#Arte de misty
mrmistopher · 2 months
Drew the TAS newbies in the movie uniforms!
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I find it pretty disappointing these two never showed up, or were even mentioned in the movies. I suppose it would probably be difficult, given the SFX of the time, but I feel like they coulda at least mentioned them. I'm especially mad they didn't come back for the Kelvin movies or SNW.
Ofc, there is that series of novels that shows us what happens to them post-TAS, but those are dubiously canon, and even then, they take place after the movies, so this is my version of them in the movie era! M'Ress doesn't really have much to go off for personality, but given the fact she became a lieutenant after only 2 years and that "Not so loud, you fool!" exchange with Scotty, I imagine her to be really confident and a bit competitive. I imagine post-TAS she worked her way all the way up to second officer just through sheer brute force. Na Eth meanwhile has been a bit slower to advance, but I imagine he's remained a competent navigator and continued to delight his new crew with his music. He always seemed like a chill guy, so I imagine he's the polite, quiet listener on his new bridge crew.
I really liked drawing these two, maybe I may draw an AU or something where they were around in some of the iconic scenes from the movies.
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cruelnemothesis · 7 months
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illustratus · 2 years
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Le Matin embrumé à Villeneuve-l'Etang - Villeneuve-l'Étang embrumé
The Misty Pond of Villeneuve - Pond in the mist
by Henri Biva
This highly detailed work depicts a morning scene at the Villeneuve-l'étang park, located just outside Paris in the western suburb of Marnes-la-Coquette (Seine-et-Oise), France.
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karottenleben · 6 months
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Picture: Z1288_5
Place: Rio de Janeiro, Brazil
Date: September 2022
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baheuldey · 11 months
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Les Aigles (Par dessus les Monts Brumeux) / Eagles (Over the Misty Mountains) (Tolktober, 14), 2023, encre de Chine sur papier, 21,5 x 14 cm
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mythical-art · 10 months
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Daughters of the Mist by Evelyn De Morgan (Undated, Öl auf Leinwand)
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mistym3adows · 11 months
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Sooo technically Casey is celebrating on the wrong day because November 1st is for honoring children who have passed away and November 2ed is usually when you honor adults and Casey’s ofrenda is for her parents.
but this dumb thing popped into my head and I thought it was a little funny and I like the idea of my April celebrating Christmas as soon as Halloween ends
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maximumpoppy · 5 months
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Have a Misty Cinco de Mayo!
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thisisnotthenerd · 10 months
next ih season: the unsleeping city
quick episode descriptions:
mutant santa melee: first battle. pete and sofia's intro to the fights of the unsleeping city. wild magic surge. mutant santa clones & big santa slug in an igloo. ricky decapitates the santa slug. santa lays eggs.
scramble in the sewers: saving em from the rat king. the rat king is a piece of shit. the beefy boys come out. sofia sinks, pete goes to get her, kugrash turns into a shark. sofia detangles the rat king's tails and kug becomes the rat king.
the war of bugs & rats: pete summoned the bugsters here. 'wasp' centaur. spider web in the bodega. the beetle's just gonna have to kill ya. sofia bonds with la gran gata de la tienda de la esquina. the bodega of wonders.
subway skirmish: evil horse cop & crooked cop ghosts. summoning the train to nod with nod present. i'm gonna kill that dog. summoning the beefy boys and rats that eat a centaur. pizza rat. i shoot kingston in the leg.
panic at the art show: isabella infierno & her devils. chucking a toilet & breaking the water tower. waking willy. she killed my husband. i'm walking away and she's not. jumping off the building to come in the front door. spider trampoline.
broadway brawl: the show must go on. misty having the performance of a lifetime. queen titania. i may be little but i am fierce. ricky, naked, bodyrolling on misty. stephen sondheim riding a bear. subduing titania with a waist trainer.
showdown at the stock exchange: robert's ritual and vampires in kiosks. animate objects. paralysis for kug. put that tongue back in your fuckin' mouth. pete comes back from the dead to cast dispel magic. i wanna cut right now, and then we'll cut back and brennan will just be covered in bruises.
times squaremageddon: spinning around the puritan work ethic american dream. sofia jumping to hit and dying. puppeting the bodies down safely. rats as a hat on the american dream. esther planting one on ricky. santa and stephen sondheim with broadswords. alejandro falls into the void. buff chrome pete and ricky hanging off the edge.
times squaremageddon part 2: individual vignettes. i eat the bagel. you already are here. i was just fucking him in heaven. i want to see its true form. ricky's sacrifice. santa dies. 19 to catch esther. greed is good for rat motherfuckers like robert moses. shaking hands as kug disperses into the universe.
