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راولپنڈی کا اصغر مال کالج
یہ چار دہائیاں پہلے کی بات ہے۔ گورڈن کالج سے ایم اے انگلش کرنے کے بعد میری عملی زندگی کا آغاز ہو رہا تھا۔ ابھی ڈگریوں کی بہتات اور ارزانی نہیں ہوئی تھی۔ اس زمانے میں ایم اے انگلش کے بعد طالبِ علموں کا پہلا انتخاب سی ایس ایس ہوتا۔ میری گورڈن کالج میں پہلی پوزیشن تھی لیکن میں نے اپنی مرضی سے تدریس کے شعبے کا انتخاب کیا اور طویل عرصہ گزر جانے کے بعد بھی مجھے اپنے انتخاب پر خوشی ہے۔ ایم اے کا نتیجہ آنے کے کچھ دن بعد ہی ڈائریکٹوریٹ آف ایجوکیشن کی طرف سے لیکچررشِپ کا اشتہار آیا۔ میں بھی انٹرویو میں شریک ہوا۔ دو ہفتے بعد اطلاع ملی کہ میری سلیکشن ہو گئی ہے‘ اور میری تقرری گورنمنٹ ڈگری کالج منڈی بہاؤالدین میں کی گئی ہے۔ منڈی بہاؤالدین میں میرا قیام چند ماہ رہا کیونکہ اسی دوران پبلک سروس پبلک سروس کمیشن کے تحت میری سلیکشن ہو گئی اور مجھے راولپنڈی کے ایک انٹر کالج میں تعینات کر دیا گیا۔ یہاں صرف دو کلاسوں کو پڑھانا ہوتا۔
بظاہر زندگی بہت آسان تھی۔ میری اپوائنٹمنٹ میرے شہر میں تھی اور ورک لوڈ بہت کم تھا۔ اصولی طور پر مجھے مطمئن ہو جانا چاہیے تھا‘ لیکن میں چند ماہ میں ہی یکسانیت سے اکتا گیا۔ مجھے اس کام میں کوئی چیلنج نظر نہیں آرہا تھا۔ انہی دنوں کی بات ہے کہ بشیر قریشی مرحوم‘ جو گورنمنٹ کالج اصغر مال میں انگریزی کے شعبے سے وابستہ تھے‘ کا پیغام ملا کہ شعبے میں ایک ویکنسی ہے‘ اگر چاہو تو شعبے کے سربراہ سے ملاقات کر لو۔ قریشی صاحب کا پیغام سُن کر مجھے یوں لگا‘ جیسے میں اسی کا منتظر تھا۔ اس زمانے میں اصغر مال کالج میں شعبہ انگریزی کے سربراہ محترم سعیدالحسن صاحب تھے۔ وہ علی گڑھ سے فارغ التحصیل تھے۔ باغ وبہار شخصیت تھے۔ اونچا لمبا قد، سر کے بال سفید‘ ہونٹوں پر پان کی سُرخی اور دبی دبی مسکراہٹ۔ میں ملاقات کا وقت لے کر ان کے آفس پہنچ گیا۔ سعیدالحسن صاحب نے چائے منگوائی اور عام گفتگو کرنے لگے۔
میرا خیال تھا یہ ایک روایتی انٹرویو ہو گا۔ جب چائے پی چکے اور تقریباً آدھا گھنٹہ گزر گیا تو سعید صاحب رُکے اور کہنے لگے: آپ سے مل کر مجھے خوشی ہوئی لیکن ایک مسئلہ ہے۔ مجھے لگا میرے اندر کوئی دیوار گِر گئی ہے۔ ڈرتے ڈرتے پوچھا: سرکیا مسئلہ ہے؟ اس پر سعید صاحب کہنے لگے: پہلے بھی دو امیدوار آئے تھے‘ لیکن جب انہیں بتایا کہ ایم اے کی کلاسز کو بھی پڑھانا ہو گا تو وہ واپس نہیں آئے۔ میں ان کا جواب سُن کر ہنس پڑا اور کہا: ایم اے انگلش پڑھانے کی ذمہ داری میری خوش بختی ہو گی۔ سعید صاحب کے چہرے پر اطمینان کی لہر آئی اور وہ کہنے لگے: ہماری طرف سے ایک سرکاری خط ڈائریکٹوریٹ چلا جائے گا‘ جس میں آپ کی سروسز گورنمنٹ کالج اصغر مال کو دینے کی درخواست ہو گی۔ یہ مرحلہ بھی طے ہو گیا۔ اور پھر وہ دن آگیا جب میں گورنمنٹ کالج اصغر مال کے شعبہ انگریزی سے منسلک ہو گیا۔
قیامِ پاکستان سے بہت پہلے 1904ء میں یہاں ایک سکول کی بنیاد رکھی گئی تھی جس کا نام سناتن دھرم سکول تھا۔ کہتے ہیں‘ یہ اس زمانے میں ایک وسیع وعریض جگہ تھی۔ ایک طرف ہری مندر تھا‘ لہلہاتے کھیت تھے اور ساتھ ہی سکول۔ اس زمانے میں ڈی اے وی کے نام سے کئی تعلیمی ادارے اور سڑکیں تھیں۔ آج بھی کچھ سڑکیں اسی نام سے پہچانی جاتی ہیں۔ یوں تعلیمی اداروں کی اکثریت ہندوؤں، سکھوں اور عیسائیوں کے قبضے میں تھی اور مسلمانوں کے تعلیمی ادارے تعداد میں بہت کم تھے۔ وہ کالج میں میرا پہلا دن تھا۔ سائیکل سٹینڈ پر میں نے اپنی موٹر سائیکل کھڑی کی۔ سٹینڈ کے انچارج کا نام ممتاز خان تھا۔ فربہ اندام، سانولا چہرہ ،چمکتی آنکھیں، ہونٹوں پر مسکراہٹ۔ اس کی یادداشت بلا کی تھی۔ پہلے دن مجھے ٹائم ٹیبل ملا۔ چونکہ انگلش ڈیپارٹمنٹ کی فیکلٹی میں سب سے جونیئر تھا‘ لہٰذا مجھے سب سے زیادہ ورک لوڈ دیا گیا۔
ٹائم ٹیبل کے مطابق مجھے ہر روز پانچ کلاسز کو پڑھانا ہوتا۔ ایم اے فائنل، ایم اے پریویس، بی ایس سی، ایف ایس سی اور بی اے۔ کلاسوں کی تعداد کے ساتھ دوسرا چیلنج Intellectual Jumps کا تھا۔ ابھی ایم اے کی کلاس، پھر ایف اے، اس کے بعد بی اے۔ ہر درجے کے طالبِ علموں کی ذہنی سطح مختلف تھی اور مجھے اس کے ساتھ ایڈجسٹ کرنا ہوتا تھا۔ یہ آسان نہ تھا۔ ایک اور چیلنج یہ تھا کہ یہ کلاسیں کسی ایک بلاک میں نہیں تھیں۔ ایم اے کی کلاسز کیلئے فیصل بلاک، بی اے اور ایف اے کیلئے مین بلاک اور بی ایس سی کیلئے مجھے سائنس بلاک جانا پڑتا‘ اور تینوں بلاکس کے درمیان خاصا فاصلہ تھا۔ اس زمانے میں انگلش ڈیپارٹمنٹ میں سعیدالحسن صاحب کے علاوہ پروفیسر نذیر، ظفر زیدی، رؤف جمال، شوکت علی، اظہر جاوید، بلال سبحانی، بشیر قریشی اور اشرف صاحب پڑھاتے تھے۔ آہستہ آہستہ کالج کے دوسرے فیکلٹی ممبرز سے شناسائی ہونے لگی۔ پروفیسر وثیق بھی باغ وبہار شخصیت تھے۔
