#Arsen Ostrovsky
girlactionfigure · 2 months
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tariah23 · 5 months
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[Image description: Tweet by Marcelo [unicorn emoi] [rainbow flag emoji] [verified] @ CzardoFogo from 18 April 2024 that says, ‘Yeap.’ Attached is an edited political cartoon with two panels showing an anime girl lying on a mat with the covers drawn up to her chin. She has a contented look on her face. Thought bubbles coming out of her head in the panels show the US and Israeli flags on fire. This is a response to a Tweet by Arsen Ostrovsky [yellow ribbon emoji] [verified] @ Ostrov_A that says, ‘If you are anti-Israel, you are anti-American.’ \End description]
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al-kol-eleh · 4 months
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Arsen Ostrovsky
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the-garbanzo-annex-jr · 5 months
After Iranian-financed-and-trained Hamas terrorists – together with Palestinian Authority and civilian Gazan terrorists – murdered, gang-raped, gouged, mutilated, dis-limbed, beheaded, burned and tortured over 1,200 Jewish Israeli babies, children, men and women (including dozens of Americans), wounded over 5,000 more and took another 250 more hostage on October 7th, President Biden correctly declared that Hamas’ atrocities were “pure, unadulterated evil.”
Yet now, the Biden/Blinken/shadow-Obama administration is deliberately siding with and defending pure, unadulterated evil. This is sinister. During Biden’s April 4, 2024 phone call with Israeli Prime Minister Benjamin Netanyahu, Biden threatened Israel and demanded an immediate Israeli ceasefire, aligning the U.S. with Arab terrorist Hamas’ demands. (On the same day, Hamas launched a series of rockets into Israel’s civilian areas. So how on earth can Biden be demanding an Israeli ceasefire?) Biden threatened surely hostile-to-Israel policy changes if Israel doesn’t accede to U.S. demands.
If Israel succumbs to Biden’s immediate ceasefire demand, this would leave the remaining hostages subject to Hamas’ continuing rape and torture indefinitely; leave Israel with no negotiating leverage or military options for obtaining the hostages’ release; and would enable Hamas to emerge victorious, regroup, rebuild, and murder and torture Israelis again and again and again in the future, as Hamas leaders have promised. Biden’s demand thus calls for Israel to lose the war against Arab terrorist organization Hamas, a proxy of our arch enemy, the evil terrorist Islamic Republic of Iran. 
Moreover, on the same day, Secretary of State Antony Blinken falsely, sickeningly and outrageously suggested that Israel is at risk of becoming indistinguishable from Hamas if Israel loses its reverence for protecting every human life – but ignored Israel’s real, extraordinary efforts and record of protecting Gazan civilians. As Colonel Richard Kemp, former British Commander in Afghanistan explained, Israel has the world’s most moral army and takes risks to protect civilians that no other army in the world has ever taken – while Hamas’ official policy is committing war crimes. Similarly, the Chair of West Point’s Modern War Institute, Major (ret.) John Spencer, and human rights lawyer Arsen Ostrovsky noted that “accusing Israel of intentionally targeting civilians . . . is a malicious distortion of truth,” and that in fact “The IDF has gone to unprecedented lengths, not seen in the history of modern warfare, to abide by the laws of war and avoid harm to civilians, even when doing so puts the IDF’s own soldiers at risk.” Israel has the lowest ratio of civilian-to-combatant terrorist deaths in history.
From this U.S. administration’s outset, it has pursued policies deliberately designed to weaken, harm and endanger Israel and empower Iran and Iranian proxies bent on destroying Israel. Upon taking office, Biden immediately stopped enforcing maximum sanctions – and enabled Iran to advance from near-bankruptcy of $4 billion in reserves to $100 billion in reserves, rescuing Iran’s ability to fund its proxies Hamas’ and Hezbollah’s attacks on Israeli civilians and armed forces. Biden also immediately resumed funding UNRWA (which is full of Hamas terrorists, hides Hamas weapons and control centers, and teaches children to murder Jews); and resumed funding Palestinian Authority government functions (enabling the PA to continue its $400 million per year of pay-to-slay payments to Arab terrorists to murder Jews).
