#Armando Palomas
zerounotvadri · 11 months
Ciudad de México, noviembre de 2023
Pachanga peligrosa es el título del nuevo material de la agrupación y con el que celebran su 45 aniversario de trayectoria
Única función: miércoles 15 de noviembre a las 20:30 horas
Se contará con la participación especial de músicos como Cecilia Toussaint, Dr. Shenka, Rubén Albarrán, Armando Palomas, Sabo Romo y Sergio Arau, quienes darán un toque especial a la sesión
La banda de rock mexicana Ritmo Peligroso ofrecerá un único y especial concierto para presentar su nuevo disco titulado Pachanga peligrosa y celebrar al mismo tiempo sus 45 años de intensa actividad, que la ha colocado como una de las agrupaciones más emblemáticas del rock en español.
El concierto se llevará a cabo el próximo miércoles 15 de noviembre a las 20:30 horas en el Teatro de la Ciudad Esperanza Iris, con el apoyo de la Dirección del Sistema de Teatros de la Secretaría de Cultura de la Ciudad de México.
En Pachanga peligrosa, la banda mexicana explora “otros horizontes musicales, sin perder su esencia, con un sonido actual y maduro”. El disco comenzó a tomar forma en la pandemia durante un streaming de la banda, cuando Piro y Mosy se reunieron en el estudio para empezar con el proceso creativo del acetato, el cual, finalmente, se grabó en los estudios de Discos Ciudad y en Dilo con Música, de Mosy, lo que significó su regreso a los estudios después de casi 20 años para una nueva y completa producción discográfica.
El concierto de aniversario será el marco ideal para hacer un repaso por los éxitos de la agrupación, desde los ochenteros Estás perdida y Marielito, hasta los himnos Déjala tranquila y Contaminado, los cuales marcaron el rumbo en la nueva etapa de la agrupación en los años noventa.
De Pachanga peligrosa se escucharán Dejen a los niños en paz, La tribu pachanga, Un minuto de silencio, Tiempo de locura, Algo va a suceder, Pistolero y Agradecido, temas que llevarán al público a vivir las diferentes etapas musicales de la banda.
Cabe destacar que, en el concierto especial, Ritmo Peligroso contará con la participación de algunos de los artistas que  han colaboraron en todos estos años con la banda como Cecilia Toussaint, Dr. Shenka, Rubén Albarrán, Armando Palomas, Sabo Romo y Sergio Arau, quienes darán un toque especial a la sesión.
En la Pachanga peligrosa, Piro, Mosy, Avi, Gato, Manny y Pinaca se entregarán al público de una manera muy especial, “porque no solamente presentarán un nuevo disco, sino que también estarán celebrando 45 años de carrera”, dicen los integrantes de la banda, quienes aseguran que “será una noche de baile, canto, ritmo y festejo… una experiencia inolvidable…”.
Pachanga peligrosa. Presentación del nuevo disco de Ritmo Peligroso se llevará a cabo el miércoles 15 de noviembre a las 20:30 horas en el Teatro de la Ciudad Esperanza Iris (Donceles 36, Centro Histórico, Metro Allende).
Admisión: Luneta, $450; Primer Piso Central, $400; Primer Piso Lateral, $350; Anfiteatro, $300, y Galería, $150. Los boletos se pueden adquirir en la taquilla del teatro y en las plataformas digitales de Ticketmaster.
Para conocer la programación de la Dirección del Sistema de Teatros de la Ciudad de México visite las redes sociales: Facebook @TeatrosCdMexico, Twitter @TeatrosCdMexico e Instagram @teatroscdmexico.
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elizabethsnowflake · 1 year
𝑝𝑜𝑣 : 𝑦𝑜𝑢 𝑎𝑟𝑒 𝑖𝑛 𝑎 𝑘𝑖𝑛𝑔𝑑𝑜𝑚 𝑜𝑓 𝑎𝑣𝑎𝑙𝑜𝑟
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cartoonfangirl1218 · 2 years
This is probably useless to anyone but I felt like in the mood to write down character flaws. Im still amazed how they tried to make everyone three dimensional.
Elena: Impulsivity, grudge holding, stubbornness, competitiveness  
Esteban: Cowardness, bitterness, arrogance, self pity, selfishness 
Isabel: Stubbornness, narrow mindedness (more like in how he’s hard for her to do things in a different way like in A Gecko’s Tale.)
Naomi: Prejudice, impulsivity 
Gabe: Cockiness, narrow mindedness, overprotectiveness, competitiveness  
Mateo: Cockiness, narrow mindedness 
Luisa: Competitiveness, grudge holding   
Francisco: Self pity (this was really hard, Francisco is a sweetheart but I guess he had a little self pity in The Return of Los Tres when Elena was treating him as just as an Abuelo)
Victor: Greed, bitterness, grudge holding 
Carla: Envy, greed  
Ash: Selfishness, greed, power hungry 
Alonso: Arrogance, laziness 
Valentina: Arrogance, competitiveness 
Rebecca: Narrow mindedness, stubbornness 
Chloe: Selfishness, obliviousness 
Marisa: Impulsivity
Armando: Self pity 
Cristobal: Greed, selfishness 
Doña Paloma: Greed, envy, bitterness, arrogance 
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a-lilacsong · 1 year
If Elena of Avalor characters had Pokémon: Part One
I was inspired by @dittomander post about this and I've been thinking about this for a while, so here are some of my own headcannons for their Pokemon:
Princess Isabel - Bronzor - Isa was so excited to get her starter, she's always thought that steel types are really cool and was so happy that the local place where you get your starter pokémon had one. It uses its psychic abilities to help her carry around large pieces of scrap metal and equipment so she can make even bigger inventions. She got her starter on the same day that Christina got her starter and that is how they met and became friends. (They are also technically rivals but friendly rivals, like Hop or Nemona. It eventually becomes a Bronzong, and Elena pointed out how perfect it is for her because it looks like a bell, the perfect Pokemon for her sister IsaBEL, and Isabel replied to her with the most exasperated sigh you've ever heard.
