#Arda Güler family
insidecric · 1 year
Arda Güler Age, Biography, Career, Stats, Family, Girlfriend, Goals, Height, Instagram, Net worth and Wiki
Today, we will delve into the life of Arda Güler, a professional football player from Turkey. Güler recently made headlines by signing a six-year contract with the prestigious Real Madrid football club. Reports suggest that Real Madrid invested €20 million in securing his talents. In this article, we will explore various aspects of his personal and professional life, including his net worth,…
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randumpp · 1 month
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These two pictures are giving the same energy. I swear i'm not tripping. They are serving cunt!
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featguler · 3 months
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we don't talk about it ────── you don't have the time — arda tries convincing you to come to his game.
♡ ────── pairing : arda güler x reader ♡ ────── tags : reader's gender, ethnicity, nationality, and appearance is not specified. situationship!arda guler. reader speaks turkish n is speaking turkish with arda in this. angsty i guess??? i keep asking myself why i keep on giving him these stressful situationship scenarios omfg ♡ ────── wordcount : 715 ♡ ────── notes : more situationship arda i literally dc. also sorry for not posting in a while im tiiiired with work and my intern!! >:(( title is from august by flipturn!! ♡ masterlist.
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“So you can’t come?”
Arda breathes into the mic, his eyes immediately fluttering close as he hears shrugging on your end, his phone trapped between his shoulders and his ears.
Arda tries imagining you right now. He tries imagining the expression on your face, he tries imagining what you are doing—swaying around, sitting down, biting your nails, rolling your eyes—and he lets his fantasies feed more into his imminent heartbreak.
He is in the changing room. Practice was rough that day, though he thinks that maybe it’s just him. Brahim seems to be having the time of his life, and Federico is somewhere talking to Antonio about the shenanigans that his kids, plural now that the youngest have turned one, have been up to lately.
And the room is far from quiet.
It’s alive—full of Eduardo chanting a Spanish song that Vinícius just taught him, full of Jude giggling as he texts his family group chat, and it’s full of Arda’s ailing heart beating against his ribs.
“Sorry,” you mumble to his speaker. Normally, Arda would find a way to voice his disappointment; he would click his tongue, he would thump his head against the wall, he would hang the call and scream into his mouth. But not right now.
“It’s in a week,” he tries negotiating, “not a week, even. 10 days. It’s in 10 days.”
The background noise increases—maybe he’s hallucinating—and Arda decides that he wouldn’t let anyone notice his distress.
A part of him is embarrassed that he’s mulling so much over someone who he has been pining for for ages. He wonders if his older teammates, like Toni or Luka, know what a situationship is. His mother certainly does not. He asked her.
And sure there’s nuances and context in every relationship, but it somehow feels humiliating to explain to his teammates that he’s sad over someone who he is crushing on, but is technically going out with, but also not dating, yet is in a relationship with.
“I know, Arda,” he hears something shifting on your end. “It’s just that I promised my friend that we would go hang out.”
“You can hang out at the Bernabeu,” he encourages, still, his voice light despite the disappointment anchoring his chest. “I’ll get you the tickets.”
Arda opens one eye and watches the changing room, making sure that nobody is giving him their time of day.
“I asked you a few days ago,” he mutters quietly, rubbing the back of his neck rather harshly at the pent up frustration he’s developed every time he speaks to you. “I mean, I asked you first. It’s not fair.”
“Not fair?”
You echo him, and Arda lets out a rather long, extravagant sigh.
“We’re not—” you sigh. “Not fair? And whose fault do you think that is?”
Arda bites his lips, thinking over his words.
“Sorry.” He sighs again. “My fault. It’s my fault.”
“Right,” you huff into the speaker.
“Right,” he repeats, before uttering out a weak, “I miss you.”
You didn’t answer him for a moment, and Arda fears that he might have lost his hearing, but he eventually hears a breath.
“I miss you too.”
“I miss you more.”
A stupid smile etched on his lips—an idiotic, hopeful smile.
“Whatever.” He can basically see you roll your eyes. “I’m still not coming. I’m not coming to any of your games, you hear me?”
Until you make it official. He can basically hear you say.
He’s had this conversation a million times, and for some reason, it’s not enough push for him to commit to a relationship. He feels like if it were anyone else, he would not have much of an issue in putting a label on your relationship.
But it’s you.
And he has spent so long wanting you. What if you become his, and then you leave? You break up with him, leave him shattered? There is no breakup if there is no relationship in the first place—the senseless voice in his head keeps on whispering—there is no being left alone if he never decided to stay.
“Tell me if you change your mind.”
You huff to the phone again. “See you, Arda.”
He holds back an I love you, and laughs softly.
“I’ll see you around.”
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shitsndgiggs · 3 months
Arda getting distracted by a young journalist
Arda Güler x journalist! reader
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As I entered the buzzing press area after the thrilling Euro match between Turkey and Georgia, my heart pounded with a mix of excitement and nerves.
At just 19, I couldn't believe I was here, about to interview Arda Guler, the young prodigy who had just been awarded Player of the Match.
Clutching my notepad and recorder tightly, I scanned the room until I spotted him, surrounded by cameras and reporters, his youthful face beaming with joy and satisfaction.
I approached him tentatively, trying to appear confident despite my racing thoughts.
"Arda, congratulations on an incredible performance tonight!" I greeted him with a smile, extending my hand.
He turned to me, his eyes briefly flickering with something I couldn't quite place. "Thank you so much!" His handshake was warm, and his smile widened as he added, "It's really nice to meet you."
I felt a rush of warmth at his genuine demeanor. "The pleasure is mine," I replied, trying to hide my own nerves.
"You were exceptional out there. How does it feel to win tonight and receive the Player of the Match award in such a crucial game?"
Arda's gaze lingered on me for a moment longer than expected, and when he spoke, there was a slight hesitation in his voice. "Um, it feels amazing, honestly. The team worked so hard, and to contribute like that is just... yeah, amazing."
I nodded, noting his slight stumble over his words. "Who has been your biggest inspiration on your journey to becoming such a standout player at such a young age?"
He blinked, seeming momentarily lost in thought. "My family, definitely. They've always supported me," he answered, his eyes meeting mine again with a sincerity that made my heart skip a beat.
"And, uh, players like Messi and Ronaldo, of course. They're legends."
I scribbled down his response, trying to maintain my professionalism despite the unexpected flutters in my stomach. "Looking ahead, what are your goals for the future, both personally and for the national team?"
Arda paused, his brow furrowing as he seemed to gather his thoughts. "Well, personally, I want to keep improving, keep learning. And for the national team, we want to keep pushing, qualifying for major tournaments, making our fans proud."
As our interview progressed, I noticed Arda's charming smile and occasional moments of distraction, his eyes seeming to drift away momentarily before returning to meet mine with genuine warmth.
Wanting to explore his thoughts further, I asked, "Arda, in such a high-stakes match, how do you manage to stay focused and maintain your composure?"
He blinked, his gaze momentarily unfocused as if lost in contemplation. "Sorry, could you repeat that?"
I repeated the question, noting the way his eyes lingered on mine as he gathered his thoughts. "Ah, staying focused... It's about trusting in the team, in our preparation. And also, just embracing the moment, you know?"
I nodded, jotting down his response. "Well, you certainly showed that tonight on the field."
"Thank you," he said again, his gaze lingering for a moment longer than necessary, as if he wanted to say more.
