, but once they do, all hell breaks loose.
Gwaine immediately gets to his feet and makes a rush towards Arthur, fully intending on throttling him, screaming obscenities as he went, but Percival and Elyan jump forward, grabbing an arm each and dragging him away as he curses the King and the Sky and the Gods.
As much as Percival and Elyan were not impartial to killing Arthur right now, Merlin was the priority, and as much as he may have deserved it, Merlin would never forgive them if they hurt the King.
Arthur seems to be unaware of the attempt on his life made by one of his most trusted knights, and just stares blankly at an equally blank Merlin.
Lancelot and Leon make a bee-line for the Warlock, but stop just short of touching him, not knowing how he would react. 
Leon nods gently at Lancelot, clearly having picked up that this knight had already known at least part of the story. Lancelot returns his nod, before moving forward slowly. The body of the Druid lays untouched at Merlin’s knees, and the knight removes his cloak, laying it over him, before reaching a slow hand towards Merlin’s shoulder.
He finally makes contact after a little hesitation, whispering his name as gently and as comfortingly as he is able with tears still leaking from his eyes.
Merlin doesn’t react at all to Lancelot’s touch, not even when he takes his bloody hand, or shakes his shoulder slightly; just sits and stares and cries.
Leon gulps before reaching forward himself. He grabs the dagger from besides Merlin and tosses it behind him (he didn’t like to think about that action too much. He has no idea what state his friend is in right now, best to not have any sharp instruments within his reach when he came to.) before lifting his hand to wipe away the man’s tears.
Arthur stares upon all of this in horror from his position sprawled on the floor a few metres away.
Elyan and Percival have just about managed to calm Gwaine, and they begin making their way to Leon, Lancelot, and Merlin, but before they get even halfway there, Arthur finally speaks.
His voice breaks, and is barely audible, but everyone hears him nonetheless as he murmurs:
“I did this...”
Gwaine makes another run at him, regaining his anger, and Percival and Elyan just about manage to grab him before he commits regicide.
Lancelot and Leon look up at him sharply, but when Lancelot lowers his gaze and continues to try and rouse Merlin, Leon holds the King’s gaze, and says strongly:
“Yes. Yes you did, My Lord.”
Arthur’s face crumbles even more, and Leon glares at him with venom for a few more seconds, before giving Lancelot a soft pat on the back, and walking towards the other three.
He mumbles a few harsh things that only Gwaine can hear, who responds at first with more anger, but then resignation. The First Knight gives the man a pat on the back and nods knowingly at Elyan and Percival. No one, not even Gwaine, pretends to miss the meaning of “be ready to catch him again” in the gesture.
Arthur stays in his position on the floor as the four of them walk softly towards Merlin and Lancelot, but before they get there, everyone’s gazes are drawn to the shadow in the sky, getting closer and closer.
It moves with an alarming place, and their anger at Arthur is momentarily forgotten as he scrambles up and screams:
Gwaine, Elyan, Percival and Arthur rush forward to stand between the beast and the other three. They have no armour or weapons, but like hell were they just going to let it get to them.
Lancelot looks up to see the white, horse sized beast land heavily in front of The King, his eyes widen and he jumps up, rushing forward to push between the others.
Leon moves to hold a still unresponsive Merlin behind his back protectively, but frowns in confusion when Lancelot yells at Arthur (who had been about to run at the beast):
“NO! No don’t hurt her! She’s Merlin’s, don’t hurt her!”
Everyone looks at him in confusion and fear as he slowly approaches the Dragon, she had been growling lowly at first, but seemed to perk up when she saw Lancelot.
Lancelot gives her a small smile, and holds his hand out, allowing her to come to him, before quietly saying:
“I’ve never been more glad to see you, Aithusa. Merlin is over here.”
He turns back towards the others, and calmly, but forcefully says:
“Move. She needs to see him.”
Gwaine nods after a moment, trusting Lancelot, and moves out of the way. Arthur goes to argue, but Elyan and Percival roughly shove him to the side, clearing a path to Merlin and Leon for Lancelot and the new, slightly terrifying, arrival.
Leon looks up fearfully, still in front of Merlin protectively. He stares at the Dragon for a few moments, breathing deeply, before looking up at Lancelot. Lancelot gives him a weak smile, and a nod before saying quietly:
“He’s a Dragon-Lord. She can help him, it’s ok.”
Leon gulps, before nodding, and stepping out of the way. He doesn’t move too far, obviously still affected by his last encounter with a Dragon, and watches with unconcealed suspicion as Aithusa prances around Lancelot at his nod.
The others crowd closer as well, looking on in confusion, awe, suspicion, as Aithusa slowly approaches Merlin.
She lays down at his side, gently pressing her head onto Merlin’s hands, still in his lap. Her mouth opens and Leon gasps as she blows a gentle mist up into his face. Merlin’s back straightens and the knights can see his eyes come back into focus as he blinks.
They all stare with bated breath as he gulps, and begins to notice his surroundings; looking in fear at the crater around him.
Merlin is broken from his growing panic as Aithusa chirps softly from his lap, and his head whips down, only now noticing her.
The knights let out a collective breath as he smiles, very slightly and very briefly, but still; after what they had just seen him go through they would take anything. He leans his head down, and wraps his arms around the creature. She chirps once again, louder this time, as she uses her tail to push away the forgotten Druid’s corpse. 
She curls her body around Merlin protectively, and he collapses even further into the semi-embrace she’s giving him. The knights smile slightly, relieved that Merlin seems responsive, and safe, before they take slow steps towards the two of them.
She whips her head up quickly and growls at them, digging her front claws into the ground. They take in sudden breaths and stop moving, wary, but she stops growling when she looks to Lancelot.
The others stare on in shock and confusion as she tilts her head slightly, and Lancelot nods as he quietly says:
“They’re friends, it’s ok.”
The creature seems to nod, and the others follow behind Lancelot as he begins moving towards Merlin again.
He crouches down, and gives Aithusa a well-received scratch on the chin, before he gently places a hand between Merlin’s shoulder-blades.
Percival, Elyan, Gwaine, and finally Leon follow suit, sitting carefully next to the Dragon, but unlike Lancelot, they don’t touch her, or Merlin. She may seem safe and loving and on their side, but she was still a Dragon.
Arthur moves a little slower, not sure if he’s welcome (he’s not) but when he gets within five feet of the group huddled on the floor, Aithusa lifts her head and growls again.
Elyan and Percival are shocked at the sudden movement, but Gwaine smirks, and Leon nods his head approvingly (though he’s still understandably... nervous). Lancelot looks back at a shocked and still tear-stricken Arthur, and speaks. His voice is quiet, but his tone is vicious:
“They have a mental link; she sees what he sees. It might be best, Your Majesty, for you to stay away.”
He doesn’t bother to watch Arthur’s reaction; he turns back and begins carding a soft hand through Merlin’s hair. He flinches only slightly before relaxing under the soft ministrations, and Aithusa gives Lancelot an affectionate lick on the arm.
The other knights do see the way that Arthur flinches, before he gives a shaky nod and takes a few steps back. He goes to say something, but the tears in his eyes overflow, and he turns to walk away.
Gwaine’s smirk grows slightly before he drops it entirely and turns back to the others, no longer caring what Arthur got up to. He is the first of the knights, other than Lancelot, to be brave enough to reach a hand forward and stroke Aithusa gently.
Elyan and Percival hesitatingly follow his lead, and Aithusa chirps happily at the attention. Leon’s gaze follows Arthur as he walks towards the horses.
They were far away, well out of the way of Merlin’s blast, but even with the distance Leon could see they were shaken. Thankfully they had been tied to the trees, otherwise he’s certain they would have bolted.
Leon finds it only slightly surprising that he feels no sympathy for the King. There’s only so much you can forgive a man for. When Arthur finally reaches the horses and begins untacking them, he looks away, back to Aithusa and Merlin.
Everyone can tell that Camelot’s First Knight is still rather shaken at the presence of the Dragon, but when Merlin looks up slightly to see him still sat there, unwilling to leave him, his heart swells a little.
Leon meets his gaze and gulps, but returns Merlin’s shaky smile.
The other knights smile as well, glad that Merlin was feeling at least a little better, and Percival speaks quietly, not wanting to spook him (or the Dragon):
“Hey, there’s our lucky charm.”
The other knights give him questioning looks but Merlin just chuckles slightly, before sitting up properly, and focusing his attention on running his fingers over Aithusa’s scales, picking out grass and mud.
Percival looks indignant before replying, as if it were the most obvious thing in the world:
“What? You honestly thought that tree branches only fell if there was a fight happening, and then only fell on the enemies?? The rock-falls? The fires even when it was pouring with rain?? The miraculous solutions to end-of-the-world type problems?? Come on, guys.”
The others look taken aback at that, but Lancelot just smiles knowingly. They all look to Merlin, who has managed to wipe the blood from his face with his sleeve, and he just shrugs slightly.
The rest of them, bar Leon, let out small huffs of laughter, and continue to stroke Aithusa, knowing that Merlin almost certainly isn’t ready for an actual conversation yet.
Merlin looks at Leon’s pale form assessingly, before a look of realisation crosses his face. The knight is tense, and staring at Aithusa’s sharp teeth with worry, but his gaze is quickly drawn to Merlin when he reaches a shaky hand towards him.
Merlin gives him an understanding smile, and crooks his fingers, encouraging the curly-haired knight to take his hand. Leon does so, and his breath hitches as Merlin lowers their intertwined hand to rest on the top of Aithusa’s head.
Leon lets out a slow breath as he feels Elyan’s supportive hand on his back, but relaxes fully when he sees the sparkle in Merlin’s eyes. Anything to make their Warlock happy in this moment. And forever, probably.
Gwaine looks at Leon out of the corner of his eye, and says lowly:
“I’m fairly certain I’m going to try and kill him if I look at him again, so what’s the King up to?”
Merlin tenses slightly, but Leon squeezes his hand and he relaxes again. Lancelot raises and eyebrow and before Leon can reply, he says:
“What, no princess?”
Gwaine narrows his eyes before gruffly saying:
“Princess was an affectionate nickname, and I’m not feeling all that affectionate towards him right now.”
The others nod knowingly, turning their attention back to Merlin and Aithusa. Leon leaves his hand in Merlin’s, but looks at Gwaine before saying lowly:
“He went to deal with the horses. Now we know we no longer need a quick get-away, they need untacking and feeding and watering. They were pretty spooked by... they were pretty spooked.”
Leon looks back at Merlin when his hand gets squeezed, to see him frowning slightly. Leon catches his eye and gives him a small smile, but Merlin just gets teary-eyed again, before sniffing and muttering:
“I’m sorry. I didn’t mean to I just... I’m sorry.”
Only a single tear has time to fall before Lancelot has his hand on Merlin’s shoulder again (comfortingly), and Elyan has his hand on Gwaine’s shoulder (forcefully). Leon shakes his head softly, and responds in a gentle voice:
“You don’t have anything to apologise for Merlin, we are the ones who should be sorry, for not being able to protect you.”
Merlin’s frown deepens, and he goes to retort, but Gwaine beats him to it, obviously trying to keep the anger out of his voice:
“From the so-called Druid and from him. We should have done better.”
Leon can feel Merlin’s hand begin to shake, so he squeezes it once more as Merlin shakes his head and speaks, his voice sounding stronger already:
“It’s not his fault. He was just shaken and scared and I should have-”
Gwaine clenches his jaw, struggling to keep control of his rage, but Elyan grips his shoulder tighter in warning, and replies in his stead, interrupting Merlin:
“There’s no excuse Merlin. All of us have been attacked by magic, but equally, all of us have been attacked by swords. I mean look at Leon, giving Dragons a second chance after what happened. I would perhaps understand brief anger, but there is no way to justify laying his hands on you in such a way that leaves bruises, and certainly no justification for putting a blade to your throat.”
Merlin frowns, and looks like he wants to argue, but once again, a knight beats him to it, Lancelot this time:
“No, Merls. We know how much he means to you. But what he did was wrong, there’s no rationalisation. We all know that you’ve already forgiven him, and that’s why we can’t yet. Probably not for a while.”
Merlin sighs, looking pained, and Leon uses his other hand to tilt his chin up:
“Not to say that we won’t ever forgive him. But someone has to be angry at him for what he’s done, and Lord knows you aren’t gonna do it. Consider us your stand-ins.”
Merlin smiles slightly, and Leon considers that a win, returning the smile and nodding slightly to himself, before looking back down at the Dragon, now seemingly asleep, and purring, on Merlin’s lap.
Elyan releases the death grip on Gwaine’s shoulder, when the now much calmer knight, with a smile on his face, says:
“So... you have a Dragon??”
Merlin chuckles fondly, before looking to him and saying quietly:
“Yeah. Her name is Aithusa. I’m surprised she came alone, Kilgharrah usually doesn’t like it when she runs off.”
Lancelot winces slightly as the other knights look shocked, before Percival says:
“Kil-what-now? There’s another one??”
Merlin grimaces slightly, before looking to Leon worriedly and tightening the grip on his hand:
“Uhh... yeah. Kilgharrah is the name of the Dragon that... attacked Camelot a few years ago.-”
Leon straightens his back and gulps, but doesn’t remove his hand from Merlin’s, nodding at him to continue:
“-I didn’t have control over him until right at the end. I told him to leave and never come back, unless I called him-”
Lancelot makes a noise of realisation as he nods, and interrupts Merlin:
“That’s probably why Aithusa came alone. You didn’t call for her, and technically we’re still within Camelot’s borders. He couldn’t come even if he wanted to. Poor sod is probably clomping around at the edge of the border freaking out.”
Merlin looks to Lancelot and nods, satisfied to feel Leon relax a bit, before looking back to the First Knight apologetically:
“-He does feel really bad at that. He just wanted to get back at Uther for the whole... genocide thing I guess. But that’s no excuse. I just didn’t want to be the one to be responsible for killing the last Dragon, even if Kilgharrah personally might’ve deserved it at the time. That was all before Aithusa came along.”
Everyone nods in understanding, before focussing their attention back on Aithusa. She really was like a giant puppy, even if they had to be wary to avoid her claws as she twitched in her sleep.
Merlin sighs, looking forlorn once again as he realises how exhausted he is, knowing that they’re going to have to get up and make camp at some point. 
He can cope with an awkward, tense silence between him and Arthur easily enough, that’s what the last few weeks had consisted of. But an awkward and tense silence between everyone? Elyan and Percival inwardly fuming? Gwaine outwardly fuming? Leon and Lancelot being all protective? He’s not sure he can deal with that.
At Merlin’s sigh, Lancelot tilts his head to catch his eye. His brow creases as he says softly:
“What is it, Merls?”
Merlin looks up, still squeezing Leon’s hand, before quietly replying:
“Nothing, I’m just tired. We have to re-make camp at some point and I’m not sure if I can deal with everyone being so...”
He waves his free hand around loosely, and Lancelot huffs out a laugh, before kicking Gwaine, getting everyone’s attention:
“We have to go make camp. But Merlin is exhausted, and doesn’t want to deal with any of this shit tonight, so we’re all going to have to play nice for the time being.”
Gwaine growls, and quickly retorts:
“Like hell am I gonna treat him with-”
Lancelot kicks him again, harder this time, and Elyan replaces the harsh hand on his shoulder before forcefully saying:
“Right now, it doesn’t matter what Arthur deserves. Merlin needs peace and quiet, and that’s what we’re going to give him.”
Gwaine grumbles, but begrudgingly nods, and Merlin gives him a grateful smile. 
The knights all stand up, and Merlin shakes Aithusa awake, giving a small chuckle when she stretches like a cat.
Once she takes her weight off of his lap, Merlin follows the knights to stand, almost falling over at the weakness in his legs. Leon and Lancelot catch an arm each, steadying him as he shuts his eyes tightly, willing the dizziness away.
He feels a hand wipe the hair from his forehead, and opens his eyes slowly to see Percival checking him over with an assessing gaze:
“I’m fine, just tired, a little dizzy.”
Lancelot nods in understanding, humming slightly:
“Hmm. I’m not surprised, you haven’t done anything this big in a while, and I doubt you’ve slept well in the last few weeks.”
Merlin gives him a sheepish look as he shakes his head, but it’s Elyan’s questioning gaze that Lancelot responds to:
“I found out by accident when I first met him. Our Warlock isn’t very good at keeping secrets.”
He says it with a small smirk as he looks back down to Merlin, who’s looking indignant:
“Hey! I managed to keep everyone else from finding out.”
Gwaine looks guilty as he raises his arm quietly:
“Actually uh... I knew. I mean not about the whole Emrys, prophecy thing. But the magic stuff, yeah.”
Merlin looks at him, shocked. The other knights share his expression for just a moment before they laugh at the look on Merlin’s face:
Gwaine puts his arm down and laughs again:
“Mate... we met in the middle of a tavern fight, in which shit started literally flying about the moment you joined in.-”
He shrugged, before casually continuing:
“-I figured you would tell me when you wanted to. Until then, it wasn’t my secret to know. You also have me to thank for backing you up every time The Prick asked if I saw you at the tavern.”
Merlin laughed and nodded his thanks, before looking over to where said Prick was setting up camp, a few metres beyond the edge of the crater.
His face fell slightly and the others follow his gaze, tensing slightly in anger when they saw what he was looking at. Merlin takes his arms from Leon and Lancelot, finally feeling steady on his feet, before quietly saying:
“Come on, we might as well get this over with. I’m starving, and tired, and Aithusa will get bored if we don’t start entertaining her.”