Luisa - Slurpuff - When she was a girl working in her parents’ chocolate shop, it was always surrounded by Swirlix, and she would feed extra chocolate to them. When she was old enough to have her first Pokémon, she chose one of those little guys. She then taught it to play Olaball with her, which after it learned how to bounce the ball without it getting stuck to its fur, it really enjoyed. Eventually it became a Slurpuff after she did a trade-tradeback with Francisco. It also enjoys helping her with baking, but Luisa has to make sure it doesn't eat all of the cookies before they finish them.
Francisco - Roserade - As a kid, he was always challenging people to Pokémon battles and going off through forests and beaches with his Roselia looking for adventure, leading into his adventures with Los Tres. He found a shiny stone for it on one of his last missions with Los Tres. Even when he stopped adventuring, it still reminded him of the past, in a good way. Nowadays it helps him with gardening.
Esteban - Phione - He found it when he was sailing to a political meeting. It was clinging to the side of the ship and it looked really hungry so he sort of picked it up and fed it and then it wanted to be his best friend forever. He hasn't realized it's a mythical Pokémon yet. A person will just come up to him like, “Wow, isn't that a super special pokémon?” and he's like “Yes, all my pokemon are super special to me.”
Armando - Banette - Armando was a lonely child and his brother didn't make that any easier for him. So sometimes, in his spare time, he would make puppets. But when his brother found out he said that it was a stupid hobby and threw them out. Armando was devastated until the next night when his puppet came back, but as a Pokémon! It had helped him with his farm chores and when he grew up and got a job at the palace it could help carry around extra scrolls. But its favorite thing to do with Armando is helping him with the puppet shows he performs for the kids, (it is technically a puppet after all). It can help levitate props or move around extra puppets or even perform in the shows itself. Some people think it looks pretty spooky at first, but soon they realize that it's just as kind and sweet as its trainer.
Doña Paloma - Swanna: This flying type is quite skilled at battling (because losing Pokemon battles means giving up your money to the winner) but Paloma would rather defeat other trainers in pokemon beauty contests, of which she and Swanna are famous for winning. Paloma also makes use of the move fly to get around town, because you have to be fast when you're in business!
(17 more under the cut)
Carman Guzman - Morpeko - It has the least picky taste of any other Pokemon in town and would happily eat anything Carman cooked for it regardless of the quality, much to her delight and her brother's annoyance.
Julio Guzman - Lurantis - He is very proud of how bright and colourful its leaves look and takes special care to make sure it is healthy and well-groomed at all times. He entered it in a Pokemon contest once, and it beat Doña Paloma’s Swanna. She will probably hold a grudge against him forever.
Marlena - Skeledirge: It’s able to sing along quite well to her songs and gives the performances extra fire! Many people think it looks scary before they get to know it, but quickly learn that it’s sweet and friendly. (Marlena can relate to Armando about this.)
Higgins - Wooper (Galarian): Wooper is a precious good little bean and is perfect for Higgins. Higgins buys/makes little hats for it to match any funny hats that he wears. Wooper loves wearing hats and always rides on his shoulder.
Ixlan - Tynamo: Ixlan used to have another Pokemon before being sealed away, but that one is long gone by the time they are freed. So instead the Lightning Warrior finds a tiny little Tynamo and declares that it has a mighty spirit and they will train them to become a powerful lightning warrior as well. Even though it's quite small and weak, the Tynamo is very determined to become strong and takes great joy in every Pokemon battle it’s in.
Antonia - Leavanny: Leavanny was quite good at helping Antonia with tailoring work and when it found out about her dream of becoming a guard it learned Leaf Blade and Swords Dance to help her with fencing.
Tomiko - Klefki - She is so enthusiastic about her Pokémon she won't even challenge you to a Pokémon battle, she'll just pull it out like “Look at my Klefki, isn't it amazing?!” Metalworking is her hobby and she makes a bunch of keys for it to hold.
Felicia - Oricorio: Back in her heyday, where she was performing dance for people with her husband it was normally in Baile Style performing along with them. But after her husband went to the spirit world as they say, she had it in Sensu Style hoping that maybe it could connect with his ghost.
Rafa de Alva - Oinkologne - It is just as headstrong and diligent as its trainer when it comes to keeping things organized a certain way. It was very good at helping Rafa look after Mateo when he was a baby.
Roberto Núñez - Heatmor - It's actually pretty lazy. It'll normally just curl up on the floor of the bakery and have a high temperature nap. Roberto often brags that out of all the bakeries in town, he doesn't need to pay for coal or firewood because he has a Pokémon that can naturally cook the bread for him.
Blanca Núñez - Dachsbun: Roberto got it for her after they got married and she just loves this little bread dog. She takes it on walks in the park every afternoon and it has become the bakeries unofficial mascot.
Daniel Turner - Pelipper: It helps him deliver messages to sailors on other ships. When Naomi was really small she would climb on its beak to ride it, which would always end in chaos.
Scarlett Turner - Crawdaunt: Even though this type of Pokemon is normally notoriously difficult to train, Scarlet was more than up to the challenge. Sailors far and wide know about Scarlett & her pokemon's battle prowess, on land and the sea.
Antonio Agama & Pablo Agama - Solrock & Lunatone: Found them both at the old rock that they used to play at when they were kids. After they grew apart anyone who pointed out that they had similar Pokemon to each other would be ignored immediately. Using their psychic/rock abilities, they make it easier to find artifacts in ruins to study (or steal).
Professor Mendoza - Excadrill - It carefully helps her unearth ancient treasures. Its expression naturally looks pretty tough, but whenever it finds something in the dirt it will just look up so expectantly like “look I did it I found something!” Mendoza is very proud of it, even when it turns out that all they found was just an old tree root.
Professor Ochoa - Emolga - She is definitely the kind of professor who would be giving young trainers their starter Pokémon. Emolga usually rides around on her head and helps her whenever her experiments need an extra spark of energy.