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whitedragoncoranth · 6 months
Destination Knowhere II
Though Nebula - in her job as Knowhere's Security Chief - had the strange Terran, David, and his dragoness Ieesha watched discreetly... in the end they turned out to be relatively harmless. When they weren't utterly busting their butts to help the citizens of Knowhere with even the simplest of chores - as thanks for their generosity in healing the two - the man and his golden-bronze dragoness were nearly always at the park.
David and Ieesha, it seemed, had vaguely adopted the Star Children--all of them! Yes, the children had parents among the people of Knowhere, but of course people have to work so when said people did, Ieesha watched over them. The big dragoness smiled, misty-eyed, as they rested about her body, dozed under her wings, or climbed all over her. "What can I say? She loves kids," David explained to Nebula one day as all this was going on--and then Nebula giggled as Ieesha gently fawned and fussed over her, dismayed expression on her muzzle as she frowned at the Luphomoid's crude cybernetics before Nebula had to wave her away, saying that she was fine.
Still, Ieesha whined soft and low, and David stated without hesitation, "If you ever do need any work done, our ship has a state-of-the-art Clinic, where we can take a look at you; help you with any medical issues, maybe even give you a few upgrades. It'll cost you nothing. You come see us anytime. Don't be a stranger, eh?" As the unmodified Luphomoid child cheered and jumped up and down inside her - she was talking to a frutackin' dragon rider! - Nebula laughed and nodded. "Deal," she called happily as she went to return to her Office and resume her duties.
Later - when the Star Children were picked up and taken home, as the lighting of the station dimmed to artificial sunset - David and his beloved dragoness tended to the last child under her wing. This was Rocket Raccoon, of course--but the poor fellow looked a little dazed as Ieesha had somehow coaxed him out of his suit; he was nude, yet dignity was upheld as Ieesha's wings were a tremendous privacy shield. Raccoon-calling to him, Ieesha softly, gently, lick-lick-licked him, washing him, bathing him all over! As she did this, David was there with a grooming kit for pets, combs, de-knotting, de-matting, de-shedding brushes--thoroughly working him over.
Rocket, while all this was going on, was drinking from the dragoness; he was suckling milk from a mammalian teat, milk she'd altered just for him to be utterly packed with everything the raccoon needed. The dragoness had been utterly seething furious at the condition of the little one - had badgered David that they needed to get him aboard the Dragon Weyr as soon as possible - and David, after examining him discreetly, even with just a passive psionic scan, acquiesced. ~If the Guardians won't allow it, I'm taking him anyway, poor joor raan! He needs freyend... he needs so much...~
The dragonesses body hitched in a sob, silvery tears falling from her eyes to wet the raccoon's head. Oh, if only her tears alone could heal she thought as David soothed her, gently. "We'll work something out with the other Guardians, love. We must; his pain... it's like shattered glass grinding in my head..." Ieesha keened soft and low. They would do for Rocket what they could now: wash, brush, and groom his fur and have him drink Ieesha's milk, try and get some weight on him such that his ribs weren't showing. ~Perhaps we can tell a small nok, a lie, that something in the Dragon Weyr needs repair that can only be done by the little joor racc'n...~ Ieesha started.
"Ieesha!" David responded softly, alarmed. "We--we can't lie to the Guardians, not after the good we've done here! What's this about? What's gotten into you?" In response, Ieesha shook her head, more tears falling, then looked at her David, stricken. ~... he is dii, mine! Dii fariik pahdul! My... my precious baby. My precious baby, and he is in vaarnufaaz, unrelenting pain! In his hahdrim, his mind, in his kopraan, his body, and his sil, his very soul! He... he hurts so much! He hurts... He hurts...!~ As Ieesha lick-lick-licked Rocket gently and watched over him whilst he suckled from her - the raccoon drifting in and out of sleep - David shook his head ruefully. Sweet, soft, gentle Ieesha, who broke all the "typical dragon tropes" along with the rest of her kin. With open mind and endless compassionate heart, she just wanted to help everyone she could. This wasn't the first time this had happened, and it wouldn't be the last.