کالج کی ایک مقبول شخصیت پروفیسر اشتیاق شاہ تھے۔ وہ کالج کی کرکٹ ٹیم کے انچارج تھے۔ اُن کے عہد میں کالج کی کرکٹ ٹیم شہرت کی بلندیوں کو پہنچی اور ہمارے کچھ طالبِ علم قومی کرکٹ ٹیم میں بھی کھیلے‘ مسعود انور نے پاکستان کی طرف سے بطور اوپنر کئی میچز کھیلے اور شعیب اختر جنہیں راولپنڈی ایکسپریس کے نام سے یاد کیا جاتا ہے۔ کلاسوں کے درمیان کچھ وقت ملتا تو میں لائبریری چلا جاتا اور لائبریرین صدیقی صاحب کے کمرے میں بیٹھتا۔ وہیں میری ملاقات اردو ڈیپارٹمنٹ کے پروفیسر اور معروف شاعر یوسف حسن سے ہوئی جو بعد میں مستقل دوستی میں بدل گئی۔ لائبریری کے علاوہ ہمارا ٹھکانا چائے کا ایک ڈھابہ تھا‘ جو کالج کے مین گیٹ کے بالکل سامنے سڑک کے اس طرف تھا۔ وہاں سے کالج کی مین بلاک کی عمارت صاف نظر آتی۔ یہ فنِ تعمیر کا دلکش نمونہ تھی۔ اس کے مینار، وسیع راہداریاں، اس پر نقش نگاری، بارش میں ہم اسے دیکھتے تو نجانے کیوں مجھے کہانیوں کا وہ قلعہ نما محل یاد آجاتا جس پر جادو کر دیا گیا ہے اور جہاں ایک شہزادی اپنے راجکمار کے انتظار میں بیٹھی ہے۔
یہ کالج کا سب سے پُرانا بلاک تھا جس میں ہال، پرنسپل آفس اور سٹاف روم ہوا کرتا تھا۔ اصغر مال کالج کی پُرشکوہ عمارت اپنی جگہ اس کی پہچان کا ایک اور واسطہ یہاں مختلف ادوار میں پڑھنے اور پڑھانے والی شخصیات ہیں جنہوں نے شعروادب کے میدان میں نام پیدا کیا۔ ان میں جیلانی کامران، اشفاق علی خان، ظہیر فتح پوری، آفتاب اقبال شمیم، کنیز فاطمہ، جمیل آذر، ماجد صدیقی، سرور کامران، سعادت سعید، فتح محمد ملک، اظہارالحق، احمد جاوید، نوازش علی، روش ندیم اور سعید احمد کے نام مجھے یاد آ رہے ہیں۔ اس وقت کے نمایاں طالبِ علموں میں بابر اعوان اور صدیق الفاروق شامل تھے۔ اب مجھے اصغر مال چھوڑے ایک طویل عرصہ ہو چکا ہے۔ پچھلے دنوں کالج کے شعبہ انگریزی کے پروفیسر ندیم اکرام کا فون آیا۔ وہ اپنی ریٹائرمنٹ کا بتا رہے تھے۔ میرا دل دھک سے رہ گیا۔ وقت کتنی تیزی سے گزر گیا تھا۔ یوں لگتا ہے جیسے کل کی بات ہو۔ وہ اصغر مال کالج میں ایم اے انگلش کی کلاس میں میرا پہلا دن تھا۔
سامنے بیٹھے طالبِ علموں میں ندیم اکرام بھی تھا‘ جس کی آنکھیں روشن اور متجسس تھیں اور جو آج مجھے اپنی ریٹائرمنٹ کی خبر دے رہا تھا۔ وقت جیسے پر لگا کر اُڑ گیا ہو۔ سُنا ہے اس عرصے میں اصغر مال کالج میں بہت سی تبدیلیاں آ گئی ہیں۔ بہت سے نئے اُستاد آگئے ہیں۔ بہت سے پُرانے لوگ چلے گئے۔ کبھی کبھی جی میں آتا ہے اپنے پُرانے کالج جاؤں۔ ان عمارتوں کو دیکھوں، ان میدانوں سے گزروں اور پھر فیصل بلاک کی ان سیڑھیوں پر جا بیٹھوں جہاں سے ساری دنیا خوب صورت نظر آتی تھی۔ لیکن پھر یہ سوچ کر ارادہ بدل دیتا ہوں کہ اتنی مدت بعد مجھے وہاں کون پہچانے گا۔ مجھے فیصل بلاک کی سیڑھیوں پر کون بیٹھنے دے گا۔
شاہد صدیقی
بشکریہ دنیا نیوز
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اصغر مال کالج : جسم کا رؤاں رؤاں اس درسگاہ کا شکر گزار ہے
اس کالم کی پہلی قسط ڈاکٹر شاہد صدیقی نے دو تین دن پہلے انہی صفحات پر لکھی‘ گویا دبستاں کھول دیا ع بلبلیں سن کر مرے نالے غزل خواں ہو گئیں گورنمنٹ کالج اصغر مال میری بھی مادر درسگاہ (Alma Mater) ہے۔ اس کے درودیوار میرے بھی دل پر نقش ہیں۔ دو سال جو وہاں گزرے‘ ڈھاکہ یونیورسٹی میں گزارے گئے عرصہ کے بعد‘ عمر کے بہترین دو سال ہیں۔ سترہ سال کا تھا جب بی اے کے لیے اس عظیم الشان دارالعلم میں داخل ہوا۔ یہ وہ زمانہ تھا جب درسگاہیں واقعی درسگاہیں تھیں۔علم بھی بٹتا تھا تربیت بھی دی جاتی تھی۔ تعلیمی ادارے ابھی یرغمال نہیں بنے تھے۔ تقاریب میں اہلِ سیاست نہیں اہلِ علم تشریف لاتے تھے۔ اس کالج میں حفیظ جالندھری کے ہاتھوں سے انعام حاصل کیا۔ قادرالکلام شاعر‘ معرکہ آرا شعری مجموعے‘‘ ہفت کشور'' کے مصنف جعفر طاہر کو پہلی اور آخری بار یہیں دیکھا۔ وہ کچھ کچھ سیہ فام تھے۔ سٹیج پر جہاں وہ کھڑے تھے‘ ان کے پیچھے کالے رنگ کا پردہ تھا۔ طلبہ نے شور مچایا کہ جعفر طاہر نظر نہیں آرہے اس لیے پیچھے سے کالے رنگ کا پردہ ہٹایا جائے۔ ڈاکٹر کنیز فاطمہ یوسف کے‘ جو قائد اعظم یونیورسٹی میں تھیں‘ لیکچر یہیں سنے۔ کیا تقریر ہوتی تھی ان کی شستہ انگریزی میں‘ دریا کی روانی کے مانند !