Everyone turns around to see Aithusa (now she was sure that her Lord was ok), prancing about in the crater; chasing birds and digging holes.
Merlin raises an eyebrow and everyone else chuckles slightly. Gwaine pushes Lancelot out of the way and takes Merlin’s hand, beginning to walk determinedly towards camp. Everyone catches up quickly, Leon taking Merlin’s other hand when the man had reached out to grab his cape.
Gwaine looks down at Merlin, seeing how nervous he is, and says:
“So. How long until she’s big enough to be ridden? I want you to take me flying, Merlin.”
Merlin chuckles, and looks back to see Aithusa happily trailing them:
“Not for a while. Dragons grow slow, so it’ll be another few years at least. Plus she’s got some issues with bone growth that we’re still trying to fix. She’ll be fine in the long run, but her development is taking a lot longer than normal. She still can’t speak.”
Everyone stops at that, and Merlin’s arms get yanked back when he continued walking. He turns to see Leon giving him an incredulous look:
“Dragons can speak?!”
Merlin tilts his head in confusion, before laughing and tugging them forwards again:
“Yeah. I forget that Uther basically erased all knowledge on Dragons, but they’re just as intelligent as we are. Kilgharrah would like to think that they’re more intelligent, but he’s always been a cryptic, egotistical bastard.-”
The others follow his pace and nod, but the mood darkens as they almost reach the camp. Merlin continues faintly, but quickly:
“I’ll tell you everything I know when... when we get back.”
Leon squeezes his hand, knowing that he was about to say “if”, assuring him that “when” is the right word.
Arthur looks up at the group and gulps from his place next to the fire. He straightens up, the anxiety showing clearly on his face, but before anyone can say anything, Aithusa jumps in between him.
He falls back at the sudden movement and she begins to growl; he widens his eyes as she stalks slowly towards him.
Gwaine smirks again, the others managing to keep their faces blank, but Merlin looks shocked, before he jumps forward and puts a hand on the Dragon’s back:
“Aithusa no. He’s a... friend. It’s ok, he’s-”
Arthur jumps to his feet and interrupts him:
“No, no it’s fine. I’ll... go... sit over there.”
He gestures behind him, and walks quickly away from the fire, sitting just within the fire’s light, the evening dimming around them.
Aithusa tilts her head, snaps her jaws at him once more before completely changing disposition. She begins bouncing around the fire, chirping happily and playfully trying to catch floating embers in her claws.
Merlin smiles slightly and the other knights (bar Gwaine, who is glaring very pointedly at Arthur) chuckle at her antics, before they all sit in a semi circle on the opposite side of the fire to Arthur, Merlin in the middle.
The Warlock is once again wedged protectively between Leon and Gwaine, and he fiddles softly with Leon’s cape in his lap as he stares fondly at Aithusa.
Elyan moves to the packs, unloading food and water and cooking pots. Merlin gets up to help, but Gwaine pulls him back down by the hand and holds on firmly as he says:
“You’ve been through enough. We can put up with Elyan’s shitty cooking for a couple nights.”
Merlin tries to pull away with a “But I can-” but Leon grabs his other hand, holding him down and interrupting:
“Absolutely not. You said yourself that you’re tired. If Elyan needs help, he can ask one of us.”
Merlin huffs sulkily and Leon laughs, stroking the back of his hand protectively.
Leon had known Merlin just as long as Arthur had, and whilst they had virtually nothing to do with each other the first few years, they were still friendly acquaintances, even then. Leon knew full well that it was Merlin who would have a hot meal left in his room after a late patrol, and Merlin always appreciated how Leon kept as many weapons in the armoury in as good nick as possible, so Merlin didn’t have to deal with it.
Besides, even before they knew each other’s names, Leon always found Merlin’s reactions to Arthur’s stupidity funny. He could hardly say it out loud, being the Perfect Knight and all, but he always thought it was a good thing that Arthur had someone at his side keeping him humble, and calling him out in ways no one else would.
Of course they had gotten much closer over the years, as did all of the knights, thanks to Merlin. Currently, Leon was feeling just a tinge of regret at being so grateful for Merlin’s presence at Arthur’s side; he had never really thought about how difficult being that man’s babysitter would be, especially now he knew Merlin had magic. And some sort of destiny.
Time passes fairly quickly whilst Elyan cooks, the others taking to heart what Lancelot had said and trying to keep a quiet, but easy conversation going.
They ask Merlin various questions about Aithusa, Kilgharrah, the Druids, the weird name that he had been called. He answered them all easily enough, but they notice the way he hesitates when they ask about his magic specifically or the prophecies, so they steer clear of those topics.
They’ll definitely want to know the whole story eventually, and they’re practically buzzing with desperation to ask Merlin to show them something magical, but they know that now is not the time.
Dinner is finally served, and despite Gwaine’s statement, it wasn’t actually that bad. Mainly because every time Elyan went to add something to the pot, he would look back desperately at Merlin, and took into account the shakes and nods of his head with a grateful smile.
He did struggle to cover the scowl on his face when he delivered Arthur’s bowl to him, replying to The King’s quiet “thank you, Elyan” with an even quieter “don’t mention it” .
Dinner was eaten quickly and in silence. They hadn’t been unconscious for long, and hour or two at most, but they had all worked up an understandable appetite, Merlin especially. He would never ask for seconds, but knowing that, Elyan gave him an extra big serving without a word.
They entertained themselves after dinner by throwing the last scraps of meat to Aithusa, watching her jump and flip and fly about the camp. Merlin had objected at first, but gave in when he saw the small grin on Leon’s face, and heard the way the others were laughing. The City was only a few days ride away, they could always hunt on the way back.
It didn’t take long for her to tire out and curl up at Merlin’s feet to sleep. Like Merlin had mentioned, Aithusa was developing slowly, and she normally couldn’t fly very far; it must’ve taken a huge amount of energy and effort for her to get all the way here. But like the Knights, she was very protective, and there was no way she could not check on her Lord, after she and Kilgharrah had felt the anguish he was in.
As Kilgharrah once again crosses Merlin’s mind, he sighs, and makes mental note to call him in the morning, when he had more energy.
Merlin is distracted from his thoughts when the camp goes silent all of a sudden, and Gwaine reaches over to squeeze his hand. He looks up in worry, to see that Arthur had stood, and walked a little closer, though he made sure to stay the other side of the fire.
Merlin tenses slightly. He tries not to let it show, but he can knows that he failed when he feels Leon’s hand firmly in the middle of his back. Hidden from the others, but a silent reassurance.
Arthur gulps, obviously nervous, but he meets Merlin’s gaze, flinching at the slight fear in his eyes:
“Merlin, I know nothing I say will-”
He’s interrupted by Gwaine growling and standing suddenly, stepping in front of Merlin protectively, but it’s Lancelot’s harsh words that cut him off fully:
“Not tonight, Arthur. We’re all tired and angry so just... not tonight.”
Arthur clenches his jaw, and blinks away tears before nodding:
“Yes, I... I understand.”
With that, he sniffles slightly before taking a step back. He looks to the floor as he mumbles something about checking the perimeter, before slowly walking away from the camp, into the night.
Merlin lets out a breath he hadn’t realised he’d been holding, and relaxes slightly as Leon runs his hand over his back. Gwaine stares after Arthur for a few moments, deliberating on whether or not to follow him (and presumably, kick his ass). Merlin reaching up to take his hand and pull him back down makes his mind up, and he settles back into his seat, Merlin’s small hand clasped between his two larger ones.
Percival speaking up breaks the tense silence:
“It’s late and Lance is right, we’re all tired. If we want to make quick work of the journey home, and have time to hunt, then we should get some sleep.”
Murmurs of agreement float up around the group, and Gwaine, voice still tense and angry, says:
“I’ll take first-”
But he’s quickly interrupted by Elyan, softly laughing:
“Absolutely not, Gwaine. If you’re left alone we’ll all wake to find the King dead in the morning.”
Gwaine raises a challenging eyebrow, not denying anything, and Elyan huffs, Percival muttering:
“Fine. But I’m taking it with you so you don’t get a chance to smother him.”
Gwaine gives a sarcastic looking smile, before ruffling Merlin’s hair fondly and walking towards the fire. He adds another log, grabs his bedroll, and settles down against a tree, Percival sitting at his side.
Everyone else gathers their rolls, and whilst normally they spread out, they all seem rather desperate to stay as close to Merlin as possible.
Normally he would complain, they all snore, and Merlin is definitely expecting nightmares tonight, but he can’t find it in himself to send them away, and to be perfectly honest, he's certain that they would just move back the moment he closed his eyes anyway.
The Warlock finds himself tucked under Lancelot’s arm, with Leon a respectful distance away on his other side, though still within arm’s reach. Elyan settles somewhere below his feet, and for the first time in weeks, Merlin finds himself fully relaxed. 
Aithusa sleepily moves from her spot by Merlin’s feet, to curl up with Gwaine and Percival, and Merlin smiles at the thought that she not only trusts his friends in general, but trusts them enough to leave Merlin in their care. Dragons are protective and possessive creatures, and that trust speaks volumes.
Merlin is still a little miserable, and he almost resents himself for still being scared of Arthur despite his obvious regret, but... with all that happened... well. You can’t really blame him.
He’s got a gaggle of very protective knights around him, one of which he can vaguely hear trying to persuade another to commit regicide when no one was looking.
He has time to huff out a small laugh as Lancelot pulls him closer, before he drifts off; much quicker than he thought he would. He was comforted by the warmth behind him, the presence at his feet, the guardians watching over him, and the hand reaching towards him in the dark, just about close enough to lay fingers over Merlin’s heartbeat.
No nightmares plague him that night, and he doesn’t even wake to the warning growls sent Arthur’s way when he eventually returned to camp.
The next few days, hell, the next few months would probably be difficult, but he finds himself not as anxious now he knows he won’t have to face it alone.
I don’t think I’ll write a part two to this, but if someone wants to extend it, feel free, same as normal: credit and tag me :)
I’ve had the whole speech written out in full in my phone notes for like two months, but only recently got round to actually turning it into anything. I hope ya’ll enjoyed it!! I wanted to write something hella angsty so....
I’m fairly certain whatever I write next will be the dead opposite of this (FLUFF fluff) but honestly who knows.
Let me know if there’s anything specific you want my thoughts on :)
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razieltwelve · 2 years
Training (Final Rose x Pokemon)
Pikachu dragged himself over to Ash and gave his best friend and trainer and an exhausted but contented smile. “Pika...”
“Hey, Pikachu.” Ash picked him up, heedless of the dirt and grime that covered him. “You’ve been working really hard.”
“Pika pika.”
Last year, Ash had finally faced Leon for the title of World Champion, but they had lost. Leon’s Charizard had proven to be too much for them. 
But this year... this year it would be different. Pikachu would make sure of it. After hearing that they’d be going to the Oerba Region, Pikachu had all but begged Ash to let him spend time with the Pikachu Hit Squad and at the ranch. If Charizard was Leon’s ace, then Pikachu was Ash’s. Pikachu wanted to make sure that he never let Ash down again.
Oh, he knew that Ash didn’t think that way. Ash had never blamed him for the loss. Instead, Ash had blamed himself. But Pikachu never wanted to see Ash that disappointed again. To be so close to his dream and then fall short at the final hurdle...
This year, Ash would win. Pikachu would make sure of it.
Pikachu’s time with the Hit Squad had been gruelling. They had run him into the ground with both Thunder Bat and Zap taking personal charge of his training. Day after day, exercise after exercise, they had pushed Pikachu to his limits and beyond. Over and over again, Pikachu had exhausted himself, and over and over again, he had found a way to exceed his limits.
Pikachu could honestly say that he had never been as strong or as fast as he was now, and his endurance and agility had massively increased too. He felt powerful in a way he never had, as though his body was at its absolute peak.
But even with that increase in power, his training at the ranch with Pachirisu still left him exhausted and barely able to crawl back each day. After hearing that Pikachu had survived the Hit Squad’s training and received approval from Thunder Bat and Zap, Diana had come with Pachirisu.
“If you’re going to get training,” Diana had said. “You’ll be getting it from the best rodent in the business.”
Pikachu had always looked up to Pachirisu. Despite his size, the pokemon was often Diana’s lead pokemon. The Murder Squirrel was renowned for his fighting prowess, particularly his sheer determination and guts and his ability to use a broad variety of moves.
Pachirisu’s training was harsh and brutal. There was no room for weakness or doubt, no room for hesitation or self-pity. There was only courage and determination, unrelenting fury and focused rage. Pachirisu had learned how to take his emotions and turn them into strength.
Pikachu was learning the same thing, and he was learning firsthand what it meant to really fight rather than simply battle.
Pikachu was also learning water moves. He hadn’t been sure if he could do it, but he had managed to pull it off after watching and learning from Pachirisu. True, he’d almost killed himself doing it the first time, but he was getting better at it, and being able to use water would give him a much better chance of protecting himself against Charizard’s flames.
He doubted he would ever be as good at it as Pachirisu, but he was hoping to get good enough to use Rain Dance. Pachirisu could do it, and Pikachu was hoping he could too if he trained hard enough. Even if it wasn’t perfect, a partial rain dance would give him a tremendous edge against Charizard.
“Come on.” Ash tightened his hold on Pikachu ever so slightly. “You look just about done for the day.”
“Pika pika.”
“We’ll get you cleaned up, and then we can have something to eat.”
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swanqueeneverafter · 4 years
Sins of the Past Pt.26
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Wonderland. Lizard's Home. (While the streets are filled with people celebrating the Caterpillar’s arrest, Lizard stands staring out of her window wistfully as Will enters.) Lizard: “Are you enjoying yourself?” Will: (Staggers:) “It might be the best night of my life. They’ve arrested the Caterpillar and his goons. I’m a free man.” Lizard: (Smiles:) “I heard.” Will: (Closing the door:) “Which begs the question what are you doing in here all by yourself? (Lizard says nothing:) Oh, I get it. I think I understand what's going on here. (Walks over to her and speaks in her ear:) You fancy someone. I knew it! All right. Out with it. Name the lucky bloke out there who caught your eye.” Lizard: “I'll never tell.” (Lizard gets up and walks to the other side of the room.) Will: “Hang on, I’m Mr. Fix It. I know a thing or two about helping women in love get what they want.” Lizard: (Scoffs:) “You can't make anyone fall in love with me.” Will: “Well no, but I can help in other ways, make him notice you. I mean really notice you.” Lizard: “Well, you tell me, then. (Pokes him in the chest playfully:) What makes you notice a girl?” Will: “Me? Let me think...confidence. Confidence is a terribly sexy quality in a woman.” Lizard: “All right. What else?” (She circles him.) Will: “Passion. Spontaneity. Willing to take chances, explore new places, and style. She should really know how to wear a dress. And a naughty streak don't hurt. But it all comes down to this; when I see her, it feels like fireworks are going off.” Lizard: “Fireworks?” Will: “Fireworks. Because without that, there's nothing.” Lizard: “All right, then. I want that. I want all of that.” (Lizard reaches into her pocket and pulls out a small red diamond.) Will: “What’s that?” Lizard: (Holding up the diamond:) “This is my wish. The Oracle gave this to me as payment for bringing Ella to her.” Will: “She what?” Lizard: “And now I’m going to use it to make my dreams come true.” Will: “Lizard, wait! (Lizard closes her eyes and squeezes her hand tightly around the wish. Disappearing and then reappearing in a cloud of smoke, Lizard stands before Will wearing a beautiful white dress. Impressed:) All right, then. Let's go out there and show these lads the girl they've been missing.” Lizard: “I'd rather stay in here.” Will: “Oh, come on! What are you so afraid of?” Lizard: (Walks closer to him:) “I'm afraid that the man I like doesn't feel about me the way I feel about him.” Will: “Have you seen yourself? He'd be a complete and utter idiot, and blind to boot. If you don't want to go out there, I'll bring him back here for you.” Lizard: (Will moves to the door:) “No. Wait.” Will: “Tell me who he is, then.” Lizard: “It's you, Will. It's always been you.” 
(Will stares at her then drops his head. Lizard walks over to her bed and takes a seat.) Will: “I guess I was right. The bloke you fancy is a complete and utter idiot. Lizard, I'm sorry.” Lizard: “No. It's all right. I'm fine, really.” Will: “Look, you know I like you. I always have. You're a terrific mate, and we've always had the best times together. It's just -” Lizard: “You don't love me.” Will: “It's not just that- (Will stares at Lizard as she suddenly struggles to breathe:) What's happening?” Lizard: (Gasping for air:) “It’s...it’s the wish!” Will: (Catching her as she falls:) “Take it back!” Lizard: “Will!” Will: “No! No! No! No! No! No! Please, no! Liz! Liz! No!” Lizard: (Lying in his arms:) “I just wanted you to feel something for me.” Will: “I'm sorry. I'm sorry. (Lizard dies:) Liz! No! I'm sorry.” (Will rocks her in his arms while fireworks illuminate the sky outside the window.)