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mrmistopher · 1 month
I wanted to really go over a certain element of my art, and that's how I handle eyelashes.
I find that a lot of times, you see eyelashes used the same way: girls get eyelashes, boys don't. Of course unless the boys have a scene where they start acting innocently, then they get eyelashes. It all is very binary. Like we need to have a flag to let you know "Hey, this is a woman". And I've never really cared for that. How come males don't get that same thing? Why do we need to have eyelashes be an explicitly feminine trait? Shoutout to SpongeBob for breaking gender norms btw
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Anyway, point is, unless you have a disease or condition where you lose them, everybody has eyelashes. And I say lashes look awesome no matter the gender. Sooo I thought of a little something to do with my art. I've already got a way to convey a character's sex with how I draw the bodies, and their gender identity with various other traits, like the boys having thicker wrists and the girls having pointer fingers. So, I don't need eyelashes to be a feminine only thing. So, now they're a personality thing!
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Compare three different characters and you can tell, they each have different looking eyelashes. And there are distinct patterns I follow with them too.
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Thinner or longer can mean the character is gentler, more sensitive or quieter, while thicker and shorter often means they're tougher or more mean.
Meanwhile, a lack of eyelashes can also mean something. I included eyelashes since they're a natural thing everyone has, but a character who's unnatural can have that feeling heightened by having no eyelashes. A character like, say, an android or a ghost can benefit from not having this trait visible.
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And in all I think the eyelashes do a lot to enforce a character's personality. I think my best example being Autoheart here.
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First of all, he immediately sticks out since he has two rather than one like most characters, which works cuz he's the protag of his story. Multiple eyelashes can also help communicate a more innocent or immature character, often seen in children. His lashes are also curled up a bit which can communicate a focus on his appearance in his character, and their length also communicates that he's a bit gentler.
Similarly, we have my Tabaxi character, Gisaan
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I'm sure you can tell he had a particular influence (cough cough Sanji) but he also, similarly sticks out HARD because of his long, curly, and pointy eyelashes, and how they match his eyebrows and whiskers. It's sort of his unique quirk, to have thin, sharp curls, and it looks distinctly like *his* thing when incorporated into his lashes.
In summary, I like seeing how you can characterize someone through simple little details like eyelashes, and I think leaving them only to being a sign saying "This is a girl" isn't fully using them the way you could be.
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neon9nebula2 · 4 months
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Yes I’m an Halloween nostalgic. I made it after Splatoween but I didn’t post it anywhere so I do it here.
If you are curious I was on Team Ghost 👻 ( I hesitated so much with Team Skeleton 💀 which was very cool too ).
Lore :
Misty is team ghost because she thinks that being a ghost is very interesting. “If we want to find clues or to found some forgotten places or secret passengers, it would be very useful to have a non material body.”
Ahmar is team skeleton because he thinks that the straight shapes of bones are cool. He is admirative about the art of Utagawa “Mitsukini defying the skeleton specter”. He also like the Dia de los muertos skulls aesthetic.
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Fluorescent version
Okay it’s not Halloween but if you know Gravity Falls you will remember that Summerween exist okay we are not in summer but I don’t want to say Springween it’s an oxymoron for me ( pfft “moron” this word is strange pfft )
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klimtjardin · 11 months
Fact Check: Análise - Checando os fatos com NCT 127
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{conteúdo: teasers, MV, conceitos, músicas}
Esta é uma análise autoral, sem intenção de ofender os artistas e etc.
Vamos voltar ao teaser Deities of Seoul, para compreendermos que o MV se trata da chegada dos Neos à cidade.
Como divindades, Jaehyun nos conta que eles se tornaram extremamente interessados nas vidas chatas e fantasiosas das pessoas lá embaixo. Uma referência muito legal deste teaser é ao digníssimo pôster de O Exorcista:
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Quero pontuar também que, nos conteúdos extras feitos à respeito do comeback, se reforça esse conceito de "divindades", que acredito ser algo tradicional e motivo pelo qual os Neos aparecem trajados como figuras contemporâneas com um toque tradicional.