اس زمانے کے دو بہترین ماہرینِ تعلیم ہمارے پرنسپل رہے۔ پروفیسر اشفاق علی خان اور ڈاکٹر سید صفدر حسین ! پروفیسر اشفاق علی خان کو کون نہیں جانتا۔ الحمزہ کے نام سے برسوں انگریزی کالم لکھتے رہے۔ سٹیل انڈسٹری قائم کرنے کے بہت بڑے مبلغ تھے اور سول سروس کے ناقد۔ ہمیں ان کی ایک تلقین یہ بھی ہوتی تھی کہ جوتے صاف رکھا کرو۔ ان کے صاحبزادے کامران علی خان اسی کالج میں میرے کلاس فیلو تھے۔ سی ایس ایس کر کے انفارمیشن سروس میں آئے۔ شاید میرے بیچ میٹ تھے۔ اس زمانے میں کامن ٹریننگ نہیں تھی اور ہر گروپ کی تربیت الگ الگ ہوتی تھی۔ عجیب اتفاق ہے کہ کالج چھوڑنے کے بعد آج تک کامران سے ملاقات نہیں ہوئی۔ ڈاکٹر سید صفدر حسین شاعر بھی تھے۔ معرّا نظم کہتے تھے۔ نظم سنانے کا انداز ان کا خاص تھا۔ محفل پر چھا جاتے تھے۔ نظموں کے کئی مجموعے تھے جن میں ''رقص ِطاؤس‘‘ بہت مشہور ہوا۔ پروفیسر اقبال بخت ہمارے اکنامکس کے پروفیسر تھے۔ ہمیشہ سفید براق پتلون شرٹ میں ملبوس۔
یہاں یہ ذکر بھی ہو جائے کہ اُس عہد میں کالجوں کے اساتذہ خوش لباس ہوتے تھے اور اس حوالے سے طلبہ کے آئیڈیل ! بہترین سوٹ میں ملبوس۔ اور گرما میں بہترین قمیض اور پینٹ! برسوں بعد اسی اپنے کالج میں ایک پروفیسر دوست کے ساتھ گیا۔ سٹاف روم میں اساتذہ کی ہیئت کذائی اور لباس کا انداز دیکھا تو دم گھٹنے لگا۔ بغیر استری کے شلوار قمیضیں ! اکثر نے واسکٹ نہیں پہنی ہوئی تھی اور کچھ کے پیروں میں چپلیں تھیں۔ پروفیسر سجاد حیدر ملک ہمیں انگریزی شاعری اور ڈراما پڑھاتے تھے۔ ادب کا ذوق رکھتے تھے اور پڑھاتے ہوئے مسحور کر دیتے تھے۔ میں اکثر انہیں کسی گوشے میں بیٹھ کر ٹائم یا نیوزویک میگزین پڑھتے دیکھتا۔ غالبا وہ اُس زمانے کے بڑے انگریزی روزنامے ''پاکستان ٹائمز‘‘ میں بھی کام کرتے تھے۔ ہماری خوش قسمتی یہ تھی کہ کلاسیکی انگریزی شاعری کی جگہ جدید شاعری کورس میں رکھی گئی تھی۔ اس کتاب کا نام تھا An Anthology of Modern English Verse۔ اس میں ٹی ایس ایلیٹ سے لے کر رالف ہاجسن تک سب نئے شعرا تھے۔ ساٹھ میں سے اکثر نظمیں زبانی یاد ہو گئی تھیں۔ استادِ مکرم پروفیسر سجاد حیدر سیٹلائٹ ٹاؤن راولپنڈی میں مقیم ہیں۔
دوست عزیز شاہد مسعود ملک نے از راہ کرم ان کا ایڈریس اور فون نمبر عطا کیا۔ پروفیسر صاحب سے بات کی تو آواز سے ان کی صحت اچھی لگ رہی تھی۔ فرمانے لگے : آج کل خط لکھنے کا رواج نہیں رہا‘ تم مجھے خط لکھو۔ انگریزی ہی کے شعبے میں پروفیسر نذیر بھی تھے۔ سرخ گلابی رنگ کا چہرہ۔ ایک باکمال استاد! پھر وہ نئی نئی اٹھتی ہوئی پیپلز پارٹی کی نذر ہو گئے اور ایک دن ہم نے سنا کہ وفاقی وزیر خورشید حسن میر کے سیکرٹری تعینات ہو گئے۔ کہاں پروفیسری کی بادشاہی اور بلند باعزت مقام اور کہاں دربار کی ملازمت‘ مگر اُن کا اپنا نقطہ نظر تھا! بہت کم اداروں میں ایم اے کی کلاسیں تھیں‘ مگر ہمارے کالج میں اُس زمانے میں تین مضامین میں ایم اے کرایا جا رہا تھا۔ جغرافیہ‘ ریاضی اور اکنامکس۔ ادبی اور ثقافتی سرگرمیاں باقاعدگی سے منعقد ہوتی تھیں۔ کالج میگزین '' کوہسار‘‘ کے نام سے شائع ہوتا تھا۔ حصۂ اردو کا ایڈیٹر مجھے مقرر کیا گیا۔ بزم ِادب فعال تھی۔ ہم اس میں اپنی تازہ کہی ہوئی غزلیں اور نظمیں سناتے جن پر باقاعدہ تنقید کی جاتی۔
کالج میں اکثر مشاعرے ہوتے۔ ملک بھر کے تعلیمی اداروں کے مشاعروں میں اپنے کالج کی نمائندگی کی۔ اسلامیہ کالج لاہور کے شہرہ آفاق'' شمع تاثیر‘‘ کے مشاعرے سے بھی اپنے کالج کے نام پر انعام حاصل کیا۔ انہی دنوں کالج کینٹین پر بیٹھے تھے کہ کسی طالب علم نے بتایا کہ ظفر اقبال کا نیا شعری مجموعہ '' گلافتاب‘‘ چھپا ہے اور چھپتے ہی ازحد متنازعہ ہو گیا ہے۔ فوراً حاصل کیا اور سوائے آخری حصے کے ج�� '' مشکل‘‘ ہے باقی سارا حفظ ہو گیا۔ یہ ظفراقبال سے طویل تعلق اور عقیدت کی یک طرفہ ابتدا تھی۔ پھر وہ دن بھی آیا کہ انہوں نے کُلبۂ احزاں کو قیام سے مشرف کیا اور اس بے بضاعت کو حکم دیا کہ '' آبِ رواں‘‘ کے نئے ایڈیشن کے لیے فلیپ لکھوں۔ اس حکم کی تعمیل ہوئی۔ حافظہ خوب شعر پسند تھا۔ کالج کے دورانیہ میں احمد ندیم قاسمی کی ''دشتِ وفا‘‘، ناصر کاظمی کی'' برگِ نے‘‘، مجید امجد کی'' شب ِرفتہ‘‘ اور فراز کی ''درد آشوب‘‘ مکمل کی مکمل حفظ تھیں۔ عدم اور جوش کے بھی بے شمار اشعار یاد تھے۔ یوسف ظفر کے صاحبزادے نوید ظفر مرحوم ( جو بعد میں پی ٹی وی میں اعلیٰ مناصب پر رہے ) ایک سال سینئر تھے۔ ایک دن کہنے لگے کہ کالج لائبریری میں انہیں اپنے والد کی فلاں کتاب نہیں ملی۔ پوچھا‘ کون سی نظم کی ضرورت پڑ گئی؟ بتایا تو وہ نظم انہیں زبانی سنا دی !
پھر امتحان ہوا اور کالج سے جدائی کا مرحلہ آیا۔ ڈر تھا کہ فیل نہ ہو جاؤں۔ نتیجہ آیا تو کالج میں پہلی پوزیشن تھی۔ رول آف آنر بھی ملا۔ کچھ برسوں بعد کالج جانا ہوا تو مین ہال میں دیواروں پر سال بہ سال رول آف آنر لینے والوں کے نام آویزاں دیکھے۔ صرف 1967 ء والی جگہ خالی تھی کہ اُس سال میں نے لیا تھا بقول ناصر کاظمی ؎
کتنی مردم شناس ہے دنیا منحرف بے حیا ہمیں سے ہوئی
ایم اے اکنامکس کے لیے داخلہ اصغر مال کالج ہی میں لیا۔ پروفیسر اصغری شریف صدر شعبہ تھیں۔ مجموعی ( ایگریگیٹ ) نمبروں کی بنیاد پر پنجاب یونیورسٹی کا سکالرشپ بھی ہو گیا۔ اسی اثنا میں مشرقی پاکستان کے لیے بین الصوبائی فیلو شپ کا مقابلہ ہوا۔ خوش بختی سے ڈھاکہ یونیورسٹی کے شعبہ اقتصادیات کی نشست مل گئی۔ یہ ایک نئی دنیا تھی۔ اڑھائی تین سال وہاں گزارنے اور پورا مشرقی بنگال دیکھنے کا فائدہ یہ ہوا کہ آج مشرقی پاکستان کی علیحدگی کے اصل عوامل سے بخوبی آگاہی ہے۔ اور یہ جو ہر سال سولہ دسمبر کو بھانت بھانت کے نام نہاد تجزیے نظر آتے ہیں ان کا کھوکھلا پن واضح ہے۔ اصغر مال کالج کے کلاس روم اور چھلکتے برآمدے آج بھی دل میں آباد ہیں ! جسم کا رؤاں رؤاں اس درسگاہ کا شکر گزار ہے۔ اس کی لائبریری کے بے پناہ احسانات ہیں۔ اس کے اساتذہ میرے لیے مقدس ہیں۔
شاد باد اے عشق خوش سودائی ما
محمد اظہارالحق
بشکریہ دنیا نیوز
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Entertainment Spotlight: Minhal Baig, Hala
Writer and director Minhal Baig recently released a feature-length film, Hala, about a Pakistani-American teenager that uncovers a secret that threatens to unravel her family, which premiered in the U.S. Dramatic Competition at the 2019 Sundance Film Festival. She previously served as a story editor on Bojack Horseman (Netflix) and staff writer on Ramy (Hulu). In 2017, she was chosen to participate in Ryan Murphy's Half Foundation Directing Mentorship. Minhal took some time out of her busy schedule to answer some of our questions:
Without any spoilers, what scene, moment, or line from Hala are you most excited for audiences to see?