Octavio - Aggron: Octavio first found it when it was just a tiny little Aron eating up some scrap metal after he'd done a repair job, so he decided to take it along with him and feed it any other scrap metal he had. Over the years because of its good diet as well as moving around heavy things to assist Octavio with his job, it's actually become very very strong. Any kids looking to have a quick battle should really think twice before they try challenging these two.
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peaxhygirl · 2 months
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: ̗̀➛𝚃𝚑𝚒𝚜 𝚒𝚜 𝚊 𝙱𝙻𝙰𝙲𝙺 𝚏𝚎𝚖𝚊𝚕𝚎 𝙾𝙲
: ̗̀➛𝚂𝚞𝚖𝚖𝚊𝚛𝚢: It's a rarity that Armando gets sick, but when he does, he attaches himself to you/reader. --Intro to a new female reader?
: ̗̀➛𝙲𝚘𝚗𝚌𝚎𝚙𝚝𝚜:
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The funniest thing about Armando was that although he held the rightful reputation of being cutthroat and ruthless in the streets of Mexico, he was also such a softie behind closed doors, especially when he was sick.  
Right now, he currently had the flu and was carrying himself like a toddler.  
The couple had been stationed in bed for what felt like hours. Armando because he was “knocking on death’s door” as he dramatically put it, and Dove because well, he refused to let her up. He laid on top of her, arms tucked underneath her to warp around her waist and lock her in his grip. His head was not only planted right on her chest, but he was also hiding underneath her robe. All she could truly see of him was the very top part of his short black hair. 
“Armando, baby. You know I don’t mind taking care of you, but you’re gonna get me sick being all over me like this.” Dove’s soft voice was met by the low grumbling rasp of his strained voice. “I’m not even that close.” She took a moment to look away at her imaginary office camera that was always conveniently stationed in the corner of whatever space she needed it to be. 
“If you were any closer, you’d be in my skin.” “That’s a great idea actually.” With that statement, he emerged from underneath her thick fluffy robe, leaning back to gently tug down the cup of her bra, exposing her supple breast. He stared for a moment mesmerized by the sight of her dark brown skin that always seemed to glow to him.  
That’s one of the many things he loved about Dove. She was so opposite of him. While he was rugged, she was the epitome of soft. It was like God crafted her from the finest silk he could find.  Taking his sweet and very appreciated time to craft the woman Armando would one day be madly in love with.
She was his Dove, his Paloma.  
“Eres tan suave, cariño.” He spoke softly while nuzzling his face against her breast. She gazed down at her boyfriend who did still look a bit pale. She knew he was being dramatic, but she'd still baby him anyway.
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Paloma - Dove
Eres tan suave, cariño - You're so soft, baby.
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sepherinaspoppies · 4 months
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Tell It To My Heart
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pairing: Original Male Character x Modern! Reader x Dark! Book Aemond Targaryen
summary: In her honeymoon with her new husband, Armando, she can not help but crave her first husband's touch, Aemond.
warnings: mentions of slight violence, handjob, p and v sex, and future spoilers to my main story. reader is Latina!
wc: 2,478
main story masterlist
my masterlist
notes: I'm still deciding if I should let Armando live or not lol. but anyways enjoy besties! btw Armando's face claim is Danny Ramirez ;)
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“M’ not drunk, mi amor.” (my love)
Armando bibulously says as she settles her, now husband, into their honeymoon bed. She chuckles, shaking her head side to side in disbelief. “Sure you aren’t, I’ll be the judge of that in the morning when you wake up with that hangover.” She playfully quipped back, untying Armando’s shoes to get him nice and comfortable. 
“Well I had to drink for two since you can’t—” 
“Hmm, I never asked you to drink for me, Armando.” She continued to tease, holding his gaze. 
Armando smiled lovingly before he sat up straight as his tipsy self could, “I know you didn’t but I wanted to, Mrs. Flores.” It was not the new surname that made her blush beet red, but the low and suggestive timbre of his voice. 
Armando’s smile slowly abated into an angry expression as his eyes trailed from the precious diamond wedding he slid hours ago, to the faded scars around her wrists. One could hardly see them from afar but up close where he sat, he was able to make out thick circular and pink markings. 
Armando had known the cause for such ghastliness. She had confessed the whole elusive truth to Armando, in the following weeks she had moved in with him to Oaxaca. It happened when Armando started growing concern for the sixth time in a row, waking up to ear-piercing screams in the middle of the night from his fiance. 
She expected him to push her away or call her crazy, that she’d been forcefully transported into a world she only knew existed in books. Armando’s expression showed nothing of disbelief or skepticism, he listened to everything attentively letting his amor explain it all to him. (love)
What Armando could not wrap his head around, was what kind of man could ever do such malice in the name of love? Love is kind, tender, and respectful. At least that’s how Armando grew up with defining it. 
Now that they were finally together, he vowed that he would never hurt or mistreat his wife. And may the Gods strike him down if he ever did. 
She trembled as her curly headed husband brought her hands closely to study them. His touch was delicate, making sure he didn’t press too firmly on the pink scars. 
“I meant what I said in my vows,” Armando softly speaks, his brown eyes holding steady against her own. “That I will never hurt or mistreat you.” 
“I know you won’t.” 
“But at any given point that I do, you can smash a wine bottle on my head too.” Armand laughed, and immediately she threw her head back, joining in to his giggles.
After she explained all the details of her grand escape, Armando tried to hide his amused smile, proud that she’d knocked Aemond out with a wine bottle to his head. Though what was more hysterical, was Aemond orgasming in the process. She did not mention that to Armando, not that he needed to know. 
Armando’s hands intertwined with her own as his lips brushed the skin where her scars laid, giving featherlike pecks all around. She sighed, closing her eyes, comforted by the feeling of her new husband’s warmth. 
“As long as I’m alive, you and our child are safe.” Armado promised devoutly. If it were possible, her heart almost soared out of her chest. 