As I gathered my notes and prepared to leave, Arda hesitated for a split second before speaking again. "Hey, um, would you... maybe like to grab something to eat after this? I know a great place nearby."
Surprised yet pleasantly taken aback by his invitation, I couldn't hide my smile. "I'd love to," I replied, feeling a rush of excitement.
Arda's grin widened, his eyes sparkling with a mix of enthusiasm and relief. "Great! I'll, uh, I'll see you after then."
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pedrilcvr · 25 days
awkward!arda x awkward!reader and they’re just both so awkward that it makes them laugh and it’s just eeeeuuuuugggghhhhh TOOTH. ROT.
Heavy - Arda Güler.
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Pairing: Arda Güler x Fem!Reader
Summary: After an awkward moment at the beach during a join family vacation with yours and Arda’s, you retreat back to your bedroom in embarrassment. But when someone knocks on your door, the last thing you expected to come out of it was a kiss.
Disclaimer/s: cursing, kissing, nothing but fluff!
A/N: Based on ‘Heavy’ By The Marías !
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Face hot and breathing ragged, you slam the door behind you. Memories of the events that happened only ten minutes prior plaguing your mind.
“No, no, it’s okay! I’m fine!” You rambled out, body still limp in his arms. You’d stumbled over your own two feet and face planted right onto the ground.
Arda, with his quick reflexes, he was already by your side, helping you up. “Are you okay?” He’d already asked you nearly four times by now.
Your face burned red as you’d started up at him, forgetting how close you two were. Faces inches apart, but you couldn’t take your eyes off of him.
“Sweetie, are you alright?!” Your mother gasped from somewhere behind you, causing you both to scramble upwards and apart from each other.
Clicking the lock on your door, you rub a hand over your face. What the hell. Scrambling toward the bed, you face plant onto the pillow, screaming into it.
Why were you such a loser?
Three gentle knocks on the door snapped you from your self hatred. “Leave me alone!” You yell out.
The voice that calls out your name from the other side of the door, has you even further on edge. “Can you just open, uhm, open the door.. please?”
You slowly but surely tug yourself off the bed, inching your way toward the door. Biting down on your inner cheek, you let out of a huff of breath, opening the door just wide enough for your face to fit between.
Arda stands there, hands in his pockets with a tight lipped smile. He’s rocking back and forth from his heels to his toes. “The.. whole? Door?”
Oh. Right.
Opening it wider, you clear your throat. “Right, sorry.”
It’s quiet. Awkward. It’s tense..
“Uhm..” Arda starts slowly, “just wanted to make sure you were okay.”
You give him your most reassuring face, although you know very well it came off as a grimace. “I’m completely fine, don’t worry! Thank’s, though!”
Another uncomfortable pause.
Then another.
“Do you want to go get ice cream?” Arda blurts out, cringing at the way he spoke.
You feel your cheeks burn brighter, “yes!” Too quick. That was too fast.
The teenager smiles, “okay! Do you want to go now, or..”
You make sure to wait a little bit before nodding, “yeah, just let me put on some shoes, uh.. You can come in..” Stepping aside, you give him the space to walk into the room.
Arda accepts, taking hesitant steps inside. He stands by the door after it’s shut, shuffling on his feet like he didn’t know what to do with himself.
Quickly slipping into your shoes, you grab your purse and make your way back over to him. “Ready.” He opens the door for you, letting you walk out first. Cute.
“I saw a cool parlor down the street, figured we could go there?” He was trying to make small talk, the slight waver in his voice showing just how nervous you made him.
You smile at the bricks on the ground, “sounds good to me.” You weren’t the only one nervous here, although neither of you could set your own awkwardness aside long enough to notice the others was just as prevalent.
The rest of the walk was quiet, but surprisingly sweet. Arda would point out a few cool shops, and you’d gasp at every stray animal you saw.
Finally arriving at the ice cream parlor, you ordered your flavors. You chose strawberry, he with vanilla. In a moment of amusement, you grin. “Wow, so you really are vanilla then?”
It was a dumb joke. A lame, boring, dad joke. But he laughs. His head tipping back and his eyes crinkling at the sides. Oh, you are so screwed.
“You know, i’m not as vanilla as you’d imagine.” He retorts as you two make your way back outside to the seating area.
Eyebrow quirked in curiosity, you hum. “Oh? Is that so? What, have you..” feigning a gasp, you clutch your hand over your heart, “drank? At your big age?”
Arda grins down at you, his eyes twinkling with humor. “A sip or two.”
The longer you spent with him, the more you both grew comfortable with each other. He got your humor, laughed at your stupid jokes, he was perfect.
“Oh you got a little..” Arda trails off, using his finger to wipe away a small smudge of pink on the side of your lips.
Breath hitched in your throat, you stare at him. He’s so close, his vanilla scented breath fanning your face. Arda swallows hard, his Adam’s apple bobbing in his throat.
He whispers your name, soft and sweet, just like him. “Can I—“ His eyes flicker to your lips, then back to you.
“Yes!” You squeak out, nodding your head.
Without needing to say another word, his lips are on yours. They are smooth, gentle against your own. You almost forget to breathe as your eyes flutter shut.
Only pulling away when you realize you needed air, you find that he’s smiling. You’d never seen that smile before. You know for certain then, you’ll never love someone the way you will love him.
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DTS , @halfwayhearted & @zanxi
And remember, if you ever want tagged in specific or all things I publish, lmk! ^_^
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judeslove · 10 months
— searching: judeslove‘s masterlist 🤍
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— smaus my only one - jude bellingham your insta storys as jude’s gf - jude bellingham soft launches - jude bellingham real soft launch - jude bellingham
— oneshots prank - jude bellingham injuries - kylian mbappe make me feel like home - judebellingham family times - jude bellingham sleepless nights - jude bellingham communication is key - jude bellingham first time - trent alexander arnold stay with me - jude bellingham guilty - jude bellingham unknown feelings - jude bellingham exposed - jude bellingham “are you serious?” - jude bellingham baecation - jude bellingham my job - jude bellingham debut - arda güler but why? - jude bellingham winners - jude bellingham better team - jude bellingham opposites attract - jude bellingham headache - jude bellingham as sweet as you - jude bellingham about time - jude bellingham don’t go - jude bellingham i know - jude bellingham baby - jude bellingham
— series the girl behind the camera
— mini series suprise visit - jude bellingham pt1 pt2
requests are open 💋 (i don’t take smuts!!!)
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💌 judeslove on tumblr.
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ilyfootball · 21 days
hey loved your ronaldo fic sm! just wanted to request a fic for arda güler the young turkish player. a fic where english reader shows him around london and arda just admired how much she knows about her home! and they just enjoy the presence of each other and stuff. fluff pls tysm
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Word count - 641
“So, where to next?” Arda asks, his Turkish accent giving his words a rhythmic charm that never fails to make your heart flutter. His dark eyes glint with curiosity.
“Let’s check out South Bank!” you reply, a small grin creeping across your face. “The view of the Thames is amazing from there.”
He squeezes your hand a little tighter, leaning in with a teasing smile. “You know this place better than I know the pitch.*
You laugh, feeling his warmth chase away the London chill. “Wait till you see the street performers! I still can’t figure out half of what they do.”
As you wander, you pass iconic spots—Big Ben, the London Eye, and the vibrant buzz of market stalls. With each landmark, you share little bits of history, painting the city in stories.
“Did you know the London Eye was built for the millennium celebrations?” you point out, gesturing to the massive Ferris wheel that looms overhead.