And virtually every person Biden appointed to an important post is hostile to Israel or Jews, or both.
In May 2021, when Hamas launched 4,500 rockets at Israel in 10 days, Biden demanded that Israel agree to an early ceasefire that enabled Hamas to regroup, rebuild and prepare for October 7th.
In October 2022, the administration pressured Israel to surrender 330 square miles of natural-gas-rich maritime territory to Hezbollah-controlled Lebanon, thereby enriching Iranian terror-proxy Hezbollah with billions of dollars, and weakening Israel. Hezbollah’s attacks on northern Israel in recent months have displaced some 80,000 Israelis.
Biden imposed a boycott on Israeli scientific and academic cooperation over the artificial “green line.” And the Biden administration initiated a Negev Forum that transformed the Abraham Accords from a Sunni-Israeli alliance against Iran into a Sunni-U.S. alliance against Israel. The entire basis of the Abraham Accords was to end the Palestinian Arab veto over Middle East peace; but Biden and Blinken reversed this.
During the past six months, the administration has intentionally ratcheted up harmful-to-Israel actions and anti-Israel propaganda. The administration released $26 billion to Iran – while Iran is financing Hamas’ and Hezbollah’s terror wars against Israel. The administration also repeatedly falsely accused Israel of not doing enough to protect Gazan civilians – despite Israel’s extraordinary record of protecting civilians while fighting vicious terrorists; demanded “pauses” and other forms of ceasefires; demanded that Israel cannot leave a buffer zone in Gaza to prevent future October 7ths; and tied legislation to aid Israel to unpopular unrelated legislation – which would prevent or hamper the aid to Israel from being enacted.
The administration also repeatedly betrayed Israel (and Israeli and American hostages) at the United Nations Security Council. On November 14, 2023 (the same day that 300,000 Jews demonstrated support for Israel in Washington, D.C.) the Biden administration enabled the passage of UNSC Resolution 2712 (2023) calling for days-long “urgent and extended humanitarian pauses and corridors throughout the Gaza Strip.” On December 22, 2023, the Biden administration enabled passage of UNSC Resolution 2720 (2023), which helped Hamas obtain supplies to continue its war crimes and called for urgent measures towards stopping the destruction of the Hamas terrorist evil. And on March 25, 2024, the administration enabled passage of UNSC Resolution 2728 (2024) calling for an immediate ceasefire – without making the ceasefire conditional on releasing the hostages.
The administration also used the occasion of Israel fighting for its life to repeatedly demand that Palestinian terrorists must be rewarded with a Palestinian Arab terror state; and to try to undermine Israel’s binding legal rights to Judea/Samaria and Jerusalem. In February 2024, the administration falsely declared that Jews building homes in Judea/Samaria is illegal (reversing the “Pompeo Doctrine” which confirmed that Jewish communities in Judea/Samaria are legal). And on February 1, 2024, Biden issued an antisemitic executive order, accompanied by a coordinated State Department announcement, imposing sanctions on Jews in Judea/Samaria, while ignoring rampant Arab terrorism in and stemming from Judea/Samaria, incited by the Palestinian Authority’s Nazi-like “pay-to-slay” rewards to terrorists to murder Jews.
Biden also falsely condemned Israel for “indiscriminate bombing” in Gaza and an “over the top campaign.” Such false charges are hardly the statements of a true friend and ally. And Biden/Blinken’s latest condemnation of Israel unintentionally killing members of a food convoy, when Biden/Blinken knows that these tragic mistakes happen in any war – including in America’s wars against Iraq and Afghanistan – again shows the U.S. attempting to weaken the U.S.-Israel alliance. 