The scene between Hala and Eram in the shopping mall parking lot was a turning point in the writing process for me. Their relationship is fraught and because the story is being told from Hala’s perspective, we’re more aligned with her than we are with her mother. But in this scene, the perspective opens up a little bit. Eram makes some valuable points, albeit in a harsh way. She chastises Hala for marginalizing her and even asks her, rather bluntly, whether she looks down on her. This was a difficult scene to write because it came from such a personal place. I reflected on my own experience of treating my mother this way, and how differently I look back at those interactions now.
The story of Hala is one that will resonate with many people grappling with similar issues in their own lives. What do you hope that audiences take away from the film?
I hope that viewers can take away that we are more similar—in complicated family dynamics and coming-of-age—than we are different. Hala came from a very specific place, drawn from my lived experience. It’s not autobiographical, but there was emotional truth in Hala’s search for self. It’s not a search defined by her ties to her culture, faith or even her sexuality; it’s all of these things at once. I want people to be moved, to extend compassion, to be feel less alone.
What inspired you to write Hala?
Hala came out of a place of processing a pain that I experienced in my own adolescence. I was wrestling with my own identity as a teenager and my relationship with my family. It was a difficult time in my own life when I chose to leave home for college. I don’t think my parents were ready for that, but I also wasn’t quite ready, either. I was forced to learn a lot on my own and much of that is reflected in Hala’s own journey. While the film drew upon my personal life, it eventually became her story and needed to be true to the character.
If you could give any character from the film a piece of advice, who would you speak to and what advice would you give?
I think about how much pain and anguish could have been avoided had I been more open with my family. There was so much that I hid and continue to hide, not necessarily out of a sense of self-preservation anymore but because I didn’t want to burden them with the reality that I was not living up to their expectations. If I could talk to Hala, I would let her know that she’s not alone in her experiences and that vocalizing her feelings to her family, while difficult, might be what brings them closer together.
What’s the first thing that you remember being a fan of?
I remember seeing Jurassic Park and Hum Aapke Hain Koun with my family in a theatre. They were early cinematic experiences that I’ll never forget. For a little while, we could forget everything and just live in the world of a movie. It was everything.
Do you have any interesting facts about the filming of Hala that viewers would be surprised to know?
The high school that we filmed at, Northside College Prep—is where I went to school in Chicago. It was a very surreal experience to shoot in a classroom that I’d been in ten years ago as a teenager.
Who are your biggest influences?
Andrea Arnold, Lynne Ramsay, Celine Sciamma, Asghar Farhadi, Ruben Ostlund, Claire Denis, Maren Ade, Kelly Reichardt, Sofia Coppola, Debra Grafik, Abbas Kiarostami, Paul Thomas Anderson, Apichatpong Weerasethakul and Xavier Dolan.
The biggest film influences on Hala were 35 Shots of Rum, Fish Tank and A Separation.
Can you take us through a typical day on set?
Every day is different depending on what I’m scheduled to shoot that day. If it’s an early call time, I head to set early with the cinematographer and go over our shots. We walk through everything together and then include the assistant director in our conversation. Then, I check in with my actors—to make sure they feel comfortable with what we’re shooting. Once I’ve done all of that, we read through the scene, block it, and the actors go away to get dressed while the various departments work to bring the scene to life. When the actors return, I usually do a rehearsal and once I feel that it’s ready, we shoot. I like to keep things moving and reset instead of calling cut, or do a few takes in a row so that the actors’ momentum isn’t lost. We finish a shot and if it’s good with everyone, I move on. The usual day on Hala required us to shoot five or six pages a day with multiple location moves, so imagine doing all of this at a relentless pace all day. Once we hit twelve hours, we call it a day.
What’s next for you?
I’m working on a film that centers the live of children, and specifically, the friendship between two nine-year old boys. It’s set in 1992. I’ve spent the last two years, on-and-off, taking a very journalistic approach to this story, spending a lot of time with people whose lived experiences I’m hoping to reflect in the final film. It’s a labor of love while I work a day job writing television.
Thanks for taking the time, Minhal! Hala is now available on Apple TV+.
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Ansar Abbasi
Ansar Abbasi (Urdu: انصار عباسی) born Ansar Abbasi on June 12, 1965, is an investigative editor for one of the leading newspapers from Pakistan, The News International. He has published several exclusive reports.
Early life
Abbasi was born in Murree, Pakistan, to a Dhund Abbasi family of that locality. He received his early education in his native village. Abbasi obtained matriculation from Sir Syed School, Rawalpindi. Later he joined Government College Asghar Mall, where he completed his Intermediate and Bachelor of Arts education. He received his Masters degree from Balochistan University, Quetta. He also earned another Masters degree from Goldsmiths College, University of London.[1] His research thesis was on child labor.
After Masters in Mass Communication, Abbasi began his career as a professional journalist in 1991. His first stint was with an English language daily, The Democrat. Later, he worked for two months at Pakistan Times, before eventually joining The News International, of which he is now an editor.
Investigative articles
Chief Justice Choudhray
Abbasi was among the first to bring forth allegations against Chief Justice Iftikhar Choudhray for gross misconduct in 2002, accusing him for admitting his son Dr. Arsalan to the Federal Investigation Agency undermining all merits.[2] Primarily based on this allegation the establishment moved a reference to Supreme Judicial Council against Chief Justice Iftikhar Choudhry.
President Musharraf
Abbasi has published work critical of the regime of former president Pervez Musharraf accusing him of building a multi-million rupees residence at Chak Shehzad, equipped with utilities at much cheaper rates with differential subsidized by the government.[3]
He was critical of the former general for removing the Chief Justice of Pakistan Iftikhar Muhammad Choudhry and submitting his case to the Supreme Judicial Council.[4]
Maulana Fazl ur Rahman
In November 2008, Abbasi published a story on the award of acres of military land worth millions of rupees to the family members of the leader of Jamiat Ulema-e-Islam, Maulana Fazl ur Rahman. Abbasi alleged that the regime of the then president general Pervez Musharraf attempted to buy off Maulana's opposition to the general Musharraf's assumption of two public offices at a time.[5] The issue was silenced when Maulana Fazl ur Rahman publicly questioned how the multi-billion empire of Geo/Jang Group grew from a single room.[citation needed]
Justice Dogar
"Our Special Daughters", an investigative report by Abbasi in Daily News, found out that Justice Dogar's daughter Farah Hameed Dogar's examination paper for F.Sc. were reassessed in violation of a previous Supreme Court ruling.[6] While the results of 201 candidates were revised, only for her were the examination papers re-marked and the numbers increased. In the other 200 cases, only errors in adding the total marks were corrected.[7] The case later went on to the parliamentary committee for education.[8]
Life threats
Abbasi is alleged to have received death threats for which he blamed different groups, including those associated with the ruling coalition. His claims first appeared in The News on December 25, 2008.[full citation needed].
#Supreme Court#Pervez Musharraf#Pakistan#News International#Federal Investigation Agency#Chief Justice of Pakistan#Ansar Abbasi#Abbasi
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Shoaib Akhtar
Shoaib Akhtar was born on 13 August 1975 in Rawalpindi, Punjab. He is a Pakistani right arm fast bowler in cricket, who is regarded as one of the fastest bowlers in the world. He set an official world record by achieving the fastest delivery, when he clocked in at 161.3 km/ph (100.2 mph) in his bowling speed, twice at a cricket match. His ability to bowl fast yorkers and quick bouncers have made him one of the best fast bowlers in cricket.