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Storybrooke. Rollin' Bayou. Opposite The Dragon’s Lair. (A montage of Tiana cooking inside the food truck. Cracking eggs into a bowl then whisking, adding flour and then kneading the dough. Using a pastry wheel to cut the shapes and then deep frying. Topping with sugar and then placing in paper bags to order, Tiana smiles and wipes her brow.) Ella: “Where is everyone coming from?” Tiana: “Location, Location, Location. Mom always said nothin' attracts a crowd like a crowd.” Ella: “Amazing! You're really doing it.” Tiana: “Mm-hmm.” Ella: “You know we could set up a stand at the Sunday farmers' market.” Tiana: “Oh, meh. Farmers' markets are for Old MacDonald. No. I'm thinking jazz, luring people in to a popcorn-light-lit food truck. We park it at festivals and movie nights.” Ella: “Okay.” Tiana: “And then serve étouffée and boudin.” Ella: (Holds up a bag of beignets:) “Buckets of these guys.” Tiana: “Yes. (Both laugh:) Oh, it finally feels like we are headed in the right direction.” Ella: “You're a dreamer, and I love you for it, and god knows I need a job.” Tiana: “Uh huh and that is exactly the reason why you need to take this risk. We’ll get you a truck of your own that’ll be your responsibility. It's time to change the game and take a big swing for once. You owe it to yourself. You owe it to your Mama, wherever she may be. Come on. Let's make her proud.” Ella: (Falters then after a moment, smiles:) “Okay. I'm with you.” Tiana: “Yeah? All right. (Laughs:) Great. And with a little bit of sugar and spice and everything nice, we are going to show everyone who is boss.” (While Tiana deals with the customers, Ella takes a step back, the words ‘make her proud’ echoing in her ears. With her career path seemingly laid out in front of her, Ella is more determined than ever to confront Regina once and for all.) The Dragon's Lair. (Lily enters the bar. Noting that the tables and chairs have been rearranged and a stage has been erected, Lily makes her way over to the bar and takes a seat.) Zelena: "Lily, we didn't expect to see you tonight." Lily: "And miss Regina on stage? Not likely." Zelena: "I'm surprised Elsa let you out." Lily: (Smiles:) "I’m surprised my Mom agreed to you adding a stage to the bar in addition to the restaurant.” Zelena: (Zelena winks:) “Bet you’re not surprised Regina agreed to be the very first act on the new stage though.” Lily: “Well, as far as Elsa goes, she's not a big drinker and she figured with Emma and Regina around, this is the safest place I could be." Zelena: "She has a point. Although you can obviously take care of yourself." Lily: "That's what I told her. Anyway, I think those two are only gonna have eyes for each other tonight." (Maleficent stands on stage and manages to quieten the rowdy crowd with a glare.) Maleficent: "Ladies and Gentlemen, and I use that term loosely, the Dragon's Lair is proud to present Storybrooke's hottest Mayor, Regina Swan-Mills!" (Maleficent leaves the stage as Regina rises from beneath and the lights dim. With the spotlight shining upon her, Regina begins.) Regina: ♪ Come on, babe, why don't we paint the town. ♪ ♪ And all that jazz?♪ ♪ I'm gonna rouge my knees and roll my stockings down ♪ ♪ And all that jazz ♪ ♪ Start the car, I know a whoopee spot ♪ ♪ Where the gin is cold, but the piano's hot ♪ ♪ It's just a noisy hall where there's a nightly brawl ♪ ♪ And all ♪ ♪ That ♪ ♪ Jazz ♪ (As promised, Emma watches from the crowd front row, center. The Sheriff is unable to take her eyes away from her wife while she sings and gyrates on stage. With a huge smile, Emma makes eye contact with Regina as she continues her song.) ♪ Slick your hair and wear your buckle shoes ♪ ♪ And all that jazz ♪ ♪ I hear that Father Dipis gonna blow the blues ♪ ♪ And all that jazz ♪ ♪ Hold on, hon, we're gonna bunny hug ♪ ♪ I bought some aspirin down at United Drug ♪ ♪ In case you shake apart and want a brand-new start ♪ ♪ To do ♪ ♪ That ♪ ♪ Jazz! ♪
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Idirsholas. (Lancelot’s party rides for the fortress and enters the ruins. The knights spread out, their weapons drawn.) Lancelot: "What’s that noise?" Xena: "What noise?" Lancelot: "A sort of trembling sound." Xena: "That’s your knees knocking together." (Xena and Gabrielle move ahead while Lancelot rolls his eyes. They enter the chamber in the fortress where the knights were awoken. Lancelot checks the ashes of the fire.) Lancelot: “It seems part of Joseph’s story was true. Probably just travellers passing through.” (Gabrielle turns her head back toward the entrance.) Gabrielle: “Or maybe not.” (Everyone turns as the Knights of Idirsholas draw their swords. Xena, Gabrielle, Lancelot and the others fight the knights. Xena runs one through, but it doesn’t fall. Fight, stab, repeat. Lancelot loses his sword in an undead knight’s gut.) Sir Leon: “Lancelot!” (Leon throws Lancelot a sword.) Xena: (Slashes at two knights with little effect:) “This isn’t working!” Gabrielle: “We need to go! (Lancelot and his men retreat. Gabrielle follows but stops when she sees Xena standing there:) What are you…?!” (Xena throws her chakram, causing the roof to cave in as it bounces off the walls. Catching the chakram, Gabrielle pulls Xena backwards out of the room while the entrance way crumbles.)
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Kingdom of Valencia. Dining Room. (Richard, Roberta, Henry and a very embarrassed Gareth have dinner together.) Gareth: (Clears his throat:) “I’d like to thank you for exposing this attack on our state. Once again, magic was used to strike at the heart of Valencia.” Roberta: (Tad Cooper resting on her arm:) “You mean, your heart.” Richard: “How many nights did you share a bed with a troll?” Gareth: “Obviously I was under its spell. (Richard sniggers:) I did many things that I…regret.” Henry: “Gareth, that’s okay, I’m sure we really don’t want to know the details.” (There is quiet for a moment before everyone laughs, Richard pulling faces to mimic Gareth’s moment of clarity. Eventually, despite himself, Gareth finds the funny side of things and joins in with the laughter.) Wonderland. Town. (Walking through the now deserted streets, Anastasia arrives at Lizard's home and enters through the open door. Seeing the girl's body on the floor, Anastasia rushes over to check her pulse. Feeling nothing, she closes Lizard's eyes and leans back on her haunches.) Will: "It's my fault. (Startled, Anastasia turns to look at Will who sits in the shadows:) She wished that I could love her and when I couldn't, she..." Anastasia: "Will, what are you talking about? People don't just keel over and die from rejection." Will: "It was her dying wish." Anastasia: (Moving over to him:) "Will, snap out of it. You're not making any sense."
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Will: (Sighs:) "Lizard used a wish she got from an Oracle." (Will holds up the small diamond between his thumb and forefinger. Taking it, Anastasia inspects it closely.) Anastasia: "Before Lizard used this, did it glow red?" Will: "Yeah." Anastasia: (Nods:) "It was cursed. It didn't matter what wish Lizard made, as soon as she used the diamond, she was done for." Will: "Why would the Oracle do that to her?" Anastasia: "My guess? To cover their tracks. The Oracle must not have wanted Lizard to identify them for some reason." Will: "Aye, and I think I know why. Ella went to see this Oracle and they told her that someone killed her mother." Anastasia: "Who?" Will: (Shakes his head:) "She wouldn't say. We got separated soon afterwards. I think Ella's going to do something stupid and there's no way I can stop her." Anastasia: "All right, well first thing's first. We need to see what Ella saw. (Anastasia walks over to Lizard's body and kneels beside it:) There's a spell I can use that can show us everything Lizard saw during her last few hours. If we get lucky, maybe we can see who this supposed Oracle was." Storybrooke. Forest. (With Mordred still believed to be hiding within Storybrooke's borders, Ruby and Mulan prepare for a long night’s shift sitting by their campfire.) Mulan: "Do you ever wonder what your life would've been like if you had a normal childhood?" Ruby: (Considers:) "There probably would've been a lot less running involved. (At Mulan’s look:) My entire village ran me out of town.” Mulan: “Really?” Ruby: “With torches and pitchforks.” Mulan: “Because you're a wolf?” Ruby: “I didn't always know I was, and I certainly didn't back then. I wasn't in control. And one night, I accidentally...” Mulan: “Killed your boyfriend, I know.” Ruby: “Yeah. I lived on the run after that, and... I eventually learned to control my power, made some friends along the way. I ended up in Storybrooke, but I still felt like there was something missing.” Mulan: (Smiles:) “You’re such a Gabrielle.” Ruby: (Scoffs:) “Well not everyone gets to take our father’s place and fight in the Chinese army as a teenager. (Laughs but notices Mulan doesn’t join in:) Mulan, what's wrong?” Mulan: “I didn’t replace my father. My father left us when I was still a young girl.” Ruby: “I’m sorry, I just assumed from the movie... Why haven’t you told me this before?” Mulan: “It’s ancient history. Everything else from the movie is true though. Except for Mushu, I’m not sure what that was about.” Ruby: “Oh you know how they are, every movie has to have a plucky comedic sidekick.” Mulan: “Perhaps they’ll remake it one day. Replace the dragon with a smart, sexy wolf.” Ruby: (Laughs:) “Can wolves be sexy?” Mulan: “Oh please, like you don’t know.” Ruby: “You’re weird.” Mulan: “Maybe, or just hopelessly in love.” Ruby: “Hm, could be.” Mulan: “Definitely. (They kiss:) I’m so glad we found each other.” Ruby: (Kisses her again:) “Me too.” Mulan: “And I’m so happy you didn’t make the same mistake I did and told me how you felt before it was too late.” Ruby: (Smiles:) “Well thanks to a certain TV show, I know how tortured some warriors can be about their past and how it can stand in the way of their happiness.” Mulan: “Thank god for those plucky sidekicks huh?” Ruby: “We have our moments.” Mulan: “Yes, you certainly do.” Ruby: “Feel like having one of those moments right now?” Mulan: (Chuckles:) “We’re on duty.” Ruby: “Yeah, and we’re going to be all night long. I don’t think that campfire’s going to be able to keep us warm throughout, do you?” Mulan: “So you’re saying we might need to generate some extra heat ourselves huh?” Ruby: “Couldn’t hurt.” (Leans over and kisses Mulan’s neck.) Mulan: “You know you’re a terrible influence.” Ruby: (Removing her cloak:) “Uh huh. Do you need help with your armour?” Mulan: (Already pulling off her boots:) “No, I’ve got it.”
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The Dragon's Lair. (David finally enters and makes his way over to the bar while Regina is reaching the crescendo of her performance.) Regina: ♪ Big wheel keep on turning ♪ ♪ Proud Mary keep on burning ♪ ♪ And we're rolling, rolling ♪ ♪ Rolling on the river ♪ ♪ And we're rolling, rolling ♪ ♪ Rolling on the river ♪ (Picking up his drink from the bar, David turns and sees his wife making a fool of herself, arguing drunkenly with three men.) Snow White: "I'll have you know that is my daughter-in-law up there, buddy! (Staggers:) You see she used to be my step-mother and then there was this curse and-" David: (Stepping in:) "All right, Snow, I think everyone knows about your history with Regina. I'm sure these gentlemen don't need to-" Maleficent: "Will you idiots shut the hell up? Regina's just about to go into her big finish!" Snow White: "Don't you tell me to shut up, blondie!" Maleficent: "Excuse me?" Snow White: "That's right, I'm talking to you, (Makes horns with her fingers:) Dragon lady." David: "Oh boy..." Snow White: "Don't think I don't know that you've still got feelings for Regina. (Hiccups:) We all see it." David: "I am so sorry." Snow White: "No! I knew we made the right decision telling Emma and Regina to hold off rescuing you. They're married! Married! You get that? You missed your chance." Maleficent: (To David:) "You told them not to come for us?" David: "That's not exactly-" (At that moment, one of the drunken men Snow was arguing with bumps David's arm, causing him to spill his drink over Maleficent.) Drunk Man: "Hey, cat fight!" (Disgusted, Maleficent pushes David backwards into the man which causes a fight to break out. While just about still able to stand, Snow lunges at Maleficent. Watching this all transpire from her bar stool, Lily turns to Zelena.) Lily: "And this is why we can't have nice things." (Downing her shot, Lily rushes over to break up the melee while Regina reaches the climax of her performance.) Regina: ♪ Big wheel keep on turning ♪ ♪ Proud Mary keep on burning ♪ ♪ And we're rolling and we're rolling ♪ ♪ And we're rolling on the river ♪ ♪ Yeah ♪ ♪ All right, now ♪ ♪ Yeah, rolling, rolling on the river ♪ ♪ Said they're rolling, oh, rolling, yeah, rolling on the river ♪ ♪ I tell you they're rolling, a-rolling, a-rolling on the river ♪ ♪ Yeah! ♪ (The crowd explodes in cheers and applause, Emma standing on her chair, arms raised high in the air, as proud as can be.)
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Wonderland. Lizard's Home. (Will watches on with revulsion as Anastasia holds Lizard's severed eyes in her hand.) Will: "Eugh, if I knew you were going to do that, I would have said forget it." Anastasia: "It's the only way to capture Lizard's parting glances, Will. Do you think I enjoy cutting people's eyes out of their sockets?" Will: "All right, all right. But we're giving her a proper burial after this." Anastasia: "Agreed." Will: "So how does this work?" (Anastasia walks over to the kitchen and retrieves a bowl from the shelf. Placing the eyes inside, she walks back and puts the bowl on the table.) Anastasia: (Waving her hand over the bowl:) "De visu intueri. Visione revelare." (A blue cloud of images forms above the bowl. Quickly scanning them, Anastasia stops at a familiar face within the visions.) Will: "There! That's Ella. But who's she talking with?" Anastasia: "That's... That's my step-mother, Cecelia." Will: "What?" Anastasia: "Will, whatever that vision of Cecelia said to Ella is a lie. There's only one person responsible for Cecelia's death and she's long dead." Will: "What are you talking about?" Anastasia: "Come on, I'll explain on the way. We've got to stop Ella from doing something she'll regret." Will: “Wait, what about Lizard?” (Anastasia grabs him by the arm and pulls Will out of the house. Closing the door, she performs a sealing charm.) Anastasia: “There, she’ll be perfectly preserved in there until we have time to come back and give her a proper burial. Now come on!” (Anastasia grabs Will’s hand and pulls him along the deserted streets.) Storybrooke. Forest. (Bathed in moonlight, Mulan and Ruby explore each other's bodies while the campfire crackles beside them. Unnoticed by the lovers, a lone figure passes by their campsite through the shadows. Stepping momentarily into view, we see that Mordred has finally re-emerged from hiding.) The Dragon's Lair. Hallway. (Knocking on Regina's dressing room door, Emma waits for an answer.) Regina: (From inside:) "Who is it?" Emma: (Smiling:) "Your number one fan." Regina: (Chuckles:) "Come in." Dressing Room. (Opening the door, Emma is about to shower Regina with praise when she takes in the sight before her. Clad in only her underwear and with her bra undone, resting beneath her exposed breasts, Regina lays posed waiting for Emma's arrival.) Regina: (Reclined on the couch:) "Would you mind closing that? (Dumbly, Emma closes the door:) What took you so long?" Emma: "Apparently a fight broke out. Lily and Hook are dealing with it though. (Staring at her wife:) What would you have done if it was someone else at the door?" Regina: (Chuckles:) "Emma, I saw how you were watching me. I think if anyone else had tried to knock on my door, you would have shot them." Emma: "Fair point. (Walking further into the room:) You... you were... unbelievable." Regina: (Smiles:) "You enjoyed it then?" Emma: (Removing her jacket:) "Do you really want me to give you a full review right now while you're laying there naked or would you like me to catch up?" Regina: (Considers:) "How about both?" Emma: (Chuckles, unbuttoning her jeans:) "There are so many words to describe what I just witnessed, but I'll do us both a favour and start at the middle and work my way down." Regina: "Hm, so words starting with ‘M’ then?" Emma: "You were marvellous, mesmerising and magnificent. (Pulling her top over her head and throwing it aside:) But best of all... (Leans over Regina and kisses her deeply, taking the reclined woman's breath away:) You are undeniably, (Moves lower to place a kiss on Regina's right breast:) one hundred percent... (Kisses the other breast, gently removing the bra and tossing it aside:) without a shadow of a doubt... (Lays a trail of kisses over Regina's stomach, dipping her tongue into her belly button. Reaching Regina's underwear, she takes hold of them:) Mine." (Lifting her hips in anticipation, Regina yelps with delight as Emma removes her underwear in one smooth, powerful motion.) Regina: "Now and forever, my love." Emma: (Sinking to her knees, places each of Regina's legs over her shoulders:) "Shh, rest your voice. Because after what you did out there, and what I'm about to do in here, you might not be able to speak for a very long time." (Emma lowers her mouth to Regina's center. With the first touch of Emma's lips to her folds, Regina throws back her head ready to sing once more, although this time the sounds coming from her lips are cries of ecstasy, reserved only for her preferred audience of one.)
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savage-rhi · 5 years
Prompt request? Leon finds Ada a really thoughtful gift that has a lot of meaning to Ada. She gets super flustered. Tl;DR “Leon...where did you find something like this?”
@markthezuccerburgcrotchbookceo Here you go hon, fresh out of the inbox :D! I appreciate ya sending this in. 
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Leon understood the relationship between Ada and himself was a unique one. He knew there were certain boundaries both had vowed not to cross, however, upon the arrival of their sixth ‘anniversary’, he thought against his better judgment and decided to go out of his way to buy a gift for Ada. 
Regardless of their circumstances or if they were in a fight due to working for opposing sides, Ada and Leon had a pact to meet amicably every time on the day they first met all those years ago back in Racoon City. The night that changed their lives forever. Their relationship had been rocky since then, but there was no denying the chemistry nor the torch both had carried for the other. 
