#Arnica Montana
sblhomoeopathy · 3 months
Shampoo With Conditioner: SBL Homoeopathy
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SBL Homoeopathy offers a unique product that combines the benefits of shampoo and conditioner in one bottle. Their Shampoo with Conditioner is formulated to cleanse and nourish the hair, leaving it soft, smooth, and shiny. With natural ingredients and no harmful chemicals, this product is suitable for all hair types, even sensitive scalps. Say goodbye to the hassle of using separate shampoo and conditioner and try SBL Shampoo With Conditioner convenient and effective 2-in-1 solution for healthy hair.
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amamaterial · 6 months
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Ecoutes Périphériques #2, Grrrnd Zero
c'est tellement tellement bien d'être toujours surpris de la qualité et de la nouveauté de ce qu'on peut voir à GZ
Dans l'ordre, Arnica Montana, Matthieu Guillin et Loïc Varanguien - la copule, Lise Barkas et Eric Bentz - Musique fonctionnelle
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yagmurweb · 2 years
Her evde homeopati olmalı
Her evde homeopati olmalı
İstanbul’daki LMHI Kongresi’nin ardından; paylaşılan bu büyük bilginin, sevincini ve başarısını daha çok kişiye ulaştırmalıyız. Mümkün olduğu kadar çok insanın, homeopatinin temel kavramlarını öğrenmesinin önemli olduğunu düşünüyorum. Böylece akut acil durumlarda kendilerine, hayvanlar, bitkiler de dâhil olmak üzere tüm sevdiklerine yardım edebilirler. Homeopati eğitimini alırsanız akut…
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sblglobal · 6 months
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SBL arnica shampoo - SBL Pvt Ltd
SBL Private Limited is a well-known company in the healthcare industry, known for its wide range of quality products. Among the popular offerings, SBL Arnica Shampoo stands out for its unique efforts to nourish scalp and healthy scalp this shampoo is mainly using Arnica, an herbal remedy that has been used for centuries due to its' healing power because of the goodness. SBL Arnica Shampoo not only strengthens hair roots and prevents hair fall but also helps to deep clean the hair, removing excess dirt and oil.
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ifindus · 5 months
Norwegian Regions - Regional flowers and landscape.
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Østlandet (city) - Blåveis (anemone hepatica), county flower of Akershus. Low hills covered in forests and fields with many cities around the Oslo fjord.
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Østlandet (rural) - Skogstjerne (lysimachia europaea), county flower of Innlandet. Steeper hills and valleys with vast spruce forests.
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Sørlandet - Solblom (arnica montana), county flower of Agder. Beaches and islands and rocks, very coastal with inland forests.
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Vestlandet - Revebjelle (digitalis purpurea), county flower of Sogn og Fjordane. Fjords and steep, green mountainsides.
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Trøndelag - Reinrose (dryas octopetala) county flower of Trøndelag. Several valleys with forests and fertile farmland centrered around the Trondheims fjord.
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Nord-Norge - Rødsildre (saxifraga oppositifolia) county flower of Nordland. Steep mountains straight into the sea, less vegetation.
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ekingston · 1 year
Re: creating merchandise and art for your own fics, what was your inspo for Lena’s forearm tattoo in tSOS? Is it an existing design or something you made up? I’d love to have a visual because my imagination is sorely lacking heheh
thanks for asking, anon! i did give Lena’s tattoo entirely too much thought, but i’m not much of a designer myself so please forgive my poor attempt at sketching it out! so Lena’s tattoo design incorporates three symbols, the first being her cello (i’ve been imagining it’s one of these) which forms a kind of ‘backbone’, like this:
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but style-wise, think of the delicacy, the shading and the preposterous precision of lonewolf_gd on Instagram. i imagined it a lot like the ones below, except instead of the elephant it’s the cello and instead of the triangles or the golden ratio it’s the repetitive loops of the Riemann zeta function, the shape of which partially mirrors that of a cello:
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and finally the botanical part, Arnica Montana, which really is better for bruises than for aesthetics, haha, but i love the symbolism too much and figured Lena would choose meaning over charm as well! besides, a good tattoo artist can make even wolfsbane look beautiful:
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lecritoire-victorien · 6 months