However, he has been involved in several controversy during his career, often accused of not being a team player. Akhtar was sent home during the Test match series in Australia in 2005 for alleged poor attitude. A year later, he was embroiled in a drug scandal after testing positive to a banned substance. However, the ban imposed on him was lifted on court appeal. In September 2007, Akhtar was banned for an indefinite period for his fight with Pakistan team mate and fast bowler Mohammad Asif. On 1 April 2008, Akhtar was banned for five years for publicly criticizing the Pakistan Cricket Board. In October 2008, the Lahore High Court in Pakistan suspended the five year ban and Akhtar was selected in the 15-man squad for the Twenty20 Quadrangular Tournament in Canada. Pakistani judge, Rana Bhagwandas stated once that, Akhtar is a legend of Pakistan cricket.
Shoaib is poised to make a return to International cricket albeit in the shorter format of the game. The Pakistan Cricket Board have included Akhtar in the Twenty20/One Day International squad for the Summer 2010 series against England. However Shoaib has not been selected in the Test squad and is expected to feature only in the shorter format of the game for Pakistan in this series.
Early years
Akhtar was born at Morgah, a small town near Rawalpindi, Punjab in Pakistan. His father was a worker in Attock Oil Refinery, Morgah. His father being a Punjabi while his mother an ethnic Pakhtoon. Akhtar started his studies at Elliott High School, Morgah and then took admission in the Asghar Mall College, Rawalpindi. There he was given the chance to show off his talent and consequently he was discovered.
CareerAkhtar's run of impressive performances started in the 1990s. In 1999, during a pre-World Cup series against India, he rose to prominence. It was followed by outstanding bowling performances in Sharjah and later in 1999 Cricket World Cup. His most significant performance arrived in India in 1999 when he achieved eight wickets in the Asian Test championship match at Calcutta – including the wickets of Indian batsman Sachin Tendulkar and Rahul Dravid off successive deliveries. This was Akhtar's first encounter with Sachin Tendulkar in which Akthar bowled him for the first delivery, he delivered to the batsman.
In 2002, he was chosen in an attack in Pakistan's fast bowling against Australia, and success achieved. However, a weak performance during the World Cup Cricket in 2003, and after the tournament he was dropped from the squad of Pakistan. He was re-determine the back of the Pakistan team in a series of tests match against New Zealand in 2004, but struggled in a series of experiments lost to India in 2004. Ended the series with the controversy when he left the field, citing the injury leads to suspicions by former Pakistan captain, Inzamam-ul-Haq, for his commitment to the team. As a result, deteriorated his relationship with Inzamam-ul-Haq, Pakistan coach Bob Woolmer former. Committee was formed by the Medical Council to investigate the Pakistani cricket in the nature of his injury, but officials dispelled all doubts Pakistan.
In 2005, Akhtar has regained his reputation as a quick effort for his team. Played in a series of three home tests against England, and made a series of presentations bowling impressive. Proved effective use of slower deliveries to be unplayable by English batsmen. I choose to take emerged as the highest wicket of the series with 17 wickets. It was his return as it was remarkable, as before his return, had criticized and angles, like all of John Elliott and Chairman of the Worcestershire position known to him and lack of commitment to the team. He also recognized his performance by the English captain Michael Vaughan, who noted "I thought he (Shoaib) was a large difference between the two teams." It is also known that aimed to break the barrier of 100 miles per hour in the history of bowling and cricket, with the birth from 100.2 miles per hour, and such delivery in the stands as the fastest on record.
On October 29, 2007 made his return to the most dangerous game of cricket, from a 13-match ban and a good performance, with 4 wickets for 43 runs against South Africa in the fifth and determine the one-day international series in Lahore in Pakistan. After that, he was included in Pakistan squad man (16) of the 2007 tour of India, which ended successfully without the occurrence of other accidents and injuries.
In May 2010, PCB named Akhtar in a list of 35 probables for the Asia Cup. On 15 June 2010, Akhtar made his return to International cricket, taking 3 wickets for 28 runs in the first match of the Asia Cup against Sri Lanka.
England county cricket
Akhtar has played in three English county cricket clubs, including Somerset in 2001, Durham in 2003 and 2004 and Worcestershire in 2005. He did achieved his moments of success, such as taking 5 wickets for 35 runs for Durham against Somerset in the National League in 2003 and claiming 6 wickets for 16 runs in the same competition for Worcestershire against Glamorgan two years later, but he suffered from fitness problems, as well as a perception that he was less than interested in his task. This was particularly the case at Worcestershire: chairman John Elliott said "Players like that are no good to our club. In fact, Akhtar has been no good for any club he's been at. He's a superstar and just does what he wants."
Indian Premier League
Akhtar made a successful return to cricket in his first game in the Indian Premier League, playing for the Kolkata Knight Riders against the Delhi Daredevils. Defending a low score of 133 runs, Akhtar took four top order wickets which ultimately led to the Daredevils being restricted to 110 runs. He ended with figures of 4 wickets for 11 runs from three overs, a performance which earned him the player of the match award. Akhtar denied that he had any point to prove with his performance, stating, "I just wanted to win the game." Knight Riders' captain Sourav Ganguly also acknowledged Akhtar's performance, "He came to the country with lots [of things] happening behind him...But he showed a lot of character." It has been widely reported that the Knight Riders have released Akhtar from his contract due to his injury history but the Knight Riders' officials have denied these reports and said they are still in talks with the fast bowler.
Comparison with Imran Khan
Shoaib is often compared to Imran Khan for his winning attitude on and off the field. His performance on the field has helped Pakistan win a number of matches. Off the field too his record is quiet phenomenal. In his words, “I have thousands of girlfriends-although I suppose I should just call them friends. I think they are little more than fans. In the last few months I had to change my Telephone number 20 times because they (female fans) got hold of it. It’s absolute madness in Pakistan. If I go out all the women rush towards me in order to have a chat, they grab me and at times even tear off my clothes.” So it won’t be surprising to learn that the former (playboy) cricketer Imran Khan is Shoaib’s inspiration and mentor. Shoaib loves being compared to his idol.
Life before becoming a cricketer
Before becoming a cricketer Shoaib was a wild, irresponsible and reckless lad who always got into trouble, fighting in streets or running after girls. In his words, “ I didn’t have to work so I would just roam around on my Kawasaki 750 motorbike. I was totally carefree. I wasn’t a very nice guy, infact I was nasty and bad. I was always getting into fights-usually over women. I was a real street fighter. People didn’t like me at all.” Shoaib has a nine-inch scar across his chest and a lot more wounds down his legs. He further added, “I even carried a gun though for my own safety. I would never shoot anyone, but would fire in the air in order to scare the enemies. My mother was always worried about me. At times she slapped me and said, “I am not happy with you. You better be a good man.” And see her wish has come true. Now my mother is very proud of me and wishes me luck before every Match.”
Views on Marriage
Shoaib prefers to have an arranged Marriage. He wants a fair complexioned, simple, clean woman who cares for him, his family and finances. She should be a good housekeeper and not a money waster. As per him, “The woman who run after me presently cannot be trusted because they are attracted towards my fame and not because they love me as an individual. But if I really fell in love before my marriage is arranged then I will follow my heart and marry the woman I love. But if this happened my mother will never forgive me and I would never be able to convince her for accepting the marriage.” Shoaib gets a lot of female attention but is confident that the only woman he will concentrate on would be his wife.
GOD's Importance in his life
Shoaib gives credit to GOD for whatever he is today. In his words, “ My mother didn’t want me to play cricket. She wanted me to finish my studies and look for a good job but I guess God had something else for me. He wanted me to play for my country so he picked me out of so many. I really think it was his will.”
How did cricket come about for you? Who was your inspiration?
Basically Imran was the inspiration and this really got me started. I was in England at that time and I started playing cricket when I was 17. Just like that, I didn’t really plan anything. It just happened and happened so quickly that I never really even knew about it myself.