Ada was waiting for Leon at the diner in Germany they had both frequented while in the area. She looked up and smiled, seeing him arrive. It was early morning, just in time for breakfast. They both politely nodded to one another then went about drinking coffee before deciding to converse. Ada was enjoying the fresh morning rays of the sun upon the balcony, looking out to the busy streets below. 
“I didn’t think you’d show up.” Ada commented, hearing Leon give a quiet huff in her direction.
“If I was smart enough, I wouldn’t have done this.” Leon said bitterly, nonetheless, his voice was very much playful. 
Ada let out a content sigh. “Are you still mad about me screwing you over the Australian incident?” 
“You can’t even begin to imagine. Let’s see: you got hundreds of people killed, nearly got my ass chewed out by HQ, and to top it off you ruined my streak of saving people.” Leon said as Ada’s memories began to flood her mind. 
The Australian incident should have paved out smoother for the both of them, but due to contract obligations, Ada couldn’t help Leon nor throw him a life jacket. Not this time. Despite working for opposing sides, Leon and Ada went out of their ways to help each other even if it meant gaining the wrath of their respective employees. Neither of them wanted the other hurt or thrown in prison, but there were times where they had no choice but to double down on backhanding the other. It was Ada’s turn this time to undercut Leon, and she knew he had every reason to be seething. 
Ada furrowed her brows and took a sip of coffee, letting the hot aroma flutter against her lips before she spoke. 
“If things could have been different, they would have been.” Ada said simply. “You know the nature of how we work, Leon. You’re still here, right?” 
Leon smirked and didn’t say a word. She had him cornered there as he chugged most of his beverage, not caring how hot it felt against his tongue. 
“I got something for you.” Leon said, changing the subject as he passed the small box across the table and slid it towards Ada. She tilted her head and curiously looked down at the small thing, eventually unpacking it. Occasionally she would toss daggers towards Leon, her subtle reminder he he crossed a line. Before he could face her wrath, Ada was in awe at the small butterfly necklace. It wasn’t just any trinket, however. She could feel her face tinge with pink as she swallowed and took the golden locket out, examining it carefully. 
“Leon, where did you find something like this?” Ada asked, still not believing she was holding the small treasure in her hands again. 
“It wasn’t easy, finding where you grew up as a child but I did some digging. I found the abandoned house and found it among the ashes. It was your mothers, right?” Leon asked as Ada nodded, a hand reaching to cover her mouth. She could feel tears wanting to escape but forbade herself from showing weakness. 
“I didn’t think you actually listened to that story.” Ada said, recalling the night Leon and she had shared together. The two of them lying in bed after consummating their odd relationship. Ada for some reason spilled the truth about her upbringing, how she originally had a family until she was sold to the syndicate to pay off a debt. Her mother fought to keep Ada, but nonetheless, due to the family’s situation, she had to give up their only child. They were all killed afterward in an arson attack and Ada never got anything to remember them by. Her mother's butterfly locket had been something she admired since childhood, and she would have given anything to have it back in her possession. 
“I told you Ada, I do care.” Leon murmured quietly, his hand reaching across the table and laying upon Ada’s free hand that wasn’t holding the locket. She looked up and met his blue eyes, seeing the sincerity in his gaze as she smiled sadly. Ada knew their story wasn’t over yet when it came to their ongoing battle, but if she had it in her power, right then and there she would have run off with Leon. 
**A link to my ko-fi account. If you enjoy my content and want to support me getting my monthly medication for fibromyalgia and arthritis, I would be eternally grateful. It is NOT a requirement however! All my work is free to read!**
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aliceslantern · 5 years
Beyond this Existence: New Life, short 29--Grown
Recovery is a tedious, nonlinear process. Demyx, Ienzo, and the others living in Radiant Garden's castle have to learn to come to terms with their pasts and their memories, learn to grow, and begin to understand what, exactly, it means to be human. While there is unexpected joy in this, there is also unexpected sorrow. A series of oneshots set after Beyond this Existence.
Current short: “Grown.” It’s Ienzo’s birthday.
Read it on FF.net/on AO3
Ienzo didn’t come here often. Some would say not often enough.
The garden wasn’t very busy. It usually wasn’t; a majority of these people’s loved ones were simply gone, leaving no one to mourn them. Ienzo felt--perhaps selfishly--that he had spent enough time mourning and memorializing all these people that to come down here more than desired was not necessary.
Today was different.
The little corner with the red maple was well-cared for. Ienzo suspected that this was probably Demyx’s doing--a little gentle prodding had netted that his culture highly valued cleaning a loved one’s grave. There were even the remaining ashes of a stick of incense. Ienzo took a fresh one out of his pocket, lit it, and set it in the holder of the mortuary tablet.
He wasn’t sure why he’d felt drawn here, today of all days.
It would probably always hurt a little to see their picture. The pain was becoming more acute as he thought of it. His memories of that time, without his powers to bolster them, were fading slowly. This newfound forgetfulness was not pleasant. There might someday be an instance where all he had left was this photo, these tablets, this tree.
In his periphery, he could see a small girl and what looked to be her grandmother kneeling by one of the blooms in the field. They clapped their hands, bowed in a show of respect. Was it rude, or wrong, if he did not do this also? His parents had never been religious, or even spiritual. Wherever they were, if they had any consciousness whatsoever, did they know they were here? ...That he was?
Ienzo thought he’d spent a long time thinking about death. This was not actually true; he’d spent his time thinking about darkness, what it means to fall. But to die? (To sleep, perchance to dream?) Even would tell him that a cessation of life was a cessation of existence. Ansem would probably waffle on philosophically about what certain religions believed . Demyx would probably say to not worry about it, at least not now.
Dying was a natural part of living; it would happen to him someday too, eventually.
His legs were starting to hurt from kneeling so long. A slight breeze ruffled the leaves of the tree.
“Oh… hey. Surprised you’re here.”
Ienzo looked up. Demyx was holding a canvas bag. “I could say the same for you. Though I figured this was your doing.”
Demyx shrugged, a bit sheepish. He set the bag down, knelt, bowed his head for a moment, and then began to fuss with the tablets, brushing away tiny specks of dirt. Ienzo felt a stab of something like frustration, or maybe resentment; he seemed to know how to mourn Ienzo’s parents better than Ienzo. “I mean… it’s what you do for family, you know? And they’re kind of mine, now. We’ve got the same name.”
Ienzo relaxed a little. “Right. I didn’t think of that.” Their marriage was very, very new; they were still navigating the change in dynamic.
“If it bothers you, I’ll stop.”
“No… that’s kind of you, to do that.” He took a deep breath. “Do you do this often?”
“I stop by once a month or so. Usually when I’m passing through the area.”
He hummed in response. “So what’s that?”
“Oh… this was for later. For you, you know?”
Ienzo stared at him blankly.
Demyx cocked his head. “Did you forget? It’s your birthday.”
“I didn’t… forget. It’s usually a nonissue.” He’d never celebrated, even when he was very small. It was normally another day; last year, Demyx hadn’t even known the date, and so Ienzo was able to get away with not celebrating. Not to mention, the year before that he’d been laid up, unable to breathe around the swelling in his throat from the replica--He clasped his neck automatically.
Demyx frowned. “It happened this time two years ago? The, uh. Thing?”
“I don’t believe so. But it was during my… recovery.”
“Oof. Big yikes. Well, uh. Sorry?”
Ienzo smiled. “It’s alright.”
“I just figured we’d… celebrate.” Then, off Ienzo’s look, “A little. Like, cake?” He gestured towards the bag. “Maybe some drinks.” He shrugged.
“It seems… indulgent, to take a whole day for oneself.”
“A lot happened this year. A lot.” He squeezed Ienzo’s hand gently, running a finger over the ring. “That’s worth acknowledging.”
“I… I suppose.” Ienzo bit his lip. “Truthfully I feel much older than that.”
“I know. You don’t look it, though.”
He laughed a little.
“Is that why you came here today?”
“Perhaps.” Ienzo frowned. “I was thinking… that they’d never see me be grown. Sometimes I’m reminded more of them than others. I… I feel like a bad mourner.”
“There’s not a right way to do this.”
“You know they were my age when they had me?”
“...I can understand why you’re tripped out now.”
Ienzo chuckled. “Maybe that is why I feel so unsettled.”
Demyx kissed his cheek. “I cannot stress this enough--parenthood is optional.”
“I know. And I am not ready to consider it more at the moment.”
“You and me both.”
“I barely feel like an adult--I couldn’t possibly imagine--”
“I thought you said you felt old.”
Ienzo shrugged. “As you can see, I am all over the place today.”
“...Sounds like you could use a drink.”
“Yes… maybe…” He stood and flinched as the blood rushed painfully back into his legs. “Or several--”
“That’s the spirit!”
So far there was only one pub in town. It had been one of the first buildings to open back up after the Fall--which made sense. Healthy or not, those in pain need an escape, or perhaps the illusion of safety, and alcohol could provide both.
Being early evening, the place was relatively empty, and quiet. He relaxed a little.
“Happy birthday!” someone yelled shrilly in his ear, and he jumped.
“For fuck’s sake, Yuffie. I asked you to be chill about this,” Demyx said. He gave Ienzo’s arm a reassuring squeeze. Ienzo tried to get his breathing back under control.
The guilty party scowled. “You two are no fun. Ever ,” she said.
Ienzo looked past her and saw that Leon and Aerith were here, too. “I’d really like this to not be about me,” he said. “If possible.”
“That’s fine,” Aerith said. “We’re just friends, hanging out.”
“And there just happens to be a cake,” Demyx said. “What? I can’t exactly return it.”
“So what do you want?” Leon asked. “First round’s on me.”
“I’ll have--” Yuffie said quickly.
“Not you,” Leon said. “You’re on your own, kid.”
“I… I’m honestly not sure,” Ienzo said. They rarely drank aside from some wine. “Nothing too terribly strong, I suppose.”
“We’ll just have what you’re having,” Demyx said, with a shrug. “Can’t be picky when it’s free.”
Leon chuckled. “Alright.” He crossed over to the bartender.
“This… is another thing that feels strange, but shouldn’t,” Ienzo said quietly to Demyx.
“Is it bad? Do you want to go home? I’m really sorry about Yuffie. She’s just… like that.”
He smiled. “No, I know it comes from a good place. I just need to… get comfortable.”
“Alcohol will help.”
“I surely hope so.”
Leon came over with two glasses of brown soda. “Rum and coke okay?”
Demyx nudged him. “You’ll probably like that.”
Leon smiled. “Go easy, okay?”
“Thank you,” Ienzo said. He took the glass, sipped. It was sweet, and he could just barely taste the undercurrent of the rum. “The things we do for fun.”
Yuffie came over with a pint of beer. “Well, cheers,” she said, and clinked her glass against his. “So I guess you grew up pretty sheltered, huh? You guys never got out much?”
Ah, right. This was part of it. Talking and drinking, drinking and talking. He felt Demyx rest a hand on his waist. Ienzo took a breath. Yuffie was blunt; she did not mean to offend. “Putting it mildly,” Ienzo said. “I never used to… see the reason for such things. I’d rather hole myself up with a book. That was my entertainment.”
“Eesh. Party animal.”
He smiled. “Different times. Not so much now.”
“To be fair, a lot of us were wet blankets,” Demyx said. “No point getting fucked up if everything’s already kind of numb, right?”
“I didn’t think of it that way. You know. It’s still really weird you guys were Nobodies.”
“Tell me about it,” Demyx said, with an eye roll.
“For me, the opposite is strange,” Ienzo said. “Very much so.”
She raised her eyebrow. “Like how?”
“Like…” Ienzo looked down into his drink, which seemed to be going down easily. “Well, I was a Nobody for nearly twelve years. A lot of… typical things passed me by. Like this. Drinking with friends in a bar was something I only ever read about in books. I thought it wasn’t something that really happened; or at least, it never would to me. In the Organization… you get used to hiding, and doing what you’re told.” Was this conversation too dark? Did he lighten it up? Was she actually curious, or being polite?
“Same for me, kind of,” Demyx said.
“You seem like you had a more normal time, though,” Yuffie said. Then to Ienzo, “no offense.”
“None taken. It’s the truth.” His glass was empty. He didn’t know where to leave it, but holding onto it was awkward.
“You want something else?” Demyx asked. “I’m done too.”
“Get whatever you want. I’ll have the same.” He wasn’t feeling quite tipsy, just a little warm. He probably couldn’t hold much, being not only small but unused to all this.
He went over to the bar. Aerith came over to them, with her wine. “All this time and Demyx barely talks about those days. I think he thinks it’s taboo.”
“Isn’t it?” Ienzo asked. “It’s… there’s quite some tension there, isn’t there?”
Yuffie snorted. “Yeah, well.”
“We’ve… let go,” Aerith said. “You’ve both proven yourselves to be good people.”
“Practically model citizens, actually,” Leon said. “At least I don’t have to drag your drunk asses home. Unlike some of the people who come here.”
Demyx came back with two more glasses, clear this time. “It’s a time,” he admitted. “It’s not fun to deal with their alcohol poisoning. Trust me.”
Ienzo took the new drink. “Every time I believe I get a grasp on the scope of work you all do, I’m proven wrong. How do you possibly do all this?”
Leon laughed. “Very carefully. Things are settling, though. We’ve got some actual people in charge. So instead of dealing with the infrastructure, and the construction…”
“Medicine and bureaucracy--” Aerith added.
“Heartless and bar fights,” Yuffie said.
“We’re cutting it down. But it’s a lot to ask even now. I think if I were a few years older I couldn’t take it.”
“I’ll drink to that,” Demyx said. “I do barely half of what Aerith does and I’m exhausted.”
“You’ll get there,” she said. “And Ienzo, it’s not as if you yourself are a stranger to overwork. How many days did you go without sleeping?”
“Three,” he said.
“Four,” Demyx said. Then off Ienzo’s look, “Sometimes I still have to babysit him. But he’s gotten better.”
“You two are good for each other,” Aerith said.
“Nauseatingly so.” Yuffie drained her beer. “Anyone want to play pool?”
“Sure,” Demyx said. “Ienzo? Do you want to watch? It’s fun.”
He found himself perched on a bar stool, nursing his second drink, which was something clear and carbonated and almost entirely flavorless aside from the sharpness of vodka. He felt the same warmth as earlier, a little more heavily, his anxiety whispering now instead of shouting, though his head still felt clear. Wine had only ever really made him sleepy, but he was quite alert. He watched Demyx and Yuffie play the game. Both of them were pretty terrible at it, Demyx only winning by a slim margin. “Let’s let Ienzo play,” Yuffie said.
“I’m rather content watching.”
Demyx offered him the stick. “I thought we were trying new things.”
He looked at his glass, just ice now. “I’ll try, but don’t blame me if you lose.”
“I never lose with you.” He winked. “Alright. Stand here. It’s okay, you can bend down a little low, and use your hand to aim it.” Ienzo tried to listen, but Demyx’s hand was on his waist, and he felt something like a flashburn of want. Not enough to be physically evident, but enough to give him pause in public. He hoped he wasn’t blushing. His shot looked hopeless, but he did end up sinking one of the balls--just not one of Demyx’s.
“Aw, thanks,” Yuffie said. She blew him a kiss. “Your next one’s on me, okay?”
“You’re such a traitor,” Demyx said playfully. He kissed him on the cheek. “I’ll get you for that.”
Such suggestive flirtation was usually off the table in public, but he found he didn’t mind. “Is that a promise?”
“Ugh, gross,” Yuffie scoffed. “Well. At least I won. Speaking of promises. I’ll be right back.” She went over to the bar.
Demyx took his hand. “You feel okay?”
“I feel… good. Perhaps a bit tipsy.”
“I figured. You’re not usually so flirty. I like it.” He chanced a quick kiss.
“This is kind of fun,” Ienzo said. “Thanks for…  planning it.”
He rubbed the back of his neck. “Those guys can always used an excuse to get hammered.”
Yuffie came back, holding a few small glasses. “I got shots,” she said.
Demyx turned to him. “You don’t have to drink it all at once.”
“Yes you do. That’s the point.”
Demyx rolled his eyes at her. “Let’s just let him do what he’s comfortable with.”
“What is it?” Ienzo asked.
“Straight whatever,” Yuffie said. “Whiskey, I think.”
“Alright, I’ll try,” he said.
Yuffie let out a whoop. “I knew there was an interesting person in there somewhere.”
They drank; it tasted more or less like cough syrup, and he flinched, feeling the burn all the way into his stomach. Already he was feeling a little bit heavy, a little bit undefined, and definitely very warm. If there were a threshold between tipsy and drunk, he’d definitely just crossed it, and realizing this was a little dizzying. The sensation was instantly placeable, and he spent a minute trying to study it, to understand it.
“Cake?” Demyx asked.
“Sounds… very good.”
This wasn’t like being high, where everything was the same, only larger. Not quite dissociation, but not quite being in his body. He laughed more than he was wont to normally, at jokes that were less witty; it was easier to talk, which was how he found himself having a long, involved conversation with Leon about the state of the city, how it was ragged-yet-not. It would never be the same as it was, they decided.
After another drink, he felt again heavy, and had to sit down, contemplating the woodgrain in the table for probably too long. His thoughts were scattered, not quite so frenzied, but not as calm as when he smoked.
A cold glass was being pressed into his hand. Demyx sat across from him. “It’s just water. You’ve had a couple and not too much to eat. I don’t want you to get sick.”
“I must be quite sloppy,” he mumbled.
“No, not at all. You’re fine. You think you’re a mess, look at that guy.” Demyx pointed to a patron at the bar, who was slumped over, fast asleep, while the bartender mopped up his spilled drink.
“Are you having fun?”