Arda tilts his head thoughtfully. “Must’ve been quite the party. Were you there?”
“Of course! I was just a kid, but it was magical,” you say, recalling the dazzling fireworks that lit up the sky. “What about in Turkey? Is New Year’s just as big?”
He nods, his face softening. “Yeah, but it feels different. We gather and eat with family, sharing traditions… I miss it sometimes.”
You give his hand a gentle squeeze. “Maybe we can make some new traditions together here. You’ll have to spend a London New Year with me someday.”
“Deal.” he says, and your heart skips a beat at the thought.
When you reach South Bank, the smell of street food fills the air, blending with laughter and the distant strum of a guitar. “Look at that!” you say excitedly, pointing at a performer juggling flaming torches.
Arda watches, wide-eyed, letting out a laugh. “Now, that’s impressive!, Do you think I could pull that off?”
“Only if you want a trip to the hospital” you joke, nudging him. “You’re better off with a football than fire, love"
He pretends to pout, but it’s all in fun, and you can’t help but laugh at his dramatic expression. “Fine, I concede!” he grins, pulling you into a quick spin.
The two of you walk on, watching the sun dance on the Thames. Arda glances at you, his face sincere. “People say London’s chaotic, but with you here, it feels like home.”
His words make your cheeks flush. “It’s only special because you’re with me.”
He leans in, his voice soft. “I could get used to it. Especially with a guide like you.”
Your heart swells at his words,"You're always so sweet.”
“Only when I'm with my marvelous girlfriend” he smiles, his joy infectious.
Soon, you find a cozy café tucked away from the crowds. You order your usual—chai latte for you, black coffee for him—and settle by a window with a perfect view of the street.
As you sip your drinks, Arda glances at the artwork on the walls, his curiosity piqued. “Is that someone famous?” he asks, nodding towards a colorful painting of the Thames.
“That’s Banksy!” you say proudly. “He’s a mysterious graffiti artist. No one knows who he really is!”
“Really? Maybe one day I should get him to paint my face,” Arda chuckles, his hands warming around his mug, eyes sparkling with wonder.
Later, you continue walking along the river, pausing as the sky turns golden with the setting sun. “Let’s take a selfie,” you suggest, pulling out your phone.
"Only if we can do silly poses!" he says, striking a dramatic pose that sends you into a fit of laughter.
With a click, the camera captures not just your faces, but the joy and love woven into the day.
I need to stop neglecting this account 😭 <\3
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realmadridfamily · 5 months
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Arda Güler with his girlfriend Duru and family during presentation :)
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lqfiles · 3 months
tumblr user lqfiles ily u are a literary genius.
BUT AAHH FOOTBALL!!! I DONT REALLY GAF ABOUT IT BUT I WAS SO UPSET THAT TURKEY LOST 😞😞😞😞 i really dont know anything else other than turkey losing, but… it was sad! i think!
ptp makes me want to watch family guy so bad… r u secretly advertising or something.. but UM!! theyre cooking!!! i cant wait to see mc join the dark web market next episode 😍😍!!! i feel like mc and rina have to have a talk. like THE talk even. the voices have made up the theory that if karina was like girl idgaf go get ur man mc would not hold back sm.. also hc is, like,,, slowly coming to the realization that him and mc are in love and should get married and become cat parents (preferably jaemin’s cats, kidnapped) 😻
but from what i can tell ur summer is going great and i love that for u!!! yes kween 😻 ive been so stuck to my 3ds lately… i was gonna ask if you also had one and if so if you wanted to be friends but like… shittendo shut off online services so nvm 😞 uuh MUCH LOVE IMY ILY ALL OF THE ABOVE 💗💗
omo thank you??? genius lqfiles sounds nice
OMGGGF my sister was also upset even tho she isn’t turkish but tbh i can’t complain cos they went against the netherlands and that’s unfortunately my blood.. but we got a karma this week 😑 the best thing we got from turkey out of that match was me discovering who arda güler is and me being obsessed with him now you don’t get how badly i want want him he is only a year older than me GIVE HIM TO MEEEE
YOU SHOULDDDD i haven’t watched it in so long but its so fun :333 its lowkey edgy humour (?) idk but its funny !!! i’m more of a south park girl tho </3
im saving their talk for the angsty part 😝😝😝 like spoiler but i wanna make her avoid rina after she realises she likes hc a lotttt and rina is like ??????? why are you avoiding me????? also yesss i think i’ll have one of them admit to their feelings sooon (probably y/n idk yet) and YESSS THEY SHOULD BE CO CAT PARENTS, not jaems ones tho.. he gets serious about them don’t even play
IF I HAD A 3RDS I WOULDVE ADDED YOU PLSSS i actually soooo want one but we’re highkey broke over here </3 its okay we should be friends on smrh else, you got an ea account 👀? HOPE YOU HAVE A GREAT DAY MWUAHHHH
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kylorens · 11 months
İlkay Gündoğan Interview with AA Spor
AA Spor interviewed İlkay and asked a lot of great questions and I decided to translate some I wanted to share into English. I would have added all of the videos but unfortunately Tumblr only allows for 1 video per post, so I'll instead put the Twitter link instead. If you want the rest, lmk and I can translate them later.
About the Germany - Turkiye friendly match on 18th
It will certainly be a special match for me. Playing against Türkiye for the first time will probably be a bit weird. After all, it's my home country, my family's home country. It's our country my grandma, my grandpa lives in. Of course, there's still a strong connection (between me and Türkiye). There always was, and will be, with Türkiye. I try to visit at least once a year. I like spending the holidays in Türkiye.
Me, as well as my family, we are very happy that Türkiye is qualified for the EURO championship. Especially since there are millions of Turks living in Germany, in Europe. I think it will be great for Türkiye, for the Turkish people. After all, except for my team (Germany), the only team I support is, of course, Türkiye.
I hope (Türkiye and Germany) won't draw the same group. (laughs) Of course, I'm not sure if that's a possibility but inşallah that won't happen. Maybe… I think a semi-final, or a final (against each other) could be nice actually.
Who do you have in mind in the finals?
Actually, I would want to say Germany and Türkiye but for me… I mean, this time it's just a friendly. But if it was a final match, one between my friends, that would have been an entirely different situation for me. It would have been a lot more difficult and more awkward, weirder. That's why, I'd be happy to see either Germany or Türkiye in the semi finals. I'd be happy to see them both at once too.
About Galatasaray's performance in UEFA Champions League
I've seen a Galatasaray better than Bayern München, better at finding more positions, at ball possession. It was very good football. I saw a Galatasaray that deserved 3 points at the very least. (But) Champions League is a completely different competition. That's why you have to seize every opportunity you get there, unfortunately Galatasaray couldn't make that happen in the first match. I think they deserved the 3 points (there). But I guess it wasn't meant to be. İnşallah they could at least rank 2nd or 3rd and continue in Europa. Their chances are almost the same right now, (only the) Copenhag and Man. Utd. matches at home are left. I see a Galatasaray team that can win them both. İnşallah they do and finish the group ranking 2nd.
Kerem is very good, I love watching Kerem. Icardi, of course, he's a player that have showed himself in Europe, either in PSG or Inter Milan. Wilfried Zaha - a footballer I know very well from Premier League. He's a football player that spent a great time in PL. Individual duels, shots, assists, goals… He's a footballer I really like.