The fact that you’ve got flat feet and you were unable to walk during the early years of your life, how did you overcome this difficulty so much so that you became the fastest bowler in the world?
Well, that’s how I was born and that’s how I was supposed to be. I just accepted it that way. I started walking when I was 4-years-old. I don’t know the reason why I started to walk then and why I couldn’t walk before. It’s all God’s grace and it’s because of him that I made it so big.
Brett Lee and you have been compared a lot with each other as the world’s fastest bowlers. Have you ever consciously competed against him in terms of bowling speed?
No. I broke the record anyway but my intentions have never been that I have to be faster than him or anyone else. I never take it as a competition and one should not take it as a competition. It’s about winning the match for the country not about competition between two players.
Do you enjoy Test cricket more or one-day?
Both. I like one-days but I also enjoy Test matches. Most of the time it depends on how you feel. When you are in good form you enjoy every game. I just enjoy my game. I don’t play for one-day or Test, I play for my country and that means the most to me.
You’ve mostly been praised for your speed rather than your wicket-taking ability at crucial times. Do you find that unfair?
Very unfair. People do take me as a match-winner but there is this fascination with speed which excites people more than the fact that I’m taking wickets.
Would you want that to change?
Well, that’s something I can’t change, can I? That’s the way it is. Besides, everyone’s entitled to their own opinion.
Most fast bowlers have an aggressive body language. In your case does this natural aggression help you in performing better?
I’m naturally aggressive on the field, not off the field. I’m a very easygoing person. I enjoy talking to kids. I like socializing with people. But when you are on the field playing for the country, it’s not easy to make it up. At that time, winning the match for the country is all that matters. Aggression comes out naturally then.
How did you feel when your bowling action was declared suspect by ICC, though it cleared up in the end?
It was the worst nightmare for me. I’ve been able to pull myself out of it and now I don’t like looking back at that phase of my life.
What is the most memorable moment of your cricketing career?
It hasn’t happened as yet. I’ve dreamt about it but it’s yet to come so let’s see what happens.
How do you assess your fitness for the coming series against England? Do you think you are fit enough for both the Test matches and the one-dayers?
Well, they asked me not to play in the England one-day and Test match series (last year) but I just wanted to play. I kept playing and kept hurting myself. Then I had a fracture in my left ankle. Now I’m struggling with my fitness at the moment but I think it would be okay within two weeks time.
How do you plan to prepare yourself for the 2007 World Cup?
No, I don’t plan like that. I believe that it is more important to work hard for tomorrow not the day after tomorrow. Just make sure you work hard today and put in all your effort, in this way the future will also be taken care of. That’s the way I take my life on a daily basis, to be honest.
If, during a match, you have a strategy in your mind which is different from that of the captain, which one would you go for?
If you have a better plan than that of the captain’s then you can discuss it with him but obviously you have to get the captain involved in it. I think you need to communicate really well with your captain and your team. Besides, the captain doesn’t make his own individual decisions. He makes his decisions keeping in mind the suggestions and strategies of the players.
How do you react to people’s comments about your playboy image?
It’s all a media-created thing. I’m a very quiet person and since I’ve moved to Lahore I don’t really hang out that much. I like doing adventurous things but the media misrepresents them. I don’t react to such comments. It doesn’t bother me much now.
What sort of crazy fans have you come across and what is the craziest thing they’ve done?
I cant tell you that...(laughs). Well, I’ve had many crazy fans throughout the world and they do crazy things but I can’t mention them…(laughs again)
Tell me about any particular crazy Pakistani fans?
Well, they run after the car. Besides that all the old stuff that fans do, that keeps on happening. I think they should bring something new now. (laughs)
#Test cricket#Shoaib Akhtar#Sachin Tendulkar#Rawalpindi#Pakistan Cricket Board#Pakistan#India#Akhtar
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SSC (Part-II) examination BISE body to probe complaints about out-of-course mathematics paper
PostSSC (Part-II) examination BISE body to probe complaints about out-of-course mathematics paper
RAWALPINDI: The chairman of the Board of Intermediate and Secondary Education (BISE) Rawalpindi has constituted a three-member committee to probe into the complaints of students about the out of course mathematics paper on Monday. Majority of students appearing in the Secondary School...
#Asghar Mall college#BISE Rawalpindi#BISE Rawalpindi exams#Board of Intermediate and Secondary Education#mathematics paper#Mathematics paper out#Secondary School Certificate (Part-II) examination#SSC mathematics paper out#SSC Part-I Part-II exam#SSC Part-I Part-II examination
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Brigadier Tariq Mehmood Shaheed
Brigadier Tariq Mehmood Shaheed, most popularly known as Brigadier TM and now TM Shaheed, (8 Oct 1938 – 29 May 1989), SJ(Bar), SBt, SI(M) was a legendary soldier and lethal weapon of Pakistan Army. He was serving as the Commandant of Special Services Group, when died in an accident in 1989, due to malfunctioning of his parachute, during a free fall display at Rahwali, near Gujranwala. TM was one of the most decorated Army officer who saw SSG in two wars and various special operations. He played a fatherlike role in Special Services Group and has left a deep legacy, even after his death. He is arguably regarded as one of the best commandos of 20th century.[by whom?]
Early life and education
Mehmood was born on 8 October 1938 at Multan. His father was a professor at Government College, Asghar Mall. After completing his intermediate education from Gordon Christian College, Rawalpindi[1] in 1956, he went to Lahore and graduated from Government College in 1959. He was also a member of Government College cricket team captained by Javed Burki. After graduation he went to Peshawar to study Law at University of Peshawar, but he also got selected for Pakistan Army at the same time. He made a choice to serve his country at the battle front and joined Pakistan Military Academy as a cadet in 1960. He graduated from PMA in 1963 with a double B.Sc. in Military science and War studies. He also attended Command and Staff College, Quetta, and completed his Staff Course in 1969.[2]
Military career
Mahmood was commissioned in 2nd Battalion of The Baloch Regiment in 1960, when passed out from PMA in 1963.[3] The same year, he was inducted in 51st Paratrooper Division, Airborne Corps, and from there, he was selected for the Special Services Group (SSG). After completing the Special Training of SSG he was posted to the 1st Commando Battalion(Yaldram)(Shaheen Company).
1965 Indo-Pakistani War
In 1965, SSG was preparing for covert Operations in Kashmir, meanwhile Captain TM was selected for an advance course with U.S. Army Special Forces, but he opted himself for covert operations instead of leaving for United States to attend the advance course. He was awarded Sitara-e-Juraat (SJ) for his acts of bravery during Indo-Pak war of 1965. Tariq Mahmood was promoted to the rank of Major in 1970 and was stationed in Peshawar. Major TM was posted as the commandant Parachute Training School.
1971 Winter War
In 1971, Major TM volunteered to go East Pakistan to participate in Indo-Pakistani War of 1971. He was an officer in command and had received direct orders from General Amir Abdullah Khan Niazi. General A. A. K. Niazi had given him a direct order, and told him ""if you hear or see the fire, burn the place down". In a conflict, Major TM was sent to Shahjalal International Airport (Dhaka Airport) to lead an operation against insurgents. The Airport was heavily guarded by the insurgents and it was considered no-fly zone. Major TM commanded the Shaheen Company, 1st commando battalion and his company saw the heavy fighting in the Airport. After 34 hours of tiring battle, the Shaheen Company, 1st commando battalion gained an absolute control of the Airport and its surrounding areas, and it was freed from the insurgents.[4] Both sides have had suffered heavy casualties and the Airport was nearly destroyed in the battle.