When Armando confessed his love for her, minutes before he got down on one knee, she had asked him if he could still love her pregnant with another man’s baby. That did not discourage Armando one bit, the twenty-five year old loved her and the child she was carrying. To him a baby was one of the greatest blessings a couple could have, and Armando would help raise and care for their child like a good husband would do. 
In Armando’s eyes, the frijolito was his too. (little bean)
Blood doesn’t make you family. Family is who is there by your side, through the good and the bad and who love you regardless. 
Armando paused, his face becoming crestfallen. “I-I know you may not love me—” He stuttered full of nerves before she interrupted.
“But… I do want this marriage to work. And I’m willing to wait as many decades more until you are ready to give me your corazón.” (heart)
She hesitantly shifted, before she swung her legs to either side of Armando’s to sit on his lap. Armando’s eyes widened in full surprise, taken back at her sudden boldness. They’ve never sat this close before nor been in such an intimate position. 
They have kissed, yes, but only mere pecks to each other’s cheeks and once on the lips when the priest declared them as man and wife. 
Armando knew his wife had no love for physical contact. Especially if she did not see it coming. After both Alys and Aemond, she wanted no one close to touching her. Though, she did feel guilty when Armando would approach her in a hug after coming home tired from work. 
Little by little she tried to work over her fear. First it was holding pinkies to the mercado but with a good distance between them. Then once that voice inside her head became hushed, she granted him permission to hold her hand out in public, shoulder to shoulder. (market)
The pecks began when a certain desire started blooming inside her. It was natural, of course, her doctor told her so. So when Armando came home with a bag full of tacos and a bundle of her favorite flowers, she approached him with multiple kisses to his face. 
Later on that night, she ashamedly humped her pillow with Aemond’s tunic she kept during her escape back to the modern world. For some reason she could not explain, she didn’t get rid of it. The lustful part of her was overjoyed she didn’t as she used it for the sweet release her body deeply craved. 
In such a position, she could smell Armando’s sandalwood cologne and admire the freckles she never knew he had. She thought about what Alys had said, about opening her heart out to him. 
Little by little. 
“Mi corazón es tuyo.” She whispered softly, her lips brushing his. Armando didn’t have time to respond, choosing rather to tug the back of her neck to close the thin gap between them. (my heart is yours)
He groaned at the softness of her lips he desperately yearned for. Her kiss topped any others his lips laid on. The sort of kiss worth dying for. If she didn’t want to continue further, Armando could finish just by this alone. 
She swiped her tongue on his bottom lip, requesting access before he granted it to her. His kiss was the opposite to what Aemond’s had been. With Aemond, it was needy, rushed, and possessive. But Armando kissed her delicately, without hurry, and most importantly consensually. 
Armando began to whine as her hips started to slightly rock against his pelvis, where he knew his member was surely growing hard. 
“Wait,” Armando suddenly pulled away. “Are you sure? I don’t want you to feel like you have to do this. I’m perfectly content with just watching our telenovela and ordering some tortas and aguas frescas.”
She giggled, using her hands to push his chest down onto the bed. “It is our honeymoon, it would be a shame if we didn’t break the bed in.” Besides they could do all that in the comfort of their home, she wholeheartedly wanted him.
“I’m sure I want this, Armando.” 
It was all Armando needed to hear, but before acting he needed to confess something he thought was embarrassing. “Um, I’m gonna need you to help me. I’ve actually never done this before and I reckon one of us oughta know what they’re doing.” He admitted with his eyes casting downward. 
Her jaw dropped at his unexpected confession, “You’re a virgin?” She reassured, wanting to hear it again. Armando nodded with his eyes closed, awaiting for her to get off him. Though he wished she didn’t. 
“I’ve only done it once, though I don’t recall much of it. We can both figure it out together.” She figured that if he confessed something private about him, so could she. 
Armando opened his eyes and gave her an encouraging smile. 
They began making a work out of their clothes, she anxiously chuckled when she couldn’t reach the zipper of her dress but with Armando’s help the garment slid right down at her waist, exposing her bare breasts to Armando’s curious eyes. 
“Beautiful.” He murmured loud enough for her to hear. With a nod of approval, he palmed each heavy breast and almost immediately pulled back as she gasped in both relief and pleasure, small beads of milk running down his fingers. 
Armando hummed at the taste, it was sweet. He found himself a little jealous of their unborn child for it would be dining on her sweet breasts. 
“Please use your mouth,” She abashedly pleaded, pushing her breasts close to his face. Armando didn’t need to be told twice, he took each pebbled nipple to his mouth, swirling and suckling his tongue, digesting her sweetness. 
She sighed, lacing her fingers through his curls, tugging his head back for another kiss. Little droplets of her milk remained on his lips yet she didn’t care. 
Armando’s free hand pulled down the rest of her dress off, leaving her with just her white lacy underwear. He cheekily smiled, it had been a gift from him for their wedding but she was unaware of it. 
Her fingers unlooped the red tie around Armando’s neck, throwing it somewhere across the room along with his dress shirt. She let her hands wander around the smoothness of his chest, feeling his heart race at her palm. 
Armando shuddered once her fingers started to trail down the patch hair right below his belly button, stopping right on the belt of his pants. “Can I?” She questioned, nudging her head to where he needed her the most. 
Armando fervently nodded, “Gods, yes, please. I think I’ll die if you don’t.” 
She giggled, unbuckling the belt, his pants and boxers down his legs. With curiosity, she let her eyes linger on his cock. It was a good length. Enough to not hurt her the slightest. Where Aemond’s was impressively long and overly thick, Armando was less smaller yet firmer. 
She thought about what her friends had told her: “Sometimes big doesn’t always mean great.” 
Gods she hoped so. 
She reached forward, wrapping her hand around his length, hot, heavy, and pulsating. Armando mewled, instinctively bucking his hips up desperate for some friction. Wanting to give her husband just what he yearned, she began to give him slow pumps up and down his length. His sounds of pleasure increased and she found herself also releasing soft moans, getting wetter and wetter by it alone. 
“Shit, I’m gonna come.” Armando heavily panted. She worked her hand faster, brushing her thumb lightly on his flushed tip, causing him to stutter his release. 