Apart from them… Lucas Torreira - very hard-working in midfield, he controls the ball very, very well. Muslera - he's been the goalkeeper for so many years, he's a very experienced keeper. I think he's also very important for the team. I mean, there are so many players to mention actually… Hakim Ziyech, Sergio Oliviera at midfield… Sacha Boey at right back. There are actually a lot to mention but… I mean Galatasaray has a very good squad. Actually, (we talk) with the Bayern München players we have here (German NT); they really find the (Galatasaray) players quite well, they say they play really good football. I hope for the best*, inşallah they can qualify.
*He says "Hayırlısı bakalım" and there's not a direct translation in English. Literally, "Whatever that's the best will happen, we'll see".
About Arda Güler
Arda Güler went to Real Madrid. He's a really talented football player. Actually we talk with Antonio Rüdiger here sometimes, he too finds him well a lot. Of course, he's a bit behind physically. And with two injuries, he didn't have a great start for his Real Madrid career of course but I think he's very talented. Mesut Özil also said the same for him back then. If there's any Turkish player that's like him, the first one to name is Arda Güler. I think he's got a very bright future.
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tasksweekly · 8 years
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Shout out to anon for inspiring this task! There’s a masterlist below compiled of over 130+ Turkish faceclaims categorised by gender with their occupation and ethnicity denoted if there was a reliable source. If you want want an extra challenge use random.org to pick a random number! Of course everything listed below are just suggestions and you can pick whichever character or whichever project you desire.
Any questions can be sent here and all tutorials have been linked below the cut for ease of access! REMEMBER to tag your resources with #TASKSWEEKLY and we will reblog them onto the main! This task can be tagged with whatever you want but if you want us to see it please be sure that our tag is the first five tags!
THE TASK - scroll down for FC’s!
STEP 1: Decide on a FC you wish to create resources for! You can always do more than one but who are you starting with? There are links to masterlists you can use in order to find them and if you want help, just send us a message and we can pick one for you at random!
STEP 2: Pick what you want to create! You can obviously do more than one thing, but what do you want to start off with? Screencaps, RP icons, GIF packs, masterlists, PNG’s, fancasts, alternative FC’s - LITERALLY anything you desire!
STEP 3: Look back on tasks that we have created previously for tutorials on the thing you are creating unless you have whatever it is you are doing mastered - then of course feel free to just get on and do it. :)
STEP 4: Upload and tag with #TASKSWEEKLY! If you didn’t use your own screencaps/images make sure to credit where you got them from as we will not reblog packs which do not credit caps or original gifs from the original maker.
THINGS YOU CAN MAKE FOR THIS TASK -  examples are linked!
Stumped for ideas? Maybe make a masterlist or graphic of your favourite Turkish faceclaims. A masterlist of names. Plot ideas or screencaps from a music video preformed by a Turkish artist. Masterlist of quotes and lyrics that can be used for starters, thread titles or tags. Guides on Turkish culture and customs.
RP icons [of all sizes]
Gif Pack [maybe gif icons if you wish]
PNG packs
Dash Icons
Character Aesthetics
Graphic Templates - can be chara header, promo, border or background PSD’s!
FC Masterlists - underused, with resources, without resources!
FC Help - could be related, family templates, alternatives.
Written Guides.
and whatever else you can think of / make!
Note: If you’re using this masterlist for casting purposes please do further research before casting any of the following, it was difficult finding sources for most of these and don’t know if they’re ethnically or nationally Turkish. Many thanks.
Nebahat Çehre (72) Turkish - actress
Turkish (71) Turkish - actress, screenwriter & director.
Demet Akbağ (57) Turkish - actress
Aydan Şener (54) Turkish - actress
Hülya Avşar (54) Turkish / Kurdish - actress, pop folk singer, businesswoman, columnist, fashion designer, magazine editor, professional tennis player & former beauty pageant titleholder.
Zerrin Tekindor (52) Turkish - actress & painter.
Vahide Perçin (51) Rumelian Turkish - actress.
Vendela Kirsebom (50) Turkish, Norwegian - model  actress.
Meltem Cumbul (47) Turkish - actress & TV personality.
Lisa Marie Varon (46) Puerto Rican / Turkish - professional wrestler.
Anna Silk (43) English, Turkish, Cypriot - actress.
Tina Kandelaki (41) Georgian, Greek/Pontic/Pontian Greek / Armenian, Turkish - journalist, public figure, TV presenter & producer.
Fadik Sevin Atasoy (41) Turkish - actress.
Songül Öden (40) Zaza - actress.
Nurgül Yeşilçay (40) Turkish - actress.
Ahu Türkpençe (40) Turkish - actress.
Ceyda Düvenci (39) Kırklareli / Thessaloniki - actress.
Maya Jupiter (38/39) Mexican / Turkish - rapper, songwriter & radio personality.
Özgü Namal (38) Turkish - actress, singer, songwriter, director & screenwriter.
Mine Tugay (38) Turkish - actress.
Selma Ergeç (38) Turkish-German - actress, beauty pageant titleholder, model, designer, philologist, psychologist & doctor.
Ayda Field (37) Turkish / possibly English - actress.
Çağla Kubat (37) Turkish - Turkish model, actress & windsurfer.
Zeynep Beşerler (37) Turkish - actress.
Burcu Kara (37) Turkish - actress.
Aslı Tandoğan (37) Turkish - actress & harpist.
Sibel Kekilli (36) Turkish - actress
Demet Evgar (36) Turkish - actress
Nehir Erdoğan (36) Turkish - actress
Nur Fettahoglu (36) Turkish - actress.
Cansu Dere (36) Turkish - actress, model & beauty pageant runner-up
Ayse Tezel (36) Turkish / Anglo-New Zealander - actress.
Sedef Avcı (35) Turkish - model & actress.
Deniz Çakır (35) Turkish - actress
Azra Akın (35) Turkish-Dutch - actress, dancer, model & beauty queen.
Tuba Büyüküstün (34) Crimea / Crete, Turkish nationality - actress.
Belçim Bilgin (34) Turkish - actress.
Didem Balçın (34) Turkish - actress.
Bergüzar Korel (34) Turkish - actress.
Erin Kaplan (33/34) Turkish, Dutch - model & television personality.
Meryem Uzerli (33) Turkish / German - actress & model.
Aylin Tezel (33) Turkish / German - actress.
Beren Saat (33) Turkish - actress.
Bade İşcil (33) Turkish - actress.
Naz Elmas (33) Turkish - actress.
Saadet Aksoy (33) Turkish, Egyptian, Greek - actress.
Pelin Karahan (32) Turkish - actress.
Birce Akalay (32) Turkish - actress.
Funda Onal (32) Turkish - model & dancer.
Berrak Tüzünataç (32) Turkish - actress.
Aslı Enver (32) Turkish - actress.
Seda Güven (32) Turkish - actress
Eda Özerkan (32) Turkish - actress.
Daphne Öz (31) Turkish, some Circassian / Italian, Irish, Cornish, Swedish, Swiss-German - auther & television host.
Alice Greczyn (31) French, Japanese, Polish, Chinese, Korean, German, Irish, Native American, Scotch, English, Greek, Hungarian, Turkish, Swedish and Czech - actress & model.
Hadise (31) Turkish - singer, dancer, songwriter & television personality.
Hande Doğandemir (31) Turkish - actress, TV host & sociologist.
Fahriye Evcen (30) Circassian, her paternal family are Turkish who immigrated from Kavala - actress.
Elçin Sangu (30) Circassian - actress & model.