Aliás, não ficou belíssima essa dualidade entre a Seoul contemporânea e a Seoul antiga?
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Minhas partes favoritas do MV são justamente as que esse cenário aparece. Dispenso as demais cheias de CGI, mas achei legalzinha a montagem do Mark caindo nos primeiros quadros do MV, pois parece uma tentativa de colagem.
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O fato de eles estarem vestidos de azul e vermelho é bastante simbólico, não só por fazer referência à Limitless, mas também à bandeira da Coréia do Sul. O quadro abaixo é completamente meu favorito do vídeo:
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Outra referência que quero comentar é ao trabalho dos artistas visuais Christo e Jeanne-Claude, que embrulhavam grandes monumentos, convidando o espectador a uma brincadeira de percepção do espaço. NCT estaria lá para "roubar" algo? ou simplesmente brincar com nossa percepção do espaço-tempo?!
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Falando das versões do álbum, quero bater palmas aos stylists por terem - finalmente, diga-se de passagem - dado um conceito maduro ao NCT 127 em todos os photoshoots! Digo que uma das coisas que me "broxou" em Baggy Jeans, apesar de ter gostado demasiado da música, foi a escolha do conceito que parecia adolescentizado demais.
Enfim, agora falando das músicas do álbum!
Bem, a música título para mim é 10/10! Não é algo que se ouve do NCT 127 (a quem tenha tido a experiência singular de ter ouvido Sticker, por exemplo), mas ainda conta com o Hip Hop típico trazido nas faixas títulos do grupo, ganhando pontos para a sonoridade! A coisa que mais gostei, na verdade, é eles terem feito todo um conceito em cima de arte e exibição de arte e terem de fato colocado referências à arte na letra da música. Parade junta-se à Je Ne Se Quois, a segunda tendo uma estrutura semelhante a Bring The Noize, mas com intervalos que me lembram um jazz suave, como as outras duas músicas que nos trazem o Hip Hop do 127.
Falemos de um trio especial, que é o verdadeiro je ne se quois do álbum: Space, Yacht e Misty, que muito me lembra o City Pop e seus synths (outra marca sonora do NCT 127), e fecha esse ritmo nostálgico que o álbum traz.
Nossa querida Angel Eyes vem com instrumentos de verdade, que é algo que valorizo hoje em dia no meio dos Kpop's totalmente eletrônicos. Outra música nostálgica, pendendo para os anos 80, e que poderia facilmente estar junto de Promise You em Sticker. É ou não é uma música que você espera ouvir ao final de um filme estilo Clube dos 5?
Não ligo muito para baladas, e especialmente depois de White Night fica difícil que qualquer música a ultrapasse. Então, Love is a beauty fica ali no meio termo para mim.
Real Life é um amorzinho de música e fecha muito bem o álbum com a volta dos synths.
De uma forma geral, esse álbum me agrada, bem mais do que Sticker e 2 Baddies, apesar da organização de álbum do NCT 127 ter melhorado de lá para cá. Em relação a coerência de conceito, creio que Love is a beauty e Je Ne Se Quois entram no embalo da ideia de arte apresentada em Fact Check, e o resto fica por conta do tom anos 80 do álbum, o que já é visto nos trabalhos anteriores do 127. Atento para a falta de referência aos sonhos, tema recorrente nos trabalhos do grupo, mas uma nova abordagem que nos trás conteúdos relacionados à realidade; uma teoria minha, com o fim desta era de sonhos demarcada com Golden Age (NCT 2023).
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delicate-pointofview · 3 months
The Ice King and the Golden Boy Chapter 4 Update
A Sebaciel AU Fanfiction by: @delicate-pointofview
Art by: @vivi-ships (pixiv: @ shriekingbeast)
And the pas de deux begins. Oh, the chemistry they had! Sebastian got a little scared, as he never experienced such a connection with anyone, not even Angela. The man could predict every movement Ciel would make, like he was an extension of his own body. He was sure Ciel felt this way too. When the boy needed to fall back, he did without hesitation, and Sebastian was there to catch him.
The lifts were effortless and completely synchronized. He never expected that the youngest would trust him this much. Their Balancé en Tournant were passionate, weighless.