In addition, Biden’s March 7, 2024 State of the Union address was the most hostile, anti-Israel SOTU address ever: Biden demanded a Palestinian state “solution” that imperils Israel’s very existence; overstated displaced Gazans and never mentioned the 200,000 Jews still displaced by Hezbollah’s bombardments in the north and Hamas’ destruction of southern Israeli communities; wrongly demanded that Israel must make protecting Gazan civilians Israel’s “first priority (not defeating Hamas and recovering the hostages); parroted Hamas’ unverified and surely false propaganda casualty numbers; falsely intimated that Israel is using humanitarian aid as a “bargaining chip” and isn’t “doing its part” – while completely ignoring that Hamas steals the massive humanitarian aid that Israel has facilitated into Gaza; spoke of working for an immediate ceasefire; and omitted Iran’s role in Gaza, Lebanon, and the October 7th massacre.
Unfortunately, the horrors listed above are only a partial list of the Biden/Blinken/Obama shadow administration’s deliberate acts to weaken Israel and strengthen the terrorists that are trying to destroy Israel. For instance, see more here, here and here.
It is deeply disturbing that our nation’s administration is intentionally siding with the forces of pure unadulterated evil against our human-rights-loving ally, the democratic Jewish State of Israel.
It is painful for us to say this, but all of the evidence indicates that the Biden/Blinken/Obama policies are not mere attempts at misguided appeasement, or the results of stupidity or ignorance or false hope. But, in fact, these anti-Israel policies are made with full understanding of their dangerous import. All the evidence indicates that this is a conscious attempt to weaken Israel, or worse.  
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eretzyisrael · 8 months
If anyone is guilty of genocide here, it is the internationally recognized terrorist group Hamas. Not only does Hamas openly state that the destruction of Israel is its ultimate goal, as evidenced in its Charter, it acted out on those intentions on Oct. 7, when Hamas massacred over 1,200 Israelis, including raping, burning, mutilating and executing women and children.  
That there have been civilian casualties in Gaza is tragic, but it is also the inevitable consequence of Hamas using its own people as human shieldsand embedding its military operations in schools, hospitals, kindergartens and homes. Notwithstanding this challenge, the IDF have gone to extraordinary lengths to avoid casualties and abide by principles of international humanitarian law.  
For example, the IDF has been warning civilians in Gaza to evacuate before a pending attack and providing safe passage for them to do so, while at all times adhering to the principles of distinction and proportionality in aiming only at Hamas military targets. The proportionality of operations are also examined by the IDF’s Military Advocate General’s Office, Israel’s attorney general and the relevant commanders on the ground before being carried out.  
In baselessly leveling the charge of genocide against Israel, all that South Africa is doing is engaging in a form of lawfare as a proxy of the Iranian regime and Hamas. Furthermore, South Africa is only diminishing real acts of genocide, such as those that occurred in the Holocaust, as well as against Armenians, Yazidis, in Rwanda, Darfur and Syria more recently. 
In a Oct. 24 interview, senior Hamas official Ghazi Hamad gleefully stated that the terror group would repeat the Oct. 7 massacre “again and again” until Israel was “annihilated,” openly admitting the group’s genocidal intentions. 
In response, then British Foreign Secretary James Cleverly commented,“How can there be peace when Hamas are committed to the eradication of Israel?” 
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dragoneyes618 · 7 months
Seven Lies About Israel And How To Debunk Them
Claim 1: Israel is committing genocide against the Palestinian people.
Answer: How many Palestinians were there in  1948, and how many are there now? Has their population increased or decreased, and by how much?
Explanation: The answer, of course, is that the Palestinians have increased by hundreds of percentages since Israel was established. So, either Israel really stinks at genocide, or the claim is a total lie.
Claim 2: Israel is occupying Gaza, so resistance is valid.
Answer: What did Israel do in 2005, and what did the Palestinians do in 2006?
Explanation: Israel totally evacuated Gaza in 2005 as part of the Disengagement, a highly controversial move that many deemed undemocratic. Regardless of the political opinions, there was not a single Jew in Gaza, dead or alive. In 2006, Gaza elected Hamas to rule them. There was zero Jewish or Israeli presence in Gaza on October 6th.