Selen Soyder (30) Turkish - actress, activist, model & beauty pageant titleholder.
Ezgi Asaroğlu (29) Turkish - actress.
Merve Boluğur (29) Turkish - actress.
Ceyda Ateş (29) Turkish - actress.
Sinem Kobal (29) Turkish - actress.
Atiye (28) Turkish / Dutch - pop singer.
Xenia Deli (27) Moldovan /  Turkish - model.
Leyla Lydia Tuğutlu (27) Turkish - actress.
Farah Zeynep Abdullah (26) Turkish - actress.
Hazal Kaya (26) Turkish - actress.
Serenay Sarıkaya (25) Turkish - actress and model.
Neslihan Atagül (24) Turkish - actress.
Gizem Karaca (24) Turkish - actress & model.
Lara Melda (23) Turkish / British - pianist.
Hande Erçel (23) Turkish - actress.
Melisa Şenolsun (20) Turkish - actress.
Sude Zulal Güler (?) Turkish - actress.
Halit Akçatepe (79) Turkish - actor.
Şener Şen (75) Turkish - actor.
Metin Akpınar (75) Turkish - actor & comedian.
Çetin Tekindor (71) Turkish - actor.
Kadir İnanır (67) Turkish - film actor & director.
Ferhan Şensoy (66) Turkish - playwright, actor and stage director.
Haluk Bilginer (62) Turkish - actor.
Altan Erkekli (62) Turkish - actor.
Erkan Can (58) Turkish - actor.
Ferzan Özpetek (58) Turkish - film director & screenwriter.
Serhat (52) Turkish - singer, producer & television presenter.
Fikret Kuşkan (51) Turkish - actor.
Yılmaz Erdoğan (49) Kurdish - filmmaker, actor & poet.
Erdal Beşikçioğl (47) Turkish - actor.
Halit Ergenç (46) Turkish - actor.
Nejat İşler (45) Turkish - actor.
Necati Şaşmaz (45) Turkish - actor.
Engin Günaydın (45) Turkish - actor & comedian.
Yiğit Özşener (44) Turkish - actor.
Burak Hakkı (44) Turkish - actor.
Cansel Elçin (43) Turkish - actor.
Cem Yılma (43) Turkish - comedian, actor, musician, filmmaker, scenarist & cartoonist,
Kenan İmirzalıoğlu (42) Turkish - actor and former model.
Mehmet Günsür (41) Turkish - model, actor and producer.
Haluk Piyes (41) Turkish-German - actor.
Hal Ozsan (40) Turkish-Cypriot - actor.
Okan Yalabık (38) Turkish - actor.
Murat Yıldırım (37) Kurdish / Arab, Turkish nationality - actor.
Engin Altan Düzyatan (37)  Turkish - actor.
Mehmet Akif Alakurt (37) Turkish - actor & model.
Mert Fırat (36) Turkish - actor & screenwriter.
Engin Akyürek (35) Turkish - actor.
Buğra Gülsoy (35) Turkish - actor, architect, director, graphic designer & photographer.
Tolgahan Sayışman (35) Turkish - actor.
Kadir Doğulu (24) Turkish - actor.
Dennis Roady (33) German, possibly other / Turkish - internet personality.
Burak Özçivit (32) Turkish - actor and model.
Arda Turan (30) Turkish - footballer.
Barış Arduç (29) Albanian, Turkish nationality - actor.
Emre Turkmen (28) Turkish - musician.
Deniz Akdeniz (26) Turkish - actor.
Aras Bulut İynemli (26) Turkish - actor.
Çağatay Ulusoy (26) Bosniak / Bolgerian, Turkish nationality  - actor.
Skandar Keynes (25) English / Lebanese, Persian, Turkish - actor.
Enes Kanter (24) Turkish - basketball player.
Ekin Koç (24) Turkish - actor.
Hakan Çalhanoglu (23) Turkish - footballer.
Emre Can (23) Turkish - footballer.
Sam Pottorff (21) Arabic, Turkish and White - vlogger.
Güven Kıraç (?) Turkish - actor.
Erdal Özyağcılar (?) Turkish - actor.
Alperen Duymaz (?) Turkish - actor.
Uğur Yücel (?) Turkish - actor, producer & director.
Use at your own discretion:
Taylor Marie Hill (20) Irish, Scottish, Turkish, and Native American - racism (x)
36 notes · View notes
shitsndgiggs · 3 months
hey this is a request for Arda Güler!
Well, we all say that goal against Georgia right? It was absolutely spectacular.
I’m thinking about reader who sees the goal and is so happy for him. And they enjoy quality time together. When they get back to the hotel it’s just fluff and reader telling guler how proud of him she is.
You can change it as much as you want. I hope this request is understandable. I have an idea of it but can’t seem to write it down 😭🤭
Arda scoring a spectacular goal in his Euro debut match
Arda Güler x fem! reader
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I sat nervously in the stands, surrounded by Arda’s family, as Turkey's first Euro match against Georgia began. The air was electric, and Arda's family buzzed with excitement and anticipation.
The game kicked off, and Turkey immediately took control. In the 25th minute, Mert Müldür scored with a powerful header from a well-placed corner.
The stadium exploded with cheers, and I felt a wave of relief wash over me as Turkey took the lead.
Just two minutes later, Kenan made a brilliant solo run and slotted the ball into the net. We erupted again, only for our cheers to turn into groans of disappointment as the goal was ruled offside.
In the 32nd minute, Georgia capitalized on a momentary lapse in Turkey's defense. Georges Mikautadze slipped the ball past our goalkeeper, leveling the score at 1-1.
The turkish crowd fell silent for a moment, but quickly regained their spirit, chanting and cheering for the team to push forward.
As the first half ended, tension hung in the air. "He's doing so well," Arda's mother said, gripping my hand.
"I can't believe how far he's come," I replied, feeling a surge of pride.
The second half started with both teams playing with renewed energy.
Then, in the 65th minute, the moment everyone was waiting for arrived.
Arda picked up the ball on the right side of the pitch. He picked up the ball and cut inside onto his left foot, and unleashed a stunning strike into the top corner.
The stadium erupted in ecstasy, fans screaming and jumping in the pouring Dortmund rain.
Arda's mother clutched my hand, tears of joy streaming down her face. "Did you see that? He's amazing!" she exclaimed.
I nodded, overwhelmed with emotion. "He's worked so hard for this moment," I replied, my voice choked with pride.
"He broke Cristiano Ronaldo's record." Arda's father added, his voice filled with pride.
In the 74th minute, Georgia made two substitutions, desperately trying to change the momentum of the game.
Turkey responded with their own substitutions in the 79th minute, ending with Arda being substituted for Yusuf Yazici.
As Arda walked off the pitch, the crowd rose to their feet. A thunderous applause echoed through the stadium, with fans clapping and cheering for the young star.
His family and I stood up, clapping and cheering with all our might. The ovation was deafening, and I could see the pride and joy in Arda's eyes as he acknowledged the fans, waving and smiling.
"He deserves this moment," Arda's mother said, tears still glistening in her eyes.
The final minutes of the match were nail-bitingly intense. Both teams fought fiercely, but Turkey's defense stood strong. In the 90+7th minute, Kerem Akturkoglu sealed the victory with a brilliant counter-attack goal, making it 3-1.
As the final whistle blew, the stadium erupted once more.
We headed down to the pitch, still buzzing from the victory. Arda walking over to us, his face radiant with happiness.