There was a dazed look in Armando’s eyes as he tried to take in the aftereffects of his climax. However, the sight of his wife bringing her come-covered hand to her mouth, instantly made him grow hard again. 
By all means, Armando’s taste wasn’t unpleasant and it resembled the amounts of oranges he often ate. 
She leaned forward to kiss Armando again, allowing him to taste how sweet he was. He ardently kissed her back with equal fervor, flipping them around so that she laid beneath him. Her huge bump pressed against his lower stomach, a primal feeling he absolutely loved. 
After pulling down her underwear, Armando slowly started to make his way down between her thighs, when she looped her fingers through his hair. “I want you right now,” She writhed against the sheets. 
Armando arched a brow, “You don’t want me to return the favor?” He pouted whilst looking down there. She shook her head, wrapping her legs around his waist. 
Though Armando wanted to have just a simple taste of her goodness, he did as she wished for. He gave himself a few more tugs before swiping his tip between her folds, gathering some of her excessive wetness to not hurt her as he went inside. 
Her eyes, which she did not realize were closed, shot open. There was a slight sting, not painful enough to move away but sufficient to feel little shocks of pleasure. With Aemond, it had hurt even with the two rounds of preparation before with his mouth and fingers. 
Armando’s eyes rolled at the back of his head, he didn’t know if he could last in such paradise he felt. She was so warm, wet, and tight around him. 
He took a deep breath and with a nod of encouragement, he slowly thrust his hips at an angle that made her squeeze his length so deliciously. “You feel so good, amor. So fucking good,” Armando praised, rubbing his palm around her belly. 
She moaned against his neck at the praise. While the speed of his thrusts felt good, it wasn’t enough to get her there. She wanted him to go faster and harder, to fill every single crevice within her that desperately needed to be filled. 
Shame started to loom at her as she subconsciously knew she craved the way Aemond hit that special spot inside that had her moaning loud, deep in the castle of Harrenhal. 
Even universes away she craved him. 
And she hated it. 
“Faster, please.” She pleaded, bucking her hips up with his thrusts.
Armando halted, moving his head out of her neck. “I don't want to hurt the baby.” Last thing Armando wanted was to cause her premature labor. She was still months away from her due date but he didn’t want to risk it. 
She shook her head, “You won’t, please. Por favor amor, I need it.” (please love)
Armando hesitantly quickened his thrusts, feeling his euphoric release closely approaching. 
She rolls her hips against his, it was slightly better but still not enough. She almost wanted to cry in desperation, instead she grips Armando’s hips, guiding him into that special spot. Her grip was vice-like causing Armando to hiss in both pain and pleasure. He only needed a few more thrusts to near his end. 
She moans when she starts to feel it. “Oh Gods,” She whimpered, digging her nails on Armando’s hip bones, tugging him deeper and harder similar to Aemond’s movements. 
Armando’s release washes over him like a tide. He never felt this good before, especially with the woman he always loved. He lets his wife chase her pleasure like the good husband he is. 
But what he hears next causes his loving smile to drop. 
“Oh, Aemond!” 
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Notes: I'm sorry Armando lol.
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lilacthebooklover · 1 year
EoA Incorrect Quotes... But The Names Are Randomised By A Generator
Victor, in Shuriki’s window: I thought I’d find you here! Mateo, climbing past Victor: WE COULD HAVE USED THE DOOR-
Ash: How do ethical philosophers feel about murder? Naomi: Well, it’s frowned upon. Ash: Okay, but what if the reason you want to murder someone is to make your life easier? Ash: That’s okay, right?
Mateo, digging his grave: Long story short, this is my grave.......Want me to make you one too?
Armando: Guys! I found a 100 dollar bill! Armando: *looks around* ….Should I keep it? Elena: Armando, just do the right thing. Victor: And put in your bag. Elena: No—
Shuriki: When I said you should try being friendlier this isn't what I meant. Carla, stirring a cup of tea aggressively: Oh, so now I'm TOO friendly? There's no pleasing you. Ash, who broke into their house an hour ago: Two sugars please. Carla: Coming right up.
Carla: Ugh, the printer broke while printing out Esteban's birthday invitations. Naomi: Well, what are they supposed to say? Carla: "Esteban's birthday". Naomi: So, what do they say instead? Carla: "Esteban’s bi". Naomi: Naomi: Works out either way.
Gabe: My only talent is being stress. Luisa: Don't you mean stressed? Gabe: No.
Dona Paloma, wiping tears from their eyes: If you love someone, set them free. If they come back, it’s meant to be… Isabel: I’m literally just going to the store.
*Dona Paloma is in the kitchen and they hear a crash from the living room* Dona Paloma, running into the living room: WHAT ON EARTH HAPPENED HERE?!?! Esteban, looking at the broken TV screen and the remote on the floor: I was trying to throw the remote onto the TV stand! Dona Paloma: And Shuriki didn’t stop you?! Esteban, pointing at a sleeping Shuriki: She's been asleep for the past three hours. Victor, walking in, oblivious to the situation: Hey guys- Victor, realizing: Wait, is the TV broken? Why?! Dona Paloma, pointing at Esteban: He threw the remote onto the TV stand. Victor: Come on! That’s the 5th time this week and it’s 2 in the morning on a Tuesday! Shuriki, waking up to see the situation: *yawns* How long was I out? Shuriki, seeing the broken TV: OH GOSH NOT AGAIN! ESTEBAN, I TOLD YOU NOT TO! Esteban: You were asleep! And I always take a window of opportunity when I see it! Dona Paloma and Victor, in unison: But you broke the- Esteban: My work here is done. If anyone asks, I was never here. *dashes out of the living room*
Francisco: What if we were stranded on a desert island? Who would you eat? Naomi: Mateo. Francisco: So fast? Wh-what about me? I would eat you! Naomi: That’s very nice, I guess. Francisco: Why wouldn’t you eat me? I’m your best friend. Naomi: Look, if other people are having some, I’ll try you.