“I always have fun with you.”
“I’m not holding you back?”
“Why would you?” He looked genuinely confused.
“Just… not being good at this.”
“I don’t think you want to be an expert at drinking,” he said, with a laugh. “That’s definitely not good for you.”
He drank the water down.
Yuffie came over to them, stumbling a bit. “All good?”
“We’re fine. Just chilling.”
“Oh, cool. I thought you’d died.” She hiccuped.
“Died?” Ienzo asked. “What do you--”
“Like, threw up, passed out,” Demyx said. “Not literally.”
“I wanted to sit down,” he said.
“Mm, that does sound nice. You’re so smart.” She wandered over to Aerith and sat next to her.
“See, you’re fine,” Demyx said to him, with a wink.
“It just feels very odd to be so uninhibited in public. Usually it’s just you and me. And I.”
“Weird in a bad way?”
“Weird in a weird way.”
“Do you feel anxious?”
“Not really,” he said. “Is it bad I want to keep going?”
“I don’t think so, if you feel okay. But if you’re worried, have some more water first.”
“Let’s do that.”
He felt less lightheaded after all the water, but it made him need to relieve himself, and being alone in the washroom made him aware of how strange this whole situation was. He had to cover his mouth to keep from laughing out loud. He washed his face with a paper towel, felt a bit better, and rejoined Aerith at the bar.
“Leon took Yuffie home,” she explained. “She was getting a bit… belligerent.”
“Oh dear,” Ienzo said. He snorted despite himself.
“It happens. She talks a tough game, but she doesn’t get to cut loose much, either.” She set aside her glass. “You two in a hurry to get home?”
Demyx stretched. “Not really.”
“I figure we could have one or two more at mine. It’s on the way for you, anyway.”
“Sounds good. Ienzo? Want to go?”
The bar was noisier now, more crowded--how had he not noticed earlier--now that it was later. “Sure.”
Aerith lived alone in a two-room house on the edge of town. “It’s not much,” she said to Ienzo.
“I like your house. It’s cute,” Demyx said.
“Maybe one day you’ll have one like it.”
“Maybe,” he said. He flopped onto the couch.
The room was full of plants. More illumina, glowing gently in the dark; herbs, ferns (“I have a soft spot for ferns,” she said) and lilies, though their smell was less pungent than regular lilies.
It reminded Ienzo, for just a moment, of his mother; clipping and propagating roots and stems. He touched one of the plants.
What would they think if they saw him now? Grown up, married?
Very, very drunk?
The laughter was harder to contain now. “Something funny?” Aerith asked. She was rummaging in a cabinet.
“Probably not to anyone but me.”
“He does that sometimes,” Demyx said. “Keeps himself entertained. Thinks himself into a corner.”
Ienzo glared at him. “You’re not much better.”
Demyx stuck his tongue out at him, then giggled.
Aerith came back with a bottle of wine and some glasses balanced precariously in one hand. In the other, a joint. “You guys want?”
“I’d rather have that than a drink.” At least this much was familiar.
“Sit, it’s okay. You’re basically family.” She took a few tokes and passed it to Demyx.
“So much for one of us being in commission.”
“We’re far past that,” she said.
Ienzo settled next to Demyx on the couch. “It was… very kind of you all to come out today.” The taste of smoke was welcome.
She raised her eyebrow. “Why? We’re friends.”
“It’s… nice to remember that.”
She patted Ienzo’s hand. “So long as you had a good time.”
“I… did.”
“I don’t know why you don’t bring him around more,” Aerith said to Demyx. The joint moved from each of them.
“It’s not… Demyx’s fault,” Ienzo said. “These things take a certain strength from me. It’s easier to keep myself busy with my work.”
“You have nothing to worry about. You’re very personable,” she said. “But I understand.”
He snorted. “Sure.”
“It’s true,” she said.
“He’s very polite. To everyone but me.” Demyx nudged him.
“What can I say? Manners are the most obvious social skills.” He exhaled smoke. “I don’t think I have a conversational middle ground.”
“I talk to the sick and wounded most of the day. I get it.” The joint was done with; she stubbed it out.
“Hey, I do too,” Demyx said.
“Compared to me you’re still wet behind the ears.”
Demyx barked a laugh.
“Oh,” she said after a minute. “God. You two have had such weird lives.”
Ienzo thought about it. Maybe it was the mixture of substances in his body, but he said, “I wouldn’t have it any other way.”
They left soon afterwards, too tired to keep talking. He was feeling more high than drunk now, a welcome reprieve, and the night air felt almost like silk. He wanted nothing more than to crawl into bed and sleep; he couldn’t remember the last time he’d stayed up this late (sans all nighters).
“I’m glad I married you,” Demyx said.
Ienzo smirked. ““And I love everyone in this bar?””
He stopped, touching Ienzo’s shoulder. “I mean it. I’m not drunk anymore. Well, not really.”
“I’m glad too,” he said softly.
“I couldn’t imagine doing all this alone. At the bar, I was… hearing them all talk about the past, and how they always all had each other, and I realized how lonely I was for so long. I appreciate you so much.”
Intoxicated or not, Ienzo could tell he meant it. He kissed Demyx, in the dark, in the street, and they let it go on more than they were normally wont to in public. Despite this, Ienzo was disappointed when he pulled away.
“Tomorrow,” he said. “We probably shouldn’t--while we’re--”
“That’s… practical.” He took a deep breath. “Let’s go home.”
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catyeager · 6 years
Chris and Leon taking their baby boy at home after the birth? And the Okumura Family going to visit and cheers the new family with presents for the newborn baby? Could you please write something about it?
“Like I said, he’s a sweet boy that deserves a good life. You’re going to be the type of mother to give him that aren’t you?” Chris smiled as he turned into the driveway of their small home, which already seemed to have a few cars parked out front already. When he got a good look, he noticed that the Okumura family were hanging out in the front yard.
“There are the happy new parents! I’m so excited to see the little baby boy that you’re bringing back.” Eiji smiled bright and ran over to the new parents, Ash and their son not far behind with smiles of their own.
Ash was holding on to little Griffin’s hand and pulled him along to Chris and Leon, squeezing his hand gently when the small boy reached his other hand out. He was happy to see another baby just like him, it seemed.
He was as happy as the little baby who continued to giggle.
“This is little baby Hunter. I think it’s a better name than the one that Chris had picked out before, so I’m happier with this one.” Leon spoke with a quiet voice, noticing that Ash was just as happy to see the baby as Eiji was. His eyes were wide, a deep blush on his face as well.
“Baby Hunter? I like the sound of that. It’s befitting of somebody like you isn’t it?” Ash chuckled, reaching his hands out and taking the offered infant. He was small… It was actually rather endearing to have such a small baby in his arms once again.
Chris looked at Eiji with a smile, noticing that the Alpha in question had a soft expression on his face. The sight of his Omega holding on to a baby again was making his heart swell with happiness, and it was easy to see that he was starting to fall in love already.
With that in mind, though, Eiji clapped his hands together and looked back over at Chris. He motioned for the other Alpha to follow him to their own car, which was parked not too far away from Chris and Leon’s.
“We brought you two a special gift as well. Little Griffin helped us pick it out, so I’m sure that the two of you will love it.” Eiji popped open the trunk of the car before pulling out a small box, which was wrapped in some sort of paper. They probably gift wrapped it before they came over here, even though they really didn’t have to.
The thought was endearing in itself, and Chris couldn’t help but smile.
Chris took the box and looked down at it curiously, noticing that the box was likely wrapped by Griffin. It was done in weird patches that hardly covered the actual box itself. So saying that it was wrapped was a little bit of a stretch to say the least.
“Well whatever it is, I’m sure Leon will be happy to open it with the baby. He’s hardly let me do anything involving the baby since he gave birth… I feel kind of lonely.” Chris spoke with a teasing tone, not really angry at all that Leon wanted to keep holding on to the baby for the time being.
“Don’t worry. Ash was a lot like that as well and it just takes some time for them to let the baby go… It’s more endearing than anything to be honest.” Eiji chuckled when Chris had the fake pout on his face, his expression softening up considerably at the look.
The two Alpha’s looked over at the pair in question, both of them smiling and talking quite a bit about the baby that Leon was now currently holding. Ash was holding Griffin up as well, the small child reaching out and touching the baby with his small hands.
Griffin was laughing and playing with one of Hunter’s hands, and it looked as if the baby had no problems with it. In fact, he kept giggling and letting the other child wave his arm a bit playfully.
“I think we’ll be okay. You think so as well, right? I know you two had a bit of trouble with Griffin but…” Chris could hardly tear his eyes away from the scene playing out before him, though he gazed at the other Alpha to see his reaction. Eiji had a small smile, and it was obvious that the memory was unpleasant for him.
“There was some trouble, but I think we’re okay now. I’m just glad that the two of you got such a beautiful baby without any problem.” Eiji reached over and touched Chris’ shoulder, squeezing it gently and looking away from the Alpha. Looking over at Ash and seeing him smile… Yes. That was worth every bit of his attention.
Chris smiled once more and turned to look at the Omega’s as well, his face lighting up when he noticed that Leon was smiling wider than he ever had before. He was happy to be with another Omega, and he was also happy to see that the Omega in question was content with how things were going.
Everything was going to be okay. With neighbours like Eiji and Ash, there was no way life was ever going to be dull again.
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star-nova · 5 years
The Lives of the RiffRaff:  Vera Sherwood-Little Sister
We Are the RiffRaff Rickie Johnson-The Art of War 
My brother Leon knows me more than anyone else in the world. He knows that I'm Vera, his little baby sister, and that even though I turned twenty-six last month, I'm still his little baby sister. I think sometimes he looks at me and still sees the awkward-looking little freckled girl from the old pictures, holding a teddy bear and smiling too big for my face. But Leon also knows that he respects me. If he didn't respect me, he wouldn't have patted me on my shoulder and said, “You hold your own just fine, Vera.” I never loved him more than I did when he said those words.
Leon knows that I have cerebral palsy, and he knows how it happened. When we were kids, he just loved the story of how I came out with my cord all wrapped around my neck, gasping for air in my very first moments in the world. “But you lived, Vera,” he would say with big eyes. “You didn't have any air, and you lived.” The way he said it, he thought I was some kind of superhero for surviving so many minutes with no air. Even if it crippled me, I lived.
Most of all, Leon knows that he's my big brother and that he has to take care of me. When he finished college and was ready to move out, our parents told him that he had to take care of me now. Leon didn't ask to, and they didn't ask if he wanted to. They just pulled him aside, talked to him for a long time, and told him, “You take care of your sister now.” When Leon moved to this small apartment in Tanager, I went with him. Since then, he's been taking care of me even though he knows that I can hold my own just fine.
Leon knows me more than most brothers know about their sisters. He helps me dress and bathe because I can't reach my arms far enough to do it all on my own, and because my muscle seize and spasm and I can't stand up for a shower. All my life, Leon's been right there while my mother ran the warm soapy water over my back and down my neck and shoulders. He watched as she washed my hair and scrubbed my feet, under my arms, and the back of my legs. When we got older, she started sending him out of the room because “Vera needs her privacy right now.” She'd hand me the sponge and say, “You need to wash your under-theres on your own.” Then she'd leave the room. I knew that my “under-theres” meant private parts.
When I was ten and Leon was thirteen, he started combing my hair because I couldn't reach to do it all on my own. Back then, I had long hair that went all the way down my back. But one time, I felt too bad that Leon had to comb out all that hair, which could get very tangled when it wanted to. When I was fourteen, I asked for a short cut, and I've worn it ever since.
Going to the bathroom is the worst, because of the nasty looks we get. He stands outside the bathroom door to wait for me, but then he has to go in to carry me back to my chair after I'm done. Security cops have gone up to Leon before and asked him why he's going with me to the ladies' bathroom. They see me in my chair, they see that my arms seize and my head lolls to the side, and yet they still have to ask! Because I can't go by myself, that's why! Do you want to know what I do in there, too?! Instead of yelling that out, I just show them my medical bracelet, and Leon shows them his own bracelet that says he is my brother and legal caregiver. They let us go, but it doesn't stop the looks. I wondered if I should just start wearing diapers to spare us both the humiliation.
“You don't think shitting in a diaper will be even more humiliating?” Leon asked me. “And I bet you think I'd just love to change a grown woman's diaper.”
“Okay, okay,” I said, “I see your point.” We both laughed, because if you don't laugh, you cry.
There's still so much about me that Leon doesn't know. He doesn't know how bad I feel for him—not for me, but for him—because he didn't get to choose whether or not he wanted to take care of me. I wonder if he wanted to get married or have children, and if my parents did give him the choice, would he have said no? I've never asked him because I'm scared of the answer. If I had the choice, I wouldn't want to take a grown woman to the bathroom, or button her jeans, or drop everything and run to her when she has a seizure. Leon doesn't know that I cry because I wish he had a different sister.
Out in the world, people look at us with sad eyes. Oh, you poor crippled girl, their eyes say, and you poor man that has to take care of her for the rest of your life! When they don't say that, they say that Leon must be a creep for being so close to a crippled woman that they have no idea is his sister. Somehow, in their messed-up heads, he's the creep for doing what he's supposed to do, and they're not the creeps for minding our businesses and watching us as we go down the street. They're not the creeps for going up to me when I'm alone and asking, “Miss, do you know that man?”
“No,” I say. “He just popped out of a portal to another dimension. I think he may be an alien and he's trying to abduct me for his experiments...of course I know him, he's my brother.” They walk away without asking anymore nosy questions, looking at me like I'm the crazy one. Leon doesn't know how much I wish I could pluck their all-seeing eyeballs out and crush them under my wheels. He doesn't know how much I wish their watching eyes would bug so far out that they pop off and go rolling down the street. He has no idea about all the tears that I swallow everytime things like this happen, because I want to be his little sister who holds her own just fine.
It's things like this that made me decide I'd had enough. I wasn't going to be crippled anymore. Why did it matter that I was born with no air? What difference should that make now?
Leon had to run out to get pizza; Kali and Zatch were coming over and we were playing Red Dead Redemption 2. “If they come by,” Leon had told me, “just let 'em in and tell them I'll be right back.”
“You got it, dude,” I said, giving him a thumbs-up and imitating Michelle Tanner from Full House. He gave me a thumbs-up back. You hold your own just fine, Vera, his eyes said.
“Buzz me if you need me,” he said just before he grabbed his keys and left. “Buzz” meant to hit the button on my chair that told him if I was in trouble. I've had to use it when I felt a seizure coming on, and the one time I pitched forward and fell out of my chair. Please, I pleaded, don't let me need that button today. It would ruin everything that I had planned.
My walking cane was leaning up against the wall. I used it during PT and when I had to walk for exercise. Usually, Leon held my other arm when I used it. I wheeled over there and reached for it. My hands shook and my heart pounded wildly; what would Leon do when he came back and saw she wasn't crippled anymore. What would he say? He might cry, and I'd take a picture with my phone and save it to my Insta-story. I tapped the cane around on the floor for a few minutes. Then the doorbell rang. I knew that it was time.
I pressed down hard on the cane, as if I was pushing away a mountain. With my other hand, I pressed down hard on my left armrest. You can do it, I told myself. You can stand. You've done it before. I've done it plenty of times with Leon, a friend, or a nurse at my side. Billions of people in the world stand every day, and I was one of those billions of people. I pretended to be a phoenix, rising from the ashes. My body rose from the chair. The doorbell rang again, longer and louder.
“Coming!” I hollered. I tapped the floor with my cane again, refusing to think about falling forward or backward no matter how much my whole body shook. Left foot, right foot, left foot, right foot; I sang myself the little song that my parents had taught Leon to sing me when we were kids and he took me out walking. Now I only sang it when I wanted to annoy him. I wouldn't think about what would happen if I put down a right foot instead of a left foot, or a left foot instead of a right foot...
The doorknob was right there. My hand shook and I ignored it. I turned the knob and chucked my cane against the wall. Quickly, I held on to the knob with both hands and pulled the door open, still holding on when I faced Kali and Zatch's big-eyed stares.
“Hey, Zatch,” I said. “Hey, Kali.”
“Vera, you're...” Kali's mouth was half-open. She didn't know what to say. She looked at me like I was flying instead of just standing.
“Hi, Kali,” I said again. “Come on in. Leon's picking up some pizza.”
They came inside. Kali couldn't take her eyes off of me. Zatch looked over at my cane lying on the ground, like he wasn't sure if he should go pick it up or not. So when Leon came back with the pizzas, he saw me standing there against the doorframe, my whole body pitching and wobbling but really standing, talking about Red Dead Redemption 2 with Kali and Zatch.
“Vera!” Leon sounded like he did the day I fell out of my chair and he found me facedown on the floor. I looked at him. “Hi, Leon.” My smile was too big for my face.
It didn't last. My body finally gave out and I quickly reached out for my chair. Leon almost threw the pizzas down before he took me in both of his hands and guided me into the seat. But he looked right at me, and his eyes told me that he had never been more proud to have me for a little sister.
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alonelycastle · 6 years
the violet garden
@sonofbelmont​, @speaker-sypha​, @huntsfirst​, @redemptiionisms​, @nekroculler​
They had journeyed from the northernmost part of the country to the south, through Moldovia and the winding, ice-coated rivers into Brăila, where Grant gave them a few thanks for the strange adventure but, “He had to stick here and see what he could help with”. 
There was still damage beyond compare from Dracula, and with the new threat on the horizon, Brăila would need someone with, “balls like a bull, and a bastard who could cut a dragon in half”.  Besides, Fitch wanted his ship, and by Grant’s mark he owed the absolute cunt a few favors. 