While in East-Pakistan, Tariq Mahmood was assigned another mission. He was sent to Northern Bangladesh, where he sat to led a covert operations against the insurgents. He was acommanding officer of the 25 SSG officers of Shaheen Company,1st commando battalion, saw the bloodiest and gruesome battle near at the river. The Shaheen Company, 1st battalion, re-captured and gained control of a bridge over the Brahmaputra River from the enemy. While commanding the operation, Major TM was hit by two bullets in his leg but continued to fight and lead the operation till the mission was successfully complete. After the operation, the Shaheen Company, 1st battalion was re-called to Dhaka. Major Tariq Mahmood was the last Pakistani soldier to leave East-Pakistan, commanding the C-130 aircraft departing from Dhaka Airport in 1971.[5]
After the war, in 1971, Major TM was awarded his second Sitara-e-Jurat, and was stationed in Lahore. In 1973, he posted to 3rd Commando Powinda Battalion, and was promoted to the rank ofLieutenant-Colonel in 1974. In 1977, he was made Commanding officer of the 3rd Commando Powinda Battalion, SSG Division. In 1977, he saw his battalion in action against the heavily armed Pashtun tribes in Northern Pakistan who blocked the Karakoram Highway which links Pakistan and China. In the summer of 1977, the Government of Pakistan had asked him to lead an operation against the belligerents. Lt. Col. TM was given the task to get the road opened and cleared the designated area from the insurgents. Lt. Col. TM delivered a quick and immediate military operation against the tribes and completed the mission with full success. In his recognition, the Government of Pakistan awarded him Sitara-e-Bisalat in 1977.
1984 Siachen War
In 1979, he was promoted to Colonel, and in 1982, he was promoted to the rank of Brigadier. Brigadier TM, now a one-star general, was made commandant of the Special Services Group. In 1984, Brigadier TM commanded the Special Services Group at Siachen Conflict. SSG launched an aggressive and quick operation against Indian Army. Brigadier TM led a mild victory in 1984, and the control of the Siachen glacier was given to X Corps headed by Colonel-Commandant (X Corps) Lieutenant-General Zahid Ali Akbar. However, the territory was lost when Indian Army launched a successful military operation, Operation Meghdoot, which resulted in an absolute control of Siachen glacier by Indian Army. Brigadier TM, in retaliation, launched covert operations which continued until his death. The Pakistani ISI learnt that India's secret agency RAW had received order to attempt an assassination on Brigadier TM, and Indian Prime minister Rajiv Gandhi was reportedly briefed once a week about the activities of TM. After this report, the security of Brigadier TM was further tightened by Pakistan Army.
Other operations
Throughout 1980s, the SSG and ISI were closely collaborating with the U.S. Special Forces and Special Activities Division in order to lead the secret operation known as Operation Cyclone. Brigadier TM was also a commanding officer of the Battle for Hill 3234, and the operation was fully executed by the Brigadier TM. On 5 September 1986, Pan Am Flight 73 was hijacked in Karachi, Sindh. Brigadier-General Tariq Mahmood quickly came to Karachi where he led the planning of the operation to free the Airline from terrorists. He came to public prominence when he had led the successful Operation PANAM to liberate the Airline from terrorists. The hijackers opened fire on SSG team, killing and injuring the passengers but due to SSG’s quick action soon all the hijackers were arrested saving many lives. In the later 1987–88, he led operations against criminals in Sindh.[6]
Death and legacy
On 29 May 1989, SSG suffered the tragic loss of its legendary commanding officer, when Brigadier TM was leading the team of SSG paratroopers for a free-fall at Pakistan Army Aviation School, Rahwali, Gujranwala. The jump was part of Army Aviation’s Passing Out parade.[7][8] The incident happened during a demonstration jump from an Army's Mi-17 helicopter when Brigadier TM's main and reserve parachute failed to open.[citation needed] According to the investigations, his first Parachute didn't open and the ropes were badly entangled. Brigadier TM attempted to cut the ropes with his dagger, and tried to open the backup Parachute. Unintentionally, he had released both back up and main parachutes, and the amount of velocity with which he was coming down was enormous. The moment he hit the ground, it was estimated that due to high momentum his body weight was about 200 tons.[citation needed]
#University of Peshawar#Tariq Mehmood#Peshawar#Pakistan Military Academy#Pakistan Army#Mehmood Ali#Javed Burki#Gujranwala
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Shoaib Akhtar
Shoaib Akhtar was born on 13 August 1975 in Rawalpindi, Punjab. He is a Pakistani right arm fast bowler in cricket, who is regarded as one of the fastest bowlers in the world. He set an official world record by achieving the fastest delivery, when he clocked in at 161.3 km/ph (100.2 mph) in his bowling speed, twice at a cricket match. His ability to bowl fast yorkers and quick bouncers have made him one of the best fast bowlers in cricket.
However, he has been involved in several controversy during his career, often accused of not being a team player. Akhtar was sent home during the Test match series in Australia in 2005 for alleged poor attitude. A year later, he was embroiled in a drug scandal after testing positive to a banned substance. However, the ban imposed on him was lifted on court appeal. In September 2007, Akhtar was banned for an indefinite period for his fight with Pakistan team mate and fast bowler Mohammad Asif. On 1 April 2008, Akhtar was banned for five years for publicly criticizing the Pakistan Cricket Board. In October 2008, the Lahore High Court in Pakistan suspended the five year ban and Akhtar was selected in the 15-man squad for the Twenty20 Quadrangular Tournament in Canada. Pakistani judge, Rana Bhagwandas stated once that, Akhtar is a legend of Pakistan cricket.
Shoaib is poised to make a return to International cricket albeit in the shorter format of the game. The Pakistan Cricket Board have included Akhtar in the Twenty20/One Day International squad for the Summer 2010 series against England. However Shoaib has not been selected in the Test squad and is expected to feature only in the shorter format of the game for Pakistan in this series.
Early years
Akhtar was born at Morgah, a small town near Rawalpindi, Punjab in Pakistan. His father was a worker in Attock Oil Refinery, Morgah. His father being a Punjabi while his mother an ethnic Pakhtoon. Akhtar started his studies at Elliott High School, Morgah and then took admission in the Asghar Mall College, Rawalpindi. There he was given the chance to show off his talent and consequently he was discovered.
CareerAkhtar's run of impressive performances started in the 1990s. In 1999, during a pre-World Cup series against India, he rose to prominence. It was followed by outstanding bowling performances in Sharjah and later in 1999 Cricket World Cup. His most significant performance arrived in India in 1999 when he achieved eight wickets in the Asian Test championship match at Calcutta – including the wickets of Indian batsman Sachin Tendulkar and Rahul Dravid off successive deliveries. This was Akhtar's first encounter with Sachin Tendulkar in which Akthar bowled him for the first delivery, he delivered to the batsman.
In 2002, he was chosen in an attack in Pakistan's fast bowling against Australia, and success achieved. However, a weak performance during the World Cup Cricket in 2003, and after the tournament he was dropped from the squad of Pakistan. He was re-determine the back of the Pakistan team in a series of tests match against New Zealand in 2004, but struggled in a series of experiments lost to India in 2004. Ended the series with the controversy when he left the field, citing the injury leads to suspicions by former Pakistan captain, Inzamam-ul-Haq, for his commitment to the team. As a result, deteriorated his relationship with Inzamam-ul-Haq, Pakistan coach Bob Woolmer former. Committee was formed by the Medical Council to investigate the Pakistani cricket in the nature of his injury, but officials dispelled all doubts Pakistan.
In 2005, Akhtar has regained his reputation as a quick effort for his team. Played in a series of three home tests against England, and made a series of presentations bowling impressive. Proved effective use of slower deliveries to be unplayable by English batsmen. I choose to take emerged as the highest wicket of the series with 17 wickets. It was his return as it was remarkable, as before his return, had criticized and angles, like all of John Elliott and Chairman of the Worcestershire position known to him and lack of commitment to the team. He also recognized his performance by the English captain Michael Vaughan, who noted "I thought he (Shoaib) was a large difference between the two teams." It is also known that aimed to break the barrier of 100 miles per hour in the history of bowling and cricket, with the birth from 100.2 miles per hour, and such delivery in the stands as the fastest on record.
On October 29, 2007 made his return to the most dangerous game of cricket, from a 13-match ban and a good performance, with 4 wickets for 43 runs against South Africa in the fifth and determine the one-day international series in Lahore in Pakistan. After that, he was included in Pakistan squad man (16) of the 2007 tour of India, which ended successfully without the occurrence of other accidents and injuries.