Dona Paloma: How would you like your coffee? Luisa: As dark and as bitter as my soul. Dona Paloma, shouting to someone behind the counter: I need one vanilla latte with extra cream and sugar!
Elena: So, I've been thinking Isabel- Isabel: That's dangerous.
Mateo, acting tough: You guys don't want to mess with me. Gabe: Yeah, Mateo will straight up cry in public. Don't try him. Mateo: Exactly, I will straight up- Mateo: Mateo, tearing up: Gabe, why would you say that?!
Shuriki: Elena is okay. Armando: She's okay? She said she was going to break my legs! And don't tell me she didn't mean it, okay?! 'Cause she gave me the mackerel eyes, she meant it! Shuriki: Armando, Elena threatened me. She threatens Carla every day. She probably threatened Luisa before breakfast this morning. It's what she does. Grow a pair.
Francisco: Hey, wanna hear a funny joke? Isabel: I only like dark humor. Francisco, turning the lights off: What do you call a fake noodle? Isabel: Francisco: An IMPASTA!
Shuriki: I'm not doing too well. Isabel: What's wrong? Shuriki: I have this headache that comes and goes. *Mateo enters the room* Shuriki: There it is again.
Carla: So, you lied to me? Fiero: That depends on how you define lying. Carla: Well, I define it as not telling the truth. How do you define it? Fiero: Um, reclining your body in a horizontal position?
Naomi: Esteban, don’t go picking a fight with Gabe. Don’t forget, he's powerful, he could make life difficult for you. Esteban: Wow, I wonder what it'd be like to have a difficult life.
Isabel: I drink to forget but I always remember. Carla: You're drinking orange juice.
Esteban: Oh no! I’m doomed! Isabel: Seriously? All you have to do is not insult Dona Paloma at her own memorial service. Esteban: Exactly! It’s impossible!
(I really want the stories behind these adlsjflhk)
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hiddcnhorizcns · 12 days
@othcrworlds from here
alejandro watched her closely as she spoke, arms crossed, her expression dripping with disdain. he could see the frustration in her, the anger she was holding back. paloma was always so poised, so in control, but tonight she seemed off-balance. it was almost satisfying to see her unravel a bit, to know that whatever perfection she portrayed to the world, especially to armando, was beginning to crack. he leaned back against the wall, crossing his arms, a smug smile tugging at the corners of his lips. her sarcastic jab about armando not showing up in person was like music to his ears. he let her words hang in the air for a moment before responding, his voice laced with mock amusement. "yeah, well, you know mando," alejandro said with a chuckle. "he’s great at sending people to handle things for him instead of dealing with it himself. guess i’m his personal errand boy tonight." his eyes flickered with amusement as he let the weight of the sarcasm linger between them. he could sense the tension in her, the way her gaze dropped to the floor, her shoulders tense despite her words trying to project indifference. the room felt smaller now, the air thick with something unspoken. she might have been trying to keep up appearances, but alejandro could tell there was something more going on beneath the surface. he pushed off the wall and took a step toward her, slow and deliberate, eyes locked on hers. "but let’s not pretend that’s what this is about," he said, his voice dropping lower, more serious. "you’ve been staring at me all night, paloma. and i don’t think it’s just because you’re upset he didn’t show." there was a pause as he reached out, his fingers grazing her arm lightly, testing her reaction. "so, what do you really want?" he asked, his tone taking on a dangerous edge. "because it sure as hell doesn’t seem like you came in here to sit and sulk alone." her deflection wasn’t fooling him. alejandro had seen that look in her eyes too many times tonight, the way her gaze lingered when she thought no one was watching. he wasn’t buying her indifference—he knew better.
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sheepinthebigcity · 1 month
eoa rewatch thoughts
elena and esteban still top faves
still a carla stan but now i'm also kind of a victor stan too. he's funny
dona paloma is kind of cute actually? :flushed:
mateo is like someone i would be friends with in real life and that makes me appreciate him a lot more.
newfound appreciation of armando
honestly i like a lot more characters more this time around i can't really think of anyone i liked less except maybe isa and that's more bc she downgraded from top 5 to decent
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wysteria-comic · 10 months
El Festival de la Luna
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Su viaje lo llevo al reino de Lunaria, uno de los lugares mas hermosos que había visto. Desde que bajo del barco le pareció que había llegado a un lugar muy especial. ¿Seria solo una corazonada? Paso el tiempo descansando no muy lejos de los puestos de vendimia que ya empezaban a montarse en la pequeña plaza cerca del castillo.
Cuando cayo la tarde se adentro al pequeño mercado a conocer a la gente y a mirojear por ahí. No llevaba mucho en los bolsillos pero lo acompañaba su confiable violín. Sin duda alguna un buen show le ganaría el pan del día.
No tardo en percatarse de la algarabía que se estaba armando en el pueblo. La ciudad estaba radiante, adornada con luminosas lámparas de colores en forma de estrella, banderines azules con intricados patrones y fabulosos adornos florales. La gente caminaba animada de un lado a otro, algunos hablando entre ellos, otros mas ofrecían sus mercancías. Parecía que era un día de fiesta.
Malachi se vio atraído por un olor en particular. No muy lejos se encontró con una bandeja de bonitas galletas recién horneadas sostenida por quien podría ser una joven repostera.
"¡Esas galletas huelen increíble!" Le dijo Malachi con una sonrisa. "¿Sera que puedo comprar algunas?"
La joven rio. "Por supuesto, pero no estas en particular. Estas son para el príncipe."
Malachi levanto una ceja con interés.
"¡Debes ser un viajero! Veras, el día de hoy celebramos el tradicional Festival de la Luna, que coincide con el cumpleaños del Príncipe Lucas. La gente suele llevar regalos en señal de aprecio."
El gato miro a su alrededor. Era cierto, las personas caminaban hacia el castillo con sus presentes en mano. Flores, frutas, artesanías y otras cosas hermosas. Malachi se despidió con una sonrisa y aun con las manos vacías decidió unirse al pueblo sin tener un plan.