Claim 3: Israel doesn't have a right to exist. They are colonialists who stole land and should give it back.
Answer: Sorry, but where are you writing that from? Would you be living on stolen land, by any chance? Also, for context, there are 22 Arab states, one Jewish one, 440 million Arabs living in those states, 7.5 million living in Israel, and Arabs have 5 million square miles of land and Jews have 0.008 million. Some occupiers...
Explanation: Seeing how much land the Arab world has as opposed to Jews, who have one country, is the best way to debunk the colonialist narrative. In face, if you want to go even deeper, ask how many Arabs live in Israel - over two million - and how many Israelis live in Arab countreis? Almost none.
Claim 4: Israel occupied the Arab-Palestinian state.
Answer: When was that state established? Who was the prime minister? What was the national anthem? What was the currency?
Explanation: Such a state never existed, so none of these questions are possible to answer.
Claim 5: Israel has killed tens of thousands of kids in Gaza:
Answer: Wow, that sounds terrible. How many Hamas terrorists did Israel kill?
Explanation: The source of those numbers the world quotes is provided by Hamas. According to Hamas, everyone killed is an innocent, and not a single terrorist was killed. Anyone will understand how ridiculous it is to believe Hamas's numbers.
Claim 6: Israel is indiscriminately killing people in Gaza.
Answer: Then why doesn't Israel just flatten Gaza and end the war?
Explanation: Israel has paid the tremendous price of fallen soldiers because of all the steps and precautions the IDF is taking to minimize civilian deaths. If the IDFs wanted to do whatever it could to end the war including killing innocent Palestinians, the war would have been over on October 8th.
Claim 7: You can't just equate the Palestinians and Hamas. They are not the same. The Palestinians are innocent.
Answer: Are they? What percentage of Palestinians publicly support Hamas's - which is the elected goernment, by the way - October 7th massacre? Also, does the number of innocent deaths dictate whether a war is justified? Was WWII justified? How many innocent Germans were killed? Explanation: According to recent polls, close to 80% of the general Palestinian population support the events of October 7th. And besides , millions of Germans, not Nazis, German citizens died in WWII. Does that mean that defeating the Nazis was immoral?
Source: Seven Lies About Israel And How To Debunk Them: Social Media Style, by Hillel Fuld, Fleur Hassan, Noa Tishby, Arsen Ostrovsky, and Michael Eisenberg; Israel, Now and Forever, The Jewish Press, page 39
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mental-mona · 2 years
So this story is still playing out...
A claim has been filed with the U.S. Department of Education Office of Human Rights against the University of California, Berkeley Law School, over its recent bylaw excluding Zionist speakers.
The claim was submitted by Gabriel Groisman, a Florida-based attorney and partner at LSN Law, P.A., and Arsen Ostrovsky, an Israel-based attorney and CEO of The International Legal Forum. It argues that the bylaw represents “profound and deep-seated antisemitic discrimination” against Jewish students, faculty and staff at UC Berkeley Law School.”
According to Ostrovsky, “This is the first such civil rights claim filed against UC Berkeley Law School that focuses on underscoring that because Zionism is an inherent part of Jewish identity, excluding Zionist students therefore is not a matter of free speech, but one of fundamental antisemitic discrimination, which is prohibited under federal law.”
The claim has been filed pursuant to Title VI of the Civil Rights Act (1964), which prohibits recipients of federal funding from discriminating on the basis of “race, color, and national origin.”
It requests the Office of Civil Rights to “open an investigation against UC Berkeley Law, to direct it to immediately invalidate the bylaw in question, and to adopt a number of additional remedies,” according to a statement by the attorneys.