Liste non-exhaustive de plantes et de leurs effets pour enrichir ses récits
Plantes Médicinales
1. Lavande (Lavandula) : Apaisante, aide à combattre l'insomnie et le stress.
2. Millepertuis (Hypericum perforatum) : Antidépresseur naturel, aide à soulager la dépression légère à modérée.
3. Arnica (Arnica montana) : Anti-inflammatoire, utilisée pour soulager les douleurs et les ecchymoses.
4. Ginkgo Biloba : Améliore la circulation sanguine et la fonction cognitive.
5. Valériane (Valeriana officinalis) : Sédatif naturel, aide à traiter l'insomnie.
6. Sauge (Salvia officinalis) : Antiseptique, aide à la digestion et soulage les maux de gorge.
7. Eucalyptus (Eucalyptus globulus) : Antiseptique, aide à dégager les voies respiratoires.
8. Gingembre (Zingiber officinale) : Antiémétique, favorise la digestion, soulage les nausées.
9. Thym (Thymus vulgaris) : Antiseptique, aide à lutter contre les infections respiratoires.
10. Camomille (Matricaria chamomilla) : Calmante, aide à la digestion et à réduire l'anxiété.
 Plantes Toxiques ou à Effets Particuliers
11. Absinthe (Artemisia absinthium) : Utilisée pour produire l'absinthe, a des effets psychoactifs controversés.
12. Datura (Datura stramonium) : Hallucinogène, extrêmement toxique.
13. Belladone (Atropa belladonna) : Toxique, contient de l'atropine qui peut être mortelle.
14. Ricin (Ricinus communis) : Contient la ricine, un poison mortel.
15. Ciguë (Conium maculatum) : Toxique, a été utilisée pour l'exécution de Socrate.
16. Pavot somnifère (Papaver somniferum) : Source d'opium, utilisé pour produire des analgésiques.
17. Aconit (Aconitum napellus) : Très toxique, connu comme "casque de Jupiter".
18. Tabac (Nicotiana tabacum): Contient de la nicotine, un stimulant addictif.
19. Jusquiame noire (Hyoscyamus niger) : Hallucinogène, toxique.
20. Lierre grimpant (Hedera helix) : Irritant cutané, les baies sont toxiques si ingérées.
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lacefuneral · 7 months
thing that sucks about fibromyalgia is that it really only started to be taken seriously by doctors the last couple of years so there isn't much information about what treatments are effective and what aren't
so a lot of people lean into like. pseudo science bc they think it will fix their pain
which is frustrating because it's like. i want to know what is actually helping people. not some anti-vax person covering themselves in arnica montana (which is a poison at best and absolutely nothing at worse, which is the case of homeopathy) and guzzling laxatives (i shouldn't have to explain why is this an issue)
the scary thing too is seeing ppl on reddit say "no yeah my doctor just mixes me a special lotion with opiods and ketamine and gabapentin" or people saying they're taking all of these medications orally. ARE YOU INSANE.
other people are like "ya my routine is simple!" and then lists no less than 10 very expensive supplements
like. okay. i do take some supplements. i am intending on trying another. but like..... can we get some actual medical professionals running trials on fibro that don't rely on extremely addictive drugs? y'know, during a fucking opioid crisis. and stop having doctors shrug at their patients and say "idk maybe go for a swim? get stabbed with needles?"
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threadsnherbs · 2 months
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Welcome back to Threads N Herbs! Today is day 7! Today we are going to talk about Arnica Flower!
Arnica Flower or sometimes known as Mountain Tobacco represents strength. " Used as an altar offering to deities, guides, or fae, Arnica can also be carried in a sachet for inner strength. It is also one of the twelve magical plants of the Rosicrucians."
(Ritual Herbs - Arnica Flower - Rite of Ritual)
"Arnica (Arnica montana) is a member of the Asteraceae (or Compositeae) family along with sunflowers and dandelions. It is a hardy perennial native to the mountains and pasturelands of Central Europe.
Arnica is masculine in nature and associated with Midsummer, the harvest and harvest spirits. It is sacred to Freya, Ra and Apollo. It is aligned with the sun and the element of fire."
"Protection Charm: Create a protective charm using arnica flowers or oil. Ward off negative energies and evil spirits. Healing Ritual: Infuse arnica in a healing potion or ritual bath. Promote physical and emotional healing. Banishing Spell: Burn dried arnica as part of a banishing ritual. Remove negative influences or energies. Dreamwork: Place arnica flowers under the pillow for lucid dreaming. Enhance dream recall and psychic abilities."
(Arnica: Folklore, Healing & Magical Attributes (magickalspot.com)
Thank you so much for reading! please reblog to help me grow! Please keep in mind that everyone's practice might be different and that's okay. How i practice may not resonate with you and that's okay! Please be kind and feel free to add to the information! Blessed be!
If you feel drawn to leaving a tip here is a link! Tips will go towards supplies! Thank you so much!
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sblhomoeopathy · 1 year
SBL arnica Montana herbal shampoo supports treat hair fall and dandruff. It’s strong elements help moisturise the scalp, defend it from contaminations, and also stop it from getting dry and itchy. The purified excerpt of arnica is toxic to consume, but when arnica is weak or applied topically, it may benefit a variety of health situations. It is ideal to find one of the leading companies for buying SBL Arnica Shampoo, hair oil, alfalfa tonic, and many others.