The next week was slow in the blizzard conditions, as they took on his word that they would find what they were looking for at their homes. 
It was a cold, strange week, and Alucard spent it with Trevor, healing. Trevor lost an eye, he lost the skin on his back, but they were both alive, if wounded. Sypha helped trim the burnt sections of his hair, and Trevor kept near him. On the days where he was walking without pain from injuries, he would extend his medicinal skill to their Forgemaster, as much good as it would do.
And it continued for the week, a week like a blur, and Trevor, whether for the battle or the fact that they were going home, would have moments where he couldn’t part from him. The kissing was deep and desperate for connection. He kept looking at him, one good eye, like he’d almost lost him.
It was mutual. Humans couldn’t survive dragon fire.
He hardly could, but hardly was better than burying Trevor Belmont with the rest of the ashes.
And so it goes, him re-assuring a vampire hunter that no, he wasn’t going anywhere so easily, and that same hunter burying his face into the neck of a vampire because words didn’t amount to as much as actions.
In between his aches, Trevor was disappearing into the blizzard and cold to the pinprick of fire at the very edge of their camp, always at higher ground and always within a mile. Alucard could never follow him, the threat of Van Helsing too much, too real. Van Helsing.
Raquel Belmont. Trevor talked about him in the moments when he couldn’t decide whether to be vulnerable about himself or not. 
He could run on the tops of trees, fly through the air with the momentum of a whip, balance from impossible heights. He never wanted to go home. You remember the portrait of Leon in the Hold? He looked exactly like that. Everyone said so.
Now he was a shadow of a man in a coat that could strike anything dead. Vampires, or otherwise. Alucard had nothing to say of Van Helsing so fondly. He carried the puckered mark of a silver bullet still on his abdomen, and Trevor’s eye was gone. There was an entire cohort of Styrian vampires dead at a thought from this monster.
Still. The monster relented and now he walked with them.
The Belmonts trained assassins, not hunters- you know that.
Their caravan, a few horses and a covered wagon crossed the last red-sun spattered hill. The winter sun had been up for the last few days, not gold and harsh, but deep, deep red. It snowed, and the temperature did not rise until they crossed the tiny village of Constant. The people there were quiet and suspicious of a group coming through, and many doors had already been closed quite permanently on account of such ugly weather. Ghosts in the clouds and curses in the air.
It was blamed on the Belmonts. They, both Van Helsing, and Trevor, took the day of arrival, and that last road into town together, and it was the first time he had seen the man in black walk within ten feet of another person willingly. They hid their crests under cowls and coats. When they came back, they wanted to move through town without stopping. 
Alucard didn’t object, keeping one eye on Van Helsing.
Ashei kept leaving to speak with him too, but the man would not stay still it seemed.
Finally, Alucard drove their wagon into the forest, and as they passed the huge dead tree, Trevor’s tree, he watched the boughs of it and tried to imagine two Belmont boys hiding in the now empty branches. It was... disturbingly easy. 
Van Helsing this time, was behind them, a dark rider on an equally dark mare.
He too, looked at the tree as he passed it, and he stopped, without a sound, his head tipped to look up and see himself there.
Alucard said nothing on it.
There was little snow here, and as the horses made their way through the old path, they kicked up layers and layers of ash that never left. He wondered how much of it was bone, how much of it was forest. It hung in his lungs. He could taste it.
There was a cold fog that hung over the forest floor.
The spires of the castle were the first thing that broke the treeline, a great silhouette above the devastation, the small blots of vines creeping up its side visible from a distance. They had started growing it seemed, the moment Trevor and Sypha had left him.
And they covered the west side of the castle completely, the purple flowers constricting the view from his broken window, and enveloping the crumbled part of the Belmont Hold. It was a ravine now, deep and dark, the portrait of Leon Belmont standing silent and exposed to the cold. The ruins of both were covered in violets, and thick layers of ash. The pressure and silence in this place was... invasive.
Alucard’s heart sunk as they came closer and closer. His home, skewed, stood above him, and Trevor’s, below, sat broken. There was a field beyond it, and a lake, filled with dead or dying plants, or those purple flowers.
Van Helsing then, caught up to them, without a word passing by and tapping his horse on her shoulder.
He jumped off, kicking up ashes, and moved like a half-dead man down the hill, through the shadow of Dracula’s castle.
“He is going somewhere else-” Alucard said, to Sypha, to Trevor, watching him walk past the destruction and become smaller on the horizon. 
“Welcome home.”
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juniper-rose-blower · 6 years
A World on Fire
(( pre-BFA plot! Enjoy ^_^ ))
On the other side of the portal, the trio found themselves dropped into the ashen ruins of Astranaar, burning buildings abandoned to smolder by its inhabitants.
Malodar stumbled on his feet when they arrived, the usual discomfort and unease taking over for a moment. He shuffled sideways to the side of the nearby inn and leaned against the wall to recover his composure. He jumped back but a second later as it became clear through his slight haze that the building was on fire. At the very least, the adrenaline caused him to forget the nausea.
June covered her mouth, coughing softly, noting the burn of evergreen oil in the air. She furrowed her brow, looking around quietly, "It's been evacuated already... by a few hours, at least." She looks around again and turns her attention across the burning town, toward the western archway out into the forest, "We'll need to keep our eyes open."
The forest and the village were markedly different from his previous visit. The smell was nothing but burning and death, and aside from the crackling of the flames, it was eerily quiet. "There's nothing to the east but more Horde. They'd have to move west a bit before turning north to make it to Darkshore. If I know her, she'll try and rescue every soul she comes across. Compassionate..." Mal marked, "but it'll slow her down. If we ride quickly, we should close the gap fairly soon."
June hummed in agreement, already breaking into a sprint to start moving. There was nothing to wait for, after all. As the trio zipped through the forest, Leon was practically on fire, rushing across the land ahead of them, scanning anything and everything that moved. "Hold on, Bells. Just hold on."
June huffed softly as they sprinted, keeping her pace steady. Her legs were burning, but not nearly as hot as the forest. They -had- to keep moving. Ahead, as they turned north, Maestra's Post came into view... or rather, what was left of it. The armory and tower were both engulfed in flames, thick black smoke rising high above them.
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June raised a hand to shield her face from the heat of the flames. "This is not good."
Mal managed to keep pace with the pair of them. He was never one built for speed, but he had the legs to run for miles and miles without stopping. He came upon the post thirty seconds after the others with a frown on his face. "The Horde have harassed this post for years, ever since they established that fort on the coast after the Cataclysm. But it was skirmishes at worst, reminding us they were there. Nothing like this. This is savagery."
June shook her head again, more worry lines drawn into her forehead. "It's vile... Astranaar was a place of peace... and healing... and now it's destroyed." She looks at Mal and Leon, pale eyes shining.
The priest set his hand on her shoulder. "Whatever it is, it's beyond our help now, and if we linger they may turn on us next. We must keep on, the shore isn't far. With luck, the Grove will be intact, that is the likeliest spot for refugees."
June nodded again, watching as Leon sprinted ahead of them once again. She bit her lower lip, "He must be really worried," she commented, catching sight of Leon lifting a hand to his front, no doubt clutching his crescent medallion.
Malodar nodded silently and stretched out his legs and arms. He dug in his heels and took off down the road after their companion.
As they passed into Darkshore, June lifted her pale gaze to the sky. Ash and thick black smoke drifted above them. The air was acrid and made their eyes and throats burn. June coughed, tugging her scarf up from inside her collar, covering her nose and mouth. She looked to Mal as they sprinted, her voice muffled as she shouted, "We're getting closer... keep your eyes open!"
Malodar paused long enough to pull a cloth from his bag and tie it around his face. "I could try and find her but there's too much noise." He glanced around through the smoke, the animals scurrying around helplessly. He looked up and down the road. "We should move off the road as well, they're sure to have patrols here as well and we're not equipped for a fight if we're outnumbered."
Leon seemed to either be unbothered by the horrid state of the air, or simply didn't care about it. He gave a nod, turning his gaze up the road. June watched him stare hard - as if the smoke around them didn't hinder his vision in the slightest. "I don't see anyone on the road," he said, looking back to Mal, "But Bells would likely have done what you said. I just hope..." but his words trailed off, along with his shrouded gaze. June frowned beneath her mask, sharing a look with Mal.
"The shores are dangerous, exposed," Mal reasoned, "I don't think she'd be to the west. East, at the foot of the mountains is the farthest out of sight and there's no reason for the Horde to go that way. You can't reach her on your device?"
June nodded in agreement to Mal's words, turning to look toward the mountains. Leon, meanwhile, reached for the medallion on his neck again, clutching his fingers around it. But nothing happened. He frowned, "Bells is either rushing around, or trying to stay hidden. She does not answer."
Mal turned north and points into the trees. "The Grove of Ancients is but a few miles north of here, its magics will protect it from assault. We should start there."
Leon nodded, already starting forward, still clutching his medallion. June bit her lip in hesitation, looking to Mal, "There might be one other reason she isn't answering his call..." she said softly, not wanting to say it too loudly.
Mal nodded once. "Hope is preferable to despair. And with all due respect, do not take her for the doting housewife she may have appeared when you met. She knows a thing or two about surviving." He smirked beneath his mask and took off into the trees.
June 's brow knitted together on her forehead. She hoped he was right as she set off into the woods after him.
After passing through the Grove, the keepers there pointed further North. The smoke in the sky was growing thicker and more horrid, and the smell of burning wood was all anyone could smell. Leon's behavior was growing more agitated as they moved along the eastern edge of the forest, following the river at the suggestion of the Grove's remaining protectors. By the time they passed the ruins that were Auberdine, June was getting uncomfortable. Pale eyes shifted around, taking in their surroundings uneasily before turning back to Mal.
Followed along, slowly starting to show signs of the journey. Sweat covered his exposed skin from a combination of heat and smoke and the exertion. "It can't be much further now. We're nearly to Lor'danel. Its defensible enough to get refugees out, but apart from that, its surrounded." He looked to Leon. "Would you like me to search again?"
June's gaze drifted off to one side, and she rubbed her arm.
Leon huffed in frustration, grasping at his medallion again, "Come on, Bells! Come on, Angel... we need you to answer..." Several long moments passed before the medallion glowed a soft silver, a broken voice coming through, a little stronger than when they were Kun-Lai:
"L...on? Leo.....s that yo...?"
Leon looked like he might leap for joy, "Bells?! Bells! Where are you??"
The woman's voice echoed back at them, still slightly broken: "W......iding... mounta....s... nea........Maw."
The broken communication didn't offer much but at the end Mal looked to June with a neutral expression. "A familiar spot. Its a nasty spot just up the ridge." He said to Leon. "Dangerous, but probably far away from anywhere the Horde is interested in."
June gave a solemn nod, letting her pale gaze shift toward the rather large pit, where rushing water was running rather quickly before falling into the abyss. Leon's grabbing her wrist broke June out of her reverie, confusion painted on her face. He motioned Mal to hold onto his back, "Get on, I can get us across faster."
Mal arched an incredulous eyebrow, "You're kidding me..."
But Leon didn't wait for his answer. Instead he pulled Mal onto his back, wrapped an arm around June's waist, and said, "Better hold on," before leaping into the air with them in tow. As they began to fall, his wings flew out wide, and they glided smoothly to the other side of the little ravine. Once on the other side, he gently placed June down and stood up straight so Mal could get down. "What's the matter, you don't like flying?" he asked with a lopsided grin.
"I'm not a fan of piggy back rides...well, not in that sense anyway." The priest said as he dusted himself off and examined the rim of the pit and the rushing waters into it.
June couldn't help but chuckle as they walked along the path. Leon was already ahead of them, sniffing about like a tracking hound. June tilted her head at the behavior, glancing back to Mal, "Can he actually smell her?!?"
Mal shrugged slightly. "I imagine something in his...abilities allows him to sense her. She must be close." He leaped from the bank to the rocks and along following Leon.
Leon clutched his medallion tightly, taking solace in its soft glow. "We're coming, Bells." As they followed up the hill, the thick smoke carried past the mountains overhead. June coughed again, blinking her burning eyes a few times as they climbed.
The smoke didn't seem to bother Mal much, and he offered his arm out to help June climb as they neared the top of the hill. "After the Cataclysm these hills were rent apart, opened up all sorts of caverns and crevices to hide in."
Leon stopped them just outside the cavern, glaives drawn. He let out a rumbling growl that echoed out across the ridge, sounding very much like a wild and vicious animal. It took June several long moments to realize that he was trying to scare away any potential Horde assassins. But by the time she realized it, a soft woman's voice echoed from out of the back of the cavern: "Leon?"
Several tense moments passed before a soot-covered Belle tiptoed out of the cavern, several tears in her robes, with a small child following behind her, using the woman as a hiding place.
Mal looked around suspiciously until Belle stepped out. He relaxed slightly, but kept his hand near his dagger just in case. "You're a hard woman to find." He pointed out. As he straightened up he looked around, the cliff seemed to be empty, but he felt the need to be sure. He closed his eyes and focused. Less than a minute later he opened them again and blinked. "Near as I can tell… we're alone."
June gave a soft sigh and relaxed as well, looking back at Belle. Leon was standing next to June, holding his arms out for his mate to come to him.
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But the priestess was staring past them both, eyes wide, utter horror on her face. "No..." she whispered softly, tears falling freely down her cheeks, leaving trails in the soot on her skin. A few steps forward, and she collapsed to her knees, still staring forward... and as the woman went down, June saw it in her eyes, whirling around to take in the sight.
The great tree Teldrassil, home of the Kaldorei and one of the World Trees was now engulfed in flames. From base to canopy, completely uncontrollable, issuing forth great gushes of acrid black smoke.
Mal stood, watching as well, as the smoke filled the sky before them. He didn't have much of an attachment to his homeland, but the horror of it was impactful nonetheless. He stared in silence for a long time before he turned. "I know you've been through a lot, but we have to go now. This isn't a fight that's going to be won, and the window of escape is closing quickly."
June and Belle both seemed utterly lost, staring up at the horror of it, both with equal looks of loss in their expressions. Leon's expression hardened as he too took in the sight before looking back to Malodar quietly, "We should... we should give them a moment..." As his words trailed off, he approached Mal, side-glancing both girls, "We'll need to get back to where they've taken everyone... surely they were able to evacuate and portal them to Stormwind or... something... right?"
Malodar clenched his jaw. "Any delay is risking our chance at escape." He looked up at the roaring inferno that was once their capital city. "The portal in the city would've been dispelled. And I cannot imagine they would allow one in Lor'danel for long. If the Horde broke through that could bring them straight to Stormwind." He looked in the direction of the small town. "The Horde do not have a substantial fleet, escape by ship is the most feasible, but they will not linger long with the Horde pressing in."
Leon nodded in agreement, "Right." He tried to speak gently in Belle's ear, "Angel, honey, we have to go-" but just as he tried to break her out of her reverie, she lost her composure, wailing in emotional agony.
With a sigh, he nudged June.
Though she looked like she wanted to do what Belle had done, she nodded and inhaled softly. After a moment more of looking down at Leon's hand, she turned and headed into the cavern. It turned out, however, that the small child was the only survivor Belle had hidden away with her - the girl looked maybe five or six. Certainly not old enough to be handing such things. June frowned at Mal’s words, "Then let's make our way to Lor'danel and out of here, yes?"
Mal looked steely on the surface but somewhat unsettled in his eyes. It wasn't the first time he had to evacuate innocents from the horrors of war, and it was as ugly and terrifying then as it was now. He nodded once and turned to the couple. "We must make haste...Leon can you carry her and...I'll take the child..." He stepped around to the little girl and held out his hand trying to look as friendly as possible under the circumstances. He had a quick thought and reached into his bag, extracting a small piece of candied fruit he had bought in Pandaria on their journey to the summit. He offered it to her in his open palm.
As they gathered together, Leon nodded, taking Belle into his arms, "Yeah. Let's go."
(( mentions: @malodarstarstrike @moonsorrowhouse @bellalily-moonsorrow ))
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Preferences: Your first kiss
Betty Cooper: You were laying across Betty’s bed, a little bit sleepy, but you still could hear her, she was staring at her reflection, and looked uncomfortable with herself. “You look perfect, Betty.” You said, sitting still. She didn’t answer, so you stood up and walked towards her. “Believe me.”
She smiled at you. “Thanks, but I-”
“But nothing.” she was sitting on a chair, previously doing her makeup. You took a gloss from her bag and opened it. “This color suits you amazingly.” You sat in front of her. “And... it’ll make your lips taste like strawberries.”
She nervously smiled at you, as you put the end of the gloss on her lips, and slowly spread the content delicately over them. You were in a trance, and even when you finished you couldn’t help but to keep staring at your best friend.
Betty took the gloss away from you and said: “I think it would look good in you, too.” Then grabbed your neck and pulled you closer, but hesitated.
“Fuck this.” You whispered, before pressing your lips to hers.
Archie Andrews: You were playing the piano at the music room, when you made a mistake, then you sighed in exasperation and violently hit the keys.
“Woah, someone’s a little bit mad.” You turned to see Archie holding a white-plastic bag in one hand and his guitar in the other.
“I’m just really stressed.”
“Because of your performance?”
You nodded. “My dad expects it to be absolutely perfect, but I haven’t practiced enough.”
“Well, I brought you food, if it makes you feel any better.” He put the bag in front of you and smiled. “It’s pizza and donuts.” You looked at him with absolute gratitude. 
“Archie, you must be totally into me.” He laughed, nervously, and pushed his hair back. “I’m kidding.”