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heplev · 7 months
Vor 20 Wochen
Arsen Ostrovsky, X/twitter, 24. Februar 2024 Ich entschuldige mich nicht für den grausamen Inhalt. Heute vor 20 Wochen beging die Hamas die monströsesten Akte des Bösen. Heute hat die Welt es eilig das zu vergessen. Wir dürfen nicht zulassen, dass das geschieht! Israel muss weiter machen, bis der totale Sieg erzielt ist und die Geiseln nach Hause geholt…
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shape · 7 months
Israel »entging in Den Haag nur knapp einer diplomatischen Katastrophe, aber es wurde ein gefährlicher Präzedenzfall geschaffen«, schrieb Eugene Kontorovich, Juraprofessor an der George Mason University und Direktor des dortigen Zentrums für den Nahen Osten und internationales Recht. »Das Gericht gab sich selbst die Befugnis, die Kriegsführung demokratischer Länder zu überwachen, unter dem Vorwand, nach Völkermord zu suchen«.
Das Gericht »wird in Zukunft sicherlich dazu benutzt werden, Israel diplomatischen Schaden zuzufügen«, fügte Kontorovich hinzu. »Israel sollte sofort dem Beispiel Amerikas folgen und die Zuständigkeit des Gerichtshofs nicht anerkennen.«
Die Internationale Christliche Botschaft Jerusalem drückte ihre »völlige Bestürzung« über die Entscheidung des Gerichts aus, die »den Schock und den Schmerz« über den Terroranschlag der Hamas am 7. Oktober nur noch verstärkt. »Die Tatsache, dass die große Mehrheit der Richter des Gerichts am Vorabend des 27. Januar, der von der internationalen Gemeinschaft als Internationaler Holocaust-Gedenktag begangen wird, bei der Verlesung ihrer Urteile ruhig dasitzt, vertieft nur unsere Enttäuschung über den Verrat der Welt am jüdischen Staat und Volk«, erklärte die Botschaft. »Diese Entscheidung stellt die Gerechtigkeit auf den Kopf und baut darauf auf, dass die Vereinten Nationen und alle ihre Foren seit Jahrzehnten zu den hinterlistigsten Verbreitern des Antisemitismus geworden sind.«
»Diese globalen Institutionen wurden mit ehrenwerten Absichten gegründet, unter anderem um eine Wiederholung des nationalsozialistischen Völkermordes an den Juden zu verhindern, doch genau diese Foren bringen Israel nun in große Gefahr, indem sie den ungeheuerlichen Behauptungen Glauben schenken, dass es in Gaza einen Völkermord begeht«, heißt es weiter. »Die heutigen Entscheidungen des IGH, einschließlich des pauschalen Ignorierens der von der Hamas begangenen Gräueltaten, der Nichtberücksichtigung der von Israel vorgebrachten zwingenden Beweise und der  Berufung auf die Vereinten Nationen, einschließlich der diskreditierten UNRWA- und UNHRC-Gremien, müssen den Mangel an Unparteilichkeit und Glaubwürdigkeit des Gerichts in Frage stellen«, so Arsen Ostrovsky, Menschenrechtsanwalt und Geschäftsführer des International Legal Forum.