Cuando se acerco lo suficiente, miro en dirección al castillo. Arriba había un gran balcón y desde ahí se asomaban dos figuras: una mujer alta de cabello largo y azul de expresión serena, y a su lado un joven con cabello del mismo color, quien sonreía tímidamente y saludaba de vuelta a sus ciudadanos.
Malachi tuvo una idea.
Parecía un excelente momento para un show.
"Un regalo para el príncipe Lucas." Anuncio Malachi en voz alta.
Violín en mano, Malachi camino al frente hasta posarse en el medio de la explanada. La gente lo miraba expectante, y al parecer el príncipe también le había prestado atención. Con unas cuantas palabras de animo para si mismo, el gato empezó a tocar.
Se mecía suavemente al ritmo de la música, poniendo un poco de su corazón en cada nota de la canción que dedicaba al príncipe. La gente a su alrededor se encontraba maravillada. Algunos cuantos suspiraban, otros solo escuchaban en silencio dejándose envolver por la melodía.
Cuando termino, firmo su dedicatoria con una sonrisa al príncipe. Lucas aplaudió, Malachi hizo una reverencia.
"¿Ganaste el pan de ese día?" Pregunta Ivory al terminar la historia.
"Si. Unas horas después de eso conocí a unas personas del pueblo y me invitaron a cenar en el festival. No vi mas a Lucas esa noche, pero fue divertido."
"¿Sabes? Es la primera vez en mucho tiempo que te escucho contar la versión real de esa historia. Ya sabes, sin el carruaje mágico y las palomas blancas." Interviene Lucas.
"Supuse que a Ivory le gustaría saber la verdad. Como que al día siguiente bajaste a verme y..."
"No tienes que contarle eso.
"Pero me gustaría saber." Dice Ivory.
"Esa es una historia para otro día, ahora es hora de ir a dormir."
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liamsmusicrecs · 9 months
Music Rec 2/1
Cuándo Será Sábado Otra Vez - Armando Palomas, Nunca Jamas
Say Don’t Go - Taylor Swift
Faint - Linkin Park
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magicwithineleteo · 10 months
does anyone know any channels on yt w eoa songs that hasn’t been taken down 😭 this is a cry for help bc so many songs in my playlist are missing bc the channels got deleted so if anyone can help me find these songs on yt it would be extremely appreciated <3
never get away - mateo and rafa
chief daddy - the baby jaquins whose names i’ve forgotten
i have all you need and more - doña paloma, mateo, armando
you’ve gotta sing - elena, mateo, flo, armando
thank u please help
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Ya lo sé que tú te vas - Juan Gabriel
Cosas de enamorados - Juan Gabriel
Arriba Juarez! - Juan Gabriel
Lo sé, mañana lloraré - Juan Gabriel
Te sigo amando - Rocío Dúrcal
Te sigo amando - Juan Gabriel
¿Por qué me haces llorar? - Juan Gabriel
Se me olvidó otra vez - Juan Gabriel
Hasta que te conocí (en vivo desde el Instituto Nacional de Bellas Artes) - Juan Gabriel
Te sigo amando (en vivo desde el Instituto Nacional de Bellas Artes) - Juan Gabriel
No discutamos - Lucha Villa
Te voy a olvidar - Juan Gabriel
Como quien pierde una estrella - Alejandro Fernández
Popurrí Juan Gabriel - Alejandro Fernández
Yo nací para amarte - Alejandro Fernández
Abrázame - Alejandro Fernández
Nadie, simplemente nadie - Alejandro Fernández
No - Alejandro Fernández
A pesar de todo - Alejandro Fernández
La gloria eres tú - Alejandro Fernández
Quién de los dos será - Diego Verdaguer
Pídeme (en vivo) - Diego Verdaguer
El triste - José José
Si nos dejan - Luis Miguel
Sabes una cosa - Luis Miguel
Por amarte - Pepe Aguilar
Todo se derrumbó - Pepe Aguilar
No me queda más - Selena
Si una vez - Selena
Sombras - Javier Solís (con trío)
Sombras - Javier Solís
Pa’ Que Sientas Lo Que Siento - Aida Cuevas
Desvelado - Bobby Pulido
Adoro - José Guadalupe Esparza (Bronco), Armando Manzanero
Que no quede huella - Bronco
A qué le tiramos - Bronco
Que nadie sepa - Cardenales de Nuevo León
Amor añejo - Cardenales de Nuevo León
Cumbia sobre el río / Interludio - Celso Piña
Aunque no sea conmigo - Celso Piña, Rubén Albarrán
Cumbia Poder - Celso Piña
Piensa en mí - Chavela Vargas
La llorona - Chavela Vargas
Paloma negra - Chavela Vargas
Canción de las simples cosas (live) - Chavela Vargas
Adoro - Chavela Vargas
Detrás de la puerta - El Chapo de Sinaloa
Si nos dejan - Christian Nodal, Belinda
México lindo - Jorge Negrete
Coplas de dos tipos de cuidado - Jorge Negrete
Ay Jalisco, no te rajes - Jorge Negrete
La farsante - Juan Gabriel
Adoro - La Rondalla de Saltillo
Paloma negra - Lola Beltrán
Un x100to - Grupo Frontera, Bad Bunny
La tequilera - Lila Downs
Mezcalito - Lila Downs
Zapata se queda - Lila Downs, Celso Piña, Totó La Monposina
Dios nunca muere - Lila Downs
Clandestino - Lila Downs
Son del chile frito - Lila Downs
Macondo - Óscar Chávez
Flores negras - Óscar Chávez
Flor de azalea - Óscar Chávez
Entrega de amor - Los Ángeles Azules, Saúl Hernández
Cómo te voy a olvidar - Los Ángeles Azules, Kinky
Las maravillas de la vida - Los Ángeles Azules, Carla Morrison
Mis sentimientos - Los Ángeles Azules, Ximena Sariñana
Entrega de amor (en vivo) - Los Ángeles Azules, Leonardo de Lozanne
Cielo rojo - Pepe Aguilar
Cien años - Pedro Infante
Historia de un amor - Pedro Infante
El cobarde - Pedro Infante
Ojalá que te mueras - Pesado
No hay novedad - Los Cadetes de Linares
(Entre Paréntesis) - Shakira, Grupo Frontera
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rockanrolario · 2 months
Organizan concierto omenaje a Eulalio Cervantes Galarza “Sax” en el Teatro Esperanza Iris