“Yeah, I know.” He cleared his throat. “So, can I help you with anything else?”
“Just... keep me company.” Archie nodded. 
You didn’t talk for a really long time, for you were focusing on your music, not noticing the way Archie was looking at you. When you finished, you listened Archie’s guitar from across the room, he was getting better, but still needed help, so you walked towards him. “That sounds amazing, Andrews.”
“Really? I... thanks.”
“You’re only missing the...” you had the intention of showing him, but couldn’t stop staring at his eyes, instead. He pulled you closer and kissed you slowly.
Jughead Jones: He saw you before. He looked worried. “Y/N.”
“Jughead! Hi.” You quickly wiped the tears off your face, but he had already seen them. 
“What happened?”
“Nothing, just... can we get out of here?” You hopefully asked. 
“That I can do.” Jughead grabbed your hand and walked you to his motorcycle. “Jump in, we’re in for a long ride.” And so you did, you wrapped your arms around Jughead’s chest and rested your head on his back. “Hold tight.” You shed a few more tears, but then stopped, the ride was somehow relaxing, the blur of green the woods were, and the way Jughead smelled, like leather and rosemary.
“Where are we?” You asked when he parked. 
“We are at my tree house?”
“No, seriously.”
“For real.” When you started walking, you saw it, a little wooden house on top of a tree. He went first up the ladder, but was so fast that when you were at the middle you couldn’t see him anymore. “Come on!”
“What? Jughead-” When you reached the top, there he was, offering you his hand. He helped you up, and when you were at his height, he kissed you. 
Veronica Lodge: Veronica had asked you to go clubbing with her, once again, but this time you noticed she looked at you in a rather strange way, not bad, but you just couldn’t figure out what it meant. “Are you ready?” She asked.
You smirked. “Are you?” You took her hand and walked her towards the dance floor. Veronica was a great dancer, but so were you. Although you weren’t quite ready for being in her arms when a Top 40 song transitioned into a slow one.
You moved with her, as perfectly as clockwork but as alive as the world, and everywhere your body touched hers felt like fire works. Everything had been driven out of her head... but you. The different colored lights painting your skin, your flushed face, the way your skirt flew up when you twirled, affording Veronica a glimpse of the smooth thighs she’d imagined more times it would be politically correct to admit.
She caught you by the waist and swayed backwards in her arms, your hair brushing the floor. When you rose up again, Veronica could no longer contain herself. She drew you into her and kissed you.
Kevin Keller: “I swear to god, Keller...”
“Come on, it’ll be fun.”
“I don’t see the fun in taking my clothes off in the middle of the Sweetwater River.” It was summer, both of you went on a picnic that somehow escalated into swimming in the shallow part of the river. 
“You don’t have to take all of your clothes off.” Kevin argued, while taking his own shirt off, allowing you to fully see his bare chest. “Just... your shirt and jeans.” Then he jumped. You were a little scared when he at first didn't float, but then he emerged. “Come on!” 
“Fuck you, Keller.” You mumbled, while taking your shirt off. “I really hope you’re not expecting to see my actual balls, you fucking perv!” He didn’t answer. You stayed in your jeans and jumped. The current drew you to Kevin’s arms. His body was warm, in contrast with the water. 
“See, it’s not that bad.” You nodded, sarcastically. “I mean it, it’s good if you’re around.” You looked down to watch your body so near his it made you shiver. “Y/N...” And then he kissed you. He kissed you so roughly but so quickly, you doubted it was real. 
He looked at you, as if asking if it was okay, so you smiled. “Yeah, it’s not that bad.”
Cheryl Blossom: “What the hell is wrong with you?” You inquired, after dragging Cheryl to the, at the time, desolated gymnasium.
She crossed her arms. “What do you mean?”
“First you hate me, then you don’t, then you hate me but we’re somehow friends, but now you won’t even talk to me!?” She was angry- no, she was furious. You could see raging fire in her eyes. “Shall I ask the question again? What, with all due respect, the fuck is wrong with you?”
“You don’t understand anything, do you?” Now she was the one walking closer to you, which, by inertia, made you take steps back, eventually hitting the wall. “Your brain must be the one of a dead sloth for not realizing what’s wrong. But perhaps it’s my fault and I should have known, for you own a pair of UGG’s.”
“Well, it’s not my fault, I haven’t done anything bad to you.”
“That’s where you’re wrong. You are... annoyingly you.”
“Oh, woah, that’s extremely explanatory and totally not redundant, I should’ve known I am me.”
“Shut up.”
“Shut up? Shut up? I haven’t shut up in over sixteen years, I’m not staring n-” Next thing you knew, you were being interrupted by Cheryl’s bright red lips, moving furiously against yours.
Josie McCoy: You two were alone at Josie’s hotel room, her mom was out doing God knows what with God knows whom, and she had asked you to accompany her. “Let’s put some music.” You suggested, getting up to look for her speakers. You knew she was checking you out, you had been doing the same, both of you were only using oversized shirts and your underwear, after all. 
“Not too loud, I don’t want the guests to complain.” You rolled your eyes, but did what she said. Coming Home, from Leon Bridges started playing.
“Come, dance with me.” 
She stood up and walked towards you. “How am I supposed to dance to this.”
“It’s a slow song.” You took her hand and put it on your waist, then you grabbed her other hand and slowly started to dance. She was a really good dancer, but you could tell she was nervous. “Relax, it’s just me.”
“That’s the problem.” She replied. 
“Oh, is it?” You whispered. 
Josie leaned and slowly brushed her lips over yours. “Is this okay?”
You smiled. “More than okay.” You answered, before kissing her again. 
Toni Topaz: You were sitting at the desk of the Red And Black office, reading a terrible article some kid ‘FR’ had sent you. Toni was there, too, but she was writing. You sighed. “Gosh, I could sleep for the rest of my life now; honestly, hibernation doesn’t sound bad at all.”
“Ugh, same.” She replied. Putting her work aside. “Do you want some coffee?”
“Sure.” Toni gave you a warm cup and you smiled. “Thanks.”
“Anything for you, your highness.” 
You rolled your eyes. “Seriously Toni, I’m from the Northside, not Montecarlo.”
“But you’ve been to Montecarlo.” 
“False. I went to Lyon.” Now she rolled her eyes. “I’m so tired of this Northside-Southside war, it’s true there’s a privilege, but I wish we could focus on making things better rather than killing ourselves, don’t you think?”
“You’re so pure-hearted, if only it were so easy.”
“I just wish it was, I wouldn’t have to lie to my mom about whom am sneaking out with.” You vacillate, slowly caressing her knuckles. 
She looked at you, her eyes shining so bright and her smile turning every centimeter of your body into ashes. “I really want to kiss you right now.” She said. 
“No one’s stopping you.” You put your hands on both sides of her face and drew her lips to yours. 
Sweet Pea: You were walking alone in the streets of the Southside, in the middle of the night. It wasn’t your fault you needed to work until late, but still... 
You rubbed your hands in an attempt of gaining some heat, but it was futile, you could see your breath, your jeans were wet because of walking in the snow, and you were only wearing a long sleeved shirt. 
Someone was walking behind you, you could hear their steps go faster as they approached you, you walked faster, but then you heard. “HEY, Y/N!”
“Sweet Pea?” You stopped. He smiled in self sufficiency and got closer to you. “What are you doing here?” “Just... hanging around.” 
“Sure.” You turned around and kept walking.
“Wait, I can walk you home.”
“No need.”
“Come on.” He took his Southside leather jacket off and handed it to you.
“I’m not cold, but thanks.”
“Yeah, right.” He mocked. 
“I’m serious, I’m not cold!” You exclaimed, while he shook his head, and put his jacket over your shoulders. “Sweet Pea...”
“Relax, it’s a jacket, not a marriage proposal, although...” He suggestively smiled at you. 
“You wish.” He laughed. “The only reason I’m letting you walk me home, it’s because there’s a murderer on the loose, and you happen to be around, don’t get confused.”
“Oh, it has nothing to do with the fact that deep down you like me?”
“What? That’s pure insanity. I wouldn’t date you even if you were the last man on Earth.”
“Yeah?” He inquired. 
“Yes.” You didn't realized –until it was too late– how you were against the fence of your home, and he was dangerously closer to you. “I don’t like you, Sweet Pea.” You lied. 
“So, if I kissed you right now, would you reject me?” You gulped. “Would you?” He leaned, and by inertia you closed your eyes, before feeling his lips against yours. 
I don’t know how to do Christmas specials, my thought process basically is: ADD SOME SNOW, JUST ADD SOME SNOW. 
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thisisheavynews · 5 years
Zac Brown Band Talks Bourbon, ZZ Top Celebrates Beer Drinkers And Hell Raisers As Bourbon And Beyond 2019 Comes To A Close
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Zac Brown Band closes out Bourbon and Beyond 2019. Sunday, September 22, 2019 in Louisville, Kentucky
Photo by Barry Brecheisen
As summer time winds down, the Hometown Rising, Bourbon and Beyond and Louder Than Life music festivals carry renewed vacationer curiosity to Louisville, Kentucky throughout three consecutive September weekends. 
Bourbon and Beyond drills down on meals and beverage along with nice stay music, however options just a little little bit of the whole lot that’s carefully related to the “Bluegrass State.”
“We love finding ways to reach out to folks and sort of interpret baseball through all sorts of different lenses, especially to sort of broaden the story of it a bit. Whenever there’s some type of pop culture way to draw baseball in, we’re all about that,” defined Louisville Slugger Museum and Factory Vice President and Executive Director Anne Jewell. 
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Gallery: ZZ Top, Zac Brown Band, Leon Bridges, Edie Brickell, Margo Price And More On Day three At Bourbon And Beyond – Photo Recap
30 photos
Since 1884, Louisville Slugger baseball bats have been made in Louisville, Kentucky and solely Louisville, Kentucky and the corporate has a significant footprint in its dwelling metropolis. 13,000 seat Louisville Slugger Field acts because the summer time dwelling of the Triple-A Louisville Bats and the corporate runs 12 months spherical excursions of its manufacturing unit and museum.
“We are so proud that the city’s name is in our name. We know that we are ambassadors for the city and we don’t take it for granted,” mentioned Jewell. “Our factory tour is the real deal – this isn’t a fake factory. We are the only place in the world where these baseball bats are made and you’re walking right through the heart of our production line. We just renovated our factory tour, so it’s a whole new experience. And our next stop is renovating our galleries and our store. Even if you’ve been to our place before, it’s a new experience if you come back. You don’t have to be a big baseball fan to enjoy it.”
Bourbon and Beyond entered its third 12 months in 2019 and Louisville Slugger has partnered with the music pageant since its inception, creating distinctive mementos and experiences for followers and artists alike. 
“We give each act in the lineup a black and silver Louisville Slugger bat that’s customized with the Bourbon and Beyond logo in silver. Then it’s personalized with their names. For some of the real iconic performers – the Rock and Roll Hall of Famers and so on – we also create customized bats. They’re real works of art that sort of fit each artist’s vibe and groove and style,” Jewell defined. “We ask the artists to sign those and then we add them into our music superstars collection, which features musicians like Bob Dylan and Stevie Wonder and Carrie Underwood. Then we bring those out for our guests. When they come visit us, we have them out on display and folks get a chance to hold them and know they’re holding something that was in the hands of their rock and roll heroes.”
Baseball was on full show Friday night time on the Bourbon and Beyond stage as John Fogerty carried out his baseball targeted 1985 hit “Centerfield” on a baseball bat formed guitar, a model of which has discovered a everlasting dwelling within the Baseball Hall of Fame.
“We made an amazing bat for John Fogerty this year. It’s sort of outfitted with a traditional look but has a smoky, flame brand to it which really brings out the deep wood grain. We had sort of a red, white and blue stars and stripes logo for him with his arched John Fogerty logo. We can’t wait to get our hands on that after he’s signed it and put it out for folks to see,” Jewell mentioned. “Even folks who aren’t that big of baseball fans but are music fans, we get a chance to tell them a little bit of the story of baseball too.”
Nowhere was the incorporation of music and meals higher displayed at this 12 months’s pageant than throughout a Sunday panel dialogue that includes Zac Brown Band chef Rusty Hamlin and guitarist Coy Bowles.
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Chef Rusty Hamlin and Zac Brown Band guitarist Coy Bowles on stage on day three at Bourbon and Beyond. Sunday, September 22, 2019 in Louisville, Kentucky
Photo by Barry Brecheisen
Chef Rusty handles Brown’s “Eat and Greet” every night time on tour and options a wide range of recipes on his web site, together with his tackle a New Orleans basic.
“On stage, I did a Louisiana barbecue shrimp which means just shrimp in a pan with compound butter and spices and stuff. Then I flamed it with the bourbon and it came out really well. Anything you use white wine in, almost, you can use bourbon in,” Hamlin advised Forbes backstage Sunday afternoon. “Lately I’ve been taking different barrel ash and using it for curing fish or turning it around and doing brines with it. You can incorporate that ash into a brine and it really, really helps to bring out the flavor. But, when it comes to infusing anything from sauce to ice cream, you can definitely use bourbon.”
Hamlin’s cooking for the band options bourbon in a wide range of methods and Zac Brown Band multi-instrumentalist John Driskell Hopkins and bassist Matt Mangano are each followers of the spirit.
“I’ve been hanging out today with Angel’s Envy and with the Pappy Van Winkle group. And they’re friends and they’ve got a long Louisville history together with families stretching hundreds of years making these amazing whiskeys. It’s great to see the families come together and this unity behind a product that everyone all over the world can enjoy,” mentioned Hopkins backstage. 
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Zac Brown Band closes out the Bourbon and Beyond music pageant. Sunday, September 22, 2019 in Louisville, Kentucky
Photo by Barry Brecheisen
“I enjoy the bourbon,” Mangano advised Forbes. “Having a bourbon is historically a gentleman’s drink and it sort of brings people together who might not normally sit together. You can sit down at a bar next to somebody and strike up a conversation about your bourbon. It’s just a fun social idea to hang out and have a whiskey and to be surrounded by so many different craftsmen too,” he continued, noting the pageant environment.
Zac Brown Band was a success Sunday night time working up their fiddle-fueled tackle cuts like “Knee Deep” early, finally working in covers ranging anyplace from Charlie Daniels Band (“Devil Went Down to Georgia”) or Kings of Leon (“Use Somebody”) to Dave Matthews Band (“Too Much”). 
The totally different sounds and types explored Sunday night time at Bourbon and Beyond acted as an amazing primer for the group’s sixth studio album The Owl, which was launched final Friday and covers huge musical floor.
“I been waitin’ on this all day!” mentioned Brown, opening Sunday night time’s co-headlining set with “Homegrown.” “We’re so happy to be sharing the stage with these legends,” he continued, noting weekend performers like Fogerty, Robert Plant and ZZ Top.
Comedian Adam Carolla made a cease on the pageant Sunday too, speaking spirits on stage with connoisseur Fred Minnick.
Bourbon and Beyond marked the final cease of a weekend which noticed Carolla recording a web based collection known as Bourbon Barter throughout a visit throughout Kentucky’s famed Bourbon Trail for airing by way of Spirits Network.
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Adam Carolla in dialog with Fred Minnick on day three at Bourbon and Beyond. Sunday, September 22, 2019 in Louisville, Kentucky
Photo by Barry Brecheisen
“When I was at Justin’s, I tried a bourbon called Old Blowhard, which is what my kids call me,” Carolla joked of a cease at Justin’s House of Bourbon in Lexington, Kentucky. “I took a shine to that. I basically like the really expensive bourbon when it’s free.”
Elsewhere on the Sunday music slate, Edie Brickell carried out alongside the New Bohemians.
“We’re gonna go back in time. We’ll see if you remember…” mused the singer, opening her Bourbon and Beyond set Sunday with “Stranger Things.” 
The affect of the Grateful Dead was notable within the guitar taking part in of Brickell and authentic New Bohemian Kenneth Neil Winthrow throughout a lightweight, bouncy early afternoon set Sunday.
“Serving up a little teen angst,” joked Brickell. “There’s a little part of that that’s still alive in me,” she continued establishing “Circle.
The singer kicked repeatedly together with her left leg later, closing the group’s 1988 hit “What I Am.”
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Edie Brickell & New Bohemians carry out on day three at Bourbon and Beyond. Sunday, September 22, 2019 in Louisville, Kentucky
Photo by Barry Brecheisen
ZZ Top set the stage for Zac Brown with a rollicking biggest hits set that began robust with “Got Me Under Pressure.” 
Guitarist Billy Gibbons and bass participant Dusty Hill strutted in sync to the foot of the stage, pointing at each other as “I Thank You” kicked in subsequent.
The group’s patented fuzzy guitars have been out for “Legs” and Hill appeared to the group, cupping his ear, hamming it up as Gibbons took over “La Grange.”
“Tush” was a efficiency throughout which Hill dealt with the lead vocal, permitting Gibbons to get pleasure from a cigar as he ripped off a scorching slide guitar solo.
“We’ve been coming around here for 50 years,” noticed Gibbons of the group’s historical past in Louisville, introducing bandmates Hill and drummer Frank Beard. “Same three guys right here, same three chords.”
from Heavy News https://thisisheavynews.com/zac-brown-band-talks-bourbon-zz-top-celebrates-beer-drinkers-and-hell-raisers-as-bourbon-and-beyond-2019-comes-to-a-close/
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andrea-odown · 7 years
Lessons in Love - Chapter 16
A Sing (2016)-fanfic. Sequel to my story “Keep on Singing”.