»Obwohl zu betonen ist, dass die Entscheidung des IGH, vorläufige Maßnahmen zu ergreifen, weder eine Entscheidung über den Inhalt der Anschuldigungen Südafrikas enthält, noch einen Waffenstillstand anordnet oder Israel zwingt, seine Militäroperationen einzustellen, könnte sie nun einen gefährlichen Präzedenzfall schaffen«, so Ostrovsky gegenüber JNS, nicht zuletzt wegen einer »solch niedrigen Schwelle, bei der jeder Staat ein unbegründetes und politisiertes Verfahren einleiten kann, um die Fähigkeit von Demokratien wie Israel, den dschihadistischen Terror zu bekämpfen, einzuschränken.«
»Es sollte auch nicht vergessen werden, dass diese Entscheidung am Vorabend des Internationalen Holocaust-Gedenktages ergangen ist«, fügte er hinzu. »Der Begriff ›Völkermord‹ wurde im Gefolge des Holocausts geschaffen, um die versuchte Vernichtung des jüdischen Volkes zu beschreiben, und wird nun von Südafrika in skrupelloser Weise als Waffe eingesetzt und umgedeutet, und zwar im Gefolge des größten Massakers an Juden seit dem Holocaust selbst.«
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reportwire · 2 years
UC Berkeley student groups' refusal to invite Zionist speakers draws civil rights complaint
UC Berkeley student groups’ refusal to invite Zionist speakers draws civil rights complaint
A federal civil rights complaint accuses UC Berkeley of an “act of discrimination against the Jewish community” by allowing law school student groups to adopt bylaws refusing to invite speakers who support Zionism. The complaint filed last week by attorneys Gabriel Groisman and Arsen Ostrovsky equates anti-Zionism, which challenges the state of Israel’s right to exist in the region of Palestine,…
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#Breaking: #Horrific scenes from #Jerusalem this morning, after coordinated #terror #attack with #bombs multiple locations
#Breaking: #Horrific scenes from #Jerusalem this morning, after coordinated #terror #attack with #bombs multiple locations
Horrific scenes from #Jerusalem this morning, after coordinated terror attack with bombs multiple locations, leaves many injured, incl. critically. Reminiscent of the darkest days of the 2nd Intifada … pic.twitter.com/OFYyDIHBxP — Arsen Ostrovsky (@Ostrov_A) November 23, 2022 Source: Twitter
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girlactionfigure · 3 years
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An important public service announcement this #Chanukah!
   Arsen Ostrovsky
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al-kol-eleh · 8 months
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Arsen Ostrovsky
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US Congresswoman Rashida Tlaib retweeted a claim that “Israeli settlers” had “kidnapped and executed” a Palestinian boy. In fact the boy was found by Israeli emergency services dead in a cistern on Saturday morning after going missing on Friday. Nevertheless, some Palestinian social media accounts incited against Israel, with small clashes resulting in East Jerusalem.
A Twitter account called “Real Seif Bitar” tweeted that the boy had been kidnapped and executed and showed a video of the boy’s body being found by emergency services. The tweet claimed that the boy was kidnapped by “Israeli settlers, assaulted and thrown in a water well, was found this morning frozen to death in Beit Hanina, Jerusalem after Israeli forces assaulted search teams.” Palestinian politician Hanan Ashrawi re-tweeted the allegation and added “the heart just shatters, the pain is unbearable, no words.” Congresswoman Tlaib then retweeted the Ashrawi tweet that included the allegations.
However Ashrawi apologized for her tweet. “My apologizes for re-tweeting something that’s not fully verified. It seems that the news of his being kidnapped is not certain.” She also tweeted other clarifications and then appeared to delete the tweet. Tlaib’s retweet was also was thereafter deleted but she did not apologize for spreading the false information.
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The tweet accusing Israelis of kidnapping and murder and which actually shows the boy’s body being taken from the cistern by medical personnel has now been viewed 125,000 times. It has led to an outpouring of incitement against Israel. George Galloway, the UK politician, wrote “there are no words which can fully convey the evil of this story.” Many noted that Tlaib had erred in re-tweeting the false story. Arsen Ostrovsky wrote "seriously Rashida Tlaib?...this was a tragic case of a child who went missing and fell into a pool of rainwater, have you no shame in reposting these lies?" Many compared it to a modern day blood libel.
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eretzyisrael · 4 years
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“To be a Jew is to be a part of the most remarkable story ever lived by any people.” ~ Rabbi Sacks (z’l).
Today would have been the late Rabbi Lord Jonathan Sacks’ 73rd birthday. He was born OTD 1948. 
May his memory continue to always be a great blessing and inspiration.
Arsen Ostrovsky
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mensrightsff · 3 years
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Hi dear @Malala? What about my children? They’re 4 years old and 3 months. Should they be in makeshift bomb shelters, protecting against rockets being fired at us by Palestinian terrorists in Gaza? pic.twitter.com/d2dLZTw3OV
— Arsen Ostrovsky (@Ostrov_A) May 12, 2021
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