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whiskeyote · 4 months
Montana is treating me very very well. The forest is brimming with medicine. I am recovering. I think tomorrow morning I will go out and harvest some of the absolutely gorgeous and hyperabundant arnica that is already starting to bloom. I have been thinking about meeting this plant again for an entire year. It started blooming right as I arrived and continues to explode throughout these hills with every warm and sunny hour. I can't wait to share these gifts from the forest with those I love. There is so much here to heal with.
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missnobodymadness · 5 months
hi! how about 🥞 pancake and 💐 bouquet for evelyn? :D
Hello, hello! :D
So happy to see you here! Thank you so much for sending some asks for my girl, it really means a lot to me. ♥ (Now I am hungry because of the pancake emoji though xD)
Alright, let's go for these questions. :P
"🥞 PANCAKE - what is their comfort breakfast?"
To be honest, I've never thought about this, especially considering how limited Paradis gastronomy seems to be, so I spent a few minutes pondering and considering that her parents weren't very wealthy, I decided that she probably loves an omelet sandwich and a cup of homemade apple juice for regular breakfasts and for very special ones, I can see her mother making some apple cake. T-T
"💐 BOUQUET - create a bouqet for them! what do those flowers mean? are any of the flowers their particular favourite?"
This is a very nice ask, not gonna lie! Automatically knew dandelions would 100% be part of her bouquet because of what I said here some time ago. But dandelions are far from being the most beautiful flowers, so she needs something more appealing to go with them and I decided to go with Aloysia gratissima (I have no idea what is the common name in english, sorry ^^') as they symbolize forgiveness, and that's an important lesson she learns along the way, Arnica montana, that symbolizes healing from the pain of grief and that's also something Evelyn has to learn how to deal with on her trajectory, and to give the last touch to the bouquet, something that goes well with yellow, since all of these are yellow/orangish flowers, I'd like to pick purple violets, that symbolize love between two women, which would make sense because if she was about to marry she'd marry Pieck Finger. eheh This one took longer than expected. xD
Thank you once again and I hope you are feeling better and have an amazing weekend!
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indigo-a-creeping · 6 months
My wonderful friend in Colorado offered to go with me to San Francisco, so I am saved. She's also a nurse, so I'll be getting top quality care. She may only be able to stay the first few days, but that's the most critical time. Maybe we'll do something fun the day before surgery!
I'm putting together a last minute top surgery shopping list: Tylenol, bandaids, aquaphor, arnica montana... I have an assortment of gauze and bandages, scar tape, etc. I'll bring some button-down shirts. And a jacket or two. Anything else I'll need, especially the first week? I'm thinking of things I'll need to pack in my tiny bag.
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queen-ofnewyork · 11 months
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Review of NACIFIC's Phyto Niacin Whitening Essence
NACIFIC is a Korean brand that uses only the best natural ingredients. Their Phyto Niacin Whitening Essence is designed to moisturize the skin and reduce pigmentation, it's formulated to brighten dull skin for a flawless complexion. Key ingredients include: 5% of niacinamide (whitening, lightening, anti-aging, rejuvenating, anti-wrinkle), bamboo extract (soothing, adds vitality, anti-inflammatory, removes dry skin, antioxidant, healing, hydrating), lemon fruit extract (skin clearing, brightening, lightening, anti-inflammatory, improves skin health), sodium hyaluronate (anti-aging, anti-wrinkle, hydrating, moisturizing, healing), white mulberry bark extract (antioxidant, anti-irritation, evens skin tone, whitening), edelweiss extract (anti-aging, anti-inflammatory, antibacterial, antioxidant, calming), and wormwood extract (healing, antibacterial, anti-fungal, skin protective, soothing, anti-inflammatory, anti-redness, adds radiance to the skin). This essence retails for between $12-18 USD, you can get it here for $12.80 + shipping.
Bambusa Vulgaris (Bamboo) Extract, Butylene Glycol, Glycerin, Niacinamide (5%), 1,2-Hexanediol, Pentylene Glycol, Caprylyl Glycol, Acrylates/C10-30 Alkyl Acrylate Crosspolymer, Sodium Hyaluronate, Disodium EDTA, Water, Potassium Hydroxide, Rosa Canina (Rosehip) Fruit Extract, Alcohol, Morus Alba (White Mulberry) Bark Extract, Leontopodium Alpinum (Edelweiss) Extract, Ethyl Ascorbyl Ether, Gentiana Lutea Root Extract, Artemisia Absinthium (Wormwood) Extract, Arnica Montana Flower Extract, Achillea Millefolium (Yarrow) Extract, Propylene Glycol, Citric Acid, Citrus Limon (Lemon) Fruit Extract, Potassium Sorbate, Nelumbo Nucifera (Sacred Lotus) Extract, Sodium Benzoate
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This essence contains 50 ml (1.69 oz) and is fragrance-free. It comes in a sturdy plastic bottle with a dropper.