"You were incredible out there," I told him, wrapping my arms around him. He smiled, "I couldn't have done it without all of your support."
Arda's mother chimed in, "We are so proud of you, Arda. That goal was something special."
We spent a few more moments on the pitch, congratulating him and taking pictures.
Eventually, his family decided to head back to the hotel to rest.
"We'll see you later, sweetheart," Arda's mother said, giving him a kiss on the cheek. "Don't be too late."
"I won't, mom," Arda replied with a smile. His family waved goodbye and headed off.
I stayed behind, waiting for Arda to finish celebrating with his teammates and go through the post-match routines. I watched as he interacted with fans, gave interviews, and finally headed to the locker room to shower and change.
The stadium slowly emptied, but I remained, leaning against the railing, feeling a mix of pride and joy.
After what felt like an eternity, Arda emerged from the locker room, freshly showered and dressed. His face lit up when he saw me waiting. "Hey, you," he said, wrapping me in a warm hug. "Thanks for waiting."
"Of course," I replied, holding him close.
We walked to the car together, the night air cool and refreshing after the intensity of the match. On the drive to my hotel, we talked about the game, replaying every moment.
"That goal," I said, shaking my head in awe. "I knew you had it in you, but seeing it happen was something else."
Arda smiled, glancing over at me. "I've been dreaming about that moment for so long. I couldn't believe it when the ball actually went in."
"You deserve it," I said, reaching over to squeeze his hand. "You've worked so hard, and it's all paying off."
When we arrived at the hotel, we headed up to my room. Arda flopped onto the bed with a contented sigh, and I sat beside him, brushing a strand of hair from his forehead.
"I'm so proud of you, Arda," I said softly. "Not just for the goal, but for everything. The dedication, the effort, the way you carry yourself. You're incredible."
He looked up at me, his eyes shining. "I couldn't have done any of this without you," he said, his voice filled with emotion. "You've been my rock, my biggest supporter."
"I'll always be here for you," I replied, leaning down to kiss his forehead. "No matter what."
We lay there for a moment, enjoying the quiet and the closeness. Then I asked, "Why didn't you want to celebrate with the team for the rest of the night?"
Arda sighed contentedly, intertwining his fingers with mine. "I wanted to spend this moment with you. Celebrating with the team is great, but you've been there for me through everything. I wanted to share this with you."
My heart swelled with emotion. "That means so much to me, Arda. Thank you."
We lay there for a while longer, just talking and basking in the joy of the night. Eventually, our stomachs growled in unison, making us laugh.
"How about we order room service?" I suggested.
Arda grinned. "That sounds perfect."
We browsed the menu together, picking out our favorite comfort foods. When the food arrived, we sat on the bed, eating and talking, reliving every glorious moment of the match.
It was a perfect, intimate celebration, just the two of us.
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shitsndgiggs · 3 months
arda x turkish!reader? maybe comofrting him after the loss or something
After the heartbreaking defeat for Turkey in the quarter finals, Arda finds comfort in his partner.
Arda Güler x turkish! reader
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The atmosphere in the stadium in Berlin was electric as Turkey faced off against the Netherlands in the quarter-finals of Euro 2024.
From my seat among Arda's family, surrounded by a sea of Turkish flags and jerseys, I watched intently as the game unfolded.
In the 22nd minute, Arda made a breathtaking dash towards the goal, weaving past Dutch defenders with skillful precision. With a thunderous strike, he aimed for the top corner, but Verbruggen, the Dutch goalkeeper, defied gravity with a spectacular save.
The collective gasp from the stands mirrored my own disappointment.
"He was so close!" Arda’s sister exclaimed, her hands clasped tightly in her lap.
"He'll get another chance," I reassured her, placing a comforting hand on her shoulder.
Arda's influence on the game was evident, and in the 35th minute, we erupted in jubilation as Samet Akaydin capitalized on Arda's brilliant assist to give Turkey the lead.
Arda's sister clutched my hand tightly, her eyes shining with pride for her brother's contribution to the team's success.
"That was amazing!" she exclaimed, her voice filled with admiration. " His assist was perfect!"
As the game progressed into the second half, tensions rose once more. In the 56th minute, when Arda was fouled by Nathan Aké,
I gasped in concern, my hand flying to my mouth. "Is he okay?" I asked, my eyes glued to Arda as he got back on his feet.
"He looks fine," Arda's sister replied, watching as Arda lined up for the free kick. When his shot hit the post, I groaned softly, my disappointment evident. "So close," I murmured, shaking my head.
The game took a turn in the 70th minute when the Netherlands equalized, and in the 76th minute, Turkey conceded an own goal, leaving the turkish fans in stunned silence, and giving the dutch a 2-1 lead.
The Turkish team was visibly shaken by the own goal, and I could feel the disappointment radiating from the players.
Arda's sister sat back in her seat, her hands covering her face in disbelief. I put a comforting arm around her shoulders, feeling the weight of the moment.
With time running out, Turkey pushed forward relentlessly, desperate to level the score. Arda, determined to redeem himself, tried again to hit the goal.
His shot sailed towards the top corner, but the Dutch goalkeeper managed a miraculous save, denying Turkey a goal once again.
"I can't believe it," I murmured, my voice trembling with emotion.
As the match entered extra time, the atmosphere was charged with tension and anticipation. Turkey continued to press forward, but the dutch defense held firm. Despite their relentless efforts, they couldn't find the breakthrough they desperately needed.
The final whistle blew, signalling the end of the match, and therefore also the end for the turkish team in the Euros 2024.
"They fought so hard," I said quietly, my voice filled with pride despite the outcome.
"They did," Arda's sister agreed, standing beside me. "Arda played his heart out."
Together, we joined Arda's family as they waited outside the stadium. When Arda emerged, she embraced him tightly, her emotions raw. "You did your best, Abi," she whispered.
Arda hugged her back, his own emotions evident. "Thanks" he replied hoarsely, his voice filled with gratitude.
When he approached me, I could see the apprehension in his eyes, fearing my reaction to the loss.
"Arda," I called softly, stepping forward and enveloping him in a comforting embrace. "Seni çok gurur duyuyorum."
He hesitated for a moment, then buried his face in my shoulder, his body trembling slightly with emotion.
"I'm sorry" he murmured, his voice choked with tears. “I really wanted us to win“
"You played with heart and determination," I reassured him, gently stroking his back. "You gave everything out there. That's all anyone can ask for"
Arda pulled back slightly, searching my eyes for reassurance. "I thought you would be upset" he admitted, his voice wavering.
I shook my head, cupping his face in my hands. "I could never be upset with you, Arda. Bizi gururlandırdın," I said earnestly, my own voice thick with emotion.
He managed a small smile through his tears, his gratitude evident. "Teşekkür ederim," he whispered, leaning in to kiss my forehead tenderly.
"Come with me," I suggested softly, taking his hand in mine. "Let's go somewhere quieter."
Arda and I walked silently to the parking lot, his hand tightly holding mine as if afraid to let go. The stadium lights cast long shadows across the pavement as we made our way to the car, the air thick with unspoken emotions.
In the quiet of the car ride, Arda's grip on my hand remained firm, his eyes occasionally glancing over with a mixture of sadness and gratitude.
"Seni seviyorum askim, " he murmured softly, breaking the silence, his voice laced with emotion.
I smiled reassuringly, feeling the weight of his gratitude. "Seni seviyorum," I replied tenderly, emphasizing my unwavering support.