In May 2010, PCB named Akhtar in a list of 35 probables for the Asia Cup. On 15 June 2010, Akhtar made his return to International cricket, taking 3 wickets for 28 runs in the first match of the Asia Cup against Sri Lanka.
England county cricket
Akhtar has played in three English county cricket clubs, including Somerset in 2001, Durham in 2003 and 2004 and Worcestershire in 2005. He did achieved his moments of success, such as taking 5 wickets for 35 runs for Durham against Somerset in the National League in 2003 and claiming 6 wickets for 16 runs in the same competition for Worcestershire against Glamorgan two years later, but he suffered from fitness problems, as well as a perception that he was less than interested in his task. This was particularly the case at Worcestershire: chairman John Elliott said "Players like that are no good to our club. In fact, Akhtar has been no good for any club he's been at. He's a superstar and just does what he wants."
Indian Premier League
Akhtar made a successful return to cricket in his first game in the Indian Premier League, playing for the Kolkata Knight Riders against the Delhi Daredevils. Defending a low score of 133 runs, Akhtar took four top order wickets which ultimately led to the Daredevils being restricted to 110 runs. He ended with figures of 4 wickets for 11 runs from three overs, a performance which earned him the player of the match award. Akhtar denied that he had any point to prove with his performance, stating, "I just wanted to win the game." Knight Riders' captain Sourav Ganguly also acknowledged Akhtar's performance, "He came to the country with lots [of things] happening behind him...But he showed a lot of character." It has been widely reported that the Knight Riders have released Akhtar from his contract due to his injury history but the Knight Riders' officials have denied these reports and said they are still in talks with the fast bowler.
Comparison with Imran Khan
Shoaib is often compared to Imran Khan for his winning attitude on and off the field. His performance on the field has helped Pakistan win a number of matches. Off the field too his record is quiet phenomenal. In his words, “I have thousands of girlfriends-although I suppose I should just call them friends. I think they are little more than fans. In the last few months I had to change my Telephone number 20 times because they (female fans) got hold of it. It’s absolute madness in Pakistan. If I go out all the women rush towards me in order to have a chat, they grab me and at times even tear off my clothes.” So it won’t be surprising to learn that the former (playboy) cricketer Imran Khan is Shoaib’s inspiration and mentor. Shoaib loves being compared to his idol.
Life before becoming a cricketer
Before becoming a cricketer Shoaib was a wild, irresponsible and reckless lad who always got into trouble, fighting in streets or running after girls. In his words, “ I didn’t have to work so I would just roam around on my Kawasaki 750 motorbike. I was totally carefree. I wasn’t a very nice guy, infact I was nasty and bad. I was always getting into fights-usually over women. I was a real street fighter. People didn’t like me at all.” Shoaib has a nine-inch scar across his chest and a lot more wounds down his legs. He further added, “I even carried a gun though for my own safety. I would never shoot anyone, but would fire in the air in order to scare the enemies. My mother was always worried about me. At times she slapped me and said, “I am not happy with you. You better be a good man.” And see her wish has come true. Now my mother is very proud of me and wishes me luck before every Match.”
Views on Marriage
Shoaib prefers to have an arranged Marriage. He wants a fair complexioned, simple, clean woman who cares for him, his family and finances. She should be a good housekeeper and not a money waster. As per him, “The woman who run after me presently cannot be trusted because they are attracted towards my fame and not because they love me as an individual. But if I really fell in love before my marriage is arranged then I will follow my heart and marry the woman I love. But if this happened my mother will never forgive me and I would never be able to convince her for accepting the marriage.” Shoaib gets a lot of female attention but is confident that the only woman he will concentrate on would be his wife.
GOD's Importance in his life
Shoaib gives credit to GOD for whatever he is today. In his words, “ My mother didn’t want me to play cricket. She wanted me to finish my studies and look for a good job but I guess God had something else for me. He wanted me to play for my country so he picked me out of so many. I really think it was his will.”
How did cricket come about for you? Who was your inspiration?
Basically Imran was the inspiration and this really got me started. I was in England at that time and I started playing cricket when I was 17. Just like that, I didn’t really plan anything. It just happened and happened so quickly that I never really even knew about it myself.
The fact that you’ve got flat feet and you were unable to walk during the early years of your life, how did you overcome this difficulty so much so that you became the fastest bowler in the world?
Well, that’s how I was born and that’s how I was supposed to be. I just accepted it that way. I started walking when I was 4-years-old. I don’t know the reason why I started to walk then and why I couldn’t walk before. It’s all God’s grace and it’s because of him that I made it so big.
Brett Lee and you have been compared a lot with each other as the world’s fastest bowlers. Have you ever consciously competed against him in terms of bowling speed?
No. I broke the record anyway but my intentions have never been that I have to be faster than him or anyone else. I never take it as a competition and one should not take it as a competition. It’s about winning the match for the country not about competition between two players.
Do you enjoy Test cricket more or one-day?
Both. I like one-days but I also enjoy Test matches. Most of the time it depends on how you feel. When you are in good form you enjoy every game. I just enjoy my game. I don’t play for one-day or Test, I play for my country and that means the most to me.
You’ve mostly been praised for your speed rather than your wicket-taking ability at crucial times. Do you find that unfair?
Very unfair. People do take me as a match-winner but there is this fascination with speed which excites people more than the fact that I’m taking wickets.
Would you want that to change?
Well, that’s something I can’t change, can I? That’s the way it is. Besides, everyone’s entitled to their own opinion.
Most fast bowlers have an aggressive body language. In your case does this natural aggression help you in performing better?
I’m naturally aggressive on the field, not off the field. I’m a very easygoing person. I enjoy talking to kids. I like socializing with people. But when you are on the field playing for the country, it’s not easy to make it up. At that time, winning the match for the country is all that matters. Aggression comes out naturally then.
How did you feel when your bowling action was declared suspect by ICC, though it cleared up in the end?
It was the worst nightmare for me. I’ve been able to pull myself out of it and now I don’t like looking back at that phase of my life.
What is the most memorable moment of your cricketing career?
It hasn’t happened as yet. I’ve dreamt about it but it’s yet to come so let’s see what happens.
How do you assess your fitness for the coming series against England? Do you think you are fit enough for both the Test matches and the one-dayers?
Well, they asked me not to play in the England one-day and Test match series (last year) but I just wanted to play. I kept playing and kept hurting myself. Then I had a fracture in my left ankle. Now I’m struggling with my fitness at the moment but I think it would be okay within two weeks time.
How do you plan to prepare yourself for the 2007 World Cup?
No, I don’t plan like that. I believe that it is more important to work hard for tomorrow not the day after tomorrow. Just make sure you work hard today and put in all your effort, in this way the future will also be taken care of. That’s the way I take my life on a daily basis, to be honest.
If, during a match, you have a strategy in your mind which is different from that of the captain, which one would you go for?
If you have a better plan than that of the captain’s then you can discuss it with him but obviously you have to get the captain involved in it. I think you need to communicate really well with your captain and your team. Besides, the captain doesn’t make his own individual decisions. He makes his decisions keeping in mind the suggestions and strategies of the players.
How do you react to people’s comments about your playboy image?
It’s all a media-created thing. I’m a very quiet person and since I’ve moved to Lahore I don’t really hang out that much. I like doing adventurous things but the media misrepresents them. I don’t react to such comments. It doesn’t bother me much now.
What sort of crazy fans have you come across and what is the craziest thing they’ve done?
I cant tell you that...(laughs). Well, I’ve had many crazy fans throughout the world and they do crazy things but I can’t mention them…(laughs again)
Tell me about any particular crazy Pakistani fans?
Well, they run after the car. Besides that all the old stuff that fans do, that keeps on happening. I think they should bring something new now. (laughs)
#Test cricket#Shoaib Akhtar#Sachin Tendulkar#Rawalpindi#Pakistan Cricket Board#Pakistan#India#Akhtar
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