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The essence is very watery and clear.
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It's very lightweight and hydrating.
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It leaves skin looking more dewy and brighter.
Recommended use is after washing your face and toning, lightly shake the essence and apply it with your fingertips along your skin texture. Cover your face with your palms and press down for better absorption. After using, this essence is really impressive to me. It doesn't have any fragrance, but it does contain a couple of irritants, this also might not work with very very sensitive skin as it has active niacinamide and lemon extract, I do notice that it can burn if you have any broken skin or skin that's been picked at. The essence spreads very well and helps to plump and hydrate skin and you will notice a subtle brightening of the skin as well after each use. It helps to tone redness and even skin tone, it helps to refresh dull and dry skin. The ingredients are very hydrating as well as nourishing to the skin. The texture of the essence is really watery and lightweight, so this would be great for any skin type. It's also not sticky or tacky at all. I feel like this is actually pretty gentle despite having some irritants and actives so I'd recommend this to pretty much anyone unless you have issues with niacinamide.
What I like: this essence is really lightweight, it absorbs quickly and layers perfectly well under other skincare. It's almost instantly subtly brightening and it's very hydrating without being tacky or sticky. The ingredients are really good and this is relatively gentle and would probably suit most skin types. What I don't like: this does sting on open wounds or cuts and it does have some irritants.
Tones redness
Nice ingredients
Pretty gentle
Can sting on open wounds
Can be irritating
Would I buy again?
Rating: 9/10
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blissfullybloomed · 1 year
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Holistic Healing
Let's start with some simple definitions for both of these words. 
Holistic ( in regard to medicine): Characterized by the treatment of the WHOLE person, taking into account MENTAL and SOCIAL factors, rather than just the SYMPTOMS of the illness. It stems from the old English word holism( 1920s). 
Healing ( in regard to person) : The process of making or becoming sound or healthy again, and to make free from injury or disease. To make well again, and return to the earth. 
Great! Now what?! HOW does one Holistically Heal themselves? How would one even know if they NEED to do some holistic healing? That's where we start today. Being self aware. 
I'd like to present a few questions for you to internally answer: 
What are YOUR hobbies? Not your friends, not your spouse, not your co workers…YOURS?
Who are YOU? What do you stand for? Again….not your friends, spouse or co-workers. 
What foods do you truly enjoy? 
What music do you listen to on a daily basis?
Could you answer them? If you could- that's great! You've got a head start on everyone else- Congrats on finding yourself. If you couldn't answer them…let's work on that together.
I believe the first and most crucial step in becoming holistically healed is to know your true self. Can you introduce yourself without saying you “belong” to someone. Example: Hi, my name is Victoria, I'm the sister of…Im the wife of ...Im the business partner of ... .NO! Stop the madness… YOU are good enough as you already are- let that soak in. You don't need to validate yourself in a work title, you don't have to be someone’s anything. You're enough as you are. 
I have personal experience( look ma, I learned how to spell- AKA…spell check) with the above introducing struggles. 
Now, don't get it twisted..I am in no way stating that you shouldnt be proud to be someone's wife, husband, co-worker…etc, I'm simply stating that it's okay to be your own self. There's bliss in solitude. 
Moving on…, How do you find out who you are? How do you find out what food you truly enjoy? How do you change the repeated monotony of your life? That's what it is…repeating the same thing. You're comfortable there…it's ok, I used to be too. There's safety in the known, and fear in the unknown. Overcoming fear…that's a whole other blog…I'm still working on that one honestly. 
So….I've rambled enough…Get to know yourself.
That's how you holistically heal. Holistic medicine is all about utilizing what your body already has inside of it from a hormone/chemical level and using natural remedies(plants from the earth) to aid in health. It’s not a toxic pill made in a factory at an enormously high dollar amount. It's not a drug induced drink (Coca-cola…cocaine…) made in mass at a low dollar amount to produce the happy hormone for a fleeting second. Now granted, McDonalds Coke is literally to die for, and yes…I've drank them…) 
Things to try instead of what you're doing now: 
Ibuprofen( kills the liver)...Try Arnica Montana instead. 
Ora-gel(destroys your gums)....Try Clove - It takes the pain away instantly. 
Any inflammation…..Turmeric/Mushrooms. 
Try new things, eat new food, hangout with new people, get a new job, write a blog(HA), do something physical , challenge yourself, go disc-golfing on your damn motorcycle( I'm so proud of you), do whatever you want...but don't be afraid to try new things. You're doing yourself a disservice if you don't. You already knew that though because you are smart. You are beautiful. You are sexy. You are fierce. You are incredibly loud. You are impatient. You are colorful. You are… You are enough. 
Frolic the fields. 
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Arnica Montana - Sea Sand And Sun
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