And that darn boy knew what sex was! When they had to roll together on the floor, changing positions and insinuating a sensual act, hands traveling through faces, arms, torsos… Yes, he knew what he was doing, with that misty, seductive expression and parted, moisty lips. The urge Sebastian felt to kiss him was unbearable!
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Archive Warnings:
Graphic Depictions Of Violence || Rape/Non-Con || Underage
Kuroshitsuji | Black Butler
Sebastian Michaelis/Ciel Phantomhive || William T. Spears/Grell Sutcliff || Ada/Baldroy (Kuroshitsuji) || Angela Blanc/Sebastian Michaelis || Claude Faustus/Alois Trancy
Ciel Phantomhive || Sebastian Michaelis || Alois Trancy || Claude Faustus || Joanne Harcourt || William T. Spears || Grell Sutcliff || Elizabeth Midford || Sieglinde Sullivan || Maurice Cole || Angelina Dalles | Madame Red || Diedrich (Kuroshitsuji) || Hannah Annafellows || Angela Blanc || Agni (Kuroshitsuji) || Undertaker (Kuroshitsuji) || Lau (Kuroshitsuji) || Tanaka (Kuroshitsuji) || Abbie (Kuroshitsuji)
Additional Tags:
Angst and Feels || Slow Romance || Mutual Pining || Slow Burn || Alternate Universe - Modern Setting || Alternate Universe - Human || Alternate Universe - Ballet || Kinky || Age Difference || Age Play || Corruption Kink || Grooming || Manipulative Relationship || Toxic Relationships || Eventual Relationships || Eventual Smut || Explicit Language || Minor Violence || Eating Disorders || Self-Harm || Self-Esteem Issues || Self-Hatred || Self-Discovery || Self-Doubt || Bullying || Light Bondage || Forced Feminization || Rape/Non-con Elements || Other Additional Tags to Be Added || Daddy Kink || Daddy Issues || Dead Dove: Do Not Eat || Human Sebastian Michaelis || Power Dynamics || Power Play || BDSM || BDSM Scene || Power Exchange || Dollification || collaring
(n) A burning lust.
Ciel Phantomhive started his second year of training at the renowned London Ballet Company. He is brilliant and talented, but tends to not see his self-worth, dwelling on self-depreciation, comparing his dance abilities to his colleagues. Alois Trancy stands out in this comparison, seeming to have all that Ciel desires. As the the new season auditions begin, the young dancer believes that Alois will get the best role. However, he is chosen instead, leaving him shocked. Alois, who has never paid much attention to Ciel, starts bullying him after the results. His self-image issues worsen and Claude Faustus takes advantage of his vulnerability to seduce him. In the meantime, Ciel starts rehearsing with Sebastian Michaelis. At first, the boy felt a great aversion towards the main dancer and tries to push him away. But gradually melts the sour attitude, realizing his anger was a result of a giant envy and a desire to possess him. Sebastian, however, felt a strong attraction for Ciel since the first time he saw him dance. The oldest primarily tries to get the boy to submit to his dominance. But the more he learns about that little bird, who is so beautiful and delicate, the more smitten he gets.
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baheuldey · 1 year
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Lieux secrets (Dans les profondeurs des Monts Brumeux) (Tolktober, 4), 2023, encre de Chine sur papier, 21,5 x 14 cm
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kingstornillo24 · 11 days
ace attorney au de artes marciales
se preguntaran porque hago yo también me hago esa pregunta
La cosa va medio así cada personaje sabe algún tipo de arte marcial aunque todo el tema de abogados sigue estando
La historia en sinopsis va a así con karma mato a gregory en tras una pelea en la que lo atrapó haciendo trampa lo que desemboca en el incidente dl6 , aquí Misty hizo lo mismo que el primer juego con los mismos resultados
Pasan los años y la cosa va más o menos similar a la trama normal exceptúando que Phoenix se entrena para poder enfrentar a edgeworth en el ring
En la actualidad Phoenix empieza con su primera pelea profesional contra el veterano Winston Payne con mia como manager gana y termina entrando al torneo
Pero a la noche siguiente mia es asesinada y maya es acusada Phoenix resuelve el caso pero red White en su desesperación intenta secuestrar maya pero está es salvada por edgeworth
Así está la cosa
También hay narumayo y mitsumayo porque son buenos ships
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