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El legado musical de Eulalio Cervantes Galarza, conocido como “Sax”, regresará al Teatro Esperanza Iris de Ciudad de México el próximo 3 de agosto, a tres años de su fallecimiento. El tributo, ofrecido por la banda "Malditos de Corazón", integrada por sus hijos Natasha y Andry Sax, contará con la participación de destacados músicos invitados. Jessica Franco, esposa de “Sax”, expresó su entusiasmo en una entrevista con Noti Digital del Once, señalando que este evento no solo será un homenaje, sino también el lanzamiento del primer sencillo de un álbum de estudio que contará con colaboraciones de Caifanes, Auténticos Decadentes, Panteón Roccoco y El Gran Silencio. Además, el grupo planea liberar nuevas colaboraciones mensualmente. Eulalio Cervantes Galarza, quien dejó una profunda huella en el rock latino con Maldita Vecindad y los Hijos del Quinto Patio, fue reconocido en 2019 por la Sociedad de Autores y Compositores de México por sus 25 años de trayectoria. Su influencia perdura, y sus hijos han asumido la tarea de rendirle homenaje con lo mejor del repertorio de la banda emblemática que surgió en 1985. Malditos de Corazón, banda tributo a Eulalio Cervantes Galarza “Sax” conformada por sus hijos Natasha y Andry Sax, además de diversos músicos invitados, ofrecerá un nuevo homenaje al querido músico, productor e ícono de La Maldita Vecindad el próximo sábado 3 de agosto en el… pic.twitter.com/oijjktR4pj — Secretaría de Cultura de la Ciudad de México (@CulturaCiudadMx) July 15, 2024 Andry Sax destacó que tanto él como su hermana Natasha están profundamente involucrados en la producción del nuevo disco, y mencionó que su padre continuará participando en algunas canciones, a pesar de su ausencia física. Natasha recordó con cariño las lecciones de música impartidas por su padre, quien siempre apoyó sus aspiraciones musicales. Jessica Franco también adelantó que este evento será el segundo homenaje realizado por “Malditos de Corazón”, y que en el futuro próximo esperan llevar a cabo una gira por varios estados y organizar un festival con músicos y bandas que trabajaron con Cervantes Galarza. El concierto, que tendrá una duración aproximada de dos horas, ofrecerá interpretaciones en vivo de temas inéditos de futuros discos. La lista de invitados incluye a Pacho Paredes de "La Maldita Vecindad", Luis Álvarez y Levith Vega de "El Haragán", Patricio Iglesias y Leonel Pérez de "Santa Sabina", así como a miembros de "Tijuana No", "Ritmo Peligroso", "Los de Abajo", "K-Ras Citadinas", "La Royal Club" y Armando Palomas. La cita es el sábado 3 de agosto a las 19:00 horas en el Teatro Esperanza Iris, donde se rendirá un emotivo homenaje a uno de los grandes íconos del rock mexicano. Read the full article
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peaxhygirl · 1 month
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Dove is a female reader derived from a collection of short stories based on Armando Aretas
Profession: Former preschool teacher
Age + DOB: 28 + October 12, 1995
Baby what's your sign: Libra Sun, Taurus Moon, Cancer Rising
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𝙱𝚎𝚏𝚘𝚛𝚎 𝙼𝚎𝚎𝚝𝚒𝚗𝚐 𝙰𝚛𝚖𝚊𝚗𝚍𝚘
Dove was born and raised in Houston, Texas. She grew up soft spoken, mild mannered, and a bit of a bookworm. For most of her like she kept her head down and did her best not to cause too much trouble. From being a young girl to a fully blossomed woman, she simply enjoyed the easier more joyful things in life. Which is why she chose to go into teaching, specifically small children. "The littles" as Dove liked to call them. Although heavily accomplished, she still denied herself many pleasures, simply wanting to blend into the back not causing too much attention. Needless to say, she didn't realize how much of like she was truly missing out on.
𝙰𝚏𝚝𝚎𝚛 𝙼𝚎𝚎𝚝𝚒𝚗𝚐 𝙰𝚛𝚖𝚊𝚗𝚍𝚘
It took a lot of convincing for Dove to truly give Armando a chance. She couldn't deny the attraction she felt for him, he was like a magnet constantly pulling her in. He had been the person to awaken her spirit and show her all that she had been depriving herself of experiencing. To this day, Dove is still a bit of a wall flower, but now she wouldn't second guess hopping on the back of a motorcycle and being whisked away at the drop of a dime. She encapsulates a newfound freedom. Not only because she allowed herself to truly live.. But also, because Armando somehow managed to talk her into moving to Mexico and taking an early retirement.
𝙵𝚄𝙽 𝙵𝙰𝙲𝚃 / 𝙽𝙾𝚃𝙴: Dove/Paloma is not her actual first name. Armando simply calls her that because he thinks she's as beautiful and as precious as one. Also, I imagine Dove as looking like the center picture because that woman is gorgeous!
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laguaridadelnagual · 3 months
Ritmo Peligroso celebra 45 años con el lanzamiento de «Pachanga Peligrosa» en el Teatro de la Ciudad
Tiempo de lectura:2 Minute, 4 Second El concierto contará con la participación especial de destacados músicos como Cecilia Toussaint, Dr. Shenka, Rubén Albarrán, Armando Palomas, Sabo Romo y Sergio Arau   La icónica banda de rock mexicana, Ritmo Peligroso, regresa al escenario para presentar su nuevo álbum «Pachanga Peligrosa» en el Teatro de la Ciudad Esperanza Iris. Este concierto, programado…
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