Arriving at my hotel, we ascended to the room in solemn silence. Inside, I turned on the TV, seeking the comfort of a movie to distract us both.
As we settled into the couch, Arda lay his head on my chest, his body draped over mine, seeking comfort in our closeness. I ran my fingers through his hair, whispering sweet nothings into his ear.
"You did amazing, askim. I'm so proud of you," I whispered, my voice soft and soothing. "You're my hero, and you'll always be. No matter the outcome, you'll always have my support and love."
Arda sighed contentedly, nuzzling closer to me. "I needed to hear that," he murmured, his voice filled with emotion.
"I'll always be here for you," I continued, my fingers tracing gentle patterns on his back. "You can always count on me, Arda. I believe in you more than anything."
As the night progressed, the tension from the match slowly dissipated.
Wrapped in each other's embrace, we eventually drifted into a peaceful sleep, the weight of the day's events easing with every steady heartbeat.
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shitsndgiggs · 3 months
Being Kenans little sister and when he joins the Turkey NT and they have a little get-together, she meets Arda and they both develop a hard crush on each other. The following days Arda asks Kenan stuff about her and Kenan soon notices he's into his little sis bla bla bla so Arda gets green light from big bro but don't you dare hurt her you hear me 😁
In which Arda finds himself drawn to Y/N, the younger sister of his new teammate
Arda Güler x Kenan Yildiz’s sister! reader
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As my older brother Kenan's career took off with the Turkish National Team, our family's excitement bubbled over.
To celebrate, we organized a small gathering at our family home. Kenan had invited his new teammates.
I mingled with the group, feeling a mix of pride for my brother and curiosity about the players who had become his extended family.
Among them was Arda Güler, a standout player from Real Madrid.
I watched Arda from across the room, intrigued by his charisma and the way he effortlessly engaged with everyone around him. When our eyes finally met, he flashed a warm smile that instantly put me at ease.
"So, you're Kenan's sister?" Arda asked as he approached me, his tone friendly and genuine.
"Yeah, that's me," I replied with a smile, grateful for the opportunity to chat with him. "It's nice to finally meet you, Arda."
"Your brother speaks highly of you." Arda asked, flashing a warm smile that made my heart skip a beat. "So, how does it feel to have a brother on the national team?"
"It's surreal, honestly," I admitted with a laugh. "But I'm incredibly proud of him. He's worked so hard to get here."
Arda nodded thoughtfully, his eyes reflecting a mix of admiration and camaraderie. "Kenan's a great guy," he said. "You must be really close."
"Yeah, we are," I replied, smiling at the thought of our childhood antics and shared memories. "He's always been there for me."
As the evening progressed, Arda and I found ourselves gravitating towards each other in conversation.
We discussed everything from football tactics to our favorite travel destinations, discovering shared interests and laughing over silly stories.
Over the next few days, Arda's presence lingered in my thoughts. He'd send a text asking about my day, share funny stories from training sessions, or simply check in to see how I was doing. Each interaction bringing us closer.
Little did I know that my name popped up frequently in his conversations with Kenan. He'd ask innocent questions about me—my favorite music, what books I liked to read, and even my thoughts on certain movies.
Kenan, always perceptive, soon caught on to Arda's growing interest.
Then one evening, at training, Kenan pulled Arda aside for a private conversation.
"Arda, can I have a word with you?" Kenan started, his tone firm yet not devoid of warmth.
"Sure, Kenan," Arda replied, sensing the gravity of the moment as they moved to a more secluded spot.
Kenan studied Arda for a moment, gauging his sincerity and intentions. "I've noticed you've taken an interest in my sister," he began, his voice carrying a hint of protective brotherly instinct.
Arda nodded, his expression earnest. "She's amazing, Kenan. I've enjoyed getting to know her these past few days."
Kenan nodded thoughtfully, knowing his sister's heart was precious to him. "I trust you, Arda. You seem like a good guy, and I can see how much she likes you," he said, his tone softening slightly.
"I care about her a lot," Arda admitted, his eyes reflecting his genuine feelings. "I wouldn't do anything to hurt her."
Kenan nodded, reassured by Arda's sincerity. "Just remember, she means the world to me. If you're going to be with her, you need to treat her right," he emphasized, his voice firm but filled with brotherly concern.
"I understand, Kenan," Arda replied sincerely. "I won't take her trust or feelings lightly."
Kenan placed a reassuring hand on Arda's shoulder. "Good. Just know that if you ever do," he paused, his gaze firm, "you'll have me to worry about.”
Arda nodded solemnly, appreciating Kenan's protective stance. "I won't let you down," he vowed, his voice steady with determination.
"Hey, Kenan," Arda began, pulling out his phone. "Mind if I make a quick call?"
Kenan nodded, curious but not entirely surprised. He watched as Arda stepped away a few paces and dialed Y/N number.
The breeze carried snippets of their conversation back to Kenan as he stretched his muscles.
"Hey, it's me," Arda said warmly. "Yeah, I'm with Kenan. Listen, I talked to him, and... he's cool with it."
Kenan could sense the nervous excitement in Arda's voice as he listened intently, pretending not to eavesdrop.
"Yeah, he said it's okay," Arda continued, a smile evident in his tone. "I know, right? I'm really happy too."
Kenan couldn't help but grin at Arda's obvious happiness. He respected Arda and believed he was genuine, but as a big brother, he couldn't help but feel protective.
After a few more minutes of conversation, Arda bid Y/N goodbye and joined Kenan again. He could see the anticipation in Arda's eyes, mixed with a hint of relief.
"Everything okay?" Kenan asked casually, though he already knew the answer.
Arda nodded, unable to contain his smile. "Yeah, she's really happy. Thanks, Kenan," he said gratefully. "I appreciate you trusting me with this."
Kenan clapped a hand on Arda's shoulder, his expression serious but warm. "Just remember what I said earlier," he reminded him. "She's important to me, so don't mess it up."
Arda nodded earnestly. "I won't, Kenan. I promise."
With a nod of approval from Kenan, Arda felt a sense of relief and gratitude. He knew that having Kenan's blessing meant a lot, and he was determined to show Y/N just how much she meant to him.
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shitsndgiggs · 3 months
Hey ❤️🤗 Could I maybe request Arda x fem!reader in their teenie years? They're friends or neighbors and he had a little crush on her for quite some time now. But he's not the only one, there's another guy being interested in reader and one day that guy confesses to reader in front of friends / family and everyone is like "awwww he's such a perfect match, cute cute cute now kiss" while reader thinks "Nah 🙂‍↔️ Thanks" and she runs away being overwhelmed. Arda notices what's going on and follows her silently. He soon finds her sitting on a wall, watching the sunset. He stands behind her to also watch the sunset and then confronts her and asks if she's alright and why she left the scenario, if it's because she doesn't like that dude etc... She admits she has feelings for someone else, blushing hard, avoiding his gaze. He's very excited about it, thinking she could maybe mean himself (she does) and starts nuzzling her neck, taking in her scent and not being brave enough for a real kiss but they enjoy the closeness and yeah 😂😎
In a game of truth and dare, unexpected crushes are unveiled
Arda Güler x fem! reader
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The summer sun hung lazily over Ankara, casting a golden hue on the bustling city and beckoning us to the nearby beach.
Arda, had organized a day out for our group. We were a mix of excitement and nervous energy as we packed towels and snacks, ready for a day of fun by the sea.