Read it on FF.Net and AO3.
Description: After their kiss on stage there’s still so much to figure out for Johnny and Cia. None of them has been in a relationship before, after all.
Chapter 16: Cia
Cia really isn’t looking forward to meeting Johnny’s dad. Not that she doesn’t want to meet him, it’s just that she’d prefer Johnny could go with her. But with his dad in prison, Cia only gets the chance to meet him alone.
Johnny already told her everything she needs to know - about the room, the booth, that she has to talk to his dad over a phone and that there’s going to be glass between them.
Which probably should be soothing, but it isn’t.
She knows about Johnny’s criminal past and what his dad and the gang did.
It was one of the first things Johnny told her after they got together, and she still remembers the look on his face, sad and a little afraid.
Later, he told her he’d been afraid she’d break up with him because of that.
Which she didn’t.
The look on his face made her want to kiss him immediately, but she let him finish his story first before she pulled him into a gentle kiss, and after the kiss she told him, she didn’t care about his criminal past. Not at all.
His relieved sigh was a sound she’s never to forget.
And of course it made her kiss him again.
But that was a story, Johnny’s story. This is meeting his dad. Without Johnny. Alone.
She doesn’t even know what to say to him.
Although Johnny tried to help her there, too, but as much as they tried to find a topic both she and his dad would like, they failed. She isn’t really interested in cars or boxing.
Cia sighs.
Things would be a lot easier if she knew what to talk about with Johnny’s dad. And the date of their meeting is getting closer.
Cia tries to keep herself busy.
Which isn’t that hard. She has enough work to do with re-writing the play for Mr. Moon and working on the lyrics for Johnny’s album.
She just wishes she could spend more time with Johnny.
But he’s super-busy right now, too. Rehearsals, working on his album, the work in the garage, it all comes together to this huge pile of work.
Johnny has barely any free time, but he still somehow manages to meet up with her as often as he can.
When they had lunch together yesterday when she was working at the theater, she couldn’t help, but recognize how tired Johnny looked.
And she made a mental note to not have sex with him when they met at her place after his rehearsals because he needed rest.
Well, she could stick to it for about thirty minutes, but when Johnny kissed her and his hands started wandering over her body, she caved in to him.
She didn’t regret it. It was amazing!
But she really has to work on that. She doesn’t want Johnny to collapse.
Maybe Ash and her should have another of their girls’ nights and she could ask for advice.
She had a lot of fun when she and Ash met last time, although Johnny had been right about her need for details. Which didn’t bother Cia at all. She loved to have a little lewd talk at a girls’ night.
But she made Ash promise that she’d never tell Johnny or tease him about it. And that she shouldn’t ask Johnny for details any longer because he doesn’t seem to like it.
So far, it seems to work.
As long as Cia provides her with more details. With what Cia has absolutely no problem with.
She really likes Ash. It’s been a while since she had a best friend, but maybe Ash could turn into one.
With a smile Cia turns back to her work, pushing the thought away that the meeting with Johnny’s dad is going to be in three days.
Three days later, Cia shrinks into her seat as she waits for Johnny’s dad to show up.
You’re doing this for Johnny! she reminds herself. It’s important to him.
She still wishes Johnny could be here with her. But that’s not how things work in this prison.
If only she knew what to talk to Johnny’s dad about!
And suddenly, it hits her. She might not be interested in cars, and Johnny’s dad most certainly isn’t interested in writing, but there’s one thing that’s important to both to them.
And that’s Johnny.
She smiles, relieved that she finally found something to talk about with Johnny’s dad, but the smile threatens to disappear when she sets eyes on the gorilla approaching the booth.
She didn’t expect him to be such an impressive figure.
Her smile is almost gone when she forces the corners of her mouth up again.
First impressions, Cia! They’re important!
The gorilla sits down on the other side of the glass and takes the receiver. Cia does the same.
“Hello!” she says, hoping he didn’t catch the little tremble in her voice. “I’m Cia!”
The gorilla looks her over.
She keeps her smile up although her face is starting to hurt.
“So, you are Johnny’s girlfriend?” the gorilla asks, and Cia nods.
“Well, then let me tell you something, girl,” he begins and there’s a warning ring to his voice which makes Cia tense up a little.
Leon leans forward. “If you ever break his heart, I’m gonna break your face.”
Yes, his voice makes the alarm bells ring in her head, but his words make the anger rise in her chest.
She? Breaking Johnny’s heart? She could never do that!
She leans a little bit forward herself.
“Well, then let me tell you something in return,” she says. “Johnny is the best thing that has ever happened to me in my life, so if I’d ever be so stupid as to ruin this by breaking his heart, you have every right in the world to break my face, every bone in my body, whatever it is you want to break! Did I make myself clear!?”
She didn’t mean to raise her voice, it just happened somehow.
But she’s so angry! How could he even think that she’d break Johnny’s heart!?
Leon’s face is unreadable, and when he leans forward even more, Cia prefers to lean back a little. She wants a little distance between him and her. Yes, there’s the glass, but still.
“You have some guts, girl,” he says, and Cia swallows hard.
And suddenly, his face turns into a smile. “I like that,” he says with a little laugh.
Cia lets out the breath she’s been holding in a long sigh.
“You have to be kidding me!” Cia calls out. “He wanted to be a pirate when he was a kid?”
“Yes!” Leon laughs. “Had to bring him to swimming lessons twice a week because he wanted to be prepared when his ship sinks.”
Cia joins in the laughter.
She really likes Leon’s laugh. It’s loud and roaring and so very real.
“You know I am going to tease him about that,” she says.
“Go ahead! Every male needs to be teased by his girl a bit.”
Cia giggles.
“Well, Cia, our time is up,” Leon says. “It was a pleasure meeting you!”
“Same!” Cia says.
“You wanna come visit me again?”
“Definitely!” Cia replies. “I need some more Johnny-childhood-stories to tease him about.”
Leon chuckles. “Okay. Bye, Cia!”
“Bye, Leon!”
On her way home Cia is surprised about how well this meeting went.
She knows she wanted to leave Johnny alone for a bit, so he can get enough rest, but she simply has to meet him tonight.
So she sends him a text and Johnny agrees for her to come over to his place after his rehearsals.
As soon as she’s entered the apartment, she wraps her arms around Johnny.
Johnny is a bit startled by that, she can feel him tense up a little, but then he relaxes and returns the hug.
“So I guess everything went fine with my Dad?” he asks.
“Yeah!” Cia says. “He’s great!”
Johnny laughs. “That’s awesome!”
Cia leans back a little to look at Johnny with a smirk. “Why have you never told me that you wanted to be a pirate when you were a kid?”
Johnny’s face freezes. “You … talked about that?”
“Yes, and that you wanted to have your own ship and …”
Johnny doesn’t let her finish and presses his mouth to hers.
When they break the kiss, Cia’s smirk deepens.
“If you think that’s going to stop me, you’re wrong,” she says. “Anyways, he said he had to bring you to your swimming lessons twice a week bec …”
Johnny kisses her again. This time it’s a more passionate, demanding kiss.
“I said that’s not going to work,” Cia says when they come up for air, although she must say, she starts to doubt that herself.
“Oh yeah?” Johnny replies, and now it’s his turn to smirk. “Might have to do it better, then.”
And when he pulls her into a kiss now, it’s so breathtaking and hot that Cia’s sure she isn’t going to get a chance to mention that pirate-episode for a little while now.
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dogmapod · 5 years
04 Los Illuminados
Hey folks, welcome to the show Dogma: A Podcast About Cults I’m your host Denis Ricardo.
This show is about cults. The origins, practices and abuses of cults. So, if you are uncomfortable with descriptions of sexual, physical and mental violence and abuse, this isn’t the show for you.
I’m gonna try to keep it light and fun, but this stuff can get kind of dark… so you’ve been warned.
Our story begins in ancient Europe, in a region that would later be known as Spain on a remote island.  existed a pagan group.
It is said that this pagan group was wiped out by another group that would later be known as the First Castellan. Both hold similar worship practices, so it is unknown if these similarities were just held because of they were both in the same region, or if it was a form of dominant syncretism.
The evidence of their similar beliefs are found on cave paintings on the island, which showed a worship of a species of bug endemic to the island.
In 1478 the Spanish Inquisition was founded by the Catholic monarchs of Spain Ferdinand II and Isabella of Castile. It was founded after the ousting of the Moorish Caliphate and the reunification of a Catholic Spain. Its job was to oust any Jews, Muslims and people accused of witchcraft and paganism from Spain.
Eventually the Inquisition made its way to this remote island and seemingly eliminated our group of pagans and installed a noble family, the Salazar family, to govern the island. The Salazars had the ancient caves sealed. However, a small group of them survive and practice in secret for the next several hundred years.
Some time in the late 1990s or early 2000s the 8th Castellan, the leader of this pagan group, came to power. He and his pagan group convinced the reigning Salazar to allow him to practice openly, eventually turning the nobleman to follow their practices. Salazar felt he should atone for the sins of his ancestors and open up the ancient caves.
Doing so released a parasite that had been growing in the cave for these hundreds of years and it seemed to infect the locals. These parasites were the same bug that were worshiped so many years ago by the pagan group, so the 8th Castellan got to work on perfecting a way to reproduce an even stronger variety.
It was an act only for the clergy of this pagan group and for Salazar to willingly be infected with this enhanced parasite, which attached itself to the nervous system of the host, altering their mood and cognitive function. The newly infected laypeople began life again as normal as possible, though many were recruited by Salazar and the Castellan to create a militia, amassing arms and creating a military base on the island.
Sometime before the fall of 2004 the US president’s daughter was kidnapped by a terrorist group that was working with the island militia as part of a plot to spread their parasite around the world in an act of bioterrorism.
A single agent working for a US anti-terrorist task force was dispatched to the island with the help of police from the mainland of Spain to rescue the president’s daughter.
It was surprising this agent was chosen, he seemed to have very little background in anti-terrorist activity, though he was involved with helping to stop a bioterror attack on his first day as a police officer. His name is Leon S. Kennedy.
He was hired afterward by the US government to work with another agent  Jack Krauser to address more bioterrorist activity in South America, though he seemed to have lost Krauser along the way.
Upon arrival to the main village on the island the US agent was attacked and the local police he came with were killed by the cultists.
Leon escaped an attack by a group of locals and makes his way to the main village. The villagers all look sick and sallow, moving mindlessly like ants. In the center is an effigy with two burning bodies, the two Spanish police that Kennedy arrived with.
He is contacted by his intel-support Ingrid Hunnigan who informs his about the village.
Kennedy attempts to make his way through the village, but is spotted. He fights off an onslaught of villagers, knows as Ganados, attacking him with pitchforks and other farm equipment including a chainsaw.
Kennedy was certain this would be his demise, but the bell of the church rings, and as if under a spell, the villagers disbanded and headed toward the church.
Things are not all well for Kennedy, though. He attempted to investigate further, but is captured and incapacitated by the chief of the village Biotores Mendez. While Kennedy is unconscious, he is injected with the very parasite that has infected the village, Las Plagas.
Kennedy regains consciousness and finds himself held captive with a man named Luis Sera. Sera was formerly a researcher of Los Illuminados.
They worked together to escape and part ways after Kennedy finds out Ashley Graham is being held in the church from Hunnigan.
Kennedy finds himself attempting to fight off Mendez, but is easily overpowered. When Kennedy believed everything to be over, he is rescued by a woman in a red dress rappelling from the roof of the house they are in. Kennedy recognizes this woman as Ada Wong.
Kennedy believed he was in the clear after this encounter, but it was just the beginning.
As he arrives to the church, he realizes that the doors are locked. He sees that there is a key that is made up of Los Illuminados insignia. He realizes that he needs to retrieve these pieces.
Retrieving the pieces is not easy, as he finds himself facings all different types of obstacles, including a giant salamander, a giant man and villagers whose heads explode and reveal at monstrous squid-like being with barbed tentacles.
Kennedy returns to the church and rescues Ashley Graham. He plans their escape but not before they are met with the leader of Los Illuminados Osmund Saddler.
Saddler reveals he has infected Graham with a Plaga in order to carry out his plan of world domination. This plan includes a convoluted plot for Ashely to infect her father with a Master Plaga so he can give Los Illuminados power and money to take over the world.
They escape and are faced with Mendez, now willing to show his true, centipede body. Kennedy corners him in a barn and sets it ablaze, killing Mendez. Kennedy and Graham head towards the island’s castle for refuge, but now without facing zealots with more transforming heads and a blinded man with claws for hands.
In the castle they are faced with Salazar, now fully integrated into Los Illuminados. The two are separated by Salazar’s traps, making things much easier for the player because they don’t have to worry about Ashley getting killed. I mean… Kennedy is furious and makes his way through the castle.
During all of this, Sera is searching for medication that will remove the Plagas from Kennedy and Graham. He catches up with Kennedy, pills in hand, but Saddler comes out of fucking nowhere and kills Sera with a gross barbed appendage that he then sucks back into his body and it all looks very phallic.
He makes his way through the castle, having to find more goddamn keys and is aided by Wong at some point. Kennedy is apprehensive to fully trust Wong because she was a double agent while he was attempting to escape Raccoon City. Despite this, they both def want to fuck.
He faces a shit ton of more zealots and even a goddam clockwork robot of Salazar, because that is a completely practical thing to have built just in case the castle is infiltrated by just one US agent.
Leon is then face-to-face with Salazar, who allows himself to be sucked in by this weird fleshy plant that transforms him into some gross hybrid plant thing. But it’s not big deal, because it’s an easy boss fight TBH and Kennedy moves forward to the military compound.
If you’re playing the Gamecube version, this is where you have to switch disks.
Kennedy has to make his way through a barrage of militia members who are also infected, and it ain’t easy. Seriously, how the fuck do you get past that guy with the minigun without dying once while you have to also solve a fucking light puzzle? Christ…
Kennedy moves forward through a kitchen and is attacked by a flaming Ganado hiding in an oven, which I swear to God, freaks me out every damn time even though I know it’s coming.
Leon is then faced by Jack Krauser, and clearly they know each other, but if this is the first time you’re playing you’re like “Um, who the fuck is this guy?” You don’t find out until like ten years later when Umbrella Chronicles comes out on the Wii, so real convenient Capcom.
Krauser is working with Wesker and whatever is left of Umbrella to get Las Plagas to work in tandem with T-Virus or something. It’s really not clear. Oh, and Ada’s also working to get this sample, so duh you couldn’t trust her. But you can definitely bone.
Krauser is defeated and Leon unceremoniously finds Ashley and the convenient radiotherapeutic device that removes Las Plaga. Why was this thing ever built? What purpose does it serve for Los Illuminados, I thought they wanted to infect everyone? It seems really counter intuitive, but whatever, you both are cured. Leon grabs a Plaga sample, probably to be destroyed or studied or something. That really isn’t ever made clear.
Leon finally confronts Saddler who transforms into this gross spider thing with with an eye for a head. And excuse me Saddler and everyone who wants to take over the world in Resident Evil, how are you going to do it when you transform into this mindless monster? I get that you have telepathy with the Plagas and other virus zombies, but it just doesn’t seem practical. And the US government has showed they are more than willing to nuke an entire town just to get rid of nasty monsters like you. But hey, boss fight, right?
Ada shows up out of nowhere again and throws Leon a rocket launcher, the deus ex machina of all Ressy games. Leon shoot Saddler and Ada steals the sample because surprise, she’s working for Wesker (or is she? IDK play the side game with Ada and you’ll find out she’s a triple agent!). It’s all very erotic between the two, even though she’s always just going to be a bad guy. She throws him a bone, by which I mean a jet ski key with a teddy bear keychain.
The island is set to blow up, so Leon and Ashley make their way down an annoying timed route to the jet ski. I alway hate these timed escapes, they just feel like a cheap way to build tension.
They get on said jet ski that escape. The game’s about to end but not before the 15-year-old child Ashely hits on Leon, saying they should try and fuck when they get back to the White House. Leon says no, which is honestly very surprising for a Japanese game, and they ride off back to mainland Spain, which is hopefully not too far away because jet skis can’t really go very far.
Now here comes the fun part, where I beg you for money. I come to you hat in hand, asking you to go to patreon.com/dogmapod and throw a few bucks my way to help support the podcast. I can’t offer much for tier rewards, but no matter what level you donate at, I will get the episodes out to you early and you can have access to the joke episodes like this one where I explore pop culture cults as well as unrelated, cult-esque articles and podcasts that don’t quite fit with the format. At higher donations I will take suggestions for cults and do an episode on those. Thank you so much if you decide to be ever so gracious. OK, now back to the show.
So ends Los Illuminados. But not Las Plagas because it’s mutated and used in Africa to infect the indigenous population and it is all vaguely racist because you’re a white guy killing all these black people. But that has nothing to do with a cult, so I’m not gonna talk about it.
Thanks again so much for listening. That was our episode about Los Illuminados. Hope you didn’t mind this joke episode, but I’m going to try and lighten the mood every once in a while with a fictional cult because real cults get depressing.
Next time, we’re going to look into a real cult that has actually committed an act of terrorism and used popular media to get young followers.
Until then, take care and goodbye.
Song Credits:
“Frozen Jungle” “Qulques Rue Sombre” “Where You Hear the Prayer (McGuffin Theme)” “Battle Theme” and “My hobby, destroy the universe, why? (Evil character’s theme)” by Monplaisir under the name Komiku (http://freemusicarchive.org/music/Komiku/)
All other music was composed by Senbongi Misao & Uchiyama Shusaku
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