As we arrived at the beach, laughter and chatter filled the air. The sand was warm beneath our feet, and the sound of waves crashing against the shore was a soothing backdrop to our gathering.
Arda flashed a shy smile my way, his eyes briefly meeting mine before he turned to help set up our spot.
The day passed in a blur of swimming, games, and shared snacks. As the sun began its descent, someone suggested playing truth or dare.
We gathered in a circle, and the bottle spun, landing on our friend Emre. He grinned mischievously before announcing that he chooses dare.
"I dare you to admit who you have a crush on in this circle," someone teased, and a ripple of laughter followed.
Emre's eyes flickered nervously around the group before landing on me. "I... uh, I have a crush on (Y/N)," he confessed, his cheeks turning a shade of crimson.
There was a collective gasp, and I felt my cheeks flush in embarrassment. Arda's expression darkened momentarily before he masked it with a forced smile, trying to hide his disappointment.
"You two would be cute together," one of our friends chimed in, nudging Emre playfully.
"Yeah, you should kiss!" another added, and laughter erupted once more.
Feeling overwhelmed, I excused myself abruptly and hurried away from the circle, mumbling something about needing a moment alone. I walked briskly down the shoreline, the sound of laughter fading behind me.
I needed time to process everything, away from their well-meaning but awkward attempts at matchmaking.
Arda, sensing my distress, followed silently after a few moments. He caught up to me as I slowed my pace near a quiet stretch of the beach, the waves gently lapping at the shore.
"Hey," he said softly, his voice tentative yet filled with concern. "Are you alright?"
I turned to face him, offering a weak smile. "Yeah, I just... needed some air," I replied honestly, my voice tinged with embarrassment.
"Why did you leave?" Arda asked gently, his eyes searching mine.
I hesitated, unsure how to voice my feelings.
Finally, I sighed softly, meeting his gaze. “I felt a little uncomfortable … because I have feelings for someone else," I confessed, my cheeks flushing.
Arda's expression softened, hope flickering in his eyes. "Who?" he asked quietly, his voice barely audible over the gentle rustling of the breeze and the distant sound of waves.
My heart pounded in my chest as I took a deep breath, gathering my courage. "It's you, Arda," I admitted softly, feeling a rush of vulnerability and relief.
His eyes widened in surprise, a mixture of disbelief and joy crossing his face. He stepped closer, his hand reaching out to gently take mine.
"Really?" he asked softly, his thumb brushing over my knuckles.
I nodded, feeling a weight lift off my shoulders. "Yes," I confirmed, a small smile spreading across my face.
Arda's smile mirrored mine, shy yet genuine. "I... I like you too," he confessed quietly, his cheeks tinged with a faint blush.
Encouraged by his honesty, I leaned in, pressing a tender kiss against his cheek. Arda's eyes widened in surprise, but then a radiant smile spread across his face.
He shyly lifted my hand to his lips, pressing a gentle kiss against my knuckles, in reciprocation.
"But... what about Emre?" Arda's voice broke through the tender moment, his eyes searching mine.
I sighed softly, meeting his gaze with honesty. "I don't have feelings for Emre," I confessed, feeling a wave of relief at finally revealing the truth.
Arda's expression softened with understanding, and he gently squeezed my hand. “I must admit I was disappointed when I heard Emre liked you." he murmured.
“Well the only person I like is you,” I reassured him, giving his hand a reassuring squeeze.
We stood there on the beach, our hands intertwined, watching the sunset paint the sky in hues of pink and orange.
This was a new beginning for the both of us.
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shitsndgiggs · 3 months
maybe a arda guler x physio reader whos also turkish but it takes place in the beggining if the 23/24 season so when he first came to madrid and yk he got injured so he ends up spending a lot of time with the physio and starts to confide in her bc shes turkish too
When Arda suffers an injury in the beginning of the season, he requires extensive rehabilitation
Arda Güler x turkish physio! reader
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The sun was rising over Real Madrid’s training complex. The new season had just begun, but the air was heavy with concern.
Arda Güler, one of the club’s most promising young talents, had suffered a partial tear of the internal meniscus in his right knee.
After numerous consultations with various specialists, including myself, the decision was made to proceed with surgery.
Following the successful operation, the real challenge began: Arda's recovery. I was entrusted with overseeing his rehabilitation program, and given our shared turkish heritage, I felt a special responsibility to support him not just physically but emotionally as well.
On the first day of his post-surgery rehabilitation, I found him seated on a treatment table in the physio room, his knee wrapped in bandages.
He stared at the floor, his usually bright eyes now clouded with worry and sadness.
"Merhaba, Arda," I greeted him gently, trying to catch his eye. "Nasıl hissediyorsun?"
He looked up briefly, his voice barely above a whisper. "İyiyim," he replied, though the sadness in his tone was unmistakable. "Biraz ağrım var ama iyiyim.
"We'll take it slow and steady," I assured him.
He gave a small nod, his expression softening slightly. "Teşekkür ederim," he murmured.
Over the next few weeks, Arda and I spent countless hours together. Our sessions were intense, involving various techniques to treat his muscles, joints, and the nervous system.
I used a combination of manual therapy, stretching, and strengthening exercises, always ensuring he felt comfortable and supported.
Our conversations provided a welcome distraction from the physical pain. We talked about our favorite turkish foods, shared memories from back home, and discussed the challenges of adapting to life in Spain.
I became more than just his physiotherapist; I became his confidant.
One afternoon, as I guided him through a series of leg exercises, I could see the frustration in his eyes. “It’s hard making new friends.” he admitted, his frustration palpable. “Most of the time, I can’t even understand what my teammates are saying.“
I nodded understandingly. "Bu normal, learning a new language takes time" I said. “I’m sure it’s comforting to have someone who speaks the same language as you.”
He sighed in relief. "Evet, it feels good to talk to you“ he said, his shoulders relaxing.
“I’m here for you,” I replied softly. “We can talk about anything.”
As the weeks turned into months, Arda’s progress was remarkable. His dedication and resilience were inspiring.
One day, as we were wrapping up a session, Arda looked at me thoughtfully. “I miss my family and friends,” he confessed.
I gave him a reassuring smile. “You have a new family here, Arda, Your teammates and me,” I said.
He smiled, his eyes reflecting gratitude. "Bunu duymak güzel," he replied softly.
Our bond grew stronger with each passing day. I was not just helping him heal physically but also providing emotional support. We often joked to lighten the mood.
One day, as Arda finished a exercise, he asked me with a grin. “What other sports do you think I should try? Maybe dance?“
I laughed, shaking my head. “Definitely! Maybe you could become a ballet dancer” I teased back.
He chuckled, the sound a welcome relief. “Even the thought of me in ballet shoes is funny,” he said, laughing.
As Arda's recovery progressed, we reached a milestone – his return to light training with the team. He was both excited and nervous.
“I believe in you,” I said, giving his shoulder a reassuring squeeze. “I know you will get trough this successfully and score many goals."
"Teşekkür ederim," he replied, his voice filled with determination. “Your support means a lot to me.”
In the weeks that followed, Arda's confidence grew alongside his physical strength. Our conversations became lighter, filled with jokes and laughter.
One day, as he was finishing a particularly tough exercise, he turned to me with a soft smile.
"Sen olmasaydın, bu kadar ilerleyemezdim," he said playfully.
I laughed, shaking my head. “It was all of your determination that helped you,” I replied.
As he continued his recovery, our bond only deepened.
Arda knew he had a long road ahead, but he also knew he wasn't walking it alone.
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